ICT Practical Asignment
ICT Practical Asignment
ICT Practical Asignment
Certificate Level
Practical Assignment 01 - (A)
Please make new folder with above specification prior to starting practical
Index Number Name Group
RAT/PL/HK/026/01 A.B. Perera Housekeeping
Create a given document (Certificate) according to the following guidelines
1. Paper Size – A4, Orientation – Portrait
Left Margin – 1.25”, Top, Bottom, and Right Margins – 1”
(File Name: Certificate.docx)
[05 Marks]
2. Add Page Border [04 Marks]
3. Insert a suitable clipart as g logo [02 Marks]
4. Insert the Greenway College as a word art and type other text as
shown. [03 Marks]
5. Insert the shape for the full name [05 Marks]
6. Insert a table for the result [03 Marks]
7. Type particulars of symbol as given by using tab & Leader setting
[05 Marks]
8. Apply Bullet style to the list [06 Marks]
9. Insert a star shape and add Greenway college at 45 Degree
[04 Marks]
10.Leave space for signature and Date [02 Marks]
11.Merge the created certificate with the following data table
[14 Marks]
Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management (SLITHM) Ratnapura | Computer Studies
Certificate Level
Practical Assignment 01 - (A)
a) Create the following worksheet, in landscape format, produce a copy& save it as hotel
.(10 marks)
b) Insert columns for Gross Salary, PAYE, Aids Levy, Housing
allowance, Transport allowance and Net Salary (4 marks)
c) Given that
1. PAYE is 16%,
2. Aids levy is 3%,
3. Housing allowance is 15%,
4. Transport allowance is 10% of Gross Salary.
i. Calculate the Gross salary,
ii. PAYE,
iii. Aids Levy,
iv. Housing allowance,
v. Transport allowance and
vi. Net Salary.(16 marks)
d) Calculate the totals. (4 marks)
e) All the number figures should format in ($ Currency format)
(6 marks)
f) Produce a column graph that shows Employee name and Net
salary, save the worksheet as colgraph. (10marks)