Aramco SAES-J-100
Aramco SAES-J-100
Aramco SAES-J-100
1 Scope ................................................................ 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations ................................... 2
3 References........................................................ 2
4 General Requirements ...................................... 5
5 Process Flow Measurement.............................. 5
6 Pressure Measurement ................................... 11
7 Level Measurement ........................................ 13
8 Temperature Measurement............................. 25
9 Revision Summary .......................................... 33
Appendix 1 - Minimum Straight Run Lengths
for Orifice Plates without Flow
Conditioners in Accordance
with ISO 5167-2 ............................... 34
Appendix 2 - Minimum Straight Run Lengths
for Classical Venturis in Accordance
with ISO 5167-4 ............................... 35
1 Scope
This standard defines the minimum mandatory requirements governing the design and
installation of process measurement instruments. For custody measurements refer to
applicable custody MSAERs.
Any conflicts between this document and other applicable Mandatory Saudi Aramco
Engineering Requirements (MSAERs) shall be addressed to the EK&RD Coordinator.
Any deviation from the requirements herein shall follow internal company procedure
3 References
The selection of material and equipment, and the design, construction, maintenance, and
repair of equipment and facilities covered by this standard shall comply with the latest
edition of the references listed below, unless otherwise noted.
Commentary Note:
4 General Requirements
4.2.2 Pressure and differential transmitters (unless close coupled) and bellows
type meters shall not be installed on process piping but on a separate
instrument stand or column. A 3-valve or 5-valve manifold close
coupled to the instrument shall be used.
4.2.3 Diaphragm (Capillary) seals shall be used in lieu of impulse tubing for
volatile, dirty fluids and applications that may cause impulse line
blockage. The installation shall include drain valves between the process
block valves and the diaphragm seal. Capillary seal fluids, when used,
shall be suitable for external ambient conditions. Electronic remote seals
are acceptable. Wet leg shall be avoided.
Commentary Note:
Examples of these high accuracy meters include flow meters installed on lines feeding to
the master gas grid or on the take-off points for internal company fuel consumption.
5.1.2 Nozzle, Venturi, and other differential pressure device calculations shall
be in accordance with ISO 5167.
5.1.3 For other proprietary meters, the manufacturer’s sizing and calculation
methods shall be used.
5.2.2 Orifice flanges are to be weld-neck with an internal bore to match the
internal diameter of the pipe. Any distortion resulting from the butt weld
shall be removed and ground flush with the inside diameter of the pipe.
Orifice flanges up to 24 inches shall be in accordance with ASME B16.36
and API 14.3/AGA-3. Orifice flanges larger than 24” can be based on
ASME B16.47.
5.2.3 When piping is used for process connections, the piping and flange
specifications and installations shall follow the relevant piping standards.
From the root valve to the instrument, the instrument piping
specification, material of construction, pressure rating, fittings, and
Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
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©Saudi Aramco 2019. All rights reserved.
Document Responsibility: Instrumentation Standards Committee SAES-J-100
Issue Date: 08 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 12 October 2020 Process Measurement
5.2.4 For liquid services, pressure taps shall be located on the horizontal plane
of the piping or alternatively up to 45 degrees down from horizontal for
non-plugging applications. The impulse lines shall be sloped downward
approximately 1:12 toward the transmitter.
5.2.5 For gas and vapor services, pressure taps shall be located on the vertical
from the top of the piping, or up to 45 degrees from top. The impulse
lines shall be sloped downward approximately 1:12 toward the process
5.2.6 For steam services, pressure taps shall be located on horizontal plane of
the piping, and shall be equipped with seal pot or equivalent. Both seal
pots must be at the same elevation.
5.2.7 All parallel pipe lines with adjacent orifice flanges or orifice fittings
shall have a minimum spacing of 300 mm (12 in) between flanges
outside diameters if horizontal taps are required. In addition, they shall
be staggered so that no two pairs of orifice flanges (centerline to
centerline) are less than 1 m (3 ft) apart. Where this spacing is not
possible or practical, taps may be reoriented per Standard Drawing
5.2.10 Flow conditioners shall not be used if the meter is followed by rotating
process equipment (compressors, pumps, turbines, etc.) that can be
damaged if a part of the conditioning device breaks off and enters the
5.2.11 The use of strainers and air eliminators shall be considered to protect
metering devices when performance or integrity is compromised without
such protection.
