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follow us: wednesday, june 1, 2022 Chennai

City Edition
thehindu.com 18 pages O ₹5.00

P r i n t e d at . Ch e n n a i . Co i m b ato r e . Be n g a lu ru . Hy d e r a b a d . M a d u r a i . No i da . V i s a k h a pat n a m . Th i ru va n a n t h a p u r a m . Ko c h i . V i j ayawa da . M a n g a lu ru . Ti ru c h i r a pa l l i . Ko l k ata . Hu b b a l l i . M o h a l i . M a l a p p u r a m . M u m b a i . Ti ru pat i . lu c k n ow . c u t tac k . pat n a

i ne




i ne

follow us: wednesday, june 1, 2022 Chennai
City Edition
thehindu.com 18 pages O ₹5.00

Special CBI court India­Pakistan talks on EU bans more than Unseeded Trevisan
summons D.K. Indus water held on a two­thirds of oil stuns Fernandez, enters
Shivakumar on July 1 ‘cordial’ note: MEA imports from Russia first Slam semifinal
page 7 page 10 page 13 page 15

P r i n t e d at . Ch e n n a i . Co i m b ato r e . Be n g a lu ru . Hy d e r a b a d . M a d u r a i . No i da . V i s a k h a pat n a m . Th i ru va n a n t h a p u r a m . Ko c h i . V i j ayawa da . M a n g a lu ru . Ti ru c h i r a pa l l i . Ko l k ata . Hu b b a l l i . M o h a l i . M a l a p p u r a m . M u m b a i . Ti ru pat i . lu c k n ow . c u t tac k . pat n a

Centre clears
Teacher shot dead as Kashmir ₹86,912 crore
of GST dues
sees 7th targeted killing in May Special Correspondent
New Delhi

Law and order is good in Militants fired at Caste (SC) quota five years
ago and was posted in
The Centre on Tuesday
paid the entire amount of
the State, says CM Stalin
her outside school Kashmir. Goods and Services Tax
Chief Minister M.K. Stalin on near Kulgam town Last October, a teacher
from Jammu, recruited un­
(GST) compensation due to
States up to May 31 by re­
Tuesday said that better
maintenance of law and order
Peerzada Ashiq der the SC category, was shot leasing an amount of
during the last one-year rule dead inside a school in Srina­ ₹86,912 crore. The pay­
of the DMK had brought in
more investments to the
A Hindu teacher from Jam­
mu’s Samba district, posted
gar. “The government
should do something about
Q4 GDP growth ment included a contribu­
tion from its own coffers

State. in Kashmir Valley’s Kulgam, targeted killings. We want beyond the ₹25,000 crore
was shot dead outside the justice. My sister­in­law was balance in the GST Com­

Advisory to airports
school by militants on Tues­
day morning. Targeted kill­
here (Samba) two months
ago. She never complained decelerates to 4.1% pensation Fund.
The Finance Ministry

ings have thus left seven civi­ of any threat, though she did said this was being done to

on monkeypox virus
lians dead in the month of Seeking protection: Kashmiri Pandits during a protest against talk about lurking fear of Economy expanded 8.7% in 2021­22 assist States in managing
May in the Valley. the killing of the school teacher in Srinagar. NISSAR AHMAD * late,” a kin of Ms. Bala said. their resources and ensur­
The airports in Chennai,
Coimbatore, Tiruchi, Salem,
Officials said militants Two Jaish­e­Muhammad Vikas Dhoot nomic recovery’ as real GDP ing that their programmes,
fired from a close range at when militants intercepted la in her head,” the officials men were shot dead in an New Delhi in 2021­22 exceeded the pre­ especially entailing capital

Madurai and Thoothukudi
have been directed to subject Rajni Bala, 36, around 10 Ms. Bala outside the school, said. anti­militancy operation in India’s gross domestic pro­ pandemic levels of 2019­20. expenditure, could be im­
international travellers to a.m. on Tuesday. The staff which is located at a seclud­ The police said Ms. Bala Pulwama, taking the militant duct (GDP) growth slowed On a quarter­to­quarter ba­ plemented successfully
testing for monkeypox. and students of the Govern­ ed place with orchards was shifted to a hospital in death toll to 27 this month. to a four­quarter low of 4.1% sis, it argued real GDP during the financial year.
ment High School, Gopalpo­ around, eight km from Kul­ critical condition but died of during the January­March growth was 6.7% in the

DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ra in Kulgam, were about to gam town. her injuries. She was recruit­ CONTINUED ON A PAGE 10 period, from 5.4% in the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2021­ June compensation
OPPORTUNITIES A PAGE 5 finish the morning assembly “The gunmen shot Ms. Ba­ ed under the Scheduled FEAR AMONG HINDUS A PAGE 10 preceding quarter, as manu­ 22, reflecting a ‘sustained As a result, the States were

facturing output shrank, growth momentum’ enter­ now only owed GST com­
provisional national income ing the current fiscal year. pensation for one month —

No UGC nod for varsity’s June­September rainfall likely estimates released on Tues­
day show. As a result, full­
The contact­dependent
and employment­intensive
June 2022, the Ministry
noted. States had been

distance­learning courses to be 103% of the average: IMD A year growth came in at 8.7%
— a tad lower than the 8.9%
pace projected in February.
trade, hotels, transport,
communication & services
related to broadcasting sec­
guaranteed a certain level
of revenue for the first five
years of the GST regime,
Gross Value­Added (GVA) tor continued to languish which was introduced in
Special Correspondent reer would be in jeopardy. in the economy is estimated below pre­pandemic levels, 2017.
CHENNAI The UGC has said the un­ Jacob Koshy er the four broad regions — and northwest India. to have grown 8.1% in 2021­ ending FY22 still 11.3% lower “This decision has been

The University Grants Com­ iversity was recognised by New Delhi central India, southern pe­ The southwest monsoon 22, slightly lower than the than 2019­20 GVA levels. taken despite the fact that
mission has issued a notifi­ the erstwhile Distance Edu­ The monsoon rainfall from ninsula, northeast India and seasonal rainfall over the 8.3% projected by the Na­ Overall GVA growth only about ₹25,000 crore is
cation that the open dis­ cation Council for the pe­ June to September is likely to northwest India — for which monsoon core zone, which tional Statistical Office slowed to 3.9% in the Janu­ available in the GST Com­

tance learning programmes riod from 2007­08 to 2014­ be more than that forecast the IMD provides a forecast, consists of most of the rain­ (NSO) earlier. The GDP had ary­March 2022 quarter, pensation Fund. The ba­
offered by Periyar Universi­ 15 and by the UGC Distance by the India Meteorological are also likely to be plentiful. ed agriculture regions, is al­ shrunk 6.6% in 2020­21, from 4.7% in the preceding lance is being released by
ty are in violation of the Education Bureau for 2019­ Department (IMD) in April, Central India and the south­ so most likely to be ‘above while the GVA had contract­ period. Worryingly, manu­ the Centre from its own re­
UGC Regulations, 2020. It 20 (academic session Janu­ with the agency on Tuesday ern peninsula are expected normal’ or more than 106% ed 4.8% in the wake of the facturing sector output sources pending collection
has cautioned the students ary 2020 only) for offering upping its estimate from to get 106% of their histori­ of its historical average. COVID­19 lockdowns. shrank 0.2% from a year of cess,” the Ministry said

not to join any such pro­ such courses. 99% to 103% of the Long Pe­ cal average. The Finance Ministry said earlier. in a statement.
gramme offered by the un­ riod Average (LPA). Rainfall is likely to be ‘nor­ the latest national income

iversity; otherwise, their ca­ CONTINUED ON A PAGE 2 The monsoon rainfall ov­ mal’ over northeast India CONTINUED ON A PAGE 10 estimates ‘establish full eco­ CONTINUED ON A PAGE 10 CONTINUED ON A PAGE 10






No UGC nod for

Law and order is good in State: Stalin Cell set up to look into
processing of applications
‘T.N. is an oasis of
varsity’s distance
learning courses
peace, and this
Nadu BJP president K. An­
namalai even
schemes were announced
before CM inspects desilting works Aim is to prevent unreasonable rejection
has increased officially, Mr. Stalin said Mr. Dennis S. Jesudasan
officers and Deputy Collec­
Annamalai was indulging in Special Correspondent tors would be nominated as
UGC Secretary Rajnish Jain investment flow’ politics, whereas the go­ MAYILADUTHURAI/ TIRUVARUR Days after Chief Minister quality assurance officers
said the UGC had received vernment was working for Chief Minister M.K. Stalin M.K. Stalin visited a taluk of­ and given login credentials.
representations that the Special Correspondent the welfare of the people. on Tuesday inspected the fice and spotted a few “defi­ The cell would have ac­
university’s open distance TIRUCHI When asked about the desilting works in the tail­ ciencies” in services, the cess to the entire e­file, in­
learning branch was func­ Chief Minister M.K. Stalin large­scale retirement of go­ end areas of Nagapattinam Commissionerate of Reve­ cluding the application, re­
tioning without a full­time on Tuesday said better vernment servants within a and Mayiladuthurai, which nue Administration has con­ ports entered and uploaded
director and faculty mem­ maintenance of law and or­ short period, and whether are expected to receive in­ stituted a quality assurance by village administrative of­
bers, and had inadequate der had brought more in­ the government had plans flows of water released cell to curb the tendencies ficers, revenue inspectors
non­teaching staff mem­ vestments into the State. to reduce the retirement from the Mettur dam in the of some tahsildars and other and zonal tahsildars, and
bers. The complaints Commenting on repeat­ age from 60 to 58, the Chief coming days. field officers to reject online the decisions recorded by
would be forwarded to Ta­ ed criticism from former Minister said those matters The Chief Minister car­ applications for certificates the tahsildars. “Similarly,
mil Nadu’s Secretary for Chief Minister Edappadi K. were under discussion. ried out inspections of wa­ on flimsy and untenable district­level quality assu­
Higher Education “for fact­ Palaniswami that law and terbodies and irrigation ca­ grounds. rance cells may also be con­
finding and needful order had collapsed in the Early water release nals at Kattur in Supervisory visit: Chief Minister M.K. Stalin carrying out an During surprise visits to stituted in due course. They
action”. State since the DMK came He said the early release of Nagapattinam district and inspection in Mayiladuthurai on Tuesday. M. SRINATH *
taluk offices and interac­ will submit their investiga­
The university’s open to power, Mr. Stalin said water from the Mettur dam Thirukadaiyur in Mayila­ tions with citizens at e­Sevai tion reports directly to the
distance learning pro­ there had been no instanc­ on May 24, nearly three duthurai district, a week af­ northeast monsoon. Kuru­ special desilting work at centres, “it has come to Commissionerate,” the offi­
grammes were in “gross es of riots, caste or commu­ weeks before the custom­ ter water was released vai crop could be harvest­ Kothankudi and Peralam in [our] notice that some tah­ cial said.
violation of the conditions nal clashes, firings or gang ary date of June 12, was ex­ from the dam on May 24, ed in time before the onset Tiruvarur district. sildars and other field offic­ It will also call up the ap­
laid down under UGC violence in the State during pected to help increase ahead of the customary of the northeast monsoon, While the entire 5­km ers handling the processing plicant using the registered
(Open and Distance Learn­ the last one year of DMK paddy coverage in the delta date of June 12. officials said. length of the Kothankudi of online certificate applica­ mobile number to get feed­
ing Regulations), 2017, and rule. districts. It was expected The government had At Ananthamangalam channel, branching from tions have been rejecting back and to find out wheth­

UGC (Open and Distance The State was an oasis of that 5.20 lakh acres would made a special allocation village in Sembanarkovil the Vanjiyar and joining applications on flimsy and er any money has been de­
Learning Programmes and peace, and this had result­ be brought under cultiva­ of ₹80 crore for desilting taluk, Mr. Stalin inspected the Kaduvankudi channel, untenable grounds, causing manded or paid. Every
Online Programmes) Regu­ ed in an increase in the flow tion in the kuruvai season work in irrigation canals in the sowing of paddy with a has been desilted at a total harassment to citizens,” ac­ month, the Commissioner­
lations, 2020, and their of investments. This was a and 13.5 lakh acres in the the delta districts, span­ drum seeder machine that cost of ₹3.15 lakh, the 4­km cording to a communication ate will randomly select a

amendments from time to testimony to the fact that samba season this year. A ning 4,964 km. delivers the advantage of a Peralam channel, which al­ sent by the Commissioner­ few taluks for investigation.

time”. At a meeting on Fe­ peace and tranquility pre­ sum of ₹61 crore had been The Chief Minister was harvest 10 to 15 days earlier so branches from the Vanji­ ate to all Collectors. If the cell finds that applica­
bruary 12, the UGC decided vailed in the State, he said, sanctioned for the kuruvai informed by officials that than usual. The other ad­ yar and joins the Veera­ A senior official told The tions have been unreasona­
not to consider any appli­ while addressing the media package to support farm­ the early release of water vantages of this method in­ natham channel, has been Hindu that the cell would in­ bly rejected or approved in
cation from the university after wrapping up a two­ ers. The State government from the Mettur dam cluded a smaller require­ desilted at a total cost of vestigate the quality of the full by a field officer, it will

for 2022­23 and 2023­24. It day visit to the delta dis­ had completed the desilting would pave the way for ment of seeds and lower ₹3.75 lakh. processing of applications open all the records pro­
had also not processed the tricts, including Thanjavur of watercourses in the delta raising paddy crop on 5.2 expenditure, Mayiladuthu­ The desilting of the by the field functionaries cessed by such a field officer
university’s application for and Tiruvarur. districts well in advance, so lakh acres during the Kuru­ rai Collector R. Lalitha said Kothankudi channel would and officers by reviewing for a specified period and
2021­22 to offer open dis­ To a question on the al­ as to supply water to the vai season and 13.5 lakh while briefing the Chief benefit 232 acres of cultiva­ their files, and it would submit a report to the Com­

tance learning leged leak of State govern­ farmers without any hitch, acres during the Samba Minister. ble land in Kothankudi and eventually have a virtual cell missionerate for penal
programmes. ment information to Tamil he said. season, supported by the Later, he inspected the Kaduvankudi. to which hand­picked IAS action.

Tobacco control cells to Daily COVID-19 caseload rises to 98, Monkeypox: advisory
come up in 10 more
driven by institutional clusters A issued to airports
districts: Health Minister Symptomatic travellers must be tested

Chennai and Chengalpattu account for a majority of the fresh infections Special Correspondent no deaths, he said. No case
CHENNAI had been reported in India;
‘6,000 educational institutions will Special Correspondent change in hospitalisations so The airports in Chennai, but with fresh cases being
be identified to create awareness’

CHENNAI far, he said. Coimbatore, Tiruchi, Salem, detected in various coun­

COVID­19 clusters in educa­ In a communication to Madurai and Thoothukudi tries, the chances of the dis­
Special Correspondent in the State, and 3,063 tional institutions continued Collectors and health teams, should subject international ease spreading in India
CHENNAI shops that sold such pro­ to drive a rise in daily infec­ he said that slowly, isolated travellers with fever, hea­ could not be ruled out, he
Tobacco control cells will ducts were fined ₹1.59 tions on Tuesday. Chengal­ clusters in Chennai and dache, muscle ache or ex­ said.

come up in 10 more dis­ crore. In addition, 21 shops pattu and Chennai account­ Chengalpattu, which were haustion to testing for mon­ Health facilities should
tricts in Tamil Nadu, and that sold gutkha and pan ed for a majority of the 98 either institutional or had keypox. maintain heightened sur­

6,000 educational institu­ masala were sealed on the fresh cases reported in the emerged after family func­ Any sick traveller from veillance of people who pre­
tions will be identified to basis of an emergency pro­ State. tions, were recurring. The the affected countries sent themselves with an un­
create awareness against hibition order. There were 46 cases in daily caseload, which had hit should be isolated, and the explained rash, having

the use of tobacco and Chengalpattu and 44 in a low of 22 on April 15, was samples should be sent for travelled in the last 21 days
drugs, Health Minister Ma. ₹4.76 crore in fines Chennai. The State’s active now nearing 100, he said. testing to the Bio­Safety Le­ to a country that has had

Subramanian said here on According to a press re­ caseload rose to 542. Health Minister Ma. Subramanian and Health Secretary “While cases have been vel­4 Laboratory of the In­ confirmed or suspected cas­
Tuesday. lease, enforcement teams Health Minister Ma. Sub­ J. Radhakrishnan inspecting the testing of students for mild so far, the fact that they dian Council of Medical Re­ es of monkeypox, or having
Currently, these cells are had collected ₹4,76,28,887 ramanian, who inspected COVID-19 at VIT in Chennai. B. VELANKANNI RAJ
are there shows that the sub­ search­National Institute of come into contact with a

functioning in Vellore, in fines from 2,56,223 peo­ the campus of VIT at Kelam­ variants and lineages within Virology (ICMR­NIV), Pune, confirmed case of monkey­
Dharmapuri, Salem, ple under the Cigarettes bakkam, where a cluster has 1,500 students were to be Chengalpattu and Chennai, the sub­variants have rein­ through the State Public pox. Those with suspected
Erode, Perambalur, Ariya­ and Other Tobacco Pro­ surfaced, said a total of 118 tested, and the process we have had institutional fection or immune­escape Health Laboratory, as per symptoms should be isolat­
lur, Namakkal, Thoothuku­ ducts Act, 2003. So far, students had tested positive would be completed by Wed­ clusters directly linked to potential. It is better to en­ the guidelines issued by the ed at designated facilities

di, Kanniyakumari and 13,080 schools and 1,344 for the infection on the cam­ nesday. The number of cases fresh batches of students ar­ sure that anyone with symp­ Directorate of Public Health until the lesions are re­
Tiruvallur. colleges had been declared pus. “Currently, 5,670 first­ on the campus may rise by riving from different States. toms is checked at the entry and Preventive Medicine. solved and a fresh layer of
On the sidelines of an tobacco­free educational year students are residing in another 40 to 50, he said. At Anna University, it was point and isolated before In a separate communica­ skin is formed, or until the

event to mark World No institutions in the State. the hostels. One of them test­ The Health Minister said linked to a cultural event. others get exposed to the in­ tion to the Airport Director, treating physician decides
Tobacco Day, Mr. Subrama­ Now, 100 educational insti­ ed positive for the infection daily COVID­19 cases re­ The IIT­Madras and Sathya dividual,” he said. Airports Authority of India, to end their isolation. They
nian said, “We have an­ tutions in Chennai and its last week, after which we mained below 50 in the Sai Medical College clusters “We need to keep giving a and the Deputy Directors of should be reported to the

nounced new centres in neighbouring districts had tested 1,242 people, of State, and there had been no now have nil cases after satu­ push to vaccination. Wear­ Health Services, Director of District Surveillance Officer
the districts of Chengalpat­ been identified, and certifi­ whom 74 were found to have death for nearly three ration testing and control ing masks in crowded areas Public Health T.S. Selvavi­ of the Integrated Disease
tu, the Nilgiris, Mayiladuth­ cates were issued in line contracted COVID­19. Anoth­ months. Students from oth­ measures. A few more cases or where people are exposed nayagam outlined the guide­ Surveillance Programme.

urai, Ramanathapuram, with the theme of World er 2,943 people were tested, er States had started arriving were reported at Anna Un­ to each other without the lines to be followed. Any in­ Infection­control practices
Ranipet, Sivaganga, Than­ No Tobacco Day, 2022. and the results for 1,321 are in Tamil Nadu to attend iversity during the isolation possibility of physical dis­ ternational traveller found should be followed, while
javur, Theni, Tenkasi and Efforts would be made available. Of them, 44 per­ classes and appear for exam­ period.” tancing is a must. At the hos­ to have symptoms should be samples should be sent to
Tirupattur for this year.” to declare 41,529 schools sons tested positive for the inations. A total of 237 peo­ Family clusters emerging pital level, we need to ensure subjected to testing. NIV. If a person tests posi­
The Minister said that in and 3,409 colleges tobac­ infection. All of them, as well ple had tested positive for after common lunches or that people wear masks, as As of May 20, monkeypox tive, the tracing of people
the last one year, 102 co­free by World No Tobac­ as their contacts, have been the infection at IIT­Madras. dinners was a concern. even one instance of unpro­ cases had been reported in he/she had come into con­
tonnes of banned tobacco co Day next year, the re­ isolated,” he said. Health Secretary J. Rad­ While new cases had been tected exposure could pose a the U.K., the U.S., Europe, tact with in the last 21 days
products had been seized lease added. He added that another hakrishnan said, “Of late, in reported, there had been no risk,” he added. Australia and Canada, with must begin immediately.

Anbumani for
ordinance on
BJP stages protest to press DMK ‘Levy of 1% market cess Tatkal tokens
in sub­registrar
won’t affect farmers’
online games
Special Correspondent
government for fuel price reduction They can take their produce to any of
offices soon
Special Correspondent
CHENNAI The police stop the party workers near Rajarathinam Stadium the regulated markets, says Minister Chennai

A day after Minister for The Registration Depart­

Industries Thangam allowed on the road, and
> Itfarmers
would help ment would introduce tat­
Special Correspondent Special Correspondent
Thennarasu said the Ta­ CHENNAI was affected on the adjacent CHENNAI develop kal tokens in sub­registrar
mil Nadu government BJP Tamil Nadu president K. road. A large number of pol­ Rejecting AIADMK coordi­ an interest in marketing offices to accommodate
would bring in legislation Annamalai led a massive ice personnel were posted to nator O. Panneerselvam’s their produce. This more documents to be re­
to ban online games with protest in Chennai on Tues­ prevent any untoward inci­ claim that the inclusion of would further ensure gistered. The tatkal tokens
stakes, PMK president day, urging the DMK govern­ dent, and iron barricades more agricultural produce that farmers get a higher would be issued in addition
Anbumani Ramadoss on ment to fulfil its election pro­ were erected to prevent the in Annexure­I of the Tamil to the daily quota of regu­
price for their produce
Tuesday urged the go­ mise to reduce the price of protesters from taking out Nadu Agricultural Produce lar tokens being issued in
vernment to promulgate petrol by ₹5 a litre (the go­ the procession. Metropoli­ Marketing (Regulation) Act, sub­registrar offices.
an ordinance instead of vernment reduced it by ₹3 tan Transport Corporation 1987, to levy a market cess of said, and recalled that it had A senior official of the
waiting for the next As­ last year) and diesel by ₹4 a buses and police vehicles 1% would affect traders and been collected under both Registration Department
sembly session. litre. were parked around the ve­ farmers, Minister for Agri­ AIADMK and DMK regimes. said 10 additional tokens
“If the government is However, the party work­ Tamil Nadu BJP president K. Annamalai at a protest in nue to arrest the protesters, culture and Farmers’ Wel­ Unlike in Maharashtra, Pun­ would be allotted as tatkal
keen on imposing a ban ers did not march towards Chennai on Tuesday. S.R. RAGHUNATHAN
who chanted slogans against fare M.R.K. Panneerselvam jab and Haryana, farmers tokens, apart from the reg­
on online gaming, it need the Secretariat, as an­ the government. on Tuesday maintained that here were free to choose ular tokens. The time slots
not wait for the next As­ nounced, as the police for anything extra,” he said. duced the price [of petrol] After the protest, Mr. An­ the move would benefit whether to market their for tatkal tokens have been
sembly session in Octob­ stopped them near the Raja­ After 30 days, BJP workers by ₹3 just for the sake of it,” namalai, accompanied by them. produce in regulated mar­ allotted throughout the
er­November. Since the rathinam Stadium at Eg­ across the State would as­ he said. He said people other BJP leaders, walked a “Due to this action of the kets or open markets, he day. In the current token
session is about five to six more, where they had as­ semble in Tiruchi and press would not accept the excus­ few yards and was prevented government, farmers would said. slot system, 200 tokens are
months away, online sembled. the government to bring es of the DMK government. by the police from proceed­ be able to take their pro­ The AIADMK coordinator issued in high­volume sub­
gaming would lead to ir­ Mr. Annamalai said his down the prices. “We will According to him, the ing further. A near­stampede duce to any of the regulated had contended that the levy registrar offices and 100 in
reparable damage by party would organise a show march towards Fort St. Ge­ Centre had made achieve­ unfolded on the road, and markets in the State for an of 1% market cess on new other sub­registrar offices.
then,” he said in a state­ of strength by mobilising ov­ orge if the government does ments in eight years, but one many protesters followed appropriate price. Moreov­ agricultural produce in reg­ Under the proposal sent by
ment, and pointed to sev­ er 10 lakh people in Tiruchi not reduce the prices. You year of DMK rule had be­ their leader. They also at­ er, it would help farmers de­ ulated markets would affect the Inspector General of
eral cases of suicide by to pressure the government [the DMK government] come a bitter experience. tempted to sit on the road as velop an interest in market­ traders and farmers, and Registration, the State go­
those who had lost mo­ to reduce the prices of petrol agreed to bring down the “In four days, I will come out the police blocked them. In ing their produce. This further urged Chief Minister vernment has fixed ₹5,000
ney in online games. and diesel. The BJP would price of petrol by ₹5 and die­ with details of corruption in the melee, a slipper was hur­ would further ensure that M.K. Stalin not to go ahead per token as tatkal fees.
(Assistance for overcom- first organise a fast in all 60 sel by ₹4. Prime Minister Na­ wind power generation,” he led at the police and the farmers get a higher price with such a move. The The tatkal fees would be
ing suicidal thoughts is party districts if the govern­ rendra Modi reduced the said. protesters. However, the sit­ for their produce,” the Mi­ AIADMK leader had insisted collected under a separate
available on the State’s ment failed to cut the prices prices twice, and the cumu­ Earlier, BJP workers uation was brought under nister said. that the same should not be head, along with other re­
health helpline 104 and in 20 days. “Do what you had lative reduction is ₹14.5 a staged a demonstration on control and Mr. Annamalai The levy of 1% market levied on transactions out­ gistration fees, and the
Sneha’s suicide prevention promised in your election litre of petrol and ₹17 a litre Rukhmani Lakshmipathy Sa­ and other leaders walked cess was not new, and had side the regulated markets, window would be open
helpline 044-24640050.) manifesto. We are not asking of diesel. Tamil Nadu has re­ lai in Egmore. Traffic was not back to their vehicles. been in practice for long, he too. two months in advance.



