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Refractive index of prism experiment pdf files 2017

A simple method of measuring refractive indices of bulk materials using a prism coupling procedure is described. Refractive indices are determined from the measurement of the angle incident to the prism at which total reflection on the prism base breaks. This method is shown to possess the advantages of its simple procedure and sample
preparation. The accuracy is comparable with that of minimum deviation method if the prism is well calibrated. Experimental results for several materials are given with an evaluation of possible errors. © 1983 Optical Society of America Full Article | PDF Article More Like This Previous Article Next Article You do not have subscription access to this
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Member Subscription Metrics Embed Size (px) 344 x 292429 x 357514 x 422599 x 487physics investigatory project on Refractive Index of different liquids using hollow prismMADE BY -: Harshita Goyal CLASS -: XII BOARD ROLL NO. -: 5663805CERTIFICATE This is to certify that KASHIF KHAN of class XII-A has completed the physics project
entitled TO FIND THE REFRACTIVE INDEX OF DIFFERENT LIQUIDS USING HOLLOW PRISM under the guidance of her physics teacher Mrs. MENKA PRABHAKAR and lab assistant Mr. KUNDAN. The progress of the project has been continuously reported and has been acknowledged consistently.Menka Prabhakar(Physics
Teacher)ACKNOWLEDGEMENTI would like to owe the sense of gratitude to our physics teacher Mrs. MENKA PRABHAKAR for her consistent guidance, support and encouragement without which this project would not able to exist in present shape.I would also like to thank our Lab assistant Mr.KUNDAN, my parents for their blessings and my
friends for their help in order to complete the project. C O N T E N T To find refractive index of different liquids using hollow prism.THEORYPRISM: A prismis a transparent optical element with flat, polished surfaces thatrefractlight. Prisms can be made from any material that is transparent including glass,plastic andfluorite.A prism can be used to
break light up into its constituentspectralcolors. Prisms can also be used toreflectlight, or to split light into components with differentpolarizations. REFRACTION:The refractive index of the liquid Is given by the formula: FLUIDSREFRACTIVE INDEXWater1.33Glycerine1.47Ethyl Alcohol1.36Vegetable Oil1.45Acetone 1.36HCl1.34Where: = refractive
index of the liquid = the angle of minimum deviationr = angle of refractioni = angle of incidenceA = angle of prismPROCEDURE Fix a white sheet of paper on the drawing board with help of drawing pins. Keep the prism and mark the outline of it as ABC. Drop a normal PQ on the side AB. Draw the angle of incidence in accordance with the normal PQ
and place 2 pins so that they appear to be in the straight line. Place the prism filled with given sample of liquid ,on the marked outline ABC. Now take the pins and place them on the side AC so that all the 4 pins appears to be in same line. Remove the prism and draw the line joining the points so obtained. Mark the diagram as shown in the figure.
Repeat this with different liquids and different angle of incidence. HCl ethyl alcoholS.No. i e d A 1. 35 48 24 60 2. 40 52 30 60 3. 45 42 25 60 4. 50 36 26 60 5. 55 32 28 60S.No. i e d A 1. 35 52 26 60 2. 40 44 25 60 3. 45 41 25 60 4. 50 36 26 60 5. 55 32 27 60RESULTTHE REFRACTIVE INDEX OF ETHYL ALCOHOL EXPERIMENTAL-1.36
CALCULATED- 1.34THE REFRACTIVE INDEX OF HCL EXPERIMENTAL- 1.34 CALCULATED- 1.34PRECAUTIONS Angle of incidence should lie b/w 35-60 degree. Pins should be vertically fixed and should lie in same line. Distance b/w two points should not be less than 10mm. Same angle of prism should be used for all observation. Arrow head should
be marked to represent emergent and incident ray.bibliography wikipedia.org google.com physicsforlife.com {physicsforlife.com} earthphysics.comCALCULATION GRAPH HCL ethyl alcohol Embed Size (px) 344 x 292429 x 357514 x 422599 x 487physics investigatory project on Refractive Index of different liquids using hollow prismMADE BY -:
Harshita Goyal CLASS -: XII BOARD ROLL NO. -: 5663805CERTIFICATE This is to certify that KASHIF KHAN of class XII-A has completed the physics project entitled TO FIND THE REFRACTIVE INDEX OF DIFFERENT LIQUIDS USING HOLLOW PRISM under the guidance of her physics teacher Mrs. MENKA PRABHAKAR and lab assistant Mr.
