BIOL2265-Fundamentals of Microbiology-Course Description
BIOL2265-Fundamentals of Microbiology-Course Description
BIOL2265-Fundamentals of Microbiology-Course Description
Number of Credits: 3
Level: Undergraduate –Year II
BIOL1262 – Diversity of Living organisms I, BIOL1263- Living organisms II, BIOL 1362-
Biochemistry I and BIOL1363- Genetics I
Semester: 2
Offering Department:
Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, The University of the West
Indies, St. Augustine
Course description
This course covers an overview of the fundamental diversity, taxonomy and phylogeny of
archaebacteria, eubacteria, fungi and viruses. Bacterial genetic recombination, growth, nutrition
as well as carbon and energy metabolism will also be covered in addition to the principles of
analytical and diagnostic microbiology. The course is organized into face-to-face lectures,
tutorials and laboratory sessions. General and specific concepts would be covered in lectures
while tutorials would be interactive, with students expected to prepare and fully participate in
discussions and other class activities. Students will be continuously assessed via in-course tests,
activities during lectures and tutorials, and attendance and participation in tutorials. Students’
laboratory reports will be assessed and there is also a final end-of-semester theory examination.
Purpose of course/rationale
The course provides fundamental training in theoretical and practical microbiology and is a core
requirement for the degree and major in biology in the Department of Life Sciences, UWI, St.
Augustine. The course will also be useful to students with interests in other disciplines that have
microbiological applications such as environmental biology and ecology, remediation
technology, microbial natural product chemistry, biotechnology, biochemistry and medicine.
This course will also serve as the prerequisite for the more specialized Level III courses related
to microbiology, biotechnology and plant pathology.
Instructor Information
BIOL 2265 will be managed by a course coordinator and would be taught be a team of
experienced lecturers, supported by a Teaching Assistant/Instructor and laboratory
demonstrators. Office hours for the coordinator and lecturers are posted on the faculty bulletin
boards and are available from the Department of Life Sciences’ general office. Team members
can also be contacted via e-mail.
Letter to students
Welcome to BIOL 2265- Fundamentals of Microbiology. This course covers the fundamental
biology of major groups of microorganisms including bacteria, fungi and viruses. Significant
attention is also placed on covering the basic methods used in microbiology. The course is taught
through a series of 18 lectures, 12 tutorials and 12 hours of labs. The course is quite extensive
and students must make a sincere effort to do well. It is important to attend lectures in order to
benefit from more in depth analysis and details that cannot be gained from downloading and
reading the PowerPoint and video presentations of the lectures. Please make use of
supplementary information provided to strengthen foundation and enhance understanding of
material covered.
BIOL 2265 covers the following content:
Microbial diversity
Microbial growth and nutrition
Bacterial genetic recombination
Carbon and energy metabolism of chemotrophs
Bacterial photosynthesis
Control of microorganisms
Enumeration of microorganisms
Biochemical and molecular identification of microorganisms
Immunology and serology
Microbial ecology
Course goal:
The goal of the course is to provide student with general knowledge on the biology of
microorganisms and develop basic practical skills used in their study.
General Objectives:
Students completing the course will have:
1. A fundamental understanding of the diversity, taxonomy, physiology and genetics of
bacteria, fungi and viruses;
Learning objectives:
Upon completing this course, students will be able to
- describe the general features of microbial diversity and structure and function of
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells;
- review of diversity and importance of microorganism to humans and environment;
- differentiate and identify major taxonomic groups of fungi and fungal-like organisms
based on morphology, nutrition, reproduction and ecology;
- describe the general structural, genetic and reproductive characteristics of viruses
- describe the general characteristics and life cycles of named bacteriophages and animal
- describe the general characteristics of the HIV virus ;
- explain how the virus affects humans in causing AIDS as well as how the disease is
- explain the different ways by which genetic changes can take place in bacteria;
- explain the function of different types of culture media;
- explain carbon and energy metabolic processes of microbes;
- compare and contrast carbon and energy metabolism between chemoheterotrophs and
- compare and contrast chemotrophic and phototrophic respiration;
- explain how intrinsic and extrinsic factors affect microbial growth and activity;
- describe the mechanisms used by microorganisms to survive harsh/extreme conditions;
- describe the typical bacterial growth curve and explain the processes influencing and/or
taking place at each phase;
- explain how growth process can be controlled under continuous culture conditions;
- explain how microbial cultures can be isolates and purified;
- describe the different way to control microorganisms;
- explain the effect of different control factors on microbial cells;
- explain how the effectiveness of disinfectants can be assessed;
- explain the principles of classifying and naming microorganisms using conventional and
current taxonomic tools;
- explain the differences between Eubacteria and Archaebacteria;
- compare and contrast the different methods use in enumerating microorganisms;
- describe and explain the interactions of among microorganisms and between
microorganisms and other forms of life;
Mode of Delivery:
Lectures and tutorials – 30 hrs
- Lectures : Didactic; interactive
- Tutorials: Interactive; mind maps; problem-solving
Laboratory classes- 12 hours
(4 three- hour sessions): Interactive practical tasks; problem-solving
Coursework for BIOL 2265 will be assigned as follows:
2. In-course Test-20%
The tests would comprise of MCQs and structured questions.
