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Screenshot 2024-07-09 at 9.28.54 AM
Screenshot 2024-07-09 at 9.28.54 AM
Instructor Name:
Student Name:
Semester: Year:
Dr. RizwanAslam (Assistant Professor)
Approved By:
The Board of Studies of Department of Telecomunications Engineering
Digital Logic Design Practical Workbook covers those practicals that are very knowledgeable and
quite beneficial in grasping the core objective of the subject. These practicals solidify the theoretical
and practical concepts that are very essential for the engineering students.
This work book comprise of practicals covering the topics of Digital Logic Design that are arranged
on modern concepts. Above all this workbook contains a relevant theory about the Lab session.
Date Lab Objective CLO Signature
1 To analyze the functionality of basic logic gates. 3
Design and Implement Combinational circuits using
2 3
discrete logic gates.
Design and implement a multi
multi-bit adder and subtractor
3 using logic gates ICs. 3
To analyze the operation of BCD to 77-segment
4 decoder. 3
To design and implement combinational circuits
5 using multiplexer and demultiplexer
demultiplexer. 3
Able to write synthesizable code of combinational
circuits using concurrent assignment and primitives.
Able to simulate the Verilog code on ModelSim or
6 3
QuestaSim (Intel Edition).
Able to synthesize the code and burn it in FPGA
using Intel Quartus Prime.
Implement Multi-bit Adder on FPGA.
7 Implement Multi
Multi-bit Subtractor on FPGA. 3
To design and implement a two bit asynchronous and
8 synchronous binary cou
counters using J K flip flops. 3
To analyze and study the operations of the following
9 RS and Clocked RS Latch 3
D Latch
To analyze and study the operations of the following
10 JK and Master
Master-Slave JK Flip-Flop 3
T FlipFlip-Flop
Able to write syn synthesizable code of sequential
Able to simulate the sequential circuit Verilog code
11 on ModelSim or QuestaSim (Intel Edition). 3
Able to synthesize the sequential circuit Verilog
code and burn it in FPGA using Intel Quartus Pri
Able to write synsynthesizable code of Combinational
12 circuits using processes. 3
Open Ended Lab
13 3
A logic gate is an elementary building block of a digital circuit. Most logic gates have two inputs and
one output. At any given moment, every terminal is in one of the two binaryconditions low (0)
or high (1), represented by different voltage levels. The logic state of a terminal can, and generally
does, change often, as the circuit processes data. In most logic gates, the low state is approximately
zero volts (0 V), while the high state is approximately five volts positive (+5 V).
There are seven basic logic gates: AND, OR, XOR, NOT, NAND, NOR, and XNOR.
The AND gate is so named because, if 0 is called "false" and 1 is called "true," the gate acts in the
same way as the logical "and" operator. The following illustration and table show the circuit symbol
and logic combinations for an AND gate. (In the symbol, the input terminals are at left and the output
terminal is at right.) The output is "true" when both inputs are "true."Otherwise, the output is "false."
AND gate
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
The OR gate gets its name from the fact that it behaves after the fashion of the logical inclusive "or."
The output is "true" if either or both of the inputs are "true." If both inputs are "false," then the output
is "false."
OR gate
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1
The XOR (exclusive-OR ) gate acts in the same way as the logical "either/or." The output is "true" if
either, but not both, of the inputs are "true." The output is "false" if both inputs are "false" or if both
inputs are "true." Another way of looking at this circuit is to observe that the output is 1 if the inputs
are different, but 0 if the inputs are the same.
XOR gate
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
A logical inverter, sometimes called a NOT gate to differentiate it from other types of electronic
inverter devices, has only one input. It reverses the logic state.
Inverter or NOT gate
Input Output
1 0
0 1
The NAND gate operates as an AND gate followed by a NOT gate. It acts in the manner of the logical
operation "and" followed by negation. The output is "false" if both inputs are "true." Otherwise, the
output is "true."
NAND gate
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
The NOR gate is a combination OR gate followed by an inverter. Its output is "true" if both inputs are
"false." Otherwise, the output is "false."
NOR gate
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 0
The XNOR (exclusive-NOR) gate is a combination XOR gate followed by an inverter. Its output is
"true" if the inputs are the sameand"false" if the inputs are different.
