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PeopleSoft Enterprise Receivables

9.1 PeopleBook

November 2009
PeopleSoft Enterprise Receivables 9.1 PeopleBook
SKU fscm91pbr0

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
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Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Receivables Preface .......................................................................... xxxvii

PeopleSoft Enterprise Products ............................................................................................................... xxxvii

PeopleSoft Application Fundamentals ................................................................................................... xxxviii
Pages with Deferred Processing ............................................................................................................. xxxviii
PeopleBooks and the Online PeopleSoft Library ................................................................................... xxxviii
PeopleBooks and the Online PeopleSoft Library ..................................................................................... xxxix
Common Elements Used in This PeopleBook ................................................................................................ xl

Chapter 1

Getting Started with PeopleSoft Receivables .............................................................................................. 1

PeopleSoft Receivables Overview ................................................................................................................... 1

PeopleSoft Receivables Business Processes ................................................................................................... 1
PeopleSoft Receivables Integration Touchpoints ........................................................................................... 2
PeopleSoft Receivables Implementation ........................................................................................................ 6

Chapter 2

Understanding Implementation Issues ...................................................................................................... 11

Implementation Planning .............................................................................................................................. 11

Business Unit Structure ................................................................................................................................. 13
Current System Structure ........................................................................................................................ 13
General Ledger Distribution ................................................................................................................... 14
Customer Structure ....................................................................................................................................... 14
Business Units ........................................................................................................................................ 15
TableSets ................................................................................................................................................ 15
Business Unit Sharing ................................................................................................................................... 15
Customer Groups .......................................................................................................................................... 16
Entry Types and Reasons .............................................................................................................................. 16
Entry Type and Reason Use .................................................................................................................... 17

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. iii

Chapter 3

Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units ...................................................................................... 19

Understanding PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units ............................................................................... 19

Types of Business Units .......................................................................................................................... 20
PeopleSoft Enterprise Tree Manager ..................................................................................................... 20
Tablesets ................................................................................................................................................. 21
Default Hierarchies ................................................................................................................................ 21
Business Unit Setup Process Flow ......................................................................................................... 21
Creating a PeopleSoft Receivables Business Unit ........................................................................................ 22
Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................................ 22
Page Used to Create a PeopleSoft Receivables Business Unit ............................................................... 22
Creating a Business Unit ........................................................................................................................ 22
Defining Business Unit Defaults by SetID ................................................................................................... 23
Pages Used to Set Up Business Unit Defaults by SetID ......................................................................... 23
Defining General Options ...................................................................................................................... 24
Defining Additional General Options ..................................................................................................... 28
Defining Payment Options ...................................................................................................................... 32
Defining VAT Defaults ........................................................................................................................... 35
Selecting Payment Predictor Options ...................................................................................................... 36
Selecting Default Currency Options ...................................................................................................... 40
Defining Defaults for Customer Historical Trends ................................................................................ 42
Defining Business Unit Defaults for Individual Business Units .................................................................. 42
Pages Used to Define Defaults for Individual Business Units ................................................................ 43
Establishing General Ledger Business Unit Defaults ............................................................................ 44
Defining the Accounting Options 1 Page ................................................................................................ 45
Defining the Accounting Options 2 Page ................................................................................................ 48
Selecting Bank and Payment Interface Options ...................................................................................... 50
(USF) Defining Debt Management Information ..................................................................................... 52

Chapter 4

Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options ............................................................................... 55

Understanding PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options ........................................................................ 55

Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................... 56
Setting Up System Functions ........................................................................................................................ 56
Understanding System Functions ........................................................................................................... 56
Pages Used to Set Up System Functions ................................................................................................. 65
Viewing System Function Attributes ..................................................................................................... 65
Reviewing Rules for VAT Processing ................................................................................................... 68
Reviewing System Function Accounting Entries ................................................................................... 69

iv Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Setting Up Entry Types and Reasons ............................................................................................................ 70

Understanding Entry Types ..................................................................................................................... 70
Understanding Entry Reasons ................................................................................................................ 74
Pages Used to Set Up Entry Types and Reasons .................................................................................... 76
Defining Entry Types ............................................................................................................................. 76
Defining Entry Reasons ......................................................................................................................... 79
Setting Up Distribution Codes ...................................................................................................................... 80
Pages Used to Set Up Distribution Codes ............................................................................................... 80
Defining Distribution Codes ................................................................................................................... 81
Linking Draft Distribution Codes to AR Distribution Codes ................................................................ 84
Setting Up Item Entry Types ........................................................................................................................ 84
Pages Used to Set Up Item Entry Types ................................................................................................. 84
Defining Item Entry Types ..................................................................................................................... 85
Defining Accounting Templates for Item Entry Type Accounting Templates ....................................... 86
Setting Up Automatic Entry Types ............................................................................................................... 88
Understanding Automatic Entry Types .................................................................................................. 88
Pages Used to Set Up Automatic Entry Types ........................................................................................ 88
Defining Automatic Entry Types ........................................................................................................... 89
Defining Automatic Entry Type Accounting Templates ....................................................................... 93
Setting Up Item and Automatic Entry Types for Revenue Estimate Processing .......................................... 94
Setting Up Group Types and Group Origins .............................................................................................. 111
Understanding Group Types ................................................................................................................ 111
Understanding Group Origins ............................................................................................................... 113
Pages Used to Set Up Group Types and Group Origins ....................................................................... 113
Defining Group Types .......................................................................................................................... 113
Defining Group Origin IDs .................................................................................................................. 115
Setting Up ChartField Combination Editing ............................................................................................... 115
ChartField Combination Editing in PeopleSoft Receivables ................................................................ 116

Chapter 5

Defining Additional Processing Options .................................................................................................. 119

Setting Up Payment Terms ......................................................................................................................... 119

Understanding Payment Terms ............................................................................................................ 120
Pages Used to Set Up Payment Terms .................................................................................................. 120
Defining Timing IDs ............................................................................................................................ 121
Defining Payment Terms ..................................................................................................................... 121
Setting Up Deposit Types ........................................................................................................................... 123
Understanding Deposit Types .............................................................................................................. 123
Page Used to Set Up Deposit Types ...................................................................................................... 124
Defining Deposit Types ........................................................................................................................ 124
Setting Up Adjustment Reason Codes ........................................................................................................ 124
Understanding Adjustment Reason Codes ........................................................................................... 124

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. v

Page Used to Set Up Adjustment Reasons ............................................................................................ 125

Creating Adjustment Reason Codes ..................................................................................................... 125
Setting Up Reference Qualifiers ................................................................................................................. 125
Understanding Reference Qualifiers .................................................................................................... 125
Page Used to Set Up Reference Qualifiers ............................................................................................ 126
Defining Reference Qualifiers ............................................................................................................... 126
Setting Up Worksheet Reasons ................................................................................................................... 127
Understanding Worksheet Reasons ...................................................................................................... 128
Page Used to Set Up Worksheet Reasons ............................................................................................. 128
Setting Up Unpost Reason Codes ............................................................................................................... 128
Understanding Unpost Reason Codes .................................................................................................. 128
Page Used to Set Up Unpost Reason Codes ......................................................................................... 129
Setting Up Credit Card Profiles .................................................................................................................. 129
Page Used to Set Up Credit Card Profiles ............................................................................................. 129
Creating Credit Card Profiles ............................................................................................................... 129
Setting Up Direct Debit Profiles ................................................................................................................. 131
Page Used to Set Up Direct Debit Profiles ........................................................................................... 131
Creating Direct Debit Profiles ............................................................................................................... 132
Setting Up EFT Reason Codes for Direct Debits ....................................................................................... 135
Understanding EFT Reason Codes ...................................................................................................... 135
Page Used to Set Up EFT Reason Codes for Direct Debits .................................................................. 135
Setting Up EFT Reason Codes for EFT ............................................................................................... 136
Selecting EFT Layouts ................................................................................................................................. 137
Setting Up Rules for Overdue Charges ....................................................................................................... 139
Understanding Overdue Charge IDs .................................................................................................... 139
Pages Used to Set Up Rules for Overdue Charges ................................................................................ 140
Defining Overdue Charge IDs .............................................................................................................. 140
Defining Exclusions from Overdue Charges ....................................................................................... 142
Setting Up Write-Off Approval Workflow .................................................................................................. 144
Pages Used to Set Up Write-Off Approval Workflow .......................................................................... 149
Understanding the Financials Audit Framework for PeopleSoft Receivables ............................................. 151
Understanding the Financials Audit Framework for PeopleSoft Receivables ..................................... 151
Setting Up Item Audit Options ................................................................................................................... 153
Understanding Audit History Options .................................................................................................. 153
Page Used to Define Item Audit Options .............................................................................................. 154
Selecting Fields for Auditing ............................................................................................................... 154
Set up Collections Workbench Components .............................................................................................. 155
Understanding the Collections Workbench Setup Components ........................................................... 155
Pages Used to Define Collections Workbench Setup Components ...................................................... 156
Setting Up Collections Workbench Customer Details Fields ............................................................... 157
Setting Up Collections Workbench Tabs .............................................................................................. 158
Setting Up Collections Workbench Actions ......................................................................................... 159
Personalizing the Content of the Collections Worbench for All Users, by Role, or by User ID .......... 161
(USF) Setting Up the Receivables Due From the Public Report ................................................................ 164
Understanding the Receivables Due From the Public Report .............................................................. 165

vi Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Pages Used to Set Up the Receivables Due from the Public Report ..................................................... 168
Defining Report Entity Codes .............................................................................................................. 168
Defining Receivable Type Codes ......................................................................................................... 168
Defining Delinquency Codes ............................................................................................................... 169
(USF) Setting Up Agency Location Codes ................................................................................................. 169
Understanding Agency Location Codes ............................................................................................... 169
Pages Used to Set Up Agency Location Codes ..................................................................................... 169
Defining Agency Location Codes ......................................................................................................... 169
Maintaining Business Activity Types and Reporter Category Codes ................................................... 170
(USF) Setting Up Memo Status Codes ....................................................................................................... 171
Understanding Memo Status Codes ..................................................................................................... 171
Page Used to Set Up Memo Status Codes ............................................................................................. 172
Setting Up User-Defined Fields .................................................................................................................. 172

Chapter 6

Setting Up Correspondence Options ........................................................................................................ 175

Setting Up Statement Processing ................................................................................................................ 175

Understanding Statement IDs ............................................................................................................... 175
Page Used to Set Up Statement IDs ...................................................................................................... 176
Setting Up Statement IDs ..................................................................................................................... 176
Adding Fields to Customer Statements ................................................................................................ 177
Setting Up Parallel Processing for Statements ............................................................................................ 178
Understanding Parallel Processing for Statements ............................................................................... 178
Pages Used to Set Up Parallel Processing for Statements .................................................................... 180
Defining the Maximum Instances for PSAdmin .................................................................................. 181
Defining the Maximum Concurrent Processes for the Server .............................................................. 181
Defining the Number of Parallel Processes ........................................................................................... 181
Adding More Parallel Processes to the AR_STMT Multiprocess Job .................................................. 182
Adding Additional Statements Process Definitions ............................................................................. 183
Setting Up Dunning Letter Processing ....................................................................................................... 183
Understanding Dunning Letter Setup ................................................................................................... 183
Pages Used to Set Up Dunning Letter Processing ................................................................................ 185
Defining Letter Codes and Letter Content ........................................................................................... 185
Defining Dunning IDs .......................................................................................................................... 186
Defining Dunning Levels ..................................................................................................................... 187
Changing Dunning Letter Layouts ....................................................................................................... 188
Setting Up Follow-Up Letter Processing .................................................................................................... 191
Page Used to Set Up Follow-Up Letter Codes ...................................................................................... 191
Setting Up Follow-Up Letter Codes ..................................................................................................... 191
Modifying the Sample Follow-Up Letter ............................................................................................. 191
Setting Up Delivery Information for Correspondence ................................................................................ 192
Understanding Correspondence Delivery Setup ................................................................................... 193

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. vii

Pages Used to Set Up Delivery Information for Correspondence ......................................................... 193

Specifying the Preferred Delivery Method and the Email Address for a Contact ............................... 193
Entering Fax Information ...................................................................................................................... 193

Chapter 7

Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing .................................................................................... 195

Understanding Exception and Collection Processing Options ................................................................... 195

Setting Up Action Owners .......................................................................................................................... 196
Understanding Action Owners ............................................................................................................. 196
Prerequisite ............................................................................................................................................ 196
Common Elements Used in This Section .............................................................................................. 197
Pages Used to Set Up Action Owners ................................................................................................... 197
Setting Up Sales People ....................................................................................................................... 198
Setting Up Workflow Notification for Action Owners ................................................................................ 199
Understanding Workflow Notification Setup ....................................................................................... 199
Pages Used to Set Up Workflow Notification for Action Owners ........................................................ 200
Setting Up Exception Reasons and Collection Codes ................................................................................ 200
Understanding Exception Reasons and Collection Codes ................................................................... 201
Pages Used to Set Up Exception Reasons and Collection Codes ......................................................... 202
Setting Up Deduction Reasons ............................................................................................................. 202
Setting Up Dispute Reasons ................................................................................................................. 203
Setting Up Collection Codes ................................................................................................................ 204
Setting Up Hold and Message Codes for Credit Holds .............................................................................. 204
Understanding Hold and Message Codes ............................................................................................. 205
Pages Used to Define Hold and Message Codes for Credit Holds ....................................................... 205
Defining Hold Codes ............................................................................................................................. 205
Defining Messages Codes for Credit Holds .......................................................................................... 205
Setting Up Conditions .................................................................................................................................. 207
Understanding Conditions .................................................................................................................... 207
Pages Used to Set Up Conditions .......................................................................................................... 210
Setting Up System-Defined Conditions ................................................................................................ 211
Setting Up User-Defined Conditions .................................................................................................... 214
Reordering Condition Priorities ............................................................................................................ 214
Setting Up Actions and Action Templates .................................................................................................. 215
Understanding Actions and Action Templates ...................................................................................... 215
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................................... 217
Pages Used to Set Up Actions and Action Templates .......................................................................... 217
Reviewing or Defining Action Definitions ........................................................................................... 217
Defining Action Templates ................................................................................................................... 218
Assigning Customers to a Collection Group .............................................................................................. 220
Setting Up Collection and Assessment Rules ............................................................................................. 221
Understanding Collection and Assessment Rules ................................................................................ 221

viii Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................................... 222

Common Element Used in This Section ............................................................................................... 222
Pages Used to Define Collection and Assessment Rules ...................................................................... 223
Defining Schedules ............................................................................................................................... 223
Setting Up Collection Rules .................................................................................................................. 224
Defining Assessment Rules Without SQL ............................................................................................ 226
Defining Assessment Rules Using SQL ................................................................................................ 230
Setting Up Promise Date Options for a Customer ....................................................................................... 232
Understanding Promise Date Options ................................................................................................... 232
Page Used to Define Promise Date Options .......................................................................................... 232
Defining Promise Date Options ............................................................................................................ 233
Setting Up Risk Scoring Rules .................................................................................................................... 234
Understanding Risk Scoring Rules ....................................................................................................... 234
Pages Used to Set Up Risk Scoring Rules ............................................................................................ 235
Defining Risk Scoring Rules ................................................................................................................. 235
Entering Risk Scoring Range Values .................................................................................................... 237
Implementing Self-Service Web Components ............................................................................................ 238
Understanding Self-Service Web Components .................................................................................... 238
Setting Up Brokers and Customers for Self-Service Transactions ...................................................... 240
Setting Up Sales People for Self-Service Transactions ....................................................................... 241

Chapter 8

Setting Up History and Aging ................................................................................................................... 243

Understanding History Calculations ........................................................................................................... 243

Customer History Calculations in the Receivable Update Process ...................................................... 243
Customer History Calculations in the Aging Process .......................................................................... 247
Setting Up History IDs ................................................................................................................................ 248
Pages Used to Set Up History IDs ........................................................................................................ 248
Reviewing System-Defined History IDs .............................................................................................. 248
Defining User-Defined History IDs ..................................................................................................... 249
Setting Up Aging ........................................................................................................................................ 250
Understanding Aging Setup ................................................................................................................. 250
Page Used to Define Aging IDs ............................................................................................................ 251
Setting Up Aging IDs ........................................................................................................................... 251
Setting Up SubCustomer Qualifiers ............................................................................................................ 254
Understanding SubCustomer Qualifiers ................................................................................................ 254
Pages Used to Define SubCustomer Qualifiers ..................................................................................... 255
Setting Up Parallel Processing for Aging ................................................................................................... 255
Understanding Parallel Processing for the Aging Process ................................................................... 255
Pages Used to Set Up Parallel Processing for Aging ............................................................................ 257
Defining the Maximum Instances for PSAdmin .................................................................................. 258
Defining the Maximum Concurrent Processes for the Server .............................................................. 258

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. ix

Defining the Number of Parallel Processes ........................................................................................... 259

Adding More Parallel Processes to the AR_AGE Multiprocess Job .................................................... 259
Adding Additional Aging Process Definitions ..................................................................................... 260

Chapter 9

Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing .............................................................................................. 261

Understanding Payment Predictor Processing ............................................................................................ 261

Payment Predictor Process Flow .......................................................................................................... 262
Algorithms and Methods ...................................................................................................................... 263
Payment Predictor and Multicurrency Processing ............................................................................... 264
Item-Level Adjustments and Reference Values ................................................................................... 265
Payment Predictor Multiprocess Job .................................................................................................... 266
Defining Algorithm Groups ........................................................................................................................ 267
Understanding Algorithm Groups ........................................................................................................ 267
Understanding Payment Predictor Modes ............................................................................................ 268
Understanding Sample Algorithm Groups ........................................................................................... 270
Viewing Algorithm Groups .................................................................................................................. 277
Deactivating an Algorithm in an Algorithm Group ............................................................................. 281
Adding an Algorithm Group ................................................................................................................ 281
Using #DETAIL and #DTL_TLR for Partial Payments and Deductions ............................................ 282
Using #DTL_PM and #DTL_TPM to Handle Unmatched Payments .................................................. 287
Using the #OVERDUE Algorithm Group ........................................................................................... 288
Reviewing Payment Predictor and Special Conditions ........................................................................ 290
Defining Payment Predictor Methods ......................................................................................................... 292
Understanding Payment Predictor Methods ......................................................................................... 292
Prerequisite ........................................................................................................................................... 294
Pages Used to Define a Payment Predictor Method ............................................................................. 294
Defining a Payment Predictor Method .................................................................................................. 294
Reviewing an Example of a Payment Predictor Method ..................................................................... 298
Setting Up Parallel Processing .................................................................................................................... 301
Understanding Parallel Processing for Payment Predictor .................................................................. 301
Pages Used to Set Up Parallel Processing ............................................................................................. 303
Defining the Maximum Instances for PSAdmin .................................................................................. 304
Defining the Maximum Concurrent Processes for the Server .............................................................. 304
Defining the Number of Parallel Processes ........................................................................................... 304
Adding More Parallel Processes to the AR_PP Multiprocess Job ........................................................ 305
Adding Additional Payment Predictor Process Definitions ................................................................. 306
Selecting Payments for Payment Predictor Processing ............................................................................... 306
Reviewing Payment Predictor Temporary Tables and Sections ................................................................. 308
Reviewing Temporary Tables ............................................................................................................... 308
Reviewing Payment Predictor Sections and SQL Statements ............................................................. 311

x Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 10

Setting Up Automatic Maintenance Processing ..................................................................................... 317

Understanding the Automatic Maintenance Process .................................................................................. 317

Setting Up Automatic Maintenance Methods ............................................................................................. 318
Understanding Automatic Maintenance Methods ................................................................................ 319
Pages Used to Set Up Automatic Maintenance Methods ...................................................................... 320
Identifying Automatic Maintenance Methods ....................................................................................... 320
Defining Automatic Maintenance Method Details ............................................................................... 322
Viewing a Sample Automatic Maintenance Method ........................................................................... 326
Defining Automatic Maintenance Algorithm Groups ................................................................................ 330
Understanding Automatic Maintenance Algorithm Groups ................................................................. 330
Adding a New Algorithm Group ........................................................................................................... 331

Chapter 11

Setting Up Draft Processing ..................................................................................................................... 333

Understanding Draft Processing ................................................................................................................. 333

Understanding the Draft Life Cycle ............................................................................................................ 334
Draft Life Cycle Overview .................................................................................................................... 334
Major Events in the Draft Life Cycle ................................................................................................... 335
Additional Draft Events ........................................................................................................................ 337
Understanding Draft Setup .......................................................................................................................... 338
Reviewing Business Events and Subevents ................................................................................................ 341
Understanding Business Events ........................................................................................................... 342
Pages Used to Review Business Events and Subevents ........................................................................ 344
Reviewing Business Events for Drafts .................................................................................................. 344
Reviewing Subevents for Drafts ........................................................................................................... 347
Defining Draft Transaction Types .............................................................................................................. 348
Page Used to Set Up Draft Transaction Types ...................................................................................... 348
Defining Draft Types .................................................................................................................................. 348
Understanding Draft Types .................................................................................................................. 349
Pages Used to Define Draft Types ........................................................................................................ 349
Setting Up Draft Types ......................................................................................................................... 350
Copying a Draft Type ........................................................................................................................... 356
Viewing Accounting Entry Setup ........................................................................................................ 356
Assigning Distribution Codes to a Draft Type ..................................................................................... 357
Assigning System Functions to Subevents ........................................................................................... 358
Defining Where Draft Documents Are Stored ............................................................................................ 359
Page Used to Define Where Draft Locations are Stored ....................................................................... 360
Defining Draft Locations ...................................................................................................................... 360

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. xi

Defining Draft Collection Methods ............................................................................................................ 360

Page Used to Define Collection Methods ............................................................................................. 360
Defining Collection Information ........................................................................................................... 360
Assigning Customers to Draft Groups ........................................................................................................ 361
Pages Used to Assign Customers to Draft Groups ................................................................................ 361
Creating a Draft Group .......................................................................................................................... 361
Assigning a Customer to a Draft Group ................................................................................................ 362
Setting Up Automatic Numbering for Draft Processing ............................................................................. 362
Setting Up Draft Reference Qualifiers ........................................................................................................ 362
Page Used to Set Up Reference Qualifiers ............................................................................................ 363
Setting Up Reference Qualifiers for Remitting Drafts .......................................................................... 363
Defining EFT Reason Codes and EFT File Layouts .................................................................................. 364
Understanding EFT Reason Codes ....................................................................................................... 364
Page Used to Define Reason Codes ...................................................................................................... 364
Adding Reason Codes .......................................................................................................................... 364
Setting Up EFT File Layouts ................................................................................................................ 365

Chapter 12

Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator ............................................................ 367

Understanding the Receivable Update Application Engine Process .......................................................... 367

Receivable Update Process ................................................................................................................... 367
Receivable Update Multiprocess Job ................................................................................................... 369
Receivable Update Processing Options ................................................................................................ 370
Accounting History and Accounting Periods ....................................................................................... 373
Understanding the Pending Group Generator Application Engine Process ............................................... 373
Setting Up Parallel Processing .................................................................................................................... 374
Understanding Parallel Processing for Receivable Update .................................................................. 374
Pages Used to Set Up Parallel Processing ............................................................................................. 378
Defining the Maximum Instances in PSAdmin .................................................................................... 378
Defining the Maximum Concurrent Processes for the Server .............................................................. 378
Defining the Number of Parallel Processes ........................................................................................... 379
Adding More Parallel Processes to the AR_PGG and AR_POST Multiprocess Jobs ......................... 379
Adding Additional Pending Group Generator and Posting Process Definitions ................................. 380
Setting Up Run Controls for Receivable Update ........................................................................................ 381
Understanding Run Control Setup ....................................................................................................... 382
Pages Used to Set Up Run Controls for Receivable Update ................................................................. 382
Creating Run Control IDs for Receivable Update ................................................................................ 383
Selecting Additional Processes to Run ................................................................................................. 384
Modifying Steps for AR_POST ............................................................................................................ 384
Modifying Steps for AR_PGG ............................................................................................................. 388

xii Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 13

Understanding Interunit and Intraunit Accounting and ChartField Inheritance ............................... 389

Interunit and Intraunit Accounting .............................................................................................................. 389

Interunit and Intraunit Overview ........................................................................................................... 389
Interunit and Intraunit Setup ................................................................................................................ 390
Interunit Accounting Entries ................................................................................................................. 391
Intraunit Accounting Entries ................................................................................................................. 393
ChartField Inheritance ................................................................................................................................. 396
Inheritance Setup .................................................................................................................................. 396
Inheritance Accounting Entries ............................................................................................................ 398
Anchor Lines for Transactions ..................................................................................................................... 398

Chapter 14

Performing Data Conversion ................................................................................................................... 401

Understanding Customer Data Conversion ................................................................................................. 401

Understanding Pending Data Conversion ................................................................................................... 401
Understanding Posted Customer History Data Conversion ........................................................................ 402
Understanding Item and Payment Conversion ............................................................................................ 403
Conversion of Open and Closed Items ................................................................................................. 403
Transaction Detail for Items ................................................................................................................. 404
Payment Conversion ............................................................................................................................ 404
Line Item Feature ................................................................................................................................. 406
Key Dates ............................................................................................................................................. 407
Reference Fields .................................................................................................................................... 407
User-Defined Fields ............................................................................................................................. 408
Your Accounting Entry Approach ....................................................................................................... 410
Group Design and Size ......................................................................................................................... 412
Multiple Currencies .............................................................................................................................. 413
Performing Data Conversion Using the DC_PENDITEM_CI Component Interface ................................ 413
Understanding the DC_PENDITEM_CI Component Interface ............................................................ 414
Running the Component Interface Conversion Process ........................................................................ 414
Verifying That the Data Conversion Is Successful ............................................................................... 414
Posting the Items in PeopleSoft Receivables ........................................................................................ 415

Chapter 15

Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items ...................................................................... 417

Understanding Customer Data Integration ................................................................................................. 417

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. xiii

Receiving Information from a Billing System ............................................................................................ 419

Understanding PeopleSoft Receivables Pending Item Tables .............................................................. 419
Understanding Interface Tables ............................................................................................................ 420
Understanding Accounting Entry Creation .......................................................................................... 421
Populating Group Control Table Fields ............................................................................................... 423
Populating Pending Item Table Fields ................................................................................................. 431
Populating User-Defined Fields ........................................................................................................... 455
Populating Pending VAT Table Fields ................................................................................................ 457
(IND) Populating Pending Tax Table Fields for India ......................................................................... 461
Preventing Distribution of Accounting Entries for External Groups ................................................... 469
Creating Accounting Entries for External Groups ............................................................................... 469
Troubleshooting Missing Accounting Entries ...................................................................................... 476
Troubleshooting Receivable Update Error Messages .......................................................................... 477

Chapter 16

Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments ...................................................................................... 479

Understanding Electronic Payment Processing ........................................................................................... 479

Receiving Information from a Lockbox ...................................................................................................... 484
Understanding the Lockbox Interface ................................................................................................... 485
Header Record ...................................................................................................................................... 486
Service Record ..................................................................................................................................... 487
Lockbox Record ................................................................................................................................... 487
Batch Record (Record Type-1) ............................................................................................................ 489
Payment Detail 2 (Check Information) ................................................................................................ 490
Payment Detail 3 (Customer Information) ........................................................................................... 490
Payment Detail 4 (Customer Information) ........................................................................................... 491
Payment Detail 5 (Customer Information) ........................................................................................... 492
Payment Detail 6 (Customer Information) ........................................................................................... 493
Payment Detail 7 (Invoice Information) .............................................................................................. 494
Payment Detail 8 (Invoice Information) .............................................................................................. 495
Payment Detail 9 (Invoice Information) .............................................................................................. 496
Receiving Payments in an EDI File ............................................................................................................. 497

Chapter 17

Configuring Page Features ........................................................................................................................ 501

Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................. 501

Changing the Default Date on Customer Options Records ........................................................................ 501
Increasing the Number of Rows in a Grid .................................................................................................. 502
Understanding Row Limits in Grids .................................................................................................... 503
Page Used to Increase the Number of Rows in a Grid .......................................................................... 503

xiv Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Increasing the Number of Rows in a Grid ............................................................................................. 503

Changing Activity Types ............................................................................................................................ 503
Adding User History IDs to SetID and Business Unit History ................................................................... 504
Modifying View Text for History IDs .................................................................................................. 504
Modifying Views for the Customer History Page ................................................................................. 504
Modifying Views for the Unit History Page ......................................................................................... 507

Chapter 18

Entering Pending Items ............................................................................................................................ 509

Understanding Pending Item Entry ............................................................................................................. 509

Billing Interfaces .................................................................................................................................. 510
PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Order Management Interface ................................................. 510
Online Pending Item Entry ................................................................................................................... 512
Overdue Charges Groups ..................................................................................................................... 512
Accounting Entry Creation ................................................................................................................... 512
PeopleSoft Project Costing Integration ................................................................................................ 513
Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................ 514
Entering or Updating Pending Items ........................................................................................................... 515
Understanding Pending Item Components ........................................................................................... 516
Pages Used to Enter or Update Pending Items ...................................................................................... 517
Entering or Updating Group Control Information ............................................................................... 520
Completing the Pending Item 1 Page .................................................................................................... 523
Reviewing Summarized VAT Information .......................................................................................... 526
Reviewing VAT Header Defaults ......................................................................................................... 529
Reviewing VAT Line Information ........................................................................................................ 536
Completing the Pending Item 2 Page .................................................................................................... 543
Completing the Pending Item 3 Page .................................................................................................... 545
(IND) Entering Tax Information for India ............................................................................................ 546
(IND) Viewing Tax Detail for India ...................................................................................................... 549
Creating and Reviewing Accounting Entries Online ........................................................................... 550
Selecting a Group Action ..................................................................................................................... 553
Finding and Correcting Errors When Entering Receivables ....................................................................... 556
Reviewing Pending Item Groups ................................................................................................................. 556
Pages Used to Review Pending Item Groups ........................................................................................ 557

Chapter 19

Entering Payments .................................................................................................................................... 559

Understanding Payments and Deposits ....................................................................................................... 559

Bilateral Netting ................................................................................................................................... 561
Payment Status ..................................................................................................................................... 562

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. xv

Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................ 563

Entering Regular Deposits .......................................................................................................................... 563
Understanding Regular Deposits ........................................................................................................... 563
Pages Used to Enter Regular Deposits .................................................................................................. 564
Entering Regular Deposit Totals ........................................................................................................... 565
Entering Regular Deposit Payment Information ................................................................................... 566
Entering Payment Details for Items ..................................................................................................... 570
Correcting Balancing Errors ................................................................................................................. 571
Deleting a Deposit ................................................................................................................................ 571
Entering Express Deposits .......................................................................................................................... 571
Understanding Express Deposits .......................................................................................................... 571
Pages Used to Enter Express Deposits .................................................................................................. 572
Entering Express Deposit Totals ........................................................................................................... 573
Entering and Applying Payments with Express Deposit ...................................................................... 573
Selecting an Express Deposit Action .................................................................................................... 576
Correcting Express Deposit Balancing Errors ..................................................................................... 577
Creating Cash Control Accounting Entries ................................................................................................. 578
Understanding Cash Control Accounting ............................................................................................ 578
Pages Used to Create Cash Control Accounting Entries ....................................................................... 581
Running the Cash Control Application Engine Process ........................................................................ 582
Reviewing Cash Control Accounting Entries ....................................................................................... 582
Journaling Payments Directly to the General Ledger ................................................................................. 582
Understanding Direct Journal Payments ............................................................................................... 583
Common Elements Used in This Section .............................................................................................. 583
Pages Used to Journal Payments Directly to the General Ledger ......................................................... 583
Selecting Payments for Direct Journalling ............................................................................................ 584
Creating or Correcting Accounting Entries for Direct Journal Payments ............................................ 584
Reviewing and Modifying Accounting Entries for Direct Journal Payments ...................................... 589
Reconciling Payments on a Bank Statement .............................................................................................. 590

Chapter 20

Receiving Payments Electronically ........................................................................................................... 593

Understanding Electronic Payment Processing .......................................................................................... 593

Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................ 596
Receiving Lockbox Deposits ...................................................................................................................... 597
Understanding Lockbox Processing ...................................................................................................... 597
Understanding the Lockbox Deposit Process Flow ............................................................................. 598
Pages Used to Receive Lockbox Deposits ............................................................................................ 599
Running the Lockbox SQR Process ..................................................................................................... 599
Running the Payment Loader Application Engine Process ................................................................. 600
Reviewing Lockbox Deposit Control Information ................................................................................ 600
Using Electronic Banking to Process Payments ......................................................................................... 600

xvi Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Understanding Electronic Banking ....................................................................................................... 601

Prerequisites .......................................................................................................................................... 603
Pages Used to Process Payments Using ElectronicBanking ................................................................. 603
Loading Unreconciled Payments for Individual Statements ................................................................ 603
Loading Unreconciled Payments for All Statements ........................................................................... 604
Using EDI and Split Stream Processing ..................................................................................................... 604
Understanding EDI Processing ............................................................................................................ 604
Understanding Split Stream Processing ............................................................................................... 605
Understanding the EDI Payment Process Flow ................................................................................... 607
Understanding Business Unit Determination ........................................................................................ 607
Prerequisites .......................................................................................................................................... 607
Pages Used for EDI and Split Stream Processing ................................................................................. 608
Loading Business Documents into Staging Tables .............................................................................. 608
Confirming That Data Loaded Successfully ........................................................................................ 610
Running the Payment Loader Application Engine Process ................................................................. 610
Deleting Unmatched Customer or Item Remittances ........................................................................... 612
Receiving Cash Drawer Payments .............................................................................................................. 612
Understanding Cash Drawer Receipt Processing ................................................................................. 612
Page Used to Receive Cash Drawer Payments ..................................................................................... 614
Updating Payment Application Tables ................................................................................................. 614
Receiving and Editing Spreadsheet Payments ............................................................................................ 614
Understanding Spreadsheet Payments .................................................................................................. 615
Prerequisites .......................................................................................................................................... 622
Pages Used to Receive and Edit Spreadsheet Payments ....................................................................... 623
Setting Up Spreadsheet Payments ........................................................................................................ 624
Entering Spreadsheet Payments ........................................................................................................... 626
Editing and Processing Spreadsheet Payments .................................................................................... 627
Running the Payment Loader Process .................................................................................................. 627
Reviewing Errors in Spreadsheet Payments ......................................................................................... 627
Correcting Errors in Spreadsheet Payments ......................................................................................... 629
Correcting Errors in Spreadsheet Payment References ........................................................................ 629
(JPN) Receiving EFT Payments ................................................................................................................. 630
Understanding the EFT Payment Process Flow .................................................................................... 630
Prerequisite ............................................................................................................................................ 630
Pages Used to Receive EFT Payments .................................................................................................. 631
Loading EFT Payment Files ................................................................................................................. 631
Running the Payment Loader Application Engine Process ................................................................. 631
Checking Electronic Payment Errors .......................................................................................................... 632
Understanding Electronic Payment Errors ............................................................................................ 632
Pages Used to Check Electronic Payment Errors .................................................................................. 632
Correcting Errors .......................................................................................................................................... 633
Understanding Error Correction ............................................................................................................ 633
Pages Used to Correct Errors ................................................................................................................ 634
Correcting Duplicate Deposits .............................................................................................................. 635

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. xvii

Chapter 21

Applying Payments ................................................................................................................................... 637

Understanding Payment Application Options ............................................................................................ 637

Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................ 637
Running the Payment Predictor Application Engine Process ..................................................................... 638
Understanding Payment Predictor Processing ..................................................................................... 638
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................................... 639
Pages Used to Run the Payment Predictor Application Engine Process ............................................... 640
Resetting the Payment Predictor Process .............................................................................................. 640
Restarting the Payment Predictor Process ............................................................................................. 640
Reviewing Payment Predictor Process Results ........................................................................................... 641
Understanding Payment Predictor Payment Status .............................................................................. 641
Pages Used to Review Payment Predictor Process Results .................................................................. 641
Applying Payments Using Payment Worksheets ....................................................................................... 642
Understanding Worksheet Creation and Modification ......................................................................... 643
Pages Used to Apply Payments Using Payment Worksheets ............................................................... 644
Building a Payment Worksheet ............................................................................................................ 645
Entering Item References for the Payment ........................................................................................... 649
Using Payment Worksheets to Apply Payments .................................................................................. 650
Reviewing Item List Detail 1 Summary Information ............................................................................ 658
Reviewing Item List Detail 2 Summary Information ............................................................................ 660
Reviewing Item List Detail 3 Summary Information ............................................................................ 662
Reviewing the Item List Detail 4 Summary Information ..................................................................... 663
Viewing the Item List Detail 5 Summary Information ......................................................................... 664
Viewing the Item List Detail 6 Summary Information ......................................................................... 667
Distributing Amounts for Multiple Revenue Lines for Control Budgets ............................................. 668
Viewing and Updating Item Details ...................................................................................................... 670
Converting the Payment Amount to a Different Currency ................................................................... 672
Selecting a Payment Worksheet Action ............................................................................................... 673
Handling Returned Payments ............................................................................................................... 675
Approving Write-Off Amounts Using Workflow ........................................................................................ 676
Pages Used to Approve Write-Off Amounts Using Workflow ............................................................. 680
Creating and Updating Accounting Entries ................................................................................................. 682
Page Used to Create and Update Accounting Entries ........................................................................... 683
Looking Up Information About Payments ................................................................................................. 684
Pages Used to Look Up Information About Payments ......................................................................... 684

Chapter 22

Managing Credit Card Payments ............................................................................................................. 687

xviii Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Understanding Credit Card Processing ....................................................................................................... 687

Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................ 690
Creating Credit Card Payments Using Item Inquiries ................................................................................ 690
Understanding Creating Credit Card Payments from Inquiries ............................................................ 690
Page Used to Enter and Transmit Credit Card Data .............................................................................. 692
Entering and Transmitting Credit Card Data ....................................................................................... 693
Creating Credit Card Payments Using the Credit Card Worksheet ............................................................ 697
Understanding Credit Card Worksheet Creation and Modification ..................................................... 697
Pages Used to Create Credit Card Payments Using Credit Card Worksheets ...................................... 698
Building a Credit Card Worksheet ....................................................................................................... 700
Using Credit Card Worksheets to Select Items to Pay by Credit Card ................................................ 702
Viewing and Updating Item Details ...................................................................................................... 709
Selecting a Credit Card Worksheet Action .......................................................................................... 711
Creating Credit Card Payments in Batch .................................................................................................... 712
Understanding the Credit Card Processor ............................................................................................. 712
Page Used to Create Credit Card Payments in Batch ............................................................................ 713
Running the Credit Card Processor ....................................................................................................... 713
Resolving Credit Card Payment Exceptions ............................................................................................... 714
Page Used to Resolve Credit Card Payment Exceptions ...................................................................... 714
Using the Credit Card Workbench ........................................................................................................ 715
Handling Disputed Credit Card Charges .............................................................................................. 716

Chapter 23

Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information ...................................................................................... 719

Changing and Reviewing Item Information ................................................................................................ 719

Understanding Item Maintenance ........................................................................................................ 719
Prerequisites .......................................................................................................................................... 720
Common Elements Used in This Section .............................................................................................. 720
Pages Used to Change and Review Item Information ........................................................................... 720
Changing Discount, Payment, and Draft Options and Customer Relationship Information ................ 723
Updating Reference, Contact, and Shipping Information ..................................................................... 727
Updating User-Defined Information ..................................................................................................... 731
Reviewing Item Activity ....................................................................................................................... 731
Reviewing Item Activity for a Match Group ........................................................................................ 733
Reviewing VAT Entries ........................................................................................................................ 733
Reviewing Item Accounting Entries ..................................................................................................... 734
Reviewing Audit History for an Item .................................................................................................... 736
Splitting Exception Items ............................................................................................................................. 736
Understanding Item Splitting ................................................................................................................ 737
Pages Used to Split Items ...................................................................................................................... 737
Splitting an Item .................................................................................................................................... 737
Updating Multiple Items .............................................................................................................................. 739

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Understanding the Multiple-Item Update Options ............................................................................... 739

Pages Used to Update Multiple Items ................................................................................................... 741
Changing Field Values for Selected Items ............................................................................................ 741
Running the Mass Change Process ....................................................................................................... 742
Adding a Reference Reason to a Posted Item .............................................................................................. 742
Page Used to Add a Reference Reason to a Posted Item ...................................................................... 743
Adding a Reference Reason to an Item ................................................................................................. 743

Chapter 24

Maintaining Customer Account Balances ............................................................................................... 745

Understanding Customer Account Maintenance ........................................................................................ 745

Write-Off Tolerances ........................................................................................................................... 746
Write-Off Approvals ............................................................................................................................. 746
Process Flow ........................................................................................................................................ 747
Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................ 747
Maintaining Customer Accounts Using the Automatic Maintenance Process(AR_AUTOMNT) .............. 748
Understanding Automatic Maintenance ............................................................................................... 748
Common Elements Used in This Section .............................................................................................. 749
Pages Used to Maintain Accounts Using the Automatic Maintenance Process .................................... 749
Running the Automatic Maintenance Process ...................................................................................... 750
Running the Actual Matches Report ..................................................................................................... 751
Running the Potential Matches Report .................................................................................................. 751
Maintaining Customer Accounts Using Worksheets .................................................................................. 751
Understanding How to Use the Maintenance Worksheet .................................................................... 752
Common Element Used in This Section ............................................................................................... 753
Pages Used to Maintain Customer Accounts Using Worksheets .......................................................... 753
Building a Maintenance Worksheet ..................................................................................................... 755
Specifying Matching Criteria ............................................................................................................... 759
Using the Worksheet to Maintain Items Individually ........................................................................... 761
Maintaining Items in Match Groups ..................................................................................................... 767
Viewing and Updating Item Details ...................................................................................................... 771
Distributing Multiple Revenue Lines ................................................................................................... 771
Choosing a Worksheet Action .............................................................................................................. 771
Reviewing Accounting Entries and Correcting Errors ............................................................................... 773
Pages Used to Review Accounting Entries and Correct Errors ............................................................ 774
Processing Refunds ..................................................................................................................................... 774
Understanding Refund Processing ....................................................................................................... 775
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................................... 776
Pages Used to Process Refunds ............................................................................................................. 776
Creating Refunds .................................................................................................................................. 777
Posting Refunds .................................................................................................................................... 777
Running the Receivable Refunds Process ............................................................................................ 778

xx Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 25

Transferring Receivables .......................................................................................................................... 779

Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................ 779

Common Elements Used in This Chapter ............................................................................................. 780
Transferring Items to Another Customer or Business Unit ........................................................................ 780
Understanding Customer and Business Unit Transfers ......................................................................... 780
Pages Used to Transfer Items to Another Customer or Business Unit ................................................. 781
Building a Customer or Business Unit Transfer Worksheet ................................................................ 783
Selecting the To Customer, Business Unit, and Items ......................................................................... 784
Modifying Item Information ................................................................................................................ 787
Selecting a Transfer Worksheet Action ................................................................................................ 788
Transferring Doubtful Receivables ............................................................................................................. 789
Understanding Doubtful Receivables Transfers .................................................................................... 790
Pages Used to Transfer Doubtful Receivables ...................................................................................... 790
Building a Transfer Worksheet for Doubtful Receivables ................................................................... 791
Transferring Items to a Doubtful Receivables Account ....................................................................... 791
Modifying the Distribution Code ......................................................................................................... 791
Choosing an Action for a Doubtful Receivables Worksheet ................................................................ 792
Reviewing and Updating Accounting Entries ............................................................................................. 792
Understanding Accounting Entry Updates for Transfers ...................................................................... 792
Pages Used to Review and Update Accounting Entries ........................................................................ 793

Chapter 26

Managing Drafts ........................................................................................................................................ 795

Understanding Draft Processing ................................................................................................................. 795

Vendor-Initiated Draft Process Flow ................................................................................................... 796
Customer-Initiated Process Flow ......................................................................................................... 797
EFT Draft Process Flow ....................................................................................................................... 798
Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................ 799
Common Elements Used in This Chapter ............................................................................................. 801
Entering Drafts into PeopleSoft Receivables .............................................................................................. 801
Understanding the Create Drafts Process .............................................................................................. 802
Common Elements in This Section ....................................................................................................... 803
Pages Used to Enter Drafts .................................................................................................................... 803
Creating Vendor-Initiated Drafts ......................................................................................................... 804
Entering One Customer-Initiated Draft ................................................................................................ 805
Entering Multiple Customer-Initiated Drafts ....................................................................................... 807
Loading Drafts Using an EFT File ....................................................................................................... 808
Correcting Errors in EFT Drafts ........................................................................................................... 808

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. xxi

Using Worksheets to Approve or Reject Drafts .......................................................................................... 809

Understanding Draft Approval Worksheets ......................................................................................... 809
Pages Used to Approve or Reject Drafts ............................................................................................... 809
Building a Draft Worksheet ................................................................................................................. 811
Using a Draft Worksheet to Approve One Draft .................................................................................. 814
Distributing Multiple Revenue Lines ................................................................................................... 819
Viewing Item Details ............................................................................................................................ 819
Building a Draft Approval Worksheet for Approving Multiple Drafts ................................................ 821
Using a Draft Approval Worksheet to Approve Multiple Drafts ......................................................... 823
Identifying Drafts Used as Collateral .......................................................................................................... 823
Page Used for Identifying Drafts Used as Collateral ............................................................................ 824
Using Drafts as Collateral ..................................................................................................................... 824
Endorsing Drafts to Another Party .............................................................................................................. 824
Page Used for Endorsing Drafts ............................................................................................................ 825
Endorsing Drafts ................................................................................................................................... 825
Remitting Drafts to the Bank ...................................................................................................................... 825
Pages Used to Remit Drafts .................................................................................................................. 826
Building a Draft Remittance Worksheet .............................................................................................. 827
Using a Draft Remittance Worksheet to Select Drafts ......................................................................... 830
Changing Remittance Details ............................................................................................................... 832
Entering Bank Fees for Discounted Drafts .......................................................................................... 833
Creating EFT Files for Remitting Drafts .............................................................................................. 833
Creating an EFT File Cover Sheet ....................................................................................................... 834
Canceling an EFT File for Draft Remittances ...................................................................................... 834
Receiving Confirmation from the Bank ............................................................................................... 834
Correcting Drafts Not Matched in the Bank EFT File ......................................................................... 834
Running the EFT Draft Inbound Exception Report ............................................................................. 835
Dishonoring Drafts ...................................................................................................................................... 835
Understanding Dishonored Draft Processing ........................................................................................ 835
Pages Used to Dishonor Drafts ............................................................................................................. 836
Building a Dishonor Draft Worksheet .................................................................................................. 836
Selecting Drafts to Dishonor ................................................................................................................. 839
Handling the Outstanding Debt on a Dishonored Draft ....................................................................... 840
Voiding Drafts ............................................................................................................................................ 840
Understanding the Draft Void Process .................................................................................................. 840
Pages Used to Void Drafts .................................................................................................................... 841
Building a Void Draft Worksheet ......................................................................................................... 841
Using a Void Draft Worksheet to Void Drafts ...................................................................................... 841
Canceling Draft Remittances ...................................................................................................................... 842
Understanding the Cancel Remittance Process ..................................................................................... 842
Pages Used to Cancel Draft Remittances .............................................................................................. 842
Building a Cancel Remittance Worksheet ............................................................................................ 843
Using a Cancel Remittance Worksheet to Cancel Remittances ............................................................ 843
Reconciling Drafts on a Bank Statement .................................................................................................... 843
Unposting Drafts ......................................................................................................................................... 844

xxii Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Understanding How to Review and Correct Draft Accounting Entries ...................................................... 844
Reviewing Draft Information ...................................................................................................................... 846
Pages Used to Review Drafts ................................................................................................................ 846
Reviewing All Drafts ............................................................................................................................ 847

Chapter 27

Managing Direct Debits ............................................................................................................................ 849

Understanding Direct Debit Processing ...................................................................................................... 849

Remittance Methods ............................................................................................................................. 849
Direct Debit Process Flow ..................................................................................................................... 850
Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................ 851
Common Elements Used in This Chapter ............................................................................................. 852
Creating and Working with Direct Debits .................................................................................................. 853
Understanding the Create Direct Debits Application Engine Process ................................................. 853
Understanding the Set Up and Processing of Direct Debits with Prenotes ........................................... 854
Pages Used to Create and Work with Direct Debits ............................................................................. 859
Creating Direct Debits .......................................................................................................................... 860
Using Direct Debit Worksheets to Manage Direct Debits ................................................................... 862
Maintaining Direct Debit Details ......................................................................................................... 864
Cancelling Direct Debits ............................................................................................................................. 867
Understanding Direct Debit Cancellations ............................................................................................ 867
Pages Used to Cancel Direct Debits ...................................................................................................... 868
Selecting and Cancelling Direct Debits ................................................................................................ 868
Remitting Direct Debits to the Bank ........................................................................................................... 869
Understanding the Direct Debit Remit Process .................................................................................... 870
Pages Used to Remit Direct Debits to the Bank .................................................................................... 873
Entering Override Options for the Format EFT File Process ................................................................ 875
Generating an EFT File for Direct Debits on a Worksheet .................................................................. 875
Generating an EFT File for All Direct Debits ...................................................................................... 876
Generating a Cover Sheet for an EFT File ........................................................................................... 877
Cancelling an EFT File ........................................................................................................................ 877
Receiving Confirmation from the Bank EFT File ................................................................................ 877
Correcting Direct Debits Not Matched in the Bank EFT File .............................................................. 878
Running the EFT Direct Debit Inbound Exception Report (AR3750X) .............................................. 878
Emailing The Direct Debit Remittance Advice .................................................................................... 879
Reviewing Accounting Entries and Correcting Errors ............................................................................... 879
Reviewing Direct Debits ............................................................................................................................. 879
Pages Used to Inquire on Direct Debits ................................................................................................ 880
Reviewing Direct Debit Control Information ....................................................................................... 880

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. xxiii

Chapter 28

Posting and Unposting Groups ................................................................................................................. 883

Understanding Posting and Unposting ........................................................................................................ 883

Posting Process Flow ........................................................................................................................... 884
Setting Groups to Post ................................................................................................................................ 885
Understanding How to Set Groups to Post ............................................................................................ 885
Pages Used to Set Groups to Post ......................................................................................................... 886
Running Receivable Update ........................................................................................................................ 887
Understanding How to Restart or Reset Receivable Update ................................................................. 887
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................................... 888
Pages Used to Run Receivable Update ................................................................................................. 889
Viewing the Job Message Log Summary ............................................................................................. 889
Restarting the Receivable Update Multiprocess Job ............................................................................. 890
Resetting the Receivable Update Multiprocess Job .............................................................................. 890
Reviewing Posting Results ......................................................................................................................... 890
Understanding Posting Result Inquiry Pages ........................................................................................ 890
Pages Used to Review Posting Results ................................................................................................. 893
Correcting Posting Errors ........................................................................................................................... 894
Unposting Groups ....................................................................................................................................... 903
Understanding Unposting and the Unpost Components ....................................................................... 903
Prerequisite ........................................................................................................................................... 905
Pages Used to Unpost Groups ............................................................................................................... 905
Selecting Groups to Unpost .................................................................................................................. 906
Reviewing Group Control Information ................................................................................................ 908
Specifying Unpost Options .................................................................................................................. 908
Selecting an Unpost Action .................................................................................................................. 909
Running the AR Rebate Notification Process ............................................................................................. 910
Understanding the AR Rebate Notification Process ............................................................................. 910
Page Used to Run the AR Rebate Notification Process ........................................................................ 911

Chapter 29

Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables ..................................................... 913

Understanding Revenue Estimate Processing ............................................................................................. 913

Revenue Estimate Processing ................................................................................................................ 913
The Revenue Estimate Application Engine Process ............................................................................ 915
Special Condition Handling During the Revenue Estimate Process ..................................................... 915
Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................ 920
Performing Commitment Control Processing .............................................................................................. 921
Understanding the Commitment Control Process Flow ....................................................................... 921

xxiv Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Understanding Budget Checking Error Correction and Warnings ....................................................... 922

Common Elements Used in This Section .............................................................................................. 923
Pages Used for Commitment Control Processing ................................................................................. 925
Reviewing Revenue Estimate Entries .................................................................................................. 927
Correcting Revenue Estimate Entries .................................................................................................. 928
Running the Revenue Estimate Process ............................................................................................... 930
Running the Budget Processor ............................................................................................................. 931
Viewing Budget Checking Exceptions for Revenue Estimate Source Transactions ........................... 931
Viewing Direct Journal Exceptions ...................................................................................................... 932

Chapter 30

Processing Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Receivables .................................................................. 933

Understanding Multicurrency Processing ................................................................................................... 933

Types of Currency ................................................................................................................................ 933
Currency Calculations ........................................................................................................................... 934
Understanding Multicurrency Processing for Items ................................................................................... 935
Item Entry ............................................................................................................................................. 935
Maintenance Worksheets ..................................................................................................................... 936
Automatic Maintenance ....................................................................................................................... 936
Transfer Worksheets ............................................................................................................................ 936
Understanding Multicurrency Processing for Payments ............................................................................. 936
Deposit and Payment Entry ................................................................................................................... 937
Payment Worksheets ............................................................................................................................ 937
Payment Predictor ................................................................................................................................ 937
Draft Worksheets .................................................................................................................................. 938
Understanding Realized Gain and Loss Processing .................................................................................... 938
Understanding Multicurrency Processing for Statements, Dunning Letters, and Overdue Charges .......... 939
Understanding Multicurrency Processing in History and Aging ................................................................ 939
Understanding Accounting Entries for Multicurrency Transactions .......................................................... 940
Multibook Processing ........................................................................................................................... 940
Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................ 944
Revaluing Transactions ............................................................................................................................... 945
Understanding the Revaluation Application Engine Process ................................................................ 945
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................................... 948
Pages Used to Revalue Transactions ..................................................................................................... 949
Running the Revaluation Application Engine Process ......................................................................... 949
Reviewing Revaluation Accounting Entries ........................................................................................ 950

Chapter 31

Using Document Sequencing in PeopleSoft Receivables ........................................................................ 951

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. xxv

Understanding Document Sequencing ........................................................................................................ 951

PeopleSoft Receivables Document Types ............................................................................................ 952
PeopleSoft Receivables Group Types and Document Types ............................................................... 952
Document Types and Receivables Accounting Entries ....................................................................... 952
Understanding Document Sequencing with PeopleSoft Receivables Transactions .................................... 953
Overdue Charges .................................................................................................................................. 953
Payments .............................................................................................................................................. 953
Drafts .................................................................................................................................................... 954
Direct Debits ........................................................................................................................................ 954
Maintenance Worksheets and Transfer Worksheets ............................................................................ 955
Posting and Unposting ......................................................................................................................... 955
Interunit Accounting Entries ................................................................................................................ 956
Changing Document Types and Document Sequence Numbers ................................................................ 956
Changing or Deleting Documents with Document Sequence Numbers ..................................................... 956

Chapter 32

Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables .................................................................... 959

VAT in PeopleSoft Receivables ................................................................................................................. 959

VAT Information and Defaults ............................................................................................................ 960
VAT Accounting Entries ...................................................................................................................... 961
VAT Validation ..................................................................................................................................... 962
Transaction Processing and Reporting ................................................................................................. 963
VAT Transaction Table ........................................................................................................................ 964
VAT Reports ........................................................................................................................................ 964
Domestic Reverse Charge Goods VAT ................................................................................................ 964
PeopleSoft Billing Integration for VAT Processing ................................................................................... 965
VAT Calculation Types and Declaration Points ......................................................................................... 966
Gross or Net Calculation Type .............................................................................................................. 966
Invoice, Delivery, Accounting Date, or Payment Declaration Point .................................................... 966
Calculation Type and Declaration Point Combinations ........................................................................ 967
VAT Calculations for Advance Payments and On-Account Payments ...................................................... 969
VAT Declaration Point Set to Payment, Prepayment Applied on Payment Worksheet ....................... 970
VAT Declaration Point Set to Payment, Prepayment Offset on Maintenance Worksheet ................... 971
VAT Declaration Point Set to Payment, Prepayment Applied on Direct Debit Worksheet ................. 973
VAT Declaration Point Set to Payment with VAT Rate Changes ........................................................ 981
VAT Declaration Point Set to Accounting Date ................................................................................... 985
VAT Declaration Point Set to Invoice .................................................................................................. 986
VAT Declaration Point Set to Delivery ................................................................................................ 988
VAT Adjustment for Advance Payments and On-Account Payments ........................................................ 989
Applying VAT Adjustment for Prepayments ........................................................................................ 989
Recording the Transfer of Prepayments Between Business Units ........................................................ 995
VAT Calculations for Drafts and Direct Debits ........................................................................................ 1003

xxvi Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

VAT Calculations for Discounts ............................................................................................................... 1004

VAT Declaration Point Set to Invoice with the VAT Recalculation Flag On .................................... 1004
VAT Declaration Point Set to Invoice with the VAT Recalculation Flag Off .................................... 1005
VAT Calculations for Write-Offs .............................................................................................................. 1006
VAT Declaration Point Set to Invoice for Debit and Credit Items ..................................................... 1006
VAT Declaration Point Set to Payment .............................................................................................. 1008
VAT Declaration Point Set to Invoice for Underpayments and Overpayments ................................. 1009
VAT Calculations for Credits That Offset Debits .................................................................................... 1011
VAT Calculations for Credit Item Refunds .............................................................................................. 1012
VAT Declaration Point Is Set to Invoice ............................................................................................ 1012
VAT Declaration Point Is Set to Payment .......................................................................................... 1014
Prerequisite Setup for VAT Processing .................................................................................................... 1016
(IND) Excise Duty, Sales Tax, and VAT Processing for India ................................................................ 1017
(IND) Prerequisite Setup for Excise Duty, Sales Tax, and VAT Processing in India .............................. 1018

Chapter 33

Researching Customer Accounts ............................................................................................................ 1019

Common Elements Used in This Chapter ........................................................................................... 1019

Maintaining Customer Contact Information ............................................................................................. 1020
Reviewing Customer Account Information .............................................................................................. 1020
Understanding the Account Overview Component ........................................................................... 1020
Common Elements Used in This Section ............................................................................................ 1021
Pages Used to Review Customer Account Information ...................................................................... 1021
Reviewing Customer Balances ............................................................................................................ 1024
Excluding Exception and Collection Items from Balances ................................................................. 1028
Viewing Aging Information in a Chart ............................................................................................... 1028
Reviewing a Customer's Profile .......................................................................................................... 1029
Reviewing Customer Trends .............................................................................................................. 1031
Viewing Trend Information in a Chart ................................................................................................ 1032
Reviewing Additional Customer Account Information ............................................................................. 1032
Common Elements Used in This Section ............................................................................................ 1033
Pages Used to Review Additional Customer Account Information .................................................... 1033
Reviewing Customer History ............................................................................................................. 1035
Reviewing Customer History in a Chart ............................................................................................. 1036
Reviewing the Customer Hierarchy .................................................................................................... 1036
Reviewing Draft Information ............................................................................................................. 1037
Reviewing Aged Customer Accounts ................................................................................................. 1037
Viewing Activities for Customers ....................................................................................................... 1038
Viewing Customers' Direct Journal Payments .................................................................................... 1038

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. xxvii

Chapter 34

Researching Receivables .......................................................................................................................... 1041

Common Elements Used in This Chapter ........................................................................................... 1041

Reviewing Item Information ..................................................................................................................... 1041
Understanding Item Searches and Item Lists ..................................................................................... 1042
Pages Used to Review Item Information ............................................................................................. 1042
Researching a Customer's Items .......................................................................................................... 1042
Entering Search Criteria ...................................................................................................................... 1046
Reviewing Item Activity Information ....................................................................................................... 1050
Pages Used to Review Item Activity Information .............................................................................. 1050
Reviewing Receivables Activity for a Business Unit ............................................................................... 1051
Pages Used to Review Receivables Activity for a Business Unit ....................................................... 1052
Viewing Activity by Business Unit ..................................................................................................... 1053
Viewing Business Unit History in a Chart .......................................................................................... 1055
Generating the Receivables Activity Report ....................................................................................... 1056
Reviewing the Source Accounting Entries for Journal Lines ................................................................... 1057
Understanding How to Drill Down from Journal Lines ...................................................................... 1057
Pages Used to Review Accounting Entries from General Ledger ...................................................... 1057
Linking Drilldown Pages with Accounting Entry Definitions ............................................................ 1058

Chapter 35

Understanding Exception and Collection Processing ........................................................................... 1061

Deduction Processing ................................................................................................................................ 1061

Process Flow ...................................................................................................................................... 1062
PeopleSoft Promotions Management Integration .............................................................................. 1066
Dispute Processing .................................................................................................................................... 1067
Default AR Specialist Hierarchy ............................................................................................................... 1068
Deduction and Disputed Item Splits ......................................................................................................... 1069
Collection Processing ................................................................................................................................ 1069
Entering and Reviewing Conversations .................................................................................................... 1071
Delivery of Correspondence ..................................................................................................................... 1071
Item Inclusion and Exclusion ..................................................................................................................... 1074
Process Scheduling .................................................................................................................................... 1074

Chapter 36

Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions ..................................................................................... 1075

Prerequisites .............................................................................................................................................. 1075

xxviii Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Common Elements Used in This Chapter ........................................................................................... 1076

Monitoring Conditions ............................................................................................................................... 1076
Understanding the Condition Monitor Application Engine Process .................................................. 1076
Page Used for Condition Monitoring .................................................................................................. 1078
Running the Condition Monitor Process ............................................................................................. 1079
Assigning Actions and Sending Notification ............................................................................................ 1079
Understanding Action Assignments and Notification ......................................................................... 1079
Pages Used to Assign Actions and Send Notification ......................................................................... 1080
Assigning Actions to Items ................................................................................................................ 1080
Managing Action Owner Assignments ..................................................................................................... 1082
Understanding Management of Action Owner Assignments .............................................................. 1083
Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................................ 1083
Pages Used to Manage Action Assignments ....................................................................................... 1084
Running the Owner Action Status Report ........................................................................................... 1084
Running the Condition Status by Owner and Customer Report ......................................................... 1084
Reassigning Actions ............................................................................................................................ 1084
Working with Actions ................................................................................................................................ 1086
Understanding Action Processing ...................................................................................................... 1086
Pages Used to Work with Actions ....................................................................................................... 1088
Working with Actions Received by Email .......................................................................................... 1089
Working with Actions on the PeopleSoft Worklist ............................................................................. 1089
Working with Actions on the Owner Action List ............................................................................... 1089
Working with Actions on the Customer Action List ........................................................................... 1092
Working with Actions on the Item Action List ................................................................................... 1093
Performing an Action ......................................................................................................................... 1093
Entering Correspondence Parameters ................................................................................................. 1096
Managing Future Actions .................................................................................................................... 1097
Reviewing Action History for a Customer .......................................................................................... 1098
Generating Additional Workflow Notifications ....................................................................................... 1099
Understanding Additional Workflow Notifications ............................................................................ 1099
Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................................... 1100
Page Used to Generate Additional Workflow Notifications ............................................................... 1100
Running the Workflow Notification Application Engine Process ...................................................... 1100
Generating Risk Scores .............................................................................................................................. 1100
Risk Score Definitions ........................................................................................................................ 1101
Understanding the Risk Scoring Process (RUN_AR_RISK) .............................................................. 1101
Understanding How Risk Scoring Elements Are Derived .................................................................. 1103
Page Used to Run the Risk Scoring Process ....................................................................................... 1109
Running the Risk Scoring Process ...................................................................................................... 1109
Reviewing Conversations and Promises .................................................................................................... 1110
Pages Used to Review Conversations and Promises ........................................................................... 1111
Viewing and Updating Conversations and Promises in PeopleSoft Receivables ............................... 1112
Reviewing Conversations with Incomplete Follow-ups ..................................................................... 1113
Reviewing, Adding or Updating Conversations with Follow-up Dates That Need Review ............... 1115
Reviewing or Modifying Promise Date Conversations ....................................................................... 1116

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. xxix

Reviewing Broken Promises ............................................................................................................... 1116

Reviewing, Adding, or Changing Promises that Require Supervisor Review .................................... 1116
Searching by Key Words ..................................................................................................................... 1116
Inquiring on Promise Date Conversations .......................................................................................... 1117
Obtaining Dun and Bradstreet Information for a Customer ..................................................................... 1120

Chapter 37

Aging Receivables Items ......................................................................................................................... 1123

Understanding the Aging Application Engine Process ............................................................................. 1123

The Commit Cycle .............................................................................................................................. 1124
In Use Customers ............................................................................................................................... 1124
Prerequisites .............................................................................................................................................. 1124
Common Element Used in This Chapter ............................................................................................. 1125
Running the Aging Process ....................................................................................................................... 1125
Understanding Aging Run Controls ................................................................................................... 1125
Pages Used to Run the Aging Process ................................................................................................ 1126
Creating a Run Control ID for Aging ................................................................................................. 1126
Adding Parameters to an Aging Request ............................................................................................ 1126
Generating Aging Reports ........................................................................................................................ 1128
Understanding Aging Reports ............................................................................................................ 1129
Common Element Used in This Section ............................................................................................. 1129
Pages Used to Generate Aging Reports .............................................................................................. 1129
Running the Aging Summary By ChartField Report .......................................................................... 1131
Running the Summary Aged by Reason Code Report ........................................................................ 1131

Chapter 38

Generating Correspondence .................................................................................................................. 1133

Understanding Correspondence Generation ............................................................................................. 1133

(NLD) Understanding Acceptgiro Form Printing ...................................................................................... 1134
Generating Customer Statements .............................................................................................................. 1134
Understanding the Statement Generation Process .............................................................................. 1135
Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................................... 1136
Pages Used to Generate Customer Statements .................................................................................... 1138
Running the Statements Multiprocess Job ......................................................................................... 1138
Selecting the Currency for Open Item Statements ............................................................................. 1141
Printing Statements ............................................................................................................................ 1142
Running Balance Forward Statements the First Time .............................................................................. 1143
Generating Dunning Letters ...................................................................................................................... 1144
Understanding the Dunning Letter Process ........................................................................................ 1144
Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................................... 1150

xxx Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Common Element Used in This Section ............................................................................................. 1151

Pages Used to Generate Dunning Letters ............................................................................................ 1152
Defining Run Parameters for the AR Dunning Application Engine Process ..................................... 1153
Defining the Display Currency for Dunning Letters .......................................................................... 1155
Reviewing and Deleting Dunning Letters Before Printing ................................................................ 1156
Reviewing and Modifying Dunning Letters Before Printing ............................................................. 1156
Reviewing and Removing Items from Dunning Letters Before Printing ........................................... 1156
Printing Dunning Letters .................................................................................................................... 1157
Generating and Printing Follow-Up Letters .............................................................................................. 1158
Understanding Follow-Up Letter Processing ..................................................................................... 1158
Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................................... 1159
Common Element Used in This Section ............................................................................................. 1160
Page Used to Generate and Print Follow-Up Letters .......................................................................... 1160
Running the Follow Up Letters Multiprocess Job .............................................................................. 1160
Running the Follow Up Letter Extract Application Engine Process ................................................. 1161
Generating the Follow Up Letter Report ............................................................................................ 1161
Reprinting Invoices ................................................................................................................................... 1162
Understanding Invoice Reprinting ...................................................................................................... 1162
Prerequisite .......................................................................................................................................... 1162
Pages Used to Reprint Invoices ........................................................................................................... 1163
Selecting Items for Reprinting ............................................................................................................ 1163
Printing Invoices and Overriding Print Parameters ............................................................................. 1163

Chapter 39

Generating Overdue Charges ................................................................................................................ 1165

Understanding Overdue Charges ............................................................................................................... 1165

Prerequisites .............................................................................................................................................. 1165
Generating Overdue Charge Invoices ....................................................................................................... 1166
Understanding Overdue Charges Processing ..................................................................................... 1166
Pages Used to Generate Overdue Charge Invoices ............................................................................. 1167
Entering Overdue Charges Process Parameters .................................................................................. 1168
Running the Overdue Charge Print Report ......................................................................................... 1169

Chapter 40

Using the Collections Workbench .......................................................................................................... 1171

Understanding the Collections Workbench ............................................................................................... 1171

Collections Workbench Access and Population .................................................................................. 1172
The Action List .................................................................................................................................... 1175
Customer Details ................................................................................................................................. 1175
Using the Collections Workbench ............................................................................................................. 1180

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. xxxi

Pages Used to Use the Collections Workbench .................................................................................. 1180

Populating the Collections Workbench ............................................................................................... 1186
Personalizing Content ......................................................................................................................... 1188
Using the Action List .......................................................................................................................... 1192
Reviewing the Customer's Credit Profile ............................................................................................ 1197
Reviewing Customer Payment Information ........................................................................................ 1200
Researching Customer Item Information ............................................................................................ 1203
Managing Customer Conversations and Promises .............................................................................. 1205
Reviewing Customer Correspondence ................................................................................................ 1210
Reviewing Customer Aging ................................................................................................................ 1212
Reviewing the Customer Hierarchy .................................................................................................... 1214

Chapter 41

Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems .................................................................................................. 1217

(USF) Referring Delinquent Items to the DMS ........................................................................................ 1217

Understanding the Delinquent Debt Referral Process ........................................................................ 1217
Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................................... 1218
Common Elements Used in This Section ............................................................................................ 1218
Pages Used to Refer Delinquent Items to the DMS ............................................................................ 1219
Selecting Items for Referral ................................................................................................................ 1220
Creating a DMS Referral File ............................................................................................................. 1221
Creating a Debt Adjustment File ........................................................................................................ 1221
Processing DMS Receipts ................................................................................................................... 1221
(USF) Submitting Transactions Between Agencies Using the IPAC System .......................................... 1222
Understanding IPAC Processing ........................................................................................................ 1222
Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................................... 1223
Pages Used to Submit Transactions Between Agencies Using IPAC ................................................. 1225
Entering IPAC Information for an Item ............................................................................................. 1226
Entering Additional IPAC Information ............................................................................................... 1231
Entering Override Options for the Format EFT File Process .............................................................. 1232
Running the Format EFT File Process ................................................................................................ 1233
(USF) Reclassifying Receivables Accounting Entries, Direct Journal Accounting Entries, and Open Items
................................................................................................................................................................ 1233
Understanding Partial SF224 Reporting ............................................................................................. 1234
Pages Used to Reclassify Accounting Entries and Items .................................................................... 1235
Reclassifying Receivables Accounting Entries ................................................................................... 1235
Reclassifying Direct Journal Accounting Entries ............................................................................... 1236
Reclassifying Open Receivables Items ............................................................................................... 1237
(USF) Tracking Memo Status Changes .................................................................................................... 1238
Understanding the Track Memo Status Changes Process .................................................................. 1238
Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................................... 1239
Pages Used to Track Memo Status Changes ....................................................................................... 1239

xxxii Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Checking an Item's Current Memo Status .......................................................................................... 1240

Changing an Item's Memo Status ........................................................................................................ 1240
Running the Memo Status Changes Report ........................................................................................ 1241
Writing Off by ChartFields ........................................................................................................................ 1241
Understanding the Write-Offs By ChartField Application Engine Process ....................................... 1241
Page Used to Write Off by ChartField ................................................................................................ 1241
Running the Write-Offs By ChartField Process ................................................................................. 1241
(USF) Generating the Receivables Due From the Public Report .............................................................. 1242
Understanding the Receivables Due From the Public Report ............................................................ 1242
Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................................... 1250
Common Elements Used in This Section ............................................................................................ 1250
Pages Used to Generate the Receivables Due From the Public Report .............................................. 1250
Assigning a Delinquency Code to an Item ......................................................................................... 1251
Entering Preparer Information and Report Parameters ....................................................................... 1251
Entering the Preparer Address ............................................................................................................. 1252
Entering Debt Details .......................................................................................................................... 1252
Generating the 1099-C Report .................................................................................................................. 1253
Understanding 1099-C Report Generation .......................................................................................... 1253
Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................................ 1254
Page Used to Generate the 1099-C Report .......................................................................................... 1254
Running the 1099-C Report ................................................................................................................ 1254
(USF) Creating Federal Customer Statements ........................................................................................... 1254
Understanding Federal Customer Statements ..................................................................................... 1254
Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................................ 1255
Page Used to Create Federal Customer Statements ............................................................................ 1255
Generating Federal Customer Statements ........................................................................................... 1256

Chapter 42

Archiving Transactions .......................................................................................................................... 1259

Understanding Data Types Available for Archiving ................................................................................ 1259

Data Types .......................................................................................................................................... 1260
Pending Item Data .............................................................................................................................. 1263
Payment Data ..................................................................................................................................... 1264
Posted Item Data ................................................................................................................................ 1265
Direct Debit Data ............................................................................................................................... 1266
Action List Data ................................................................................................................................. 1266
Statement Information, Dunning Letter Information, and Overdue Charge Information .................. 1266
Posted Customer Data ........................................................................................................................ 1267
Conversation Data .............................................................................................................................. 1267
Customer Definition Data .................................................................................................................. 1268
Message Log Data .............................................................................................................................. 1269
Suggested Order of Data Removal ..................................................................................................... 1269

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. xxxiii

Understanding Archive Objects Definitions, Query Definitions, and Template Definitions .................... 1269
Archiving Data .......................................................................................................................................... 1271
Understanding the Archive Process Flow .......................................................................................... 1271
Understanding History Tables ............................................................................................................. 1272
Pages Used to Archive Data ................................................................................................................ 1274
Generating Archive Candidate Reports .................................................................................................... 1275
Understanding Archive Candidate Reports ......................................................................................... 1275
Common Elements Used in This Section ............................................................................................ 1275
Pages Used to Generate Archive Candidate Reports .......................................................................... 1276
Restoring Archived Data ........................................................................................................................... 1276
Understanding Data Restoration ......................................................................................................... 1277
Page Used to Restore Archived Data .................................................................................................. 1277
Clearing PeopleSoft Receivables Transaction Tables .............................................................................. 1277
Using PeopleSoft Receivables Tables ................................................................................................. 1277
Using SQL to Clear PeopleSoft Receivables Transaction Tables ............................................................ 1282

Chapter 43

Using OLAP Tools to Analyze Receivables Data ................................................................................. 1285

Understanding OLAP Cubes ..................................................................................................................... 1285

Planning the OLAP Database ................................................................................................................... 1286
Preparing Trees and Queries ..................................................................................................................... 1286
Defining the Cube ...................................................................................................................................... 1286
Building the Cube ..................................................................................................................................... 1287
Understanding Cube Building ............................................................................................................. 1287
Page Used to Build a Receivables Cube ............................................................................................. 1288
Building an Aging Analysis Cube ....................................................................................................... 1288
Analyzing Cube Data ................................................................................................................................ 1289

Appendix A

Configuring Batch Processes .................................................................................................................. 1291

Configuring Temporary Tables for Batch Processing ............................................................................... 1291

Appendix B

PeopleSoft Receivables Web Libraries ................................................................................................. 1293

Understanding Web Libraries .................................................................................................................... 1293

PeopleSoft Receivables Web Libraries ...................................................................................................... 1293

xxxiv Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Appendix C

Delivered Workflows for PeopleSoft Receivables ................................................................................. 1295

Delivered Workflows for PeopleSoft Receivables .................................................................................... 1295

Action Notification ............................................................................................................................. 1295
New Debits or Credits ........................................................................................................................ 1296
Payment Predictor On Account Flag .................................................................................................. 1296

Appendix D

PeopleSoft Receivables Reports .............................................................................................................. 1299

PeopleSoft Receivables Reports: A to Z ................................................................................................... 1299

PeopleSoft Receivables Selected Reports .................................................................................................. 1314
AR01006 - Predictor Method by Customer Report ........................................................................... 1314
AR11001P - Group Control By Entry Date Point in Time Report .................................................... 1315
AR11002 - Pending Item By Entry Date Report ................................................................................ 1315
AR21001 - Payment Predictor Detail Report ..................................................................................... 1316
AR21002 - Payment Predictor Summary Report ............................................................................... 1316
AR21003 - Unmatched MICR Identifiers Report .............................................................................. 1316
AR30005 - Cash Forecast Report ........................................................................................................ 1317

Index .......................................................................................................................................................... 1319

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. xxxv
Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise
Receivables Preface
This preface discusses:

• PeopleSoft Enterprise products.

• PeopleSoft Enterprise application fundamentals.

• Pages with deferred processing.

• Common elements used in this PeopleBook.

• PeopleBooks and the Online PeopleSoft Library

Note. This PeopleBook documents only page elements that require additional explanation. If a page element
is not documented with the process or task in which it is used, then it either requires no additional explanation
or is documented with the common elements for the section, chapter, or PeopleBook.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Products

This PeopleBook refers to these products:

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Billing.

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Cash Management.

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Contracts.

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger.

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Order Management.

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Payables.

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Project Costing.

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Promotions Management.

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Purchasing.

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Receivables.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. xxxvii

PeopleSoft Application Fundamentals

The PeopleSoft Enterprise Receivables PeopleBook provides you with implementation and processing
information for the PeopleSoft Receivables system. However, additional, essential information describing the
setup and design of the system resides in companion documentation. The companion documentation consists
of important topics that apply to many or all Oracle applications across the PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials,
PeopleSoft Enterprise Service Automation, PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management, and
PeopleSoft Enterprise Supply Chain Management product lines. You should be familiar with the contents of
these PeopleBooks.

The following companion PeopleBooks apply specifically to PeopleSoft Receivables:

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals PeopleBook.

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports PeopleBook.

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information PeopleBook.

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Bank Setup and Processing PeopleBook.

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Commitment Control PeopleBook.

Pages with Deferred Processing

Several pages in PeopleSoft Receivables operate in deferred processing mode. Most fields on these pages are
not updated or validated until you save the page or refresh it by clicking a button, link, or tab. This delayed
processing has various implications for the field values that are on the page—for example, if a field contains a
default value, any value that you enter before the system updates the page overrides the default. Another
implication is that the system updates quantity balances or totals only when you save or otherwise refresh the

See the guidelines for designing pages in the Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application

PeopleBooks and the Online PeopleSoft Library

A companion PeopleBook called PeopleBooks and the Online PeopleSoft Library contains general
information, including:

• Understanding the PeopleSoft online library and related documentation.

• How to send PeopleSoft documentation comments and suggestions to Oracle.

• How to access hosted PeopleBooks, downloadable HTML PeopleBooks, and downloadable PDF
PeopleBooks as well as documentation updates.

• Understanding PeopleBook structure.

xxxviii Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

• Typographical conventions and visual cues used in PeopleBooks.

• ISO country codes and currency codes.

• PeopleBooks that are common across multiple applications.

• Common elements used in PeopleBooks.

• Navigating the PeopleBooks interface and searching the PeopleSoft online library.

• Displaying and printing screen shots and graphics in PeopleBooks.

• How to manage the PeopleSoft online library including full-text searching and configuring a reverse
proxy server.

• Understanding documentation integration and how to integrate customized documentation into the library.

• Glossary of useful PeopleSoft terms that are used in PeopleBooks.

See Also

PeopleBooks and the PeopleSoft Online Library Preface; Accessing PeopleBooks and the PeopleSoft Online
Library; Understanding PeopleBooks Using PeopleBooks Managing the PeopleSoft Online Library and
PeopleBooks; Customizing the PeopleSoft Online Library Glossary of PeopleSoft Enterprise Terms

PeopleBooks and the Online PeopleSoft Library

A companion PeopleBook called PeopleBooks and the Online PeopleSoft Library contains general
information, including:

• Understanding the PeopleSoft online library and related documentation.

• How to send PeopleSoft documentation comments and suggestions to Oracle.

• How to access hosted PeopleBooks, downloadable HTML PeopleBooks, and downloadable PDF
PeopleBooks as well as documentation updates.

• Understanding PeopleBook structure.

• Typographical conventions and visual cues used in PeopleBooks.

• ISO country codes and currency codes.

• PeopleBooks that are common across multiple applications.

• Common elements used in PeopleBooks.

• Navigating the PeopleBooks interface and searching the PeopleSoft online library.

• Displaying and printing screen shots and graphics in PeopleBooks.

• How to manage the PeopleSoft online library including full-text searching and configuring a reverse
proxy server.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. xxxix

• Understanding documentation integration and how to integrate customized documentation into the library.

• Glossary of useful PeopleSoft terms that are used in PeopleBooks.

You can find this companion PeopleBook in your PeopleSoft online library.

Common Elements Used in This PeopleBook

Account ChartField that identifies the nature of a transaction for corporate accounts.

Activity ID ChartField value that represents the activity ID for an individual task or event in
a project in PeopleSoft Project Costing that is associated with the item. This field
is available only if you have PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Accounting Date Date for accounting entries for an activity.

Affiliate ChartField used to map transactions between business units when using a single
interunit account.

(NLD) AG Number Acceptgiro reference number assigned to the item or invoice when you ran the
(acceptgiro reference Statements process (AR_STMTS) or the AR Dunning process (AR_DUNNING)
number) for business units enabled for acceptgiro processing. When you print an invoice
in Billing, the system also assigns an acceptgiro reference number to the invoice.

Note. Each time that you run the Statements process or the AR Dunning process,
the system overwrites the reference number if the item is included on a new
statement or dunning letter. So, it is possible that the bank could pay for the item
using a different reference number.

Alt Acct (alternate ChartField that identifies the nature of a transaction for statutory accounts. This
account) field appears only if you enable the Alternate Account option for your
organization and for the general ledger business unit.

Analyst or Credit Individual who is assigned to an item or customer to manage credit.

AR Dist (receivables Distribution code that defines the receivables account for a transaction's
distribution code) distribution lines.

AR Specialist Individual who is assigned to manage deduction and disputed items.

(receivables specialist)
Attachment Click this link to add, delete, and view attachments. When adding large
attachments, you should save the transaction before adding the attachment.

Balance Amount of an item that is still open (unpaid).

Bill of Lading Bill of lading number for a shipment.

xl Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Broker ID Identifier code for the individual who negotiates a promotion deal. A broker is a
customer to whom you assign the broker role.

Budget Ref (budget ChartField that identifies unique control budgets when individual budgets share
reference) budget keys and overlapping budget periods.

Business Unit An identification code that represents a high-level organization of business

information. You can use a business unit to define regional or departmental units
within a larger organization.

Carrier ID Unique identifier for the shipping carrier.

Category ChartField value that represents the category for a project transaction in
PeopleSoft Project Costing. A category further defines a source type. For
example, if you have a source type of labor, you might have categories for
architect labor, carpenter labor, and plumber labor. This field is available only if
you have PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Chartfield 1 to ChartFields that you configure to meet your organization's requirements.

Chartfield 3
Claim Number Debit memo number that the customer sent you for a deduction.

Class ChartField that identifies a particular appropriation when you combine it with a
Fund, DeptID, Program Code, and Budget Reference ChartFields.
Group of customers in a trade, such as grocers or mass merchandisers.

Collection Code Code to identify a collection agency or reason.

Collector Individual assigned to a customer or item to manage collections.

Contract Number Contract number that is associated with an invoice. For deduction items, it is the
contract number that is associated with the original invoice.

Currency Code that identifies the type of currency for an amount, such as USD or EUR.

Customer Customer ID and name for an item or payment.

Days Late Displays the difference between the due date and the current date, not including
grace days.

Deduction Reason Code that identifies the reason that a customer took a deduction.

Dept (department) ChartField that indicates who is responsible for or affected by the transaction.

Description Freeflow text up to 256 characters.

Dispute Reason Code that identifies the reason that an item is in dispute.

Division Geographic area within an organization.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. xli

Document Sequence or Click to open a page where you can enter document sequencing information.
Document Sequencing This option is available only if you enable the document sequencing feature for
the General Ledger business unit.

Effective Date Date on which a table row becomes effective; the date that an action begins. For
example, if you want to close out a ledger on June 30, the effective date for the
ledger closing would be July 1. This date also determines when you can view and
change the information. Pages and batch processes that use the information use
the current row.
See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Using PeopleSoft Applications.

Entry Event Code that identifies the entry event definition that is used to create supplemental
accounting entries for the transaction. You define these codes on the Entry Event
Code Def'n page.

Entry Reason The reason that is associated with an item that defines which accounting entries
to generate and can be used for reporting purposes.

Entry Type ID that identifies the type of activity, such as invoice or pay an item.

Exchange Rate Rate that is used for currency conversion.

Family Identifier that defines inventory items at a high level. Examples include computer
items and office furniture.

Fund ChartField that represents structural units for education and government
accounting. Can also represent a divisional breakdown in your organization.

Fund Affiliate ChartField that is used to correlate transactions between funds when using a
singe intraunit account.

Group ID ID that is used to identify a group of items. The system assigns the ID when you
generate the group.

Group Type ID that identifies the transaction type for a group of items, such as a payment
group or a billing group.

Invoice Original invoice that is associated with the item in the billing system.

Item ID Unique ID to identify an item.

Item Status Current status for an item. Valid values are:

Closed: The item is paid in full.
Open: The item has a balance due.

Language or Language The language in which you want the field labels and report headings of the
Code reports to print. The field values appear as you enter them.
Language also refers to the language that is spoken by a customer or user.

xlii Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Letter of Credit ID Identifier for a letter of credit that is associated with an item.

Line Line number of a separate item that is associated with a single invoice in the
billing system. It also may be an item that was split from a deduction or disputed
item in Receivables.

Merchandising Type A type of activity for a promotion that is funded from discretionary funds. You
must specify the merchandising type for a promotion to update the fund in
Promotion Management.

Oper Unit (operating ChartField that is used to identify a location, such as a distribution warehouse or
unit) sales center.

Operating Unit Affiliate ChartField that is used to correlate transactions between operating units when
using a singe intraunit account.

Order Number Order number that is associated with the original invoice in the billing system.

Payment ID Identifier for the payment. If the payment ID is on an item page, it is the ID of
the payment that paid for the item.

Payment Method The default payment method for items. Options are: Cash, Credit Card,
Electronic Funds Transfer,Check,Direct Debit,Draft, and Giro - EFT.

PC Bus Unit (Project Code that is used to identify the PeopleSoft Project Costing business unit for a
Costing business unit) project that is associated with an item. This field is available only if you have
PeopleSoft Project Costing.

PO (purchase order Purchase order number that is associated with the original invoice in the billing
number) system.

Process Frequency or Designates the appropriate frequency in the Process Frequency group box:
When Once: Executes the request the next time that the batch process runs. After the
batch process runs, the process frequency is automatically set to Don't Run.
Always: Executes the request every time that the batch process runs.
Don't Run: Ignores the request when the batch process runs.
See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

Process Monitor This link takes you to the Process List page, where you can view the status of
submitted process requests.
See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

Product ChartField that captures additional information that is useful for profitability and
cash flow analysis by product sold or manufactured.

Program ChartField that identifies groups of related activities, cost centers, revenue
centers, responsibility centers, and academic programs. Tracks revenue and
expenditures for programs.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. xliii

Project ChartField that captures information for project or grants accounting.

Promotion Code Identifier that you assign to the promotion deal in your promotion application.

Rate Type Rate type that is used to convert item or payment amounts.

Region Code Sales region that the item belongs to.

Report ID The report identifier.

Report Manager This link takes you to the Report List page, where you can view report content,
check the status of a report, and see content detail messages (which show you a
description of the report and the distribution list).

Revalue Flg (revaluation Indicates whether the Revaluation Application Engine process (AR04000)
flag) revalues the item. Clear the check box if you do not want to revalue the item.

Run Control ID A request identification that represents a set of selection criteria for a report or

Run This button takes you to the Process Scheduler request page, where you can
specify the location where a process or job runs and the process output format.
See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

Sales Person 1 Primary salesperson who is associated with the item.

Sales Person 2 Secondary salesperson who is associated with the item.

SetID An identification code that represents a set of control table information or

tableSets. A tableSet is a group of tables (records) that are necessary to define
your company's structure and processing options.

Short Description Freeflow text up to 15 characters.

Source Type ChartField value that represents the source type for a project transaction in
Project Costing. A source type identifies the purpose of the transaction, for
example labor. This field is available only if you have Project Costing.

Statistics Code ChartField that identifies nonmonetary statistical amounts.

Status Indicates if a row in a table is active or inactive. You cannot display inactive
rows or pages or use them for running batch processes. Use to inactive rather
than delete data that you no longer use to maintain an audit trail.

Subcategory ChartField value that represents the subcategory for a project transaction in
Project Costing. A subcategory further defines a category. For example, if you
have a category of carpenter labor, subcategories might be standard hours and
overtime hours. This field is available only if you have Project Costing.

xliv Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Terms Payment terms that define the due date and discount days and amount for an

Trade Type of industry market, such as groceries or hardware.

Unit Business unit for an item or transaction.

User Amount 1 through User-defined amount fields.

User Amount 8
User Date 1 through User User-defined date fields.
Date 4
User ID The system identifier for the individual who generates a transaction.

User Text 1 through User User-defined text fields.

Text 10
Click the Conversations Exist button for an item to review conversation entries
that are associated with the item.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. xlv
Chapter 1

Getting Started with PeopleSoft

This chapter provides an overview of PeopleSoft Receivables and discusses:

• PeopleSoft Receivables business processes.

• PeopleSoft Receivables integration touchpoints.

• PeopleSoft Receivables implementation tasks.

PeopleSoft Receivables Overview

Selling on credit enables a company to maximize sales, yet it also increases the cost of working capital and
exposes an organization to additional risk. Effective management of receivables is essential to improve the
overall quality of your receivables asset and decrease the cost of working capital for your company.

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to:

• Enter and track all of your receivables.

• Receive and apply payments.

• Manage outstanding receivables enabling your organization to collect money quickly.

• Manage payment disputes and deductions that have a negative impact on days sales outstanding (DSO).

PeopleSoft Receivables Business Processes

The following diagram lists PeopleSoft Receivables business processes. We discuss these business processes
in the business process chapters in this PeopleBook. These processes are Item Entry, Deposit Entry, Payment
Application, Draft Processing, Direct Debit Processing, Exception Management, Account Review, Item
Maintenance, Account Maintenance, Aging, Credit Management, Collection Management, Customer
Correspondence, and Overdue Charges.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1
Getting Started with PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 1

PeopleSoft Receivables business processes

PeopleSoft Receivables Integration Touchpoints

To use PeopleSoft Receivables to full advantage, it is important to understand the points of integration
between PeopleSoft Receivables and the other PeopleSoft applications that you have purchased, such as:

• PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger.