Quit Tobacco software launched Refrigerator donated to elders’ home

RISE 05:42 SET 18:32 Special nai Corporation for home­ tained by the Indian Com­
Correspondent less elders. munity Welfare
RISE 06:56 SET 20:15
THURSDAY, JUN. 02 The mobile application will support people in their attempts to abstain CHENNAI
Senior geriatrician and Organisation.
RISE 05:42 SET 18:32 Dr. V.S. Natarajan Geria­ Padma awardee V.S. Nata­ Rajasekaran Manima­
RISE 07:46 SET 21:05 Special Correspondent 30% of the cancer burden tric Foundation has do­ rajan handed over the re­ ran, managing trustee, Dr.
CHENNAI among Indian males. Though nated a refrigerator and frigerator. The shelter, V.S. Natarajan Founda­
RISE 05:42 SET 18:33 Cancer Institute (WIA) has de­ the overall prevalence of to­ health mix for the mem­ where around 50 persons tion, and S. Venkatarama­
RISE 08:37 SET 21:54 signed a free mobile applica­ bacco use came down from bers of the shelter being are housed, is located at nan, Zonal Health Officer,
tion, Quit Tobacco, to support 16% in 2009­2010 to 5.2% in run by the Greater Chen­ Thattankulam and main­ also participated.
persons in their attempts to 2015­2016 in Tamil Nadu, the
abstain from the use of tobac­ use of smokeless form of to­
co. Health Minister Ma. Subra­ bacco (10.6%) among adults in
manian launched the applica­ the State was higher than that
tion on the occasion of World of smoking (10.5%). This indi­
No Tobacco Day on Tuesday. cated that the prevalence of
According to a press re­ smoking reduced considerably
lease, an estimated 28,64,400 Kicking the habit: A sand sculpture on tobacco awareness on owing to increased awareness,
persons, aged 15 and above, Elliot’s Beach in Besant Nagar. M. KARUNAKARAN * whereas the use of the smoke­
use tobacco in some form in less form of tobacco was still
Tamil Nadu. Of them, almost of motivation to quit. It also consultation is available, the higher in parts of the State des­
50% are concerned about their keeps track of the financial ex­ release said. The app has been pite the ban on the products.
tobacco usage. But only 38.9% penditure on tobacco pro­ completed till the first phase In addition to the launch of
take active steps to quit, while ducts and savings once they and the upgrade to the second the mobile application, Cancer
the rest are unable to take a start abstaining from tobacco. phase is under way. This was Institute organised a sand
decision or do not know how The platform provides de­ the only tobacco cessation ap­ sculpture event to promote
to go about it. scriptions of the level of de­ plication available in Tamil, awareness on the ill­effects of
The application was de­ pendence and offers tips on the release said. tobacco on Elliot’s Beach. A
0 signed on the basis of the lack
of motivation among tobacco
how to manage withdrawal
symptoms, stay away from Tobacco and cancers
campaign at nearly 20 signals
across Chennai was also held.
DISCLAIMER: Readers are requested to

verify and make appropriate enquiries to
satisfy themselves about the veracity of users to approach cessation substance use and prevent re­ According to the Madras Me­ Chennai Mayor R. Priya; De­
an advertisement before responding to
any published in this newspaper. THG centres. It was customised to lapses. After the quit date is tropolitan Tumour Registry, puty Mayor M. Mahesh Kumar;
PUBLISHING PVT LTD., the Publisher &
Owner of this newspaper, does not vouch support each of its members in chosen, the application con­ tobacco use is responsible for E. Hemanth Raj, executive
for the authenticity of any advertisement
or advertiser or for any of the advertiser’s attempts to abstain from to­ stantly reminds, supports and 43% of male cancers and 16% vice­chairman of Cancer Insti­

products and/or services. In no event can
the Owner, Publisher, Printer, Editor, Dir- bacco. Based on scientifically guides the client through the of female cancers. These are tute; and V. Surendran, head,

ector/s, Employees of this newspaper/
company be held responsible/liable in validated screening tools, the journey towards cessation. In responsible for cancers of oral Department of Psycho­oncolo­
any manner whatsoever for any claims
and/or damages for advertisements in application assesses the users’ addition to self­help tips and cavity, tongue and throat that gy, Cancer Institute, partici­
this newspaper.
level of dependence and stage quitting strategies, WhatsApp together constitute about 20%­ pated.

Two persons arrested under SHG product expos to be held in T.N. colleges

POCSO Act in Ennore Special Correspondent
ment has plans to conduct
bazaars for selling goods
in the State. Chief Minister
M.K. Stalin inaugurated the

The Tamil Nadu Corpora­ manufactured by self­help first such bazaar at Queen
Special Correspondent of Narada district, Bihar, and his tion for Women Develop­ groups on college campuses Mary’s College recently.
CHENNAI associate Jishaf Soren, 33, of Na­
The police on Tuesday arrested lagola, West Bengal.
two persons, one from West
Bengal and the other from Bi­
har, for sexual assault on a four­
Construction workers
Investigation revealed that the A
year­old girl in Ennore. two worked with the girl’s father
On Monday, the mother of at a construction site in Ennore.
the girl lodged a complaint with They were charged under the

the Ennore police alleging that provisions of the Protection of

her four­year­old daughter was Children from Sexual Offences
sexually assaulted by the duo. (POCSO) Act.

Based on the complaint, the The duo was remanded in

Ennore all­women police per­ judicial custody.
sonnel registered a case and be­ Avadi Police Commissioner
gan investigating. The child was Sandeep Rai Rathore appreciat­
taken to a hospital for medical ed the Inspector of police,

care. AWPS, Ennore, for securing the

The police arrested Chon, 23, accused within 24 hours.



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Published by N. Ravi at Kasturi Buildings, 859 & 860, Anna Salai, Chennai-600002 on behalf of THG PUBLISHING PVT LTD., and Printed by Babu Vijay at Plot B-6 & B-7, CMDA Industrial Complex, Maraimalai Nagar, Chengleput Taluk, Kancheepuram Dist., Pin: 603209. Editor: Suresh Nambath (Responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act).
Regd. TN/ARD/17/2012-2014 RNI No. 1001/1957 ISSN 0971 - 751X Vol. 145 No. 129
● ● ● ●





Ford employees face uncertain future, stage protest Nine held for kidnapping
Workers demand better severance package; they seek help from the Tamil Nadu government
realtor from Mangadu
Special Correspondent the car. The gang demanded
Sangeetha Kandavel the plant. One of the protes­ members said there was the Tamil Nadu government CHENNAI that the family pay ₹1 crore
CHENNAI tors said, “The manage­ news about plans to use this to immediately look into The police on Tuesday ar­ as ransom.
With the deadline for wind­ ment asked us to sign a de­ plant for making electric this issue and extend help. rested nine persons for al­ Mr. Suresh Kumar’s rela­
ing up operations nearing claration that we will not vehicles, so the union put Last year, on September legedly kidnapping a busi­ tives quickly alerted the
and with no ray of hope of protest. We refused and we on hold talks for a few days. 9, the U.S.­headquartered nessman from his house in Mangadu police. On the or­
another company taking ov­ are all sitting here at the “We were hopeful that we carmaker said it would Kovur near Mangadu. They ders of Avadi Police Com­
er the unit, workers at plant.” will get jobs. But in the se­ cease manufacturing vehi­ were arrested in Attur near missioner Sandeep Rai
Ford’s Chennai car plant Around six workers who cond week of May, we were cles for sale in India imme­ Salem. The police recovered Rathore, special teams were
have started a protest de­ spoke said they were being told that there are no such diately; manufacturing of the car that was used to ab­ formed to nab the accused.
manding better severance utilised till the company fin­ plans. And now the compa­ vehicles for export would duct the victim. After analysing call re­
package. Currently, produc­ ished production of all its ny has indicated that busi­ wind down at the Sanand The police said Suresh cords, the police traced the
tion at the plant has come to pending cars. “We have fin­ ness would be wound up by vehicle assembly plant by Kumar, 48, a real estate bu­ kidnappers and victim to At­
a standstill. Employees staying away from work at Ford’s plant in Chennai. ished all the pending work. end of June,” he added. the fourth quarter of 2021 sinessman from Sri Lanka, tur in Salem. The police ar­
Those workers who went * SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT Work on 1,500 cars is pend­ Sources said the Deputy and the Chennai engine and recently put up his house rested nine persons and res­
in for their shift on Monday ing and this will get over in a Labour Commissioner from vehicle assembly plants by for sale. On Monday, 10 men cued Mr. Suresh Kumar. The
refused go to the shop floor us. The management told us the last 36 hours, told The week’s time. So now, the Sriperumbudur visited the the second quarter of 2022. arrived by car to his home in police said the victim’s cou­
and started an in­house agi­ that if we don’t work, it Hindu. management has started plant and held talks and There was no update from Kovur and enquired about sin had cheated the accused
tation. “We went inside and would be marked as loss of Apart from this, those treating us differently,” one more details would be made Ford’s public relations team the property. After a few mi­ of over ₹1 crore, and they
said we won’t work until pay,” one of the workers in­ who came in for the second of them lamented. available tomorrow. on the protest until the sto­ nutes, they brandished wanted to get it back
they provide a solution to side, who has been there for shift are protesting outside One of the key union The employees requested ry had gone to print. knives and abducted him in through the ransom.

i ne




‘Make workplace wellness a key result area for leaders’ EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT
A measure to increase women’s
A recent study from India explores the impact leadership styles have on employees’ mental health
participation in the workforce
he role of corporate 54% of the leaders believe Leadership traits ganisational support
leaders in promoting leaders who take accounta­ The study through leadership training. To impact female workforce and also facilitate a safe and
mental health forms bility for the well­being of notes that in­ 1. Automobile sector (34%) participation, Quess Corp hygienic work environment
the crux of a research exer­ the team would ensure an at­ herent 2. FMCG (33% ) has partnered with Sustaina­ for all gendered employees
cise titled ‘All in the Mind: mosphere that organically traits of 3. E­Commerce (29% ) ble Menstruation Coalition, and their families, says a
The Leadership Factor 2022’ promotes mental health. leaders and Wellness budgets a global coalition that seeks press release.
commissioned by Gi Group 2. Delegation: 65% em­ how they Sectors that loosen their to eradicate period poverty. The partnership would
Holding, India. ployees and 55% leaders show up in the purse strings remarkably to To become a “Period Vic­ extend to schools and educa­
Seeking the views of leaders agree apportioning work by workplace have mental­ promote mental tory” workplace, Quess tional institutes as part of
and employees, the paper matching tasks with skill­ health implications for health are: would provide access to sus­ Quess Corp’s CSR arm, Care­
spells out how to adopt a lea­ sets will spare employees employees. 1. IT/ITeS tainable menstruation pro­ works Foundation (CWF),
dership style that promotes undue stress. Horses bred 1. Leaders who are com­ (33% ) ducts for women employees; the release adds.
mental health. and trained for jump racing municative/ responsive, sup­ 2. Con­
More than 1000 employees will obviously cut a sorry fi­ portive, confident, and de­ sumer dur­ Mastek brings employees together
and 504 reporting heads/ gure in harness racing. manding are seen to ables (29% )
managers participated in the 3. Responsibility: 61% em­ positively impact mental Policy support for grand fortieth anniversary fete
survey. ployees and 52% leaders health. GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCK Sectors that lead in trans­
Celebrating 40 years of its train to join the anniversary

vote for this factor. Assum­ 2.Leaders who are rigid, lating mental health con­
operation, global digital en­ celebrations, said a release.
Psychological safety ing responsibility for out­ anxious, aggressive or impa­ male leaders nearly on a par 2. Being supportive (46% cerns into inviolable policies
gineering and cloud trans­ Mastek was incorporated
The top workplace psycho­ comes is hallmark of effi­ tient are perceived to impact with each other on a range versus 27%). are: The IT & ITeS sector
formation specialist Mastek on 14 May, 1982 as Manage­
logical safety factors that cient leadership . When employee mental health of traits, which include em­ Sector watch leads policy support along
brought together over 1300 ment and Software Technol­

leaders need to employees can count on adversely. pathy, decisiveness, confid­ The study with the
members of “the Mastek fa­ ogy Private Limited, and the

build on are: their leaders to do that, they Gender ence and honesty. However, undertook a health &
mily” from around the company’s first project went
1. Accounta­ would be less anxious, espe­ factor they rated female leaders sector­wise pharma­
country. live the same year.
bility: 70% cially when they are trying Employ­ higher on two counts analysis of ceuticals
Around 500 employees Four decades later, Mas­
of the em­ out an innovation in their ees place 1. Being approachable (51% the pop­ sector

travelled from Mumbai to tek has a presence in 11
ployees and work male and fe­ versus 21%) ularity of or­ (both 18%)
Ahmedabad in a chartered countries.






Ganesan joins T.N. signs MoU with IPPB for ‘Governor not discharging duties’
sons for which the State was
> Governor’s
Staff Reporter office
issue with CPI
pensioners’ digital life certificate
cannot be used to rejecting it. He said many de­
The State Platform for Com­ nullify the people’s tailed submissions had been
leader mon School System­ Tamil
Nadu (SPCSS­TN) has con­
mandate made to the government by
the civil society in Tamil Na­
P.B. Prince Gajendra Babu
demned Governor R.N. Ravi’s General Secretary, SPCSS-TN du on why NEP 2020 should
Special Correspondent
India Post Payments Bank to render doorstep services at ₹70 per certificate speech at the convocation of not be implemented. Point­
Tamil Nadu Open University NEP 2020 and not discharg­ ing out that the DMK made its
Film producer Ramkumar Special Correspondent
Ganesan, son of the late CHENNAI <
> Over 7.15 lakh State
on Monday, in support of im­
plementing the National Edu­
ing his duties as per the Con­
stitution of India.
opposition to NEP 2020 clear
in its election manifesto, he
thespian Sivaji Ganesan, on The Tamil Nadu govern­ cation Policy 2020 (NEP). The Governor had said said it was the mandate of the
Tuesday joined issue with ment signed a Memoran­ In a statement on Tuesday, many were opposing NEP elected government to fulfil
pensioners submit their
CPI state secretary R. dum of Understanding P.B. Prince Gajendra Babu, 2020 as they had not read it its promise. The office of the
Mutharasan, for allegedly life certificate during
(MoU) with the India Post general secretary of the or­ fully. Mr. Babu was of the Governor cannot be used to
criticising Prime Minister Payments Bank (IPPB) for July, August and
ganisation, alleged that the view that the Governor had nullify the people’s mandate,
Narendra Modi by invoking obtaining life certificate September every year
Governor was propagating not fully understood the rea­ he added.
the actor’s name. from pensioners through for annual mustering
Mr. Ramkumar, who re­ doorstep services of the
cently joined the BJP, said Postal Department. during the last two years.
his father was a friend of Recently, the State go­ The MoU was signed in
communist leaders and vernment issued orders for the presence of Finance Mi­
had supported them. “If Si­ five modes of annual mus­ nister Palanivel Thiaga Ra­
vaji Ganesan is among us tering of pensioners during jan, Finance Secretary N.
now, he would not have re­ July to September this year, Muruganandam, Commis­
turned any of his hard won including the doorstep ser­ MOU was signed in the presence of Finance Minister Palanivel sioner of Treasuries and Ac­
awards as he would have vices of the IPPB, for obtain­ Thiaga Rajan and others. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT
counts T.N. Venkatesh,
become a supporter of our ing digital life certificate Chief General Manager of
Prime Minister and the BJP. through Jeevan Pramaan Over 7.15 lakh State govern­ tions— direct mustering IPPB Limited Gurusharan
He also would have stood Portal to avoid the hardship ment pensioners/family (physical appearance); sub­ Rai Bansal, Chief Postmas­
by me and my decision to

of coming in person for pensioners submit their life mission of life certificate ter General­ Tamil Nadu Cir­
become a member of the aged pensioners/family certificate during July, Au­ through post; and digital life cle B. Selvakumar, Assistant
BJP,” he said. “Praising Mr. pensioners. gust and September every certificate (DLC) through General Manager, IPPB Ltd­
Sivaji is fine, but do not use As per the agreement, year for annual mustering. Jeevan Pramaan Portal by Tamil Nadu Circle N.R. Di­

his name to slander and vil­ the IPPB would render the As of now, mustering can using biometric device. vakara, Postmaster General­

ify other people. He is doorstep services at a cost be done by pensioners/fa­ Due to COVID­19 pan­ Chennai City Region G. Nat­
much greater than your of ₹70 per digital life certifi­ mily pensioners by exercis­ demic, exemption from an­ arajan and other senior offi­
cause,” he added. cate, an official release said. ing any one of three op­ nual mustering was granted cials.

Ponnaiyan accuses BJP of seeking 22% growth for NLCIL

Special standalone net profit

to grow at AIADMK’s expense Correspondent

for the year ended

March 31, 2022. The
NLC India Ltd., PSU had posted a net
(NLCIL), a Navaratna profit of ₹1,237 crore.
Party engaged in ‘double­dealing’ on inter­State disputes, he says Public Sector Under­ Its total income in­

Special Correspondent
Mr. Ponnaiyan wanted the IT
wing of the AIADMK to expose
taking (PSU), has post­
ed a 22% growth in its
creased by 19% to
touch ₹10,662 crore.
Former Minister and the the attitude of the BJP through
AIADMK’s organisation secre­ social media and urged mem­
tary C. Ponnaiyan on Tuesday bers of his party to be vigilant.

came down heavily on the BJP

for seeking to grow at the ex­ ‘Change policies’
pense of his party in the State. The former Minister advised the

Addressing a two­day work­ BJP to change its policies in fa­

shop organised by the the par­ vour of Tamil Nadu. “Only then
ty’s Puratchi Thalaivi Peravai for can it grow here,” he added.
its office­bearers, Mr. Ponnaiyan R.B. Udhayakumar, secretary of
said even though the BJP was the Peravai and former Revenue

“an ally” of his party, its growth Minister, said nearly 20 speak­
would “not augur well for the ers had addressed the workshop

AIADMK, Tamil Nadu and Dravi­ C. Ponnaiyan and they included Lok Sabha’s
dian policies.” former Deputy Speaker, M.
Accusing the BJP of working periyar dam. The Karnataka un­ Thambidurai, former Ministers

against Tamil Nadu’s rights, he it of the BJP had been against D. Jayakumar, S.P. Velumani, P.
said the national party had been giving water to Tamil Nadu Thangamani, Gokula Indira and

doing “double­dealing” on in­ while the State unit of the na­ B. Valarmathi, and former
ter­State disputes, concerning tional party here remained a Chennai Mayor Saidai Duraisa­
the Cauvery river and the Mulla­ “mute spectator.” my.





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Jaggesh file Lowest voter turnout at Thrikkakara Weather Watch
Rainfall, temperature & air quality in select metros yesterday

RS papers
Press Trust of India
Final voting
figures of the
One held in fake video case

Union Finance Minister

byelection in Special Correspondent
40, of Kottakkal. He is
reportedly an IUML
Nirmala Sitharaman and Kerala is 68.75% The Kochi city police on sympathiser and has
actor­politician Jaggesh of Special Correspondent Tuesday nabbed the key criminal antecedents having
the BJP were among the KOCHI accused suspected of previously booked for cases
prominent faces to file Notwithstanding what ap­ creating the fake Twitter registered under IPC 302
their nominations for the peared to be a blistering start profile used to upload a fake (murder) and 307 (attempt
June 10 Rajya Sabha polls to voting with long queues in video of Left Democratic to murder), the police said.
from Karnataka on Tues­ front of most of the polling Front (LDF) candidate Jo “Our technical team has
day, as the contest heats up booths in the initial hours, Joseph on social media. confirmed that he is the one
for the fourth seat. the final voting figures of The accused, taken into who created the fake
While Ms. Sitharaman is 68.75% in the byelection in custody from Coimbatore in profile,” the police said. So
seeking re­election from the Thrikkakara Assembly the wee hours, was far, seven persons have been
Karnataka, for Mr. Jaggesh, constituency in Kerala held Patient wait: People standing in a queue to vote for the identified as Abdul Latheef, arrested in the case.
a former MLA and MLC, on Tuesday eventually fell Thrikkakara bypoll on Tuesday. THULASI KAKKAT *
Temperature Data: IMD, Pollution Data: CPCB, Map: INSAT/IMD (Taken at 18.00 Hrs)
Forecast for Wednesday: Heavy rainfall likely at isolated places
the Upper House of election voter turnout of ing stations. of momentum in the after­ next hour when polling low 50% in some of the over Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura,
Parliament. 70.39%. With the rain staying noon probably owing to the reached 57.17%. It further booths. Sikkim, sub-Himalayan West Bengal and Andaman & Nicobar
Among the others who In fact, it was the lowest away, the voter turnout hot and humid conditions. dipped slightly in the next Voting percentage among Islands. Thunderstorm with lightning likely at isolated places
filed papers on Tuesday, voter turnout since the con­ touched 8.15% at the end of The average hourly turnout couple of hours to touch male voters consistently ex­ over Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Vidarbha, Karnataka, Tamil
the last day to do so, were stituency was formed in the first hour raising the of voters fell below the 7% 66.78% by 5 p.m. ceeded that of their female Nadu, Puducherry, Karaikal, Kerala, Mahe and Lakshadweep
the BJP’s third candidate 2011. In 2011, the polling was spectre of a potential record mark for the first time as the The low voter turnout in counterparts through the city rain max min city rain max min
Agartala................ 3....34.8....25.6 Kozhikode.................... —....34.6....25.9
and outgoing MLC Lehar 73.76% followed by 74.71%, turnout. It rose to 15.97% at 9 polling figures crept to Kochi Corporation areas day, though the latter held Ahmedabad ........... —....41.6....27.8 Kurnool ....................... —....38.4....28.0
Singh Siroya, and former which remains the highest a.m. and then to 23.75% an 45.77% at 1 p.m. within the constituency the upper hand in terms of Aizawl................... —....27.2....21.4 Lucknow...................... —....41.0....29.4
MP D. Kupendra Reddy ever turnout till day. hour after. A steady flow of In the next hour, less than seems to have dragged down absolute numbers. But that Allahabad.............. —....43.6....30.2 Madurai ....................... —....37.0....26.0

Bengaluru .......... 6.9....30.4....20.6 Mangaluru ................. 14....31.0....22.6
from the JD(S). Out of the total electorate voters continued as polling 6% voters turned out at the the voting percentage. was unsurprising consider­ Bhopal .................. —....41.0....29.2 Mumbai ....................... —....34.4....29.0
Congress candidates of 1,96,805, just 1,35,294 ex­ reached 31.54% at 11 a.m. and polling booths taking the vot­ While in most booths in ing that female voters ex­ Bhubaneswar......... —....38.0....27.7 Mysuru ........................ 5....32.8....21.0
filed their nominations on ercised their franchise. Poll­ 39.34% at noon. ing to 51.47% at 2 p.m. The the Corporation areas polled ceeded their male counter­ Chandigarh ........... —....42.5....29.7 New Delhi ................. 18....39.4....20.4
Chennai ................ —....39.3....29.0 Patna .......................... —....38.6....27.2
Monday itself. ing was held across 239 poll­ However, polling lost a bit same trend continued in the less than 60%, it even fell be­ parts by 1,01,530 to 95,274.

Coimbatore ........... —....34.0....24.0 Port Blair................... 12....31.9....25.7
Dehradun .............. —....37.9....23.8 Puducherry .................. —....36.5....26.5

Gangtok ............. 0.5....22.0....16.9 Pune............................ —....37.7....24.2

Special CBI court in Delhi Lingayat, Dalit communities Goa....................... —....34.1....26.4

Guwahati .............. 6....34.8....26.0
Hubballi ................ —....32.0....22.0
Raipur ...................... 5.6....42.4....28.2
Ranchi ......................... —....37.8....25.6
Shillong.................... 0.1....24.7....16.7

Hyderabad ............ —....39.0....27.6 Shimla......................... —....31.4....19.6

summons D.K. Shivakumar take objection to new textbooks Imphal ................ 12....31.4....21.5
Jaipur ................... —....41.8....31.5
Kochi .................... —....31.0....25.2
Kohima ............... 22....24.6....15.6
Srinagar....................... —....24.7....13.7
Thiruvananthapuram...... 0.7....31.8....24.7
Tiruchi......................... 9....36.6....25.0
Vijayawada .................. —....43.0....28.4
Kolkata ................. —....34.6....28.1 Visakhapatnam ............. —....34.0....30.2

Staff Reporter which the Congress leader Jayanth R. textbook has edited out Ba­ says he reformed Veerashai­ (Rainfall data in mm; temperature in Celsius)
New Delhi was granted bail. Bengaluru savanna’s criticism of caste va mata, which is wrong,” he Pollutants in the air you are breathing Yesterday
A Special CBI court in Delhi Significantly, the ED’s The way lessons on Basavan­ hierarchy and that he start­ wrote, warning the Chief Mi­ CITIES SO2 NO2 CO PM2.5 PM10 CODE

on Tuesday took cognisance case was triggered by the na and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar ed the Lingayat religion. nister that an agitation Ahmedabad..... .59 .40 42 ... 37 .100 ....*
Bengaluru ....... .19 .74 14 ... 66 ...86 ....* In observation made at 4.00
of a chargesheet filed by the chargesheet filed by the In­ have been edited in the new Panditaradhya Shivacharya would become inevitable if Chennai .......... ...6 .26 50 ... 35 ...54 ....* p.m., Bihar Sharif, Bihar
recorded an overall air
Enforcement Directorate come Tax authorities in textbooks in Karnataka have Swami of Sanehalli Math has the text is not corrected. Delhi .............. ...5 ..— 59 . 316 .303 ....* quality index (AQI) score of
(ED) against Congress leader 2018. The probe agency has drawn the ire of Lingayat written an open letter to In another lesson “Gand­ Hyderabad ...... .36 .28 14 ... 68 .134 ....* 362 indicating an unhealthy

D.K. Shivakumar in a money

laundering case that origi­
alleged that a large amount
of Mr. Shivakumar’s wealth
and Dalit communities, res­
pectively, and members of
Chief Minister Basavaraj
Bommai in which he has
A hi Yuga Mattu Rashtreeya
Horata”, text on Ambedkar
Kolkata ........... .11 .12 19 ... 77 .102 ....*
Lucknow ......... ...6 .65 33 . 238 .180 ....*
Mumbai .......... ...6 ...3 19 . 143 .265 ....*
level of pollution. In
contrast, Gadag, Karnataka
recorded a healthy AQI
score of 30
nated from a prosecution was created between 2014 the communities have threa­ pointed out how the text has has been edited: “Sad at the Pune............... 120 .23 55 . 131 ...91 ....*
Visakhapatnam ...— ..— .— .....— .....— ....—
complaint filed by the In­ and 2018 during his tenure tened State­wide protests if been edited. “Lines like Ba­ caste system, he quit the Air Quality Code: * Poor * Moderate * Good (Readings indicate average AQI)
come Tax authorities in 2018 D.K. Shivakumar as the Power Minister of the the “misinformation” is not savanna was a strong critic Hindu Dharma and accepted SO2: Sulphur Dioxide. Short-term exposure can harm the respiratory system,

on allegations of tax evasion Karnataka government and removed. This comes close of caste hierarchy who Buddha Dharma, which is a making breathing difficult. It can affect visibility by reacting with other air
particles to form haze and stain culturally important objects such as statues
and facilitating hawala tran­ kumar had also been sum­ contracts granted during on the heels of members of threw the sacred thread af­ part of Indian tradition and and monuments.
sactions. moned by the court in this this time are under the agen­ the Vokkaliga community ter the ceremony, that he had opposed caste hierar­ NO2: Nitrogen Dioxide. Aggravates respiratory illness, causes haze to form by
Special CBI judge Vikas case on July 1. cy’s scanner. Moreover, the taking serious objection to propounded Veerashaiva chies”, being replaced with: reacting with other air particles, causes acid rain, pollutes coastal waters.

