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DD ENV 13670-1 2000

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Execution of concrete |
structures Ð |
Part 1: Common |
ICS 91.080.40 |
DD ENV 13670-1:2000

National foreword
This Draft for Development is the official English language version of
ENV 13670-1:2000. It results from a programme of work undertaken by CEN to
make available a common set of standards for execution of concrete structures.
This publication is not to be regarded as a British Standard.
It is being issued in the Draft for Development series of publications and is of a
provisional nature. It should be applied on this provisional basis, so that information
and experience of its practical application mat be obtained.
Comments arising from the use of this Draft for Development are requested so that
UK experience can be reported to the European organization responsible for its
conversion into a European Standard. A review of this publication will be initiated
2 years after its publication by the European organization so that a decision can be
taken on its status at the end of its three-year life. The commencement of the review
period will be notified by an announcement in Update Standards.
According to the replies received by the end of the review period, the responsible
BSI Committee will decide whether to support the conversion into a European
Standard, to extend the life of the prestandard or to withdraw it. Comments should
be sent in writing to the Secretary of BSI Subcommittee B/525/2, Structural use of
concrete, at 389 Chiswick High Road, London. W4 4AL, giving the document
reference and clause number and proposing, where possible, an appropriate
revision of the text.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to
its secretary.
The British Standards which implement international or European publications
referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the
section entitled ªInternational Standards Correspondence Indexº, or by using the
ªFindº facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page,
pages 2 to 60, an inside back cover and a back cover.
The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document
was last issued.

This Draft for Development, Amendments issued since publication

having been prepared under the
direction of the Sector Amd. No. Date Comments
Committee for Building and Civil
Engineering, was published under
the authority of the Standards
Committee and comes into effect
on 15 June 2000

 BSI 06-2000

ISBN 0 580 34934 9


ICS 91.010.30; 91.080.40

English version

Execution of concrete structures - Part 1: Common

This European Prestandard (ENV) was approved by CEN on 27 November 1999 as a prospective standard for provisional application.

The period of validity of this ENV is limited initially to three years. After two years the members of CEN will be requested to submit their
comments, particularly on the question whether the ENV can be converted into a European Standard.

CEN members are required to announce the existence of this ENV in the same way as for an EN and to make the ENV available promptly
at national level in an appropriate form. It is permissible to keep conflicting national standards in force (in parallel to the ENV) until the final
decision about the possible conversion of the ENV into an EN is reached.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.



Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels

© 2000 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. ENV 13670-1:2000 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
Page 2
ENV 13670-1:2000


Foreword....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 5
1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
2 References ............................................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Normative references ..................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Informative references ................................................................................................................... 6
3 Definitions............................................................................................................................................. 7
4 Documentation ...................................................................................................................................... 9
4.1 Project specification....................................................................................................................... 9
4.2 Execution documentation............................................................................................................... 9
5 Falsework and formwork....................................................................................................................... 9
5.1 Basic requirements ......................................................................................................................... 9
5.2 Materials....................................................................................................................................... 10
5.3 Falsework ..................................................................................................................................... 10
5.4 Formwork..................................................................................................................................... 10
5.5 Special formwork......................................................................................................................... 10
5.6 Surface finish ............................................................................................................................... 11
5.7 Inserts in formwork and embedded components.......................................................................... 11
5.8 Removal of formwork and falsework .......................................................................................... 11
6 Reinforcement ..................................................................................................................................... 12
6.1 General ......................................................................................................................................... 12
6.2 Materials....................................................................................................................................... 12
6.3 Bending, cutting, transport and storage of the reinforcement ...................................................... 12
6.4 Welding........................................................................................................................................ 12
6.5 Joints ............................................................................................................................................ 13
6.6 Assembly and placing of the reinforcement................................................................................. 13
7 Prestressing.......................................................................................................................................... 13
7.1 General ......................................................................................................................................... 13
7.2 Materials for prestressing............................................................................................................. 13
7.3 Transport and Storage .................................................................................................................. 14
7.4 Fabrication of tendons.................................................................................................................. 14
7.5 Placing of the tendons .................................................................................................................. 15
7.6 Tensioning.................................................................................................................................... 15
7.7 Protective measures (grouting, greasing, concreting ) ................................................................. 16
8 Concreting ........................................................................................................................................... 17
8.1 Specification of concrete.............................................................................................................. 17
8.2 Delivery, reception and site transport of fresh concrete............................................................... 17
8.3 Pre-concreting operations............................................................................................................. 17
8.4 Placing and compaction ............................................................................................................... 18
8.5 Curing and protection................................................................................................................... 18
8.6 Post-concreting operations ........................................................................................................... 19
8.7 Special execution methods........................................................................................................... 19
8.8 Concreting of composite structures.............................................................................................. 19
9 Execution with precast concrete elements and site manufactured components .................................. 19
9.1 General ......................................................................................................................................... 19
9.2 Factory produced precast elements .............................................................................................. 20
9.3 Site manufactured components .................................................................................................... 20
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ENV 13670-1:2000

9.4 Handling and storage ....................................................................................................................20

9.5 Placing and adjustment .................................................................................................................20
9.6 Jointing and completion works .....................................................................................................21
10 Geometrical tolerances.........................................................................................................................21
10.1 General..........................................................................................................................................21
10.2 Reference system ..........................................................................................................................22
10.3 Base supports (foundations)..........................................................................................................22
10.4 Columns and walls........................................................................................................................23
10.5 Beams and slabs............................................................................................................................24
10.6 Sections .........................................................................................................................................25
10.7 Surfaces and edge straightness......................................................................................................26
10.8 Tolerances for holes and inserts....................................................................................................26
11 Inspection .............................................................................................................................................26
11.1 Inspection classes..........................................................................................................................26
11.2 Inspection of materials and products ............................................................................................27
11.3 Scope for inspection of execution.................................................................................................27
11.4 Inspection of falsework and formwork .........................................................................................28
11.5 Inspection of reinforcement ..........................................................................................................29
11.6 Inspection of prestressing..............................................................................................................29
11.7 Inspection of the concreting operations ........................................................................................30
11.8 Inspection of precast concrete elements........................................................................................31
11.9 Action in the event of a non-conformity.......................................................................................31
Annex A (informative): Guidance on documentation .................................................................................32
Annex B (informative) : Guidance on falsework and formwork.................................................................37
Annex C (informative): Guidance rules on reinforcement ..........................................................................38
Annex D (informative): Guidance on prestressing......................................................................................40
Annex E (informative): Guidance on concreting ........................................................................................42
Annex F (informative): Guidance on geometrical tolerances......................................................................45
Annex G (informative): Guidance on inspection ........................................................................................50
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ENV 13670-1:2000

This European Prestandard has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 104 "Concrete
(performance, production, placing and compliance criteria)", the secretariat of which is held by DIN.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to announce this European Prestandard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway,
Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
Because of the close connection between design rules and rules for execution, CEN/TC 104/SC 2 has
developed this prestandard in conjunction with CEN/TC 250/SC 2.
This prestandard supersedes the execution and tolerance clauses in ENV 1992-1 Eurocode 2: Design of
concrete structures and the execution rules in prEN 206:1997: Concrete - Performance, production,
placing and compliance criteria.
This prestandard specifies the required level of execution in assembling products such as fresh concrete,
reinforcement, precast concrete elements etc. into a structure that achieves the intended level of
mechanical resistance and stability.
This prestandard has three functions:
– to transfer the requirements set during design from the designer to the constructor i.e. to be link
between design and execution;
– to give a set of standardized technical requirements for the execution when ordering a concrete
– to serve as a check list for the designer to ensure that he provides the constructor with all relevant
technical information for the execution of the structure (see Annex A).
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ENV 13670-1:2000

(1) This European Prestandard assumes:
– the availability of a comprehensive design of the structure
– a project management in charge of the supervision of the works which will ensure the execution of a
conforming structure;
– a site management which will take charge of the organisation of the works and ensure the correct and
safe use of the equipment and machinery, the satisfactory quality of materials, the execution of a
conforming structure and its safe use up to the delivery of the works.
When precast elements are used, the following additional assumptions are made:
– the availability of a specific design of the precast elements conforming to the relevant standards
– the availability of a design coordination between precast elements and site manufactured components.
– a technical specification of the precast structure with instructions for installation;
– there is an erection management to direct the erection team.
(2) This European Prestandard presupposes that the work is carried out with the necessary skill and
adequate equipment and resources to perform the work in accordance with the requirements of the project
specification and the requirements of this European Prestandard.
It is assumed that generally accepted rules for good workmanship for the various activities are known and
(3) It is assumed that the constructor will conform to provisions valid at the construction site with respect
– qualifications for the personnel doing the various activities covered by this prestandard;
– health and safety aspects of construction.
(4) This prestandard assumes that the finished structure after completion is used as intended in the design
and submitted to the planned inspection and maintenance necessary to achieve the intended design life
and to detect weaknesses or any unexpected behaviour.

1 Scope
(1) This European Prestandard gives common requirements for execution of concrete structures. In
particular, this part gives requirements for structures designed according to ENV 1992 -1 and for the
concrete part of composite structures designed according to ENV 1994-1.
(2) In the case of civil engineering works, different or additional requirements need to be considered and,
if required, given in the project specification.
(3) This prestandard permits the project specification to state specific requirements relevant to the
particular structure.
(4) This prestandard is applicable to temporary as well as permanent concrete structures.
(5) Additional or different requirements should be considered and, if required, given in the project
specification when using:
– Lightweight aggregate concrete;
– other materials (e.g.fibres) or constituent materials;
– special technologies/innovate designs.
(6) Small and simple concrete works and secondary structures of minor importance, defined as such in
provisions valid at the construction site, are not within this prestandard.
(7) This prestandard does not apply to concrete members used only as equipment for the execution.
(8) This prestandard does not cover the specification, production and conformity of concrete.
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ENV 13670-1:2000

(9) This prestandard is not applicable to the production of precast concrete elements made in accordance
with product standards.
(10) This prestandard does not cover the requirements for concrete members in special geotechnical
works such as pile foundations, ground anchors, slurry walls, etc.
(11) This prestandard does not cover safety and health aspects of execution.
(12) This prestandard does not state requirements for quality assurance or for qualification of personnel
for the various activities.
(13) This prestandard does not cover contractual issues or responsibilities for the identified actions.

2 References
(1) This European Prestandard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other
publications. These references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed
hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply
to this European Prestandard, only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated
references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies.
(2) All relevant national standards not covered by European Standards should be stated in the project

2.1 Normative references

prEN 206:1997 Concrete – Part 1: Specification, performance, production and conformity
NOTE Presently EN 206 is available as prEN 206:1997 (see also clause 6.6(3), 11.2, E8.5, G 11.1 and G 11.7) and
prEN 206-1 is in preparation.
EN 446:1996 Grout for prestressing tendons - Grouting procedures
EN 447:1996 Grout for prestressing tendons - Specifications for common grout
EN 523 Steel strip sheaths for prestressing tendons - Terminology - Requirements and quality
EN 1065 Adjustable telescopic steel props - Product specifications, design and assessment by
calculation and tests
ENV 1991 Eurocode 1: Basis of design and actions on structures
ENV 1992 Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures
ENV 1994 Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures
prEN 10080:1999 Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Weldable ribbed reinforcing steel
Part 1 – Part 6 1)
ENV 10138 Steel for the prestressing of concrete. 1)

2.2 Informative references

ISO 1803-1 Building construction – Tolerances – Vocabulary – Part 1: General terms
ISO 4463-1 Measurement methods for building – setting – out and measurement – Part 1: Planning
and organization, measuring procedures, acceptance criteria

1) European Standards for reinforcement and prestressing steels (prEN 10080 and prEN 10138) are presently in
preparation. Until these are issued and implemented, national standards apply.
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ENV 13670-1:2000

3 Definitions
For the purposes of this prestandard, the following definitions apply:

construction works
Everything that is constructed or results from construction operations. This term covers both building and
civil engineering works. It refers to the complete construction comprising both structural and non-
structural components.