XNOR gate
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
Using combinations of logic gates, complex operations can be performed. In theory, there is no limit
to the number of gates that can be arrayed together in a single device. But in practice, there is a limit
to the number of gates that can be packed into a given physical space. Arrays of logic gates are found
in digital integrated circuits (ICs). As IC technology advances, the required physical volume for each
individual logic gate decreases and digital devices of the same or smaller size become capable of
performing ever-more-complicated operations at ever-increasing speeds.
Common Gate ICs:
1) Power up the 2-input AND , OR and NOT TTL ICs on a bread board.
2) Apply inputs using push-to-on/off switches and observe the output via LEDs.
3) Fill the Table provided in the result area.
F/OBEM 01/05/00
NED University of Engineering & Technology
Department of ____________________ Engineering
Course Code and Title: ___________________________________________
AND, OR, Inverter gates ICs (IC Numbers are given in lab 1)
Bread Boards
Power Supply / 9 Volt battery and a voltage regulator IC (7805)
Task 3: Design a circuit for parity encoder that outputs 5 bits odd parity codes for the 4 bits
A. Draw the truth table.
B. Design the circuit using the product of sum (PoS).
C. Implement the circuit using Inverter, AND, and OR logic gates.
Reference Book:
[1] Brown, Stephen. "Fundamentals of digital logic design with VHDL.", 3rd ed, 2010.
F/OBEM 01/05/00
NED University of Engineering & Technology
Department of ____________________ Engineering
Course Code and Title: ___________________________________________
Design and implement a multi-bit adder and subtractor using logic gates ICs.
Review the class lecture regarding the design of multi-bit adder and subtractor.
Read section 5.2.1, 5.3.1, 5.3.2, and 5.3.3 of reference book [1].
Complete Lab Session 02 of the manual.
Logic gates ICs (IC Numbers are given in lab 1)
Bread Boards
Power Supply / 9 Volt battery and a voltage regulator IC (7805)
A. Design the 4-bit adder using a full adder and half adder design in Lab Session 01.
A. Design the 4-bit subtractor using the 4-bit adder designed in Task 1 of the current lab
Reference Book:
[1] Brown, Stephen. "Fundamentals of digital logic design with VHDL.", 3rd ed, 2010.
F/OBEM 01/05/00
NED University of Engineering & Technology
Department of ____________________ Engineering
Course Code and Title: ___________________________________________
Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) is a way to express each decimal digit (0-9) with a binary code of
four bits (0000-1001). With 4 bits, sixteen numbers (0000-1111) can be represented but in BCD
only ten of these are used. The six codes combinations that are not used are called “invalid
A BCD to 7-segment display decoder such as 4511, has 4 BCD inputs and 7 output lines, one for
each LED segment. The 4511 is designed to drive a common cathode display and won't work
with a common anode display. In a common cathode display, the cathodes of all the LEDs are
joined together and the individual segments are illuminated by HIGH voltages. If invalid codes,
binary values greater than 1001, are connected to the inputs of the 4511, the outputs are all 0's
and the display is blank.
Task1: Display the BCD code equivalent decimal digital on seven segment display.
A. Implement the circuit using BCD decoder IC 4511 and common cathode seven-segment
B. Verify the operation of the physical circuit and fill in the table given in the observation
F/OBEM 01/05/00
NED University of Engineering & Technology
Department of ____________________ Engineering
Course Code and Title: ___________________________________________
74151 is a 8 line-to-1 line multiplexer. It has the schematic representation shown in Fig 1.
Selection lines S2, S1 and S0 select the particular input to be multiplexed and applied to the
Strobe S acts as an enable signal. If strobe =1, the chip 74151 is disabled and output y = 0. If
strobe = 0 then the chip 74151 is enabled and functions as a Multiplexer. Table 1 shows the
multiplex function of 74151 in terms of select lines.
74153 is a dual 4 line-to-1 line multiplexer. It has the schematic representation shown in Fig 2.
Selection lines S1 and S0 select the particular input to be multiplexed and applied to the output
IY{1 = 1, 2}.Each of the strobe signals IG {I = 1, 2} acts as an enable signal for the
corresponding multiplexer.
Table 2.shows the multiplex function of 74153 in terms of select lines. Note that each of the on-
chip multiplexers act independently from the other, while sharing the same select lines S1 and S0.
IC 7446 is a BCD to seven segment decoder driver. It is used to convert the Combinational circuit
outputs in BCD forms into 7 segment digits for the 7 segment LED display units.
b) Implement the circuit on breadboard , use 74-151 multiplexer and Binary switches for inputs
and Binary Probes for outputs. The 74151 has one output for Y and another inverted output W.