CO: Carbon monoxide. High concentration in air reduces oxygen supply to

Dhull took cognisance of The ED had filed this char­ ED has said that contracts statements by Rohith Chak­ philosophy based on hu­ “In his old age, he quit Hin­ critical organs like the heart and brain. At very high levels, it can cause
charges under Section 3 of gesheet before a Delhi court granted to companies while rathirtha, chairperson of the manitarian values setting du Dharma and accepted dizziness, confusion, unconsciousness and even death.
the Prevention of Money last week. The probe agency Mr. Shivakumar was the Ur­ textbook review committee. aside all the rituals and hie­ Buddha Dharma that is part PM2.5 & PM10: Particulate matter pollution can cause irritation of the eyes,
nose and throat, coughing, chest tightness and shortness of breath, reduced
Laundering Act, Special Pu­ had also arrested Mr. Shiva­ ban Development Minister The “Bharatada Mata Pra­ rarchy in the original vaidika of the Indian tradition”. Da­ lung function, irregular heartbeat, asthma attacks, heart attacks and premature

blic Prosecutor Nitesh Rana kumar in this case in Sep­ between 1999 and 2004 are vartakaru” chapter in re­ dharma, have been re­ lit organisations have come death in people with heart or lung disease
said, adding that Mr. Shiva­ tember 2019, following also under their scanner. vised Class IX social science moved. Also the new text down heavily on this edit.





A judicial course that calls for introspection

On a constitutional plane, the verdict in ‘Perarivalan’ deserves a re­look or review as it stands on wobbly foundations
ty of the same. Article 161 con­ the circumstances of the case the final arbiter of the Constitution
sciously provides a ‘discretion’ to when the Constitution conferred (Article 245) could not have

Caution first the Governor in taking a final call,

even if it was not wide enough to
express power on the Governor
alone, for grant of pardon, remis­
trumped Article 161 with Article
142, which is constitutionally jar­
overrule the advice, but it certain­ sion, etc., under Article 161. In the ring. It is usurpation of power of
The UIDAI should not downplay the possibility ly provides latitude to send back case on hand, the Bench found another pillar of democracy. With
of leaked Aadhaar numbers being misused V. Parthiban any resolution for reconsidera­ fault with the Governor not having utmost respect, the constitutional
tion, if, in his opinion, the resolu­ taken a decision on the recom­ course, if at all, may have been to

n a bizarre reversal on Sunday, the Union govern­
ment withdrew a notification from a Unique Identifi­ tion conflicted with constitutional mendation of remission by the put it back in the lap of the Gover­

he recent decision of the Su­ ends. In M.P. Special Police Esta- State Cabinet for a long time. The nor with a nudge and a wink to ‘de­
cation Authority of India (UIDAI) office cautioning
preme Court of India in the blishment (2004 (8) SCC P.788) a fault of the Governor became cide’ within a reasonable timeline.
people against sharing photocopies of their Aadhaar case of A.G. Perarivalan and Constitution Bench had held that more intense in the opinion of the
card, just two days after the advisory was issued, claim­ the Rajiv Gandhi assassination the “Concept of Governor acting Bench, when the Governor even­ Forgotten sentiments
ing that it would be “misinterpreted”. The May 27 not­ case has stirred up a hornet’s nest in his discretion or exercising in­ mission in respect of the offences tually referred the matter to the The Tamil Nadu State Assembly re­
ification that was issued by the Bengaluru Regional Of­ for its constitutional righteousness dependent judgment is not alien committed by the convicts under President of India for his decision, solution dated September 9, 2018
fice of the UIDAI urged people to use the masked and establishing its supremacy as to the constitution”. the Arms Act, 1959, the Explosive after sitting over the recommenda­ and the consequent Cabinet re­
Aadhaar number facility — that can be downloaded the final arbiter of enforcing con­ Substances Act, 1908, the Pass­ tion for more than two years. commendation was to ‘respect Ta­
stitutional discipline. The decision Implication of ‘consultation’ ports Act, 1967, the Foreigners Act, mil sentiments’. What of the senti­
from the UIDAI website — and which displays only the
has been hailed by some major In the other Constitution Bench 1946, etc., besides Section 302, is Deeper examination needed ments of the victims of the crime?
last four digits of the Aadhaar number. This was a sen­ political parties as a blow for judgment in Sriharan’s case (2016 in wobbly terrain. The entire investigation of the An oft forgotten genre, as Justice
sible advisory. The masked Aadhaar facility has been in federalism. (7) SCC P.1), arising out of the core According to the decision, it is a crime was by the Central Bureau V.R. Krishna Iyer pithily put it in
place since 2018 and this came about following a report of the Rajiv Gandhi assassination simple murder attracting Section of Investigation alone. In the teeth his purple prose, “It is a weakness
by the Centre for Internet and Society that publicly Court’s extraordinary route itself, one of the references placed 302 of the IPC and therefore the of the specific ruling in Sriharan, of our jurisprudence that the vic­
available datasets had sensitive details such as full Aad­ The Court has treaded the extraor­ for consideration was whether the Governor’s decision to forward with reference to the invocation of tims of crime and the distress of
haar number details and also included bank account dinary constitutional route under term ‘consultation’ stipulated in the recommendation to the Presi­ power by the State government in the dependents of the prisoners
Article 142. The power to do ‘com­ Section 435 Cr.P.C. implies ‘con­ dent is against the letter and spirit terms of Sections 432 and 433 of do not attract the attention of law”
details of individuals. The dangers of providing the full

plete justice’, for grant of remis­ currence’. It was held that the of Article 161 — meaning it is Cr.P.C, the power exercisable by (1980 (SCR)(1) P.846). The Bench
Aadhaar number to several agencies — the use of the sion and consequent premature word ‘consultation’ means ‘con­ against the spirit of federalism en­ the Governor under Article 161 in has regretfully bid farewell to such
Aadhaar card and the number for various purposes to­ release. The Bench decided to ex­ currence’ of the Central govern­ visaged in the Constitution. Such respect of the subject matter is not humane inputs.
day has only multiplied exponentially — are evident in ercise the power of grant of par­ ment. The Constitution Bench reasoning, with respect, amount­ so clear and obvious as ruled by To portray the remission as to

the way these numbers have been used by fraudsters don, remission et al., exclusively highlighted that there are situa­ ed to reductionism, oversimplifi­ the Bench. Whether what the State what it was not in the State is a sad

for criminal purposes such as identity theft, Know Your conferred on the President of In­ tions where consideration of re­ cation of the commission of hei­ government could not achieve di­ fallout the lawlords on the pulpit
Customer (KYC)­related fraud among others in recent dia and State Governors under Ar­ mission would have trans­border nous offence against the Indian rectly by invoking Sections 432 may not have bargained for. And
ticles 72 and 161. In the teeth of ramifications and wherever a cen­ state by the convict as co­conspira­ and 433 of Cr.P.C, without concur­ on the constitutional plane, this
years, and which have been documented in news re­
foundational bedrock and corner­ tral agency was involved, the opi­ tor, viewing it as an ordinary crime rence of Centre could be allowed verdict deserves a relook, even a

ports. The UIDAI has itself registered far more potential stone of separation of powers viz. nion of the Central government clothing the executive of the state to take a contrived route vide Arti­ review, as it stands on wobbly
fraud cases related to the issue highlighted above in re­ Parliament/Legislature, Executive must prevail. with the power of pardon, remis­ cle 161 and achieve its objectives is foundations built with creaky
cent years compared to the past. Other scams that are and Judiciary, whether the course Basing its conclusion on the le­ sion regardless of its trans­border a pertinent issue. This aspect re­ credence.
of a higher order have also been revealed recently, re­ adopted by the Bench to do expe­ gal position that the subject matter repercussions and the integrity/se­ quires deeper judicial examina­ In 2016 (1) SCC P.463 (Rajbala vs

lated to biometrics theft that have allowed scamsters to dient justice is constitutional calls (Section 302 in the Indian Penal curity of the country. Surprisingly, tion for the sake of constitutional State of Haryana), the top court
steal welfare benefits at the expense of genuine benefi­ for introspection. Code) murder, falls within Lists II nothing has been said on this vital clarity. presciently wrote, “A judge should

ciaries. The Internet is rife with leaked data and this The predominant purpose of and III (State and Concurrent lists) aspect in the order. The second aspect is the delay always bear in mind that errone­
this article is not Perarivalan­cen­ of the Seventh Schedule to the in taking a decision by the Gover­ ous and fallacious exercise of dis­
poses a major threat to user privacy.
tric, as a convict, or whether the Constitution, the learned judges Article and issues nor in the matter. The Constitu­ cretion is perceived by a visible
The UIDAI has, however, been ambivalent about the cry of an agonising mother de­ concluded that the State was fully Having unprecedentedly conclud­ tion does not lay down any time­ collective.” — the visible collective
inherent dangers in the indiscriminate use of the Aad­
haar number or the Aadhaar card by citizens, as evi­
denced in its series of flip­flops on the issue even before
served relief or not. The focus is
only to evaluate the constitutional­
ity of the decision in the context of
empowered to take a call and re­
commend remission in this case.
If it is a simple case of being a A
ed that the executive of the state is
competent to decide, the Bench
invoked Article 142 of the Constitu­
frame for the Governor to act on
the advice of the Council of
being We The People.
The evolving principle of consti­
tutional moralism and justice dis­
this latest withdrawal notice. There seems to be a con­ Article 142. Section 302 crime, the reason for tion to usurp the power of the Go­ In a case like the present one, a pensation by the constitutional
tradiction of views within the authority on the issue of The power under Article 161 is finding fault with the Governor’s vernor of the State under Article long consultative process was im­ courts may as well heed the dis­
exercisable in relation to matters decision to forward the recom­ 161. There are momentous issues perative due to several litigations tressed cries of the real and imper­

potential misuse of the Aadhaar number. On the one

to which the executive power of mendation to the President may that are flagged on the exercise of repeatedly being pursued at the ceptible victims before showering
hand, in statements advising caution and user discre­ the state extends. While the Gover­ be constitutionally correct. But the power of remission under Arti­ instance of the convicts, under their grace on the perceptible
tion in revealing one’s Aadhaar number, it is seeking to nor is bound by the advice of the the larger controversy as to wheth­ cle 142, by the Supreme Court in one legal pretext or the other. offenders.

treat these as sensitive information just like the biomet­ Council of Ministers (Article 163), er the Governor in his exercise of the present factual context. In any event, even if the delay
rics provided by citizens to the authority. Yet, on the the binding nature of such advice power under Article 161 is compe­ The first is whether Article 142 was constitutionally inexcusable Justice V. Parthiban is a retired judge of
other, it has sought to universalise the open use of the will depend on the constitutionali­ tent at all, to grant pardon or re­ could be invoked by the Court in or was vulnerable to challenge, the Madras High Court
Aadhaar as an identity document with missionary zeal

Shining a light on Germany’s stand in the Ukraine war


and has downplayed the risks of doing so. This ambiva­

lence does not help at all. The UIDAI must popularise

the use of the masked Aadhaar facility as a start and

rethink ways to tighten the scrutiny over how Aadhaar
Deciding on a course of action could mean modification of several decades of its mainly non­interventionist policy

numbers are issued and utilised even as law enforce­

ment agencies crack down on data leaks and websites conservatives, then in alliance for weapons of all kinds to defend liament, Rolf Mützenich, who built
with the Social Democrats, had re­ itself, Germany has hardly anyth­ his career in the belief of a world
carrying unmasked Aadhaar­related information.

tained the hope that Russian Presi­ ing to offer except tanks that had without arms. Apart from the crit­
dent Vladimir Putin might be de­ been decommissioned a decade icism in the media and among the
terred if offered concessions ago and for which there is no am­ public, the views of dignitaries
Women at the top

without any penalties. Even after munition available. such as Mr. Mützenich make the

Amit Das Gupta & Moscow, for the first time since current Chancellor, Olaf Scholz,
For civil service to be truly representative, Krishnan Srinivasan 1990, had created a new border in Near taboo subjects appear indecisive, because he can­
Europe in 2014 with the annexa­ Apart from such practicalities, not rule in favour of arms deliver­
women must rise up at all bureaucracy levels

tion of Crimea, a major pipeline mental reservations stand in the ies to Ukraine due to massive resis­

aking another step towards equity, three women, he Russian invasion of Uk­ project, Nord Stream 2, between way of steering a different course, tance within his own party.
Shruti Sharma, Ankita Agarwal and Gamini Sin­ raine has sent shockwaves Russia and Germany, was ap­ which can be observed through­ The Green Party is prone to fac­

gla, secured the first, second and third ranks, res­ through the world, especial­ proved and almost operational­ out German society. After Hitler, ing a similar dilemma; its Ministers
pectively, in the 2021 Civil Services examinations con­ ly in Europe, being the region ised. In regard to the warnings Germans struggled hard to be­ in the cabinet are the most outspo­
most immediately affected. The about possible Russian intentions, category falls under the term come likeable in the world, and to ken in supporting Ukraine by wha­

ducted by the Union Public Service Commission

countries close to the Russian bor­ the German government believed ‘peace­dividend’, after overcom­ be regarded as democratic, paci­ tever means available, but there is
(UPSC). Considered one of the toughest examinations der, namely the Baltic states and that it understood Russia better ing the Cold War and Germany’s fist, cooperative, understanding growing discontent among its pac­
to crack, the girls emerged successfully at the top in Poland, had long warned against than the rest of the world, which partition, surrounded by friends and helpful. As a result, military ifist­minded supporters, who do

their second attempt, and in the case of the second­ such a possibility, which they con­ eventually turned out to be wish­ without any hostile neighbours. force, power politics and national not support the argument that the
ranker, in her third try. All three women agreed that it sidered the next step after the an­ ful thinking. And the second was the German­ interest have become almost ta­ victims of an invasion require to
was a long, difficult and challenging journey. With 10 of nexation of Crimea in 2014 and the Gandhian dream of a world with­ boo subjects, and declining to be be supported. Germany is an im­
the top 25 rank­holders being women, there is a lot to month­long Russian military An over and underestimation out any arms, an especially attrac­ involved in conflict has become portant member of the European
build­up along the border. The The lack of realistic thinking in fo­ tive concept for a people who had the national mantra. Defending Union and the North Atlantic Trea­
celebrate — and ponder over. According to the latest All
Germans, the strongest European reign affairs in a country holding initiated, and suffered most from, the national interest, such as the ty Organization, but is extremely
India Survey on Higher Education report, published by economy and the key nation for arch­realist Otto von Bismarck in the destruction of Europe in two protection of export opportunities conflicted on how deeply it should
the Ministry of Education for 2019­2020, the gross en­ the European Union, however re­ high esteem might appear absurd world wars in the 20th century. which are the basis of German be involved in supporting Ukraine.
rolment ratio in higher education for the female popu­ mained indifferent, regarding for an India struggling with two The consequences of these pac­ wealth, by sending the navy to Deciding on such a course of ac­
lation is 27.3%, compared to 26.9% for males. In this such warnings as exaggerated powerful neighbours with nuclear ific views have now become more protect certain shipping routes tion will mean a further modifica­
backdrop, women comprised only 26% — or 177 — of the alarmism. weapons as a fact of life in this cen­ visible. Despite being one of the was approved by the Parliament, tion of several decades of a mainly
total of 685 candidates recommended by the UPSC for This attitude was not only the tury. While the Germans, based on richest countries, Germany but condemned as a relapse into non­interventionist policy.
fault of the current Federal Go­ a particular mindset, have overes­ starved its armed forces financial­ military adventurism in large sec­
appointment to the Indian Administrative Service (IAS),
vernment, formed by the Social timated their influence on the ly. The Army has a highly dimin­ tions of the media. Amit Das Gupta is a scholar in the Federal
Indian Foreign Service (IFS), Indian Police Service (IPS) Democrats, the Green Party and Kremlin and underestimated Mr. ished number of serviceable heli­ This same attitude is found even Army University Munich.
and Central Services, Group A and B. This skewed sta­ Liberals. Former Chancellor Ange­ Putin’s security obsessions over copters, submarines or artillery. among leading Social Democrats Krishnan Srinivasan is a former Indian
tistic must change because public service offers a un­ la Merkel’s Christian Democrat the past three decades. The first As a result, while Ukraine pleads such as their chairman in the Par­ Foreign Secretary
ique opportunity to bring about social change, and wo­
men can drive this, especially in a country where girls
often have to drop out of school for a variety of reasons,
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters emailed to letters@thehindu.co.in must carry the full postal address and the full name or the name with initials.

from poverty, early marriage to lack of toilets. To read more letters

Ms. Sharma hails from Bijnor (Uttar Pradesh), Ms. UPSC examination determination of women to the future of our society. the administrative reforms, country. Inter­faith relations online, scan the QR code

It is women’s power to the walk the extra mile and Women have been found to one cannot accept that the have come under great strain
Agarwal from Kolkata and Ms. Singla from Sunam (Pun­
fore with Shruti Sharma, achieve success. For be not only less corrupt but requirement of personnel is now. The country becomes ■ The award has created
jab), and each of their stories is that of struggle and per­ Ankita Agarwal and Gamini decades, the all­India civil also better administrators — coming down by the year. the loser when the Prime interest in the Indian
sistence. It has been a hard­fought battle for women to Singla topping the 2021 Civil services has remained a male at least from the ordinary Are vacancies being Minister is on the wrong side languages. It is a fact that
come this far in the IAS, and sometimes a trickier road Services examination (Page bastion. Women are proving citizen’s point of view. under­reported, thereby of the ideological battle. As there are many gifted writers
awaits them once inside the steel framework of the ad­ 1, May 31).It is also themselves to be equally Another notable aspect is enabling the Government for ‘the fast track of but who write in other
ministrative setup. If three women are at the top today, heartening that more efficient administrators. that more women could have (and probably State development’ Mr. Modi has Indian languages. They are
they have a lot to thank trailblazers such as Anna Rajam women are breaking the There is no doubt that the begun looking for a career in governments also) to cut spoken of, its benefits have not known because their
glass ceiling and bagging success stories will propel the civil services. One can expenditure without it being not tangibly percolated to stories are not translated into
Malhotra (née George), the first woman to join the In­
key positions in the many to dream big and only hope that this healthy noticed? the impoverished millions to English. Hence, there is a
dian Administrative Service in 1951, or C.B. Muthamma, corporate world as well. achieve their goals. trend would continue and P. Mangalachandran, improve their quality of life. need for translators who can
the first woman to join the IFS in 1948 who fought a N.J. Ravi Chander, M. Jeyaram, more and more women join West Ponniam, Kannur, Kerala The ‘Suffering India’ still popularise the works of
landmark case in the Supreme Court of India when she Bengaluru Sholavandan, Tamil Nadu the civil services. awaits the much promised these authors. The Tamil
was looked over for a promotion for Ambassador, or Kosaraju Chandramouli, Eight-year rule Acche din. Nadu government should
It is heartening to note that This time, women Hyderabad What is it that has translate the works of Tamil
even Anita Kaul who worked tirelessly to champion the ■ ■ G. David Milton,

Right to Education Act 2009 which made education a the top ranks have been aspirants have raised the bar. distinguished the eight­year Maruthancode, Tamil Nadu writers to English and
secured by women. Women According to media reports ■ It is a delight that women rule of Narendra Modi from popularise Tamil literature.
fundamental right for every child. The early part of a ci­
holding positions of many of them pursued their have done well in the Union that preceding it? It has Booker prize K.S. Sundaram,
vil servant’s career is usually spent in rural or semi­ur­ leadership augurs well for goals despite problems such Public Service Commission’s made Hindutva central to The Booker Prize this year Coimbatore
ban India, giving her a vantage point over issues includ­ our country. What is even as additional responsibilities. Civil Services Examination. Indian politics. No other going to Ms. Geethajali Shree
ing women’s health, literacy, economic independence, more gratifying is the fact Their success stories will But, at the same time, it period since Independence for her Hindi novel is a bit of IPL 2022
caste and gender disparities that are in need of reforms that young brilliant minds inspire young minds to chase appears that the number of has seen India’s retreat from surprise as she was a dark Like the previous editions,
or policy intervention but are often overlooked due to still find the civil services to their dreams come what candidates succeeding is secularism as a result of the horse till the end. Also the the 15th edition of the
lack of a proper understanding. To achieve this, educa­ be a huge draw. Well done, may. dwindling by the year — 685 implementation of the prize is a first for Hindi. The cash­rich IPL league has
women. Well done, UPSC. Dr. D.V.G. Sankararao, candidates in the published Hindutva agenda as Mr. translator deserves equal produced some gems. The
tion is the key. Also, if civil service has to represent all Nellimarla, Andhra Pradesh
Balasubramaniam Pavani, results. What is happening? I Modi’s tenure as Prime praise for the translation. IPL continues to better itself
sections of the population, of which half are women, Secunderabad remember that during the Minister. The situation is so There is no doubt that the and provides a wonderful
their representation in the services too must increase at ■ It is a measure of the extent late 1970s and 1980s, i.e. worrisome now that hate award has renewed interest avenue for emerging players
all levels of the bureaucracy, starting with the highest ■ That women have done of awareness, advancement during my days as a young speeches and targeted in Indian literature. to learn with the veterans.
rung. well is heartening for it is and progress of Indian aspirant, it used to be around attacks are considered as a A.V. Narayanan, Satish Reddy Kanaganti,
testimony to the grit and the women and augurs well for 800 on average. Whatever be measure of one’s love for the Tiruchi, Tamil Nadu Tipparthy, Nalgonda, Telangana




India’s EV ambition rides on three wheels Engaging academic lawyers

The EV policies put in place by some States as part of FAME-II have been instrumental in driving this growth Both the judiciary and the executive have rarely employed
the expertise of Indian law professors
essentially associated with personal
use, consumers are justifiably appre­ the Supreme Court. But no law professor has
hensive in adopting such vehicles gi­ ever been appointed as a Supreme Court
ven the host of issues which come judge. Compare this with countries like the
with it. The recent incidents of fires U.S. where several law professors have
in e­scooters have added to the ap­ served as judges of the Supreme Court.
Soumyadeep Kundu prehension. Reliable manufacturers Second, India has rarely nominated a law
& Soumya Roy with proven track records in the two­ Prabhash Ranjan professor to international judicial and legal
wheeler and four­wheeler EV space bodies like the ICJ and the Appellate Body of

in India are hard to come by. This In a case involving the interpretation of the the World Trade Organization. India has pre­
India’s push for electric vehicles further adds to the supply side Copyright Act of 1957, Justice Prathiba M. ferred to send retired judges, government la­
(EVs) was renewed when phase­II of crunch and there are very few affor­ Singh of the Delhi High Court has appointed wyers, or superannuated bureaucrats to
the Faster Adoption and Manufactur­ dable offerings for the consumer. Arul George Scaria, a law professor, as an these bodies compared to other liberal de­
ing of (Hybrid and) Electric (FAME) expert to assist the court. Prof. Scaria’s ap­ mocracies which routinely nominate law
Vehicles scheme in India, with an Issues to be addressed pointment is an opportunity to assess the professors to these organisations. This is
outlay of ₹10,000 crore, was ap­ The current policies in place at the role of law professors in society. The core oc­ despite India producing iconic international
proved in 2019. This was significant vehicles in India. At the current rate, emption of 100% and on registration State level, which are focused on ac­ cupation of a law professor is to teach and law professors like B.S. Chimni, R.P. Anand
since phase­I, launched in 2015, was e­three­wheelers are expected to fees. Assam, Delhi and West Bengal celerating adoption of EVs among push the frontiers of knowledge through re­ and V.S. Mani, whose work is cited globally.
approved with an outlay of ₹895 breach the 5­lakh target by 2023. Gi­ have linked incentives to the battery consumers, have spurred an e­three­ search and scholarly engagements. But they Third, the Modi government has been
crore. India was doubling down on ven the success of e­three­wheelers, size (in kWh) with additional benefits wheeler dominance. However, this have much more to offer provided the sys­ heard championing the lateral entry of ex­
its EV ambitions, focusing on cultiv­ it is worth taking a closer look at their on interest rate on loans and scrap­ has come at some costs. A major one tem gives them the right opportunities. Do perts in the government to replace generalist
ating demand for EVs at home while dominant position, how they got page incentives in some cases. U.P. is adequate passenger safety. Subse­ India’s judiciary and the executive employ bureaucrats for work that requires a high le­
also developing its own indigenous here, and what India’s EV policy can has gone a different way with its sub­ quent EV policies must therefore pay the expertise of law professors? vel of domain expertise. But there is rarely
EV manufacturing industry which do to sustain their success and ex­ sidies, offering 100% interest­free special attention to this issue. Local The examples of their doing so are spo­ an example of a law professor being induct­
could cater to this demand. tend it to the other categories. loans to State government em­ manufacturing enterprises often lack radic. Shamnad Basheer, a celebrated aca­ ed as a full­time expert in any of the minis­

Initially envisioned for three The EV registrations data show ployees for purchasing EVs in the the necessary resources or the motiv­ demic in the field of intellectual property tries. Fourth, India’s constitutional courts
years, FAME­II got a two­year exten­ that Assam, Bihar, Delhi, Uttar Pra­ State and 30% subsidy on the road ation to invest in design develop­ law, who died at 43, assisted the Supreme seldom appoint academics to serve as ami-
sion in June 2021 owing to a number desh and West Bengal account for price of EVs to families with a single ments focusing on safety. Lack of Court as an ‘academic intervenor’ in Novar- cus curiae or as experts to assist the courts in
of factors including the pandemic. It close to 80% of all e­three­wheeler girl child. To promote sales of EVs proper oversight from regulatory bo­ tis v. Union of India (2012). Aparna Chandra comprehending difficult questions of law.

aims to support 10 lakh e­two­wheel­ registrations, with U.P. accounting manufactured within the State, U.P. dies over these manufacturers add to and Mrinal Satish served as amicus curiae Contrary to the practice of courts in other

ers, 5 lakh e­three­wheelers, 55,000 for close to 40% of all registrations. exempts SGST on all such vehicles. It the woes. Future policies must there­ before the Delhi High Court. Legendary aca­ liberal democracies, Indian courts largely re­
e­four­wheeler passenger cars and Of these five States, Assam, Delhi, has outlined incentives to promote fore incorporate appropriate design demics such as Upendra Baxi and Lotika Sar­ ly on the expertise of the Indian Bar.
7,000 e­buses. Three years into U.P., and West Bengal have formal­ EV manufacturing in the State. Bi­ and passenger safety standards. kar have voluntarily intervened in matters of
FAME­II, the numbers have been lag­ ised EV policies while Bihar has a har’s draft EV policy too has been While the current State­level policies importance, compelling courts to take them Why partner with academics?

ging far behind the original three­ draft policy with a final policy due to drafted along similar lines: it focuses have been instrumental in increasing up. On select occasions, the Supreme Court Often, constitutional courts grapple with
year target. As a part of FAME­II, the be introduced later in 2022. Inciden­ on adoption and manufacturing. local e­three­wheeler manufactur­ has appointed law professors such as Mool challenging legal questions. Answering these
government has made a push for in­ tally, these five States are character­ These States have performed excep­ ing, they have led to an increasingly Chand Sharma as Joint Registrar (Research) requires a certain ability to theorise and con­
digenous manufacturing with a num­ ised by high population density and tionally well in the FAME­II scheme fragmented manufacturing industry and Anup Surendranath and Daniel Mathew ceputalise, which practicing lawyers lack.