The organization executing the works.

All activities carried out for the physical completion of the work, i.e. scaffolding, formwork, reinforcing,
concreting, curing, erection etc., and the inspection and documentation thereof.

Activities carried out in order to check that the execution is in accordance with the project specification.

method statement
Documentation describing the methods and procedures to be used to perform the work.

permitted deviation
Permitted algebraic differences between the limits of size and the corresponding reference size (see ISO
1803/1 Building construction - Tolerances-Vocabulary-Part 1: General terms).

precast concrete element
Concrete element conforming to a product standard, cast and cured in a place other than the final location
of use.
NOTE In this prestandard the shorter term "precast element" is used.

project specification
Documents covering technical data and requirements for a particular project prepared to supplement and
qualify the requirements of this prestandard.

reference line
Line defined in the project specification to which sizes are related.

secondary line
Any line used for the purpose of setting-out the proposed building and for checking the conformity of the
building or building parts (see ISO 4463-1:1998 Measurement methods for building. Setting out
measurements - Part 1: Planning and organization measuring procedures, acceptance criteria).
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ENV 13670-1:2000

surface finish
Description of the appearance of the concrete surface including aspects of geometry, texture, colour etc.

temporary structure
Structure designed for a short lifetime according to table 2.1 of ENV 1991-1.

Permitted variation of size (see ISO 1803/1 Building construction - Tolerances-Vocabulary-Part 1:
General terms).
Tolerances for precast concrete elements are subdivided as follows:
– production tolerances i.e. geometrical tolerances as defined in the product standards;
– erection tolerances i.e. geometrical tolerances relating to location, verticality, horizontality or other
characteristics of the construction assembly;
– construction tolerances i.e. geometrical tolerances that are a combination of production, site
construction and erection tolerances.

normal tolerances
The basic limits for geometrical deviations that ensures that the structure:
– satisfies the design assumptions;
– achieves other functional requirements of the construction works.
NOTE In this prestandard, normal tolerances are referred to as tolerance class 1.

special tolerances
More stringent tolerances than normal tolerances.

In the sense of this prestandard, those parts of the construction works that are structural concrete work
and are described in the project specification.
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ENV 13670-1:2000

4 Documentation

4.1 Project specification

(1) It is assumed that the project specification includes:
– all necessary information and technical requirements for execution of the works and agreements made
during the execution;
NOTE Annex A4, Table A1 contains a checklist of requirements and information that may have to be included in
the project specification as appropriate.
– relevant European Technical Approvals and provisions valid at the construction site.
NOTE Provisions valid at the construction site are national standards and documents approved by a competent
authority defined in the project specification.
(2) Before commencement of execution of any part of the works, the project specification relevant to that
part of the works shall be complete and available. The following provisions should be included in the
project specification:
– procedures for making alterations to previously agreed requirements;
– any requirement for the distribution, the filing and recording of technical documents used for the
(3) If a quality plan for the execution of the works is required, this shall be stated in the project

4.2 Execution documentation

4.2.1 Quality plan

(1) If a quality control procedure is required by the project specification, it shall be available at site.

4.2.2 Special documentation

(1) If special documentation is required, the type and extent of the documentation shall be stated in the
project specification.
NOTE In inspection classes 2 and 3, documentation of inspection is required, see clause 11.

5 Falsework and formwork

5.1 Basic requirements

(1) Falsework and formwork including their supports and foundations shall be designed and constructed
so that they are :
– capable of resisting any action to which they are submitted during the construction process;
– stiff enough to ensure that the tolerances specified for the structure are satisfied and the integrity of the
structural member is not affected.
(2) The form, function, appearance and durability of the permanent works shall not be impaired or
damaged due to the performance of the falsework and formwork or their removal.
(3) Falsework and formwork shall conform to the relevant European Standard such as EN 1065.
NOTE A European standard on vertical formwork is under preparation.
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ENV 13670-1:2000

5.2 Materials

5.2.1 General
(1) Any material which leads to the fulfilment of the criteria for the structure given in 5.1 and 5.6 may be
used. They shall conform to relevant product standards where they exist. The characteristics of the
specific material shall be taken into account.

5.2.2 Release agents

(1) Release agents shall be selected and applied in such a way that they are not harmful to concrete,
reinforcing steel, or formwork and in such a way that they have no detrimental effects on the
(2) Unless specifically intended, release agents shall have no detrimental effect on the surface quality, its
colour, or specified subsequent coatings.
(3) Release agents shall be applied according to the product specification or provisions valid at the
construction site.

5.3 Falsework
(1) A method statement, where required, shall describe the method of erection and dismantling of
temporary structures. It shall specify the requirements for handling, adjusting, intentional precambering,
loading, unkeying, striking and dismantling.
(2) The design of the falsework shall take into account the deformation during and after concreting to
prevent deleterious cracking in the young concrete. This may be achieved by:
– limiting the deflection and/or settlement;
– controlling the casting sequence and/or concrete specification e.g. retarding the concrete.

5.4 Formwork
(1) Formwork shall keep the concrete in its required shape until it is hardened.
(2) Formwork and the joints between boards or panels shall be sufficiently tight so as to prevent loss of
(3) Formwork likely to absorb significant amounts of water from the concrete or facilitate evaporation
shall be suitably wetted to reduce water uptake from the concrete, unless intended specifically for that
purpose e.g. controlled permeability formwork.
(4) The internal surface of the formwork shall be clean. If the formwork is used to produce visible
concrete surfaces, the treatment of the formwork surfaces shall be such that the required finish is

5.5 Special formwork

5.5.1 Slipforming
(1) When using slipforming, the design of the system shall take into account the properties of the
formwork material and make provision for controlling the geometry of the works.
(2) Due to the need to batter the forms and the form friction on the young concrete, a continuous guidance
system between the reinforcement and the form shall be used to ensure the required concrete cover within
the tolerances given in clause 10.
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ENV 13670-1:2000

5.5.2 Other special formwork

(1) Requirements shall be given in the project specification.

5.6 Surface finish

If special finishes are required, these shall be stated in the project specification. Trial concrete panels of
suitable size may be specified as a basis for approving the surface quality.
NOTE Surface finish depends on the type of formwork, concrete (aggregates, cement, addition, admixtures),
execution and protection during the subsequent construction.

5.7 Inserts in formwork and embedded components

5.7.1 General
(1) Temporary inserts to keep the formwork in place, bars, ducts and similar items to be cast within the
section and embedded components e.g. anchor plates, anchor bolts, spacers, shall :
– be fixed robustly enough to ensure that they will keep their prescribed position during placing and
– not introduce unacceptable actions on the structure;
– not react harmfully with the concrete, the reinforcement or prestressing steel;
– not produce unacceptable surface blemishes;
– not impair the functional performance and the durability of the structural member;
– not prevent adequate placing and compaction of the fresh concrete.
(2) Any embedded item shall have sufficient strength and stiffness to preserve its shape during the
concreting operation and be free of contaminants that would affect them, the concrete or reinforcement.

5.7.2 Temporary inserts

(1) Recesses and holes used for temporary works shall be filled and finished with a material of similar
quality to the surrounding concrete, unless the function of the member is such that they may remain open
or another method is agreed or specified.

5.8 Removal of formwork and falsework

(1) Falsework and formwork shall not be removed until the concrete has gained sufficient strength :
– to resist damage to surfaces that may arise during the striking;
– to carry the actions imposed on the concrete member at that stage;
– to avoid deflections beyond the specified tolerances due to the elastic and inelastic (creep) behaviour
of the concrete.
Striking shall be made in a manner that it will not subject the structure to impact, overload or damage.
The loads in falsework shall be released in a sequence that ensures the other falsework members are not
subject to excessive loads. The stability of falsework and formwork shall be maintained when loads are
released and during dismantling.
(4) The procedure for propping or re-propping when used to reduce the effects of the initial load,
subsequent loading and/or to avoid excessive deflections shall be detailed in a method statement.
(5) If formwork is part of the curing system, the time of its removal shall be taken into account in
accordance with the requirements of 8.5.
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ENV 13670-1:2000

6 Reinforcement

6.1 General
(1) The following clauses apply to site and fabricated reinforcement.

6.2 Materials
(1) Reinforcing steel shall conform to the European standard for reinforcing steel, prEN 10080:1999,
when available and to provisions valid at the construction site.
(2) Each product shall be clearly identifiable.
(3) Anchorage devices and couplers shall conform to ENV 1992-1-1, a European Technical Approval or
provisions valid at the construction site.
(4) The surface of the reinforcement shall be free from loose rust and deleterious substances which may
adversely affect the steel, concrete, or the bond between them.
(5) Galvanised reinforcement shall only be used together with cement that has no detrimental effect on
the bond to the galvanised reinforcement.

6.3 Bending, cutting, transport and storage of the reinforcement

(1) The cutting and bending of reinforcing steel shall conform to the project specification. The following
requirements apply:
– bending shall be done at a uniform rate;
– where permitted by national standards or provisions valid at the construction site, bending of steel
below temperatures of -5°C is permitted provided the procedure conforms to the given additional
– unless permitted by the project specification, bending by heating the bars is not permitted.
(2) For bending bars, the diameter of the mandrel used shall be suitable for the actual type of
reinforcement and not less than the values given in table 5.1 of ENV 1992-1-1 (see annex C) or
provisions valid at the construction site .
(3) For welded reinforcement and fabric bent after welding, the diameter of the mandrel used shall be
suitable for the actual type of reinforcement and not less than the values given in table 5.2 of ENV 1992-
1-1 (see annex C) or provisions valid at the construction site.
(4) Steel reinforcing bars, welded fabric and prefabricated reinforcement cages shall not be damaged
during transporting, storing (clear of ground), handling and placing into position .
Straightening of bent bars shall be allowed only if:
– special equipment to limit local stresses is used,
– the procedure of straightening has been approved.
NOTE Permission may be given in the project specification or provisions valid at the construction site
(5) Reinforcement from coils shall not be used unless appropriate equipment is available and the
straightening procedures are approved.

6.4 Welding
(1) Welding shall conform to provisions valid at the construction site.
(2) Welding is only permitted on reinforcing steel conforming to prEN 10080:1999 and reinforcing steel
classified as weldable in provisisons valid at the construction site.
(3) Welding shall not be executed at, or near, bends in a bar. The limits given in table 5.2 of ENV 1992-1-
1 apply.
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ENV 13670-1:2000

(4) Spot welding is permitted for the assembling of reinforcement provided that it is not restricted by
provisions valid at the construction site.

6.5 Joints
(1) Bars shall be jointed, by laps, couplers or welding, in accordance with ENV 1992-1-1 provisions valid
at the construction site.

