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Course Description:

This course covers different concepts

of business information systems
IT 233: Business Information
including impact of IT on
Systems organizations, business processes,
competitive advantage and strategic
BBA 5th Semester information systems, BigData,
knowledge management, mobile
commerce, social computing, SCM,
Presented by :
LB Gurung CRM, ERP, business analytics, and
lbgurung00@gmail.com cloud computing.
Course Objectives:
The main objective of this course is to provide knowledge of
different concepts of business information systems to
students. After completing this course, students will be able to
IT 233: Business Information ▪ Understand different concepts of business information
systems and their impact on organizations,
▪ Know about business processes,
▪ Know competitive advantage and strategic information
BBA 5th Semester
▪ Understand concepts of BigData, knowledge management,
mobile commerce, and social computing,
▪ Understand concepts of SCM, CRM, and ERP systems,
Presented by :
▪ Understand and apply business analytics,
LB Gurung
▪ Learn concepts of cloud computing and its uses in
Course details:
Unit 1: Introduction to Information 4Hrs.
Unit 2: Organizational Strategy, Competitive
IT 233: Business Information Advantage, and Information Systems 7Hrs

Systems Unit 3: Data and Knowledge Management 7Hrs

Unit 4: Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile
Commerce 6Hrs
BBA 5th Semester Unit 5: Social Computing 6Hrs
Unit 6: Information System within Organizations 5Hrs
Unit 7: Customer Relationship Management and
Presented by :
Supply Chain Management 7Hrs
LB Gurung
lbgurung00@gmail.com Unit 8: Business Analytics 6Hrs
The case study includes studying and preparing a
project report on information systems useful in
Case Study:
organizations. The project can be done in groups
with at most 3 members in each group.
Presented by :
LB Gurung
✓ R. Kelly Rainer and Brad Prince, Introduction to Information
Systems: Supporting and Transforming Business, 9th Edition, Wiley,
✓ Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon and Carol G. Traver, Essentials of
Suggested Management Information Systems, 15th Edition, Pearson, 2024.
✓ Information Technology Essentials: Introduction to Information
Readings :
Systems Volume 1, Eric Frick, 2017.
✓ Management Information Systems, James O'Brien and George
Presented by : Marakas, 10th Edition, McGraw Hill. .
LB Gurung
Presented by :
LB Gurung
✓ R. Kelly Rainer and Brad Prince, Introduction to Information
Systems: Supporting and Transforming Business, 9th Edition, Wiley,
✓ Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon and Carol G. Traver, Essentials of
Suggested Management Information Systems, 15th Edition, Pearson, 2024.
✓ Information Technology Essentials: Introduction to Information
Readings :
Systems Volume 1, Eric Frick, 2017.
✓ Management Information Systems, James O'Brien and George
Presented by : Marakas, 10th Edition, McGraw Hill. .
LB Gurung
Group –A
Brief answer questions: [1x10=10]
Group –B
Short answer questions: (Attempt any five) [5x3=15]
Sample Group –C
Long answer questions:(Attempt any three) [3x5=15]
Comprehensive Answer /Case / Situation analysis answer [20]

▪ Introduction;
1 ▪ Why should we study information systems?
▪ Computer-Based Information System and Types;
Unit ▪ Impact of IT on Organizations;

Introduction to ▪ Importance of Information Systems to Society

Presented by :
LB Gurung
✓ An information system is a set of processes and
procedures, Tools and Techniques, practice and
1 principles that transform data into information and
Knowledge Or
✓ An Information System (IS) is a structured
Introduction to framework of components designed to collect,
Information process, store, and disseminate information to support

Presented by : decision-making, coordination, analysis, and control
LB Gurung within an organization Or
✓ Information systems are combinations of hardware,

1 software, and telecommunications networks that

people build and use to collect, create, and distribute
useful data, typically in organizational settings.
Unit Examples of Information Systems in Use:

Introduction to • Banking: ATM systems for transactions and account

• Retail: Inventory management and point-of-sale systems.
Presented by : • Healthcare: Electronic medical records (EMR) and telemedicine
LB Gurung
• Education: Learning management systems (LMS) like Moodle.

❑ Data Knowledge
Knowledge Information

and Wisdom Data

in the This hierarchy demonstrates how information systems
Presented by : transform basic data into valuable knowledge and
LB Gurung
wisdom, driving smarter decisions and organizational
success. LBG
❑ Data
,Information, ✓ Raw, unprocessed facts and figures. Data serves as the
Knowledge input to an information system, collected from

and Wisdom various sources such as databases, sensors, or user

in the
✓ Numbers like "11, 20, 40“ letters like A , z etc.
Presented by :
LB Gurung
❑ Data
,Information, ✓ Data that has been processed, organized, or structured
Knowledge to provide meaning. It is widely used for decision

and Wisdom making

✓ Example: A sales report showing the total revenue
in the
generated in a week.
Presented by :
LB Gurung
❑ Data
,Information, ✓ Information combined with experience, context, and
interpretation to provide actionable insights.
Knowledge is created through advanced tools such as
and Wisdom
data analytics, machine learning, or human expertise.
in the
✓ Example: Analyzing sales reports to determine which
Presented by : products perform well in different regions.
LB Gurung
❑ Data
✓ The ability to apply knowledge to make sound
decisions and solve complex problems.
and Wisdom ✓ Example: Using insights from sales and customer
in the behavior data to design a new marketing strategy.
Presented by :
LB Gurung
▪ Hardware:
❑ Components ✓ Physical equipment used for input,
output and processing. The hardware
Information Software
structure depends upon the type and
System size of the organization. Data
✓ Examples: Computers, servers,
storage devices, networking
equipment, input/output devices Procedure
Presented by : (e.g., scanners, printers).
LB Gurung Networks
Software: Hardware
❑ Components ✓ Software is a set of instructions that
tell the hardware what to do. Software
System • System Software: Operating systems Data
(e.g., Windows, Linux).
• Application Software: Databases,
enterprise resource planning (ERP) Procedure
Presented by : systems, and specific business apps.
LB Gurung Networks
❑ Components
Information Software
System Data


Presented by :
LB Gurung Networks
Data Hardware
❑ Components
Information ✓ Raw facts and figures that are Software
processed to produce information.
System Data
✓ For example, your address (street,
city state, postal code), your phone People
number, and your social networking
account, Customer records,
Presented by :
financial transactions, are all pieces
LB Gurung Networks
lbgurung00@gmail.com of data.
People Hardware
❑ Components
✓ Users and stakeholders who interact Software
with the system.
System Data
• End-users: Employees or customers
using the system.
• IT professionals: Developers, Procedure
Presented by :
system administrators, Programmer
LB Gurung Networks
lbgurung00@gmail.com and analysts.
Procedure Hardware
❑ Components
✓ A series of steps undertaken to
Information Software
achieve a desired outcome or goal.
System ✓ Policies governing how the system Data
operates and how data flows.
✓ Examples: Workflow processes,
data entry protocols, and system Procedure
maintenance routines.

Networks Hardware
❑ Components
✓ Represents the communication
Information Software
infrastructure that connects system
System components and allows data sharing. Data
✓ Networks resources refer to the
telecommunication networks like the
intranet, extranet and the internet.
✓ Examples: Local Area Networks
(LANs), Wide Area Networks Networks
(WANs), and the internet.
Information System(IS) Information Technology(IT)

1. An Information System (IS) is a 1. Information technology(IT) is the

❑ Information structured framework of components use of computers and software to

designed to collect, process, store, and manage information.
System disseminate information to support
decision-making, coordination,
vs. analysis, and control within an
2. Information Systems focus on the 2. Information Technology focuses on

Technology "what" and "why" — understanding the "how" — providing the tools and
how information supports decision- technology needed to make
making and organizational goals. information systems work.

Information System(IS) Information Technology(IT)

3. Information System relies on IT 3. Information Technology is a part

❑ Information of IS
4. Components includes: Hardware, 4. Components includes: Hardware,
System Software, Data, People, Procedures Software, Networks, and Data storage.
and Network
vs. 5. It works as bridge between 5. It helps people to utilize and make
technology and people sense of that system.
6. Examples: University student 6. Examples: Servers, databases,

Technology information systems, ERP systems. programming tools.

7. Goal : Strategic use of technology 7. Goal : Provide tools and
for decision-making and efficiency. infrastructure for operations.

• Information Systems is not simply about computers, or learning
how to use a popular computer package such as Microsoft
❑ Why should Office.
we study • It’s about how businesses can make the best use of computer
technology to provide the information needed to achieve their
information goals.
systems? • In the same way as your own needs and priorities are unique to
you, each organization has different goals and requirements, and
the successful implementation of information systems requires a
thorough understanding of the business issues involved as well
as the different technologies that are available.
• Studying Information Systems (IS) is essential in today’s
technology-driven world, as IS plays a central role in nearly
❑ Why should every aspect of business, government, healthcare, education, and
we study daily life. Studying information systems is crucial for several
✓ To Become an Informed User: An informed user is a
systems? person who has a solid understanding and knowledge of
Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology
(IT) and is able to effectively utilize these tools to achieve
personal or organizational goals.

✓ Understanding Technology's Role: Information systems
❑ Why should are at the heart of modern organizations. Studying them
helps us understand how technology influences business
we study
processes, decision-making, and overall operations
systems? ✓Enhancing Efficiency and Effectiveness: By learning
about information systems, individuals can identify ways
to update processes, improve communication, and increase
productivity within organizations.

✓ Gaining Competitive Advantage: In today's digital age,

❑ Why should businesses that effectively leverage information systems gain

a competitive edge. Understanding these systems allows
we study organizations to innovate, adapt to changes, and stay ahead of
information the competition.
✓ Enabling Informed Decision-Making: Information systems
provide data and analysis tools that support decision-making
at all levels of an organization. Studying them equips
individuals with the skills to collect, analyze, and interpret
data effectively, leading to informed decisions.
✓ Facilitating Communication and Collaboration:

❑ Why should Information systems facilitate communication and

collaboration among employees, departments, and even
we study global teams. Understanding how these systems work
information enables individuals to harness their capabilities for improved
teamwork and knowledge sharing.

✓ Managing Information Security: With the increasing threat of
cyberattacks and data breaches, understanding information systems is
❑ Why should essential for implementing robust security measures to protect
sensitive information and organizational assets.
we study
✓ Supporting Strategic Planning: Information systems play a critical
information role in strategic planning by providing insights into market trends,
customer behavior, and competitor analysis. Studying these systems
helps organizations develop informed strategies for growth and
In essence, studying information systems is about harnessing the
power of technology to drive organizational success, improve decision-
making, and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving business landscape.
✓ In information systems , computer based means that the
❑ Computer computer plays an important role in an information system. A

Baesd Computer Based Information System (CBIS) uses computers to

collect , process , store , analyze and distribute information for
Information a specific purpose such as meeting a business objective .

System(CBIS) ✓ A CBIS is the integration of hardware , software and human

elements designed to produce, timely , integrated , accurate and
useful information for the decision making purpose.
✓ A CBIS consists of the following elements: Hardware,
Software, Data, Procedure and People.
✓ A computer-based information system (CBIS) is an
❑ Computer information system that uses computer technology to

Baesd perform some or all of its intended tasks.

✓ Although not all information systems are computerized, today
Information most are. For this reason, the term information system is

System(CBIS) typically used synonymously with computer-based

information system.


❑ Elements/
Components People Software
of Computer Baesd of CBIS
System(CBIS) Process Data

• The term hardware refers to machinery.
• The physical components of a CBIS, such as computers, servers, storage

❑ Elements/ devices, and networking equipment(Router,Switch etc.)

Examples: Desktops, laptops, printers, Scanner and networking
Components infrastructure.

of Computer Baesd Software

Information The term software refers to computer programs and the manuals (if any) that
support them. The programs and operating systems that run on the hardware to
process and manage data.
Examples: Database management systems (DBMS), enterprise software like ERP
(Enterprise Resource Planning), and custom applications. LBG

• Data are facts that are used by program to produce useful information.
❑ Elements/ • Like programs, data are generally stored in machine readable form on
disk or tape until the computer needs them.
• Examples: numbers, characters, symbols or picture.
of Computer Baesd
System(CBIS) The procedures and rules that dictate how data is collected, processed, and used.
“Procedures are to people what software is to hardware” is a common analogy
that is used to illustrate the role of procedures in a CBIS.

• People are required for the operation of all information system.

❑ Elements/ • Every Computer Based Information System (CBIS) needs people if it

is to be useful.
Components • Users who interact with the system, including data entry operators,

of Computer Baesd system administrators, analysts, and decision-makers.

• Every Computer Based Information System (CBIS) needs people if it
Information is to be useful.
System(CBIS) • Often the most over-looked element of the CBIS is the people.
probably the components that most influence the success or failure of
information system.
Information systems can be classified into several types based on their
functions, organizational level, and nature of data processed:
• Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)
• Management Information Systems (MIS)
❑ Types • Decision Support Systems (DSS)
• Executive Information Systems (EIS)
of Computer Baesd • Expert Systems (ES)

Information • Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)

• Supply Chain Management Systems (SCM)
System(CBIS) • Customer Relationship Management Systems (CRM)
• Knowledge Management Systems (KMS)
Presented by : • Office Automation System
LB Gurung
lbgurung00@gmail.com LBG
Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)

✓ A Transaction Processing System (TPS)

❑ Types is a type of information system designed to

handle, manage, and record the data
of Computer Baesd resulting from business transactions.
✓ Transaction Processing Systems capture,
process, and store transaction data in real-
System(CBIS) time. ✓ Examples:
✓ Users: Clerks, cashiers, accountants, and • Point-of-Sale (POS) systems.

other operational-level employees. • Bank ATM systems.

• Reservation systems.
• Payroll system
Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)

❑ Types
of Computer Baesd

Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)

Benefits of a TPS
❑ Types ▪ Enhances operational efficiency by automating routine tasks.
of Computer Baesd ▪ Provides real-time data for better decision-making.
▪ Improves customer satisfaction through faster and accurate
System(CBIS) ▪ Reduces errors by minimizing manual intervention.

Management Information System(MIS)

▪ Management Information Systems (MIS) are essential to

❑ Types modern organizations. These systems use computer-based tools

and software to collect, process, store, and distribute company
of Computer Baesd
data that helps managers and other stakeholders use to make
Information informed decisions.

System(CBIS) ▪ A Management Information System is intended to take

relatively raw data available through a transaction processing
system and summarize and aggregate it for the manager,

usually in the form of a report.

Management Information System(MIS)

▪ Users: Middle managers and operational managers.

❑ Types ▪ Examples: Sales Management Systems, Human Resource

Management Systems.
of Computer Baesd
Examples of MIS in Organizations:
Retail: A sales performance dashboard showing revenue trends and inventory
System(CBIS) levels.
Manufacturing: Production status reports to optimize resource allocation.
Healthcare: Patient admission and discharge summaries to monitor hospital
Management Information System(MIS)

❑Benefits of MIS:
❑ Types • Improves Efficiency

of Computer Baesd • Improves employees productivity

• Enhances Decision-Making
• Encourages Collaboration
System(CBIS) • Reduces Costs
• Supports Strategic Goals
• User-Friendly Interfaces

Decision Support System(DSS)

✓ A Decision Support System (DSS) is a computerized

information system that supports business or organizational
❑ Types
decision-making activities
of Computer Baesd ✓ A Decision Support System can be seen as a knowledge based

Information system, used by senior managers, which facilitates the creation

of knowledge and allow its integration into the organization.
✓ These systems are often used to analyze existing structured
information and allow managers to project the potential effects
of their decisions into the future
Decision Support System(DSS)

✓ A decision support system produces detailed information

❑ Types reports by gathering and analyzing data.

✓ Examples : Financial planning systems, Bank loan
of Computer Baesd
management systems, Risk analysis system
Information ✓ Used by more senior managerial levels

Decision Support System(DSS)

✓ Benefits of DSS:

❑ Types • A decision support system increases the speed and efficiency of

decision-making activities. It is possible, as a DSS can collect and
of Computer Baesd analyze real-time data.

Information • It promotes training within the organization, as specific skills must

be developed to implement and run a DSS within an organization.
System(CBIS) • It automates monotonous managerial processes, which means more
of the manager’s time can be spent on decision-making.
• It improves interpersonal communication within the organization.

• Executive Information Systems (EIS)

• Also known as Executive Support System (ESS) assists top-level

executives in planning and controlling workflow as well as making
❑ Types
business decisions. It is similar to the Management Information System
of Computer Baesd (MIS).
• It provides great telecommunication, better computing capabilities, and
effective display options to executives, among other things.
System(CBIS) • It provides information to them in the form of static reports, graphs, and
textual information on demand.
• It helps monitor performance, track competitor strategies, and forecast
future trends, among other things.
• Executive Information Systems (EIS)

• EIS organizes and presents data and information from both

❑ Types external data sources and internal MIS or TPS in order to

support and extend the inherent capabilities of senior
of Computer Baesd

• Executive Information Systems (EIS)

• Benefits of EIS:
✓ Improved decision making
❑ Types
✓ Time and cost saving
of Computer Baesd ✓ Performance monitoring
Information ✓ Enhanced Strategic Planning
✓ Performance Monitoring
✓ EIS provide access to timely information in a rapid manner.
✓ EIS is easy for use and saves time of the top level management
of the organization.
• Expert Systems

✓ An expert system is a computer program designed to solve

❑ Types complex problems and to provide decision-making ability like a
human expert.
of Computer Baesd