ber of automakers answering the shortage of affordable public tran­ and are on their way to achieve the with non­uniform standards akin to as Deputy Registrars (Research). V.S. Mani Law professors are academically trained to
call. Legacy auto manufacturers such sport. Indigenously designed and target of 5 lakh e­three­wheelers. the formative years of motor vehicles was part of the team that represented India theorise. Unlike practitioners who are gener­

as Tata Motors, Mahindra & Mahin­ produced, e­three­wheelers like e­ The success India has experienced in the early 20th century. This frag­ before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ally wedded to the ‘black letter’ approach,
dra, Hero Electric, and TVS unveiled rickshaws have become a common in the e­three­wheeler space has mentation has led to legacy automak­ in the 1999 aerial incident case involving In­ law professors study the law critically, often
their EV offerings. New EV players al­ sight in these States. Costing bet­ come from developing both the de­ ers struggling to compete with the dia and Pakistan. The Law Commission has employing empirical, interdisciplinary, and
so emerged on the scene with the ween ₹1 lakh and ₹1.5 lakh, these veh­ mand and supply sides. Subsidies, large number of manufacturers in ev­ employed the services of law professors to comparative approaches. This skill set has
likes of Ola and Bounce entering the
e­two­wheeler segment. While e­
two­wheelers and e­four­wheelers
icles are produced by scores of local
workshops and small enterprises
and have come to dominate the e­
tax exemptions, and interest­free
loans have successfully rallied de­
mand for these vehicles. These vehi­
ery State. EV policies must address
this issue so that legacy automakers
are not demotivated from competing A draft reports batting for law reforms. In
some instances, parliamentary committees
have invited law professors to depose as exp­
the potential of raising the bar of legal rea­
soning by several notches. Basheer’s iconic
intervention in Novartis is a case in point.
receive significant coverage, a three­ three­wheeler market. With financial cles provide for inexpensive means in the e­three­wheeler space. Their ert witnesses in important matters. The ex­ Appointing academics as judges of consti­
wheeled underdog has been quietly assistance from FAME­II, local manu­ of transport for millions, are easy to resources are necessary for design­ ecutive has also appointed law professors to tutional courts or involving them to assist
dominating the Indian EV space. facturers have built a truly Indian EV maintain, and have relatively low op­ ing and manufacturing more ad­ serve in different committees. courts in tackling complex legal issues can

with its unique design catering to In­ erating costs, making them immen­ vanced and safer e­three­wheelers. bring in a refreshing perspective. It will also
The dominance of e-3-wheelers dian commuter needs. Legacy auto­ sely popular among operators. The Future EV policies must therefore Neglect of academics foster institutional diversity in our judicial
Three­wheeler EVs like e­autos and e­ makers with their own e­three­ indigenous design allows for easy lo­ take into account the existing and But these examples are the outcomes of indi­ process. Decision­makers occupying the

rickshaws account for close to 65% of wheeler offerings have been strug­ cal manufacturing in workshops and emerging stakeholders on the de­ vidual initiatives by judges, bureaucrats or high echelons in the judiciary and the execu­
all EVs registered in India. In con­ gling to compete with these local small enterprises and makes them mand and supply sides for effective politicians reposing faith in law professors; tive should recognise that by not making the
trast, two­wheeler EVs come at a dis­ producers. The EV policies put in relatively easy to charge and main­ implementation. With the prevailing they are not a consequence of a system that fullest use of the expertise of academic la­
tant second with over 30% of regis­ place by these States as part of tain compared to their two­wheeler trajectory of EVs, India must take les­ values the expertise of academic lawyers and wyers, they are doing a disfavour to our so­
trations and passenger four­wheeler FAME­II have been instrumental in and four­wheeler counterparts. This sons from its e­three­wheeler success is desirous of using their skills. Both the jud­ ciety. The onus is on them to develop robust

EVs at a meagre 2.5%. Under the tar­ driving this growth. success in the e­three­wheeler space story to sustain its EV ambitions. iciary and the executive have largely over­ institutionalised mechanisms to engage aca­
gets for FAME­II, e­three­wheelers The focus of the EV policies of has been difficult to replicate in the looked India’s academic lawyers. The follow­ demic lawyers in the service of the nation.

have crossed over 4 lakh vehicles of these five States is on accelerating e­two­wheeler and e­four­wheeler Soumyadeep Kundu is a Doctoral student ing examples elucidate this point. First,
the 5­lakh target since 2019. The adoption of EVs among consumers space, which have problems both on and Soumya Roy is Associate Professor, Article 124(3)(c) of the Constitution provides Prabhash Ranjan is Professor and Vice Dean, Jindal
Quantitative Methods and Operations Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University.

numbers are expected to be higher and promoting local manufacturing. the demand and supply side. Since that a ‘distinguished jurist’ i.e. an illustrious
Management Area, Indian Institute of Views are personal
given the prevalence of unregistered All five States provide road tax ex­ two­wheelers and four­wheelers are Management-Kozhikode law professor, can be appointed as a judge of


Preventive action against rape FROM THE ARCHIVES

Not just fast investigations and trials, but measures to Press freedom: Council report
ensure safety of women are required in Tamil Nadu

New Delhi, May 31: The Press Council of In­

D. Suresh Kumar tracked and monitored to fetch maxi­ dia has said that its findings have had a salu­
mum punishment for the accused. tary effect in safeguarding the freedom of
Four gang rapes in under three He vowed that the investigation

the press and in ensuring that this freedom

months, with the latest victim being would not be (slow and shoddy) like is not regarded as a licence by newspapers.
murdered, have turned the spotlight the Pollachi case. He transferred the In its annual report for 1971 laid on the table
on the need for enhancing safety for case to the Crime Branch­CID, which of the Lok Sabha to­day, the Council said

women and strengthening law and fast­tracked the investigation and that by and large the press served the cause
order in Tamil Nadu. Of greater con­ filed a voluminous charge sheet of the public with a few exceptions where a
cern is that the accused targeted the against the accused. The accused few papers had chosen to indulge in “black­
three survivors, who were with their persons in the doctor’s case too were mail, cheap sensationalism, scandal­mon­
male companions, in public spaces. arrested within days of the crime. gering, scurrilous and communal writings or
In another case, a youth stalked a wo­ However, the administration’s obscene publications.” Such journals, it said,
man, forced his way into her home quick ac­ tions did not prevent si­ did not generally command a large circula­
and allegedly raped her at knifepoint milar crimes from un­ tion. The Council was doing all it could to
in the heart of Chennai. folding in Cuddalore, restrain them from abusing their journalistic
The gang rapes in Vellore, Namakkal and Rames­ role and violating ethical standards. During
Cuddalore, Namakkal and waram. In the last inci­ the year under review, the Press Council
Rameswaram were pre­ dent, a woman out on considered 28 complaints. In respect of
ceded by a horrific inci­ work at a prawn unit was complaints upheld, five editors were cen­
dent of a woman in Vi­ robbed, raped and mur­ sured and four warned while the Council ex­
rudhunagar being dered by two migrant pressed displeasure against one. In nine
blackmailed and raped by workers from Odisha, trig­ complaints the Council, apart from express­
four men and three juveniles gering massive protests. The ing its opinion about objectionable writings,
over a period of seven rapists in all cases have been refrained from taking further action because
months. In Vellore, a woman arrested. But it also had a dif­ the editors concerned admitted improprie­
doctor from Bihar and a ferent fallout in Rameswaram with ty.
male colleague were hood­ the Municipal authorities seeking to
winked into taking a ride at night in a profile details of guest workers sell­ A HUNDRED YEARS AGO JUNE 1, 1922
share autorickshaw, with the accused ing pani puri and working in restau­
pretending to be co­passengers. The rants and construction sites, ostensi­ A bank fraud
two were robbed, the man beaten up bly linking crime with migrants.
and the doctor raped. The trauma­ Sexual crimes have evoked strong Secunderabad, May 31: A very ingenious
tised woman left for Bihar and filed reactions from Tamil Nadu’s politi­ fraud has been perpetrated on the Imperial
an online complaint with the police. cians in the past. Against the back­ Bank of India Ltd. Secunderabad. A Hindu
While the modus operandi in the Vel­ drop of the ‘Nirbhaya’ case, then calling himself S. Rajarao — tall, dark, stout
lore case had traces of the ‘Nirbhaya’ Chief Minister Jayalalithaa had called and wearing a white coat and trousers and a
case, the Virudhunagar incident for amending central laws to provide red cap, aged about 35 years, with a scar on
brought back memories of the 2019 for punishments such as the death the right side of his forehead, during the bu­
Pollachi case in which young women penalty and chemical castration for siest part of the morning presented a forged
had been blackmailed and abused sexual offenders. After the Hathras voucher claiming interest on Government
and which the DMK had made a cam­ rape, Mr. Stalin had promised to set promisory notes amounting to Rs. 1925. The
paign issue then. up special courts to hear cases relat­ voucher appeared to be quite in order in
The two cases, which surfaced ed to violence against women when usual Government form. At the bottom it
when the Legislative Assembly was in his party is voted to power. The State was passed for payment and signed “A.P.
session in March, caused great em­ already has Mahila Courts. Emmer, Treasury officer” and initialled by
barrassment to Chief Minister M.K. To the government’s credit, there forging the initials of the Asst Accountant
Stalin. Not long ago, as the Leader of was no attempt to cover up the rape Mr. Hun and an Indian accountant. The
the Opposition, he had questioned cases. Mr. Stalin has made it a point Bank clerk taking the signature and the in­
the Union government for adjudging to make surprise inspections at pol­ itials to be authentic passed the voucher for
Tamil Nadu, then ruled by the BJP’s ice stations whenever possible — so­ payment and the shroff paid the amount in
ally AIADMK, the leading State in the mething his predecessors had not Rs. 5 and Rs. 10 notes but the receiver signed
Good Governance Index. He had done in decades. But what is needed “T. Ananta Rao” in the shroff ’s books and
asked how the Centre could rank Ta­ is preventive action, strengthening when the document was sent to the Imperial
mil Nadu first in ‘public security’ security for women and a special fo­ Bank, Hyderabad Branch, it was checked in
when there were incidents such as cus on ‘visible policing’ with senior the ordinary course and returned with a slip
the Pollachi serial sexual abuse case. police officers playing a proactive to say that the amount of the claim written in
Therefore, he lost no time in declar­ role. words should also be initialled. It was then
ing that the investigation and trial in discovered that the whole document was a
the Virudhunagar case would be fast­ sureshkumar.d@thehindu.co.in clever forgery.





Both sides move court over video leak IN BRIEF

Teacher shot dead in Plaintiffs return envelopes ‘without breaking the seal’; masjid panel yet to receive copy of video survey
J&K in targeted killing Abhinay Lakshman Following this, Jitendra to the court. Based on these
New Delhi Singh, plaintiff Rakhi Singh’s leaks, the Hindu side had
Earlier this month, militants in Baramulla was also In the Gyanvapi Mosque­ uncle, filed an application claimed the discovery of a
Popular singer KK dies
killed six civilians, including busted. Kashi Vishwanath Temple before the court, claiming Shivling, while the Muslim
after concert in Kolkata
a Kashmiri Pandit em­ Two local JeM militants dispute, the Hindu and Mus­ that “anti­national ele­ side had said the structure in KOLKATA
ployee, a woman artist, a were killed in an overnight lim parties on Tuesday ap­ ments” were behind the leak question was part of the Well­known singer
wine shop employee and gunfight in Pulwama’s Raj­ proached the District Court and thus sought a probe by fountain inside the mosque’s Krishnakumar Kunnath,
three policemen, in six sep­ pora village. “The killed mil­ in Varanasi seeking an inves­ the Central Bureau of Investi­ wuzu khana. popularly known as KK, died
arate targeted attacks in the itants were identified as Sha­ tigation into how the con­ gation in the matter. After this first leak, the in Kolkata on Tuesday night,
Valley. hid Rather of Tral and Umar tents of the video survey of Senior advocate Mumtaz masjid committee had ap­ officials said. He was 53. KK
The killing of policeman Yousuf of Shopian. Besides the mosque premises were Ahmed, representing the proached the Supreme was feeling unwell after
Saifullah Qadri outside his other terror crimes, Shahid leaked to the media and in masjid committee, said they Court, which had trans­ reaching his hotel, following
house on May 24 in Srina­ was involved in the killing of the public domain. too had filed an application ferred the suit to a district a performance at a concert in
gar’s Soura saw the security a woman, Shakeela of Ari­ This comes a day after Dis­ seeking a thorough investiga­ court in Varanasi. The dis­ the evening, officials said. KK
forces stepping up opera­ pal, and government em­ trict and Sessions Judge A.K. Murky waters: Hindu plaintiffs accompanied by their tion of the leak, saying it was trict court is currently hear­ has recorded songs in Hindi,
tions against militants. Six­ ployee Javid Ahmed of Lur­ Vishvesha accepted an un­ advocates on their way to court in Varanasi on Monday. *
PTI a blatant violation of the ing a suit filed by five Hindu Tamil, Telugu, Kannada,
teen militants have been gam Tral,” Inspector dertaking from both sides court’s orders. women, seeking the right to Malayalam, Marathi and
killed since then in the Val­ General of Police Vijay Ku­ that they will not copy or Masjid Committee is yet to plaintiffs on Monday. “But Significantly, this is not pray at a Hindu shrine be­ Bengali, among other
ley. The police claimed that mar said. leak the contents of the sur­ receive a copy of the video before we could open it, we the first time that the con­ hind the Gyanvapi mosque’s languages. PTI
among the slain militants in­ A total of around 27 mili­ vey upon receiving it from survey, its lawyers said. already started seeing on tents of the video survey western wall all year­round.
cluded those behind four tants were killed in Kashmir the court. Under these con­ Ranjana Agnihotri, one of news channels that it had have been leaked. Earlier, Meanwhile, Nikhil Upad­ Adityanath compares
target killings, including the this month, taking their ditions, the court had on the lawyers for the Hindu been leaked. So, on Tuesday when a civil court in Varana­ hyay, son of BJP leader Ash­ Akhilesh to Rahul Gandhi
cases of Kashmiri Pandit death toll to around 90 for Monday handed over copies plaintiffs in the dispute, said we returned the envelopes si had ordered the survey, wini Kumar Upadhyay, has
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister
employee Rahul Bhat, artist this year, as militancy shows of the survey to the Hindu the sealed envelopes with to the court just as we re­ parts of the video survey filed an application before
Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday
Amreen Bhat and two poli­ no let­up despite stringent plaintiffs. discs of the video survey ceived them — without were leaked even before the the district court seeking to while taunting Samajwadi

cemen. Besides, the module security measures and anti­ The Anjuman Intezamia were handed over to the breaking the seal.” survey report was submitted be arrayed as a plaintiff. Party president Akhilesh
behind the wine shop attack militancy operations. Yadav compared him to
Congress leader Rahul

‘Indus water talks Satyendar J&K leader Bhim Gandhi. The only difference

‘June­Sept. rainfall likely between them was that while

Jain sent to Mr. Gandhi spoke ill of the

to be 103% of the average’ held on ‘cordial’ terms’

country while he was abroad

ED custody Singh passes away Mr. Yadav spoke ill of Uttar

Pradesh when he was outside

the State, said the Chief
M. Mohapatra, Director soon rains to be within the Both sides to resolve issues. says MEA Staff Reporter Minister.
General, IMD, told The Hin- normal range of 96­104% of New Delhi Leaders across spectrum mourn him
du that the expectation of the LPA,” he added. Suhasini Haidar A Special CBI court on CPWD engineers protest

increased rains was largely The most important NEW DELHI Tuesday remanded Delhi Special Correspondent against senior officer
premised on La Nina condi­ monsoon months, for agri­ Indian and Pakistani nego­ Home Minister Satyendar NEW DELHI
A joint forum of Central

tions prevailing through the culture, are July and August tiators ended another round Jain to Enforcement Direc­ Bhim Singh, 81, founder of
monsoon month. In April, it though the IMD is expected of talks as part of the Indus torate (ED) custody till June the Jammu and Kashmir Na­ Public Works Department
(CPWD) engineers’
was expected that the ongo­ to announce the forecast for Water Treaty on “cordial” 9, a day after his arrest in a tional Panthers Party, died
associations on Tuesday held
ing La Nina conditions July only by the end of June. terms, said the Ministry of money­laundering case re­ on Tuesday morning.
protests across the country to
would transition to neutral
conditions. La Nina is the
converse phenomenon of
Were monsoon rains to be
normal this season, it would
be the fourth consecutive
External Affairs (MEA), de­
scribing the 118th meeting of
the Permanent Indus Com­
lated to the CBI’s dispro­
portionate assets FIR
against him, registered in A Mr. Singh, a lawyer by
profession, has been unwell
for some time and was ad­
demand action against a
senior officer, who allegedly
had two CPWD engineers
the El Nino and is character­ year of ‘normal’ or ‘above mission that took place in 2017. mitted to the Government detained during an inspection
ised by a cooler than normal normal’ rainfall. Delhi on May 30 and 31. The ED produced Mr. Medical College, Jammu. in Jammu and Kashmir last
sea surface temperatures in The ‘normal’ monsoon The MEA did not give any The Indus seen on its course Jain before Special CBI Prime Minister Narendra

week. The forum also

the central Pacific. rains don’t imply that all details on the issues that from Leh to ladakh. Judge Geetanjali Goel on Modi said in a tweet, “Prof. Bhim Singh submitted a memorandum to
“An influential factor months would see well dis­ were on the agenda for dis­ * SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT Tuesday and sought his Bhim Singh Ji will be re­ Housing and Urban Affairs
called the Indian Ocean Di­ tributed rains. In 2021, for cussion, including Pakis­ custody for 14 days. The membered as a grassroots sections of society in and Minister Hardeep Puri calling

pole is expected to be nega­ instance, August stared at a tan’s request for flood­flow sides to interact frequently agency argued that Mr. Jain leader who devoted his life outside the State legislature. for “appropriate disciplinary
tive and is considered not fa­ 24% deficit but September, data sharing and objections and resolve issues through had so far been evasive in for the welfare of Jammu At a time when polarisation action” against Shri
vourable for the monsoon. usually the month that sees to hydro­power projects bilateral discussions under his replies to them and that and Kashmir. He was very and divisiveness has domi­ Amarnathji Shrine Board CEO
“Other factors are expected the least rainfall, saw excess planned on “western rivers” the Indus Water Treaty,” the there are voluminous evi­ well read and scholarly. I nated the political arena, he Nitishwar Kumar.
to compensate and that’s rains, similar to what was in Jammu & Kashmir. MEA said after the meetings dentiary materials that he will always recall my inte­ stood for communal harmo­

why we expect the mon­ observed in 2019 and 2020. However, it said that the between six­member dele­ needs to be confronted ractions with him. Sad­ ny and fought tooth and nail Defence Ministry signs
annual report of the Com­ gations on either side led by with. dened by his demise. Con­ against the forces who are ₹2,971 cr. missile deal

mission for the previous the new Indian Commis­ Solicitor­General Tushar dolences to his family and hell bent upon dividing the NEW DELHI
The Defence Ministry on
Q4 GDP growth year had been finalised and
signed, indicating some
sioner for Indus Waters A.K.
Pal, and Syed Muhammad
Mehta appeared for the
agency on Tuesday and
supporters. Om Shanti.”
Jammu and Kashmir par­
people and regions on the
communal lines,” Commu­ Tuesday signed a contract

with defence public sector

consensus on the way for­ Mehar Ali Shah, the Pakis­ said, “There is a checkered ties also expressed their nist Party of India (Marxist)

decelerates to 4.1% ward on a number of issues tan Commissioner for Indus trail of money. We do not condolences on the demise leader M.Y. Tarigami said.
undertaking Bharat Dynamics

Ltd. (BDL) for supply of the

that come up each year. A Waters, adding that they know whether his money of Professor Singh, who “A man of many parts.
indigenously developed Astra
statement from Pakistan’s had agreed to hold the next was being laundered or so­ emerged as a major political Timeless, selfless and a cru­ Mk­I Beyond Visual Range
This was the first contrac­ lower than anticipated ear­ Ministry of Foreign Affairs meeting in Pakistan. meone else’s money was face to represent the aspira­ sader. He was my father’s

(BVR) air­to­air missiles at a

tion in factories’ output lier. For the full year, GVA also added that India had The MEA’s statement being laundered.” tions of the people of the colleague and friend. From cost of ₹2,971 Crore. Air to Air
since the massive 31.5% fall from agriculture and the fi­ promised a response to its comes in contrast to pre­ Mr. Jain’s lawyers, ho­ Jammu region. riding across the Sahara on missile with BVR capability
in the first quarter of 2020­ nancial, real estate & profes­ objections. vious, more acrimonious wever, told the court that “Professor Singh was a a motorcycle to Palestine to provides large stand off
21 amid the strict national sional services sectors, the “The meeting was held in statements issued by both other than “bold allega­ leader committed to secular Iraq — Bhim Singh Ji had

ranges to fighter aircraft

lockdowns. only two sectors that grew a cordial manner. The Com­ India and Pakistan, which tions”, the agency does not values who fought relent­ friends all across,” Peoples which can neutralise the
Economists pointed out in 2020­21, rose by 3% and mission appreciated the had detailed areas of dis­ have any evidence against lessly for the rights of down­ Conference chief Sajad Lone adversary aircraft without
that real GDP was only ‘a 4.2% in 2021­22, compared commitment of the two pute between the two sides. Mr. Jain. trodden and marginalised said. exposing itself.

subdued’ 1.5% higher than with 3.3% and 2.2% in the

pre­COVID levels and previous year, respectively.
ascribed the lower than pro­

Fresh wave of fear hits Kashmir Fewest Civil Service


jected full­year growth to Rise in investment rate

the effects of the Omicron The Finance Ministry high­
variant of COVID­19, high lighted that the investment

recruits since 2012


commodity prices and infla­ rate in the economy rose to

tion as well as data correc­ 33.6% in Q4, the highest Pandits demand relocation from the Valley till terrorism is totally wiped out
tions for the first half of the since Q3 of 2019­20. More­
year. over, though manufacturing PEERZADA ASHIQ demanded justice. salaries if we leave the sta­ recent attacks directed at un­ UPSC recommends 685 candidates
A downward revision in sector shrank from a year Srinagar “We met the L­G a few tion. They are forcing us to armed civilians. Words of
growth rates for the first two earlier, it grew sequentially The woman teacher’s killing days ago and demanded our rejoin offices in the Valley. condemnation and condo­ Vijaita Singh
New Delhi
quarters of 2021­22 also af­ at 14.2% during Q4, it point­ in Kulgam on Tuesday has relocation from the Kashmir We should not be sacrificed lence ring hollow as do the
fected the full year’s growth ed out. sparked a fresh wave of fear Valley. Even the Inspector­ so cheaply,” another Pandit assurances of the govern­ The number of Civil Service
rate vis­à­vis the last esti­ The recovery in invest­ among migrant Kashmiri General of Police said on re­ protester said. ment that they will not rest Examination candidates
mates released on February ment demand was a bright Pandit employees recruited cord it will take two or three Lieutenant­Governor Ma­ till the situation normalises.” shortlisted for recruitment
28. The 20.3% GDP growth spot, said EY India’s chief under the Prime Minister’s years to wipe out terrorism noj Sinha and top leaders of Peoples Democratic Party this year is the lowest since
estimated earlier for Q1 was policy adviser and econo­ special rehabilitation pack­ in Kashmir. The L­G adminis­ parties in unison con­ president Mehbooba Mufti 2012. The reduced intake
pared to 20.1%, while the mist D.K. Srivastava. Howev­ age, and Hindu employees tration should shift us till demned the schoolteacher’s said, “Despite GoI’s [Govern­ comes at a time when the
same number was revised to er, the contribution of net from Jammu recruited under then,” a Pandit, who partici­ killing. Mr. Sinha said the ter­ ment of India’s] fake claims Centre is facing an acute
8.4% from 8.5% for Q2. exports to real GDP growth the Scheduled Caste quota. pated in a protest at Shivpora rorists and their sympathis­ about Kashmir being normal shortage of All India Servic­
Chief Economic Adviser was negative at (­)2.9%. and Hundreds of Kashmiri in Srinagar, said. ers would be given an unfor­ it is obvious that targeted ci­ es (AIS) officers who are will­ Office of the UPSC in New
V. Anantha Nageswaran said although private final con­ Pandits blocked highways in Scores of Pandits threa­ gettable response for the vilian killings are on the rise ing, or available, to serve in Delhi. R.V. MOORTHY

the real GDP numbers were sumption expenditure grew Kulgam and Srinagar to tened to go on a mass migra­ dastardly attack. and a deep cause of concern. Union government.
pretty much in line with ear­ 7.9% in 2021­22, its magni­ press the demand for reloca­ tion if the government failed National Conference vice­ Condemn this act of cowar­ The Union Public Service ment’s policy of
lier estimates, so it was diffi­ tude was only ₹1.2 lakh tion from the Valley. They to transfer them. president Omar Abdullah dice which sadly plays into Commission (UPSC) recom­ “right­sizing” human
cult to make the argument crore higher than 2019­20, shouted slogans against the “The administration is said, “This is yet another tar­ the vicious anti­Muslim nar­ mended only 685 from resources.
that the growth rate was he pointed out. Lieutenant­Governor and threatening us to hold our geted killing in a long list of rative spun by the BJP.” among the candidates who Of the nearly five lakh
took the examination in candidates who took the
2021 for appointment to the preliminary examination in

Centre clears ₹86,912 Webinar on mechanical engineering held Indian Administrative Ser­
vice (IAS), the Indian Fo­
reign Service (IFS), the In­
October 2021, 9,214 qualified
to sit for the main examina­
tion. A total of 1,824 later ap­

crore of GST dues The lines separating it with other disciplines are blurring fast, says a speaker
dian Police Service (IPS) and
Group A and B of the Central
peared for the personality
test. Nearly 10 lakh candi­
Services. dates had registered for the
In April, the Ministry had 14% compounded growth Special Correspondent Dayananda Sagar College of vernment departments, exam.
pegged the outstanding GST whereas the Cess collection CHENNAI Engineering. He further research organisations and Gradual decrease Earlier this year, the De­
compensation dues for did not increase in the same The webinar on ‘Mechanical spoke about the inclusion of companies that require me­ In 2014, 1,236 candidates partment of Personnel and
2021­22 at ₹78,704 crore, proportion, [and] COVID­19 engineering in the digital interdisciplinary courses chanical engineering talent. were recommended, and in Training (DoPT) had pro­
equivalent to four months of further increased the gap era’ organised by Dayananda and how hands­on engineer­ He reiterated that the oppor­ 2012, 998. In 2013, 2015, posed amendments to the
such accruals. So dues had between protected revenue Sagar institutions and The ing experience is the best tunities for meaningful engi­ 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and Indian Administrative Ser­
been remitted to States for and the actual revenue re­ Hindu held recently, had ex­ way to equip students for the neering work are plentiful, 2020, the number stood at vice (Cadre) Rules, 1954 re­
the April­November eight­ ceipt including reduction in perts discuss and encourage marketplace. and that almost every indus­ 1,122, 1,078, 1,099, 990, 759, lating to the Central deputa­
month period. cess collection,” the Minis­ the audience to look at me­ try requires a mechanical 829 and 761, respectively. tion of IAS officers.
Citing an inadequate ba­ try said. chanical engineering from a Job opportunities engineering backbone. “You The number of candi­ Through the amend­
lance in the GST Compensa­ The Telangana govern­ different perspective. The most­asked question just have to know where to dates selected has fallen ments, IAS, IPS and Indian
tion Cess account, the Mi­ ment is, however, contest­ “The industry has grown from the audience, who look”, he added. sharply and posts advertised Forest Service officers could
nistry had said the pending ing the Centre’s calculation to be interdisciplinary. The tuned into the webinar, was The panelists further for recruitment has declined be deputed to the Union go­
amount would be released of dues to the State. “There boundaries separating me­ about the job opportunities quelled concerns and fears gradually. vernment and Ministries
“as and when amount from is something wrong with chanical engineering and through what mechanical available at present for me­ that mechanical engineering For 2021, the government without necessarily taking
cess accrues in the compen­ GOI calculations,” Chief Se­ other types of engineering engineering looks like in to­ chanical engineering jobs were disappearing. reported 749 vacancies. In the State government’s nod.
sation fund”. The Compen­ cretary Somesh Kumar said. such as electrical, civil and day’s world. graduates. They spoke about how in the 2020, as against 836 vacan­ The DoPT has said that
sation Cess is levied over Telangana, which has re­ biomedical are blurring A fast­changing industry Anand Badiger, Assistant age of automation, artificial cies, only 761 were selected. the State governments have
and above the peak 28% rate ceived ₹296 crore, has de­ fast,” said Dinakaran, Head, calls for innovations in the Professor, Mechanical Engi­ intelligence (AI) and electric In 2019, there were 927 va­ not been sponsoring adeq­
on luxury or ‘sin’ goods, in­ cided to write to the Centre, Department of Mechatron­ way the subject is taught to neering, Dayananda Sagar vehicles (EV), mechanical cancies and 829 selections. uate number of officers for
cluding cars. Mr. Kumar added. ics, Hindustan Institute of students, said M.R. Hasee­ College of Engineering ad­ engineering skills remain co­ A senior government offi­ Central deputation to meet
“The States’ protected re­ (With inputs from Tech and Science while buddin, Associate Professor, dressed this with a compre­ veted in all kinds of compa­ cial said the reduction in in­ the requirements of the Go­
venue has been growing at M. Rajeev, Hyderabad) walking the audience Mechanical Engineering, hensive walk­through of go­ nies. take followed the govern­ vernment of India.