6.6 Assembly and placing of the reinforcement

(1) The reinforcement shall be placed according to the project specification.
Note 1 Special attention should be given to reinforcement and cover at the location of holes of small dimensions
which are not considered in the structural design.
Note 2 It is assumed that the project specification gives detailed information on the layout and spacing of bars, as
well as any precautions to be taken in areas of congested reinforcement.
(2) The reinforcement shall be fixed and secured so that its final position is within the tolerances given in
this prestandard. Assembly of reinforcement may be done with tie wire or spot welding (see 6.4 (2) and
(3) The specified cover to the reinforcement shall be maintained by the use of suitable chairs and spacers.
Steel spacers in contact with the concrete surface are only permitted in a dry environment i.e. exposure
class XO of prEN 206:1997.
(4) Requirement to cover apply to the nominal value, Cn , and apply to the surface of any reinforcement
including possible assembly reinforcement.

7 Prestressing

7.1 General
(1) The following requirements apply to prestressed concrete procedures incorporating:
– bonded pre-tensioned construction;
– bonded post-tensioned construction;
– unbonded post-tensioned, internal or external construction.
NOTE 1 Special attention to safety measures is necessary.
NOTE 2 Provisions valid at the construction site (see 4.1.3) include approval documents issued by a European or
national certification body.

7.2 Materials for prestressing

7.2.1 Post-tensioning systems

(1) Post-tensioning systems shall conform to European Technical Approval or provisions valid at the
construction site.
(2) All parts of the post-tensioning system shall be compatible e.g. from the same prestressing system.

7.2.2 Sheaths
(1) Steel strip sheaths shall conform to EN 523.
(2) Sheaths of materials other than steel shall conform to provisions valid at the construction site.
(3) Casing sheaths for unbonded strands shall conform to the relevant product standard, if any, or to
provisions valid at the construction site.
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ENV 13670-1:2000

7.2.3 Prestressing steel and substitutes

(1) The tendons and prestressing steel (wires, strands, bars) shall conform to 3.3 of ENV 1992-1-1and to
provisions valid at the construction site, or ENV 10138 when available. For unbonded tendons (internal or
external) the material properties shall conform to 3 of ENV 1992-1-5.
(2) Materials other than steel to be used for prestressing such as composite carbon-, glass- or aramid-
fibres, shall conform to European Technical Approval or provisions valid at the construction site.

7.2.4 Anchorage elements and accessories

(1) Anchorage elements and accessories for the prestressing system shall be identified as those specified
or permitted.

7.2.5 Tendon supports

(1) Tendon supports shall:
– not be deleterious to either steel or concrete;
– be stiff enough to ensure a stable fixing of the tendons in their required position;
– not damage the sheaths.
(2) The spacing of the tendon supports shall be such as to ensure the sheaths conform to the required line
and level.

7.2.6 Cement-based grout

(1) Common grout for filling ducts and anchorages shall conform to EN 447:1996.

7.2.7 Grease, wax or other products.

Grease or wax for filling ducts and anchorages of unbonded tendons shall conform to ENV 1992-1-5.

7.2.8 Documentation
(1) The project specification and construction documentation related to prestressing, identification
documents and approval documents on materials and/or tendons shall be available on site.
(2) When materials are delivered to site, they shall be accompanied by a delivery ticket. Materials without
proper documentation shall be rejected.
(3) Delivery tickets, test reports and non-conformities shall be included in the tensioning report.

7.3 Transport and Storage

(1) Materials sensitive to corrosion e.g. prestressing steel, sheaths, anchorage devices, couplers,
prefabricated tendons and tendons fabricated on site, shall be protected from harmful influences during
transport and storage and also whilst placed in the structure prior to permanent protection. Materials that
have corroded significantly shall be replaced by conforming materials.
(2) Cement, dry additions and admixtures for grout shall be protected from water and moisture during
delivery and storage on site.

7.4 Fabrication of tendons

(1) The prestressing tendons shall be assembled in accordance with the European Technical Approval or
provisions valid at the construction site.
(2) The type and class of prestressing steel shall be recorded in the inspection reports.
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(3) Welding of prestressing steel or anchorages, oxygen cutting or welding of steel in the vicinity of
prestressing steel is not permitted. Welding of pressure distribution spirals, anchor plates and spot
welding of perforated plates is not permitted unless otherwise stated in the project specification.
(4) Sheaths and their joints shall be sealed against the ingress of water.

7.5 Placing of the tendons

7.5.1 General
(1) Prestressing tendons shall be placed and secured in a manner that maintains their location within the
permissible tolerances (see 7.2.6 (1) and 10.6).
(2) The tendons shall have a straight entry into the anchorage and the couplers.

7.5.2 Pre-tensioned tendons

(1) Unbonded lengths of the prestressing steel shall be adequately protected against corrosion.

7.5.3 Post-tensioned tendons

(1) Vents on the sheaths shall be provided at both ends, at the points of the tendon where air or water may
accumulate. In the case of sheaths of considerable length, vents or inlets may be required at intermediate
(2) Vents shall be properly marked to identify the cable.
(3) The sheaths and vents shall be secured to withstand the effects of placing and compacting of the
7.5.4 Internal and external unbonded tendons
(1) Unbonded tendons shall be adequately sealed against penetration of moisture.

7.6 Tensioning

7.6.1 General
(1) Tensioning shall conform to a prearranged and approved tensioning programme. Force (pressure) and
elongation shall be recorded in an inspection report.
(2) Written instructions for the tensioning shall be available on site.
(3) Stressing devices shall be selected from those permitted by the prestressing system.
(4) The valid calibration records for the force measuring devices shall be available on site before the
tensioning starts.
(5) Application and/or transfer of prestressing to a structure shall be done progressively and is only
allowed when the concrete strength conforms to of ENV 1992-1-1 and is equal to or greater than
the minimum compressive strength required by the prestressing system.
NOTE Having adequate concrete strength in the anchorage areas is of particular importance.
(6) If during the stressing of post-tensioned tendons, the calculated elongation cannot be achieved within
 5% of the specified total tensioning force or within  10 % of the specified tensioning force for a single
tendon, action shall be taken in accordance with the the project specification.
(7) If during the stressing of pre-tensioned tendons, the calculated elongation cannot be achieved within 
3% of the specified total tensioning force or within  5% of the specified tensioning force for a single
tendon, action shall be taken in accordance with the project specification.
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(8) The results of the tensioning programme and its conformity or non-conformity to the requirements
shall be recorded in an inspection report.

7.6.2 Pre-tensioned tendons

(1) If the fresh concrete cannot be cast in due time after tensioning, temporary protective measures shall
be taken which will not affect the bond or have a detrimental effect on the steel and/or the concrete.

7.6.3 Post-tensioned tendons

(1) Tensioning is not permitted at ambient temperatures below -10°C. unless stated otherwise in
provisions valid at the construction site.
(2) Tensioning shall not take place at in-situ concrete temperatures below +5°C unless the procedure
conforms to special arrangements given in provisions valid at the construction site.
(3) In the case of deviation from the planned performance during tensioning, the cutting off of tendon
ends or grouting is not permitted. Works which can impair the re-tensioning shall not be carried out. All
these works shall be postponed until the revised tensioning report has been approved.

7.6.4 Internal and external unbonded tendons

(1) Clauses (1), (2) and (3) of 7.6.3. apply.

7.7 Protective measures (grouting, greasing, concreting )

7.7.1 General
(1) Written instructions shall be provided for the preparation and execution of the protective measures.
(2) Grouting devices shall conform to EN 446 and be selected from those permitted by the prestressing
(3) Results from the inspection and whether they conform to the requirements for the protection shall be
recorded in the inspection report, see 11.3and annex D
(4) Anchorage areas and end caps shall be protected as well as the tendons.

7.7.2 Pre-tensioned tendons

(1) The ends of the tendons shall be protected against corrosion.

7.7.3 Post-tensioned bonded tendons

(1) Grouting of post-tensioned bonded tendons shall conform to EN 446:1996 and EN 447:1996.

7.7.4 Internal or external unbonded tendons

(1) Where external tendons are to be protected by grout, grout and grouting shall conform to 7.7.3.
(2) In other cases the sheaths and anchorages of the tendons shall be filled by the specified method with a
non-corrosive grease or wax confoming to ENV 1992-1-5.

7.7.5 Grouting operations

(1) The mixing process (batching, w/c ratio, procedure, time) shall ensure the required properties by
conforming to EN 446:1996 and EN 447:1996 or provisions valid at the construction site.
(2) Grouting shall conform to EN 446:1996 or provisions valid at the construction site.
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(3) Where required, e.g. large diameter of ducts, vertical or inclined ducts, post-injection shall conform to
7.8 of EN 446:1996.
(4) The volume injected shall be comparable with the theoretical free volume in the duct.
(5) Any void in the ducts shall be vacuum grouted or re-injected.
(6) In the case of vacuum-injection, the free volume in the ducts shall be measured. The amount of grout
injected shall be comparable with this volume.

7.7.6 Greasing operations

(1) Greasing shall be carried out at a continuous and steady rate.
(2) The volume injected shall be comparable with the theoretical free volume in the duct. The change of
grease volume with temperature shall be taken into account.
(3) After completion of greasing, unintended loss of grease from the ducts shall be prevented by sealing
them under pressure.

8 Concreting

8.1 Specification of concrete

(1) Concrete shall be specified and produced in accordance with prEN 206:1997.
NOTE Check that the specification of concrete includes all the requirements for execution.

8.2 Delivery, reception and site transport of fresh concrete

Concrete shall be inspected at the point of placing.
NOTE Table G.3 gives guidance on the minimum level of inspection.
(2) Detrimental changes of the fresh concrete, such as segregation, bleeding, paste loss or any other
changes shall be minimised during loading, transport and unloading as well as during conveyance on site.
(3) When required, samples for identity testing shall be taken at the point of placing or in the case of
ready-mixed concrete, at the point of delivery.

8.3 Pre-concreting operations

(1) A concreting and inspection plan shall be prepared for the execution in Inspection classes 2 and 3,
including all actions to be dealt with in this prestandard, relevant to the execution.
(2) When required initial testing of concreting by trial casting, shall be documented before the start of
(3) All preparation works shall be completed, inspected and documented as required for the inspection
class before the casting is initiated.
(4) If concrete is placed directly against ground or rock, the fresh concrete shall be protected against
intermixing and water suction.
(5) Ground, rock, formwork or structural parts in contact with the section to be cast shall have a
temperature which does not result in freezing of the concrete before it has sufficient strength to resist the
effects of freezing.
(6) If the ambient temperature is forecasted to be below 0°C at the time of casting or in the curing period,
precautions shall be planned to protect the concrete against damage due to freezing.
(7) If the ambient temperature is forecasted to be high at the time of casting or in the curing period,
precautions shall be planned to protect the concrete against damaging effects.
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NOTE Examples are given in E.8.5.

8.4 Placing and compaction

(1) The concrete shall be placed and compacted in order to ensure that all reinforcement and cast-in items
are properly embedded within the tolerances on the cover in compacted concrete and that the concrete
achieves its intended strength and durability.
NOTE Particular care in ensuring proper compaction is required at changes in cross sections, in narrow locations, at
boxouts, at congested reinforcement arrangements and at construction joints.
(2) The rate of placing and compaction shall be high enough to avoid cold joints and low enough to
prevent excessive settlements or overloading of the formwork and falsework.
NOTE 1 A cold joint may form during casting if the concrete in the casting front sets before placing and
compaction of the next layer of concrete.
NOTE 2 Additional requirements on the placing method and rates of placing may be needed where there are
special requirements for the surface finishes.
(3) Segregation shall be minimised during placing and compaction.
(4) The concrete shall be protected against adverse solar radiation, strong wind, freezing, water, rain and
snow during placing and compaction.
(5) Light-weight aggregate concrete shall not be pumped unless it is documented that pumping has no
significant effect on the strength of the hardened concrete.