KUNDAN. The progress of the project has been continuously reported and has been acknowledged consistently.Menka Prabhakar(Physics Teacher)ACKNOWLEDGEMENTI would like to owe the sense of gratitude to our physics teacher Mrs. MENKA PRABHAKAR for her consistent guidance, support and encouragement without which this project
would not able to exist in present shape.I would also like to thank our Lab assistant Mr.KUNDAN, my parents for their blessings and my friends for their help in order to complete the project. C O N T E N T To find refractive index of different liquids using hollow prism.THEORYPRISM: A prismis a transparent optical element with flat, polished
surfaces thatrefractlight. Prisms can be made from any material that is transparent including glass,plastic andfluorite.A prism can be used to break light up into its constituentspectralcolors. Prisms can also be used toreflectlight, or to split light into components with differentpolarizations. REFRACTION:The refractive index of the liquid Is given by
the formula: FLUIDSREFRACTIVE INDEXWater1.33Glycerine1.47Ethyl Alcohol1.36Vegetable Oil1.45Acetone 1.36HCl1.34Where: = refractive index of the liquid = the angle of minimum deviationr = angle of refractioni = angle of incidenceA = angle of prismPROCEDURE Fix a white sheet of paper on the drawing board with help of drawing pins.
Keep the prism and mark the outline of it as ABC. Drop a normal PQ on the side AB. Draw the angle of incidence in accordance with the normal PQ and place 2 pins so that they appear to be in the straight line. Place the prism filled with given sample of liquid ,on the marked outline ABC. Now take the pins and place them on the side AC so that all the
4 pins appears to be in same line. Remove the prism and draw the line joining the points so obtained. Mark the diagram as shown in the figure. Repeat this with different liquids and different angle of incidence. HCl ethyl alcoholS.No. i e d A 1. 35 48 24 60 2. 40 52 30 60 3. 45 42 25 60 4. 50 36 26 60 5. 55 32 28 60S.No. i e d A 1. 35 52 26 60 2. 40 44
25 60 3. 45 41 25 60 4. 50 36 26 60 5. 55 32 27 60RESULTTHE REFRACTIVE INDEX OF ETHYL ALCOHOL EXPERIMENTAL-1.36 CALCULATED- 1.34THE REFRACTIVE INDEX OF HCL EXPERIMENTAL- 1.34 CALCULATED- 1.34PRECAUTIONS Angle of incidence should lie b/w 35-60 degree. Pins should be vertically fixed and should lie in same line.
Distance b/w two points should not be less than 10mm. Same angle of prism should be used for all observation. Arrow head should be marked to represent emergent and incident ray.bibliography wikipedia.org google.com physicsforlife.com {physicsforlife.com} earthphysics.comCALCULATION GRAPH HCL ethyl alcoholPage 21.Refractive index of
the prism. Aim To determine the angle of prism and the angle of minimum deviation and hence to determine the refractive index of the prism using spectrometer. Formula 2 2 A D Sin A Sin μ = refractive index of the prism A = angle of the prism D=angle of minimum deviation Procedure To determine the angle of prism. The preliminary adjustment
of the spectrometer are made. The prism is placed at the prism table with its refracting edge facing the collimator. The telescope is moved to view the reflected image from one side of the prism. The reading is noted from both the vernier scale. Let it be R1. The telescope is moved to the other side to view the image. The reading is calculated from
both vernier. Let it be R2. The difference between two the reading R1 and R2 gives 2A. Hence A is calculated. To determine the angle of minimum deviation. The edge of the prism is turned away from the collimator. Telescope is adjusted to view the refracted image. The prism table is rotated in such a direction the angle of deviation decreases. At a
particular position the image remains stationary for a moment and moves in the opposite direction. This position is called is known as minimum deviation position. The reading is noted for both vernier (R3). Prism is removed and direct image is viewed. The readings is noted (R4 ) The difference between R3 and R4 is the angle of minimum deviation D.
The refractive index of the prism is calculated using the formula 2 2 A D Sin A Sin Observation: Least count of the spectrometer. 1 MSD= ______ Number of divisions in vernier scale(N) =_______ Least count = 1 1x MSD N Angle of prism Ray Vermier I Vernier II main scale reading VC Total reading= MSR+ (V.CxL.C) Main scale reading VC Total
reading= MSR+ (V.CxL.C) Ray reflected from one side of the prism Ray reflected from other side of the prism . Angle of minimum deviation Ray Vermier I Vernier II main scale reading VC Total reading= MSR+ (V.CxL.C) Main scale reading VC Total reading= MSR+ (V.CxL.C) Reading of minimum deviation position Direct ray . Result: 1. The angle of
the prism: 2. The angle of minimum deviation: 3. The refractive index of the prism: 2.Spectrometer – grating. Aim To determine the wavelength of the spectral lines of mercury spectrum using spectrometer. Formula: Sin Nm λ = wavelength of the spectral line θ = angle of diffraction m= order of the spectrum N= number of lines per unit length in
the grating element.. Procedure:. The preliminary adjustment of the spectrometer are made The grating is placed on the prism table and direct image is viewed. The telescope is rotated through an angle 90 0 and fixed. The prism table is rotated until the image of the slit reflected by the grating is seen. Now the vernier table is rotated in appropriate
direction through 45 0 so that the rays of light from the collimator falls normally on the grating. The telescope is released and adjusted to view the image of spectral line (blue). The reading from both the vernier is noted. Let it be R2 The telescope is moved in same direction to view the yellow and green light and the corresponding readings are noted.
