1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Problem Background 2
1.2 Project Purpose 3
1.3 Project Objectives 3
1.4 Project Scopes 3
2.0 Introduction 4
2.1 Related Technologies 4
2.1.1 Smart Card 5 Contact Smart Card 5 Contactless Smart Card 6 Java Card 8
2.1.2 Ubiquitous Database 9 Ubiquitous Database Architecture 11 Concurrency Control 11
2.1.3 Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) 12
2.1.4 Java Servlet 13
2.1.5 Distributed Database 14 Homogeneous/Heterogeneous DBMS and XML 15
2.2 Specific Technologies Applied in the Development of the Project 16
2.2.1 The Java Card 2.0 Framework 17
2.2.2 Open Card Framework 17 Card Services 20 Card Channel 20 Card Applet Proxies 21 OpenCard Architecture : An Overview 24
2.3 Summary 25
3.0 Introduction 27
3.1 Evolution Prototyping 28
3.2 Methodology Justifications 30
3.3 Hardware and Software Requirements 31
3.3.1 Hardware 31 Server/Internet Server 31 Smartcard Reader 31 Smartcard 32 Modem 32
3.3.2 Software 32 Java 2 Development Kit (JDK)v1.4.0 and
Java Card API 2.0 32 32 Java Web Service All In One 33 Internet Explorer 4. or Above (Web Browser) 33 Windows 98, 2000 34 Microsoft Access 2000 34 MySQL 34
3.4 Assumptions 34
4.0 Introduction 35
4.1 Access Control List Design 35
4.2 SmartCard Database Design 36
4.3 Hospital Database Design 36
4.3.1 Database Relationship Design 37
4.4 Architecture of UDMHC in Emergency Handling System 39
4.5 Use Case/Sequence Diagram 40
4.5.1 Use Case and Sequence Diagram for Ubiquitous Database Access 40
4.5.2 Use Case and Sequence Diagram for Online Distributed
Database Access 41
4.5.3 Use Case and Sequence Diagram for Card Termination 42
4.5.4 Use Case and Sequence Diagram for Change Password 43
5.0 Introduction 44
5.1 Phase I – SmartCard Implementation 44
5.1.1 Card Grouping 44
5.1.2 Validation and Password 46
5.1.3 Changing Password 47
5.1.4 Card Lost Setting 48
5.1.5 Unblocked Setting 50
5.1.6 Create New Card 51
5.1.7 Change Card 52
5.1.8 Personal Information 53
5.1.9 Medical Information 54
5.1.10 Emergency Contact Information 55
5.2 Phase II – Web Based Implementation 56
5.2.1 Advance Personal Information 56
5.2.2 Advance Medical Information 57
5.2.3 Discussion Room 57
5.3 Test Case 58
5.3.1 Invalid Card Test 59
5.3.2 Invalid Password 61
5.3.3 Change Password Option 62
5.3.4 Card Services Option 63
5.3.5 Change Card Option 65
5.3.6 New Card Creation 65
5.3.7 Access Authorities 66
5.3.8 Link to Web Database 67
5.4 Conclusion 68
6.0 Introduction 72
6.2 Advantage of the System 72
6.3 Limitation of the System 73
6.4 Conclusion 74
1.0 Introduction
As can be seen from most government owned hospitals in Malaysia, they still maintain
their patient records in the form of paper charts. This scenario has rendered the almost
impossible task of integrating and seamlessly managing patient record across hospitals,
clinics and between countries. Thus, delay the process of gaining accurate patient medical
information. With UDMHC, we believe that the medical-related professional can quickly
access the exact victim’s information and give the best treatment to the victim in the
shortest time. Moreover, they can get further information such as a video of a recent CT
scan, high resolution of X-ray image scan online by inserting the patient’s UDMHC card.
A research conducted in United State reported that approximately 140,000
hospital patients die every year from adverse drug reactions because of incomplete or
incorrect patient information.[1] For instance, imagine your child is highly allergic to
certain medications, but you are both seriously injured in an accident and the hospital is
about to give her an injection that could prove deadly. Now imagine you're carrying a
smart card encoded with all of her critical medical information. The hospital scans the
card and she's out of danger. Smart cards can contribute to a better health care system
because of their capacity to securely store a patient's essential personal info, medical
history, blood type, allergies, physician contact information.[1] .For emergency, doctors
in any hospital can quickly get the patients information by accessing patient medical
cards in order to treat the patient with the best and fastest way. This also reduces the
possibility of mistreatment while raising the chances of saving the patient's life.
Normally, hospital doesn’t share its database and most of the current medical
record services are limited to operate within the hospital itself. Recently, with the
continue proliferation of Internet technology to home, and office via dial-up, lease line,
asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL), and cable modem, this UDMHC can access
database across hospitals, thus improving the quality of healthcare.
The purpose of this project is to develop UDMHC by deploying both Smart Card,
Internet infrastructure and XML technology in accessing the medical record of the user
and providing a method to retrieve medical information from various databases.
i Ubiquitously access of patient basic medical information from smart card and
detail information of the patient’s records through the Internet.
ii To study and understand technology and specification of smart card, Java Server
Page, Java Server, Java Bean, JDBC and distributed database.
Iii To enable the access to various different databases with different database
1.0 Introduction
Smart Card technology is the optimal portable solution for information access,
management and improved communication among the various professional involved in
the administration of healthcare, while providing strong security measures. Its ability in
carrying its record management applet enables medical personnel to quickly gain access
of vital patient’s medical record at hospital.
Database system have taken us from a paradigm of data processing in which each
application defined and maintained its own data, to one in which data is defined and
administered centrally. And distributed database technology may change the mode of the
working from centralized to decentralized. In distributed database management system
(DDBMS), users can not only access the database at their own site but also access data
which are stored at remote sites.
Similar in size to today's plastic payment card, the smart card has a
microprocessor or memory chip embedded in it. The chip stores electronic data and
programs that are protected by advanced security features. When coupled with a reader,
the smart card has the processing power to serve many different applications. As an
access-control device, smart cards make personal and medical data available only to the
appropriate users. Smart cards provide data portability, security and convenience.
There are two types of smart cards, memory cards and microprocessor cards.
Memory cards simply store data and it can be viewed as a small floppy disk with optional
security. On the other hand, a microprocessor card, can add, delete and manipulate
information in its memory on the card. Similar to a miniature computer, a microprocessor
card has an input/output port, operating system and hard disk with built-in security
features [3.] In terms of design, the smartcard can either be contact or contactless.
Contact smart cards must be inserted into a smart card reader. They have a small
gold plate on the front, instead of the magnetic strip on the back like a credit card. When
the card is inserted into a smart card reader, it makes contact with electrical connectors
that transfer data to and from the chip.
Contactless smart card is passed near an antenna to carry out a transaction. They
have an electronic microchip and an antenna embedded inside. These components allow
the card to communicate with an antenna / coupler unit without physical contact. Contact
less cards are the ideal solution when transactions must be processed very quickly, as in
mass-transit or toll collection activities.
The size of the card is determined by the international standard (ISO 7810). The
ISO 7816 standard also defines the physical characteristics of the plastic, including the
temperature range and flexibility, position of the electrical contacts and how the
microchip communicates with the outside world.
All smart cards contain three types of memory: persistent non-mutable memory;
persistent mutable memory; and non-persistent mutable memory. ROM, EEPROM, and
RAM are the most widely used memory for the three respective types in the current smart
cards. Persistent memory is also called non-volatile memory.
ISO 7816 part 1-7, defined by International Standard Organization, contains a set
of standards that covers various aspects of smart cards. ISO 7816 consists of:
Normally, a smart card does not contain a power supply, a display, or a keyboard.
It interacts with the outside world using the serial communication interface via its eight
contact points. The dimensions and location of the contacts are covered in part 2 of ISO
A smart card is inserted into a Card Acceptance Device (CAD), which may
connect to another computer. Other terms used for the Card Acceptance Device are
terminal, reader, and IFD (interface device). They all provide the same basic functions,
namely to supply the card with power and to establish a data-carrying connection.
When two computers communicate with each other, they exchange data packages,
which are constructed following a set of protocols. Similarly, smart cards speak to the
outside world using their own data packages -- called APDU (Application Protocol Data
Units). APDU contains either a command or a response message. In the context of smart
card, the master-slave model is used whereby a smart card always plays the passive role.
In other words, a smart card always waits for a command APDU from a terminal. It then
executes the action specified in the APDU and replies to the terminal with a response
APDU. Command APDUs and response APDUs are exchanged alternatively between a
card and a terminal.
Command APDU
The header codes denote the selected command. It consists of four fields: class
(CLA), instruction (INS), and parameters 1 and 2 (P1 and P2). Each field contains 1 byte:
i. CLA: Class byte. In many smart cards, this byte is used to identify an
ii. INS: Instruction byte. This byte indicates the instruction code.
iii. P1-P2: Parameter bytes. These provide further qualification to the APDU
Le denotes the number of bytes in the data field of the command APDU; Le denotes the
maximum number of bytes expected in the data field of the following response APDU.
Table 2.2 : Status Bytes SW1 And SW2 Denote The Processing Status Of The Command
APDU In A Card.
Response APDU
A Java Card is a smart card that is capable of running Java programs. It contains
detailed information for building the Java Card virtual machine and application
programming interface (API) in smart cards. The minimum system requirement is 16
kilobytes of read-only memory (ROM), 8 kilobytes of EEPROM, and 256 bytes of
random access memory (RAM).
The Java Card VM is built on top of a specific integrated circuit (IC) and native
operating system implementation. (Appendix C: Figure 3)The JVM layer hides the
manufacturer's proprietary technology with a common language and system interface.
The Java Card framework defines a set of Application Programming Interface (API)
classes for developing Java Card applications and for providing system services to those
applications. A specific industry or business can supply add-on libraries to provide a
service or to refine the security and system model. Java Card applications are called
applets. Multiple applets can reside on one card. Each applet is identified uniquely by its
There are several unique benefits of the Java Card technology, such as:-
i. Platform Independent - Java Card technology applets that comply with the
Java Card API specification will run on cards developed using the JCAE -
allowing developers to use the same Java Card technology-based applet to run
on different vendors' cards.
v. Compatible with Existing Smart Card Standards - The Java Card API is
compatible with formal international standards, such as, ISO7816, and
industry-specific standards, such as, Europay/Master Card/Visa (EMV).
The ultimate goal of ubiquitous computing is to place computers everywhere in the real
world environment, providing ways for them to interconnect, talk and work together. [5]
The concept is now shifting computing paradigm from machines in a room to the
augmented contexts in the real world. Similarly, ubiquitous database will make data
everywhere possible. Every real-world object originally has information such as
properties and its historical changes. Traditional databases collect such information to
manage in a central manner. However, the central management, although it is highly
efficient, does not necessary meet the demand to establish data applications across
different organizations, as electronic commerce and digital libraries today demand.
The ubiquitous database augments “object” that manages information about itself.
A database-augmented “object” enables data application integrations through the
movement of “object” in the real world. An augmented product moving from one
company to another can carry electronic updating records at the same time. An
augmented museum piece can play different roles in showing data for visitors,
researchers and librarians. A person wearing a small database can autonomously interact
with social information systems under privacy controls. The ubiquitous database provides
anyone with the method to retrieve information directly from the real world “objects”. To
share information across organizations, the ubiquitous database becomes a database
The application makes call to JDBC API to open a connection with the database,
retrieves and updates data, executes commands on the data source, and closes the
connection. At the other end, the database drivers connect either to a specific database, or
to another protocol (such as ODBC or middleware product). Since databases vary in their
support of SQL, the database driver needs to handle any translation issues between the
JDBC commands and the database engine. Databases also vary widely in the protocols
used to connect to the engine.
JDBC Application
ODBC Middleware
database database
Servlet are small units of Java code that execute quickly on the server in response
to a browser’s request for a web page. Servlet execute on the server side of web
connection. Just as applets dynamically extend the functionality of web browser, servlets
dynamically extend the functionality of web server.
ii. Servlet are platform-independent, because they are written in Java. Several
web servers, from vendors such as Sun, Netscape, and Microsoft, offer the
Servlet API. Program developed for this API can be moved to any these
environments without recompilation.
iii. The Java Security Manager on the server enforces a set of restrictions to
protect the resources on a machine.
iv. The full functionality of the Java class libraries is available to a servlet. It
can communicate with applets, database, or other software via the sockets and
RMI mechanisms.
Homogeneous systems are easier to design and manage. This approach provides
incremental growth, making the addition of a new site to the distributed system easy, and
allows increased performance by exploiting the parallel processing capability of multiple
The typical solution used by some relational system that are parts of a
heterogeneous DDBMS is to use gateways, which convert the language and model of
each different DBMS in to the language and model of the relational system. However, the
gateway approach has some serious limitations. First, it does not support transaction
management, even for a pair of systems. In other words, the gateway between two
systems is merely a query translator. For example, a system may not coordinate
concurrency control and recovery of transaction that involve updates to both databases.
Second, the gateway approach is concerned only with the problem of translating a query
expressed in one language into an equivalent expression in another language. As such, it
does not address the issues of homogenizing the structural and representational
differences between different schemas.
XML is an Extensible Markup Language, a widely used system for defining data
formats. XML provides a very rich system to define complex documents and data
structures such as invoices, molecular data, news feeds, glossaries, inventory
descriptions, real estate properties, etc. As long as a programmer has the XML definition
for a collection of data (often called a "schema") then they can create a program to
reliably process any data formatted according to those rules.
Smart cards have been in the market for 20 years, and most of them are generally
compatible with ISO 7816 Parts 1-7 and/or EMV. The Java Card Framework is designed
to easily support smart card systems and applications. It hides the details of the smart
card infrastructure and provides Java Card application developers with a relatively easy
and straightforward programming interface.
javacard.framework This is the core package on the card. It defines classes such
as Applet and PIN, which are the fundamental building
(Appendix C: Figure 12)
blocks for Java Card programs and APDU, System and Util,
which provide runtime and system service to Java Card
programs, such as APDU handling and object sharing
Figure 2.4: The Open Card Framework and the Components that
can be Plugged into it
The OpenCard Framework allows us to develop end-to-end solutions using smart cards
that are not bound to one platform, card, or application. OpenCard achieves this with an
architecture that provides two primary subsystems, one for card terminals and one for
card services. Card terminals are devices you insert smart cards, Java Rings, and the like,
into. Card services are used by an application to communicate with the application on the
card inserted into a terminal. For inserted cards, OpenCard can automatically select and
load the right card service implementation.
CardServiceFactory class. The card service factory must be registered with the OpenCard
Framework and is thereafter used by the Framework to instantiate card services.
OpenCard provides an API that allows different card readers, different platforms,
and different Java Cards to be used by the same Java code with no change. With
OpenCard we can run Java smart card applications in our office, on our set-top, and on
our personal data assistant -- and, of course, on Windows platforms as well.
In order to use a smart card, we need to be able to read the card and communicate
with it using an application. OpenCard provides a framework for this by defining
interfaces that must be implemented. The OpenCard framework defines several of these
interfaces. Once these interfaces are implemented, we can use other services in the upper
layers of the API. For example, with a properly interfaced reader, OpenCard can start a
Java card agent whenever the card is inserted. The card agent can then communicate with
applications on the smart card via the card terminal in the context of a session.
iii. Users can load Java Cards directly. This means custom applications can be
added to the card. Many of the current smart card development environments
only work on Windows, which is unacceptable to many developers who use
Linux or Solaris for software development.
There may be several instances of card services per card, owned by different
threads. A card service offers a certain functionality of a card to the application developer
via a high-level interface. Figure 2.5 shows the architecture of OpenCard.
OpenCard defines interfaces for standard functions, such as file system access or
generation of digital signatures. Card services for cards that offer such functions should
implement these interfaces. For specialized cards, dedicated interfaces may define losing
interoperability .
To communicate with a smart card in a card terminal, card services use Card
Channel objects, which represent a communication link to the smart card and offer
methods for sending commands to smart cards and for receiving the responses.
Concurrent access of card services to the card via a card channel is scheduled by the Card
Service Scheduler, which serializes the access of different services to the card channel.
For ISO file system cards that have a fixed set of commands for accessing files on
the card, OpenCard defines the File System Card Service interface. However, Java Cards
are much more flexible than conventional file system-oriented smart cards. They may
contain a set of different applets, each supporting a different card applet-specific
command set. The only common properties of these applets are that they may be
identified by an application identifier (AID), selected, and once selected, can process
APDUs (application protocol data units).Because Java Cards are more flexible than other
smart cards (for example, file system cards) we need a more flexible concept for
accessing and using Java Cards or, to be more exact, the applets on Java Cards. We use
card applet proxies representing the applets on the card. Proxies are card applet-specific:
each card applet proxy class belongs to a particular Java Card applet. Each proxy class
has to know the application identifier of the card applet to communicate with and the
protocol for interaction with that card applet.
Proxies are the most suitable method for interacting between applications and
applets on Java Cards. An application obtains a proxy card service that represents the
card applet on the card. The application uses high-level methods offered by the proxy.
Whenever the application invokes a proxy method, the proxy starts communication with
the card applet on the card and generates some result, which it returns to the application.
Figure 2.6 : Interaction of application, card applet proxy, and Java Card. The proxy
conducts the protocol with the card on behalf of the application.
Card applet proxies may be used in multithreaded programs. This means they may
be instantiated several times by different threads so that concurrent access by different
instances to the card must be serialized. As there might also be several instances of the
same card applet proxy class, it must be possible to share the associated card applet's
state so that the different proxy instances properly interact.
As specialized card services before sending APDUs, card applet proxies must
allocate a card channel for communication with the Java Card from the card service
scheduler -- like any other card service. If the card channel has already been allocated by
another card applet proxy, the threads of activity of card applet proxies trying to allocate
it are blocked until the current owner of the channel releases it.
A card channel may hold several state objects at most one for each card applet on
the card. The state object represents the state of a card applet on the card. If, for example,
we have a card applet that simulates a file system, the state would consist of the currently
selected directory and information about access conditions. There may be applets that are
stateless; their associated proxies don't need a state object .As access to the channel is
synchronized and states can only be obtained from the channel, there is no need for
additional synchronization of access to states.
All proxies need to send APDUs to the card applets they represent. This function
is implemented in a common base class of all proxies, which we name Applet Proxy
service. In order to send an APDU to a card applet, the card applet must be selected --
except if it is the currently selected card applet. To avoid unnecessary selections, the
proxy services have to keep track of the currently selected card applet. There may exist
several instances of proxy services for one open platform card simultaneously. In this
case, it must be assured that all proxy services accessing the same card also share the
representation of the card's state; that is, the currently-selected card applet.
On a Java Card with several card applets, selection of one applet always causes
de-selection of another applet, potentially causing the deselected applet to loose its state.
This potential state loss requires that applet proxies are notified whenever a card applet --
other than the one they are associated with -- is selected, so that they can update their
representation of the associated card applet's state. The notification mechanism works as
follows: in the constructor of the base class Applet Proxy, each applet proxy registers
with the card state object of its associated card as an applet selection listener. As
mentioned above, the class Applet Proxy, which is the base class of all applet proxy
services, offers methods for sending APDUs to the associated card applet to derive
classes. These methods implicitly select the associated card applet if it is not already the
current applet.
In this case, these methods modify the card state to indicate that now a different
card applet has been selected by calling the method setSelectedAppletAID of the card
state object. This method updates the selected card applet in the card state and notifies all
other card applet proxies associated with card applets on the same card by calling their
applet Selection methods. The default implementation of this method in the base class is
empty; it must be overwritten in derived card applet proxies if their associated card
applets may lose or change their states when other card applets are selected.
Proxy services will usually extend the generic Applet Proxy service and use
inherited methods for communication with associated card applets. For obtaining and
releasing exclusive communication with the card, inherited methods are used as well.
Figure 2.7 : Six Card Applet Proxies Accessing One Java Card. Several Card Applet
Proxies May Be Using The Same Card Applet. All Proxies Are Accessing
The Java Card Via A Shared Channel. Access To This Channel Is
Synchronized By A Card Service Scheduler. For Applets That Have State,
Appropriate State Objects Keeping Track Of Those Applets' States Can Be
Attached To The Channel.
Figure 2.8 : Card applet proxy services accessing the same Java Card. All card
applet proxy services accessing the same Java Card share a common
card state, which keeps track of the currently-selected card applet.
By checking the state for the currently-selected card applet before
actually making a selection, card applet proxy services can avoid
sending unnecessary select-applet APDUs.
The architecture of the OpenCard Framework is made up of the Card Terminal, the
Card Agent, the Agents and/or applications that interact with these components.
i. application
ii. io
iii. agent
iv. terminal
2.3 Summary
2.0 Introduction
i. User evaluation
If user found any deficiency in the system, suitable and prompt modification
could be made.
ii. Development
Early presentation of the system allowed early feed back from the users.
Modification and upgrade could be deployed while developing. Thus, the
duration allocated for development can shorten.
iii. Users involvement
The involvement of users in development will ensures that heterogeneous
specifications and requirements of users were fulfilled when system complete.
iv. Reduce risk
By fulfilling most of the users’ requirements, complete system will be
commonly accepted by users without much complaint. Besides, eliminating
major reconstructing can reduce cost and duration of development.
Market research and user’s interview were carried out to acquire the appropriate
users’ requirement. Microsoft Access and MySQL databases were chose to be used.
Necessary data fields that should be included in the database were determined. Some
interviews to doctors were done to acquire necessary medical information that should be
stored into a smart card. By the end of this phase, early designs were produced according
to each modules and functions.
User view
(ii) Developing Functional Prototype
Unnormalized Relationship
The prototype, which still had to be improved during the evaluation phase, would
be passed to this step. This prototype would be debugged and be modified to enhance and
upgrade its quality to match the requirements. For instance, applet stored in the smart
card be upgraded and modified to match the requirement of fastest accessing precise
medical records. Then, first phase will go for another round.
Determining Users'
Developing Functional
iv. Error in the system can be verified promptly by examining the completed
modules while others in progress.
The following hardware and software were used to develop UDMHC system.
3.3.1 Hardware
Hardware was the tools needed to develop UDMHC system. We needed the
hardware for accessing client server via HTTP protocol, and smart card for deploying
ubiquitous database technologies.
This project deployed the usage of smart card. Thus, smart card reader was
needed as one of the hardware requirement. Smart card reader would read information
from card and send information from host terminal to smart card as well.
A smart card was used to store user basic data like name, address, photograph,
medical information such as blood types, drug allergies and regular prescribed drugs,
user’s medical history. Modem
Modem was needed as device to convert a digital signal into an analog signal to
be carried by a public access phone line. In the other hand, it’s also a device that converts
the analog signal received over a phone line into digital signals usable by our computer.
3.3.2 Software
Software was the program used to develop this UDMHC system. These project
was written in Java . The following was the software used to develop this project: Java 2 Development Kit (JDK) v1.4.0 and Java Card API 2.0
This release of the Java Web Services Developer Pack has been tested with various
configurations with the JavaTM 2 SDK, Standard Edition version 1.3.1_01, 1.3.1_02,
and 1.4 on the following platforms:
i. SolarisTM 2.8
ii. Windows 2000, Professional Edition
iii. Windows XP, Professional Edition
iv. RedHat Linux 7.2
Web browser was required to direct user to the appropriate web site.
Windows 98 or 2000 was used as the main platform for project development.
Since most software and emulators are supported by Windows OS, project development
is much easier by eliminating complicated OS reconfiguration.
Microsoft Access 2000 is a complete database and data analysis package for
keeping user information. MySQL
3.4 Assumptions
In order to fully implement this UDMHC system, some assumptions must be made:-
i. Basic medical record stored in the smart card is enough to provide treatment
in emergency case.
ii. All hospitals, and medical centers are equipped with the smart card reader.
iii. Internet transmits data in high bandwidth and low delay
iv. The medical records of the card user are not fraud
v. English language is used for the standard language for the medical record
vi. All the professionals subscriber is formally registered as legal professionals
4.0 Introduction
There are four categories of users to use this system. Each of the user have
different access control level and authories to access some pages and program functions.
The categories can be divided to admin, doctor, nurse and normal user. The following
tables show the access level of each categories.
Smart card database consist of 5 tables, which are status table, link_info table,
personal_info table, medical_info table and contact table. Please refer Appendix A for
Every hospital has the same data schema of the database design, which consist of
15 tables.
HTTP Protocol
Architecture of UDMHC consist of 4 main components, which are the smart card
applet, ubiquitous database, browser, and distributed database. Applet works as an
interface to the user to access either ubiquitois database or distributed database. Smart
card is functioned as a repository for basic personal information, medical information and
emergency contact information. In order to achieve data from ubiquitous database, user is
prompted to enter pin. Tries error limit control is deploy to prevent Bruce Force attack.
User just allow to try maximum 3 times of the password, if can’t get the valid password,
the card will be blocked. Access Control Level is enforced to make sure that each status
of user have different prioritues to access the program functionality. User can access
distributed database from different hospital based on HTTP protocol.
Use case and sequence diagram show how the flow and the process of the
Ubiquitous Database in Mobile Health Care in Emergency Handling System.
4.5.1 Use Case and Sequence Diagram for Ubiquitous Database Access
Figure 4.3 : Use Case And Sequence Diagram For Ubiquitous Database Access
User is prompted to choose a correct card and input password. Password is sent
for validation. User just have three times to enter correct password, else, the card will be
blocked to prevent Bruce Force attack. Once the correct password is validated, user is
granted the access to retrieve data from the ubiquitous database base on access control
level. Admin have all the authorities to add, modify, save, view, change card, and access
to distributed database. Doctor can’t add user, anyway, doctor can modify the database,
as well as access all the functions. Nurse just can view patient record and her record.
Nurse can’t modify the data. Normal user is limited to view his record only.
4.5.2 Use Case and Sequence Diagram for Online Distributed Database Access
User is prompted to enter password and choose correct card. Tries Error Limit
Control and Access Control Level are deployed for security protection. Different status of
user will have different priority in access web site. For instance, admin and doctor are
able to modify data on web, but not for nurse and normal user.
Figure 4.5: Use Case and Sequence Diagram For Card Termination
User has two options to terminate the card. First option is terminating the card
online. user can terminate his card anytime by entering user Identity number and
password. This is convenient for the user especially when Admin is out of duty .
Otherwise, user can choose second option to inform Admin, then admin will terminate
the card. Once the card is terminated, lost count in the database is added by one. So,
during the validation to access online data, the lost count number of the smart card and
the database is not matched. Thus, user is denied to access the online database.
Every status of user have the ability to change their password once they
successful login to the ubiquitous database system. User is prompted to enter new
password and re-confirmed the password before the password is updated.
5.0 Introduction
This chapter will discuss the detailed implementation of the UDMHC system, the
specification of the module, and some technologies used to develop this system. The
implementation of this system involves two phases; they are implementing smart card as
ubiquitous database and accessing distributed database via HTTP protocol.
Generally, the card can be grouped into 4 categories, which are admin, doctor,
nurse and normal user. Admin has authority to access all the functions, including add
user, change card, unblock card, modify data and create new member. Doctor has
privilege to modify user’s information, but has no authority to do the admin part, such as
unblock card and create new member. Nurse is allowed to view patient’s information, but
can’t modify the data. Normal user, or the patient, can only view his own information and
have no right to change it. Please refer to Table 4.1 for details of access level for each
card category. Each category of card holders has different Application Identifier (AID).
Normal user is assigned with AID = {0xCC, 0x11,0x22,0x33,0x44,0x55},
Admin with AID = {0xAD,0x11,0x22,0x33,0x44,0x55}. So, once the user chooses his
card, as shown on Figure 5, the card validation checking is done to prevent user from
using wrong card.
private boolean bConnected = false;
private short UserAID[]= {0xCC, 0x11,0x22,0x33,0x44,0x55};
private short DoctorAID[] = {0xDD,0x11,0x22,0x33,0x44,0x55};
private short NurseAID[] = {0xBB,0x11,0x22,0x33,0x44,0x55};
private short ADMINAID[] = {0xAD,0x11,0x22,0x33,0x44,0x55};
In order to access the database, user needs to input password. If the input matches the
key in the smart card, then the permission is granted. Else, he will be prompted to re-
insert the password. The user only has three times to key in valid password, or the card
will be blocked. Refer to the program below; the count of getTriesRemaining is reduced
by 1 each time user key in wrong password. Once the card is blocked, it has to be sent to
admin to unblock it; else, the card can’t be used anymore. As shown in Figure 5.3, error
is prompted for invalid password.
User can change his password once he has successfully login to the system. User
is prompted to enter new password and re-confirm the password. Once user clicks ok, the
old password will be replaced. If the new password and the re-confirm password do not
match, user needs to re-enter the password.
change the password
private void ChangePasswd(APDU apdu) {
byte buffer[] = apdu.getBuffer();
passwd.update(buffer, (short)(ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA), MaxPinSize);
Figure 5.5: Code of Password Changing
This function is valid for admin only. Once the card is lost, admin will assign a
new card to the user and add 1 to the previous lost count number. This lost count number
is used when user want to access online information. Lost count number from the smart
card will be checked whether it is matched with lost count number of the database. If
matched, the card is valid, else, the card is terminated to prevent from being used again.
In addition, user can set the lost count in the online database once his card is lost.
