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9 mRrjk[k.M ds vkfFkZd ,oa izkd`frd lalk/ku& izns”k dh f”k{kk O;oLFkk ,oa izeq[k f”k{k.

laLFkku] i;ZVu] [kfut rFkk m|ksx] lalk/kuksa ds mi;ksx dh orZeku fLFkfrA mRrjk[k.M
esa xjhch o csjkstxkjh] mUewyu o vkfFkZd fodkl dh fn”kk esa pykbZ tk jgh fofHkUu
10 lkekU; cqf) ijh{k.k %% lkekU; cqf) ijh{k.k ds vUrxZr cks/kxE;rk] rkfdZd ,oa xf.krh;
{kerk bR;kfn dk ijh{k.k lfEefyr gSA

A- General knowledge, General Studies

No of Questions : 80 MM: 80

1 General Science and Knowledge of Computer Operation: Questions on General

Science and Computer operation will cover general understating and
application of science and Computers including matters of day to day
2 History of India and Indian National Movement: Questions on history of India
and Indian National Movement will be based on general understanding of
ancient, mediaeval and modern India and India’s freedom movement.
3 Indian polity: Questions on Indian polity will be based on Indian polity,
Constitution and Panchayati raj.
4 Geography and Demography of India: Questions will be based on a general
understanding of geographical, ecological, socio-economic aspects and
demography of India.
5 Current Events: Questions will be based on important current events of
Uttarakhand State and National.
6 History of Uttarakhand: Historical background of Uttarakhand: Ancient period
(from earliest to 1200 AD) ; Mediaeval period (from 1200 to 1815 AD):
Important dynasties and their achievements; Gorkha invasion and
administration, British rule, Tehri State and its administration, role of
Uttarakhand in the Freedom Movement of India.
7 Culture of Uttarakhand: Question will be based on Castes and tribes, religious
and folk beliefs, traditions and customs, costumes and ornaments; Fairs and
Festivals, dances, songs, musical instruments, sports, tournaments and awards.
8 Geography and Demography of Uttarakhand: Geographical Setup. Rivers,
mountains, climate, soils, forest resources and horticulture and Major crops of
Uttarakhand. Means of irrigation. Natural and man-made calamities and
Disaster management. Water crises and watershed management, Environment
and environmental movements. Population of Uttarakhand: Distribution,
density, sex ratio, literacy and migration.
9 Economic and natural resoures: Education system of the State and important
educational institutes; tourism, minerals and industries. the position of
utiliszation of resources. Various schemes being implemented in Uttrarakhand
for the eradication of poverty and unemployment.
10 General intelligence test: In General Mental Ability, questions will includes test
comprehension, reasoning and numerical ability.

c&lkekU; fgUnh
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rn~Hko] izR;;] milxZ] lekl] laf/k i;kZ;okph] foykse “kCn] okD;ka”k ds fy, ,d “kCn] eqgkojs
,oa yksdksfDr] fojke fpg~~uA

No. of Questions : 150 Maximum Marks : 300 Time : 3 Hours

Number of questions: 75 Marks: 150

Note: There are 10 UNITS. Question to will be set from each unit.

1. Semiconductor Physics: Energy Bands in Solids, Semiconductors, Mechanism

of current flow in a semiconductor, P-N junction diode, Different types of diodes
and their characteristics & applications, Bipolar Junction transistor, Biasing,
Stability, Small Signal Analysis, High frequency model, Field effect transistors,
MOSFET & various biasing techniques, Principle and applications of UJTs. Power
switching devices like SCRs, Amplifier, Multistage Amplifier, Frequency response
of Amplifiers.

2. Electronics circuits: Rectifiers (Half-wave, full-wave, bridge), Pulse shaping

circuits - Clippers, clampers, Type of power Amplifiers, Series fed class-A
Amplifier, Series fed Transformer coupled class B Push-pull circuits- Harmonic
distortion in amplifiers- Class C & D amplifiers- design considerations.
VLSI circuit design - Monolithic ICs, IC-Components- resisters (integrated,
defused, thin films), MOS Capacitors, Insulators, Bipolar transistors, thin film
technology, LSI, MSI, VLSI. Semiconductor Materials, Ultraclean Technology,
Single Crystal Growth, Thermal Oxidation of Silicon, Solid State Diffusion, Ion
Implantation, Physical & Chemical vapour deposition, Dry & wet-etching,
Lithography Techniques, VLSI/VLSI process Integration.
3. Operational and Feedback amplifiers: Differential Amplifier, Ideal and real
op-amp, Input and output impedance, Frequency response. Op-amp Applications:
Amplifiers, Mathematical operations, Active filters, Waveform generators, Analog
computations, Comparators, Sample and Hold Circuit, Voltage regulator, IC 555
timer application. Feedback principle, Effect of feedback on stability, nonlinear
distortion, input & output impedance, bandwidth, different types of feedback.
Criteria for Oscillation - Phase shift, Wein bridge, Crystal oscillator, frequency
stability. Astable, Monostable, and Bi-stable Multi-vibrators, Schmitt trigger
circuit - Boot strap, Sweep circuits.

4. Electronics Communication Systems: Basic information theory & coding:
Shannon-Fano coding, Huffman Coding, Linear block codes, Turbo codes,
Convolutional codes. Modulation and Demodulation in analog and digital systems,
Sampling and data reconstructions, Quantization & encoding, Time division and
frequency division multiplexing; Equalization, Noise, Noise performance of
various communication systems, Propagation of signals at HF, VHF, UHF and
microwave frequency, Satellite Communication, MASERs, LASERs.

5. Modulation & Demodulation Techniques:

Analog modulation: AM, FM and PM. Mathematical expressions and power
calculations. Balance modulator, Ring modulator, SSB modulation, Reactance tube
modulator. Envelope diode detector, Coherent detector, Foster-Seely phase
discriminator, ratio detector.
Pulse modulation: PAM, PWM, PPM, PCM, ADPCM, DM modulation and
demodulation techniques.
Digital modulation: ASK, FSK, PSK, QPSK, QAM, MSK modulation and
demodulation techniques.
Transmitters and Receivers: AM Transmitter, FM Transmitters, Tuned-RF
receiver, Super-heterodyne receiver

6. Mobile/Wireless Communications: Principle of mobile communication,

Range, Environmental factors and effects, Geographical effects, Signal loss,
Multipath propagation, Fading, Doppler effect, Cellular concept, Applications of
re-use of frequency, Co-channel interference, Inter-Channel interference, Electric
control to minimize interference, Wireless multiple access techniques-FDMA,
TDMA, CDMA, SSMA, FHSS, WLL, Satellite based cellular system, Micro-
cellular based system, Fixed wireless access system, GSM-CDMA, GPRS, GPS
system, Mobile 4G/5G technologies, Bluetooth, Infra-red data/IRDA, Wi-Fi, Wi-
Max, Radio frequency identification (RFID).

7. Antenna & Transmission lines: Definition and physical principle, Point

source, Gain, Directivity, Aperture, Effective radiation pattern. Radiation
resistance. Active field strength, power and radiation patterns of an elementary
electric doublet and linear antenna. Effects of ground reflection. Hertz antenna,
Yagi-Uda antenna, Antenna array (Broad-side, end-fire, parasitic), TV aerials,
Medium wave MAST antenna, Dish antenna. Transmission Line Equations and
their solutions, Characteristic impedance, Lossless open and short-circuited lines,
Standing wave ratio and reflection coefficient, Matching of TLS, Stub matching,
Half wavelength lines, Introduction to Waveguides

8. Optical Communications: Optical fibers, Refractive index profiles-Graded
index, Step index fibers, Single mode and multimode fibers, Numerical Aperture,
V-number, Propagation of light in optical fibers - Mode characteristics and cut-off
conditions, Mode field diameter. Losses in optical fibers- Attenuation and
dispersion mechanism, Signal distortion, Group delay - material and wave guide
dispersion, Dispersion flattened fibers, Dispersion Shifted fibers. Birefringence &
Beat length. Optical fiber systems, Optical transmitter circuit, Multiplexing,
WDM, Modulation process in fiber optics, Optical Time Domain Reflectometer
Optical Sources: LEDs - working principle and structures, Laser - Absorption,
Spontaneous & Stimulated emissions, Injection laser diode (ILD), Comparison of
LED and ILD.
Optical Detectors: Photo-diodes- p-i-n, APD, Noise in detectors.
9. Computer Engineering: History of developments of computer - micro, mini,
mainframe and super computers. CPU and other peripheral devices, System
software, Application software, layered organization of system software. Number
Systems. Data representation, Programming, Elements of high level programming
language, C/C++/Python, Use of basic data structures, Fundamentals of computer
architecture, Memory organization, I/O System Organization, Microprocessors ,
Architecture and instruction set of Microprocessors 8085 and 8086, Interrupts, 32-
bit microprocessor, Pentium processor, RISC processor, Applications of embedded
system, Robotics & applications, Data acquisition systems, Assembly language
Programming, Microprocessor based system design, Personal computers and their
typical uses.
10. Representation of information: Number system, integer and floating point
representation, character codes (ASCII, EBCDIC), error detection and correction
codes, general awareness of popular commercial software package like excel, word
windows, other scientific applications, basic data structures such as stacks, queue,
linked lists and tree, Typical operation system such as MS-DOS and UNIX,
LINUX, Android and there uses.



Number of questions: 75 Marks: 150

Note: There are 10 UNITS. Question to will be set from each unit.

1. Engineering Materials Science: Structure and properties of Electrical

Engineering materials, Conductors, Semiconductors and Insulators, HF coils, Hall
Effect, Magnetic, Ferroelectric, Piezoelectric, Ceramic, Optical and Super-
conducting materials, Passive components and characteristics - Resistors,
Capacitors and Inductors, Ferrites, Quartz crystal Ceramic resonators.