8.5 Curing and protection

(1) Concrete in its early life shall be cured and protected:
– to minimise plastic shrinkage;
– to ensure adequate surface strength;
– to ensure adequate surface zone durability;
– from freezing;
– from harmful vibration, impact or damage.
NOTE If high strength concrete is used, special consideration should be given to preventing plastic shrinkage
(2) Methods of curing shall achieve low evaporation rates from the concrete surface or keep the surface
permanently wet.
NOTE Natural curing is sufficient when conditions throughout the required curing period are such that evaporation
rates from the concrete surface are low, e.g. in damp, rainy or foggy weather.
(3) On completion of compaction and finishing operations on the concrete and where necessary, the
surface shall be cured without delay. If needed to prevent plastic shrinkage cracking on free surfaces,
temporary curing shall be applied prior to finishing.
(4) The duration of applied curing shall be a function of the development of the concrete properties in the
surface zone.
(5) For concretes to be exposed to exposure classes X0 or XC1 conditions only (see prEN 206:1997),
minimum curing periods shall be 12 hours, provided the set does not exceed 5 hours, and the surface
concrete temperature is equal to or above 5°C.
Unless specified otherwise in provisions valid at the construction site, the following rules shall apply:
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– Concrete for use in classes other than XO or XC1 shall be cured until the surface concrete strength has
achieved at least 50 % of the specified compressive strength.
– National standards or provisions valid at the construction site may translate these requirements into
periods of time or conformity to table E.1 in annex E may be deemed to satisfy the requirements of
this clause.
(6) Curing compounds are not permitted on construction joints, on surfaces to be treated or surfaces
where bonding of other materials is required, unless they are fully removed prior to the subsequent
operation, or they are proven to have no detrimental effects on the subsequent operations.
Unless permitted by the project specification, curing compounds shall not be used on surfaces with
special requirements for the surface finish.
(7) The concrete surface temperature shall not fall below 0°C until the concrete surface has reached a
strength where freezing can be resisted without damage (usually when fc > 5 MPa).
(8) Unless specified otherwise in provisions valid at the construction site, the peak temperature of the
concrete within a component shall not exceed 65°C, unless data are provided to prove that, with the
combination of materials used, higher temperatures will have no significant adverse effect on the service
performance of the concrete.
NOTE The requirements for accelerated curing by application of external or internal heat and for the cooling of
sections with cast-in cooling pipes are not given in this prestandard.

8.6 Post-concreting operations

(1) After form striking, all surfaces shall be inspected in accordance with the inspection class for
conformity to the requirements.
(2) The surface shall be protected from damage and disfigurement during construction.
(3) Any requirement for testing hardened in situ concrete, its frequency and the conformity criteria, shall
be in accordance with the project specification.

8.7 Special execution methods

(1) Special methods shall be specified. Any changes shall be agreed and recorded in the project
(2) Execution with special concrete such as light-weight concrete, high-strength concrete, heavy-weight
concrete, underwater concrete etc. shall conform to provisions valid at the construction site, agreed
procedures or known or proven methods.
(3) Concrete for slipforming shall have an appropriate set. Slipforming shall be performed with adequate
equipment and methods ensuring that the specified cover to the reinforcement, concrete quality and
surface finish are achieved.

8.8 Concreting of composite structures

(1) Concreting of composite structures shall conform to this prestandard.

9 Execution with precast concrete elements and site manufactured components

9.1 General
(1) This prestandard gives requirements for the construction operations involving structural site
manufactured components or structural precast elements from their reception at the site, until the
completion of their installation and final acceptance.
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(2) When site manufactured components or precast elements are used, the existence of the design
coordination between them and the structural performance of the overall structure shall be verified.

9.2 Factory produced precast elements

(1) The factory produced precast elements, up to the reception of the elements at the site, are in the scope
of the relevant European product standards or European technical approval. If there are no European
technical specifications, provisions valid at the construction site apply.

9.3 Site manufactured components

(1) Site manufactured components may be treated as precast elements if they conform to the relevant
European product standard.
(2) Site manufactured components not conforming to any product standard, shall not be considered as
precast elements. Their manufacture is covered by this prestandard.
(3) The requirements for operations following the production of site manufactured components are the
same as for factory produced precast elements.

9.4 Handling and storage

9.4.1 General
(1) Handling, storage and protection of the precast elements shall be carried out in accordance with the
project specification.

9.4.2 Handling
(1) A lifting scheme defining the suspension points and forces, the arrangement of the lifting system and,
where necessary, any special provisions shall be available.
(2) The total mass and any possible deviation shall be available for each element.

9.4.3 Storage
(1) Storage instructions for the element shall define the storage position and the permissible support
points, the maximum height of the stack, the protective measures and, where necessary, any provisions
required to maintain stability.

9.5 Placing and adjustment

9.5.1 General
(1) Requirements for the placing and adjustment of the precast elements shall be given in the erection
(2) Before any delivery of precast elements, the erection specification necessary for their handling and
possible on site storage shall be available at site.
(3) The work programme with the sequence of on-site operations shall be available at site.
(4) Erection shall not be started until the above items are satisfactorily verified.

9.5.2 Placing
(1) The erection specification shall define the arrangement of the supports, the necessary props and,
where necessary, the temporary stability provisions.
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(2) Where necessary, the access and work positions shall be shown in the erection specification for the
guiding of the element and the reaching of lifting devices.
(3) Construction measures are to be applied which ensure the effectiveness and stability of temporary and
final supports. These measures shall minimise the risk of possible damage and inadequate performance.
NOTE Special advice may be required to ensure safe installation and to avoid accidental damage.
(4) The erection of the precast elements shall conform to the plans and the details of the assembly
drawings and the operation sequence of the work programme.
(5) During installation, the correct position of the elements, the dimensional accuracy of the supports, the
conditions of the joints and the overall arrangement of the structure shall be checked and any necessary
adjustments made.

9.6 Jointing and completion works

9.6.1 General
(1) An inspection shall be carried out before the execution of jointing and before any completion works.
(2) The completion work shall be executed on the basis of the requirements given in the erection
specification and taking climatic conditions into account.

9.6.2 In-situ works

(1) The placing of any additional reinforcement for the completion of the structure shall conform to
clauses 6 and 7.
(2) The in situ concreting shall conform to clause 8.

9.6.3 Structural joints

(1) Connectors of any type shall be undamaged, correctly placed and properly executed to ensure an
effective structural behaviour.
(2) Threaded and glued connections shall be executed according to the specific technology of the
materials used.
(3) It is assumed that the project specification contains requirements to ensure that;
– joints have a size compatible with the sealing method;
– steel inserts of any type, used for joint connections, are properly protected against corrosion and fire
by an appropriate choice of materials or covering;
– welded structural connections are made with weldable materials and are inspected.

10 Geometrical tolerances

10.1 General
(1) The completed structure shall be within the maximum allowable deviations to avoid detrimental
effects in terms of
a) mechanical resistance and stability in transient and in service stages;
b) service performance during the use of the building;
c) placing compatibility for the erection of the structure and its non-structural components.
NOTE Unintended small deviations from the reference values which have no significant consequenses on the
performance of the finished structure may be neglected.
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(2) This section contains the types of geometrical deviations relevant to building structures. Numerical
values are given for structural tolerances, i.e. tolerances that have influence on the structural safety. Two
structural tolerance classes are identified. This European Prestandard does not include permitted values
for tolerance class 2. Tolerance class 2 has been defined in order to permit national values to be specified.
Unless otherwise stated in the project specification, tolerance class 1 applies.
NOTE 1 Tolerance class 1, referred to as normal tolerances, achieves the design assumptions of ENV 1992 and the
required level of safety. The use of tolerance class 2 should be used in conjunction with inspection class 3.
NOTE 2 The tolerances given in 10.4 to 10.6 are normative structural tolerances considered essential for the
mechanical resistance and stability of structures in order to fulfil 10.1(1a) .
NOTE 3 Recommended values for other tolerances are given in annex F. These tolerances can be structural or non-
structural depending on the function of the component. The project specification should state if these tolerances are
(3) The requirements of this clause relate to the completed structure. Where components are incorporated
in a structure, any intermediate checking of such components shall be subordinate to the final checking of
the completed structure.
(4) Any requirements for special tolerances shall be identified in the project specification and the
following information shall then be given:
– any amendments to the permitted deviations given in this prestandard;
– any further type of deviation to be controlled, together with defined parameters and permitted values;
– whether these special tolerances apply to all relevant components or to particular components which
are identified.

(5) Tolerances for surfaces between components where forces are intended to be transmitted by full
contact bearing between the surfaces are not defined in this prestandard. Any requirements to such
surfaces shall be stated in the project specification.
(6) Tolerances for components cast under water are not given in this prestandard.
(7) If a certain geometrical deviation is covered by different requirements (redundancy), the strictest
tolerance is applicable.
(8) This prestandard does not give requirements for the combination of construction tolerances and
structural deformations.

10.2 Reference system

(1) Tolerances of position in plane refers to the secondary lines in plane.
(2) Tolerances of position in height refers the secondary lines in height e.g. a transferred bench mark.
(3) Any requirement for the secondary lines shall be stated in the project specification.
NOTE ISO 4463-1:1998 Measurement methods for building. Setting out measurements - Part 1: Planning and
organization measuring procedures, acceptance criteria gives guidance for setting-out the secondary lines.

10.3 Base supports (foundations)

(1) Base supports may be direct foundations on the ground, pile caps etc. Recommended values for the
position of the centres of the base supports are given in figure F.1 in annex F.
NOTE Foundation on the ground may be either cast directly or made from precast concrete elements. Tolerance
requirements to deep foundations, such as piles, slurry walls, diaphragms, special anchorages etc., are not given in
this prestandard.
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10.4 Columns and walls

(1) Values for permitted structural deviations for columns and walls are given in figure 1.
NOTE Guidance for permitted deviations for the positions of columns and walls measured relative to the secondary
lines is given in figure F.2 in annex F.
No Type of deviation Description Permitted deviation
Class 1
a Inclination of a The larger of
column at any
level in a single- or h/300
a multi-storey or
building 15 mm

b Deviation between The larger of

centre lines for
columns and walls t/30
15 mm

c Curvature of a The larger of

column between
adjacent storey h/300
levels or
15 mm

20 Ø
d Location of a The smaller of
column or a wall at
any storey level, 50 mm
from a vertical line or
through its centre h/(200 n1/2)
at base level in a

n is the number of
storeys, where
n >1

Figure 1 – Permitted vertical deviations for columns and walls

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10.5 Beams and slabs

(1) The given deviations for the line and level of beams and slabs also apply to other horizontal and
sloping structural components.
(2) Values for permitted structural deviations for beams and slabs are given in figure 2.

No Type of deviation Description Permitted

Class 1
a Location of a beam-to- The larger of
measured relative to  b/30
the column or
 20 mm

b = dimension of
column in the same
direction as 
1 Beam
2 Column
b Position of bearing The larger of
axis of support
 15 mm

 = Intended distance
from edge

1 Actual bearing axis of support

Figure 2 – Permitted deviations for beams and slabs

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10.6 Sections
(1) The dimensions of cross-section, the cover and position of reinforcement and prestressing
reinforcement shall not deviate more from the target values than given in figure 3.
NOTE The values for deviations given do not apply to precast elements. They should conform to the relevant
product standard.
(2) Conformity with the cover requirements shall be assessed for each individual reading unless
provisions valid at the construction site permit a statistical approach.

