Slides Chapter 03

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Useful Algebraic Strucures

A group is a pair <G, *>, where G is a Set & * is binary
operation such that following properties hold,
1.Closure: If a and b are elements of G, then so is a*b
2.Associativity: If a, b and c are elements of G, then
a*(b*c) = (a*b)*c
3. Identity element: There exist an element I in G such that for all b
in G,
4. Inverse: For each element b in G, there exists exactly one element
c in G, such that
• A group may be infinite such as –set of all
integers with regular addition
• Finite such as: Zn = {0,1,2,…,n-1} with
modulo-n operation denoted by +n,
Example: “<Zn-{0}, *n> is a Group only if n is a
prime number”
• Here, *n denote “multiplication modulo n”
• Here, Closure & Associativity properties holds.
Identity element is 0.
But, does each element have inverse?
• If n is prime, then by corollary-1, for any b in
Zn we can find integers c & d such that,
So, n * d = 1 mod n,
Hence b-1 = c mod n
• If n is non-prime, let f be one of its non-zero
factors. Suppose f has an inverse say h.
So, f * h = 1 mod n or
f * h = 1 + k * n (for some integer k)
• Now, dividing throughout by n, we end up with
equating a fraction to an integer- a contradiction.
• Hence, some elements in Zn have no inverses.
So, <Zn-{0}, *n> is not a group if n is non-prime.
Hence, we conclude that “<Zn-{0}, *n> is a Group
only if n is a prime number”.
• Let, Zn* denote {i | 0<i<n and gcd(i,n)=1}
i.e. Zn* is set of all integers modulo n that are
relatively prime to n.

Ex: Z5* = {1, 2, 3, 4} and Z6* = {1, 5}

• Order of a group <G, *>: is number of elements in G.
• Euler Totient Function: denoted by Φ(n) is the order of
<Zn*, *n>.
Hence, Φ(5) = 4, Φ(6) = 2
• Sub-group: <G’, *> is a sub-group of <G, *>, if it satisfies
all the listed properties & if G’ is subset of G.
• Ex: Consider Z5* = {1, 2, 3, 4}
The different sub-groups are
< {1},*5>, <{1,4}, *5> and < Z5* ,*5>

• Lagrange’s Theorem:
“The order of any sub-group of a group divides
the order of the parent group”
• It says that, there is a restriction on the number
of elements in sub-groups.
• Hence, in above example, we don’t have a sub-
group of order=3.
• Let <G’, *> be a finite group and let g be an element
of G.
• We use gi to denote the element obtained by
performing * operation on g i-times.
ie. g * g * g * g ….*g i-times
Hence, g
g2 = g * g
g3 = g * g * g
g4 = g * g * g * g
The list will start repeating at some point.
• Let S denote the set of all unique elements in above
list, then we note the following:
• <S, *> is a subgroup of <G, *> generated by g &
denoted it as <g>.
• Generator:
A group <G, *> is cyclic, if there is atleast
one element g in it such that <g> is <G, *>. We
refer to such an element as Generator of <G, *>.

Ex: Consider <Z*13, *13>. In this group,

21 mod 13 = 2 22 mod 13 = 4 23 mod 13 = 8
24 mod 13 = 3 25 mod 13 = 6 26 mod 13 = 12
27 mod 13 = 11 28 mod 13 = 9 29 mod 13 = 5
210 mod 13 = 10 211 mod 13 = 7 212 mod 13 = 1

Hence, 2 is a generator of <Z*13, *13>. But, 3 is not.

• FACT: The group <Z*p, *p> where p is prime, is cyclic.

• FACT: The number of generators in <Z*p, *p> is Φ(p-1).

Let p be prime and let p1,p2,……,pk be the distinct prime
factors of p-1.
Then, g is a generator of <Z*p, *p> if and only if
g(p-1)/pi ≠ 1 mod p for all pi, 1≤i≤k
Ex: Check whether 7 and 3 are generators of <Z*13, *13> ?
The distinct prime factors of 12 are 2 and 3.
So, p1 = 2 and p2 = 3
Let us check whether 7 is a generator <Z*13, *13>,
712/2 mod 13 = 76 mod 13 = -1
and 712/3 mod 13 = 74 mod 13 = 9
Hence, 7 passes the test and is a generator.

But, 312/2 mod 13 = 36 mod 13 = 1

Hence, 3 fails the test and is not a generator of <Z*13, *13>.

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