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1. This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Section A has 18 questions carrying 01 mark each.
4. Section B has 07 Very Short Answer type questions carrying 02 marks each.
5. Section C has 05 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each.
6. Section D has 03 Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks each.
7. Section E has 02 questions carrying 04 marks each. One internal choice is given in Q35 against part c only.
8. All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only
1 A computer network created by connecting the computers of your school’s computer lab is an example of 1
a. LAN b. MAN
c. WAN d. PAN
2 The information /art/work that exists in digital form is called________. 1
a. e-work b. e-asset
c. digital property d. e-property

3 Legal term to describe the right of creator of original creative or artistic work is called_____. 1
a. Copyright b. Copyleft
c. GPL d. Trademark

4 If column “salary” of table employee contains the data set (2000,500, 4300,2000, 500) , what will be the 1
output after execution of the following query.
a. 5 b. 0
c. 3 d. 1
5 What will be the output of the following SQL command? 1
SELECT round(192.8562,-1);
a. 192.9 b. 192.8
c. 190 d. 193
6 _______ is an attempt where a hacker tries to divert network traffic to bogus site. 1
a. Phishing scams b. Spoofing
c. Eavesdropping d. Pharming
7 Consider the string “Preboard Exam 2023”. Which among the following SQL command will gives the last 4 1
characters of the string as output?
(i). SELECT right(“Preboard Exam 2023”,4);
(ii). SELECT left(“Preboard Exam 2023”,4);
(iii). SELECT substr(“Preboard Exam 2023”,14,4);
(iv). SELECT substr(“Preboard Exam 2023”,15,4)
a. option (i) b. option (i) and (iii)
c. option (i) and (iv) d. option (ii)
8 The mid( ) function in MySQL is an example of _______________. 1
a. Math function b. Text function
c. Date Function d. Aggregate Function

9 If column “AGE” of table STUDENT contains the data set (20,50, 43,12, 73) , what will be the output after 1
execution of the following query.
a. 30 b. 7
c. 61 d. 30
10 Given a Pandas series called p_series, the command which will display the last 4 rows is ________
a. print (p_series.Tail(4)) b. print (p_series.Tails(4)) 1
c. print (p_series.tail(4)) d. print (p_series.Tails(4))
11 Fill in the blanks : 1
The command used to give a heading to a graph using matplot is ______
(a) plt.show() (b) plt.plot()
(c) plt.xlabel() (d) plt.title()
12 In Pandas which of the following dataframe attribute can be used to know the number of rows and columns in a 1
a. size b. index c. count d. shape
13 ___________ is a device which receives a weak signal and regenerates it. 1
a. Browser b. Gateway c. Modem d. Repeater
14 In SQL, which function used to display current date and time? 1
a. Date( ) b. Time( ) c. Current( ) d. Now( )
15 Stealing someone else’s intellectual work and representing it as own is called ____________ 1
a. Intellectual steal b. Phishing c. Plagiarism d. Pickism
16 Rajesh received an email warning him of closure of his bank accounts if he did not update his banking 1
information as soon as possible. He clicked the link in the email and entered his banking information. Next he
got to know that he was duped. This is an example of __________ .
a. Online Fraud b. Identity Theft c. Plagiarism d. Phishing
Q17 and 18 are ASSERTION AND REASONING based questions. Mark the correct choice as
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
b. Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation for A
c. A is True but R is False
d. A is false but R is True
17 Assertion (A):- VoIP makes audio and video calls possible from any internet connected device having a 1
microphone and speakers.
Reasoning (R):- VoIP is possible if both caller and receiver have the right software and hardware to speak to
one another
18 Assertion (A):- While creating a dataframe with a nested or 2D dictionary, Python interprets the outer dict keys 1
as the columns and the inner keys as the row indices.
Reasoning (R):- A column can be deleted using remove command.
19 Describe i. cyber bullying and ii. Cyber stalking. 2
Expand the following terms related to Computer Networks:
a. SMTP b. POP c. FTP d. TCP
20 Mr. Rehan, a database administrator wants to display highest salary in each department from table Employee 2
with columns Ecode, Ename, Salary, Gender, Dept. He is encountering an error while executing the
following query:
Help her in identifying the reason of the error and write the correct query by suggesting the possible
correction (s).
21 What is the difference between the order by and group by clause when used along with the selectstatement? 2
Explain with an example.

22. Write a program to create a series object using a dictionary that stores the number of students in each stream of 2
class XII.
Note: Assume three streams as ‘science’, ‘arts’, ‘ commerce’ with 27, 38, 42 students respectively.
23. List any four benefits of e-waste management. 2
What is IPR? Why should it be protected?
24 Consider the commands below: 2
import pandas as pd

Here lst is a list and ds is a series. Both have same values 10 and 20. What will be the output of the
following commands? Justify your answer.
a. print ( lst * 2 )
b. print ( ds * 2 )
25 Carefully observe the following code: 2
import pandas as pd
df=pd.DataFrame (L, columns=['ID','Name','Marks'])
i. What is the shape of the data frame df?
ii. Name the index and column names of dataframe df
26 Write the output of the queries (a) to (c) based on the table, Staff given below: 3
Table: Staff
Id Name DOJ Dept Gender Exp
1 Aman 12-01-2006 Finance M 15
2 Dima 03-05-2016 Personnel F 5
3 Christina 15-11-2009 Sales F 12
4 Shem 20-12-2006 Sales M 15
5 Roshan 13-10-2013 Finance M 8
6 Danish 11-09-2013 Personnel M 8
7 Habeena 16-08-2011 Sales F 10
(a) Select avg(exp) from staff where gender = ‘F’;
(b) Select * from staff where gender =’M’ and dept like ‘P%’;
(c) Select upper(Name) from Staff where year(DOJ) < 2010 ;
27 Write a Python code to create a DataFrame ‘Df’ using dictionary of Arnab Ramit Samridhi 3
lists for the following data. Maths 90 92 89
Science 91 81 91
Hindi 97 96 88

28 Consider the following dataframe ndf as shown below : 3

Col1 Col2 Col3 Res
T1 62.893165 100.0 60.00 True
T2 94.734483 100.0 59.22 True
T3 49.090140 100.0 46.04 False
T4 38.487265 85.4 58.60 False

What will be the output produced by following statements :-
a. print( ndf.loc [ : , ’Col3’ : ] )
b. print( ndf.iloc[2 : , : 3] )
c. print( ndf.iloc [ 1:3 , 2:3 ])
29 What do you mean by Identity theft? Explain with the help of an example. 3
What do you understand by Net Etiquettes? Explain any two such etiquettes.
30 Consider the below mentioned table of ‘CLOTH’ 3
10001 FORMAL SHIRT 1250 COTTON 12–JAN–08
10020 FROCK 750 SILK 09–SEP–07
10090 TULIP SKIRT 850 SILK 31–MAR–07
10023 PENCIL SKIRT 1250 COTTON 19–DEC–08
10089 SLACKS 850 COTTON 20–OCT–08
Write the SQL commands for the following:
(a) Display first three letters of all values in DESCRIPTION column e.g. ‘FRO’ for ‘FROCK’
(b) Display number of cloths of each Fabric.
(c) Display average price of cloths of each Fabric.
Discuss the significance of Group by and having clause in detail with help of suitable example.
31 Write Suitable query for the following: 5
i. Display 4 characters from third position of string “Computer Lab”.
ii. Round off the value 2.372 to one decimal place.
iii. Display today’s dayname
iv. Remove the extra spaces from both side of the string “ Python is Dangerous “.
v. Find out remainder after dividing 37 by 10.
Explain the following SQL functions using suitable examples:
i. Ltrim()
ii. Ucase()
iii. Pow(m,n)
iv. Right ()
v. Month()
32 Ayurveda Training Educational Institute is setting up its centre in Hyderabad with four specialized departments for 5
Orthopedics, Neurology and Pediatrics along with an administrative office in separate buildings. The physical
distances between these department buildings and the number of computers to be installed in these departments
and administrative office are given as follows. Answer the queries as raised by them in (i) to (iv).

Shortest distances between various locations in meters :

Number of Computers installed at various locations are as follows :

a) Suggest the most suitable location to install the main server of this institution to get efficient
b) Suggest the best cable layout for effective network connectivity of the building having server with
all the other buildings.
c) Suggest the devices to be installed in each of these buildings for connecting computers
installed within the building out of the following : Gateway, switch, Modem
d) Suggest the topology of the network and network cable for efficiently connecting each
computer installed in each of the buildings out of the following :
Topologies: Bus Topology, Star Topology
Network Cable: Single Pair Telephone Cable, Coaxial Cable, Ethernet Cable.
e) Suggest type of network to connect each building
Network: PAN,LAN,MAN and WAN
33 Write python code to plot bar chart for subject wise result analysis as shown below: 5

Also give suitable python statement to save this chart as ‘Result.png’

Write Python programming to display a bar chart of the popularity of programming Languages. Sample data:
Programming languages: Python, Java, PHP, JavaScript
Popularity: 8.6, 8, 7.8, 6.4

34 Shreya, a database administrator has designed a database for a clothing shop. Help her by writing answers of 4
the following questions based on the given table:
Table: Cloth

i. Write a query to display total number of cloths of Green color.

ii. Write a query to display the cloth name along with Day of purchase i.e. Monday, Tuesday
iii. Write a query to display size-wise total price of cloths.
OR (for option iii only)
Write a query to display name of cloths which are purchased in month of November and whose
price is less than 1200.
35 Mr. Kapoor, a data analyst has designed the dataframe DF that contains data about Attendance and number of 4
classes of a week as shown below. Answer the following questions:

A. Predict the output of the following python statement:

a. print(DF[3: ])
b. print(DF.index)
B. Write Python statement to display the data of ‘No_of_classes’ column of indexes ‘Tuesday’ to
OR (for option B only)
Write python statement to calculate No_of_classes * Atten and display it as Total attendance in a day.

************ End of Question Paper ********************

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