No. Type of deviation Description Permitted

Class 1
a Cross sectional dimensions  i = Length of cross-
sectional dimension

Applicable to beams,
slabs and columns

For  i < 150 mm ± 10 mm

 i = 400 mm ± 15 mm
 i  2500 mm ± 30 mm

with linear
interpolation for
intermediate values

1. For foundations, permitted plus-deviations shall be stated in the project specification,
if required. Minus-deviations are as stated.

2. Tolerances for special geotechnical concrete members cast directly onto the ground are not
covered by this prestandard, e.g. slurry-walls, bored piles, etc. However, ordinary, normal
foundations cast directly onto the ground are covered (i.e. blindings, etc.)

b Location of ordinary reinforcement For all values of h:

Cross section (minus) - 10 mm

h  150 mm, plus + 10 mm

h = 400 mm, plus + 15 mm
h  2500 mm, plus + 20 mm

with linear
interpolation for
intermediate values
cmin = Required minimum cover
cn = Nominal cover = cmin + | (minus) |
c = actual cover
 = Permitted deviation from cn
h = Height of cross-section
Requirement: cn + plus > c > cn - | (minus) |
Permitted plus-deviations for cover to reinforcement for foundations and concrete members in
foundations may be increased by 15 mm. The given minus-deviations apply.

Figure 3 – Permitted sectional deviations.

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No. Type of deviation Description Permitted

Class 1
c Lap-joints
 = Lap length - 0,06 

d Location of prestressing reinforcement

Longitudinal section For h 200 mm ± 0,03 h

For h > 200 mm: The smaller of

± 0,03 h
± 30 mm

Concrete cover - 15 mm
measured to duct

The values given apply to vertical and horizontal location.

Permitted minus-deviation from nominal cover for each tendon as for reinforcement, case b.

Figure 3 – (continued)

10.7 Surfaces and edge straightness

Recommended values for deviations for surfaces and straightness are given in figure F.5 in annex F.

10.8 Tolerances for holes and inserts

Recommended values for deviations for holes and inserts are given in figure F.6 in annex F.

11 Inspection

11.1 Inspection classes

Supervision and inspection shall ensure that the works are completed in accordance with this prestandard
and the provisions of the project specification.
(2) Inspection in this context refers to verifying conformity of the properties of products and materials to
be used as well as inspection of the execution of the works.
(3) Requirements for inspection shall be specified using one of the following 3 classes:
– Inspection Class 1;
– Inspection Class 2;
– Inspection Class 3.
NOTE 1 Inspection class may refer to the complete structure, to components of the structure or to certain
materials/technologies used for the execution. The informative annex G gives guidance for selection of inspection
NOTE 2 The three inspection classes give the option to specify the required inspection based on the importance of
the component/structure and the criticality of the execution for its ability to fullfill its function.
(4) The inspection class to be used shall be stated in the project specification.
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NOTE This prestandard does not deal with provisions related to the competence and degree of independence of the
inspection personnel. It is assumed that any specific requirements are stated in the project specification or provisions
valid at the construction site.

11.2 Inspection of materials and products

(1) The inspection of the properties of the materials and products to be used in the works is given in
table 1.

Table 1 – Inspection requirements for materials and products

Subject Inspection Class 1 Inspection Class 2 Inspection Class 3

Materials for formwork Visual inspection. In accordance with project specification 3)

Reinforcing steel In accordance with ENV 10 080 and provisions valid at the construction site, see
11.5.1(1) 3)
Prestressing steel Not applicable In accordance with EN 10 138 or provisions valid at the
construction site 3)
Fresh concrete; 1) In accordance with prEN 206:1997 and according to the project specification.
ready mixed or site mixed At reception of concrete a delivery ticket shall be present. 3)

Other items 2) In accordance with the project specification 3).

Precast elements In accordance with 11.8.2 3)

Inspection report Not required. Required
Site manufactured components are considered as components produced with "fresh concrete;
ready mixed or site mixed concrete" unless they are produced according to a product standard.
For example, items such as embedded steel components etc.
Products bearing the CE-mark or third party product certification shall be checked against the delivery ticket and
visually inspected. In cases of doubt, further inspection shall be undertaken to check that the product conforms to
its specification. Other products shall be subject to inspection and acceptance testing as defined in the project

(2) If prescribed concrete is used, the relevant properties are to be checked by tests.

11.3 Scope for inspection of execution

(1) The scope of inspection to be carried out is given in table 2, unless otherwise stated in the project
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Table 2 – Scope of inspection

Subject Inspection Class 1 Inspection Class 2 Inspection Class 3

Scaffolding, formwork Visual inspection. Major scaffolding and All scaffolding and formwork
and falsework formwork to be inspected to be inspected before
before concreting, see 11.4 concreting, see 11.4
Ordinary reinforcement Visual inspection and Major reinforcement to be All reinforcement to be
random measurements. inspected before concreting, inspected before concreting,
see 11.5.1(2) and 11.5.2 see 11.5.1(2) and 11.5.2
Prestressing Not applicable Components with prestressing reinforcement to be inspected
reinforcement before concreting, see 11.6.2 and 11.6.3
Embedded items Visual inspection. According to the project specification
Erection of precast According to erection specification
Site transport and According to 11.7
casting of concrete
Curing and finishing of None According to 11.7
Stressing of prestress- Not applicable According to 11.6.3 and 11.6.4
ing reinforcement,
including grouting
As-built geometry Not required According to project specification
Documentation of Not required As required by this prestandard

11.4 Inspection of falsework and formwork

11.4.1 Inspection prior to concreting

(1) Before casting operations start, inspections, according to the relevant inspection class, shall include:
– geometry of formwork;
– stability of formwork and falsework and their foundations;
– tightness of formwork and its parts;
– removal of detritus (such as dust, snow and/or ice and remains of tie wire)
from the section to be cast;
– treatment of the faces of the construction joints;
– removal of water from the base of the form except where special procedures for casting under water or
displacing the water without intermixing are to be operated;
– preparation of the surface of the formwork;
– openings and box-outs.

11.4.2 Inspection after concreting

(1) The concrete strength shall be estimated for adequacy before removing falsework or formwork.
(2) The structure shall be checked to ensure that temporary inserts have been removed.
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11.5 Inspection of reinforcement

11.5.1 Inspection prior to concreting

(1) Before casting operations start, inspections, according to the relevant inspection class, shall confirm
– the reinforcement shown on the drawings is in place, and at the specified spacing;
– the cover is in accordance with the specifications;
– reinforcement is not contaminated by oil, grease, paint or other deleterious substances;
– the reinforcement is properly tied and secured against displacement during concreting;
– space between bars is sufficient to place and compact the concrete.

11.5.2 Inspection after concreting

(1) Construction joints shall be checked to ensure that the starter bars are correctly located.

11.6 Inspection of prestressing

11.6.1 Inspection for identification

(1) The identification of the materials shall be verified and checked for conformity to the specification.

11.6.2 Inspection prior to concreting

(1) Before casting operations start, inspections shall include:
– the position of the tendons, sheaths, vents, drains, anchorages, and couplers in respect of the project
specification, including the concrete cover and the spacing of the tendons;
– the fixture of the tendons and sheaths, including the provision of adequate resistance against
buoyancy, and the stability of their supports;
– the sheaths, vents, anchorages, couplers and their sealing are undamaged;
– the tendons, anchorages and/or couplers are not corroded;
– the cleanliness of the sheaths, anchorages, and couplers.

11.6.3 Inspection prior to tensioning

(1) The availabity on site of the documents and equipment according to the tensioning programme shall
be ensured.
(2) Prior to tensioning or prior to releasing the tension force, the actual concrete strength shall be checked
against the strength required.
(3) The calibration of the jacks shall be checked.
(4) When the temperature is low, the conformity to 7.6.3 shall be checked.

11.6.4 Inspection prior to grouting

(1) Before grouting starts, the inspection shall include:
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ENV 13670-1:2000

– preparation tests for grout conforming to EN 447:1996;

– ducts are open for grout through their full length and free of harmful materials, e.g. water, ice;
– vents prepared and identified;
– equipment operational;
– materials are batched and sufficient to allow for overflow;
– the results of any trial grouting on representative ducts.
(2) During grouting, the inspection shall include:
– conformity of the fresh grout tests (fluidity, segregation), see EN 447:1996;
– the characteristics of the equipment and of the grout;
– the actual pressures during grouting;
– order of blowing and washing operations;
– precautions taken to keep ducts clear;
– order of grouting operations;
– actions in the event of incidents and harmful climatic conditions;
– the location and details of any re-injection.

11.7 Inspection of the concreting operations

(1) The inspection and testing of concreting operations shall be planned, performed and documented in accordance
with the inspection class, see table 3.
(2) Basic inspection is the continual inspection of conformity and normal good practice.

Table 3 – Requirements for planning, inspection and documentation

Subject Inspection Class 1 Inspection Class 2 Inspection Class 3

Planning for inspection Inspection plan, Inspection plan,

procedures and procedures and
instructions as specified instructions as specified.

Actions in the event of a Actions in the event of a

non-conformity. non-conformity.

Inspection Basic inspection. Basic and random detailed Detailed inspection of

inspection. each casting.

Documentation Records from all unusual All planning documents. All planning documents.
Records from all Records from all
All non-conformities and inspections. inspections.
corrective action reports.
All non-conformities and All non-conformities and
corrective action reports. corrective action reports.
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ENV 13670-1:2000

11.8 Inspection of precast concrete elements

11.8.1 General
(1) Before installation, the existence of adequate site conditions shall be verified by an initial inspection.
NOTE Recommendations for the initial site inspection are given in G.11.8.1 of annex G.

11.8.2 Reception checks

(1) An initial visual inspection of the precast elements shall be carried out before unloading.
(2) As soon as possible after delivery, the precast elements shall be inspected for acceptance.
NOTE Guidance on inspection is given in G.11.8 of annex G.

