Breathing & Respiration

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What is Breathing?

The process in which air moves in and out of the lungs is known as breathing. This is
carried out through various respiratory organs. In other words, breathing is a simple give
and take process.
When we breathe, we take in air rich in oxygen from the atmosphere, in return of which,
we give out carbon dioxide-rich in the atmosphere which is utilized by the plants
for photosynthesis.
This is a continuous process and goes on throughout the life of an organism.
The process of taking in oxygen-rich air is called inhalation. On the contrary, the process
of giving out air that is rich in carbon dioxide is known as exhalation.
In a day, a person breathes several times. One breath comprises one inhalation and one
exhalation. In a minute, the number of times a person breathes is termed as
his/her breathing rate. By calculating the breathing rate, we can know the number of
times we breathed in a day.
However, the breathing rate varies which is dependent upon a person’s activity. It raises
when a person is brisk walking, running or after a heavy exercise; similarly, decreases
when a person is calm.
The breathing rate of an adult is 15-18 times per minute. However, during heavy exercise,
the breathing rate exceeds 25 times per minute.

Mechanism of Breathing
The air that we breathe in and out of the lungs varies in its pressure. So basically when
there is a fall in air pressure the alveolar spaces fall and the air enters the lungs
(inspiration) and as the pressure of the alveoli within exceeds the atmospheric pressure,
the air is blown from the lungs (expiration). The flow rate of air is in proportion to the
magnitude of the pressure difference.
The breathing mechanism involves two processes:
• Inspiration
• Expiration
In the process of inspiration, there would be a contraction of muscles attached to the ribs
on the outer side which pulls out the ribs and results in the expansion of the chest cavity.
Later, the diaphragm, contracts, moves downwards and expands the chest cavity
resulting in the contraction of the abdominal muscles.
The expansion of the chest cavity produces a partial vacuum which sucks air into the
lungs and fills the expanded alveoli.
Mechanism Of Inspiration
• The process of intake of atmospheric air is known as inspiration. It is an active
• When the volume of the thoracic cavity increases and the air pressure decreases,
inspiration takes place.
• Contraction of external intercostal muscles increases the volume of the thoracic
• Contraction of the diaphragm further increases the size of the thoracic activity.
Simultaneously, the lungs expand.
• With the expansion of the lungs, the air pressure inside the lungs decreases.
• The pressure equalizes and the atmospheric air rushes inside the lungs.
The expiration process is considered once after the gaseous exchange occurs in the
lungs and the air is expelled. This expulsion of air is called expiration.
During this process, muscles attached to the ribs contract, the muscles of the diaphragm
and the abdomen relax which leads to a decrease in the volume of the chest cavity and
increases the pressure of the lungs, causing the air in the lungs to be pushed out through
the nose.
Mechanism Of Expiration
• The process of exhaling carbon dioxide is called expiration. It is a passive process.
• It occurs when the size of the thoracic activity decreases and the air pressure
outside increases.
• Now the external intercostal muscles relax and the internal intercostal muscles
• As a result, the ribs are pulled inwards and the size of the thoracic cavity is
• The diaphragm is relaxed and the lungs get compressed.
• Consequently, the pressure increases and the air is forced outside.
Mechanism of Respiration
Mechanism of respiration involves the breathing mechanism and exchange of gases.
The gaseous exchange occurs by diffusion in the alveoli. It depends upon the pressure
differences between blood and tissues, or atmospheric air and blood. The exchange of
gases takes place at the surface of the alveolus.
The mechanism of breathing has already been explained above. Let us have a look at
the steps involved in the exchange of gases.
Exchange of Gases
The exchange of gases takes place in the following manner:
Transport Of Oxygen
• Oxygen in the blood is carried to the tissue in two forms- Oxyhaemoglobin-
chemical composition of oxygen with haemoglobin, and solution of oxygen in the
blood plasma.
• The oxygen in the blood combines with haemoglobin when the concentration of
oxygen is high in the blood.
• Oxyhemoglobin, being unstable, dissociates to release oxygen. Low oxygen, low
pH and high temperatures stimulate the dissociation process.
Internal Respiration
The gaseous exchange taking place in the tissues is called internal respiration. Here, the
oxygen carried in the form of oxyhaemoglobin gets dissociated to release oxygen.
This oxygen breaks down glucose to release carbon dioxide, water, and energy. The
energy is utilized by the body, while the carbon dioxide is diffused from the tissues.