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Billing.

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Order Management.

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Promotions Management.

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Purchasing.

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Project Costing.

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Contracts.

• PeopleSoft Real Estate Management

• PeopleSoft Grants

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Payables.

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Cash Management.

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications.

Because applications share information, you must plan to work closely with the implementation teams that
install other PeopleSoft applications to ensure that Oracle provides the full functionality and efficiency that
your company requires.

2 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 1 Getting Started with PeopleSoft Receivables

We discuss integration considerations in the implementation chapters in this PeopleBook. Supplemental

information about third-party application integrations is on the PeopleSoft Customer Connection website:

This diagram shows the integration of PeopleSoft Receivables with other PeopleSoft applications. PeopleSoft
Grants integrates down to PeopleSoft Contracts, which integrates down to PeopleSoft Billing, which
integrates down to PeopleSoft Order Management, which both integrate down to PeopleSoft Billing and then
down to PeopleSoft Receivables. PeopleSoft Order Management also integrates directly down to PeopleSoft
Receivables. PeopleSoft Promotion Management and PeopleSoft Project Costing also integrate down to
PeopleSoft Billing and then down to PeopleSoft Receivables. PeopleSoft Billing also integrates horizontally
with eBill Payment, and PeopleSoft Receivables integrates up to eBill Payment. PeopleSoft Purchasing also
integrates up to PeopleSoft Receivables. PeopleSoft Payables, Cash Management, General Ledger, and CRM
Applications integrate up to PeopleSoft Receivables. PeopleSoft Payables also integrates horizontally with
PeopleSoft Cash Management, which integrates up to and away from PeopleSoft Receivables.

PeopleSoft Receivables integrations

PeopleSoft General Ledger

PeopleSoft Receivables sends accounting entries to PeopleSoft General Ledger through the Journal
Generator Application Engine process (FS_JGEN).

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 3
Getting Started with PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 1

PeopleSoft Billing

If you have PeopleSoft Billing, you enter invoices and credit memos in PeopleSoft Billing and interface them
to PeopleSoft Receivables. You can choose to have PeopleSoft Billing create the accounting entries or to
have PeopleSoft Receivables create them. You can drill down to see invoice details for an item in PeopleSoft

PeopleSoft Order Management

PeopleSoft Receivables receives information that is entered in sales orders and interfaced to PeopleSoft
Billing. PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to drill down to see sales order details from an item. PeopleSoft
Receivables also receives claimback items directly from PeopleSoft Order Management, and sends
PeopleSoft Order Management notification when the open balance for a claimback changes due to payment
or maintenance activity. In PeopleSoft Order Management, you use the claim management workbench to send
the claimbacks to PeopleSoft Receivables and reconcile payment activity for the claimbacks.

The Load Cash Drawer Receipts Application Engine process (CDR_LOADPMT) updates the payment
staging tables in PeopleSoft Receivables when you enter payments and deposits for orders using the Cash
Drawer feature. The Payment Loader Application Engine process (AR_PAYLOAD) updates the payment
application tables with the payment data.

PeopleSoft Purchasing

PeopleSoft Receivables receives vendor rebate claims and vendor rebate reversals directly from PeopleSoft
Purchasing, and sends PeopleSoft Purchasing notification when the open balance for a vendor rebate item
changes due to payment or maintenance activity. In PeopleSoft Purchasing, you use the claim management
workbench to send the vendor rebate claims to PeopleSoft Receivables and reconcile payment activity for the

PeopleSoft Promotions Management

You create customer promotions in PeopleSoft Promotions Management. When a customer takes a
promotion, you enter a customer claim for a promotion and create a credit memo to offset an authorized
deduction. The credit memo is interfaced from PeopleSoft Billing so that you can apply it to the deduction in
PeopleSoft Receivables. You can drill down to see promotions details for a promotion that is associated with
a deduction item. If you choose to write off an authorized deduction that is associated with a promotion,
PeopleSoft Promotion Management can update the fund for the promotion.

PeopleSoft Project Costing

When you enter pending item information in PeopleSoft Receivables, you can also enter information that is
picked up by PeopleSoft Project Costing ChartField values. A project manager using PeopleSoft Project
Costing can review outstanding revenue to keep complete financial control of a project. Resources rows that
you enter in PeopleSoft Project Costing can be interfaced to PeopleSoft Billing to create invoices, which
become items in PeopleSoft Receivables by using the billing interface.

PeopleSoft Contracts

PeopleSoft Billing plan lines that you enter in PeopleSoft Contracts are interfaced to PeopleSoft Billing to
create invoices. These invoices become items in PeopleSoft Receivable by using the Billing interface. You
can drill down to see contract details for an item in PeopleSoft Receivables.

4 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 1 Getting Started with PeopleSoft Receivables

PeopleSoft Real Estate Management

PeopleSoft Real Estate Management bills are sent through PeopleSoft Contracts and enter PeopleSoft
Receivables through the Billing interface.

However, if PeopleSoft Contracts is not installed, PeopleSoft Real Estate Management bills are sent to
PeopleSoft Billing through the PeopleSoft Transaction Billing Processor. These bills enter PeopleSoft
Receivables through the Billing Interface. You do not have to install PeopleSoft Contracts to use the
PeopleSoft Transaction Billing Processor.

PeopleSoft Grants

Invoices can originate in PeopleSoft Grants and then be interfaced through PeopleSoft Contracts and
PeopleSoft Billing into PeopleSoft Receivables.

PeopleSoft Payables

The refund process in PeopleSoft Receivables adds rows to tables that are used by PeopleSoft Payables to
build a voucher.

PeopleSoft Cash Management

PeopleSoft Cash Management integrates with PeopleSoft Receivables through the Treasury Netting Center.
You must use PeopleSoft Cash Management with PeopleSoft Payables to use the bilateral netting
functionality that offsets open items with open vouchers in PeopleSoft Payables. This functionality is useful
when you have customers that are also vendors.

PeopleSoft Cash Management also provides the Financial Gateway feature, which enables you to
communicate directly with the bank for direct debit payments. Financial Gateway creates the electronic funds
transfer file (EFT) after receiving the direct debit information from PeopleSoft Receivables, and sends the
transmission to the bank. It also provides acknowledgement statuses to PeopleSoft Receivables from the

PeopleSoft CRM

PeopleSoft CRM integrates with PeopleSoft Receivables to obtain financial information for a customer. The
CRM 360-Degree View displays the information under nodes in the 360-Degree View tree. PeopleSoft CRM
provides the GET ACCOUNT RECEIVABLES FOR 360 DEGREE VIEW enterprise integration point (EIP)
to request the information. PeopleSoft CRM sends a request application message (AR_CRM_REQUEST) to
PeopleSoft Receivables requesting information for a specific setID, customer, and date range. Within the
request application message, PeopleSoft CRM may request up to nine different data sets:

1. Customer status and balances (AR_STATUS_REQ)

2. Payments (AR_PAYMENT_REQ)

3. Dunning notices (AR_DUNNLTR_REQ)

4. Statements (AR_STATEMNT_REQ)

5. Follow-up notices (AR_FOLLWLTR_REQ)

6. Disputes (AR_DISPUTES_REQ)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 5
Getting Started with PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 1

7. Deductions (AR_DEDUCTNS_REQ)

8. Conversations (AR_CONVERS_REQ)

9. Overdue charges (AR_OVERDUE_REQ)

PeopleSoft Receivables sends a response application message (AR_CRM_RESPONSE) back to PeopleSoft

CRM, returning as many data sets as are requested. The CRM 360-Degree View displays summary
information for those requested data sets. The user can click on the links to drill down and view more detailed
financial information in PeopleSoft Receivables.

See the section on managing enterprise integration for PeopleSoft CRM in the PeopleSoft Enterprise CRM
Application Fundamentals PeopleBook.

PeopleSoft Receivables Implementation

PeopleSoft Enterprise Setup Manager enables you to review a list of setup tasks for your organization for the
products that you are implementing. The setup tasks include the components that you must set up, listed in the
order in which you must enter data into the component tables, and links to the corresponding PeopleBook

PeopleSoft Receivables also provides component interfaces to help you load data from your existing system
into PeopleSoft Receivables tables. Use the Excel to Component Interface utility with the component
interfaces to populate the tables. This table lists all of the components that have component interfaces:

Component Component Interface Reference

Account (GL_ACCOUNT) ACCOUNT_CF See PeopleSoft Enterprise

Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Defining and Using
ChartFields," Adding Account

Alternate Account (ALTACCT) ALTACCT_CF See PeopleSoft Enterprise

Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Using Alternate

Operating Unit OPER_UNIT_CF See PeopleSoft Enterprise

(OPERATING_UNIT) Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Defining and Using
ChartFields," Adding Operating Unit

Department (DEPARTMENT) DEPT_CF See PeopleSoft Enterprise

Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Defining and Using
ChartFields," Adding Department

6 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 1 Getting Started with PeopleSoft Receivables

Component Component Interface Reference

Project ID (PROJECT) PROJECT_CF See PeopleSoft Enterprise

Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Defining and Using
ChartFields," Adding Project Values
and Grant Values.

Product (PRODUCT) PRODUCT_CF See PeopleSoft Enterprise

Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Defining and Using
ChartFields," Adding Product Values.

Fund Code (FUND_DEFINITION) FUND_CF See PeopleSoft Enterprise

Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Defining and Using
ChartFields," Adding Fund Code

Statistics Code (STATISTICS_TBL) STATISTICS_CODE See PeopleSoft Enterprise

Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Defining and Using
ChartFields," Adding Statistics Code

Class Field (CLASS_PNL) CLASS_CF See PeopleSoft Enterprise

Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Defining and Using
ChartFields," Adding Class Field

Budget Reference (BUDREF_PNL) BUDGET_REF_CF See PeopleSoft Enterprise

Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Defining and Using
ChartFields," Adding Budget
Reference Values.

Program Code PROGRAM_CF See PeopleSoft Enterprise

(PROGRAM_DEFINTION) Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Defining and Using
ChartFields," Adding Program Code

Scenario (BD_SCENARIO) BUDGET_SCENARIO See PeopleSoft Enterprise

Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Defining and Using
ChartFields," Adding Scenario

Chartfield 1 (CHARTFIELD1) CHARTFIELD1 See PeopleSoft Enterprise

Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Defining and Using
ChartFields," Adding Values for
Expansion ChartFields 1, 2, and 3.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 7
Getting Started with PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 1

Component Component Interface Reference

Chartfield 2 (CHARTFIELD2) CHARTFIELD2 See PeopleSoft Enterprise

Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Defining and Using
ChartFields," Adding Values for
Expansion ChartFields 1, 2, and 3.

Chartfield 3 (CHARTFIELD3) CHARTFIELD3 See PeopleSoft Enterprise

Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Defining and Using
ChartFields," Adding Values for
Expansion ChartFields 1, 2, and 3.

InterUnit Template IU_INTER_TMPLT See PeopleSoft Enterprise

(IU_INTER_TMPLT) Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Using Interunit and
Intraunit Accounting and ChartField
Inheritance," Defining Interunit

IntraUnit Template IU_INTRA_TMPLT See PeopleSoft Enterprise

(IU_INTRA_TMPLT) Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Using Interunit and
Intraunit Accounting and ChartField
Inheritance," Defining Intraunit

InterUnit Pair Maintenance IU_INTER_PR_BASIC See PeopleSoft Enterprise

(IU_INTER_PR_BASIC) Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Using Interunit and
Intraunit Accounting and ChartField
Inheritance," Interunit Pairs.

Ledgers for a Unit EM_BUS_UNIT_LED See PeopleSoft Enterprise

(BUSINESS_UNIT_LED) Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Setting Up Ledgers,"
Defining Ledgers for a Business Unit.

Value Added Tax Code TAX_CODE_VAT See PeopleSoft Enterprise Global

(TAX_CODE_VAT) Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook,
"Working with VAT," Defining VAT
Codes Using the Value Added Tax
Code Page.

VAT Accounts by Business Unit TAX_BU_CODE_VAT See PeopleSoft Enterprise Global

(TAX_BU_CODE_VAT) Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook,
"Working with VAT," (Optional)
Defining VAT Accounts by General
Ledger Business Unit.

VAT Entity (VAT_ENTITY_ID) VAT_ENTITY_ID See PeopleSoft Enterprise Global

Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook,
"Working with VAT," Setting Up
VAT Entities.

8 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 1 Getting Started with PeopleSoft Receivables

Component Component Interface Reference

Vat Defaults CI Component VAT_DEF_CI See PeopleSoft Enterprise Global

(VAT_DEF_CI) Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook,
"Working with VAT," Establishing
VAT Defaults.

Bank Branch Information TR_BANK_BRANCH_CI See PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks

(BANK_BRANCHPNL) Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook
, "Setting Up Banks," Defining Bank

Team Member Types MEMBER_TYPE_TABLE_CI See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to

(MEMBER_TYPE_TABLE) Cash Common Information 9.1
PeopleBook, "Maintaining Additional
Customer Information," Setting Up
Customer Support Personnel.

Team Member Personal Data MEMBER_PERSON1_CI See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to

(MEMBER_PERSON1) Cash Common Information 9.1
PeopleBook, "Maintaining Additional
Customer Information," Setting Up
Customer Support Personnel.

Support Team Members TEAM_MEMBER_TABLE_CI See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to

(TEAM_MEMBER_TABLE) Cash Common Information 9.1
PeopleBook, "Maintaining Additional
Customer Information," Setting Up
Customer Support Personnel.

Customer Group Table CUSTOMER_GROUP See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to

(CUST_GROUP_TBL) Cash Common Information 9.1
PeopleBook, "Maintaining Additional
Customer Information," Establishing
Customer Group Tables.

Sales - Use Tax Authority TAX_AUTHORITY See PeopleSoft Enterprise

(TAX_AUTHORITY) Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Defining Financials and
Supply Chain Management Common
Definitions," Defining Sales and Use
Tax Authorities and Codes.

Sales - Use Tax Code (TAX_CODE) TAX_CODE_CI See PeopleSoft Enterprise

Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Defining Financials and
Supply Chain Management Common
Definitions," Defining Sales and Use
Tax Authorities and Codes.

Contact Info (CONTACT_INFO) CONTACT See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to

Cash Common Information 9.1
PeopleBook, "Maintaining Contacts,"
Setting Up Contacts.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 9
Getting Started with PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 1

Component Component Interface Reference

General Information CUSTOMER_MAIN_CI See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to

(CUSTOMER_GENERAL) Cash Common Information 9.1
CUSTOMER_BILLTO_CI PeopleBook, "Maintaining General
CUSTOMER_SOLDTO_CI Customer Information," Adding
General Customer Information.

User Preferences (OPR_DEFAULT) OPR_DEFAULT_FIN See PeopleSoft Enterprise

Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Defining User
Preferences," Defining Cross-
Application User Preferences.

Unit Security by Perm List SECURITY_BU_CLS See PeopleSoft Enterprise

(SEC_BU_CLS) Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Securing Your
System," Defining Row-Level

Unit Security by User ID SECURITY_BU_OPR See PeopleSoft Enterprise

(SEC_BU_OPR) Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Securing Your
System," Defining Row-Level

Ledger Security by Perm List SECRUITY_LEDGER_CLS See PeopleSoft Enterprise

(SEC_LEDGER_CLS) Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Securing Your
System," Defining Row-Level

Ledger Security by User ID SECURITY_LEDGER_OPR See PeopleSoft Enterprise

(SEC_LEDGER_OPR) Application Fundamentals 9.1
PeopleBook, "Securing Your
System," Defining Row-Level

Other Sources of Information

In the implementation planning phase, take advantage of all PeopleSoft sources of information, including the
installation guides, data models, business process maps, and troubleshooting guidelines. A complete list of
these resources is in the preface of About These PeopleBooks, with information on where to find the most up-
to-date version of each.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Setup Manager

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Component Interfaces

About These PeopleBooks

10 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 2

Understanding Implementation Issues

This chapter discusses:

• Implementation planning.

• Business unit structure.

• Customer structure.

• Business unit sharing.

• Customer groups.

• Entry types and reasons.

Implementation Planning
Getting ready for production entails a lot of planning. You must analyze your receivables requirements
according to your business and organizational needs, review your current environment, and think about the
changes that you can make now and in the future. Although you might decide to simply transfer your current
receivables structure, you will find that PeopleSoft Receivables can provide new avenues for receivables
processing and design.

Here are the high-level steps for implementing a new system:

1. Determine receivables requirements.

2. Configure PeopleSoft Receivables to meet your requirements.

3. Set up PeopleSoft Receivables tables.

4. Set up PeopleSoft security.

5. Set up PeopleSoft Receivables ChartField security.

6. Convert data from the existing system.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 11
Understanding Implementation Issues Chapter 2

Determination of PeopleSoft Receivables Requirements

Consider the best way to map your new system to your existing business structures, practices, and procedures.
Closely examine the way that your business operates, how organizations and subsidiaries are divided, and
what your customer structure is like. Consider the level of reporting detail and aging criteria that you need to
age customer accounts. Consider if the delivered functionality is sufficient for your business needs or if you
need to specially configure the system. If special configuration is required, then you must decide to what

Configuration of PeopleSoft Receivables to Meet Your Requirements

You must establish the business units and the various control tables that the system uses for processing. At
this stage, you decide how many business units you need, what your customer structure will be, and what
parameters you want the system to use for processing items, payments, reporting, and so on.

Setup of PeopleSoft Receivables Tables

Setting up the PeopleSoft Receivables tables can be divided into three phases: global, core, and additional.
You set up tables to enable the system to support PeopleSoft Receivables features. Use PeopleSoft Enterprise
Setup Manager to determine the order in which you should set up tables.

Setup of PeopleSoft Security

To establish security, you need to decide how your internal job functions relate to the functionality of the
PeopleSoft Receivables application. Which pages must cash processors access? Which pages do collection
managers need, and which pages does the management team need? PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to
define page access according to job function.

Setup of ChartField Security for PeopleSoft Receivables Components

PeopleSoft ChartField security provides a flexible, rule-based approach to administer security at a data level.
ChartField security is supported in PeopleSoft Receivables and across other PeopleSoft Financials and Supply
Chain Management (FSCM) applications. The ChartField security feature prevents unauthorized employees
and contractors from viewing and editing sensitive financial data by restricting access to data stored with
specific ChartField values.

The primary features for ChartField security are:

• • Enforce security rules by user, role, or permission list.

• • Enable ChartField security for all products or selectively by product.

• • Enable or disable ChartField security selectively by component.

• • Define rules to accommodate end-user areas of responsibility.

• • Refine access rules by product feature or component.

• • Support super user access to minimize setup.

• • Define components as exceptions to override security rules.

12 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 2 Understanding Implementation Issues

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Securing ChartFields."

Conversion of Data From an Existing System

When you convert your receivables data from your existing system to the PeopleSoft Receivables system,
you need to consider how much history to retain from the old system. The new system displays only as much
information as you convert into it.

See Also

Chapter 14, "Performing Data Conversion," page 401

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Security Administration

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Setup Manager

Business Unit Structure

In PeopleSoft Receivables, a business unit is an organization or a subset of an organization that is
independent with regard to one or more accounting or operational functions.

Deciding how many business units to use and when to use them depends on how you want to report on and
track the transactions within your organization. Before you can define business units and start entering data
into the system, you need to decide how you want to retrieve information from the system. The way that you
retrieve information determines how you set up the business units.

See Also

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," page 19

Current System Structure

When you decide on the business unit structure, examine the structure in your current system. What types of
organizational categories do you use? Do you use company codes, organization codes, and division codes?
How do you categorize customers?

Consider how existing codes and IDs might map to business units. Determine if you can map existing
structures to business units or if you need to modify existing structures.

In PeopleSoft Receivables, a business unit typically represents a grouping of customer balances. Suppose that
an organization has multiple companies or subsidiaries within it. Each of those companies is run as a separate
business with its own set of products and customers and its own set of rules for handling those customers
from a receivable point of view. Consequently, you would set up separate PeopleSoft Receivables business
units for each company.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 13
Understanding Implementation Issues Chapter 2

Consider reporting requirements and maintenance of balances when you decide how to group receivables in a
business unit. Familiarize yourself with what data is defined at the business unit level. For example, if you
use one method to age a customer's open items in business A and another method in business B, you must
handle customers in business A differently from those in business B. It would make sense to set up separate
business units for business A and business B.

As you determine the optimal business unit structure for your organization, remember that in some
circumstances you must set up multiple business units. If you do not, you will be restricted from using certain

You may decide to set up separate business units even if you do not need them for processing. For example,
one department in your organization may handle a particular group of customer balances, and you may want
to use a separate receivables business unit for those customer balances. You may want to group certain
customers together for analytical reasons even though other customers may be processed the same way. You
may want to maintain accounting control and balances at a lower level than that of the total organization.

General Ledger Distribution

You must associate each PeopleSoft Receivables business unit with a PeopleSoft General Ledger business
unit. The association does not need to be one-to-one. You can consolidate multiple PeopleSoft Receivables
business units under one PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit. However, you cannot split a PeopleSoft
Receivables business unit to associate it with multiple PeopleSoft General Ledger business units. Consider
general ledger distribution when determining how many business units you need.

Associating Receivables business units with a General Ledger business unit

If you use PeopleSoft applications for all financial business processes, typically the PeopleSoft Receivables
business units are the same as the PeopleSoft General Ledger business units. You set up PeopleSoft General
Ledger first and then set up PeopleSoft Receivables to mirror PeopleSoft General Ledger. If you use a
different general ledger system, you may not use the business unit concept. In this case, think carefully about
how you will distribute from PeopleSoft Receivables to your general ledger.

Customer Structure
A significant part of implementing PeopleSoft Receivables involves converting existing data. Before you set
up customers, familiarize yourself with the options for defining customer structures.

To ensure that your customer setup and maintenance is as simple and non-redundant as possible, PeopleSoft
Receivables stores customer information at the business unit level and at the tableSet level.

14 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 2 Understanding Implementation Issues

Business Units
PeopleSoft Receivables stores customer accounting and receivables information by customer within a
business unit. This type of information includes:

• Customer's balance.

• Customer's open items.

• Amount the customer owes in each aging category.

• Payment performance indicators, such as average days late and day's sales outstanding.

The combination of a business unit and a customer ID determines where the system stores customer
accounting and receivables information. Once you set up your business units, the system stores accounting
and receivables data by customer within a business unit (or at a subcustomer level, if enabled). The
Receivable Update Application Engine process (ARUPDATE) creates and stores this information.

PeopleSoft Receivables stores a variety of identifying and descriptive customer information by tableSet, such

• Customer's name and address.

• Customer's credit profile.

• Certain processing options.

• Correspondence options.

• Team member (sales person) assigned to the customer.

Any number of business units can share customer information stored under a setID. With customer
information keyed by setID, the advantages are similar to control tables keyed by setID. You enter the
information once and then link it to as many business units as you want. Each of these business units can
process invoices, payments, and other receivables transactions for the customer.

Business Unit Sharing

Business units can share certain customer information through setIDs. Consequently, you should consider
how you are going to set up your customers to optimize processing in your organization. How much do you
want to share data among business units? Are the business units separate organizations that need to maintain
completely separate customer records, even if they share some of the same customers with other business
units in the parent organization?

Does a particular customer exist in more than one business unit under the same customer ID? Do business
units share customer information, such as name and address, or does each business unit have its own
customer information?

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Understanding Implementation Issues Chapter 2

Different organizations answer these questions differently. For example, suppose that organization X has two
different business units that do business with Rambling Motors Company. Both business units want to
maintain their own customer information on Rambling Motors, so they set up two different customer IDs,
both referring to Rambling Motors. In this situation, the two business units would most likely have setIDs that
correspond to the business units, and they would maintain completely separate records.

Other organizations may want to take advantage of the power of setIDs. For example, suppose that Rambling
Motors account 100 does business with all 10 business units of organization Y. Therefore, organization Y
may want to set up its customer information only once and share that data among all its business units.

Customer Groups
You may decide to divide some of your business relationships among separate customers in the system, yet
still maintain reports and inquiries to capture customers as a group. PeopleSoft Receivables offers the
following grouping methods so that you can maintain separate information for individual customers but
combine customers when you need to evaluate your overall exposure to a large customer group or identify
payment trends for a large conglomerate:

• Bill to, ship to, and sold to.

• Corporate.

• Remit from.

• Correspondence.

• Magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) ID.

• Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) number and other reporting or classification codes.

• Subcustomer levels.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General Customer

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining Additional
Customer Information"

Entry Types and Reasons

Items are individual receivables that make up a customer's balance. Organizations may refer to items in a
variety of ways, such as invoices, obligations, open items, receivables, and documents.

PeopleSoft Receivables distinguishes between items (the receivables that comprise a customer's balance) and
pending items (information in the system but not yet updated in the customer's balance). During the
Receivable Update process, the system uses pending items to update customer balances, either by creating
new items or by adding item activity lines to existing items.

16 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 2 Understanding Implementation Issues

An entry type categorizes the pending items that create or update posted items within the system. The
Receivable Update process uses the pending items to create or update items and to maintain customer
balances. Examples of entry types are invoices, debit memos, credit memos, payments, prepayments, on
account payments, deductions, adjustments, and write-offs.

When a pending item enters the system, the Entry Type field defines the type of pending item that it is. An
entry type can be qualified by an entry reason, which is a method of further categorizing pending items.

Some pending items, such as invoices and credit memos, enter the system from a billing system. You create
others (for example, on-account payments and deductions) behind the scenes as the result of commands
performed during online processing. When you apply a payment, for example, the system generates several
different kinds of pending items each with its own entry type.

Some organizations can manage their receivables adequately with simple entry types and entry reasons; other
companies require a more elaborate coding structure. The complexity of setup depends on how you run your
business and the level of detail with which you track items.

See Also

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Setting Up Entry Types and Reasons,
page 70

Entry Type and Reason Use

In addition to the required entry types and entry reasons, you may need additional ones for:

• More detailed reporting.

• Further qualification of your aging.

• Accounting entry templates for distribution to the general ledger.

• Special customer history capabilities.

• Exclusion capabilities for customer statements, dunning letters, overdue charges, direct debits, and drafts.

Use of Entry Types and Entry Reasons for Reporting

Any report that summarizes the status of open items or that lists all activity from the system includes the entry
type and associated entry reason. To distinguish between credit memos that correct billing errors and credit
memos that are issued because of shipping damages, for example, you can qualify the credit memo entry
types with appropriate entry reasons.

Carefully analyze the types of reports that you use to see what sorts of categorization you use in your existing
system. When you implement the new system, you may want to refine the reporting by making it more
detailed. Conversely, you may decide to streamline your reporting by using fewer entry types and entry

Use of Entry Types to Qualify Aging

In traditional aging reports, each column normally represents a time period, such as 0 to 30 days or 31 to 60
days. Some organizations include certain entries in the same column.

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Understanding Implementation Issues Chapter 2

You may want to age everything by time periods except credit memos, for example, and have the system
display credit memos in one column. To accomplish this, set up an entry type that describes the items that the
system moves to a specific column.

Definition of Accounts Receivable Templates With Entry Types and Entry Reasons

When you enter a pending item into the system, you predetermine its accounting distribution: what it is going
to debit and credit in the general ledger. You create an accounting entry template so that, when you create the
accounting entries online (or when the system creates them during background processing), the system
populates the accounting information. The details that are included in the template varies by entry type and
entry reason.

Use of Entry Types and Entry Reasons to Track Customer History

PeopleSoft Receivables includes a customer history feature that calculates activity totals on a calendar basis.
The entry type directs the system to accumulate a total. You might decide, for example, to track sales by
month for each customer. You then specify which entry types and entry reasons to include in that category.

You might decided to track deductions by month, according to a certain entry reason. The Receivable Update
process uses the entry type and entry reason combination to determine which categories to update.

18 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 3

Defining PeopleSoft Receivables

Business Units
This chapter provides an overview of PeopleSoft Receivables business units and discusses how to:

• Create a receivables business unit.

• Define business unit defaults by setID.

• Define business unit defaults for individual business units.

Note. This chapter is required. You must complete the tasks discussed in this chapter to implement
PeopleSoft Receivables.

Understanding PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units

A business unit represents a high-level organization of business information that can be shared across a set of
applications. You can use a business unit to define regional or departmental units in an organization.

To understand how PeopleSoft Receivables uses business units, consider how PeopleSoft General Ledger
uses them. A business unit in PeopleSoft General Ledger is a subset of your organization that keeps its own
set of books or ledgers. A receivables business unit is a subset of your organization that has its own set of
customer balances. Each receivables business unit has its own defined group of valid customer balances, its
own way of aging and reporting on those customers, and its own item and payment processing guidelines.

The system stores each business unit's financial transactions, such as invoices and payments, in tables that are
keyed by business unit ID. This ensures that the data for one business unit remains separate from the data for
other business units—even though the data exists in the same physical database table.

This section discusses:

• Types of business units.

• PeopleSoft Enterprise Tree Manager.

• Tablesets.

• Default hierarchies.

• Business unit setup process flow.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 19
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units Chapter 3

See Also

Chapter 2, "Understanding Implementation Issues," Business Unit Structure, page 13

Types of Business Units

How you define a business unit depends on your industry, statutory requirements, regulatory reporting
demands, and operating responsibilities. For example, a bank might treat different branches as separate
business units, but a manufacturer might segregate the finances of each plant or division. Multinational
organizations might separate their operations into geographic business units because of the necessities of
conducting business globally. Highly diversified organizations might define each subsidiary or cost center as
a business unit.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Tree Manager

You use a tool called Tree Manager to group business units together into a hierarchical structure. Tree
Manager and your business unit structure provide a mechanism for defining reporting parameters.

A business unit is the smallest structural unit that can be represented in Tree Manager. This is important
because certain reports use the relationships defined in Tree Manager to sort and sum amounts. These
amounts can include:

• PeopleSoft Receivables subtotals for each business unit at the lowest level.

• Further subtotals for each grouping of business units—that is, for each level of the tree.

• A grand total of an organization's receivables.


Suppose that an organization consists of 12 different companies, each represented by a business unit. You
group these companies into three lines of business. Each business line is a subsidiary of the organization. In
addition, you have a separate corporate business unit. All of these units—the 12 in 3 subsidiaries and the
corporate business unit—roll up into the organization at the top of the hierarchy. You can report at any level
of the hierarchy.

Tree Manager enables you to establish hierarchical structures called trees. Using this tool, you can group
business units together and define the relationships between them.

Note. PeopleSoft Receivables uses trees to define corporate customer structures and to summarize
information for aging reports.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Tree Manager

20 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 3 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units

When you plan your business unit structure, you need to be familiar with tablesets, which are used in all
PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials products.

The accounting structure and processing rules for each PeopleSoft application are defined in a series of
control tables. A tableset is a group of rows across control tables, identified by the same setID, on which you
define the accounting structure for each of your business units, aging rules, entry types and reasons, payment
terms, credit and receivables personnel, and so forth. For a business unit to process transactions, it must have
an associated tableset.

You can think of business units and tablesets in the following simplified terms:

• A business unit contains all the actual data.

• A tableset contains the rules by which the data is processed.

A setID identifies each tableset. You can have as many setIDs as you want. However, using numerous setIDs
creates complex tableset sharing. You must create at least one setID, even if you do not use tableset sharing.

Default Hierarchies
A business unit is the highest level in the hierarchy and you must set default values for business units. All
other entities fall beneath them in the hierarchy. Some of the attributes set at the business unit level may be
set at lower levels in the hierarchy, such as the customer or item level, but are not required.

Default hierarchies exist throughout the system. Any time that a default hierarchy exists, you can:

• Leave information blank at lower levels, because defaults are inherited from the next higher level.

• Override information set at higher levels by entering different information at the lower levels.


To understand default hierarchies, consider the example of payment terms. When you enter a pending item,
you can specify payment terms on the Pending Item 1 page. If you do not specify payment terms there, the
system checks the customer level to see if payment terms are defined for the customer. If payment terms do
not appear at the customer level, the system uses the payment terms that you defined at the business unit level
on the Receivables Options - Payment Options page.

Business Unit Setup Process Flow

Follow these steps to set up business units:

1. Create the receivables business unit and its associated tableset on the Receivables Definition - Business
Unit Definition page.

2. Set up a general ledger business unit.

3. Set up an accounts payable business unit if you use refund processing.

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Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units Chapter 3

4. Set up the common application tables and core PeopleSoft Receivables tables.

5. Define the default processing values for each business unit at the setID level and for individual business

Use the Receivables Options component (BUS_UNIT_OPT_AR1) to define defaults at the setID level.
All business units assigned to a setID use the defaults that you provide there. Use the Receivables
Definition component (BUS_UNIT_TBL_AR) to define defaults for specific business units.

Creating a PeopleSoft Receivables Business Unit

You must define a business unit and associate it with a setID before you set up other tables.

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to create a business unit.

Before you set up business units, you must decide on your tableset structure and set up setIDs.

See the documentation on planning records and tablesets in the Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook:
PeopleSoft Application Designer.

Page Used to Create a PeopleSoft Receivables Business Unit

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Business Unit Definition BUS_UNIT_TBL_AR1 Set Up Financials/Supply Create a new business unit.
Chain, Business Unit
Related, Receivables,
Receivables Definition,
Business Unit Definition

Creating a Business Unit

Access the Business Unit Definition page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related,
Receivables, Receivables Definition, Business Unit Definition).

Default SetID Enter the value of an existing business unit whose setID you want to copy, or
enter a new business unit ID to establish a new generic setID that has the same
name as the business unit that you are adding.

Create BU (create Click to create the receivables business unit and setID.
business unit)

22 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 3 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units

Defining Business Unit Defaults by SetID

To define business unit defaults, use the Receivables Options component (BUS_UNIT_OPT_AR1).

This section discusses how to:

1. Define general options.

2. Define additional general options.

3. Define payment options.

4. Define value-added tax (VAT) defaults.

5. Define Payment Predictor options.

6. Select default currency options.

7. Define defaults for customer historical trends.

Pages Used to Set Up Business Unit Defaults by SetID

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Receivables Options - BUS_UNIT_OPT_AR1 Set Up Financials/Supply Define history options,

General 1 Chain, Business Unit aging options,
Related, Receivables, correspondence
Receivables Options, information,
General 1 intragovernmental payment
and collection (IPAC)
information, write-off
tolerances for customer
account maintenance, and
other general information.

Receivables Options - BUS_UNIT_OPT_AR3 Set Up Financials/Supply Enter options for payment

General 2 Chain, Business Unit interfaces, commitment
Related, Receivables, control accounting, and
Receivables Options, ChartField combination
General 2 editing.

Receivables Options - BUS_UNIT_OPT_AR2 Set Up Financials/Supply Define defaults for payment

Payment Options Chain, Business Unit processing, grace days,
Related, Receivables, deduction dates,
Receivables Options, revaluation, and
Payment Options worksheets.

Receivables Options - VAT BUS_UNIT_OPT_AR5 Set Up Financials/Supply Define the defaults for VAT
Defaults Chain, Business Unit processing.
Related, Receivables,
Receivables Options, VAT

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Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units Chapter 3

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Receivables Options - BUS_UNIT_OPT_AR6 Set Up Financials/Supply Define the maximum write-

Predictor Detail Options Chain, Business Unit off amounts and discount
Related, Receivables, tolerances for the
Receivables Options, #DTL_TLR algorithm
Predictor Detail Options group.
Specify the default entry
type and reason that the
Payment Predictor process
(ARPREDCT) uses to
create accounting entries for
partial payments and
discounts when it executes
the algorithm group.

Receivables Options - BUS_UNIT_OPT_AR7 Set Up Financials/Supply Specify the default currency

Currency Display Options Chain, Business Unit that appears on some of the
Related, Receivables, inquiry pages, the
Receivables Options, maintenance and transfer
Currency Display Options worksheets, and the run
control pages for dunning
letters and statements.

Receivables Options - BUS_UNIT_OPT_AR8 Set Up Financials/Supply Define the historical

Customer Trend Options Chain, Business Unit statistics that you want to
Related, Receivables, appear on the Customer
Receivables Options, Trend 1 page, Customer
Customer Trend Options Trend 2 page, and Customer
Trend 3 page.

Defining General Options

Access the Receivables Options - General 1 page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related,
Receivables, Receivables Options, General 1).

24 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 3 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units

Receivables Options - General 1 page

Aging ID Select an aging ID that you set up on the Aging page. The Aging Application
Engine process (AR_AGING) uses this identifier for the aging rules for all
business units associated with the tableset.

Calendar ID Select the calendar ID used to perform history calculations. You define the
calendars on the Calendar Periods page.

AR Specialist (accounts Select the AR specialist who you want to be the initial owner for deduction and
receivable specialist) disputed items. The system assigns the specialist when you create a deduction on
the payment worksheet and when you mark an item as disputed or as a deduction
on the View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page. You can override the default
specialist for individual customers on the Bill To Options page and for the
deduction or dispute reasons on the Deduction Reason page and the Dispute
Reason page.

Note. You must assign an AR specialist to each business unit. To assign all
deductions or disputed items initially to a specific AR specialist, such as a
manager, use the same specialist for each business unit and do not override the
specialist for individual customers or reasons. Managers can use the Item List
page to search for items assigned to them and drill down to the items to assign
them to someone else. Alternatively, you can set up an assessment rule to create
an action for the AR specialist when you run the Condition Monitor Application
Engine process (AR_CNDMON). The manager can then assign each deduction
or disputed item to individual AR specialists on the Reassign Action page.

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Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units Chapter 3

Automatic Maintenance Select the automatic maintenance method containing the rules that you want to
Method use by default to match items when you run the Automatic Maintenance
Application Engine process (AR_AUTOMNT). You can override the method for
individual run controls if needed.

Year and Period Enter dates that the Receivable Update Application Engine process
(ARUPDATE) uses to determine which period to update for days sales
outstanding history. These dates appear on the Receivables Update - Request
page. The system calculates, summarizes, and stores all monetary transactions
that fall in the date range for the defined periods.

Statement ID and Select the IDs that determine the conditions and parameters that the system uses
Dunning ID to prepare customer statements and dunning letters. The statement ID also
defines the default statement type to generate. You define these IDs in the

Admin ID (administrative Select an overdue charge ID for each of these fields whose overdue charge type
ID), Finance ID, and matches the field name. These IDs determine the conditions and parameters that
Penalty ID the system uses to generate overdue charge invoices. The system also uses these
IDs to determine when not to prepare an overdue charge invoice. You define
these IDs in the Overdue Charging component (OVRDUE_CHG_TABLE2).

Note. Override the identifiers for statements, dunning letters, and overdue
charges for individual customer on the Correspondence Options page.

Bank Select the bank of the business unit whose remit to address will appear on

Bank Account Enter the bank account number of the business unit whose remit to address will
appear on correspondence.

(USF) Billing ALC Enter the agency location code for the billing agency that is sending data. The
(billing agency location federal IPAC interface uses the business unit agency location code when
code) transmitting data.

(USF) Sender DO Enter the disbursing office symbol for the agency location that is sending the
(sender disbursing office) transaction using the IPAC interface. This is the five-character ID assigned by
the U.S. Department of Treasury.

Note. The Billing ALC and Sender DO fields are available only if you select the AR IPAC Interface check
box on the Installation Options - Receivables page.

Write-off Tolerances

You must specify the tolerances that the maintenance worksheet and Automatic Maintenance process use to
write off items.

26 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 3 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units

Maximum Write-Off Enter the maximum amount that you can write off for either an individual item or
Amount for the remaining balance for a match group. The process writes off an amount
less than or equal to the maximum amount if the amount does not exceed the
percentage of the original amount for the item. For example, if you enter an
amount of 25.00, the process writes off amounts up to 25.00. However, if you
enter a maximum write-off percent of 10 and the total original amount of an item
is 240.00, the system will not write off more than 24.00.
For no limit, enter all 9s.

Maximum Write-Off For the maintenance worksheet, enter the maximum percentage of the item
Percent amount that the system can write off. The write-off percent applies only to write-
offs for individual items, not for remaining amounts for items or match groups.
For the Automatic Maintenance process, enter the maximum percentage that the
remaining balance can be for a match group. The process adds the total debits or
totals credits and divides the higher amount by the remaining balance for the
match group to determine the percentage that can be written off.
The maximum percentage that you can enter is 100. For no limit, enter 100.

Minimum Days Until Enter the minimum age of items before you can write them off on the worksheet
Write-Off or the process automatically writes them off. For example, if you enter 30, you
cannot write off an item until it has been in the system for 30 days. For no limit,
enter 0.

You can also define the tolerances for each customer on the Bill To Options page. The default tolerances for
customers is no limit. You must define tolerances for each entry reason on the Automatic Entry Type -
Selection page for the following entry types:

• Write off a credit (MT-02).

• Write off a debit (MT-03).

• Write off remaining credit (MT-06).

• Write off remaining debit (MT-07).

Because the system always uses the most restrictive tolerance requirement regardless of the level for which
you define tolerances, you will probably want to use the least restrictive tolerance at the business unit level.
For example, suppose that you set up the following write-off tolerances for the deduction write-off amount:

Level Amount

Business unit: FRA06 100.00

Customer: FRA08 50.00

Entry reason: PROMO 75.00

In this example, the system uses the write-off tolerance for the customer to determine the maximum write-off
amount because it is the most restrictive.

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Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units Chapter 3

Defining Additional General Options

Access the Receivables Options - General 2 page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related,
Receivables, Receivables Options, General 2).

Receivables Options - General 2 page

Bank Holiday Options

Holiday Options Select the default rules for the setID that the system uses to change the due date
when it falls on a bank holiday. Options are:
Not Applicable: Does not change the due date.
Due After Holiday: Changes the due date to a day after the holiday.
Due Before Holiday: Changes the due date to a day before the holiday.
The system uses the bank account assigned to the correspondence customer to
determine bank holidays. Override this default for an individual business unit on
the Bank/Payment Options page, or override this default for an individual
customer on the Bill To Options page.

Note. Define holidays on the Business Calendar page; then assign a calendar to a
bank account on the External Account - Account Information page.

Days Enter the number of days to move the due date to accommodate the holiday.

Allow due date in next If you select Due After Holiday as the holiday option, select this check box to
month permit the new due date to be in the next month. If you do not select this option,
the system adjusts the due date to the last business day before the original due

28 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 3 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units

Accounting Date Option

Accounting Date Option Select to have the system issue a warning if the user enters a date other than the
current date for transactions in this business unit.

Revenue Estimate Options

Synchronize Budget Select to use the same date for entries in the collected budget as the date in
Date recognized budget. Otherwise, the system uses the accounting date for the source

Budget Date Override Select to enable users to override the BUDGET_DT field when creating online
accounting entries. You must have Commitment Control activated at the
installation level and at the ledger group for the business unit.

Transaction Type Specify the default source transaction template for the Budget Processor
Application Engine process (FS_BP) to read the source data and to perform
budget checking. The Budget Processor uses the default for transactions that the
Revenue Estimate Application Engine process (AR_REV_EST) generates.
Override the default when you run the Revenue Estimate process or the Budget
Processor process.

Misc Payment Specify the source transaction template for the Budget Processor to use to read
Transaction Type the source data and to perform budget checking for directly journalled payments.
(miscellaneous payment You cannot override this value when you run the process from the Direct Journal
transaction type) Entry - Accounting Entries or Directly Journalled Payments pages. However, you
can override this value when you run the process from the Budget Processor -
Request page.

Note. Define source transaction templates in the Source Transaction Definition

component (KK_SOURCE_TRAN).

Multiple Revenue Line Specify whether to perform manual multiple revenue line distribution for the
items in the business unit. If you select Allow Manual Distribution, a user can
manually distribute the revenue amounts for control budgets in the worksheets if
a partial payment is applied to items with multiple revenue lines. If you select No
Manual Distribution, the system distributes the revenue amount automatically.

You can choose to synchronize the budget date and allow users to override the budget date independently.
The following table describes the actions of the system in each case:

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 29
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units Chapter 3

Synchronize Budget Override Budget Description Actuals and Revenue Estimate

Date Field Date Field Reporting Ledgers Ledger

Cleared Cleared You cannot override The accounting date The accounting date
the budget date. The is used as the budget is used as the budget
system uses the date on all date on all
accounting date as the transactions. transactions.
budget date on all

Cleared Selected You can override the The accounting date The accounting date
budget date for any is used as the budget and the budget date
transaction. date on all match their values in
transactions, but the ITEM_DST.
user can override the
budget date.

Selected Cleared Use the same date for The accounting date The system uses the
entries in the is used as the budget original budget date
collected budget as date on all from the recognized
the date in the transactions. revenue for the
recognized budget. budget date related to
entries affecting the
Note. This selection collected revenue.
only affects the
budget ledger. Note. The budget and
reporting ledgers are
not synchronized,
only the budget date
for the recognized
revenue and collected

30 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 3 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units

Synchronize Budget Override Budget Description Actuals and Revenue Estimate

Date Field Date Field Reporting Ledgers Ledger

Selected Selected You can only The accounting date The accounting date
override the budget is used as the budget and the budget date
date for pending item date, but you can match their values in
entry transactions. override the date as ITEM_DST.
required for:
The system uses the
• Pending item original budget date
entry from the recognized
transactions. revenue for the
budget date related to
• Transactions that entries affecting the
create new items collected revenue.
on worksheets.
Note. The budget
• The transfer to ledger and actuals
item in transfer ledger dates are the
worksheet same.

For all other

transactions, the
budget date is
populated based upon
the recognized
revenue budget date.

ChartField Editing

Edit Combinations Select to enable ChartField combination editing for business units with this setID
and select one of two methods for handling errors.

Recycle Select to display an error message for accounting entries that you create online.
You can save the accounting entries, but you cannot post them until you correct
the errors or fix the combination edit rule on the Rule Definition page. The
system changes the posting action for the group to Do Not Post and sets the edit
status to Error. If you generate accounting entries by running the Receivable
Update process, the process creates an entry in the message log. You must use
the error correction pages to correct the errors before you can post them.

Warning Select to display a warning message for accounting entries that you create online.
You can choose whether to correct the accounting entries or to post them without
correction. The Receivable Update process adds a warning message to the
message log for batch accounting entries and posts the group.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Editing ChartField Combinations."

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 31
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units Chapter 3

Item Entry Display Options

Order Number Update, Select to enable users to update the Order Number,Purchase Order, and Contract
PO Number Update Number fields on the View/Update Item Details - Detail 2 page.
(purchase order number
update), and Contract Note. You can update these fields only if you are working with Item Entry Type
Number Update transactions that are typically interfaced from external billing systems. You
cannot update these fields for other transactions.

Defining Payment Options

Access the Receivables Options - Payment Options page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit
Related, Receivables, Receivables Options, Payment Options).

Receivables Options - Payment Options page

Payment Method Select the default payment method for items. Options are: Check, Credit Card,
Direct Debit, Draft, Electronic Funds Transfer, or Giro - EFT.
Override the value for individual customers, items or payments.

Note. If you receive payments using a payment interface, such as an electronic

data interchange (EDI), lockbox, or bank statement, select Check or Electronic
Funds Transfer. If you receive electronic payments for acceptgiro attachments,
select Giro - EFT.

32 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 3 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units

Payment Predictor Select the method that the Payment Predictor process uses if you do not specify a
Method method at the customer level. The payment predictor method defines the rules
that the process uses to apply payments and to make adjustments such as write-
off items.
See Chapter 9, "Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing," Defining Payment
Predictor Methods, page 292.

If you want to use Payment Predictor to apply all payments from a particular
bank account, select the Payment Predictor check box on the External Accounts -
Account Information page. Override this default, and select or clear Payment
Predictor for individual payments, using the deposit entry pages.

Format Currency Select the default currency that the system uses for receivables processing.

Rate Type Select the exchange rate type that the system uses to perform currency
conversion. Override the default at the customer level or when you enter pending
items, enter deposits, create maintenance worksheets, or create customer-initiated

Payment Terms ID Select the default payment terms for the business unit. Override the default at the
customer level or when you enter pending items. Define payment terms on the
Payment Terms page. The payment terms determine the item due date and
discount information.

Partial Payment Enter a value that determines whether you can modify the amount on the
Disabled payment worksheet to create a partial payment. The default is N, which enables
users to create partial payments. Enter Y if you do not want users to create partial

Due Grace Days Enter the number of days beyond the due date that a customer can pay without
the payment being considered late. The Overdue Charges Application Engine
process (AR_OVRDUE) uses due grace days to determine whether an item is
overdue. If the item's due date is May 1, 2003 and you run the process on May 2,
2003, the process does not create an overdue charge if you enter 5 for the due
grace days. However, after the grace days pass, the system calculates overdue
charges from the item's due date. The Aging process uses grace days to
determine in which aging category to place an item. For example, you enter 5
days and an item is 22 days old. You have aging categories for 10, 20, and 30
days. The item would be in the aging category for 10 days, because the system
subtracts five days from the age.

Discount Grace Days Enter the number of days beyond the discount date that a customer is still eligible
for an earned discount. Payment worksheets, express deposits, and the Payment
Predictor process use discount grace days to calculate discounts.
Override the due grace days and discount grace days for a customer on the Bill
To Options page and for individual items during pending item entry or item

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Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units Chapter 3

Enable Write-Off Select this check box to activate approval workflow for write-offs entered on the
Workflow payment worksheet, maintenance worksheet, or draft worksheet. This approval
workflow is controlled by the Approval Framework feature in PeopleSoft
Enterprise Components. The user is not able to set the worksheet to post until the
write-off amount is approved. Both the approver and the worksheet user can set
the worksheet to post after approval is granted.
See Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," Setting Up Write-Off
Approval Workflow, page 144.

Item Transfer Date Select the option that the system uses to determine the accounting date for
transfer activities when you transfer items from one customer to another. Options
Item Date: The accounting date of the original item.
System: The current system date.

Deduction Due Date Select the type of date that the system uses to determine the due date of the new
item created for a referenced deduction. Select Acctng Dt (accounting date) if the
due date is to be the accounting date of the payment. Select Item Dt (item date) to
carry over the original item due date.

Deduction Reason Select the default deduction reason to assign to new deductions that the Payment
Predictor process or payment and draft worksheet create. Users can override the
reason when they create the deduction on the payment worksheet or on the
View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page. Use a generic reason as the default
reason and override it as needed.

Note. You can also create unique deduction reasons for each entry reason for the
Deduction entry type. If you do this, the system assigns the appropriate deduction
reasons for deductions that you create on the payment or draft worksheet.

See Chapter 7, "Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing," Understanding

Exception Reasons and Collection Codes, page 201.

Reference Qualifier Select the type of remittance information generally provided by customers, such
Code as document, item, or bill of lading. This is the default value for identifying items
to include in the payment, draft, maintenance, and transfer worksheets. You can
override the value at the customer level.

(USF) Entity Code and Enter the default code that identifies the government agency to which you submit
Receivable Type the Receivables Due from the Public report and the code that categorizes the
types of receivables that are included on the report. This value is the default for
items. These fields are available only if you select the Receivables Due From
Public check box on the Installation Options - Receivables page.

34 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 3 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units

Revaluation Process Select the level where the revaluation process occurs. Options are: B (business
Level unit), C (customer ID), or I (item). You must specify a revaluation level to
summarize revaluation information by a specific level according to these rules:
• If you summarize at the business unit level, the values for customer ID and
item ID are 0.

• If you summarize at the customer level, the value for the item ID is 0.

• If you summarize at the item level, each field contains a value.

Confirm AfterandDays Enter the default number of days that a prenote will be automatically confirmed
by the system.
• When Prenote Required check box on the Bill To Options page for the
customer (Customers, Customer Information, General Information) is
selected and New is selected for the Prenote Status on the same page.

• If Prenote Required check box is not selected for a customer on the Bill To
Options page, and it is selected for the bank or in the Direct Debit Profile, the
Create Direct Debit process will update the Confirm After n Days field on the
Bill To Options page for the customer with the default days entered in this
Confirm After n Days field on the Payment Options page of the Receivable
Business Unit.

Defining VAT Defaults

Access the Receivables Options - VAT Defaults page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit
Related, Receivables, Receivables Options, VAT Defaults).

Receivables Options - VAT Defaults page

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Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units Chapter 3

VAT Default Click to access the VAT Defaults Setup page.

The VAT Defaults Setup page is a common page used to set up VAT defaulting
for all PeopleSoft applications processing VAT transactions. On this page you
can define PeopleSoft Receivables VAT business unit defaults as applicable.
Use the VAT Defaults Setup page to identify this PeopleSoft Receivables
business unit as subject to the domestic reverse charge provision by selecting Yes
in the Domestic Reverse Charge field. In addition, use the Domestic Reverse
Charge Sales field to enter a VAT Transaction Type code and enter a value in the
VAT Driver field. The domestic reverse charge fields are displayed on various
receivable transactions for pending item entry, draft entry, and payment entry.
See Chapter 32, "Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables,"
Domestic Reverse Charge Goods VAT, page 964.

VAT Service Treatment Click to access the Services VAT Treatment Defaults Setup page.
Setup The Services VAT Treatment Defaults Setup page is a common page used to set
up VAT services treatment defaults for all PeopleSoft applications processing
VAT transactions. If you are required to implement special handling for services,
you can specify PeopleSoft Receivables VAT service treatment defaults on this
page as applicable.
When defining service VAT treatment defaults for a specific service, you specify
the defaults applicable to that service. When defining defaults for a driver higher
in the hierarchy, such as a vendor, customer, or business unit, you specify the
defaults that apply to the services most often supplied by or for that driver.

Note. The VAT Defaults Setup and Services VAT Treatment Defaults Setup pages are described in detail in
the PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.0 PeopleBook.

Physical Nature Select the default physical nature for transactions. Options are: Physical Goods
or Intangible/Services.

Where Service Select the default location for where a service is most often physically
Performed performed. Options are: Buyer's Location, Ship From Location, Ship To
Location, or Supplier's Location.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with VAT," Establishing VAT

Selecting Payment Predictor Options

Access the Receivable Options - Predictor Detail Options page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business
Unit Related, Receivables, Receivables Options, Predictor Detail Options).

36 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 3 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units

Receivables Options - Predictor Detail Options

The Payment Predictor process uses the tolerances that you specify to write off or adjust an underpayment or
overpayment or to adjust the discount amount when you run a payment predictor method that executes the
#DTL_TLR or #DTL_TPM algorithm groups. The system uses these tolerances for underpayments to
determine whether to write off or adjust the balance, or make a partial payment if the Partial Payment Switch
check box on the Bill To Options page for the customer is selected. If you clear the Partial Payment Switch
check box, it only uses the tolerances to determine whether to write off or adjust the balance. The tolerances
apply to individual items not to all invoices paid by the payment.

Invoice Tolerance Enter the maximum amount of an underpayment or overpayment that the
Amount Payment Predictor process can write off. The Payment Predictor process can
write off an amount below the invoice tolerance amount if it does not exceed the
percentage of the payment or item.
For example, suppose that you receive a payment of 1,000.00 EUR. You enter
25.00 EUR for the invoice tolerance amount, and you enter .01 in the Percent
field. The Payment Predictor process applies the payment to a 1,023.00 EUR
item. It does not write off the remaining amount of the item because 23.00 EUR
is larger than 1 percent of the 1,023.00 EUR item.

Note. The currency is the format currency that you entered on the Payment
Options page.

Percent Enter the maximum percentage to write off. You can use decimals in the
percentage. If you enter .25 this equals .0025. If you enter 1.00 this equals 1

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Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units Chapter 3

Discount Tolerance Enter the maximum amount of an unearned discount that the Payment Predictor
Amount process can take.
To take unearned discounts, users must select the Disc field on the Detail
Reference Information page for the payment and enter the discount amount.

Note. The currency is the format currency that you enter on the Payment Options

Percent Enter the maximum percentage that the Payment Predictor process can add to the
payment terms. You can use decimals in the percentage. If you enter .25 this
equals .0025. If you enter 1.00 this equals 1 percent.

Last Entry Date Displays the date on which the page was last changed.

Control Bus Unit and Click the down arrow to display these values:
Customer (control
business unit and • First
customer) Selecting this value creates WS-06 or WS-07 items for the first business unit
and customer ID in the list of items being paid, which is ordered by customer

• Last

Selecting this value creates WS-06 or WS-07 for the last business unit and
customer ID in the list of items being paid, which is ordered by customer ID.

• Specify

When you select this value, you must enter or select a value for each of these

• A specific control business unit.

• A specific customer ID.

If all of the items being paid for in a payment apply to the same business
unit and customer, then the system creates adjustment items for that
business unit and customer. However, if the items apply to multiple
business units or multiple customers, then the system creates adjustment
items for the business unit and customer that you specify in these two

Assigning Default Entry Types and Reasons

Enter the entry type and entry reason codes that you want to use to override the defaults for the system
function. The following table provides a list of conditions that are in the Exception Type field and the default
system function that the Payment Predictor process uses for the condition. It also provides other system
functions that you can use for the exception type and the entry type and reason to enter if you want the
Payment Predictor process to use that system function.

38 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 3 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units

Condition Default System Possible Entry Type and

Function System Functions Reason

Invoice amount or WS-10 (Write-off an WS-09 (Write-off an WO and IOIT

percent overage within Overpayment) Item)
WS-06 (Adjust
Remaining Overpayment)
WS-10 (Write-off an

Invoice amount or WS-05 (Place Amount on WS-05 (Place Amount on OA and IOET
percent overage exceeds Account) Account)
WS-04 (Prepay an Item)
WS-06 (Adjust
Remaining Overpayment)

Invoice amount or WS-11 (Write-off an WS-09 (Write-off an WO and IUIT

percent underage within Underpayment) Item)
WS-07 (Adjust
WS-11 (Write-off an

Invoice amount or WS-08 (Create a WS-08 (Create a DED and IUET

percent underage exceeds Deduction) Deduction)

Discount amount or WS-11 (Write-off an WS-09 (Write-off an WO and DOIT

percent overage within Underpayment) Item)
WS-07 (Adjust
WS-11 (Write-off an

Discount amount or WS-08 (Create a WS-08 (Create a DED and DOET

percent overage exceeds Deduction) Deduction)

Discount amount or WS-10 (Write-off an WS-09 (Write-off an WO and DUIT

percent underage within Overpayment) Item)
WS-06 (Adjust
Remaining Overpayment)
WS-10 (Write-off an

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Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units Chapter 3

Condition Default System Possible Entry Type and

Function System Functions Reason

Discount amount or WS-05 (Place Amount on WS-05 (Place Amount on OA and DUET
percent underage exceeds Account) Account)
WS-04 (Prepay an Item)
WS-06 (Adjust
Remaining Overpayment)

Select Generate Worksheet on this page and in payment predictor methods where you use the #DTL_TLR
algorithm group to generate a worksheet when the condition occurs. This enables you to review the payment
application before you post it.

Note. If you use the #DTL_TLR algorithm group in a payment predictor method, the Payment Predictor
process uses default entry types and reasons (for each system function) for underpayment, overpayment, and
discount conditions. However, you can override the defaults by business unit based on their setID. You must
assign these entry types and reasons to the system function on the Automatic Entry Type - Selection page.

See Also

Chapter 9, "Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing," Using #DETAIL and #DTL_TLR for Partial
Payments and Deductions, page 282

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Setting Up Automatic Entry Types, page

Selecting Default Currency Options

Access the Receivables Options - Currency Display Options page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business
Unit Related, Receivables, Receivables Options, Currency Display Options).

40 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 3 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units

Receivables Options - Currency Display Options page

AR Display Currency

Use an AR Display Select to enable the associated currency options. Use these options to determine
Currency (use an which currency transaction and balance amounts appear in the PeopleSoft
accounts receivable Receivables inquiry pages, and to determine the default currency that appears on
display currency) the run control pages for statements and dunning letter processes. Options are:
Business Unit Currency: The system displays amounts in the format currency for
the business unit that you defined on the Receivables Options - Payment Options
page, and the system uses the exchange rate type for the business unit to convert
the amount. The business unit currency is usually the same as the base currency.
Customer Default Currency: The system displays amounts in the default currency
for the customer and uses the exchange rate type for the customer to convert the
amount. You define customer currency defaults on the Miscellaneous General
Info page for the customer.
Other: The system displays amounts in the currency that you specify, and the
system uses the exchange rate type that you specify to convert the amounts. Only
this option enables you to change the display currency for inquiry pages and the
dunning letter and statement run control pages when you access them.

AR Display Currency in Worksheet Pages

The values that you enter here determine the default values that display on the Currency Conversion page for
maintenance, payment, and transfer worksheets. You can override the values at the worksheet level if needed.
The values are used to convert the item amounts to a different currency and they display in the Conversion
Amount - Currency field if you use the Currency Conversion page to convert them.

Currency Code Enter the default currency for converting item amounts.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 41
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units Chapter 3

Rate Type Specify the exchange rate that the system uses to convert currency amounts on

Effective Date Specify whether the conversion date should be the current date (As of Today), or
the Accounting Date for the item.

Defining Defaults for Customer Historical Trends

Access the Receivables Options - Customer Trend Options page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business
Unit Related, Receivables, Receivables Options, Customer Trend Options).

Receivables Options - Customer Trend Options page

Enter the history ID that you want to use to calculate the historical data for each of the trend pages along with
the heading label that you want to display for the data on the trend pages. You use the trend pages to compare
historical data for different history IDs. Enter either system-defined or user-defined history IDs.

The Customer Trend 1 and Customer Trend 2 pages can display up to three historical statistics for history IDs
that track amounts, such as High Balance Amount, and the Customer Trend 3 page can display up to six
historical statistics for history IDs that track the number of days, such as average days late.

Defining Business Unit Defaults for Individual Business Units

To define business unit defaults, use the Receivables Definition component.

This section discusses how to:

42 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 3 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units

• Establish the general ledger business unit defaults.

• Define multicurrency processing options, distribution codes, and journal templates.

• Define additional accounting options.

• Select bank and payment interface options.

• (USF) Define debt management information.

Important! Changing the GL business unit for a Receivables business unit when open items exist may result
in an error during processing. Verify that there are no open items for the Receivables business unit before
changing the GL business unit.

Pages Used to Define Defaults for Individual Business Units

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Receivables Definition - BUS_UNIT_TBL_AR1 Set Up Financials/Supply Link a PeopleSoft

Business Unit Definition Chain, Business Unit Receivables business unit
Related, Receivables, with a PeopleSoft General
Receivables Definition, Ledger business unit and
Business Unit Definition assign a location code to the
unit. You also define the
base currency and automatic
numbering options for the
business unit.

Receivables Definition - BUS_UNIT_TBL_AR2 Set Up Financials/Supply Define the open accounting

Accounting Options 1 Chain, Business Unit periods for the business
Related, Receivables, unit, assign a direct journal
Receivables Definitions, template to the unit, assign
Accounting Options 1 the accounts receivable
distribution codes to the
unit, and define
multicurrency processing

Receivables Definition - BUS_UNIT_TBL_AR3 Set Up Financials/Supply Specify the distribution

Accounting Options 2 Chain, Business Unit codes used to create
Related, Receivables, accounting entries for draft
Receivables Definitions, processing and refund
Accounting Options 2 processing. Also, define
defaults for direct debit and
refund processing.

Receivables Definition - BUS_UNIT_TBL_AR4 Set Up Financials/Supply Specify business unit

Bank/Payment Options Chain, Business Unit defaults for due dates that
Related, Receivables, fall on holidays. If you use
Receivables Definitions, discounted drafts, specify
Bank/Payment Options the default entry type for
bank fees.

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Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units Chapter 3

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

DMS Definition DMS_BU_SEC Click the DMS Definition (USF) Map fields and
link on the Receivables specify outbound and
Definition - Bank/Payment inbound file processing
Options page. requirements for the Debt
Management Service
The link is available only if
(DMS) interface.
you selected the DMS
Interface field on the
Installation Options -
Receivables page.

Establishing General Ledger Business Unit Defaults

Access the Receivables Definition - Business Unit Definition page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain,
Business Unit Related, Receivables, Receivables Definition, Business Unit Definition).

Receivables Definition - Business Unit Definition page

Location Code Designate the address of the business unit by selecting a location from the
locations that are defined on the Location Definition page.

GL Unit (General Ledger Select the general ledger business unit to associate with the receivables business
business unit) unit.

Important! Changing the GL business unit for a Receivables business unit when
open items exist may result in an error during processing. Verify that there are no
open items for the Receivables business unit before changing the GL business

44 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 3 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units

Base Curr (base Displays the base currency of the general ledger business unit that you associated
currency) with the receivables business unit.

ID Numbers Click to assign the business unit to a reporting entity such as a country
registration number. Select from a list of values available for various reporting

Default InterUnit Doc Select the document type to use for document sequence numbers for interunit
Type (default interunit accounting entries when you unpost a group. This field is available only if you
document type) enabled document sequencing on the Installation Options - Overall page and for
the general ledger business unit associated with the receivables business unit.

Deposit ID Enter the last number used for deposits.

Group ID Enter the last number used for item and payment groups—items, payments,
transfers, maintenance, drafts, and unpost. The number that you enter is one less
than the ID that the system assigns to the first deposit or group. During
processing, the system displays the ID NEXT until you click Save. Override the
automatic numbering by entering your own ID in place of NEXT.

Receipt Number Enter the last number used for cash receipts that you enter for orders in
PeopleSoft Order Management. The number is one less than the next number that
the system assigns to the next cash receipt when you record a payment for a
counter sale in PeopleSoft Order Management.

See Also

Chapter 2, "Understanding Implementation Issues," General Ledger Distribution, page 14

Defining the Accounting Options 1 Page

Access the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 1 page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business
Unit Related, Receivables, Receivables Definitions, Accounting Options 1).

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Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units Chapter 3

Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 1 page

Update Open Periods Click to access the Open Period Update page, where you update the opening and
closing period for a business unit. You can use same period dates for all
transactions or use different dates for specific types of transactions. You link the
transaction type to group types on the Group Type page.
The normal default opening and closing period dates for each PeopleSoft
Receivables business unit are the same as the PeopleSoft General Ledger
business unit with which it is associated. Use this option when you want an
accounting period in PeopleSoft Receivables to close at a different time than an
accounting period in PeopleSoft General Ledger.
The system automatically issues a warning message if the closing date for an
application business unit and transaction type is later than the closing date for the
PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit.

Note. You receive a warning message if unapplied payments or unposted

pending items exist and the accounting date falls in a closed period.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining

Accounting Calendars," Defining and Updating Open Periods and Adjustment

46 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 3 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units

AR Distribution Code Enter the default accounts receivable distribution code for the business unit. This
(accounts receivable code determines the ChartFields that the system uses when generating system-
distribution code) defined accounting entries for pending items.
For billing groups, override the default distribution code on the Pending Item 1
page, on the Item Entry Type - Selection page, or on the customer General
Information - Bill To Options 1 page.
For payment, draft, maintenance, and overdue charge groups, override the
business unit default on the Automatic Entry Type - Selection page or on the
customer General Information - Bill To Options 1 page.

Doubtful Distribution Select a distribution code for items for which you do not expect to receive
Code payments and to transfer those items to the Doubtful Receivable account.

Direct Journal Select the journal generator template that the Journal Generator Application
Engine process (FS_JGEN) uses to create journal entries for directly journalled
payments. Define the template on the Journal Generator - Defaults page.

Cash Control Select the journal generator template that the Journal Generator process uses to
create journal entries for cash control entries. Define the template on the Journal
Generator - Defaults page.

Realized Gain Code Enter a distribution code that maintenance and payment worksheets use to create
adjusting entries for multicurrency processing. Each business unit can have only
one realized gain code.

Realized Loss Code Enter a distribution code that maintenance and payment worksheets use to create
adjusting entries for multicurrency processing. Each business unit can have only
one realized loss code.

Unrealized Gain Code Enter a distribution code that the Revaluation Application Engine process
(AR_REVAL) uses to create revaluation entries for unrealized gain.

Unrealized Loss Code Enter a distribution code that the Revaluation process uses to create revaluation
entries for unrealized loss.

Translate Distribution Enter a distribution code that the Revaluation process uses to create accounting
Code entries for adjustments to translation ledgers.

Translate Realized Gain Enter distribution codes that the system uses to create accounting entries for
Code and Translate multibook translation ledgers if there is a translation adjustment.
Realized Loss Code
Default Revaluation Doc Enter the default revaluation document type for document sequencing.
Type (default revaluation
document type)

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Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units Chapter 3

Rounding Account Code Enter the distribution code that the Receivable Update process uses when you:
• Apply a payment to an item with a currency different from the currency of
the item.

• Apply a payment to an item with the same currency, but the payment and
item currency differ from the base currency of the business unit.

The process posts any leftover amount from the currency conversion to the
ChartFields that are assigned to the distribution code.

Note. The process does this only if there is not realized gain or loss on the

Journal Template Select the journal generator template that the Journal Generator process uses to
create journal entries for the accounting entries that the revaluation process

Defining the Accounting Options 2 Page

Access the Receivable Definition - Accounting Options 2 page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business
Unit Related, Receivables, Receivables Definitions, Accounting Options 2).

Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 2

48 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 3 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units

Cash Control Method Select a timing method, if you use cash control accounting, which records a debit
to cash and a credit to cash control before the receipts are applied to accounts
The methods differ only in the timing of the creation of the initial accounting
entry that debits cash. All other aspects of cash control accounting are treated the
same way under the methods. Options are:
Bank Reconciliation: This method is used primarily in European countries. It
requires the creation of the cash control entry when the payment is reconciled on
a bank statement.
Payment Entry: The preferred method in the U.S. It creates the cash control entry
when the payment is received.
None: The system always debits the cash account and credits the PeopleSoft
Receivables account when you apply the payment. The system does not create
cash control entries.

Auto-Remit Direct Select to have the Create Direct Debits Application Engine process
Debits (AR_DIRDEBIT) automatically change the status to Remitted for direct debits
without exceptions in the run. If any of the direct debits that the process creates
contain exceptions, their status is Pending Approval on the direct debit
worksheet. Override this selection for each run request on the Request
Parameters page.

VAT Adjustment on Select this check box to include the VAT amount of a prepayment in the
Advance Pymt Accounts Receivable Pre-Paid account.
See Chapter 32, "Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables,"
VAT Adjustment for Advance Payments and On-Account Payments, page 989.

Draft AR Distribution Select the distribution code that the system uses to move the draft item from the
Code (draft accounts original PeopleSoft Receivables account to the Draft PeopleSoft Receivables
receivable distribution account.
code) See Chapter 11, "Setting Up Draft Processing," Understanding Draft Setup, page

Remitted Draft Enter the distribution code that the system uses to identify the PeopleSoft
Receivable Code Receivables account when you remit a draft.

Draft Discount Enter the distribution code that the system uses to identify the PeopleSoft
Receivable Code Receivables account for a discounted draft.

Draft Discount Liability Enter the distribution code that the system uses to identify the Liability account
Code when you discount a draft with or without recourse.

Dishonored Draft Code Enter the distribution code that the system uses to identify the Dishonored
Receivables account when you dishonor a draft.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 49
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units Chapter 3

Refund Distribution Enter the distribution code that the system uses to create accounting entries for
Code refunds.

Note. If you have PeopleSoft Payables installed, you must complete the Refund
Distribution Code, AP Unit, and AP Origin ID fields before you can process
refunds. If PeopleSoft Payables is not installed, these fields are optional.

Control Distribution Select the default distribution code for the offset entry for transactions in
Code maintenance and transfer groups. You can override the value on maintenance or
transfer worksheets. Enter separate codes for maintenance and transfer

Important! You cannot build the worksheets if you do not assign a default value
to the business unit.

AP Unit (accounts Select the PeopleSoft Payables business unit for which you want to create
payable unit) vouchers for credit items that you refund from the PeopleSoft Receivables
business unit. For payables refund processing, the receivables business unit and
associated payables business unit must share the same PeopleSoft General
Ledger business unit.

AP Origin ID (accounts Enter the source of the voucher.

payable origin ID)
Note. Before you can enter values in the AP Unit and AP Origin ID fields, you
must select a PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit on the Business Unit
Definition page and click Save.

See Also

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Setting Up Distribution Codes, page 80

Chapter 27, "Managing Direct Debits," Understanding the Create Direct Debits Application Engine Process,
page 853

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Using Journal Generator," Defining
Journal Generator Template Defaults

Selecting Bank and Payment Interface Options

Access the Receivables Definition - Bank/Payment Options page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business
Unit Related, Receivables, Receivables Definitions, Bank/Payment Options).

50 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 3 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units

Receivables Definition - Bank/Payment Options page

The Bank Holiday Options are the same as the ones on the Receivables Options - General 2 page. If you enter
values for a specific business unit they override the values for the setID.

Bank Fees Entry Type

Entry Type Select the default entry type to use for the bank fees or interest on discounted
drafts, if you process discounted drafts. Discounted drafts are drafts for which
you receive the funds prior to the due date. Define entry types on the Entry Type
page. The Receivable Update process uses the entry type to create accounting
entries for the bank fees on the discount date.

Payment Interface Options

Entry Type, Entry Enter the information that provides the default values that the Payment Loader
Reason, and System Application Engine process (AR_PAYLOAD) uses for adjustments reason
Function ID translation. If the process cannot find the adjustment reason code in the lockbox,
EDI file, or bank statement in the Adjustment Reason table
(ADJ_REASON_TBL), it uses the values that you provide for the business unit
for the entry type, entry reason, and system function.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 51
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units Chapter 3

Miscellaneous Payment Options

(NLD) AcceptGiro Type Select A/S Contract to print statements and dunning letters on the acceptgiro
form. Otherwise, select None. If you select A/S Contract and you enter this
business unit on the run control pages, the system prints statements and dunning
letters on the A/S Contract Type acceptgiro form. You can choose not to print the
statements and dunning letters on the acceptgiro form when you run the
Statements Application Engine process (AR_STMTS) or the AR Dunning
process (AR_DUNNING).

(NLD) Payment Enter the payment reference number to print on the acceptgiro form. When you
Reference Sequence print statements or dunning letters on acceptgiro forms, the process increments
this number by one and adds a check digit. The process also adds this reference
number, including the check digit, to the Item table (PS_ITEM) for each item on
the statement or dunning letter. If the item already has a payment reference
number, the process overrides the number. The bank typically sends the payment
reference number with the payment. This enables you to apply payments to items
using Payment Predictor if you use detail algorithm groups or to match payments
to items on the payment worksheet.

(USF) DMS Information Click to access the DMS Definition page, where you map fields and specify the
(Debt Management outbound and inbound file processing requirements. This link is available only if
Service information) you have selected the DMS Interface check box on the Installation Options -
Receivables page.

Credit Card Payment Profile

Credit Card Profile (Optional) Select the profile used to control batch processing of credit card
payments. Any profile entered here may be overridden at the customer level on
the Bill To Options page of the Customer component.

Bank and Account Identify which bank accounts receive deposits for credit card payments.

See Also

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Defining Entry Types, page 76

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up External, Internal, and
Netting Accounts," Defining Collection Methods

(USF) Defining Debt Management Information

Access the DMS Definition page (click the DMS Definition link on the Receivables Definition -
Bank/Payment Options page).

52 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 3 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units

DMS Definition page

Agency ID Enter the agency identifier code assigned by the DMS for the organization.

File Sequence Number Enter the original sequence number for the files that you submit to the DMS. The
system increments the number after each successful process.

Number of days and Enter the number of days past the date in the Basis Date field that the system uses
Basis Date to determine whether to automatically send the outstanding debt to the DMS. The
default is 180 days. Values for the basis date are Accounting Date, As of Date,
Due Date, or Item Date.

Primary private Enter a collection code that you defined on the Collection Code page to identify
collection agency, the collection agencies to which you submit collections for this business unit. If
Secondary private you enter values in these fields, the system sends a supplemental record to the
collection agency, and DMS that includes the date and the amount of the debt that was sent to the
Judgement taken on collection agency.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 53
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units Chapter 3

Transaction Type, Entry Select each transaction type that you receive in inbound files from the DMS and
Type, and Entry Reason associate it with the entry type and entry reason that you want used to create
items for the transactions in the Pending Item table (PS_PENDING_ITEM).
Options are:
Adjustment Transaction-Down: Negative adjustment transaction for amounts less
than 0.
Adjustment Transaction-Up: Positive adjustment transaction that is greater than
Offset: An offset that is treated as a payment in PeopleSoft Receivables.
Payment: Partial payment that is applied to the net balance.

Collection Code Select the code for the collection agency that you assign to items that you do not
send to the DMS.

54 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4

Defining PeopleSoft Receivables

Processing Options
This chapter provides an overview of PeopleSoft Receivables processing options, lists prerequisites, and
discusses how to:

• Set up system functions.

• Set up entry types and reasons.

• Set up distribution codes.

• Set up item entry types.

• Set up automatic entry types.

• Set up item and automatic entry types for revenue estimate processing.

• Set up group types and group origins.

• Set up ChartField combination editing.

Note. The tasks described in this chapter are required. You must complete them to implement receivables.

Understanding PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

Before you enter or process items and payments, you must set up the tables that form the foundation of your
PeopleSoft Receivables system. Some of these tables apply to both receivables and payments; some apply to
only one.

PeopleSoft Receivables creates and maintains the System Functions table (PS_ENTRY_USE_TBL), and you
cannot modify it. The Entry Type table (PS_ENTRY_TYPE), Automatic Entry Type table
(PS_AUTO_ENTRY_TBL), and Item Entry Type table (PS_ITEM_ENTRY_TBL) define subsets of the
system functions and determine the structure for reporting, tracking, and general ledger processing.

System functions represent all the processes and actions that are possible for both receivables and payments.
Entry types are set up for each sort of transaction that you anticipate. You associate system functions with
entry types through subsets of automatic entry types and item entry types. Item entry types make up a subset
of system functions that involve the entry of invoices, credit memos, and debit memos. Automatic entry types
take care of all the rest—entry types for all of the worksheets and batch processes that generate pending

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 55
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

Note. You must set up entry types as either item entry types or automatic entry types before you can use

Before you can set up receivables processing options, you must:

• Set up TableSets.

See "Planning Records, Control Tables, and TableSets" in the Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook:
PeopleSoft Application Designer.

• Define ChartFields.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining and Using ChartFields"

Setting Up System Functions

To define system functions, use the System Functions component (ENTRY_USE_TABLE).

This section provides an overview of system functions and discusses how to:

• Select system function attributes.

• Review rules for value-added taxes (VAT) processing.

• Review system function accounting entries.

Understanding System Functions

System functions are the activities that your PeopleSoft Receivables system supports. The System Functions
table lists the system functions and describes how the system generates accounting entries for the general
ledger. Each system function has an accounting entry definition that indicates how the system creates
accounting entries. You cannot change these accounting entries—they are system-defined entries. Specify the
user-defined entries either in an item entry or automatic entry template or during processing on the
Accounting Entries pages.

Each system function is prefixed with a two-letter identifier describing the part of the system that uses the

56 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

Identifier Description

DD Direct debit management

DM Draft management

FC Overdue charges

IT Item entry

MT Maintenance worksheet, item splits, or Automatic Maintenance Application Engine

process (AR_AUTOMNT)

TR Transfer worksheet

WS Payment worksheet or Payment Predictor Application Engine process (ARPREDCT)

This table lists the system function parameters that may be helpful when you map entry types and automatic
entry types to system functions:

System Description Entry Sign Item Reaso Auto Accounting Entry

Function ID Function n Numb

DD-01 Direct Debit Auto Neg NA NA NA DR Cash Control

Remit -
CR Accounts Receivable

DD-02 Direct Debit Auto Neg NA NA NA DR Cash Received

Remit - Cash
CR Accounts Receivable

DD-03 Direct Debit Auto Pos NA NA NA DR Accounts Receivable

Cancel -
CR Cash Control

DD-04 Direct Debit Auto Pos NA NA NA DR Accounts Receivable

Cancel - Cash
CR Cash Received

DD-05 Direct Debit Auto Un NA NA NA DR Cash Received

Cash Clearing
CR Cash Control

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 57
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

System Description Entry Sign Item Reaso Auto Accounting Entry

Function ID Function n Numb

DD-06 Direct Debit Auto Un NA NA NA DR Bank Cash Received

Cash Clearing
CR Cash Control

DD-07 Direct Debit Auto Pos NA NA NA DR Accounts Receivable

Cancel -
CR Cash Control

DD-08 Direct Debit Auto Pos NA NA NA DR Accounts Receivable

Cancel - Cash
CR Cash Received

DD-09 VAT at Due Auto Un NA NA NA DR VAT Output

Date Intermediate
CR VAT Output Final

DM-01 Pay an Item Auto Neg NA NA NA DR Draft Receivable

CR Accounts Receivable

DM-02 Prepay an Item Auto Neg New X X DR Draft Receivable

CR AR Distribution

DM-03 Place an Auto Neg New X X DR Draft Receivable

Amount On
CR AR Distribution

DM-04 Adjust Auto Neg New X X DR Draft Receivable

CR AR Distribution

DM-05 Adjust Auto Pos New X X DR AR Distribution

CR Draft Receivable

DM-06 Create a Auto Pos New X X DR AR Distribution

CR Draft Receivable

DM-07 Write off an Auto Neg X DR User line

CR AR Account(s)

58 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

System Description Entry Sign Item Reaso Auto Accounting Entry

Function ID Function n Numb

DM-08 Write off an Auto Pos 2nd - X X DR AR Distribution

Overpayment DM-
CR User line

DM-09 Write off an Auto Neg 2nd - X X DR User line

Underpayment DM-
CR AR Distribution

DM-20 Draft Remitted Auto Un NA NA NA DR Draft Cash Control

to Bank
CR Draft Receivable

DM-21 Draft Remitted Auto Un NA NA Na DR Discount Draft Cash

with Discount Control
CR Draft Receivable

DM-22 Draft Remitted Auto Un NA NA NA DR Cash Control

to Bank
CR Draft Receivable

DM-23 Draft Remitted Auto Un NA NA NA DR Remitted Draft

to Bank Distribution
CR Draft Receivable

DM-24 Draft Remitted Auto Un NA NA NA DR Draft Discount

with Discount Receivable
CR Draft Receivable

DM-30 Collect Cash Auto Un NA NA NA DR Cash Received

on Discount
CR Cash Control

DM-31 Collect Cash Auto Un NA NA NA DR Cash Received

on Discount
CR Cash Control

DM-32 Collect Cash Auto Un NA NA NA DR Cash Received

on Discount
CR Cash Control

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 59
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

System Description Entry Sign Item Reaso Auto Accounting Entry

Function ID Function n Numb

DM-33 Collect Cash Auto Un NA NA NA DR Cash Received

on Discount
CR Draft Discount

DM-40 Collect Cash Auto Un NA NA NA DR Cash Received

on Draft
CR Cash Control

DM-41 Reverse Auto Un NA NA NA DR Draft Discount

Discount Liability
CR Draft Discount

DM-42 Collect Cash Auto Un NA NA NA DR Cash Received

on Draft
CR Cash Control

DM-43 Reverse Auto Un NA NA NA DR Draft Discount

Discount Liability
CR Draft Discount

DM-44 Collect Cash Auto Un NA NA NA DR Cash Received

on Draft
CR Draft Receivable

DM-45 Reverse Auto Un NA NA NA DR Draft Discount

Discount Liability
CR Draft Receivable

DM-46 Collect Cash Auto Un NA NA NA DR Cash Received

on Draft
CR Remitted Draft

DM-47 VAT on Auto Un NA NA NA None

(This function generates
VAT accounting only for
items with declaration
point of payment.)

60 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

System Description Entry Sign Item Reaso Auto Accounting Entry

Function ID Function n Numb

DM-50 Dishonor Draft Auto Un NA NA NA DR Dishonored Draft

CR Draft Receivable

DM-52 Dishonor Draft Auto Un NA NA NA DR Dishonored Draft

CR Cash Control

DM-53 Dishonor Draft Auto Un NA NA NA DR Dishonored Draft

CR Cash Control

DM-54 Dishonor Draft Auto Un NA NA NA DR Dishonored Draft

CR Cash Control

DM-55 Dishonor Draft Auto Un NA NA NA DR Dishonored Draft

CR Remitted Draft

DM-56 Dishonor Draft Auto Un NA NA NA DR Dishonored Draft

CR Discount Draft

DM-57 Dishonor Draft Auto Un NA NA NA DR Dishonored Draft

CR Cash Received

DM-58 Dishonor Draft Auto Un NA NA NA DR Dishonored Draft

CR Cash Received

DM-90 Draft Bank Auto Pos NA X X CR Cash Received


Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 61
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

System Description Entry Sign Item Reaso Auto Accounting Entry

Function ID Function n Numb

DM-98 Cancel Auto Neg NA NA NA None

Remitted Draft
(PeopleCode creates
accounting entries based
on the status of the draft.)

DM-99 Void Drafts Auto Neg NA NA NA None

(PeopleCode creates
accounting entries based
on the status of the draft.)

FC-01 Create an Auto Pos New NA X DR Accounts Receivable

Overdue Overdue
CR User line
Charge Charge

IT-01 Item Create an Item Pos NA X NA DR Accounts Receivable

Entry Invoice/Debit
CR User line

IT-02 Item Create a Credit Item Neg NA X NA DR User line

Entry Memo
CR Accounts Receivable

MT-01 Offset an Item Auto Un NA X NA DR Maintenance Control

CR Accounts Receivable

MT-02 Write off a Auto Pos NA X NA DR Accounts Receivable

Maintenance Credit
CR User line

MT-03 Write off a Auto Neg NA X NA DR User line

Maintenance Debit
CR Accounts Receivable

MT-04 Create New Auto Pos New X X DR AR Distribution

Maintenance Debit
CR Maintenance Control

MT-05 Create New Auto Neg New X X DR Maintenance Control

Maintenance Credit
CR AR Distribution

62 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

System Description Entry Sign Item Reaso Auto Accounting Entry

Function ID Function n Numb

MT-06 Write off Auto Pos 2nd - X NA DR AR Distribution

Maintenance Remaining MT-
CR User line
Worksheet Credit 05

MT-07 Write off Auto Neg 2nd - X NA DR User line

Maintenance Remaining MT-
CR AR Distribution
Worksheet Debit 04

MT-08 Refund Auto Pos 2nd - X NA DR AR Distribution

Maintenance Remaining MT-
CR Refund Control
Worksheet Credit 05

MT-09 Refund a Auto Pos X DR Accounts Receivable

Maintenance Credit
CR Refund Control

TR-01 Transfer Item Auto Un NA NA NA DR Transfer Control

Transfer From
CR Accounts Receivable
Worksheet Customer

TR-02 Transfer Item Auto Un NA NA NA DR Accounts Receivable

Transfer To Customer
CR Transfer Control

TR-03 Transfer Item Auto Un NA NA NA DR Doubtful Receivables

Transfer to Doubtful Distribution Code
Worksheet Receivable
CR Transfer Control

WS-01 Pay an Item Auto Neg NA NA NA DR Cash Received

CR Accounts Receivable

WS-02 Take Earned Auto Neg NA NA NA DR User line

Payment Discount
CR Accounts Receivable

WS-03 Take Unearned Auto Neg NA NA NA DR User line

Payment Discount
CR Accounts Receivable

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 63
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

System Description Entry Sign Item Reaso Auto Accounting Entry

Function ID Function n Numb

WS-04 Prepay an Item Auto Neg New X X DR Cash Received

CR AR Distribution

WS-05 Place An Auto Neg New X X DR Cash Received

Payment Amount On
CR AR Distribution
Worksheet Account

WS-06 Adjust Auto Neg New X X DR Cash Received

Payment Remaining
CR AR Distribution
Worksheet Overpayment

WS-07 Adjust Auto Pos New X X DR AR Distribution

Payment Remaining
CR Cash Received
Worksheet Underpayment

WS-08 Create a Auto Pos New X X DR AR Distribution

Payment Deduction
CR Cash Received

WS-09 Write off an Auto Neg NA X NA DR User line

Payment Item
CR Accounts Receivable

WS-10 Write off an Auto Pos 2nd - X X DR AR Distribution

Payment Overpayment WS-
CR User line
Worksheet 06

WS-11 Write off an Auto Neg 2nd - X X DR User line

Payment Underpayment WS-
CR AR Distribution
Worksheet 07

Note. NA means not applicable.

64 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

Pages Used to Set Up System Functions

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

System Functions 1 ENTRY_USE_TABLE Set Up Financials/Supply View system function

Chain, Product Related, attributes, which enable the
Receivables, Options, processing of a system
System Functions, System function. PeopleSoft
Functions 1 Receivables maintains these
attributes, and you typically
should not change them.

VAT Distribution Type ENTRY_VAT_PNL Click the VAT Distribution View the rules for updating
Type button on the System the VAT tables during the
Functions 1 page. Pending Group Generator
Application Engine process

System Functions 2 ENTRY_USE_TABLE2 Set Up Financials/Supply Review the system-defined

Chain, Product Related, portion of the accounting
Receivables, Options, entries.
System Functions, System
Functions 2

Viewing System Function Attributes

Access the System Functions 1 page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Options, System Functions, System Functions 1).

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 65
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

System Functions 1 page

Activity Type Select an activity type that indicates how system functions are classified. You
must associate each system function with an activity type. You can assign an
activity type to more than one system function. This structure determines how the
system presents data on the Unit Activity page and the Unit Activity report.

Activity When you view the inquiry page by activity type and origin, the system uses the
Type/Origin/Bank Code Activity Type/Origin/Bank Code field to determine whether to break the category
down by origin or bank code. This determines how the system displays
information on the Unit Activity page.
For example, suppose that you select Billing for the activity type and Breakdown
by Origin for the Activity Type/Origin/Bank Code field. On the Unit Activity
page, under Activity Type/Origin/Bank Code, you will see that billing activity
came from two different origins, OBILL and XBILL. The individual totals for
each origin appear on the page.
If you choose not to break down by origin, select Do Not Break Down By Origin
for system functions IT-01 and IT-02. The Unit Activity page lists billing without
an origin—meaning that the system has bundled together all the billing
transactions, rather than breaking them into totals under their associated origin
As another example, if you select Breakdown by Origin for the WS-01 system
function, you will see a separate row for each bank account for the payment
activity. If you select Do Not Break Down By Origin, all the payment activities
are combined in one row.