5.3.1 Flange taps shall be used for all orifice meter installations. The tap
connections shall conform to Standard Drawing AC-036413 or
5.3.2 Paddle type orifice plates shall be used where raised face orifice flanges
are used.
5.3.3 The orifice plate shall be fabricated per Standard Drawing AB-036094.
5.3.4 Orifice bore beta ratios shall be between 0.20 and 0.70. However, for
orifice plates in 24 inches and larger pipelines that require low pressure
losses, a beta ratio of 0.75 is acceptable.
5.3.5 Appendix 1 shall be used for straight run requirements. For new orifice
plate installations, a beta ratio of 0.75 shall be assumed when
determining the minimum length of straight piping required.
Commentary Note:
5.4.1 In high pressure (1,000 psig or higher) applications, the flow nozzle shall
be welded directly into the pipe and a flanged drop out spool section
shall be provided upstream of the flow nozzle for inspection and
5.4.2 Pipe sections for the installation of flow nozzles shall be stamped with
the Instrument Tag Number of the element, the element location in the
pipe, the pipe internal diameter, and the direction of flow.
5.4.3 Minimum straight run pipe length requirements and construction shall be
in accordance with ISO 5167-3.
5.5.1 For a removable element, the process valve shall have the proper inside
diameter to allow passage of the element. The valve shall meet
applicable piping specifications.
5.6 Venturi
5.7.2 A dual bearings shall be used which are supported in the front and back
of the rotor.
5.7.5 Each turbine meter shall be furnished with two magnetic pick-up coils
mounted so as to produce signals that are 90 degrees out-of-phase.
Each pick-up coil shall be provided with a pre-amplifier.
5.8.1 Positive displacement meters shall be sized to operate between 30% and
80% of the upper range value of the nameplate rating.
5.8.2 Copper or copper alloys shall not be used for meter internals.
5.9.1 Clamp-on type meters are acceptable for non ESD services in existing
facilities in case pipe modification is not possible.
Commentary Note:
5.9.2 Clamp-on ultrasonic meters shall not be allowed for new pipe
Clamp-on, insertion or spool type ultrasonic meters can be used for tank
dewatering and Pipeline Product Interface Detection applications.
Both flow and sound velocity measurement are needed.
5.9.3 In insertion type meters, transducer location and alignment of the nozzles
shall be per meter manufacturer’s recommendation.
5.11.2 Sight Flow Indicators or Sight Flow Glasses shall only be installed if no
other alternatives are available. Also, they shall not be used in toxic and
corrosive services.
6 Pressure Measurement
6.1 General
6.1.2 Pressure sensing elements shall withstand a proof pressure not less than
the system hydrostatic test pressure without damage to the element.
6.1.3 Material selection for pressure device wetted parts shall be type 316
stainless steel minimum with PTFE gaskets, unless other materials are
required by the process.
6.1.4 Ranges shall be selected such that the normal operating pressure falls
between 30% and 70% of the scale range.
6.2.1 Fill material shall be selected with care because of the possibility of a
reaction with the process and ambient/process temperature limitations.
6.2.3 The process connection for a pressure gauge shall be ½-inch MNPT
(either bottom or back connected).
6.2.4 Dials on Process pressure gauges shall be 100 mm (4-½ in) in diameter
and shall be white with black numerals.
If the process runs close to the switch setting, a large deadband may
prevent the switch from resetting after the trip has cleared.
6.3.2 Switch Process side connections shall be ½ inch NPT. Connections for
pneumatic tubing shall be ¼ inch NPT female, minimum.
6.4 Accessories
6.4.1 All pulsation dampeners (or snubbers), siphons, diaphragm seals and
similar accessories shall be shown on P&IDs.
6.4.3 Gauge savers protecting instruments against pressures that are very high
compared to the operating range may be used, except on switches in
critical service.
6.5.1 Branch connection up to and including the first block (root) valve shall
meet the applicable Saudi Aramco piping codes. If more than one
instrument are sharing a common root valve, means to isolate each
instrument independently shall be provided.