Transport Of Carbon dioxide From Tissues To Lungs

Carbon dioxide is transported by three mechanisms:
• Some carbon dioxide dissolves in the water of plasma to form carbonic acid.
• Carbonic acid ionizes to form bicarbonate ions. The hydrogen ions are catalysed
by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase. Bicarbonate ions combine with sodium and
potassium to form sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate.
• Some carbon dioxide combines with haemoglobin for the formation of
• It is finally carried to the lungs and released out of the body through expiration.
Intrapleural Breathing
Intrapleural breathing is used to refer to the pressure that is present in the space
between the pleura and the lungs. This space is referred to as the pleural cavity. The
pressure in this region is normally less than the atmospheric pressure. This is the reason
why pleural pressure is termed as negative pressure.
The lung movement is governed by the pressure gradient, the transpulmonary pressure,
which exists between the pleura and the lungs. The difference in the pressures between
intrapulmonary and intrapleural pressures is known as transpulmonary pressure.
The pressure in the pleural cavity while breathing turns negative while there is an increase
in the transpulmonary pressure causing the lungs to expand. While expiration, the lungs
recoil as a result of an increase in the pleural pressure.
The competing forces inside the thorax results in the formation of negative intrapleural
pressure, one of these forces is associated with the lung’s elasticity. The lungs have elastic
tissues which cause it to be pulled inwards off the thoracic wall. An inward pull of the lung
tissue is also generated by the surface tension of the alveolar fluid. The inward tension
generated from the lungs is opposed by forces from the thoracic wall and the pleural
Respiratory Gas Transport
After the gases have scattered in the lungs, causing the blood to become oxygenated,
leaving carbon dioxide, the next phase of transportation of oxygen-rich blood to the
tissues takes place. Meanwhile, the next round of deoxygenated blood needs to be
brought to the lungs for the cycle to continue.
In the bloodstream, the transportation of gases occurs all through the body which is
contributed to the cardiovascular system comprising the blood vessels and the heart.
The blood carrying oxygen leaves the lungs to flow into the heart through the pulmonary
veins, which are pumped to the rest of the body from the left ventricle through the aorta
and its corresponding branches.

Difference Between Breathing and Cellular Respiration

• As stated above, breathing is the biological process of inhaling and exhaling gases
between the cells and the environment. The mechanism of breathing involves
various respiratory structures such as the windpipe, lungs and nose.
• Respiration, on the other hand, is a chemical process that takes place in the cell.
The air that we inhale brings oxygen to the lungs and is carried by the blood to the
cells, where it helps in the breakdown of glucose which results in the generation of
energy. This energy is used by the cells to carry out their respective functions.
Let us look at more differences between breathing and respiration.

Breathing Cellular Respiration


Cellular respiration is the process of

Breathing involves the process of inhaling oxygen breaking down glucose to produce
and exhaling carbon dioxide energy, which is then used by cells to
carry out the cellular function.

Process Occurrence

Breathing takes place in the lungs. Also involves

Respiration takes place in cells
the nose, mouth and pharynx

Type of Process

Breathing is voluntary as well as an involuntary Respiration is an involuntary chemical

physical process. (For example, breathing during process.
sleep is involuntary. Voluntary breathing is
observed when we sing, speak, swim or for
relaxation techniques)

Production of Energy

Energy is produced and released in

There is no production of energy in this process.
the form of ATP.

Cellular Activity

As it occurs outside cells, it is called the

As it occurs inside cells, it is called the
extracellular process. (Occurs between the
intracellular process.
organism and the external environment)

Enzyme used

A large number of enzymes are used

No enzymes are used during the process.
during the process.

Associated Organs

Respiration takes place in cells and

Breathing occurs through respiratory organs,
cell organelles, including
including the nose, lungs, etc.
mitochondria, etc.

From the differences given, we can conclude that breathing and cellular respiration are
two different processes and cannot be used interchangeably.

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