66 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

Entry Function Displays a system-defined value. It can be either Auto Entry (automatic entry) or
Item Entry. Item entry types identify pending items created during online item
entry or by an external interface. The system uses item entry types to handle
processing when you directly build a pending item—during online entry or when
an interface process constructs groups of pending items. When you enter or build
pending items that make up a group, you use entry types that you have
specifically enabled for use as item entry types. Item entry types take two forms:
• Positive amounts (IT-01, FC-01).

• Negative amounts (IT-02).

Automatic entry types work in the background to translate instructions for

overdue charging, payments, maintenance, transfers, direct debits, and drafts into
pending items. When you initiate an online or background process for these types
of groups (such as selecting an item on one of the worksheets, or running the
Payment Predictor process or the Automatic Maintenance process), the system
creates the necessary pending item using the information that you defined on the
automatic entry type for that action.
For example, every time you select an item for payment on the payment
worksheet, the system uses the entry type, entry reason, and accounting entry
information from the WS-01 (Pay An Item) automatic entry type to create the
pending item. Automatic entry types fall into the following categories:
• Overdue charges (prefaced with FC).

• Maintenance worksheet (prefaced with MT).

• Payment worksheet (prefaced with WS).

• Transfer worksheet (prefaced with TR).

• Direct debit management (prefaced with DD).

• Draft management (prefaced with DM).

Natural Sign Displays a positive (+) or negative (–) sign, which. the system applies to pending
items to determine the effect that a system function has on the customer balance.
The only unsigned system functions are transfers, offsets, direct debits, and drafts
(they can be said to offset an item), because their sign varies with the sign of the
item being offset, transferred, or included in draft and direct debit processing.
Debit memos must be positive, and credit memos must be negative.

Effect on VAT Indicates how VAT balances are adjusted for the system function.
Processing(effect on
Value Added Tax
VAT Distribution Type Click to view the account types that you selected for each declaration point for
(Value Added Tax the system function.
distribution type)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 67
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

Automatically Creates Displays the system setting. If this option is selected, the system creates a new
New Item item for activities that occur in the background. These system functions are all
automatic entry types: new debits and credits, prepayments, on-account
payments, deductions, and adjustments for overpayments and underpayments.

Automatically Creates Displays the system-setting. If selected, it enables write-off of remaining debits
2nd Item and credits on the maintenance worksheet and by the Automatic Maintenance
process, or write-off of overpayments and underpayments on the payment
worksheet and draft worksheet, and by the Payment Predictor process.

Allow Entry Reason Displays the system setting. If selected, it indicates that entry types tied to the
Prompting system function can require an entry reason. Entry types define activity, and
entry reasons enable you to further qualify the activity. So if a system function
enables you to require an entry reason, you can generate reports, run aging, and
view history at a greater level of detail.

Supports Auto Displays the system setting. If selected, it enables you to enter a prefix and
Numbering (supports starting number for pending items. For example, these system functions could be
automatic numbering) assigned:
PR: Prepayments.
AO: Overpayment adjustments.
AU: Underpayment adjustments.
DE: Deductions.
OA: On-account payments.

Reviewing Rules for VAT Processing

Access the VAT Distribution Type page. (Click the VAT Distribution Type button on the System Functions 1

The values determine how to update the VAT tables for the system function. If more than one row is in the
grid, the processing varies depending on the declaration point.

Declaration Point Indicates when the system recognizes VAT transaction information for reporting
purposes. Values are:
Invoice: Recognize VAT at invoice time.
Payment: Recognize VAT at the time of payment.
Delivery: Recognize VAT at the time of delivery.

VAT Accounting Entry The accounting entry types, together with VAT codes and VAT transaction
Type (Value Added Tax types, determine VAT accounting and reporting.
accounting entry type)

68 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

Effect on VAT Displays the action for VAT processing. Values are:
Processing(Value Added
Tax processing) • Adjust intermediate VAT liability.

• Include in item entry totals.

• None.

• Move intermediate VAT to final.

Reviewing System Function Accounting Entries

Access the System Functions 2 page. (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Options, System Functions, System Functions 2.)

System Functions 2 page

System-Defined Entries

The system-defined entries fall into one of two categories:

• Two lines are defined: one for the accounts receivable entry and one for the cash entry.

In this case, the system generates a balanced accounting entry by itself. Cash system functions related to
the payment worksheet, drafts, and direct debits fall into this category. Also, system functions related to
the maintenance and transfer worksheet and the Automatic Maintenance process define two lines: one for
the accounts receivable account and one for a control account.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 69
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

• A single line is defined: either a debit or credit for the accounts receivable entry.

Write-offs, discounts, and item entry system functions require two-sided accounting entries to be posted;
therefore, you must create user-defined lines for the offsetting entries on your templates or during

Revenue Estimate Attributes

If you selected the Receivables check box in the Enabled Commitment Control group box on the Installation
Options – Products page, the Revenue Estimate Attributes group box appears. The revenue estimate attributes
define whether source transactions for the control budget should be generated and if so, how.

Revenue Estimate Determines whether the Revenue Estimate Application Engine process
Affected (AR_REV_EST) creates source transactions. Yes indicates that the process
creates source transactions, and No indicates it does not.

User Definable Indicates whether you must specify which revenue bucket to update for each
entry type and reason combination for the automatic entry type or item entry type
associated with the system functions. Yes indicates that you must specify the
revenue buckets for the automatic entry type or item entry type, and No indicates
that the system function defines them.

Revenue Estimate Indicates whether the accounting entries update the recognized or collected
Updated bucket or both buckets. If the bucket is user-defined for the automatic entry type
or item entry type, the default bucket appears.

Setting Up Entry Types and Reasons

To define entry types and reasons, use the Entry Type component (ENTRY_TYPE_TABLE1).

This section provides overviews of entry types and entry reasons and discusses how to:

• Define entry types.

• Define entry reasons.

See Also

Chapter 2, "Understanding Implementation Issues," Entry Types and Reasons, page 16

Understanding Entry Types

Thinking through and defining a comprehensive set of entry types is second in importance only to defining
business units and tablesets. An entry type categorizes your pending items and the system uses them to create
or update items. The Receivable Update Application Engine process (ARUPDATE) uses pending items along
with associated entry types and reasons to create or update items and to maintain customer balances.

70 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

During processing, you sometimes enter pending items directly—for example, when you enter an invoice, a
debit memo, or a credit memo. Sometimes the system creates pending items for you based on commands that
you provide. For example, it creates deductions and on-account payments in the background as you use the
payment worksheet or the Payment Predictor process.

To use all of the PeopleSoft Receivables processing and payment features, at a minimum you must
accommodate the following entry types. You can assign a single entry type to several functions and you can
name them whatever you want.

• Adjust underpayment.

• Adjustment overpayment.

• Credit memo.

• Debit memo.

• Deduction.

• Earned discount.

• Overdue charge.

• Invoice.

• Maintenance credit.

• Maintenance debit.

• Offset customer's debits and credits.

• On-account.

• Payment.

• Prepayment.

• Refund credit.

• Refund remaining credit.

• Unapplied cash.

• Unearned discount.

• Write-off.

• Write off a credit.

• Write off overpayment.

• Write off remaining credit.

• Write off remaining debit.

• Write off underpayment.

This table lists the entry types that you must create if you process direct debits or drafts:

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Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

Direct debits Drafts

Direct debit remitted to bank-cash clearing Draft remitted to bank

Direct debit remitted to bank-cash Draft remitted with discount

Direct debit cancelled-cash Collect cash on discount draft

Direct debit cash clearing Collect cash on draft

Not applicable Reverse discount liability

Not applicable Dishonored draft

Not applicable Cancel remitted draft

Not applicable Void draft

Not applicable Bank fees (for discounted drafts)

Note. You must create either an item entry type or automatic entry type for each entry type before you can
use them.

If you use the vendor rebate claim functionality in PeopleSoft Purchasing or the claim back functionality in
PeopleSoft Order Management, you might want to create unique entry types for the interface items to identify
them on the payment worksheet or on inquiries and reports.

Entry Types and Reasons for Partial Payments

PeopleSoft Receivables delivers entry types and reasons in the sample database. If you use the Payment
Predictor process to apply your payments, the #DTL_TLR algorithm group uses these entry types and reasons
to determine how to create accounting entries for underpayment, overpayment, and discount conditions. You
must use these entry types and reasons when you create your automatic entry types if you want to process
partial payments and discounts correctly.

Important! If you cannot use these entry types and reasons due to your business practices, you need to
change the SQL for the #DTL_TLR algorithm group. You should, however, avoid making these changes.

PeopleSoft delivers these entry types:

PR Prepay an Item.

OA On Account.

72 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

AU Adjust Remaining Underpayment.

AO Adjust Remaining Overpayment.

DED Create a Deduction.

WO Write-Off Item.

WAO Write Off an Overpayment.

WAU Write Off an Underpayment.

PeopleSoft delivers these entry reasons:

IOIT Invoice Overage Within Tolerance.

IUIT Invoice Underage Within Tolerance.

DOIT Discount Overage Within Tolerance.

DUIT Discount Underage Within Tolerance.

IOET Invoice Overage Exceeds Tolerance.

IUET Invoice Underage Exceeds Tolerance.

DOET Discount Overage Exceeds Tolerance.

DUET Discount Underage Exceeds Tolerance.

When you set up automatic entry types for these system functions, you must use these entry type and reason

System Function Entry Type and Reason

WS-04 PR and IOET


WS-05 OA and IOET


WS-06 AO and IOET


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Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

System Function Entry Type and Reason

WS-07 AU and IUIT


WS-08 DED and IUET


WS-09 WO and IOIT


WS-10 WAO and IOIT


WS-11 WAU and IUIT


The #DTL_TLR algorithm group uses a default system function for overpayments, underpayments, and
unearned discounts. However, you can override the default system function for each business unit on the
Predictor Detail Options page by assigning a different entry type and reason. The entry type and reason that
you assign must be consistent with the intended usage of the system function. For example, adjust
overpayment should not be used with an underpayment entry type and reason.

See Also

Chapter 9, "Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing," Using #DETAIL and #DTL_TLR for Partial
Payments and Deductions, page 282

Understanding Entry Reasons

Use different entry reasons to set up different accounting entry templates for different conditions.

Some of the entry types that create entries in the background accommodate the use of an entry reason; others
do not. Use entry reasons for:

• Invoice or debit memos.

• Credit memos.

• Overdue charges.

• Prepayments.

74 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

• On-account payments.

• Deductions.

• Write-offs (debits and credits, remaining debits and credits, underpayments, and overpayments).

• Adjustments for underpayments and overpayments.

• Remaining credit refunds.

• Credit refunds.

• Creating new debits.

• Creating new credits.

• Offsetting items.

• Draft bank fees.

Note. You specify whether entry reasons are required on the Item Entry Type - Selection page and the
Automatic Entry Type - Selection page.

You can also use entry reasons for reporting or inquiry purposes to further identify items.

Entry Reasons for Vendor Rebate and Claimback Processing

You must set up entry reasons for any entry types that you use to pay or offset items for vendor rebate and
claimback processing.

For the entry types that you associate with the Pay an Item (WS-01 and DM-01), and Offset an Item (MT-01)
system functions, you must create a minimum of two entry reasons:

• An entry reason that is used to pay or offset the base amount of the item.

• An entry reason that is used to pay or offset the VAT amount for an item.

You can create as many entry reasons as you want, but you must create at least one for the base amount and
one for the VAT amount for each entry type that you use to pay or offset items for vendor rebate and
claimback processing. When you create automatic entry types for the WS-01, DM-01, and MT–01 system
functions, you must enter all of these entry reasons on the Automatic Entry Type - Selection page. When you
apply a payment to a vendor rebate claim or claimback item on the payment worksheet, you create two entries
in the payment worksheet for each item if the business unit for the item requires VAT. One entry is for the
base amount of the item and one entry is for the VAT amount. You assign the appropriate entry reason to
each line. When you apply a draft to a claimback or vendor rebate claim on the draft worksheet or offset a
claimback or vendor rebate claim on the maintenance worksheet, you follow the same procedure.

Note. If you have no business units that require VAT, you do not need to create an entry reason to record the
VAT amount for an item and you do not need to create two entries on the worksheets.

Note. If the receivables business unit does not require VAT, you create only one entry for the base amount.
You must enter the entry reasons to use for the business unit on the AR Integration page. The system enables
you to select only the entry reasons associated with the item's business unit on the worksheets.

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Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

When you run the AR Rebate Notification Application Engine process (AR_REBATE) to update the claim
management workbench, the process sends the base amount and the VAT amount for each item paid or offset.
When you run the Claim Settlement process for AP Application Engine process (PO_CLMSETTLE_AP) on
the claim management workbench, the process uses this information to generates the base and VAT
distribution lines when it creates adjustment vouchers or claimback vouchers.

See Chapter 28, "Posting and Unposting Groups," Running the AR Rebate Notification Process, page 910.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order Management 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with Claimbacks."

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Purchasing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Understanding Vendor Rebates."

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Source-to-Settle Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining Procurement
Options," Defining Account Receivables Integration Options for Vendor Rebates.

Pages Used to Set Up Entry Types and Reasons

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Entry Type ENTRY_TYPE_TABLE1 Set Up Financials/Supply Create and define entry

Chain, Product Related, types.
Receivables, Options, Entry
Type, Entry Type

Entry Reason ENTRY_TYPE_TABLE2 Set Up Financials/Supply Specify the appropriate

Chain, Product Related, entry reasons for an entry
Receivables, Options, Entry type.
Type, Entry Reason

Defining Entry Types

Access the Entry Type page. (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Options, Entry
Type, Entry Type.)

76 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

Entry Type page

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Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

Don't Post Duplicate This check box handles:

• Timing: An adjustment to an invoice is posted before the invoice.

• Duplication: Two entries with the same entry type attempt to update an item.

Select when you post a subsequent event—such as a debit memo or a credit

memo—that has the same business unit, customer ID, item ID, and item line as
the invoice before you post the invoice. This occurs if:
• You are converting closed item detail from your previous receivables system.

• The feeder billing systems cannot guarantee sequencing.

• Your business often generates related transactions such as an invoice and a

credit memo together.

Normally, the system creates an Item record for each new item with its entry
type. Subsequent entries create item activity lines but do not alter the entry type
on the Item table (PS_ITEM). If the original item is a debit or credit memo
instead of an invoice, then the debit or credit memo entry type will be on the Item
record. What you really want is the invoice entry type.
You need to have the appropriate entry type on the Item record, because entry
types determine aging redirection, correspondence inclusion, and weighted
average days late calculations. If a prepayment or credit memo posts first and the
invoice posts second, you need to update the Item record with the entry type and
date of the invoice.
Selecting the Don't Post Duplicate Entries check box for an entry type means
• The entry type takes precedence over whatever entry type exists on the Item
record (unless the entry type on the Item record also has the option selected).

Selecting this check box enables you to use the invoice entry type as the
controlling entry type, even though the invoice was not posted first. Select
only for those entry types that represent an invoice.

• After you post a pending item, other pending items with this selected option
are not posted against this item, because any given item can have only one
dominant pending item.

• The system catches duplicate invoices for a particular business unit or

customer combination.

The Receivable Update process does not post a second pending item that also
has the option selected against the same business unit, customer ID, item ID,
and item line combination.

Note. Be sure that you select this check box only for invoice type or dominant
transaction types and that only dominant entry types can be posted against an

78 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

Exclude From Days Late Select to exclude items with this entry type from history calculations for average
Calcs (exclude from days days late and weighted average days late.
late calculations)
Aging Category Enter an aging category in which to place items, rather than aging them normally.

Note. If you define a rule for aging deductions, disputes, or collections in an

aging ID other than aging normally, that rule takes precedence over a category
that you select here.

Summary Category Select a summary category to place items in a different summary category from
the one associated with the aging category.

Include in Dunning, Select to include items with the entry type in dunning letters, on overdue charge
Include in Overdue invoices, and on statements. In the delivered system, all entry types are included;
Charging, and Include in clear the check boxes to exclude those that you do not want to appear in
Statements correspondence. This applies only to the entry type on the item itself, not to item

Include in Drafts, Select to include items of this entry type in drafts and direct debits. If you select
Include in Direct Debits, Include Direct Debits, enter a profile ID to use a specific direct debit profile for
and Profile ID all items using this entry type. Otherwise, leave Profile ID blank to use the
profile ID assigned to the customer. If you enter a profile ID, you must select the
Use Entry Type field on the Direct Debit Profile page.

See Also

Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," Setting Up Direct Debit Profiles, page 131

Chapter 8, "Setting Up History and Aging," Understanding Aging Setup, page 250

Defining Entry Reasons

Access the Entry Reason page. (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Options,
Entry Type, Entry Reason.)

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Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

Entry Reason page

For each entry type that you define, you can set up as many valid entry reasons as needed.

Setting Up Distribution Codes

Distribution codes simplify the process of generating accounting entries by defining a valid combination of
ChartField values.

To define distribution codes, use the Distribution Code component (DST_CODE_TABLE).

This section discusses how to:

1. Define distribution codes.

2. Link draft distribution codes to AR distribution codes.

Pages Used to Set Up Distribution Codes

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Distribution Code DST_CODE_TABLE Set Up Financials/Supply Define or review

Chain, Common distribution codes.
Definitions, Distribution
Accounting, Distribution
Code, Distribution Code

Draft Details DST_CODE_DRAFT_SEC Specify the draft

Click the Draft
Distribution Codes button distribution codes to
on the Distribution Code associate with the AR
page. (accounts receivable)
distribution code..

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Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

Defining Distribution Codes

Access the Distribution Code page. (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Distribution
Accounting, Distribution Code, Distribution Code.)

Distribution Code page

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Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

Distribution Type Select a value that indicates how the system will use the account. Values are:
AR (accounts receivable):
The system uses this value for pending items. You must assign default
distribution codes for pending item groups. The system obtains the default
distribution codes using the following hierarchy:
1. From the entry reason on the Item Entry Type - Selection page for billing
groups or the entry reason on the Automatic Entry Type - Selection page for
payment, draft, maintenance, and overdue charges groups.

2. From the customer on the General Information - Bill To Options page.

3. From the business unit on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 1


The Revaluation Application Engine process (AR_REVAL) also uses the AR

distribution type to create accounting entries. Create a separate distribution code
if you use translation ledgers.
Disc Draft (discounted drafts): The receivable account for discounted drafts.
Select or enter this code on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 2
page and override it by draft type and business unit on the Draft Type
Distribution Codes page.
Dishonor: The receivable account for dishonored drafts. Specify this code on the
Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 2 page and override it by draft type
and business unit on the Draft Type Distribution Codes page.
Doubtful: The receivable account for doubtful receivables. Specify this code on
the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 1 page.
Draft Liab (draft liability): The draft liability account for drafts discounted with
recourse. Specify this code on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 2
page and override it by draft type and business unit on the Draft Type
Distribution Codes page.
Draft: The receivable account for items that have been applied to any draft.
Specify this code on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 2 page and
override it by draft type and business unit on the Draft Type Distribution Codes
Maint Ctrl (maintenance control): Used to create the offsetting entry for
transactions in maintenance groups. Specify this code on the Receivables
Definition - Accounting Options 2 page.
Real G/L (realized gain and loss): Used behind the scenes by the maintenance
and payment worksheets and draft processing to create adjusting entries for
multicurrency processing. You can define as many distribution codes as you
choose, but each business unit can have only one realized gain and one realized
loss code.
Translation for a realized gain or loss for translation ledgers also uses this value.
If you want to track realized gains and losses separately you must create separate
distribution codes for realized gains and realized losses.
Specify these codes on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 1 page
and the Receivables Definition - Options 2 page.

82 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

Refund Ctrl (refund control): This value is the ChartField combination used to
record the liability for a refund. Specify this code on the Receivables Definition -
Accounting Options 2 page. If you use the commitment control option, the
system does not update either the Recognized or Collected budget if you use an
expense account. Instead, the system updates an Expense budget.
Remit Drft (remitted drafts): The receivable account for nondiscounted drafts that
have been remitted to the bank. Specify this code on the Receivables Definition -
Accounting Options 2 page and override it by draft type and business unit on the
Draft Type Distribution Codes page.
Round: The system uses this value when you apply a payment to an item on the
payment worksheet for which the currency differs from the currency of the item
or when the payment and item are in the same currency, but differ from the base
currency of the business unit. The Receivable Update process posts any
remaining amount from the currency conversion to this rounding account.
Specify this code on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 1 page.
Trans Ctrl (transfer control): The system uses this value to create the offsetting
entry for transactions in transfer groups. Specify this code on the Receivables
Definition - Accounting Options 2 page.
Unreal G/L (unrealized gain and loss): Used only during revaluation. This code
enables you to summarize gains and losses into one line that updates the
unrealized gain and loss account. If you want to track unrealized gains and losses
separately, you need to create separate distribution codes for unrealized gains and
unrealized losses. Specify these codes on the Receivables Definition -
Accounting Options 2 page.

Unbilled AR Select if the distribution type is AR and you have unbilled accounts receivables.
Distribution Code This field is available only when the distribution type is AR.

Note. PeopleSoft Receivables does not directly use these distribution types: Corp Vchr,Cust Dep,Dfr Disc,
Dfr Rev, Dfr Surch, Discount, DM New Opr, DM Orig CR, DM Orig De, DM Orig Op, Dst no GL, GST,
Match Ctrl, IU Pay, IU Rec, Reim, Coll, Revenue, Reverse, Reverse CR, Reverse DR, Sales/Use, Send Back,
Surcharge, and Unbill AR, Unbill Dsc, and UnflCOwAdv. PeopleSoft Receivables also does not use these
distribution types: Cash,Cash Ctrl, Disc Ctrl, and Draft Ctrl. PeopleSoft Receivables uses the ChartFields
that you assign to the bank account on the External Accounts page for cash and cash control accounting

ChartField Values

Enter the combination of ChartField values that the general ledger uses to process activity with the
distribution code unless your inheritance setup overrides the distribution code.

See Also

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Defining Business Unit Defaults for Individual
Business Units, page 42

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up External, Internal, and
Netting Accounts," Defining External Account Information

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Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

Linking Draft Distribution Codes to AR Distribution Codes

Access the Draft Details page. (Click the Draft Distribution Codes button on the Distribution Code page.)

If you link draft distribution codes to an accounts receivable distribution code, the system uses that code to
create accounting entries. Otherwise, it uses the codes that you assign to a draft type and business unit

Draft AR Distribution Enter the code that defines the receivable account for approved drafts.
Remitted Draft Enter the code that defines the receivable account for remitted drafts.
Receivable Code
Draft Discount Enter the code that defines the receivables account for the discounted drafts.
Receivable Code
Draft Discount Liability Enter the code that defines the liability account for drafts discounted with
Code recourse.

Dishonored Draft Code Enter the code that defines the receivable account for dishonored drafts.

Setting Up Item Entry Types

The system uses item entry types for items that you enter online or receive through an interface. By mapping
entry types to system functions, you create item entry types.

To define item entry types, use the Item Entry Type component (ITEM_ENTRY_TABLE2).

This section discusses how to:

1. Define item entry types.

2. Define accounting templates for item entry types.

Pages Used to Set Up Item Entry Types

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Item Entry Type - Selection ITEM_ENTRY_TABLE1 Set Up Financials/Supply Set up item entry types,
Chain, Product Related, specify whether to distribute
Receivables, Payments, accounting entries to the
Item Entry Type, Selection general ledger, and assign
entry reasons to the item
entry type.

84 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Item Entry Type - ITEM_ENTRY_TABLE2 Set Up Financials/Supply Define how the system
Accounting Template Chain, Product Related, creates accounting entries
Receivables, Payments, for the general ledger.
Item Entry Type,
Accounting Template

Defining Item Entry Types

Access the Item Entry Type - Selection page. (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Payments, Item Entry Type, Selection.)

Item Entry Type - Selection page

System Function ID Enter the system function to associate with the entry type. You can have more
than one item entry type per system function. For example, system function IT-
02 defines the process for entering a credit memo. You can map multiple entry
types—CR1 and CR2—to IT-02, representing different kinds of credit memos.

Distribute to GL Select to distribute accounting entries for this item type to the general ledger.
Your accounting entry design determines whether you use this feature.

Require Reason Select to require users to enter a value in the Entry Reason field every time they
use this item entry type during pending item entry and on the maintenance and
payment worksheets. If you clear this check box, the system automatically adds a
row to the Entry Reason Detail grid that has no entry reason. If Require Reason is
selected, every row in the grid must have an entry reason.

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Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

AR Distribution Code Select a distribution code if the accounts receivable ChartField combination is
different for each combination of entry type and entry reason. The distribution
code governs the default ChartFields used in generating system-defined
accounting entries for items bearing the item entry type and the specified type
and reason combination. If the accounts receivable account is the same for all
combinations, set a default accounts receivable distribution code on the Account
Options 1 page. If the accounts receivable account varies by item, you can enter
it on the Pending Item 1 page for individual pending items.

Rev Estimate (revenue If you selected the Receivables check box in the Enable Commitment Control
estimate) group box on the Installation Options – Products page, and the system function
that you selected for the item entry type indicates that the revenue bucket is user-
defined, you must specify whether to update the collected or recognized bucket
or both buckets. If the bucket that you update varies under certain circumstances,
create two entry reasons and select a different bucket for each entry reason. If the
system function defines the bucket, the field is unavailable.

Defining Accounting Templates for Item Entry Type Accounting Templates

Access the Item Entry Type - Accounting Template page. (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related,
Receivables, Payments, Item Entry Type, Accounting Template.)

Item Entry Type - Accounting Template page

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Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

Entries Must Balance If this check box is selected, you must define 100 percent of the accounting
entries and enter an account for every line in the User Defined Entries grid. You
can override the default account after the lines are created during processing.
Clear this check box to leave the user-defined entries blank and complete them
during processing.
If you have defined ChartField inheritance options on the Receivables
Revaluation (AR Reval) and Billing (AR/BI) groups as Always Inherit or Inherit
within BU, you cannot insert multiple user-defined lines for the following system
MT-02: Write off a credit.
MT-03: Write off a debit.
WS-02: Take earned discount.
WS-03: Take unearned discount.
WS-09: Write off an item.

System Controlled Entries

The information for system-defined accounting entries comes from the system function table and the
distribution codes. It also stipulates that the system distributes the entire amount to AR either as a credit (–) or
a debit (+).

User-Defined Entries

User-defined entries are specific to your particular organization and are not always required. You provide
defaults for the template, but you can change any information on the user-defined entries after you generate
accounting entries. Enter the ChartField values for the revenue line, as needed. You cannot specify a
statistical account for any item entry accounting templates.

Note. If you selected the Receivables check box in the Enable Commitment Control group box on the
Installation Options - Products page, you must use ChartFields that are in the control budget ledger as well.

If you want to vary the ChartField combinations entered at a level lower than the entry type and entry reason,
you have two options:

• Enter a number of user-defined lines without a percentage (unbalanced) with all of the possible accounts
that you might use.

Once these lines are created, delete the ones that you do not want and add monetary amounts to the
remaining lines.

• Do not enter user-defined lines on the template, and clear Entries Must Balance.

Users can enter these lines on the appropriate Accounting Entries page after the system-defined lines are

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Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

Setting Up Automatic Entry Types

To define automatic entry types, use the Automatic Entry Type component (AUTO_ENTRY_TABLE2).

This section provides an overview of automatic entry types and discusses how to:

1. Define automatic entry types.

2. Define accounting templates for automatic entry types..

Understanding Automatic Entry Types

Automatic entry types define how the system assigns entry types to pending items created in the background.
When you use online pages to tell the system what to do—for example, create a deduction or place a payment
on account—the system uses automatic entry types. Batch processes that generate pending items also use
entry types.

Automatic entry types are related to the subset of system functions that includes transfers, drafts, direct
debits, overdue charges, and worksheet functions. To enable the use of an underlying system function, you

• Map the system function to an entry type.

You can assign only one entry type to a system function, but you can associate the same entry type with
multiple system functions. For example, you can associate the Dishonor Draft entry type with different
system functions based on your organization's needs.

• Define how the system creates accounting entries.

Pages Used to Set Up Automatic Entry Types

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Automatic Entry Type - AUTO_ENTRY_TABLE1 Set Up Financials/Supply Set up new automatic entry
Selection Chain, Product Related, types. Specify whether you
Receivables, Payments, distribute accounting entries
Automatic Entry Type, to the general ledger and
Selection assign entry reasons to the
automatic entry type.

Automatic Entry Type - AUTO_ENTRY_TABLE2 Set Up Financials/Supply Define how the system
Accounting Template Chain, Product Related, creates accounting entries
Receivables, Payments, for the general ledger.
Automatic Entry Type,
Accounting Template

88 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

Defining Automatic Entry Types

Access the Automatic Entry Type - Selection page. (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related,
Receivables, Payments, Automatic Entry Type, Selection.)

Automatic Entry Type - Selection page

Entry Type Select the entry type that is appropriate for pending items that the system creates
for the system function. Each automatic entry type assigns only one entry type to
a pending item.

Distribute to GL Select to distribute accounting entries for this item type to general ledger. Your
accounting entry design determines whether you use this feature.

Require Reason Select this check box if you want the system to require an entry reason when it
uses this automatic entry type. For example, if a cash applier creates a write-off
on the payment worksheet, this setting determines whether the cash applier must
supply an entry reason.

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Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

Predictor Reason If you selected Require Reason, enter the entry reason that the Payment Predictor
process assigns to all items that it creates using the system function for the
automatic entry type.
When a payment predictor method specifies conditions under which it creates an
item, the method itself contains the system function it uses for the item, but does
not specify an entry reason. It uses the entry reason that you supply. This applies
only to these system functions:
WS-04: Prepay an item.
WS-05: Place an amount on account.
WS-06: Adjust remaining overpayment.
WS-07: Adjust remaining underpayment.
WS-08: Create a deduction.
WS-10: Write off an overpayment.
WS-11: Write off an underpayment.

Automatic Maintenance If you selected Require Reason, enter the entry reason that the Automatic
Reason Maintenance process assigns to all items that it creates using the system function.
This applies only to these system functions:
MT-02: Write off a credit.
MT-03: Write off a debit.
MT-04: Create new debit.
MT-05: Create new credit.
MT-06: Write off remaining credit.
MT-07: Write off remaining debit.

Entry Reasons

The Entry Reasons grid contains the valid entry type and entry reason combinations.

Sequence Enter a sequence number to prioritize the order in which the Payment Predictor
process applies payments to overdue charge line items.
See Chapter 9, "Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing," Using the
#OVERDUE Algorithm Group, page 288.

90 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

Entry Reason Each automatic entry type can have more than one entry reason. To enable an
entry type to be used without an entry reason, you must have one row in the grid
that contains just the entry type with a blank reason. You must include the entry
reason specified for the Payment Predictor or Automatic Maintenance processes
in the grid.

Important! If you use vendor rebate claim processing in PeopleSoft Purchasing

or claimback processing in PeopleSoft Order Management, you must enter the
entry reasons for the WS-01 and DM-01 system functions that you set up for
VAT processing. Also you must enter entry reasons for the MT-01 system

See Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options,"

Understanding Entry Reasons, page 74.

Entry Event Enter the entry event that is used to generate supplemental accounting entries for
each entry reason if you create one overdue charge for all of a customer's eligible
items. This option is available only for the Create an Overdue Charge (FC-01)
system function and if you enabled the entry event option for your organization.

AR Distribution Code Select a different code to vary the accounting entries that the system creates for
an automatic entry type.

Maximum Write-Off Enter the maximum amount that you can write off for either an individual item or
Amount for the remaining balance for a normal group or match group on the maintenance
worksheet or in the Automatic Maintenance process. This enables write-offs for
an amount below the maximum amount as long as it does not exceed the
percentage of the original amount for the item. For example, if you enter an
amount of 25.00, the process allows write-off amounts up to 25.00. However, if
you enter a maximum write-off percent of 10, and the total original amount of an
item is 240.00, the system does not write off more than 24.00.
For no limit, enter all 9s.
See Chapter 24, "Maintaining Customer Account Balances," Write-Off
Tolerances, page 746.

Maximum Write-Off For the maintenance worksheet, enter the maximum percentage of the item
Percent amount that the system can write off. The write-off percent applies only to write-
offs for individual items, not for remaining amounts for items or match groups.
For the Automatic Maintenance process, enter the maximum percentage that the
remaining balance can be for a match group. The process adds the total debits or
total credits and divides the higher amount by the remaining balance for the
match group to determine the percentage that can be written off.
The maximum percentage that you can enter is 100. For no limit, enter 100.

Note. Because the calculation for the Automatic Maintenance process and the
maintenance worksheet are different, you might want to create a unique entry
reason for automatic maintenance write-offs. If you do this, select the Require
Reason check box and enter the entry reason in the Automatic Maintenance
Reason field.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 91
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

Days Until Write-Off Enter the minimum age of items before you can write them off on the
maintenance worksheet or during automatic maintenance. The system calculates
the age by subtracting the accounting date from the current date. For no limit,
enter 0.

Note. The write-off tolerance fields are available only for the MT-02, MT-03,
MT-06, and MT-07 system functions.

Rev Estimate (revenue If you selected the Receivables check box in the Enable Commitment Control
estimate) group box on the Installation Options - Products page, and if the system function
associated with the automatic entry type indicates that the revenue bucket is user-
defined, specify whether you must update the Collected or Recognized bucket,
Both buckets, or none of the buckets. The options vary by system function. If the
system function defines the bucket, the field is unavailable.
See Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Setting
Up Item and Automatic Entry Types for Revenue Estimate Processing, page 94.

If the bucket that you update varies under certain circumstances, create two entry
reasons and select a different bucket for each entry reason. For example, when
you offset an item (system function MT-01) on the maintenance worksheet, you
can offset it with on-account cash or a credit memo. If you offset it with cash,
you should update the collected bucket. If you offset it with a credit, you reverse
the amount of both the original item and the credit memo in the recognized
budget. You do not update the collected bucket. In this case, you set up a separate
entry reason for a cash offset and a credit memo offset to update the correct

For example, suppose the user selects the following entries on a maintenance worksheet:

Item Amount Reason Description

ITEM001 100.00 ITEM Offsets CREDIT1 credit


CREDIT1 –100.00 ITEM Offsets ITEM001

ITEM002 50.00 CASH Offsets OA-01 on

account cash

OA-01 –50.00 CASH Offsets ITEM002

The Revenue Estimate process then generates these source transactions:

Bucket Amount Description

Recognized –100.00 Reverses ITEM001

92 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

Bucket Amount Description

Recognized 100.00 Reverses CREDIT1

Collected 50.00 From ITEM002

You also need to create two entry reasons for MT-09 (refund of a credit):

• One for a credit memo refund (from an IT-02 item activity) that reverses the entry in the recognized

• One for cash or a non-IT-02 item activity that does not update any revenue bucket.

Defining Automatic Entry Type Accounting Templates

Access the Automatic Entry Type - Accounting Template page. (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product
Related, Receivables, Payments, Automatic Entry Type, Accounting Template.)

Entries Must Balance If this check box is selected, you must define 100 percent of the accounting
entries and enter an account for every line in the User Defined Entries grid. You
can override the default account after the lines are created during processing.
Clear to leave the user-defined entries blank and complete them during

System-Defined Entries

The information for system-defined accounting entries comes from the system function table and the
distribution codes. It also stipulates that the system distribute the entire amount to AR either as a credit (–) or
a debit (+).

User-Defined Entries

User-defined entries are specific to your particular organization and are not always required. You provide
defaults for the template, but you can change any information on the user-defined entries after you generate
accounting entries. Enter the ChartField values for the revenue line, as needed. You cannot specify a
statistical account for any automatic entry accounting template. For some automatic entry types, you do not
define the user-defined entries. In this case, the user-defined grid is not available.

If you want to vary the ChartField combination at a level lower than the entry type and reason, you have two

• Enter a number of user-defined lines without a percentage (unbalanced) with all of the accounts that you
might use.

Then, when the lines are created, delete the ones that you do not want, and add dollar amounts to the
remaining lines.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 93
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

• Do not enter user-defined lines on the template, and clear Entries Must Balance.

Operators can enter these lines on the appropriate Accounting Entries page after the system-defined lines
are created.

Note. If you selected the Receivables check box in the Enable Commitment Control group box on the
Installation Options – Products page, you must use ChartFields that are in the control budget ledger as well.

Setting Up Item and Automatic Entry Types for Revenue Estimate

Revenue Estimate processing creates the source transactions for the revenue entries to control budgets. A
budget in PeopleSoft Receivables is a fixed income allocation (that is, a revenue estimate) with two monetary

• Recognized revenue is revenue that has been billed to the customer but for which payment has not yet
been received.

• Collected revenue is cash that has been received as payment.

See Chapter 29, "Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables," page 913.

The entry type (or the combination of the entry type and reason) defines how and when to generate source
transactions based on preset values in the system function. The system function specifies whether the bucket
that the process updates is user-defined on the item entry type or an automatic entry type. If it is not user-
defined, the system function specifies whether to:

• Update the recognized revenue bucket.

• Update the collected revenue bucket.

• Update both revenue buckets.

Note. When the user enters the item information, the user must enter the correct entry type and reason to
update the correct buckets.

System Function Attributes

This table lists the revenue estimate definitions for each system function. Oracle sets these defaults for
PeopleSoft Receivables and you cannot modify them. If the bucket to update is user-defined, the information
in the table suggests how to set up the item entry type or automatic entry type associated with the system

94 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

System Description Update to Update to User- Transaction

Function ID Recognized Collected Defined Generated
Bucket Bucket

DD-01 Direct Debit Not applicable Not applicable No None

Remit -

DD-02 Direct Debit Not applicable Credits budget No One for each of the
Remit - Cash item's user-defined
lines. The amount
comes from the AR
line and the accounts
come from the item's
user-defined lines. If
multiple user-defined
lines exist, the
amounts are prorated.

DD-03 Direct Debit Not applicable Not applicable No None

Cancel -

DD-04 Direct Debit Not applicable Debits budget No One for each of the
Cancel - Cash item's user-defined
lines. The amount
comes from the AR
line and the accounts
come from the item's
user-defined lines. If
multiple user-defined
lines exist, the
amounts are prorated.

DD-05 Direct Debit Not applicable Credits budget No One for each of the
Cash Clearing item's user-defined
lines. The amount
comes from the Cash
Control line and the
accounts come from
the item's user-
defined lines. If
multiple user-defined
lines exist, the
amounts are prorated.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 95
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

System Description Update to Update to User- Transaction

Function ID Recognized Collected Defined Generated
Bucket Bucket

DD-06 Direct Debit Not applicable Credits budget No One for each of the
Cash Clearing item's user-defined
lines. The amount
comes from the Cash
Control line and the
accounts come from
the item's user-
defined lines. If
multiple user-defined
lines exist, the
amounts are prorated.

DD-07 Direct Debit Not applicable Not applicable No None

Cancel -

DD-08 Direct Debit Not applicable Debits budget No One for each of the
Cancel - Cash item's user-defined
lines. The amount
comes from the AR
line and the accounts
come from the item's
user-defined lines. If
multiple user-defined
lines exist, the
amounts are prorated.

DD-09 VAT at Due Not applicable Not applicable No None


96 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

System Description Update to Update to User- Transaction

Function ID Recognized Collected Defined Generated
Bucket Bucket

DM-01 Pay an Item Not applicable Credits or No If an IT-01, IT-02, or

(Draft debits budget FC-01 item activity
Accepted) generates the item,
the process creates
one transaction for
each of the item's
user-defined lines.
The amount comes
from the AR line and
the accounts come
from the item's user-
defined lines. If
multiple user-defined
lines exist, the
amounts are prorated.
The system places
the transaction on
hold until the cash is
recognized. Then the
Budget Processor
Application Engine
process (FS_BP)
checks the source

DM-02 Prepay an Item Not applicable Not applicable Not None

Note. The system
updates the revenue
budget when you
receive the invoice.

DM-03 Place an Not applicable Not applicable Not None

Amount On applicable
Account Note. The system
updates the revenue
budget when you
apply the payment to
an item.

DM-04 Adjust Not applicable Not applicable Not None

Remaining applicable
Overpayment Note. The system
updates the revenue
budget when you
apply the payment to
an item.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 97
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

System Description Update to Update to User- Transaction

Function ID Recognized Collected Defined Generated
Bucket Bucket

DM-05 Adjust Not applicable Not applicable Not None

Remaining applicable

DM-06 Create a Not applicable Not applicable Not None

Deduction applicable

DM-07 Write off an Credits or Not applicable Yes If an IT-01, IT-02, or

Item debits budget FC-01 item activity
creates the item, the
process creates one
transaction for each
user-defined line.
The amounts and
accounts come from
the user-defined

Not applicable Not applicable Credits budget Credits budget Yes If an MT-05, DM-02,
DM-03, or DM-04
item activity creates
the item, the process
creates one
transaction for each
user-defined line.
The amounts and
accounts come from
user-defined lines.
(Because the original
item did not create
any source
transaction, you need
to update neither
bucket or else to
update both buckets
for the buckets to

98 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

System Description Update to Update to User- Transaction

Function ID Recognized Collected Defined Generated
Bucket Bucket

Not applicable Not applicable Debits budget Debits budget Yes If an MT-04, DM-05,
or DM-06 item
activity creates the
item, the process
creates one
transaction for each
user-defined line.
The amounts and
accounts come from
user-defined lines.
The collected bucket
must be reversed,
because the bucket
was updated when
you created the

DM-08 Write off an Credits budget Credits budget Yes One transaction for
Overpayment each user-defined
line. The amounts
and accounts come
from user-defined
lines. (Because the
original item did not
create any source
transaction, you need
to update neither
bucket or else to
update both buckets
for the buckets to

Note. The system

places these
transactions on hold
until the cash is
recognized. Then the
Budget Processor
checks the source

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 99
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

System Description Update to Update to User- Transaction

Function ID Recognized Collected Defined Generated
Bucket Bucket

DM-09 Write off an Debits budget Debits budget Yes One transaction for
Underpayment each user-defined
line. The amounts
and accounts come
from user-defined
lines. The collected
bucket must be
reversed, because the
bucket was updated
when you created the

Note. The system

places these
transactions on hold
until the cash is
recognized. Then the
Budget Processor
checks the source

DM-20 Draft Remitted Not applicable Not applicable Not None

to Bank applicable

DM-21 Draft Remitted Not applicable Not applicable Not None

with Discount applicable

DM-22 Draft Remitted Not applicable Not applicable Not None

to Bank applicable

DM-23 Draft Remitted Not applicable Not applicable Not None

to Bank applicable

DM-24 Draft Remitted Not applicable Not applicable Not None

with Discount applicable

100 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

System Description Update to Update to User- Transaction

Function ID Recognized Collected Defined Generated
Bucket Bucket

DM-30 Collect Cash on Not applicable Not applicable Not Takes the source
Discount Draft applicable transactions that the
process generated for
a prior activity off
hold and releases
them for budget

DM-31 Collect Cash on Not applicable Not applicable Not Takes the source
Discount Draft applicable transaction that the
process generated for
a prior activity off
hold and releases
them for budget

DM-32 Collect Cash on Not Not Not Takes the source

Discount Draft applicable applicable applicable transaction that the
process generated for
a prior activity off
hold and releases
them for budget

DM-33 Collect Cash on Not Not Not Takes the source

Discount Draft applicable applicable applicable transactions that the
process generated for
a prior activity off
hold and releases
them for budget

DM-40 Collect Cash on Not Not Not Takes the source

Draft applicable applicable applicable transactions that the
process generated for
a prior activity off
hold and releases
them for budget

DM-41 Reverse Not Not Not None

Discount applicable applicable applicable

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 101
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

System Description Update to Update to User- Transaction

Function ID Recognized Collected Defined Generated
Bucket Bucket

DM-42 Collect Cash on Not Not Not Takes the source

Draft applicable applicable applicable transactions that the
process generated for
a prior activity off
hold and releases
them for budget

DM-43 Reverse Not Not Not None

Discount applicable applicable applicable

DM-44 Collect Cash on Not applicable Not Not Takes the source
Draft applicable applicable transactions that the
process generated for
a prior activity off
hold and releases
them for budget

DM-45 Reverse Not Not Not None

Discount applicable applicable applicable

DM-46 Collect Cash on Not Not Not Takes the source

Draft applicable applicable applicable transactions that the
process generated for
a prior activity off
hold and releases
them for budget

DM-47 VAT on Not Not Not None

Discounted applicable applicable applicable

DM-50 Dishonor Draft Not Not No Generates

applicable applicable transactions to
reverse a prior draft

DM-52 Dishonor Draft Not Not No Generates

applicable applicable transactions to
reverse a prior draft

102 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

System Description Update to Update to User- Transaction

Function ID Recognized Collected Defined Generated
Bucket Bucket

DM-53 Dishonor Draft Not Not No Generates

applicable applicable transactions to
reverse a prior draft

DM-54 Dishonor Draft Not Not No Generates

applicable applicable transactions to
reverse a prior draft

DM-55 Dishonor Draft Not Not No Generates

applicable applicable transactions to
reverse a prior draft

DM-56 Dishonor Draft Not Not No Generates

applicable applicable transactions to
reverse a prior draft

DM-57 Dishonor Draft Not Not No Generates

applicable applicable transactions to
reverse a prior draft

DM-58 Dishonor Draft Not Not No Generates

applicable applicable transactions to
reverse a prior draft

DM-90 Bank Fees Not Not Not None

applicable applicable applicable

DM-98 Cancel Not Not applicable No Generates

Remitted Draft applicable transactions to
reverse a prior draft

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 103
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

System Description Update to Update to User- Transaction

Function ID Recognized Collected Defined Generated
Bucket Bucket

DM-99 Void Draft Not applicable Not No Generates

applicable transactions to
reverse a prior draft
If the draft is voided
before the cash is
recognized, it does
not create

FC-01 Create an Credits Budget Not No One transaction for

Overdue applicable each user-defined
Charge line. The amount and
accounts come from
the user-defined line.

IT-01 Item Create an Credits Budget Not No One transaction for

Entry Invoice/Debit applicable each user-defined
Memo line. The amount and
accounts come from
the user-defined line.

IT-02 Item Create a Credit Debits Budget Not No One transaction for
Entry Memo applicable each user-defined
line. The amount and
accounts come from
the user-defined line.

DM-10 Deduction Debits budget Debits budget Yes One transaction for
Write-off each user-defined
line. The amounts
and accounts come
from user-defined
lines. The collected
bucket must be
reversed, because it
was updated when
you created the

104 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

System Description Update to Update to User- Transaction

Function ID Recognized Collected Defined Generated
Bucket Bucket

MT-01 Maint Offset an Item If the offset is If the offset is Yes If an IT-01, IT-02, or
Wksht an item, it cash, it debits FC-01 item activity
either debits or the budget. generates the item,
credits the the process creates
budget. one for each of the
item's user-defined
lines. The amount
comes from the AR
line and the accounts
come from the item's
user-defined lines. If
multiple user-defined
lines exist, the
amounts are prorated.
The update to either
the recognized or
collected budget is
determined by the
entry reason, which
indicates whether the
offset is an item or

MT-02 Maint Write off a Credits budget Not applicable Yes If an IT-02 item
Wksht Credit activity generates the
item, the process
creates one
transaction for each
user-defined line.
The amount and
account come from
user-defined lines.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 105
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

System Description Update to Update to User- Transaction

Function ID Recognized Collected Defined Generated
Bucket Bucket

Not Not Credits budget Credits budget Yes If an MT-05, WS-04,

applicable applicable WS-05, or WS-06
item activity
generates the item,
the process creates
one transaction for
each user-defined
line. The amount and
account come from
user-defined lines.

Note. This
information provides
a suggested setup for
this system function.
Specify by reason
code which buckets
to update.

MT-03 Maint Write off a Debits budget Not applicable Yes If an IT-01 or FC-01
Wksht Debit item activity
generates the item,
the process creates
one transaction for
each user-defined
line. The amount and
account come from
user-defined lines.

Not Not Debits budget Debits budget Yes If an MT-04, WS-07,

applicable applicable or WS-08 activity
generates the item,
the process creates
one transaction for
each user-defined
line. The amount and
account come from
user-defined lines.

MT-04 Maint Create New Not Not Not None

Wksht Debit applicable applicable applicable

MT-05 Maint Create New Not Not Not None

Wksht Credit applicable applicable applicable

106 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

System Description Update to Update to User- Transaction

Function ID Recognized Collected Defined Generated
Bucket Bucket

MT-06 Maint Write off Credits budget Credits budget Yes If the amount does
Wksht Remaining not come from IT-02
Credit item activity (partial
or full), the process
creates one
transaction for each
user-defined line.
The amount and
account come from
the user-defined line.

MT-07 Maint Write off Debits budget Debits budget Yes One transaction for
Wksht Remaining each user-defined
Debit line. The amount and
accounts come from
the user-defined line.

MT-08 Maint Refund Not Not Not None.

Wksht Remaining applicable applicable applicable
Credit Note. None of the
refunded credit
should come from an
IT-02 item activity.

MT-09 Maint Refund a Credit Not Debits budget Yes If it is an IT-02 item
Wksht applicable activity, the amount
and accounts come
from Refund Control.

Warning! If you use

an expense account
in the distribution
code for refund
control, the system
updates an expense
budget and not a
recognized revenue
or collected revenue

If it is not an IT-02
item activity, the
system does not
generate transactions.
(Oracle recommends
that you use two
entry reason codes.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 107
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

System Description Update to Update to User- Transaction

Function ID Recognized Collected Defined Generated
Bucket Bucket

TR-01 Transf Transfer Item Not Not Not None

Wksht From Customer applicable applicable applicable

TR-02 Transf Transfer Item Not Not Not None

Wksht To Customer applicable applicable applicable

TR-03 Transfer Item Not Not No None

To Doubtful applicable applicable
Transf Wksht

WS-01 Pay Pay an Item Not Credits or No If an IT-01, IT-02, or

Wksht applicable debits budget FC-01 item activity
generates the item,
the process creates
one transaction for
each of the item's
user-defined lines.
The amount comes
from the AR line and
the accounts come
from the item's user-
defined lines.
If multiple user-
defined lines exist,
the amounts are
prorated if users do
not perform a manual
revenue allocation on
the worksheet.

WS-02 Pay Take Earned Debits budget Not No One transaction for
Wksht Discount applicable each user-defined
line. The amount and
accounts come from
the user-defined line.

WS-03 Pay Take Unearned Debits budget Not No One transaction for
Wksht Discount applicable each user-defined
line. The amount and
accounts come from
the user-defined line.

108 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

System Description Update to Update to User- Transaction

Function ID Recognized Collected Defined Generated
Bucket Bucket

WS-04 Pay Prepay an Item Not Not Not None

Wksht applicable applicable applicable
Note. The system
updates the revenue
budget when you
apply the payment to
an item.

WS-05 Pay Place An Not Not Not None

Wksht Amount On applicable applicable applicable
Account Note. The system
updates the revenue
budget when you
receive the invoice.

WS-06 Pay Adjust Not Not Not None

Wksht Remaining applicable applicable applicable
Overpayment Note. The system
updates the revenue
budget when you
apply the payment to
an item.

WS-07 Pay Adjust Not Not Not None

Wksht Remaining applicable applicable applicable

WS-08 Pay Create a Not Not Not None

Wksht Deduction applicable applicable applicable

WS-09 Pay Write off an Credits or Not Yes If an IT-01, IT-02, or

Wksht Item debits budget applicable FC-01 item activity
creates the item, the
process creates one
transaction for each
user-defined line.
The amounts and
accounts come from
the user-defined

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 109
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

System Description Update to Update to User- Transaction

Function ID Recognized Collected Defined Generated
Bucket Bucket

Not Not Credits budget Credits budget Yes If an MT-05, WS-04,

applicable applicable WS-05, or WS-06
item activity creates
the item, the process
creates one
transaction for each
user-defined line.
The amounts and
accounts come from
user-defined lines.
(Because the original
item did not create
any source
transactions, you
need to update
neither bucket or else
update both buckets
for the buckets to

Not Not Debits budget Debits budget Yes If an MT-04, WS-07,

applicable applicable or WS-08 item
activity creates the
item, the process
creates one
transaction for each
user-defined line.
The amounts and
accounts come from
user-defined lines.
The collected bucket
must be reversed,
because the bucket
was updated when
you created the

WS-10 Pay Write off an Credits budget Credits budget Yes One transaction for
Wksht Overpayment each user-defined
line. The amounts
and accounts come
from user-defined
lines. (Because the
original item did not
create any source
transaction, you need
to update neither
bucket or else update
both buckets for the
buckets to balance.)

110 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

System Description Update to Update to User- Transaction

Function ID Recognized Collected Defined Generated
Bucket Bucket

WS-11 Pay Write off an Debits budget Debits budget Yes One transaction for
Wksht Underpayment each user-defined
line. The amounts
and accounts come
from user-defined
lines. The collected
bucket must be
reversed, because the
bucket was updated
when you created the

Setting Up Group Types and Group Origins

To define group types and group origin IDs, use the Group Type (GROUP_TYPE_TABLE) and Origin
(ORIGIN_TABLE1) components.

This section provides overview of group types and group origins and discusses how to:

• Define group types.

• Define group origin IDs.

Understanding Group Types

A group is a postable entity, a collection of pending items that are ready to post. Groups that you enter, such
as billing groups, as well as groups that are created during processing—such as transfers, offsets, overdue
charges and payments—must be assigned a group type. You must establish codes to categorize the types of
groups that you process. Reports that list group activity use group types to sort and select information.

You must establish a minimum of eight group types: B, D, F, M, P, T, U, and X. You can establish as many
additional group types as you need for query and reporting purposes. If you do not establish the group types,
the corresponding function is not authorized.

If you use the vendor rebate functionality in PeopleSoft Purchasing, you must establish a group type using R
as the code. If you use the claimback functionality in PeopleSoft Order Management, you must establish a
group type using C as the code. The AR Rebate Notification process looks at the group type for the original
item associated with a Pay an Item (WS-01 or DM-01) or Offset (MT-01) activity to determine whether to
send notification that the original item was paid or offset. Then the process sends notification of the payment
or offset to PeopleSoft Purchasing or PeopleSoft Order Management. You assign these group types to a
business unit on the AR Integration page. PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Order Management assign
the appropriate group type to the claims (items) based on the business unit for the claim.

This table lists the group types that you must set up:

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 111
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

Group Types Abbreviation Description

Draft groups D Created at each stage in processing when you use drafts to
pay items.

Overdue charge groups F Created when you run the Overdue Charges Application
Engine process (AR_OVRDUE) and then post the overdue
charge to the customer balance. The process creates a group
only if you selected Create A Group To Post Charges for the
overdue charge ID.

Maintenance groups M Created when you use the maintenance worksheet or

Automatic Maintenance processing to match or offset
existing items, apply on-account payments or prepayments
to items, or write off items. Also created when you split

Payment groups P Created during express deposit, payment worksheet

application, and Payment Predictor processing when you
apply a payment to specific open items or create any other
entries such as deductions, on-account payments, or

Transfer groups T Created when you use the transfer worksheet to move items
from one customer to another.

Unpost groups U Created when you unpost a draft group or reverse a payment.

Direct debit X Created at each stage of processing when you use direct
debits to pay items.

Billing groups B Created when items are entered either online or through a
billing interface.

Purchasing vendor rebate R Created when items, which are vendor rebate claims or
groups reversals, are included from PeopleSoft Purchasing.

Order Management claim C Created when items, which are claimbacks, are included
back groups from PeopleSoft Order Management.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Purchasing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Understanding Vendor Rebates"

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order Management 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with Claimbacks"

112 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

Understanding Group Origins

You might have three origin IDs: one for external billing, one for online billing and adjustments, and the
required PS_AR origin ID for system-generated groups. If you use the vendor rebate claim functionality in
PeopleSoft Purchasing and the claimback functionality in PeopleSoft Order Management, you should set up
two additional origin IDs to identify these items. Assign the vendor rebate and claimback origin IDs to a
business unit on the AR Integration page. PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Order Management assign
the appropriate origin ID to the claims (items) based on the business unit for the claim.

The system uses the origin IDs to classify groups of pending items based on how they are created or brought
into the system. You can view the origin IDs for items on inquiry pages.

Pages Used to Set Up Group Types and Group Origins

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Group Type GROUP_TYPE_TABLE Set Up Financials/Supply Set up new group types.

Chain, Product Related, Assign each group type a
Receivables, Options, journal template to create
Group Type, Group Type journal entries and a
document type if you use
document sequencing.

• Set Up Define origin IDs.
Chain, Product Related,
Receivables, Options,
Origin, Origin

• Set Up
Chain, Product Related,
Billing, Setup, Origin,

Defining Group Types

Access the Group Type page. (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Options,
Group Type, Group Type.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 113
Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

Group Type page

Journal Template Select the journal template to use to create journals for your general ledger.
Templates summarize your receivables accounting entries and determine the
journal header, date options, and other characteristics. If you plan to generate
only one format of journal entry from PeopleSoft Receivables, you can set up a
single journal template and associate it with each group type. You can have a
different journal format for each group type.

Document Type Select a document type if you are using document sequencing.

Transaction Type You can vary the opening and closing period for a receivables business unit for
specific types of transactions from the periods for the general ledger business unit
that is associated with the receivables business unit. Select the transaction type to
associate with items created for the group type. Values are:
ARD (AR direct journals): Use for direct journal payments.
ARI (AR items): Use for overdue charge and billing groups.
ARM (AR maintenance): Use for maintenance and transfer groups.
ARP (AR payments): Use for payment, draft, and direct debit groups.
ARU (AR unpost): Use for unpost groups.
DEF (default): Use when you want to use the default opening and closing periods
for the business units and do not want unique periods for the group type.

See Also

Chapter 31, "Using Document Sequencing in PeopleSoft Receivables," page 951

114 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

Defining Group Origin IDs

Access the Origin page. (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Options, Origin,
Origin, or Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing, Setup, Origin, Origin.)

Origin page

Origin Type Select an origin type. Values are:

Billing: When you enter a billing group, the origin represents the source of the
group, such as a particular billing system. Billing groups can be brought into the
system online or through an external interface. If you plan to enter billing
information online, as well as bring it into the system through an interface, you
must establish a minimum of two billing origins. Also, use Billing for item
interfaces from PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Order Management.
System: System groups are created in the background during processing. They
include Payment, Maintenance, Transfer, Overdue Charge, Drafts, and Unpost.
The system assigns an origin ID of PS_AR to such groups. You must establish
this origin ID, and it must be named PS_AR.

Origin Method Indicates whether you enter the group online or receive it from an external
source, such as items coming from a billing, purchasing, or order management

Important! You cannot change an origin type after you save it.

Setting Up ChartField Combination Editing

This section provides an overview of ChartField combination editing and discusses how to set up ChartField
combination editing.

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Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options Chapter 4

You track receivables transactions based on the ChartField combinations that you define when you set up
ChartField combination editing in PeopleSoft General Ledger. PeopleSoft General Ledger uses your accounts
in combination with other ChartFields to create journal entries. In PeopleSoft Receivables, ChartField
combination editing provides a method to validate online and batch accounting entries.

By defining valid combinations, you can filter entries before you post them to ledgers, saving time and effort
during reconciliation and closing. The Journal Editing Application Engine process (GL_JEDIT) also performs
the final validation of journal entries before you post them to the ledger.

To set up ChartField combination editing:

1. Review the system-defined ChartField editing templates.

2. Create ChartField combination definitions.

3. Create combination edit rules.

The combination edit rule defines which ChartFields can be used in combination with an anchor

4. Create combination edit groups.

5. Enable ChartField editing for business units on the Receivables Options - General 2 page.

6. Ensure that the ChartField combinations for the Cash and Cash Control lines for the bank on the External
Accounts page conform to the combination rules.

7. Ensure that the ChartField combinations for distribution codes, item entry accounting templates, and
automatic entry accounting template conform to the combination rules.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Editing ChartField Combinations"

ChartField Combination Editing in PeopleSoft Receivables

The components in PeopleSoft Receivables where the accounting entries appear and ChartField combination
editing is validated are:

• Accounts Receivable, Pending Items, Online Items:

• Online Items, Group Entry

• Online Items, Single Item

• Online Items, Large Group

• Online Items, Overdue Charge Items

• External Items, Group Entry

• External Items, Single Item

• External Items, Large Group

116 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4 Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

• Accounts Receivable, Payments, Review Payments, Deposit Accounting Entries

• Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance Worksheet, Update Accounting Entries

• Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Transfer Worksheet, Update Accounting Entries

• • Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Correct Posting Errors

Note. After run the Receivable Update if the Accounting Entries have an invalid ChartField
Combination, the transaction is marked in error, and it is necessary go to the Correct Posting Errors page
to rectify it. You have to save the transaction first in these pages in order to see the ChartField
Combination Editing detail.

• Online items

• External items

• Overdue charge items

• Worksheet

• Transfer

• Direct debit

• Direct debit accounting entries

• Draft

• Draft accounting entries

• Payment.

• Accounts Receivable, Payments, Direct Journal Payments, Create Accounting Entries

Note. The validation for the ChartField Combination Editing is performed for direct journal accounting
entries when these accounting entries are set to Complete.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 117
Chapter 5

Defining Additional Processing Options

This chapter discusses how to:

• Set up payment terms.

• Set up deposit types.

• Set up adjustment reason codes.

• Set up reference qualifiers.

• Set up worksheet reasons.

• Set up unpost reason codes.

• Set up credit card profiles.

• Set up direct debit profiles.

• Set up electronic funds transfer (EFT) reason codes for direct debits.

• Select EFT layouts.

• Set up rules for overdue charges.

• Set up write-off approval workflow

• Understand the Financials Audit Framework (Audit Logging) for PeopleSoft Receivables

• Set up item audit options.

• Set up Collection Workbench components.

• (USF) Set up the Receivables Due From the Public report.

• (USF) Set up agency location codes.

• (USF) Set up memo status codes.

Setting Up Payment Terms

To set up payment terms, use the Payment Terms Timing (PAY_TERMS_TIME1) and the Payment Terms
(PAY_TERMS_AR) components.

This section provides an overview of payment terms and discusses how to:

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 119
Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

• Define timing IDs.

• Define payment terms.

Understanding Payment Terms

Set up payment terms if you plan to have the system automatically calculate payment due dates, discount
amounts, and discount due dates. Defining payment terms is a two-step process.

Payment terms govern the length of time that a customer has to pay an item and determine discount eligibility
and amount. You use the range of terms that you set up now as defaults for the following levels:

• Business units

• Customers

• Items

Pages Used to Set Up Payment Terms

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Payment Terms Timing PAY_TERMS_TIME1

• Set Up Define timing IDs, which
Financials/Supply define the time increments
Chain, Product Related, for payment terms.
Receivables, Payments,
Payment Terms Timing,
Payment Terms Timing

• Set Up
Chain, Product Related,
Billing, Setup, Payment
Terms Timing, Payment
Terms Timing

Payment Terms PAY_TERMS_AR

• Set Up Define payment terms,
Financials/Supply which specify the rules for
Chain, Product Related, calculating an item due date
Receivables, Payments, and the discount terms.
Payment Terms,
Payment Terms

• Set Up
Chain, Product Related,
Billing, Setup, Payment
Terms, Payment Term

120 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

Defining Timing IDs

Access the Payment Terms Timing page. (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing,
Setup, Payment Terms Timing, Payment Terms Timing, or Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related,
Billing, Setup, Payment Terms Timing, Payment Terms Timing.)

Payment Terms Timing page

Day Increment Select to have the system add the specified number of days to the base date of
your terms. For example, if your terms are 2/10 net 30, your net terms reference a
timing ID with a day increment of 30 and your discount terms reference a timing
ID with a day increment of 10.

Month Increment Select to have the system add the specified months to the base terms date. For
example, if your terms are End of the Next Month, you reference a timing ID with
a month increment of one.

Due Day Enter the specific due day that the payment is due each month. For example,
enter 15 if you want the payment due on the 15th of the month. Enter a due date if
you know that payment for specific items is due on the same day every year.

End of Month Select to indicate that the system should use the last day of the indicated month.
For example, If your terms were due at the end of the next month, enter a month
increment of 1 and select the End of Month check box.

Due Date Enter a due date if you know that payment for specific items is due every year on
the same date.

Defining Payment Terms

Access the Payment Terms page. (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Payments, Payment Terms, Payment Terms, or Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing,
Setup, Payment Terms, Payment Term.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 121
Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

Payment Terms page

Basis Amount

Specify the basis that the system uses to calculate the discount amount.

Item Amount, User Select the option that corresponds to either the item amount or a user-defined
Amount 1, and User amount that you enter on the pending items during item entry to use one of these
Amount 2 amounts to calculate the discount amount.

VAT Discountable Select to have system calculate the discount amount on the net amount of the
Amount (value-added tax item after VAT. Clear to have the system calculate the discount amount on the
discountable amount) gross amount.

Basis Date

The basis date tells the system where to start counting when it calculates the discount due date and invoice
due date. The system takes these options directly from values that you enter on the pending item entry pages.
Select one of these options:

• Accounting Date

• As of Date

• User Date 1

• User Date 2

122 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

Net Terms

The net term values determine the due date. A due date that varies depending on when the basis date occurs in
the month is called split terms. For example, if you use two different due dates (one if the basis date occurs
between the first and the fourteenth of the month and a second if the basis date occurs between the fifteenth
and the end of the month), you will have two rows in the grid, as shown in this table:

Basis From Day Basis To Day Timing ID

1 14 1M1 (1st day of next month)

15 31 15N (15th day of next month)

To determine the payment due date, add the number of days that is indicated in the Timing ID field to the
base date.

Discount Terms

The discount terms determine the discount amount and date for each due date that is defined by the net terms.

Percent and Amount Enter either a percent of the base amount or a fixed amount. You define a single
discount formula or set up cascading terms with two levels. For example,
discount terms of 1/10 and 3/5 with net terms specified as 20 days means a 1
percent discount if you pay within 10 days, a 3 percent discount if you pay within
5 days, and the total is due in 20 days.

Currency Select the currency that the system uses to calculate discount terms. If the
currency differs from the currency in the profile, the process uses the discount
terms currency to calculate discount terms.

Timing Select a value that indicates when discounts are available.

Setting Up Deposit Types

To set up deposit types, use the Deposit Type component (DEPOSIT_TYPE_TABLE).

This section provides an overview of deposit types and discusses how to define deposit types.

Understanding Deposit Types

You must specify a deposit type when entering a deposit either online or from a lockbox. Define a deposit
type for each class of deposit to track, such as all deposits for a particular region or all international deposits.
You assign a deposit type to a bank account on the External Accounts - Account Information page, and the
system populates the Deposit Type field for regular and express deposits. Reports that list deposit activity use
them to sort and select deposits.

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Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

Page Used to Set Up Deposit Types

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Deposit Type DEPOSIT_TYPE_TABLE Setup Financials/Supply Define deposit types.

Chain, Product Related,
Receivables, Payments,
Deposit Type, Deposit Type

Defining Deposit Types

Access the Deposit Type page. (Select Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Payments, Deposit Type, Deposit Type.)

Payment Method Select the default payment method for payments that are entered online. Values
are Check, Electronic Funds Transfer, and Giro - EFT.

Note. (NLD) Use Giro - EFT if customers tear off the acceptgiro form on
invoices, statements, and dunning letters and send it to their bank for payment.

The system assigns this payment method to all deposits for which the deposit
business unit has the same setID as the deposit type. If you leave this field blank,
the system uses the payment method that is assigned to the business unit.
If a lockbox deposit does not contain a valid payment method, the Lockbox SQR
process (AR25001) assigns the payment method to all deposits in the lockbox for
which the deposit business units have the same setID as the deposit type. If you
leave this field blank, the process uses the payment method that is assigned to the
business unit. If the payment method for the business unit is not assigned, the
process assigns check as the payment method.

Setting Up Adjustment Reason Codes

To set up adjustment reason codes, use the Adjustment Reason component (ADJ_REASON_TABLE).

This section provides an overview of adjustment reason codes and discusses how to create adjustment reason

Understanding Adjustment Reason Codes

Create adjustment reason codes for electronic payments, such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), lockbox,
and bank statements. The system matches the adjustment reason codes in the electronic files to the entry type
and reason setup to create the appropriate accounting entries and adjustment items.

You must set up all possible adjustment reason codes that you use in electronic payments.

124 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

The system uses this information when you run the Payment Predictor Application Engine process
(ARPREDCT) to build a payment worksheet. The process automatically assigns the correct entry type and
reason to the line for the adjustment in the payment worksheet and uses the system function ID to create the
accounting entries for the adjustment.

Page Used to Set Up Adjustment Reasons

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Adjustment Reason ADJ_REASON_TABLE Setup Financials/Supply Create adjustment reason

Chain, Product Related, codes for electronic
Receivables, payments, such as EDI,
Credit/Collections, lockbox, and bank
Adjustment Reason, statements.
Adjustment Reason

Creating Adjustment Reason Codes

Access the Adjustment Reason page. (Select Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Credit/Collections, Adjustment Reason, Adjustment Reason.)

Entry Type and Entry Assign an entry type and reason associated with the adjustment reason. For
Reason example, you can have one adjustment reason for promotional deductions and
another for deductions for damaged goods. Each uses the same entry type but has
a separate entry reason so that you can update a different account.
If the Payment Loader Application Engine process (AR_PAYLOAD) cannot
translate the adjustment reason code in the lockbox, EDI file, or bank statement,
it uses the entry type, entry reason, and system function ID that you specified for
the payment business unit on the Receivables Options - General 2 page.

System Function ID Displays one of the system functions that is associated with the entry type.
Override this value, which appears by default, if needed.

Setting Up Reference Qualifiers

To set up reference qualifiers, use the Reference Qualifier component (AR_FLD_REF_TBL).

This section provides an overview of reference qualifiers and discusses how to define reference qualifiers.

Understanding Reference Qualifiers

Payment remittance information can contain a variety of reference numbers, such as:

• Purchase order numbers.

• Item IDs.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 125
Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

• Bill of lading numbers.

• Statement IDs.

• (NLD) Acceptgiro payment reference numbers.

When you enter a payment electronically or online, you must supply the meaning of the reference
information. Reference qualifiers are codes that you establish for this purpose.

Also use reference qualifier codes to identify the types of references to use when building a payment, transfer,
maintenance, or draft worksheet. For example, if you select a reference qualifier code for a purchase order,
the system uses purchase order numbers for the reference information and builds a worksheet with the items
for which the purchase order numbers match the ones that you specified in your selection criteria. You assign
the default reference qualifier code at the business-unit level.

See Also

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Defining Business Unit Defaults by SetID,
page 23

Page Used to Set Up Reference Qualifiers

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Reference Qualifier AR_FLD_REF_TBL Set Up Financials/Supply Define new payment

Chain, Product Related, reference qualifiers that you
Receivables, Options, will use to identify payment
Reference Qualifier, reference information and
Reference Qualifier items when building

Defining Reference Qualifiers

Access the Reference Qualifier page. (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Options, Reference Qualifier, Reference Qualifier.)

126 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

Reference Qualifier page

Field Name Select a field from the Item table (PS_ITEM) that the remittance information

Prompt Table Select a prompt record for the reference qualifier code, which the system uses to
display an appropriate list when a user prompts on the field online.

This table lists the prompt tables for the key reference qualifier fields:

Field Name Prompt Table




Purchase Order Number (PO_REF) ITEM_PO_VW


Sales Order Number (ORDER_NO) ITEM_ORDER_VW

Letter of Credit (LC_ID) ITEM_LC_VW

(NLD) Acceptgiro Payment Reference Number ITEM_AG_VW


Setting Up Worksheet Reasons

To set up worksheet reasons, use the Worksheet Reason component (WORKSHEET_REASON).

This section provides an overview of worksheet reasons and lists the page used to set up worksheet reasons.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 127
Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

Understanding Worksheet Reasons

Worksheet reasons enable you to enter a reason at the worksheet level that applies to all selected items on a
maintenance worksheet. The Receivables Update Application Engine process (ARUPDATE) applies the
reason to all items in the maintenance group and stores the reason on the Item Activity table
(PS_ITEM_ACTIVITY) for the item. The reason appears on pages showing item activity.

Important! Do not create a reason code called SPLIT. The system uses this reason code for all items that you
split on the Item Split page.

Page Used to Set Up Worksheet Reasons

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Worksheet Reason WORKSHEET_REASON Set Up Financials/Supply Use to set up maintenance

Chain, Product Related, worksheet reason codes and
Receivables, Options, their descriptions.
Worksheet Reason,
Worksheet Reason

Setting Up Unpost Reason Codes

To set up unpost reason codes, use the Unpost Reason component (UNPOST_RSN_TABLE).

This section provides an overview of unpost reason codes and lists the page used to set up unpost reason

Understanding Unpost Reason Codes

For informational purposes, you might want to define a reason code for payment groups that you are
unposting due to insufficient funds. You assign unpost reason codes to an unpost group on the Options page
for unpost groups.

For organizations that want to ensure that these reason codes are always updated for each unposted
transaction, you can select the Unpost Reason check box on the Installation Options - Receivables page.
When you select this check box, users must select a reason code every time they unpost a PeopleSoft
Receivables transaction.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Installation Options for
PeopleSoft Applications," Defining Receivables Installation Options.

128 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

Page Used to Set Up Unpost Reason Codes

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Unpost Reason UNPOST_RSN_TABLE Set Up Financials/Supply Set up reason codes for

Chain, Product Related, unposting groups.
Receivables, Options,
Unpost Reason, Unpost

Setting Up Credit Card Profiles

To set up credit card profiles, use the Credit Card Profile component (AR_CRCARD_PROFILE).

Credit card profiles enable you to control the selection of open items for credit card processing and the
processing of credit card worksheets that have been created. The Credit Card Scheduler process
(ARCRCARD) uses credit card profiles to control the batch creation of credit card worksheets. When you
create credit card worksheets online, the system does not use any of created profiles. Credit card profiles
enable you to set limits on the amount of each credit card payment within worksheets that are created in
batch. You can also determine the actions that the system takes to manage low values.

This section discusses how to create credit card profiles.

Page Used to Set Up Credit Card Profiles

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Credit Card Profile AR_CRCARD_PRFL Set Up Financials/Supply Create credit card profiles.
Chain, Product Related,
Receivables, Payments,
Credit Card Profile

Creating Credit Card Profiles

Access the Credit Card Profile page. (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Payments, Credit Card Profile.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 129
Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

Credit Card Profile page

Item Exclusions

Use the check boxes in the Item Exclusions group box to prevent the Credit Card Scheduler process
(ARCRCARD) from selecting certain types of items when it creates credit card payments and builds the

Customer Exclusions

Use the check boxes in the Customer Exclusions group box to prevent the credit card process from selecting
items for customers who are in collection or dispute.

Approval Limits

The values that you enter in the Approval Limits group box determine whether the credit card process
automatically approves a credit card payment. If the worksheet amount is within the approval limits, then the
system approves the payment. An approved credit card payment is available for authorization and settlement
with a third-party credit-card transaction provider. If the worksheet amount is outside the specified limits, the
system creates the credit card worksheet, but marks the worksheet as an exception to show that it needs
manual review. You can find the exceptions using the Credit Card Workbench. So approval really means that
the process will attempt to settle the transaction. Failure to approve means that the credit card payment
requires manual intervention.

130 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

Debit Approval Limit Enter the maximum amount that a credit card debit can be for the Credit Card
Scheduler process to approve it.

Credit Approval Limits Enter the maximum amount that a credit card credit can be for the Credit Card
Scheduler process to approve it.

Low Value Limits

Enter the values for the range of credit-card payment amounts that are too low to warrant processing the
amount by credit card that is due because the administrative cost of collecting the money is more than the
amount to be collected.

Upper Limit and Lower Enter a value other than 0 to enable low value processing. Otherwise, the low
Limit value processing rules are not applied.

Create Worksheet Select to create an unapproved credit card worksheet when the credit card
payment is within the specified low value limits. This enables you to decide
whether you should authorize and settle this amount, manually modify the
worksheet, or delete the worksheet.

Write Off Small Balance Select to write off a small balance. The Create Worksheet check box must be
selected to enable this option. The system creates a credit card worksheet for the
low balance with either a write-off an overpayment (WS-10) line or a write-off
an underpayment (WS-11) line on the worksheet and sets the worksheet to post.
This marks the selected open items as paid, and the remaining item amount is
written off.
You must specify the Debit Reason Code and the Credit Reason Code for this

Setting Up Direct Debit Profiles

To set up direct debit profiles, use the Direct Debit Profile component (DD_PROFILE).

Direct debit profiles define the processing characteristics for the Create Direct Debits Application Engine
process (AR_DIRDEBIT). You assign a profile to each bill to customer who pays for direct debits.

This section discusses how to create direct debit profiles.

Page Used to Set Up Direct Debit Profiles

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Direct Debit Profile - DD_PROFILE Setup Financials/Supply Create direct debit profiles.
Profile Chain, Product Related,
Receivables, Payments,
Direct Debit Profile, Profile

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 131
Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

Creating Direct Debit Profiles

Access the Direct Debit Profile - Profile page (Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Payments, Direct Debit Profile. Profile.).

Direct Debit - Profile page

Item Exclusion Options

Use the check boxes in the Item Exclusion Options group box to prevent the Create Direct Debits process
from selecting certain types of items when it creates direct debits and builds the worksheet.

Customer Exclusion Options

Use the check boxes in the Customer Exclusion Options group box to prevent the Create Direct Debits
process from selecting items for customers who are in collection or dispute.

Approval Limits

The values that you enter in the Approval Limits group box determine whether the Create Direct Debits
process automatically approves a direct debit or a direct credit. If the direct debit amount is within the
approval limits, it assigns the status of Accepted. If the process does not approve the direct debit because it is
over the approval limit, it assigns the status of Pending Approval.

132 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

Currency and Rate Type Enter the currency and rate type for the profile. If the currency of the items in the
direct debit differs from the currency in the profile, the Create Direct Debits
process uses the rate type to convert the amount for comparison.

Debit Approval Limit Enter the maximum amount that a direct debit can be for the Create Direct Debits
process to approve it.

Credit Approval Limit Enter the maximum amount that a direct credit can be for the Create Direct
Debits process to approve it.

Processing Options

One Item Per Direct Select to create a separate direct debit for each item, regardless of the number of
Debit? items that are specified in settings on the EFT layout. If you do not select this
option, the system creates one direct debit for all items that have a matching
business unit, customer, due date, and currency.

Prenote Required Select this check box to enable you to create, transmit, and receive confirmation
of direct debit prenotes. The PeopleSoft Receivables Direct Debit application
engine (AR_DIRDEBIT) processes these prenotes, which help to eliminate
additional processing or handling fees due to the transmission of incorrect
customer account information to the customer's bank. Prenotes also reduce any
delays in receivable collections.

Note. If this check box is selected, the system verifies that the selected EFT
Layout that you select can be used to transmit prenotes.

See Chapter 27, "Managing Direct Debits," page 849.

Net Debit/Credit Select to have the Create Direct Debits process create one direct debit that
Amounts? corresponds to the net of all debit and credit open items for the selected business
unit, customer, due date, and currency.
This field is not available if the Exclude Credit Items field is not selected.

Use Entry Type Select to use the direct debit profile that you assigned to the entry type for the
item on the Entry Type page instead of the direct debit profile that you assigned
to the bill to customer. The Create Direct Debits process selects only items for
which the entry type matches the direct debit profile that you select on the run
control page and the process uses that profile to determine the processing

Note. If you do not assign a direct debit profile to an entry type, the system uses
the direct debit profile that you assigned to the bill to customer.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 133
Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

Create Negative Direct Select to indicate that the Create Direct Debit process (AR_DIRDEBIT) creates
Debit negative direct debits.
This field does not appear if the Net Debit/Credit Amounts? field is not selected.
For more information about the Create Direct Debit process:
See Chapter 27, "Managing Direct Debits," Creating and Working with Direct
Debits, page 853.

Email Notify Select to indicate that the Bill To customer should receive a remittance advice
through email. This applies to all Bill To customers who are associated with this
direct debit profile
Also enables the delivery of Direct Debit (DD) remittance advice information to
a customer contact using Email . You must select this check box in the Direct
Debit profile and set up a customer contact in order to notify the assigned
customer contact that the customer's bank has been instructed to withdraw money
from the customer's account in their bank.

Note. An Email is also sent when a cancelled direct debit is reprocessed.

However, the system does not send an Email when a direct debit payment
cancellation occurs. Also

Remit to Bank Details

Bank and Account Enter the bank ID and account number into which the funds are deposited.

EFT Layout (electronic Select the EFT layout that you use to request the funds. The system populates
funds transfer layout) this field with the default EFT layout that you assigned to the bank account on
the Collection Methods page. Override the layout if needed.

Important! If you selected the Prenote Required check box on this page, the
system runs an edit to verify that the EFT Layout if valid for Prenotes.

134 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

Settle by Displays the remittance method that you assigned to the EFT layout on the
Collection Methods page for the bank account. Values are:
01 Financial Gateway: Sends the settlement request through the Financial
Gateway option in PeopleSoft Cash Management. The Financial Gateway option
creates the EFT files and submits them to the bank. You receive
acknowledgement statuses from the Financial Gateway option.
02 Format EFT: Generates an EFT file in PeopleSoft Receivables, which you
send to the bank manually or through a third-party integration.
The Create Direct Debits process assigns the remittance method to each direct
debit that it creates. When you run the processes to create direct debits, each
process checks the Settle by field for the direct debit to determine whether to
process the direct debit.
See Chapter 27, "Managing Direct Debits," Understanding the Direct Debit
Remit Process, page 870.

Setting Up EFT Reason Codes for Direct Debits

To set up EFT reason codes, use the EFT Reason Codes component (EFT_BANK_REASON).

This section provides an overview of EFT reason codes and discusses how to set up reason codes.

Understanding EFT Reason Codes

In some countries, the bank sends an EFT file after you submit direct debits to the bank confirming whether
the payment was collected. The file contains a reason code for each payment record that indicates whether it
was collected. If payment is not collected, the reason code indicates why it was not collected. You run the
DD_AR_BANK Application Engine process to process the bank EFT file and to update the status of the
Direct Debit Control record. When you run the Receivable Update process, it creates the appropriate
accounting entries based on the change to the control record.

Page Used to Set Up EFT Reason Codes for Direct Debits

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

EFT Reason Codes EFT_BANK_REASON Setup Financials/Supply Set up reason codes for
(electronic funds transfer Chain, Common direct debit processing.
reason codes) Definitions, EFT, EFT
Reason Codes, EFT Reason

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 135
Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

Setting Up EFT Reason Codes for EFT

Access the EFT Reason Codes page. (Select Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, EFT, EFT
Reason Codes, EFT Reason Codes.)

EFT Reason Codes page

Reason Code Enter a user-defined reason code and description.

Event Select the appropriate direct debit business event. Values are:
Cancel: Changes the status in the Direct Debit Control table
(PS_DD_CONTROL) for the direct debit to Rejected.
Cash at Due Date: Changes the status in the Direct Debit Control table to

Set up the following reason codes for the RID files that are used in Italy. Other countries can use this as an
example to set up their reason codes.

Reason Code Description Action

50001 Customer bank account closed. Cancel direct debit.

50003 Insufficient funds. Cancel direct debit.

50004 Unapproved by customer. Cancel direct debit.

50006 Incorrect due to technical problems Cancel direct debit.

at issuer bank.

50007 Incorrect due to technical problems Cancel direct debit.

at customer bank.

136 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

Reason Code Description Action

50008 Payment stopped by issuer. Cancel direct debit.

50009 Incorrect due to nontechnical Cancel direct debit.


50010 Payment collected. Apply cash.

Selecting EFT Layouts

Oracle provides several delivered EFT layouts that are used for:

• Payment processing.

• Direct debit processing.

• U.S. federal agency interfaces.

Electronic Payments

These EFT layouts are used to receive electronic payments:

EFT File Layout Codes Description Country

EDI Use to receive electronic payments United States

and remittances from the bank.

KIJ Use Kijitsu for inbound Japan


Direct Debits

The following EFT layouts are used for transmitting direct debits manually or through a third-party
integration. You set them up on the EFT File Layouts page.

Important! BACS, CPA005, SEPA, and UFF transmit direct debit prenotes manually or through third party

EFT File Layout Code Description Country

BACS Use for outbound transmissions. United Kingdom

BECS Use for outbound transmissions. Bulk Australia

Electronic Clearing System.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 137
Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

EFT File Layout Code Description Country

CLIEOP2 Use for outbound transmissions. Netherlands

CLIEOP3 Use for Euro-compatible outbound Netherlands


CPA005 Use for outbound transmissions. Canada

Canada Pay Association.

CSB19 Use for outbound transmissions. Spain

CSB43 Use for outbound transmissions. Spain

DDRD Use for outbound transmissions. Japan

DOM80 Use for outbound transmissions. Belgium

DTAUS Use for outbound transmissions. Germany

ETBDD Use for outbound transmissions. France

RID Use for inbound and outbound Italy


SEPA Use for Single European Payment. Europe

UFF Use for outbound transmissions. United States

Universal File Format.

The following EFT layouts are used for transmitting direct debits using the Financial Gateway option in
PeopleSoft Cash Management. You set them up on the Layout Catalog page.

Important! The following EFT layouts are also used for transmitting direct debit prenotes in Financial
Gateway. You must select the Supports Prenotes check box in the Bank Integration Layout component to
enable Financial Gateway to transmit prenotes. (Banking, Administer Bank Integration, Bank Integration

Format ID Format Name

820 ACH EDI 820 payment format for ACH

CCD NACHA CCD payment format

CCD+ NACHA CCD+ payment format

CTX NACHA CTX payment format



138 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

Format ID Format Name

PPD NACHA PPD payment format

For a list of all layouts set up for direct debits, including SEPA and NACHA refer to the PeopleSoft Enteprise
Financial Gateway 9.1 PeopleBook.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Gateway 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Electronic Banking Using
Financial Gateway," Defining Bank Integration Layouts for Payments.

U. S. Federal Agency Interfaces

Use the IPAC file layout for the Intra-Governmental Payment and Collections (IPAC) interface.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Files for Electronic Funds
Transfers," Setting Up EFT Processing

PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Gateway 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Electronic Banking Using Financial
Gateway," Setting Up Common Components for Bank Statement, Payment, and Payment Acknowledgment

Setting Up Rules for Overdue Charges

To define rules for overdue charges, use the Overdue Charging component (OVRDUE_CHG_TABLE2).

This section provides an overview of overdue charge IDs and discusses how to:

• Define overdue charge IDs.

• Define exclusions from overdue charges.

Understanding Overdue Charge IDs

Overdue charge IDs enable you to define the overall processing rules for overdue charge invoices, such as:

• Whether overdue charges should be added to the customer balance.

• The number of days that must elapse before overdue charges are reassessed.

• The overdue charge percentage rate.

• What items should be excluded from overdue charges invoices, such as past-due items that are in dispute.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 139
Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

Pages Used to Set Up Rules for Overdue Charges

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Overdue Charging - Setup 1 OVERDUE_CHG_TABLE1 Set Up Financials/Supply Define overdue charge IDs
Chain, Product Related, and some basic rules for
Receivables, how to calculate overdue
Credit/Collections, Overdue charges.
Charging, Setup 1

Overdue Charging - Setup 2 OVERDUE_CHG_TABLE2 Set Up Financials/Supply Define the conditions under
Chain, Product Related, which items should be
Receivables, excluded from overdue
Credit/Collections, Overdue charges.
Charging, Setup 2

Defining Overdue Charge IDs

Access the Overdue Charging - Setup 1 page. (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related,
Receivables, Credit/Collections, Overdue Charging, Setup 1.)

Overdue Charging - Setup 1 page

Create Overdue Charge Select to create an overdue charge document to send to a customer. This
Document document contains only overdue charges, not any of the customer's existing open
items, and does not affect the customer's balance.

140 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

Create Charge by Item Select to create a separate line item for each overdue charge. This selection
Line enables users to see a separate line for the principal and each overdue charge type
on the payment worksheet. It also enables the user to pay each of the charges
before reducing the principal of the item. If you deselect this check box, users
will see a single line item that includes a lump sum amount of the principal and
all overdue charges.

Create A Group To Post Select to create an overdue charge group to be posted and to increment the
Charges customer's account based on the charges. This option does not create a document
of any kind, but creates one overdue charge group per business unit requested on
the run control. The process creates a group that has a group type of F.
If you need to create a statement that has new overdue charges invoices and the
customer's existing open items:
1. Select the Create A Group To Post Charges check box on this page.

2. Generate overdue charges.

3. Run the Receivable Update process for the business units of the newly
created overdue charge group.

4. Generate the statement.

One Time Charge Flag Select to indicate whether the Overdue Charges Application Engine process
(AR_OVRDUE) should create an overdue charge only once or multiple times by
checking for a last assessed date. If you select this check box, the process creates
an overdue charge only once for an item; otherwise, the process continues to
create overdue charges until the item is closed.

Include Prior Charges Select to include prior overdue charges in the calculation of the current balance.

Assign Once Per Item Select to have the system check to determine whether any overdue charges exist
for any of the current items that qualify for overdue charging for this specific
overdue charge ID. If a charge exists for one or more items, the system does not
calculate a new charge; however, the system calculates this type of overdue
charge for any qualified items that do not have any charges assessed against
them. After these charges are assessed against these items, the system prevents
them from being charged again.

Overdue Charge Rate Select the value that determines how the system calculates the overdue charge.
Type Values are:
Fixed Amt (fixed amount): Creates an administrative or punitive charge for the
amount that you enter in the Fixed Amt (fixed amount) field.
Percentage: Calculates a charge using the percentage rate in the Percent field.
Prime Plus: Calculates a charge using the prime rate that you enter on the
Overdue Charges run control page plus the percentage rate that you enter in the
Percent field.

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Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

Days Between Charges Enter the number of days that the system must wait before reassessing overdue
charges for items that have already been evaluated for overdue charging. The
Overdue Charges process uses this value differently depending on whether an
item has already had an overdue charge assessed.
If an item has a previous overdue charge, the system compares the value in the
Days Between Charges field to the number of days between the date of the
current overdue charge run and the date of the previous overdue charge.