3. Laboratory reports-20%
Students are required to submit full or summarized lab reports and complete a lab quiz.
4. Class participation- 5%
Student participation in lectures and tutorial sessions will be monitored by the tutor and a
grade assigned at the end of the semester. Participation in tutorials shall include more
than just showing up – some evidence of an active role in the tutorial discussion would be
required to obtain the full 5% for participation. At the beginning of the semester, the
students in each tutorial would engage in developing the exact assessment criteria for this
assignment, and the student-developed criteria will be used to determine each student’s
participation grade.
Cheating, including plagiarism, would not be tolerated. Incidents of cheating would be dealt with
according to UWI’s rules and regulations including:
EVALUATION: BIOL 2265 will be evaluated in two ways – (a) through the offices of the
Class Representative and the Life Sciences Student-Staff Liaison Committee, and (b) an end of
semester course evaluation survey. The class will elect four class representatives (one per lab
stream), whose role is to act as a mediator between the Life Sciences academic staff and the
students in the class. The representatives will attend Liaison Committee meetings (held at least
twice per semester), where they will present feedback on the course to the Department for action.
The UWI performs a course evaluation survey at the end of every semester, and this information
will also be used for overall assessment of the course and guide possible actions for
improvement in subsequent semesters.
The primary teaching strategy will be based on the face to face classroom lectures and
discussions. Videos of lecture presentations would be made available to students prior to the
lecture session via podcast media. Students are advised to view these videos before the lecture so
that more emphasis can be placed on discussions and answering questions, thereby facilitating
deep learning. This would also afford the time to have assessment exercises on “writing across
the curriculum”. MyeLearning will be utilized throughout the course as a means to provide
access to course materials such as Powerpoint presentation files, animations, weblinks, lessons
and quizzes. This medium would also be used as a portal for student-lecturer communications
and the dissemination of coursework feedback.
Tutorial sessions would comprise small group sessions activities which are compulsory for
students to attend. Tutorials sheets will be assigned prior to each session via myeLearning, and
students are expected to attempt the solutions before coming to tutorial. The goal of the tutorial
session is to give students a more hands-on experience with the course material and easier access
to course instructors. Students will be expected to ask and answer questions on material that is
unclear, propose solutions to questions on the tutorial sheet and to generally participate fully in
the tutorial activities. Tutors will not merely be going through the answers to the tutorial
questions in these sessions.
Practical sessions would include demonstrations and problem solving exercises to develop
practical skills and enhance understanding of content covered in the theory section. These
exercises would include analysis of specimens, experiments and use of identification keys to
assign organisms into different levels of taxa.
In order to pass the course, you must gain an overall passing mark of 50%. Any student
who misses more than 25% of lectures, practical classes or tutorial sessions without a
medical or other valid excuse can be debarred from writing the final exam.
Text books:
- Willey, J.M., Sherwood, LM., and Woolverton, C.J. (2010) Prescott’s Microbiology
(8th Edition), McGraw-Hill, New York
Teaching materials:
- Electronic copies of presentations as well as supplementary handouts will be made
available to students;
Lab coat:
- Each student should have suitable Lab coat to use for practical exercises. Students not
having lab coats will not be permitted in the lab.
Introduction and review
Microbial growth and nutrition
Carbon and energy metabolism of chemotrophs
Bacterial photosynthesis
Control of microorganisms
Bacterial genetic recombination
Enumeration of microorganisms
Biochemical and molecular identification of microorganisms
Immunology and serology
Microbial ecology
Course calendar:
Week Practical exercise Lecture/Tutorial
1 Lecture 1: Introduction; microbial diversity and
importance to humans and the environment
Tutorial 1:
Tutorial 2:
3 Review of basic aseptic and Lecture 4: Fungi and fungal-like organisms
microbiological methods
Week Practical exercise Lecture/Tutorial
Lecture 5: Viruses
Isolation of bacteria and partial
establishment of Koch’s Postulates Tutorial 3:
4 Lecture 6: Viruses
Tutorial 4:
Tutorial 6:
7 Lab quiz based on previous sessions Lecture 10: Carbon and energy metabolism
Tutorial 8:
Tutorial 9:
Tutorial 10:
Tutorial 11:
Tutorial 12:
Grading system: