100861 - Release of blocked sales orders - loop check

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1/10/25, 1:20 PM 100861 - Release of blocked sales orders - loop check

SAP Note

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100861 - Release of blocked sales orders - loop

check (/sap/support/notes/100861) 
Component: SD-BF-CM (Credit Management), Version: 13, Released On: 16.08.2001

After sales orders are released from credit, it may happen that after another
availability check of the document, the document runs through the credit checks and
is blocked.

Other Terms
Credit limit, VKM1, AMTBL, rescheduling, V_V2, requested quantity

Reason and Prerequisites

When sales orders are released, the system uses the total of the open confirmed
quantities for calculating released credit values(for the subsequent changing of the
sales order, the released value is used to determine whether more a higher quantity
was delivered than was released).This causes problems if, at the date of release at
which also an availability check is run, a shortage occurs and if, before the
delivery, the system carries out another availability check which confirms more than
it did at the date of Release.

1. Because you cannot generally decide, which is the correct quantity, auser
exit is offered, which sets the quantity differently than the standard.
Especially for full delivery or one-time delivery (rule to transfer the results
of the availability check, Transaction OVZJ) youshould use the planned delivery
quantity. This is programmed in user exit RMCS1US1 and can be activated if

If you want to release the entire quantity also for partial

delivery,then the user exit must be adjusted. The IF-loop for allocation
'CH_QUANTITY = US_VBAP-LSMENG' must be deactivated:

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* IF TVTA-REVFP NA 'CE'. <<<<<deactivate
* if one-time or full delivery is required, the planned
* quantity is copied, because there is only one delivery
ENDIF. <<<<<deactivate

For Releases prior to 3. 0F, Notes 48797 and 30646 are prerequisite.

2. To make sure that the released credit value and the update of the opensales
order credit value remain the same, activate the source code in user exit
RMCS1US3 (Note 149559). Caution: The source code in userexits RMCS1US1 and
RMCS1US3 must be compatible to make sure that both are active or inactive at
the same time!

This document refers to

SAP Note/KBA Title

744305 Credit lock and requirements/direct procurement (/sap/support/notes/744305 )

718260 Released documents are still unchecked (/sap/support/notes/718260 )

48797 Releasing blocked sales orders loops during check (/sap/support/notes/48797 )

425581 Advice note collection: Release, lists (/sap/support/notes/425581 )

396791 Credit release of sales orders with third-party items (/sap/support/notes/396791 )

377165 Update open credit values for credit management (/sap/support/notes/377165 )

163714 Further credit block after release of document (/sap/support/notes/163714 )

149559 Update of requested delivery quantity, credit (/sap/support/notes/149559 )

This document is referenced by

SAP Title

3196063 Credit check results and credit status of a sales document (/sap/support/notes/3196063 )

3287558 Incorrect or missing values or inconsistencies in Cash Management for SD order items
(/sap/support/notes/3287558 )

2278858 Released Credit Value Doubled After Release of Sales Order (/sap/support/notes/2278858 )

718260 Released documents are still unchecked (/sap/support/notes/718260 )

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377165 Update open credit values for credit management (/sap/support/notes/377165 )

396791 Credit release of sales orders with third-party items (/sap/support/notes/396791 )

744305 Credit lock and requirements/direct procurement (/sap/support/notes/744305 )

425581 Advice note collection: Release, lists (/sap/support/notes/425581 )

149559 Update of requested delivery quantity, credit (/sap/support/notes/149559 )

163714 Further credit block after release of document (/sap/support/notes/163714 )

48797 Releasing blocked sales orders loops during check (/sap/support/notes/48797 )

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