Course Syllabus the Teacher and the Community
Course Syllabus the Teacher and the Community
Course Syllabus the Teacher and the Community
Course Title : The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership
Prerequisite : N/A
Course Description:
The course focuses on society as a context upon which the schools have been established.
Educational philosophies that are related to society as a foundation of schools and schooling shall be
emphasized. Further, principles and theories on school culture and organizational leadership shall be
included to prepare prospective teachers to become school leaders and managers.
Course Competencies:
Through the completion of the course, the students will be prepared to:
1. Articulate the rootedness of education in the philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, legal and
political context.
2. Establish school-community partnerships to enrich the learning environment and to strengthen
community’s engagement in the educative process.
3. Link teacher-learning in the experiences, interests and aspirations of the wider school
community and other stakeholders
4. Demonstrate fulfillment of the professional obligation to uphold professional ethics,
accountability and transparency.
5. Promote professional and harmonious relationships with internal (learners, parents, fellow
teachers and school head) as well as external stakeholders (local officials, NGOs, alumni, and
all others in the wide community)
6. To discuss leadership and management styles that establish positive school culture for
effective school performance.
Prieto, Nelia, Arcangel, Clotilde and Corpuz, Brenda (2019). The Teacher and the Community,
School Culture and Organizational Leadership. Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
Course Content:
Lesson 4: The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Filipino Character: A Sociocultural Issue
Using Strengths to Counteract Weaknesses
Lesson 7: - The Teacher and the Community: Teacher’s Ethical and Professional Behavior
- Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, Article III
Lesson 9: - SBM: Meaning, Advantages, Disadvantages, demands of/Conditions for SBM to Succeed
- Roles, Functions and KSAs Required of School Heads for Effective SBM Implementation
Lesson 10: The Meaning of School Culture; the Role of Culture in Learning; Elements of a Positive
- School Policies and their Function; Examples of School Policies; Effective Policy
Formulation and Implementation in School Community Partnership
Session Topics Learning Objectives
8 Chapter 5- Global Issues that Concern Schools Discuss at least 2 Global issues and explain proposed solutions to the same
Explain what school and partnership means; Cite examples of community
9 Chapter 6- The Why and How of School Partnership
Chapter 6- Legal and Sociological Bases of School and
10 Explain the legal and sociological bases of school and community partnership
Community Partnership
Chapter 7- The Teacher and the Community: Teacher’s Elaborate on community’s expectation of teachers and the teacher’s
Ethical and Professional Behavior expectations from communities
Chapter 7- Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, Describe teacher’s ethical and professional behavior in the community by
Article III giving concrete examples
13 Chapter 8- Meaning of Organizational Leadership Explain what organizational leadership is
14 Chapter 8- Leadership and Management Distinguish between leadership and management
Chapter 8- Leadership Styles Autocratic, Consultative, Describe different organizational leadership styles
Democratic and Laissez Faire
Chapter 8- Situational Leadership; Servant Leadership and Explain, what situational leadership, servant leadership and transformational
Transformational Leadership leadership are
17 Chapter 8- Sustaining Change Discuss how to sustain change in organization
18 Explain the meaning, advantages, disadvantages and demands of SBM;
Chapter 9-SBM: Meaning, Advantages, Disadvantages,
demands of/Conditions for SBM to Succeed
19 State practices aligned to SBM
Chapter 9 Roles, Functions and KSAs Required of School
20 Explain the roles, functions and competencies of school heads in SBM
Heads for Effective SBM Implementation
Explain the meaning of school culture;
Chapter 10- The Meaning of School Culture; the Role of
Discuss how culture affects learning
Culture in Learning; Elements of a Positive Cultural
Cite ways to contribute to the building of positive culture
Prepared by: