For Study Purposes
For Study Purposes
For Study Purposes
Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).
Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.
Part 1: Background
The company majorly offers services in mechanical, electrical, and plumbing besides other
services like wall partitioning, finishing works such as painting and design. And typical activities
include surface preparation, sanding of the walls before painting, manual handling of MEP and
General description of the organisation
other materials, and mechanized lifting of heavy materials, welding, grinding, and movement of
workers around the site among other activities.
The company has 2 shifts and that is day and night shifts. Day shift starts from 6:00 am up to 5:00
pm (8 hours normal working time, 1-hour lunch break, and 2 hours overtime). The second shift
starts from 8:00 pm to 6:00 am also broken down into 8 hours standard working time, 1-hour
break, and 1 hour overtime.
Description of the area to be included in the There is an ongoing construction of a megaproject in Doha downtown Misheerab of a high raised
risk assessment building and Delta MEP contracting was subcontracted to do all the finishing works and MEP
I went ahead to review the health and safety records such as inspection reports, medical and
accident records, method statements, the existing risk assessment among other records. This was
intended to find any anomalies in these records and to also know whether they are meeting the
legal and standard requirements. I also carried out a site inspection to identify unsafe acts and
conditions and also checked the material safety data sheets to help me identify the hazards
associated with the chemicals used on-site including the control measures to control such hazards.
Thereafter I sat down and reviewed the notes I had made from all the methods I used to identify
hazards to decide on what additional controls are needed in order to control the risk.
Hazard category and Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
hazard and how? doing? required? further actions person’s job
to be title
(within …)
Fire MEP technicians, main Suitable smoking zones have 1. Ensure that all combustible 2 Days Foreman
contractor’s workers, been put in place. materials are removed away
Hazard: Welding and helpers, welders. from where the hot work
cutting of pipes, A well-written emergence activities are taking place.
smoking from Such hot work activities fire procedure that is
undesignated places. and smoking can cause a regularly tested is in place. 2. Install a suitable welding and 2 weeks Foreman
fire which can result in cutting booth.
property damage, cause A trained fire watcher is in
injuries to workers such place. 3. Ensure there is proper 2 days Foreman
as skin burns which can monitoring ad supervision in
as well result in death, All the workers involved in place.
and inhalation of smoke these hot work activities are
can cause suffocation. well trained and are
Hazardous substances Painters, helpers, the Dust masks have been given 1. Consider purchasing on-tool 1 month Procurement
(Chemical agent) grinding machine to all workers involved in extraction grinding machine and officer
operator, workers for the grinding works. train the workers on its proper
Hazard: High companies. use.
concentration of dust Water is used to wet the
caused by grinding Regularly breathing of surface before and during the 2. Workers should receive dust 2 weeks Safety officer
works this dust can cause grinding. awareness training
Hazardous Substances All workers i.e. MEP Proper P.P.E has been No further controls needed N/A N/A
(Biological agent) workers, helpers, provided to all workers such
painters, workers of as masks and gloves.
Hazard: Covid-19 other companies
Proper cleaning of all surface
Exposure to Covid-19 using detergents is done.
when in contact with
contaminated surfaces Proper training regarding
and inhalation of covid19 awareness has been
contaminated air with provided to all workers and
covid-19 virus can cause frequently reminded about its
ill health to the workers dangers.
and even death
Proper signs have been
placed in all strategic areas
such as mandatory mask
Provisions of sufficient
Standard operating
procedures set by government
are being followed strictly in
all activities and how work is
being done.
Manual Handling Mainly helpers Suitable personal protective 1. Ensure there is proper Immediately Foreman
equipment has been given to supervision of all the manual
Hazard: Workers When it’s done all workers involved in handling activities.
offloading materials improperly, it can lead manual handling.
and stacking in the to back injuries, tendon 2. Job rotation should be exercised 2 weeks Foreman
storage facility and ligament injuries, Workers involved in manual to reduce on the exposure levels.
muscles injuries, handling activity have
hernias, work related received manual handling 3. Safe working methods should be 1 month Safety officer
upper disorders, cuts, training. developed and communicated to
burns, dislocations and the workers
broken Manual handling aides are
largely used during the
manual handling activity
Work at height MEP technicians, Proper P.P.E have been to the 1. All floor openings should be 1 week Foreman
painters, helpers, workers such as helmets. properly covered.
Hazard: MEP visitors, clients, foreman
technicians and and workers of other Proper lighting is place on 2. Put permanent barriers at the
Painters working near companies. both staircases and all others elevator shaft openings with the 2 weeks Foreman
open floors and areas. warning signage attached.
unguarded elevator These unsafe conditions
Slips and trips Operatives in the site, Provision of spill kits for 1. All trailing cables should be 2 weeks Foreman
client, consultant and cleaning up the oil and paint properly managed
Hazard: Paint visitors spillage.
spillages, trailing 2. Ensure proper housekeeping on 1 week Foreman
cables, uneven Provision of drip trays for site
ground, poor These can results into preventing paint spills.
housekeeping in some muscle strains/sprains, 3. Ensure uneven ground should be 2 weeks Foreman
parts of the site, broken bones from Grading of uneven floor has levelled
Improper storage of tripping over cables or been done
the tools tools/equipment left in
walkways, or on wet
Hazardous All workers especially Use of recommended 1. Consider using Local exhaust 2 months Procurement
Substances(chemicals Painters and helpers P.P.E(respiratory masks, ventilation for extracting paint officer
) vinyl gloves, hard foot wear, fumes out.
Epoxy paints are highly coveralls)
Specific legal arguments According to International Labour Organization ILO C062 safety provisions (building) convention
1937 part II of the general rules as to the scaffolds states that:
Every opening in the floor of a building or in a working platform shall, except for the time
and to the extent required to allow the access of persons or the transport or shifting of
material, be provided with suitable means to prevent the fall of persons or material.
And according to the International Labour Organisation codes of practice on safety and health in
construction states that:
All appropriate precautions should be taken:
To ensure that all workplaces are safe and without risk of injury to the safety and health of
To protect persons present at or in the vicinity of a construction site from all risks which may
arise from such site
Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood of accidents happening that will result into injuries is likely, this is due to the fact that
types of injury or ill health there are many workers working in these areas and on a daily basis and there is nothing that has been
done to help in reducing the risk. No barriers installed around these floor openings, neither are there
Welding is being carried out on a daily basis due to MEP installations taking place in the building.
And the number of workers who are at risk range from MEP technicians, painters, helpers, visitors,
clients, foreman to workers of other companies since the site has more
There are different activities taking place around these areas on a daily basis by different groups of
workers on different floors especially 2nd floor to 5th floor.