//save lost count information to card
private void setLostCount(APDU apdu) {
byte buffer[] = apdu.getBuffer();
byte size = (byte)(apdu.setIncomingAndReceive());
byte index;
// Store the length of the string and the string itself
lostCount[0] = size;
for (index = 0; index < size; index++)
lostCount[(byte)(index + 1)] =
buffer[(byte)(ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA + index)];
This function is valid for Admin only. Admin can unblock the card and set new
password to the card user. The code resetAndUnblock() will reset the blocked pin. The
blocked card will be replaced by new password.
//unblock password
private void Unblock(APDU apdu) {
byte buffer[] = apdu.getBuffer();
passwd.update(buffer, (short)(ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA),MaxPinSize );
This function is valid for admin only. Admin will assign identity number to the
new user and choose which hospital to be registered at. The domain and the database type
are automatically assigned when the hospital is chosen. The hospital ID and domain
represent which database the user record is saved. Besides that, admin can get the info of
the card by clicking the get info button.
This function is valid for admin, doctor and nurse. In order to retrieve the patient
information without knowing the password of the patient, these authorized users can click
on change card button; follow by inserting cards belonging to other parties. For example,
doctor can view patient’s information by inserting the patient’s card. Admin can access
the card from all categories. A message box is prompted to let admin choose which
categories of card to be retrieved.
//change medical button
void btnChange_ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent event)
int choice = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "CHANGE CARD ?",
switch(choice) {
case JOptionPane.OK_OPTION:
short AID[]= {0xCC, 0x11,0x22,0x33,0x44,0x55};
txtstatusLevel.setText("NORMAL USER");
txtInfoNotify.setText("NEW CARD HAS BEEN
txtInfoNotify.setText("NEW CARD FAIL TO BE
case JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION:
Figure 5.13: Change Card Message Box For Doctor And Nurse
This is the page for retrieving basic personal data from ubiquitous database.
Different categories of user have different access authority of the page. For instance,
admin can add, modify, change card for this page. Anyway, doctor is not allow to add,
doctor is allowed to access function of modify and change card. In other word, doctor can
change the information of the user or patient, but can not add new user. Nurse only has
authority to retrieve patient data from patient card, but is not allowed to modify the data.
Normal user can only see his information, but can’t do any amendment. Button advance
enable user to retrieve detailed information online. Figure 5.13 shows the page of
personal information.
This is the page for retrieving basic medical information from ubiquitous
database. Different categories of users have different access authority of the page. For
instance, admin can add, modify, change card for this page. Anyway, doctor is not allow
to add, doctor is allowed to access function of modify and change card. In other word,
doctor can change the information of the user or patient, but can not add new user. Nurse
only has authority to retrieve patient data from patient card, but is not allowed to modify
the data. Normal user can only see his information, but can’t do any amendment. Button
advance enable user to retrieve detail information online. Figure 5.14 shows the page of
medical information. Hospital ID is automatically assigned to the user during the
registration. Last update time is automatically updated when the information is modified
by doctor to indicate the latest treatment date.
This is the page for retrieving emergency contact person’s information from
ubiquitous database. Button advance enable user to retrieve detail information online.
Figure 5.15 shows the page of emergency contact information.
User can view detailed information via web. This information is retrieved from
distributed hospital where the user registered. Model View Design pattern is used as the
solution to remove out.println from the servlet and remove java code for data processing
at Java Server Pages.
User is able to see the details of his information, such as the X-Ray and full
medical check-up information.
All users are allowed to join the discussion room. It is convenient for the medical-
related professionals to share the medical knowledge, as well as for the normal user to
seek advice from the medical-related professional.
For verification and validation of the whole system’s functionalities, some tests were
performed. The three stages of testing have the following purposes:
i. Unit test – the smallest testable elements of the system were tested
individually, typically at the same time those elements were implemented.
Each module was compiled and executed for unit test.
ii. Integration test – the integrated modules are tested, such as add new card
iii. System test – The complete application and system (one or more modules)
were tested. The whole system was tested for the functionality and integrity.
There are four categories of user for UDMHC system. Each category of users is
assigned a unique Application Identifier. So, if the user insert invalid card, error message
will be prompted.
As shown in Figure 5.21, the user insert his card, but he chooses the categories of
Doctor’s card. So, error prompted and prohibited him from entering password.
As shown in Figure 5.22, if user insert the correct card, then he will be prompted
the login page. He has options to login or to change his password.
Error message will be prompted for invalid password key in. Anyway, if user fails
to key in correct password for 3 times tries, his card is blocked to prevent Bruce Force
attacks. As shown in Figure 5.23, notification indicates the wrong password be inserted
and verification fail.
As shown in Figure 5.24, the card is blocked if the user fails to key in correct
password for three time’s trial. This is to prevent the Brute Force attacked.
Every body has the right to change his password. Anyway, the user needs to
verify his old password before change his new password. User need to insert new
password twice in order to make sure he remember his new password. As shown in
Figure 5.25, user will be prompted to reinsert new password if the both new password do
not match.
Card Services contains functions of card lost setting, pin unblocked setting and
new card creation setting. Only Admin have the right to access card service button.
As shown in the Figure 5.26 and Figure 5.27, only Admin have the right to access
the card services button. Other are prohibited to access the card services option. Figure
5.26 shows that card services button is disabled for user’s categories.
Once Admin enter the card services function, he can exchange his card to other
category’s card. A prompt invoked to ask Admin insert new card. If Admin insert card
mismatch with the categories of card, error prompt invoked and Admin reinsert or re-
choose the correct categories. As shown in Figure 5.28, wrong card inserted and Admin
prompted to insert new card.
As shown in the Figure 5.29, the status of the card will be automatically inserted
to the card categories column. Admin can choose which hospital to register for the user.
After inserting the user’s identity number, Admin able to create new card by click on
button Create Card. Identity number will be automatically loaded to the user’s personal
page, whereas hospital name will be loaded to user’s medical information.
Admin have permission to access all the functions of the buttons. As shown in
the Figure 5:30, all button are enabled to Admin
Nurse and Normal User can only refresh and access detail information via
advance buttons.
