English34 q1 w1 Lealamarca

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Lesson Plans for Multi Grade Classes

Grades llland lV Lea V. Lamarca
Teacher III
Calappawan Elementary School
Ballesteros District

Learning Area:English 3 & 4 Quarter: 1 Week: 1

Grade Level
Content Standards Oral Language Oral Language
The learner speech cues for clear expression of ideas -verbal cues for clear expression of ideas
demonstrates processes and information in text for articulation -of verbal and nonverbal cues for effective oral
understanding…. of ideas presentation
-information derived from multimedia sources
Fluency for clear and creative presentation
punctuation marks, rhythm, pacing, intonation
and vocal patterns as guide for fluent reading Fluency
and speaking -English is stress-timed language to achieve
accuracy and automaticity
Listening Comprehension
different listening strategies to comprehend texts Listening Comprehension
-the elements of literary and informational
Phonics and Word Recognition texts for comprehension
-processes in sight word recognition or phonic -text types to construct feedback
analysis to read and understand words
-familiar sight and irregularly spelled words for Vocabulary
automatic recognition -word meaning can be derived from different
Spelling - words are composed of different parts and
-letter sequence in words to get meaning their meaning changes depending on context
-word meaning changes based on context
English vocabulary used in both oral and written Reading Comprehension
language in a given context -various linguistics nodes to comprehend
various texts
Reading Comprehension -text elements to comprehend various texts
the elements of literary and expository texts for -writing styles to comprehend the author’s
creative interpretation message
-paragraph development to identify text types -reading in a wide range of texts provides
pleasure and an avenue for self-expression and
Writing and Composition personal development
-sentences and paragraphs in expressing ideas
Writing and Composition
Grammar -writing as a process
grammatical structures of English to be able to -the importance of using varied sources of
communicate effectively in oral and written information to support writing
Attitude -the conventions of standard English grammar
-narrative and informational texts for and usage when writing or speaking
appreciation of literacy-related activities/tasks -English grammar and usage in speaking or
Study Strategies
useful strategies for purposeful literacy learning Attitude
-nonverbal cues to communicate with others
-verbal and nonverbal elements of
communication to respond back

Study Strategies/ Research

-library skills to research on a variety of topics
Performance Oral Language Oral Language
Standards -uses speaking skills and strategies appropriately -actively creates and participates in oral
The learner… to communicate ideas in varied theme-based theme-based activities
tasks -efficiently delivers oral presentations
-creatively presents information in varied ways -creatively presents information using
-creatively presents information in varied ways broadcast media

Fluency Fluency
-fluently expresses ideas in various speaking -reads aloud text with accuracy, automaticity,
tasks and prosody
-accurately and fluently reads aloud literary
and informational texts Listening Comprehension
-recalls details, sequence of events, and shares
Listening Comprehension ideas on texts listened to
-uses information from texts viewed or listened -identifies story perspective and text elements
to in preparing logs and journals
Phonics and Word Recognition -uses different resources to find word meaning
-uses word recognition techniques to read and
understand words that contain complex letter -uses strategies to decode the meaning of
combinations, affixes and contractions through words
theme-based activities -uses strategies to decode the meaning of
-uses familiar sight and irregularly -spelled words words in context
in meaningful oral and written tasks
Reading Comprehension
Spelling -uses linguistic cues to appropriately construct
hears and records sounds in words meaning from a variety of texts for a variety of
Vocabulary -uses knowledge of text types to correctly
proficiency uses English vocabulary in varied and distinguish literary from informational texts
creative oral and written activities -uses diction (choice of words) to accurately
analyze text elements
Reading Comprehension -uses literal information from texts to aptly
-uses information derived from texts in infer and predict outcomes
presenting varied oral and written activities
-identifies correctly how paragraphs/ texts are Writing and Composition
developed -uses a variety of strategies to write
informational and literary compositions
Writing and Composition -uses varied sources of information to support
-composes three-to-five sentence paragraph writing

Grammar Grammar
shows proficiency in constructing grammatically -speaks and writes using good command of the
conventions of standard
Attitude -uses the classes of words aptly in oral and
makes personal journals, diaries, portfolios and written discourse
logs, etc. as expression of enthusiasm in reading
books both for pleasure and learning Attitude
-applies knowledge of nonverbal skills to show
Study Strategies respect when communicating with others
-uses strategies independently in accomplishing -uses paralanguage and nonverbal cues to
literacy-related tasks respond appropriately

Study Strategies/ Research

-uses library skills to gather appropriate and
relevant information
Competencies Day 1 Day 1
Write conversations with peers in variety of Uses the plural form of regular nouns
school settings EN4G-1a-b-2.3
EN3O1-19-3.9 Locates information using print and non-print
Study Strategy EN4SS-1b.6
Engage in a variety of ways to share information
(e.g. retelling) Speak clearly using appropriate pronunciation
En2SS-19-e-1.2 and intonation
Phonological Awareness/Phonics and Word
Review reading and writing short e, a and I or Day 2
CVC pattern Shows willingness and enthusiasm in reading and
EN3PWR-la-b-1 listening to a literary text
Read grade level texts consisting of 2 syllable
words with short vowel sound with at least 95 to Note details in a selection listened to
100% accuracy EN4LC-1b-1.1
Use context clues to find meaning of unfamiliar
Attitude words
Participate/ engage in read a long of texts (e.g. EN4V-la-1.14.4
poetry, repetitive texts
EN3A-1a-b-1 Speak clearly using appropriate pronunciation
and intonation
Listening Comprehension EN4OL-1b-1.14.4
Activate poor knowledge based in the stories to
be read Write 2 to 3 sentences about the characters in
EN3LC-1a-j-2 literary text listened to or read
Day 2
Listens to a variety of literary and expository text Shows willingness and enthusiasm in reading and
and note important details listening to a literary text
EN3LC-1a-j-2.1 EN4A-1a-c-19

Give the meaning of words used in story listened Day 3
to Conducts weekly quiz

Reading comprehension
Read simple sentences and levelled stories and
note details regarding characters, setting and

Distinguish sentences from non- sentences

Day 3
Writing Composition
Write different forms of simple compositions as a
response to stories/ poems listened to a short
(stories) paragraph
Conducts weekly quiz
Day 1
Lesson Objectives To write conversations with peers in variety of To uses the plural form of regular nouns
school setting To locates information using print and non- print

To engage in a variety of ways to share

information To speak clearly using appropriate pronunciation
and intonation
To review reading and writing short e, a and or
CVC pattern To note details in a selection listened to

To read grade level text consisting of 2 syllable To use context clues to find meaning of
words with short vowel sound with at least 95 – unfamiliar words
100% accuracy
To write 2 – 3 sentences about the characters in
To participate / engage in read along of texts literary text listened to or read

To activate poor knowledge based in the stories

to be read
Subject Matter Writing conversations with peers in variety of Speaking clearly using appropriate pronunciation
school settings and intonation

Engaging in a variety of ways to share Noting details in a selection listened to

Analysing a story in terms of its setting
Reviewing reading and writing short e,a and i or
CVC Pattern Writing 2 – 3 sentences about the characters in
literary text listened to or read
Reading grade level text consisting 2 syllable
words with short vowel sound with at least 95 –
100% accuracy

Participating/ engaging in reading along of texts

Activating poor knowledge based in the stories to

be read
Learning Resources BOW.LM, TG BOW, LM, TG
Procedures Grouping Structures (tick boxes):

