review 4
review 4
review 4
Ѻ Improved Bioavailability: Nanotechnology can increase the solubility and bioavailability of poorly
soluble drugs, making them more effective. (Page 2) 1
Ѻ Diagnostic Applications: Nanosensors and imaging agents can provide rapid and sensitive detection
of diseases at an early stage. (Page 3) 2
Ѻ Biosensors: Nanoscale biosensors can detect biomolecules with high sensitivity, aiding in disease
diagnosis and monitoring. (Page 3) 3
Ѻ Vaccine Development: Nanotechnology can improve vaccine delivery and efficacy by using
nanoparticles as adjuvants or carriers. (Page 21) 2 -15
Ѻ Gene Therapy: Nanocarriers can facilitate the delivery of genetic material for gene therapy,
allowing for targeted treatment of genetic disorders. (Page 21) 2
Ѻ Regenerative Medicine: Nanomaterials can be used in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
to support cell growth and tissue repair. (Page 21) 3
1. Nanotechnology and its Applications in Medicine Anna Pratima Nikalje* Department of Pharmaceutical chemistry, Y.B. Chavan College of
Pharmacy, Dr. Rafiq Zakaria Campus, Rauza Bagh, Aurangabad- 431001, Maharashtra, India.
2. Nanotechnology in Medicine: The Medicine of Tomorrow and Nanomedicine Logothetidis S Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Physics
Department Lab for Thin Films - Nanosystems & Nanometrology, GR-54124 Thessaloniki, Greece.
3. Nanomedicine – prospective therapeutic and diagnostic applications Dwaine F EmerichLCT BioPharma, 766 Laten Knight Rd,Cranston, RI
02921, USA.
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