Figure 5:32: Refresh And Advanced Button Enabled to Nurse and Normal User
5.4 Conclusion
All the tests have been done to check the integrity of the system.
6.0 Introduction
smart card to carry its own record management applet while being hosted by a
commonly available web browser, presents a powerful paradigm to support a
truly mobile and open environment. Importantly, it enables medical personnel
to quickly gain access of vital patient's medical record without the need of a
hospital or clinic to be equipped with so-called compatible information
system. Moreover, UDMHC can easily be updated as new services are
performed and new medications are prescribed so your card will always
contain up-to-date, vital medical information.
v. Platform Independent
Since this system is fully developed in Java, hence, it inherits the Java
capability in function and can deploy to any platform of operating system.
i. Slow speed
Due to current technology constraint, the browser takes long time to load a
Java Applet.
6.3 Conclusion
With the deployment of distributed database, users at one site can access data
stored at other sites. This is convenient to the user if he wants to retrieve his medical
information anywhere. In distributed environment, it is much easier to handle expansion.
New hospital can be added to the network without affecting the operations of other sites.
This flexibility allows more hospital to expand relatively easily.
[2] Fabian Ng and Chen Jen Tock. (19-23 March 96) "A Smart Card Medical System
For The People With Disabilities," California State University Northbridge's 11th
Annual International Conference, "Technology and Persons with Disabilities",
Los Angeles
[4] M. Weiser. (1991) , “The Computer for the 21st Century.Scientific American”.
Pages 66-75.
[5] Peter Szolovits, (1995) "A Revolution in Electronic Medical Record Systems via
the World Wide Web," International Conference on the Use of Internet and
WWW for Telematics in Healthcare, Geneva, Switzerland
[6] Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (2002), World Wide Web Consortium
Recommendation. [Online] Available http://www.w3.org/TR/REC.xml
[7] Lynda Radosevich, (25 Aug 1997) "Health Care uses XML for Records",
InfoWorld, [Online] Available http://www.infoworld.com
[8] Health Smart Card (2001) “Hospital Emergency Room” [Online] Available
1) Status Table
This table contains information of user identity card number, password, status,
card lost , and AID.
2) Link_info Table
1) Access Table
2) Relative Table
This table contains all the information of emergency contact person’s particular.
3) Personal Table
5) Medical Table
This table contains all the information of the user’s medical particular.
7) Diabetes Table
This table contains all the information of the user’s diabetes condition.
8) Tumour Table
This table contains all the information of the user’s tumour condition.
This table contains all the information of the user’s hepatities condition.
This table contains all the information of the user’s heamatology condition.
Table 10 : Data Dictionary Of Heamatology Table
Field Name Data Types Description
IC Text The user’s identity
RBC Number The user’s RBC level
HEAMOGLOBIN Number The user’s heamoglobin level
PLATELET COUNT Number The user’s platelet count
This table contains all the information of the user’s lipid condition.
This table contains all the information of the user’s thyroid condition.
This table contains all the information of the user’s liver condition.
Table 13 : Data Dictionary Of Liver Table
Field Name Data Types Description
IC Text The user’s identity
Total Protein Number The user’s thyroxine level
Albumin Number The user’s albumin
Globulin Number The user’s globulin
This table contains all the information of the user’s kidney condition.
Table 14 : Data Dictionary Of Kidney Table
Field Name Data Types Description
IC Text The user’s identity
Urea Number The user’s thyroxine level
Inorganic_phosphate Number The user’s albumin
Uric_Acid Number The user’s globulin
Sodium Number The user sodium level
15) Serology Table
This table contains all the information of the user’s serology condition.
Anazida Zainal, Chee Tek Siang, Rashidah Kadir, Maznah Kamat, Mazura Mat Din and Urwah Saari
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
{anazida, rashidah, maznah and mazura}@fsksm.utm.my
In emergency cases like road accidents, lives can be saved if medical information of the
victims can be accessed fast. Currently, hospitals in Malaysia maintain patients records
individually and transfer of this paper record takes some time to reach the requestor.
Since there is a need to make this information available as soon as possible, this paper
applies the concept of ubiquitous in providing an alternative means of accessing patients
medical information. Ubiquity of information was achieved both through mobility of
smartcard and Web technology to access the distributed databases in different hospitals.
Smartcard was used to store vital information about the patient. In the time of accident or
emergency, this smartcard could provide medical-related professional to immediately
retrieving vital victim’s medical record, allergies and other necessary information for
medical treatment decision. Java applet was used to provide flexibility to retrieve the
patients’ information from the smartcard. It also provided interaction with other
distributed hospital databases via HTTP protocol in order to retrieve patients’ detail
information. This is a convenient way to share data among different hospitals. XML was
used to solve problems of different schema adopted by the hospitals’ databases.
Databases deployed in this research was Microsoft Access and MySQL. Java was the
primary language used to develop this application. This research promises a better future
for health services. It is hoped that similar approach can be deployed in other services
that require a faster access of information for the improvement of our quality of life.
1.0 Introduction
From observation made, most of the hospitals in Malaysia are still maintain their patient
records in the form of paper. This scenario poses a difficult task of integrating and
managing patient record across hospitals, medical centers which span across 14 states in
Malaysia. Thus, delaying the process of gaining accurate patient medical information.
The deployment of the latest technology such as Internet computing into health industry
may revolutionize how medical staff do their daily work. This paper proposed the
concept of ubiquitous medical information where medical-related professional can
quickly access the patient’s information and give the suitable treatment to the patient in a
short time through the use of smartcard. The deployment of Web technology in this
project help them to get detailed information such as a video of a recent CT scan, high
resolution of X-ray image scan online. The basic security measures were implemented
such as password and Access Control to limit the various level of access for the medical
A research was conducted in United State reported that approximately 140,000 hospital
patients die every year from adverse drug reactions because of incomplete or incorrect
patient information[4]. Smartcards can contribute to a better health care system because
of their capacity to securely store a patient's essential personal info, medical history,
blood type, allergies and physician contact information[4]. For emergency, doctors in any
hospital can quickly get the patients information by accessing patient medical cards in
order to treat the patient immediately. This also reduces the possibility of mistreatment
while raising the chances of saving the patient's life.
There are cases where some patients are unable to describe the exact condition of their
pain, diseases, and their allergies. With this proposed system, the medical-related
professional can get updated patient’s record, thus, can provide better analyst of the
patient condition. This may be life saving such as in an instance of diabetic coma. The
necessary information can easily be updated as new services are performed and new
medications are prescribed so the card will always contain up-to-date, vital medical
information. Normally, hospitals in Malaysia do not share database across hospitals. Most
of the currently medical record services are limited to operate within the hospital itself.
Recently, with the continue proliferation of Internet technology to home, and office via
dial-up, lease line, and cable modem, this proposed system can access database across
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the concept of ubiquitous through the means
of smartcard and Internet technology. This solution provides an alternative means to
access the patient medical records which are normally distributed in several different
databases in different hospitals.
The next step in computing is to address ubiquity. Ubiquitous computing is where the
computers will be embedded in our natural movements and interactions with our
environments, both physical and social [2]. According to Weiser[3], this evolution has
recently been accelerated by improved wireless telecommunications capabilities, open
networks, continued increases in computing power, improved battery technology and the
emergence of flexible software architectures. Similarly, in this paper, the concept of
Figure 1 : The concept of ubiquitous database[1]
3.1 Smartcard
Smartcards are rapidly emerging technology that have received much attention both from
industry and academia[5]. In this research, smartcard is a miniature of DBMS. Similar to
the size of a credit card, smartcard has either a microprocessor or memory chip embedded
in it. The chip stores electronic data and programs that are protected by advanced security
features. There are two designs of smartcards, contact and contactless. In this project we
used contact smartcard. Contact smartcard has a small gold plate in front of a card instead
of magnetic strip on the back. When the card is inserted into a smartcard reader, it makes
contact with electrical connectors that transfer data to and from the chip.
Meanwhile the contactless smartcard have an electronic microchip and antenna
embedded inside it. These components allow the card to communicate with an
antenna/coupler unit without physical contact. Its operation nature make it an ideal
solution when transactions must be processes very quickly, as in mass-transit or toll
collection activities.
The diagram below depicts the system architecture of Ubiquitous Database in Healthcare
System that was developed for this project.
HTTP Protocol
We worked based on the assumption that every patient has to register with any of the
hospitals A, B or C where each of this hospital may have different database installed to
store the information about their registered patients. Upon registration, the patient will get
a smartcard that contains personal information, medical information and emergency
contact information. Refer to Figure 3 for an example of information being kept in
smartcard and displayed by an applet.
In this project, smartcard was used for multipurpose; to carry basic health information of
an individual and also to carry an access level for the medical staff. Both doctors and
nurses have different access levels in viewing and editing patients’ records. This is as to
ensure the confidentiality of the information.
To access detail information
4.2 Implementation
Later, the database for smartcard and the database for host(at the hospital) were
designed. The database in smartcard stored basic data while the host database holds the
details information. 5 associated tables (status table, link_info table, personal_info table,
medical_info table and contact table) were created for smartcard and the Table 2 below
shows one of the tables which is medical_info table which contains basic health
information of the card holder or patient.
Basically, the applet development can be divided into two, which are:
i) Smartcard applet
ii) Host applet
The smartcard applet was designed and developed based on smartcard database design,
which was done in stage 2. This applet is placed in smartcard and will be used to handle
request from host applet that will be described later in this section. The host applet store
the cardholder’s (patient) personal data, medical data and contact person’s data. This
applet imports two javacard’s packages which are javacard.framework and
The host applet is developed to communicate with the smartcard applet. Unlike the
smartcard applet, this applet is an ordinary Java applet that embedded into html
document. This applet is built to communicate with the smartcard applet. The applet
facilitates graphical user interface for user interaction. Data on smartcard can be
manipulated for editing, adding or deleting purpose. All changes made to the data on
smartcard also affect the patient’s related information in host database. Figure 4 shows an
interaction between application, card applet proxy and smartcard.
We developed a website for online patient’s data retrieval. No changes can be made to
the patient’s data, neither their medical information nor their contact person’s detail. The
website is used only for viewing purpose. Java Server Pages and Servlet were used to
create dynamic data retrieval.
To demonstrate the different databases of patients records, two different databases which
were Microsoft MySQL and Microsoft Access were used. To implement different
schema, we changed all the field’s name in every table so that their names are different
from the name of fields in the other database.
Then, schema mapping is done based on table’s field’s name.
i) The mapping uses all the possible attribute names they can be referred.
ii) Figure 4 shows the example on how the mapping is done.
Mediated schema
Name ic address
<name>Mohd. Ali</name>
<address>5, jln mawar, Johor bahru, 81310<address>
Mediated Schema
compare compare
6.0 Conclusion
Ubiquitous database in mobile healthcare can solve many problems faced by medical
industry. Issues like security, interoperability (ability of an applet and XML to interact
with distributed databases) and speed in getting critical information in emergency cases
are among the benefits that the system can bring. Smartcards, Java and XML are the
enablers for this application. It is hoped that medical industry may improve their quality
of service by adopting this application.
7.0 Acknowledgement
The authors would like to thank Research Management Center (RMC) of Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia for financing this research.
8.0 Reference
[1] Kuramitsu, Kimio and Sakamura, Ken. “Towards Ubiquitous Database in Mobile
Commerce”.ACM 2001.
[2] Lyytinen, Kalle and Yoo, Youngjin. “ Issues and Challenges in Ubiquitous
Computing”. Communications of The ACM. Dece 2002 Vol. 45, No. 12. Pg 63-65.
[3] Weiser, M. The computer for 21st. century. Scientific American, (Sept. 1991), 94-104.
[5] Itoi, N. and Honeyman, P., Smartcard Integration with Kerberos V5. CITI Technical
Report 97-7, University of Michigan (1998).