Methodology:  Whole Class  Grade Groups

Use letter icons to show describe the parts of the lesson (for  Ability Groups
methodology and example the introduction), where you may  Friendship Groups
assessment activities address the whole class as one group  Other (specify)
 Mixed Ability Groups  Combination of Above
DT Direct Teaching Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activities
GW Group Work Set the atmosphere of the classroom. Conditioning of the pupil’s mind. Ask the pupils if they
W experience conversing to their schoolmate. Present the dialogue of pupils in the canteen. Unlocking
IL Independent Learning of difficulties before reading. Let the pupils read it. See Appendix 1
A Assessment Discuss the dialogue List all the nouns in the dialogue you read. Group
1. Who are talking in the dialogue? them into two.
2. Where are they?
3. What snacks is Ann wanted to buy?
4. Are they good to the health of children like
5. Why do we need to avoid these kinds of
Give the different school setting
Buddy-buddy Discuss…
Write a simple dialogue 1. What do you call the two or more persons,
places, things, animals and events?
2. How do make plural form of the noun?
3. What do you call this noun? See Appendix
Let the pupils exchange their work to each other
and let them give their reactions on their output. Use the pictures to complete the sentences by
giving the plural form of the nouns. See appendix
Let the pupils read the words with short vowels Let the pupils study the poster. See appendix 6.
sound. See appendix 4 Answer the following question.
Discuss the two syllable words with short vowel
sound. (See Appendix 5)

(dyad) Discuss…
Give the story of Toto Turtle to read. See Posters are materials with information that
Appendix 6. intend to advertise or publicize something.
Copy a two all two syllable short vowel in the Make a poster about protecting your rights as
story children
Read and discuss the poem (repetitive poem). Group the pupils. Let them exchange their work
See Appendix 7 to each other. Ask them to give their opinion.
Have the pupils read the poem again and again Discuss their output.
and be ready for individual reading
Individual reading. Used rubrics, see Appendix 8 Tell the pupils to look around and give the
Day 2
Lesson Objectives To listens to a variety of literary and expository To speak clearly using appropriate pronunciation
text and note important details and intonation

To give the meaning of words used in the story To note details in a selection listened to

To read simple sentences and levelled stories To use context clues to find meaning of
and note details regarding characters, settings unfamiliar words
and plot
To write 2 – 3 sentences about the characters in
To distinguish sentences from non-sentences literary text listened to or read
Subject Matter Listening to a variety and expository text and Showing willingness and enthusiasm in reading
note important details and listening to a literary text

Giving the meaning of words used in the story

Reading simple sentences and levelled stories

and note details regarding characters, settings
and plot

Distinguishing sentences from non-sentences

Learning Resources BOW, LM, TG BOW, LM, TG
Procedures Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activities
Review for the past lesson. Read again the story of Toto Turtle. Before reading unlock the following
words. (See Appendix 8.) The teacher read first the story using the Chunking Method. (See Appendix
9.) Have the pupils read the story with appropriate pronunciation and intonation.
Discuss the elements of the story. (See Copy the elements of the story
Appendix .10)
Group the pupils. Let them answer the Appendix Check and discuss their output.
Give the pupils another story. Let them read and Give the pupils another story. Let them describe
note the important details. See Appendix 12 them

Discuss… Write 2-3 sentences about the character in the
What is sentence? story, “The Lion and the Mouse.” See Appendix 1
See Appendix 13
Let them read the output of Grade 4 Discuss and check the output of pupils.
Identify if the group of sentence is sentence or Write a 3-4 sentences about Toto Turtle
non-sentence. See Appendix 15.
Day 3
Lesson Objectives Write different forms of simple compositions as a
response to stories/ poems listened to a short
(stories) paragraph To conduct s Weekly Quiz
To conducts Weekly Quiz
Subject Matter Write different forms of simple compositions as a Conducting Weekly Quiz
response to stories/ poems listened to a short
(stories) paragraph
Conducting Weekly Quiz
Learning Resources BOW, TG,LM
Procedures Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activities
Discussion… GW
See Appendix 16
Composition-the act of writing
Parts of composition
a. Introduction- the first paragraph
introduces the topic, says something
interesting about it.
b. Body-gives reader specific information
about the topic, supporting and developing
the topic.
c. Conclusion- often one paragraph, gives
readers a final, interesting point to think
Choose a particular topic. Write something about
Have the pupils write their composition
Test Proper Test Proper

Prepared by: Checked by: Validated by:


Teacher-III ESP-Filipino/ Division MG Coordinator ESP-Filipino/ Division MG Coordinator


Grade III Grade IV

Let’s Get Better in English TG, LM 3&4 English Teacher’s Manual 4
English For You and M, Reading and Language English Learner’s Material 4
Appendix 1 English 34, Q1, WK1

Day 1, Week 1, Grade 4

Dialogue of Pupils in the Canteen

It is recess time, three pupils are talking about what

snacks to buy.

Fe: What snacks will you buy for recess, Anne?

Anne: I’ll buy a bottle of soft drinks and a lollipop.

Liz: Miss Cruz said soft drinks and candies aren’t good for
snacks. Besides soft drinks are expensive.

Anne: What should I buy then?

Fe: Something good for children like soup, juice and fruits

Liz: I have a glass of milk but I want some puto for my brother
and me. How much is one puto?

Seller: One peso.

Anne: How much is the bowl of soup and two boiled bananas?

Seller: The soup is 5 pesos and the bananas are one peso each.
Appendix 2 English 34, Q1, WK1

Day 1, Week 1, Grade 4

Nouns- are name of person, place, animal, thing and

To form the plural of regular nouns add –s or –es.
Nous ending in y, change y to I then add es.
Some nouns ending in o, add es
Nouns ending in ss, ch, sh, add es

Add –s Add -s Add –es Add –es

Table-tables Bamboo- Church- Country-
bamboos churches countries
Chair-chairs Piano-pianos Dress-dresses Family-
Pencil-pencils Radio-radios Beach- Baby-babies
Appendix 3 English 34 Q1,

Day 1, Week 1, Grade 4

Complete the sentences by writing the correct plural form of

the pictures presented.

1. I seemany __________

2. The plant has two________.

3. My ________are painful

4. The _________are talking to each other.

5. There are __________in the bookshelf.

B. Give the plural of the following nouns.

Singular Plural
Appendix 4 English 34, Q1,
Day 1, Grade 3

Words with short vowel sound.

Short a Short e Short i Short o Short u

Pad Beg Bit jot Run
Mad Peg Bill Top Sun
Lad Men Kill Hot Nun
Sad Pen Tin Box Sum
Mat Den Sin Dot Run
Bat Set Bin Log Fun
Pat Met Lit Fog Gun
Appendix 5 English 34, Q1, WK1

Day 1, Grade 3

Two syllable words with short vowel sound

Contest Content
Shelter Plastic
Tinsel Hunger
Picnic Honey
Absent Public
Tennis Lumber
Herself Sudden
Kitten Monster
Temper Process
Selfish Marble

Appendix 6 English 34, Q1, WK1

Day 1, Grade 4

Answer the following questions about the foster

1. What pictures do you see in the posters?

2. What information do we get from the poster?
3. Is this a helpful material? Why? Why not?

Appendix 7 English 34, Q1, Wk1

Day 1, Grade 3&4

Toto Turtles Takes Time to Tuck and Think

Toto Turtles is a terrific turtle. He likes to play with his friends

Freddie Frog, Coco Crocodile and Lucky Duck.

Toto is kind and honest. But sometimes thing happen that can
make Toto really mad.

(What do you think does Toto Turtle do when he gets mad?)

When toto gets mad, he used to kick, hit or yell at his friend.
Then his friends get upset. Sometimes they got mad too. They
kick, hit or yell at Toto.

Mama Turtle is sad that Toto gets mad easily. “ Toto,” she says,
you are good turtle except when you are mad. “I’ll teach you a
way not to get mad easily. It’s called, “Think like a turtle.”

“Think like a turtle?” asked Toto. “Yes,” Mama Turtle

answers. Just follow these four steps.
1. Know your feeling?
2. Think and tell yourself, Stop!
3. Tuck yourself inside your shell and take deep breaths. If
you still feel bad, take more deep breaths.
4. Come out when calm and think of a solution.
Do you think Toto Turtle will follow what Mama Turtle
The next day, Toto is playing with his friends when he
is hits by a ball. Toto starts to feel mad. He yells,
“Ouch!” Who threw the ball? Was it you Coco?”
Coco says, “I’m sorry Toto. I did not mean to hit you.
(What do you think will Toto Turtle do to Coco
Toto starts to walk to Coco to hit him but he remembers
what Mam Turtle said, “Think like a Turtle.
Toto stops and thinks, why do I feel mad?” Coco did not
hit me because he wanted to. I got in the way of the
Coco tucks his head inside his shell and takes three
deep breaths then three more deep breaths and then
two more. Then he looks at Coco. It’s alright Coco. But
next time be careful with the ball, okay?
Appendix 8 English 34, Q1, WK1

Day 1, Grade 3

The Bells

To the swinging and to the ringing

Of the bells, bells, bells

Of the bells, bells, bells, bells

Bells, bells, bells…

To the ringing and chiming of the bells.