India, China to hold next round of talks

Disengagement at Patrolling Point 15 in the Hot Springs had become a contentious topic last time
Ananth Krishnan Tuesday said both had He said China was “not
Hong Kong
agreed to “resolve the re­ that interested in the chang­
India and China on Tuesday maining issues in the West­ es of the ranking in trade vol­
agreed to hold the next ern Section of the border in ume” referring to the U.S. re­
round of talks between se­ accordance with the princi­ placing China as India’s
nior military commanders to ple of mutual and equal se­ biggest trading partner ac­
continue the slow­moving curity.” Asked about the im­ cording to India’s Ministry of
disengagement process pact of the border issue on Commerce data for the fi­
along the Line of Actual Con­ trade and investment, Fo­ nancial year 2021­22. He said
trol (LAC). reign Ministry spokesperson according to China’s statis­
Officials from the two Zhao Lijian said China “al­ tics for the calendar year Brigadier Ashok Abbey (retd.) releasing the book by J. Ramanan (second from left) and Vrinda
sides, during the 24th meet­ ways believes that the boun­ 2021 “China remains India’s Ramanan (left), in the presence of N. Ravi (centre), Chairman, Kasturi and Sons Ltd., and
ing of the Working Mechan­ dary question doesn’t repre­ largest trading partner” and Malini Parthasarathy, (right), Chairperson, THG Publishing, on Tuesday. JOTHI RAMALINGAM B. *

ism for Consultation and sent the whole of “the disparity in trade fi­
Coordination (WMCC) on
border affairs held virtually,
reviewed the LAC situation
Call for consensus: Officials agreed to continue discussions to
resolve the remaining issues along the LAC. FILE PHOTO *
China­India relations and we
should put it in an appro­
priate position in bilateral
gures published by China
and India is a result of diffe­
rent statistical measurement
‘Promote Indian Himalayan
and agreed to “continue the manders meeting at an early viously suggested they ex­ relations.” scales”.
discussions through diplo­
matic and military channels
to resolve the remaining is­
date to achieve the objective
of complete disengagement
from all friction points along
pected resolution at PP15 at
an early date, but differences
in Demchok and Depsang,
On on­going probes of
Chinese telecom majors in
India, including Xiaomi, ZTE
“What we care about is
whether the Indian side has
the will and takes real ac­
range for mountaineering’
sues along the LAC at the ear­ the LAC in the Western Sec­ the two other remaining and Vivo, Mr. Zhao said Beij­ tions to create a fair, transpa­
liest so as to create condi­ tor,” the MEA added. areas, were more ing “is closely following the rent and sound environment Ex­Army officer releases book brought out by The Hindu
tions for restoration of Both sides failed to pronounced. situation” and that “the In­ for bilateral trade and invest­
normalcy in bilateral rela­ achieve a breakthrough in The two sides discussed dian side should act in accor­ ment, further expand mu­ Staff Reporter Chairman, Kasturi and Sons Indians and those of other

tions,” the Ministry of Exter­ the 15th round of talks held the LAC during Chinese Fo­ dance with laws and regula­ tually­beneficial cooperation Ltd., and Malini Parthasa­ nationalities spent huge
nal Affairs said. on March 11, when they dis­ reign Minister Wang Yi’s tions and provide a fair, just between the two sides and There is a need to promote rathy, Chairperson, THG Pu­ sums of money for mountai­
“In this context, they cussed disengagement at Pa­ March 25 visit to New Delhi. and non­discriminatory bu­ deliver tangible benefits to the Himalayan range in India blishing Pvt. Ltd., at a func­ neering in Nepal, he said. In­
agreed to hold the next (16th) trolling Point 15 in the Hot The Chinese Foreign Mi­ siness environment for Chi­ the two countries and two as a mountaineering desti­ tion organised at the office dia could also benefit greatly

round of the Senior Com­ Springs area. Officials pre­ nistry in a statement on nese companies.” peoples,” he said. nation, just as Nepal is doing of The Hindu. if there was an adequate im­

in the case of the mountains There was a mispercep­ petus to promote mountai­
within its borders, Brigadier tion that the Himalayas are neering in the Indian Hima­

Rajya Sabha elections set to be a thriller

Ashok Abbey (retd.), who synonymous with Nepal, layan region.
had served as the president and India has only a part of The former Army officer

of the Indian Mountaineer­ them. While some of the said the coffee table book,
ing Foundation (IMF), said in highest mountains, includ­ with photographs by J. Ra­
Chennai on Tuesday. ing Mount Everest, were manan and commentary by
Eyeing dissonance in Congress, BJP fields more candidates than it is certain to win in the polls Releasing Mountains of there in Nepal, India, on the Vrinda Ramanan, both

our destiny, The Himalayas other hand, had diversity trained mountaineers, could
Nistula Hebbar Janata Dal(S) for the fourth On Monday, senior leader didates. With four berths at — an expedition to the In- from Arunachal Pradesh till contribute greatly towards
Sandeep Phukan

seat. Kuldeep Bishnoi skipped a stake, each candidate re­ dian range brought out by Ladakh. this, as it comprehensively
meeting of party MLAs in quires 45 votes to win. The the special publications divi­ “Mount Everest is not the covered the Indian Hima­
The disquiet within the Con­ In Rajasthan Chandigarh as he is upset at BJP, with 119 MLAs, can get sion of The Hindu, he said be­all and end­all of moun­ layan range unlike most oth­
gress over fielding “outsid­ In Rajasthan, where the Con­ being ignored for the post of two MPs elected easily — Fi­ the book had come at the taineering… There are er books on the topic.
ers” for the Rajya Sabha elec­
tions has made the BJP field
more candidates than that it
gress has fielded Randeep
Surjewala, Mukul Wasnik
and Pramod Tiwari, electing
Pradesh Congress Commit­
tee chief and the Gandhis
giving a free hand to former
nance Minister Nirmala Sith­
araman and actor Jaggesh
with 29 votes surplus. A right time when adventure
tour operators in India were
looking for Indians and fo­
mountains that are more
challenging and difficult,”
Brigadier Abbey said.
He said a copy of the book
should be present in the of­
fices of the Ministry of Tou­
is certain to send to the Up­ the third candidate will now Chief Minister Bhupinder The Congress, with reigners to carry out expedi­ Nepal promoted the Hi­ rism, the IMF, all the moun­
per House. As many as 57 be a tricky affair with Mr. Singh Hooda. around 69 MLAs, can get one tions in the Indian Hima­ malayas zealously as reve­ taineering clubs and Indian
seats across 15 States are be­ Chandra’s entry. Mr. Tiwari “If the BJP manages to candidate elected easily — layas post COVID­19. nue from mountaineering diplomatic missions abroad

ing filled in this round of needs the vote of all 11 Inde­ Subhash Chandra take away two Congress Jairam Ramesh. The Janata The book was released in contributed significantly to to showcase the mountai­
elections. pendent MLAs backing the MLAs’ votes, then Ajay and Dal (S) which has, on paper the presence of N. Ravi, its Gross Domestic Product. neering potential in India.
The BJP has fielded addi­ Ashok Gehlot government. and the support of the three Kartikeya will have almost at least, 31 MLAs (five have

tional candidates Dhananjay But one of them, Sanyam RLP MLAs, and needs to get equal number of first prefe­ been declaring off record
Mahadik in Maharashtra and
Lahar Singh in Karnataka,
while backing two Indepen­
Lodha, has asked the Con­
gress why it has not fielded
anyone from Rajasthan.
eight votes together to win.

rence votes and then the se­
cond preference will come
into play. In that scenario,
that they will defy the party
whip) floated a candidate,
Kupendra Reddy, thinking
BJP to have no Muslim face in House
dents, media barons Sub­ The number of first prefe­ In Haryana, factionalism cast Kartikeya will have an advan­ that it could persuade the Special Correspondent Muslim member in either Syed Zafar Islam and journal­

hash Chandra in Rajasthan rence votes required for win­ a shadow on Congress leader tage,” a senior Haryana Con­ other two parties not to put NEW DELHI House of Parliament as the ist­turned­politician M.J. Ak­
and Kartikeya Sharma, in Ha­ ning is 41. The Congress, in Ajay Maken’s prospects, as gress leader said. up a candidate and help get The absence of the name of current round of Upper bar — are all completing their

ryana. In the latter two cases its current position, can easi­ the Congress, with 31 MLAs, their candidate elected. Union Minister for Minority House polls conclude. tenures by July and unless re­
at least, the going will be ly get two of its three candi­ has just enough strength to Karnataka In Maharashtra, allies Shiv Affairs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi Till the Budget Session, nominated, will end up with
tough for the Congress. The dates elected. see him through. But again Karnataka will see a different Sena and NCP are said to be from the list of BJP nominees the BJP had three Muslim BJP having no Muslim face in

most interesting battle is in Mr. Chandra, with the Mr. Kartikeya Sharma has kind of chaos over the polls, unhappy over the Congress’s to the Rajya Sabha, as his MPs; all, however, in the Ra­ Parliament. Mr. Islam is retir­
Karnataka where both par­ BJP’s support, already has been fielded as an additional with the Congress and the choice of Imran Pratapgarhi, own term ends, will mean jya Sabha. These MPs — Mr. ing on July 4 and Mr. Akbar

ties are trying to corner the the 30 extra votes of the BJP candidate. BJP both fielding “extra” can­ who is from Uttar Pradesh. that the party will have no Naqvi, BJP spokesperson on June 29.

Hardik Patel set to


join BJP on June 2


He led the Patidar agitation in 2015

Special Correspondent BJP would be his next desti­

Ahmedabad nation. Mr. Patel spent near­

The poster boy and face of ly nine months in jail as the
the 2015 Patidar quota agita­ State’s BJP government had

tion, Hardik Patel, who had filed two sedition cases

challenged the Bharatiya Ja­ against him following the
nata Party (BJP) govern­ Patidar agitation in 2015.
ment, is set to join the BJP Whether Mr. Hardik Patel
ahead of the next Assembly will swing any section of the
polls scheduled to be held in community in favour of the
December this year. BJP remains unclear as he
Mr. Patel will join the par­ faces questions from erst­
ty and will be inducted into while supporters.
the BJP by Chief Minister “He will be exposing his
Bhupendra Patel and the true face for the second
party’s State unit chief C.R. time when he joins the BJP
Paatil, Gujarat BJP spokes­ on June 2. He did it earlier
person Yagnesh Dave said. when he joined the Con­
The 28­year­old resigned gress in 2019,” said Lalji Pa­
from the Congress, where tel, a Patidar community
he was working president of leader from north Gujarat.
the Congress’s Gujarat unit According to Mr. Lalji Pa­
for a year. He had joined the tel, the agitation was not a
Opposition party in the run­ platform for people like Mr.
up to the 2019 Lok Sabha Hardik Patel to launch their
polls. political careers.
While resigning from the Ever since his resigna­
Congress, he had said the tion, Mr. Hardik Patel’s
party’s leadership was former aides have been crit­
“highly communal, anti­ icising their former col­
Hindu and anti­Gujarati” in league for “playing politics
a clear indication that the in the name of community”.

First arrest in
Special Correspondent

The Punjab Police made

the first arrest in the case
of Sidhu Moosewala on
Tuesday, two days after the
Punjabi singer was shot
dead at the nearby Jaha­
warke village. A police of­
ficer said the accused,
Manpreet Singh, was pro­
duced before a court,
which sent him to police
custody for five days. Moo­
sewala was cremated at
Moosa village on Tuesday.




‘Working to build new Sri Lankan flights make refuelling halts

India, not vote bank’ Due to fuel shortages in the island nation, they stop at Chennai, Thiruvananthapuram, say sources
Murali N. Krishnaswamy
A330­300s. The govern­
ment­owned carrier started
large Indian airport from Sri
Lanka, an air distance of 357
mander who flies Airbus air­
craft, while the fuel uplift for
PM Modi releases 11th instalment of PM­Kisan scheme Sri Lankan Airlines has be­ the first of these approxi­ km. Some other flights that a 10­hour flight on the Airbus
gun “technical halts” at mately 40­minute transit replenished their fuel re­ A330 would be about 60
A.M. Jigeesh Chennai and Thiruvanan­ halts recently with UL454 serves in Kerala were UL553 tonnes, there would have to
New Delhi thapuram for some of its (Colombo­Tokyo Narita) (Colombo­Frankfurt), on be additional fuel to meet
Prime Minister Narendra long­haul international landing in Chennai on May May 27, and UL606, to Syd­ the mandatory regulatory
Modi released the 11th instal­ flights which, an aviation 23. ney. The aviation source ad­ requirements for contingen­
ment of the Pradhan Mantri source told The Hindu, were ded that another overseas cies, possible diversions and
Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM­Ki­ essentially refuelling stops Refill stops fuel stop was Dubai, for the as reserves.
san) scheme in Shimla on due to a shortage of jet fuel The 6,897­km non­stop route These approximately 40 Paris flights. The aviation source also
Tuesday. Under the scheme, at the island nation’s Banda­ is usually covered in a little minute halts began recently, said that some international
₹6,000 is given in three ranaike International Air­ over eight hours. The source say sources. Official confirmation airlines operating to Sri Lan­
equal instalments to all land port. said that there is a fuel refill An airline official confirmed ka could have been advised
holding farmer families. These are sectors operat­ on the return sector (UL455) Chennai, but this flight has a the development but no to tanker their flights to
The Centre said it would ed with the airline’s largest too. On May 27, UL604, to stopover at Thiruvananthap­ further details were given. avoid refuelling issues at Co­
distribute ₹21,000 crore Warm welcome: Prime Minister Narendra Modi waving at the aircraft, the 297­seat Airbus Melbourne, was refuelled at uram now as it is the closest According to a senior com­ lombo.
among more than 10 crore crowd at a roadshow in Shimla on Tuesday. PTI *

beneficiary farmer families.

Each beneficiary would get
₹2,000 each in this instal­ Aid too low, say farm unions YouTube Sharad bids goodbye to Lutyens’ Delhi
Addressing the beneficiar­ Special Correspondent Dhawale said the prices of blocked over a
ies, the Prime Minister New Delhi fertilizers have increased by
million videos ‘I am only nister V.P. Singh’s govern­ ed from the Rajya Sabha too.
thanked the people for giv­ The farmers’ organisations ₹600 to ₹700 per bag and ment to implement the Man­ Despite the suspension, he
moving house,

ing him the opportunity to are not amused by the seeds are being sold in the dal Commission in August stayed on at 7 Tughlaq Road
serve them. He said the pre­ release of the 11th instalment black market. “Farmers SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT not my politics’ 1990 upended Indian polit­ due to a court order.
vious government consi­ of the PM­Kisan scheme. cannot afford farming.” The NEW DELHI ics. Mr. Yadav said that it was There was speculation
dered corruption as an es­ They argue that the coordinator of BKU Pavel Video sharing platform Sobhana K. Nair he who forced V.P. Singh’s that the Rashtriya Janata Dal

sential part of the system. amount is very less when Kussa said the decrease in YouTube blocked over a New Delhi hand. And, it was his de­ will offer a Rajya Sabha

He alleged that instead of compared to the losses the production of wheat million videos in India dur­ Socialist leader Sharad Ya­ mand for a caste­based quo­ berth. He did not want his fa­
fighting corruption, the then suffered by farmers in the due to early summer and ing the first three months dav has bid goodbye to Lu­ ta within the women’s reser­ rewell from the Lutyens’
government succumbed to it recent past. All India Kisan heatwave is not yet of this year – more than any tyens’ Delhi after nearly four vation Bill that necessitated Zone to be tinted with re­
and the money meant for Sabha president Ashok calculated. other country in the world, decades. He vacated his 7 the second UPA government gret. “All candidates for the

needy people did not reach DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD according to its Communi­ Tughlaq Road residence of to hold back on the law. Rajya Sabha elections have
them. ty Guidelines Enforcement 22 years on Tuesday, ending Sharad Yadav In 2011, he says, it was on already been announced so
Mr. Modi said the trinity poor have the dignity of toi­ a lot of damage to the coun­ report released on a roller­coaster career in Del­ his initiative that the Con­ why speak of it now,” he
of Jan Dhan­Aadhaar and lets. Earlier there was help­ try. “We are working to build Tuesday. hi and also bringing close to Raj Rao has to shout out the gress­led government start­ said.

mobile ensured that money lessness to raise money for a new India, not a vote As per the data shared, an era of socialist politics. questions to him. The hear­ ed the caste census, which As he shifts to the margins
was reaching the beneficiar­ treatment, today every poor bank,” he stressed. “100% YouTube removed “I am only changing hous­ ing challenge though does led to the Socio­Economic of Delhi to his daughter’s

ies directly in their accounts. has the support of Ayush­ empowerment means end­ 11,75,859 videos in India for es, not my politics,” were his not come in the way of clari­ Caste Census He came to home in Chhattarpur, his
“Earlier there was a com­ man Bharat. Earlier there ing discrimination, eliminat­ violating its Community parting words. Moments be­ ty of thought. In his own as­ Delhi 48 years ago after win­ wife, Rekha Yadav, says that
pulsion to suffer smoke in was a fear of triple talaq, ing recommendations, and Guidelines during January­ fore the trucks carrying the sessment, he will be remem­ ning the Jabalpur Lok Sabha it is not a final adieu to Lu­
the kitchen, today there is a now there is the courage to ending appeasement. 100% March 2022 quarter. You­ family’s belongings trundled bered for three things: seat in Madhya Pradesh at tyens Delhi. “We will make a
facility to get LPG cylinders
from the Ujjwala scheme.
Earlier there was the shame
fight for one’s rights,” he
Mr. Modi maintained that
empowerment means that
every poor gets full benefits
from government schemes,”
Tube has Community Gui­
delines that set the rules of
the road for what is not al­
out of the house, he paused,
to speak to presspersons, re­
minding them of his legacy. A Mandal, caste census, and,
ironically, stalling the wo­
men’s reservation Bill.
the age of 27 years in the 1974
general elections. He was ex­
pelled from the JD(U) in
strong comeback,” she said,
pinning her hopes on her
daughter Ms. Rao and son
of open defecation; now the vote bank politics had done he stated. lowed on the platform. His daughter Subashini The decision by Prime Mi­ 2017. He was soon suspend­ Shantanu.

Centre to
monitor cable
Ministry brings out guidelines Second line
of lawyers
President Kovind gives New judges
for Delhi,
away gallantry awards

operators’ feed to manage monkey pox cases missing: SC

Late J&K Police constable honoured
Calcutta HCs
Special Correspondent Press Trust of India Special Correspondent

NEW DELHI Surveillance and rapid identification of cases suggested New Delhi Special Correspondent NEW DELHI

The Information and The Supreme Court on New Delhi The Law Ministry on Tues­

Broadcasting (I&B) Minis­ Special correspondent body ache and profound Tuesday observed that a Jammu and Kashmir Police day elevated nine addition­
try is getting devices in­ NEW DELHI weakness. As per the guide­ second line of lawyers is constable Altaf Hussain al judges of the Madras
stalled on the head­end of India needs to be prepared lines, contacts should be missing in the top court Bhat and Group Captain Va­ High Court as permanent

cable operators across the to tackle cases of monkey monitored at least daily for and every senior advocate run Singh of the India Air judges, extended the term
country to monitor their pox in view of the increasing the onset of signs/symptoms having over 20 years of ex­ Force (IAF) were posthu­ of one additional judge by

output feed. reports of cases in non­en­ for a period of 21 days from perience must guide at mously awarded the Kirti one more year and ap­
The head­end receives demic countries, the Union the last contact during the least 15 junior lawyers. Chakra and the Shaurya pointed new judges to the
TV signals from satellites Health Ministry said on infectious period. A Vacation Bench said Chakra posthumously by Delhi and Calcutta High

and processes them for dis­ Tuesday while issuing “Gui­ The guidelines stress sur­ that senior advocates of President Ram Nath Kovind Courts.
tribution to the cable net­ delines on management of veillance and rapid identifi­ the Supreme Court can de­ on Tuesday. Sharing the list of ap­
works and households. monkey pox disease”. cation of new cases as key vise some modalities to The second phase of the President Kovind presenting pointments, Law Minister
“The devices are being The Ministery confirmed It is a viral zoonotic disease public health measures for train the junior lawyers in Defence Investiture Cere­ Kirti Chakra to kin of late Kiren Rijiju said, “I extend

installed to monitor if the that there are no reported with symptoms similar to outbreak containment, court­craft and etiquette. mony at the Rashtrapati Altaf Hussain Bhat. best wishes to all of them!”
channels are being broad­ cases of the infection in smallpox. mandating need to reduce The observations came Bhavan was attended by Advocate Anish Dayal
cast properly,” an official India. the risk of human­to­human during the hearing of a Prime Minister Narendra tober 6, 2020, the protected has been appointed a judge

said. “The monitoring dev­ “We are maintaining a be naturally susceptible to transmission. matter in which the Bench Modi and Union Defence Mi­ person visited his family at in the Delhi High Court
ices are to be installed on close watch on the situation. the virus. The incubation pe­ said, “The second line of la­ nister Rajnath Singh. Nunner and was about to while advocate Amit Shar­
the head­end of the cable Monkey pox (MPX) is a viral riod of monkey pox is usual­ Products to avoid wyers is missing. We want Several gallantry awards proceed to his safe accom­ ma had been made an ad­

operators, under the provi­ zoonotic disease with symp­ ly from six to 13 days, but Products derived from wild the young generation of le­ were given posthumously to modation when he was tar­ ditional judge in the same
sion of Sub­Section 4 of toms similar to smallpox, can range from five to 21 animals from Africa should gal profession to be personnel of the Cobra unit geted by terrorists, who in­ Court. Additional judges of
Section 10A of the Cable although with less clinical days, and the period of com­ be avoided, the Ministry­ groomed and by the time of the CRPF, the J&K police, discriminately fired upon the Madras HC who have

Television Networks (Regu­ severity,” a Health Ministry municability a day or two said. It said travellers should the older generation is old the Odisha police and per­ him. Mr Bhat retaliated and been elevated are Justices
lation) Act, 1995,” the advi­ official said. before the rash until all the refrain from close contact and wants to quit, the sonnel from the Army, Navy despite his injuries, he Govindarajulu Chandra­
sory said. The cable opera­ scabs fall off or subside. with sick people, including young generation is ready. and the IAF. chased them and killed one sekharan, Veerasamy Si­
tors have been requested Natural reservoir Suspected cases will in­ those with skin or genital le­ At present there is a gap in Mr. Bhat was awarded the terrorist on the spot. vagnanam, Ganesan llan­
to cooperate with the Stating that the natural re­ clude a person of any age sions, contact with dead or this. Every senior lawyer Kirti Chakra posthumously Group Captain Singh was govan, Ananthi
Broadcast Engineering servoir of the virus is yet un­ having a history of travel to live wild animals such as who has more than 20 for his raw courage and su­ awarded the Shaurya Chak­ Subramanian, Kannammal
Consultants India Limited known, the Ministry has said affected countries within the small mammals including years of experience in the preme sacrifice for the na­ ra for successfully ma­ Shanmuga Sundaram,
officials visiting their pre­ that certain rodents (includ­ last 21 days presenting with rodents (rats, squirrels) and bar must undertake to tion. The J&K police consta­ noeuvring and landing the Sathi Kumar Sukumara Ku­
mises for the installation of ing rope squirrels, tree an unexplained acute rash non­human primates (mon­ train and guide at least 15 ble was deputed to ensure Light Combat Aircraft at the rup, Murali Shankar Kup­
devices. Non­cooperation squirrels, Gambian­pouched and one or more of symp­ keys, apes) and also eating junior lawyers of which five the safety and security of Hindon airbase on October puraju, Manjula Ramaraju
will be viewed as a viola­ rats, dormice) and non­hu­ toms, including swollen or preparing meat from wild will at least come up to the protected functionaries in 12, 2020, despite it develop­ Nalliah and Thamilselvi T.
tion, it said. man primates are known to lymph nodes, fever, head/ game (bushmeat). mark.” Ganderbal district. On Oc­ ing a major technical snag. Valayapalayam.