• Expert Systems

✓ An Expert System is a type of Computer-Based Information

❑ Types System (CBIS) designed to simulate human expertise in
specific domains. These systems use knowledge and inference
of Computer Baesd
to solve problems or make decisions, similar to how a human
Information expert would.
System(CBIS) ✓ Examples: Medical Diagnosis Systems,

Presented by :
LB Gurung
lbgurung00@gmail.com LBG
• Expert Systems

❑ Types
of Computer Baesd

• Expert Systems

Benefits of Expert System:

❑ Types
of Computer Baesd

• Office Automation System

✓ An Office Automation System (OAS) is a type of Computer-

❑ Types Based Information System (CBIS) designed to increase
productivity by computerizing routine office tasks(Email systems).
of Computer Baesd
These systems facilitate communication, manage information, and
Information streamline workflows in an office environment.

System(CBIS) ✓ Its purpose is to support day-to-day office activities

Examples: Word processors like Microsoft Word, Google Docs,
Email systems, video conferencing tools (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft
• Office Automation System

✓ Benefits of Office Automation System:

❑ Types • Improved accuracy
of Computer Baesd • Reduced costs(Reduced Paper Usage)
• Reduced time and resources
• Data storage and management
System(CBIS) • Data insights and more informed decisions
• Business process improvement
• Improved communication(Real-Time Collaboration)

• Knowledge Management Systems (KMS)

✓ It is a type of Computer-Based Information System (CBIS)

❑ Types designed to help organizations create, store, share, and manage

of Computer Baesd knowledge effectively.

✓ Its primary goal is to improve decision-making, foster innovation,
and enhance productivity by making the right knowledge
System(CBIS) available to the right people at the right time.
✓ Examples: Microsoft SharePoint, Zendesk(Provides a
knowledge base for customer support.)

• Knowledge Management Systems (KMS)

❑ Types
of Computer Baesd

✓ Information technology systems are used by organizations
to perform various tasks. Some use IT to provide for the
basic processing of transactions, while others enable
▪ Impact of IT customers, distributors and suppliers to interact with the

on organization through various communication technology

systems such as the internet.
✓ IT has become an integral part of modern businesses,
enabling organizations to adapt to changing markets and
compete globally.

✓ The impact of Information Technology (IT) on
organizations has been transformative, influencing
nearly every aspect of business operations, decision-
▪ Impact of IT making, and strategy. IT has revolutionized how

on organizations operate, compete, and deliver value.


✓ Some major impacts of IT on Organization are:
• Improved productivity and performance

▪ Impact of IT • Enriched Communication and Collaboration

• Enhanced decision-making
on • Cost reduction

Organizations • Improved Customer Experience

• Data management
• Security and Risk Management

Improved productivity and performance

✓ Information technology helps organizations increase their

▪ Impact of IT productivity by allowing them to access data quickly and
accurately, which can help improve decision-making processes.
✓ IT enables automation of repetitive tasks (e.g., payroll
Organizations processing, data entry), reducing manual effort and errors.
✓ Example: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems
optimize inventory, finance, and resource planning, improving
overall efficiency.

Enriched Communication and Collaboration

✓ Communication is a great tool in business develops, with

▪ Impact of IT advanced communication tools, employees and managers can
easily make beneficial decisions in the organization.
✓ IT tools facilitate seamless internal and external communication
Organizations through emails, video conferencing, messaging apps, and
collaboration platforms.
✓ Example: Tools like Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams
help employees stay connected globally.

• Enhanced decision-making

✓ A decision support system (DSS) is a highly flexible and

▪ Impact of IT interactive IT system that is designed to support decision

making when the problem is not structured.
on ✓ IT provides tools for data analysis, reporting, and
forecasting, enabling data-driven decisions.
✓ Business Intelligence (BI) and analytics tools analyze large
datasets to identify patterns and trends.
✓ Example: A retail company uses sales data analytics to predict
demand and optimize inventory.
• Cost reduction

✓ IT reduces operational costs by automating processes and

▪ Impact of IT improving resource utilization. Cloud computing reduces the

need for physical infrastructure, saving hardware and
on maintenance costs.
✓ IT outsourcing allows companies to access expert services at
reduced costs.
✓ Example: Switching to virtual meetings saves travel and
accommodation expenses.