Witch, Witch

Witch, witch where do you fly?

Under the clouds or over the sky

Witch, witch what do you eat?

Little black apples from down the street

Witch, witch what do you drink?

Vinegar and red ink

Witch, witch where do you sleep?

Up in the clouds where the pillows are cheap.

Appendix 9 English 34, Q1, WK1

Day1, Grade 3

Rubric in reading the Poem

Can read poem with fluency, appropriate rhythm, pacing and


Can read poem with little fluency, little appropriate rhythm,

little pacing and

Can read poem but without fluency, appropriate rhythm pacing

and intonation……………………………………………………….. 1pt

Appendix 10 English 34 Q1 Week

Day 1, Grade 4
Unlocking of Difficulties in the story

1. Terrific
Your score are very high, they are terrific.
a. awesome b. bad c. beautiful
2. Mad
If you keep teasing that dog you will make him mad.
a. Angry b. happy c.
3. Tuck
A boy tucks his t-shirt in his pant.
a. To hide b. to save c.
to keep
4. Yell
The angry boys yell to their enemy.
a. Shout b. laugh c. cry
Appendix 11 English 34, Q1, Wk1

Day 2, Grade 3&4

Toto Turtles Takes Time to Tuck and Think

Toto Turtles is a terrific turtle. He likes to play with his friends

Freddie Frog, Coco Crocodile and Lucky Duck.

Toto is kind and honest. But sometimes thing happen that can
make Toto really mad.

(What do you think does Toto Turtle do when he gets mad?)

When Toto gets mad, he used to kick, hit or yell at his friend.
Then his friends get upset. Sometimes they got mad too. They
kick, hit or yell at Toto.

Mama Turtle is sad that Toto gets mad easily. “ Toto,” she says,
you are good turtle except when you are mad. “I’ll teach you a
way not to get mad easily. It’s called, “Think like a turtle.”

“Think like a turtle?” asked Toto. “Yes,” Mama Turtle

answers. Just follow these four steps.
5. Know your feeling?
6. Think and tell yourself, Stop!
7. Tuck yourself inside your shell and take deep breaths. If
you still feel bad, take more deep breaths.
8. Come out when calm and think of a solution.
Do you think Toto Turtle will follow what Mama Turtle
The next day, Toto is playing with his friends when he
is hits by a ball. Toto starts to feel mad. He yells,
“Ouch!” Who threw the ball? Was it you Coco?”
Coco says, “I’m sorry Toto. I did not mean to hit you.
(What do you think will Toto Turtle do to Coco
Toto starts to walk to Coco to hit him but he remembers
what Mam Turtle said, “Think like a Turtle.
Toto stops and thinks, why do I feel mad?” Coco did not
hit me because he wanted to. I got in the way of the
Coco tucks his head inside his shell and takes three
deep breaths then three more deep breaths and then
two more. Then he looks at Coco. It’s alright Coco. But
next time be careful with the ball, okay?
Appendix 12 English 34, Q1, WK1
Day 1, Grade 3&4

Element of a story

1. Characters
-person or animals involve in the story
- answer the question who
2. Setting
a. Place- answer the question where
e b. date- answers the question when
3. Problem- answers the question what
Reasons- answer the question why.
Process- answers the question how

4. Ending- result of to the story

Appendix 13 English 34, Q1, WK 1
Day 2, Grade 3&4

Write the five elements of the story in the staircase

Use the guide Questions
1. What is the title of the story?
2. Where and when did the story did the story happen?
3. Who are the characters in the story?
4. What is the problem? Solution?
5. What is the ending?





