Module 3 _ Fall 2023
Module 3 _ Fall 2023
Module 3 _ Fall 2023
Earthquake Engineering
2. Duhamel’s Integral
4. Numerical methods
1 2 + 1 2
This is the solution to equation of motion for undamped free vibration in the form
of Simple Harmonic Motion with an angular velocity, ωn
Initial Conditions
The constants A and B in the solution can be determined by evaluating the solution at two
different times or more commonly from the velocity and displacement at time t = 0
……… 2
Displacement Response History: Undamped free vibration
t 6
Natural frequencies of free vibration
The Natural* Circular Frequency, can be calculated by using relation, =
= 𝑠𝑡 𝑠𝑡
* The term natural comes from the fact that these properties are intrinsic to the system. These
properties depend solely on the mass and the stiffness of the system and are constant. these do not
depend on the initial conditions for a linear elastic system.
Natural Period of Free vibration
In earthquake engineering the preferred measure of the dynamic characteristic of structures is
the Natural Period of free vibration, Tn , measured in units of seconds.
𝑛 𝑛
Natural period of free vibration
Periods of vibration:
Natural period of free vibration
Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco 10.9 s
Periods of vibration:
Transverse: 18.2 s
Vertical : 10.9 s
Longitudinal: 3.81 s
Torsional: 4.43 s
Natural period of free vibration: Rule of thumb
This rule is not very accurate, specially when building height exceeds 11 story height,
but is good for understanding the general ballpark.
Problem 3.1
A heavy table is supported by flat steel legs. Its natural
period in lateral vibration is 0.5 sec. When a 50-lb
plate is clamped to its surface, the natural period in
lateral vibration is lengthened to 0.75 sec. What are
the weight and the lateral stiffness of the table?
Alternate mathematical form of expressing solution
to EOM for free vibration
A simpler and more instructive form of equation 2 can be obtained in replacing the
arbitrary constants A and B by two new constants.
A= CCos and B = -CSin
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ……… 4
CCos −CSin
Cos −Sin
Peak dynamic displacement : Undamped free vibration
2 2 2 2
Equivalent Static force
One of the most appealing approach for analyzing a structural system subjected to
dynamic loading is to use Equivalent Static force approach.
According to this approach, at any instant of time, t , the equivalent static force, fs ,
is the external force that will produce the deformation u at the same t in the stiffness
component of structure (i.e., the system without mass and damping).
Equivalent Static force
A mass of 5 kg is dropped onto the end of a cantilever beam with a velocity of 0.5 m/s, as shown
in Figure. The impact causes vibrations of the mass, which sticks to the beam. The beam is made
of steel (E= 210*109 N/m2), is 3 m long, and has a moment of inertia I= 3*10–6 m4.
1. Natural time period and displacement response of beam
2. Peak dynamic displacement
3. Max shear force and Bending Moment in the beam
Solution: Problem 3.2
9 2 4
3 3
= 𝑛
Let u(t) represent the displacement of the mass, which is measured positive downward from the
equilibrium position of the mass after it is attached to the beam.
The beam is in equilibrium at t = 0 when the particle hits, therefore, u is measured from the
equilibrium position of the system with the particle attached, thus
Displacement Response History Problem 3.2
𝑢̇ 0
𝑢 0
Solution: Problem 3.2
2 .
2 2 0
0 W+fso = 5*9.81+574
=623.1 N
-623.1 N SFD
Exercise 3.1
3. An electromagnet weighing 3,000 lb is at rest while holding an automobile of weight 2,000 lb in
a junkyard. The electric current is turned off, and the automobile is dropped. Assuming that the
crane and the supporting cable have an equivalent spring constant of 10,000 lb/in.,find the
following: (a) the natural Time period of vibration of the electromagnet, (b) the resulting motion of
the electromagnet, and (c) the maximum tension developed in the cable during the motion
Ans: Tn= 0.175 s, u(t)=0.5 Cos (35.92t) -in, Tmax= 5000 lb
Ans: 1656 lb
Free vibrations Response of
Viscously Damped systems
Viscously Damped Free Vibration
The equation of free vibration for damped free vibration has the form
The solution to this equation will be taken in the same form as for the undamped form
Substituting this value in equation of motion result in:
k = mωn2
Viscously Damped Free Vibration
Also Where 𝜁 (Greek alphabet for Zeta) is known as Damping ratio or fraction of critical damping
Critically damped systems Over damped systems
There is no vibration in the response. The Like critically damped systems, there is no
vibration. However, the structure returns to its
structure returns to its initial position without
initial position slowly as compared to critically
vibrating about the zero position but in the
damped system.
shortest time.