Grace Days Enter the number of grace days that the system uses in combination with the
basis date to determine whether the item is overdue for items that has had no
previous overdue charges. If you want the trigger for the overdue charges and the
amount of the overdue charges to be calculated based on the same day, enter 0.
Overdue charge calculations use the grace days that are defined here, not the
grace due days that are associated with the business unit, customer, or item.
Those grace days refer to the due date, which may not be the same as the overdue
charge basis date.

Days in Calculation Enter a number to determine the number of days in the year, such as 365 or 366,
Year that represents an annual basis for the interest calculation. The system uses the
basis date to determine how many days the item is overdue.

Field Name Select the date field that is used as the basis date for calculating the overdue
charges. Values are:
ACCOUNTING_DATE: The date that the account entry was entered into the
ASOF_DT: The as of date that is entered on the pending item.
DUE_DT: The date that a transaction is due.
USER_DT1to USER_DT4: An additional date that is defined by the user.

Entry Type Displays the entry type that you defined for overdue charges. All overdue charge
items have this entry type.

Entry Reason Select one of the entry reasons that is assigned to the overdue charge entry type.
The system uses this entry reason for all overdue charge items that the Overdue
Charges process creates using this overdue charge ID. The entry type and entry
reason determine the correct accounting distribution for each charge. To process
an overdue charge manually or automatically, the automatic entry type and
reason code must be identical to the item entry type and reason code.

See Also

Chapter 38, "Generating Correspondence," Generating Customer Statements, page 1134

Defining Exclusions from Overdue Charges

Access the Overdue Charging - Setup 2 page. (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related,
Receivables, Credit/Collections, Overdue Charging, Setup 2.)

142 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

Overdue Charging - Setup 2 page

Add An Item, Minimum Select either a detail level or summary level for overdue charges.
Item Charge, and If you want a detail level, deselect the Add An Item check box and enter a
Minimum Business Unit minimum item charge. The overdue charges appear as activity against the
Charge original item, and one overdue charge appears for each open item using the same
item ID as the open item. This method has the effect of adding the overdue
charge to the original item and increasing its balance.
If you want a summary level, select the Add An Item check box and enter a
minimum business unit charge. The system combines all overdue charges in one
new item that posts to the customer's account. For example, if a customer has 10
past-due items that qualify for overdue charges, the system creates one overdue
charge. This method increases the customer's balance without affecting the
balance of the original item. This method enables you to increase the calculated
charge to a minimum amount for a customer and business unit combination.

Currency Select a currency for the Minimum Item Charge and Minimum Business Unit
Charge fields to calculate overdue charges.

Item Exclusion Options

Exclude Collection Select to prevent items from appearing on overdue charges invoices if they are
Items and Exclude marked for collection or dispute.
Disputed Items
Exclude Credit Items Select to prevent credit memos, on-account payments, and prepayments from
appearing on overdue charges invoices.

Exclude Deduction Select to prevent deduction items from appearing on overdue charges invoices.

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Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

Exclude Items <(exclude Select to exclude overdue charges that are less than the amount specified.
items less than)

Cancel Document Options

Cancel Collection Select to prevent the generation of overdue charges invoices for customers who
Customer and Customer are marked for collection or dispute on the Credit Profile page.
Is In Dispute The system creates an invoice if the correspondence group to which the customer
belongs has other eligible open items. The system does not create an invoice if
the correspondence customer itself is in collection or dispute.

Document Has Credit Select to have the Overdue Charges process bypasses invoices with a negative
Total total.

Document Total < Select this check box and enter a monetary limit to prevent the system from
(document total less than) generating invoices when the total of items on the invoice is less than a certain
amount specified.
The Document Has Credit Total and Document Total < check boxes apply to the
balance of the invoice, which is always at the correspondence customer level.
Therefore, a customer with a small debit balance is overridden by a customer
with a larger credit balance if both customers belong to the same correspondence
customer, and the system creates the invoice.

Setting Up Write-Off Approval Workflow

Within PeopleSoft Receivables, you can restrict the users ability to write-off amounts on the payment
worksheet, maintenance worksheet, or draft worksheet. There are two methods to restrict write-off amounts:

• Limit the amount that can be written off. Maximum write-off amounts can be defined for the business
unit, bill-to customer, and individual user. If any of these limits are exceeded, the system does not allow
the user to save the worksheet.

• Require approval of write-off amounts entered on the worksheet that are below the maximum write-off
limits but above the approval-needed limit. This approval workflow is controlled by the Approval
Framework feature in PeopleSoft Enterprise Components. The user is not able to set the worksheet to post
until the write-off amount is approved. Both the approver and the worksheet user can set the worksheet to
post after approval is granted.

Note. The write-off approval workflow is designed to require approval for write-offs entered on the payment
worksheet, maintenance worksheet, or draft worksheet only. The workflow does not pick up write-off
transactions from processes such as the Payment Predictor process and the Automatic Maintenance process.

144 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

PeopleSoft Approval Framework feature is a type of workflow. Many daily tasks are part of a larger process
that involves several steps and people working together. The term workflow refers to this process, which
could encompass, for example, the approval of a write-off transaction. To facilitate this type of multiuser
process, the PeopleSoft product can automatically trigger workflow notifications to inform the approver in the
process of work awaiting him or her. The workflow process could include one or more approval steps with
different approvers. When the workflow process is complete, the transaction is promoted to its next stage. In
the case of a write-off approval, the next stage is to set the worksheet to post.

It is important to note that PeopleSoft applications offer two types of workflow:

1. PeopleTools Workflow Technology, documented in the Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook:

Workflow Technology. This method is not used for write-off approval.

2. PeopleSoft Approval Framework, documented in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Approval Framework

PeopleBook. The PeopleTools Workflow Technology workflow requires advanced technical skills in
PeopleSoft PeopleTools to create and maintain workflow; in contrast, the Approval Framework provides
an alternative workflow that is much easier to create and maintain. For example, all of the steps in
Approval Framework are defined by means of PeopleSoft pages rather than the underlying PeopleSoft
PeopleCode, so functional users can design and maintain workflow using these online PeopleSoft pages
without technical developers having to create workflow rules.

For the write-off approval workflow, the sample data is delivered with data to start the workflow process with
one level of approver. You will need to alter this information to work in your environment. You can also
change the data to create a multistep approval process or use addition features in Approval Framework.

To setup write-off approval, complete the following steps:

1. Define the maximum write-off amount for the business unit level.

2. Define the maximum write-off amount for the customer level.

3. Define the maximum write-off amount for the user.

4. Create the list of approvers within the Approval Framework.

5. Define users within the workflow process.

6. Review the Approval Transaction Registry within the Approval Framework.

7. Configure the approval transactions within the Approval Framework.

8. Set up process definitions within the Approval Framework.

9. Set up URL for email notifications.

10. Activate approval workflow for write-off amounts.

The following sections offer more information about each step listed above.

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Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

Define the Maximum Write-Off Amount for the Business Unit Level

Define the write-off amount limit at business unit level using the Maximum Write Off Amount field located
on the Receivables Options - General 1 page. The Maximum Write Off Amount field works in combination
with the Maximum Write-Off Percent field located on this page. For example, if you enter an amount of
25.00 USD, the process writes off amounts up to 25.00 USD. However, if you enter a maximum write-off
percent of 10 and the total original amount of an item is 240.00 USD, then the system will not write off more
than 24.00 USD. If you do not want to limit the write-off amount at the business unit level, enter all 9s in the
Maximum Write Off Amount field and enter 100 in the Maximum Write-Off Percent field.

Keep in mind that the Receivables Options component is defined by setID and linked to business units using
the record group ID AR_03 (Business Unit Options) on the TableSet Control - Record Group page
(PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, TableSet Control, Record Group)

See Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Write-off Tolerances, page 26.

Define the Maximum Write-Off Amount for the Customer Level

Define the write-off amount limit at customer level using the Maximum Write Off Amount field located on
the General Information - Bill To Options page. Like the business unit level, the Maximum Write Off
Amount field works in combination with the Maximum Write-Off Percent field located on the same page. If
you do not want to limit the write-off amount at the customer level, enter all 9s in the Maximum Write Off
Amount field and enter 100 in the Maximum Write-Off Percent field.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General
Customer Information," Write-Off Info.

Define the Maximum Write-Off Amount for the User

Define the write-off amount limit for the user ID using the User Preferences-Receivables Data Entry 2 page.
Use this page to define the user's individual write-off limits for the payment worksheet and the maintenance
worksheet. If you do not define write-off tolerances for the user, the system uses zero for the user's write-off
tolerances, and the user cannot write off items.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining User Preferences," Defining
Receivables Write-off and Discount Tolerances.

Create the List of Approvers Within the Approval Framework

For the approval workflow process, use the User List Definition page to define lists of users who can approve
a write-off transaction that is entered on the payment worksheet, maintenance worksheet, or draft worksheet.
Your list of approvers can be defined as a particular user role, SQL definition, PeopleSoft Query, or
Application Class. The User List Definition page is located in the Enterprise Components menu and is part of
the Approval Framework feature.

Within the Approval Framework, these lists are used with the Steps definition in the approval process. As part
of sample data, PeopleSoft Receivables delivers a user list named WriteOffApprovers to be used for write-off
approvals. This user list uses the SQL definition EOAW_SUPERVISOR_BY_OPRID which checks the
Supervising User ID field on the User Profile-Workflow page for the person entering the write-off and uses
the supervisor as the approver. All three delivered Receivables approval process use the WriteOffApprovers
user list.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise FSCM 9.1 PeopleBook: Approval Framework:"Defining User Lists

146 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

Define Users Within the Workflow Process

Within the PeopleTools menu, each user is defined with a user ID in the User Profile component. For the
approval workflow process, use this component to define the relationship between users entering write-off
amounts on a worksheet and the approvers.

For users within PeopleSoft Receivables:

• Use the User Profile-Workflow page

For the requester's user profile, identify the supervisor (Supervising User ID field) who should approve
the write-off transactions. The supervisor is important if you are using the SQL definition
EOAW_SUPERVISOR_BY_OPRID in the WriteOffApprovers user list. Verify that Worklist User check
box and the Email User check box located in the Routing Preferences group box are checked

— For the supervisor's user profile, select both the Worklist User check box and the Email User check
box located in the Routing Preferences group box.

• Use the User Profile-Roles page to enter the roles of the user. A role is a class of users who perform the
same type of work, such as a collector, credit analysis, AR specialist, or manager. A role describes how
people fit into workflow. Roles are defined under PeopleTools, Security, Permissions & Roles, Roles.
Roles are important because you define a role on the User List Definition page (Enterprise Components,
Approvals, Approvals, User List Setup), and then add the role to each user ID with the authority to
approve write-off amounts.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise FSCM 9.1 PeopleBook: Approval Framework: "Defining Users for Approval

Review the Approval Transaction Registry Within the Approval Framework

The Approval Transaction Registry is the interface application used to register an application with the
approval framework. You use the Register Transactions page to link the components, event handler, records,
and classes that you created to the approval process for an application transaction. The main records and
components that make up the transaction are registered, along with the approval transaction on which to base
the approval process definition.

Any PeopleSoft-delivered approvals already have the Approval Transaction Registry populated. No
additional configuration is typically needed. Within the transaction registry, the following process IDs have
been defined in PeopleSoft system data for AR write-offs:

• ARPaymentWriteOff (AR write-off for the payment worksheet). The transaction registry for the process
ID ARPaymentWriteOff uses the cross-reference table AR_PAYMENTWO_AW and the default approval
component of AR_WF_PAY_WO_XFER.

• ARDraftWriteOff (AR write-off for the draft worksheet). The transaction registry for the process ID
ARDraftWriteOff uses the cross-reference table AR_DRAFT_WO_AW and the default approval
component of DRAFT_WORKS_IC.

• ARMaintWriteOff (AR write-off for the maintenance worksheet). The transaction registry for the process
ID ARMaintWriteOff uses the cross-reference table AR_MAINT_WO_AW and the default approval
component of WS_WORKSHEET_IC.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise FSCM 9.1 PeopleBook: Approval Framework: "Defining the Approval
Transaction Registry"

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 147
Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

Configure the Approval Transactions Within the Approval Framework

Use the Configure Transactions page to select and define elements that determine what triggers a notification,
who receives the notification, and the content of the notification. Notifications are mapped to work with the
approval transaction registry and include menus and components and SQL definitions. The Configure
Transactions page uses the same process IDs as the Register Transactions page, including the following
process IDs for AR write-offs:

• ARPaymentWriteOff

• ARDraftWriteOff

• ARMaintWriteOff

There are two delivered events for all three process mentioned above. The events are:

• Route for Approval — Approvers are notified of a transaction requiring approval by an entry in their
worklist and an email using the Receivables Notification template

• On Final Approval — Requester is notified of an approval of a write-off by an an entry in their worklist

and an email using the Receivables Notification template

You can setup additional events as you see fit.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise FSCM 9.1 PeopleBook: Approval Framework: "Configuring Approval

Set Up Process Definitions Within the Approval Framework

Use the Setup Process Definition component to define an approval definition process. This definition is made
up of the stages, paths, steps, and criteria that build a workflow. For the AR write-off approvals, the sample
data includes one approval step launched for a write-off amount enter on the payment worksheet,
maintenance worksheet, or draft worksheet. You can change the criteria to meet your own specific needs; for
example, you can include multiple approvers or launch workflow for write-offs above a certain amount.
When setting up write-off approvals, use the following information:

Process ID Approver User List Amount Record Amount Field

ARPaymentWriteOff WriteOffApprovers defined PAYMENT WO_ITEM_AMT

on the User List Definition

ARDraftWriteOff WriteOffApprovers defined DRAFT_CONTROL WO_ITEM_AMT

on the User List Definition

ARMaintWriteOff WriteOffApprovers defined WS_CONTROL WS_TOTAL_WO

on the User List Definition

148 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

See PeopleSoft Enterprise FSCM 9.1 PeopleBook: Approval Framework: Defining the Setup Process
Definitions Component

To enable write-off approvals in your environment, go to the Criteria Definition page for the step within the
Setup Process Definitions component. To navigate to the Criteria Definition page, click the Criteria icon
within the Steps group box on the Setup Process Definitions page. For each process ID:

• Verify the Criteria Type field has the value of User Entered.

• Within the Field Criteria group box, change the Value field to the threshold write-off amount that should
prompt workflow approval. As delivered in the sample data, this Value field contains 999999999. For
example, if you change the Value field to 300, then any write-off amount greater than 300 will require

Set Up URL for Email Notifications

This information is system-defined. User must set up the value in the URL EMP_SERVLET (PeopleTools >
Utilities > Admin > URLs.)

Activate Approval Workflow for Write-Off Amounts

To activate the approval framework for write-off approvals, select the new Enable Write Off Workflow check
box on the Receivables Options-Payment Options page.

Keep in mind that the Receivables Options component is defined by setID and linked to business units using
the record group ID AR_03 (Business Unit Options) on the TableSet Control - Record Group page
(PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, TableSet Control, Record Group)

See Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Defining Payment Options, page 32.

See Also

Chapter 21, "Applying Payments," Approving Write-Off Amounts Using Workflow, page 676

Pages Used to Set Up Write-Off Approval Workflow

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Receivables Options - BUS_UNIT_OPT_AR1 Set Up Financials/Supply Define the write-off

General 1 Chain, Business Unit tolerances for the business
Related, Receivables, unit level.
Receivables Options,
General 1

General Information - Bill CUST_BILLTO_OPT Customers, Customer Define the write-off

To Options Information, General tolerances for the bill-to
Information, Bill To customer level.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 149
Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

User Preferences- OPR_DEF_TABLE_AR2 Set Up Financials/Supply Specify write-off tolerances

Receivables Data Entry 2 Chain, Common for the user.
Definitions, User
Preferences, Define User
Preferences, Receivables
Data Entry 2

User List Definition PTAF_USER_LIST Enterprise Components, Define user-list definitions.

Approvals, Approvals, User As part of sample data,
List Setup PeopleSoft Receivables
delivers a user list named
WriteOffApprovers to be
used for write-off
approvals. .

User Profiles - Roles USER_ROLES PeopleTools, Security, User Attach workflow roles to
Profiles, User Profiles users.
Select the Roles tab.

User Profiles - Workflow USER_WORKFLOW PeopleTools, Security, User Define supervisors and
Profiles, User Profiles worklist users.
Select the Workflow tab.

Register Transactions EOAW_TXN Enterprise Components, Register an application with

Approvals, Approvals, the approval framework.
Transaction Registry

Configure Transactions EOAW_TXN_NOTIFY Enterprise Components, Use the Configuration

Approvals, Approvals, Transactions page to
Transaction Configuration configure how the system
uses the particular
implementation of approval

Setup Process Definitions EOAW_PRCS_MAIN Enterprise Components, Define workflow approval

Approvals, Approvals, process stages.
Approval Process Setup

Criteria Definition EOAW_CRITERIA Click the Criteria link from Define criteria for the
the Setup Process workflow approval step to
Definitions page in the launch write-off approvals.
Steps section.

Generic Template WL_TEMPLATE_GEN PeopleTools, Workflow, Use the Generic Template

Definition Notifications, Generic Definition page to establish
Templates a common format for all ad
hoc notifications.

Receivables Options - BUS_UNIT_OPT_AR2 Set Up Financials/Supply Select the Enable Write-off

Payment Options Chain, Business Unit Workflow check box to
Related, Receivables, activate workflwo for write-
Receivables Options, off amounts.
Payment Options

150 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

Understanding the Financials Audit Framework for PeopleSoft

This section presents an overview of Financials Audit Framework (audit logging) for PeopleSoft Receivables.

Understanding the Financials Audit Framework for PeopleSoft Receivables

The Financials Audit Framework (audit logging) provides efficient tracking of transaction processing that
results in enhanced visibility and detailed audit trails. The framework is a centralized structure that allows
you to identify the statuses of transactions to be tracked, including online views to search the audit log results
by source, transaction and user. You can also archive and purge the audit logs.

You must enable the document events based on the document name in PeopleSoft Receivables for which you
want audit logging performed. You can also select the Include Archive check box for each document name to
include data archived by the PeopleSoft Data Archive Manager.

SeeEnterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Data Management, Using PeopleSoft Data Archive Manager

• Enable Audit Logging

• Search Audit Logs

• Purge Audit Logs

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining Financials and Supply
Chain Management Common Definitions," Establishing Carrier Calendar Exceptions.

When you access the Enable Audit Logging page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Audit Logging, Enable
Audit Logging, Enable Audit Logging page) you can enable these PeopleSoft Receivables document events
for audit logging.

Document Name Event Name

AR Deposit Create the Deposit

Delete the Deposit

Post the Deposit

AR Customer Draft Accepted

Worksheet Approved


Draft Created

Oh Hold

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 151
Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

Document Name Event Name

Worksheet Rejected

Remitted to Bank

Worksheet Built

AR Item AR Rebate

AR Revenue Estimate

Auto Maintenance

Credit Card Worksheet

Condition Monitor

Create Item

Apply Direct Debit

Cancel Direct Debit

Post Direct Debit

Draft Worksheet

Dun Item

Maintain Item

AR Pending Item Create Pending Item

Delete External Pending Item

Delete Pending

Post Pending Item

Update External Pending Item

Update Pending Item

AR Payment Payment Applied

Credit Card Applied

Credit Card Worksheet

152 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

Document Name Event Name

Create Payment

Delete Worksheet

Delete Payment

Directly Journaled Payment

Post Payment

Payment Predictor Applied

Payment Predictor Worksheet

Unpost Payment

Update Worksheet

Create Worksheet

Setting Up Item Audit Options

To define item audit options, use the Audit Control component (AUDIT_CNTRL).

This section provides an overview of audit history options and discusses how to select fields for auditing.

Understanding Audit History Options

The system creates an audit history record when you change values in the fields that you specify for tracking
on the Item table (PS_ITEM). This enables your organization to have as many comprehensive audit history
records as you need. The more fields that you select to track, the more audit history records you will have.
View the changes on the Item Audit History page.

The system tracks the changes that you make online using the View/Update Item Details component
(ITEM_MAINTAIN), when you use the Multi-item Update feature on the Item List page, and when you build
a payment worksheet with multiple items, or add items to a previously built payment worksheet. The system
also tracks changes to field values that you select to update when you run the Mass Change Application
Engine process (AR_MASSCHG).

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 153
Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

Page Used to Define Item Audit Options

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Audit Control AUDIT_CNTRL_TBL Set Up Financial/Supply Select the fields on the Item
Chain, Product Related, table for which you want to
Receivables, create audit history.
Credit/Collections, Audit
Control, Audit Control

Selecting Fields for Auditing

Access the Audit Control page. (Select Set Up Financial/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Credit/Collections, Audit Control, Audit Control.)

Audit Control page

Select any of the fields on the Item table for an item for which you want to generate an audit history record
when you change the field values for items. The system creates an audit history record when anyone changes
the field value.

154 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

Set up Collections Workbench Components

This section presents an overview and discusses how to:

• Set up Collections Workbench customer detail fields.

• Set up Collections Workbench tabs.

• Set up Collections Workbench actions.

• Personalize the content of the Collections Workbench for all users, by role, or by user ID.

Understanding the Collections Workbench Setup Components

System Administrators for an organization are the primary users of the Collection Workbench Setup
Components. The Collections Workbench is comprised of these pages:

• Collections Workbench Customer Details Fields page

The Customer Details Fields component and page is used by system administrators to make fields
available to be listed in the customer details box on the Collections Workbench. These modifications
would most likely be performed by a developer and may require additional coding. This page can be used
in the state that it is delivered in the system to your organization to modify the name of each field. The
primary purpose of this page is to enable the system administrator to modify the field names on this page
and avoid additional coding. If your organization decides to add new fields, you will need a programmer
to unlock the page, add new field definitions, and add the code to handle the new field.

• Collections Workbench Tabs page

Th Collections Workbench Tabs component and page is used by system administrators to add or modify
work areas on the Collections Workbench. These modifications would most likely be performed by a
developer and may require additional coding. This page can be used in the state that it is delivered in the
system to your organization to modify the name of each tab. The primary purpose of this page is to enable
the system administrator to modify the tab names on this page to avoid additional coding. If your
organization decides to add new tabs, you will need a programmer to unlock the page, add new tab
definitions, and add the code to handle the new tabs.

• Collections Workbench Actions page

The Collections Workbench Actions component and page is used by system administrators to make new
actions available for the Collections Workbench. These modifications would most likely be performed by
a developer and may require additional coding. This page can be used in the state that is delivered in the
system to your organization to modify the name of each action or add a URL for existing actions. The
primary purpose of this page is to enable the system administrator to modify the action names or add a
URL on this page to avoid additional coding. If your organization decides to add new actions, you will
need a programmer to unlock the page, add new action definitions, and add the code to handle the new

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 155
Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

• Personalize Content page.

The Personalization component and page is used by system administrators to personalize the way the
Action List, Customer Details box, and message alerts appea r in the system.A system administrator can
set up personalizations at the system-wide or All Users level or based on roles. Individual users can also
use this page to set up their own personal settings.

See Chapter 40, "Using the Collections Workbench," page 1171.

Pages Used to Define Collections Workbench Setup Components

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Collections Workbench AR_CWB_CD_FIELDS Set Up Financials/Supply Set up Collections

Customer Detail Fields Chain, Product Related, Workbench customer
Receivables, Workbench, details fields.
Customer Details Fields,
Collections Workbench
Customer Details Fields

Collections Workbench AR_CWB_TABS Set Up Financials/Supply Set up Collections

Tabs Chain, Product Related, Workbench tabs.
Receivables, Workbench,
Tabs, Collections
Workbench Tabs page

Collections Workbench AR_CWB_ACTIONS Set Up Financials/Supply Set up Collections

Actions Chain, Product Related, Workbench actions.
Receivables, Workbench,
Actions, Collections
Workbench Actions page

Maintain Personalizations - AR_CWB_OPTION_SRCH Set Up Financials/Supply Perform a search based on

Personalization Search Chain, Product Related, selected personalization
Receivables, Workbench, levels and text.
Personalization, Maintain
Personalizations -
Personalization Search page

156 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Personalize Content AR_CWB_ALL_OPTION

• Select All Users as the Personalize the content of
Personalization Level the Collections Workbench
on the Maintain for all users, by role, or by
Personalization – user ID.
Personalization Search

• Select By Role as the

Personalization Level
on the Maintain
Personalization –
Personalization Search
page, click the Search
button on this page, and
click the link associated
with a role ID listed in
the Search Results.

• Select By User as the

Personalization Level
on the Maintain
Personalization –
Personalization Search
page, click the Search
button on this page, and
click the link associated
with one a User ID
listed in the Search

Look Up Field AR_CWB_FLDLKUP_SEC Click the Search icon next Change the category and
to the Row "n",Column "n" field value that apply to the
field value cell on the selected field value cell in
Personalize Content page to the grid on the Personalize
display the Look Up Field Content page.

Setting Up Collections Workbench Customer Details Fields

Access the Collections Workbench Customer Details page. (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product
Related, Receivables, Workbench, Customer Details Fields, CWB Customer Detail Fields search page, select
a field category, and click the Search button.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 157
Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

Collections Workbench Customer Details Fields page

Field Category Before you can access this page, you must select one of these field categories and
click the Search button on the Customer Details Fields page.
• Activity Field

• Balances Field

• General Field

• Metrics Field

• User Field

Field Value Enter a field value for each field based on the way you want the fields to appear
on the Collections Workbench. The remaining fields are system defined and

Setting Up Collections Workbench Tabs

Access the Collections Workbench Tabs page. (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related,
Receivables, Workbench, Tabs, Collections Workbench Tabs page)

158 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

Collections Workbench Tabs page

Description Enter a description for each tab. The tab number field is system defined and read-

Setting Up Collections Workbench Actions

Access the Collections Workbench Actions page. (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related,
Receivables, Workbench, Actions, Collections Workbench Actions page.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 159
Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

Collections Workbench Actions page

Description These action descriptions are system-defined.The action numbers are system
defined and read-only. These actions only appear on the Customer Details Field
set-up page. End users will not be able to view these descriptions.

A URL is the address of a specific Web site or file on the Internet.
The URL that you enter on this page will take precedence over any code already
in place. The URL that you enter is used as a way to customize actions quickly,
without making code changes. Also, the existing code that goes with each of the
existing actions is not based on a URL. There is PeopleCode logic plus a
component transfer in the code for each action.

160 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

Personalizing the Content of the Collections Worbench for All Users, by Role,
or by User ID
Access the Personalize Content page. (Select All Users or By Role or By User as the Personalization Level on
the Maintain Personalization – Personalization Search page. If you select By Role or By User, you must click
the Search button on the page, and click the link associated with a role or a user ID to display the Personalize
Content page.)

Personalize Content page (1 of 2)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 161
Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

Personalize Content page (2 of 2)

The three different levels of personalizations work There is an order of precedence for the three levels of
personalizations. If users have their user ID set up based on personalizations, they will always see these pages
based on those personalizations. If the system does not find user ID personalizations, it will use the
personalizations that are set up based on a the role of the user. If the system does not find any role-based
personalizations set up, it will use the system wide or All Users personalizations. Personalizations must be set
up for All Users in order for the system to work properly, while personalizations for role or by user ID are

Action List Select one of these options that control the display of the Action List group box
on the Collections Workbench page.
• Always Hide

• Collapse Upon Entry

• Expand Upon Entry

Customer Details Select one of these options that control the display of the Customer Details group
box on the Collections Workbench page.
• Always Hide

• Collapse Upon Entry

• Expand Upon Entry

View Customer Message Select this check box if you want a Customer Messages link to appear on the
Alert Collections Workbench page to alert you about the existence ofcustomer
If you leave this check box blank, the Customer Messages link will not appear on
the Collections Workbench page.
The check box is selected by default.

162 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

Personalize Customer Details Section

Category Select one of these categories to appear as the default on the Look Up Field page
for each field. You can override this value on the Look on the Look Up Field
• Activity Field

• Balances Field

• General Field

• Metrics Field

• User Field

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 163
Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

Row "n" and Column The rows and columns contain the field values that you want to list on the
"n" Collections Workbench Customer Details page (.)
You can click the search icon next to each field value to access the Look Up
Field page which contains the fields that belong to the category:
• Category

The default category that you selected at the top of this Summary section
appears in this field. You can override this category.

For example, if the category is currently General Field, you can

select.customer address fields or customer contact fields to appear in the cell
of the Customer Details box on the Collections Workbench. If the category is
currently Balances, you can select the customer outstanding balance field, or
the past due amount field, or other balance amount fields, to appear in the cell
of the Customer Details box on the Collections Workbench.

• Field Value

If you select a different category for the selected field value cell on the grid,
you can select a new field value for the cell that applies to the newly selected

For example, the field value in the cell on the Personalize Content page on
Row 1 and Column 1 is currently Bill To Address 1 and it has General as the
category to the right of the cell that contains the field value..

When you click Search icon next to the Bill To Address 1 field cell, the Look
Up Field page displays. You change the General Field category to Activity
Field. Remove the Bill To Address 1 from the Field Value and click the
Lookup button. A list of field values displays for the Activity Field category.
For this example, you choose Last Payment Date for the Field Value. The
Personalize Content page re-displays with the Field Value Last Payment Date
appearing in the Row 1, Column 1 cell with the category Activity displaying
to the right of the field.

The field values defined in the rows and columns will appear in the Customer
Details box on the Collections Workbench. The Customer Details box can
hold up to 27 fields in 9 rows with 3 field values in each row. If you remove
all fields in the bottom row, the space on the Collections Workbench page
will be claimed back, and the Customer Details box will shrink to fit the
remaining fields. If you add a field in the bottom row that was previously
empty, the Customer Details box will grow to list that new field.
Personalizations defined for a specific user ID will override those
personalizations defined for a role. Personalizations defined for a role will
override the personalizations defined for all users.

(USF) Setting Up the Receivables Due From the Public Report

To set up the Receivables Due From the Public report, use the Reporting Entity Code (ENTITY_GRP),
Receivable Type (REC_TYPE_GRP), and the Delinquency Code (DELINQ_GRP) components.

164 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

This section provides an overview of the Receivables Due From the Public report (ARSF2209) and discusses
how to:

• Define report entity codes.

• Define receivable type codes.

• Define delinquency codes.

Understanding the Receivables Due From the Public Report

The Receivables Due From the Public report is the U.S. Department of Treasury's means for periodically
collecting data on the status and condition of the federal government's nontax department portfolio in
accordance with the requirements of the Debt Collection Act of 1982 and the Debt Collection Improvement
Act of 1996 (DCIA).

This section discusses:

• Entity codes and receivables types.

• Entry types.

• Delinquency codes.

• Customer types.

Entity Codes and Receivable Types

When you enter pending items, you assign reporting entity codes and receivable types. The entity codes and
receivable types are used to identify the items for which you are including data in the report.

Entry Types

Many of the lines in the report include only amounts for items with specific entry types. To populate these
lines, you must set up entry types for the codes in the following table and create an automatic entry type for
each entry type:

Entry Type Code Description

ADMIN Administrative Charge

FC Finance Charge

OC Overdue Charge

PY Payment

WO Write-off

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 165
Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

Entry Type Code Description

TAXES Tax Receipts

AD Adjust Write-off

ADR Adjustments Reclassified

ADS Adjustments to Sale of Assets

ADC Adjustments - Consolidations

RD Rescheduled Debt

Delinquency Codes

You assign delinquency codes to items on the Item Delinquency page. The system uses these codes to
determine which items' amounts to include in various lines of the report. You must set up the delinquency
codes in the following table for the report and the codes in the report must exactly match the codes in this list
to update the various line amounts correctly:

Delinquency Code Description

AGN By Agency

OTP Other Third Party

AST Asset Sales

PCA Private Collection Agency

TOP At Treasury for Offset

WGR Wage Garnishment

CLO Closed Out

NA Non-Delinquent

BKR In Bankruptcy

166 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

Delinquency Code Description

FRB Forbearance/Formal Appeals

FRC In Foreclosure

LIT In Litigation

IOS Eligible for Internal Offset

TXS At Treasury Cross Servicing

OF% Exempt from Treasury Referral

DET Debt Exempted by Treasury

DC% Debt Collection

Customer Types

The report also includes item amounts for only specific customer types in various lines on the report. You
assign the customer type to the customer on the General Info page for the customer. Also, the report includes
item amounts for customers in various lines only if you selected the Federal Customer check box on the
General Info page.

The system-delivered translate values for the Customer Type field (CUSTOMER_TYPE) are 1, 2, 3, and 4.
For the report to update the report lines correctly, you must change these translate values to the following

• F: Foreign or Sovereign

• S: State or Local

• M: Commercial

• N: Consumer

See Also

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Setting Up Entry Types and Reasons,
page 70

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General Customer
Information," Adding Customer Names and Levels and Assigning Roles

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 167
Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

Pages Used to Set Up the Receivables Due from the Public Report

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Installation Options - INSTALLATION_AR Set Up Financials/Supply Enable the fields and

Receivables Chain, Install, Installation buttons that are associated
Options, Receivables with the Receivables Due
From the Public report to
appear on business unit,
pending item entry, and
item maintenance pages.

Reporting Entity Code ENTITY_TBL Set Up Financials/Supply Define report entity codes
Chain, Product Related, for the government agencies
Receivables, Options, or divisions to which the
Reporting Entity Code, Receivables Due From the
Reporting Entity Code Public report is submitted.

Receivable Type REC_TYPE_TBL Set Up Financials/Supply Define codes that represent

Chain, Product Related, the loan types.
Receivables, Options,
Receivable Type,
Receivable Type

Delinquency Code DELINQ_TBL Set Up Financials/Supply Define delinquency codes.

Chain, Product Related,
Receivables, Payments,
Delinquency Code,
Delinquency Code

Defining Report Entity Codes

Access the Reporting Entity Code page. (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related,
Receivables, Options, Reporting Entity Code, Reporting Entity Code.)

The report entity code is unique for each reporting entity. The first two digits identify the agency, the next
two digits identify the bureau, and the remaining digits identify the entity.

Defining Receivable Type Codes

Access the Receivable Type page. (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Options, Reporting Entity Code, Receivable Type.)

The Receivables Type code identifies the loan as a direct loan, defaulted guaranteed loan, or noncredit
receivable. This code appears at the top of the Receivable Due From the Public report to identify the types of
items for which amounts are included in the various report lines.

168 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

Defining Delinquency Codes

Access the Delinquency Code page. (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Payments, Delinquency Code, Delinquency Code.)

Be sure that the code values exactly match those in the list described earlier in this section.

(USF) Setting Up Agency Location Codes

To set up agency location codes, use the Agency Location component (AGENCY_LOC_CD).

This section provides an overview of agency location codes and discusses how to:

• Define agency location codes.

• Maintain business activity types and reporter category codes.

Understanding Agency Location Codes

If you represent a U.S. federal agency, you submit billing, collection, and payment information for
intragovernmental transactions using the IPAC interface. You set up agency location codes to identify where
you submit this information.

Pages Used to Set Up Agency Location Codes

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Agency Location Code AGENCY_LOC_CD Set Up Financials/Supply Define agency location

Chain, Common codes.
Definitions, Agency
Location Codes, Agency
Location, Agency Location

GWA Reporting Options AGENCY_LOC_CD2 Set Up Financials/Supply Maintain the business

(Governmentwide Chain, Common activity type and the
Accounting Reporting Definitions, Agency reporter category codes.
Options) Location Codes, Agency
Location, GWA Reporting

Defining Agency Location Codes

Access the Agency Location Code page. (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions,
Agency Location Codes, Agency Location, Agency Location Code.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 169
Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

Enter agency name and address information.

Maintaining Business Activity Types and Reporter Category Codes

Access the GWA Reporting Options page. (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions,
Agency Location Codes, Agency Location, GWA Reporting Options.)

GWA Reporting Options page

Business Activity Select the business activity type for this agency location code. Values are:
• CashLink Only

• IPAC Only (intragovernmental payment and collection only)

• IPAC and CashLink

• IPAC and TDO Payments (IPAC and Treasury Disbursing Office payments)

• IPAC, CashLink and TDO Pymts (IPAC, CashLink, and TDO Payments

• No Business Activity Type

• TDO Payments Only

• TDO Payments and CashLink

Reporter Category Select the GWA reporter category for this agency location code.

Note. The reporter category can be equivalent to the business activity type, a
subset of the business activity type, or nonreporter. For example, if you select the
IPAC and CashLink business activity type, the valid selections are IPAC Only,
CashLink Only,IPAC and CashLink, or Non Reporter.

170 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

(USF) Setting Up Memo Status Codes

To set up memo status code, use the Memo Status Codes component (MEMO_STATUS_CODE).

This section provides an overview of memo status codes and lists the page used to set up memo status codes.

Understanding Memo Status Codes

U.S. federal agencies can use memo status codes to track changes to the status of a delinquent item. Use the
Memo Status Changes page to enter each status code as an item changes its status. PeopleSoft Receivables
delivers the following codes that you must set up for each setID as needed. You can also create user-defined

Code Description

FOREBEAR (In forbearance or The item is in a formal appeals process or a forbearance program.

FORECLOSE (In foreclosure) The item is in foreclosure because the agency received payment by seizing
collateralized property. A notice of default for the item has been filed.

GARNISH (In wage garnishment) An agency is pursuing the delinquent item by garnishing an employee's

RESCHEDULE (Rescheduled) The terms and conditions have been changed to facilitate the payment of
the item. Rescheduled receivables are not considered delinquent unless the
debtor fails to pay under the revised terms.

WAIVE (Waived/unwaived) An agency has waived payment of the item or fees that are associated with
the item.

ELIGBOFF (Eligible for offset) A delinquent item is eligible for referral to the U.S. Department of Treasury
for offset.

REFOFF (Eligible for internal The item has been referred to the U.S. Department of Treasury for offset.

ELGBINT (Eligible for internal The item is eligible to be collected by an internal agency.

ELGBCROSS (Eligible for cross- The item is eligible for referral to the U.S. Department of Treasury or a
servicing) designated debt collection center for cross-servicing.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 171
Defining Additional Processing Options Chapter 5

Code Description

REFCROSS (Referred for cross- The item has been referred to the U.S. Department of Treasury or a
servicing) designated debt collection center for cross-servicing.

REFCOLL (Referred to private The item has been referred to a private collection agency.

REFJUST (Referred to Dept of The item is in litigation at either the U.S. Department of Justice or at an
Justice) agency with the statutory authority to litigate.

OFFSET (Collect by other methods) Part of the outstanding item amount can be collected by other methods,
such as tax refund or wage garnishments.

SUSPENDED (Suspended) The debtor cannot currently pay for the item, and the collection actions
have been suspended or terminated.

COMPROMISE (Compromised) The open item amount has been compromised with the debtor and payment
has been received. The agency must determine whether to report this to the
IRS on a 1099-C and get it off the books.

WRITEOFF (Written-off) The agency has determined that it cannot collect the payment for item. The
debt can be reported as written-off.

CLOSEOUT (Closed out) The agency has decided to write off the item.

Page Used to Set Up Memo Status Codes

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Memo Status Codes MEMO_STATUS_TBL Set Up Financials/Supply Add and maintain memo
Chain, Product Related, status codes.
Receivables, Options,
Memo Status Codes, Memo
Status Codes

Setting Up User-Defined Fields

PeopleSoft Receivables provides 22 fields in the Item (PS_ITEM) and Pending Item (PS_PENDING_ITEM)
tables that you can use to track company-specific or industry-specific information that is not predefined on
these tables, such as a shipment date. You define the value to use for each of the fields, and you can specify
what to use for the field label. User fields include:

172 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5 Defining Additional Processing Options

• USER_DATE_1 through USER_DATE_4, which store date values.

• USER_1 through USER_10, which store single-character values.

• USER_AMT1 through USER_AMT8, which store numeric values.

The USER_1 through USER_10 fields are one-character fields. You should modify the field length to meet
the requirements of your organization.

Use PeopleSoft Application Designer to change the field labels and field lengths.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 173
Chapter 6

Setting Up Correspondence Options

This chapter discusses how to:

• Set up statement processing.

• Set up parallel processing for statements.

• Set up dunning letter processing.

• Set up follow-up letter processing.

• Set up delivery information for correspondence.

Note. This chapter is required. You must complete the tasks discussed in this chapter to implement statement,
dunning letter, and follow-up letter processing.

Setting Up Statement Processing

To set up statement processing, use the Statement component (STATEMENT_TABLE).

This section provides an overview of statement IDs and discusses how to:

• Set up statement IDs.

• (Optional) Add fields to customer statements.

Understanding Statement IDs

Statement IDs determine the statement type—open item or balance forward—and conditions under which
items are excluded from statements (collection, deduction, and disputed items, credit items, and items that are
more then a certain monetary amount). Statement IDs also determine the circumstances under which
statements should not be produced (collection, deduction, and disputed items, credit items, and items that are
less than a certain monetary amount).

You assign a default statement ID to each business unit and override it, if applicable, for individual
correspondence customers. When you run the process that generates statements, the system looks for a
statement ID at the customer level and uses the business unit default if the customer does not have one.

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Setting Up Correspondence Options Chapter 6

Page Used to Set Up Statement IDs

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Statement STATEMENT_TABLE Setup Financials/Supply Create statement IDs.

Chain, Product Related,
Receivables, Payments,
Statement, Statement

Setting Up Statement IDs

Access the Statement page. (Select Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Payments,
Statement, Statement.)

Statement page

Type Select the type of statement to be generated. Values are:

Open Item: Select for statements that provide detailed information for all open
items for the customer.
Bal Fwd (balance forward): Select for statements that provide an opening
balance, all new activity for the current statement period, including all new items
(opened or closed) and payments, and an ending balance.

Exclude Collection Select to prevent items from appearing on statements if they are deductions or
Items, Exclude Disputed marked for collection or in dispute on the View/Update Item Details - Detail 1
Items, and Exclude page.
Deduction Items
Exclude Credit Items Select to prevent any credit items from appearing on statements.

176 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 6 Setting Up Correspondence Options

Exclude Items <(exclude Select to prevent items under the monetary limit in the Amount field from
items less than) appearing in statements. The system uses the rate type for the item to convert the
amount that you enter to the item currency for comparison.

Cancel Collection Select if no statements are to be generated for customers who are marked for
Customer and Customer collection or dispute on the Credit Profile page.
Is In Dispute These options delete individual customers' items from the statement, although the
system might still create a statement if the correspondence group to which they
belong has eligible open items for other customers. If the correspondence
customer is in collection or dispute, the system does not generate a statement.

Document Has Credit Select to skip statements with a negative total.

Document Total < Select and enter a monetary limit in the Amount field to prevent the system from
(document total less than) generating statements when the total amount of items on the statement is less
than the amount that you enter. The system uses the rate type for the
correspondence customer to convert amounts for comparison purposes.

The Document Has Credit Total and Document Total < check boxes apply to the balance of the statement,
which is always at the correspondence customer level. Therefore, a customer with a small debit balance
would be overridden by a customer with a larger credit balance if both balances belonged to the same
correspondence customer, and the process would not create the statement.

Note. If the statement type is Bal Fwd, only items that have not appeared on a previous balance forward
statement are eligible for exclusion.

Adding Fields to Customer Statements

You rarely need to modify the Statements Application Engine process (AR_STMTS). The Statements process
populates a temporary table with dozens of fields that can be added to statements. This table lists fields that
exist in the temporary table and are not in the sample statement that is delivered. To include these fields on
the statement, modify the Crystal Report for statements:

Field Type Field

Additional discount fields DISC_AMT1 (discount amount 1)

DISC_DT (discount date)
DISC_DT1 (discount date 1)

Bill of lading fields to identify the payment BILL_OF_LADING

User fields USER_AMT1 through USER_AMT8

USER_DT1 through USER_DT4
USER1 through USER10

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Setting Up Correspondence Options Chapter 6

Setting Up Parallel Processing for Statements

This section provides an overview of parallel processing for statements and discusses how to:

• Define the maximum instances for PSAdmin.

• Define the maximum concurrent processes for the server.

• Define the number of parallel processes.

• Add more parallel processes to the Statements - Parallel multiprocess job (AR_STMT).

• Add additional Statements process (AR_STMTS) definitions.

Understanding Parallel Processing for Statements

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to process multiple Statements processes in parallel to achieve higher
performance. You initiate the processes using one run control and the process automatically divides the work
between the number of partitions that you specify in your setup.

The Statements Preprocessor multiprocess job (ARSTMT) includes:

• The Statement Parallel Preprocessor Application Engine process (AR_STMTPP).

• The Statements - Parallel multiprocess job (AR_STMT).

The following diagram illustrates how the Statements Preprocessor Application Engine parallel processor
processes four different statement jobs AR_STMT1, AR_STMT2, ARSTMT3, and AR_STMT4 at the same
time and extracts data to prepare customer statements for each job.

178 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 6 Setting Up Correspondence Options

Statement parallel processing workflow for multiprocess jobs

When you use the Process Monitor to check the status of the process, you view the status of the AR_STMTPP
process and each process within the AR_STMT multiprocess job. The system does not indicate that the
Statements Preprocessor multiprocess job (ARSTMT) is successful until each parallel process completes. The
Job Message Log Summary page summarizes all the individual parallel process message log messages for the
entire ARSTMT job.

Note. PeopleSoft Receivables also provides the Statements-Parallel/Prnt multiprocess job (STATEMNT),
which runs the Statements Preprocessor multiprocess job (ARSTMT) and prints the Open Item Statement and
the Balance Forward Statement.


The AR_STMTPP process acts as a preprocessor for the Statements process and also:

• Selects setIDs and customers for processing.

• Places the qualified data in temporary tables.

• Partitions the data between the child processes.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 179
Setting Up Correspondence Options Chapter 6

• Initiates the AR_STMT multiprocess job that starts child processes in parallel.

The distribution of the data among the child or parallel processes is based on the composition of the data and
the number of parallel processes. The process attempts to spread the data volume evenly among the
processors. The staging phase takes a little longer, but the overall processing time is faster because multiple
children processes run concurrently. You should balance the decision of using parallel processing or single
thread processing based on the volume of data and the hardware capacity to get the maximum benefit from
this feature.

AR_STMT Multiprocess Job

The AR_STMT multiprocess job contains all of the Application Engine process definitions that you use for
parallel processing, such as AR_STMT1. Each process definition calls the AR_STMTS Application Engine
process, which actually extracts the data, prepares the statements, and performs table cleanup before the
process ends.

PeopleSoft Receivables delivers eight process definitions—AR_STMT1 through AR_STMT8. If you want to
run more than eight partitions of the Statements process at once, you must define additional process
definitions. Use the AR_STMT1 process definition as an example.

The standard setup for the AR_STMT multiprocess job is to run a single threaded process that contains only
the AR_STMT1 process definition. If you want to use parallel processing, you must assign additional process
definitions to the job definition. You must also specify the number of partitions that your organization will
use. You might have to experiment with the number of partitions that works for you. We recommend that you
assign just a couple of additional partitions and increase the number, if needed.

You might also have to override the server settings for your organization. By default, you can run up to three
instances of a process at one time. If you want to run additional instances, you must change your
configuration. If you also use parallel processing for the Payment Predictor (AR_PREDICT), Aging
(AR_AGING), and Receivable Update (AR_UPDATE) processes, the maximum instances applies to those
processes, as well. For example, if you want to run eight instances for the Receivable Update process and four
for the Statements process, you must configure your server for eight instances.

Pages Used to Set Up Parallel Processing for Statements

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Server Definition SERVERDEFN PeopleTools, Process Define the maximum

Scheduler, Servers, Server concurrent processes for
Definition Application Engine

AR Parallel Processing PARALLEL_AR_SBP Set Up Financials/Supply Specify the exact number of

Options Chain, Install, Installation parallel processes or
Options, Receivables partitions that you want for
Click the Parallel
Processing Options link.

Job Definition PRCSJOBDEFN PeopleTools, Process Add additional Statements

Scheduler, Jobs, Job process definitions to run
Definition the AR_STMT multiprocess

180 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 6 Setting Up Correspondence Options

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Process Definition PRCSDEFN PeopleTools, Process Add additional Statements

Scheduler, Processes, process definitions if you
Process Definition need to run more than eight
parallel processes.

Defining the Maximum Instances for PSAdmin

Open the PSAdmin tool on your server to change the configuration settings.

To change the maximum instances:

1. Scroll to the section titled Values for config section – PSAESRV.

The section looks as follows:

Values for config section - PSAESRV.

Max Instances = 3.

Recycle Count=0

Allowed Consec Service Failures=0.

2. Change the value for Max Instances to the maximum number of parallel processes that you want to run at

Defining the Maximum Concurrent Processes for the Server

Access the Server Definition page. (Select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Servers, Server Definition.)

Process Type and Max For the Application Engine process type, enter the maximum number of parallel
Concurrent processes that you run at once. This figure must be the same as or greater than
the maximum instances that you defined for PSAdmin.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Enterprise Process Scheduler

Defining the Number of Parallel Processes

Access the AR Parallel Processing Options page. (Select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Servers, Server

Parallel Process and Enter the exact number of partitions or parallel processes that you want to run for
Maximum Partitions the AR_STMT parallel process.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 181
Setting Up Correspondence Options Chapter 6

Adding More Parallel Processes to the AR_STMT Multiprocess Job

Access the Job Definition page for the AR_STMT job. (Select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Jobs, Job

Job Definition page

Run Mode Always select Parallel.

Process Type and Enter Application Engine for the type and select from AR_STMT2 to AR_STMT8
Process Name for each separate partition or process that you want to run. If you define
additional process definitions, select the name of the definitions that you added.

Note. You must have the same number of rows in the process list as you enter in
the Maximum Partitions field on the AR Parallel Processing Options page.

Run Always On You must select these check boxes.

Warning and Run
Always On Error

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

182 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 6 Setting Up Correspondence Options

Adding Additional Statements Process Definitions

Access the Process Definition page. (Select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Processes, Process Definition.)

Complete the fields on this page and the other pages in the Process Definition component (PRCSDEFN) to
match the AR_STMT1 process definition with two exceptions:

• Use another name.

• Use another description.

Use this format for the name: AR_STMT#, for example AR_STMT9.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Setting Up Dunning Letter Processing

To set up dunning letter processing, use the Letter Code (LETTER_CD) and the Dunning
(DUNNING_TABLES) components.

This section provides an overview of dunning letter setup and discusses how to:

• Define letter codes and letter content.

• Define dunning IDs.

• Define the dunning levels.

• (Optional) Change dunning letter layouts.

Understanding Dunning Letter Setup

You define letter codes that specify the text that you want to print on a dunning letter. However, the letter
code that you use when you print the letters depends on several other setup factors.

When you define the dunning ID, select a dunning method that determines which items appear in the letters
and which letter code to use when you print the letters. You assign the dunning ID to a business unit and
override it for individual customers. The AR Dunning Application Engine process (AR_DUNNING) uses the
rules for the dunning ID associated with the business unit or customer to generate the dunning letters. This
table describes how the method that you select determines which items appear on a letter and which letter
code to use for each letter:

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Setting Up Correspondence Options Chapter 6

Method Description

Dunning by Action List Letters are based on the action template assigned to collection and assessment rules.
The Condition Monitor Application Engine process (AR_CNDMON) generates
dunning letter actions with a specific letter code based on these rules.
The collection and assessment rules determine whether items are eligible for dunning
letters based on their amounts past due and the number of days past due.
If you assign a dunning ID to a business unit or customer that uses the action list
method, the AR Dunning process always uses the letter code that you specify in the
action template.

Note. If you assign a dunning ID to a business unit or customer that contains one of the
other methods, the AR Dunning process uses the letter codes specified for the dunning
ID and determines whether to use the highest or lowest level based on the parameters in
the run control definition.

Dunning by Level Letters are based on sequential levels (and intervals between levels), instead of the age
of past due items. Each item passes through each dunning level, without skipping any
levels, during each qualified letter extract process. The AR Dunning process determines
whether any items are past due. If there are past due items, the process determines the
level of the last dunning letter sent. The process also determines if the interval has
elapsed for the waiting period between the levels. If the criteria are met, the process
increments the level to the next level and sends the letter associated with the level in the
dunning ID.

Dunning by Days Letters are based on the number of days past due. A letter to each customer can contain
past due items that fall into different levels based on the days past due. With this
method, the items can skip levels between two sequential dunning letters.
The process sends the letter associated with the level in the dunning ID.

If you use dunning by level or dunning by days, you associate each letter code with a dunning level and
assign the letter code with the least severe text to the lowest dunning level and the letter code with the most
severe text to the highest dunning level. When you run the AR Dunning process, you choose to use either the
highest or lowest dunning level. For example, if you have items that fall into the defined bracket for levels
two and three and you select to use the lowest dunning level for a letter that includes all past due items, then
the process prints the text from the letter code that you assigned to the second dunning level.

Besides the dunning method, the dunning ID determines when items are excluded from a letter—such as
deduction or disputed items—and whether the letter is generated.

See Also

Chapter 38, "Generating Correspondence," Understanding the Dunning Letter Process, page 1144

184 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 6 Setting Up Correspondence Options

Pages Used to Set Up Dunning Letter Processing

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Letter Code LETTER_CD_TBL Setup Financials/Supply Define letter codes for

Chain, Product Related, different levels of dunning
Receivables, Options, Letter letters and the default letter
Code, Letter Code text for the code.

Dunning ID DUNNING_TBL Setup Financials/Supply Define dunning IDs and

Chain, Product Related, select a dunning method (by
Receivables, level, by days past due, or
Credit/Collections, Dunning by action list).
Methods, Dunning ID

Dunning Level DUNNING_LVL_TBL Setup Financials/Supply Define the levels for the
Chain, Product Related, dunning method that you
Receivables, selected on the Dunning ID
Credit/Collections, Dunning page. (This page is not
Methods, Dunning Level available for a dunning by
action list method.)

Defining Letter Codes and Letter Content

Access the Letter Code page. (Select Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Options,
Letter Code, Letter Code.)

Each letter code should be unique. You should create a letter code for each text variation and not use the same
letter code that you used for other letters.

To print a separate letter for outstanding items in each age range, create a separate letter template for each
letter code.

Letter Code Type Select Dunning Letter.

Dunning Letter Text Enter the text of the dunning letter. The text should be appropriate for the
dunning level (first, second, and so on). The text appears before the list of open
items on the dunning letter, unless you change the format of the letter using
Crystal Reports.

If you do not use the delivered letter codes provided, then you must change the query that retrieves the data
and the Crystal template that formats the letter.

See Also

Chapter 6, "Setting Up Correspondence Options," Changing Dunning Letter Layouts, page 188

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 185
Setting Up Correspondence Options Chapter 6

Defining Dunning IDs

Access the Dunning ID page. (Select Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Credit/Collections, Dunning Methods, Dunning ID.)

Dunning ID page

Dunning Method Select the dunning method. Values are:

Dunning by Action List: Based on the rules defined in an action template that the
Condition Monitor process uses. If you select this value, the Dunning Level page
is not available to define dunning levels.
Dunning by Days: Based on a range of the number of days past due, such as 1 to
60 days, 61 to 90 days, and 91 to 9999 days.
Dunning by Level: Based on a sequence with a number of days between letters.

Note. The Condition Monitor process runs dunning letters when it completes.
Always use dunning by action list if you use the Condition Monitor process for
collection activities, unless the government requires you to use dunning by level.
The Condition Monitor process uses the action templates that you set up to
determine the rules for generating the dunning letters instead of the dunning

Exclude Collection Select to prevent items from appearing on dunning letters if they are deductions
Items, Exclude Disputed or marked for collection or dispute on the View/Update Item Details - Detail 1
Item, and Exclude page.
Deduction Items

186 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 6 Setting Up Correspondence Options

Exclude Credit Items Select to prevent credit memos, on-account payments, and prepayments from
appearing in dunning letters.

Exclude Items <(exclude Select a monetary limit to prevent items from appearing in dunning letters if the
items less than) items are under a certain amount. The system uses the rate type for the item to
convert the amount that you enter to the item currency for comparison.

Cancel Collection Select to prevent the system from generating dunning letters for customers who
Customer and Customer are marked for collection or dispute on the Credit Profile page.
Is In Dispute
Document Has Credit Select to skip dunning letters with a negative total balance amount.
Document Total < Select and enter a monetary limit to prevent the system from generating dunning
(document total less than) letters when the total of items in the letter is less than a specified amount at the
correspondence customer level. For example, you might cancel a letter if a
customer with a small debit balance belongs to the same correspondence
customer as a customer with a larger credit balance. The system uses the rate
type for the correspondence customer to convert amounts for comparison

Include Dunning Letter Select to apply a fixed charge for each letter generated. The charge can be
Charge different for each dunning level.

Include Finance Charge Select to impose an overdue charge for past due items in the dunning letter.

Dunning Grace Days Enter the number of extra days to allow for postal service when running the AR
Dunning process.

See Also

Chapter 7, "Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing," Setting Up Actions and Action Templates,
page 215

Defining Dunning Levels

Access the Dunning Level page. (Select Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Credit/Collections, Dunning Methods, Dunning Level.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 187
Setting Up Correspondence Options Chapter 6

Dunning Level page

The fields that appear on this page depend on the method that you selected and on whether you selected the
Include Dunning Letter Charge check box on the Dunning ID page.

Level Assign a dunning level.

Sequence Assign a sequence number to a level.

Start Day, End Day, or For a dunning method by days, select a start and end day for each level. The first
Interval start day for the first level must be 1, and the last end day for the last level must
be 9999.
For a dunning method by levels, indicate the number of days between levels.

Letter Code Enter the letter code corresponding to the text that you want to send to customers
whose outstanding items fall within the category. If you use the AR33000 report
template, the system uses the dunning level for either the oldest or newest item,
based on your selection on the Dunning Letter Extract - Parameters page.

Letter Charge Specify the charge for each letter that you send. This field is available only if you
selected the Include Dunning Letter Charge check box on the Dunning ID page.

Changing Dunning Letter Layouts

You can create your own dunning letters and configure them to match the different credit approaches that you
take with your customers or to change the letter layout. If you use the All Levels Dunning Letter (AR33000
or AR33A00) report template that includes all past due items regardless of their age, you use the Letter Code
page to configure the text for each dunning level. Specify whether or not to use the letter code assigned to the
highest or lowest level when you run the AR Dunning process.

188 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 6 Setting Up Correspondence Options

To print a separate letter for past due items in each age range associated with dunning levels, use the Level 1
Dunning Letter (AR33001 or AR33A01), Level 2 Dunning Letter (AR33002 or AR33A02), and Level 3
Dunning Letter (AR33003 or AR33A03) report templates. The system uses the text for the letter code
assigned to the appropriate dunning level. For example, if all items fall in the age range for dunning level one,
use the Dunning Level 1 letter template. If you have more than three dunning levels and letter codes, you
must create your own dunning letters for each additional letter code and dunning level combination.

Note. (NLD) Use the AR33A00, AR33A01, AR33A02, and AR33A03 report templates only if you have
enabled business units to print the acceptgiro data on dunning letters.

See Chapter 38, "Generating Correspondence," (NLD) Understanding Acceptgiro Form Printing, page 1134.

When creating new dunning letters, we recommend that you copy an existing dunning letter and save it using
the naming conventions established for existing files. All the delivered files begin with AR. We recommend
using ARU to differentiate files that are user-created or modified.

This section discusses how to:

• Modify and create queries.

• Add fields to dunning letters.

• Create additional letter layouts.

Modifying and Creating Queries

If you do not use the delivered letter codes, you must modify the WHERE clause of the query to reflect the
new letter codes in PeopleTools. This procedure can also be used to add fields to dunning letters or to create
new queries by copying, renaming the files, then modifying the new file.

To modify the WHERE clause of a query:

1. Select Reporting Tools, Query, Query Manager.

2. In the Search By field, enter the AR33001 (AR33001- Level 1 Dunning Letter) or the report ID for the
appropriate letter that you want to change and click Search.

3. Click the Edit button and then select the Criteria tab.

The Criteria page displays the fields in the query.

4. Click the Edit button for the criteria that you want to change.

The Edit Criteria Properties page appears.

Change the Expression 2 fields, as needed. For example, to use letter code 8 instead of 1, enter 8 in the
Constant field for Expression 2.

5. Click OK and then select the appropriate option at the bottom of the Criteria page.

• Click Save to save the query with the exact name and the same criteria as the original query.

• Click the Save As link to save the query with a different name; the original query does not change.

• Click the New Query link to create a new query; any changes to the existing query are lost.

6. After you save the query, click Run to run the query.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 189
Setting Up Correspondence Options Chapter 6

Adding Fields to Dunning Letters

Suppose that one of the sample dunning letters comes close to suiting your needs, but you want to display one
or two additional database fields on the letter. To do so, you must change the AR Dunning Application
Engine extract (AR_DUNNING), the query, and the Crystal Reports report layout.

To add fields to dunning letters:

1. Review the fields on the DUN_CUST and DUN_CUST_DTL tables that store the data, adding more
fields if necessary.

Try to use the additional fields that already appear on these tables. If you do not see a field that provides
the information that you want to appear on the dunning letter, then you must add that field.

2. Add fields to the AR Dunning process and the temporary table AR33000_TMP.

3. Add fields to the query.

4. Place fields on the report and update the letter layout.

5. Open the Crystal report directly in Crystal or in two-tier using PeopleSoft Application Designer.

Select Go, Query, then click the Run to Crystal Report button. Select Insert, Database Field, and select the
new field from the list.

6. Use Crystal Reports to make any necessary formatting changes to the report.

Creating Additional Letter Layouts

If you have more than three letter codes and you generate dunning letters that include items in a single
dunning level, you must create additional letter layouts.

To create additional letter layouts:

1. Create a new query in PeopleSoft Query that references AR33000_TMP using Crystal Reports to copy
one of the other dunning letter reports.

Name the file using the first seven characters of the query name plus the .RPT file extension (for example,

2. Create a new letter layout (called a report in Crystal Reports terminology).

3. Add or delete the desired fields in the report, format the new report, and save it.

4. Link the new letter and query.

5. Format the letter.

6. Add a process definition for the new dunning letter to the Process Scheduler Request page by copying an
existing process definition, using RUN_AR33000 as the page group, and adding the new process
definition to the AR ALL security group.

190 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 6 Setting Up Correspondence Options

Setting Up Follow-Up Letter Processing

To set up follow-up letters, use the use the Letter Code (LETTER_CD) component.

PeopleSoft Receivables ships letter codes for follow-up letters. The system requires that you use the letter
code of F for follow-up letters.

PeopleSoft also delivers a sample follow-up letter that you can modify to fit your needs.

This section discusses how to:

• Set up follow-up letter codes.

• Modify the sample follow-up letter.

Page Used to Set Up Follow-Up Letter Codes

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Letter Code LETTER_CD_TBL Setup Financials/Supply Define letter codes for

Chain, Product Related, follow-up letters.
Receivables, Options, Letter
Code, Letter Code

Setting Up Follow-Up Letter Codes

Access the Letter Code page. (Select Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Options,
Letter Code, Letter Code.)

Letter Code Type Select Follow Up Letter.

Modifying the Sample Follow-Up Letter

PeopleSoft Receivables delivers a sample follow-up letter created using Crystal Reports that you can modify
to create a follow-up letter that is more suitable to your organization's needs.

If you just want to change the text of the letter, use Crystal Reports to modify the AR33004.rpt file.

If you want to add one or two more database fields to the letter, you must change the PeopleSoft Application
Engine extract, the query, and use Crystal Reports to change the report layout as follows:

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 191
Setting Up Correspondence Options Chapter 6

1. Review the fields on the Customer Conversation Header table (CUST_CONVER_HDR) that store the

If more fields on this table must be used on the follow-up letter, add these fields to one of the
conversation pages (Conversations, Reference, or Attachment) to enable users to enter data. If you do not
see a field that provides the information that you want to appear on the follow-up letter, you must add that
field to the table and to the page.

2. Add the new fields to the Follow Up Letters Extract Application Engine process (AR_FOLLOWUP) and
the temporary table AR33004_TMP.

3. Add the new fields to the query.

4. Place the new fields on the report and update the letter layout.

5. Open the Crystal report directly in Crystal or in two-tier using PeopleSoft Application Designer.

Select Go, Query, then click the Run to Crystal Report button. Select Insert, Database Field, and select the
new field from the list.

6. Use Crystal Reports to make any necessary format changes to the report.

Note. If you save the report file with a different name, you must create a process using the Process Definition
page in PeopleSoft Enterprise Process Scheduler that follows the model of the existing AR33004 report. You
also must create a new process definition that includes the two processes used to generate follow-up letters on
the Job Definition page.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Managing Conversations,"
Entering and Reviewing Conversations

Setting Up Delivery Information for Correspondence

To set up delivery information for correspondence, use the Contact Info component (CONTACT_INFO).

This section provides an overview of correspondence delivery setup and discusses how to:

• Specify the preferred delivery method and the email address for a contact.

• Enter fax information.

See Also

Chapter 35, "Understanding Exception and Collection Processing," Delivery of Correspondence, page 1071

192 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 6 Setting Up Correspondence Options

Understanding Correspondence Delivery Setup

If you use fax or email delivery methods for correspondence, you must set up information for contacts.
Dunning letters and statements use the contacts that you specified for the correspondence customer. Follow-
up letters use the contacts that you specified for the bill to customer, unless you override the contact on the
Letter Delivery page.

PeopleSoft Receivables interfaces with Merkur DeliveryWare from the Merkur Group to deliver
correspondence by fax or email.

Note. You must purchase and install the Merkur DeliveryWare and Merkur Connector software to fax or
email correspondence. You must also ensure that the logon value of the windows service BEA ProcMGR is
This Account. Then, the specified windows user account should have printing permission to the printer where
the Crystal Reports print. You also must define the appropriate paper size in the Crystal process type

See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft, "Using Crystal Reports."

Pages Used to Set Up Delivery Information for Correspondence

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Contact CONTACT Setup Financials/Supply Enter general information

Chain, Product Related, about each contact,
Receivables, Options, Letter including the email address
Code, Letter Code and preferred delivery

Contact Phone and Type CONTACT_PHONE_PAGE Click the Contact Phone Enter phone information
and Type link on the and the contact type for the
Contact page. internal and external

Specifying the Preferred Delivery Method and the Email Address for a Contact
Access the Contact page. (Select Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Options,
Letter Code, Letter Code.)

Email ID Enter the email address to which to send correspondence.

Preferred Select the type of delivery method for the document type: Email Only or Fax.

Entering Fax Information

Access the Contact Phone and Type page. (Click the Contact Phone and Type link on the Contact page. )

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 193
Setting Up Correspondence Options Chapter 6

Phone Type Select FAX.

Phone Number Enter the phone number for the fax machine to which you will send the

194 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7

Setting Up Exception and Collection

This chapter provides an overview of exception and collection processing options and discusses how to:

• Set up action owners.

• Set up workflow notification for action owners.

• Set up exception reasons and collection codes.

• Set up hold and message codes for credit holds.

• Set up conditions.

• Set up actions and action templates.

• Assign customers to a collection group.

• Set up collection and assessment rules.

• Implement self-service web components.

Note. This chapter is required. You must complete the tasks discussed in this chapter to implement exception
and collection processing.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Installation Options for
PeopleSoft Applications," Defining Receivables Installation Options

Understanding Exception and Collection Processing Options

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to monitor a customer's account and take action when a condition occurs,
such as reaching a credit limit or exceeding a user-defined balance due. It also enables you to create
deductions, put an item in dispute or collection, calculate a risk score and track and manage these items.

If a customer violates a condition, the Condition Monitor Application Engine process (AR_CNDMON)
determines the appropriate action plan. The Condition Monitor process creates the actions and assigns them to
an owner on a user-defined date. If field values on items, item activity, item distribution lines, and the
customer match a user-defined criteria, the Condition Monitor also creates actions and assigns them to an
action owner on a user-defined date.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 195
Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 7

You specify the type of owner, such as collector, credit analyst, receivables (AR) specialist, or sales person,
for each type of condition. You also define the rules that the Condition Monitor process uses to determine
whether a customer has violated a condition or whether an item meets specified criteria, and to determine if it
should create an action plan for the customer or item.

See Also

Chapter 35, "Understanding Exception and Collection Processing," page 1061

Setting Up Action Owners

To set up action owners, use the Collector (COLLECTOR_TABLE), Credit Analyst
(CR_ANALYST_TABLE), and AR Specialist (AR_SPECIALIST) components.

This section provides an overview of action owners, list common elements, and discusses how to set up sales

Understanding Action Owners

Action owners are the individuals who perform the tasks for the actions assigned to customers or items. An
action owner can be either a collector, credit analyst, AR specialist, or sales person. The Condition Monitor
process assigns an action owner based on the type of action owner in the collection or assessment rule, and it
assigns the value for that type of action owner in the Item (PS_ITEM) table. If you are monitoring
information at the business unit level, and the items have different action owners, the system uses the action
owner that is assigned to the collection customer (monitoring level).

If you create an action online, you manually assign the action owner. You can also assign actions online to
brokers. Brokers access their actions in the self-service web pages.

You assign the action owners to items on the pending item entry pages, the View/Update Item Details - Detail
1 page, or the Bill to Options page for the customer.

If you want to assign all actions to a single action owner, you specify the user ID of that person on the
Installation Options - Receivables page. Also, if you do not specify a user ID for individual credit analysts,
collectors, AR specialist, or sales persons, the Condition Monitor assigns the actions that are assigned to those
individuals to the default action owner that you specify in the installation options.

See Also

Chapter 7, "Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing," Setting Up Brokers and Customers for Self-
Service Transactions, page 240

Before you set up action owners, you must set up a user profile for them using the User Profiles component

196 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Security

Common Elements Used in This Section

User ID Enter the ID from the PeopleSoft user profile for the individual. If you do not
specify a user ID, the system assigns actions for the individual to the default
action owner defined in installation options and will not assign any actions to the
individual action owner.

Name and Telephone Enter the name and telephone number. These fields are informational only.

Fax Number and Title Enter the fax number and title. These fields are informational only.

Email Address Enter the email address. This address is used for notifications if workflow is set
up; otherwise, it is informational only.

Pages Used to Set Up Action Owners

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Collector COLLECTOR_TABLE Set Up Financials/Supply Define valid collectors to

Chain, Product Related, manage collections.
Collector, Collector

Credit Analyst CR_ANALYST_TABLE Set Up Financials/Supply Establish valid credit

Chain, Product Related, analysts to manage credit.
Credit/Collections, Credit
Analyst, Credit Analyst

Receivable Specialist AR_SPECIALIST Set Up Financials/Supply Establish valid AR

Chain, Product Related, specialists to manage
Receivables, deduction and disputed
Credit/Collections, AR items.
Specialist, Receivable

Personal Data (Edit) EX_PERSONAL_DATA2 Set Up Financials/Supply Set up an employee ID for a

Chain, Common sales person.
Definitions, Employee
Data, Create/Update
Personal Data, Personal
Data (Edit)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 197
Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 7

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Team Member Types MEMBER_TYPE_TABLE Set Up Financials/Supply Define sales person team
Chain, Common types.
Definitions, Team
Members, Team Member
Types, Team Member

Team Member Personal MEMBER_PERSON1 Set Up Financials/Supply Set up a team member.

Data - Member Data Chain, Common
Definitions, Team
Members, Team Member
Personal Data, Member

Team Member Personal MEMBER_PERSON3 Set Up Financials/Supply Associate a team member

Data - Member Commission Chain, Common with a sales person team
Definitions, Team type.
Members, Team Member
Personal Data, Member

Support Team Members TEAM_MEMBER_TABLE Set Up Financials/Supply Assign a sales person to a

Chain, Common support team.
Definitions, Team
Members, Support Team

Setting Up Sales People

Sales person is a required field on every item in the system. A sales person in PeopleSoft Receivables is a
support team member. Several reports enable you to summarize aging according to the sales person hierarchy
in your organization. You must enter at least one team member in a setID, because a default support team is a
required field for customers and the default support team must have at least one sales person. Each item has a
sales person associated with it as well, so you will see the sales person code on the item entry and status
pages. If a pending item does not have an assigned sales person, the Receivable Update Application Engine
process (ARUPDATE) assigns a sales person using the default support team member with a sales person type
and the lowest priority.

To set up sales people:

1. Create an employee ID for each sales person on the Personal Data (Edit) page.

2. Create a support team type for sales people on the Team Member Types page.

You must select the Is this a Sales Person? check box.

3. Create a team member for each sales person on the Team Member Personal Data - Member Data page.

4. Assign the support team member to a support team type for sales people on the Team Member Personal
Data - Member Commission page.

5. Set up the sales person as a support team member on the Support Team Members page.

198 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining Financials and Supply Chain
Management Common Definitions," Working With Personal Data

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining Additional
Customer Information," Setting Up Customer Support Personnel

Setting Up Workflow Notification for Action Owners

This section provides an overview of workflow notification setup and lists the pages used to setup workflow
notification for action owners.

Understanding Workflow Notification Setup

The system sends an email to action owners to notify them of new actions and places the action on their
worklist if you set up users for workflow notification. The email includes a universal record locator (URL) to
the Action page, where the action owner works the action.

To set up users for workflow notification:

• Set up a user profile for each user who will receive notification.

• Set up workflow processing information on the User Profiles - Workflow page.

• Enter users' email address information on the User Profiles - Email Addresses page, if you want them
to receive an email notification.

• Assign a workflow user to each customer on the Miscellaneous General Info page.

• Change the AR_NOTIFYURL URL identifier on the URL Maintenance page.

The system places this URL in email notifications to access the Action page. The URL is the portal URL
and varies depending on your system setup. This is an example:

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 199
Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 7

See Also

Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," Assigning Actions and Sending Notification,
page 1079

Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," Generating Additional Workflow Notifications,
page 1099

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General Customer
Information," Entering Optional Customer Data

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Security

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: System and Server Administration

Pages Used to Set Up Workflow Notification for Action Owners

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

User Profile - Workflow USER_WORKFLOW PeopleTools, Security, User Enter workflow processing
Profiles, Workflow, information for the user.

User Profile - Email USER_EMAIL PeopleTools, Security, User Enter the email address of
Addresses Profiles, General the action owner to which
you will send the
Click the Edit Email
Addresses link on the
General page.

Miscellaneous General Info CUST_GENERAL_MISC Customer, Customer Assign a workflow user to a

Information, General customer.
Information, Miscellaneous
General Info

URL Maintenance URL_TABLE PeopleTools, Utilities, — Modify the URL for the
Administration, URLs, AR_NOTIFYURL URL
URL Maintenance identifier for workflow
notification for actions.

Setting Up Exception Reasons and Collection Codes

To set up exception reasons and collection codes, use the Deduction Reason (DEDUCTION_TABLE),
Dispute Reason (DISPUTE_TABLE), and Collection Reason (COLLECTION_TABLE) components.

This section provides an overview of exception reasons and collection codes and discusses how to:

• Set up deduction reasons.

• Set up dispute reasons.

200 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

• Set up collection codes.

Understanding Exception Reasons and Collection Codes

Exception reasons identify the reason that an item is a deduction or is disputed. Collection codes normally
identify the collection agency for an item or customer.

You can define unique aging rules for deduction, disputed, or collection items by using the reason or
collection code.

This section discusses:

• Deduction reasons

• Dispute reasons

• Collection codes

Deduction Reasons

You create deductions by using the payment or draft worksheet. The Payment Predictor Application Engine
process (ARPREDCT) also creates deductions. The Payment Predictor process assigns the default deduction
reason for the business unit to the deduction. With the worksheets, you can use the default deduction reason
for the business unit or unique reasons based on the entry reason for the deduction. If you want to use unique
reasons for entry reasons, you must create deduction reason codes that are the same as the entry reason codes
for the deduction (DED) entry type. The system looks at the Deduction Reason table
(PS_DEDUCTION_TABLE) to determine whether there is a matching value to the entry reason. If a
matching value exists, the system assigns the appropriate deduction reason. Otherwise, the system uses the
default deduction reason for the business unit. You can override the default deduction reason as needed on the
worksheet or later on the View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page.

If you make an item a deduction by using the View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page, you manually assign
a deduction reason.

Assign an AR specialist to a deduction reason if you want to assign specialists to deductions by reason.

Add a deduction reason for each reason that you need to describe deductions.

Dispute Reasons

You can place both customers and items in dispute. When you place a customer in dispute on the Credit
Profile page or place an item in dispute on the View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page, you enter the
dispute reason.

Assign an AR specialist to a dispute reason if you want to assign specialists to disputed items by reason.

Add a dispute reason for each reason that you use when putting a customer or item in dispute.

Collection Codes

You can place both customers and items in collection. When you place a customer in collection on the Credit
Profile page or place an item in collection on the View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page, you enter the
collection code.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 201
Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 7

Add a code for each collection code that you want to use. For example, you may want to add a code for each
collection agency, or you may create codes indicating the reason that an item or customer is in collection.

See Also

Chapter 8, "Setting Up History and Aging," Setting Up Aging, page 250

Pages Used to Set Up Exception Reasons and Collection Codes

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Deduction Reason DEDUCTION_TABLE Set Up Financials/Supply Define deduction reasons

Chain, Product Related, including rules for aging
Receivables, deductions and optionally a
Credit/Collections, default AR specialist for the
Deduction Reason, reason.
Deduction Reason

Dispute Reason DISPUTE_TABLE Set Up Financials/Supply Define dispute reasons

Chain, Product Related, including rules for aging
Receivables, disputes and optionally a
Credit/Collections, Dispute default AR specialist for the
Reason, Dispute Reason reason.

Collection Code COLLECTION_TABLE Set Up Financials/Supply Define collection codes

Chain, Product Related, including rules for aging
Receivables, items in collection.
Collection Code, Collection

Setting Up Deduction Reasons

Access the Deduction Reason page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Credit/Collections, Deduction Reason, Deduction Reason).

202 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

Deduction Reason page

Aging Method The system uses this aging method option only for aging IDs that have the
Deduction Aging field set to Vary on the Aging page. This enables you to define
aging rules for deductions based on the deduction reason assigned to the item.
Options for each deduction reason are:
Age Normally: Select to age items based on the rules assigned to the aging ID.
Use Deduction Category: Select to use the aging category in the Deduction
Aging group box on the Aging page for deductions with this deduction reason.
Exclude from Aging: Excludes items with this deduction reason from aging. If
you prefer to exclude all deductions from aging regardless of deduction reason,
select that option in the Deduction Aging group box on the Aging page.

AR Specialist If you want to assign all deductions with this reason to the same AR specialist,
(receivables specialist) enter the ID for the specialist. If you leave this value blank, the system uses the
value for the business unit. If you enter an AR specialist for the customer, that
value overrides the value for the deduction reason.

Exclude From Days Late Select to enable the system to skip items with this deduction reason when it
Calcs (exclude from days calculates average days late and weighted average days late.
late calculations)

Setting Up Dispute Reasons

Access the Dispute Reason page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Credit/Collections, Dispute Reason, Dispute Reason).

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 203
Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 7

Aging Method The system uses this aging method option only for aging IDs that have the
Dispute Aging field set to Vary on the Aging page. This enables you to define
aging rules for disputed items based on the dispute reason assigned to the item.
Options for each dispute reason are:
Age Normally: Select to age items with this dispute reason based on the rules
assigned to the aging ID.
Use Dispute Category: Select to use the aging category in the Dispute Aging
group box on the Aging page for items with this dispute reason.
Exclude from Aging: Excludes items with this dispute reason from aging. If you
prefer to exclude all disputed items from aging regardless of dispute reason,
select that option in the Dispute Aging group box on the Aging page.

AR Specialist If you want to assign all disputed items with this reason to the same AR
(receivables specialist) specialist, enter the ID for the specialist. If you leave this value blank, the system
uses the value for the business unit. If you enter an AR specialist for the
customer, that value overrides the value for the dispute reason.

Exclude From Days Late Select to enable the system to skip items with this dispute reason when it
Calcs (exclude from days calculates average days late and weighted average days late.
late calculations)

Setting Up Collection Codes

Access the Collection Code page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Credit/Collections, Collection Code, Collection Code).

Aging Method The system uses this aging method option only for aging IDs that have the
Collection Aging field set to Vary on the Aging page. This enables you to define
aging rules for items in collection based on the collection code that is assigned to
the item. Options for each collection code are:
Age Normally: Select to age items with this collection code based on the rules
assigned to the aging ID.
Use Collection Category: Select to use the aging category in the Collection
Aging group box on the Aging page for items with this collection code.
Exclude from Aging: Excludes items with this collection code from aging. If you
prefer to exclude all items in collection from aging regardless of collection code,
select that option in the Collection Aging group box on the Aging page.

Setting Up Hold and Message Codes for Credit Holds

To define hold and message codes for credit holds, use the Hold Codes (HOLD_CD) and Messages
(MESSAGE_TBL) components.

This section provides an overview of hold and message codes and discusses how to:

204 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

• Define hold codes.

• Define messages codes for credit holds.

Understanding Hold and Message Codes

When you attach messages to customers regarding their accounts, you must enter a message code. The codes
that you define on the Messages page comprise the prompt list for the message field. For each code, you
supply message text and define an action to take. You must select Credit Related Message for the message
type for credit hold messages.

When you place a customer on a credit hold, you must enter a message code that is designated as a credit
related message. PeopleSoft Receivables uses hold codes in two ways:

• The Condition Monitor process checks for a Credit Hold condition and takes action if a credit hold exists
on a customer's account.

• When you use the Place a Customer on Hold action in an action template, you specify the message code
that is associated with the hold code as an action parameter that you want to place on the customer's

Pages Used to Define Hold and Message Codes for Credit Holds

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Hold Codes HOLD_CD Set Up Financials/Supply Define hold codes. Create a

Chain, Product Related, hold code for each reason
Receivables, Payments, that you use for putting a
Hold Codes, Hold Codes customer on hold.

Messages MESSAGE_TBL Set Up Financials/Supply Define message codes and

Chain, Product Related, select the message type.
Receivables, Options,
Messages, Messages

Defining Hold Codes

Access the Hold Codes page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Payments, Hold
Codes, Hold Codes).

The codes that you define on this page appear on the Messages page for customers designated with an action
of Hold.

Defining Messages Codes for Credit Holds

Access the Messages page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Options,
Messages, Messages).

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 205
Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 7

Messages page

Message Type Select Credit Related Message for credit holds.

Specify a value in the Action group box.

None Indicates no action.

Reject Indicates that the system will reject an order if you attach this message to the
customer. Only PeopleSoft Order Management uses the Reject action. It has no
effect on PeopleSoft Receivables processing.

Hold Indicates that a customer is on hold. If you select Hold, you must enter an
appropriate hold code, one that you established on the Hold Codes page. If a
customer has an action of Hold on the Messages page, the value appearing in the
Hold Code field is the short description that you defined on the Hold Codes page.
Several check boxes become available if you select Hold. These check boxes are
used only by PeopleSoft Order Management.

Note. The action value that you select on this page displays in the Action field on the Messages page for the

206 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

Setting Up Conditions
To set up conditions, use the Condition Definition (AR_COND_DEF), Condition Definition User
(AR_COND_DEF_USER), and Condition Priority (AR_COND_PRIORITY) components.

This section provides an overview of conditions and discusses how to:

• Set up system-defined conditions.

• Set up user-defined conditions.

• Reorder condition priorities.

Understanding Conditions
A condition occurs when there is a change of status for a customer's account, such as reaching a credit limit or
exceeding a user-defined balance due. A condition also occurs when you create a new deduction or disputed
item. The Condition Monitor process checks for customer's accounts or items that meet these conditions and
creates an action based on templates and rules that you define. The process looks at the conditions for the
customers with the same roles as the role that you select in each condition definition.

PeopleSoft delivers several system-defined conditions. You must set up the system-defined conditions for at
least one setID. Most of the field values for the system-defined conditions are automatically populated by the
system. You can also set up your own four-character user-defined conditions. Each condition is monitored at
the customer-level or the item-level.

The following table describes the system-defined conditions. You define the details for the condition trigger
on the Collection Rule, Assessment Rule, and Assessment Rule User pages.

Condition Description Code Condition Trigger

Approaching Credit Limit ACLA Customers' calculated outstanding balance reaches a

certain dollar amount or percentage of their credit limit.
The Condition Monitor process multiplies the credit
limit that you defined for the customer on the Credit
Profile page by the percentage that you defined on the
Assessment Rules page to determine the calculated
credit limit.

Note. You define whether the balance includes in-

process payments, unapplied payments, and disputed
items on the Installation Options - Receivables page.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 207
Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 7

Condition Description Code Condition Trigger

Approaching Credit Limit ACLD Customer's credit review date reaches a specified
Expiration number of days from the run date of the Condition
Monitor process. The Condition Monitor process
subtracts the number of days that you specify on the
Assessment Rules page from the review date the to
determine whether to create an action. The customer
must have a review date and credit limit on the Credit
Profile page to generate an action.

Approaching Credit Card CCEX Customer's credit card expiration date reaches a
Expiration Date specified number of days from the run date of the
Condition Monitor process.

Conversation Follow Up CFLU Customer has a conversation meeting one or more of

these criteria:
• Follow-up date is reached.

• Follow-up action entered.

This condition only processes conversations without


Credit Hold Code Exists CHLD Customer message containing a credit hold code is
placed on the customer's account.
See Chapter 7, "Setting Up Exception and Collection
Processing," Understanding Hold and Message Codes,
page 205.

Collection COLL Amount and age of customer balances that are overdue.

208 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

Condition Description Code Condition Trigger

Customer Promise Date Broken CPDB Evaluates if promise has been met based on payments
on item referenced in the promise date conversation.
This condition also evaluates the promise tolerance date
and promise tolerance amount. If promise date +
tolerance days is met and total payment is equal or
greater than the promise tolerance amount, the condition
will set the promise status to Kept and close the promise
date conversation. If the promise date + tolerance days
is met and total payment is zero or less than the promise
tolerance amount, the condition will set the promise
status to Broken and create a broken promise action list.
If there is no item referenced, the promise will be
evaluated as Kept or Broken based on promise date and
tolerance days
The condition priority is 18 and the condition role is Bill
To Customer.
The CPDB condition will also close promise date
conversations that have:
• A status of Broken with no promise date action, and
do not have a review scheduled after the promise

• The Promise Broken Done flag set to yes and do not

have a review date after the promise date.

Customer Promise Date Review CPDR Creates action list for all promise date conversations
requiring follow up. The condition priority is 17 and the
condition role is Bill To Customer.

Deduction Item DEDN A new deduction item.

Disputed Item DISP A new disputed item.

Exceeded Credit Limit ECLA Customers' calculated outstanding balance exceeds their
calculated credit limit. The calculated credit limit is the
limit that you defined for the customer on the Credit
Profile page multiplied by the percentage that you
defined over the limit on the Assessment Rules page or
the amount that you defined on the page.

Note. You define whether the balance includes in-

process payments, unapplied payments, and disputed
items on the Installation Options - Receivables page.

Exceeded Credit Limit Expiration ECLD Customer's credit review date is passed. The customer
Date must have a review date and credit limit on the Credit
Profile page to generate an action.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 209
Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 7

Condition Description Code Condition Trigger

Entry Type/Reason Code ETRC Items for a specified entry type and reason code reach a
specific amount or age. The existence of items with the
entry type and reason can also trigger the condition. The
Condition Monitor process creates one action for each
item with the entry type and reason combination unless
you leave the entry reason blank.

Key Statistics Exceeded KSTE Comparison of system- or user-defined history ID

amount or count for current fiscal period to assessment
rule criteria. The system can also trigger the condition
based on the percentage change from a prior period's

Large Amount Coming Due LACD An invoice (or group of invoices) over a specified
amount is due in a specified number of days.

Online Item ONLN An individual adds an action to an item on the item

action list.

Risk Score RISK Creates action items based on risk score. The condition
priority is 42 and the condition role is Bill To Customer.

Pages Used to Set Up Conditions

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Condition Definition AR_COND_DEF Set Up Financials/Supply Review and define a single

Chain, Product Related, system-defined condition.
Receivables, Displays all information for
Credit/Collections, a condition.
Condition Definition,
Condition Definition

Condition Definition User AR_COND_DEF_USER Set Up Financials/Supply Set up user-defined

Chain, Product Related, conditions.
Condition Definition User,
Condition Definition User

Condition Priority AR_COND_PRIORITY Set Up Financials/Supply Review all conditions at one

Chain, Product Related, time. Reorder the priority of
Receivables, a condition. Displays
Credit/Collections, limited information for each
Condition Priority, condition.
Condition Priority

210 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

Setting Up System-Defined Conditions

Access the Condition Definition page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Options, Messages, Messages).

Condition Definition page

Description The system populates the description for system-defined conditions, but you can
override the value.

Condition Role For all conditions except the Conversation Follow Up (CFLU) condition, select
the customer role to use for monitoring customer's accounts:
• Bill To Customer

• Corporate Customer

• Correspondence Customer

• Remit From Customer

The process looks at the conditions for the customers with the same role that you
select here. So when you define customer credit information, it must be set up for
the customer that matches the role in the condition definition.
For the Conversation Follow Up (CFLU) condition, the role must be Bill To

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 211
Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 7

Priority Enter a priority number that determines the order in which an action for the
condition appears in the action list if a customer has multiple actions. The lower
the number the higher the action associated with the condition will be.

Allow Multiple Cond If selected, indicates that you can use the condition in multiple rules for the same
Entries (allow multiple assessment level (setID, customer group, or customer). This option applies only
condition entries) to the Large Amount Coming Due (LACD), Key Statistics Exceeded (KSTE),
and Entry Type/Reason Code (ETRC) conditions.

Allow Business Unit If selected, indicates that the system monitors the conditions at the business unit-
Monitoring level if you selected business unit monitoring on the Installation Options -
Receivables page. This option applies to the Collection (COLL), Entry
Type/Reason Code (ETRC), Key Statistics Exceeded (KSTE), and Large
Amount Coming Due (LACD) conditions.


The fields in the Parameter group box—Amount, Count, Days, Percent, and # Periods (number of periods)—
control the entry of parameters on the Assessment Rule page. Each condition may have one or more
parameter flags set. The parameters are system-defined, and you cannot modify them. The values are
Required, Optional, or one of the following values:

Only One You must enter a value in only one of the fields flagged as Only One and the
other fields with this flag must be blank.