To solve this puzzle online,


(set by Arden)
+ 13571 get across to our crossword site.
@ https://qrgo.page.link/jjpTn Parasara Bhatta wins debate
18 Fellow scientist had standing, I dropped out as he became a Parasara Bhatta, a great scholar and Vaishnavite Acharya,
monster (12) brought a Vedantic scholar into the Sri Vaishnava fold, said
21 One more graduate, right away begins simple life (6) Thenthirupperai Aravindalochanan in a discourse. When
Bhatta was worshipping Lord Ranganatha at the Srirangam
22 Advice to promote mediocrity — shun a drink (8)
temple, the Lord told him to win over a Vedantin called
24 It's not even innate pride that makes one fearless (8) Madhavachari to Visishtadvaitic thought. Madhavachari
25 Biased press has only questions (6) lived at Melkote in Karnataka. One day some pilgrims visited
26 Knockabout in Australia — it's hard and many go from east to west Melkote, and Madhavachari asked them if they knew anyone
(8) equal to him in scholarship. They replied that Parasara Bhat­
ta was the only one equal to him. When the pilgrims
27 Cut it, indeed disorganised (6)
reached Srirangam, Parasara Bhatta told them, “Next time,
■ DOWN tell him that I am a better scholar than he is.”
1 With a rub can produce a natural wax (8)
On their next visit to Melkote, the pilgrims told Madhava­
chari that Bhatta was superior to him. Madhavachari felt
2 Used to protect those who resist change (3,5) that in that case he should never engage in debate with Bhat­
3 Loot is there for all to see (8,7) ta. Lord Ranganatha then asked Bhatta to go to Melkote to
5 Cover point brought in — one wasn't truthful (4) meet Madhavachari, and to take with him all the temple offi­
cials, and to travel in His palanquin. Only one priest and
6 Calibration does go wrong for a performance enhancer (8,7)
cook were to be left behind to attend to daily duties in the
7 Exposed previous state (6) Solution to puzzle 13570 Solution to yesterday’s Sudoku temple. When the procession reached Melkote, another
8 Big man shows interest in a painter (6) Vaishnavite Acharya called Anantazhvan met Bhatta, and
11 Plea for help by girl behind those in the middle (7) said such a grand procession would keep him off from de­
■ ACROSS bating directly with Madhavachari.
14 Old woman brought in and welcomed (7)
1 Country sides are noisy inside and overcast outside (6) As advised by Anantazhvan, Bhatta left behind the Lord's
16 Nowadays in modest surroundings but dissolute overall (8) palanquin and wearing simple clothes, he met Madhavacha­
4 Club King discarded, go away! (5,3)
9 Watched the Queen return by the night flight (6) 17 Crazy end since one was mad (8) ri where food was being served to scholars. Bhatta told Mad­
10 Leader shot right at the back — sign of impending trouble (3,5) 19 Michael Jordan is, however, part European (6) havachari that he had come for a debate with him. Bhatta
12 Plant or a wild lion? Harbouring a doubt (8) won the debate. Madhavachari became a Visishtadvaitin,
20 Maybe later pick up some dumplings (3,3)
13 It's a short launch — has got some capital (6) and took the name Nanjeeyar. When Lord Ranganatha
15 One's altogether in it, perhaps (8,4) 23 Climate inland is capital (4) asked Bhatta how he had won the debate, Bhatta said he had
quoted Thirumangai Azhvar’s Tirunedunthandakam.



The Rajapaksa sheen fades in stronghold Hambantota

we can manage to an extent. paksa, and Mr. Mahinda’s mory, just above a small un­
Faced with shortages and power cuts, citizens have taken But that takes care of just son Namal Rajapaksa also derground museum, lay
to the streets, primarily targeting the Rajapaksa clan our own family, that too stepped down from Cabinet broken, their corners shat­
temporarily,” says Mr. Chan­ positions. They all resigned tered into pieces. Armed sol­
Meera Srinivasan “I used to pay 2,000 [Sri made the essential farming drasiri. “If we can’t grow on May 9, after their suppor­ diers guard the area. A few
Weeraketiya, Hambantota Lankan] rupees for a bottle ingredient exorbitant in the food, the country will go ters brutally attacked peace­ metres down the road are
Paddy farmer S.D. Weera­ of weedicide. Now, a bottle market. hungry.” ful protesters in Colombo, Chamal Rajapaksa Primary
wansa has made a livelihood costs 22,000. Even if chemi­ “Everyone is talking The anger that farmers setting off violent retaliatory School, named after the el­
decision and a political cal fertilizers are available about a food crisis and star­ expressed last year is now attacks by incensed dest Rajapaksa brother, and
pledge in recent weeks — he now, we just cannot afford vation. It is unfair to expect widely shared by citizens, as citizens. the adjacent D.A. Rajapaksa
will not sow in the coming them,” he explains, seated farmers to fix food shortages seen in heightening public Maha Vidyalaya, named af­
season, and he will never at the red cement­floored now,” says Mr. Weerawansa. protests in recent months. Citizens’ fury ter their father. It is hard to
back a Rajapaksa again. verandah of his small home When paddy farmers de­ Grappled with acute shor­ The citizens’ fury manifest­ miss the Rajapaksa imprint
They aren’t unrelated. in Weeraketiya in the south­ cide not to sow this season, Growing anger: The destroyed memorial of the Rajapaksas’ tages of milk powder, other ed starkly in Weeraketiya, a in this Sinhala­majority,
His crop has fallen by 50% ern Hambantota district, seed farmers such as W.W.P. parents in Weeraketiya. MEERA SRINIVASAN * essential food items, fuel, Rajapaksa stronghold. Arso­ southern belt where Mr. Ma­
this harvest, a consequence known for its big­ticket, Chi­ Chandrasiri are directly af­ and LPG gas, in addition to nists destroyed a memorial hinda was, until recently re­
of Sri Lankan President Go­ na­backed mega projects fected. “How can I expect dent’s rash policy shift is im­ to ensure adequate fertilizer power cuts all day until re­ for the Rajapaksa brothers’ vered like a king, and even a
tabaya Rajapaksa’s ban on that critics have termed farmers to buy the seeds at a pacting the country’s food supply. President Gotabaya, cent rains, citizens have ta­ parents built here, allege­ deity.
chemical fertilizers last year. “white elephants”. time like this?” he asks, re­ ecosystem. who in April admitted that ken to the streets in Colom­ dly using public funds. Mr. Not anymore. “You see
The ban was revoked signed to his imminent loss­ It is proving especially the fertilizer ban was a “mis­ bo and many other districts, Mahinda’s ancestral home how they have attacked the
months later, following Rise in production cost es. The seeds can’t be stored costly at a time when Sri take”, has now asked offi­ demanding that President in nearby Medamulana was Rajapaksa memorial,” says
farmers’ protests and wide The Rajapaksa government, past their stipulated time of Lanka, reeling under a crip­ cials to formulate a National Gotabaya resign. The public attacked, as was Carlton Mr. Weerawansa, who had
criticism from experts, but in its May 2021 ban and sub­ nine months following pling economic crisis, has Fertilizer Policy “expedi­ outrage is directed at the en­ House, the family home in voted for Mr. Gotabaya in
that did not save the crop. sequent reversal, effectively which farmers have no run out of dollars to import tiously”. tire government and ruling Tangalle, some 15 km south, 2019, to “give him a
The annual yield of paddy cut fertilizer subsidy earlier choice but to convert the essentials, including food. “People in the capital and establishment but is prima­ where their father’s statue chance”. “He was new to
and tea, crucial for Sri Lan­ provided to farmers, result­ seeds to rice grains. “A kilo Colombo is coping with ex­ major cities say that those of rily against the Rajapaksa was also destroyed. politics and promised to
ka’s food security and fo­ ing in a 10­fold increase in of seed paddy is sold at 150 ternal help. Flagging im­ us living in villages are still clan. It forced Mahinda Raja­ At the top of the road work for the country, but he

reign exchange, has production cost for farmers. rupees, but when it is con­ pending food shortages re­ better off during this crisis, paksa, President Gotabaya’s leading to Mr. Mahinda’s has let us all down. Now, pe­
dropped by half, according That, coupled with record verted to rice, it fetches only cently, Prime Minister Ranil we can grow something in older brother, to resign as Weeraketiya home, two con­ ople have shown that they
to farmers and crop inflation during the current 100 rupees,” he says, reveal­ Wickremesinghe said the our backyards and put to­ Prime Minister. Other broth­ ical, crystal­like structures will not tolerate any Raja­
scientists. economic meltdown, has ing how a powerful Presi­ country needs $600 million gether a meal. That is true, ers Chamal and Basil Raja­ installed in his parents’ me­ paksa – no brother, no son!”

EU bans majority of Russian oil imports ‘NATO bid backing only if Cash-strapped

Sri Lanka
Nordics meet demands’ hikes taxes
Embargo a big ‘City being destroyed ruthlessly’

step forward, says They must alter laws if needed: Turkey Agence France-Presse
Belgian PM

Associated Press said. “The city is essentially Reuters halted arm exports to Tur­ Colombo
SLOVIANSK being destroyed ruthlessly Ankara/Helsinki key in 2019. The Nordic Cash­strapped Sri Lanka
Associated Press Russian forces in a “frenzied block by block,” Oleksandr Finland and Sweden should states applied to join NATO on Tuesday announced
Brussels push” have seized half of the Striuk said. He said heavy change their laws if needed after Russia’s invasion of Uk­ steep, across­the­board tax
In the most significant effort
yet to punish Russia for its
war in Ukraine, the Euro­
eastern Ukrainian city of
Sievierodonetsk that is key
to Moscow’s efforts to
street fighting continues and
artillery bombardments
threaten the lives of nearly A to meet Turkey’s demands
and win its backing for their
bid to join NATO, the Tur­
raine. All 30 NATO mem­
bers must approve any en­
largement plans.
hikes to shore up revenue
as the country suffers its
worst economic downturn
pean Union agreed to ban complete the capture of the 13,000 civilians still shelter­ kish Foreign Minister said Mevlut Cavusoglu said and seeks an IMF bailout.
the overwhelming majority Major market: The European Union relies on Russia for 25% Donbas region, the Mayor ing in the ruined city. on Tuesday, doubling down Turkey, a NATO member for The value­added tax
of Russian oil imports after of its oil and 40% of its natural gas. AFP on a threat to veto an histor­ seven decades, would not (VAT) applied on almost all
tense negotiations that test­ ic enlargement of the lift its veto unless its de­ goods and services was
ed how far the bloc is willing since the bloc relies on the Alexander De Croo called energy could only come harder for Moscow to fund alliance. mands were met, echoing raised from 8% to 12% with
to go to ostracise Moscow. country for 25% of its oil and the embargo a “big step for­ slowly, if at all. social programmes. In a move that shocked its recent comments by Presi­ immediate effect, while

From the moment Russia 40% of its natural gas. ward” on Tuesday morning “They hate us all! The ba­ allies, Turkey on May 13 ob­ dent Tayyip Erdogan. corporate taxes were also
invaded on February 24, the In a move unthinkable just and Irish Prime Minister Mi­ ‘Hatred for Russians’ sis for these decisions is jected to Finland and Swe­ Ankara has said Sweden increased from 24% to
West has sought to make months ago, EU leaders cheal Martin hailed it as “a The deputy head of Russia’s hatred for Russia, for Rus­ den joining NATO on the and Finland must halt their 30%.
Moscow pay economically agreed late on Monday to cut watershed moment”. But Security Council said on sians and for all its inhabi­ grounds that they harbour support for the PKK and The personal income
for its war. But targeting the around 90% of all Russian oil both leaders cautioned that Tuesday that energy sanc­ tants,” Dmitry Medvedev, people linked to groups it other groups and bar them tax exemption threshold

lucrative energy sector was imports over the next six Europe would need time to tions against the country who is also a former Presi­ deems terrorists, including from organising any events was lowered from 3 million
seen as a last resort in Eu­ months. adjust to the impact — and were intended to hurt ordin­ dent and Prime Minister, the Kurdistan Workers Party on their territory, among rupees ($8,330) a year to

rope and has proved hardest Belgian Prime Minister any further bans on Russian ary Russians by making it wrote on the Telegram app. (PKK), and because they other demands. 1.8 million rupees.

Israel signs UAE free trade As China ups threat, U.S.


deal, its first in Arab world Senator visits Taiwan


Duty to be scrapped on 96% of products Duckworth reiterates support for island

Agence France-Presse Associated Press put forward promoting

Dubai Taipei cooperation between Tai­

Israel signed a free trade U.S. Senator Tammy Duck­ wan’s armed forces and the
deal with the United Arab worth on Tuesday reiterated National Guard.

Emirates on Tuesday, its America’s support for Tai­ “I do want to say that it is
first with an Arab country, wan on her second visit in a more than just about mili­
building on their U.S.­bro­ year to the self­governing is­ tary. It’s also about the eco­

kered normalisation of di­ land claimed by China. nomy,” the Illinois Demo­
plomatic relations in 2020. Ms. Duckworth met Tai­ crat told Ms. Tsai.
Israel’s Ambassador to The Ministers of Israel and wan President Tsai Ing­wen Ms. Tsai thanked the U.S.

the oil­rich UAE, Amir the UAE signing the pact on and emphasised the close government and the Con­
Hayek, tweeted mabruk — Tuesday. AFP *
economic, political and se­ gress “for the importance
congratulations in Arabic — curity relations between they place on peace and sta­
with a photo of Emirati and tariffs as our nations work Taipei and Washington. bility across the Taiwan
Israeli officials holding doc­ together to increase trade, China sent 30 military air­ Strait,” as well as Ms. Duck­
uments at a signing ceremo­ create jobs, promote new craft toward the island on worth herself for “keeping a
ny in Dubai. skills and deepen coopera­ Monday in an ongoing cam­ close watch on Taiwan relat­
The Emirati envoy to Is­ tion,” Mr. Khaja tweeted. paign of regular flights. Tai­ ed security issues.”
rael, Mohamed Al Khaja, The 2020 deal was part of wan’s Defence Ministry said China said it strongly de­
hailed as an “unprecedent­ the U.S.­brokered Abraham it responded by scrambling plored Ms. Duckworth’s vi­
ed achievement” the deal Accords that also saw Israel jets, putting air defence mis­ sit.
that, according to the Israeli establish diplomatic ties sile systems on alert and is­ “Taiwan is a province of
side, scraps customs duties with Bahrain and Morocco. suing radio warnings. China, and there is no so­
on 96% of all products Two­way trade between Ms. Duckworth said she called President,” Foreign
traded. Israel and the UAE last year wanted to “emphasise our Ministry spokesperson Zhao
“Businesses in both coun­ totalled some $900 million support for Taiwan securi­ Lijian said. He urged the
tries will benefit from faster dollars, according to Israeli ty”. She cited strong biparti­ U.S. to end all official con­
access to markets and lower figures. san backing for a Bill she has tacts with Taiwan.

Bodies of all
victims taken
Australia PM names Assistant
to Kathmandu Minister for the Republic
Press Trust of India
Kathmandu A symbolic step toward ouster of Queen as head of state
The bodies of 22 people,
including four Indians, Agence France-Presse paigns for an Australian
killed in the plane crash in Sydney head of state. “WE ARE ON
Nepal’s mountainous Mus­ Australia’s centre­left Prime OUR WAY!” tweeted promi­
tang district on Sunday, Minister Anthony Albanese nent Republican and author
have been brought to Kath­ named his Cabinet on Tues­ Peter FitzSimons.
mandu where the mortal day, including an “Assistant “Let the record show, for
remains would be handed Minister for the Republic”, the first time in the history
over to their families after despite the country being a of the Commonwealth, Aus­
the post­mortem, officials constitutional monarchy. tralia has a member of the
said on Tuesday. As the United Kingdom’s Govt singularly devoted to
All the bodies have been 96­year­old Queen Elizabeth removing the Crown, and
sent to the Tribhuvan Un­ II prepares to celebrate her Anthony Albanese helping Australia become a
iversity Teaching Hospital platinum jubilee, her recent­ Republic,” he added.
for post­mortem examina­ ly elected government in have promised a referen­ In 1999, Australians nar­
tions. The bodies will be Australia took a symbolic dum on removing the Queen rowly voted against becom­
handed to the families of step toward her ouster. as Australia’s head of state, ing a Republic, following dis­
the victims after the post­ Mr. Albanese announced but Mr. Albanese — a long­ agreement over the
mortem, an official said. that Sydney MP Matt This­ time Republican — did not proposal that the Queen’s re­
The black box of the tlethwaite would be Assis­ make the promise a feature placement would be chosen
plane was also retrieved by tant Minister for the Repu­ of his election campaign. by members of parliament,
a team of mountain guides blic, in addition to other The move was welcomed not the public.
from the crash site on duties. by the Australian Republic Almost 55% of voters op­
Tuesday. Previous Labour leaders Movement, which cam­ posed the move.




market watch
Sensex dddddddddddddddddddddd 55,566 ddddddddddddd -0.64
US Dollar dddddddddddddddddddd 77.71 ddddddddddddd -0.21
Gold ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd 51,046 ddddddddddddd -0.01
Fiscal deficit improved to 6.7% in FY22 Oil rallies as EU agrees to
ban most Russian crude
Brent oil dddddddddddddddddd 123.42 ddddddddddddddd2.16 Higher tax mop up helps; official estimates released in February had pegged deficit at 6.9% of GDP
Press Trust of India year earlier. The government sional data indicated that the
Brent rises for ninth straight session
PRICE CHANGE New Delhi said it expected the fiscal fiscal deficit of the Centre Reuters
Adani Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 739.85. . . . . . . . . 5.15
Apollo Hosp . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 3979.30. . . . . . . 87.35
Fiscal deficit improved to deficit for the current finan­ was contained marginally LONDON <
> EU leaders agreed
in principle to cut
Asian Paints. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 2859.65. . . . . . . 15.65 6.71% of the FY22 GDP over cial year at 6.4% of GDP, or below the FY22 revised esti­ Oil prices extended a bull
Axis Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 685.20. . . . . . . . -8.45 the revised budget estimate ₹16.61 lakh crore. mate, benefitting from the run on Tuesday after the EU 90% of oil imports
Bajaj Auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 3864.10. . . . . . . . . 7.40
of 6.9% mainly on account of In April 2022, there was a higher tax and non­tax reve­ agreed to a partial ban on from Russia by the
Bajaj Finserv. . . . . . . . . . .. 12934.00. . . . . . . . . 9.95
Bajaj Finance . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 6082.15. . . . . . -29.05 higher tax realisation. revenue surplus of ₹591 nue receipts and lower capi­ Russian oil and China decid­ end of 2022
Bharti Airtel . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 700.20. . . . . . . . . 1.15 Unveiling the revenue­ex­ crore. Government meets its tal spending, which ab­ ed to lift some COVID curbs
BPCL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 326.20. . . . . . . . -2.95
Britannia Ind . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 3647.80. . . . . . . 71.55
penditure data of the Union fiscal deficit from market sorbed the deficit in amid rising demand ahead vasion of Ukraine three
Cipla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 992.95. . . . . . . . . 6.15 government, the Controller borrowings. non­debt capital receipts of peak U.S. and European months ago.
Coal India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 192.90. . . . . . . . . 5.70 General of Accounts (CGA) Revenue collections were and higher revenue summer driving season. The embargo exempts pi­
Divis Lab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 3591.30. . . . . . . 24.80
Dr Reddys Lab . . . . . . . .. . . . 4369.65. . . . . . . . -0.65
said that the fiscal deficit in about ₹27 lakh crore, almost expenditure. Brent crude for July, peline oil from Russia as a
Eicher Motors. . . . . . . . .. . . . 2780.75. . . . . . . 22.30 absolute terms was ₹5 lakh crore above the bud­ which expires on Tuesday, concession to Hungary.
Grasim Ind . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 1428.60. . . . . . -12.40 ₹15,86,537 crore (provision­ get estimates, said Vivek Ja­ ‘Risks to FY23 target’ rose $2.31, or 1.9%, to “As two­third of the Rus­
HCL Tech. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 1040.75. . . . . . . . . 0.85
HDFC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 2306.75. . . . . . -60.50
al). The Finance Ministry lan, Partner, Tax Connect On the outlook for FY23, Ms. $123.98 a barrel by 0823 sian crude oil exports are
HDFC Bank. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 1388.95. . . . . . -12.60 had in February estimated Advisory. Nayar said there were several GMT, after earlier rising to seaborne around 1.5 million
HDFC Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 598.95. . . . . . . . -9.95 the deficit at ₹15,91,089 crore risks to the fiscal deficit tar­ $124.10 — its highest since barrels per day (bpd) of oil
Hero MotoCorp . . . . . .. . . . 2773.90. . . . . . . . . 3.35
Hindalco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 422.55. . . . . . . . . 5.80
or 6.9% of GDP. Glide path: The government estimates fiscal deficit for FY23 at ‘Analytics aids revenue’ get of ₹16.6 lakh crore, ema­ March 9. The more active will need to be replaced by
Hind Unilever . . . . . . . . .. . . . 2353.25. . . . . . . . . 4.30 Tax receipts during the fis­ 6.4% of GDP, or ₹16.6 lakh crore. NAGARA GOPAL
* “The spurt in tax revenues, nating from the revenue loss August contract rose $2.44 the EU,” PVM analyst Tamas
ICICI Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 752.85. . . . . . . . . 4.35 cal were at ₹18.2 lakh crore especially GST collection, to the Centre on account of to $120.04. Varga said.
IndusInd Bank . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 930.85. . . . . . . . -5.35
Infosys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 1503.60. . . . . . -23.20 as against the revised esti­ crore presented to Parlia­ In another set of data, the was mainly a result of the excise duty cut, lower­ European Union leaders “This volume is actually
ITC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 270.65. . . . . . . . . 1.60 mates (RE) of ₹17.65 lakh ment on February 1, 2021. CGA said the fiscal deficit DGARM, which is the Data than­budgeted transfer of agreed in principle to cut closer to 2.1­2.2 million bpd
JSW Steel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 551.25. . . . . . . 12.40 crore, the data showed. The CGA further said the re­ during the first month of Analytics wing of the GST the RBI’s surplus, and the 90% of oil imports from as both Poland and Germa­
Kotak Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 1846.85. . . . . . -56.35
L&T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 1654.50. . . . . . . . -6.35 Total expenditure too was venue deficit at the end of FY23 was 4.5% of the Budget Council,” Mr. Jalan said. need for additional spending Russia by the end of 2022, ny are planning to phase out
M&M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 1034.35. . . . . . . 36.00 higher at ₹37.94 lakh crore the fiscal was 4.37% for fiscal Estimate for the current fis­ Aditi Nayar, chief econo­ on food, fertilizer and LPG the bloc’s toughest sanction pipeline purchases by the

Maruti Suzuki . . . . . . . . .. . . . 7966.35. . . . . . -47.55 against the RE of ₹37.7 lakh year 2021­22. cal. The deficit was 5.2% a mist, ICRA, said the provi­ subsidies through the year. yet on Moscow since the in­ end of the year.”
Nestle India Ltd. . . . .. 17691.50. . . . . . -15.40
NTPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 156.00. . . . . . . . . 5.10
ONGC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 151.25. . . . . . . . . 7.20

Core sector production grew China unveils stimulus policies

PowerGrid Corp . . . . .. . . . . . 232.90. . . . . . . . . 4.65
Rupee drops

Reliance Ind . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 2632.65. . . . . . -32.15
SBI Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 1174.15. . . . . . . 25.75

State Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 468.10. . . . . . . . -6.50
Shree Cement . . . . . . . .. 22116.30. . . -344.10 to all­time
Sun Pharma . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 860.60. . . . . . -27.70
Tata Consumer
Products Ltd. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 759.75. . . . . . . . . 9.60 8.4% year­on­year in April low of 77.71 to support virus­hit economy

Tata Motors . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 443.55. . . . . . . . . 1.15
Tata Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 1055.65. . . . . . . . . 8.20
TCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 3364.35. . . . . . -10.90 Press Trust of India
Tech Mahindra . . . . . . .. . . . 1180.25. . . . . . . 16.25 Output for all sectors barring electricity shrank from March Mumbai State Council vows to reduce real borrowing costs
Titan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 2216.00. . . . . . -39.90
The rupee declined 17

UltraTech Cement . .. . . . 6082.60. . . . . . -20.05
UPL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 779.60. . . . . . . . -2.95 Special Correspondent contracted 13.6% from paise to close at its all­time Reuters In terms of monetary and
Wipro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 478.05. . . . . . . . . 1.80 New Delhi March 2022 levels. Similarly, low of 77.71 against the U.S. BEIJING financial policies, China will

India’s core sector output ex­ fertilisers and refinery pro­ dollar on Tuesday as surg­ China’s Cabinet unveiled a boost financing efficiency
panded 8.4% in April, the ducts were up 8.7% and 9.2% ing U.S. bond yields dam­ package of 33 measures co­ via capital markets, by sup­
Indicative direct rates in rupees a unit
fastest pace in six months, year­on­year, respectively, pened the appeal of riskier vering fiscal, financial, in­ porting domestic firms to list
except yen at 4 p.m. on May 31 with crude oil and steel the but fell 10.9% and 5.5% from assets. vestment and industrial pol­ in Hong Kong, and promote
US Dollar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 77.44. . . . . . . 77.76

Euro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 82.85. . . . . . . 83.20

only sectors among the eight
infrastructure industries
comprising the index to re­
“The IIP growth in April
can also be expected to be in
Losses in domestic equi­
ties, high crude oil prices
and forex outflows also A icies on Tuesday to revive a
pandemic­ravaged econo­
my, saying it will inspect
offshore listings by qualified
platform companies. The
State Council also vowed to
British Pound . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 97.44. . . . . . . 97.88
Japanese Yen (100) . .. . 60.45. . . . . . . 60.70 cord a marginal decline in the higher single digit range weighed on the rupee. how provincial governments further reduce real borrow­
Chinese Yuan . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 11.62. . . . . . . 11.67 production from the year­ of 6% to 8%, based on these At the interbank foreign implement them. ing costs, and strengthen fi­
Swiss Franc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 80.63. . . . . . . 80.97
earlier period. numbers,” said Madan Sab­ exchange market, the ru­ The stimulus package, promote healthy develop­ nancial support for infras­

Singapore Dollar . . . . . . .. . 56.45. . . . . . . 56.69

Canadian Dollar . . . . . . . . .. . 61.08. . . . . . . 61.36 However, on a sequential navis, chief economist at pee opened lower at 77.65 which was flagged by Chi­ ment of platform compa­ tructure and major projects.
Malaysian Ringitt . . . . . .. . 17.69. . . . . . . 17.79
basis, the Index of Eight to record a sequential in­ Bank of Baroda. against the greenback and na’s State Council in a rou­ nies, which are expected to Meanwhile, the Ministry
Australian Dollar . . . . . . .. . 55.58. . . . . . . 55.82
Core Industries (ICI), which crease as well, rising 0.8% Mr. Sabnavis added that finally settled at 77.71, tine meeting last week, un­ play a role in stabilising jobs, of Finance said purchase tax
Source:Indian Bank

constitutes about 40% of the from March. Coal output, some of the numbers like down 17 paise over its pre­ derscores Beijing’s shift according to the measures. for small­engine cars would
Index for Industrial Produc­ which was 28.8% higher coal’s 28.8% jump and pow­ vious close. toward growth, after draco­ China will also expand be halved. The government
tion (IIP), declined 9.5% last than in April 2021, shrank er’s 10.7% growth, while im­ This is the fifth straight nian COVID­19 control mea­ private investment, acceler­ would cut the tax for cars
IN BRIEF month compared with 25.6% from the preceding pressive, were “difficult to monthly decline for the ru­ sures pounded the economy ate infrastructure construc­ priced at no more than
March 2022 levels. month’s levels. reconcile with the power cri­ pee amid weak risk senti­ and threatens Beijing’s 5.5% tion and stimulate purchases 3,00,000 yuan and with 2­

Electricity generation, Cement output grew 8%, sis that was there in April ment, foreign fund out­ growth target for the year. of cars and home appliances litre or smaller engines to 5%
which grew 10.7% year­on­ even as steel declined 0.7% with shortage of coal and flows and concerns over To revive investment and to stabilise investments, ac­ of the sticker price, down

year, was the only industry from a year ago, but both power being reported”. high inflation. consumption, China will cording to the measures. from 10% earlier.

