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TIME: 3 Hours AUGUST 2024
1. This paper consist of section A, B and C with total number of eleven (11) questions
2. Answer all question in section A and B and only two (2) questions from section C.
3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks , section B fifty four (54) marks and C thirty marks(30)
4. Adhere to all examination rules and regulations
5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet


1. For each of item (i) – (x) choose the most correct answer among the given alternatives and write
its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided

i. Rose’s husband died in an accident. After the husbands’ death, Rose’s in – laws forced her to
marry Yona, her late husband’s young brother. Such family decision demonstrates:
a. Gender blindness
b. Gender stereotyping
c. Wife inheritance ( )
d. Gender gape
e. Gender equality

ii. Mary Joseph lost all her parents and relatives in accidents that occurred last year. As one
among her best friends , what skill would you consider in such situation
a. Empathy
b. Sympathy
c. Stigmatization ( )
d. Critical thinking
e. Self-awareness

iii. Dr. Hamza has four wives, what is mostly likely to affect him
a. Stigmatization
b. Death ( )
c. Divorce
d. Contracting STD’S
e. Long difficult labour

iv. Ten millions of Tanzania shillings ( 5,000,000/=) was given to Latifas’ parents by the future
husband in consideration for marriage , this can be considered as
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a. Per – capital income
b. Salary advance
c. Engagement costs ( )
d. Dowry
e. Wedding shopping costs

v. A condition where an individual rights are restricted to safeguard the rights of other people is
known as
a. Violation of human rights
b. Execution of human rights
c. The rule of law ( )
d. Protection of human rights
e. Limitation of human rights

vi. A certain Traffic officer was noted saying that “ new drivers should undergo medical
examination and get tested, and only those that are in good health and qualified will be given
driving licence.” What was said by traffic police was demonstrated as ………………………
a. Consequences of obeying road signs
b. Road accidents prevention method
c. Effects of road accidents ( )
d. Proper use of licence
e. Telling the truth to drivers

vii. After opening school, the Headmaster called for School Baraza and students gave out their
concerns. Which type of human right was the Headmaster fulfilling
a. Freedom of association
b. School calendar implementation
c. Right to education ( )
d. Freedom of expression
e. Freedom of association

viii. Joseph is a form four student who is expecting to be a pilot after completing his studies. In
which work category does Joseph consider engage?
a. Community work
b. Air bared works
c. Physical related work ( )
d. Non – physical work
e. Mental related work

ix. Mrs Lameck has been criticized as a leader who uses her power in public office to enrich
herself how can we describe her habit?
a. Corrupt
b. Smart
c. Beneficial ( )
d. Dictator
e. Clever
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x. Which of the following is an organ that oversees the day to day activities and makes decision
on matters concerning with the village
a. Village government
b. Village assembly
c. Village social council ( )
d. Village development committee
e. Village council

2. Match the item in List A with the most correct response in List B by writing the letter beside the
item number in the answer booklet provided
i. The value of good produced and services a. Population growth
ii. The average number of years an individual b. Literacy rate
is expected to live in a given country
iii. The number of deaths is a particular c. Per capital income
population in a given country
iv. The extent as which people in a given d. Life expectancy
country can count , read and write
v. The extent at which the number of people e. Gross domestic
increase in a given area in a country product
vi. The measure amount of income to each f. Maternal mortality
person in a specific period of time
g. Gross national
h. Mortality rate
i. Population pressure
j. Income average


Answer all questions in this section

3. With relevant example explain six (6) principle that are reflected in the constitution of the united
republic of Tanzania that gives you an idea that the constitution is democratic

4. a) Most student when face social problems, do not apply appropriate social problem solving
techniques hence create more problems to themselves and the community at larger. As a student
explain six (06) consequences of not applying social problem solving techniques

b) Use the knowledge you have obtained from civics to elaborate six interpersonal skills which
will enable you to copy with life completion of secondary school education

5. a) Define the item “Uhuru Torch”

b) Explain any seven significance of Uhuru Torch in the country.

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6. There at some point in time that the rights of individual may inter fare with the right of other,
some of the right can be limited to many reasons. With example assess how the government of
Tanzania promotes and protects human right (06 points)
7. Explain six points (06) socio – cultural practices that many facilitate to the spread of HIV/AIDS.
8. Use six points to verify that “Promotion and preservation of cultural in Tanzania faces a lot of


Answer only two (02) questions from this section

9. Imagine you are a regional Traffic Officer in a certain region briefly explain how you will use six
point to concise the community member on the measures that can be taken to combat the
occurrences of road accident .

10. Proponent of Globalization argues that globalization is a catalyst of development writes the
opponents contend that it is new form of neo – colonialism to developing countries. With vivid
examples briefly discus six (06) dements of globalization to a country like Tanzania.

11. According to J.K Nyerere, Tanzania faces three antagonists and it is through that when you
manage to fight against ignorance you will have also completely and the rest of the enemies. As an
expert in civics use the knowledge and skills you have acquired to analyze six root causes of
poverty in the country.

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