All or None You must enter a value in all fields flagged as All or None or leave all of them

One or All You must enter a value in at least one of the fields flagged as One or All or enter
a value in all of the fields with this flag.

The following table lists all of the parameters for each field for each condition:

Condition Amount Days Count Percent Number Explanation


Approaching One or One or Either amount or percent

Credit Limit All All must be entered, or both
(ACLA) can be entered.

Approaching Required Days is required.

Credit Limit

212 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

Condition Amount Days Count Percent Number Explanation


Approaching Required Days is required.

Credit Card
Expiration Date

Conversation No parameters can be

Follow Up entered.

Credit Hold No parameters can be

Exists (CHLD) entered.

Customer No parameters can be

Promise Date entered
Broken (CPDB)

Customer No parameters can be

Promise Date entered

Collection Required Required Both amount and days are

(COLL) required.

Deduction Item No parameters can be

(DEDN) entered.

Disputed Item No parameters can be

(DISP) entered.

Exceeded No parameters can be

Credit Limit entered.

Exceeded No parameters can be

Credit Limit entered.
Expiration Date

Entry Optional Optional Both amount and days are

Type/Reason optional.
Code (ETRC)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 213
Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 7

Condition Amount Days Count Percent Number Explanation


Key Statistics Only One Only All or All or Either amount or count
Exceeded One None None must be entered; either
(KSTE) percent and period must be
entered, or both fields must
be blank.

Large Amount Required Required Both amount and days are

Coming Due required.

Online Item No parameters can be

(ONLN) entered.

Risk Score Required Count is required.


User-defined No parameters can be

(any four- entered.
character code)

Setting Up User-Defined Conditions

Access the Condition Definition User page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Credit/Collections, Condition Definition User, Condition Definition User).

This page is similar to the Condition Definition page. However, you can define only a condition role and
assign a priority.

See Also

Chapter 7, "Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing," Setting Up System-Defined Conditions, page

Reordering Condition Priorities

Access the Condition Priority page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Credit/Collections, Condition Priority, Condition Priority).

This page contains the same fields as the Condition Definition page except that it has fewer fields.

214 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

Priority Enter a new number to reorder the condition priority. The conditions display in
priority order. The priority number determines the order in which an action for
the condition appears in the action list if a customer has multiple actions. The
lower the number the higher the action associated with the condition will be.

Condition Click a condition link to access the Condition Definition page and view all
condition details.

Setting Up Actions and Action Templates

To set up actions and action templates, use the Action Code (ACTION_CODE) and Action Template
(AR_TEMPLATE_TBL) components.

This section provides an overview of action definitions and action templates and discusses how to:

• Review or define action definitions.

• Define action templates.

Understanding Actions and Action Templates

Actions are activities that an action owner performs in response to the condition of a customer's account, such
as sending a follow-up letter or putting an account on hold. Actions are also activities that an action owner
performs for items, such as deduction and disputed items.

PeopleSoft Receivables provides nine actions. However, you can add additional actions. Each action
definition controls how you enter data in action templates.

Action templates define whether the system automatically performs the action or whether the system marks
the action as Proposed. If an action is proposed, the action owner decides whether to take the action.

You must enter an action parameter for some actions. These parameters provide additional instructions for the
system to use when it performs the action. For example, the Send a Follow-up Letter (OLTR) action needs a
letter code.

The following table lists the system-defined actions:

Code Description Can Be Added Can Be Automated Requires Action

Online Parameter

ALRT Create an Alert N N N

CALL Call the Customer N N N

CRDT Review Customer Y N N

Credit Limit

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 215
Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 7

Code Description Can Be Added Can Be Automated Requires Action

Online Parameter

DLTR Send Dunning N Y Y


DNGD Downgrade Credit N N N


HOLD Place Customer on N Y Y


OLTR Send Other Letter N Y Y

POD Proof of Delivery Y N N

PRBK Review Broken Y N N

Promise Date

PRFO Review Promise Y N N


REFR Refer to Collection N N Y


STMT Send Statement of N Y N


WOFF Write off Customer N N N


You must set up the system-defined actions for at least one setID. Most of the field values for the system-
defined actions are automatically populated by the system. You can also define user-defined actions by using
a four-letter code.

An action template outlines a set of escalating actions that the system performs based on the period of time
that the customer or item has been in the action plan for the condition.

You specify which template the Condition Monitor uses when you define the collection and assessment rules.
Each template can contain multiple actions. You specify the number of days that you want to elapse between
the time that the condition occurred and the time that the action should take place. Based on the number of
days that the condition for a customer or item has existed, the system determines which action to use. You
can set up the action template to send a notification to the action owner, the supervisor for the action owner,
or a specialist a specified number of days before or after the action due date.

216 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

If you use the following actions, you must set up additional tables before creating action templates:

Action Prerequisite Table Setup

Sending a Dunning Letter (DLTR) Letter codes and dunning IDs.

Place a Hold Message on a Customer (HOLD) Hold codes and message codes.

Send a Follow-up Letter (OLTR) Letter codes.

Refer to a Collection Agency (REFR) Collection codes.

Send a Statement (STMT) Statement IDs.

See Also

Chapter 6, "Setting Up Correspondence Options," page 175

Pages Used to Set Up Actions and Action Templates

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Action Definition ACTION_CODE Set Up Financials/Supply Review the definition for

Chain, Product Related, each action and change the
Receivables, action status. Define new
Credit/Collections, Action actions.
Code, Action Definition

Action Template AR_TEMPLATE_TBL Set Up Financials/Supply Define a set of actions to

Chain, Product Related, perform for a condition in
Receivables, an escalating order based on
Credit/Collections, Action the number of days that the
Template, Action Template condition has existed.

Reviewing or Defining Action Definitions

Access the Action Definition page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Credit/Collections, Action Code, Action Definition).

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 217
Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 7

Action Definition page

Description The system populates the description for system-defined actions, but you can
override the value.

Due Days Enter the number of days that defines the default due date for a new action. The
system calculates the due date by adding the number of days that you specify to
the system date. For example, if you create a new action on February 5 and you
enter 3, the default due date for the action will be February 8. If you enter 0, the
system uses the current date.
The system does not include weekends and holidays when it calculates the due
date. The system uses the business calendar that you selected for the general
ledger business unit associated with the receivables business unit to determine
what days are holidays and weekend days. You select the calendar in the Holiday
List field on the General Ledger Definition - Definition page.

Can Be Added Online Select if you want to enable a user to add this type of action for an item online.

Can Be Automated If selected, you can select either Proposed or Automated when you use this action
in an assessment rule or action template. Otherwise, the action can only be
Proposed. When an action is proposed, the action owner manually decides
whether to take the action. This field is display only and is not available for user-
defined actions.

Requires Action If selected, you must enter a valid action parameter when you use this action. The
Parameter system validates the action parameter by using the specified prompt table. This
field is display only and is not available for user-defined actions.

Defining Action Templates

Access the Action Template page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Credit/Collections, Action Template, Action Template).

218 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

Action Template page

Days When a customer or item violates a condition criteria, the Condition Monitor
process adds the number of days that you enter for each action to the date that the
customer violated the condition criteria to determine the date to move the action
to the action list. If you want the action transferred to the action list as soon as the
customer or item enters the action plan, enter 0. Do not enter duplicate numbers.

Action Select the action, which you defined on the Action Definition page, that you want
transferred to the action list.

Enter the action parameter if the action definition requires a parameter for the action. This table describes the
type of parameter to enter for each type of action:

Action Type of Parameter

Send a dunning Letter (DLTR). Letter code.

Note. To use the letter assigned to the action, you must

assign a customer a dunning ID that uses a Dunning by
Action List dunning method. Otherwise, the system uses
the letter codes based on the rules for the dunning ID.

Place a hold message on a customer (HOLD). Message code.

Send a follow-up letter (OLTR). Letter code.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 219
Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 7

Action Type of Parameter

Refer to a collection agency (REFR). Collection code.

Prop/Auto Select Automated or Proposed to indicate whether the system should

(proposed/automated) automatically perform the action or if the action owner decides whether to
perform the action after it is transferred to the action list. This field is available
only if an action can be automated.

Delivery Method Select the method used to deliver correspondence for the Dunning Letter,
Statement, or Follow Up Letter actions. Options are: Email,Fax, or Print.

Days To Notify Owner Enter the number of days from the action due date to remind the action owner
that the action is not complete.

Days To Notify Enter the number of days from the action due date to notify the action owner's
Supervisor supervisor that the action is not complete.

Days To Notify Enter the number of days from the action due date to notify the AR specialist for
Specialist an item that the action is not complete.

Note. Enter a positive number to send the notification after the due date and a negative number to send the
notification before the due date. To send the notification on the due date enter 0. You must run the Condition
Monitor process to send the notification. If you leave the fields blank, the process does not send notification.

The system does not include weekends and holidays when it calculates the notification date. The system uses
the business calendar that you selected for the general ledger business unit associated with the receivables
business unit to determine what days are holidays and weekend days. You select the calendar in the Holiday
List field on the General Ledger Definition - Definition page.

Assigning Customers to a Collection Group

You may want to group customers so that you can define collection and assessment rules for a group of
customers instead of all customers associated with a setID or a single collection customer. PeopleSoft
Receivables provides a group type called Coll (collection) so that you can create customer groups that are
used exclusively for collection and exception processing.

To assign customers to groups:

• Create each customer group by using the Collection group type on the Customer Group Table page.

• Assign the customer to a group by using the Collection group type on the General Information - Customer
Group Info page.

220 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining Additional
Customer Information," Establishing Customer Group Tables

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General Customer
Information," Assigning Individual Customers to Customer Groups

Setting Up Collection and Assessment Rules

To set up collection and assessment rules, use the Schedules (SCHEDULES), Collection Rules
(AR_COLLECTION_RULE), Assessment Rule (AR_ASSESS_RULE), and Assessment Rule SQL
(AR_ASSESS_RULE_SQL) components.

This section provides an overview of collection and assessment rules, lists common elements, and discusses
how to:

• Define schedules.

• Set up collection rules.

• Define assessment rules without SQL.

• Define assessment rules using SQL.

Understanding Collection and Assessment Rules

The Condition Monitor process uses the collection and assessment rules to evaluate the nature of a condition
to determine whether to create an action for the customer or item.

You define rules at the following assessment levels:

Level Rule Applies To

SetID All customers assigned to the setID.

Customer group Only for customers in the customer group that you

Customer Only for customers that you specify.

Rules that are at the customer level override rules that are at the other two levels, and rules that are at the
customer group level override rules for setIDs. From a maintenance standpoint, you should set up defaults at
the highest possible level so that if a change is required, you do not have to go to every instance at a lower
level to make the change.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 221
Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 7

Collections rules apply only to the Collection (COLL) condition. The rules for collection conditions are based
on both the amount and the number of days past due for outstanding balances. When the Condition Monitor
process runs, it determines the age of the oldest past due item on a customer's account and the total amount
past due to determine if a collection condition exists.

Assessment rules without SQL are for customer-level conditions other than the collection condition. The
assessment rules are based on the existence of data specified in the rule or the comparison of data against a
specified value. For example, the rule may say that the Approaching Credit Limit Expiration (ACLD)
condition is violated if the numbers of days that are remaining for the customer's credit limit is less than 21
days. These rules are used for system-defined conditions other than collection conditions and item-level
conditions, such as deductions and disputed items.

Assessment rules with SQL criteria are for item-level conditions and user-defined conditions. The assessment
rules are based on a value in a specified field or fields on an item's record. For example, a rule may specify
that the Condition Monitor process should create an action plan if the Deduction field is Y and the deduction
date is 2 days less than the current system date. You need to be familiar with building SQL statements to
create these assessment rules. The SQL criteria can also use fields from the Item Activity
(PS_ITEM_ACTIVITY), Item Distribution (PS_ITEM_DST), Customer (PS_CUSTOMER), and Customer
Options (PS_CUST_OPTION) tables. You can use assessment rules with SQL criteria only for user-defined

If you plan to define assessment rules with SQL criteria, you must create messages in the message catalog
that appear as the description text on action lists.

If you create an assessment rule for these conditions, you must set up additional tables before you create the
assessment rules:

Condition Prerequisite Table Setup

Entry Type/Reason (ETRC) Define the entry type and reasons to use in the
assessment rules.

Key Statistics Exceeded (KSTE) Define system-defined or user-defined history IDs to

use in the assessment rules.

See Also

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Defining Entry Types, page 76

Chapter 8, "Setting Up History and Aging," Setting Up History IDs, page 248

Common Element Used in This Section

Condition Displays the condition ID and description for which you are creating a rule.

222 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

Schedule Enter the schedule ID that determines when the Condition Monitor processes the
rule. For example, if you enter Weekly and the weekly schedule is for
Wednesdays, the process checks for conditions in the customer's account that
violate the rule every Wednesday.

Pages Used to Define Collection and Assessment Rules

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Schedules SCHEDULE Set Up Financials/Supply Create the schedules that

Chain, Common you assign to the collection
Definitions, and assessment rules.
Schedules, Schedules

Collection Rule AR_CRULE_TBL Set Up Financials/Supply Enter the rules for the
Chain, Product Related, Collection condition.
Collection Rule, Collection

Assessment Rule AR_ARULE_TBL Set Up Financials/Supply Enter the rules for the
Chain, Product Related, system-defined conditions
Receivables, other than collection
Credit/Collections, conditions.
Assessment Rule,
Assessment Rule

Assessment Rule User AR_ARULE_SQL Set Up Financials/Supply Enter the rules for user-
Chain, Product Related, defined conditions using
Receivables, Assessment SQL criteria.
Rule User, Assessment Rule

Assessment Rule User SQL AR_ARULE_SQL_SBP Click the SQL Statement View the free-form SQL
Statement button on the Assessment statement for an assessment
Rule User page. rule or copy the statement to
test it using a SQL query

Defining Schedules
Access the Schedules page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Calendars/Schedules,
Schedules, Schedules).

Define the schedules that the Condition Monitor uses to determine the frequency and days to run a collection
or assessment rule. You can select any frequency that you want.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 223
Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 7

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining Financials and Supply Chain
Management Common Definitions," Setting Up Schedules

Setting Up Collection Rules

Access the Collection Rule page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Credit/Collections, Collection Rule, Collection Rule).

Collection Rule page

Currency Enter the currency for the amounts in the collection rule.

Owner Select the type of owner for an action:

• Collector

• Credit Analyst

• AR Specialist

• Sales Person

The Condition Monitor process assigns an action to the owner based on the value
assigned to the customer.

224 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

Rule Level Indicates to whom the rule applies. Values are:

Customer: Applies to a specific customer.
Customer Group: Applies only to customers in a specific customer group.
SetID: Applies to all customers associated with a setID.

Message Set and The system populates the message set and message number, and you cannot
Message Nbr(message change the value. The system displays this message when the rule is violated in
number) the action list.

Specifying Validation Criteria

Your selection criteria determine how you enter information in the grid.

Days Select to enable entry of a value only in the From Day column in the first row.
The system assigns the value for the from day for subsequent rows by
incrementing the value in the To Day field from the previous row by 1. You can
enter any values that you want in the From Amount and To Amount columns.

Amount Select to enable entry of an amount in the From Amount field in the first row.
The system assigns the from amount for subsequent rows by incrementing the
amount in the To Amount field from the previous row by .01. You can enter any
values that you want for the From Day and To Day columns.

No Check Select to enable entry of any values that you choose in the day and amount fields.
You must make sure that there are no gaps or overlaps in the criteria.

Entering Validation Information

Days From and Days To Enter the range of days of the oldest past due items for the customer.

From Amount and To Enter the total amount of past due items for the customer.
Template Enter the action template that the Condition Monitor uses when the customer's
past due balance meets the days and amount criteria.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 225
Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 7

Priority Enter a priority number for the rule. The Condition Monitor uses the priority
number for each action template to determine which action template to use when
a customer meets the collection rule criteria. It uses the number when:
• A customer already has an action plan and has violated a collection rule with
a higher priority number.

In this case, it checks to see whether you selected the Enable Auto Upgrade
Template check box on the Installation Options - Receivables page. If it is
selected, the process cancels the current action plan and replaces it with a
new action plan.

• The validation setting for the collection rule is No Check.

Because you can enter day and amount ranges that overlap, a customer may
meet more than one set of criteria. In this case, the Condition Monitor uses
the highest priority action template.

Another situation causes the Condition Monitor to cancel customers' current

action plans and establish new ones. When customers enter an action plan, the
Condition Monitor records the assessment level of the rule that they violated. If
you subsequently enter a rule with a higher assessment level and the customer
meets the new rule criteria, the Condition Monitor automatically cancels the
original action plan and uses the new one. You must select the Enable Auto
Upgrade Template check box on the Installation Options - Receivables page for
this to occur.

Defining Assessment Rules Without SQL

Access the Assessment Rule page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Credit/Collections, Assessment Rule, Assessment Rule).

Assessment Rule page

226 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

Template Select the action template that the Condition Monitor uses when the customer
meets the criteria that you define in the rule.

Summary Select this check box if:

• You are defining a rule for the Large Amount Coming Due (LACD)
condition, and you want to create an action plan for a customer when the total
amount of invoices that are coming due within the number of days specified
in the rules exceeds the dollar amount in the rule.

Otherwise the system creates an action plan for the customer based on the
balance due and due date of individual invoices.

• You are defining a rule for the Entry Type/Reason Code (ETRC) condition,
you have not specified a reason code for the rule, and you want the Condition
Monitor process to look at all items with the specified entry type and no
reason code, to determine whether to create an action plan for the customer.

In this case, the system creates one action for the condition for all items with
no reason code.

Otherwise the Condition Monitor process creates one action for each item
with the specified entry type and a blank reason code.

Owner Select the type of owner for an action:

• Collector

• Credit Analyst

• AR Specialist

• Sales Person

The Condition Monitor process assigns an action to the owner based on the value
assigned to the item or customer. For example, if you select Credit Analyst for
the Exceeds Credit Limit condition, the process assigns the action to the credit
analyst assigned to the customer.

Level Indicates to whom the rule applies. Values are:

Customer: Applies to a specific customer.
Customer Group: Applies only to customers in a specific customer group.
SetID: Applies to all customers associated with a setID.

Message Set and Msg # The system populates the message set and message number and you cannot
(message number) change the value. The system displays this message on the action list when the
rule is violated.


The Condition Monitor process uses the criteria in the Parameters group box to determine whether the
condition has been violated. If a condition does not require a specific criteria, the field is unavailable. The
following table identifies the type of criteria that are applicable for each condition:

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 227
Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 7

Condition Operator Amount Days Count Percent Number of


Approaching X X
Credit Limit

Approaching X
Credit Limit

Approaching X
Credit Card
Expiration Date

Follow Up

Credit Hold Code

Exists (CHLD)

Customer Promise
Date Broken

Customer Promise

Deduction Item

Disputed Items

Exceeding Credit
Limit (ECLA)

Exceeded Credit
Limit Expiration
Date (ECLD)

228 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

Condition Operator Amount Days Count Percent Number of


Entry X X X
Code (ETRC)

Key Statistics X X X X X
Exceeded (KSTE)

Large Amount X X
Coming Due

Risk Score (RISK) X

Defining Rule Parameters

Operator Select an operator such as less than or equal to (Less/Equal) if you are creating a
comparison rule for a Key Statistics Exceeded (KSTE) or Entry Type/Reason
Code (ETRC) condition.

Amount Enter the monetary amount for the comparison.

Count Enter the count of times for the comparison.

Percent If you are creating a rule for the Approaching Credit Limit (ACLA) condition,
enter the percent to trigger the condition when customers' outstanding balances
reaches the percentage that you enter of their credit limits. For example, a
customer's credit limit is 100,000.00 EUR and you enter 80 percent. The
Condition Monitor creates an action when the customer's outstanding balance
reaches 80,000.00 EUR.
If you are creating a rule for the Key Statistics Exceeded (KSTE) condition, enter
the number of periods and the percent for the rule. The Condition Monitor
process uses these values to determine if a key statistic has changed. Enter the
relative period to compare in the # Periods (number of periods) field. The current
period is considered to be period 0, so if you want to monitor the change between
the current period and the same period last quarter, you would enter 3 in the #
Periods field. Then, enter either a positive or a negative number in the Percent
field. The Condition Monitor process calculates the percentage change between
the current period and the comparison period and then compares the change,
using the operator that you entered and the percent for the rule.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 229
Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 7

Defining Assessment Rules Using SQL

Access the Assessment Rule User page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Assessment Rule User, Assessment Rule User).

Assessment Rule User page

Template Enter the action template that the Condition Monitor process uses when an item
or customer meets the SQL criteria that you enter.

Owner Select the type of owner for an action:

• Collector

• Credit Analyst

• AR Specialist

• Sales Person

The Condition Monitor process assigns an action to the owner based on the value
specified on the item or customer. For example, if you select AR Specialist for a
Disputed Item condition, the process assigns the action to the specialist assigned
to the item.

230 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

Level Indicates to whom the rule applies. Valid values are:

Customer: Applies to a specific customer.
Customer Group: Applies only to customers in a specific customer group.
SetID: Applies to all customers associated with a setID.

Message Set and Msg # The system populates the message set and message number for system-defined
(message number) conditions, and you cannot change the value. For user-defined conditions, enter
the message number for the message that you want to display when the rule is
violated and the message set in which you put the message.

SQL Statement Click to access the Assessment Rule User SQL Statement page where you can
view the SQL statement in a free-form format or copy the statement to test it
using a SQL query tool. This button is available only after you save the SQL
criteria in the grid.

Open (Optional) Select a character to open the SQL statement. The character is used to
signify the start of a group or block of parts in the Where clause that work
together to test a condition.

Record Select the table that contains the fields that you want to include in the SQL
statement. Valid values are:
• Item (PS_ITEM)

• Item Distribution (PS_ITEM_DST)

• Item Activity (PS_ITEM_ACTIVITY)

• Customer (PS_CUSTOMER)

• Customer Option (PS_CUST_OPTION)

Alias Name Select a field name. The values that you select come from the table that you
selected in the Record field.
• If you select a date field, do one of the following:

• Enter a date.

• Select the check box that follows the Operator field.

In the +/– field, enter the number of days between the selected date and
run date for the Condition Monitor process that the rule is violated. For
example, if you want to create an action for new deductions one day after
they are created, you would select Accounting Date for the field name,
Greater Than for the operator, and enter 1 in the +/– field.

• If you select anything other than a date field, enter the value that you want the
Condition Monitor to look for in the field that follows the Operator field.

Operator Select a mathematical operator, such as Equal To or Greater Than.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 231
Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 7

Close (Optional) Select a character to close the SQL statement. The character is used to
signify the end of a group or block of parts in the Where clause that work
together to test a condition.

Oper (operator) Select a value to concatenate multiple Where clause conditions. The options are:
AND, OR, or blank. You leave it blank only if you enter one SQL criterion.

Setting Up Promise Date Options for a Customer

This section presents an overview of promise date options and describes how to define promise date options.

Understanding Promise Date Options

PeopleSoft Receivables enables a collections analyst to enter a promise of payment by the customer and to
track and manage that promise within the Conversations component. The Promise Date Options component
enables you to configure tolerance levels for a promise to ensure that a promise is kept based on the actual
amount paid, the number of items paid or the actual date paid.

On the Promise Date Options page, you indicate the number of days past the promise to pay date that you are
willing to wait to take further action for a selected setid, setid and customer, or setid and customer group.
Based on this tolerance period, you indicate what percentage of the promised payment amount you are willing
to accept. You also select a Broken Promise Action, which has been predefined as a customer action in
PeopleSoft Receivables. You predefine these fields on the Promise Date Options page and indicate whether
the selected user performing the review of the broken promise can override these fields in the Conversations
component. The values you select on this page appear as default values on the Conversations page.

When a collections analyst creates a new conversation on the Conversations page and selects the Promise of
Payment check box, the conversation is considered a promise date conversation and the promise status will be
set to Open. Once a conversation is marked as a promise of payment conversation, the collections analyst
must enter a promise date and the amount that the customer promised to pay in order to save the conversation.
When a promise conversation is saved, it cannot be reverted back to a regular conversation.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Managing Conversations."

Page Used to Define Promise Date Options

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Promise Date Options PROMISE_DT_OPTIONS Set Up Financials/Supply Define promise date

Chain, Product Related, options.
Credit/Collections, Promise
Date Options

232 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

Defining Promise Date Options

Access the Promise Date Options page. (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Credit/Collections, Promise Date Options)

Promise Date Options page

To access the Promise Date Options page you can enter a SetID only, SetID and Customer ID, or SetID and
Customer Group.

SetID Select a setid on the Add a New Value page.

This is a required field.

Customer ID • A customer ID

• Specify a customer ID and SetID combination. The promise date options you
setup will only apply to the specific customer under the SetID

Customer Group • A customer group

• Specify a customer group and SetID combination. The promise date options
you setup will only apply to all customers that belong to the customer group
under the SetID

Tolerance Days Enter the number of days past the promise to pay date that you are willing to wait
before taking further action.
This value appears as the default value on the Conversations page.

User Can Override Select this check box to enable a user to override the default Tolerance Days
Tolerance Days value on the Conversations page.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 233
Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 7

Payment Tolerance Identifies the percentage you are willing to deduct from the promised payment
amount. This value defaults on the conversations page. .

User Can Override Select this check box to enable a user to override the default Payment Tolerance
Tolerance Percent percentage value on the Conversations page.

Broken Promise Action Select a Broken Promise Action, which has been predefined as a system defined
customer action on the Action Definition page. (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain,
Product Related, Receivables, Credit/Collections, Action Code)

User Can Override Select this check box to enable a user to override the default Broken Promise
Promise Action Action with another action on the Conversations page.

Setting Up Risk Scoring Rules

This section presents an overview of risk scoring rules and discusses how to:

• Define risk scoring rules.

• Enter risk scoring range values.

Understanding Risk Scoring Rules

You can set up one or more risk scoring rules for selected setid, customer, or customer group. These risk
score rules are used by the Risk Scoring program (RUN_AR_RISK) to compute a risk score for a customer.
The range value is used in conjunction with the risk scoring weight to compute the risk score. The system
computes the Range Value * Risk Scoring Weight = Risk Score.

You can define a risk score rule using one or more risk scoring elements selected from a risk scoring group.
You assign a risk scoring weight, a low and high range, , and range value for each risk scoring element. The
high and low ranges are determined by the type of scoring element you select, which can be Amount, Char
(character), percent, days, date or numeric.

For example, when the risk scoring element is BALDUE and the type is Amount, you can enter the low and
high range values and the range value on the Risk Range Details grid of the Risk Range Details page. For
example, if the risk scoring element is BALDUE, the type is Amount, and the length is 23, you could enter
these multiple rows of values:

Range Low Range High Range Value

1 1,999 10

2.000 2,999 20

3.000 3,999 30

4.000 9,999,999,999.99 40

234 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

When the risk scoring element is CRHOLD and the type is Char and has a yes/no value (such as: Is the
customer on credit hold?) the system automatically populates the Risk Range Details grid with Y for Range
High and Range Low values in one row and N for Range High and Range Low values in the next row. You
can enter the range value. For example if CRHOLD is the risk scoring element:

Range Low (system generated) Range High (system generated) Range Value

Y Y 5

N N 10

When the risk scoring element is CUSTOMER_TYPE, the type is Char, and CUSTOMER_TYPE does not
have a yes/no value, then you could enter these values:

Range Low Range High Range Value

A L 10

M Z 20

You can set up multiple risk rules for a customer or customer group. However, the Risk Scoring Application
Engine program only applies one rule per customer or customer group per run.

See Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," Generating Risk Scores, page 1100.

Pages Used to Set Up Risk Scoring Rules

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Risk Scoring Rule AR_RISKSCR_TBL Set Up Financials/Supply Define risk scoring rules.
Chain, Product Related,
Credit/Collections, Risk
Scoring Rule

Risk Range Details AR_RISK_SEC Click the Risk Range Enter risk scoring range
Details link on the Risk values.
Scoring Rule page.

Defining Risk Scoring Rules

Access the Risk Scoring Rule page. (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Credit/Collections, Risk Scoring Rule)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 235
Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 7

Risk Scoring Rules page

Effective Date Select the date that this risk score element will become effective. You can add
risk scoring elements, as well as assign a new effective date if you modify an
existing risk scoring element.

Currency Enter an anchor currency to apply to this risk score ID.

Note. This field is required when you select a Scoring Element that is amount-
based, such as SALES.

Scoring Group Select one of these values:

• Aging Information

• Customer Activity

• Customer Table

• Item Information

• System Defined History

• User Defined History

Aging ID Select an aging ID value, which is used to populate the scoring element with the
correct aging categories.

Note. This field only appears when you select Aging as the Scoring Group.

236 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

Amount Enter a threshold amount in order to select the oldest item greater than this

Note. This field only appears when you select Item Information as the Scoring
Group and DTOLDIT (data of the oldest item) as the Scoring Element.

Scoring Element Select the scoring element that you want to apply to the selected scoring group.
This value describes the type of scoring data used to make up a scoring rule
based on the Scoring Group you select. For example, you can select Customer
Activity as the Scoring Group and BALDUE as the Scoring Element, or System
Defined History as the Scoring Group and DSO30 as the Scoring Element.

Scoring Weight (%) Enter the percentage of weight that you want to apply to this scoring element
scoring weight which is multiplied by the Range Value that you enter on the Risk Range Details
(percentage) page to obtain a Risk Score for that element row. When the Risk Scoring
program runs, it sums up the individual element scores for the overall customer
score and updates the PS_CUST_CREDIT table with the customer risk score.
Default value is 100.00 percent.

Important! The total scoring weight percentages for all of the scoring elements
must equal 100.00 percent.

Risk Range Details Click this link to access the Risk Range Details page.

Entering Risk Scoring Range Values

Access the Risk Range Details page. (Click the Risk Range Details link on the Risk Scoring Rule page.)

Risk Range Details page

This page displays the risk range details for each scoring group and scoring element.

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Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 7

Type Indicates the type of field that appears based on the selected scoring element on
the Risk Scoring Rule page, such as Char , Amount, percent, days, date or

Max Length(maximum Displays the maximum length of the data the user can enter in the range low and
length) range high value columns. The length along with the type is displayed to aid
users in entering the range values. If the type is days and the length is 5 you can
enter whole number range values up to 5 positions in length such as .99999,
40000, and more.

Range Low andRange These fields depend on your selection of the type of scoring element, as well as
Highand Range Value Scoring Group and Scoring Element values on the Risk Scoring Rule page.
For example, if you select the scoring group (Customer Activity) and the scoring
element (BALDUE), which is based on an amount, then you enter a low range (-
99,999) and high range (5,000).
If you select a Scoring Element value on the Risk Scoring Rule page that has a
Yes/No value, such as CRHOLD (the customer on credit hold), then these Range
Low and Range High fields are automatically populated with a row for Yes (Y)
and a row for No (N).
Range Value — Enter a value for each range between 1 and 100.

See Chapter 7, "Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing," Understanding Risk Scoring Rules, page

Implementing Self-Service Web Components

This section provides an overview of PeopleSoft Receivables self-service web components and discusses how

• Set up brokers and customers for self-service transactions.

• Set up sales people for self-service transactions.

Understanding Self-Service Web Components

Self-service web components provide your employees, customers, and individuals outside of your
organization with secure and convenient access to information.

PeopleSoft delivers several self-service web components as templates. You can use PeopleSoft Enterprise
Application Designer to modify these web components just as you would any application components.

PeopleSoft Receivables provides the following web components:

238 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

Component Description

Items (ITEM_RVW_CST_SS), Provides details for individual items, including the

(ITEM_RVW_BKR_SS), and (ITEM_RVW_SLS_SS) amount, status, and reference information (such as the
associated invoice number, payment ID, and contacts).
It also provides links to actions and conversations
associated with an item.

Actions (ACTION_RVW_SS) Provides a list of tasks assigned to individuals to take on

an item and option to view the status for a task.

Note. Customers and brokers access the self-service web components from the Customer portal and sales
people access the self-service web components from the Employee portal.


The user profile that you create for each individual who accesses your self-service web application
determines the web pages that the user can access. You create user profiles in PeopleTools on the User
Profiles component. You assign a role to each user profile and you link roles to permission lists. Each
permission list identifies the pages that individuals assigned to a role can access. To modify the access for
specific web pages for each role, you modify the permission list for the user's role.

Note. If you modify a permission list, you change the access for all users who are assigned to roles to which
the permission list is linked.

You also use the user profile to define the data to which the user has access. For example, you associate the
user profile for a customer contact with a specific contact ID. When a customer logs on to the self-service
web application, they receive access to item information only for the customers assigned to that contact ID.

PeopleSoft Receivables Roles

PeopleSoft Receivables provides self-service web pages for the following roles. We deliver sample
definitions for each of these roles and have assigned sample permission lists to each role:

• Customers

• Brokers

• Sales people

Sales people and brokers have access to self-service web pages where they can perform these tasks:

• View items.

• Maintain actions.

• Review conversations.

Customers have access to a self-service web page that enables them to view items.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 239
Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 7

Web Search Pages

The values that appear on the search results pages and search filter pages vary, based on the user's role, just as
they do in other PeopleSoft applications. We associated one or more of the roles that we deliver with each
self-service role menu.

See the information about permission lists in the Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Security.

Setting Up Brokers and Customers for Self-Service Transactions

You must perform several tasks to enable brokers and customers to use the self-service web pages. The setup
defines which self-service web pages the brokers and customers can access and also identifies to which items
they will have access.

To set up brokers and customers:

1. Create separate permission lists for brokers and customers by using the Permission Lists component

Use the following permission lists in the sample database as examples:

• Use the EPAR2100 permission list for brokers.

• Use the EPAR2200 permission list for customers.

2. Create separate roles for brokers, customers, and sales people by using the Roles component

Use the following roles in the sample database as examples:

• Use the Broker role for brokers.

• Use the Customer role for customers.

3. Create a contact for each customer and broker on the Contact page.

4. Enter the customers that are associated with the contact on the Contact Customer page.

For broker contacts, you must also select the Broker Customer check box on the Self Service Security tab
for the customers that correspond to the broker ID on the deductions that you want them to view.

When a customer or broker contact accesses the Items component, the system displays items for only the
customers that you enter.

5. Link the contact to a user profile on the Contact User Profile page.

The roles that you assign to the contact determine which self-service menus the contact can access.
Assign the Customer role to your customer contacts and the Broker role to your broker contacts.

Note. You can also use the User Profiles component to create a profile for a contact. If you use the User
Profiles component, select Customer Contact for the ID Type and then assign the appropriate contact ID
to the Attribute Value.

6. Set up the setID user preference for the user on the Define User Preferences - Overall Preferences page.

240 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

7. For brokers, select the Broker Customer check box on the General Info page for the customer.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Security

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining Contacts"

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining User Preferences," Defining
Overall User Preferences

Setting Up Sales People for Self-Service Transactions

You must perform several tasks to enable sales people to use the self-service web pages. The setup defines
which self-service web pages the sales people can access and also identifies to which items they will have

To set up sales people for self-service transactions:

1. Create an employee ID for each sales person on the Personal Data (Edit) page.

2. Create a separate permission list for sales people.

Use the EPAR2300 permission list in the sample database as an example.

3. Create a role for sales people.

Use the Sales Person role in the sample database as an example.

4. Create a user profile for the sales person.

Select Employee for the ID Type and then assign the appropriate employee ID to the Attribute Value.
Assign the Sales Person role to the user profile.

5. Create a support team type for sales people on the Team Member Types page.

You must enable the Is this a Sales Person? check box.

6. Set up the sales person as a support team member on the Team Member Personal Data - Member Data

Associate the same employee with the sales person as you did in the user profile.

7. Assign the support team member to a support team type for sales people on the Team Member Personal
Data - Member Commission page.

8. Specify the setID user preference for the user on the Define User Preferences - Overall Preferences page.

The sales person for each item is one of the members of a sales support team. The system displays only items
to which a sales person is assigned in the Sales Person 1 or Sales Person 2 fields for the item.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 241
Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 7

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining Financials and Supply Chain
Management Common Definitions," Working With Personal Data

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Security

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining Additional
Customer Information," Setting Up Customer Support Personnel

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining User Preferences," Defining
Overall User Preferences

242 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8

Setting Up History and Aging

This chapter provides an overview of history calculations and discusses how to:

• Set up history IDs.

• Set up aging.

• Set up subcustomer qualifiers.

• Set up parallel processing for Aging.

Note. This chapter is required. You must complete the tasks discussed in this chapter to implement history
and aging.

Understanding History Calculations

Both the Receivable Update Application Engine process (AR_UPDATE) and the Aging Application Engine
process (AR_AGING) update the system-defined customer history elements.

This section discusses:

• Customer history calculations in the Receivable Update process.

• Customer history calculations in the Aging process.

Customer History Calculations in the Receivable Update Process

The Receivable Update process updates these system-defined customer history elements:

• Average Days Late (AVGDAYS).

• Days Sales Outstanding (DSO30 and DSO90).

• Highest Balance (HI_BAL_AMT).

• Weighted Average Days Late (WTAVGDAYS).

• Weighted Average Terms (WTAVGTERMS).

• Weighted Average Days Paid (WTAVGPAID).

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 243
Setting Up History and Aging Chapter 8

Average Days Late

Days late is the number of days between the due date and the accounting date of the entry that closed the
item. The Receivable Update process calculates average days late as:

sum (days late) ÷ number of items

For example, suppose that a customer has these closed items: a 1,000.00 USD item 2 days late, a 2,000.00
USD item 5 days late, and a 3,000.00 USD item 4 days late.

The average days late for this customer = (2 + 5 + 4) ÷ 3, or 11 ÷ 3, or 3.67

Use the Receivable Update Request page to indicate that you want to update the Average Days Late figures
for subcustomer levels (assuming subcustomer is enabled). The system date at the start of the Receivable
Update run and the accounting calendar determine the accounting period for the result.

The Receivable Update process considers items only if they have been closed since the last time the history
was updated.

It can exclude items for a variety of reasons:

• The dispute reason governs exclusion of disputed items.

• The deduction reason governs exclusion of deduction items.

• The entry type governs exclusion by entry type.

• The item was originally negative (such as a credit memo).

For each item that meets the inclusion criteria, the system determines the number of day's difference between
the due date and the accounting date of the entry that closed the item. Consider two examples:

• Payment in full.

A 1,000.00 AUD invoice is posted with an accounting date of September 1 and a due date of September
30. An 1,000.00 AUD payment with an accounting date of October 1 is posted on October 5, bringing the
balance of the invoice to 0 AUD and changing its status from open to closed.

Days late = 1

• Partial payment.

A 1,000.00 AUD invoice is posted with an accounting date of September 1 and a due date of September
30. A partial payment of 900.00 AUD with an accounting date of October 1 is posted against the invoice
on October 5, bringing the balance of the invoice to 100.00 AUD. A 100.00 AUD credit memo with an
accounting date of October 15 closes the invoice.

Days late = 15

Previous activity for the fiscal year and accounting period determine how the Receivable Update process
updates history. If a value for Average Days Late does not exist for the fiscal year and accounting period, the
Receivable Update process updates the history ID by adding the number of days and dividing by the count of
closed items. Here are two examples:

244 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Setting Up History and Aging

• Example one.

Two items are closed for a customer. One item is 10 days late, and the other is 5 days late. Total days late
is 15, which when divided by 2 equals 7.5 Average Days Late.

• Example two.

Two items are closed for a customer. One is 10 days late, and the other is 5 days early. Total days late is
5, which when divided by 2 equals 2.5 Average Days Late.

If a value for Average Days Late does exist, the system computes a running average. It adds the sum of the
days late of the closed items to the product of the existing value and the number of existing closed items, and
then divides by the sum of the existing items and the newly closed items. For example, the previous values
are 15 days late, 3 items; the recent closed items values are 40 days late, 2 items. The formula is:

[(15 * 3) + 40)] ÷ (3 + 2) = 17 days late, 5 items

Days Sales Outstanding (DSO30 and DSO90)

Days sales outstanding (DSO) is reported as two different history IDs: a 30-day based figure and a 90-day
based figure. The system uses the calculation year and period from the Receivables Options - Options 1 page
as the basis for calculations to determine the accounting period for the resulting history.

Use the Receivable Update Request page to indicate whether you want to update the DSO and the
subcustomer history DSO figures. You should request user-defined history when you request DSO, because
DSO calculations use the SALES figures updated as part of user-defined history. If you run DSO alone, the
results do not reflect the latest sales figures.

The Receivable Update process calculates DSO30 by multiplying the customer's current balance by 30 and
dividing by prior period sales. The prior period is the DSO calculation period on the Receivables Definitions -
Accounting Options 1 page, even if it crosses a fiscal year.

The Receivable Update process calculates DSO90 by multiplying the current customer balance by 90 and
dividing by the sum of sales for the previous three periods. Use a view to sum sales for the three periods
before the calculation period, even if a fiscal year boundary is crossed.

Highest Balance (HI_BAL_AMT)

This is the highest balance for the customer for the accounting period. The system uses the system date at the
time you run the Receivable Update process, as well as your accounting calendar, to determine the accounting
period. If no activity occurs during an accounting period, the system does not create a history record for that

Weighted Average Days Late (WTAVGDAYS)

Use the Receivable Update Request page to indicate whether you want to update Weighted Average Days and
Weighted Average Days Late figures for subcustomer levels (assuming that subcustomer levels are enabled).
The system date at the start of the Receivable Update run and the accounting calendar determine the
accounting period for the result.

The amount of the closed item is used to weight the days based on the assumption that a 100,000.00 EUR
invoice paid 10 days late is more serious than a 10.00 EUR invoice paid 10 days late. The formula is:

sum (item amount * days late) ÷ sum (item amount)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 245
Setting Up History and Aging Chapter 8

The item amount is drawn from the first instance of item activity that has the same entry type as the closed
item. Days late is the number of days between the due date and the accounting date of the item activity that
closed the item.

For example, suppose that a customer has the following closed items: a 1,000.00 USD item 2 days late, a
2,000.00 EUR item 5 days late, and a 3,000.00 EUR item 4 days late. For this customer, WTAVGDAYS

(1,000.00 * 2) + (2,000.00 * 5) + (3,000.00 * 4)] ÷ (1,000.00 + 2,000.00 + 3,000.00) = 24,000.00 ÷ 6,000.00

or 4

The Receivable Update process updates history for Weighted Average Days Late based on the previous
activity for the fiscal year and accounting period. If a Weighted Average Days Late value does not already
exist for this fiscal year and accounting period, the history is updated. If a Weighted Average Days Late value
exists, a running average is computed, using additional information stored by customer history and
subcustomer history, if appropriate, similar to the example for Average Days Late. The system date at the
start of the Receivable Update run and the accounting calendar determines the accounting period for the

When an item is created, the Item Activity line contains an entry type. This entry type is stored with the item,
unless a subsequent Item Activity line has an entry type with the Prevent Posting of Duplicate Entries option
selected. In this case, the entry type stored with the item changes to the entry type of the subsequent entry.

The Prevent Posting of Duplicate Entries option is used when a debit or credit memo is posted before the
invoice. Because the system uses the entry type on the item for aging redirection and correspondence
inclusion, you can use the invoice entry type as the controlling entry type even though the invoice is not
posted first. This is important because Weighted Average Days Late uses the amount associated with the
controlling entry type rather than the original amount of the item.

Weighted Average Terms (WTAVGTERMS)

Weighted Average Terms calculates the average number of days allowed for a customer before payment is
due, weighted according to the item amount. By default, the calculation is based on the accounting date unless
the terms code on the item specifies a different basis date.

Customer payment terms impose limits on the allowable days, and a customer can buy with multiple payment
terms. Some invoices can be due in 20 days, others in 30 or 40 days. For example, the Weighted Average
Days Late calculation informs you that the customer pays, on average, 5 days late. However, that number is
more meaningful when you know that the customer had an average of 25 days to make payments.

The Receivable Update process performs the calculations only if you select Payment Performance on the
Receivable Update Request page. Settings on the Receivable Update Request page also determine whether
the subcustomer history module runs (assuming it is enabled). The accounting period for the result is
determined by the Receivable Update run date and your accounting calendar.

Weighted Average Days Paid (WTAVGPAID)

Weighted Average Days Paid is the number of days a customer takes to make payments. The average is
weighted by the payment amount, on the assumption that a 1,000.00 USD payment is more significant than a
100.00 USD payment. Weighted Average Days Paid is calculated by adding weighted average terms and
Weighted Average Days Late:

days allowed + days late = days taken

246 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Setting Up History and Aging

For example, weighted average terms of 25, plus Weighted Average Days Late of 5, means that the customer
pays an average of 30 days from the invoice date—25 days were allowed, and 5 extra were taken.

The Receivable Update process performs the calculations only if you select Payment Performance on the
Receivable Update Request page. Settings on the Receivable Update Request page determine whether the
subcustomer history module runs (assuming it is enabled). The accounting period for the result is determined
by the Receivable Update run date and your accounting calendar.

See Also

Chapter 12, "Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator," Creating Run Control IDs for
Receivable Update, page 383

Customer History Calculations in the Aging Process

This section discusses the due and high-due formulas for each history calculation performed during aging.

The Due Family

The Aging process updates these history IDs:

• Current Due

• Future Due

• Past Due

• Other Due

The amounts are based on how you defined an aging ID (the sum category that you selected for each aging
category). The history calculations are also affected by any special handling that was defined for entry types.
The system date for starting the Aging run determines the fiscal year and accounting period.

The High-Due Family

The Aging process updates these history IDs:

• High Current Due

• High Future Due

• High Past Due

• High Other Due

The amounts are based on the highest amount reached for a given fiscal year and accounting period. The
system date for starting the Aging run determines the fiscal year and accounting period.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 247
Setting Up History and Aging Chapter 8

Setting Up History IDs

To set up history IDs, use the System Defined History (SYSTEM_HIST_TABLE) and the User Defined
History (CUST_HIST_TABLE) components.

This section discusses how to:

• Review system-defined history IDs.

• Define user-defined history IDs.

Note. You must define at least one user-defined history ID called SALES.

Pages Used to Set Up History IDs

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

System Defined History CUST_HIST_S_TABLE Setup Financials/Supply Link system-defined history

Chain, Product Related, IDs to the setIDs associated
Receivables, Options, with customers for whom
System Defined History, you want to track history.
System Defined History

User-Defined History CUST_HIST_U_TABLE Setup Financials/Supply Create the customer history

Chain, Product Related, IDs used to summarize
Receivables, Options, User history about customer
Defined History, User- receivables activity. For
Defined History each history ID that you
create, the system maintains
the total specified customer
activity for each fiscal year
and accounting period.

Reviewing System-Defined History IDs

Access the System Defined History page. (Select Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related,
Receivables, Options, System Defined History, System Defined History.)

This table lists the available system-defined history IDs:

History ID Description

AVGDAYS Average Days Late


248 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Setting Up History and Aging

History ID Description

DSO30 30 Days Sales Outstanding

DSO90 90 Days Sales Outstanding


HI_BAL_AMT High Balance Amount

HI_CURRENT High Current Balance

HI_FUTURE High Future Due

HI_OTHER High Other Due

HI_PAST High Past Due



WTAVGDAYS Weighted Average Days Late

WTAVGPAID Weighted Average Paid

WTAVGTERMS Weighted Average Terms

Defining User-Defined History IDs

Access the User-Defined History page. (Select Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Options, User Defined History, User-Defined History.)

Define as many history IDs as you need.

The system requires a minimum of one user-defined history ID called SALES. The Receivable Update
process uses the SALES history ID to calculate DSO. If you cannot use the name SALES for this history ID,
then you must change the Receivable Update process to ensure that calculations for DSO are correct.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 249
Setting Up History and Aging Chapter 8

Entry Type and Entry Enter the combination that the system should use to compile customer history. If
Reason an entry type has more than one entry reason, you need to list the entry type with
each entry reason.

Note. If an entry type does not require an entry reason, you must list the entry type, but leave the entry reason
blank. The history then includes those items with the entry reason that you indicated.

See Also

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Setting Up Entry Types and Reasons,
page 70

Setting Up Aging
To set up aging, use the Aging component (AGING_TABLE).

This section provides an overview of aging setup and discusses how to set up aging IDs.

Understanding Aging Setup

Aging IDs define how the Aging process and aging reports age open items. They also enable you to define
unique rules for aging deduction, disputed, and collection items.

When you age deduction, disputed, and collection items, you choose to do one of the following:

• Age them like normal open items and place them in a category based on the age of the item.

• Define a separate category for either all disputed, deduction, or collection items, regardless of their age, or
create a separate category for each type of item.

This categorization is useful when you do not want these item types aged in a date range, but you want to
see the total aged amount for these types of items separately.

You can also set up separate categories based on the dispute or deduction reason, or the collection code.

• Exclude deduction, dispute, or collection items from aging.

You have two options:

• Exclude all deduction, disputed, or collection items aged using the aging ID or any combination of
these item types.

For example, you can exclude deduction and disputed items, but age collection items normally.

• Exclude deduction and disputed items by their reason or collection items by their collection codes.

For example, you can exclude authorized deductions that are associated with a promotion, but age the
remaining deductions normally or in a deduction category.

250 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Setting Up History and Aging

The Aging process uses the aging ID assigned to the business unit to age items unless you override it for
individual customers. The aging reports use the aging ID that you enter on the run control page to age the
items on the reports.

Page Used to Define Aging IDs

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Aging AGING_TABLE Set Up Financials/Supply Defines aging IDs that

Chain, Product Related, describe how the system
Receivables, ages open items.
Credit/Collections, Aging,

Setting Up Aging IDs

Access the Aging page. (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Credit/Collections, Aging, Aging.)

Aging page

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Setting Up History and Aging Chapter 8

Basis Date Select the type of date for aging open items. Values are:
As of Date: A user-defined date for aging items.
Acctg Date (accounting date): The accounting date for the item.
Item Date: Usually the invoice date, but it may differ by implementation.
Due Date: The due date assigned to the item.


Aging Category and Enter an ID for the category and the description that you use to identify the
Description categories on the reports and inquiry pages.

Start and End Enter the number of days that define the beginning and ending of the category.
Use –9999 as the start day for one category and 9999 as the end day for one
The start date for each category must always be one day greater than the last end
day for the previous category with one exception. If you are defining a separate
category for disputed, deduction, or collection items, the start and end days is
always 9999.

Sum (summarization) Select a value that links the aging category to one of these summarization
categories: Current Due, Past Due, Future Due, or Other.

Credit Check Select if the aging category should be considered in the credit checking
performed by PeopleSoft Order Management.

When you run the aging reports or view aging information on inquiry pages, the system uses the aging
categories that you define to determine in which bucket to place an item. Each category represents an age
range for the items. For example, suppose that you run an aging report using the 30–60 aging ID, as shown in
the Aging page. You use an as of date of March 1. If you created an item on January 15, the system puts the
item in the 31–60 category, which indicates the item is between 31 and 60 days old. If you defined unique
categories for deduction, disputed, or collection items, the system places items flagged as deductions, in
dispute, or in collection in the appropriate category.

252 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Setting Up History and Aging

Dispute Aging, Deduction Aging, and Collection Aging

Dispute Aging, Specify how the system ages disputed, deduction, and collection items. Values
Deduction Aging, and are:
Collection Aging Categorize: Select if you have created a unique category for disputed, deduction,
and collection items and enter the category ID in the Category field. You can use
the same category ID for all three types of items or create a unique category for
the different types of items.
Exclude: Select if you do not want to age all disputed, deduction, or collection
Normal: Select to age disputed, deduction, or collection items normally by the
basis date.
Vary: Select to do the following:
• Age disputed items based on the aging method for their dispute reason on the
Dispute Reason page.

• Age deduction items based on the aging method for their deduction reason on
the Deduction Reason page.

• Age collection items based on the aging method for their collection code on
the Collection Code page.

The aging methods for individual dispute reasons, deduction reasons, and
collections codes are to age normally, use a specific category, or be excluded
from aging.

Priority Enter a number to indicate which rule to use for an item that is marked with more
than one dispute, deduction, or collection flag. An item can be aged based on
only one of the reason codes. For example, if an item is a disputed item and in
collection, the priority number indicates whether the system should use the
disputed aging rule or the collection aging rule.

Note. Use the Entry Type page to place all items for an entry type in a specific aging category.

See Also

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Setting Up Entry Types and Reasons,
page 70

Chapter 7, "Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing," Setting Up Exception Reasons and Collection
Codes, page 200

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 253
Setting Up History and Aging Chapter 8

Setting Up SubCustomer Qualifiers

To set up subcustomer qualifiers, use the SubCustomer Qualifier 1 (SUBCUST1) and the SubCustomer
Qualifier 2 (SUBCUST2) components. This section provides an overview of subcustomer qualifiers and list
pages used to set up subcustomer qualifiers.

Understanding SubCustomer Qualifiers

Use subcustomer qualifiers to record history and aging information for a subset of your business with a
customer or for a cross-section of your business across different customers. Based on the selection on the
Installation Options - Overall page, the system can use one subcustomer qualifier, both qualifiers, or neither.
If installation options enable both subcustomer qualifiers, you can limit their use for individual customers by
allowing both, one, or none for a customer on the Miscellaneous General Info page.

If you elect to use one or both qualifiers, you must define valid qualifiers by tableset.

This table provides an example of how you might use subcustomers for a large customer to whom you sell
and ship products throughout the world:

SubCustomer Qualifier 1 - Collector Locations SubCustomer Qualifier 2 - Shipping Locations

Sydney New York

London Tokyo

You run the Receivable Update process to update DSO for the customer and discover that their DSO is at 40
days. If you select the SubCustomer check box when you run the Receivable Update process, you find that:

• SubCustomer qualifier 1 shows that the DSO in Sydney is 60 days and in London is 20 days.

This result might mean that the collector in Sydney is not doing as good a job as the collector in London.

• SubCustomer qualifier 2 shows that when shipments are made from Tokyo, payments are received in 25

When shipments are made from New York, payments are received in 55 days. Therefore, the DSO for the
entire customer is calculated at 40 days. You might use this information to contact customers in New
York to determine if they are experiencing a problem with their shipments, so that you can correct the

Note. SubCustomer qualifiers are also available as search criteria on some inquiry pages, such as the Item
List page or the Outstanding Customer Payments page.

254 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Setting Up History and Aging

Pages Used to Define SubCustomer Qualifiers

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

SubCustomer Qualifier 1 SUBCUST_QUAL1_TBL Set Up Financials/Supply Define the first set of

Chain, Product Related, customer qualifiers that the
Receivables, Customers, system uses to categorize
SubCustomer Qualifier 1, the customers' data for
SubCustomer Qualifier 1 recording balance,
historical, aging, and
reporting purposes.

SubCustomer Qualifier 2 SUBCUST_QUAL2_TBL Set Up Financials/Supply Define the second set of

Chain, Product Related, customer qualifiers that the
Receivables, Customers, system uses to categorize
SubCustomer Qualifier 2, the customers' data for
SubCustomer Qualifier 2 recording balance,
historical, aging, and
reporting purposes.

Setting Up Parallel Processing for Aging

This section provides an overview of parallel processing for aging and discusses how to:

• Define the maximum instances for PSAdmin.

• Define the maximum concurrent processes for the server.

• Define the number of parallel processes.

• Add more parallel processes to the Aging - Parallel multiprocess job (AR_AGE).

• Add additional Aging process definitions.

Understanding Parallel Processing for the Aging Process

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to process multiple Aging processes in parallel to achieve higher
performance. You initiate the processes using one run control and the process automatically divides the work
between the number of partitions that you specify in your setup.

The Aging - Parallel multiprocess job (AR_AGE) includes:

• The Aging Parallel Preprocessor Application Engine process (AR_AGEPP).

• The Aging Parallel multiprocess job (AR_AGE).

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 255
Setting Up History and Aging Chapter 8

The following diagram illustrates the process flow of the AR Parallel Aging process (AR_AGE) for four
separate AR jobs. After setting up the AR_AGE Run Control page, the AR_AGEPP application engine
parallel preprocessor selects business units and customers , then the AR_AGE runs the job definition for the
jobs AR_AGE1, AR_AGE2, AR_AGE3, and AR_AGE4. The AR_AGING Application Engine ages open
items and updates customer aging categories for each job.

Aging parallel multiprocessing workflow for multiple jobs

When you use the Process Monitor to check the status of the process, you view the status of the Aging
Parallel Preprocessor process (AR_AGEPP) and each process within the Aging Parallel multiprocess job
(AR_AGE). The system does not indicate that the Aging - Parallel multiprocess job (AR_AGE) is successful
until each parallel process completes. The Job Message Log Summary page summarizes all the individual
parallel process message log messages for the entire AR_AGE job.

This section discusses:

• AR_AGEPP process

• AR_AGE multiprocess job

256 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Setting Up History and Aging

AR_AGEPP Process

The Aging Parallel Preprocessor process (AR_AGEPP) acts as a preprocessor for the aging process and also:

• Selects business units and customers for processing.

• Places the qualified data in temporary tables.

• Partitions the data between the child processes.

• Initiates the Aging Parallel multiprocess job (AR_AGE) that starts child processes in parallel.

The distribution of the data among the child or parallel processes is based on the composition of the data and
the number of parallel processes. The process attempts to spread the data volume evenly among the
processors that you previously set up. The staging phase takes a little longer, but the overall processing time
is faster because multiple children processes run concurrently. You should balance the decision of using
parallel processing or single thread processing based on the volume of data and the hardware capacity to get
the maximum benefit from this feature.

AR_AGE Multiprocess Job

The Aging Parallel multiprocess job (AR_AGE) contains all the Application Engine process definitions that
you use for parallel processing, such as AR_AGE1. Each process definition calls the AR_AGING
Application Engine process, which actually ages the open items, updates the customer aging categories, and
performs table cleanup before the process ends.

PeopleSoft Receivables delivers eight process definitions, AR_AGE1 through AR_AGE8. If you want to run
more than eight partitions of the Aging process at once, you must define additional process definitions. Use
the AR_AGE1 process definition as an example.

The standard setup for the Aging Parallel multiprocess job (AR_AGE) is to run a single threaded process and
contains only the AR_AGE1 process definition. If you want to use parallel processing, you must assign
additional process definitions to the job definition. You must also specify the number of partitions that your
organization will use. You might have to experiment with the number of partitions that works for you. We
recommend that you assign just a couple of additional partitions and increase the number, if needed.

You might also have to override the server settings for your organization. By default, you can run up to three
instances of a process at one time. If you want to run additional instances, you must change your
configuration. If you also use parallel processing for the Payment Predictor (AR_PREDICT), Statements
(AR_STMT), and Receivable Update (AR_UPDATE) processes, the maximum instances apply to those
processes, as well. For example, if you want to run eight instances for the Receivable Update process and four
for the Aging process, you must configure your server for eight instances.

Pages Used to Set Up Parallel Processing for Aging

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Server Definition SERVERDEFN PeopleTools, Process Define the maximum

Scheduler, Servers, Server concurrent processes for
Definition Application Engine

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 257
Setting Up History and Aging Chapter 8

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

AR Parallel Processing PARALLEL_AR_SBP Set Up Financials/Supply Specify the exact number of

Options Chain, Install, Installation parallel processes or
Options, Receivables partitions that you want for
Click the Parallel
Processing Options link.

Job Definition PRCSJOBDEFN PeopleTools, Process Add additional Aging

Scheduler, Jobs, Job process definitions to run
Definition the Aging Parallel
multiprocess job

Process Definition PRCSDEFN PeopleTools, Process Add additional Aging

Scheduler, Processes, process definitions if you
Process Definition need to run more than eight
parallel processes.

Defining the Maximum Instances for PSAdmin

Open the PSAdmin tool on your server to change the configuration settings.

To change the maximum instances:

1. Scroll to the section titled Values for config section – PSAESRV.

The section looks as follows:

Values for config section - PSAESRV.

Max Instances = 3.

Recycle Count=0

Allowed Consec Service Failures=0.

2. Change the value for Max Instances to the maximum number of parallel processes that you want to run at

Defining the Maximum Concurrent Processes for the Server

Access the Server Definition page. (Select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Servers, Server Definition.)

Process Type and Max For the Application Engine process type, enter the maximum number of parallel
Concurrent processes that you run at once. This figure must be the same or greater than the
maximum instances that you defined for PSAdmin.

258 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8 Setting Up History and Aging

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Enterprise Process Scheduler

Defining the Number of Parallel Processes

Access the AR Parallel Processing Options page. (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation
Options, Receivables, and click the Parallel Processing Options link.)

Parallel Process and Enter the exact number of partitions or parallel processes that you want to run for
Maximum Partitions the AR_AGE parallel process.

Adding More Parallel Processes to the AR_AGE Multiprocess Job

Access the Job Definition page for the AR_AGE job. (Select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Jobs, Job

Job Definition page

Run Mode Always select Parallel.

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Setting Up History and Aging Chapter 8

Process Type and Enter Application Engine for the type and select from AR_AGE2 to AR_AGE8 for
Process Name each separate partition or process that you want to run. If you define additional
process definitions, select the name of the definitions that you added.

Note. You must have the same number of rows in the process list as you enter in
the Maximum Partitions field on the AR Parallel Processing Options page.

Run Always On You must select these check boxes.

Warning and Run
Always On Error

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Adding Additional Aging Process Definitions

Access the Process Definition page. (Select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Processes, Process Definition.)

Complete the fields on this page and the other pages in the Process Definition component (PRCSDEFN) to
match the AR_AGE1 process definition, with two exceptions:

• Use another name.

• Use another description.

Use this format for the name: AR_AGE#, for example AR_AGE9.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

260 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9

Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

This chapter provides an overview of Payment Predictor processing and discusses how to:

• Define algorithm groups.

• Define payment predictor methods.

• Set up parallel processing.

• Select payments for Payment Predictor processing.

• Review payment predictor temporary tables and sections.

Note. This chapter is required. You must complete the tasks discussed in this chapter to implement Payment
Predictor processing.

Understanding Payment Predictor Processing

The Payment Predictor Application Engine process (ARPREDCT) is the automatic cash application process
in PeopleSoft Receivables. It provides an alternative to applying payments using an express deposit or
payment worksheet. Think of Payment Predictor as an automated version of the payment worksheet, which is
used to match payments manually to open items or to create adjustments or write-offs for overpayments and
underpayments. The items, which have a payment method of cash, check, credit card, electronic file transfer,
or giro - EFT, qualify for Payment Predictor processing. The ones with direct debit and draft payment
methods are processed by other processes.

This section discusses:

• Payment Predictor process flow.

• Algorithms and methods.

• Payment Predictor and multicurrency processing.

• Item-level adjustments and reference values.

• Payment Predictor multiprocess job.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 261
Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

Payment Predictor Process Flow

Payment Predictor processes payments in stages. Before you run the Payment Predictor process, you must
establish a hierarchy for processing business units, customers, deposits, and payments. You must also decide
which customers or payments to exclude from Payment Predictor.

The source of payments does not matter when you use Payment Predictor. Payments can be online payments
that are entered in a regular or express deposit, or they can enter the system through an electronic interface,
such as electronic data interchange (EDI), bank statement reconciliation, a lockbox interface, the cash drawer
receipts interface (CDR_LOADPMT), or the Excel Upload Payment process

Each payment must have a Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR ID), customer ID, or some other type
of reference information. The system uses the reference information to match payments to customers.

Payment Predictor first looks for the MICR ID. If it finds a valid MICR ID, it moves on to the next stage. If it
does not find a valid MICR ID, it then looks for a customer ID with a business unit. If it does not find a valid
customer ID with a business unit, then it looks for a customer ID without a business unit and uses the deposit
business unit to determine which setID should identify the customer and the remit from customer.

After Payment Predictor finds and validates the reference information, it stores the results in temporary
tables. The temporary tables are used to identify which payment processing method the system uses.

When you set up Payment Predictor, you create a payment predictor method that includes a detailed set of
instructions for applying payments. The method also includes instructions for handling payments that cannot
be applied, such as placing the payment on the customer's account, generating a payment worksheet so that
the payment can be manually applied, or releasing the payment.

After Payment Predictor has completed every step in the method, it moves the payment information from the
temporary tables to the application tables.

Note. If the only reference information is the deposit business unit, you can direct Payment Predictor to
apply the payment to a control customer. To do so, create a payment predictor method that contains a step
without an identified customer identity and without an instruction to generate an item for a control customer.
Assign this method to the deposit business unit.

This flowchart illustrates the Payment Predictor process flow. Starting with the identification of the reference
information (MICR ID, customer ID, and more), the Payment Predictor process stores this information to
temporary tables, which are used to identify the payment processing method. After Payment Predictor
processes the method's steps, it moves the payment information to the application tables.

262 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

Payment Predictor Process Flow

Algorithms and Methods

Before you use Payment Predictor, you must establish exactly what you want it to do. How will you handle
overpayments and underpayments? Should complex payments be reviewed before posting? You use
algorithms and methods to tell Payment Predictor what kind of payment situations to expect and how to
handle each one.

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Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

Algorithms are SQL statements that match payments with open items according to the criteria that you
specify. Algorithm groups are collections of related algorithms. For example, the algorithm group PASTDUE
includes two algorithms: PASTGR for all past due items without a discount and PASTNET for past due items
with a discount.

Methods are a series of steps that are performed conditionally based on remittance information. Methods
reference one or more algorithm groups.

The Payment Predictor algorithms use SQL to define how to match payments with open items. The program's
flexibility means that the required setup generally needs the attention of the technical members of your
project team who are fluent in SQL, especially for changes to algorithms. For method setup, the more
technical members of the project team require input from the team members who are familiar with your
customers' remittance patterns and exception processing procedures.

Payment Predictor and Multicurrency Processing

Payment Predictor applies payments even if the currency for the item and the currency for the payment are
different. When more than one currency is involved in a payment, Payment Predictor looks at:

• The payment currency (PAYMENT.PAYMENT_CURRENCY).

• The base currency of the deposit business unit (PAYMENT.CURRENCY_CD).

• The item currency (ITEM.BAL_CURRENCY).

• The base currency of the item business unit (ITEM.CURRENCY_CD).

If the currencies are different, the process places the rows that have different currencies in the Payment
Predictor Multicurrency Conversion table (PS_PP_MULTC_TAO). It converts the item amount to the
currency for the payment using the exchange rate on the payment date to do the conversion.

Payment balancing is performed in the payment currency. The PAY_AMT field in the PS_PP_ITEM_TAO
table contains the item amount in the payment currency. When a step in a payment predictor method
generates an item to balance a payment, the Payment Predictor process uses exchange rate information for the
payment and creates the item in the payment currency.

Realized Gain and Loss

The system calculates a gain or loss if a difference exists between the item amount in the base currency for
the business unit of the item on the accounting and payment dates for the item.

If a discount has a gain or loss amount, the amount is included in the realized gain and loss calculation for the

Payment-Level Adjustments

When you use the #REFS algorithm group and one payment in a deposit pays for multiple items, then
Payment Predictor creates one adjustment entry at the payment level instead of the item level. For example, if
a payment pays for two items, Payment Predictor looks at the sum of both items and the payment amount. It
uses this information to determine whether an overpayment or underpayment condition exists and to create
one adjustment entry. The adjustment entry is either an on-account or write-off item.

264 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

Item-Level Adjustments

Detail reference information always includes the amount of the payment that Payment Predictor applies to an
item. If the amount of the payment does not match the amount of the item, Payment Predictor handles it in the
following way:

1. Closes the item as paid in full.

2. Calculates any realized gain or loss based on the entire amount, if needed.

3. Creates a new item based on the action to be taken as defined in the Payment Predictor method with the
exception of the action, Release the Payment. For example, it could put it on account, write it off, make an
adjustment, or make a deduction with an option to create a worksheet for review before posting. The
action choice made in the Payment Predictor method for each condition should be tailored to your specific
business requirements.

For example, a detail payment method could designate the following actions for handling an unmatched

• When the overpayment exceeds 100.00 EUR or 25 percent, it releases payment for next matching.

No new item is created on this condition.

• When the underpayment exceeds 5.00 EUR, it creates a deduction item with the unmatched amount as its
balance amount.

• When the underpayment is less than 5.00 EUR, it creates an item with the amount and writes it off.

The new item has the original item ID in the document field as a reference. The process creates two items
in this case. For underpayments, it creates a WS-07 item to adjust the underpayment and then a WS-11
item (write-off an underpayment).

See Also

Chapter 30, "Processing Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Receivables," Understanding Realized Gain and
Loss Processing, page 938

Item-Level Adjustments and Reference Values

If Payment Predictor creates new on-account, underpayment, overpayment, prepayment, or deduction items
when it applies a partial payment, it assigns the reference information that is provided with the payment to the
new items. The process uses the reference qualifier code in the Payment ID Item table
(PS_PAYMENT_ID_ITEM) to determine what reference field to populate for the new item. If a payment has
multiple references, the process retains all the reference values unless multiple references exist for the same
reference qualifier code.

This table provides an example of how the process assigns reference values if multiple references exist:

Reference Qualifier Code Reference Value Action

I (item) Item100 Does not assign reference value to

new item.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 265
Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

Reference Qualifier Code Reference Value Action

I (item) Item200 Does not assign reference value to

new item.

O (order) Order100 Assigns reference value to new item.

P (purchase order number) PO100 Assigns reference value to new item.

The process populates these fields with reference values:

• Document

• Item ID

• Bill of Lading

• Letter of Credit

• Order Number

• PO Ref (purchase order reference)

• SubCustomer1

• SubCustomer2

If the reference value has the I (item) reference qualifier code and the value is the same as the item ID for the
new item, the process places the reference value in the Document field.

This functionality enables you to match new credits and debits with the items that Payment Predictor creates
using the Automatic Maintenance process (AR_AUTOMNT). To match the items, you should build
automatic maintenance methods that match items by the appropriate reference fields and item amounts. This
functionality is very useful if you use the Cash Drawer Receipts feature to enter payments and deposits for
counter sales.

See Also

Chapter 10, "Setting Up Automatic Maintenance Processing," Setting Up Automatic Maintenance Methods,
page 318

Payment Predictor Multiprocess Job

The Payment Predictor multiprocess job (ARPREDCT) is a shell process that runs multiple subprocesses that
process different sets of data concurrently. The multiprocess job contains two subprocesses that run
sequentially. The second subprocess runs multiple child processes in parallel when you set up parallel
processing for the Payment Predictor process.

• The AR_PREDICT1 Application Engine process gathers the data for the process run, determines how
many rows each parallel process should process, and starts each parallel process.

266 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

• The Payment Predictor multiprocess job (AR_PP) starts after AR_PREDICT1 and calls each of the child
processes that you define for it, such as AR_PP1 or AR_PP2. The child processes are multiprocess jobs
and run in parallel.

Each child process, such as AR_PP1, calls the AR_PREDICT2 Application Engine process, which does
the actual payment application. AR_PREDICT2 matches the payments, updates the application tables,
and generates process instances before ending the process. Each child process has its own process
instance number and set of temporary tables and matches payments independently from the other child

See Also

Chapter 9, "Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing," Setting Up Parallel Processing, page 301

Defining Algorithm Groups

This section provides overviews of algorithm groups, Payment Predictor modes, and sample algorithm
groups, and discusses how to:

• View algorithm groups.

• Deactivate an algorithm in an algorithm group.

• Add an algorithm group.

• Use #DETAIL and #DTL_TLR for partial payments and deductions.

• Use the #OVERDUE algorithm group.

• Review Payment Predictor and special conditions.

Understanding Algorithm Groups

Before you can use Payment Predictor to apply payments automatically, you must select and refine the
algorithms that determine how Payment Predictor handles specific payment situations.

An algorithm group is a collection of related algorithms. An algorithm group represents a section in the
Payment Predictor process and each algorithm in the group represents a step in the section. Each algorithm
has at least three statements:

• A statement that names the algorithm within the group.

• An insert statement that populates the PS_PP_MATCH_TAOtemporary table.

This step is usually named for the algorithm within the group, but it can be named anything.

• A statement that performs the post-match processing.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 267
Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

PeopleSoft Receivables has sample algorithm groups that you can use to set up Payment Predictor. You can
use an algorithm group as delivered. You can deactivate the algorithms in the group that you do not want to
use, copy the same algorithm group to another method, and then deactivate different algorithms. You can
create new algorithm groups as needed by copying algorithms from other algorithm groups and then
modifying the algorithms to suit your particular needs.

Understanding Payment Predictor Modes

Algorithm groups have instructions for processing payments. The instructions are based on the type of
reference information that was used to match payments to customers. This table lists the type of reference

Type Description

Customer reference information Information such as the MICR ID or customer ID that is

supplied with a payment. If a customer reference is not
found, Payment Predictor uses item summary reference
information or detail reference information to identify
the customer.

Item summary reference information Reference information that does not include the amount,
for example, an item ID and reference qualifier code of I
on payment entry.

Item detail reference information Reference information that includes the amount, for
example, item ID and item amount on payment entry.

The following table describes payment predictor modes:

268 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

Payment Predictor Mode Description Payment Predictor Result

Payments with customer identified Selects processing method for If a payment is missing reference
and no item reference information payments that are missing reference information, Payment Predictor
provided. information. places all open items for all of the
customers identified by the payment
into a temporary table called

Note. If the deposit in a Payment

Predictor run has more than one
payment with the same customer ID
and business unit, the process
processes only the first payment
when you are using one of these
algorithm groups: #BALANCE,
#PASTDUE. For example, the
deposit has three payments:

Payment 1: References customer

USA01 and business unit US001.

Payment 2: References customer

USA05 and business unit US001.

Payment 3: References customer

USA05 and business unit US001.

The algorithm group would process

only payments 1 and 2.

Payments with item summary Selects a processing method for Payment Predictor places all
reference information and the payments with summary reference matched open items for all of the
customer identified does not matter. information. (Summary reference customers identified by the payment
information does not include the into a temporary table called
amount. Example: item ID with no PS_PP_ITEM_TAO.
item amount.)

Payments with item detail reference Selects a processing method for Detail reference information
information and the customer payments with detail reference enables you to use Payment
identified does not matter. information (includes amount), for Predictor to process deductions that
example, item ID and item amount. are associated with a payment. For
example, a deduction for prior
freight damages of 100.00 CAD can
be processed with a payment of
900.00 CAD to pay an open item of
1,000.00 CAD. The sum of the
detail reference items less the sum
of the deductions should equal the
payment amount.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 269
Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

Understanding Sample Algorithm Groups

The following table lists the sample algorithm groups that come with PeopleSoft Receivables. As you review
the samples, consider the automatic cash application capabilities of your current system and your customers'
remittance patterns.

Algorithm Group Selects These Open Use For Algorithms in Group


#BALANCE Selects all open items for Payments without item BALGR
identified customers, only references only and
Selects all open items.
if the payment amount customer identified.
exactly matches the open BALNET
items total.
Selects all open items
minus earned discounts.

#COMBOS Selects all open items for Payments without item DEBITGR
identified customers only references only and
Selects a single unique
if the payment amount customer identified.
open item.
matches an item amount,
an item amount with DEBITNT
discount, or the total
amount of any two items. Selects a single unique
The algorithm selects an open item minus earned
item only if only one item discount.
matches the payment ANY2GR
amount or if only two
items match the payment Selects any two unique
amount. For example, if open item balances
the payment amount is combined.
200.00 EUR and one item
for 200.00 EUR exists, it
selects that item.
However, if the payment
amount is 200.00 EUR
and two items exist, each
for 200.00 EUR, it does
not select any items.

#OLDEST1 Selects items with oldest Payments without item OLDEST

due dates first until the references only and
Selects open items in
remaining payment customer identified.
oldest first order by due
amount is less than the
date. Creates a partial
next item.
payment for the next

270 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

Algorithm Group Selects These Open Use For Algorithms in Group


#OLDESTC Adds all items with credit Payments without item CREDITS
balances to the payment references only and
First adds all credits to
amount. Then selects customer identified.
the payment amount.
items with debit balances
Then selects open items
in oldest due dates order
in oldest first order by
until the remaining
due date. Creates a partial
payment amount is less
payment for the next
than the next item.

#OVERDUE Selects all overdue items Payments without item OVERDUE

for payment matching references only and
Selects the items to apply
using the sequence of the customer identified.
to the payment. First uses
entry reasons associated
the sequence of overdue
with overdue charges..
entry reasons.
Then selects open items
in oldest first order by
due date. Creates a partial
payment for the next

#PASTDUE Selects all past-due items Payments without item PASTGR

for the customers references only and
Selects all past-due open
identified only if the customer identified.
payment amount exactly
matches the total of the PASTNET
past-due items.
Selects all past-due open
items minus earned

#REFS Selects only open items Payments with item ITEMREF

that exactly match the summary references only
Selects all open items
references supplied with a and customer identified
identified by the
payment. does not matter.
references regardless of
customer identification.
Enables you to add a
unique debit or credit
item for an underpayment
or overpayment that
completes the application.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 271
Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

Algorithm Group Selects These Open Use For Algorithms in Group


#REF_ONE Selects only open items Payments with item ONECUST

that exactly match the summary references only
Selects all open items
references supplied with a and customer identified.
identified by the
references limited to the
customer whose MICR
ID or customer ID is
supplied with the
payment. Enables you to
add a unique debit or
credit item that completes
the application.

#REFS_NG Uses reference Payments with item PeopleSoft Receivables

information that does not summary references only includes these algorithms
exactly match to select and customer identified as samples of possible
items. does not matter. ways for dealing with bad
references. They are
platform-specific and you
can take advantage of any
functions that your
database allows.
Selects all open items
identified by the first
eight characters of the
Selects all open items
identified by the seven
characters after the first
four characters in the

#DETAIL Selects only open items Payments with item detail DETAIL
that exactly match the references only and
Selects all open items
references supplied with a customer identified does
identified by matched
payment. not matter. Created
references. Also accepts
adjustments only adjust
WS-08 deduction
remaining overpayment
references. Payments
or underpayment.
with detail references
should balance, but if not,
the #DETAIL algorithm
creates an Adjust
Underpayment item for
underpayments or an
Adjust Remaining
Overpayment item for

272 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

Algorithm Group Selects These Open Use For Algorithms in Group


#DTL_TLR Selects only open items Payments with item detail DTL_TLR
that exactly match the references only and
Selects all open items
references supplied with a customer identified does
identified by matched
payment. not matter.
references. Closes items
that match the payment
amount. If an
underpayment exceeds
the tolerances, it looks at
the bill to customer to
determine whether partial
payments are allowed. If
they are allowed, it
creates a partial payment
on the item. The actions
taken are based on the
selections on the
Receivables Options -
Predictor Detail Options

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 273
Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

Algorithm Group Selects These Open Use For Algorithms in Group


#DTL_PM Selects only open items Payments with item detail #DTL_PM:
that exactly or references. Identified
approximately match the customer does not matter. • First Pass:
detail references supplied
with a payment. Selects all open items
identified by matched
references, including
deduction references

• Second pass:

Whenever an
overpayment is about
to be created and
there are unmatched
items referenced in
the payment, this
algorithm serves as
an example of how to
deal with bad
references. You can
easily modify the
algorithm to adapt to
your organization's
needs for matching
open items.

• FIRST8 :

Selects all open

items identified
by the first eight
characters of the


Selects all open

items identified
by the seven
characters after
the first four
characters in the
Payments handled by this
algorithm method should
balance. If any of the
payments do not balance,
the #DTL_PM algorithm
creates an Adjust
Underpayment item (WS-
07) for underpayments or

274 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

Algorithm Group Selects These Open Use For Algorithms in Group


an Adjust Remaining
Overpayment item (WS-
06) for overpayments.
If the customer cannot be
identified for the new
item, the algorithm
applies the payment item
based on the value
selected (First, Last,
Specify) for the Control
Customer and Business
Unit field on the
Receivables Options,
Predictor Details Options

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 275
Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

Algorithm Group Selects These Open Use For Algorithms in Group


#DTL_TPM Selects open items that Payments with item detail #DTL_TPM:
exactly or approximately references only and
match the detail reference customer identified does • First Pass:
item supplied with the not matter.
payment. • Selects all open items
identified by exactly
matched references.

• Second Pass:

Whenever an
overpayment is about
to be created, and
there are unmatched
items referenced in
the payment, this
algorithm serves as
an example of how to
deal with bad
references. You can
easily modify the
algorithm to adapt to
your organization's
needs for matching
open items.

• FIRST8 :

Selects all open

items identified
by the first eight
characters of the


Selects all open

items identified
by the seven
characters after
the first four
characters in the
If an underpayment
exceeds the tolerances
specified on the
Receivables Options,
Predictor Detail Options
page. The system looks at
the Bill To customer to
see whether partial
payments are allowed. If
partial payments are
allowed, it creates a

276 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

Algorithm Group Selects These Open Use For Algorithms in Group


partial payment on the

If the customer cannot be
identified for the new
item, the algorithm
applies the payment item
based on the value
selected (First, Last,
Specify) for the Control
Customer and Business
Unit field on the
Receivables Options,
Predictor Details Options

#STATMNT Selects items from the Payments without item STMTALL

most recent customer detail references and
Selects items from the
statement. customer identified.
most recent statement.
The payment amount
must exactly match the
total amount of the items
on the statement.

Viewing Algorithm Groups

This section explains how to view the contents of an algorithm group.

To view an algorithm group:

1. Open the AR_PREDICT2 Application Engine program in Application Designer.

2. Locate the name of the algorithm group in the sections.

Algorithm groups have names that start with # and appear first in the list.

3. To view details about the algorithms (steps), expand the algorithm group.

Some algorithm groups, such as #BALANCE and #REFS, may have steps in a repeating pattern. More
details about this pattern are in the example that follows this procedure.

4. To view the SQL statement, double-click the SQL folder for the algorithm.

Example: #BALANCE

To understand how a customer-based algorithm group works, examine #BALANCE. This algorithm group
compares the amount of the payment to the total of all items for the customer. When you scroll through the
steps, you might notice that the steps have a pattern: ALGO_1, BALGR, ALGO_X1, then ALGO_2,

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 277
Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

Payment Predictor evaluates overpayments and underpayments based on the information in the
PS_PP_MATCH_TAO. As long as an item has not been selected by another payment, it either fully applies a
payment (if it matches the balance of all open items) or it does not apply it at all. An overpayment or
underpayment condition cannot exist.

In one case, however, an overpayment condition can exist. Payment Predictor processes two payments
together for the same customer, and the first payment pays one item while the second payment pays the entire
customer balance including that same item. This situation might occur if the customer forgets that the first
payment has already been made when they create the second payment. In this case, Payment Predictor
determines that the sum of the open items matches the amount of the payment. It inserts rows only for items
that are not already selected by another payment into the PS_MATCH_TAO temporary table. In this limited
case, Payment Predictor detects and evaluates an overpayment condition.

If in your business environment applying a tolerance to the evaluation of a balance makes sense, modify the
algorithm to include a tolerance calculation. This modification directs Payment Predictor to insert into
PS_PP_MATCH_TAO item rows for which the total nearly, but not exactly, matches the amount of the
payment. This tolerance calculation then enables Payment Predictor to recognize an overpayment or
underpayment condition and then to take the appropriate action. This table describes the steps in the
#BALANCE algorithm group:

Step Description

ALGO_1 Sets the name of the algorithm within the group. It updates the payment for any
payments applied by this algorithm.
Type: Select
%SelectInit(ALGORITHM )
WHERE 1 = 1

"THE INSERT" Populates PS_PP_MATCH_TAO. This step is usually named for the algorithm
within the group but can be called anything. In this algorithm, the name of the
first algorithm is BALGR.
Type: Update/Insert/Delete

278 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

Step Description

ALGO_X1 If the system works after the process populates PS_PP_MATCH_TAO, it

removes invalid items from PS_PP_MATCH_TAO and classifies the payment
as either fully applied, over-applied, or under-applied. Runs a section called
Type: Do When

ALGO_2 The name of the second algorithm in the group if more than one exists.
Type: Select
%SelectInit(ALGORITHM )

"THE INSERT" Populates PS_PP_MATCH_TAO. This step is usually named for the algorithm
within the group, but can be called anything. In this algorithm, the name of the
second algorithm is BALNET.
Type: Update/Insert/Delete

ALGO_X2 If the system works for the second algorithm after the process populates
PS_PP_MATCH_TAO, it removes invalid items from PS_PP_MATCH_TAO
and classifies the payment as either fully applied, over-applied, or under-
applied. Runs a section called ALGRDONE.
Type: Do When

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 279
Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

Example: #REFS

To understand how an item-summary-reference-based algorithm group works, examine #REFS. This

algorithm group has one algorithm that selects only open items that exactly match the references supplied
with a payment. When you scroll through the steps, you may notice that the steps have a pattern.

To help you understand how #REFS works, this table describes the steps.

Step Description

ALGO_1 Sets the name of the algorithm within the group and updates the payment for
any payments applied by this algorithm.

MATCHTMP2 Clears the PS_PP_MATCH2_TAO table.

ITEMREF Populates PS_PP_MATCH2_TAO. It is done once for each unique reference

qualifier that is used by the payments to be applied. If a payment is in both
PS_PP_MATCH2_TAO and PS_PP_MATCH_TAO, it removes it from
PS_PP_MATCH2_TAO. Then it copies the data from PS_PP_MATCH2_TAO

ALGR_A1 Removes invalid items from PS_PP_MATCH_TAO.

ALGR_B1 Processes matches.

ALGR_C1 Updates payment status.

ALGO_D1 Retrieves counts.

ALGO_E1 Sets PP_PROC_FLAG to 1 and ends the matching process.

Example: #REFS_NG

The #REFS_NG algorithm group has algorithms that you can modify to handle references that do not match
items exactly. They are platform-specific and you should feel free to take advantage of any functions that
your database allows. Because this algorithm group compares a partial ID and returns any possible matches,
the processing time for this algorithm group is longer than for other algorithm groups. Use this algorithm
group only when no other way is available to create matches, and always set up the payment predictor method
to generate a worksheet, where you review and finalize the payment.

The following table describes the two algorithms in the #REFS_NG algorithm group:

280 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

Algorithm Description

FIRST8 Matches the first eight characters in the reference information to the first eight characters of the
specified fields on the item in the database.
You can change the parameters in the %substring from either side of the equation, depending on
how you want to match.
%Substring(I.%Bind(FIELDNAME, NOQUOTES), 1, 8) = %Substring(%Sql⇒
%Bind(REF_VALUE), 30), 1, 8)

MIDDLE7 Skips the first three characters and matches the middle seven characters in the reference
information to the middle seven characters of the specified fields on the item in the database.
%Substring(I.%Bind(FIELDNAME, NOQUOTES), 4, 7) = %Substring(%Sql⇒
%Bind(REF_VALUE), 30), 1, 7))

Deactivating an Algorithm in an Algorithm Group

This section explains how to deactivate algorithms in an algorithm group that you do not want to use. For
example, the #BALANCE algorithm group has two algorithms that are similar, but you need only one of

To deactivate an algorithm:

1. Open the AR_PREDICT2 Application Engine program in Application Designer.

2. Locate the name of the algorithm group in the sections.

Algorithm groups have names that start with # and appear first in the list.

3. Expand the algorithm group and locate the step (algorithm) that you want to deactivate.

4. Clear the Active check box to deactivate the algorithm.

Adding an Algorithm Group

You can add an algorithm group by copying algorithms from an existing algorithm group. Oracle recommens
copying whenever possible. However, if copying is not permitted on the platform that you are using, you can
write one yourself.

To add a new algorithm group:

1. Open the AR_PREDICT2 Application Engine program in Application Designer.

2. Select Insert, Section.

A new section titled Section1 appears in the list.

3. Type over the name of Section1 algorithm group.

The new name must start with #. For example: #NEW.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 281
Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

4. Save your work.

5. Copy algorithms from existing algorithm groups and paste them into the new algorithm group.

Each algorithm requires a minimum of three statements: name, insert, and post match system processing.

If the algorithm is customer-based, copy an existing algorithm that is most similar to the one that you
want to create.

If the algorithm is reference-based, copy #REFS.

To copy, right-click the section that you want to copy and select Copy.

To paste, right-click the section where you want to insert the new section and select Paste.

6. Copy and paste the SQL statements for each step.

To copy, right-click the appropriate action and select View SQL.

To paste, right-click the appropriate action folder in the new section and select Paste.

7. Modify the SQL as needed.

Using #DETAIL and #DTL_TLR for Partial Payments and Deductions

This section provides tips for using the #DETAIL or #DTL_TLR algorithm group. You must select one of
these algorithm groups to process detail reference information that includes the amount of the item, as well as
an item ID.

Typically, you use the #DETAIL algorithm group for payment-level adjustments and the #DTL_TLR group
for partial payments and discounts.

The #DETAIL algorithm group handles exceptions as either an overpayment adjustment (AO) or an
underpayment adjustment (AU), unless a create a deduction (WS-08) transaction or a write-off an item (WS-
09) transaction is entered on the Detail Reference Information page for the payment (PAYMENT_ID_ITEM
record). The #DETAIL algorithm group can assign only AO or AU entry types. Because the entry types
assigned by the #DETAIL algorithm group are predefined by the system, you do not need to define more
steps when using this algorithm group to create a payment method.

The #DTL_TLR algorithm group enables you to specify the desired entry type and entry reason for handling
exceptions. When you are using the #DTL_TLR algorithm group, the action that Payment Predictor takes for
underpayments, overpayments, and discounts is based on the options specified on the Receivables Options -
Predictor Detail Options page. Because you specify the adjustments assigned by the #DTL_TLR algorithm
group, you do not need to define more steps when using this algorithm group to create a payment method.

Detail reference information for a particular payment is stored in the following fields of the

Field Description

ITEM_AMT The gross amount of the item selected to be paid.

PAY_AMT The net amount of the item selected to be paid.

282 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

Field Description

DISC_TAKEN The discount amount applied to the item.

Either PAY_AMT or else both ITEM_AMT and DISC_TAKEN must be positive numbers. If all these
amounts are provided, Payment Predictor uses only PAY_AMT.