Commentary Note:
7 Level Measurement
7.1 Standpipes
7.1.1 When several instruments are required on a vessel for control and
monitoring purposes, a common standpipe should be used. The process
shall be non-plugging, the tap nozzle size shall be at least 2 inches and
the common isolation valves on the tap nozzle shall be car sealed open.
For details of a typical standpipe refer to Library Drawing DC-950045.
ESD Level transmitters may use the same process taps as the process control
or monitoring transmitters when the tap nozzle size is at least
2 inches, the process is non-plugging and the common isolation valves on the
tap nozzle are car sealed open. In addition, ESD and process control level
transmitters shall have independent level bridle isolation valves and should be
calibrated for the same range
7.1.6 Standpipes shall not be used on packed towers, across filter pads,
demister pads, in viscous service and in applications where materials
being handled contain high concentrations of solids.
7.1.7 For applications, highly sensitive to density change, the use of stand pipe
shall be reviewed and approved by proponent.
7.1.8 When required, a dedicated standpipe shall be provided for vessel boots.
The standpipe for vessel level measurement shall not be used for boot
level measurement.
7.2.1 Capability to isolate each individual instrument from the process shall be
provided by an instrumentation root valve installed as close as possible
to the vessel or standpipe connection. Valves shall be in accordance
with piping specifications. No fittings shall be allowed between this
primary block valve and the connecting boss, except for a single pipe
nipple. Threaded connections between the root valve and the boss shall
be seal or bridge welded per Standard Drawing AB-036521.
7.2.2 Level instruments which discharge energy directly into the process shall
have their sensor electronics certified for the electrical area classification
inside the vessel. The pressure and temperature ratings of the gauge glasses shall
be equal to or higher than the vessel design pressure and
temperature. Minimum rating for the reflex type shall be
14,000 kPa (2,000 psig) at 40°C, and for the transparent type
7,000 kPa (1,000 psig) at 40°C. Ball check type gauge cocks shall not be used in dirty services
where waxy or gummy components exist and deposition can
lead to potential blockage of the ball check flow passages.
For corrosive service, the gage cock body and trim shall be
made from corrosion resistant alloys which are compatible with
the process fluids. The minimum requirement for corrosive
service is 316 stainless steel stem, seat and ball check. MLI assemblies shall be installed only in areas that are free of
physical forces or materials that would adversely affect the
magnetic operation of the system.
7.4.1 Single probe GWR shall be used for liquid level and liquid-liquid
interface level measurement technology - for both process and ESD
applications. Other level measurement technology may be used if the
single rod GWR is not suited to the application.
Commentary Notes:
Non-contact ‘free space’ process radar shall not be used except for level
applications inside open tanks, portable water tanks and sewage water sump.
7.4.2 Any ‘dead zones’ on the wave guide probe shall be designed outside the
operating range of the GWR instrument. In no case shall a process level
be capable of entering a probe ‘dead zone’.
7.4.3 Flushing ports shall be provided for all wave guide probes in viscous or
dirty service.
7.4.4 GWR wave guide probes shall be mounted such that they may be
removed while the process remains in-service. For pressurized process
vessels, probes shall be flange mounted in external bypass chambers.
For typical installation, refer to Detail-4 of Library Drawing DB-950047.
For underground vessels and where it is not practical to install GWR in
bypass chambers insertion type may be used given there are means for
verification and calibration.
7.4.5 GWR Bypass chamber material shall meet the requirements of the
application, and be steel construction minimum. Chamber connections
for non-plugging services shall be minimum 2 inches for flanged on the
top, bottom, or sides. The chamber connections for potential plugging
services shall be at least 3 inches.
7.4.6 Appropriate GWR process valves and connections shall be provided for
process isolation and for GWR calibration. Such connections shall
include a vent.
7.4.7 Dual chamber GWR with MLI designs shall only be permitted when
installing onto existing vessels where spare nozzles aren’t available or
where it is impracticable to install a suitable standpipe.
7.5.1 Differential pressure level transmitters may be used for process and ESD
level and for liquid-liquid interface level measurements if Radar (GWR
or non-contact) is not suitable for the application. Transmitters with
diaphragm seals shall be used for process fluids that are highly viscous,
containing entrained solids, highly toxic or in hot service.
7.5.2 Use of DP transmitter for refrigerated LPG tank level service should be
considered only when GWR level measurement is not feasible for the
application. Differential pressure level transmitters in refrigerated LPG
service shall be installed above the process connections with dry pressure
sensing legs. The pressure sensing legs shall be sufficiently heated so
that any fluid in the sensing lines remains in a gaseous state at all times.
7.5.3 A diaphragm seal type installation shall include drain valves between the
process vessel block valves and the diaphragm seal - on both high and
low pressure sides of the transmitter. Diaphragm seal transmitters shall
be mounted at or below the lower vessel connection, preferably 1.4 m
above grade or operating platform.
7.6.1 Displacement level transmitters may be used for liquid level ranges up to
and including 1,830 mm (72 in). Use of this technology shall be limited
to non-viscous process fluids with low concentration of solids.
Displacement transmitters shall be considered for a specific application
only if radar or differential pressure level devices are not suitable.
Commentary Note:
7.6.3 An air-fin extension shall be provided between the level sensing element
and the transmitter, for applications where fluid temperatures will exceed
7.6.4 As a minimum, displacers shall be minimum 316 stainless steel with 316
stainless steel or Inconel torque tubes. For low temperature and other
severe service applications materials compatible with the process shall
be specified on the ISS.
7.6.5 Displacer chambers shall have 1.5 inch NPT or 2 inch flanged
connections. All displacer chambers shall have a rotatable head flange.
All chambers shall be provided with a top flange to facilitate cleaning
and removal of the displacer. For additional details on piping
connections refer to Library Drawing DB-950047.
7.7.4 The preferred vessel installation is with a sealed isolating valve to allow
the probe to be removed without releasing the process pressure.
7.8.2 Both external and internal radiation detectors are acceptable given the
full measuring range is covered by the device.
7.9.1 A dedicated, level switch shall only be used when radar, differential
pressure, or displacer level transmitters are not practical for the
7.9.3 External level switches shall be supplied with steel chambers, having a
flanged closure for internal inspection. The minimum flange rating for
the level switch chamber shall be Class 150. Float and trim material
shall be 316 stainless steel or as otherwise specified in the instrument
specification sheet. Process connections shall be minimum 1 inch NPT.
7.9.5 Each external level switch shall have its own individual vessel or
standpipe connections. The level chamber shall be installed with the
longitudinal axis vertical. For details of typical installations refer to
Library Drawings DB-950047 and DB-950048.
Ball float controllers are acceptable only for air conditioning plants, water basins
and non-critical utility services. They shall not be used for level control in
process vessels.
Single probe GWR shall be used for level and level based volume measurements
on all hydrocarbon inventory tanks and tank farms.
Radar Tank Gauging (RTG) can be used only if the single probe GWR is not
suitable for the given applications. Hydrostatic Tank Gauging (HTG), Servo
Tank Gauging (STG), or float and tape based tank level gauges shall not be
Commentary Note:
For inventory tank gauging using GWR, the installation shall satisfy the required
intrinsic and installed accuracies as specified in API MPMS 3.1B. GWR RTG
7.12.2 Floating Roof or Internal Floating Pan Tanks with Still Wells GWR RTG General GWR RTG
The still well shall be designed and installed based on Standard Drawing
AA-036256, or vendor requirements, or API MPMS 3.1B.
Sufficient access space above the tank in the X-Y-Z planes shall be
provided to facilitate easy removal of the gauge. These dimensions
should be in accordance with the vendor’s recommendations.
7.12.11 Configuration
The ATG system shall be configurable via the field bus from a control
room installed personal computer or the plant host computer, running
vendor compatible tank farm management software. No external
(mechanical) zero or span adjustments are permitted. For single or
stand-alone installations without a field bus, calibration with a hand
held programming device is acceptable.
The ATG system shall be equipped with either a hard or soft switch,
such that tank configuration data in the gauge head can be protected
from accidental erasure. The tank management software shall have a
password protection scheme to prevent accidental changes in the tank
configuration data.