• Improved Customer Experience

✓ Information technology helps organizations interact with

customers in real time, thus providing them with better customer
▪ Impact of IT
on ✓ organizations can also use AI to handle complex customer
queries and provide personalized experiences to customers. This
Organizations helps build customer loyalty and improves brand reputation.
✓ IT enables organizations to provide faster, personalized, and
efficient services.
Presented by : ✓ Example: Chatbots and AI-driven tools provide 24/7 customer
LB Gurung
support, improving user experience.
lbgurung00@gmail.com LBG
• Data management
✓ With the help of database software, an organization stores all its relevant
data on a database. This infrastructure can be designed when it is internal

▪ Impact of IT or external.
✓ An internal centralized system can only be accessed with in the
organization while an external centralized system allows data to be
accessed out side the organization using a remote (IP) internet protocol
Organizations Address or a domain name
✓ Data management is essential for businesses to organize, secure, and
utilize data effectively. By implementing strong data management
practices, organizations can make better decisions, improve operations,
and gain a competitive edge.
✓ Some data management tools are: MySql, MangoDB etc.
• Security and Risk Management

✓ IT systems provide tools to monitor and mitigate risks such as

▪ Impact of IT fraud, cyberattacks, and system failures.

✓ Cybersecurity technologies protect sensitive organizational
on data.
✓ Example: Firewalls, encryption, and multi-factor
authentication secure IT environments.

✓ Information Systems (IS) are vital in today’s digital world,
helping businesses, individuals, and governments work more
efficiently, make better decisions, and drive innovation in
▪ Importance of
different areas.
Information ✓ Information Systems (IS) play a transformative role in society
by improving communication, enhancing efficiency, fostering
Systems to
innovation, and providing solutions to global challenges.

The following points highlight why IS is essential to society:
✓ IT Affects Our Quality of Life
✓ Enhancing Communication and Connectivity
▪ Importance of
✓ Improvements in Healthcare
Information ✓ Robot revolution on the way
✓ Decision-Making Support
Systems to

✓ IT Affects Our Quality of Life

• IS provides flexibility of time and location, allowing

employees to work remotely and balance their professional
▪ Importance of and personal lives.

Information • IT allows people to work and communicate from

anywhere, reducing stress and saving time.
Systems to
• Everyday tasks like shopping, education, and entertainment
Society are simplified through e-commerce, e-learning platforms,
and streaming services.

✓ Enhancing Communication and Connectivity

• IS facilitate global communication through technologies like

email, social media, and video conferencing.
▪ Importance of • They have connected individuals and organizations across
geographical barriers, fostering collaboration and cultural
Systems to • Tools like emails, instant messaging, and video calls allow
people to connect and share information instantly, no matter
where they are in the world.

✓ Improvements in Healthcare

• Information systems are improving healthcare delivery through

innovations like electronic health records (EHR), telemedicine,
▪ Importance of and diagnostic tools.

Information • Robots and IT systems are used in surgeries, patient monitoring,

and delivering accurate and timely medical care.
Systems to • IS plays a critical role in medical innovation, such as

Society developing treatments, managing pandemics, and improving

global health infrastructure.
• Better and faster diagnoses and more accurate patient
monitoring LBG
✓ Robot revolution on the way

• Advancements in technology and automation are leading to a

"robot revolution," where robots and artificial intelligence (AI)
▪ Importance of
perform tasks traditionally done by humans. This will
Information transform industries like manufacturing, logistics, and
healthcare by improving efficiency and reducing costs.
Systems to
• The robot revolution is transforming industries, improving
Society productivity, and enhancing safety and convenience in areas
like the military, healthcare, and manufacturing.

✓ Robot revolution on the way

• Military Robots (BigDog): Assist in military operations by
▪ Importance of carrying equipment, navigating tough terrains, and improving

Information soldier safety and reduce human risks during dangerous

Systems to • Industrial Robots (Kiva Robots): used in manufacturing,

Society warehouses, and logistics to automate tasks like transporting

goods and assembling products and increase production speed
and reduce labor costs.
▪ What are Information Systems (IS) and why are they
important in today’s world?
▪ What are the core components of an Information System?
▪ Review
▪ How do Information Systems impact business decisions?
questions: ▪ How does studying Information Systems help individuals and
organizations adapt to technological changes?
▪ Explain the different types of Computer-Based Information
Systems (CBIS)
▪ Write the differences between: Information System and
Information Technology
▪ How do Management Information Systems (MIS) differ from
Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)?
▪ How do Decision Support Systems (DSS) assist managers in
▪ Review decision-making?
▪ How do Information Systems affect our quality of life in daily
▪ What role do Information Systems play in improving
healthcare and education?
Presented by : ▪ In what ways has IT improved customer service and
LB Gurung
satisfaction in organizations?


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