Using #DETAIL for Deductions

The #DETAIL algorithm group enables you to take deductions. For a deduction to occur, in the
PAYMENT_ID_ITEM record, the ENTRY_USE_ID must be WS-08 (create a deduction). The record should
also contain item reference information, including the business unit, customer ID, and item ID. For existing
items, the deduction must be for the open item that is selected for the current payment. In addition, the sum of
the payment amount and the deduction amount must equal the item balance. For example, if your customer
wants to take a deduction for 50 USD on an item balance of 1,000 USD, then the payment amount must be
950 USD.

Using #DETAIL for Write-offs

The #DETAIL algorithm group enables you to deduct a write-off at the item level. For a write-off to occur,
the ENTRY_USE_ID must be WS-09 (Write-Off) in the PAYMENT_ID_ITEM record. The record should
also contain item reference information, including the business unit, customer ID, and item ID. To process a
write-off using #DETAIL, you must also have a payment (PY) transaction for the same item in the
PAYMENT_ID_ITEM record, and you must select the Partial Payment Switch field on the Bill To Options
page for the customer. In addition, the detail references must equal the item amount. For example, if you have
an item for 1,000 USD and you want to eliminate a 50 USD write-off from that balance, then the payment
amount must be 950 USD. In this example, the Pay Amt field in the PAYMENT_ID_ITEM record must also
be 950 USD.

Using #DTL_TLR for Partial Payments and Discounts

If Payment Predictor runs a payment predictor method that contains the #DTL_TLR algorithm group, the
processing of partial payments differs depending on how you set up the tolerances on the Receivables Options
- Predictor Detail Options page and whether you selected the Partial Payment Switch field on the Bill To
Options page for the customer.

If you select the Partial Payment Switch check box, the process performs one of the following actions:

• If the payment amount is less than the open balance amount minus the earned discount amount, the
process performs one of the following actions:

• If the remaining amount is within the tolerances on the Receivables Options - Predictor Details
Options page, it closes the item and creates a write-off or adjustment based on the setup.

• If the remaining amount is greater than the tolerances on the Receivables Options - Predictor Details
Options page, it makes a partial payment and leaves the remaining amount open on the item.

• If the payment amount is greater than the open balance amount minus the earned discount amount, the
process pays the item in full and uses the values that you entered on the Receivables Options - Predictor
Details Options page to determine whether to eliminate as a write-off or adjust an overpayment.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 283
Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

If you clear the Partial Payment Switch check box, the process uses the values that you entered on the
Receivables Options - Predictor Details page to determine whether to eliminate as a write-off or adjust an
underpayment or overpayment.

For example, suppose that the tolerance amount is set at 50.00 USD and the percentage is set at 10 percent. If
a payment of 90.00 USD is received after the payment term for the discount has expired for a 100.00 USD
item, the payment will be within tolerance because the 10.00 USD short pay is less than the fixed tolerance
amount of 50.00 USD and the calculated amount of 10 percent using 100 × 0.10. Therefore, the 10.00 USD of
the short pay amount is adjusted or eliminated as a write-off based on what is specified using the Payment
Predictor detail options.

A condition exceeds tolerance if it either exceeds the fixed tolerance amount or exceeds the tolerance
percentage. In that case, you can set up Payment Predictor to take a different action for overpayments and

Note. If an item does not qualify for an earned discount but the Disc (discount) field is selected for the item
on the Detail Reference Information page and a discount amount is entered, the process takes the unearned
discount. The process takes the unearned discount regardless of the setting of the Partial Payment Switch

To set up your system to use tolerances for partial payments and discounts, you must perform the following

• Assign the #DTL_TLR algorithm group to payment predictor methods.

• Select or clear the Partial Payment Switch check box for customers for whom you want to apply payments
using the #DTL_TLR algorithm group on the Bill To Options page.

• Assign a payment predictor method that runs the #DTL_TLR algorithm group to customers on the Bill To
Options page or to business units on the Receivables Options - Payment Options page.

• Assign the entry types and reasons for the #DTL_TLR algorithm group to the appropriate automatic entry
types on the Automatic Entry Type - Selection page.

• Select the Disc (discount) check box and enter a discount amount on the Detail Reference Information

• Define the discount tolerances and write-off limits for underpayments and overpayments on the
Receivable Options - Predictor Detail Options page.

• (Optional) Override the default system function to use for underpayments and overpayments and
unearned discounts on the Receivables Options - Predictor Detail Options page.

This table represents various scenarios and how Payment Predictor handles payments, earned discounts, and
unearned discounts. All amounts are in USD.

284 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

Origina Payme Entered Discou Calcula Calcula Action Partial Results after Item Closi
l nt Discou nt ted ted Item Paymen running Statu ng
Balanc Amoun nt Check Earned Unearn t Payment s Balan
e t Box Discou ed Allowed Predictor and ce
Amoun Selecte nt Discou Receivables
t d nt Update

1000 980 0 Y 20 0 0 Yes or 20 USD earned Close 0

No discount is d

1000 1000 0 N 0 0 0 Yes or Apply payment Close 0

No in full and d
close the item.

1000 990 10 Y 0 10 0 Yes or 10 USD Close 0

No unearned d
discount is
taken (within
the tolerance

1000 960 40 Y 0 40 0 No 40 USD Close 0

deduction item d
is created (the
discount is not
within the
amount, a
partial payment
is not allowed,
and the
is not within
the specified

1000 960 40 Y 0 40 0 Yes Process a Open 40

partial payment
(the discount is
not within the

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 285
Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

Origina Payme Entered Discou Calcula Calcula Action Partial Results after Item Closi
l nt Discou nt ted ted Item Paymen running Statu ng
Balanc Amoun nt Check Earned Unearn t Payment s Balan
e t Box Discou ed Allowed Predictor and ce
Amoun Selecte nt Discou Receivables
t d nt Update

1000 980 10 Y 0 10 10 Yes or 10 USD Close 0

(WAU) No underpayment d
is written off
(the discount is
within the
amount and the
is within the
percent or

1000 1010 0 N 0 0 10 Yes or 10 USD Close 0

(WAO) No overpayment is d
written off (the
overpayment is
within the
percent or

1000 1010 0 Y 20 0 30 (OA) Yes or New on- Close 0

No account item is d
created (the
overpayment is
above the
percent or

1000 490 10 Y 0 10 0 Yes Process the Open 510

partial payment
(the discount is
not within the

286 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

Origina Payme Entered Discou Calcula Calcula Action Partial Results after Item Closi
l nt Discou nt ted ted Item Paymen running Statu ng
Balanc Amoun nt Check Earned Unearn t Payment s Balan
e t Box Discou ed Allowed Predictor and ce
Amoun Selecte nt Discou Receivables
t d nt Update

1000 490 10 Y 0 10 0 No 510 USD Close 0

deduction item d
is created (the
discount is not
within the
amount and a
partial payment
is not allowed).

See Also

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Setting Up Automatic Entry Types, page

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Selecting Payment Predictor Options, page 36

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General Customer
Information," Entering Additional Billing, Purchasing, Payment, and Write-Off Options for Bill To

Using #DTL_PM and #DTL_TPM to Handle Unmatched Payments

When the Payment Predictor process (ARPREDCT) runs, the PeopleSoft Receivables #DETAIL algorithm
processes every item that gets matched with payment lines. If a payment has ten item detail references and
nine of them match exactly and one remains unmatched, the nine matched item detail references are
processed, while the unmatched item detail reference is not processed and remains untouched. In this case, an
overpayment is usually created and the detail reference is lost.

When the payments and their item references get loaded from an external system, the system usually does not
verify that the items exist. These unmatched items are usually off by a letter or two, which prevents the
payments from being applied.

Before these processes can create these new items, you must access the Receivables Options – Predictor
Detail Options page and select one of these values for the new Control Bus Unit and Customer field:

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Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

The #DTL_PM (partial match) and #DTL_TPM (tolerance partial match) algorithms identify items to be
matched with a payment using the detail reference information in the first pass, just like the #DETAIL
algorithm. The referenced customer does not matter. If, after this initial pass, the entire payment was not
applied and an underpayment item must be created, and items were referenced in the payment that the
#DETAIL algorithm method did not match, then a second payment predictor pass tries to match any
unmatched items. In the second pass, the remaining payment amount from the first pass is considered, and a
LIKE construct searches for the items that were not matched in the first pass. The referenced customer does
not matter. The algorithm only uses the item as a reference. All of the items that are matched in the second
pass are added to the ones found in the first pass, and from that point on these items will be treated as if they
were all found in a single pass. Payments handled by this algorithm method should balance. However, if they
do not balance, the #DTL_PM method creates an Adjust Remaining Underpayment item (WS-07) for
underpayments or an Adjust Remaining Overpayment item (WS-06) for overpayments.

For example, there are ten payment lines with detail reference information. However, an item ID of one of the
payment lines is off by a letter. The algorithm matches, but does not close, the first nine payment lines, and
tries to match the tenth payment line by approximation using the FIRST8 or MIDDLE7 methods. If the match
is successful, then the ten items will be in the same location, and all ten of the items will be processed and

However, if the algorithm is unable to match the tenth item, the algorithm closes the nine items, and the tenth
item remains outstanding. The algorithm creates an adjustment payment item (underpayment or overpayment)
for the remaining payment amount. The system places this adjustment item either on a worksheet or on a
customer account, depending on the setup.

The #DTL_TPM algorithm processes just like the #DTL_PM during the first and second passes through
Payment Predictor. However, if an underpayment exists, #DTL_PM checks the tolerances and rules set up on
the Receivable Options, Predictor Detail Options page. If an underpayment exceeds these tolerances, the
system checks whether the Bill To customer allows partial payments. If partial payments are allowed, the
system creates a partial payment of the item.

Important! Before the #DTL_PM and #DTL_TPM algorithms can create these new items, you must access
the Receivables Options, Predictor Detail Options page and select a value in the Control Bus Unit and
Customer field:

See Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Selecting Payment Predictor Options,
page 36.

Using the #OVERDUE Algorithm Group

The #OVERDUE algorithm group handles payments for overdue charge line items. If you use the option to
create overdue charges by item line, you can create payment predictor methods that use this algorithm group.
You assign a sequence number to each entry reason for the overdue charge (FC-01) item entry type on the
Item Entry Type - Selection page. Payment Predictor uses this sequence number to determine the order in
which to pay the overdue charge line items. The #OVERDUE algorithm group handles payments based on
certain conditions:

• Payment Predictor applies payments and any credit amount available to all overdue charges first before
the remaining amount is disbursed to the principal amount.

• Payment Predictor applies a partial payment to the first item after the last fully paid item in the sequence
if insufficient funds are available to pay for remaining open overdue charge line items.

The sequence is determined by due date in ascending order. If any credit amount is available, Payment
Predictor applies it as part of the payment.

288 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

To set up your system to use the #OVERDUE algorithm group, perform these tasks:

1. Set up the sequence number for each entry reason for the overdue charge item entry type.

2. Set up a payment predictor method containing the #OVERDUE algorithm group.

3. Assign a payment predictor method that contains the #OVERDUE algorithm group to customers.

Example: #OVERDUE Algorithm Group

This section provides an example of how payment predictor applies payments to overdue charge line items.

This table lists the sequence numbers that are assigned to the entry reasons for the automatic entry type for
finance charges for this example:

Entry Reason Sequence Number



This table lists items and finance charge line items that are open for a customer:

Item Line Number Due Date Entry Type Entry Reason Balance

IT_OC1 1 March 17, 2002 OC ADMIN 16.16 USD

IT_OC2 1 March 17, 2002 OC ADMIN 32.32 USD

IT_OC2 2 March 17, 2002 OC FIN 32.32 USD

IT_OC1 2 March 17, 2002 OC FIN 16.16 USD

IC_OC1 3 March 17, 2002 OC PNLTY 16.16 USD

IC_OC2 3 March 17, 2002 OC PNLTY 32.32 USD

IT_OC1 0 March 3, 2002 IN Not Applicable 1000.00 USD

IT_OC2 0 March 3, 2002 IN Not Applicable 2000.00 USD

This table lists the sequence numbers that Payment Predictor would apply to the items to determine the
payment order:

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Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

Item Line Number Due Date Overdue Charge

Sequence Number

IT-OC1 1 March 17, 2002 1

IT_OC2 1 March 17, 2002 1

IT_OC1 3 March 17, 2002 2

IT_OC2 3 March 17, 2002 2

IT_OC1 0 March 3, 2002 9

IT_OC2 0 March 3, 2002 9

IT_OC1 2 March 17, 2002 9

IT_OC2 2 March 17, 2002 9

This table shows what the results would be if you applied a 50.00 payment to the customer.

Payment Amount ITEM ID ITEM Line TYPE

16.16 USD IT_OC1 1 PY

32.32 USD IT_OC2 1 PY

1.52 USD IC_OC1 3 PY

See Also

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Setting Up Item Entry Types, page 84

Reviewing Payment Predictor and Special Conditions

This section provides background information about how algorithms handle special conditions.

To handle special conditions, Payment Predictor uses statements that run within the algorithm group or within
sections that are done from the algorithm group. This functionality enables Payment Predictor to segment
processing so that the answer set can be modified between segments. Payment Predictor uses a DO SELECT
statement that is driven by the same SQL statement to run the statements.

290 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

Reference-Based Algorithms

To process a reference-based algorithm, Payment Predictor builds a list of references for all payments in the
run. Then, for each type of reference used, it modifies and processes the algorithm dynamically. For example,
if any payments in the run have ITEM references, it modifies the SQL to "AND I.ITEM = D.REF_VALUE
AND D.REF_QUALIFIER_CODE = 'I'." Oracle recommends that you use an index based over PS_ITEM for
each type of reference that you use regularly.

In the ID_ITEM section, Payment Predictor uses the reference to identify a customer by using the item. In the
ITEM_REF algorithm, a DO SELECT drives a DO of the section RLOOP. This action populates the
PS_PP_MATCH_TAO temporary table using the same two lines and %BIND variables concatenated at the
end of the basic insert that joins the payment, items, and item references.

Limiting Items Applied by References to Customer-Identified Items

Normally, a payment with an item reference pays items regardless of the item's customer ID. In cases in
which you receive both reference information and customer identification, Payment Predictor restricts the
items applied by references to the customers identified through the use of an algorithm group called
#REFS_ONE. The #REFS_ONE algorithm group contains a section, ONE_CUST, that deletes from the
PS_PP_MATCH_TAO record those rows in which the customer is not part of the remit from group
associated with the MICR ID or the customer. This statement has no effect if the MICR ID or customer ID is

Ordering by Oldest Due Date First

Payment Predictor loads all the customer items into the PS_PP_MATCH_TAO record to perform oldest first
processing (ordering items with the oldest item first). It loops through the items, record by record, in oldest
due date first order and then deletes any unused records. Payment Predictor uses two algorithm groups that
accomplish the same result in the same manner. They selectively eliminate items from the
PS_PP_MATCH_TAO record with an ordering option. The two algorithms are:

• #OLDEST1: Orders open items from oldest to latest due date, including credit items.

• #OLDESTC: Includes all credits as part of the payment first, then applies payments.

Orders the remaining items from oldest to latest due date.

Allowing Partial Payments

If you are using the #OLDEST or #OLDESTC algorithm, Payment Predictor always makes partial payments
on the last item that depletes the remainder payment amount for bill to customers when the payment amount
does not exactly match the sum of the matched items. If you are using DTL_TLR (detail with tolerance
algorithm), Payment Predictor makes partial payments when the payment amount does not exactly match the
item balance amount and if the customer has been set up for partial payments on the Bill To Options page.

See Chapter 9, "Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing," Using #DETAIL and #DTL_TLR for Partial
Payments and Deductions, page 282.

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Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

Setting Up for Prepayments

If your organization receives payments that are prepayments for specific invoices that you created in your
billing application, you can set up Payment Predictor to create Prepay Items (WS-04). To take advantage of
this feature, you must receive the invoice number in the ITEM field on the PS_PAYMENT_ID_ITEM record.
You must also activate the NOTFOUND step (algorithm) in the DETAIL section (algorithm group) of the
AR_PREDICT1 Application Engine process. You must also use a payment predictor method that uses detail

Using this feature is the same as creating a prepayment item on the payment worksheet. Payment Predictor
applies the prepayment to an item later—after you enter an item in PeopleSoft Receivables that has an item
ID that matches the value that you received in the ITEM field in the PAYMENT_ID_ITEM record.

Defining Payment Predictor Methods

To define payment predictor methods, use the Predictor Method (PP_METHODS) and Predictor Method
Review (METHOD_REVIEW) components.

This section provides an overview of payment predictor methods, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to:

• Define a payment predictor method.

• Review an example of a payment predictor method.

Understanding Payment Predictor Methods

A payment predictor method tells Payment Predictor how to handle the different situations it encounters
during processing. Each method consists of a series of conditions and actions based on remittance
information. You can define as many methods as you want, but keep the methods as simple as possible and
tailor them closely to the remittance patterns of your customers to optimize the efficiency of auto matching.
Although PeopleSoft Receivables ships with sample methods, you must create your own methods and assign
them to a setID or individual customers.

Ideally, the methods that you define should enable Payment Predictor to apply all your regular payments,
leaving only the exceptions to be applied online using payment worksheets. To minimize the number of
exceptions, your methods must reflect the ways that your customers pay you. You can assign methods to an
entire business unit or to specific customers so that you can tailor your methods to groups of customers with
similar payment practices.

If you have a mixed situation with some overrides, diagnosing problems is much easier if your methods are
stored under one setID. Deposit business unit values and item business unit values, if different, should both
point to the same, common TableSet. Oracle also recommends that you keep the number of methods that you
use to a minimum. Start with one method that is specified at the deposit business unit level. Then add
methods for handling customers who consistently pay you in a way that is different from your other remit
from customers.

When you define a payment predictor method, consider the reference information that comes with the
payment and how it can be used to match the payment to the customer. The type of reference information
determines which algorithms you use.

Oracle recommends that the first algorithm group in a method apply the most payments.

292 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

Important! If you use the vendor rebate option in PeopleSoft Purchasing or the claim back option in
PeopleSoft Order Management, create payment predictor methods that do not write off the remaining balance
for items. Assign those methods to the business unit that is set up for vendor rebate and claimback processing.
Use the Claims Management Workbench in PeopleSoft Purchasing or PeopleSoft Order Management to
handle write-offs. This enables the system to determine whether the write-offs meet the write-off tolerances
for claim processing.

Payments Without Reference Information

For payments with no reference information, use the following algorithm groups.








Payments with Summary Reference Information

For payments with summary reference information (that is, references with item identification but no
amount), use the following algorithm groups:




If you use the Cash Drawer Receipts feature to record payments for counter sales, use one of these algorithm
groups in your payment predictor method to apply the payments.

Note. Use an algorithm group for detail references if you receive payments with summary reference
information that pay for multiple line items with the same item ID.

Payments with Detail Reference Information

For payments with detail reference information (that is, references with item identification and amount), use
the following algorithm groups:





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Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

See Also

Chapter 9, "Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing," Understanding Payment Predictor Modes, page 268

Chapter 9, "Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing," Understanding Sample Algorithm Groups, page 270

You must define the algorithm groups for payment methods, because methods use algorithm groups to select

Pages Used to Define a Payment Predictor Method

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Predictor Method PP_METHODS_TABLE Setup Financials/Supply Define a payment predictor

Chain, Product Related, method.
Receivables, Payments,
Predictor Method, Predictor

Predictor Method Review - PP_METHODS_REVIEW Setup Financials/Supply View, but do not change, an
Review Chain, Product Related, existing payment predictor
Receivables, Payments, method. The fields on this
Predictor Method Review, page are identical to those
Review on the Predictor Method

Defining a Payment Predictor Method

Access the Predictor Method page. (Select Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Payments, Predictor Method, Predictor Method.)

294 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

Predictor Method page


Each step consists of one or more payment conditions; each condition has an action. The step number
determines the order in which the step is processed in the method.

Click the Order buttons to change the order of the steps.

Customers Identified Select if customers must be identified for this step. Values are: None, One, More
Than One, and Doesn't Matter.

References Supplied Select the type of reference information that the payment must have for this step.
Values are:
Summary: Use summary references (references such as an invoice number
without amounts).
Detail: Use detail references (references such as an item ID with an amount).
No: No reference identification.
Doesn't Matter: Process the step with or without reference information.
In some cases, you do not care about customer information or payment
references. For example, if you receive payment references, you can designate
that customer information Doesn't Matter or vice versa. You might even define a
step using Doesn't Matter in both cases: no matter how many customers are
involved and regardless of payment reference information, take the specified

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Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

Exclude Disputed Items Select if you do not want to apply payments to items in dispute.

Exclude Deduction Select if you do not want to apply payments to deductions.


Condition and Action

A step must have at least one condition. You can assign up to seven conditions to a step and select one of five
actions for each condition. The conditions cannot conflict with each other. The number of the condition
determines the order in which it will be processed within the step. Values are:

1. First...

2. Any Overpayment

3. Overpayment Exceeds

4. Overpayment Is Less Than

5. Any Underpayment

6. Underpayment Exceeds

7. Underpayment Is Less Than

Note. If you use Any Overpayment or Any Underpayment, you cannot use the tolerance choices for
overpayments or underpayments that exceed or fall short of a certain amount. The reverse is also true. If you
use Overpayment Exceeds, Underpayment Exceeds, or Underpayment Is Less Than, you cannot use Any
Overpayment or Any Underpayment. The exceptions are the #DTL_TLR and the #DTL_TPM algorithm
group. For the #DTL_TLR and #DTL_TPM algorithm groups, you should not select any of the underpayment
or overpayment conditions. The conditions for exceptions for this algorithm group are defined using the
Predictor Detail Options page.

See Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Selecting Payment Predictor Options,
page 36.

Amount or Percent If you select an overpayment or underpayment, enter values in one or both of
these fields. For example, you can specify an action when an overpayment is less
than 100.00 EUR or less than 12 percent of the payment. If you specify both an
amount and a percent, the system processes the overpayment or underpayment as
long as one of the tolerance criteria is met. You can specify only one set of
tolerance criteria for each condition. Enter the currency for the amount to enable
the system to convert amounts properly when determining whether a write-off
amount meets the tolerance.

You must select one of the following actions:

296 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

Release The Payment Select to have Payment Predictor reset the payment for processing in a
subsequent step. Normally, if Payment Predictor has applied even part of a
payment, it ignores that payment in future steps. You can release the payment
several times within a method.
Not available for condition 1, First.

Execute Algorithm Select to have Payment Predictor run the SQL statements that are predefined as
Group part of the selected algorithm group. A field appears to the right, so you can
select the algorithm group.
If the method results in successful application, the payment status is Applied, and
Payment Predictor creates a group and sets the posting action to Batch Standard.
You can look at the group using an inquiry page. Select Worksheet to have
Payment Predictor create payment worksheets instead of setting the posting
action for the payment to Batch Standard.

Generate An Item Select to have Payment Predictor create a pending item according to the system
function that you provide in the field that appears. The payment status is Applied,
and the posting action is Batch Standard. Select Worksheet to have Payment
Predictor create payment worksheets instead of setting the payment to a Batch
Standard posting action.
When more than one customer is identified in the PS_PP_CUST_TAO table,
Payment Predictor uses the highest customer ID of the customers who had items
paid when creating the pending item. The MAX function in SQL determines the
highest ID through an alphanumeric sort sequence that will differ by database
Valid system functions differ according to the payment conditions. Condition 1
can use only WS-05. Conditions 2, 3, and 4 can use only WS-04, WS-05, WS-06,
and WS-10. Conditions 5, 6, and 7 can use only WS-07, WS-08, and WS-11.

Apply To Control Select to have Payment Predictor place the payment or remaining amount on
Customer account for the control customer business unit and customer ID that you provide.
(If you omit the business unit, the system uses the deposit business unit by
The payment status is Applied, and Payment Predictor creates a group and sets
the posting action to Batch Standard. Select Worksheet to have Predictor create
payment worksheets instead of setting the posting action for the payment to
Batch Standard. This option is useful for placing payments on a control account
when no customer is identified. This action is available only for Condition 1,

Generate A Worksheet Select to have Payment Predictor create a payment worksheet for online review.
The payment status is Worksheet. You can look at the resulting payment
worksheet by accessing the Worksheet Selection page. The worksheet has the
items that Payment Predictor matched with payments, plus the suggested
overpayments and underpayments. You can then use the worksheet to accept the
results of Payment Predictor processing as is or to make manual adjustments.
When you are done working with the payment worksheet, you can post the

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Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

Note. If you select Apply To Control Customer and Payment Predictor cannot identify any customers,
Payment Predictor determines whether the default method associated with the deposit business unit indicates
Apply To Control Customer when the customer identification is missing or is set to Doesn't Matter.

Reviewing an Example of a Payment Predictor Method

This section includes an example of a summary reference Payment Predictor method.

The sample method contains five steps. Each step is based on remittance characteristics: how to structure
Payment Predictor's actions based on the results of customer identification and the presence or absence of
summary reference information. Each step considers various payment conditions and each condition has an
associated action.

The example assumes that you receive a mix of payments, some with payment summary references—
references without associated item amounts—and some without summary references. It places the steps using
algorithm groups for payments with references first, because it is normally more efficient to perform those
steps first.

Note. To create an example of a detail reference method, change the algorithm group in Step 1 to one of the
algorithm groups for detail references.

Step 1

In Step 1, the method's remittance conditions take into account payments with references. Regardless of
whether customers are identified, if payment summary references are supplied, Payment Predictor runs the
algorithms in the #REFS group.

For the Customers Identified field, select Doesn't Matter. For References Supplied, select Summary.

Step 1, Condition 1 Select Execute Algorithm Group, and then select #REFS.
Step 1, Condition 3 Enter a value in the Amount or Percent field. For example, an amount of 100.00.
(Overpayment Exceeds) Select Release The Payment.
If an overpayment exceeding the tolerance occurs, the method directs Payment
Predictor to release the payment for processing by another relevant step.
This step shows that when a large variance occurs, the wrong item may have
been referenced. In this case, releasing the payment is better than applying it to
the wrong item, which may belong to a different customer.
Another possibility is that a mix of valid and invalid references caused the large
overpayment. If most references are valid or most payments have only one
reference, this use of the overpayment condition could be helpful.

298 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

Step 1, Condition 4 Enter a value in the Amount or Percent field, for example, a percent value of 15.
(Overpayment Is Less Select Generate An Item and select the system function WS-05 to place an
Than) amount on account.
The same remittance conditions apply here as in the previous condition. If an
overpayment is less than the specified tolerance, Payment Predictor creates an
on-account item. You can then use this item to apply to another item on a
maintenance worksheet.
Notice that the tolerance amounts are the same as for Condition 3. Use the same
amounts for both of the overpayment conditions so that Payment Predictor can
handle all overpayment amounts.
You don't need to build a worksheet for online review; instead, enable the
resulting payment group to be processed the next time the Receivable Update
Application Engine process (ARUPDATE) runs for the appropriate business unit.

Step 1, Condition 6 Enter a value in the Amount field, for example, 5.00. Select Generate An Item
(Underpayment Exceeds) and select the WS-08 system function to create a deduction.
The same remittance conditions apply here. If an underpayment occurs that is
greater than the specified amount, Payment Predictor creates a deduction for the
difference and builds a worksheet for online review.
To define this condition and the following one, an online payment application
scenario was considered and Payment Predictor was directed to emulate that
action during background processing.

Step 1, Condition 7 Enter a value in the Amount field, for example, 5.00. Select Generate An Item
(Underpayment Is Less and select the WS-11 system function to eliminate an underpayment.
The same remittance conditions apply here. If a very small underpayment occurs,
Payment Predictor writes off the amount of the underpayment. You don't need to
build a worksheet for online review; instead, enable the resulting payment group
to be processed the next time the Receivable Update process runs for the
appropriate business unit.

Step 2

The second step in the sample method runs regardless of the results of customer identification and only if you
did not receive references.

For Customers Identified, select Doesn't Matter to ask Payment Predictor to process any payment for which
at least one customer was identified. For References Supplied, select No.

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Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

Step 2, Condition 1 Select Execute Algorithm Group, and then select #COMBOS.
This algorithm group has three algorithms, two of which are active in the sample
data. The two active algorithms look for a single debit or a single debit net of
earned discount—belonging to one of the identified customers—that matches the
payment amount. This approach is useful if your remittance analysis indicates
that your customers often pay one open item at a time and the open items are
usually for different amounts.
If you do not offer discounts, inactivate the algorithm that evaluates earned
discounts. If your customers often pay two items at a time, consider activating
the algorithm that looks for any two items combined that match the payment

Step 3

Step 3 repeats the same remittance conditions as Step 2. It runs regardless of the results of customer
identification and only if you did not receive references.

This step is useful for customers who often pay their entire open-item balance. An algorithm variation exists
for handling earned discounts.

For Customers Identified, select Doesn't Matter so that Payment Predictor processes any payment for which
at least one customer is identified. For References Supplied, select No.

Step 3, Condition 1 Select Execute Algorithm Group, and then select #BALANCE.

Step 4

Step 4 repeats the same remittance conditions as Steps 2 and 3. It runs regardless of the results of customer
identification and only if you did not receive references.

For Customers Identified, select Doesn't Matter to ask Payment Predictor to process any payment for which
at least one customer was identified. For References Supplied, select No.

Step 4, Condition 1 Select Execute Algorithm Group, and then select #PASTDUE.

This step shows how the order in which algorithms are run must be taken into consideration. More than one
algorithm group could apply to the same payment.

For example, if a remit from group has only one open item (for a new or low-volume customer), then either
#COMBOS or #BALANCE would work. If all of the open items are past due (customer has not bought
anything recently), then #BALANCE or #PASTDUE would work. Under these circumstances, you should
order the algorithms from most to least efficient, which would result in the order #COMBOS, followed by
#BALANCE, and then #PASTDUE.

Other factors, such as the number of payments that a given algorithm group applies, are also important. If
#PASTDUE could apply to 90 percent of payments, #BALANCE to 10 percent, and #COMBOS to 10
percent (the total can exceed 100 percent), then an option is to place #PASTDUE first. These decisions must
be made on an individual basis, looking at both payment profiles and enabled algorithms.

300 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

When you start using Payment Predictor, begin by ordering steps according to efficiency. If production runs
demonstrate that most payments are applied in a step far down in the method, reorder the steps until you
establish an optimal configuration.

Step 5

Step 5 rins regardless of remittance conditions. It places any payments that steps 1 through 4 did not apply on
account for a control customer. It acts as a catch all for payments that it could not identify.

For Customers Identified, select Doesn't Matter to enable Payment Predictor to process any payment for
which at least one customer is identified. For References Supplied, select Doesn't Matter.

Step 5, Condition 1 Select Apply to Control Customer, and then select a business unit and customer
(First) ID, selecting 99999 or another out-of-range identifier. Select the Worksheet
check box.
Take a similar approach if your business practices call for posting all unidentified
cash to a control customer.

Setting Up Parallel Processing

This section provides an overview of parallel processing for Payment Predictor and discusses how to:

• Define the maximum instances for PSAdmin.

• Define the maximum concurrent processes for the server.

• Define the number of parallel processes.

• Add more parallel processes to the AR_PP multiprocess job.

• Add additional Payment Predictor process definitions.

Understanding Parallel Processing for Payment Predictor

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to process multiple Payment Predictor processes in parallel to achieve
higher performance. You initiate the processes using one run control and the process automatically divides
the work between the number of partitions that you specify in your setup.

The Payment Predictor multiprocess job (ARPREDCT) includes:

• The AR_PREDICT1 process.

• The AR_PP multiprocess job.

The following diagram illustrates how the Payment Predictor process performs parallel processing on four
different AR jobs. The process prepares and builds staging tables and partitions the work into four different
jobs, which are run parallel to each other. The Payment Predictor process for each job matches the payments
and updates the tables.

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Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

Payment Predictor parallel process workflow

When you use PeopleSoft Enterprise Process Monitor to check the status of the process, you view the status
of the AR_PREDICT1 process and each process within the AR_PP multiprocess job. The system does not
indicate that the Payment Predictor multiprocess job (ARPREDCT) is successful until each parallel process
finishes. The Job Message Log Summary page summarizes all the individual parallel-process message log
messages for the entire ARPREDCT job.


The AR_PREDICT1 process acts as a preprocessor for the actual payment matching process and also:

• Gathers all the qualified data for processing.

• Places the qualified data in temporary tables.

• Partitions the data between the child processes.

• Initiates the AR_PP multiprocess job that starts child processes in parallel.

302 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

The distribution of the data among the child or parallel processes is based on the composition of the data and
the number of parallel processes. The process attempts to spread the data volume evenly among the
processors. The staging phase takes a little longer, but the overall processing time is faster because multiple
children processes run concurrently. You should balance the decision of using parallel processing or single-
thread processing based on the volume of data and the hardware capacity to get the maximum benefit from
this feature.

AR_PP Multiprocess Job

The AR_PP multiprocess job contains all the Application Engine process definitions that you use for parallel
processing, such as AR_PP1. Each process definition calls the AR_PREDICT2 Application Engine process,
which actually matches the payments, updates the application tables, and performs table cleanup before the
process ends.

PeopleSoft Receivables delivers eight process definitions—AR_PP1 through AR_PP8. If you want to run
more than eight partitions of the Payment Predictor process at once, you must define additional process
definitions. Use the AR_PP1 process definition as an example.

The standard setup for the AR_PP multiprocess job is to run a single threaded process, which contains only
the AR_PP1 process definition. If you want to use parallel processing, you must assign additional process
definitions to the job definition. You must also specify the number of partitions that your organization will
use. You might have to experiment with the number of partitions that works for you. Oracle recommends that
you assign just a couple of additional partitions and increase the number, if needed.

You might also have to override the server settings for your organization. By default, you can run up to three
instances of a process at one time. If you want to run additional instances, you must change your
configuration. If you also use parallel processing for the Aging (AR_AGING), Statements (AR_STMTS), and
Receivable Update (AR_UPDATE) processes, the maximum instances applies to those processes, as well. For
example, if you want to run eight instances for the Receivable Update process and four for the Payment
Predictor process, you must configure your server for eight instances.

Pages Used to Set Up Parallel Processing

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Server Definition SERVERDEFN PeopleTools, Process Define the maximum

Scheduler, Servers, Server concurrent processes for
Definition, Server Application Engine
Definition processes.

AR Parallel Processing PARALLEL_AR_SBP Set Up Financials/Supply Define the number of

Options Chain, Install, Installation parallel processes or
Options, Receivables partitions to use with
Payment Predictor.
Click the Parallel
Processing Options link.

Job Definition PRCSJOBDEFN PeopleTools, Process Add additional Payment

Scheduler, Jobs, Job Predictor process
Definition, Job Definition definitions to run the
AR_PP multiprocess job.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 303
Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Process Definition PRCSDEFN PeopleTools, Process Add additional Payment

Scheduler, Processes, Predictor process
Process & Definition, definitions if you need to
Process Definition run more than eight parallel

Defining the Maximum Instances for PSAdmin

Open the PSAdmin tool on your server to change the configuration settings.

To change the maximum instances:

1. Scroll to the section titled Values for config section - PSAESRV.

The section looks like this:

Values for config section - PSAESRV.

Max Instances = 3.

Recycle Count=0

Allowed Consec Service Failures=0.

2. Change the value for Max Instances to the maximum number of parallel processes that you want to run at

Defining the Maximum Concurrent Processes for the Server

Access the Server Definition page. (Select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Servers, Server Definition, Server

Process Type and Max For the Application Engine process type, enter the maximum number of parallel
Concurrent processes that you run at once. This figure must be the same or greater than the
maximum instances that you defined for PSAdmin.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Defining the Number of Parallel Processes

Access the AR Parallel Processing Options page. (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation
Options, Receivables and click the Parallel Processing Options link.)

304 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

Parallel Process and Enter the exact number of partitions or parallel processes that you want to run for
Maximum Partitions the AR_PREDICT parallel process.

Adding More Parallel Processes to the AR_PP Multiprocess Job

Access the Job Definition page for the AR_PP job. (Select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Jobs, Job
Definition, Job Definition.)

Job Definition page

Run Mode Always select Parallel.

Process Type and Enter Application Engine for the type and select from AR_PP2 to AR_PP8 for
Process Name each separate partition or process that you want to run. If you define additional
process definitions, select the name of the definitions that you added.

Note. You must have the same number of rows in the process list as you enter in
the Maximum Partitions field on the AR Parallel Processing Options page.

Run Always on Warning You must select these check boxes.

and Run Always on

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 305
Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

Adding Additional Payment Predictor Process Definitions

Access the Process Definition page. (Select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Processes, Process & Definition,
Process Definition.)

Complete the fields on this page and the other pages in the Process Definition component (PRCSDEFN) to
match the AR_PP1 process definition with two exceptions:

• Use another name.

• Use another description.

Use this format for the name: AR_PP#. For example: AR_PP9.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Selecting Payments for Payment Predictor Processing

When you set up Payment Predictor methods, establish a hierarchy for processing business units, customers,
deposits, and payments. This table describes how to further refine the process by excluding specific
customers or payments:

Defaults Page Used to Set What Defaults Affect Turn Assign

Default On/Off Method

TableSet Receivables Options - Business Units NA X

Payment Options
Determines which Payment Predictor
method the system uses as the
default for a business unit.

306 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

Defaults Page Used to Set What Defaults Affect Turn Assign

Default On/Off Method

Bank Account Information Deposits X NA

Payment Predictor evaluates
payments received electronically as
well as those entered online. When
the system receives a payment
through a payment interface, it
checks the bank account's attributes
to determine whether payments from
this bank account should use
Payment Predictor as their default
application approach.
The associated bank account that
uses Payment Predictor should have
the PP_SW field in the
to Y.

Customer Bill To Options Bill To Customers X X

Enables you to override the Payment
Predictor method set at the business
unit level for this customer.
Supports putting an individual
customer on hold to exclude its items
from consideration by Payment

Payment Express Deposit Payments X NA

Determines whether Payment
Regular Deposit Predictor should apply an individual
Payments payment from an electronic payment
or from an online payment. This
Worksheet Selection
choice overrides the on and off
setting at the TableSet or bank
account level.
To include or exclude an entire
deposit for Payment Predictor
processing, you must take action for
each payment in the deposit.
Although usually not done, you can
use Payment Predictor from the
express deposit pages. Enter
reference information, and then
select Payment Predictor.

Note. NA means Not Applicable.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 307
Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

See Also

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Defining Payment Options, page 32

Chapter 19, "Entering Payments," page 559

Chapter 21, "Applying Payments," Applying Payments Using Payment Worksheets, page 642

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up External, Internal, and
Netting Accounts," Defining Account Information

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General Customer
Information," Entering Additional Billing, Purchasing, Payment, and Write-Off Options for Bill To

Reviewing Payment Predictor Temporary Tables and Sections

This section discusses how to:

• Review temporary tables.

• Review Payment Predictor sections and SQL statements.

Reviewing Temporary Tables

As an Application Engine-based program, Payment Predictor makes extensive use of set processing and
temporary tables. This design improves performance and enhances your ability to modify processing for your

Set processing is a method of manipulating data that operates on more than one row at a time. It is not a
SELECT, FETCH, and UPDATE approach; rather, it inserts, updates, and deletes rows in sets. For example,
Payment Predictor runs an algorithm group for all payments in all business units that use the current method
and meet the remittance conditions of the current step.

The Payment Predictor uses cursor-based processing with reuse selected to avoid data contention and improve
performance in support of the parallel processing.

Each of the temporary tables has PROCESS_INSTANCE as the high-order key to enable multiple Payment
Predictor jobs to run on the server in parallel without interference.

The temporary tables are organized according to logical levels of data: payments, customers, items, steps, and

Payment Predictor uses the following key temporary tables:

308 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

Table Description

PS_PP_PYMNT_TAO This table is the first table Payment Predictor populates. It contains one
row for each payment processed.
The PREPARE section populates this table.
Payment Predictor processes only payments selected for Payment
Predictor (PS_PAYMENT.PP_SW = Y) that are in balanced deposits
(PS_DEPOSIT_ CONTROL.BAL_STATUS = I) for requested business
If any rows exist in PS_PAYMENT_ID_ITEM, the system sets
PP_REF_STATUS to Y—references supplied. This setting is important
because Payment Predictor processes payments with reference
information differently than payments without reference information.

Note. Payment Predictor changes the initial value of Y to N—no

references supplied—if it cannot identify any customers based on the
reference information. That is, a value of N might be interpreted as no
references supplied or that all references supplied are invalid.

Payment Predictor sets the value of PP_MICR_STATUS based on an

analysis of the contents of PS_PP_CUST_TAO. The field name is
somewhat misleading; the values placed in the field refer to the broader
results of customer identification and not just the presence of a MICR ID.
End result values are:
• M (more than one customer identified)

• S (only one customer identified)

• N (no customer identified).

Payment Predictor stores the method and the setID for the method that
was used to process the payment on this table. The PP_APPL_STATUS
and PP_DISPOSITION fields contain information about the status of a
payment and whether it has been applied or whether it requires a

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 309
Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

Table Description

PS_PP_CUST_TAO This table contains one row for each customer identified by each
PAYMENT_SEQ_NUM, CUST_ID (duplicates allowed)
Customers are identified using one or more of the following conditions:
• One or many rows in PAYMENT_ID_ITEM containing reference

• One or many rows in PAYMENT_ID_CUST containing a MICR ID.

• One or many rows in PAYMENT_ID_CUST containing a customer

ID (with or without a business unit).

Note. When a payment has reference information, Payment Predictor

does not use the customer identification information placed in the
PS_PP_CUST_TAO table. Instead, it uses the reference qualifier and
reference information to find the corresponding items on PS_ITEM. The
PS_ITEM records contain the business unit and the customer identifier.
Payment Predictor uses the business unit and customer identifier to
determine the appropriate customers and related remit from customers.

PS_PP_ITEM_TAO This table contains one row for each item considered for payment
If the payment does not have reference information (rows in
PS_PAYMENT_ ID_ITEM), Payment Predictor loads all open items for
all customers in PS_PP_CUST_TAO into this table. Later, non-reference-
based algorithms that are associated with a method evaluate the data in

Note. An algorithm does not have to use this table as the basis for its
evaluation. For example, suppose that the reference-based algorithms
obtain information directly from PS_ITEM, bypassing
PS_PP_ITEM_TAO completely. Payment Predictor then runs a reference
algorithm by inserting a row for each item selected by that algorithm
directly into PS_PP_MATCH_ TAO. It then backloads the matches into
PS_PP_ITEM_TAO to maintain consistency between these two tables.

PS_PP_STEP_TAO This table contains one row for each step, condition, and action of each
method that is processed in a run. The SBLD module populates this table
and then performs each step in turn.
SBLD drives the payment application process. After the process loads all
steps for all identified methods into PS_PP_STEP_TAO, this module
does a SELECT, FETCH, and DELETE of each method step in order.
The actions associated with a step are performed simultaneously against
all payments that have not been processed (or have been released), that
have been assigned to the current method by Payment Predictor, and that
meet the remittance pattern specified for the step. When the Payment
Predictor process finishes, this table should be empty (because all steps
should have been processed).

310 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

Table Description

PS_PP_MATCH_TAO The process uses this table to evaluate overpayment and underpayment
conditions. This table contains one row for each item to be paid by the
payment or to be included on a payment worksheet. It is populated by an
algorithm (or by WBLD when you use the Generate A Worksheet
option). It might also contain one additional row for each payment that
represents a new item generated by the Payment Predictor. It is actually
the join between this table and PS_PP_ITEM_TAO that represents the
transactions generated by a payment for a worksheet or pending group.

PS_PP_OCSEQ_TAO The process uses this table to evaluate the sequence of overdue charge
entry reasons in the ENTRY_REASN_TBL.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Installation Options for
PeopleSoft Applications," Defining Receivables Installation Options

Reviewing Payment Predictor Sections and SQL Statements

The Payment Predictor multiprocess job (ARPREDCT) runs two Application Engine processes—
AR_PREDICT1 and AR_PREDICT2. Each Application Engine process runs a collection of SQL statements.
The AR_PREDICT2 process contains algorithm groups that represent sections. Each algorithm in the section
represents a step that is either an SQL statement or the DO command of another section. If you want to
perform a DO command on a section more than once, you use a DO SELECT. The processes perform the
section that you specify once for each row that the select returns. It places values returned by the select in
%BIND variables and references them by name in subsequent SQL statements.

The AR_PREDICT1 process prepares the staging tables and populates the temporary tables for the second
multiprocess job. The staging tables are PS_PP_ITEM_TMP, PS_PP_CUST_TMP, and
PS_PP_PYMNT_TMP, and they are images of the tables PS_PP_ITEM_TAO, PS_PP_CUST_TAO, and
PS_PP_PYMNT_TAO. The staging tables populate the temporary tables used by the child processes. The
AR_PREDICT2 process uses the information in the temporary tables to generate the groups and worksheets.

The AR_PREDICT2 process flow has four stages:

• Executing method steps.

• Generating transactions.

• Updating tables and status.

• Releasing process instances on tables.

This section provides background information about the sections in the AR_PREDICT1 and AR_PREDICT2
Application Engine processes.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 311
Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

AR_PREDICT1 - Preparing Temporary Tables

This table describes the sections that prepare temporary tables:

Section Description

PREPARE Builds the temporary tables PS_PP_PYMNT_TAO and PS_PP_ITEM_TAO. For payments
containing no references or completely invalid references (PS_PP_
PYMNT_TAO.PP_REF_SW = N), it loads all items for the customers identified through

ID_ITEM Populates the temporary table PS_PP_CUST_TAO with customer identification information
for payments with references (PS_ PYMNT_TAO.PP_REF_ STATUS = Y). Platform-
specific codes can apply in this section.
First, Payment Predictor determines a list of the types of references that it uses for all
payments in the run. Then for each type of reference it uses, it builds a dynamic SQL
statement to insert a row into PS_PP_CUST_TAO for each payment. For each type of
reference, it runs two SQL statements based on the algorithms CUSTMP1 and CUSTMP2.
For example, if ITEM references were included in any payments in the run, the module would
the end of the statements and run the statements.
Loaded from the PREPARE section as a DO SELECT, ID_ITEM.

### 1 line break(s) inserted ###
Payment Predictor accomplishes the same results without a special module for the dynamic
SQL. All the SQL is dynamic, and Payment Predictor uses the Application Engine bind
variables that are returned from the DO SELECT.

312 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

Section Description

ID_CUST Populates the PS_PP_CUST_TAO temporary table with customer identification information
for payments with MICR or customer references. This is also done from PREPARE.
Platform-specific codes can apply in this section.

AR_PREDICT2 - Executing Method Steps

This table describes the sections that run method steps:

Section Description

SBLD This section builds the PS_PP_STEP_TAO temporary table and then performs
each step in turn. First, it inserts one row for each step, condition, and action
of each method needed to process all payments for all business units
requested. For example, if the step has a condition that runs an algorithm and
then generates an adjustment for an underpayment, it inserts two rows into
It deletes each row upon completion; this table should be empty at the end of a
normal run. After the PS_PP_STEP_TAO table is created, the second phase

STEP The Step Manager, done from SBLD with a DO SELECT. Depending on the
step and condition that the system is processing, the appropriate section is

GENITEM Run for each Generate An Item step. It might generate items based on the
criteria specified in the method and on the condition of the payment.

WBLD Run for each Generate A Worksheet step. It might generate worksheets based
on the criteria specified in the method and on the condition of the payment.

CNTL_ACT Run for a control account step.

RELEASE Run for each release. The payment step uses only the temporary tables. It
releases a payment that an algorithm has attempted to apply, enabling
subsequent method steps that match the remittance profile to process the
payment. When an algorithm finds any items to apply for a payment, another
algorithm (or method step) does not consider that payment for application
unless a Release The Payment step releases it.

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Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing Chapter 9

Section Description

ALGR Not a true section. A dynamic DO performs the actual run of the SQL
contained in the algorithm group, and the section that is run is the name of the
algorithm group. The name of an algorithm group must begin with a # and
must match the name of a section.
An algorithm is a group of statements in a section. When an algorithm
populates PS_PP_MATCH_TAO, it must set the value of PP_PROC_FLAG
to 0. Subsequent statements included in the algorithm group enable you to
further adjust or refine the answer set contained in PS_PP_MATCH_TAO to:
• Limit the answer set to just the customers included in the identifying

• Add a unique single debit or credit.

ALGRDONE Performs system processing after an algorithm populates

PS_PP_MATCH_TAO. This includes handling the bulk of the Payment
Predictor hold logic, performing the Check Pending option, and eliminating
duplicate items from being selected. After it is called, all items selected have
PS_PP_MATCH_TAO. PP_PROC_FLAG = 1. This switch changes to 2 after
the group of steps is completed—after an Execute Algorithm and then
overpayment and underpayment clauses.
ALGRDONE appears in sections at the points where the answer set can be
modified. PeopleSoft Receivables implements this in the algorithm groups of

AR_PREDICT2 - Generating Transactions

This table describes the sections that generate transactions:

Section Description

UPDM Updates the matches. This is required to assign

sequence numbers needed for building the
tables. This is a SELECT, FETCH, and UPDATE
UPDM performs other functions, including building
deposits and payments generated during the run, making
an additional pass for the check pending option, and
handling the orphan payments that have not been
processed. In addition, it excludes items that have been
selected but that have a different currency from the

PGEN Generates payment worksheets, group control, and

pending items, as needed. These are all set mode
operations—a series of SQL statements run, each
creating worksheets for a subset of payments.

314 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9 Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing

Section Description

PUPD Performs a SELECT, FETCH, and UPDATE of each

payment being processed in this run and updates the
PS_PAYMENT table accordingly. PUPD exists as an
individual section, because it can be replaced with a
stored procedure on some SQL platforms.

TERMINATE Calculates and logs messages for the payment totals and
payment amounts either applied, generated to
worksheets, or released. Releases the process instances
on tables used.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 315
Chapter 10

Setting Up Automatic Maintenance

This chapter provides an overview of the Automatic Maintenance Application Engine process
(AR_AUTOMNT) and discusses how to:

• Set up automatic maintenance methods.

• Define automatic maintenance algorithm groups.

Note. This chapter is required. You must complete the tasks discussed in this chapter to implement automatic
maintenance processing.

Understanding the Automatic Maintenance Process

The Automatic Maintenance process is a PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Engine process that matches
debit items to credit items. The process is useful when you want to automatically match items with the same
amounts or when you want to automatically close deductions and disputed items.

The process places the items that meet your matching criteria in match groups unless they are already selected
in a worksheet, such as the payment or maintenance worksheet. A match group must contain at least one debit
item and one credit item, but it can contain multiple debit and credit items.

You create automatic maintenance methods that define the rules for matching the items, and specify which
method to use for each business unit or when you run the process.

The process:

• Executes the steps in the automatic maintenance method that you assign to the business unit, unless you
override it for all business units on the run control page.

As the process executes each step, it creates a row in a temporary table for each item that it tries to match.
The process also stores the appropriate action for each step in a temporary table.

• Writes off the remaining balance for match groups, if the balance meets the write off tolerances.

If the match group contains only one debit and one credit, it creates either a MT-02 (write off a credit) or
MT-03 (write off a debit) item. If the group contains multiple debits or credits, it creates either a MT-06
(write off remaining credit) or MT-07 (write off remaining debit) item.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 317
Setting Up Automatic Maintenance Processing Chapter 10

• Creates a maintenance group for each corporate customer, which has match groups for conditions where
the step does not create a worksheet.

The process sets the group to post. When you post the group, the Receivable Update process
(ARUPDATE) creates distribution lines for the items, using the accounting template for the appropriate
automatic entry template.

• Creates a maintenance worksheet for each corporate customer, which has match groups for conditions
where the step creates a worksheet.

You must review the worksheet and set the group to post.

• Creates an item maintenance activity for each item.

Enters the same value in the match group ID field in the item maintenance activity for each item in the

• Uses the anchor business unit on the run control as the anchor business unit for each maintenance group
or worksheet.

The Receivable Update process uses the anchor business unit to generate interunit accounting entries
when items are matched across business units.

• Converts the item amounts to a common currency to handle items in different currencies.

The process uses the general ledger base currency for the anchor business unit that you entered on the run
control for the common currency. If you do not enter an anchor business unit on the run control page, the
process uses the general ledger base currency for the business unit with the lowest value in the grid that
appears on the run control page.

See Also

Chapter 30, "Processing Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Receivables," Understanding Multicurrency

Processing, page 933

Chapter 23, "Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information," Reviewing Item Activity for a Match Group,
page 733

Chapter 24, "Maintaining Customer Account Balances," Write-Off Tolerances, page 746

Setting Up Automatic Maintenance Methods

To set up automatic maintenance methods, use the Automatic Maintenance Method component

This section provides an overview of automatic maintenance methods and discusses how to:

• Identify automatic maintenance methods.

• Define automatic maintenance method details.

• View a sample automatic maintenance method.

318 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 10 Setting Up Automatic Maintenance Processing

Understanding Automatic Maintenance Methods

Automatic maintenance methods define rules for matching debits and credits and for handling remaining
balances for each match group. The Automatic Maintenance process uses the method that you assign to the
business unit for processing unless you override the method for all business units on the Automatic
Maintenance run control page.

Each method contains a series of steps that the process executes sequentially. For each step, you specify:

• One matching instruction.

• As many conditions and actions as necessary.

• Whether to exclude certain types of items, such as deductions.

You select one of these matching instructions for each step:

• Have the process match a value in a field in the debit items to a value in a field in the credit items.

If an automatic maintenance method indicates that the process should exactly match items by their open
amount and the One to One option is selected in the method, the items must be unique. For example, if
you have two 1,000.00 EUR credits and one 1,000.00 EUR debit, the process does not place any of the
items in a match group.

• Have the process execute the #OLDEST or user-defined algorithm group.

The #OLDEST algorithm group matches open items by due date—matching the items with the oldest due
dates first—until either all the available credits or all the available debits are matched. It uses the
directions that you provide for the step to determine how to handle the remaining balance.

• Have the process write off items with a specific entry type and reason that were not matched in previous

The write-off amount must meet the write-off tolerances defined for the entry reason assigned to the
automatic entry types associated with the Write-off a Credit (MT-02), Write-off a Debit (MT-03), Write-
off Remaining Credit (MT-06), and Write-off Remaining Debit (MT-07) system functions.

For the first two instructions, you define the action that the process takes based on the remaining balance for
the match group. The system populates the actions for the last instruction and you cannot change them. You
also define whether to put the match group or write-off on a maintenance worksheet.

Designing Methods Based on Reference Values

It is essential that you have a thorough understanding of how your organization tracks reference information
on credit items when you create your automatic maintenance methods.

Ideally, the methods that you define enable the Automatic Maintenance process to match the majority of your
debits and credits and to write off the remaining balances, leaving only the exceptions to be matched or
written off using the maintenance worksheet. The trick is to fit your methods to the way that your business
processes populate reference information.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 319
Setting Up Automatic Maintenance Processing Chapter 10

Place the steps that produce the greatest number of matches at the beginning of the automatic maintenance
method. For example, if you are creating a method to resolve deductions, and the majority of your customers
provide the claim number in the Claim Number field when they take the deduction, and you also enter it in
the Claim Number field when you create the credit memo, use the Claim Number field in the first step.

As you work with methods during implementation, you will probably change them until you find the most
efficient way to match items.

Pages Used to Set Up Automatic Maintenance Methods

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Method Summary AUTOMNT_METHOD Set Up Financials/Supply Add a new automatic

Chain, Product Related, maintenance method or
Receivables, view a summarized list of
Credit/Collections, the steps in an existing
Automatic Maintenance method.
Methods, Method Summary

Method Detail AUTOMNT_STEP Set Up Financials/Supply Define the steps that the
Chain, Product Related, Automatic Maintenance
Receivables, process performs when you
Credit/Collections, run a method.
Automatic Maintenance
Methods, Method Detail

Identifying Automatic Maintenance Methods

Access the Method Summary page. (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Credit/Collections, Automatic Maintenance Methods, Method Summary.)

320 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 10 Setting Up Automatic Maintenance Processing

Method Summary page

Method Displays the unique code that identifies the automatic maintenance method.


The Steps grid displays a list of all the steps in the automatic maintenance method. When you first add a new
method, the list is blank.

Step Displays the step number. The process performs the steps in sequential order.

Option Displays the type of task that the step performs. Values are:
Match: Matches the values in a field for a debit item to the value in a field for a
credit item.
Algorithm: Matches or creates a write-off based on the algorithm that you
Write-Off: Writes off debit or credit items that the process did not previously
match that have an amount that is less than the defined tolerances for either the
business unit, customer, or automatic maintenance reason associated with the
automatic entry type for the write-off item, such as Write off a Debit or Write off
a Credit.

Debit Field Displays the field whose value you are matching for debit items.

Operator Displays the operator that the process uses to match the items. Values are:
=: Creates exact matches.
LIKE: Creates partial matches.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 321
Setting Up Automatic Maintenance Processing Chapter 10

Credit Field Displays the field whose value you are matching for credit items.

Algorithm Group ID Displays the name of the Application Engine section that the process runs for the

Defining Automatic Maintenance Method Details

Access the Method Detail page. (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Credit/Collections, Automatic Maintenance Methods, Method Detail.)

Method Detail page


When the Automatic Maintenance process runs, it examines each debit item and performs the steps in the
method in sequential order. The system automatically assigns the Step number.

Select one of these options for each step:

322 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 10 Setting Up Automatic Maintenance Processing

Match References Matches the values in a field in a debit item to a value in a field in a credit item.
For example, it could match the invoice for a debit item with the document ID for
a credit item. When you select this option, you must specify the match criteria.

Execute Algorithm Performs matching and write-offs defined in a Application Engine section. Each
section is an algorithm group and each step in the section is an algorithm. The
Automatic Maintenance process executes the actions based on the results of the
When you select this option, you must enter the name of the algorithm group in
the Group field. Select a user-defined algorithm or select the system-defined
#OLDEST algorithm, which matches all debits and credits in oldest first order by
due date.
See Chapter 10, "Setting Up Automatic Maintenance Processing," Defining
Automatic Maintenance Algorithm Groups, page 330.

No Match Write-off Writes off debit or credit items not matched by the previous steps that have an
amount that is less than the tolerances that you defined.
When you select this option, select the Entry Type and Entry Reason for the
items that you want to write off. For example, enter DED for the entry type to
write off deduction items. When you create entry reasons for an entry type, you
might want to create an entry reason for a small amount, such as 5.00 USD.
When you create an item, such as a deduction, assign the entry reason for small
amounts to the item. Enter the entry reason for small amounts in the Entry
Reason field.
If you want to write off both debits and credits, you need to create two separate

Note. If you select No Match Write-Off for a step, the Automatic Maintenance
process does not check the percentage tolerance, because the percentage will
always be 100.

If you selected Match References, specify the criteria for creating a match.

Debit Field Enter the field whose values you want to match in debit items.

Operator Select the operator to use for matching. Values are:

=: Creates exact matches.
LIKE: Creates partial matches, including values that begin with the same
characters or numbers. For example, the process would match a debit whose
reference ID is 123 to a credit whose reference ID is 12345, or it would match a
debit whose reference ID is 12345 with a credit whose reference information ID
is 123. However, it will not match 12345 to 12378.
If you want to create both exact and partial matches, enter one step to create
exact matches and one to create partial matches. Because like matches also
retrieve exact matches, always precede a Like match step with an Exact match

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 323
Setting Up Automatic Maintenance Processing Chapter 10

Credit Field Enter the field whose values you want to match in credit items.
You can match values in the following fields in the Item table (PS_ITEM) for
either the debit or credit items. The field for the credit does not have to be the
same field as the debit. Select from these values: AR Specialist, Bill of Lading,
Broker ID, Carrier ID, Claim Number, Class of Trade, Collector, Contract
number, Credit Analyst, Item Balance (open amount), Division, Document ID,
Family, Invoice, Item ID, Major Classification, Order No, Open Amount,
Promotion/Merchandising, Proof of Delivery, Purchase Order Reference, Sales
Person, Sales Person 2, or User 1 through User 10.

Customer Level You can expand match groups to include items across all customers in a
customer group. Select the customer level to use when creating match groups.
Values are:
C: Corporate customer group.
N: No customer relationships considered. This is the default value.
R: Remit from customer group.

Match Type Specify how the process does the matching. Select one of these values:
All: Places all items that meet the matching criteria in one match group.
One to One: Matches only one debit to only one credit in a match group. If the
matching criteria creates a match group with more than one debit or credit, the
process does not match them. Matches debit and credit items of the same amount
for a customer as long as the amounts are unique. For example, if you select Item
Balance as the matching criteria in both the Debit Field and the Credit Field, and
there are two 1,000.00 USD debits and one 1,000.00 USD credit, it does not
match the items.

Exclude Deduction Select to exclude deduction items from matching when processing the step.
Exclude Dispute Items Select to exclude disputed items from matching when processing the step.

Exclude Other Debit Select to exclude all items other than deduction and disputed items from
Items matching when processing the step.

Step Order

The buttons in the Step Order group box move a step up or down in the method. Place the steps that produce
the greatest number of matches at the beginning of the method.

Conditions and Actions

If you select Match References or Execute Algorithm, you must select an action for each condition. Each step
includes five remaining balance conditions.

If you select No Match Write-off, the system defines the conditions and actions, and you cannot change them.
However, you can specify whether you want to place the write-off items on a worksheet.

324 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 10 Setting Up Automatic Maintenance Processing

Remaining Balance Displays the condition for the remaining balance for a match group. Values are:
= 0: The remaining balance is zero.
> 0, within tolerance: The remaining balance is greater than zero and meets the
write-off tolerances.
> 0, over tolerance: The remaining balance is greater than zero and exceeds the
write-off tolerances.
< 0, within tolerance: The remaining balance is less than zero and meets the
write-off tolerances.
< 0, over tolerance: The remaining balance is less than zero and exceeds the
write-off tolerances.

Note. You define the write-off tolerances for each business unit and override
them for individual customers or for the automatic maintenance reason that you
assign to the automatic entry types associated with these system functions: Write-
off a Credit (MT-02), Write-off a Debit (MT-03), Write-off Remaining Credit
(MT-06), and Write-off Remaining Debit (MT-07).

See Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Defining

General Options, page 24.

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Setting Up Automatic Maintenance Processing Chapter 10

Action Select the action that you want the process to perform based on the remaining
balance for the group. Values are:
Resolve: The process matches the entire amount of the items. Select this when
the balance is zero.
Resolve, write off balance: The process matches the items and creates a write-off
item for the amount of the remaining balance. Select when the remaining balance
is within tolerances.
Resolve, Create new item: The process matches and closes the items and creates
a new item (either an MD or MC item) for the difference between the balances of
the matched items.
For example, if the process matches debit items totaling $200 to credit Items
totaling -$145, the items are closed and a new MD item is created for $55. If the
process matches debit items totaling $200 to credit items totaling -$233, the
items are closed and a new MC item is created for -$33.
Resolve, Item balance open:The process matches the items and closes the items
with the smaller total absolute amount. The process also closes the items with the
larger total absolute amount, except for the item with the latest due date, which
remains open with a balance equal to the difference between the two amounts.
The process does not create a new item.
For example, the process matches debit items totaling $200 to credit Items
totaling -$145, the credit items are closed, and the debit items are closed, except
for the debit item with the latest due date, which remains open with a balance of

Note. If you select the No Match Write-off button, the Resolve, Item balance
open actions are not available for selection.

Release to next step: The process does not match the items. The debit and credit
items are available for processing in the next step. Select for either a zero balance
or a remaining balance.

Important! If you use PeopleSoft Promotions Management, you should not

create automatic maintenance methods that write off the balance for a match
group, because the promotion information will not be updated correctly in
PeopleSoft Promotions Management.

Worksheet Select to place the match group on a maintenance worksheet for online review.
The worksheet displays the match groups and suggested write-off items or
remaining open amounts. You can accept the results or make manual adjustments
before posting the maintenance group.

Note. You can select Worksheet only for a Resolve, write off balance action for a
No Match Write-Off step.

Viewing a Sample Automatic Maintenance Method

We provide several sample methods in the sample database for you to review before you design your own
methods. The following sections provide an example of a automatic maintenance method. The example:

326 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 10 Setting Up Automatic Maintenance Processing

• Matches all items except deduction and disputed items that have matching unique open amounts.

• Matches values in the Document field in the Item table for deduction items with the values in the
Document field in the Item table for credit items.

The example has four steps. Each step considers the remaining balance for the match group and provides an
action based on the balance.

Note. You may want to have several steps that exactly or partially match different references, because not all
of your customers supply the same reference information.

Step 1 - Exact Match on the Open Amount

Step 1 provides instructions on creating a match group for each set of debit and credit items that have a
unique open amount as well as instructions on resolving each group. For example, the open amount for a
debit is 999.00 CAN and the open amount for a credit is –999.00 CAN. Each match group is set to post. You
want to match items—except exception items—for all customers associated with the remit from customer.

To create these instructions:

1. Select Match References and enter the following matching criteria:

Debit Field Select Item Balance.

Operator Select =.

Credit Field Select Item Balance.

Customer Level Select R.

Match Type Select One to One.

2. Select Exclude Deduction Items and Exclude Dispute Items.

3. Select an action for each condition.

You must select Resolve when the remaining balance = 0. You can select any action for the other
conditions, because the remaining balance is always zero for this matching criteria and none of the other
conditions apply.

4. Clear the Worksheet check box.

Step 2 - Exact Match of a Reference Value

Step 2 provides instructions for the Automatic Maintenance process to take if the value in the Document field
for the deduction item is exactly the same as the value in the Document field for a credit item. The process
matches items for all customers associated with the remit from customer.

To create these instructions:

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 327
Setting Up Automatic Maintenance Processing Chapter 10

1. Select Match References and enter the following matching criteria:

Debit Field Select Document ID.

Operator Select =.

Credit Field Select Document ID.

Customer Level Select R.

Match Type Select All.

2. Select Exclude Dispute Items and Exclude Other Debit Items.

3. Enter the parameters for each condition as shown in this table:

Remaining Balance Action Worksheet

=0 Resolve Clear to post the match group.

> 0, within tolerance Resolve, write off balance Clear to post the match group.

> 0, over tolerance Resolve, leave balance open Select to review the match group
on a maintenance worksheet.

< 0, within tolerance Resolve, write off balance Clear to post the match group.

< 0, over tolerance Resolve, leave balance open Select to review the match group
on a maintenance worksheet.

Step 3 - Partial Match of a Reference Value

Step 3 provides instructions to take if the value in the Document field for a deduction partially matches the
value in the Document field for a credit item. The process matches items for all customers associated with the
remit from customer.

To create these instructions:

328 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 10 Setting Up Automatic Maintenance Processing

1. Select Match References and enter the following matching criteria:

Debit Field Select Document ID.

Operator Select Like.

Credit Field Select Document ID.

Customer Level Select R.

Match Type Select All.

2. Select Exclude Dispute Items and Exclude Other Debit Items.

3. Enter the parameters for each condition as shown in this table:

Remaining Balance Action Worksheet

=0 Resolve Clear to post the match group.

> 0, within tolerance Resolve, write off balance Select to review the match group
on a maintenance worksheet.

> 0, over tolerance Resolve, leave balance open Select to review the match group
on a maintenance worksheet.

< 0, within tolerance Resolve, write off balance Select to review the match group
on a maintenance worksheet.

< 0, over tolerance Resolve, leave balance open Select to review the match group
on a maintenance worksheet.

Step 4 - No Match Write-Off

Step 4 provides instructions to take if the value in the Document field for a deduction does not match the
value in the Document field for any credit items, when the entry reason for the deduction is SMALL. The
write-offs will not be placed on a worksheet. Use this instruction when an item amount is too low to make
investigating the open balance worthwhile.

To create these instructions:

1. Select No Match Write-Off.

2. Select Exclude Dispute Items and Exclude Other Debit Items.

3. Enter the entry type code for deductions, such as DED, in the Entry Type field.

4. Enter SMALL in the Reason field.

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Setting Up Automatic Maintenance Processing Chapter 10

Defining Automatic Maintenance Algorithm Groups

This section provides an overview of automatic maintenance algorithm groups and discusses how to add a
new algorithm group.

Understanding Automatic Maintenance Algorithm Groups

The Automatic Maintenance process uses algorithm groups to match debit items to credit items. When you
implement the Automatic Maintenance process, you must create custom algorithm groups from scratch, if you
need to use them. For example, you might include a step in your automatic maintenance method that matches
the values in two debit item fields to the values in two credit item fields, because you want to match debit
items to credit items by matching the invoice number and the purchase order number in both items.

An algorithm group is a section in a Application Engine program. You need to be familiar with Structured
Query Language (SQL) and with creating Application Engine processes to write a custom algorithm group.

We provide a sample algorithm group, called #SAMPLE1, in the sample database. The algorithm group
matches a debit item to a credit item when the invoice number and the purchase order number are the same in
both the debit and the credit item. The algorithm group contains two steps, and each step contains one SQL
statement. The sample provides an example of an exact match. However, you can also design your algorithms
to create a partial or LIKE match.

This text is the SQL statement for the DEBITS step in the #SAMPLE1 section:


%CONCAT %NumToChar(%BIND(STEP_NUM)) %Concat %Upper(INVOICE) %CONCAT %Upper(PO_⇒

This text is the SQL statement for the CREDITS step in the #SAMPLE1 section:


%CONCAT %NumToChar(%BIND(STEP_NUM)) %Concat %Upper(INVOICE) %CONCAT %Upper(PO_⇒

330 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 10 Setting Up Automatic Maintenance Processing

You can copy the SQL that we provide in the DEBITS and CREDITS steps to the steps in your algorithm
groups, but you must change the WHERE statement as needed. You must also change the values for
INVOICE and PO_REF in the SELECT statement to the appropriate field values that you want to match.

If you are creating an algorithm group to write off items not matched in previous steps, create algorithm
groups by copying the SQL in the DEBITS and CREDITS steps in the WRITEOFF section and modifying the
WHERE statements.

Adding a New Algorithm Group

Use PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Designer to add a new algorithm group to the Automatic Maintenance
process. All custom sections must begin with #, such as #CUSTOM.

There are two ways to add a new algorithm group:

• Copy an existing algorithm group (does not work on all platforms).

• Create an algorithm group from scratch.

We recommend copying whenever possible, because it saves you time.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Engine

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 331
Chapter 11

Setting Up Draft Processing

This chapter provides an overview of draft processing, the draft life cycle, and setup for draft processing; and
discusses how to:

• Review business events and subevents.

• Define draft transaction types.

• Define draft types.

• Define where draft documents are stored.

• Define draft collection methods.

• Assign customers to draft groups.

• Set up automatic numbering for draft processing.

• Set up draft reference qualifiers.

• Define Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) reason codes and EFT file layout codes.

Note. This chapter is required. You must complete the tasks discussed in this chapter to implement draft

Understanding Draft Processing

Many economies throughout the world use drafts as a payment method. The details vary country by country.

Vendor-initiated drafts, which are prepared by the vendor, are sometimes called bills of exchange. The vendor
specifies the due date, whether the draft is to be discounted, and the remittance procedure (paper, EFT, or
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)). Typically, the vendor's bank submits the draft to the customer's bank for

Customer-initiated drafts, which are usually, but not always prepared by the customer, are sometimes called
bills of order or promissory notes. The customer specifies the due date and when the customer is to remit
payment. The drafts are sent preapproved to the vendor, who must either accept or refuse the draft. The
customer decides whether or not the draft is to be discounted and the remittance procedure (paper, EFT, or

Both types of drafts involve an obligation on the part of the buyer to pay the seller a particular sum on a given
date. The drafts are redeemable on or after their stated due date, and it is common for both types of drafts to
be redeemed before their due date at a discounted amount.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 333
Setting Up Draft Processing Chapter 11

Understanding the Draft Life Cycle

This section discusses:

• Draft life cycle overview.

• Major events in the draft life cycle.

• Additional draft events.

Draft Life Cycle Overview

Processing a draft normally occurs over an extended period of time. The events that occur during the draft life
cycle are the same for both customer- and vendor-initiated drafts.

Each event in the draft life cycle generates accounting entries and changes the status of the draft. You initiate
some of these events online and others occur automatically when you run the Receivable Update Application
Engine process (ARUPDATE). PeopleSoft defines the draft processing rules for each business event that
PeopleSoft Receivables supports. You define how the system creates accounting entries for each event by
draft type.

The path that a draft takes in the draft life cycle depends on if the draft is:

• Nondiscounted.

• Discounted with recourse.

• Discounted without recourse.

Drafts that are discounted with recourse and drafts that are discounted without recourse follow the same path
but generate different accounting entries.

The following graphic shows the major events that occur in the draft life cycle, which include draft creation,
draft approval. If draft is not discounted, then the draft is sent to the bank for remittance of money owed, the
money is collected on due date, and are reconciled with the bank. If draft is discounted with or without
recourse, the draft is sent to the bank for remittance of money owed, the money is collected on the discount
date if this a discount of a draft without recourse, reconciled with the bank, and completed. If this is a
discount of a draft with recourse, the draft is discounted on the discount date or when the it is reconciled with
the bank and is completed on the due date.

334 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 11 Setting Up Draft Processing

Life cycle of a draft with or without discounts.

The system keeps an audit history of all events that occur for an individual draft and records the history in the
Draft Activity table (PS_DRAFT_ACTIVITY). Some events, such as the draft approval event, generate a
group ID when the event occurs. For other events, such as draft remittance, the Receivable Update process
assigns a group ID. The Receivable Update process also updates the activity record with the posting date.

Major Events in the Draft Life Cycle

This section describes the major events in the draft life cycle:

• Draft creation

• Draft approval

• Draft remittance

• Draft discount date

• Draft due date

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 335
Setting Up Draft Processing Chapter 11

• Bank statement reconciliation

Draft Creation

You create a draft using the Draft Request page or one of the two online entry pages (Draft Entry and Draft
Mass Entry). The page that you use depends on whether you are creating a customer- or vendor-initiated
draft. At this point in the draft life cycle, the draft enters the PeopleSoft Receivables system. You can also
load a kijitsu draft (from Japan) into the system electronically by using an EFT file. The status of a draft that
you create is either Identified or Pending Acceptance.

Draft Approval

After you apply items to the draft, you approve it using a draft worksheet or a draft approval worksheet. If the
draft is preapproved, the system automatically approves the draft when you create it. The status of an
approved draft is Accepted.

Draft Remittance

You send the draft to the bank to arrange for collection of the monies owed. You use the draft remittance
worksheet to perform this task. The monies are collected at either the due date or the discount date, based on
your specifications. If you specify that you want to collect the funds at the discount date, the bank normally
charges a fee and interest. This effectively arranges for a short-term loan on the basis of the guaranteed future
payment. The status of a remitted draft is Remitted.

Draft Discount Date

When the draft reaches its discount date, the bank places the funds in your account. If you discount a draft,
the Receivable Update process creates accounting entries on the discount date. If a draft is discounted with
recourse, the system automatically creates the appropriate liability accounting entries to record your financial
exposure. These entries are necessary because the bank reserves the right to take the money back from you if
your customer (issuer) fails to pay.

The status of the draft becomes C (Complete) unless you discounted the draft with recourse. If you discount a
draft with recourse, the draft status changes to M (Discounted) on the discount date or when you reconcile the
draft on a bank statement. The draft status becomes Complete on the due date.

Draft Due Date

When a nondiscounted draft comes due (reaches its due date or maturity date), the vendor's bank and the
customer's bank process the exchange of funds. To accommodate this exchange, the Receivable Update
process creates the accounting entries that are necessary to record the expected receipts. The bank statement
records the actual funds when they are deposited in your bank account.

If you use cash clearing accounting and you have identified the bank account as a cash clearing account, the
Receivable Update process transfers the amount from the cash clearing account to the cash account.

The status of the draft becomes Complete.

336 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 11 Setting Up Draft Processing

Bank Statement Reconciliation

When you receive the bank statement, you have the option to use the bank reconciliation feature to mark the
drafts as reconciled. You can do this manually, or you can reconcile it automatically using the automatic
Bank Reconciliation Application Engine process (FSPRECON). The system records the funds received for
each draft on the bank statement. The reconciliation module provides a manual way to match the amount of
the draft received with the amount that was submitted to the bank.

When you reconcile a draft on a bank statement, the status of the draft remains Complete, but the Receivable
Update process identifies the draft as reconciled by changing the RECON_PROCESSED field to Y. The
Receivable Update process also generates the appropriate accounting entries to record the reconciliation.

You have the option to recognize the cash either when you reconcile the draft on a bank statement, or on the
due date for nondiscounted drafts or the discount date for discounted drafts. Specify the method to use when
you set up your draft types. This table shows how the draft cycle looks:

Type of Draft Draft Event

Nondiscounted Remit ⇒ Due Date

Remit ⇒ Bank Statement Reconciliation

Discounted Remit ⇒ Discount Date ⇒ Due Date

Remit ⇒ Bank Statement Reconciliation ⇒ Due Date

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Reconciling Statements"

Additional Draft Events

These additional events can occur in the draft life cycle at various points:

• Dishonoring a draft.

• Voiding a draft.

• Cancelling a remittance.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 337
Setting Up Draft Processing Chapter 11

Dishonor Draft

You dishonor a draft at any point in the draft life cycle after you approve it. After you dishonor the draft, you
decide what action to take on the draft. When you dishonor a draft, the system changes the draft status to D
(dishonored). The system debits the dishonored draft receivable account and credits the appropriate account.
The account that the system credits is based on the system function associated with the business event that
occurred before you dishonored the draft.


You void a draft at any point in the draft life cycle after you approve the draft until you reconcile the draft on
a bank statement. When you void a draft, the system reopens all the items associated with the draft. This
process changes the draft status to E (Void).

Cancel Remittance

You cancel a remittance after you remit a nondiscounted draft either before or after the due date but before
you reconcile the draft on a bank statement. For discounted drafts, you must cancel the remittance before the
discount date or after you dishonor it. Cancelling a remittance returns the draft to the state it was in after you
approved and posted it. The system changes the draft's status to A (Accepted). You can remit the draft again
at a later date.

Accounting Entries for Draft Voids and Cancel Remittances

When you void a draft or cancel a remittance, the system looks at the last activity that occurred to determine
what accounting entries to create. It creates accounting entries that net the activities that have occurred. For
example, if you are voiding a non-discounted draft after the due date, the system credits Cash and debits
Accounts Receivable to net the following entries:

Event Debit Credit

Approve Draft Draft Receivable Accounts Receivable

Remit to Bank Draft Cash Control Draft Receivable

Draft Due Date Cash Draft Cash Control

Understanding Draft Setup

This section discusses:

• Draft setup overview

• Draft business events

• Draft types

338 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 11 Setting Up Draft Processing

• Distribution codes

• Bank account ChartFields

• Bank fees

Draft Setup Overview

The setup for draft processing enables you to generate whatever accounting entries your organization requires
at each step of the draft life cycle and to define different processing rules for each type of draft that you use.
Draft processing uses the following options to determine how to process drafts:

• System functions.

• Draft business events.

• Draft types.

• Draft distribution codes.

• Bank account ChartFields.

You generate different accounting entries for an event based on which path the draft follows. PeopleSoft
provides you with the ability to define how the system generates accounting entries for each draft event for
each type of draft that you use.

Draft Business Events

A draft business event is an action that can occur during draft processing that generates accounting entries
and audit history information. PeopleSoft Receivables delivers and supports the business events and defines
the processing characteristics for the Receivable Update process for each one.

When you define draft types, you assign a system function to each event that occurs for the draft type and
optionally define the draft distribution codes by business unit. This provides the flexibility to define the
accounting entries that occur for each event, as necessary.

Draft Types

Draft types determine the processing characteristics for drafts. They also determine how to generate
accounting entries for them. You use draft types to tailor draft processing and draft accounting entries to meet
your processing requirements.

When you define your draft types, you specify the draft events for which you want to generate accounting
entries. You also specify how to generate the accounting entries by assigning a system function to each of
those events and optionally you assign separate draft distribution codes to each business unit for that draft
type. In some cases, you may be able to select one of several system functions for a draft event based on your
processing requirements. You also assign a system function that defines how to generate accounting entries
when you dishonor a draft after the draft event.

Distribution Codes

Draft processing uses the distribution codes that you set up for these distribution types:

• Receivable

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 339
Setting Up Draft Processing Chapter 11

• Draft Receivable

• Remitted Draft Receivable

• Discount Draft Receivable

• Discount Draft Liability

• Dishonored Draft Receivable

When you create a draft item by running the Create Drafts Application Engine process (AR_DRAFTS) or by
applying items to a draft on the draft worksheet, the system assigns draft distribution codes for each
distribution type to the draft item. It uses the following hierarchy to determine the correct distribution code:

1. Distribution code linked to the accounts receivable (AR) distribution code on the Distribution Code page
for the original item.

2. Distribution code assigned to the draft type and business unit combination on the Draft Type Distribution
Codes secondary page.

3. Distribution code assigned to the business unit on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 2

When you run the Receivable Update process, it looks at the system function that you assigned to the event it
is currently processing to determine which type of draft distribution code to use. The process uses the
distribution code that is assigned to the draft item to create the accounting entries.

If the draft item does not have a draft distribution code for the event, the Receivable Update process marks
the draft in error. To correct the error, you need to assign the appropriate draft distribution code to the
business unit. You also assign one to the draft type and business unit combination, and (if necessary), to the
AR distribution code for the original item. Then, you click the Update Distribution Codes button on the
Correct Posting Errors, Draft - Group Action page to add the distribution code to the item. When you rerun
the Receivable Update process, it creates the correct accounting entries.

See Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Setting Up Distribution Codes, page

Bank Account ChartFields

Several system functions use the ChartFields that you assign to your bank account on the External Accounts
page. The types of cash control accounts that you set up depend on your country's accounting requirements.
The following table lists the four cash accounts that you can assign to a bank account and their account types:

Account Account Type Description

Cash Cash − AR Use to record cash when you

receive it.

Cash Control Control − AR Use for cash clearing to record cash

prior to actually receiving the funds.
Use when your organization uses
only one account for all cash
control activity.

340 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 11 Setting Up Draft Processing

Account Account Type Description

Draft Cash Control Draft − AR Use for cash clearing to record cash
prior to actually receiving the funds.
Use when your organization needs
two cash control accounts. Use for
nondiscounted drafts.

Discount Draft Cash Control Discount − AR Use for cash clearing to record cash
prior to actually receiving the funds.
Use when your organization needs
two cash control accounts. Use for
discounted drafts.

Each system function indicates which type of account to use to generate accounting entries. The Receivable
Update process uses the cash account with the appropriate account type.

Bank Fees

When you discount a draft, you normally have to pay a bank fee or interest on the money that you collect
prior to the due date. PeopleSoft provides a system function (DM-90) for bank fees. You need to set up an
entry type and automatic entry type for bank fees and assign them an entry reason for interest. When you
remit a discounted draft, you specify the entry type that is used to generate the accounting entries for bank
fees. When you run the Receivable Update process on the discount date, the process creates an item for the
draft fees that has a zero amount and automatically closes the item. The process uses the entry type for bank
fees to generate the appropriate accounting entries.

See Also

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," page 55

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up External, Internal, and
Netting Accounts," Defining External Account Information

Reviewing Business Events and Subevents

To review business events and subevents, use the Draft Business Events (DR_BUSINESS_EVENT) and Sub
Events (DR_SUB_EVENT) components.

This section provides an overview of business events and discusses how to:

• Review business events for drafts.

• Review subevents for drafts.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 341
Setting Up Draft Processing Chapter 11

Understanding Business Events

PeopleSoft Receivables comes with predefined draft business events. Each draft business event has the
processing characteristics already defined for the Receivable Update process, including those for dishonoring
a draft after that event.

You initiate some events online, such as remitting a draft. The system automatically processes other events,
such as due date processing, when you run the Receivable Update process. The process creates a group for
each draft and posts the activity on the Draft Activity record.

The following table describes the delivered business events:

Draft Business Event Description

A0 It creates the draft in the system.

Draft Creation

B0 The customer approves the draft by pre-existing

arrangement (drafts are automatically approved when
Draft Approval
you create them) or by receiving a signed draft
This event has subevents that you use to set up
accounting entries for adjustments, write-offs,
prepayments, or deductions on a draft worksheet.

C1 You send a nondiscounted draft to the bank for

collection of the funds owed. Your bank collects the
Draft Remitted
money at the due date.

C2 You send a discounted draft with recourse to the bank

before the due date to obtain funds in advance of the
Draft Remitted with Discount
customer actually paying the draft. The date that you
require the funds is known as discount date. The bank
charges a fee and interest. This is effectively arranging a
short-term loan on the basis of a guaranteed future

D0 You cancel a remitted draft. The status returns to

Cancel Remitted Draft

E2 A discounted draft with recourse reaches the discount

date (the date that the bank should release money to
Discounted Draft at Discount Date with Recourse
your bank account).

E3 A discounted draft without recourse reaches the

discount date (the date that the bank should release
Discounted Draft at Discount Date with no Recourse
money to your bank account).

342 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 11 Setting Up Draft Processing

Draft Business Event Description

F1 A nondiscounted draft reaches its due date (maturity

date). This is the date you expect the bank to receive the
Draft at Due Date
money from the customer and to apply it to your bank

F2 A draft discounted with recourse reaches its due date

(maturity date).
Discounted Draft at Due Date with Recourse

F3 A draft discounted without recourse reaches its due date

(maturity date).
Discounted Draft at Due Date with no Recourse

H1 The bank statement contains an entry that confirms a

nondiscounted draft was paid. You have reconciled the
Bank Statement Reconciliation
bank statement.

H2 The bank statement contains an entry that the bank put

money into your account for a discounted draft with
Reconcile Discounted Draft with Recourse
recourse. You have reconciled the bank statement.

H3 The bank statement contains an entry that a draft

discounted without recourse was paid. You have
Reconcile Discounted Draft with no Recourse
reconciled the bank statement.

10 You mark a draft null and void. The system reopens the
associated item to ensure that the outstanding debt is
Void Draft

New Business Events

We recommend that you do not change the system-defined draft business events or add new ones. To prevent
users from changing business events, ensure that the page options for Draft Business Events and Draft Sub-
Events are display-only for most users. If you must create a new event, ensure that you set it up properly.

For a new batch event (events that are system-generated), select the Batch Event check box and write the
SQL that triggers the processing for the event. You must use the D alias type for DRAFT_CONTROL record
and R alias type for POSTING_REQUEST record when you write the SQL. Review one of the existing
events with SQL before you write your own.

If you are adding a new event that you will initiate from an online page, you must create a new page. The
DRAFT_TYPE field in the FUNCLIB_ARINTFC record contains all the code that is necessary to perform
online processing. View some examples to see how this code is implemented. PeopleSoft employs three
different methods:

• To see how PeopleSoft performs the processing for a single draft per page, look at the SavePreChange

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 343
Setting Up Draft Processing Chapter 11

• To see how PeopleSoft performs the processing for a set of drafts that need posting (multiple drafts per
page), look at the SavePostChange PeopleCode for DR_REMIT_WRK.COMPLETE_BUTTON.

• To see how PeopleSoft performs the processing of multiple drafts per page (line by line), look at the
SavePreChange PeopleCode for DR_DISH_ITM_SBR.ITEM_SELECTED.

If you add a new system function for an on-account or prepayment item, you must update the PeopleCode for
drafts to include the system function. You update the following:

• FUNCLIB_AR (record)

• RECNAME (field)

• Field Change (event)

• IsAdvancePayment (function)

Pages Used to Review Business Events and Subevents

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Business Events DR_BUSINESS_EVENT Setup Financials/Supply Review system-defined

Chain, Product Related, processing rules for draft
Receivables, Drafts, business events.
Business Events, Business

Sub-Events DR_SUB_EVENT Setup Financials/Supply Review subevents that can

Chain, Product Related, occur for a draft event. You
Receivables, Drafts, Sub- can display subevents only
Events, Sub Events for draft events that require
subevents, such as Draft

Reviewing Business Events for Drafts

Access the Business Events page. (Select Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Drafts, Business Events, Business Events.)

344 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 11 Setting Up Draft Processing

Business Events page

Specify System Function If selected, indicates that you must specify a system function for the event for
each draft type to generate accounting entries.

Post Action Select a value that indicates when the event occurs. Values are:
Actual: For the actual business event.
Dishonor: For drafts dishonored after the business event.
Most business events have a set of actual rules and another set of dishonor rules.
Use the scroll area to see both sets of rules.

Use Sub-Events? If selected, indicates the event has a subevent.

Include in Cancel If selected, indicates that the Receivable Update process reverses the accounting
Remittance entries and status for the event when you cancel a remittance.

SQL Object ID Enter the SQL object that ensures the draft is in the right condition for the event.

Event Settings

The options in the Event Settings group box define the rules for the Receivable Update process when it posts
the event.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 345
Setting Up Draft Processing Chapter 11

Draft Status Select the status of a draft after you run the Receivable Update process. Values
Accepted: The draft was marked approved on the draft worksheet.
Collateral: The draft is being used as collateral and is not available for
Complete: The draft was paid at either the discount date or the due date.
Discounted: The draft was remitted as a discounted draft and has reached its
discount date.
Dishonored: You dishonored the draft because a customer failed to pay or will be
unable to pay on the due date.
Endorsed: You endorsed the draft to another party and it is not available for
Identified: You created a customer draft, but have not built a worksheet for it yet.
No Action: This status updates the Draft Status field on the Item table. When it is
set to N, the item is available to be paid by a draft or another payment method.
Pending: The draft appears on the draft worksheet, but you have not approved it.
Remitted: You identified a draft as complete on the draft remittance worksheet
and it was sent to the bank for collection.
Void: You voided the draft.

Multiplier Enter the option for changing the item balance:

1: Reduces the item and customer balance.
0: Does not update the item or customer balance.
-1: Increases the item and customer balance.

Disc Indic (discount If selected, the Receivable Update process must update the
indicator) DISCOUNT_PROCESSED field on the Draft Control record. The next field
contains the value that Receivable Update process enters in the field. Y indicates
that the draft has been discounted and N indicates that it has not been discounted.

Doc Type Option Select a value if the event requires document sequence numbers. Values are:
(document type option)
Collection: If document sequence numbers are required, you must assign the
default document type to a bank account whose payment method is defined as
Draft on the External Account - Collection Method page.
Group: If document sequence numbers are required, you must assign the default
document type to the draft group type.

Recon (reconciliation) If selected, the Receivable Update process must update the
RECON_PROCESSED field on the Draft Control record. The next field contains
the value that the Receivable Update process enters in the field. Y indicates that
the draft has been reconciled and N indicates that it has not been reconciled.

346 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 11 Setting Up Draft Processing

Batch Event? If selected, the Receivable Update process recognizes this event as a system-
generated event instead of an online event. For example, Draft Approval is an
online event and Draft at Due Date is a system-generated event. The where
clause that triggers processing for a batch event is in the text box below this field.
Select for a new batch event (events that are system-generated, rather than
initiated from an online page).

Unpost Settings

The options in this group box define the rules for Receivable Update when it unposts the event.

Unpost Flag If selected, you can unpost the event.

Draft Status Displays the status of a draft after the Receivable Update process runs for the
unpost group.

Disc Indic (discount The Disc Indic and Recon check boxes for unposting work the same as they do
indicator) and Recon for posting.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up External, Internal, and
Netting Accounts," Defining Collection Methods

Reviewing Subevents for Drafts

Access the Sub-Events page. (Select Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Drafts,
Sub-Events, Sub-Events.)

Sign Indicates if amounts for this event are Negative, Positive, or Unsigned (either
negative or positive).

Selected If selected, the subevent updates the selected subtotal (total amount of items
selected) on the draft worksheet.

Adjusted If selected, the subevent updates the adjusted subtotal (total adjustment amount,
including deductions, balance write-offs, prepayments, on-account payments, and
adjustments) on the draft worksheet.

Write-Off If selected, the subevent updates the write-off subtotal (total amount of items
written off) on the draft worksheet.

Tolerance If selected, the system uses the write-off tolerances for the users that appear on
the User Preferences - Receivables Data Entry 2 page when you write off an item
on the draft worksheet. The tolerances are the same ones used for payment

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 347
Setting Up Draft Processing Chapter 11

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining User Preferences," Defining
Receivables Write-off and Discount Tolerances

Defining Draft Transaction Types

To define draft transaction types, use the Draft Transaction Type component (DRAFT_TXN_TYPE).

If you plan to customize reports and want to use draft transaction types in the reports, you must define the
types of transactions that drafts pay, such as assets or inventory.

This section lists the page used to set up draft transaction types.

Page Used to Set Up Draft Transaction Types

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Draft Transaction Type DRAFT_TXN_TYPE Setup Financials/Supply Define the types of

Chain, Product Related, transactions that drafts pay,
Receivables, Drafts, such as inventory or assets.
Transaction Type, Draft
Transaction Type

Defining Draft Types

To define draft types, use the Draft Type component (DRAFT_TYPE) (Select Setup Financials/Supply
Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Drafts, Transaction Type, Draft Transaction Type.).

This section provides an overview of draft types and discusses how to:

• Set up draft types.

• Copy a draft type.

• View accounting entry setup.

• Assign distribution codes to a draft type.

• Assign system functions to subevents.

348 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 11 Setting Up Draft Processing

Understanding Draft Types

Whenever you create a draft, you must assign it to a draft type. Draft types determine the rules for processing
drafts, such as the rules for creating and canceling drafts. Draft types also determine how accounting entries
are generated.

PeopleSoft Receivables delivers the following draft types:

Draft Type Description

Bill of Exchange A vendor-initiated draft that is normally sent to the customer for approval.
PeopleSoft provides five samples of bills of exchange.

Promissory Notes A customer-initiated draft that is sent preapproved to the vendor. PeopleSoft
provides eight samples of promissory notes.

You can use the sample draft types as defined. However, many countries have set requirements for the
accounting entries that you must generate for draft processing. If you find a sample that almost meets your
requirements, copy it and modify it to suit your needs.

Pages Used to Define Draft Types

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Draft Type DRAFT_TYPE Setup Financials/Supply Define the processing rules

Chain, Product Related, for drafts and the type of
Receivables, Drafts, Type, accounting entries for each
Draft Type draft event.

Draft Type Copy DRAFT_TYPE_CPY_SEC Click the Copy Draft Type Create a new draft using an
link on the Draft Type page. existing draft type as a

View Accounting Entries DRAFT_TYPE_ACT_SEC Click the View Accounting View the accounts that the
link on the Draft Type page. Receivable Update process
debits and credits for each
draft event when processing
drafts for this draft type.

Draft Type Distribution DRAFT_TYPE_DST_SEC Click the Draft Distribution Override the draft type
Codes Codes link on the Draft distribution codes for
Type page. specific business units.

Draft Subevent System DRAFT_TYPE_AR_SEC Click the Sub-events link on Assign system functions to
Function the Draft Type page. subevents for a draft event.
You can also specify which
system function to use when
you dishonor a draft after
the subevent.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 349
Setting Up Draft Processing Chapter 11

Setting Up Draft Types

Access the Draft Type page. (Select Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Drafts,
Type, Draft Type.)

Draft Type page

Txn Type (transaction (Optional) Enter a draft transaction type to categorize drafts on custom reports.
Initiator Select a value to indicate whether this draft type is for customer- or vendor-
initiated drafts.

EFT Draft? Select to indicate the draft type is only for drafts that you receive electronically.

Remit Cancel? Select to indicate that you can cancel remittances for drafts with this draft type.

Void Draft? Select to indicate that you can void drafts with this draft type.

Auto-number Draft Ref Select to enable the system to generate draft reference numbers automatically for
(automatically number vendor-initiated drafts. If the system assigns the draft number, it prints the
draft reference IDs) number on the draft document. If you use preprinted draft forms with draft
numbers, you should not select this option. If you select automatic draft
numbering, the system varies the draft sequence numbers by draft type and
business unit. You can use the draft reference ID to search for drafts in the
system and to reconcile drafts on bank statements. This field is available only for
vendor-initiated drafts.

350 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 11 Setting Up Draft Processing

Discount? Select to enable drafts of this type to be discounted when you remit them to the

Unpost? Select to indicate that you can unpost drafts with this draft type.

Reject Reason Required Select to require entry of a reason for dishonoring or voiding a draft and for
canceling a draft remittance on the Dishonor Draft Worksheet, Void Draft
Worksheet, and Cancel Remittance Worksheet pages.

Copy Draft Type Click to copy this draft type to use as a starting point for a new draft type.

View Accounting Click to view the accounting entries that the Receivable Update process
generates for each event.

Draft Distribution Click to override distribution codes for specific business units for this draft type.
Codes The draft processing distribution codes automatically come from the business

Posting Details

Use the Posting Details grid to assign system functions to draft business events for two circumstances: when
the actual event occurs and when you dishonor the draft. The system function that you assign to an event
determines how the system creates accounting entries.

If you do not assign a system function to an event, the system does not generate accounting entries for the
event for drafts using this draft type. For example, you may want to generate accounting entries to recognize
cash after the Bank Statement Reconciliation event, instead of after the Draft at Due Date event. In that case,
you would not assign a system function to the Draft at Due Date event.

If an event does not require a system function, it does not appear in the list. For example, the Receivable
Update process does not require a system function for the Unpost event because it reverses the entries for the
prior event.

Sub-events If the Standard field is unavailable, the event has subevents, and you must assign
a system function to the individual subevents instead. Click to access the page
where you can assign system functions to subevents.

Standard Enter the system function for the actual event.

Dishonor Enter the system function to use when you dishonor the draft after the event.

Note. You must create an automatic entry type for each system function that you assign. The "Defining
Receivables Processing Options" chapter contains a table that lists all system functions and describes the
accounting entries that they generate.

See Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Understanding System Functions,
page 56.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 351
Setting Up Draft Processing Chapter 11

Example: Draft Types for French Accounting

The following table shows how to set up draft types that meet French accounting requirements:

Event Actual Dishonor

B0 − Draft Approval DM-01 DM-50

DM-02 DM-50
DM-03 DM-50
DM-04 DM-50
DM-05 DM-50
DM-06 DM-50
DM-07 N/A
DM-08 N/A
DM-09 N/A
DM-10 N/A

C1 − Draft Remitted DM-20 DM-52

C2 − Draft Remitted with Discount DM-21 DM-53

E2 − Discounted Draft at Discount DM-30 DM-57

Date with Recourse

E3 − Discounted Draft at Discount DM-31 DM-58

Date with no Recourse

F1 − Draft at Due Date DM-40 DM-58

F2 − Discounted Draft at Due Date DM-41 DM-58

with Recourse

F3 − Discounted Draft at Due Date DM-47 DM-58

with no Recourse

H1 − Bank Statement N/A N/A


H2 − Reconcile Discounted Draft N/A N/A

with Recourse

352 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 11 Setting Up Draft Processing

Event Actual Dishonor

H3 − Reconcile Discounted Draft N/A N/A

with no Recourse

Example: Draft Types for German Accounting

The following table shows how to set up draft types that meet German accounting requirements:

Event Actual Dishonor

B0 − Draft Approval DM-01 DM-50

DM-02 DM-50
DM-03 DM-50
DM-04 DM-50
DM-05 DM-50
DM-06 DM-50
DM-07 N/A
DM-08 N/A
DM-09 N/A
DM-10 N/A

C1− Draft Remitted DM-22 DM-54

C2 − Draft Remitted with Discount DM-22 DM-54

E2 − Discounted Draft at Discount N/A N/A

Date with Recourse

E3 − Discounted Draft at Discount N/A N/A

Date with no Recourse

F1 − Draft at Due Date N/A N/A

F2 − Discounted Draft at Due Date DM-43 DM-58

with Recourse

F3 − Discounted Draft at Due Date N/A N/A

with no Recourse

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 353
Setting Up Draft Processing Chapter 11

Event Actual Dishonor

H1 − Bank Statement DM-42 DM-58


H2 − Reconcile Discounted Draft DM-32 DM-57

with Recourse

H3 − Reconcile Discounted Draft DM-42 DM-58

with no Recourse

Example: Draft Types for Spanish Accounting

The following table shows how to set up draft types that meet Spanish accounting requirements:

Event Actual Dishonor

B0 − Draft Approval DM-01 DM-50

DM-02 DM-50
DM-03 DM-50
DM-04 DM-50
DM-05 DM-50
DM-06 DM-50
DM-07 N/A
DM-08 N/A
DM-09 N/A
DM-10 N/A

C1 − Draft Remitted DM-23 DM-55

C2 − Draft Remitted with Discount DM-24 DM-56

E2 − Discounted Draft at Discount DM-33 DM-58

Date with Recourse

E3 − Discounted Draft at Discount N/A N/A

Date with no Recourse

F1 − Draft at Due Date DM-46 DM-58

354 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 11 Setting Up Draft Processing

Event Actual Dishonor

F2 − Discounted Draft at Due Date DM-41 DM-58

with Recourse

F3 − Discounted Draft at Due Date N/A N/A

with no Recourse

H1− Bank Statement Reconciliation DM-46 N/A

H2 − Reconcile Discounted Draft DM-33 DM-58

with Recourse

H3 − Reconcile Discounted Draft N/A N/A

with no Recourse

Example: Draft Types for Japanese Accounting

The following table shows how to set up draft types that meet Japanese accounting requirements:

Event Actual Dishonor

B0 − Draft Approval DM-01 DM-50

DM-02 DM-50
DM-03 DM-50
DM-04 DM-50
DM-05 DM-50
DM-06 DM-50
DM-07 N/A
DM-08 N/A
DM-09 N/A
DM-10 N/A

C1 − Draft Remitted N/A DM-50

C2 − Draft Remitted with Discount N/A DM-50

E2 − Discounted Draft at Discount DM-33 DM-58

Date with Recourse

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 355
Setting Up Draft Processing Chapter 11

Event Actual Dishonor

E3 − Discounted Draft at Discount N/A N/A

Date with no Recourse

F1 − Draft at Due Date DM-44 DM-58

F2 − Discounted Draft at Due Date DM-45 DM-58

with Recourse

F3 − Discounted Draft at Due Date N/A N/A

with no Recourse

H1 − Bank Statement DM-44 DM-58


H2 − Reconcile Discounted Draft DM-33 DM-58

with Recourse

H3 − Reconcile Discounted Draft N/A N/A

with no Recourse

Copying a Draft Type

Access the Draft Type page (Select Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Drafts,
Type, Draft Type) for the draft type that you want to copy.

To copy a draft type:

1. Click Copy Draft Type to access the Draft Type Copy page.

2. Enter a setID and draft type code.

3. After you save the new draft type, modify it as needed.

Viewing Accounting Entry Setup

Access the View Accounting Entries page. (Click the View Accounting link on the Draft Type page.)

356 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 11 Setting Up Draft Processing

View Accounting Entries page

Review the Debit and Credit account fields for each draft event to make sure the accounting entries will be
correct. If not, review your setup and make the necessary changes.

Assigning Distribution Codes to a Draft Type

Access the Draft Type Distribution Codes page. (Click the Draft Distribution Codes link on the Draft Type

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 357
Setting Up Draft Processing Chapter 11

Draft Type Distribution Codes page

To override the default distribution code for a specific business unit for this draft type, enter a business unit.
Then enter the distribution code to use for any of the following types of distribution types:

Draft AR Enter the receivable account for approved drafts.

Remitted Draft Enter the receivable account for remitted drafts.

Discount Recv (discount Enter the receivable account for discounted drafts.
Discount Liab (discount Enter the liability account for drafts discounted with recourse.
Dishonored Enter the receivable account for dishonored drafts.

Assigning System Functions to Subevents

Access the Draft Subevent System Function page. (Click the Sub-events link on the Draft Type page.)

358 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 11 Setting Up Draft Processing

Draft Subevent System Function page

Assign a system function to each Sub Event for which you want to create accounting entries. Enter the system
function to use for the actual subevent in the Standard field.

Note. You enter the system function to use when you dishonor the draft after the subevent in the Dishonor
field on the Draft Type page.

Defining Where Draft Documents Are Stored

To define where documents are stored, use the Draft Physical Location component (DRAFT_LOCATION).

You define each location where you store draft documents. You assign a draft location to a draft on the draft

This section discusses how to define draft locations.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 359
Setting Up Draft Processing Chapter 11

Page Used to Define Where Draft Locations are Stored

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Draft Physical Location DRAFT_LOCATION Setup Financials/Supply Define where you store
Chain, Product Related, draft documents.
Receivables, Drafts,
Physical Location, Draft
Physical Location

Defining Draft Locations

Access the Draft Physical Location page. (Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Drafts, Physical Location, Draft Physical Location.)

Enter the Location code and a description for each location.

Defining Draft Collection Methods

You must define the collection information for the bank accounts that receive the EFT files that you send.

This section discusses how to define collection information.

Page Used to Define Collection Methods

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Collection Methods COLLECT_BANK Banking, Bank Accounts, Define collection

External Accounts, information for the bank to
Collection Methods which you send EFT files
for drafts.

Defining Collection Information

Access the Collection Methods page. (Select Banking, Bank Accounts, External Accounts, Collection

Select Draft in the Payment Method field. Then define the following additional information:

• If your organization uses document sequencing, assign document types for draft processing.

• Define the currency, minimum remittance amount, and the draft risk days.

• If you use discount drafts, define the credit limit information for discounts.

• Define the rules for determining the settlement date if the due date falls on a holiday.

360 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 11 Setting Up Draft Processing

• Define the EFT file attributes.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up External, Internal, and
Netting Accounts," Defining Collection Methods

Assigning Customers to Draft Groups

You have the option of assigning customers to draft groups. When you create drafts, you can create them for
all customers in a draft group at once.

This section discusses how to:

• Create a draft group.

• Assign a customer to a draft group.

Pages Used to Assign Customers to Draft Groups

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Customer Group Table CUST_GROUP_TBL Set Up Financials/Supply Create draft groups for
Chain, Common customers who share the
Definitions, Customers, same functionality.
Customer Group Table,
Customer Group Table

General Information - CUST_GROUP_INFO Customers, Customer Assign individual customers

Customer Group Info Information, General to a draft customer group.
Information, General Info
Select 0070 - Customer
Group in the General Info
Links field on the General
Info page for the customer.

Creating a Draft Group

Access the Customer Group Table page. (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions,
Customers, Customer Group Table, Customer Group Table.)

Select Draft for the customer group type.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 361
Setting Up Draft Processing Chapter 11

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining Additional
Customer Information," Establishing Customer Group Tables

Assigning a Customer to a Draft Group

Access the General Information - Customer Group Info. (Select Customers, Customer Information, General
Information, General Info, and select 0070 - Customer Group in the General Info Links field on the General
Info page for the customer.)

Select DRFT in the Group Type field and select the group in the Customer Group field.

Setting Up Automatic Numbering for Draft Processing

You must set up automatic numbering for draft IDs, draft approval IDs, draft remittance IDs, and IDs for the
dishonor, void, and cancel remittance worksheets on the Automatic Numbering page.

The following table lists the number types that you must set up and the field name to select for each one:

Number Type Field


Draft Approval ID (DRAP) DR_APPROVE_ID

Remittance ID (RMT) REMIT_ID

Draft Worksheet ID (DISH) DR_DISHONOR_ID

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining Financials and Supply Chain
Management Common Definitions," Setting Up Automatic Numbering

Setting Up Draft Reference Qualifiers

To set up draft reference qualifiers, use the Draft Reference Qualifier component (DR_FLD_REF_TBL).

PeopleSoft Receivables delivers four draft reference qualifiers that you use to identify drafts when you build
draft remittance worksheets: Draft ID, Draft Document Reference, Customer Bank, and Customer Group.

362 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 11 Setting Up Draft Processing

This section discusses how to set up reference qualifiers for remitting drafts.

Page Used to Set Up Reference Qualifiers

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Drafts Reference Qualifier DR_FLD_REF_TABLE Setup Financials/Supply Define new reference

Chain, Product Related, qualifiers for identifying
Receivables, Drafts, drafts.
Reference Qualifier, Draft
Reference Qualifier

Setting Up Reference Qualifiers for Remitting Drafts

Access the Drafts Reference Qualifier page. (Select Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related,
Receivables, Drafts, Reference Qualifier, Draft Reference Qualifier.)

Drafts Reference Qualifier page

Record Enter the table that contains the data used to build draft remittance worksheets.

Field Name 1 or Field 2 Enter values to reference a field in the table. Enter the name of the field on the
table that you want to reference in the Fieldname field. Enter the object name of
the record used to retrieve the field values in the Prompt Table field.

Note. The Prompt table looks for fields that are in the DR_CONTROL_SBR and DR_CNTL_EVT_SBR
records. It also looks for fields in any view that has the DR_CNTL[_]%VW profile. If you add new reference
qualifiers for fields that are not contained in the DRAFT_CONTROL record, you must build a view that has
the same profile as DR_CNTL[_]%VW. Look at the DR_CNTL_BNK_VW record for an example.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 363
Setting Up Draft Processing Chapter 11

Defining EFT Reason Codes and EFT File Layouts

To set up EFT reason codes, use the EFT Reason Codes component (EFT_BANK_REASON).

This section provides an overview of EFT reason codes and discusses how to:

• Add reason codes.

• Select EFT file layouts.

Understanding EFT Reason Codes

In some countries, the bank sends an EFT file after you submit your drafts to the bank confirming whether the
payment was collected. The file contains a reason code for each payment record that indicates whether it was
collected. If it is not collected the reason code indicates why it was not collected. You run the
AR_DRAFT_BNK Application Engine process to process the bank EFT file and to update the status of the
Draft Control record. When you run the Receivable Update process, it creates the appropriate accounting
entries based on the change to the control record.

Page Used to Define Reason Codes

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

EFT Reason Codes EFT_BANK_REASON Setup Financials/Supply Set up reason codes for
Chain, Common draft processing.
Definitions, EFT, EFT
Reason Codes, EFT Reason

Adding Reason Codes

Access the EFT Reason Codes page. (Select Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, EFT, EFT
Reason Codes, EFT Reason Codes.)

364 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 11 Setting Up Draft Processing

EFT Reason Codes page

Reason Code Enter a user-defined reason code and description.

Event Enter the appropriate draft business event, such as 10 (Void Draft) or F1 (Draft
at Due Date) that the system should use to set the status for payment records
returned with this reason.

Post Action Indicate whether the system should use the actual or dishonored rules that you
defined for the business event. Values are Actual or Dishonor.

Set up the following reason codes for the RIBA files used in Italy. Other countries can use this as an example
to set up their reason codes.

Reason Code Description Action

30006 Incorrect due to technical problems Void draft

30007 Incorrect bank details Cancel remittance

30008 Payment stopped by issuer Void draft

30009 Due date beyond SIA guidelines Void draft

30010 Payment collected Apply cash

42010 Insufficient funds Dishonor draft

Setting Up EFT File Layouts

The following is a list of EFT file layouts for draft processing:

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 365
Setting Up Draft Processing Chapter 11

Eft File Layout Code Description Country

ETBDR Use for outbound transmissions. France

RIBA Use for inbound and outbound Italy

transmissions. Receive information
from the bank indicating the success
of payments.

KIJ Use Kijitsu for inbound Japan


See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Files for Electronic Funds
Transfers," Setting Up EFT Processing

366 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12

Setting Up Receivable Update and

Pending Group Generator
This chapter provides overviews of the Receivable Update multiprocess job (ARUPDATE) and the Pending
Group Generator process (AR_PGG_SERV) and discusses how to:

• Set up parallel processing.

• Set up run controls for Receivable Update.

Understanding the Receivable Update Application Engine Process

This section discusses:

• Receivable Update process.

• Receivable Update multiprocess job.

• Receivable Update processing options.

• Accounting history and accounting periods.

Receivable Update Process

The posting process in PeopleSoft Receivables is known as Receivable Update. The Receivable Update
process occurs throughout the system as you post pending items. These pending items can be entered online,
created by your billing interface, or created during payment processing, draft processing, direct-debit
processing, or overdue charge processing, or during item maintenance activities.

When you post items in PeopleSoft Receivables, the system processes groups of pending items to update a
customer's balance, system-defined history elements, and item balances. During processing, the system
creates balanced, valid accounting entries. The Journal Generator Application Engine process (FS_JGEN)
then summarizes the accounting entry information in general ledger journal format. The General Ledger
Posting Application Engine process (GLPPPOST) updates the ledger balances.

Receivable Update processes records in these transaction tables:

• Group Control (PS_GROUP_CONTROL) - Contains header information for the transaction group.

• Pending Item (PS_PENDING_ITEM) - Contains the transaction type and transaction detail.

• Pending Distribution (PS_PENDING_DST) - Contains accounting entries.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 367
Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator Chapter 12

• Pending VAT (PS_PENDING_VAT) - Contains value-added tax (VAT) transaction type and transaction

• Pending Tax (PS_PENDING_TAX) - Contains India excise duty tax and sales tax entries from a billing

• Pending Tax Details (PS_PENDING_TAX_DTL) - Contains India excise duty tax and sales tax details.

The process updates six master tables:

• Item (PS_ITEM) - Contains detailed information about the receivable.

• Item Activity (PS_ITEM_ACTIVITY) - Describes the action taken on the receivable item.

• Item Distribution (PS_ITEM_DST) - Contains the accounting entries for the item activity.

• Item VAT (PS_ITEM_ACT_VAT) - Contains the VAT transactions for the item activity.

• Item Tax (PS_ITEM_ACTTAX) - Contains tax information for India for the item activity.

• Item Tax Details (PS_ACTTAX_DTL) - Contains tax line information for India for the item activity.

Note. If you enabled the options for processing entry events selected at the installation level and on the
Receivable Update Request - Options page, the Receivable Update process calls the Entry Events Generator
Application Engine process (FS_EVENTGEN), which updates the Entry Event Accounting Lines table
(PS_EE_ITM_ACCTG_LN) with the supplemental accounting entries.

This graphic shows the flow of data for the Receivables Update process. The transaction tables
PENDING_TAX_DTL) are processed using Receivable Update and updated in the master tables (ITEM,

Receivable Update process updates transaction tables to master tables

368 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12 Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator

The Receivable Update process also updates the system-defined customer history elements.

See Also

Chapter 8, "Setting Up History and Aging," Understanding History Calculations, page 243

Receivable Update Multiprocess Job

The Receivable Update multiprocess job (ARUPDATE) consists of up to eight steps. This table describes
each step:

Step Description

Receivable Update Application The process takes groups from all worksheets that are set to post and
Engine process (ARUPDATE) creates the GROUP_CONTROL and PENDING_ITEM records.
(For pending item groups entered online or imported from a billing system,
or for groups whose accounting entries have been created online, the
GROUP_CONTROL and PENDING_ITEM records already exist.)
This step prepares tables for parallel processing.

Note. Any parameters that you add to narrow the scope or to change
processing are ignored in the first step.

Pending Group Generator The AR_PGG multiprocess job runs a predefined number of Pending
multiprocess job (AR_PGG) Group Generator Application Engine processes (AR_PGG_SERV) in
parallel. The Pending Group Generator process creates accounting entries
and VAT lines for any groups that are set to post. This includes the output
from the Receivable Update process (ARUPDATE), as well as any billing
groups for which accounting entries are not already created. The process
creates VAT lines only for certain types of system-generated groups.

Note. For this step, you can narrow the scope of processing by one field.

Posting multiprocess job (AR_POST) The AR_POST multiprocess job runs a predefined number of AR Posting
Application Engine (AR_POSTING) processes in parallel. This process
posts the transactions in each group.

Note. For this step, you can specify multiple narrowing and chunking

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Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator Chapter 12

Step Description

(Optional) Entry Events Generator Each AR Posting process calls the Entry Events Generator process to
Application Engine process generate entry events. Entry events enable PeopleSoft Receivables to
(FS_EVENTGEN) create standard accounting entries automatically based on accounting lines
generated by receivables document posting. This process runs only if you
have the options for processing entry events selected at the installation
level and on the Receivable Update Request - Options page.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook,
"Using Entry Events."

Receivable Update Clean Application This process updates customer history for all business units and performs
Engine process (AR_UPDATE2) cleanup tasks.

(Optional) Revenue Estimate The AR_UPDATE2 process calls the Revenue Estimate process to create
Application Engine process source transactions for control budgets if you have enabled the
(AR_REV_EST) commitment control feature for PeopleSoft Receivables and the business

(Optional) Budget Processor The AR_UPDATE2 process calls the Budget Processor by way of the
Application Engine process (FS_BP) Revenue Estimate process to budget check the source transactions that the
Revenue Estimate process created and creates the budget lines. The
process uses the default source transaction type that you assigned to the
business unit.

(Optional) Journal Generator The AR_UPDATE2 process calls the Journal Generator to create the
(FS_JGEN) journal lines for the general ledger if you enable the option to run it when
you create the run control for the Receivable Update process.

See Also

Chapter 12, "Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator," Setting Up Parallel Processing,
page 374

Chapter 29, "Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables," page 913

Receivable Update Processing Options

When you run the Receivable Update process, you normally run it as a scheduled process. However,
PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to post groups from a group action page immediately instead of waiting
for a scheduled batch process to run. Use this function for small groups when you need to post a transaction
immediately. Each posting action is associated with an on-demand process group by default, and you enable
users to use an on-demand process group in user preferences. These posting options are available from the
action pages:

370 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12 Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator

Do Not Post Saves the changes to the group, but no posting takes place. You also use this
option to change the posting option for a group set to Batch Standard or Batch
Priority if the group has not been processed yet. The Do Not Post option is
associated with the ARACTIONA on-demand process group.

Post Now Runs the Receivable Update process immediately, which calls the Revenue
Estimate and Budget Processor processes if you have enabled the commitment
control feature for PeopleSoft Receivables and the business unit. If the user
enabled the notification feature, the system displays a message when the process
finishes. This is not intended for large jobs. The Post Now option is associated
with the ARPOST on-demand process group.

Post Now to GL Runs the Receivable Update process immediately and runs processes to create
and post journals to the general ledger. If the user enabled the notification
feature, the system displays a message when the process finishes. This is not
intended for large jobs. The Post Now to GL option is associated with the
ARPOSTGL on-demand process group.

Batch Priority Runs the Receivable Update process the next time that a priority job is scheduled
or the next time that a standard batch job is scheduled if that occurs first. The
Priority option is associated with the ARACTIONN on-demand process group.

Batch Standard Runs the Receivable Update process the next time that a standard batch job is
scheduled. This may occur once a day depending on how often your organization
schedules standard jobs. The Batch Standard option is associated with the
ARACTIONL on-demand process group.

Standard Jobs

To schedule a batch standard job, create a run control and do not create any RP_RUN_OPTIONS on the
Application Engine Request page for the AR_POST application engine. Each time that the system runs the
Receivable Update process for this run control, it processes all groups for which the posting action is set to
Batch Priority or Batch Standard.

Priority Jobs

To schedule a batch priority job, create a run control and enter PRIORITY in the Value field and select
RP_RUN_OPTIONS in the Bind Variable Name field on the Application Engine Request page for the
AR_POST application engine. Each time that the system runs the Receivable Update process for this run
control, it processes all groups for which the posting action is set to Batch Priority.

Setup for Receivable Update Processing Options

You must enable all users to run one of the system-defined process groups on the Define User Preferences -
Process Group page. This enables users to select a posting action on the group action page. You specify from
which group action page the user has access to these options. You can set this up for:

• Pending item entry.

• Payment worksheets.

• Maintenance worksheets.

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Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator Chapter 12

• Transfer worksheets.

• Unpost groups.

• Item split.

Important! The Post Now and Post Now to GL options should be limited to a small group of users and
should not be used as the standard method for posting transactions.

PeopleSoft Receivables defines which processes are included in each process group and from which pages a
user can run the process groups. In addition to the Define User Preferences - Process Group page, you must
specify any real-time run control options and real-time process options such as the server name and whether
to use event notification on the On Demand Processing Options page.

Note. To check the status of the process if you do not set up event notification, check the FS_STREAMLN
job in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Process Monitor.

The ARPOST process group (Post Now option) posts the transactions in the group and creates the accounting
entries. It runs these processes:

• Pending Group Generator.

• Interunit Central Processor (IU_PROCESSOR).

• Posting.

• Entry Event Generator (if enabled).

• Revenue Estimate (if commitment control is enabled).

• Budget Processor (if commitment control is enabled).

The ARPOSTGL process group (Post Now to GL option) posts the transactions in the group, creates
accounting entries, generates the journal entries, and posts the journal entries to the general ledger. It runs
these processes:

• Pending Group Generator.

• Interunit Central Processor.

• Posting.

• Entry Event Generator (if enabled).

• Revenue Estimate (if commitment control is enabled).

• Budget Processor (if commitment control is enabled).

• Journal Generator.

• Edit Journals (GLJEDIT) ( if you have PeopleSoft General Ledger).

• Post Journals (GLPPPOST) (if you have PeopleSoft General Ledger).

372 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12 Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator

Note. If you select the ARPOSTGL option and you do not have PeopleSoft General Ledger installed on the
system, disable General Ledger on the Installed Products page so that the Journal Generator process does not
call the Edit Journals or Post Journals processes.

See Also

Chapter 12, "Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator," Setting Up Run Controls for
Receivable Update, page 381

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up On-Demand Processing"

Accounting History and Accounting Periods

PeopleSoft Receivables gives you control over both your calendar periods and when you update history
elements. You define detail calendars based on your processing schedule. Each period in this calendar
represents a week, a month, or any other amount of time.

You assign a detail calendar for history calculations on the Receivables Options - General 1 page for each
setID. The system calculates, summarizes, and stores all monetary transactions that fall within the date range
for the periods that you define. You also specify which period in the calendar to use to calculate days sales
outstanding (DSO) on the Receivables Options - General 1 page. The Receivable Update process uses this
period to update the DSO history element. You also control when to update other history statistics using the
Customer History Options check boxes on the Receivable Update Request page. When you select the option
to update DSO, the page displays the period for which it will calculate the historical information.

Another factor to consider is the calendar that you use for accounting periods. You assign a calendar ID to a
general ledger business unit on the Ledgers for a Unit page. By default, each receivables business unit has the
same open periods with the same opening and closing dates as the general ledger business unit with which it
is associated. However, you can have different periods open in PeopleSoft Receivables or even different
beginning and ending dates for the period. You override the general ledger period information for an
individual receivables business unit on the Open Period page. After you close an accounting period for a
PeopleSoft Receivables business unit, you can no longer post transactions to that period.

After running Receivable Update to calculate historical information, if you do not want to log any additional
activity to a historical period, you may want to do one of two things:

• Use the same detail calendar for your history elements that is used for the accounting periods for the
general ledger business unit.

• Make sure that the period is closed before you run the Receivable Update process to calculate the DSO.

Understanding the Pending Group Generator Application Engine

All logic for creating accounting entries resides in the Pending Group Generator. The Pending Group
Generator Application Engine process (AR_PGG_SERV) is a component of Receivable Update that creates
all the accounting entries in PeopleSoft Receivables and:

• Runs each time the Receivable Update multiprocess job runs.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 373
Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator Chapter 12

• Creates accounting entries for payment, overdue charges, maintenance, transfer, direct debit, and draft
groups, depending on your setup.

• Creates accounting entries for online billing groups or for external billing groups when the billing
interface does not provide accounting entries and PeopleSoft Receivables has been set up to create
accounting entries.

• Calls the centralized Inter/IntraUnit Application Engine process to create interunit and intraunit
accounting entries.

Pending Group Generator is the second step in the Receivable Update process.

You normally run Pending Group Generator online in a test environment when you want to make sure that
your setup is generating the appropriate accounting entries. After the process creates accounting entries, you
can review the results online on one of the Accounting Entries pages.

Setting Up Parallel Processing

This section provides an overview of parallel processing for Receivable Update and discusses how to:

• Define the maximum instances in PSAdmin.

• Define the maximum concurrent processes for the server.

• Define the number of parallel processes.

• Add more parallel processes to the AR_PGG and AR_POST multiprocess jobs.

• Add additional Pending Group Generator and Posting process definitions.

Understanding Parallel Processing for Receivable Update

This section discusses:

• Parallel processing.

• AR_UPDATE process.

• AR_PGG and AR_POST multiprocess jobs.

Parallel Processing

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to break up the data that Receivable Update processes into multiple
pieces (partitions) to be processed in parallel, achieving higher performance. You initiate the parallel
processes by using a single run control, and the process automatically divides the work between the number
of partitions that you specify in your setup.

The Receivable Update multiprocess job (ARUPDATE) includes:

• The AR_UPDATE Application Engine process.

• The AR_PGG multiprocess job.

374 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12 Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator

• The AR_POST multiprocess job.

• The AR_UPDATE2 process.

Note. The ARUPDATE multiprocess job also includes the Revenue Estimate process and the Budget
Processor process. The AR_UPDATE2 process calls the Revenue Estimate and Budget Processor processes if
you have enabled commitment control for PeopleSoft Receivables and the business unit. The AR_UPDATE2
process also calls the Journal Generator process if you select the Process GL Journal Generator field on the
run control. You cannot divide the work for these processes into multiple partitions.

This diagram illustrates how the Receivables Update (AR_UPDATE) process works if you have three
partitions. The process builds groups from worksheets and the parallel preprocessor partitions one job into
three jobs to create accounting entries. AR_POST runs and posts the transactions for each job and calls the
Entry Event Generator, if applicable. Receivables Update can then optionally generate customer history, call
the Revenue Estimate and the Budget Processor process if Commitment Control is enabled, and call the GL
Journal Generator. Finally, the Receivables Update process performs cleanup.

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Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator Chapter 12

Running parallel processing using Receivable Update (AR_UPDATE).

When you use Process Monitor to check the status of the Receivable Update process, you view the status of
the ARUPDATE multiprocess job and each process within the AR_PGG and AR_POST multiprocess jobs.
The system does not indicate that the ARUPDATE multiprocess job is successful until each parallel process
finishes. The Job Message Log Summary page summarizes all the individual parallel-process message-log
messages for the entire ARUPDATE job.

376 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12 Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator


The AR_UPDATE process is the first process that is run within the ARUPDATE job. The AR_UPDATE
process acts as a preprocessor for the actual AR_PGG and AR_POST processes and does these tasks:

• Builds groups from all worksheets set to post.

• Identifies all groups set to post.

• Partitions the data between all the child parallel processes for both AR_PGG and AR_POST.

The distribution of data among the child parallel processes is based on the composition and volume of the
data. The process considers which groups are eligible for Receivable Update, based on the standard
Receivable Update run control, and automatically partitions the data.

AR_PGG and AR_POST Multiprocess Jobs

The AR_PGG and AR_POST multiprocess jobs contain all the PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Engine
process definitions, such as AR_PGG1, that you use for parallel processing.

Each process definition for AR_PGG calls the AR_PGG_SERV Application Engine process. PeopleSoft
Receivables delivers eight process definitions for AR_PGG_SERV—AR_PGG1 through AR_PGG8. Each
process runs the appropriate Application Engine program to process a specific partition of data. For example,
the AR_PGG2 process processes data only in partition 2.

Each process definition for AR_POST calls the AR_POSTING Application Engine process. PeopleSoft
Receivables delivers eight process definitions for AR_POST—AR_POST1 through AR_POST8. Each
process runs the appropriate Application Engine program to process a specific partition of data. For example,
the AR_POST2 process processes data only in partition 2.

If you want to run more than eight parallel instances of the Pending Group Generator or Posting process at
once, you must define additional process definitions by using the PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Designer.

The standard setup for the AR_PGG multiprocess jobs is to run a single process that contains only the
AR_PGG1 process definition. The standard setup for the AR_POST multiprocess job is to run a single
process that contains only the AR_POST1 process definition. If you want to use parallel processing for these
processes, you must assign additional process definitions to the job definition. Working with your system
administrator and based on your system configuration, you must specify the number of parallel processes that
your organization will use. Specify the number of parallel processes equivalent to the number of processors
within your system. You will probably need to experiment with the number of parallel processes to find what
works best. Oracle recommends that you assign just a couple of additional parallel processes to start with and
increase the number if needed.

You may also need to override the server settings for your organization. By default, you can run up to three
instances of a process at one time. If you want to run additional instances you must change your
configuration. If you also use parallel processing for the Payment Predictor process (ARPREDCT), Aging
process (AR_AGING), and Statements process (AR_STMTS), the maximum instances applies to those
processes as well. For example, if you want to run eight instances for the Payment Predictor process and four
for the Receivable Update process, configure your server for eight instances.

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Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator Chapter 12

Pages Used to Set Up Parallel Processing

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Server Definition SERVERDEFN PeopleTools, Process Define the maximum

Scheduler, Servers, Server concurrent processes for
Definition Application Engine

AR Parallel Processing PARALLEL_AR_SBP Set Up Financials/Supply Define the exact number of

Options Chain, Install, Installation parallel processes or
Options, Receivables partitions that you want for
Receivable Update and
Click the Parallel
Pending Group Generator.
processing Options link.

Job Definition PRCSJOBDEFN PeopleTools, Process Add additional Pending

Scheduler, Jobs, Job Group Generator and
Definition Posting process definitions
to the AR_PGG and
AR_POST multiprocess

Process Definition PRCSDEFN PeopleTools, Process Add additional Pending

Scheduler, Processes, Group Generator and
Process Definition Posting process definitions
if you need to run more than
eight parallel processes.

Defining the Maximum Instances in PSAdmin

Open the PSAdmin tool on your server to change the configuration settings.

To change the maximum instances:

1. Scroll to the section titled Values for config section - PSAESRV.

The section looks like this:

Values for config section - PSAESRV.

Max Instances = 3.

Recycle Count=0

Allowed Consec Service Failures=0.

2. Change the value for Max Instances to the maximum number of parallel processes that you want to run at

Defining the Maximum Concurrent Processes for the Server

Access the Server Definition page. (Select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Servers, Server Definition.)

378 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12 Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator

Process Type and Max For the Application Engine process type, enter the maximum number of parallel
Concurrent processes that you run at once. This figure must be the same or greater than the
maximum instances that you defined for PSAdmin.

Defining the Number of Parallel Processes

Access the AR Parallel Processing Options page. (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation
Options, Receivables, and click the Parallel processing Options link.)

Parallel Process and Enter the exact number of partitions to generate for the AR_PGG_SERV and
Maximum Partitions AR_POSTING parallel processes. The number of partitions must be equal to the
number of processes set up for the AR_PGG and AR_POST jobs. For example, if
two AR_PGG processes are defined within the AR_PGG job (AR_PGG1 and
AR_PGG2), then the AR_PGG maximum partitions must be set to 2. The
maximum number of parallel process cannot exceed the maximum concurrent
processes for the server.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Installation Options for
PeopleSoft Applications," Defining Receivables Installation Options

Adding More Parallel Processes to the AR_PGG and AR_POST Multiprocess

Access the Job Definition page for the AR_PGG or AR_POST job. (Select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler,
Jobs, Job Definition.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 379
Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator Chapter 12

Job Definition page

Process Type and Select Application Engine for the type and select AR_PGG or AR_POST for each
Process Name separate partition or process that you want to run. The processes must be defined
in the job sequentially; for example, AR_POST1, AR_POST2, AR_POST3. A
job definition of AR_POST1, AR_POST2, AR_POST5 is incorrect. If you define
additional process definitions, select the name of the definitions that you added.

Note. You must have the same number of rows in the process list as you enter in
the Maximum Partitions field on the AR parallel Processing Options page.

Run Mode Always select Parallel.

Run Always on Warning You must select these check boxes.

and Run Always on

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Process Scheduler PeopleBook

Adding Additional Pending Group Generator and Posting Process Definitions

Access the Process Definition page. (Select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Processes, Process Definition.)

Complete the fields on this page and the other pages in the Process Definition component (PRCSDEFN) to
match the AR_PGG1 and AR_POST1 process definitions with the following two exceptions:

380 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12 Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator

• Use another process name.

Oracle recommends that you use this format for the name: AR_PGG# or AR_POST#, for example

• Use another description.

To add more processes to run in parallel than the eight delivered by PeopleSoft Receivables:

1. Open an existing Application Engine program definition such as AR_PGG1 or AR_POST1 in

PeopleTools Application Designer.

Do a Save As using the new program name, such as AR_PGG9 or AR_POST9.

2. For an AR_PGG program, you must edit program step MAIN.PGG_SERV.DoWhen to define which
partition will have accounting entries generated by that individual process. Change only the last parameter
to match the partition. For example:


3. For an AR_POST program, you must edit program step MAIN.POSTING.DoWhen to define which
partition will be posted by that individual process. Change only the last parameter to match the partition.
For example, for AR_POST9:


See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Process Scheduler PeopleBook

Setting Up Run Controls for Receivable Update

This section provides an overview of run control setup and discusses how to:

• Create run control IDs for Receivable Update.

• Select additional processes to run.

• (Optional) Modify steps for AR_POST.

• (Optional) Modify steps for AR_PGG.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Process Scheduler PeopleBook

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Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator Chapter 12

Understanding Run Control Setup

The Receivable Update process processes all groups for all business units specified on the Receivable Update
request. Depending on your installation size and the volume that you process, you may want to use a different
method known as chunking. Chunking enables you to process large sets of data more efficiently by breaking
them into subsets or smaller units of work. You can chunk by business unit, by group type, by both of these,
or by group.

To use chunking when you run the Receivable Update process or set up batch priority run parameters:

1. Create a run control ID for the Receivable Update multiprocess job on the Receivable Update Request

2. Modify the Application Engine steps for the run control ID for each AR_POST# process on the
Application Engine Request page.

For example, if you have three partitions, you define the parameters for AR_POST1, AR_POST2, and

3. Modify the Application Engine steps for the run control ID for each AR_PGG# process on the
Application Engine Request page.

For example, if you have three partitions, you define the parameters for AR_PGG1, AR_PGG2, and

In most cases, you probably will run the Receivable Update process by using a scheduled job.

When you create a run control request for the Receivable Update process, you can also specify that you want
to run the Entry Events Generator and the Journal Generator processes.

Pages Used to Set Up Run Controls for Receivable Update

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Receivable Update Request POSTING_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Enter run parameters for the
Receivables Updates, Receivable Update process
Request Receivables for specified business units
Update, Receivable Update and run the process.

Options POSTING_OPTIONS Accounts Receivable, Select optional processes to

Receivables Updates, run and specify an
Request Receivables accounting entry definition
Update, Options for the Journal Generator
process and an entry events
definition for the Entry
Events Generator process.
These options apply to all
business units processed by
the run control.

382 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12 Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Application Engine Request AE_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Modify the steps for a run
Receivables Update, control ID for AR_POST#
Request Application and AR_PGG#.
Engine, Application Engine

Creating Run Control IDs for Receivable Update

Access the Receivable Update Request page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Updates, Request
Receivables Update, Receivable Update Request.)

Group Unit Enter the business unit of the group that you want to post.

High Balance Basis Date Select the date to use when calculating the customer history ID of
HI_BAL_AMT. Options are:
Run Date: By default, the Receivable Update process uses the run date.
Calc Date (calculation date): Select if you want HI_BAL_AMT to be calculated
as of the calculation date. The Receivable Update process then uses the calendar
ID on the Receivables Options - Options 1 page to determine the calculation date.

Accounting Date From When the system scans the database, it looks at the group accounting date for
and Accounting Date To each group that is set to post to determine whether it falls in the date range that
you specify here. If the effective date on the General Info page for a customer is
outside the range of the accounting dates, the system does not select pending
items to be posted for a customer.

User Defined Select to update the history elements that you established on the User Defined
History page. For example, if you use the user-defined history of SALES, sales
history is calculated for the year and period defined by the accounting date of the

Payment Performance Select to update the system-defined history IDs for average days late, weighted
average days late, weighted average terms, and weighted average days paid.

DSO (days sales Select to update both DSO30 and DSO90. SALES history is also included
outstanding) because DSO calculations use the sales figures updated as part of user-defined
history. If you run DSO without calculating SALES history, no sales figures will
be available.

Calculation Year and If you select DSO, these fields appear. You can change the settings on the
Period Receivables Options - Options 1 page.

SubCustomer If you select DSO, this field appears if you selected either Use Both or Use 1st in
the SubCustomer Usage field on the Installation Options - Overall page. This
option updates history at subcustomer levels for all customers in the business unit
who have subcustomer history enabled.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 383
Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator Chapter 12

Note. If you do not want to use DSO30 or DSO90, use the System-Defined History page to make these
customer history IDs inactive.

The run control ID that you used to access this page is linked to your user ID. When you add a Receivable
Update request, the system creates an Application Engine request for you with the same user ID and run
control ID combination, specifying AR_PGG1 and AR_POST1 as the processes. If you want to add options
to other parallel processes, you must add them separately.

See Also

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Defining General Options, page 24

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Installation Options for
PeopleSoft Applications," Setting Overall Installation Options

Selecting Additional Processes to Run

Access the Request Receivables Update - Options page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Updates,
Request Receivables Update, Options.)

Process GL Journal Select to run the Journal Generator process, which generates the journals for the
Generator general ledger when the Receivable Update process finishes. If errors occurred in
the accounting entries, the process will not process the entries.

Process Entry Events Select to run the Entry Events Generator process as part of the Receivable
Update process. This field is available only if you selected entry events during

SetID and Accounting Select the accounting entry definition that the system should use when it creates
Definition Name the journal header and lines, such as ARDEFN. These fields are available only if
you selected the Process GL Journal Generator field.

SetID and Entry Event Select the entry event process definition for the system to use when it creates
Definition Name supplemental accounting lines, such as ARUPDATE. These fields are available
only if you selected the Process Entry Events field.

Modifying Steps for AR_POST

Access the Application Engine Request page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Request
Application Engine, Application Engine Request.)

384 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12 Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator

Modifying run parameters for the AR_POST1 process on the Application Engine Request page

Enter the name of the appropriate AR_POST# program, such as AR_POST1.

Use the State Record, Bind Variable Name, and Value fields to define exactly what data to post. This enables
you to process smaller units of data. Add as many rows as needed.

Setting PRIORITY Parameters

Enter PRIORITY in the Value field to give priority to groups whose posting action is Batch Priority.
PRIORITY is designed to run on a recurrence definition that directs the system to run periodically throughout
the day to pick up only new priority groups. You define recurrence definitions by using the Process Scheduler
when you indicate how often to run the Receivable Update process (for example, hourly, or daily).

The following table describes PRIORITY and provides sample field values.

Description Sample Field Values

Run PRIORITY as needed. Program name: AR_POST#, such as AR_POST1

Suppose that you have 10 business units and 5 different State record: RP_POSTING_AET
run control IDs, each specifying different combinations
Bind variable name: RP_RUN_OPTIONS
of business units by user ID. During the day, you want
to post groups set to PRIORITY for any of the 10 Value: PRIORITY
business units.
Note. After you enter the run parameters, assign the
To do this, add a Receivable Update request with a new
Receivable Update request to a Process Scheduler job
run control ID (for example, URGENT) that specifies
with a scheduled run recurrence that runs every hour
all 10 business units. Add the PRIORITY run option as
(for example, HOURLY). By selecting the hourly
a parameter on the Application Engine request for the
recurrence and initiating this job, direct the system to
run control ID you created by adding an additional line.
process all PRIORITY groups each hour for each of the
specified business units.

You can set up multiple PRIORITY server jobs to run at

different intervals, processing a few business units in
each job or processing only certain group types.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 385
Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator Chapter 12

Note. You do not need to set up an RP_RUN_OPTIONS for a Batch Standard run control. With standard
processing, the system processes groups with either a Batch Priority or Batch Standard posting action. A
standard scheduled job processes any priority groups that have not been processed since the last scheduled

Narrowing the Scope of Receivable Update

These tables show how you can narrow the scope of what the process posts.

Description Sample Field Values

Post one group to a specific business unit. First row:

State record: RP_POSTING_AET
Bind variable name: GROUP_ID
Value: (appropriate value)
Second row:
State record: RP_POSTING_AET
Bind variable name: GROUP_BU
Value: (business unit)

Post one business unit to see all activity for a particular State record: RP_POSTING_AET
business unit.
Bind variable name: GROUP_BU
Value: (appropriate value, such as US001)

Post one group type, such as billing groups. State record: RP_POSTING_AET
Bind variable name: GROUP_TYPE
Value: (appropriate value, such as B for Billing)

Post groups assigned to one user. Use this option if you State record: RP_POSTING_AET
run Receivable Update once a day, but you do not want
Bind variable name: RP_USE_OPRID
to wait for the scheduled run.
Value: (user ID, such as VP1)

Note. Add more rows to further narrow the scope. For

example, you could add a row with a bind variable name
for a GROUP_BU with a value of a specific business
unit. Or add a row with a bind variable name for a
GROUP_TYPE with a value of P (for Payment).

386 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12 Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator

Description Sample Field Values

Combine processing options. For example, see only First row:

those payment groups in business unit US001.
State record: RP_POSTING_AET
Bind variable name: GROUP_TYPE
Value: (appropriate value, such as P for Payment)
Second row:
State record: RP_POSTING_AET
Bind variable name: GROUP_BU
Value: (business unit, such as US001)

Using Chunking in Receivable Update

Chunking enables you to process large sets of data more efficiently by breaking them into subsets or smaller
units of work. You can chunk by business unit, by group type, by both of these, or by group. This table shows
examples of how to enter chunking parameters.

Description Sample Field Values

Post one business unit at a time. State record: RP_POSTING_AET

Bind variable name: RP_CHUNK_BY
Value: BU

Post one group type at a time across all business units State record: RP_POSTING_AET
Bind variable name: RP_CHUNK_BY
Value: TYPE

Post one group type at a time, one business unit at a State record: RP_POSTING_AET
Bind variable name: RP_CHUNK_BY

Post each group, one at a time. State record: RP_POSTING_AET

Bind variable name: RP_CHUNK_BY
Value: GROUP

See the documentation on managing Application Engine programs in the Enterprise PeopleTools
PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Engine.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 387
Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator Chapter 12

Modifying Steps for AR_PGG

Access the Application Engine Request page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Request
Application Engine, Application Engine Request.)

Viewing run parameters for AR_PGG1 on the Application Engine Request page

Enter the name of the appropriate AR_PGG# program, such as AR_PGG1.

You use the State Record, Bind Variable Name, and Value fields to define exactly what data to process. Add
as many rows as needed.

This table shows how you can narrow the scope of what the process posts.

Description Sample Field Values

To generate accounting entries for only group type P. State record: PGG_SERVICE_AET
Bind variable name: GROUP_TYPE
Value: P

Add a parameter to specify the chunking method. You State record: PGG_SERVICE_AET
are limited to chunking by one field only, but you are
Bind variable name: AE_CHUNK_BY
not limited to specific values.
• BU: One business unit at a time.

• TYPE: One group type at a time across all business

units requested.

• BU_AND_TYPE: One group type at a time, one

business unit at a time.

388 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 13

Understanding Interunit and Intraunit

Accounting and ChartField Inheritance
This chapter discusses:

• Interunit and intraunit accounting.

• ChartField inheritance.

• Anchor lines for transactions.

Interunit and Intraunit Accounting

This section provides an overview of interunit and intraunit accounting and discusses:

• Interunit and intraunit setup

• Interunit accounting entries

• Intraunit accounting entries

Interunit and Intraunit Overview

PeopleSoft Receivables creates interunit accounting entries for these transactions:

• Payments made on the payment, draft, and direct debit worksheet or using the Payment Predictor
Application Engine process (ARPREDCT), where the payment, draft, or direct debit is processed using a
bank account that reflects a general ledger business unit that differs from the item's general ledger
business unit.

• Transactions entered on the maintenance worksheet or created by the Automatic Maintenance Application
Engine process (AR_AUTOMNT) to offset items from other general ledger business units.

• Items transferred from one business unit to another, where the general ledger business units are different.

• Direct journal transactions where the deposit is processed using a bank account that reflects a general
ledger business unit that differs from the general ledger business unit where revenue is recorded.

The system populates the ChartFields for interunit accounting entries based on the rules that you specify.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 389
Understanding Interunit and Intraunit Accounting and ChartField Inheritance Chapter 13

Note. If you enable the Use Affiliate option for the Business Unit ChartField for a ledger group, the system
populates the Affiliate ChartField with the other business unit involved in the transaction. Otherwise, it leaves
the Affiliate ChartField blank.

PeopleSoft Receivables creates intraunit accounting entries for the following transactions if you enable
ChartField balancing for a ledger group on the Ledger Groups - Balancing page and if balancing ChartField
values in the transactions differ in any of the distribution lines:

• Transactions on the payment, draft, or direct debit worksheet or transactions created by the Payment
Predictor process.

The system usually creates intraunit accounting entries if the user selects a nonpooled or cash clearing

• Transactions on the maintenance worksheet or transactions created by the Automatic Maintenance

process, such as refunds and offsetting items with different balanced ChartFields.

• Transactions on the transfer worksheet.

When you generate accounting entries, the Pending Group Generator Application Engine process
(AR_PGG_SERV) calls the central processor (IU_PROCESSOR) to create the interunit and intraunit
accounting entries.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Using Interunit and Intraunit Accounting
and ChartField Inheritance"

Interunit and Intraunit Setup

Setup for interunit and intraunit accounting entries is linked to the business unit definition for general ledger.
PeopleSoft Receivables uses the setup for the general ledger business unit associated with each receivables
business unit.

Note. If you plan to use discounts and multibook, then you need to have the same ledger group set up for both
business units.

PeopleSoft Receivables provides three unique system transaction definitions that define specific rules for
receivables transactions:

• Receivables Item (ARIT): Used for all other receivables transactions.

• Receivables Transfer (ARTR): Used for transfers.

• Receivables Direct Journal (ARDJ): Used for direct journal payments.

You should not modify these definitions unless you modify your application. These system transaction
definitions are mapped to the system-defined transaction code for general transactions on the System
Transaction Map page.

390 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 13 Understanding Interunit and Intraunit Accounting and ChartField Inheritance

Important! You should also specify the general ledger business unit for customers that you marked as
interunit customers on the General Information - Bill To Options page. The system uses the general ledger
business unit for the To customer when you transfer items to a new customer to generate the interunit
accounting entries.

You must also define distribution codes for maintenance control and assign the default distribution code to
each business unit.

Note. Summarization is an installation option for interunit and intraunit distribution lines that do not use
Affiliate ChartFields. Using summarization, you can reduce the number of interunit and intraunit distribution
lines when segregation of amounts is not required.

Interunit Accounting Entries

This section provides examples of interunit accounting entries for payment, maintenance, and transfer groups.
The following accounting entries are shown without summarization.

Interunit Accounting Entries for Payment Groups

The following interunit example could apply to payments, prepayments, on-account transactions,
overpayments, underpayments, and deductions. You apply a 980.00 USD payment to a 1,000.00 USD item
and create a write-off for the underpayment for 20.00 USD.

This table displays accounting entries for the payment application:

GL Unit Account Affiliate Type Debit Amount Credit Amount

US003 100003 Cash 1000.00

US001 120000 Receivables 1000.00


US003 100103 US001 Interunit 1000.00

US001 100105 US003 Interunit 1000.00

This table displays accounting entries for the underpayment adjustment:

GL Unit Account Affiliate Type Debit Amount Credit Amount

US001 100003 Cash 20.00

US003 120000 AR 20.00

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Understanding Interunit and Intraunit Accounting and ChartField Inheritance Chapter 13

GL Unit Account Affiliate Type Debit Amount Credit Amount

US001 100105 US003 Interunit 20.00

US003 100103 US001 Interunit 20.00

This table displays accounting entries for the write-off. The write-off entries do not require interunit
accounting entries:

GL Unit Account Affiliate Type Debit Amount Credit Amount

US001 673000 User-defined 20.00


US001 120000 AR 20.00

Interunit Accounting Entries for Maintenance Groups

When you create a maintenance group, you specify the anchor business unit for interunit transactions.

The following example shows the accounting entries for offsetting items. You offset a 1,000.00 USD debit
memo with two credit memos. one for 400.00 USD and one for 600.00 USD. The anchor business unit for the
maintenance group is US001:

GL Unit Account Affiliate Type Debit Amount Credit Amount

US001 120000 AR 1000.00

US001 125000 Offset 1000.00

US002 110000 AR 400.00

US001 125000 Offset 400.00

US003 115000 AR 600.00

US001 125000 Offset 600.00

US002 100103 US001 Interunit 400.00

US001 100105 US002 Interunit 400.00

392 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 13 Understanding Interunit and Intraunit Accounting and ChartField Inheritance

GL Unit Account Affiliate Type Debit Amount Credit Amount

US003 100103 US001 Interunit 600.00

US001 100105 US003 Interunit 600.00

Interunit Accounting Entries for Transfer Groups

The following example shows the accounting lines that would be generated if you transferred an item from
the US001 business unit and customer USA01 to the US003 business unit and customer USA01:

GL Unit Account Affiliate Type Debit Amount Credit Amount

US001 120006 AR 1000.00

US001 100100 US003 Interunit 1000.00

US003 120006 AR 1000.00

US003 200200 US001 Interunit 1000.00

Note. Because the interunit entries balance the transaction, no offset entries are necessary.

Intraunit Accounting Entries

This section provides examples of intraunit accounting entries for payment, maintenance, and transfer groups.
The following accounting entries are shown without summarization.

Intraunit Accounting Entries for Payment Groups

The following intraunit examples could apply to payments, prepayments, on-account transactions,
overpayments, and underpayments.

In the first example, you apply a 1,960.00 USD payment associated with a nonpooled bank account to a
1,960.00 USD item. This table displays the accounting entries:

Account Fund Fund Affiliate Type Debit Amount Credit Amount

100004 199 Cash 1960.00

110000 100 AR 1960.00

100040 199 100 IntraUnit (Due 1960.00


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Understanding Interunit and Intraunit Accounting and ChartField Inheritance Chapter 13

Account Fund Fund Affiliate Type Debit Amount Credit Amount

100040 100 199 IntraUnit (Due 1960.00


In the second example, you apply a 1,500.00 USD payment associated with a cash control bank account to a
1,500.00 USD item. This table displays the accounting entries that the system generates when you save the
deposit with the payment:

Account Fund Fund Affiliate Type Debit Amount Credit Amount

100002 200 Cash 1500.00

100023 200 Cash Control 1500.00

This table displays the accounting entries that the system generates when you apply the payment to the item:

Account Fund Fund Affiliate Type Debit Amount Credit Amount

100023 200 Cash Control 1500.00

110010 100 AR 1500.00

100065 200 100 Due To 1500.00

100067 100 200 Due From 1500.00

The system generates the intraunit accounting entries for cash control banks by comparing the fund on the
Cash line (created when you save the deposit) to the fund on the AR line (created when you apply the
payment to the item).

Intraunit Accounting Entries for Maintenance Groups

The first example displays intraunit accounting entries for a refund of a 4,500.00 USD credit memo:

Account Fund Fund Affiliate Type Debit Amount Credit Amount

200004 200 Refund Control 4500.00

110010 100 AR 4500.00

100040 200 100 Due To 4500.00

394 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 13 Understanding Interunit and Intraunit Accounting and ChartField Inheritance

Account Fund Fund Affiliate Type Debit Amount Credit Amount

100040 100 200 Due From 4500.00

The second example displays the accounting entries for a match of a debit memo to a credit memo with
different funds. The debit memo is 1,000.00 USD, and the credit memo is –1,000.00 USD:

Account Fund Fund Affiliate Type Debit Amount Credit Amount

110010 100 AR 1000.00

125000 200 Offset 1000.00

110010 200 AR 1000.00

125000 200 Offset 1000.00

100040 200 100 Due To 1000.00

100040 100 200 Due From 1000.00

Note. When you match (offset) multiple funds using the maintenance worksheet or the Automatic
Maintenance process, the system creates only one Due To and Due From entry for each fund. A set of entries
in not created for each AR line.

Intraunit Accounting Entries for Transfer Groups

The following example shows the accounting lines that would be generated if you transferred an item from
the FED01 business unit and customer 1000 to the FED01 business unit and customer 1002:

Account Fund Fund Affiliate Type Debit Amount Credit Amount

8035 Offset 1000.00

1310 100 AR 1000.00

1030 100 Intraunit 1000.00

2030 F100 Intraunit 1000.00

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 395
Understanding Interunit and Intraunit Accounting and ChartField Inheritance Chapter 13

Account Fund Fund Affiliate Type Debit Amount Credit Amount

8035 Offset 1000.00

1310 100 AR 1000.00

1030 100 Intraunit 1000.00

2030 F100 Intraunit 1000.00

ChartField Inheritance
PeopleSoft Receivables inherits the ChartField values for receivables transactions. The Pending Group
Generator Application Engine process determines the inheritance option for each ChartField and populates
each ChartField value based on the inheritance option selected for the ChartField.

This section discusses:

• Inheritance setup

• Inheritance accounting entries

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Using Interunit and Intraunit Accounting
and ChartField Inheritance"

Inheritance Setup
You must define inheritance rules for the following inheritance groups on the ChartField Inheritance page:

• Billing (AR/BI): Used for all transactions except revaluation.

• Receivables Revaluation (AR Reval): Used for revaluation.

PeopleSoft Receivables uses these rules for all transactions that inherit ChartField values.

Note. ChartField inheritance rules do not apply to PeopleSoft Project Costing ChartFields, with the exception
of the Project ID ChartField, unless otherwise noted in the inheritance options that follow.

Options for each ChartField are:

396 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 13 Understanding Interunit and Intraunit Accounting and ChartField Inheritance

Always Inherit The system uses the ChartField values from another line in the transaction, even
if it is in a different business unit. The distribution line varies based on the
transaction. The table in the section about anchor lines describes the distribution
line that the system uses for different transaction types. Select this option only if
all business units share the same ChartField values; otherwise, the inherited value
could be invalid.
Project ChartFields, other than Project Id, such as Business Unit PC, Activity Id,
and more are inherited to the offsetting cash accounting line if the inheritance
option for Project Id is set to Always Inherit. If the inheritance option for Project
Id is set to Do Not Inherit, then these Project ChartFields will not be inherited.
This functionality is applicable to direct journals as well as payment worksheet
cash entries and direct debit cash entries, but not drafts.

Do Not Inherit The system uses the ChartField values that you specify in either the receivables
setup tables (Distribution Code, Item Entry Type, or Automatic Entry Type) or
when you enter the transaction. The source of the ChartField values varies based
on the transaction type. You would usually not select this option for a balanced
ChartField unless you select the IntraUnit Balancing Entries check box on the
Detail Ledger Group - Balancing page.

Note. For value-added tax (VAT) lines, the system uses the ChartField values
that you defined for the VAT code associated with the item.

Use Unit Default The system uses the default ChartField values that you assigned to the general
ledger business unit associated with the transaction in the inheritance defaults on
the General Ledger Definition - Inter/IntraUnit page. The system uses the general
ledger business unit that you assign to the receivables business unit.

Inherit within Unit The system uses the ChartField values from another line in the transaction only if
it is in the same business unit. The distribution line varies, based on the
transaction type. Otherwise, it uses the default ChartField values for the general
ledger business unit. You may want to select this option if the ChartField values
are not shared across all business units.

Bank accounts can be associated with a single fund (nonpooled) or group of funds (pooled). A nonpooled
bank account must be associated with a fund code, and the inheritance option must be Do not Inherit. When
you set up pooled bank accounts, you must define the inheritance rules for the account. The rules that you can
select for the Deposit - AR, Control - AR, Draft - AR, and Discount - AR account types are limited based on
your selection for the Cash - AR account type.

Note. To set up rules for direct debits, select the DD/AR Draft Cash Control check box, and enter inheritance
options for Control - AR account type.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up External, Internal, and
Netting Accounts," Bank Account ChartField Inheritance for Education and Government

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 397
Understanding Interunit and Intraunit Accounting and ChartField Inheritance Chapter 13

Inheritance Accounting Entries

When you enter accounting entries online for pending items, you cannot change values for ChartFields that
are set to Always Inherit or Inherit within Unit. Also, if you enter additional AR and user-defined (revenue)
lines, the system automatically populates the values for ChartFields that are set to Always Inherit or Inherit
within Unit. For transactions on payment, draft, maintenance, or transfer worksheets, you can add additional
accounting entries only for items that do not reference existing items, such as on-account items and

If the values for ChartFields are set to Always Inherit or Inherit within Unit and you have items with multiple
AR accounting lines, the system generates multiple offset lines for all payments, write-offs, maintenance
worksheet matching, and so on.

For direct journal payments, the system uses the User-defined line to inherit ChartField values to the Cash
line, if the inheritance option for the ChartField associated with the Cash - AR account type is set to Always
Inherit or Inherit within Unit for the bank account. If you enter additional User-defined lines, the system
automatically populates the ChartField values on the new line. After you create the accounting entries, you
cannot change the ChartField values.

For cash control deposit entries, ChartField values are inherited from the cash control line to the cash line, if
the inheritance option for the ChartField associated with the Cash - AR account type is set to Always Inherit
or Inherit within BU for the bank account.

The following is an example of accounting entries where the inheritance option for the Fund ChartField is set
to Always Inherit. The transaction is a payment in full of a 300.00 USD item:

Account Fund Dept ID Type Debit Amount Credit Amount

100004 100 10000 Cash 300.00

110000 100 12000 AR 300.00

The Fund code in the Cash line is inherited from the Fund code in the AR line, but the Dept ID is different
because it is not set to inherit.

Anchor Lines for Transactions

The system uses an anchor line for each transaction to generate interunit and intraunit accounting entries and
apply inheritance rules. The anchor line for inheritance determines which line is used to obtain ChartField
values for ChartFields whose inheritance option is Always Inherit or Inherit within Unit. You select
ChartField inheritance options on the Design ChartFields - ChartField Inheritance page. The anchor line
varies based on the transaction type.

This table displays the anchor line that the system uses for different transaction types:

398 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 13 Understanding Interunit and Intraunit Accounting and ChartField Inheritance

Transaction Type Anchor Line

Pending items groups User-defined revenue line.

Maintenance groups For interunit and intraunit entries, the system uses the AR line for all
activities except matching, create new debit, and create new credit. The
system uses the Maintenance Control line for these activities.
For inheritance, the system uses the AR line.

Payment groups AR line.

Transfer groups For interunit and intraunit, the Transfer Control line.
For inheritance, the system uses the AR line.

Direct debit groups AR line except for cash clearing activities (DD-05 and DD-06). For these
activities, the system uses the Cash Control line.
For the VAT at Due Date activity (DD-09), the system uses the VAT
Intermediate line.

Draft groups The anchor line for draft groups varies based on the activity. It is the AR
line whenever available. If the activity does not have an AR line, the
system uses the following lines for the anchor line for these activities:
• Draft Receivable line: Draft Remitted to Bank and Draft Remitted
With Discount (DM-20 to DM-24), Collect Cash on Draft (DM-44),
Reverse Discount Liability (DM-45), and Dishonor Draft (DM-50).

• Cash Control line: Collect Cash on Discount Draft (DM-30 to DM-

32), Collect Cash on Draft (DM-40 and DM-42), and Dishonor Draft
(DM-52 to DM-54).

• Cash line: Dishonor Draft (DM-57 and DM-58) and Draft Bank Fees

• Remitted Draft Distribution line: Collect Cash on Draft (DM-46) and

Dishonor Draft (DM-55).

• Draft Discount Receivable line: Reverse Discount Liability (DM-41

and DM-43) and Dishonor Draft (DM-56).

• Draft Discount Liability: Collect Cash on Draft (DM-33).

Direct journal For interunit and intraunit entries, the system uses the Cash line.
For inheritance, the system uses the user-defined revenue line.

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Understanding Interunit and Intraunit Accounting and ChartField Inheritance Chapter 13

Transaction Type Anchor Line

VAT Intermediate and VAT Final lines For inheritance only, the system uses the AR line for the VAT line for all
activities except Create an Invoice/Debit Memo (IT-01) and Create a
Credit Memo (IT-02). For the those activities, it uses the user-defined
revenue line.

400 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 14

Performing Data Conversion

This chapter provides overviews of customer data conversion, pending data conversion, posted customer
history data conversion, and item and payment data conversion and discusses how to perform data conversion
using the DC_PENDITEM_CI component interface.

Understanding Customer Data Conversion

PeopleSoft Receivables stores customer setup information—address, contact information, credit information,
and processing options—on tables that are keyed by setID. Customer receivable information such as balances,
aging information, and payment history is stored on tables keyed by business unit.

This architecture may be very different from that of your existing system and affects conversion activities in
two ways:

• During conversion, you populate only the customer setup tables that are keyed by setID.

The Receivable Update Application Engine process (ARUPDATE) creates and updates the customer
information that is stored in the tables that are keyed by business unit.

• You do not convert customer-level historical information directly.

PeopleSoft Receivables calculates business unit balance and history information for customers based on
the converted receivable data.

Understanding Pending Data Conversion

The Receivable Update process is the only method that PeopleSoft Receivables uses to update posted
information: customer balance and history information, corresponding item information, item activity, item
value-added tax (VAT) activity, and item accounting entries.

The following tables contain pending item information that the Receivable Update process processes:

• Group Control (PS_GROUP_CONTROL)

• Pending Item (PS_PENDING_ITEM)


• Pending Tax (PS_PENDING_TAX)

• Pending Tax Details (PS_PENDING_TAX_DTL)

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Performing Data Conversion Chapter 14

• Pending Distribution Lines (PS_PENDING_DST)

In this chapter, we discuss approaches and considerations that are important when you convert accounts
receivable from your existing system to PeopleSoft Receivables. The "Developing Interfaces for Customers
and Pending Items" chapter discusses this topic in more detail.

See Chapter 15, "Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items," page 417.

The PS_GROUP_CONTROL and PS_PENDING_ITEM tables that contain pending information are
populated by interface programs that you supply to convert receivables from your existing system and bring
in information from billing systems.

The PS_PENDING_VAT table has a specialized use for VAT processing, and the interface program
populates it during conversion. You generally do not need to populate the PS_PENDING_DST table, as we
discuss later in this section.

The PS_PENDING_TAX and PS_PENDING_TAX_DTL tables are used for tax processing in India. The
interface program populates the tables during conversion.

Conversion Example

You decide to keep all customer setup information in one TableSet. Five business units share the customer
information in this TableSet. Some customers may have balances in all five business units; others may have a
balance in only one or two business units.

The interface program that you create to add customer information to PeopleSoft Receivables populates the
necessary customer tables for the TableSet. Meanwhile, the interface program that you create to bring in
existing receivables creates groups of pending items. The pending item records contain the relevant business
unit and customer combinations.

For each open item a customer has in a business unit, the interface program creates a pending item with an
assigned business unit, customer ID, and item ID. When the Receivable Update process processes these
pending items, it determines if it can use the customer ID that is established in the tableset for this business
unit. It then creates the customer balance and history information for the customer in the business unit.

Understanding Posted Customer History Data Conversion

The Receivable Update process updates the following tables with posted data at the customer level:

Table Contains

PS_CUST_DATA Balance and event information.

PS_SUBCUST_DATA Balance and event information at the subcustomer level.

If you do not use the subcustomer option, the table will
not contain any information.

PS_CUST_HISTORY One row for each history element for each fiscal year
and accounting period.

402 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 14 Performing Data Conversion

Table Contains

PS_SUBCUST_HISTORY One row for each history element for each fiscal year
and accounting period at the subcustomer level. If you
do not use the subcustomer option, the table will not
contain any information.

PeopleSoft Receivables does not support updating these four tables outside of the Receivable Update process.
Therefore, the amount of item data that you choose to convert determines the amount and type of customer
history information you will have after conversion before ongoing processing begins.

Understanding Item and Payment Conversion

You must consider a number of issues related to converting items when planning a conversion and the
ongoing use of the system.

This section discusses:

• Conversion of open and closed items.

• Transaction detail for items.

• Payment conversion.

• Line item feature.

• Key dates.

• Reference fields.

• User-defined fields.

• Your accounting entry approach.

• Group design and size.

• Multiple currencies.

Conversion of Open and Closed Items

Convert only open items or convert both open and closed items. Make this decision based on the requirements
of your system, the quality of data in your existing system, the amount of historical data that you want in
PeopleSoft Receivables after conversion (before ongoing processing begins), and the level of effort that you
can devote to the conversion process.

The advantages of converting only open items include:

• Less complex interface programming requirements.

• Smaller conversion effort, in terms of the amount of data and related balancing activity.

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Performing Data Conversion Chapter 14

• Simplified table setup for areas such as entry type and entry reason definition.

If the codes that are used in your existing system have changed over time, it may be simpler to create
corresponding codes in PeopleSoft Receivables only for planned, ongoing use.

The disadvantages of converting only open items may include:

• No historical data available in PeopleSoft Receivables for history areas such as average days late.

• Research into closed items through your existing system, either online or through reports, during whatever
period of time the accounts receivable and credit personnel need the closed item information.

Transaction Detail for Items

For converting open items, evaluate whether to bring in only the current balance on the item or to also include
transaction detail that may be in the balance.

For example, suppose in your existing system you have an invoice with an open balance. The balance is a
result of the original invoice, minus a credit memo that is applied against it. With PeopleSoft Receivables,
you can convert the item with its current balance or bring in both the original invoice and the credit memo.

To bring in the balance only, the conversion interface program creates one pending item. When you bring in
both the invoice and the credit memo, you create two pending items, each containing the same business unit,
customer ID, and item ID. You assign an appropriate entry type to each item as well as an amount and a
number of other values. The Receivable Update process creates one row in the Item Table (PS_ITEM) for the
item and two rows in the Item Activity table (PS_ITEM_ACTIVITY0, one for each pending item. That is,
after you post both pending items, PS_ITEM contains the balance for the item, and PS_ITEM_ACTIVITY
contains all rows that affected the balance.

For converting closed items, create two pending items with the same amount: one to open the item and the
other to close it. PeopleSoft Receivables does not support the direct entry of a closed item; a pending item
cannot have an amount of zero.

Payment Conversion
To understand the alternatives for converting payment information, you should understand how payment
processing works in PeopleSoft Receivables.

The goal of all payment application methods—express deposit, the payment worksheet, and the Payment
Predictor Application Engine process (ARPREDCT)—is to create pending groups for posting. These payment
application methods enable the cash applier to identify what is paid and to create necessary adjustments
without having to construct the group directly. In this way, you can process deposits and payments that you
received from the bank from the perspective of their source documents.

The end result of payment application, regardless of the method used, is one pending group for each payment:
a row in PS_GROUP_CONTROL and one or more rows in PS_PENDING_ITEM, depending on how many
items were paid by the payment.

404 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 14 Performing Data Conversion

If you have already entered the deposit information and applied the payment in a zero balance form in your
current system, no real value exists in creating deposits and payments, and then reapplying the payments to
create groups to send through the Receivable Update process. Directly creating the pending items that reflect
the result of your current application process is more efficient than using our online or background processes
to create the items, reenter these payments, and then reapply them to items. You have already accomplished
this matching in your current system.

To understand how to construct these pending items, you need to understand the use of item entry types and
automatic entry types.

Item Entry Types

PeopleSoft Receivables uses item entry types to identify pending items that are created during online item
entry or by an external interface. When you enter or build pending items that make up a group, you use entry
types that you specifically enable for use as item entry types. Two types of item entry types are available:
those with positive amounts (associated with the system function IT-01) and those with negative amounts (IT-

Automatic Entry Types

Automatic entry types work in the background to translate instructions for overdue charging, payments,
maintenance, draft and direct debit processing, and transfers into pending items. When you initiate an online
or background process for these types of groups, such as selecting an item on one of the worksheets or
running the Payment Predictor process, the system creates the necessary pending item by using the
information that is defined on the automatic entry type for that action.

For example, every time you select an item for payment on the payment worksheet, the system uses the entry
type, entry reason, and accounting entry information from the WS-01 (Pay An Item) automatic entry type to
create the pending item.

Automatic entry types fall into six categories:

• Overdue charges (prefaced by FC).

• Maintenance (prefaced by MT).

• Payment worksheet (prefaced by WS).

• Transfer worksheet (prefaced by TR).

• Direct debit management (prefaced by DD).

• Draft management (prefaced by DM).

Entry Types

The program that converts existing items should create the necessary pending items to represent the level of
detail that you want to see after you post the converted items. These pending items include payments that are
applied to items and any form of debit or credit memo that you use in your existing system.

You establish entry types and entry reasons, if necessary, to represent the different types of entries that you
convert. You then qualify these entry types for use as item entry types on the setup tables. Entry types that are
expected to have a positive amount are associated with the IT-01 system function; entry types that are
expected to have a negative amount are associated with the IT-02 system function.

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Performing Data Conversion Chapter 14

On the pending item itself, supply the entry type and entry reason values, and place a value in the entry use
ID field—either IT-01 or IT-02—that is associated with the entry type.

The entry types that you use for conversion can be the same as or different from the entry types that you use
on an ongoing basis. By using a different entry type, you can clearly identify the entry as created during
conversion. If you use the same entry types, you should disable their use as item entry types when conversion
is complete to prevent entry of an item with this entry type into the group entry environment.

For example, you decide to convert open receivables and any receivables that are closed within the last 30
days. You must convert transaction detail at least for closed items. You decide to use the PY entry type to
represent payments that are made in your existing system, and you enable it as an item entry type of IT-02.
You also enabled PY as an automatic entry type to represent payments that PeopleSoft Receivables records.

After you complete the conversion activities, you may want to inactivate PY as an item entry type.
Alternatively, you could use a different entry type, such as CP for converted payments, to distinguish
converted data from data that PeopleSoft Receivables processes.

You may want to use a similar approach for write-offs, deductions, or other types of transactions that you

Line Item Feature

Use of the line item feature is an important implementation decision that affects conversion planning and
scope. The conversion implications of using line items include:

• Deciding whether the line item needs a different entry type and, optionally, an entry reason, to categorize

• Developing the pending items that are required to open and close each line item after the closed items are

• Developing the pending items that are required to support transaction details for converted line items,
whether open or closed.

What Happens During Line Item Conversion

During conversion:

• The combination of business unit, customer ID, item ID, and item line identify an item in the system.

• If you do not use the line item feature, the item line field contains a zero.

If you use the line item feature, item lines contain a number other than zero.

• Qualifying the item ID with an item line does not change the amount of data that the system stores on the
item or the way that the system handles it.

• The system treats items with an item line the same as items without an item line.

• The system does not combine item lines into a total for inquiry or cash application purposes.

For example, if you use item lines for an invoice that contains six lines, six items appear on customer item
inquiry and worksheet pages.

406 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 14 Performing Data Conversion

• If you use line items and also bring in pending VAT information, the option of treating the VAT as a line
item instead of recording it separately for each line item is available.

Key Dates
This table describes the significance of two important date fields on the PS_PENDING_ITEM table:

Field Usage

Accounting Date Used as a basis for payment term and aging

Using the accounting calendar, the accounting date also
determines which fiscal year and accounting period to
associate with the pending item. The system uses the
fiscal year and accounting period to create accounting
entries for journal entries for the general ledger and to
update customer history.

As Of Date Used as a basis for payment term and aging


Two conversion approaches using these date fields are available:

• When converting only open items:

• Choose a common conversion date and place this date in the Accounting Date field.

• Place the invoice date (or accounting date equivalent field) in the As Of Date field, and base payment
terms and aging rules on the As Of Date field value.

This approach records the converted items in one fiscal year and accounting period only, but
maintains the original invoice date for terms and aging. The Accounting Date and As Of Date fields
on the pending items from billing usually contain the same value if you choose this method.

• When converting open and closed items and developing history data within the PeopleSoft system from
the converted activity, use the appropriate date that is associated with the activity in the existing system as
the accounting date on the related pending items.

This approach also establishes an accounting calendar that spans all the possible converted accounting
dates and ensures that the open period range in the business unit options table is broad enough to span all
accounting periods. Thus, the system records all converted activity in the fiscal year and accounting
period in which it occurred.

Reference Fields
Eight fields in the PS_PENDING_ITEM table contain related document information that the system uses for
processing or page displays:


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Performing Data Conversion Chapter 14








The maintenance worksheet uses the Document field to facilitate matching unless you enter your own
matching criteria. When you specify on the worksheet that the system match items, it matches by comparing
the item ID and item line number with the document and document line number of each item in the
worksheet. Oracle designed this matching capability for instances in which subsequent activity against an
invoice, such as a debit or credit memo, is assigned its own item ID by the originating billing system, with the
original item ID supplied as reference information.

If you have this requirement in your application and want to use the matching feature in the maintenance
worksheet, you should use the Document field—and line item, if necessary—to hold this information when
you create pending items for debit memo and credit memo transactions.

You can display all of the fields on the preceding list without customization on the Item List inquiry page and
on the worksheet application pages (payment, draft, maintenance, and transfer). If you have reference-type
information for your business that requires this type of display, you may want to use one of the reference
fields on the preceding list rather than a user field to hold critical application reference information.

One additional consideration when you are processing subsequent debits and credits from a billing system is
whether to swap the document reference and item ID as part of your interface program. For example, your
billing system assigns subsequent debit and credit memos their own item ID, but also supplies the original
item ID in a reference field. Consider setting up your interface so that it can detect this condition, and have it
place the document reference in the Item ID field (with a line number if appropriate) and the item ID in the
Document reference field.

The Receivable Update process automatically matches the subsequent activity to the original item and saves
you online maintenance activity.

User-Defined Fields
Oracle provides 22 user-defined fields on the PS_PENDING_ITEM table in the delivered system that are
exclusively for your use. These fields are known as user fields. The following table lists the fields:

Amount Fields Date Fields Character Fields



408 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 14 Performing Data Conversion

Amount Fields Date Fields Character Fields









You may want to make two types of modifications to user fields:

• Changing the manner in which the fields are updated.

• Adding more fields.

Changing User Fields

Currently, the system processes all character user fields the same way. Note that the system takes the
RP_I_USER values from PS_ITEM USER1 if PS_ITEM is updated. The following statement rolls forward
an existing value if none is present on the PENDING_ITEM record:
AND USER1 = ' '

You can change the way that you handle these fields on a case-by-case basis. You may want to specify that
certain user fields not be overwritten if they have a value, regardless of the value on subsequent transactions.
The following statement rolls forward an existing value even if a new value is present on the
PENDING_ITEM that is to be processed:
AND RP_I_USER1 <> ' '

You can change the way that the system processes numerics and dates in a similar fashion. To make
modifications, open the AR_POSTING Application Engine program in PeopleSoft Enterprise Application

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Performing Data Conversion Chapter 14

The following list shows the names of the sections that you need to modify based on the type of user field.
You can modify the existing code or add a new effective-dated section with the changes.

• Section USER_ALP (for alpha fields)

• Section USER_NUM (for numeric fields)

• Section USER_DAT (for date fields)

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer

Your Accounting Entry Approach

You need to make several decisions about how you use the accounting entry capabilities of PeopleSoft
Receivables, including:

• How your billing system and PeopleSoft Receivables work together or separately to send accounting
entries to your general ledger system.

• Whether you create accounting entries for pending items that are imported from your billing system
directly in your billing interface program or enable PeopleSoft Receivables to create them for you.

• How you provide accounting entry information for items that you convert from your existing system.

These decisions depend on whether you use more than one accounts receivable line for each pending item.

General Ledger Interface Approaches

Three common patterns are available for importing receivables-type accounting entry information.

• Method 1: Billing to general ledger.

Your billing system creates detailed accounting entries for receivables and revenue-related ChartField
combinations and distributes them to your general ledger. PeopleSoft Receivables stores enough
information about the receivable and VAT accounting entries that are sent to the general ledger to be able
to support the creation of accounting entries during subsequent processing.

• Method 2: Control accounting.

The billing system creates and distributes detailed revenue-related accounting entries to your general
ledger, but offsets these entries using a receivables control ChartField combination. Then PeopleSoft
Receivables creates accounting entries for billing-related transactions from the offset to the control
account and updates the receivables ChartField combination.

• Method 3: Billing to receivables to general ledger.

PeopleSoft Billing does not send accounting entry information to general ledger. The information goes
directly to the PeopleSoft Receivables system, which distributes accounting entries to the general ledger
and also uses them for subsequent processing.

410 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 14 Performing Data Conversion

Method 1: Billing to General Ledger

If you use this approach, the purpose of the accounting entries that PeopleSoft Receivables stores is to support
the creation of subsequent accounting entries.

If you use only one receivables ChartField combination for each pending item, you can choose to have the
Pending Group Generator Application Engine process (AR_PGG_SERV) generate these accounting entries
for you by using an item entry template. You establish the baseline for subsequent processing, but prevent
distribution by indicating on the item entry template that PeopleSoft Receivables will not distribute the
accounting entries to the general ledger.

If you require more than one receivables ChartField combination for each pending item, PeopleSoft
Receivables will not generate these accounting entries for you. Instead, you must populate
PS_PENDING_DST with one or more lines that correspond to the open balance that is in each receivables
ChartField combination to offset those amounts at payment or maintenance time. Use a flag on
PS_PENDING_DST to indicate that PeopleSoft Receivables should not distribute the accounting entries to
the general ledger. Because PeopleSoft Receivables does not distribute the accounting entries that you create,
you can import only the lines that you need. A balanced entry is not required.

Method 2: Control Accounting

If you use this approach, the accounting entries that PeopleSoft Receivables stores have two purposes:

• To be distributed to the general ledger to clear the receivables control ChartField combination.

• To support the creation of subsequent accounting entries.

If you use only one receivables ChartField combination for each pending item, you can choose to have the
Pending Group Generator process create these accounting entries for you through the use of an item entry
template. The accounting template limits you to only two lines that are used for a balanced entry. Indicate on
the template that PeopleSoft Receivables distributes the accounting entries to PeopleSoft General Ledger.

If you require more than one receivables ChartField combination for each pending item, PeopleSoft
Receivables does not generate these accounting entries for you. You must populate PS_PENDING_DST
directly as part of your billing interface program, indicating that PeopleSoft Receivables distributes the
accounting entries to the general ledger. In this case, you must provide a fully balanced set of accounting

Method 3: PeopleSoft Billing to PeopleSoft Receivables to PeopleSoft General Ledger

If you use this approach, the accounting entries that PeopleSoft Receivables stores have two purposes:

• To be distributed to the general ledger.

• To support the creation of subsequent accounting entries.

If you use only one receivables ChartField combination for each pending item and you have only one
offsetting line, you can choose to have the Pending Group Generator process create these accounting entries
for you through the use of an item entry template. Because you are limited to only two lines on the accounting
entry template, you will not likely use this approach to create accounting entries that have the level of detail
that the billing system usually provides. Indicate on the template that the accounting entries are distributed to
the general ledger.

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Performing Data Conversion Chapter 14

If you require more than one receivables ChartField combination for each pending item or more than one
offsetting line, PeopleSoft Receivables cannot generate these accounting entries for you. Populate
PS_PENDING_DST directly as part of your billing interface program, indicating that PeopleSoft Receivables
distributes the accounting entries to the general ledger. In this case, you must provide a fully balanced set of
accounting entries.

Conversion Implications

When you convert open or closed items from your current receivables system, you must establish the
accounting entries that are required for subsequent processing, but you will not distribute them to the general
ledger. This is similar to the ongoing processing that occurs in method 1, billing to general ledger.

If you do not distribute the accounting entries for converted items but you want to distribute them when
importing ongoing billing information, you do not have to establish different entry types. Specify that
PeopleSoft Receivables distributes accounting entries to the general ledger. Then for your conversion groups
only, set values to prevent the resulting accounting entries from being distributed to the general ledger.


You can choose to have your interface programs populate PS_PENDING_DST concurrently with
PS_GROUP_CONTROL and PS_PENDING_ITEM. This gives you control of the accounting entries so that
entries that are too complicated for the templates to generate can be brought in from an interacting system.

Note. If you decide to create accounting entries within PeopleSoft Receivables as part of your background
conversion or interface processing, you must supply additional field values on the pending item to support
this processing. We discuss these fields in the "Developing Interfaces" chapter.

See Also

Chapter 15, "Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items," page 417

Group Design and Size

Because your interface program builds groups for conversion and ongoing interface purposes, you must take
several things into consideration in terms of group size and group structure. The most important consideration
is how the group control and status information enables the operator to tie back to the source system for either
conversion or ongoing interface balancing.

You use wo fields on PS_GROUP_CONTROL to categorize groups: Origin and Group Type.Origin typically
refers back to the source system, and Group Type represents the type of activity. Possible uses of these fields

• Establishing different origins for conversion groups from ongoing billing interface groups.

• Establishing different group types for conversion groups.