Appendix 14 English 34, Q1,
Day 2, Grade 3


Is a group of words that expresses a


It starts with a capital letter

It ends with a period (.), question (?), or

exclamation point (!)


The crow is a black bird.

How are you?

Ouch! I bite my tongue.


Does not expresses a complete thought

It does no starts with a capital letter.

It does not end with a punctuation mark

Appendix 15 English 34, Q1, Wk1

Day 2, Grade 3&4

The Lion and the Mouse

Once upon a time in the forest, there live a lion and a mouse.

One day a little mouse running about awakened the lion from
its sleep. The lion was very angry and was about to eat the
mouse, when the little mouse cried. “Forgive me this time.
Someday I may be able to help you.” The lion laughed at the
idea of the mouse helping him. But at the end he set the mouse

A week later a group of hunters set a trap in the forest. The lion
was caught in the trap. The hunters tied him to the tree and left
to look for a cart to carry him. The little mouse came and
gnawed the rope. The lion was set free.

The mouse said, “ Little friends may prove great friends”.

Appendix 16 English 34, Q1, WK1

Day 2, Grade 4

Title: _____________________






Problem/solution: Ending:

________________ _______________
________________ _______________
________________ _______________
________________ _______________
________________ _______________
_____________ _______________

Appendix 16 English 34, Q1, WK 1

Day 2, Grade 3
Write sentence if the group of words is sentence and non-
sentence if the group of word is not sentence.

A. 1. Are you alright?

2. Near the well
3. Inside my bag
4. Wow! You are so beautiful.
5. I have a fat pet dog.

B. Write 5 sentences and 5 non sentences.


Appendix 17 English 34, Q1, WK 1

Day 2, Grade 3

Composition-the act of writing

Parts of composition
Appendix 12 English 34, Q1, WK1
Day 3, Grade 3

Write S if the group of words is a sentence, NS if the group

of words is non-sentence.
1. There are many children in the street.
2. Often field
3. Where do you go?
4. I love my country.
5. Within the year

Encircle the two syllable word with short vowel sound in

the table.

o p o T t e r b s G
p s p P y n k w e K
i d e I h t b e v T
s l n C k h P t e R
t r k T m i I y n V
o g l C o r n e r A
l h q E v n d l c X
t j w R t l y p s Z

Give the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence.

1. Most insect have antenna.
a. A sensitive organ on the head.
b. A device
2. The knife is very sharp.
a. Intelligent b. keen c. having thin
3. The eagle was carrying a mouse in its claws.
a. Part of the toe b. hammer c. excavating machine

Identify the element of the story.

Buddy and the Cat

Little Cockroach is a house bug. Mother

Bug always tells him to stay in dark places and hide. He listens
to her with half an ear not really believing in what she says.
“How could they not like me? I have beautiful, shiny wings and
long antenna. Surely they would love me,” he thought. Then,
Buddy saw a black cat and said, “I will show Mother that she is
wrong.” But the cat saw him, it immediately jumped and
started running after him with it sharp claws. Buddy run fast as
he could to the dark place under the cabinet and never ever
came out.

1. What is the setting
2. Who are the characters?
3. What is the problem?
4. What is the ending?
Appendix 19 English 34, Q1, WK1

Day 3, Grade 3&4


I. Give the plural of the following nouns.

1. Leaf-
2. Bench
3. Grass
4. Radio
5. Tomato

II. Make a poster about making or saving our natural


Use a rubrics in grading.

III. Identify the element of the story.

Buddy and the Cat

Little Cockroach is a house bug. Mother Bug always tells him to

stay in dark places and hide. He listens to her with half an ear
not really believing in what she says. “How could they not like
me? I have beautiful, shiny wings and long antenna. Surely they
would love me,” he thought. Then, Buddy saw a black cat and
said, “I will show Mother that she is wrong.” But the cat saw
him, it immediately jumped and started running after him with
it sharp claws. Buddy run fast as he could to the dark place
under the cabinet and never ever came out.

1. What is the setting?
2. Who are the characters?
3. What is the problem?
4. What is the ending?

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