7.12.14 For high power RTG system, a local power disconnect switch, which is
easily accessible to an operator shall be provided preferably at the
gauge head.
Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
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©Saudi Aramco 2019. All rights reserved.
Document Responsibility: Instrumentation Standards Committee SAES-J-100
Issue Date: 08 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 12 October 2020 Process Measurement
The frequency and procedure to verify the installed accuracy for ATG
system shall be per API MPMS 3.1B. The installed accuracy of both
systems must be verified by comparing the level readings against
manual gauging. Manual gauging shall comply with API MPMS 3.1A.
For water storage tanks, GWR and noncontact radar are recommended.
7.13.1 An independent High High (HH) level alarm shall be provided on all
atmospheric hydrocarbon storage tanks. This alarm shall be activated
by a level transmitter which is completely independent of the inventory
level monitoring ATG system. The independent HH level alarm shall
annunciate in the control room, and if required, either divert the
incoming flow or close the inlet valve per requirements specified by
the proponent organization. The independent alarm and level
transmitter system for this application shall not fail undetected.
The alarm set point on the inventory ATG system shall be set such that
approximately ten minutes time interval is available before the
independent HH level alarm is reached. The interval computation shall
be based on nominal fill rate.
8 Temperature Measurement
8.1 Thermowells
8.1.1 General
8.1.2 Design Use of any special design thermowell, such as helical type shall
be avoided. For process vessels and columns, the maximum insertion length
shall be 600 mm (24 inches).
Exception: RTDs shall be installed in thermowells such that the end of the
RTD is in contact with the bottom of the thermowell.
Spring-loaded RTDs are preferred to insure positive contact
with the thermowell. Dual element RTDs are permitted when their intended function
is to provide a spare RTD element for a single receiving
instrument. A dual element RTD shall not be used to provide
separate signals to different instruments or redundant inputs to
a logic control system. The extension wire shield drain wire shall be grounded at the
receiving instrument end to the instrument circuit ground.
The continuity of the shield shall be maintained through
junction boxes and transitions from single pair to multipair
cables. The shield and drain wire shall be cut and secured
(insulated) at the RTD end of the extension wire. Due to expected high vibration, RTDs shall not be used on the
discharge flange of a gas compressor.
8.4.2 Thermometers shall have a ¼-inch O.D., 316 stainless steel stem.
Alternative stem metallurgy may be used if required by process
8.4.4 The thermometer stem shall be in contact with the bottom of the
8.4.5 Dial size shall be 127 mm (5 in). The angle of view and orientation of
the dial shall be adjustable. The dial shall be readable from grade,
platform, or permanent ladder and shall face the point where any
corrective action will be taken.
8.4.6 When subject to vibration, thermometers shall be sealed and filled with
silicone oil. The fill fluid may be either liquid or gas, depending on the
temperature range of the process being measured.
8.5.2 Thermometers
8.6 Electronics
8.6.1 All thermocouple and RTD instruments shall provide burnout detection.
The direction of the readout or output signal on thermocouple burnout
shall be selectable.
8.6.2 Temperature elements shall not be connected to more than one receiving
8.6.3 Transmitters
8.6.4 Switches
Revision Summary
16 June 2016 Major revision has been carried out as part of the optimization initiative for Instrumentation
12 October 2017 Major revision mainly to allow a single probe GWR for Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG)
1 January 2018 Editorial revision to modify paragraphs,,, and 8.4.2.
08 May 2019 Editorial revision to comply with content confirmation
S is the separation between the two bends measured from the downstream end of the curved portion of the upstream
bend to the upstream end of the curved portion of the downstream bend.
Column A is for lengths corresponding to “zero additional uncertainty” values intended for high accuracy meters.
Column B is for lengths corresponding to “0,5% additional uncertainty” values intended for control and monitoring.
Downstream straight lengths is 4D for zero additional uncertainty and 2D of 0,5% additional uncertainty
The radius of curvature of the bend shall be greater than or equal to the pipe diameter.
Column A for lengths corresponding to “zero additional uncertainty” values.
Column B for lengths corresponding to “0,5 % additional uncertainty” values.
The straight length in Column A gives zero additional uncertainty; data are not available for shorter straight lengths
which could be used to give the required straight lengths for Column B.