The telescope is moved to view the direct image. Let it be R1. The difference between R2 and R1 gives the angle of diffraction θ The wavelength of the spectral line of the mercury spectrum is calculated using the formula Sin Nm Observation: Number of lines per unit length in the grating element =N= ________ Order of the spectrum = m= _________
Vernier I Vernier II Direct reading (R1) Result: The wavelength of the line spectral lines of mercury spectrum are determined. 1. Wavelength of blue colour = _________ 2. Wavelength of green colour = _________ 3. Wavelength of yellow colour = _________ Colour Vermier I(R1) Vernier II (R2) Vernier I Vernier II MSR VC Total reading = MSR+ (V.CxL.C)
MSR VC Total reading = MSR+ (V.CxL.C) θ1 = R1 – R2 θ2 = R1 –R2 θ = θ1 + θ2 2 Blue Green Yellow 3. Metre bridge. Aim To determine the resistance and specific resistance of the wire using metre bridge. Formula X R l X R l X= Resistance of the wire R = known resistance Xl = balancing length of the unknown resistance Rl = balancing length of
the known resistance. 2r X l ρ = specific resistance of the wire r = radius of the wire X= resistance of the wire l = length of the wire. Before interchanging After interchanging Procedure: A resistance box R is connected in the left gap. The unknown resistance X is connected in the right gap. Now a suit able resistance is included in the resistance
box R. Let J be the position of the jockey where there is null deflection in the galvanometer. The balancing length AJ( l1 ) is measured. The length BJ is( l2.) The resistance in the resistance box is increased in the order of 1Ω and each time the balancing length is determined. The resistance box R and unknown resistance X is inter changed. The
experiment is repeated as before by including the same values of resistance. In this case the balancing length AJ gives l4 and l3 is calculated. The values of lx and lR is calculated. The unknown resistance is calculated by using the formula X R l X R l . The radius of the wire is calculated using the screw gauge. The specific resistance of the wire is
calculated using the formula 2r X l observation: Length of the wire = _______ Resistance of the wire : S.No R (ohm) Balancing length before interchanging Balancing length after interchanging Mean X R l X R l ohm l1 cm l2 = 100-l1 cm l4 cm l3 =100-l4 cm 1 3 2 R l l l cm 2 4 2 X l l l cm 1 2 3 4 5 Radius of the wire: Least count = ______ Zero error
= _______ Zero correction = _______ Result : 1. The resistance of the given wire = ___________ 2. The specific resistance of the wire = ___________ S.No P.S.R (mm) H.S.C C.H.S.R Total reading = PSR + (CHSR X LC) (mm) 1 2 3 4 4.potentiometer. Aim To compare the emf of the two given cells using potentiometer. Formula : 1 1 2 2 E l E l E1 =
Electromotive force of leclanche cell E2 = Electromotive force of Daniel cell l1 = balancing length of leclanche cell l2 = balancing length of Daniel cell Circuit diagram: Procedure: Connection are given as in the circuit diagram. The leclanche cell is included in the secondary circuit by putting the DPDT switch in the appropriate position. Contact is
made with the jockey at various points on the potentiometer wire. The point of contact at which the galvanometer shows null deflection is found out. The balancing length (l1) is measured. With out changing the position of rheostat the DPDT switch is put on the other side so that the Daniel cell is connected and balancing length (l2) is noted. The
readings are tabulated. The experiment is repeated by changing the position of the rheostat. For each position of rheostat , the balancing lengths for both the cells is determined. The mean ratio of e.m.f is calculated using the formula 1 1 2 2 E l E l Observation: Result: The mean ratio of emf of two cells = S.No Balancing length of leclanche cell (cm)
Balancing length of Daniel cell (cm) 1 1 2 2 E l E l 1 2 3 4 5 6 5. Tangent galvanometer. Aim To determine the horizontal component of earth magnetic field using tangent galvanometer. Formula: 0 2 tan H n I B a BH = Horizontal component of magnetic field Page 3
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