2. Digital Logic & Circuits: Boolean Algebra, Concept of SOP and POS forms,
Digital Codes, Simplification of Boolean functions, Karnaguh map and
applications, IC Logic gates and their characteristics, IC logic families, DTL, TTL,
ECL, NMOS, PMOS and CMOS gates and their comparison, Combinational logic
Circuits, Half adder, Full adder, Subtractor, Digital comparator, Multiplexer De-
multiplexer, Decoder, Encoder, ROM and their applications, Latches, Flip-flops,
Difference in between latches and flip-flops, R-S, J-K, D and T flip-flops,
Different types of counters and registers, Waveform generators, A/D and D/A
converters, Semiconductor memories.

Memories: Classification of memories, RAM organization, write / read operation,

memory cycle, timing wave forms, memory decoding, memory expansion, static
RAM cell-Bipolar RAM cell, MOSFET RAM cell, DRAM cells, ROM-
Organization- PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, EAPROM, programmable logic
devices, programmable logic array (PLA), Programmable array logic (PAL).

3. Network Analysis & Synthesis: Network analysis techniques, Network

theorems, Transient response, Steady state sinusoidal response; Network graphs
and their applications in network analysis, Two port networks & parameters,
Image parameters, Bi-section theorem, Inter-connection of two networks,
Frequency response, State variable approach to network analysis, Signal flow
graphs of two ports, Network functions, Parts of network functions, obtaining a
network function from a given port, Electric filters, Notch filter, Introduction to
passive network synthesis for LC, RL & RLC network, Routh-Hurwitz criterion.

4. Electromagnetic Theory: Scalar & Vector fields, Physical significance of

Gradient, Divergence & Curl, Review of electrostatic and magneto-static fields,
Gauss theorem, Current continuity equation, Displacement current, Maxwell’s
equations, Application to wave propagation in bounded and unbounded media,
Transmission lines & waveguides, Introduction to micro-strip lines, Resonators,
Elements of antenna theory, Dipole antenna, Wave Propagation, Ground Wave,
Surface Wave & Sky Wave Propagation.

5. Circuit Theory: Development of Circuit concepts, Network equations, Network

theorems, D.C.& A.C (single phase) circuits Coupled circuits, Resonance
Magnetic circuits, 3-phase balanced A.C. circuits 3- phase unbalanced A.C.
circuits, Symmetrical components, Fourier series, Laplace transforms, electrical
transients, RLC analysis.

6. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation: Basic concepts, standards

and error analysis, Measurements of basic electrical quantities and parameters,
Electronic measuring instruments and their principles of working, CRO
(Measurement of time period, frequency and phase), Multi-meter and its
applications, Function generator, Impedance bridge, Q-meter, Sensors &
transducers, Electronic measurements of non electrical quantities like temperature,
pressure, humidity etc, basics of telemetry for industrial use.

7. Control Systems: Transient and steady state response of control systems, Effect
of feedback on stability and sensitivity, Root locus techniques, Frequency response
analysis, Nyquist Stability criterion, Bode plot, Concepts of gain and phase
margins, Constant-M and Constant-N Nichol’s Chart, Approximation of transient
response from Constant-N Nichol’s Chart, Approximation of transient response
from closed loop frequency response, Design of Control Systems, Compensators,
PID controller, Industrial controllers.

8. Signals and Systems : Classification of signals and systems, Energy and Power
Signals, LTI systems, System modelling in terms of differential and difference
equations, State variable representation, Fourier series, Fourier transforms and
their application to system analysis, Laplace transforms and their application to
system analysis, Convolution and superposition integrals and their applications, Z-
transform - ROC, properties and their applications to the analysis and
characterization of discrete time systems, Methods of computing inverse Z-
transform, Random signals and probability, Correlation functions; Spectral density,
Response of linear system to random inputs.

9. Microwave Techniques: Theory of Microwave Tubes, Multi-cavity Klystron,

Magnetron and TWTs, Scattering parameters, ABCD parameters, Passive
components, low pass, high pass & band pass filters, Solid state Microwave
devices, Gunn diode, PIN diode, Varactor diode, Point Contact diode, IMPATT
diode, Microwave antennas, Reflectors, Microwave Measurements.

10. Television & Radar Engineering: Requirement & standards of TV (NTSC,
SECAM, PAL), Monochrome Transmitter & Receiver, Camera tube, Essentials of
color TV, TV signal propagation & Antennas, Color signal transmission &
reception, TV applications, Introduction to LCD, LED, OLED, Smart TVs, HDMI.
Introduction to Radar, Radar range equation, CW & FM Radar, MTI & Pulse
Doppler radar, Tracking Radar, Radar transmitter and receiver, Radar Antennas,
Radar Applications, Jammers and counter-jammers, Electronic counter measure
and Electronic counter-counter measures (ECCM).


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