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Republic of the Philippines


ACCESS, EJC Montilla, Tacurong City, 9800

Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan

21 Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
(Conventional/Major and 21st Century Literary Genres)
March 12, 2023

Content Standard:
The learner will be able to understand and appreciate the elements and
contexts of 21st century Philippine literature from the regions.

Performance Standard:
The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st
Century Philippine literature from the regions through:
1. a written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in
terms of form and theme, with a description of its context derived from
research; and
2. an adaption of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.

Learning Competencies:
Differentiate/Compare and Contrast the various 21st century literary genres and
the ones from the earlier genres/periods citing their elements, structures and
traditions. ( EN 12Lit-Id-25 ).


At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:

a. Identify the different literary genres in 21st century and the ones from
original genres
b. Compare and Contrast the conventional/major literary genres and the
21st century literary genres; and
c. Appreciate the unique features of each genre

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1. Topic : Different Literary Genres (Conventional

and 21st Century Literary Genres)

2. References : Friesen C. 21st Century Literary

Genres [module].
Retrieved from https://www.slideshare.

3. Instructional Materials : PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop,

Pictures, Rubrics

4. Methodologies : Individual/Cooperative Learning,



A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer

2. Greetings

3. Checking of Attendance

4. Setting of Standards

5. Review

B. Motivational Activity (Pre-Assessment)

• The teacher will present a 10- items Pre-assessment to

check the prior knowledge of students about the
literary genres. This serves as their tour task 1.


Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer.

Write your answer in your notebook.

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1. It is written by contemporary authors which may deal
with current themes/ issues and reflects technological
a. Conventional
b. 21st century literature
c. Genres
d. Literature
2. These are written works such as poems, plays, and
novels that are considered to be very good and have
lasting importance. It could be printed materials that
provide information about something.
a. Printed Materials
b. Written Arts
c. Literature
d. Genres
3. A story told using a combination of text and
illustrations or without text at all.
a. Digi-Fiction
b. Doodle Fiction
c. Illustrated Novel
d. Creative Non-Fiction
4. A site of collected posts or articles written by one or
more people and updated regularly.
a. Blog
b. Flash Fiction
c. Hyper Poetry
d. Digi-Fiction
5. Brief stories told in a thousand words or less.
a. Blog
b. Flash Fiction
c. Hyper Poetry
d. Digi-Fiction
6. A Literary presentation where the author incorporates
doodle writing and drawings and handwritten graphics in
place of the traditional font Spanish Period.
a. Digi-Fiction
b. Doodle Fiction
c. Science Fiction
d. Creative Non-Fiction
7. Stories told almost entirely in dialogue, simulating
social network exchanges.

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a. Chick Lit
b. Digi-Fiction
c. Hyper Poetry
d. Text-Talk Novel
8. It is a genre fiction which addresses issues of modern
womanhood, often humorously and lightheartedly.
a. Chick Lit
b. Digi-Fiction
c. Hyper Poetry
d. Text-Talk Novel
9. It is a narrative work in which the story is conveyed to
reader using comic form.
a. Blog
b. Flash Fiction
c. Graphic Novel
d. Digi-Fiction
10. Digital literature that uses links and includes parts
that move or mutate.
a. Blog
b. Flash Fiction
c. Hyper Poetry
d. Digi-Fiction
C. Lesson Proper

1. Activity

• This time, for the tour task 2 the teacher will group
the students into four (4). Their task is to look for
the conventional literary genres in the puzzle and on
a separate sheet of paper, they will answer the
questions that follow. They were given 3 minutes to
finish the task.

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2. Analysis

• Based from the activity, answer the following

1. What are the four conventional literary
genres have you found in the puzzle?
2. What are their unique features?

• After that, the teacher will call for a representative in

each group to present their answers. Each group
will be given 2 minutes to present.
• Meanwhile, the teacher will sum up their answers
and discuss briefly the different Conventional/Major
Literary Genres.

3. Abstraction

a. What is Literary Genre/s?

b. What is your understanding about 21st Century
c. Why 21st century learners are needed to have
digital/literacy skills in creating literary texts?
d. What are the difference between
conventional/major literary genres and 21 century
literary genres?
e. What are the different 21st Century Literature
Genres and its example?

4. Application

• With the same group, the teacher will task the

students to compare and contrast the
characteristics of Conventional Literary Genres and
21st Century Literary Genres using the Venn
Diagram. Their answers will be written in a ½ sheet
of paper.
• Students are given five (5) minutes to accomplish
the task.
• After that, the teacher will collect their answers.

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Directions: Identify the 21st Century Literary Genres. The teacher

will flash the examples and the students will identify what genre it

Answer Key:

1. Doodle Fiction
2. Text-Talk Novel
3. Graphic Novel
4. Check Lit
5. Flash Fiction
6. Blog
7. Digi- Fiction

V. ASSIGNMENT (Individual)

You have learned the different conventional and modern literary genres.
As 21st century learner, re-tell the old Filipino Folk tale “The Sun and the
Moon” using one of the genres below and post your work on our
Facebook Page with the hashtag # folktalesinthe21stcentury. Use the
rubrics as your guide. ( Deadline will be tomorrow, March 14, 2023 ).

A 30- word flash Fiction

B. 4- panel comic
C. One-page doodle Fiction

Prepared by: Check by:

Demonstrator Cooperating Teacher

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