Use A and A’ for providing values for inputs 0-7. The internal values “A, B, C” are used for
selection inputs B,C, and D. Simulate the circuit and test each input combination filling in the
table shown below. In the Lab connect the circuit and verify the operations. Connect an LED to
the multiplexer output so that it represents the parity bit which lights any time when the four bits
input have even parity.
Table 2
Each of these persons has a switch to close (“l”) when voting yes and to open (“0”) when voting
It is necessary to design a circuit that displays the total number of votes for each issue. Use a
seven segment display and a decoder to display the required number. If all members vote no for
an issue the display should be blank. (Recall from Experiment #5, that a binary input 15 into the
7446 blanks all seven segments).
If all members vote yes for an issue, the display should be 0. Otherwise the display shows a
decimal number equal to the number of 'yes' votes. Use two 74153 units, which include four
multiplexers to design the combinational circuit that converts the inputs from the members’
switch to the BCD digit for the 7446.
Use +5V for Logic 1 and ground for Logic 0 and use switches for C, S,and M. Use two chips
74153 and one decoder 7446 verify your design and get a copy of your circuit with the pin
numbers to Lab so that you could connect the hardware in exactly the same way.
F/OBEM 01/05/00
NED University of Engineering & Technology
Department of ____________________ Engineering
Course Code and Title: ___________________________________________
Review the class lecture regarding Verilog coding for combinational circuits.
Review the lecture regarding Quartus and Model Sim.
Read sections 4.1 and 4.2 of the reference book [1].
Download the DE1-SoC manual and understand the pin configuration of switches and
Complete Lab Session 03 of the manual.
Equipment/Software Required:
Task 1 Implement the Half Adder circuit design in Lab Session 01 on FPGA.
Task 2: Implement the Full Adder circuit design in Lab Session 01 on FPGA.
A. Write the synthesizable Verilog code of Full Adder using Concurrent Assignment.
B. Simulate the verilog code on ModelSim (Intel Edition) and functionally verify
your design.
C. Synthesized the verilog code and burn it on FPGA.
D. Physically verify design on FPGA.
Task 3: Implement the parity encoder circuit design in Lab Session 01 on FPGA.
A. Write the synthesizable Verilog code of parity encoder using either Concurrent
Assignment or primitives.
B. Simulate the verilog code on ModelSim (Intel Edition) and functionally verify
your design.
C. Synthesize the verilog code and burn it on FPGA.
D. Physically verify design on FPGA.
Reference Book:
[1] Harris, Sarah L., and David Harris. Digital Design and Computer Architecture, RISC-V
Edition. Morgan Kaufmann, 2021.
F/OBEM 01/05/00
NED University of Engineering & Technology
Department of ____________________ Engineering
Course Code and Title: ___________________________________________
Review the class lecture regarding Verilog coding for combinational circuits.
Review the lecture regarding Quartus and Model Sim.
Read sections 4.3 of the reference book [1].
Download the DE1-SoC manual and understand the pin configuration of switches and
Complete Lab Session 04 of the manual.
Complete Lab Session 06 of the manual.
Equipment/Software Required:
Task1: Implement the 4-bit Adder circuit design in Lab Session 04 on FPGA.
A. Write the synthesizable Verilog code 4-bit Adder using the half adder and full
adder module written in Lab Session 06.
B. Simulate the verilog code on ModelSim (Intel Edition) and functionally verify
your design.
C. Synthesize the verilog code and burn it on FPGA.
D. Physically verify design on FPGA.
Reference Book:
[1] Harris, Sarah L., and David Harris. Digital Design and Computer Architecture, RISC-V
Edition. Morgan Kaufmann, 2021.
F/OBEM 01/05/00
NED University of Engineering & Technology
Department of ____________________ Engineering
Course Code and Title: ___________________________________________
To design and implement a two bit asynchronous and synchronous binary counters using J K flip
Asynchronous counter is one in which flip flo ps within the counter do not change states at exactly
the same time because they do not have a common clock pulse.
Synchronous counter is one in which all the flip flops are clocked at the same time by a common
clock pulse.
Clk Q1 Qo
F/OBEM 01/05/00
NED University of Engineering & Technology
Department of ____________________ Engineering
Course Code and Title: ___________________________________________
So far you have encountered with combinatorial logic, i.e. circuits for which the output depends
only on the inputs. In many instances it is desirable to have the next output depending on the
current output. A simple example is a counter, where the next number to be output is determined
by the current number stored. Circuits that remember their current output or state are often called
sequential logic circuits. Clearly, sequential logic requires the ability to store the current state. In
other words, memory is required by sequential logic circuits, which can be created with Boolean
gates. If you arrange the gates correctly, they will remember an input value. This simple concept
is the basis of RAM (random access memory) in computers, and also makes it possible to create a
wide variety of other useful circuits.