11.9 Action in the event of a non-conformity

(1) Where inspection reveals a non-conformity, appropriate action shall be taken to ensure that the
structure remains fit for its intended purpose.
NOTE See G.11.9 for further guidance.
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Annex A (informative):
Guidance on documentation
Main clause numbers mirror those in Section 4: Documentation

A.4.1 Project specification

(1) The technical documentation for concrete structures comprises:
design calculations for individual members and the complete structure;
a project specification.
(2) The project specification comprises:
(a) Construction drawings, giving all necessary information such as geometry of the structure, amount
and position of reinforcing and prestressing steel and for precast concrete elements, lifting devices,
weights, inserts, etc.
(b) Description of all products to be used with any requirement for the application of the products. This
information should be given on the drawings and/or in the work description.
(c) Work description which is the document that describes the inspection classes to be applied, any
special tolerance, requirements for the properties of surface finish etc. The work description should also
include all requirements for execution of the work, i.e. sequence of operations, temporary supports, work
procedures etc.
(d) Where relevant, an erection specification for precast concrete elements.
(3) An erection specification for precast concrete elements comprises:
– installation drawings consisting of plans and sections showing the positions and the connections of the
elements in the completed works;
– installation data with the required in-situ material properties and inspections;
– installation instructions with the necessary data for the handling, storing, setting, adjusting, connection
and completion works (see 9.4, 9.5 and 9.6).
(4) Table A 1 gives a summary of the information that should be included into the project specification, as
relevant, to be in accordance with this prestandard.
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Table A 1 – Checklist of information for inclusion in the project specification

Section Clause Text

1 Scope 1 (2) Specify any additional requirements for civil engineering works
1 (3) Specify specific project requirements
1 (7) State any requirements on concrete members used as equipment for
the execution
1 (10) State any requirements for special geotechnical works
1 (11) Specify requirements related to health and safety
1 (12) Specify requirements related to qualifications of personnel
1 (13) Define responsibilities, where appropriate
2. Normative references 2 (2) Add all relevant national standards or provisions valid at the
construction site
3 Definitions 3.9 Define the reference line for setting out
4 Documentation 4.1 (1) All necessary technical information to be set out in the project
4.1 (1) National provisions which need to be respected
4.1 (2) Include procedure for altering project specification
4.1 (2) Requirements for document distribution
4.1 (3) State if quality plan is required
4.2.2 (1) State if execution documentation is required
5 Falsework and formwork
5.2 (2) Specify provisions for application of release agents
5.3(1) Specify construction programme and Method Statement, if required
5.4 (4) Specify any requirements for surface finish
5.5.2 Specify any requirements for special formwork
5.6 (1) Specify any requirements for special finishes or trial panels
5.7.2 (1) Requirements for filling temporary works inserts
6 Reinforcement 6.2 (1) Specify types of reinforcement
6.2 (1) Specify provisions for reinforcing steel
6.2 (3) Specify permitted types of anchorages or couplers
6.2 (3) Specify provisions for anchorage devices and couplers
6.3 (1) Provide cutting and bending schedules or identify that this is a task
for the constructor
6.3 (1) Is bending at temperatures below –5°C permitted and if so specify
the precautions to be taken
6.3 (1) State if bending by heating in permitted
6.3 (4) Specify any requirements to straighten bent bars
6.3 (5) Procedure for straightening coils
6.4.1 Provisions for welding of reinforcement
6.4 (4) Confirm that spot welding is permitted
6.4 (5) State if welding of galvanised or epoxy coated bars is permitted. If
so, specify the repair method.
6.5 (1) Provisions for joints of reinforcement
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6.6 (1) Location of reinforcements including the position of joints

6.6 (1) Detail drawings for congested reinforcement
7 Prestressing 7.1 NOTE 2 Documents approved by a competent authority
7.2.1 (1) Approval of post-tensioning system
7.2.2 (3) Provisions for casing sheaths
7.2.3 (2) State if alternatives to prestressing steel are permitted. If so, state
which types and qualities
7.2.5 (2) Description of tendon support
7.4 (1) Provisions for assembling of prestressing tendons
7.4 (3) Specify if welding of pressure distribution spirals, anchor plates and
spot welding of perforated plates is permitted
7.5.1 (1) Locations of prestressing tendons
7.6.1 (6) Actions to be taken when accuracy of elongation or tensioning force
cannot be achieved
7.6.3 (1) State if tensioning below –10°C is permitted. If so specify any
additional precautions
7.6.3 (1) Provisions for tensioning at ambient temperatures below –10°C
7.6.3 (2) State any special arrangements for tensioning at in-situ temperatures
below +5°C
7.7.5 (1) Provisions for the mixing process of grouting if not conforming to
EN 446:1996 and EN 447:1996
7.7.5 (2) Provisions for the grouting if not conforming to EN 446:1996
7.7.5 (3) State if post-injection is required
8 Concreting 8.1 (1) Check that all the required concrete properties have been specified
8.3 (2) State if a trial casting is required
8.4 (2) State any additional limits for the concrete surfaces
8.5 (5) State if different curing periods are needed
8.5 (5) Provisions for translating percentage of compressive strenght to
periods of time
8.5 (6) State any restrictions for curing compounds on concrete surfaces
8.5 (8) State any requirements for accelerated curing or cooling
8.5 (8) State if higher peak temperatures are acceptable
8.6 (3) State any requirements to in-situ testing of hardened concrete. If so,
specify the method of test, its frequency and conformity criteria
8.7 (1) Specify any special execution methods
8.7 (2) State any need to specify procedures for execution with special
9 Execution with precast 9.3 (1) State if site manufactured components shall conform to a product
concrete elements standard. If so, specify the standard.
9.4.1 Specify handling , storage and protection
9.5 (1) Requirements relating to placing and adjustment of precast elements
9.6 In situ works required for completion
9.6.2 (1) Detailing of in situ works
9.6.2 (3) Specify appropriate materials or coverings
9.6.3 (1) Detailing of structural joints
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9.6.3 (2) Specify acceptable specific technologies

9.6.3 (3) Specify requirements to joints, inserts for joint connections and
welded structural connections
10 Geometrical tolerances 10.1 (1) State any requirements related to aesthetics
10.1 (2) Specify if tolerance class 2 applies
10.1 (2) Specify of any of I/N tolerances apply
10.1 (4) Specify any special tolerances and the elements to which they apply
10.1 (5) State any requirements for surfaces with full contact bearing
10.1 (6) If sections are to be cast under water, specify tolerances
10.2 (3) State any requirements for the secondary lines
10.3 (1) Check need to specify tolerances for deep foundations
10.6 (2) Specify permitted plus-deviations for foundations
10.6 (2) State if a statistical evaluation of concrete cover is permitted
11 Inspection, correction 11.1 (4) Specify inspection class and define who is responsible for the
11.1 (4) Specify provisions related to inspection personnel
11.2 Define inspections and acceptance testing of products without a CE-
Table 1 marking or third party certification
11.2 (1) Specify provisions relating to the inspection of materials and
Table 1 products
11.3 Check if the scopes of these inspections are adequate. If not give
Table 2 additional requirements
11.7 (1) Inspection class for concreting operations
11.9 If required specify more detailed actions in the event of a non-
Annex A Documentation A 4.1 (2) Check if the project specification is complete
A 4.1 (3) If erection specification is required, check if it is complete
Annex B Falsework and B 5.5.1 (1) Check whether the specified cover is to include allowance for
formwork surface irregularities
Annex C Reinforcement C.6.3 (5) Provisions for rebending at the same point
Annex D Prestressing D 7.7.3 (1) Check that the construction periods are adequate
Annex E Concreting E 8.3 (6) Specify the ambient temperature above which precautions should be
planned if not in national standards or provisions valid at the
construction site
E 8.4 (9) Specify any requirements for direct surface finishes
E 8.5 (1) Specify any additional requirements for the curing and protection
E 8.5 (2) Provisions for curing compound
E 8.5 (8) State any need to increase the curing periods
E 8.5 (8) Provisions for curing periods where sevoro conditions occur
Annex F Tolerances F 10.7 Fig. State permitted deviation for holes and inserts
Annex G Inspection G 11.7 (1) State if an inspection plan is needed
G 11.7 (1) State who has authority to accept the form and content of inspection
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G 11.7 (2) Requirements to identy testing , air content and to time of

Table G.3 arrival/placing and to temperature
G 11.7 (2) Specify inspection of free surfaces
Table G.5
G 11.7 (2) Specify planning for inspection
Table G.6
G 11.7 (2) Specify if check with covermeter is required
Table G.7
G 11.8.3 (1) State if any additional checks are required
G 11.9 (2) State any required procedure for rectification in case of non -

A.4.2 Execution documentation

(1) The following subjects should be considered for inclusion in the execution documentation:
– Sources of materials, material test certificates and/or suppliers' attestation of conformity;
– applications for variations and responses;
– as-built drawings or sufficient information to enable as-built drawings to be produced for the entire
structure including any precast elements;
– a description of non-conformities and where applicable, the corrective actions taken;
– a record of accepted changes to the project specification;
– records of any dimensional checks at hand-over;
– a diary where the events of the construction process are reported;
– documentation of the inspections .
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Annex B (informative) :
Guidance on falsework and formwork
Main clause numbers mirror those in Section 5: Falsework and formwork

B.5.1 Basic Requirements

(1) The principal actions to be taken into account in the design include the governing combinations of:
– deadloads of formwork, reinforcement and concrete;
– pressure on formwork taking into account concrete type (including possible uplift);
– construction loads (crew, equipment, etc...), including static and dynamic effects of placing,
compacting and construction traffic;
– wind and snow loads.
(2) The provision of adequate bracing and its means of connection are important.

B.5.3 Falsework
(1) Wedges for the correct adjustment of falsework supports must be properly secured against slip during
(2) When propping off the ground, the influence of differential settlements should be taken into account.

B.5.4 Formwork
(1) A closable window (opening) at the bottom of the form can be helpful when cleaning out the forms.

B.5.5 Special formwork

B.5.5.1 Slipforming
Measures to secure the protection of the reinforcement may be:
– treatment of the surfaces after leaving the form e.g. floating;
– application of a suitable compound on the surfaces;
– increase of the nominal cover.

B.5.5.2 Permeable formwork lining

(1) The use of a permeable formwork lining improves the quality of the concrete in the cover zone and
significantly reduces the number and size of blowholes.

B.5.7 Inserts in formwork

(1) When aluminium or galvanized steel inserts are to be used, special measures should be taken to avoid
chemical reactions between the metal and the concrete.
(2) Metallic materials of different electrical potential should not be electrically connected.
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Annex C (informative):
Guidance rules on reinforcement
Main clause numbers mirror those in Section 6: Reinforcement

C.6.3 Bending, cutting, transport and storage of the reinforcement

(1) Measures should be taken to avoid:
– mechanical damage (e.g. notches or dents);
– rupture of welds;
– reduction of the section through corrosion.
(2) Mechanical cutting is an appropriate method.
(3) Table C.1 is a reproduction of table 5.1 of ENV 1992-1-1.

Table C.1 – Minimum diameter of the mandrel

Hooks, bends, loops Bent-up bars or other curved bars

Bar diameter Value of minimum concrete cover,
perpendicular to plane of curvature
Ø < 20 mm Ø > 20 mm > 100 mm > 50 mm  50 mm
and > 7 Ø and > 3 and < 3 Ø
Plain bars
S 220 2,5 Ø 5Ø 10 Ø 10 Ø 15 Ø

High bond bars

S400, 4Ø 7Ø 10 Ø 15 Ø 20 Ø
S 500

(4) Table C.2 is a reproduction of table 5.2 of ENV 1992-1-1.

Table C.2 – Minimum diameter of the mandrel for welded reinforcement and fabric

Minimum diameter of the mandrel

Welds outside bends Welds inside bends

for d < 4 : minimum mandrel diameter 20 Ø

for d  4 : Table C.1 applies
20 20
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(5) The following conditions should be satisfied when cold bending reinforcing steel:

– provisions valid at the construction site will state if rebending at the same point is permitted;
– boxes used to cover reinforcing bars for later connection should be designed not to adversely affect the
load bearing capacity of the concrete section or the corrosion protection of the reinforcement.

C.6.4 Welding
(1) The welding methods permitted include:
– arc-welding;
– gas-shielded welding;
– flash-welding;
– spot welding.
(2) For structurally important welds, the welder should have appropriate welding certificates.