Free vibration response of under damped, critically damped ,
and over damped systems videos 1,2,3
Free vibration Response of
Underdamped systems
Displacement Response: Underdamped systems
The solution for the under-damped system have the form
where 𝜔 = 𝜔 1−𝜁
This is similar to the case for undamped free vibration except that the frequency is slightly smaller and
there is a decay of the response with time.
Again the constants A and B may be found from the solution at two different times or from the initial
conditions at time t = 0
2 2
Underdamped Free Vibration
Problem 3.3
For the cantilever beam in Problem 3.2
Develop and solve the EOM and determine:
1. Damped Natural time period
2. Amplitudes of dynamic displacement and Equivalent static force
. ∗
Displacement Response History: Problem 3.3
8 uo
Displacement -mm
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Solution: Problem 3.3 contd…
Effect of damping ratio on response of civil engineering structures
Damping has the effect of lowering the natural frequency from ωn to ωD and
lengthening the natural period from Tn to TD.
These effects are negligible for damping ratios below 20%, a range that includes most
structures, as shown in Figure. For most structures the damped properties ωD and TD
are approximately equal to the undamped properties ωn and Tn, respectively.
𝜔 = 𝜔 1−𝜁
𝜁<1 ⇒𝜔 < 𝜔
Decay of Response Due To Damping
The decay observed in the response of a structure to some initial disturbance can be used
to obtain a measure of the amount of viscous damping ,c, present in the structure.
Consider two successive positive peaks ui and ui+1 during viscously damped free vibration
response (shown in the figure) occurring at time ti and ti+1, respectively.
ti Following relation can be derived that:
i uui+1
i+1 =
t 39
Decay of Response Due To Damping
Taking the natural logarithm of both sides, we get the so-called logarithmic decrement of damping,
δ, defined by the following equation.
Decay of Response after j no. of cycles
Decay of response after specific no of j cycles can be determined by considering peak
displacements over a range of j+1 peaks. ti
. . ….. uui
i uuj+1
. ….. =
j cycles
t- s
Problem 3.4 :A free vibration test was conducted on an empty water tank
shown in figure. A force of 60 kips, applied through a cable attached to the tank,
displace the tank by 2 " in Horizontal direction.
The cable is suddenly cut and the resulting vibration is recorded. At the end of 5 cycles, which
complete in 2.55 sec., the amplitude of displacement is 0.9 ".
Ignore the vertical vibration of tank and compute the following:
1. Damping ratio
2. Natural period of undamped vibration
3. Stiffness of structure
4. Weight of tank 60 k
5. Damping coefficient
6. Number of cycles to reduce the displacement
amplitude to 0.5 ″
Solution: problem 3.4
u1 = 2 in.
After j cycles, uj+1 =u6= 0.9 in.
1. Damping ratio, ζ =?
ζ =0.0254 or 2.54%
2. Tn =?
5 cycles of damped vibration takes 2.55 s
or 1 cycle of damped vibration takes 2.55/5= 0.51 s TD =0.51 s
= 0.5098 s
3. k =?
Solution: problem 3.4 (contd…)
4. Weight of empty tank, W =?
5. c=?
6. cycles required for displ. amplitude to reduce from 2 in. to 0.5 in. , j=?
Exercise 3.2
1. Consider the R.C. slender tower shown in Figure, which vibrates in the transverse
direction shown in the figure. An estimate for the first natural frequency of this system is
0.15 Hz. The logarithmic decrement values measured for the tower with uncracked
reinforced concrete material and cracked reinforced concrete material are 0.04 and 0.10,
respectively. If a wind gust induces an initial displacement of 0.5 m and an initial
velocity of 0.2 m/s, determine the peak displacement amplitudes in the cases with
uncracked concrete material and cracked concrete material
Ans: uo=0.5429 m and 0.5426 m for uncracked and cracked concrete, respectively ;
therefore, the maximum displacement remains virtually unchanged.