Memory relies on a concept called feedback. That is, the output of a gate is fed back into
the input. The simplest possible feedback circuit using two inverters is shown below (Fig.1):
If you follow the feedback path, you can see that if Q happens to be 1 (or 0), it will always be 1
(or 0). Since it's nice to be able to control the circuits we create, this one doesn't have much use --
but it does let you see how feedback works. It turns out that in "real" sequential circuits, you can
actually use this sort of simple inverter feedback approach. The memory elements in these
circuits are called Latch. A Latch circuit has two outputs, one for the normal value and one for the
complement value of the stored bit. Binary information can enter a Latch in a variety of ways and
gives rise to different types of Latch.
RS Latch
RS Latch is the simplest possible memory element. It can be constructed from two NAND
gates or two NOR gates. Let us understand tthe operation of the RS Latch using NOR gates as shown
below using the truth table for ‘A NOR B’ gate. The inputs R and S ar aree referred to as the Reset and
Set inputs, respectively. The outputs Q and Q' are complements of each other and are referred to as
the normal and complement outputs, respectively. Th
The binary state of the latch is taken to be the value
of the normal output. When Q=1 and Q'=0, it is in the set state (or 1-state).
state). When Q=0 and Q'=1, it is
in the reset/clear state (or 0-state).
Circuit Diagram:
S=1 and R=0: The output of the bottom NOR gate is equal to zero, Q'=0. Henceboth inputs to the top
NOR gate are equal to 0, thus, Q=1. Hence, the input combination S= S=1 1 and R=0 leads to the latch
being set to Q=1.
S=0 and R=1: Similar to the arguments above, the outputs become Q=0 an andQ'=1.
dQ'=1. We say that the
latch is reset.
S=0 and R=0: Assume the latch tch was previously in set (S=1 and R=0)condition. Now changing S to 0
results Q' still at 0 and Q=1.
1. Similarly, when the latch was previously in a reset state (S=0 and R=1),
the outputs do not change. Therefore, with inputs S=0 and R=0, the latch holds its state.
S=1 and R=1: This condition violates the fact that both outputs are complementsof each other since
each of them tries to go to 0, which is not a stable configuration. It is impossible to predict which
output will go to 1 and which will stay at 0. In normal operation this condition must be avoided by
making sure that 1's are not applied to both inputs simultaneously, thus making it one of the main
disadvantages of RS latch.
All the above conditions are summarized in the characteristic table below
Characteristic Table:
R S Q Q’ Comment
0 0 Q Q’ Hold state
0 1 1 0 Set
1 0 0 1 Reset
1 1 ? ? Indeterminate
Debounce circuit
An elementary example using this latch is the debounce circuit. Suppose a piece of
electronics is to change state
te under the action of a mechanical switch. When this switch is moved
from position S to R (S=0, R=1), the contacts make and break several times at R before settling to
good contact. It is desirable that the electronics should respond to the first contact and then remain
stable, rather than switching back and forth as the circuit makes and breaks. This is achieved by RS
flop which is reset to Q=0 by the first signal R=1 and remains in a fixed state until the switch is
moved back to position S, when the signal S=1 sets the flip-flop to Q=1.
It is sometimes desirable in sequential logic circuits to have a bistable RS Latach that only
changes state when certain conditions are met regardless of the condition of either the Set or the Reset
inputs. By connecting a 2-input
input AND gate in series with each input terminal of the RS NOR latch a
Gated RS latch can be created. This extra conditional input is called an "Enable" input and is given
the prefix of "EN" as shown below. When the Ena Enable
ble input "EN" = 0, the outputs of the two AND
gates are also at logic level 0, (AND Gate principles) regardless of the condition of the two inputs S
and R, latching the two outputs Q and Q’ into their last known state. When the enable input "EN" = 1,
the circuit responds as a normal RS bistable latch with the two AND gates becoming transparent to
the Set and Reset signals. This Enable input can also be connected to a clock timing signal adding
clock synchronisation to the flip--flop creating what is sometimes
es called a "Clocked SR latch ".