Six­airbag rule Nippon Paint India to LIC shares dip India to oppose WTO Private telcos

Attero to spend $1 bn to
to hit small car 3% after Q4 to raise tariffs
expand as EVs take off
sales: Maruti open 600 retail outlets profit slips 17% freeze on e­com duties in H2: Crisil

India’s largest electronics

recycling firm Attero
Recycling will spend $1 PRESS TRUST OF INDIA
Firm focussing on Karnataka: Titus PRESS TRUST OF INDIA
‘Need policy space for digital progress’ PRESS TRUST OF INDIA
billion in the next 5 years and NEW DELHI N. Anand Nadu. The market size of the NEW DELHI Press Trust of India MUMBAI

add plants in Poland, Ohio Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) CHENNAI Indian paint industry, which Shares of LIC on Tuesday New Delhi The country’s top three
and Indonesia starting this wants the government to The decorative division of was about ₹50,000 crore declined by more than 3% India will strongly oppose private telecom operators
year, CEO Nitin Gupta said as
reconsider the proposal to Nippon Paint India plans to prior to COVID, had shrunk. after the company posted a continuation of moratorium will resort to another

the firm aims to tap into a

make six airbags mandato­ open 600 retail outlets over The decorative segment had 17% drop in consolidated on customs duties on e­ round of tariff increases in
global boom for EVs. REUTERS
ry in passenger vehicles, the next seven months in accounted for 70% of it. net profit for the fourth commerce trade at the the second half of the cur­
saying the norm will adver­ Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, In 2022, Nippon Paint re­ quarter ended March. WTO’s meeting in Geneva rent fiscal and close FY23

Beauty firm SUGAR

sely hit the already shrink­ said a senior official. vised prices twice following The stock slid 3.05% to next month as it was adver­ with revenue growth of 20­
Cosmetics raises $50 mn
ing small car market and “We would like to be rising fuel prices, the Rus­ settle at ₹811.50 on the BSE. sely impacting developing 25%, according to a report.
may even impact jobs in more aggressive in Karnata­ sia­Ukraine war and logis­ During the day, it tanked countries, an official said. After a slow 5% growth

Omnichannel beauty firm

SUGAR Cosmetics has closed the auto sector. ka than in Tamil Nadu, as we tics issues. “Price rise is in­ 3.23% to ₹810. At the NSE, The official said allowing in average revenue per us­
$50­million Series D The firm noted the rule are already in the second evitable,” Mr. Titus said. it fell by 3.21% to end at the moratorium to lapse er in FY22, the number is
fundraising round led by the would largely impact the position in Tamil Nadu,” “While others are plan­ ₹810.85. was important for develop­ toms duties on electronic set to grow 15­20% in FY23
Asia fund of L Catterton, a cost­sensitive entry­level said Mark Titus, Director ning to raise the prices in In volume terms, 2.22 ing nations to preserve poli­ transmissions since 1998 as the full impact of the in­
private equity firm. The round car segment — which has Marketing, Nippon Paint In­ June, we have not yet taken lakh shares were traded at cy space for their digital ad­ and the moratorium had creases carried out in the
saw strong interest from been facing headwinds and dia (decorative division). a decision, as we can’t pass the BSE and over 43.73 vancement, to regulate been periodically extended previous fiscal plays out,
private equity (PE) funds with witnessing dwindling sales Nippon Paint proposes to on the cost to the custom­ lakh shares at the NSE. LIC imports and generate reve­ at successive ministerial and also on the back of the
continued participation from over the last three years — open 300­ 400 independent ers,” he added. had posted a 17% decline in nue via customs duties. conferences (MC), which is newer increases expected
existing investors – A91 making it even more diffi­ retail points in Karnataka. “It would take at least six consolidated net profit to The World Trade Organi­ the highest decision making in the second half of the
Partners, Elevation Capital cult for two­wheeler users The rest of the new outlets months for the industry to ₹2,409 crore for the fourth sation (WTO) members had body of the 164­member year, Crisil’s research wing
and India Quotient. to upgrade to small cars. would be opened in Tamil come back to normalcy.” quarter ended March. agreed not to impose cus­ organisation. said in a report.



Shoaib helps Nelson avoid the drop Badrinath, Jagadeesan interact with Kiran quietly pulls off a
Young Stars and IOB relegated to the second division Super Kings Academy campers quartermile stunner
tons 173 & 156/8 decl. in 46 ov­ But now, with the inter­
TNCA I DIVN. ers (Anand Subramanian 61, G. ATHLETICS State Nationals — the main
Sports Reporter Babu 45, B. Arun 4/56) drew Stan Rayan trials to select the Indian
Chennai with UFCC (T Nagar) 122 in KOCHI team for the World cham­
40.5 overs (P. Sugendhiran 41,
M. Shoaib Mohammed Khan A month after Aishwarya pionships and Common­
L. Sathiyannaarayan 7/43). Pis­
scalped five wickets and tons 5 (31), UFCC 1 (31).
Mishra’s stunning 51.18s at wealth Games — in Chennai
helped Nelson SC avoid rele­ the Malappuram Federation coming up ( June 10­14), she
At IC­Guru Nanak College:
gation by helping it take the Young Stars 272 drew with Vi­
Cup in April and the vanish­ has managed to improve her
first­innings lead against Ma­ jay 317/8 decl. in 63.4 overs ing trick after that, another time magically.
dras Cricket Club on the final (Daryl S. Ferrario 63, M. Shah­ quartermiler Kiran Pahal “I hope to clock 51.35s at
day of the last round TNCA Shoaib Mohd. Khan rukh Khan 67, N. Jagadeesan has come up with an im­ the inter­State...that’s the
first division league match (Nelson, 5/88). 45, Karan Patel 65). Vijay 5 pressive time. World championship quali­
here on Tuesday. (55), Young Stars 1 (19). Kiran, from Sonepat, fying mark, that’s my tar­
5­6), defending champion
At IC­Guru Nanak, half­ At MAC: Nelson 386 drew clocked 51.84s for the Ha­ get,” Kiran told The Hindu
Jolly Rovers will take on Vi­
centuries from Daryl S. Fer­ with MCC 271 in 85.3 overs ryana State title at Karnal a on Tuesday evening.
jay CC, while MRC­A will (K.H. Gopinath 41, Siddarth S.
rario and M. Shahrukh Khan Holding forth: Badrinath and K.S. Viswanathan address the trainees at Salem and Chennai. few days ago, a time that “I had a hamstring injury
meet Grand Slam. Ahhuja 78 n.o., K. Gowtham
helped Vijay CC take the took her to the second spot last year during training and
The scores: At MRF­Pach.: Thamarai Kannan 47, Shoaib
lead against Young Stars. SPORTS REPORTER closing ceremony in Chen­ start its annual camp from in this year’s Asian 400m missed three months. Now,
Globe Trotters 217 drew with Mohammed Khan 5/88). Nel­
Young Stars finished 11th MRC­A 330/9 in 81 overs (N.S.
CHENNAI nai. June 7, 2022, in Chennai list, behind Aishwarya. my workouts are good, they
son 5 (23), MCC 1 (23).
and will be relegated. Chaturved 80, S. Swaminathan The Super Kings Academy S. Badrinath, former India (Thoraipakkam) and Salem Kiran hit the headlines have improved. That’s the
At IITM­Chemplast: IOB 340
At IITM­Chemplast, M. 58 n.o., S.R. Athish 53). Points: summer camp, which got and Chennai Super Kings (Salem Cricket Foundation). with her 52.73s (improving reason for the good time.”
drew with Jolly Rovers 343/6
Kaushik Gandhi and M. Vish­ MRC­A 5 (39), Trotters 1 (27). decl. in 84.1 overs (M. Vishal 77,
underway in Chennai and player, was the guest of ho­ There will be two­day and from 55.18 in 2018) at the But she is ready for Chen­
al’s half­centuries helped Jol­ At SRMC (Turf): Grand Slam M. Kaushik Gandhi 93). Jolly Salem on April 6, concluded nour in Salem. five­day camps. 2019 Ranchi National Open nai and hopes to get back to
ly Rovers take the lead 430 & 14/1 decl. in 3 overs Rovers 5 (43), IOB 1 (19) on Tuesday (May 31). The students of the Super Students can register at at and was invited to the na­ the National camp.
against IOB. The latter fin­ drew with Swaraj 170 in 53 ov­ Correction: A.G. Pradeep K.S. Viswanathan, CEO, Kings Academy received cer­ www.superkingsacademy.com. tional relay camp. “I was in the National
ished last and will step down ers (M. Siddharth 4/52). Grand had scored a century for IOB Chennai Super Kings, and N. tificates from the guests of Contact 73053 22282 (for But she had a very quiet camp in 2019 and 2020. If I
to the second division next Slam 5 (39), Swaraj 1 (23). and not as published in these Jagadeesan, Chennai Super honour. Chennai) and 73054 22282 life after that, clocking a get a call, I’ll join imme­
year. In the semifinals ( June At CPT­IP (Turf): India Pis­ columns on May 31. Kings player, graced the Super Kings Academy will (Salem). best of 54.48s in 2021. diately,” said the 21­year­old.



Trevisan passes the Fernandez test, enters maiden Slam semifinal

She will take on teenage star Gauff, who beat Stephens in straight sets to make the last four; Zverev halts Alcaraz; Cilic proves too good for second­seeded Medvedev
Agence France-Presse
Quarterfinals: Women: Trevi­
Sania­Hradecka duo
Italy's Martina Trevisan
san (Ita) bt 17­Fernandez (Can)
6­2, 6­7(3), 6­3; 18­Gauff (USA)
bt Stephens (USA) 7­5, 6­2.
loses in third round
reached her first Grand Slam
semifinal on Tuesday with Men: 3­Zverev (Ger) bt 6­Alca­ PRESS TRUST OF INDIA The 10th­seeded Indo­
victory over Canada's Leylah raz (Esp) 6­4, 6­4, 4­6, 7­6(7). PARIS Czech combination fell be­
Women’s doubles (third
Fernandez at Roland­Garros. Sania Mirza and her Czech hind early in the first set and
round): 8­Pegula & Gauff (USA)
World No. 59 Trevisan bt 10­Sania (Ind) & Hradecka partner Lucie Hradecka lost though it fought back, Pegu­
downed the 17th seeded Ca­ (Cze) 6­4, 6­3. to the American pair of Jes­ la and Gauff held their nerve
nadian, a fellow left­hander, Monday’s result: Men (fourth sica Pegula and Coco Gauff to win the set. It was almost
6­2, 6­7(3), 6­3. round): 20­Cilic (Cro) bt 2­ 4­6, 3­6 in the third round of a similar script in the se­
Trevisan was a shock quar­ Medvedev 6­2, 6­3, 6­2. women’s doubles at Roland­ cond as the Americans pre­
terfinalist at Roland Garros as Garros on Tuesday. vailed.
a qualifier in 2020. first­ever Grand Slam win ov­
Despite her low ranking er a top­10 player.
this year, she returned to the World No. 2 Daniil Medve­
tournament with a maiden dev was knocked out by Ma­
WTA title under her belt in rin Cilic in the last 16 on Mon­
Rabat and went into Tues­ day in straight sets.
day's tie on a nine­match win­ Former US Open cham­
ning streak. pion Cilic eased to a 6­2, 6­3,
She made that 10 when she Make that 10! Trevisan arrived at Roland­Garros with a maiden WTA title under her belt, and went into Tuesday's tie on a 6­2 win in just 1hr 45 min on
claimed victory on a second nine­match winning streak. AFP *
Court Philippe Chatrier.

match point having wasted Medvedev followed fourth­
one in the second set with Open were her influences. Open on Tuesday. world, avenged her defeat to set clash. The German third ranked Stefanos Tsitsipas out
Fernandez left to rue her 44 "They are happy for me. I Gauff, who burst onto the Stephens at the 2021 US Open seed claimed a 6­4, 6­4, 4­6, 7­ of the tournament after the
unforced errors. saw them yesterday as they scene as a 15­year­old history­ and helped erase the memo­ 6(7) victory over Spanish 2021 runner­up was defeated

Trevisan, now guaranteed are in Paris playing the le­ maker at Wimbledon three ry of her quarterfinal defeat teenage sensation Alcaraz af­ by Danish teenager Holger

a place in the top 30 at least, gends event. They are my big­ years ago, defeated fellow last year to eventual cham­ ter three hours and 18 Rune earlier in the day.
said Grand Slam titles by fel­ gest inspirations." American Sloane Stephens pion Barbora Krejcikova in minutes. Cilic, ranked 23, will face
low Italians Francesca Schia­ Teenage star Coco Gauff al­ 7­5, 6­2. Paris. Zverev moved into his se­ Russia's Andrey Rublev in his
vone in Paris in 2010 and Fla­ so reached her maiden Grand Victory for Gauff, 18 years Alexander Zverev beat Car­ cond straight last­four match third career Roland Garros

via Pennetta at the 2015 US Slam semifinals at the French old and ranked 23 in the los Alcaraz in a dramatic four­ at Roland Garros after his quarterfinal.

Indian squads for CWG announced Heartbreak for India Team India

Roland Garros 2022: Sony
to assemble

Ten 2, 3 & Sony Six (SD & HD)
& Sony LIV, 1.30 p.m. CoA­run TTFI selection panel picks the teams for Birmingham campaign Korea holds defending champion 4­4 on June 5
Hockey: Asia Cup 2022: SS Birendra Lakra­side fell be­
Select 2 (SD & HD) & Hotstar, TABLE TENNIS ASIA CUP
2.30 p.m. onwards
UEFA Nations League: Sony Ashwin Achal
Bengaluru A Press Trust of India
hind on goal difference.
Nilam Sanjeep Xess (9th
minute), Dipsan Tirkey
Press Trust of India
New Delhi

The Indian cricket team

Ten 1 (SD & HD) & Sony LIV,
9.30 p.m. Sharath Kamal, G. Sathiyan Despite some impressive and (21st), Mahesh Sheshe Gow­ will assemble here on June
Finalissima 2022: Italy vs and Manika Batra will spear­ fast­paced hockey, India was da (22nd) and Shakthivel Ma­ 5 for the five­match T20I
Argentina, Sony Ten 1 & Sony head the Indian table tennis pushed out of the Asia Cup reeswaran (37th) scored for series against South Africa.

LIV, 12.30 a.m. (Thursday) challenge at the Birmingham title race following a 4­4 India, while Korea scored The visitors will land on
Commonwealth Games in Ju­ draw with Korea on Tuesday. through Jang Jonghyun June 2.
IN BRIEF ly. The teams were selected Malaysia’s 5­0 win over Ja­ (13th), Ji Woo Cheon (18th), The first match will be

by the five­member senior pan earlier meant that an Kim JungHoo (28th) and Jung held here on June 9.
panel of the Committee of outright win was a pre­requi­ Manjae (44th). There will be no crowd
Administrators­run Table site for India to qualify for Korea will now take on restrictions and there will
Tennis Federation of India. Spearheads: Sharath, Sathiyan and Manika will lead the Indian challenge. the summit clash. Malaysia in the final on Wed­ be no bio­bubble for the
The women’s team, com­ FILE PHOTOS: RITU RAJ KONWAR India, Malaysia and Korea nesday, while India will play series.

prising Sreeja Akula, Reeth finished on five points each Japan in the third­place The other venues are
Rishya, Manika and Archana four. The selection commit­ tion committee feels that this (Croatia), Ototec (Slovakia) in the Super 4 stage, but the match. Cuttack ( June 12), Visakha­

Kamath, with Diya Chitale as tee is convinced that the ex­ is a case worthy of consider­ and Budapest (Hungary) in patnam ( June 14), Rajkot
Perez signs two­year the standby, is a provisional isting guidelines are flawed, ation by SAI.” June and July. ( June 17) and Bengaluru
deal with Red Bull one, subject to concurrence and has moved to make ne­ The men’s team consists ( June 19).

Gita Mittal, the CoA chair­

from the Sports Authority of cessary course­correction, of Sanil Shetty, Sharath, person, announced a five­ “The Indian team will
Red Bull on Tuesday
India. with new guidelines effective Sathiyan and Harmeet Desai. year plan that envisages set­ assemble here on June 5

announced it has rewarded

Explaining the reasons be­ from October 1, 2022. Manush Shah will be the ting up a national academy, while the South Africans
Sergio Perez with a fresh
hind seeking concurrence “However, in this transi­ standby. The players were with regional academies in land in Delhi on June 2,”
two­year deal until 2024 with
from SAI, S.D. Mudgil, CoA tion phase, with an eye on a part of a week­long National four other cities. said DDCA joint secretary

the Mexican signing in Monaco

last weekend. “For us, holding representative and chairper­ rich medal haul in Birming­ camp for 15 paddlers at the The squads: Rajan Manchanda.
onto his pace, race craft and son of the selection commit­ ham, we have included the Padukone­Dravid Centre for Men: Sanil Shetty, Sharath Ka­ K.L. Rahul will lead the
experience was a no­brainer tee, said at a press confe­ said player in the team. She Sports Excellence here. mal, G. Sathiyan and Harmeet Indian team in the absence
rence here on Tuesday, is one half of the pair that is Mudgil stated that all the of regular skipper Rohit

and we are delighted that Desai; Standby: Manush Shah.

Checo will continue to race for “Under the existing selec­ ranked No. 4 in the world 15 players (eight men and se­ Women: Sreeja Akula, Reeth Sharma, who has been
the team until 2024,” said tion criteria, one of the and which will be the top ven women) at the camp will Rishya, Manika Batra and Ar­ rested for the series along­
team boss Christian Horner in members of the women’s seeds at the Commonwealth be fielded at the World Table chana Kamath; Standby: Diya So near yet so far: The Indians put their best foot forward, side Virat Kohli and Jasprit

a statement. AFP team falls outside the top Games. Therefore, the selec­ Tennis Tour events in Zagreb Chitale. but bowed out of the title race on goal difference. Bumrah.

Indian women’s air rifle ‘Women deserve own IPL’ Argentina to take on Italy

Carlsen team clinches gold Shubhangi feels women’s cricket has come a long way The continental champions meet in
the Finalissima at Wembley today
CRICKET to spare, Italy astonishingly
P.K. Ajith Kumar FOOTBALL missed out after losing to
PUNE Agence France-Presse minnow North Macedonia
Opposite the tennis court at Buenos Aires in a play­off.
the famed Deccan Gymkha­ Real Madrid’s France star “What happened with
na Club in Pune is a shop Karim Benezema deserves Italy is crazy, having won
that sells things exclusively to win the Ballon d’Or, ac­ the Euros and not being at
cricket. At the cash counter cording to seven­time lau­ the World Cup, given Italy’s
you will find a middle­aged reate Lionel Messi. history at the World Cup,”
woman with cropped, salt­ “There’s no doubt, it’s ve­ he said.
and­pepper hair. ry clear that Benzema has “If Italy had been at the
had a spectacular year and World Cup they would have
Anand. *
FILE PHOTO Low­profile has ended it by winning the been one of the favorites.
She will help you choose the
Sports Bureau
right bat or glove. Some­

C ontinuing his fine run

in the shorter time­for­
mat, Viswanathan Anand
times, her suggestions are
met with arched eyebrows.
Shubhangi Kulkarni, howev­
stunned Magnus Carlsen er, does not let on that she is
on way to the tied third well qualified to advise. She Raising the decibel level: Players from all over the world
spot in the 10th Norway does not let on that she is a made their presence felt at the T20 Challenge. SPORTZPICS/IPL *

Chess 2022 Blitz at Stavan­ Golden run: Ramita, Shreya and Elavenil, who finished former India captain who
ger on Monday. on top of the podium. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT
played 19 Tests and 27 ODIs. never he is in Pune.” Test, at Bengaluru. After a
Wesley So won the event Most of the visitors to her Gavaskar was the biggest five for 48 in the first innings
scoring 6.5 points from Sports Bureau nush Srikanth and Paarth shop may not know that she icon of Indian cricket when with her leg­spin, she took
nine rounds. Carlsen was Makhija, started well, but bowled the Indian women’s Shubhangi began playing the two more wickets in the se­
second on 5.5 followed by
Anish Giri, Anand and
Shakhriyar Mamedyarov
T he Indian women’s air ri­
fle team of Shreya Agra­
wal, Elavenil Valarivan and
lost its way and eventually
got beaten in the bronze me­
dal match by Croatia 10­16.
team to its first­ever Test vic­
tory, or that she was a suc­
cessful administrator who

How it all started

cond. In the fourth Test of
the six­match series, she
took seven wickets to help
tied on 5 points. Ramita outplayed Denmark In a packed calendar for played a key role in the BCCI “When I was still at school, India post its first Test win. Champions League,” Messi They were unlucky. No one
Anand’s 43­move victo­ 17­5 for gold in the shooting the season, the Indian team taking women’s cricket un­ my mother came to know of told TyC Sports. would have wanted to play
ry over Carlsen was his first World Cup in Baku, Azerbai­ had planned to pace itself der its wing. a camp conducted by the Able administrator Messi was speaking them.”
since 2017. jan, on Tuesday. judiciously and had opted to Not that she minds! Maharashtra Cricket Associa­ After hanging up her boots, ahead of a friendly with Italy Meanwhile, Angel Di Ma­
The five­time World The Indian team started field only 12 rifle shooters in She is happy just to spend tion and she took me there,” she became an administra­ at Wembley stadium in Lon­ ria will retire from interna­
champion started with a well by topping qualification the current World Cup. time at Sunny’s Sports Bou­ she recalls. “Then I also at­ tor. It was while she was the don, between two continen­ tional football after this
win over Norway’s Aryan in the first stage. It wavered The results: Air rifle: Men: 1. tique, which she established tended a camp by Lala Amar­ secretary of the Women’s tal champions. year’s World Cup.
Tari, drew with So and de­ a bit in the second stage, to Korea 16 (627.3) 936.3; 2. Aus­ some four decades ago in nath in Lucknow, in 1975­76.” Cricket Association of India, The match between the
feated Veselin Topalov, be 0.6 point behind Den­ tralia 8 (626.6) 933.4; 3. Croa­ partnership with former Ba­ After playing an invitation in 2006, that the BCCI took South American Copa It will be time: Di Maria
drew with Temour Radja­ mark, but ensured its berth tia (Josip Sikavica, Miran Maric­ roda cricketer Jairaj Mehta tournament at Nainital, she over. America holders and the “After this World Cup it will
bov, lost to Anish, drew in the gold match. ic, Andrija Mikuljan) 16 (624.2) and Sunil Gavaskar. played in her first National That was one big step for­ European champions, be time, there are a lot of
with Wang Hao, then came The first medal helped In­ 940.0; 4. India (Rudrankksh Inside the shop, you will tournament at Kolkata in ward for women’s cricket. where many Argentines lads who are at international
Patil, Dhanush Srikanth, Paarth
the big win over Carlsen, dia climb to the joint fifth find posters of the batting le­ 1974­75. A good show for the “Sharad Pawar had shown trace their roots, is known level, who are getting better
Makhija) 10 (624.9) 940.4.
drew with Mamedyarov spot in the medals table gend. “Sunil’s parents lived Combined Universities team interest even before he took as the “Finalissima”. and little by little they are
Women: 1. India (Shreya Agra­
and Maxime with Czech Republic, Fin­ in Pune and he used to have against the touring New Zea­ over as BCCI president,” says going to show that they are
wal, Elavenil Valarivan, Ramita)
Vachier­Lagrave. land, Greece and Iran, be­ 17 (628.6) 944.4; 2. Denmark training sessions with the land paved the way for her Shubhangi. “Our women Study in contrast at this standard,” Di Maria
This event was the pre­ hind the leaders Korea, Ser­ (Anna Nielsen, Emma Koch, widely respected coach Ka­ Test team entry. cricketers have benefited im­ But while Argentina said.
lude to the classical time bia, Poland and France. Rikke Ibsen) 5 (629.2) 942.8; 3. mal Bhandarkar,” Shubhangi Against the West Indies in mensely because of that. stormed to qualification for Di Maria, 34, played 121
format event comprising The men’s air rifle team Poland 16 (626.6) 944.1; 4. Ko­ tells The Hindu. 1976, she made a stunning Now they deserve their own the Qatar World Cup later times for the national side
the same players. of Rudrankksh Patil, Dha­ rea 10 (626.5) 944.2. “He visits the shop whe­ debut in India’s first official IPL.” this year with several games and scored 24 goals.



Karthik excels, mixed bag for others




R. Ashwin holds his own, Sai Kishore and Sai Sudharsan draw attention
extra covers off a fiery Kagiso
IPL 2022 Rabada will testify.
S. Dinakar The mentally tough Sud­
Chennai harsan has footwork, the gift
He was a fireball at the end of of timing and the attractive­
an innings. The pocket po­ ness of a left­handed batter.
werhouse innovated, creat­ He notched 141 runs in five
ed and invariably took his matches with a highest of 65
team past the finish line. not out. A lad for the future. M. Sujendran L. Vignesh
Given the role of the Fin­ (132, Seshadri MCC). (100, Seshadri MCC).
isher by Royal Challengers Varun disappoints
Bangalore, Dinesh Karthik, ‘Mystery’ spinner Varun Sujendran and Vignesh 98412 27966, 94441 68836.
superfit at 36, throbbed with Chakravarthy had an ordin­ slam hundreds
life at the death, notching up ary IPL for Kolkata Knight Centuries from M. Big wins for Swaraj FC,
a whopping 330 runs with Riders. The batsmen, pick­ Sujendran and L. Vignesh Viva Chennai
whiplash hits at an astonish­ ing the bowler more easily, helped Seshadri MCC beat Swaraj FC thrashed Income
ing strike rate of 183.33. belted him around. Leo CC by 88 runs in the Tax 4­0 with Lalhviaatpiua
Given that he arrived at T. Natarajan, recovering KDCA second division scoring a brace in the
the crease with just around
five overs remaining, some­
times even less, it was in­
from fitness concerns, had a
reasonable outing with Sun­
risers Hyderabad with 18
match held recently.
The scores: Il div: Seshadri
MCC 278/6 in 30 overs (M.
Chennai Football
Association Senior Division
league match on Tuesday.
Stimac backs India to
credible Karthik scored so
many runs. He was the en­
scalps in 11 games at ER 8.72.
Washington Sundar’s sea­
Sujendran 132, L. Vignesh 100)
bt Leo CC 190 in 29.1 overs
In the other match, Viva
Chennai FC had a walk in qualify for Asian Cup
forcer. Karthik’s was a stun­ son for Sunrisers was (Asishkumar 54, J Sarath the park with a
ning success story but it was marred by injuries but he Perumal 4/34 , Sohil 4/51). commanding 4­1 win over starting here from June 8.
a mixed bag for Tamil Nadu still managed to make an im­ Indian Bank.
FOOTBALL “The camp was planned

cricketers in the just­con­ pression with tight off­spin Cricket coaching camp The results: Income Tax 0 lost Y.B. Sarangi carefully. Our main worry
cluded IPL. and some typically elegant Chennai St. Bede’s Sports to Swaraj FC 4 (Lalhviaatpiua KOLKATA was fitness. The Ballari
Punitive blade: Karthik played the Finisher role to perfection, left­handed runs as a Finish­ Foundation [CSSF] will be 20, 61, Richmond 24, Despite all odds, Indian (camp) was a good decision.
Positive note guiding Royal Challengers into the playoffs. SPORTZPICS/IPL *
er. He made 101 runs at SR conducting a nine­month Lalnuntivarya 70); Viva football team head coach It had good facilities for fit­

On the positive side, R. Ash­ 146.37. A top­order role cricket coaching Camp at Chennai FC 4 (Ajith 38, Igor Stimac is backing his ness conditioning. Coming

win, 12 wickets at ER of 7.50, of the ball, Ashwin produced Qualifier 1 and the final, ex­ would suit him better. the St. Bede’s Grounds from Dhanush 69, Yuvenararaia 88, side to qualify for the AFC to Kolkata was a good
bowled his off­spin with con­ influential cameos. tracting extra bounce and Leg­spinner M. Ashwin June 11 to March 12, 2023 for Lucky 90+3) bt Indian Bank 1 Asian Cup. choice. It’s a football city.
trol for most part for Rajas­ Lanky left­arm spinner R. picking up six wickets in five had his moments for Mum­ boys in the age group of 6 (Aby 77). Even as the team has You get that extra needed to
than Royals and combined Sai Kishore caught the eye games at an economy rate of bai Indians, the big­hitting to 19 years. been troubled by injuries push players to the limit,”

capably with leg­spinner with his high­arm action and 7.56. Shahrukh Khan disappoint­ Registration starts on June ENGAGEMENTS and cancellation of a friend­ said Stimac at a roundtable
Yuzvendra Chahal. accuracy for champion Guja­ Sai Sudharsan, Sai Kish­ ed for Punjab Kings and B. 1. Forms are available at the Cricket: All India YSCA Trophy, ly against Zambia, Stimac interaction on Tuesday,
Royals also employed Ash­ rat Titans. ore’s teammate at Titans, is Indrajith could not cash in St. Bede’s Ground for TRC vs Little Hearts (8 a.m.); was satisfied with the over­ hours after the team landed
win’s batting effectively at Importantly, he withstood someone with loads of talent on top­order opportunities enrolment . For details all preparation for the Asian here after playing its friend­

Central Excise vs MAS CC (1
various slots. A natural timer the pressures of bowling in as his back­footed six over for KKR. contact, 98400 70486, p.m.), GE T&D-A. Cup final qualifying round, ly against Jordan in Doha.