C.6.6 Assembly and placing of the reinforcement

(1) In the selection of suitable chairs and spacers as required by 6.6.(3), consideration of the loading
during placing of the reinforcement and casting of the concrete should be taken into account.
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Annex D (informative):
Guidance on prestressing
Main clause numbers mirror those in Section 7: Prestressing

D.7.3 Transport and storage

(1) Prestressing steel, anchorages, couplers, and ready-made tendons should be transported on carriages
which are clean and free from chemical substances aggressive to the steel. Any contact with detrimental
substances should be avoided by special packing in the mill or by supporting the steel in a way that
prevents it coming into contact with the carriage surfaces.
(2) Transport by water should not be allowed without suitable packing.
(3) The bar diameters that can be transported and stored as coils is to be approved.
(4) Prestressing steel should not be stored in contact with the ground nor exposed to rain. Prestressing
steel should preferably be stored in closed rooms at a relative humidity of less than 60 per cent.
(5) Ready-made tendons within sheaths should be protected at their ends against the penetration of
moisture, preferably against condensation, and supported at distances which does not impair the stability
and tightness of the sheaths.

D.7.4 Fabrication of the tendons

(1) Sockets and other connections should meet the same requirements as the sheaths.
(2) Tapes for sealing of the sheaths should be free of chloride.
(3) Prestressing steel may be cut with a disk cutter.

D.7.5 Placing of the tendons

D.7.5.3. Post-tensioned tendons

(1) Resistance against buckling of sheaths can be achieved by using a sufficiently stiff sheath or with
temporary support from a polythene tube or similar.

D.7.6. Tensioning

D.7.6.1 General
(1) Tensioning is a complex operation working with high forces on the jacks and the prestressing tendons.
It is an operation which requires suitable safety measures and supervision by experienced personnel.

D.7.6.2 Pre-tensioned tendons

(1) In addition to the requirements in 7.6.1 and 7.6.2, the tensioning programme should specify :
– any special sequence of tensioning;
– the jack pressure and its equivalent jack force to be attained;
– the minimum and maximum permissible tension in the tendons and their slip in the anchorages;
– the required concrete strength at the time of releasing the prestressing force.
(2) The operational suitability of reusable anchorage components should be proven by a check.
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D.7.6.3 Post-tensioned tendons

(1) In addition to the requirements in 7.6.1 and 7.6.3, the tensioning programme should specify :
– the prestressing system to be used;
– the type and grade of prestressing steel;
– the number of bars, wires or strands in each tendon;
– the required concrete strength for the application of tension;
– the order in which successive tendons have to be tensioned and any requirements for phased
tensioning on a tendon;
– the calculated tensioning and jacking force as well as the elongation of the tendons;
– the anticipated slip at the anchorage;
– any necessary partial or full release of the falsework .
(2) The following should be recorded :
– the verification of the required concrete strength for the tensioning;
– the type of prestressing jack used;
– the measured jack force and the elongation of the tendon in each stage of tensioning;
– the observed slip;
– any severe deviation from the calculated tensioning force or elongation;
– if specified, the release of falsework.

D.7.6.4 Internal and external unbonded tendons

(1) The clauses (1) and (2) of D.7.6.3 apply.

D.7.7 Protective measures

D.7.7.3 Post-tensioned bonded tendons

(1) If the penetration of water or excessive humidity can be prevented, and if provisions valid at the
construction site do not specify otherwise, the following construction periods are recommended :
– maximum of 12 weeks between fabrication of tendons and grouting;
– maximum of 4 weeks in the formwork before casting of concrete;
– approximately 2 weeks in the tensioned condition before applying the protective measures.
(4) If the period above between tensioning and grouting is exceeded, temporary protection should be
maintained by an approved method. At appropriate intervals, flushing of the ducts with dried air or
nitrogen can provide a suitable means of protection.
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Annex E (informative):
Guidance on concreting
Main clause numbers mirror those in Section 8: Concreting

E.8.2 Delivery, reception and site transport of fresh concrete

(1) The receiving inspection should comprise a check of the delivery ticket prior to discharge.
(2) The receiving inspection should be documented by signing the delivery ticket when relevant.
(3) The concrete should be visually inspected during unloading. Unloading should be stopped if the
appearance, judged by experience, is abnormal.

E.8.3 Pre-concreting operations

(1) Construction joints should be clean, free of laitance and wetted to a damp condition.
(2) The form should be free of detritus, ice, snow and standing water.
(3) Structural elements should be isolated from the ground by a blinding layer of at least 50 mm unless
the concrete cover to the reinforcement is increased accordingly.
(4) Concreting onto frozen ground should not be permitted, unless special procedures are followed.
(5) The surface temperature at the construction joint should be above 0 °C at the time of concreting.
(6) Provisions valid at the construction site should define ambient temperatures above which precautions
have to be planned to protect the concrete against damaging effects.

E.8.4 Placing and compaction

(1) Compaction should be performed by internal vibration, unless otherwise agreed.
(2) Concrete should be placed as near as practical to its final location. Vibration should be used to
compact the concrete and not as a means of moving the concrete long distances.
(3) Vibration by poker or surface vibrator should be applied systematically after placing until the
expulsion of entrapped air has practically ceased. Excessive vibration which might promote weak surface
layers or segregation should be avoided.
(4) Normally the thickness of the concrete layer placed should be less than the height of the poker
vibrator. Vibration should be systematic and include re-vibration of the top of the previous layer.
(5) Where permanent formwork is incorporated in the structure, its energy absorption should be taken into
account when deciding the method of compaction and consistence of the concrete.
(6) In deep sections, re-compaction of the surface layer is recommended to compensate for plastic
settlement below horizontal top reinforcement.
(7) Where only surface vibrators are used, the layer of concrete after compaction should, in normal
situations, not exceed 100 mm unless proved acceptable by trial castings. Additional vibration near the
supports may be required to obtain adequate compaction.
(8) Surface finishing by screeding, trowelling or floating should be carried out in a manner and at the
necessary time to achieve the specified surface finish.
(9) Surface finishing should not result in laitance.
(10) Water, cement, surface hardeners or other materials should not be added during the finishing
operations unless specified or agreed.
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E.8.5 Curing and protection

(1) The project specification may contain additional requirements for:
– maximum temperature difference across the cast section;
– maximum temperature difference between the cast section and previously cast sections or other forms
of restraint;
– aggregate type;
– monitoring during construction.
(2) The following methods are suitable for curing used separately or in sequence:
– keeping the formwork in place;
– covering the concrete surface with vapour-proof sheets which are secured at the edges and joints to
prevent draughts;
– placing of wet coverings on the surface and protection of these coverings against drying out;
– keeping the concrete surface visibly wet with suitable water;
– application of a curing compound of established suitability.
NOTE Until a European standard on curing compound is published, suitability may be based on provisions valid at
the construction site.
Other curing methods of equal effectiveness may be used.
(3) The development of properties in the surface zone should be based on one of the following
– compressive strength to maturity;
– heat evolution to the total heat generated under adiabatic conditions.
(4) Table E.1 gives the duration of curing in number of days deemed to satisfy 8.5 (5).

Table E.1 – Minimum curing period for prEN 206:1997 exposure classes other than X0
and XC1

Surface concrete Minimum curing period, days 1), 2)

temperature (t), °C
Concrete strength development 4)
(fcm2/fcm28) = r
rapid medium slow very slow
r  0,50 r = 0,30 r = 0,15 r < 0,15
t  25 1,0 1,5 2,0 3,0
25 > t  15 1,0 2,0 3,0 5
15 > t  10 2,0 4,0 7 10
10 > t  5 3)
3,0 6 10 15
1. Plus any period of set exceeding 5 hours.
2. Linear interpolation between values in the rows is acceptable.
3. For temperatures below 5°C, the duration should be extended for a period equal to the time below
4. The concrete strength development is the ratio of the mean compressive strength after 2 days to the
mean compressive strength after 28 days determined from initial tests or based on known performance
of concrete of comparable composition (see prEN 206:1997).

(5) If heat evolution is used to measure the development of concrete properties, heat ratio corresponding
to the strength ratio given in this prestandard should be established by the national standardisation body.
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(6) Detailed estimates of the development of concrete properties may be based on one of the following
– maturity calculation from temperature measurements taken at a maximum depth of 10 mm below the
– maturity calculation based on the daily average air temperature;
– temperature-matched curing;
– other methods of established suitability.
(7) Maturity calculations should be based on an appropriate maturity function, proven for the type of
cement or combination of cement and addition in use.
(8) Where specified in national standards or provisions valid at the construction site, the curing periods
for concrete surfaces exposed to abrasion or other severe exposure conditions are to be increased to
achieve the specified higher strength ratios.
(9) Curing compounds may penetrate the surface and make removal very difficult, therefore grit blasting
or high pressure water jetting will normally be necessary if they have to be removed.
(10) The use of a curing compound containing a fugitive dye makes verification of application simple.
(11) Possible adverse effects of high concrete temperatures during curing include:
– significant reductions of strength;
– significant increase in porosity;
– delayed ettringite formation;
– increase in the temperature difference between the cast element and the previous cast restraining

E.8.7 Special execution methods

(1) Special methods of execution should be described and documented in a method statement, a work
procedure or a work instruction.
(2) Slipforming should be controlled by a specialist. Special care should be taken to control the rate of
slipforming taking account of the actual stiffening time of the concrete.
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Annex F (informative):
Guidance on geometrical tolerances
Main clause numbers mirror those in Section 10: Geometrical tolerances
(1) In this annex, guidance is are given for permitted geometrical deviations. These are tolerances for
geometrical quantities which are considered to have small structural influence.

F 10.3 Base supports (foundations)

No Type of deviation Description Permitted

Class 1
a Horizontal section: Position in plan of
a base support
relative to the
secondary lines ± 25 mm

1 Support centre lines

y Secondary line in y - direction
x Secondary line in x - direction

b Vertical section: Position in vertical

direction of a base
support relative to
the secondary level ± 20 mm

1 Secondary level
H intended distance

Figure F.1 – Permitted deviations for the position of base supports (foundations)
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ENV 13670-1:2000

F 10.4 Columns and walls

No Type of deviation Description Permitted

Class 1
a Secondary line Position in plane
of a column
relative to the
secondary lines ± 25 mm

Secondary line
b Secondary line Position in plane
of a wall relative
to the secondary
line ± 25 mm

Free space The larger of
between adjacent
columns or walls ± 25 mm
± L/600

Figure F.2 – Permitted deviations for position of columns and walls, horizontal sections
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ENV 13670-1:2000

F 10.5 Beams and slabs

No Type of deviation Description Permitted deviation

Class 1
a Horizontal The larger of
straightness of
beams ± L/600
± 20 mm

b Distance between The larger of

adjacent beams,
measured at ± L/500
corresponding or
points ± 15 mm,

but not more

40 mm
c Inclination of a
beam or a slab  (10 + L/500) mm

d Level of adjacent
beams, measured
at corresponding
points  (10 + L/500) mm

e Levels of adjacent
floors at supports  15 mm

f Level of upper
floor measured
relative to the
secondary system

H  20 m  20
20 m < H < 100 m  0,5 (H + 20)
H  100 m  0,2 (H + 200)

Figure F.3 – Permitted deviations for beams and slabs

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ENV 13670-1:2000

F 10.6 Sections
No. Type of deviation Description Permitted
Class 1
a Orthogonality of a cross section a= Length of The larger of
cross-sectional 0,04 a or 10 mm,
but not more than 20

Plus- or minus-deviation

Figure F.4 – Permitted cross-sectional deviations

F 10.7 Surface straightness

No. Type of deviation Description Permitted

Class 1
a Flatness

Moulded or smoothed surface:

global L = 2,0 m 9 mm
local L = 0,2 m 4 mm

Not moulded surface:

global L = 2,0 m 15 mm
local L = 0,2 m 6 mm

b Skewness of cross-section The greater of

h/25 or b/25,

but not more

than 30 mm.