So a Gated/Clocked RS Latch operates as a standard bistable latch but the outputs are only
activated when a logic "1" is applied to its EN input and deactivated by a logic "0". The property of
this flip-flop is summarized in its characteristic table where Qn
is the logic state of the previous output and Qn+1 is that of the next output and the clock input being
at logic 1 for all the R and S input combinations.
Circuit Diagram:
Characteristic Table:
Qn R S Qn+1
0 0 0 0 (Hold)
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 1 Indeterminate
1 0 0 1 (Hold)
1 1 0 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 1 Indeterminate
D Latach
An RS Latch is rarely used in actual sequential logic because of its undefined outputs for inputs R=
S= 1. It can be modified to form a more useful circuit called D Latach, where D stands for data. The D
flip-flop has only a single data input D as shown in the circuit diagram. That data input is connected
to the S input of an RS flip-flop, while the inverse of D is connected to the R input. To allow the flip-
flop to be in a holding state, a D- latch has a second input called Enable, EN. The Enable-input is
AND-ed with the D-input.
Circuit Diagram:
Characteristic Table:
Qn D Qn+1
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 1 1
1. Assemble the circuits one after another on your breadboard as per the circuit diagrams. Circuit
diagrams given here do not show connections to power supply and LEDs assuming that you are
already familiar with it from your previous lab experience.
2. Connect the ICs properly to power supply (pin 14) and ground (pin 7) following the schematics
for ICs given above.
3. Using dip switch and resistors, facilitate all possible combinations of inputs from the power
supply. Use the switch also to facilitate pulse input to the circuit.
4. Turn on power to your experimental circuit.
5. For each input combination, note the logic state of the normal and complementary outputs as
indicated by the LEDs (ON = 1; OFF = 0), and record the results in a table.
6. Compare your results with the characteristic tables.
7. When you are done, turn off the power to your experimental circuit.
F/OBEM 01/05/00
NED University of Engineering & Technology
Department of ____________________ Engineering
Course Code and Title: ___________________________________________
So far you have encountered with combinatorial logic, i.e. circuits for which the output depends only
on the inputs. In many instances it is desirable to have the next output depending on the current
output. A simple example is a counter, where the next number to be output is determined by the
current number stored. Circuits that remember their current output or state are often called sequential
logic circuits. Clearly, sequential logic requires the ability to store the current state. In other words,
memory is required by sequential logic circuits, which can be created with boolean gates. If you
arrange the gates correctly, they will remember an input value. This simple concept is the basis of
RAM (random access memory) in computers, and also makes it possible to create a wide variety of
other useful circuits.
Memory relies on a concept called feedback. That is, the output of a gate is fed back into the
input. The simplest possible feedback circuit using two inverters is shown below (Fig.1):
If you follow the feedback path, you can see that if Q happens to be 1 (or 0), it will always be 1 (or 0)
. Since it's nice to be able to control the circuits we create, this one doesn't have much use -- but it
does let you see how feedback works. It turns out that in "real" sequential circuits, you can actually
use this sort of simple inverter feedback approach. The memory elements in these circuits are called
flip-flops. A flip-flop circuit has two outputs, one for the normal value and one for the complement
value of the stored bit. Binary information can enter a flip-flop in a variety of ways and gives rise to
different types of flip-flops.
The JK flip flop (JK means Jack Kilby, a Texas instrument engineer, who invented it) is the most
versatile flip-flop, and the most commonly used flip flop. Like the RS flip-flop, it has two data
inputs, J and K, and an EN/clock pulse input (CP). Note that in the following circuit diagram NAND
gates are used instead of NOR gates. It has no undefined states, however. The fundamental
difference of this device is the feedback paths to the AND gates of the input, i.e. Q is AND-ed with
K and CP and Q’ with J and CP.
The JK flip-flop has the following characteristics:
If one input (J or K) is at logic 0, and the other is at logic 1, then the output is set or reset (by
J and K respectively), just like the RS flip-flop.
If both inputs are 0, then it remains in the same state as it was before the clock pulse occurred;
again like the RS flip flop. CP has no effect on the output.
If both inputs are high, however the flip-flop changes state whenever a clock pulse occurs;
i.e., the clock pulse toggles the flip-flop again and again until the CP goes back to 0 as shown
in the shaded rows of the characteristic table above. Since this condition is undesirable, it
should be eliminated by an improvised form of this flip-flop as discussed in the next section.