Budhial snatches
victory from Ajeesh

Champs: Winners in various categories of the Indian




bur beach in Mangalu­

SURFING ru, Karnataka, on Sun­

Sports Bureau
Sugar Banarse and
In a nail­biting finish Sofiya Sharma were

Karnataka’s Ramesh crowned the national

Budhial snatched victo­ champions in the wo­
ry from Tamil Nadu’s men’s open & groms

Ajeesh Ali and was girls’ under­16 catego­

crowned the new men’s ries respectively.
open surf category na­ Tamil Nadu’s Kishore
tional champion on the Kumar became the na­

final day of the third tional champion in the

edition of the Indian groms boys’ under­16
Open of Surfing Panam­ category.

‘Time to focus on

CWG, says Chirag


week still remains but

BADMINTON it’s time to get back to
PRESS TRUST OF INDIA training and face the
NEW DELHI next challenges, start­
The sweet taste of the ing with the Common­
Thomas Cup title win wealth Games, World
will linger but Chirag Championships and
Shetty, one of the archi­ Asian Games,” the 24­
tects of that historic tri­ year­old said. “We have
umph, knows it’s time done well in Common­
to move on and focus wealth Games last time
on the next challenge at and the Thomas cup
hand — Commonwealth win will act as a booster
Games. for us to retain the
“The feeling of that mixed team gold.”

TDCA’s 25th
celebration today
TNSJA scholarships to be
awarded during the occasion
members of the TNSJA
GENERAL based on their recent
CHENNAI strongly believes in
The Thiruvallur Dis­ promoting young ta­
trict Cricket Associa­ lent and will continue
tion (TDCA) will be ce­ to support all sports,”
lebrating its 25th said Dr. R.N. Baba, se­
anniversary on Wed­ cretary, TDCA.
nesday. An array of former
During the occasion, India cricketers and of­
TDCA, in association ficials from the Tamil
with the Tamil Nadu Nadu Cricket Associa­
Sports Journalists’ As­ tion (TNCA) are expect­
sociation (TNSJA), will ed to be part of the
present scholarships to celebrations.
the tune of ₹3 lakh to TDCA, which runs a
sportspersons from dif­ well­structured league,
ferent disciplines. had won the TNCA un­
“All 10 scholarship der­14, 16 and 19 inter­
awardees have been district tournaments in
handpicked by the the 2019­20 season.



Text & Context

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GDP expansion Fuel for Sri Lanka EU bans Russian oil Italy opens its borders Core sector growth
In percentage, the growth in In metric The percentage of Russian The number of migrants In percentage, the rise in

4.1 India's economy in the

fourth quarter of 2021­22.
This was a drop from the
5.4% expansion seen in the
October­December quarter of 2021­22.
The growth in the January­March
quarter pushed the annual growth rate
40,000 tonnes, the
amount of
diesel India
sent to Sri
Lanka, which is facing acute fuel
shortage in the midst of its worst
economic crisis. Last month, India sent
90 oil imports the European
Union leaders agreed to ban
by the end of 2022. This is
the latest sanction the bloc
is imposing on Moscow, spurred by the
ongoing war in Ukraine. The embargo
covers Russian oil brought in by sea,
294 who entered Italy, after
authorities opened a port
in Sicily to those rescued
over the last 10 days in
the central Mediterranean. The
operations, which began on May 19 off
the coast of Libya, rescued 49 children,
8.4 production growth of
eight infrastructure
sectors in April on the
back of better
performance by coal, refinery products
and electricity segments, according to
official data. The output of the sectors
up to 8.7%. The gross domestic an additional $500 million credit line allowing a temporary exemption for some of whom were as young as three of coal, crude oil, natural gas, refinery
product (GDP) had expanded by 2.5% to Sri Lanka, to help pay for fuel and imports delivered by pipeline, a move years old. Italy has seen a surge in products, fertilizer, steel, cement and
in the corresponding January­March other imports. In keeping with India’s that was crucial to bring landlocked migrant arrivals recently. The Interior electricity had expanded by 4.9% in
period of 2020­21, according to data ‘Neighbourhood First’ policy, New Hungary on board as the decision Ministry said 18,841 migrants have March 2022 while it was higher at
released by the National Statistical Delhi has extended, this year alone, aid required consensus between all arrived in Italy by sea so far this year, 62.6% in March 2021 due to low base
Office (NSO). The NSO, in its second worth over $3.5 billion to Sri Lanka. members. The EU had already imposed up by 31% over last year. This is an effect. The output growth in April is
advance estimate, had projected GDP With long lines for fuel, the public has five previous rounds of sanctions on increase of almost one­third over last the highest since October 2021 when
growth at 8.9% during 2021­22. PTI been suffering for months. PTI Russia over its war with Ukraine. AP year’s migrant arrivals. AP the core sector grew by 8.7%. PTI


Questioning the safety of Aadhaar

Can Aadhaar be the one­stop solution for all identification requirements? Does it safeguard the privacy of its various beneficiaries?

Saptaparno Ghosh bank accounts, acquiring a new SIM or Aadhaar. In 2017, researchers at the Centre
school admissions. for Internet and Society (CIS) acquired
The story so far: Two days after issuing an

The requesting entity would have to information of various beneficiaries of such
advisory asking people to refrain from obtain the consent of the individual before social security and employment
sharing photocopies of their Aadhaar Card, collecting his/her identity and ensure that schemes such as their Aadhaar numbers,

B The Aadhaar (Targeted the Unique Identification Development the information is only used for bank account details, job card status, mobile
Delivery of Financial and Authority of India (UIDAI) opted to withdraw authentication purposes on the Central number etc. The same year, the UIDAI in
Other Subsidies Benefits and the notification. It stated that the action was Identities Data Repository (CIDR). This response to an RTI stated that more than
Services) Act, 2016 states
to avert any possibility of ‘misinterpretation’ centralised database contains all Aadhaar 200 central and State government websites
that Aadhaar authentication
is necessary for availing
subsidies and services that
are financed from the
of the (withdrawn) press release, asking
people to exercise “normal prudence” in
using/sharing their Aadhaar numbers.
numbers and holder’s corresponding
demographic and biometric information.
UIDAI responds to authentication queries
beneficiaries such as their names and
publicly displayed details of some Aadhaar

addresses. Both were made possible by the

Consolidated Fund of India. with a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. In some cases, basic KYC lack of robust encryption. This data could be
However, confidentiality What did the UIDAI advisory say? details (as name, address, photograph etc) potentially used to fraudulently link the
needs to be maintained and The withdrawn notice had suggested accompany the verification answer ‘Yes’. rightful beneficiary’s Aadhaar with a distinct

the authenticated holders use a masked Aadhaar card instead The regulator does not receive or collect the bank account, embezzling the beneficiary by
information cannot be used
of the conventional photocopy, adding that holder’s bank, investment or insurance impersonation, made possible by the
for anything other than the
specified purpose. the document must not be downloaded from details. Additionally, the Aadhaar Act forbids sizeable identity documents available.

a cybercafé or public computer and if done sharing Core Biometric Information (such as The UIDAI maintains that merely knowing
for some reason, must be permanently finger print, iris scan, among other the bank account number would not be
B The NPCI’s Aadhaar
deleted from the system. ‘Masked Aadhaar’ biometric attributes) for any purpose other enough to withdraw money from the bank, agencies to access details only on a Varied benefits: Women
Payments Bridge (APB) and show their Aadhaar cards
veils the first eight digits of the twelve­digit than Aadhaar number generation and stating that the individual’s fingerprint, iris need­to­know basis. Comptroller and
the Aadhaar Enabled
ID with ‘XXXX’ characters. The notice authentication. data or OTP to a registered mobile number Auditor General of India’s (CAG) latest report before casting their vote at

Payment System (AEPS)

informed that only entities possessing a The Act makes it clear that confidentiality would be required. CIS states that brokers stipulated that UIDAI neither specified any a polling centre. FILE PHOTO

facilitate direct benefit

transfer (DBT) and allow ‘User Licence’ are permitted to seek Aadhaar needs to be maintained and the are known to buy tonnes of Aadhaar encryption algorithm (as of October 2020) to

individuals to use Aadhaar for authentication purposes. Private entities authenticated information cannot be used documents from mobile shops and other secure the same nor a mechanism to
for payments. This requires like hotels or film halls cannot collect or for anything other than the specified places where the identification document is illustrate that the entities were adhering to
bank accounts to be linked

keep copies of the identification document. purpose. More importantly, no Aadhaar shared. Additionally, there have been appropriate procedures. It relied solely on
to Aadhaar. In July 2018, Telecom Regulatory of India’s number (or enclosed personal information) instances where employees of service audit reports provided to them by the
Chairman R.S. Sharma tweeted his Aadhaar collected from the holder can be published, providers were caught stealing biometric entities themselves. Further, UIDAI’s

B But more than 200 number challenging users to “cause him any displayed or posted publicly. Identity information collected solely for Aadhaar unstable record with biometric
central and State harm”. In response, users dug up his mobile information or authentication records would authentication. A far­stretch means for authentication has not helped it with
government websites number, PAN number, photographs, only be liable to be produced pursuant to an acquiring biometrics would involve de­duplication efforts, the process that

publicly displayed details of

residential address and date of birth. It could order of the High Court or Supreme Court, collecting fingerprints from varied places ensures that each Aadhaar Number
some Aadhaar beneficiaries
such as their names and
not be ascertained if the PAN number was or by someone of the Secretary rank or that an individual might touch unknowingly generated is unique. The CAG’s reported
addresses. This means that actually correct. UIDAI dismissed assertions above in the interest of national security. in a certain space (such as a railing of a stated that apart from the issue of multiple
of any data leak, arguing that most of the staircase) with iris data being acquired from Aadhaars to the same resident, there have

this data could be

potentially used to data was publicly available. It did however Is identity theft via Aadhaar possible? high­resolution cameras. been instances of the same biometric data
fraudulently link the rightful caution users from publicly sharing their As per the National Payment Corporation of As for mobile verification, phone users in being accorded to multiple residents.As per
beneficiary’s Aadhaar with a Aadhaar numbers. India’s (NCPI) data, ₹6.48 crore worth of India are known to carry two or more phone UIDAI’s Tech Centre, nearly 4.75 lakh

distinct bank account, financial frauds through 8,739 transactions numbers at one time. There could be a duplicate Aadhaar numbers were cancelled
embezzling the beneficiary What does the law say? involving 2,391 unique users took place in FY possibility that the number linked to the as of November 2019. The regulator relies on
by impersonation.
The Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial 2021­22. Aadhaar is not prominently used. Fraudsters Automated Biometric Identification Systems

and Other Subsidies Benefits and Services) Since the inception of the UID project, could use this as an opportunity to link their for taking corrective actions. The
Act, 2016 makes it clear that Aadhaar institutions and organisations have endowed phone numbers instead, update it in the CAG concluded it was “not effective enough”
authentication is necessary for availing greater focus on linking their databases with bank using the available information (of the in detecting the leakages and plugging them.

subsidies, benefits and services that are Aadhaar numbers, including for bank individual) and deprive them of benefits or Biometric authentications can be a cause of
financed from the Consolidated Fund of accounts especially in light of the embezzle funds. worry, especially for disabled and senior
India. In the absence of Aadhaar, the compulsory linkage for direct benefit citizens with both the iris and fingerprints
individual is to be offered an alternate and transfer schemes. The NPCI’s Aadhaar What are some of the structural dilapidating. Though the UIDAI has assured
Text & Context articles viable means of identification to ensure Payments Bridge (APB) and the Aadhaar problems that the UIDAI faces? that no one would be deprived of any
can be read at she/he is not deprived of the same. Enabled Payment System (AEPS) facilitate The Aadhaar Data Vault is where all benefits due to biometric authentication
epaper.thehindu.com and Separately, Aadhaar has been described direct benefit transfer (DBT) and allow numbers collected by authentication failures, the absence of an efficient
https://www.thehindu.com/ as a preferred KYC (Know Your Customer) individuals to use Aadhaar for payments. agencies are centrally stored. Its objective is technology could serve as poignant premise
topic/text­and­context/ document but not mandatory for opening This requires bank accounts to be linked to to provide a dedicated facility for the for frauds to make use of their ‘databases’.


Looking at the UN report on the Taliban regime

Which are the foreign terrorist groups flourishing on Afghan soil? What are the internal dynamics within the Taliban post its ascension to power?
The report also says that the al­Qaeda ideological approach to securing Taliban What about other terrorist groups?

Sampath G.
in Indian Sub­continent (AQIS) has interests. According to the report, under Tehreek­e­Taliban Pakistan (TTP)
The story so far: A new report from the 180­400 fighters in Afghanistan. “Fighters the command of Hibatullah, various constitutes the largest component of
Analytical Support and Sanctions included nationals from Bangladesh, Taliban factions are manoeuvring for foreign terrorist fighters in Afghanistan,
Monitoring Team of the United Nations India, Myanmar and Pakistan,” says the advantage, with the Haqqani Network with their numbers estimated at
Security Council (UNSC) says that foreign report. While AQIS capabilities were cornering most of the influential posts in 3,000­4,000, and mostly located along B A new report from the

terrorist organisations continue to enjoy “assessed as still weakened from losses as the administration. the east and south­east Analytical Support and
safe haven under the new Taliban a result of the October 2015 joint United Afghanistan­Pakistan border areas. Sanctions Monitoring Team
regime. The report adds that due to States­Afghan raid in Kandahar’s How are ethnic dynamics in the Among all the foreign extremist groups in of the UNSC says that
AP foreign terrorist
financial constraints, and possibly under *
Shorabak district”, the outfit has also administration? Afghanistan, it is the TTP that has
organisations continue to
political pressure not to embarrass the team relied on consultations with UN been forced to adopt a “less aggressive The report believes the Kandahari benefited the most from the Taliban enjoy safe haven under the
Taliban internationally at this juncture, member states, international and posture” due to financial constraints. The (Durrani) Taliban to be in the ascendancy takeover. The report also notes that the Taliban regime. It adds that
the terrorist groups are currently in regional organisations, private sector report notes that the name change of the among the Taliban leadership, with Kabul airport attack of August 26 has the terrorist groups are not
consolidation mode and not likely to financial institutions, and the work of AQIS magazine from ‘Nawa­i­Afghan Pashtuns getting precedence over elevated the Islamic State in Iraq and the likely to launch major
launch major attacks outside Afghanistan bodies such as the United Nations Jihad’ to ‘Nawa­e­Gazwah­e­Hind’ non­Pashtuns. Several key Tajik and Levant­Khorasan (ISIL­K) to be the most attacks outside Afghanistan
before 2023. Assistance Mission in Afghanistan. suggests a “refocussing of AQIS from Uzbek commanders in the north have prominent Da­esh affiliate in the region. before 2023.
Afghanistan to Kashmir”. been replaced with Pashtuns from the While its activity declined towards the
What is the mandate of the What does the report say about south, and these decisions have come end of 2021, the group has grown in B Two India­focussed
monitoring team and how did it terrorist organisations that pose a What about internal tensions? against the backdrop of an “organised strength through prison releases and new terrorist groups,
collect data? threat to India? The foremost internal division in the campaign by Pashtuns to dislodge ethnic recruitments. Meanwhile, al­Qaeda Jaish­i­Mohammed (JiM)
The monitoring team assists the UNSC Two India­focussed terrorist groups, Taliban is between the moderate and Tajik, Turkmen and Uzbek communities continues to enjoy a close relationship and Lashkar­e­Taiba (LeT),
sanctions committee. Its report, Jaish­i­Mohammed ( JiM) and hardline blocs. While the moderate bloc) from rich agricultural land in the north”. with the Taliban, celebrating the latter’s are reported to have
training camps in
circulated among committee members, Lashkar­e­Taiba (LeT), are reported to wants working relationships with foreign Internal cohesion within the Taliban success by “renewing its pledge of
informs the formulation of UN strategy in have training camps in Afghanistan. partners and integration with the was easier to maintain during the allegiance to Hibatullah”. Noting that
Afghanistan. India is currently the chair While the JiM “maintains eight training international system, the hardliners insurgency period, when there was a neither ISIL­K nor the al­Qaeda are
of the sanctions committee, which camps in Nangarhar, three of which are (consisting of senior Taliban leaders “compelling common cause to expel “believed to be capable of mounting B Tehreek­e­Taliban
Pakistan (TTP) constitutes
comprises all the 15 UNSC members. This directly under Taliban control,” the LeT centralised around Hibatullah foreign forces from Afghanistan”, the international attacks before 2023 at the
the largest component of
report — the 13th overall — is the first was “said to maintain three camps in Akhundzada) have a more ideological report notes. But now that they are in earliest,” the report concludes that their foreign terrorist fighters in
since the Taliban returned to power in Kunar and Nangarhar”. Both the groups stance, with little interest in international power, “the Taliban’s core identity of a presence, along with the presence of Afghanistan, with their
August 2021. The UN team could not visit enjoy close links with the Taliban relations. Independent of both these Pashtun nationalist cause dominated by other terrorist groups on Afghan soil, numbers estimated at
Afghanistan for evidence­gathering. This leadership, with the LeT having a history blocs is the Haqqani Network which, southern Taliban has again come to the remain a matter of grave concern for 3,000­4,000.
is the first of its reports not informed by of providing finance and training while more aligned with the hardliners, is fore, generating tension and conflict with neighbouring countries and the wider
official Afghan briefings. Instead, the expertise to Taliban operations. inclined towards a pragmatic rather than other ethnic groups.” international community.
wednesday, june 1, 2022

& Context

Text | II


All the world needs now is love



When the going gets tough, simply sink into the pages of some literary love stories to temporarily
Know your

forget the strife-ridden world around you


Soma Basu turn the pages of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Love in others, she shows how life can fall into a beautiful
the Time of Cholera. The Nobel Prize winning symmetry despite bickering.

The world always needs love. In troubled times author weaves a lingering teenage passion of two Released on valentine’s day in 1970, Eric Segal’s “Good morning, sir”.
even more. Two years on from the start of the young lovers, Florentino and Fermina who are Love Story is about two college students from “Good morning.”

COVID­19 pandemic, there has been so much compelled to part because the girl’s father different worlds brought together in the “Sir, is there a difference between ‘Ask him
suffering and uncertainty that it is time we shed disapproves of their relationship. The two live unlikeliest of ways. Their deep love and respect whether he can come tomorrow’ and ‘Ask
negativity and immerse into the most relatable separate lives till they meet again in old age — that for each other enables them to overcome the him if he can come tomorrow?’”

thoughts about the beauty of life and falling in is, after the girl marries an accomplished doctor adversities they encounter in life: from severing “ ‘Ask him whether he can come tomor­
love. committed to the eradication of cholera, and is ties with parents, finding jobs, completing row’ means ‘Ask him whether he can come
For those who followed the music of the sixties, later widowed. The master of magical realism that education, fighting disease and finally death that tomorrow or not’. There is a choice in this.
lyricist Hal David’s uplifting song, “What the Marquez is, he explores what it means to be breaks the illusion that all love stories have the You use whether when there are alternatives.

world needs now is love; It’s the only thing that faithful in the 1985 novel. ‘lived happily thereafter’ kind of ending. It is the In the sentence with ‘whether’, you are inter­
there’s just too little of…No, not just for some but Though Florentino whiles away the years of strength of their love that helps to accept and ested in finding out the convenience of the
for everyone”, couldn’t sound truer six decades separation in multiple affairs, he reserves his acknowledge love as a beautiful understanding of other person. You may change the day if ‘to­

on. heart for his teenage love. He purposefully attends a different level — where no action is meant to morrow’ is not suitable to him. The second
the funeral of his lover’s husband and after 59 hurt and no apology is needed. sentence with ‘if ’ implies that tomorrow is
The universal language of love years, nine months and four days, once again what is convenient to you. The emphasis here

There are songs, movies, poems on the theme of proclaims his love for her. Both give each other a Through the ups and downs is on your convenience. It almost amounts to
love that make the world go round. But nothing second chance. John Green’s The Fault In Our Stars recognises saying ‘Tomorrow is convenient to me. Please
can remind us better of love’s universal appeal, the simple pleasures in life and asks us to make come tomorrow’. You use ‘whether’ when

inherent strength and an innate strangeness than the best of the days available and not let you are prepared for any answer. You are not
literature. Each love story written is different and Each love story written is different and is unfairness strip us of our desires. It helps us to emphasising your point of view. You leave it
is not necessarily always about romance. It can be not necessarily always about romance. It realise that we all get a chance to lead a good life if to the person concerned. You use if when you
as much about our feelings and concern for can be as much about our feelings and we allow it for ourselves. show a preference for a particular answer.
friends, family, pets, environment, strangers and concern for friends, family, pets, Olive Kitterbridge by Pulitzer winner Elizabeth Find out whether he approves of this.
even our own self. Revelations and betrayals in environment, strangers and even our own Strout is about a cantankerous woman, often Find out if he approves of this.
relationships of love aren’t trivial either but help self given to bouts of bad temper towards her Find out whether he is at home.
to make this special emotion a combination of long­suffering pharmacist husband. But his love Find out if he is at home”.
thoughtfulness, appreciation and selflessness. It is not without reason why Jane Austen’s Pride for her — and, also her’s for him, however “Sir, what is a ‘moot’ point?”
Books from yore to present are perfect examples. and Prejudice spawns more than 200 years of strangely it is expressed — is never in doubt, and “A moot point is a debatable point. It is so­
From Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet to adaptations. The 1813 novel examines the idea and forms the fulcrum point of their life. Each time mething that has not been settled or decided.
Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre or Leo Tolstoy’s Anna the reality of love as the novel’s protagonists find you read it, you find something new to admire It is a point or a question over which there is
Karenina that we have grown up reading are some it hard to get into a contented relationship. about their love. disagreement. Whether nationalisation of in­
of literature’s epic stories that teach and celebrate Through a comedy of folly, Austen beautifully Every writers’ perspective on love takes a dustries is really good is a moot point”.
love in all its forms. captures what people eternally long for in a different hue, but what remains at the core is love “It has been very hot this year, sir. We need
What with rising complaints of marital discord relationship — to be truly valued by someone. Her as an endearment that shines through to be the some rains”.
and digital infidelity collapsing family ties in passages communicate the importance of love in rule and not an exception — especially when you “We certainly need rain. When ‘rain’ is
present times, it would be a wonderful idea to peoples’ lives. With faults of some and virtues of are engulfed in crises. used in the plural it refers to the rainy season.
The rains came.
‘we are expecting rains’. We are expecting
THE DAILY QUIZ rain means we are expecting some showers.
We are expecting rains, means we are looking
Since 2001, June 1 has been observed as World Milk Day to recognise its importance as a global food. A quiz on forward to the monsoon”.
all things milk “What is the meaning of ‘He is being led by
the nose’, sir?”
“ ‘To lead someone by the nose’ means ‘to
F In which major sporting event is there a tradition of the champion
1 In Greek mythology,
whose milk was said to
have created the milky way?
5 The Russians had a way of
keeping milk from going
consuming milk after claiming the title? The latest one happened on May 29.
make one submit to your wishes completely’.
If X is led by the nose by Y, then Y has com­
sour by dropping which animal plete control over X. One is led by the nose
into the liquid?
when he is weak­willed. Some animals like
2 What is the term used
for the disaccharide that Please send in your answers to the dailyquiz@thehindu.co.in asses are led by their noses.
makes up around 2–8% of
milk (by weight) and gets its
6 In the history of milk, what
is the contribution of Gail
Borden Jr.? Questions (abridged) and Answers to the previous day’s daily quiz: 1. This is
Shakespeare in Othello (Act I, Scene iii)
name from the Latin for
the first WHO Treaty adopted under article 19 of the WHO constitution. Ans: The Moor is of a free
7 Made from ewe's milk,
name the cheese named
The World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
2. The R in MPOWER, a policy package intended to assist in the country­level
and open nature
That thinks men honest
3 Name the historic
largest dairy
development programme
after a town in France.
implementation of effective interventions to reduce the demand for tobacco, that but seems to be so,
launched in January 1970
that transformed India from
8 Fill in the blank: _______ is
the first form of milk
produced by mammals
stands for this. Ans: Raise taxes on tobacco
3. The expansion of TNCO. Ans: Tar, Nicotine and Carbon monoxide
And will as tenderly
be led by the nose
a milk deficient nation into (including humans)
4. In 2010, this tobacco company filed a complaint against Uruguay because of As asses are......’
the world's largest milk immediately following the its anti­smoking legislation. Ans: Philip Morris International “Well, let’s stop here. Goodbye”.
producer. delivery of the newborn. 5. This country was the first to introduce plain tobacco packaging. Ans: “Thank you, sir. Goodbye”.
4 Name the landmark
1976 Shyam Benegal
film inspired by the milk
9 What are the two major
types of protein in milk?
6. The collective name of the six largest tobacco companies. Ans: Big Tobacco
7. This country is planning to ban the sale of tobacco to its next generation. Ans:
co­operative movement New Zealand
that was entirely Visual: This type of cigarette and the term that is associated with smoking these For feedback and suggestions for
crowdfunded by nearly cigarettes. Ans: Electronic cigarette, vaping Text & Context, please write to
5,00,000 dairy farmers.
letters@thehindu.co.in with the
Early Birds: Anupama Tiwari| Girvar Singh Chaudhary| Ritu Gurjar subject ‘Text & Context’
Compiled by: V.V. Ramanan


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