Plus- or minus-

c Edge straightness for lengths < ± 1 m 8 mm

for lengths >1 m 8 mm/m,

but not more
than 20 mm

Figure F.5 – Permitted deviations for surfaces and edges

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ENV 13670-1:2000

F 10.8 Tolerances for holes and inserts

No. Type of deviation Description Permitted deviation

Class 1

1,  2,  3 ± 25 mm

Unless otherwise stated in

the project specification

1 Reference line

Figure F.6 – Permitted deviations for holes and inserts

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ENV 13670-1:2000

Annex G (informative):
Guidance on inspection
Main clause numbers mirror those in Section 11: Inspection

G 11.1 Inspection classes

Table G.1 gives guidance for selection of inspection classes.
The inspection class to be applied should be according to provisions valid at the construction site, and be
stated in the project specification
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ENV 13670-1:2000

Table G.1 – Guidance for the selection of inspection class

Subject Inspection Class 1 Inspection Class 2 Inspection Class 3

Type of construction works - Ordinary bridges - Special bridges

- Buildings  2 storeys - Buildings > 2 storeys - High rise buildings

- Large dams

- Buildings for nuclear


- Containment structures

Type of structural - Reinforced beams and - Reinforced beams - Reinforced arches and
components slabs with and slabs with vaults
spans < 10 m spans > 10 m
- Highly compressed
- Simple - Slender components
walls and columns walls and columns
- Very sensitive and
- Simple foundation - Pile caps complicated
structures foundations

- Arches < 10 m - Arches > 10 m

Type of construction - Structures with precast - Structures with - Structures with

materials/technologies used elements precast elements precast
- Special tolerances
Concrete acc. to prEN
206:1997: Any strength class Any strength class
Up to and incl. C25/30
- Strength class

X0, XC1, XC2, XA1, Any exposure class Any exposure class
- Exposure class XF1

Ordinary Ordinary and Ordinary and

Reinforcement prestressing prestressing
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ENV 13670-1:2000

G 11.6 Inspection of prestressing

G.11.6.2 Inspection prior to concreting

(1) In addition to the requirements in 11.6.2. the following items should be inspected:
– that the anchor plates are perpendicular to the tendons;
– straight alignment of the tendons in the region of anchors and couplings;
– check to ensure an adequate length of prestressing steel for the installation of the jacks.

G 11.7 Inspection of the concreting operations

(1) A detailed inspection plan, where required by the project specification, should identify all inspection,
monitoring and testing necessary to prove that the required quality has been achieved.
An inspection plan should, for each inspection point state:
– the requirements;
– the references to the standard and the project specification;
– the method of inspection, monitoring or testing;
– the definition of inspection section;
– the frequency of inspection, monitoring or testing;
– the acceptance criteria;
– the documentation;
– the responsible inspector;
– the owner's witness points, if any.
An inspection plan may be prepared as a summary table with references to the inspection procedures and
inspection instructions giving the details of inspection, monitoring and testing.
All forms to be used for documentation should be accepted by the owner or his representative before the
construction starts.
(2) Tables G.2 to G.7 give guidance on inspection of concreting operations.
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ENV 13670-1:2000

Table G.2 – Inspection of pre-concreting and production

Subject Method Requirement Inspection Class 1 Inspection Class 2 Inspection Class 3

Specification of Visual prEN 206:1997 Before start of Before start of Before start of
concrete the production the production the production
Inspection of Examination of Certificate from New supplier and New supplier and New supplier and
concrete certificate where approved in case of doubt in case of doubt in case of doubt
production available certification body
that production is
New supplier and New supplier and New supplier and
Visual inspection in case of doubt in case of doubt in case of doubt
(according to
where there is no
prEN 206:1997)
3rd party
inspection of
production plant
(according to
prEN 206:1997)
Planning for Visual inspection Relevant Written Written
production information for information information
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ENV 13670-1:2000

Table G.3 – Inspection of fresh concrete

Subject Method Requirement Inspection Class 1 Inspection Class 2 Inspection Class 3

Delivery ticket Visual inspection Conformity to the Each delivery Each delivery Each delivery
where relevant specification
Consistence of Visual inspection Consistence as Random Each delivery Each delivery
concrete ordered
Using an app- Only when in When making test When making test
ropriate consi- Conformity to doubt for hardened for hardened
stence test 1) consistence class concrete and concrete and
when in doubt when in doubt
Uniformity of Visual inspection Homogenous Each delivery Each delivery
concrete concrete
Test by com- When in doubt When in doubt When in doubt
paring the proper-
ties of sub Sub samples shall
samples taken show the same
from different properties4)
part of a batch
Identity testing Test according to Conformity to For concrete For concrete For concrete
for compressive prEN 206:1997 2) compressive without CE- without CE- without CE-
strength strength class2) marking or other marking or other marking or other
third party third party third party
certification certification certification

When in doubt In accordance In accordance

with project with project
specification specification

When in doubt When in doubt

Air content On-site-test Conformity to Random Random In accordance
according to specification In accordance with project
prEN 206:1997 1) with project specification
In accordance
specification with project
specification When in doubt
When in doubt When in doubt
characteristics: 3) 3)

Each delivery to Each delivery to Each delivery to

Retempering Record Dosage and type be recorded be recorded be recorded
of agent When required When required When required
Time of arrival 5)
Record When required When required When required
Time of placing 5)
Record When required When required When required
Temperature 5)
The identity test shall be the criterion given in prEN 206:1997 for an individual sample.
Identity testing for strength, where required, ie concretes without CE-marking or third party certification.
In accordance with specified standards or to be agreed upon.
Within the precision of the test and agreed variability tolerances.
According to prEN 206:1997 and project specification
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ENV 13670-1:2000

Table G.4 – Inspection of pre-concreting operations

Subject Inspection Class 1 Inspection Class 2 Inspection Class 3

Planning for Trial casting results, if Trial casting results, if

inspection any. any.
Agreement on Quality Agreement on Quality
Control. Control.
Inspection plan Inspection plan
Equipment list Equipment list

Operator list
Inspection Basic inspection Basic and random Inspection before each
Inspection when in doubt inspection casting

Stability of the falsework Stability of the falsework

and formwork and formwork

Visual inspection of: Visual inspection of:

- tie bars - tie bars

- tightness of form - tightness of form
- cleanliness of form - cleanliness of form
- release agent, amount - release agent, amount
- saturation of form - saturation of form
- construction joint - construction joint
-casting sequence planned - casting sequence
- access planned
- delivery planned
- access
– concrete cover
- delivery planned
– concrete cover
Measuring dimensions

Measuring dimensions
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ENV 13670-1:2000

Table G.5 – Inspection of placing and compaction

Subject Inspection Class 1 Inspection Class 2 Inspection Class 3

Planning for Instruction to operators Instruction to operators

Rate of placing Rate of placing
Placing sequence Placing sequence
Layer thickness Layer thickness

Drawing or process
Inspection, formed Basic inspection Basic and random Inspection entire casting:
surfaces inspection:
- weather conditions
- weather conditions - rate of placing
- rate of placing - placing sequence
- placing sequence - layer thickness
- layer thickness - segregation
- segregation - consistence
- consistence - number of pokers
- number of pokers - size of pokers
- size of pokers - intrusion distance
- intrusion distance - intrusion depth
- intrusion depth - re-vibration
- re-vibration - form vibrators
- form vibrators - surface vibrators
- surface vibrators - movements of concrete
- movements of concrete - deflection of form
- deflection of form - fixation of embedded
- fixation of embedded parts parts

Inspection, free Basic inspection Basic and random Inspect entire casting:
surfaces inspection:
- laitance on top
- laitance on top - evenness of surface
- evenness of surface - formation of crust
- formation of crust - time end of compaction
- time end of compaction - time of completion
- time of completion - protection of surface
- protection of surface
Measuring of surface
Measuring of surface deviations in accordance
deviations in accordance with project specification
with project specification
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ENV 13670-1:2000

Table G.6 – Inspection of curing and protection

Subject Inspection Class 1 Inspection Class 2 Inspection Class 3

Planning for Procedure for protection Procedure for protection

inspection against drying out and against drying out and
freezing freezing

Procedure for temperature Procedure for temperature

control control

Monitoring system for Monitoring system for

temperature and maturity temperature and maturity
registration registration

Calculation of temperature
development and
distribution in accordance
with project specification

Inspection Basic inspection Basic and random Inspection each casting:

- protection against drying
- protection against drying out, maturity
out, maturity - protection against
- protection against freezing freezing
- stripping time, maturity - stripping time, maturity
- temperature differences - temperature differences
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ENV 13670-1:2000

Table G.7 – Inspection of post-concreting operations

Subject Inspection Class 1 Inspection Class 2 Inspection Class 3

Planning for Instruction for inspection in accordance with project

inspection specification
Inspection Geometrical check Geometrical check

Basic inspection Strength and maturity at time of stripping

Surface appearance:

- holes
- honey combing
- sandstripes
- blow holes
- cracks
- crack widths


- starter bars
- bolts
- inserts
- fixtures


- check with covermeter if required by project

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ENV 13670-1:2000

G 11.8 Inspection of precast concrete elements

G 11.8.1 Initial inspection

The principal provisions to be verified by an initial inspection of the site, before installation of precast
elements, are:
– the access routes for elements and equipment;
– the availability of assistance from the main contractor;
– the availability of adequate lifting equipment;
– the availability of proper equipment for safe working;
– the adequate completion of the supporting structures;
– provisional works, such as propping, scaffoldings, temporary supports, as necessary;
– as-built report documenting any deviation of the site work related to the erection.

G 11.8.2 Reception checks

(1) The requirements for the acceptance inspection of precast concrete elements on site is given in table

Table G.8 – Reception inspection of precast concrete elements

Subject Property Method Frequency Action

elements marking, quantity visual inspection every element signature on the delivery ticket and
notice of imperfections
elements evident visual inspection every element signature on the delivery ticket and
imperfections notice of imperfections
elements appearance of joint visual inspection every element signature on the delivery ticket and
faces notice of imperfections
lifting devices in type, integrity and visual inspection every element signature on the delivery ticket and
the element compatibility notice of imperfections

G 11.8.3 Additional checks

(1) When appropriate, the reception inspection should include the items in table G.9.

Table G.9 – Additional items for inspection when appropriate

Subject Property Method Frequency Action

elements geometrical tolerances standard test methods in case of doubt full report
elements crack width and microscope and if required full report
extension tape/rule
elements joint shapes and tape/rule in case of doubt full report
elements other characteristics standard test methods standard test methods full report
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ENV 13670-1:2000

G 11.9 Action in the event of a non-conformity

(1) Where non-conformity is confirmed, the following aspects should be investigated in the listed order:
– the implications of the non-conformity on execution and service;
– the measures necessary to make the component acceptable;
– the necessity of rejection and replacement of the non-repairable component.
NOTE If the implications of the non-conformity on execution and service are negligible, the component should be
accepted. If the non-conformity can be corrected, the component should be accepted after proper repair.
(2) If required, the rectification of non-conformity should be in accordance with a procedure stated in the
project specification or agreed.
Documentation of the procedure and materials to be used should be approved before the corrections are
13670-1:2000 |
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