The master-slave JK flip flop consists of two flip flops arranged so that when the clock pulse
enables the first, or master, it disables the second, or slave. When the clock changes state again (i.e.,
on its falling edge) the output of the master latch is transferred to the slave latch. Again, toggling is
accomplished by the connection of the output with the input AND gates.
Master latchSlave Latch
The T flip-flop is a single input version of the JK flip-flop. The T flip-flop is obtained from the JK
type if both inputs are tied together.
Same as Master-Slave JK flip-flop with J=K=1The toggle, or T, flip-flop is a bistable device, where
the output of the T flip-flop "toggles" with each clock pulse.Till CP=0, the output is in hold state
(three input AND gate principle).When CP=1, for T=0, previous output is memorized by the circuit.
When T=1 along with the clock pulse, the output toggles from the previous value as given in the
characteristic table below.
Qn T Qn+1
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
1. Assemble the circuits one after another on your breadboard as per the circuit diagrams. Circuit
diagrams given here do not show connections to power supply and LEDs assuming that you are
already familiar with it from your previous lab experience.
2. Connect the ICs properly to power supply (pin 14) and ground (pin 7) following the schematics
for ICs given above.
3. Using dip switch and resistors, facilitate all possible combinations of inputs from the power
supply. Use the switch also to facilitate pulse input to the circuit.
4. Turn on power to your experimental circuit.
5. For each input combination, note the logic state of the normal and complementary outputs as
indicated by the LEDs (ON = 1; OFF = 0), and record the results in a table.
6. Compare your results with the characteristic tables.
7. When you are done, turn off the power to your experimental circuit.
F/OBEM 01/05/00
NED University of Engineering & Technology
Department of ____________________ Engineering
Course Code and Title: ___________________________________________
Review the class lecture regarding Verilog coding for sequential circuits.
Review the lecture regarding Quartus and Model Sim.
Read sections 4.4 of the reference book [1].
Read sections 7.8 and 7.9 of the reference book [2].
Under the operation of 74160 IC from its data sheet.
Download the DE1-SoC manual and understand the pin configuration of switches and LEDs.
Task1: Implement an 8-bit Shift Register with parallel load capability and asynchronous reset
on FPGA.
Task 2: Implement the 4-bit counter on FPGA that mimic the functionality of 74160 Counter
Reference Book:
[1] Harris, Sarah L., and David Harris. Digital Design and Computer Architecture, RISC-V Edition.
Morgan Kaufmann, 2021.
[2] Brown, Stephen. "Fundamentals of digital logic design with VHDL.", 3rd ed, 2010
F/OBEM 01/05/00
NED University of Engineering & Technology
Department of ____________________ Engineering
Course Code and Title: ___________________________________________
D. Physically verify design on FPGA.
Task3: Implement a 6 to 1 DE-MUX on FPGA.
Reference Book:
[1] Harris, Sarah L., and David Harris. Digital Design and Computer Architecture, RISC-V Edition.
Morgan Kaufmann, 2021.
F/OBEM 01/05/00
NED University of Engineering & Technology
Department of ____________________ Engineering
Course Code and Title: ___________________________________________
Problem Description:
Design and implement a sequence detector that meets the following specifications:
All changes in the circuit occur on the positive edge of a clock signal.
The output 'z' is equal to '1' if input 'w' receives sequence "01111110" in the immediately
preceding clock cycles.
The design solution must include state diagrams, state tables, and the final circuit consisting
of flip-flops and logic gates.
In addition design solution must also clearly mention all the assumptions taken during the
Implementation of the design on a breadboard using flip-flop and logic gate IC.
Burn the code on FPGA and physically verify that the implementation meets the problem
F/OBEM 01/18/00
NED University of Engineering & Technology
Department of ____________________ Engineering
Course Code &Title: ______________________________
Assessment Rubric for OEL
Level of Attainment
Criterion Average Good Very Good Excellent
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Understanding Totally Only know Somehow Able to partly Fully
and Analysis unable to basic understand the understand understand
Ability to understand concepts do problem but and analyze and able to
comprehend the task not unable to the assigned analyze the
and analyze the understand analyze task assigned task
Assigned Task the assigned
Solution Unable to Able to Partly solve Able to solve Able to solve
Ability to determine the understand the problems the problem completely
determine the solution some basic with minor
solution for the concepts but errors
Assigned Task unable to
connect them
to get a
Response Unable to Able to Able to answer Able to Able to
Ability to answer any answer only almost half of answer most answer all
answer questions few basic the questions of the questions
questions questions questions
related to the
Assigned Task