• Establishing a different group type for open and closed items and limiting a group to containing either
open or closed items.

• When converting open and closed items with the intent of establishing history, creating one group for
each month of activity that you convert and using the Group ID field to indicate the time frame.

412 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 14 Performing Data Conversion

No optimal size exist for a group in terms of how many pending items the group should contain. After
balancing back to the source system is considered, other issues include:

• Slight processing overhead that is associated with a group, meaning that fewer groups with more pending
items in each will then process more quickly.

• An online environment that contains some restrictions for the number of rows that can appear on a page.

You can use two page formats to view external groups online. For the first page type, you view items in a
scroll and scroll up or down to see all the items. In this type of page group, the number of pending items
that you can display without receiving a page processor error is between 50 and 100, depending on how
many pending distribution rows exist.

For the second type of page, one pending item appears at a time. For example, PeopleTools limits the
number of pending items in the list to 255 for some lists.

Although you may think from this example that a group should never contain more than 255 pending
items, a larger group works quite well for several reasons. For example, you have a group containing
5,000 pending items. The first time the group is posted, none of the 5,000 pending items are posted. Each
of the items is unlikely to have a unique error. When you bring up the first 255 rows on an error
correction page, you may discover that most of them have the same error, such as an invalid payment
term. You correct the value on the setup table and post the group again. Then you find that most of the
pending items are posted and you have only a few remaining rows to correct.

After you work out setup-related conversion issues and have your ongoing interface established, the
number of errors that occur, if any, should be minimal. To facilitate this process, you will find helpful the
task of first developing test conversion and interface groups that contain a sample of the data that you
process. This helps to eliminate setup issues and enables you to process the group size for conversion and
ongoing interfaces that best suit business control and balancing.

Multiple Currencies
If you are converting or importing activity by using a foreign currency, you need to consider how the groups
are composed. You can choose to bring in more than one currency within the same group or to limit groups to
a single currency.

If you plan to create accounting entries during background processing, you must perform currency conversion
in advance on the pending items and any pending VAT information or pending taxes for India that you are
converting or importing.

Performing Data Conversion Using the DC_PENDITEM_CI

Component Interface
This section provides an overview of the DC_PENDITEM_CI component interface and discusses how to:

• Run the component interface conversion process.

• Verify that the data conversion is successful.

• Post the items in PeopleSoft Receivables.

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Performing Data Conversion Chapter 14

Understanding the DC_PENDITEM_CI Component Interface

When you implement the PeopleSoft Receivables system, you will want to convert existing information to the
PeopleSoft Receivables system. Use the DC_PENDITEM_CI component interface and the Excel to
Component Interface utility to populate existing PeopleSoft tables with data from third-party applications.
The interface uses a combination of technologies such as iScript, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, and Visual
Basic for Application programs to convert data.

The DC_PENDITEM_CI component interface is a PeopleTools object that is created in PeopleSoft

Application Designer that enables you to access a PeopleSoft component from another application. The
component interface uses business logic to update the data in the Pending Item tables. You do this by using
the ExceltoCI.xls Excel spreadsheet to map the data and move the data into the PeopleSoft Receivables

The component interface populates these tables:







Note. Excel has a physical limitation of 256 columns and 65k rows. To work around these limitations, you
may need to limit the import data so that the number of rows on the Data Input page does not exceed 65k.

The user must have privileges to the DC_PENDITEM_CI component interface with full access to create
methods to run the component interface.

Running the Component Interface Conversion Process

Use the Excel to Component Interface utility to run the component interface. When you build the worksheet
template, select the DC_PENDITEM_CI component interface .

The PeopleTools documentation describes how to use the Excel to Component Interface utility in detail.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Component Interfaces

Verifying That the Data Conversion Is Successful

Use Application Designer to access PeopleSoft Query (Go, Query) where you can search for records in the
PS_PENDING_ITEM table and the other tables that the interface populates.

414 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 14 Performing Data Conversion

Posting the Items in PeopleSoft Receivables

Run the Receivable Update process to post the pending items and update customer balances.

See Also

Chapter 28, "Posting and Unposting Groups," Running Receivable Update, page 887

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 415
Chapter 15

Developing Interfaces for Customers and

Pending Items
This chapter provides an overview of customer data integration and discusses how to receive information
from a billing system.

Understanding Customer Data Integration

The PeopleSoft Receivables system relies on a family of tables that contain customer information that enable
customer-related processing. This customer information usually resides in one or many systems that are
maintained outside of the receivables processing area.

To transfer customer information from billing systems, order management systems, or customer databases,
you must write an interface program or use a utility to populate the PeopleSoft customer tables with

You enter customer information only for the tablesets that you use. You do not need to add any information to
customer tables that are keyed by business unit. The Receivable Update Application Engine process
(ARUPDATE) creates or updates rows in these tables.

The tables listed below are keyed by setID. Of these tables. three are required, four are conditionally required,
and the rest are optional. Required means that you must place a row in the table with correct default values,
even if you will not use any of the fields in these tables. The system uses rows in the required tables to access
information online and for background processing:

Table Name Required or Optional Information Type

PS_CUSTOMER Required Customer header

PS_CUST_VAT_REG Required for value-added tax Customer VAT

(VAT) customers

PS_CUST_ADDR_SEQ Required Customer address header

PS_CUST_REGN_TYPE Optional Customer region code types

PS_CUST_ADDRESS Required Customer address detail

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 417
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Table Name Required or Optional Information Type

PS_CUST_CNTCT_SEQ Optional Customer contact header

PS_CUST_CONTACT Optional Customer contact detail

PS_CUST_CNTCT_TYPE Optional Contact type

PS_CUST_CNTCT_DOC Optional Contact document

PS_CUST_CNTCT_CARD Optional Contact credit card

PS_CUST_CNTCT_PHN Optional Contact phone

PS_CUST_CREDIT Optional Customer credit

PS_CUST_OPTION Required for bill-to customers Bill-to customer options

PS_CUST_SHIPTO_OPT Required for ship-to customers Ship-to customer options

PS_CUST_SOLDTO_OPT Required for sold-to customers Sold-to customer options

PS_CUST_BILLTO Optional Valid bill-to relationships

PS_CUST_SHIPTO Optional Valid ship-to relationships

PS_CUST_CRSPD Optional Customer correspondence

Note. Use PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Designer to review the characteristics of each field in more

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Importing Customer
Information," Converting Customer Information

PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer

418 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Receiving Information from a Billing System

This section provides overviews of PeopleSoft Receivables Pending Item tables, interface tables, and
accounting entry creation and discusses how to:

• Populate group control table fields.

• Populate pending item table fields.

• Populate user-defined fields.

• Populate pending VAT table fields.

• (IND) Populate pending tax table fields for India.

• Prevent distribution of accounting entries for external groups.

• Create accounting entries for external groups.

• Troubleshoot missing accounting entries.

• Troubleshoot Receivable Update error messages.

Understanding PeopleSoft Receivables Pending Item Tables

PeopleSoft Receivables accepts information from an unlimited number of billing systems. The relational
structure of tables is flattened to contain posted data to simplify the interface process for converting existing
items or bringing in billing information.

At a minimum, the interface program or utility must populate two tables:



If you use the system for VAT processing, the system populates an additional table, PS_PENDING_VAT,
with VAT data.

If you use the system for excise duty and sales taxes in India, the system populates additional tables:

If you create accounting entries during the Receivable Update process, the system creates rows in a sixth
table, PS_PENDING_DST. Under certain circumstances and with certain limitations, you may also need to
populate PS_PENDING_DST in your interface.

Because the PS/Import utility runs only on the client and has limited processing capability, write an interface
program or use a tool such as Structured Query Report (SQR) to populate the interface tables. As another
alternative, use the DC_PENDITEM_CI component interface to populate the pending item tables.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 419
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

See Also

Chapter 14, "Performing Data Conversion," Performing Data Conversion Using the DC_PENDITEM_CI
Component Interface, page 413

Understanding Interface Tables

The Receivable Update process uses the information contained in the pending data tables to create and update
rows in the tables that contain posted data:

Pending Data Tables Include: Posted Data Tables Include:











Use these tables to interface continuously with a billing system for the purposes of conversion and for online
and background processing within PeopleSoft Receivables. They provide a single point of processing for the
Receivable Update process.

Just as you populate PS_GROUP_CONTROL, PS_PENDING_ITEM, and possibly PS_PENDING_VAT,

processes populate these tables as a result of group item entry, overdue charge processing, and activity from
payments, maintenance, transfer worksheets, unpost processing, and draft processing; and direct debit
processing, the Automatic Maintenance Application Engine process (AR_AUTOMNT), and the Payment
Predictor Application Engine process (ARPREDCT).

420 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

We define the groups that you create for billing interface or conversion purposes as external groups, and they
receive more extensive editing during the Receivable Update process. When you enter groups online during
group item entry, the system performs online edits that reduce the editing that is needed during the Receivable
Update process. The PeopleSoft application categorizes the third kind of group (created by the system
through the worksheet, overdue charge, unpost, draft, direct debit, item splits, and the Automatic Maintenance
and Payment Predictor processes) as system-defined groups with a required origin of PS_AR. These system-
defined groups receive the least amount of editing during the Receivable Update process.

See Also

Chapter 12, "Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator," page 367

Understanding Accounting Entry Creation

This table lists and describes types of transactions for which you create accounting entries:

Transaction Type What the System Does

Group item entry In the group item entry environment, the system enables the recording of an
unlimited number of accounts receivable debit or credit entries and an
unlimited number of offsetting entries of the opposite sign. The system also
creates entries to VAT liability accounts if you use VAT processing.
The system creates accounting entries for India taxes if you enter the items in
PeopleSoft Receivables or if your billing system does not generate the
accounting entries.

Worksheets In the payment worksheet, in addition to cash and accounts receivable, the
system creates entries to VAT liability accounts if you use VAT processing
with a payment declaration point. The system also allows an unlimited
number of debit entries for write-off activity. The system calculates realized
gain or loss entries in a multicurrency application. It creates interunit and
intraunit entries when needed.
In the maintenance worksheet, the system records entries to accounts
receivable and allows an unlimited number of debit entries for write-off
activity. The system calculates realized gain or loss entries in a multicurrency
application. It creates interunit and intraunit entries when needed. The system
also creates entries to VAT liability accounts when appropriate if you use
VAT processing with a payment declaration point.
In the transfer worksheet, the system creates accounting entries when
transferring items. It creates interunit and intraunit entries when needed.

Unpost The unpost process reverses entries that are originally recorded. It does not
require use of the Pending Group Generator Application Engine process

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 421
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

You can create accounting entries in background processing. In the production environment, this is the
normal way to create the entries. In addition, the Pending Group Generator process creates accounting entries
for external groups (if the interface does not populate the Pending Distribution table (PS_PENDING_DST)
and also creates the accounting entries that result from draft, direct debit, overdue charge, Automatic
Maintenance, and Payment Predictor processing.

When the Pending Group Generator process creates accounting entries for external groups, it uses the Item
Entry Type Accounting templates that you establish for entry types.

Note. The only way to create accounting entries that post without operator intervention—apart from
populating PS_PENDING_DST directly in the interface—is to have only two lines on the accounting
template, specified for use as a balanced entry.

Accounting Entry Approach

You need to make several decisions about how you will use the accounting entry capabilities of PeopleSoft
Receivables. You should decide:

• Whether your billing system and PeopleSoft Receivables will work together or separately to send
accounting entries to your general ledger system.

• Whether you will create accounting entries for pending items that are interfaced from your billing system
directly in your billing interface program or you will enable PeopleSoft Receivables to create them for

• How you will provide accounting entry information for items that you convert from your existing system.

Your decisions will also be influenced by whether you need to use more than one accounts receivable (AR)
line for each pending item.

Background Processing Flow

If you use the Pending Group Generator process to create accounting entries for external groups, you must
provide values in more fields on PS_PENDING_ITEM than if the interface populates PS_PENDING_DST
directly. The process runs before the posting step of Receivable Update, so default values that the Receivable
Update processes supply are not available when the process creates the accounting entries. The same is true
for converting or interfacing in a multicurrency environment; you must populate additional multicurrency
fields if you create accounting entries during the Receivable Update process.

The interface tables indicate which fields on PS_PENDING_ITEM must have values for the Pending Group
Generator process to create accounting entries.

See Also

Chapter 14, "Performing Data Conversion," Your Accounting Entry Approach, page 410

422 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Populating Group Control Table Fields

The PS_GROUP_CONTROL table contains one row for each group that you enter into the system for billing
interface or conversion purposes. We use the term group to mean a collection or batch of pending items that
the billing system or conversion program produces and that PeopleSoft Receivables groups for control or
processing purposes.

Some billing systems produce one group for each day. Other systems produce separate groups for debit
memos, credit memos, or certain kinds of invoices. During conversion, you decide how many groups to create
to bring in the activity that records open and closed items. PeopleSoft Receivables can receive an unlimited
number of groups of various entry types and sizes.

Your interface or conversion program populates the group control table with external billing group
information. The following table lists the appropriate values, along with the associated column name, for each

In the table, a field type is specified for each field; you use the field type to determine how to populate
system-maintained fields and optional fields that you want to leave blank. To leave a field blank, enter a
space for a character field, a null value or nothing for a date field, and a zero for a numeric field.

Note. Use Application Designer to review the characteristics of each field in more detail.

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/Conditio Field Description


1 GROUP_BU Character Required Associate each group with

a PeopleSoft Receivables
business unit.

2 GROUP_ID Character Required Provide a group identifier

for each group.

3 OPRID Character Optional Enter the User ID of the

person who entered the
group. This value is used in
group inquiry and
processing pages.

4 ASSN_OPRID Character Optional Enter the User ID of the

person who is responsible
for processing the group.
This value is used in group
inquiry and processing

5 BUSINESS_UNIT Character Optional Set the value to be the

same as GROUP_BU.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 423
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/Conditio Field Description


6 GROUP_TYPE Character Required Select the value that you

established in the Group
Type table for this type of
group. Do not use D, F, M,
P, T, or U. Draft, overdue
charge, maintenance,
payment, transfer, and
unpost groups use these
values. Also, do not use C
or R, because the Claim
Settlement Process for AR
these values for claim
items entered in PeopleSoft
Purchasing and PeopleSoft
Order Management.

7 BAL_STATUS Character Required The default value is N (out

of balance). The
Receivable Update process
automatically balances all
external groups and sets the
value to I (in balance)
during initial processing,
provided that the entered
amount and count that it
calculates are equal to the
control amount and count
that you provide.

8 EDIT_STATUS Character Required Indicates whether or not

the group has been edited.
Groups entered online, for
example, are E because less
editing occurs during the
Receivable Update process
for these groups. The
default value is N (not
edited) for external groups.

9 POST_STATUS Character Required Indicates whether the group

is fully posted, not posted,
or has errors that prevented
some items from the
Receivable Update process.
The default value is N (not

424 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/Conditio Field Description


10 POST_ACTION Character Required Indicates if the group is

automatically set to be
processed by the
Receivable Update process.
The field is populated with
A (no action) if you want to
review the contents online
before the Receivable
Update process. A is the
default for online
processing. The field value
is L (batch standard) to post
during the next Receivable
Update process run.

11 CONTROL_AMT Number Optional Enter the control amount.

The control amount is the
total amount of all items
that are in the group in the
entry currency of each
item. For mixed currencies,
this becomes a hash total.
If the group has two items,
one at 10.00 EUR and one
at 10.00 USD, then the
20.00. To require a single
currency for each group,
refer to the CONTROL_

12 CONTROL_CNT Number Required Enter the number of items

in the group.

13 ENTERED_AMT Number Optional The system calculates this

value for you, so enter 0.
When the Receivable
Update process balances
the group, the system
updates this field with the
total monetary amount of
all pending items.

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Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/Conditio Field Description


14 ENTERED_CNT Number Optional The system calculates this

value for you, so enter 0.
When the Receivable
Update process balances
the group, this field is
updated with the count of
all pending items. Online
groups have a default of 1.

15 POSTED_TOTAL Number Optional The system calculates this

value for you, so enter 0.
This field is updated by the
Receivable Update process
with the total entered
amount of all pending
items in the group that are

16 POSTED_COUNT Number Optional The system calculates this

value for you, so enter 0.
This field is updated by the
Receivable Update process
with the total count of all
pending items in the group
that are posted.

17 GROUP_SEQ_NUM Number Optional The system calculates this

value for you, so enter 0.
The system uses this value
to assign sequence numbers
for certain kinds of groups.

18 ORIGIN_ID Character Required Enter an origin ID to

represent where the group
came from. Select a value
from the origin IDs that
you define for use as
external billing origins on
qualify, the origin type
must be Billing, and the
origin method must be

426 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/Conditio Field Description


19 RECEIVED_DT Date Required Indicates the date on which

PeopleSoft Receivables
received the group. From
an interface or conversion
ENTRY_DT are probably
the same.

20 ENTRY_DT Date Required The date that you enter the

group into PeopleSoft
Receivables. From an
interface or conversion
ENTRY_DT are probably
the same.

21 POST_DT Date Optional The system calculates this

value for you, so set the
value to null. This value is
updated by the Receivable
Update process with the
most recent date that the
group was posted.

22 ACCOUNTING_DT Date Required Enter the accounting date

that applies to the group.
The Receivable Update
process uses this date to
determine if the group falls
within the date range that is
on the Receivable Update
process request.

23 PROCESS_INSTAN Number Optional The system calculates this

CE value for you, so enter 0.
This value is updated by
the Receivable Update
process with the process
instance that is used for a
given execution of the

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Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/Conditio Field Description


24 DST_BAL_STATUS Character Required Enter I (in balance) if you

provide your own
Otherwise, enter O (out of
balance). The Pending
Group Generator uses and
updates this value.

25 GROUP_ID_ORIG Character Optional Enter a value when you

unpost a group during
online processing.

26 DEPOSIT_BU Character Optional Enter a value when a

payment worksheet or
Payment Predictor creates
the group.

27 DEPOSIT_ID Character Optional Enter a value when a

payment worksheet or
Payment Predictor creates
the group.

28 PAYMENT_SEQ_N Number Optional Enter a value when a

UM payment worksheet or
Payment Predictor creates
the group.

29 PAYMENT_ID Character Optional Enter a value when a

payment worksheet or
Payment Predictor creates
the group.

30 PAYMENT_CURRE Character Optional Enter a value when a

NCY payment worksheet or
Payment Predictor creates
the group.

31 PYMT_RT_TYPE Character Optional Enter a value when a

payment worksheet or
Payment Predictor creates
the group.

32 PYMT_RATE_MUL Number Optional Enter a value when a

T payment worksheet or
Payment Predictor creates
the group.

428 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/Conditio Field Description


33 PYMT_RATE_DIV Number Optional Enter a value when a

payment worksheet or
Payment Predictor creates
the group.

34 CONTROL_CURRE Character Optional If this field contains a

NCY value, all pending items in
the group must have this
currency as their entry
Select from the values on
L. If you enter a space, the
pending items in the group
may contain more than one
entry currency.

35 FORMAT Character Required Enter the currency code

CURRENCY that controls the precision
for this group's amount
totals. Select from values
L. If you provide a value
use the same value here.

36 PAYMENT_AMT Number Optional Enter a value when the

group is created by a
payment worksheet or by
Payment Predictor.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 429
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/Conditio Field Description


37 ALLOW_DST Character Required Tells the Pending Group

Generator how to set the
field for the
PENDING_DST rows that
it creates for this group.
Set to Y to distribute the
accounting entries to
general ledger. This value
Set to N to prevent
accounting entries from
being distributed to the
general ledger. This value

38 CREATE_DST_BAT Character Optional This field is no longer

CH used.

39 CASH_CNTRL_USE Character Optional Enter a value when a

payment worksheet or
Payment Predictor creates
the group.

40 BANK_SETID Character Optional Enter a value when a

payment worksheet or
Payment Predictor creates
the group.

41 BANK_CD Character Optional Enter a value when a

payment worksheet or
Payment Predictor creates
the group.

42 BANK_ACCT_KEY Character Optional Enter a value when a

payment worksheet or
Payment Predictor creates
the group.

430 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/Conditio Field Description


43 UNPOST_REASON Character Optional Enter the reason for

unposting the group. Select
one of the reason codes
from the
or enter a space.

44 WS_REASON Character Optional Enter a reason that applies

to all items in a
maintenance group. Enter a
value that you define in the

45 OPRID_APPROVED Character Optional Enter the User ID of the

_BY person who set the
worksheet to post.

Populating Pending Item Table Fields

The PS_PENDING_ITEM table is a child of the PS_GROUP_CONTROL table. It contains one record for
each transaction that you add to the system. A pending item may represent any kind of invoice, debit memo,
credit memo, or adjustment. During conversion, or in a specialized payment interface application, a pending
item may also represent a payment.

The following table lists the appropriate values for each field in the PS_PENDING_ITEM table. Many of the
fields are optional, and some are used only by the system processes.

The following table specifies a field type for each field in the PS_PENDING_ITEM_table. Use the field type
to determine how to populate system-maintained fields and optional fields that you want to leave blank.
Supply a space for a character field, a null value for a date field, and a zero for a numeric field.

Note. Use Application Designer to review the characteristics of each field in more detail.

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


1 GROUP_BU Character Required Enter the same value as the GROUP_


2 GROUP_ID Character Required Enter the same value as the


Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 431
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


3 BUSINESS_UNIT Character Required Enter the business unit that is

associated with the customer account to
which you post the pending item. It
may be the same as, or different from,

4 CUST_ID Character Required Enter the customer identifier.

5 ITEM Character Required Enter the item identifier.

6 ITEM_LINE Number Optional Enter PeopleSoft Receivables at a line-

item level of detail.

7 GROUP_SEQ_NU Number Optional If you bring in more than one row for a
ITEM, and ITEM_LINE combination,
you must populate this field; otherwise,
enter 0.
An example of why you would bring in
more than one row for a single item
and ITEM_LINE combination) is that
your billing system or conversion
program is sending an invoice and
credit memo for a single item that is in
the same group. You have two options
for populating this field:
• Assign a unique number to each
pending item in the group.
PeopleSoft Receivables does this
for online group item entry.

• Assign a value only for pending

items that are repeated in the
group, and enter a 0 in the field for
pending items that are not repeated
in the group.

8 ENTRY_TYPE Character Required Select the type of item that is being

processed. Select from the entry types
that you establish in the PS_ENTRY_
TYPE_TBL that are enabled for the IT-
01 or IT-02 system functions.

432 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


9 ENTRY_REASON Character Optional Enter an optional reason to further

qualify the entry type. You can set up
entry types in the system to require
entry reasons. Select from the entry
reasons that you establish in the
enabled for the IT-01 or IT-02 system

10 ENTRY_AMT Number Required Enter the amount of the entry in the

entry currency. This amount cannot be

11 ENTRY_EVENT Character Optional Enter the code that the federal

government uses to post pro-forma
accounting information. The Entry
Event Generator generates
supplemental accounting lines if you
enter this code.

12 ACCOUNTING_D Date Required Enter the date that determines the

T processing period for the Receivable
Update process and accounting entries.

13 ASOF_DT Date Required Enter an optional date for use in

conversion or ongoing interface.
Payment terms and aging calculations
may be based on the value that is in
this field. Use the same value as the
ACCOUNTING_DT if you do not
supply a separate value.

14 POST_DT Date Optional The Receivable Update process updates

this date.

15 DUE_DT Date Optional Enter the due date of the item. Every
pending item must have a due date or a
payment terms code. For pending items
that may represent subsequent activity
against an original invoice, such as a
credit memo, the due date field is not
used in processing. However, it must
contain a value.

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Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


16 CR_ANALYST Character Optional Select an assignment of this pending

item to a credit analyst. Select from the
values that you establish in the
PS_CR_ANALYST_ TBL or enter a
space. If you enter a space, the
Receivable Update process adds the
default value from PS_CUSTOMER.

17 SALES_PERSON Character Optional Select an assignment of this item to a

team member. Select from the values
that you establish in the
PS_TEAM_MEMBERS, or enter a
space. If you enter a space, the
Receivable Update process adds the
default value from PS_CUSTOMER.

18 COLLECTOR Character Optional Select an assignment of this item to a

collector. Select from the values that
you establish in the
space. If you enter a space, the
Receivable Update process adds the
default value from PS_CUSTOMER.

19 DISPUTE_STATU Character Optional Indicates if the item is in dispute. A

S possible use for this field is to carry
over an existing dispute indication
during conversion. Select from the
values that you establish in the

20 DISPUTE_DT Date Optional Enter the date associated with the

dispute status indicator.

21 DISPUTE_AMOU Sign Optional Enter the Amount associated with the

NT dispute status indicator.

22 PO_REF Character Optional Enter the purchase order associated

with the item.

23 PO_LINE Number Optional Enter the line number for the purchase

24 DOCUMENT Character Optional Enter a reference number for the item.

434 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


25 DOCUMENT_LIN Number Optional Enter a line number for the document

E reference.

26 POSTED_FLAG Character Required Set to N (not posted). The Receivable

Update process maintains this field.

27 PYMNT_TERMS_ Character Optional Enter a due date or payment terms

CD code. Select from the values that you
establish on PS_PAY_TRMS_TBL for
accounts receivable. If you do not
supply a value, enter a space. If you
enter a space and do not provide a due
date, the Receivable Update process
uses the default that you establish for
the customer or business unit options.

28 DISC_AMT Number Optional Enter the first discount amount that is

available if the payment accounting
date is on or before the discount date.
You may enter this or let the payment
terms module calculate it. You cannot
have a discount amount if you entered a
payment terms code. Enter a value only
if you are also entering the due date. A
value is required if you have supplied
the discount date.

29 DISC_AMT1 Number Optional Enter the second discount amount that

is available if payment accounting date
is on or before the discount date. You
may enter this or let the payment terms
module calculate it. You cannot have a
discount amount if you entered a
payment terms code. Enter a value only
if you are also entering the due date. A
value is required if you have supplied
the discount date.

30 DISC_DT Date Optional Enter the date associated with


31 DISC_DT1 Date Optional Enter the date associated with


Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 435
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


32 DISC_DAYS Number Optional Enter the discount grace days that are
associated with the item. If you do not
supply a value, enter 0. If you enter 0,
the Receivable Update process uses the
default value from the customer or
business unit level.

33 DUE_DAYS Number Optional Enter the due grace days that are
associated with the item. If you do not
supply a value, enter a 0. If you enter 0,
the Receivable Update process uses the
default value from the customer or
business unit level.

34 ALLOW_DISC Character Required Set value to Y if you want the system to

consider all discounts for this pending
item as earned even if they are expired.
Entering N enables normal discount
processing. This field is useful for
handling special invoice situations or,
during conversion, to indicate that
special instructions are already
recorded. The Application Designer
default for online processing is N.

35 DST_ID_AR Character Optional If you populate PS_PENDING_DST in

your billing interface, enter a space. If
you plan to generate accounting entries
during the Receivable Update process,
you must supply a value. Select from
the values that you defined for accounts
receivable in the

36 DUN_DT Date Optional The Dunning Application Engine

process (AR_DUNNING) maintains
this date.

37 ST_DT Date Optional The Statements Application Engine

process (AR_STMTS) maintains this

38 FC_DT Date Optional The Overdue Charge Application

Engine process (AR_OVRDUE)
maintains this date.

436 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


39 FC_AMT Sign Optional The Overdue Charge process maintains

this amount.

40 OC_ADMIN_DT Date Optional The Overdue Charge process maintains

this date.

41 OC_ADMIN_AMT Sign Optional The Overdue Charge process maintains

this amount.

42 OC_PNLTY_DT Date Optional The Overdue Charge process maintains

this date.

43 OC_PNLTY_AMT Sign Optional The Overdue Charge process maintains

this amount.

44 OVERDUE_CHG_ Character Options The Overdue Charge process maintains

LINE this value.

45 AR_ERROR_CD Character Optional The Receivable Update process

maintains the AR_ERROR_CD.

46 ENTRY_USE_ID Character Optional Select the system-defined field that

determines the type of processing that
is associated with an entry type. Select
IT-01 (Create an Invoice/Debit Memo)
for a positive amount. Select IT-02
(Create a Credit Memo) for a negative
amount. Make sure that you correctly
match the entry types with the system
function that represents the sign of the
amount on the pending item.

47 DST_BAL_ITEM Character Required Indicates if the accounting entries for

the item are in balance. Enter O unless
you provide your own PS_PENDING_
DST rows. If you provide your own
rows, enter I. The Receivable Update
process does not balance accounting
entries that are supplied by an interface.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 437
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


48 COLLECTION_ST Character Optional Indicates if the item is in collection.

ATUS Select from the values that you
established in the
may be used during conversion when
the existing system marks items in this

49 COLLECTION_D Date Optional Enter the date associated with the

T collection status.

50 BILL_OF_LADIN Character Optional Enter a bill of lading for the item.


51 SUBCUST_QUAL Character Optional Enter a value for the first subcustomer

1 field for the item (if required). Select
from the values that you established in

52 SUBCUST_QUAL Character Optional Enter a value for the second

2 subcustomer field for the item (if
required). Select from the values that
you established in PS_SUBCUST_

53 ENTRY_CURREN Character Required Enter the currency code for the entry
CY amount. Select from the values that you
establish on PS_CURRENCY_CD_
TBL. If you provide a value for
GROUP_CONTROL, you must use the
same value here.

54 RT_TYPE Character Optional Enter the exchange rate type for the
item. Required if the entry currency is
different from the business unit base
currency. Select from the values that
are established on PS_CUR_RT_
TYPE_TBL or enter a space.

55 RATE_MULT Number Optional Enter the ______________. This value

is required if the entry currency is
different from the business unit base

438 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


56 RATE_DIV Number Optional Enter the ______________. This value

is required if the entry currency is
different from the business unit base

57 PAYMENT_AMT Number Optional Enter 0.

58 PAYMENT_CUR Character Optional Enter a space.


59 ENTRY_AMT_BA Number Optional Enter the amount of the pending item

SE that is denominated in the business unit
base currency. If you populate this
field, the assumption is that you have
performed currency conversion. You
should enter a value in the field that is
equal to ENTRY_AMT multiplied by
must also enter values in the
RATE_DIV and RATE_MULT fields.
If you are populating
PS_PENDING_DST in your interface,
you may enter a 0 in this field. The
Receivable Update computes
If you create accounting entries during
the Receivable Update process, you
must supply a value for this field. In
other words, you must perform
currency conversion before or while
populating PS_PENDING_ITEM to
create accounting entries during the
Receivable Update process.

60 CURRENCY_CD Character Required Enter the base currency of the business

unit that is associated with the item. Be
sure that this value matches the value
that you established for the PeopleSoft
General Ledger business unit that
corresponds to the Accounts
Receivable business unit.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 439
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


61 REAL_GAIN_LOS Number Optional Enter a realized gain or loss value that

S the system calculates during payment
application or for a maintenance

62 DST_ID_REAL Character Optional Enter the distribution ID for the

realized gain or loss value that the
system calculates during payment
application or for a maintenance

63 ITEM_ACCTG_D Date Optional For multicurrency processing, enter the

T accounting date of the original item on
certain subsequent entries.

64 VAT_ENTITY Character Optional For VAT processing, enter a VAT

entity for an accounts receivable
business unit through a PeopleSoft
General Ledger business unit.

65 VAT_CALC_GRO Character Optional Select either the Gross or Net

SS_NET calculation type.

66 VAT_EXCPTN_T Character Optional Enter a VAT exception type, if

YPE applicable.

67 VAT_EXCPTN_C Character Optional Enter a VAT exception certificate

ERTIF number, if applicable.

68 VAT_DCLRTN_P Character Optional Enter a declaration point of either

OINT Payment or Invoice.

69 VAT_RECALC_F Character Optional Select this option only if the VAT

LG calculation type is Gross. If it is
selected, the system recalculates the
VAT discount amount at the payment

70 VAT_BASIS_AM Number Optional Enter the sales amount that the system
T uses to calculate the VAT amount.

71 VAT_BASIS_AM Number Optional Enter the VAT basis amount in the

T_BASE business unit base currency.

440 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


72 VAT_AMT Number Optional If you convert or interface VAT

information, provide the VAT amount
for the item in the entry currency.
Otherwise, enter 0. If you enter a value,
the sum of the VAT_AMT in the
PENDING_VAT rows for this item
must equal this amount.

73 VAT_AMT_BASE Number Optional The system calculates this amount by

multiplying the VAT_AMT by the
exchange rate that is used for the
pending item. If you create accounting
entries during the Receivable Update
process, you must supply a value that is
not 0.

74 COUNTRY_VAT_ Character Optional If you convert or interface VAT

BILLFR information, provide the country code
of the country where the invoice is

75 COUNTRY_VAT_ Character Optional If you convert or interface VAT

BILLTO information, provide the country code
of the country where the invoice is

76 COUNTRY_SHIP_ Character Optional If you convert or interface VAT

TO information, provide the country code
of the country where the invoice
contents are shipped.

77 COUNTRY_SHIP_ Character Optional If you convert or interface VAT

FROM information, provide the country code
of the country from which the invoice
contents are shipped.

78 VAT_DISTRIB_F Character Optional Select or clear the VAT distribution

LG flag to indicate whether VAT
information is distributed to the VAT
Transaction Loader. The Receivable
Update process updates this field.

79 VAT_RGSTRN_B Character Optional Enter the VAT registration ID of the

UYER buyer.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 441
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


80 VAT_DST_ACCT Character Optional The system enters the VAT distribution

_TYPE account type. This field is populated by
the system depending on the
declaration point and transaction type
(invoice, payment, write-off, and so

81 VAT_ROUND_RU Character Optional Indicates if the VAT amounts should

LE be rounded up or down, or if it is
regular rounding.

82 ORDER_NO Character Optional Enter the order number that is

associated with the item.

83 CONTRACT_NU Character Optional Enter the contract number that is

M associated with the item.

84 BUSINESS_UNIT Character Optional Enter the billing business unit for the
_BI item.

85 BUSINESS_UNIT Character Optional Enter the order management business

_OM unit for the item.

86 ADDRESS_SEQ_ Number Optional The address location for the item.

NUM Select from the values on PS_
CUST_ADDRESS that are associated
with the customer on the item.

87 LETTER_CD Character Optional If you convert dunning letter

information, enter the letter code of the
most recent letter that contained the
item. Otherwise, enter a space.

88 CONSOL_BUS_U Character Optional If you use PeopleSoft Billing, this field

NIT contains the business unit value that is
associated with the consolidated bill. If
you do not use PeopleSoft Billing, you
may use the field for a similar purpose.

89 CONSOL_INVOIC Character Optional If you use PeopleSoft Billing, this field

E contains the invoice identifier that is
associated with the consolidated bill. If
you do not use PeopleSoft Billing, you
may use the field for a similar purpose.

442 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


90 PAYMENT_MET Character Optional Enter CC for credit card, DR for draft,

HOD DD for direct debit, EFT for electronic
funds transfer, GE for acceptgiro
payments, or CHK for all other forms
of payment. If you enter a space and do
not provide a value, the Receivable
Update process uses the default that
you establish for the customer or
business unit.

91 DRAFT_BU Character Optional The draft creation process maintains

this field.

92 DRAFT_ID Character Optional The draft creation process maintains

this field.

93 DRAFT_APPROV Character Optional If the payment method is draft, enter P

AL (preapproved) or R (approval required).
If you enter a space and do not provide
a value, the Receivable Update process
uses the default that you establish for
the customer or business unit.

94 DRAFT_DOC Character Optional If the payment method is draft, enter C

(create document) or N (do not create
document). If you enter a space and do
not provide a value, the Receivable
Update process uses the default that
you establish for the customer or
business unit.

95 DRAFT_CURREN Character Optional The draft creation process maintains

CY this field.

96 DRAFT_FORMAT Character Optional If the payment method is draft, enter M

(multiple items per draft) or S to
indicate that this item has its own draft.

97 DRAFT_AMT Number Optional The draft creation process maintains

this field.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 443
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


98 BANK_SETID Character Optional If you use the PeopleSoft Cash

Management cash positioning options,
enter the setID that is associated with
the bank from which you expect
payment for this receivable. PeopleSoft
Receivables does not use this field in
the Cash Forecast report.

99 BANK_CD Character Optional If you use the PeopleSoft Cash

Management cash positioning options,
enter the bank code that is associated
with the bank from which you expect
payment for this receivable. PeopleSoft
Receivables does not use this field in
the Cash Forecast report.

100 BANK_ACCT_KE Character Optional If you use PeopleSoft Cash

Y Management cash positioning options,
enter the bank account key that is
associated with the bank account from
which you expect payment for this
receivable. PeopleSoft Receivables
does not use this field in the Cash
Forecast report.

101 DD_BU Character Optional The Create Direct Debits Application

Engine process (AR_DIRDEBIT)
maintains this field.

102 DD_ID Character Optional The Create Direct Debits process

maintains this field.

103 DD_STATUS Character Optional The Create Direct Debits process

maintains this field.

104 DD_PROFILE_ID Character Optional Direct debit profile that is assigned to

the item. The profile defines the direct
debit processing rules for the item.

105 DD_CURRENCY Character Optional The Create Direct Debits process

maintains this field.

106 DD_AMT Number Optional The Create Direct Debits process

maintains this field.

444 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


107 DD_AMT_BASE Number Optional The Create Direct Debits

process maintains this field.

108 DRAFT_TYPE Character Optional Select from the values that you
establish in the

109 DRAFT_AMT_BA Number Optional Draft amount in the business unit base
SE currency.

110 DOC_TYPE Character Optional Document type represents the business

purpose of the financial transaction. It
is assigned to only one journal code.

Important! You must include a value

in this field if you enable the Document
Sequencing option for installation and
the PeopleSoft General Ledger
business unit is associated with the
PeopleSoft Receivables business unit.

111 DOC_SEQ_NBR Character Optional The document sequencing number is

either automatically assigned or
manually entered sequentially based on
the PeopleSoft General Ledger
business period at either the journal
code level or the document type level
within journal code.

Important! You must include a value

in this field if you turn on the
Document Sequencing option for your
installation and the PeopleSoft General
Ledger business unit is associated with
the PeopleSoft Receivables business

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 445
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


112 DOC_SEQ_DATE Date Required Date that the document sequencing

number is assigned to a specific
document or the date that the document
was created. The system automatically
populates this field for items that you
enter online. However, you must
include a value in this field if you turn
on the Document Sequencing option
for your installation and the PeopleSoft
General Ledger business unit is
associated with the PeopleSoft
Receivables business unit.

Important! The Receivable Update

process requires a value in this field to
post an item.

113 DOC_SEQ_STAT Character Optional The status that is used for posting a
US document with document sequencing.
If blank, then the document is valid for

114 PROCESS_INSTA Number Optional Enter 0. The Receivable Update

NCE process uses this field.

115 USER_AMT1 Number Optional This field is for your use.

116 USER_AMT2 Number Optional This field is for your use.

117 USER_AMT3 Number Optional This field is for your use.

118 USER_AMT4 Number Optional This field is for your use.

119 USER_AMT5 Number Optional This field is for your use.

120 USER_AMT6 Number Optional This field is for your use.

121 USER_AMT7 Number Optional This field is for your use.

122 USER_AMT8 Number Optional This field is for your use.

446 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


123 USER_DT1 Date Optional This field is for your use.

124 USER_DT2 Date Optional This field is for your use.

125 USER_DT3 Date Optional This field is for your use.

126 USER_DT4 Date Optional This field is for your use.

127 USER1 Character Optional This field is for your use.

128 USER2 Character Optional This field is for your use.

129 USER3 Character Optional This field is for your use.

130 USER4 Character Optional This field is for your use.

131 USER5 Character Optional This field is for your use.

132 USER6 Character Optional This field is for your use.

133 USER7 Character Optional This field is for your use.

134 USER8 Character Optional This field is for your use.

135 USER9 Character Optional This field is for your use.

136 USER10 Character Optional This field is for your use.

137 DOUBTFUL Character Optional Flag to indicate that an item is a

doubtful receivable (one for which you
do not expect to receive payment). The
Receivable Update process updates this
field. Enter a space.

138 DRAFT_BUSN_E Character Optional Action that is taken on an item during

VENT draft processing. The Receivable
Update process updates this field. Enter
a space.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 447
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


139 DRAFT_SUB_EV Character Optional Action that is taken on an item during

ENT draft processing. The Receivable
Update process updates this field. Enter
a space.

140 SALES_PERSON2 Character Optional Second team member that is assigned

to the item. Select from the values that
are established on the
PS_TEAM_MEMBERS or enter a

141 REGION_CD Character Optional Region code for the team members that
are assigned to the item. Enter a value
from the PS_REGION_CD table or
enter a space.

142 REVALUE_FLAG Character Optional Flag to indicate whether to revalue the

item if its currency is different from the
base currency. Enter Y to revalue the
item. Otherwise, enter N.

143 PACKSLIP_NO Character Optional The packing slip number that is

associated with the item.

144 SBI_NUM Character Optional Self-billed invoice number. This field

is currently not used by PeopleSoft
Receivables. You can populate it if you
want to use it for custom reports.

145 PC_DISTRIB_ST Character Optional Flag that indicates the status for
ATUS distributing the item to PeopleSoft
Project Costing. Enter D to indicate the
item is already in PeopleSoft Project
Costing, H to hold the item, I to ignore
the item, M to indicate that the item
was changed, or N to integrate the item
in a project.

146 VAT_ADVPAY_F Character Optional Flag to indicate if VAT was paid when
LG you entered the advance payment for
the item. Enter Y to indicate that VAT
is paid on the advance payment.
Otherwise, enter N.

448 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


147 LC_ID Character Optional The letter of credit number that is

associated with the item. The bank
includes this number with the payment.
You use it to match the payment with
the item.

148 AR_SEQ_NUM Number Optional The Receivable Update process updates

this field when you create a draft item
for a pending item. Enter a space.

149 DRAFT_POST_A Character Optional The system maintains this value for
CTION draft processing. Enter a space.

150 VAT_TRANS_AM Sign Optional Total amount of the item on which

T VAT is calculated.

151 RECEIVABLE_T Character Optional Receivable type code that is used to

YPE categorize information on the
Receivables Due From Public report.
Select a value that is defined on the

152 ENTITY_CODE Character Optional Entity code identifying a government

agency for the Receivables Due From
Public report. Select a value that is
defined on the PS_ENTITY_TBL.

153 CONTROL_AMT Sign Optional Control amount for worksheets. Enter a


154 CONTROL_AMT_ Sign Optional Control amount in the base currency

BASE for worksheets. Enter a space.

155 ANCHOR_BU Character Optional Anchor business unit for maintenance

worksheets. Enter a space.

156 ITM_PAY_AMT_ Sign Optional Used by the system when the payment
BASE amount is in the base currency. Enter a

157 PPRC_PROMO_C Character Optional Promotion code that is assigned to the

D item.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 449
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


158 CLAIM_NO Character Optional Claim number for deductions.

159 CONTROL_CURR Character Optional Control currency for maintenance

ENCY worksheets. Enter a space.

160 CONTROL_CURR Character Optional Base control currency for maintenance

_BASE worksheets. Enter a space.

161 CONTROL_RATE Sign Optional Control rate at which the taxes are
_MULT calculated. The value that appears here
is determined by the value in the Calc
Scheme (calculation scheme) field and
is always a percentage.

162 CONTROL_RATE Number Optional Control rate at which the taxes are
_DIV calculated. The value that appears here
is determined by the value in the Calc
Scheme field and is always a

163 CONTROL_RT_T Character Optional Control rate type to use to calculate the
YPE exchange rate between the default
reporting currency code and the
override currency code.

164 AR_SPECIALIST Character Optional An assignment of the pending item to

an AR specialist. Select from the
values that you establish in the

165 BROKER_ID Character Optional Identifier code for the individual who
negotiated a promotion deal. Select
from the values that you establish on
the PS_CUSTOMER table where the
Broker flag is checked.

166 CARRIER_ID Character Optional Unique identifier for the shipping

carrier. Select from the values that you
establish on the PS_CARRIER_ID

167 CLAIM_DT Date Optional Date of claim or debit memo.

450 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


168 CLASS_OF_TRA Character Optional Type of industry market, such as

DE groceries, hardware, appliances.

169 DEDUCTION_ST Character Optional Indicates the reason that an item is a

ATUS deduction. Select from the values that
you establish on the

170 DEDUCTION_DT Date Optional Date that the deduction was created.

171 DIVISION Character Optional Geographic area within an


172 DT_INVOICED Date Optional The date that the associated invoice
was created. The date is established
when the invoice is created the billing
system. This value cannot be changed.

173 INV_PROD_FAM Character Optional Identifier that defines inventory items

_CD at a high level. Examples might include
computer items and office furniture.
Select a value that is defined on the

174 INVOICE Character Optional Original invoice that is associated with

the item.

175 INVOICE_BU Character Optional Code to identify the PeopleSoft

business unit that is associated with an

176 MAJOR_CLASS Character Optional Identifier for a group of customers in a

trade, such as grocers or mass

177 MEMO_STATUS_ Character Optional (USF) Code that indicates the current
CD status of a delinquent item. Enter a
value that you defined on the

178 MERCH_TYPE Character Optional Use to track merchandising activity

that is associated with promotions.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 451
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


179 PROOF_OF_DELI Character Optional Proof of delivery slip number.


180 SHIP_FROM_BU Character Optional Ship from business unit.

181 SHIP_TO_ADDR_ Number Optional Address location for the ship to

NUM customer. Select from the values on the
PS_CUST_ADDRESS table for the

182 SHIP_TO_CUST_I Character Optional Customer ID of the ship to customer.


183 SOLD_TO_ADDR Number Optional Address location for the sold to

_NUM customer. Select from the values on the
PS_CUST_ADDRESS table for the

184 SOLD_TO_CUST_ Character Optional Customer ID for the sold to customer.


185 SUB_GROUP_ID Number Optional Used by the Automatic Maintenance

process and the maintenance worksheet
to identify the match group in which
items are matched. Enter 99999.

186 VAT_TREATMEN Character Optional A set of VAT treatments that are

T_GRP permissible on a single VAT

187 PHYSICAL_NAT Character Optional Identifies the nature of a transaction for

URE VAT calculation. Values are: G:
physical good. S: intangible or service.

188 COUNTRY_LOC_ Character Optional Country where the buyer is physically

BUYER located.

189 STATE_LOC_BU Character Optional State where the buyer is physically

YER located.

190 COUNTRY_LOC_ Character Optional Country where the seller is physically

SELLER located.

452 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


191 STATE_LOC_SEL Character Optional State where the seller is physically

LER located.

192 VAT_SVC_SUPP Character Optional Flag to indicate if the buyer or supplier

LY_FLG rendered the service and where the
service was performed. Values are: 1:
Supplier's Location. 2: Buyer's
location. 3: Where the service is
physically performed.

193 VAT_SERVICE_T Character Optional Flag to indicate whether the service is

YPE freight transport. This flag enables
other types of services to be identified.
Valid values are 1: Freight Transport,
2: Other.

194 COUNTRY_VAT_ Character Optional The country where the VAT service
PERFRM was performed.

195 STATE_VAT_PER Character Optional The state where the VAT service was
FRM performed.

196 COUNTRY_VAT_ Character Optional Country where the service is physically

SUPPLY performed.

197 STATE_VAT_SUP Character Optional State where the service is physically

PLY performed.

198 STATE_SHIP_FR Character Optional The state from which the items that are
OM billed on this line are shipped.

199 STATE_SHIP_TO Character Optional The state to which the items that are
billed on this line are shipped.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 453
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


200 VAT_RPT_CNTR Character Optional Source for the VAT reporting country.
Y_SRC Enter one of these values:
1: Ship from country.
2: Ship to country.
3: Country in the VAT entity.
4: Service Performed in country.
5: Supplier location country.
6: Buyer location country.
7: Buyer registration country.

201 STATE_VAT_DE Character Optional Enter the state or province that is used
FAULT to determine the VAT defaults if the
Track VAT by Province field
the COUNTRY_VAT_TBL is set to Y.

202 DISC_TAKEN Sign Optional Discount that is taken for the line in the
entry currency. If there is no discount
amount, enter zero.

203 GL_LVL Character Optional The general ledger level flag that is
carried from billing indicates whether
PeopleSoft Billing is to create
accounting entries for a receivables
item. This controls the action that is
available in external pending item
entry. Levels are:
A: PeopleSoft Receivables creates
general ledger accounting entries.
B: PeopleSoft Billing creates
accounting entries.
N: No general ledger accounting entries
are created.

204 ITEM_LINE_ORI Number Optional The line number of the original item
G for new overdue charge item lines that
were created when the option Create
Charge by Item Line is selected on the
overdue charge ID. It allows new items
to point back to the item for overdue

454 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Optional/ Field Description


205 TOT_TAX_AMT Sign Optional Total tax amount on the schedule. This
amount is the sum of the excise tax
amount and sales tax amount for India.

206 TOT_TAX_AMT_ Sign Optional The base amount that the system uses
BSE when calculating taxes for India.

207 TOT_EXD_AMT Sign Optional Total excise duty tax amount for India.
Required if the excise tax is applicable.

208 TOT_EXD_AMT_ Sign Optional The base amount that the system uses
BSE when calculating excise taxes for India.

209 TOT_STX_AMT Sign Optional Total sales tax amount for India.
Required if the sales tax is applicable.

210 TOT_STX_AMT_ Sign Optional The base amount that the system uses
BSE when calculating sales taxes for India.

211 AG_REF_NBR Number Optional (NLD) The payment reference number

from the acceptgiro form attached to
the invoice.

212 AR_IU_REQ Character Optional Leave blank. The system enters Y in

this field if you modify ChartField
values online that are balancing
ChartFields to enable the Inter/Intraunit
processor to generate interunit
accounting entries.

213 CLAIM_SETID Character Optional Leave blank. PeopleSoft Purchasing

and PeopleSoft Order Management
populate this field with a claim SetID
for vendor rebates or claim backs when
you interface claims to PeopleSoft

Populating User-Defined Fields

PeopleSoft delivers customizable user fields in PS_PENDING_ITEM that are exclusively for your use. If the
implementation uses any of the fields in this table, make sure that the interface populates them:

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 455
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Amount Fields Date Fields Character Fields











Types of User-Defined Fields

This tables describes the types of user-defined fields:

Type Description

Amounts The USER_AMT fields have a cumulative effect on

PS_ITEM. When the Receivable Update process finds a
value in any of the user amount fields on
PS_PENDING_ITEM, it places that value in the same
field on the corresponding PS_ITEM_ACTIVITY row. It
also updates the corresponding user amount field
arithmetically on PS_ITEM.

Dates The system places all USER_DT fields on the

corresponding ITEM_ACTIVITY record. However,
USER_DT1 and USER_DT2 update PS_ITEM only if the
value on PS_ITEM is NULL. USER_DT3 and
USER_DT4 update PS_ITEM whenever the value on

456 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Type Description

Characters The USER1 through USER10 fields overlay an existing

value if the PS_PENDING_ITEM value is not cleared,
regardless of the update entry field. Only fields with
values are moved. If USER1 is not cleared on the item, its
value can remain and a pending item can affect USER2,
leaving intact the value of USER1.

Populating Pending VAT Table Fields

Populate the PS_PENDING_VAT table only if you are bringing in VAT information from a billing system.
For each item with VAT information, enter one or two rows for each unique combination of VAT
applicability, VAT transaction type code, and tax code to the PS_PENDING_VAT table as needed. Each row
should have a different VAT sequence number.

The following table specifies a field type for each field. Use the field type to determine how to populate
system-maintained fields and optional fields that you want to leave blank. Supply a space for character fields,
a null value for date fields, and a zero for numeric fields.

Note. Use Application Designer to review the characteristics of each field in more detail.

Column Field Name Field Type Option/ Field Description


1 GROUP_BU Character Required Use the same value as the GROUP_BU on


2 GROUP_ID Character Required Use the same value as the GROUP_ID on


3 BUSINESS_UNI Character Required Use the same value as the BUSINESS_UNIT


4 CUST_ID Character Required Use the same value as the CUST_ID on


5 ITEM Character Required Use the same value as the ITEM on


6 ITEM_LINE Number Optional Use the same value as the ITEM_LINE on


7 GROUP_SEQ_N Number Optional Use the same value as the


Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 457
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Option/ Field Description


8 VAT_APPLICAB Character Optional Enter the VAT applicability on the VAT line.

9 VAT_TXN_TYP Character Optional Provide the transaction type code on the VAT
E_CD line.

10 TAX_CD_VAT Character Optional Provide the VAT code on the VAT item line.

11 VAT_DST_ACC Character Optional If VAT_APPLICABILITY is T (taxable) or S

T_TYPE (suspended) and VAT_DCLRTN_POINT is P
(payment) (on PENDING_ITEM), then
populate VAT_DST_ACCT_TYPE with VAT
output intermediate VOI.
is invoice, then populate
If VAT_APPLICABILITY is E (exempt) or O
(out of scope), then populate

12 VAT_SEQ_NUM Number Optional Enter a sequence number if two VAT lines

have the same combination of VAT
applicability, VAT transaction type, and tax

13 TAX_CD_VAT_P Sign Optional Provide the tax percentage corresponding to

CT the VAT code.

14 VAT_DCLRTN_ Date Optional Provide the invoice date for declaration point
DT of invoice; provide the ship date for
declaration point of delivery; leave blank for a
declaration point date of payment.

15 VAT_BASIS_AM Sign Optional Provide the VAT basis amount for the
T summarized information on this VAT line.

16 VAT_TRANS_A Sign Required Provide the VAT basis transaction amount for
MT the summarized information on this VAT line.
This amount is the VAT basis (that is, sales)
amount before the application of any prompt
payment discounts.

458 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Option/ Field Description


17 VAT_TRANS_A Number Optional Provide the VAT basis transaction amount for
MT_BSE the summarized information on this VAT line.
This amount is the VAT basis (that is, sales)
amount in base currency before the application
of any available prompt payment discounts.

18 VAT_AMT Sign Optional Provide the VAT amount for the summarized
information on this VAT line if the pending
item has an invoice declaration point.

19 VAT_AMT_I Sign Optional Provide the VAT amount for the summarized
information on this VAT line if the pending
item has a payment declaration point.

20 VAT_ERROR_FL Character Required Set value to N.


21 ENTRY_CURRE Character Required The currency code for the VAT amount. Select
NCY from the values that are established on

22 VAT_AMT_BAS Sign Optional Provide VAT amount in business unit base

E currency.

23 VAT_BASIS_AM Sign Optional Provide VAT basis amount in base currency.


24 VAT_AMT_BAS Sign Optional Holds intermediate VAT amount when VAT is

E_I declared at payment.

25 VAT_TREATME Character Optional Determines which default values are applied.

NT The system handles VAT treatment separately
for transactions involving goods and services.

26 PHYSICAL_NAT Character Optional Indicates whether an object is a good or a

URE service.

27 COUNTRY_LOC Character Optional Location country of the buyer. This determines

_BUYER VAT defaulting for a VAT service type of
Other if it is performed at the ship to location.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 459
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Option/ Field Description


28 STATE_LOC_BU Character Optional Location state of the buyer. This determines

YER VAT defaulting for a VAT service type of
Other if it is performed at the ship to location.

29 COUNTRY_LOC Character Optional Location country of the seller. This determines

_SELLER VAT defaulting for a VAT service type of
Other if it is performed at the ship from

30 STATE_LOC_SE Character Optional Location state of the seller. This determines

LLER VAT defaulting for a VAT service type of
Other if it is performed at the ship from

31 VAT_SVC_SUPP Character Optional Indicates the default place of supply for VAT
LY_FLG on services. This determines where VAT is

32 VAT_SERVICE_ Character Optional For VAT services treatment, indicates whether

TYPE the VAT service type is 1 (Freight Transport)
or 2 (Other). This value determines whether
the VAT treatment appears by default based on
the ship to and ship from locations (freight), or
the buyer's and sellers location (other).

33 COUNTRY_VAT Character Optional For services, determines the country in which

_PERFRM the services is performed.

34 STATE_VAT_PE Character Optional For services, determines the state in which the
RFRM services is performed.

35 COUNTRY_VAT Character Optiona For VAT services treatment, indicates the

_SUPPLY country of the default place of supply.

36 STATE_VAT_SU Character Optional For VAT services treatment, indicates the

PPLY country of the default place of supply.

37 STATE_SHIP_FR Character Optional PeopleSoft Receivables business unit location

OM state. In the case of transactions involving
goods or freight service transactions, this is
used to determine the VAT treatment.

460 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Option/ Field Description


38 STATE_SHIP_T Character Optional Ship to customer location country. In the case

O of transactions involving goods or freight
service transactions, this is used to determine
the VAT treatment.

39 STATE_VAT_DE Character Optional Enter the state or province that is used to

FAULT determine the VAT defaults if the Track VAT
by Province field
COUNTRY_VAT_TBL is set to Y.

40 VAT_DFLT_DO Character Optional Leave this field blank. The system populates
NE_FLG this field for VAT items that are entered

41 VAT_ENTRD_A Sign Optional Entered VAT amount in base currency. This

MT amount is calculated from the transaction
currency entered VAT amount, based on the
exchange rate that is applicable to the

42 VAT_CALC_AM Sign Optional Shows the calculated VAT amount in the

T transaction currency.

43 PROCESS_INST Number Optional Enter 0. The Receivable Update process

ANCE updates this value.

(IND) Populating Pending Tax Table Fields for India

Populate the PS_PENDING_TAX and PS_PENDING_TAX_DTL tables only if you are bringing in taxes for
India information from a billing system.


The following table specifies a field type for each field. Use the field type to determine how to populate
system-maintained fields and optional fields that you want to leave blank. Supply a space for character fields,
a null value for date fields, and a zero for numeric fields.

Note. Use Application Designer to review the characteristics for each field in more detail.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 461
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Option/Co Field Description


1 GROUP_BU Character Required Use the same value as the GROUP_BU on


2 GROUP_ID Character Required Use the same value as the GROUP_ID on


3 BUSINESS_UNIT Character Optional Use the same value as the BUSINESS_UNIT on


4 CUST_ID Character Optional Use the same value as the CUST_ID on


5 ITEM Character Optional Use the same value as the ITEM on


6 ITEM_LINE Number Optional Use the same value as the ITEM_LINE on


7 GROUP_SEQ_NU Number Optional Use the same value as the GROUP_SEQ_NUM


8 TAX_RATE_SEQ Number Optional Indicates the order in which tax component

codes in the tax rate code are calculated. This
line number is system generated.

9 EXD_APPL_FLG Character Optional Enter Y to indicate that the business unit is

excise-duty applicable. Otherwise, leave it

10 STX_APPL_FLG Character Optional Enter Y to indicate that the business unit is sales
tax applicable. Otherwise, leave it blank.

11 EXS_TAX_TXN_ Character Optional Tax transaction type for the transaction. Values
TYPE are: DEB: Direct export with bond. DEWB:
Direct export without bond. DIMP: Direct
import. DOM: Domestic. LEB: Local export
with bond. LEWB: Local export without bond.
LIMP: Local import.

12 STX_TAX_AUTH Character Optional Enter a sales tax reporting authority. Select from
_RPT the values that you establish on the

462 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Option/Co Field Description


13 STATE_SHIP_TO Character Optional The state where the items that are billed on this
line are shipped.

14 STATE_SHIP_FR Character Optional The state from which the items that are billed on
OM this line are shipped.

15 EXS_TXN_LINE_ Sign Optional The total amount of transactions for the line.
AMT Each line has its own transaction total. The
system uses this amount to calculate the taxes.

16 EXD_TAX_CATG Character Optional Enter an excise tax category code for the item.
_CD Select from the values that you establish on the

17 STX_TAX_CATG Character Optional Enter an sales tax category code for the item.
_CD Select from the values that you establish on the

18 EXD_TAX_AMT Sign Optional The total amount of excise duty tax for the line.
Each line has its own excise duty tax amount.
The sum of all the excise duty amounts should
equal the control excise duty amount. The
control excise duty amount is the amount at field

19 EXD_TAX_RATE Character Optional Enter the tax rate code that is used to calculate
_CD the excise duty for each line. Select from the
values that you establish on the

20 EXD_TAX_AMT_ Sign Optional Excise duty in the business unit base currency.

21 EXD_TAX_AMT_ Sign Optional The excise duty tax amount in the reporting
RPT currency.

22 STX_TAX_AMT Sign Optional The total amount of sales tax for the line. Each
line has its own sales tax amount. The sum of all
the sales tax amounts should equal the control
sales tax amount. The control sales tax amount
is the amount at field

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 463
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Option/Co Field Description


23 STX_TAX_RATE Character Optional Enter the tax rate code that is used to calculate
_CD the sales tax for each line. Select from the values
that you establish in the PS_EXS_TAX_RATE

24 STX_TAX_AMT_ Sign Optional Sales tax amount in the business unit base
BSE currency.

25 STX_TAX_AMT_ Sign Optional Sales tax amount in reporting currency.


26 EXS_CURRENCY Character Optional Enter the excise reporting currency. Select the
_RPTG CURRENCY_CD for the tax location that you
define on the PS_ORG_TAX_LOC table.

27 STX_FORM_CD Character Optional Sales tax form codes are assigned to tax rate
codes. The form code helps determine the
applicable forms for the transaction for form
tracking purposes. Select from the values that
you establish on the PS_STX_FORM_CODE

28 BU_APPL_FLG Character Optional Business unit applicable flag. Set this field to Y,
if excise duty or sales tax are applicable to the
business unit.

29 EXS_DTL_LINK Character Optional Leave blank.

30 SUM_TOT_EXD_ Sign Optional Summary total of the total excise duty tax
AMT amounts.

31 SUM_TOT_EXD_ Sign Optional Summary total of excise duty tax amounts in

BSE base currency.

32 SUM_TOT_STX_ Sign Optional Summary total of the total sales tax amounts.

33 SUM_TOT_STX_ Sign Optional Summary total of sales tax amounts in base

BSE currency.

34 SUM_TOT_TAX_ Sign Optional Summary total of excise duty and sales tax
AMT amounts.

464 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Option/Co Field Description


35 RATE_DIV_RPT Number Optional Used to convert the base currency into the tax
location reporting currency.

36 RATE_MULT_RP Sign Optional Used to convert the base currency into the tax
T location reporting currency.

37 RT_TYPE Character Optional Rate type used to calculate the exchange rate
between the default reporting currency code and
the override currency code.

38 EXD_TAX_RATE Character Optional Source transaction for the excise tax rate. Enter
_SRC 1 (system-defined) or 2 (manually entered).

39 STX_TAX_RATE Character Optional Source transaction for the sales tax rate. Enter 1
_SRC (system-defined) or 2 (manually entered).

40 ORG_SETID Character Optional SetID for an organization.

41 ORG_CODE Character Optional Organization code for a tax location. Select from
the values that are established on the

42 ORG_TAX_LOC_ Character Optional Organization that is associated with a tax

CD location code. Select from the values that are
established on the PS_ORG_TAX LOC table.

43 EXS_TXC_LN_ST Character Optional Excise tax calculation line status.


44 EXD_UOM Character Optional Excise unit of measure for the assessable value.

45 RATE_MULT_EX Sign Optional Currency rate multiplier that is used to convert

S the base currency into the tax location reporting
currency. Enter 1.

46 RATE_DIV_EXS Number Optional Currency rate divisor that is used to convert the
base currency into the tax location reporting
currency. Enter 1.

47 COUNTRY_SHIP_ Character Optional Country from which items are shipped.


Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 465
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Option/Co Field Description


48 COUNTRY_SHIP_ Character Optional Ship to country for the line item.


49 RATE_MULT Sign Optional Used to convert the transaction currency into

base currency.

50 RATE_DIV Number Optional Used to convert the transaction currency into

base currency.

51 ENTRY_CURREN Character Optional The currency code for the tax amount. Select
CY from the values that are established on


The following table specifies a field type for each field. Use the file type to determine how to populate
system-maintained field and optional fields that you want to leave blank. Supply a space for character fields,
a null value for date fields, and a zero for numeric fields.

Note. Use Application Designer to review the characteristics of each field in more detail.

Column Field Name Field Type Option/Con Field Description


1 GROUP_BU Character Required Use the same value as the GROUP_BU on


2 GROUP_ID Character Required Use the same value as the GROUP_ID on


3 BUSINESS_UNI Character Optional Use the same value as the BUSINESS_UNIT on


4 CUST_ID Character Optional Use the same value as the CUST_ID on


5 ITEM Character Optional Use the same value as the ITEM on


466 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Option/Con Field Description


6 ITEM_LINE Number Optional Use the same value as the ITEM_LINE on


7 GROUP_SEQ_N Number Optional Use the same value as the GROUP_SEQ_NUM


8 TAX_RATE_SE Number Optional The sequence number for the tax rate. This entry
Q is manual for most excise adjustment types.

9 EXS_TAX_RAT Character Optional If this line is related to excise duty, enter the
E_CD same excise duty that is entered in the
If this line is related to sales tax, enter the same
sales tax that is entered in the
The field EXS_TAX_TYPE is the field that
indicates if the line is an excise duty line or a
sales tax line. Enter the tax rate code that is used
to calculate the excise duty for each line. Select
from the values that you establish on the
PS_EXS_TAX_RATE table. Leave blank if
excise duty and sales tax should not be
calculated for the line.

10 EXS_TAX_RAT Number Optional Indicates the order that tax component codes in
E_SEQ the tax rate code are calculated.

11 EXS_TAX_TYPE Character Optional Enter the type of tax to calculate in the line.
Enter E for excise duty and S for sales tax.

12 EXS_TAX_CMP Character Optional Enter the tax component code. Select from the
NT_CD values that you establish on the

13 EXS_TAX_DEP_ Character Optional Enter the tax dependency code that indicates the
CD basis for calculating the tax, as well as the
precedence of taxes of the same tax type that
must be included. Select from the values that
you establish on the PS_EXS_TAX_DPNDNCY

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 467
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Option/Con Field Description


14 EXS_CALC_SC Character Optional Indicates how the taxes are calculated. Enter P
HEME (percentage), Q (quantity), or A (amount). In
PeopleSoft Receivables, only the percentage
lines are calculated, but the others should be
populated to be consistent with the tax rate code.

15 EXS_TAX_RAT Number Optional Enter the percent of taxation that is associated

E_PCT with the corresponding tax rate code if the

16 EXS_TAXRT_A Sign Optional Leave blank.


17 EXS_TAXRT_A Sign Optional Leave blank.


18 EXS_TAXRT_A Sign Optional Leave blank.


19 EXS_TAX_RAT Character Optional Leave blank.


20 EXS_CURRENC Character Optional Enter the code for the reporting currency.

21 EXS_TAX_AMT Sign Optional The total amount of excise tax for the line. The
sum of all the excise tax amounts should equal
the control excise tax amount.

22 EXS_TAX_AMT Sign Optional Excise tax amount in the base currency.


23 EXS_TAX_AMT Sign Optional The total amount of excise tax for each line
_RPT expressed in the reporting currency.

24 EXS_BASIS_AM Sign Optional Base amount against which taxes are calculated.

25 EXS_BASIS_AM Sign Optional The base amount that the system uses when
T_BSE calculating excise or sales taxes. This amount is
the excise basis amount in the base currency.

468 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Option/Con Field Description


26 EXS_BASIS_AM Sign Optional The base amount that the system uses when
T_RPT calculating excise taxes expressed in the
reporting currency.

27 EXS_CURRENC Character Optional Leave this field blank.


28 CURRENCY_CD Character Optional Use the value in the CURRENCY_CD field

currency code on the PS_PENDING_ITEM
table if it's available. Otherwise, use the

29 ENTRY_CURRE Character Optional The currency code for the tax amount. Use the
NCY same value as the ENTRY_CURRENCY on the

Preventing Distribution of Accounting Entries for External Groups

PeopleSoft Receivables supports multiple AR lines for each pending item, so we base all subsequent
accounting entries that affect the PeopleSoft Receivables accounts on the AR lines in the Item Distribution
table (PS_ITEM_DST).

Although you may choose not to distribute accounting information for billing transactions from PeopleSoft
Receivables to the general ledger system, you must have at least one row in PS_ITEM_DST that represents
the AR line. If you indicate that you do not want transactions with this entry type distributed to PeopleSoft
General Ledger, the system sets the GL_DISTRIB_ STATUS field on PS_PENDING_DST to I (ignore). This
setting instructs the Journal Generator Application Engine process (FS_JGEN) to skip this row when it
creates journal entries.

When you convert existing items or interface them from your billing system, you may want to prevent
distribution of accounting entries for a specific entry type even though you want to enable distribution when
you record the entry online. Use the ALLOW_DST flag on PS_GROUP_CONTROL for this purpose.

Creating Accounting Entries for External Groups

You may choose to populate the PS_PENDING_DST table directly through your interface program, even
though this approach is considered an exception within the system's accounting entries architecture.

The following table describes the fields on PS_PENDING_DST. The table specifies a field type for each
field. Use the field type to determine how to populate system-maintained fields and optional fields that you
want to leave blank. Supply a space for character fields, a null value for date fields, and a zero for numeric

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 469
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Note. Use Application Designer to review the characteristics of each field in greater detail.

Column Field Name Field Type Option/ Field Description


1 GROUP_BU Character Required Use the same value as the GROUP_BU on


2 GROUP_ID Character Required Use the same value as the GROUP_ID on


3 BUSINESS_UNIT Character Required Use the same value as the


4 CUST_ID Character Required Use the same value as the CUST_ID on


5 ITEM Character Required Use the same value as the ITEM on


6 ITEM_LINE Number Optional Use the same value as the ITEM_LINE on


7 GROUP_SEQ_NU Number Optional Use the same value as the


8 LEDGER_GROUP Character Optional Leave this field blank.

9 LEDGER Character Optional Leave this field blank.

10 DST_SEQ_NUM Number Required Provide a sequence number to make each

accounting entry line unique.

11 PRIMARY_LEDG Character Required Default value: Y.


12 BUSINESS_UNIT_ Character Required Provide the value of the general ledger

GL business unit to which you post this
accounting entry.

470 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Option/ Field Description


13 ACCOUNT Character Required Select from the values that you establish on

14 ALTACCT Character Optional Select from the values that you establish on

15 DEPTID Character Optional Select from the values that you establish on

16 CF16_AN_SBR Subrecord Optional ChartFields subrecord that contains these

• Operating Unit (OPERATING_UNIT)

• Product (PRODUCT)

• Fund (FUND_CODE)

• Class (CLASS_FLD)

• Program (PROGRAM_CODE)

• Budget Reference (BUDGET_REF)

• Affiliate (AFFILIATE)

• Fund Affiliate (AFFILIATE_INTRA1)

• Operating Affiliate

• ChartField 1 (CHARTFIELD1)

• ChartField 2 (CHARTFIELD2)

• ChartField 3 (CHARTFIELD3)

Select from the ChartField values that you


Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 471
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Option/ Field Description


17 PC_CF1_N_SBR Subrecord Optional ChartFields subrecord that contains these

ChartFields used in PeopleSoft Project
• PC Business Unit

• Project (PROJECT_ID)

• Activity (ACTIVITY_ID)

• Source Type (RESOURCE_TYPE)


• Subcategory

Select from the values that you defined in

PeopleSoft Project Costing. The subrecord
also contains a field for the analysis type.
This value is not used in PeopleSoft

18 STATISTICS_COD Character Optional Select from the values that you establish on
E PS_STAT_TBL as long as you do not enter
a statistical account in the ACCOUNT

19 MONETARY_AM Number Optional Provide the amount of the debit or credit in

OUNT the business unit base currency. Debit
entries must be positive. Credit entries
must be negative. As long as you do not
enter a statistical account in the
ACCOUNT field, this value must be
something other than zero. If you enter a
statistical account, this value must be zero.

20 STATISTIC_AMO Number Conditional If you enter a statistical account in the

UNT ACCOUNT field, enter the appropriate
statistical amount.

21 CF_EDIT_STATU Character Required Indicates if ChartFields are editable or

S restricted for edit.

472 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Option/ Field Description


22 JRNL_LN_REF Character Optional If you supply a value and do not

summarize accounting entries into fewer
journal lines, the system places the value in
this field on the PS_JRNL_LN table when
you create journals by using the Journal
Generator process.

23 LINE_DESCR Character Optional If you supply a value and do not

summarize accounting entries into fewer
journal lines, the system places the value in
this field on the PS_JRNL_LN table when
you create journals by using the Journal
Generator process.

24 SYSTEM_DEFINE Character Conditional Accounting entry line type. Enter A if this

D line represents the debit or credit to the AR
account (or control account) or if this line
represents the offsetting information.
PeopleSoft Receivables supports using
more than one AR line per pending item.

25 ACCOUNTING_D Date Required Use the same value as the


26 FOREIGN_CURRE Character Optional Use the same value as the


27 FOREIGN_AMOU Number Optional The debit or credit amount for this line in
NT the entry currency of the item. The sum of
the FOREIGN_AMOUNT values on all
AR lines in PENDING_DST should equal
the ENTRY_AMT field on

28 RT_TYPE Character Conditional The rate type for the item. Required if the
entry currency is different from the
business unit base currency. Select from
the values that are established on
PS_CUR_RT_ TYPE_TBL or enter a

29 RATE_MULT Number Optional Required if the entry currency differs from

the business unit base currency.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 473
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Option/ Field Description


30 RATE_DIV Number Optional Required if the entry currency differs from

the business unit base currency.

31 CURRENCY_CD Character Optional Code that identifies the type of currency for
an amount, such as USD or EUR.

32 GL_DISTRIB_STA Character Required If you want to distribute this accounting

TUS entry from PeopleSoft Receivables to the
general ledger system (after the Receivable
Update process posts it), provide an N.
If you do not want to distribute this
accounting entry, provide an I.

33 DOC_TYPE Character Optional Document type represents the business

purpose of the financial transaction. This
value is assigned to one and only one
journal code.

Important! If you have turn on the

Document Sequencing option for your
installation and the PeopleSoft General
Ledger business unit that is associated with
the PeopleSoft Receivables business unit,
you must include a value in this field.

34 DOC_SEQ_NBR Character Required The document sequencing number is either

automatically assigned or manually entered
sequentially based on the PeopleSoft
General Ledger business period at either
the journal code level or the document type
level within the journal code.

Important! If you turn on the Document

Sequencing option for your installation and
the PeopleSoft General Ledger business
unit that is associated with the PeopleSoft
Receivables business unit, you must
include a value in this field.

474 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

Column Field Name Field Type Option/ Field Description


35 DOC_SEQ_DATE Date Optional The date that the document sequencing

number is assigned to a specific document
or the date that the document is created.

Important! The Receivable Update

process requires a value in this field to post
an item if you turn on the Document
Sequencing option for your installation and
the PeopleSoft General Ledger business
unit is associated with the PeopleSoft
Receivables business unit.

36 DOC_SEQ_STATU Character Optional The status that is used for posting a

S document with the Document Sequencing
option. If it's blank, then the document is
valid for posting.

37 MOVEMENT_FLA Character Optional Activate to pass document sequencing that

G is performed in PeopleSoft Receivables to
PeopleSoft General Ledger.

38 USER1 Character Optional This field is for your use, similar to the
user fields on PS_PENDING_ITEM.

39 USER2 Character Optional This field is for your use, similar to the
user fields on PS_PENDING_ITEM.

40 USER3 Character Optional This field is for your use, similar to the
user fields on PS_PENDING_ITEM.

41 USER4 Character Optional This field is for your use, similar to the
user fields on PS_PENDING_ITEM.

42 USER5 Character Optional This field is for your use, similar to the
User fields on PS_PENDING_ITEM.

43 VAT_APPLICABI Character Optional VAT applicability for the distribution line.

LITY Use the same value as on

44 VAT_TXN_TYPE_ Character Optional VAT transaction type code for the item.
CD Use the same value as on

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 475
Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items Chapter 15

Column Field Name Field Type Option/ Field Description


45 TAX_CD_VAT Character Optional VAT tax code for the item. Use the same
value as on PS_PENDING_ITEM.

46 VAT_DST_ACCT_ Character Optional VAT distribution account type. Use the

TYPE same value as on PS_PENDING_ITEM.

47 ENTRY_EVENT Character Optional Code that is used by the federal

government to post pro-forma accounting
information. The Entry Event Generator
generates supplemental accounting lines if
you enter this code.

48 IU_ANCHOR_FLA Character Optional Flag to indicate that this line is the anchor
G line for interunit and intraunit accounting
entries and for inheritance. Enter Y or N.

49 IU_SYS_TRAN_C Character Optional System transaction code that is used to

D generate interunit and intraunit accounting
entries. Enter ARIT.

50 IU_TRAN_CD Character Optional Transaction code that is used to generate

interunit and intraunit accounting entries.

51 OPEN_ITEM_KEY Character Optional If you selected OpenItem Account for the

account in the distribution line during
setup, enter a value for the prompt field and
record that you specified for the account.

Note. The interface from PeopleSoft

Billing to PeopleSoft Receivables sets this
value to NULL.

52 PROCESS_INSTA Number Optional Updated by the Receivable Update process

NCE with the process instance that is used for a
given execution of the process. Because the
system calculates this value for you, enter

Troubleshooting Missing Accounting Entries

When the Receivable Update process finds errors, the process updates the AR_ERROR_CD field in the
PENDING_ITEM table with an error code.

476 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15 Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items

If you create accounting entries during the Receivable Update process, the process creates and balances the
accounting entries before editing further. If the process does not create the accounting entries, or they are
incorrect, the AR_ERROR_CD field contains a value of ACTOB.

If you receive this error code, follow these troubleshooting steps:

1. Attempt to create the accounting entries online by bringing up one of the pending items that is in error
(Accounts Receivable, Receivables Updates, Correct Posting Errors, External Items).

2. Select a pending item with out-of-balance accounting entries.

3. On the Accounting Entry page, click the Create button.

If the accounting entries do not appear, the accounting entry setup is incomplete or in error, and you
should receive an error message from the online system.

If the accounting entries appear, then your billing or conversion interface setup is incomplete or incorrect.
Check the interface to verify that the following field values are correct before the group is posted:

• PENDING_ITEM.DST_BAL_ITEM should be set to O.

• Make sure that the following fields in PENDING_ITEM have values: RATE_DIV, RATE_MULT,

Troubleshooting Receivable Update Error Messages

Once accounting entries are correct and balanced, the Receivable Update process continues with two types of
edits. The Receivable Update process edits the PS_PENDING_ITEM table through a series of editing updates
and then through specific program logic.

See Also

Chapter 28, "Posting and Unposting Groups," Reviewing Posting Results, page 890

Chapter 28, "Posting and Unposting Groups," Correcting Posting Errors, page 894

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 477
Chapter 16

Developing Interfaces for Electronic

This chapter provides an overview of electronic payment processing and discusses how to:

• Receive information from a lockbox.

• Receive payments in an electronic data interchange (EDI) file.

See Also

Chapter 20, "Receiving Payments Electronically," page 593

Understanding Electronic Payment Processing

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to receive electronic payments into payment staging tables from the
following sources:

• EDI transmissions

• Lockboxes

• Electronic bank statements

• EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) payment files

You load the files into payment staging tables, and the Payment Loader Application Engine process
(AR_PAYLOAD) processes the payments and loads the data into the payment application tables. This table
lists the staging tables:

Table Name Description

PS_AR_LOCKBOX_EC Contains lockbox header information and is used only for

lockbox deposits.

PS_AR_DEPOSIT_EC Contains deposit-level information.

PS_AR_PAYMENT_EC Contains payment-level information.

PS_AR_IDITEM_EC (Optional) Contains item reference information.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 479
Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments Chapter 16

Table Name Description

PS_AR_IDCUST_EC (Optional) Contains customer reference information.

This section discusses:







This table lists the fields that you must populate in the PS_AR_LOCKBOX_EC table. However, you may
want to populate all the fields in this table. Use PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Designer to review the
other fields in the table.

Field Name Description

LB_BANK_TRANS_ID Bank transmission ID.


PROCESS_INSTANCE Process instance ID.

DEPOSIT_BU Business unit for the deposit.


This table lists the fields that you must populate in the PS_AR_DEPOSIT_EC table. However, you may want
to populate the other fields based on your business requirements. Use PeopleSoft Enterprise Application
Designer to review the other fields in the table.

Field Name Description

LB_BANK_TRANS_ID Bank transmission ID (only for lockbox deposits).

LOCKBOX_ID Lockbox ID (only for lockbox deposits).

LOCKBOX_BATCH_ID Lockbox batch ID (only for lockbox deposits).

DEPOSIT_BU Business unit for the deposit.

BNK_ID_NBR External bank ID (where the payments are deposited).

BANK_ACCOUNT_NUM Bank account number (where the payments are deposited).

480 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 16 Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments

Field Name Description

CONTROL_AMT Total amount of the payments in the deposit.

CONTROL_CNT Total number of payments in the deposit.

RECEIVED_DT Date that the deposit was received from the bank.

ACCOUNTING_DT Accounting date for the payments.

DATA_SOURCE Value that identifies the type of electronic payment.

Options are:
• 820: EDI 820 ANSI-X12 format

• BST: Bank statement


• LBX: Lockbox file


This table lists the fields that you must populate in the PS_AR_PAYMENT_EC table. However, you may
want to populate other fields based on your business requirements. Use PeopleSoft Enterprise Application
Designer to review the other fields in the table.

Field Name Description

EIP_CTL_ID EIP control ID (not used for lockbox deposits).

LB_BANK_TRANS_ID Bank transmission ID (only for lockbox deposits).

LOCKBOX_ID Lockbox ID (only for lockbox deposits).

LOCKBOX_BATCH_ID Lockbox batch ID (only for lockbox deposits).

DEPOSIT_BU Business unit for the deposit.

PAYMENT_SEQ_NUM Sequence number for the payment in the deposit.

PAYMENT_ID ID that identifies the payment.

PAYMENT_AMT Amount of the payment.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 481
Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments Chapter 16

Field Name Description

PAYMENT_METHOD Code that identifies the payment method. Options are:

• CC: Credit card. (Not applicable for electronic

• CHK: Check.

• DD: Direct debit. (Not applicable for electronic


• DR: Draft. (Not applicable for electronic deposits.)

• EFT: Electronic fund transfer.

• GE: Giro EFT.

ACCOUNTING_DT Accounting date for the payments.

PAYMENT_CURRENCY Currency of the payment.

BANK_ACCOUNT_NUM Bank account number (where the payments are deposited).

BNK_ID_NBR External bank ID (where the payments are deposited).

DATA_SOURCE Value that identifies the type of electronic payment.

Options are:
• 820: EDI 820 ANSI-X12 format.

• BST: Bank statement.


• LBX: Lockbox file.

RECEIVED_DT Date that the deposit was received from the bank.


This table lists the fields that you must populate in the PS_AR_IDITEM_EC table. However, you may want
to populate other fields based on your business requirements. Use PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Designer
to review the other fields in the table.

Field Name Description

EIP_CTL_ID EIP control ID (not used for lockbox deposits).

LB_BANK_TRANS_ID Bank transmission ID (only for lockbox deposits).

LOCKBOX_ID Lockbox ID (only for lockbox deposits).

LOCKBOX_BATCH_ID Lockbox batch ID (only for lockbox deposits).

482 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 16 Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments

Field Name Description

PAYMENT_SEQ_NUM Sequence number for the payment in the deposit.

ID_SEQ_NUM Sequence number for the item identifier.

DEPOSIT_BU Business unit for the deposit.

ADJUSTMENT_REASON Reason code that you defined on the Adjustment Reason

page. The code is mapped to entry types and reasons to
determine what accounting entries to generate for
adjustment items.

REF_QUALIFIER_CODE Code that identifies the type of reference. Use one of the
codes set up on the Reference Qualifier page.

DATA_SOURCE Value that identifies the type of electronic payment.

Options are:
• 820: EDI 820 ANSI-X12 format.

• BST: Bank statement.


• LBX: Lockbox file.

RECEIVED_DT Date that the deposit was received from the bank.

PAYMENT_ID ID of the payment associated with the reference.


This table lists the fields that you must populate in the PS_AR_IDITEM_EC table. However, you may want
to populate other fields based on your business requirements. Use PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Designer
to review the other fields in the table.

Field Name Description

EIP_CTL_ID EIP control ID (not used for lockbox deposits).

LB_BANK_TRANS_ID Bank transmission ID (only for lockbox deposits).

LOCKBOX_ID Lockbox ID (only for lockbox deposits).

LOCKBOX_BATCH_ID Lockbox batch ID (only for lockbox deposits).

PAYMENT_SEQ_NUM Sequence number for the payment in the deposit.

ID_SEQ_NUM Sequence number for the customer.

DEPOSIT_BU Business unit for the deposit.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 483
Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments Chapter 16

Field Name Description

CUST_ID Identification code for the bill to customer.

DATA_SOURCE Value that identifies the type of electronic payment.

Options are:
• 820: EDI 820 ANSI-X12 format.

• BST: Bank statement.


• LBX: Lockbox file.

PAYMENT_ID ID of the payment associated with the reference.

Receiving Information from a Lockbox

This section provides an overview of the lockbox interface and describes the following record layouts for the
fixed-file format design of the lockbox processor:

• Header record.

• Service record.

• Lockbox record.

• Batch record (Record Type-1).

• (Optional) Payment Detail 2 (Check Information).

• (Optional) Payment Detail 3 (Customer Information).

• (Optional) Payment Detail 4 (Customer Information).

• (Optional) Payment Detail 5 (Customer Information).

• (Optional) Payment Detail 6 (Customer Information).

• (Optional) Payment Detail 7 (Invoice Information).

• (Optional) Payment Detail 8 (Invoice Information).

• (Optional) Payment Detail 9 (Invoice Information).

484 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 16 Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments

Understanding the Lockbox Interface

When implementing the lockbox interface, the most important issue is the record layout of the payment
transactions that are received from the bank. The PeopleSoft interface record layout is extensive. However,
you must use only the pieces of it that pertain to the implementation. The record layout is a version of the
Bank Administration Institute standards, modified to contain all the information that the PeopleSoft
Receivables system accepts.

The record layout has a maximum total of 12 records for one payment, but only the first five records are
required: the four control records and the first payment record. If all the information that you need is
contained in one or two of the optional customer and invoice records, then the system processes only that
amount of information. For example, you may need only the invoice number, MICR ID, and payment amount
information to match payments with invoices. If this is the case, then the bank only has to send three of the 10
payment detail records.

The other records contain transmission information, such as the number of batches (or deposits) in the file and
the originating bank identifiers. Transmission information will probably be the same every time a lockbox file
is sent. Also, batch information is sent to audit the record count. You can have multiple batches (or deposits)
in one transmission.

The record layouts for the fixed file format design of the lockbox processor must be given to the banks that
receive lockbox payments so that they can send information to you in a format that the system can read.
PeopleSoft has written the Lockbox SQR process (AR25001) for you, but it works only if the incoming file
follows its design layout.

Record Group ID Assignments

A record group ID is part of the lockbox record layout. It identifies multiple lines of customer information or
item information for a single payment. The governing principle in assigning record group IDs is the number
of rows that is inserted into PAYMENT_ID_ITEM and into PAYMENT_ID_CUST, the two records that
store item and customer information for payments.

The following diagram illustrates an example of customer and item records in a sample lockbox file. Multiple
lines of detail records 03, 04, 05, and 06 (the customer payment records) are assigned sequential numbers,
beginning with 1, within a single payment. The same assignment occurs for multiple lines for detail records
07, 08, and 09 (the item payment records). Therefore, you might have a single payment with record group IDs
1, 2, 3, 4 of customer information (for detail records 03, 04, 05, and 06); for the same payment, you might
also have record group IDs 1, 2, 3, and 4 of item information (for detail records 07, 08, and 09).

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 485
Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments Chapter 16

Record group IDs assigned to customer and item rows in a sample lockbox file

Header Record
This table lists the layout for the header record:

Description Type Size Column Database Record


Record Type, 1 = Char 1 1 Used during

Header processing

Destination ID / Char 20 2–21 Used during

Lockbox Recipient processing

Total Number of Num 5 22–26 Used during

Lockboxes processing

Total Payment Num 16 27–42 Used during

Amount processing

486 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 16 Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments

Description Type Size Column Database Record


Transmission Date Date 8 43–50 LOCKBOX_RUN_


Transmission Time Time 6 51–56 LOCKBOX_RUN_


Service Record
This table lists the layout for the service record:

Description Type Size Column Record Field

Record Type, 2 = Char 1 1 Used during

Service processing

Destination ID / Char 20 2–21 Used during

Lockbox Recipient processing

Bank Transmission Char 20 22–41 Used during

ID processing

Service Type, 400 Char 3 42–44 Used during

= Lockbox processing

Record Length Num 3 45–47 Used during

(102) processing

Characters per Num 4 48–51 Used during

Block (0102) processing

Format, 1 = Fixed Num 1 52 Used during

Field Format processing

Lockbox Record
This table lists the layout for the lockbox record:

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 487
Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments Chapter 16

Description Type Size Column Record Field

Record Type, 3 = Char 1 1 Used during processing


Lockbox ID Char 15 2–16 LOCKBOX_RUN_LOG.LOCK


Batch ID, Unique Char 5 17–21 DEPOSIT_CONTROL.LOCKB

Within Batch OX_BATCH_ID

Sequence Num, 0 Num 5 22–26 Used during processing

= Lockbox Record

Record Group ID Num 4 27–30 Used during processing


Detail Record Char 2 31–32 Used during processing

Type (00)

Total Number of Num 6 33–38 LOCKBOX_RUN_LOG.CONT


Total Payment Num 16 39–54 LOCKBOX_RUN_LOG.CONT


Total Number of Num 6 55–60 LOCKBOX_RUN_LOG.CONT

Payments ROL_PAY_CNT

Deposit Business Char 5 61–65 LOCKBOX_RUN_LOG.DEPO




488 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 16 Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments

Description Type Size Column Record Field

Bank Account Char 17 86–102 DEPOSIT_CONTROL.BANK_


Batch Record (Record Type-1)

This table lists the layout for the batch record:

Description Type Size Column Record Field

Record Type, 3 = Char 1 1 Used during processing


Lockbox ID Char 15 2–16 LOCKBOX_RUN_LOG.LOCK




Sequence Number, Num 5 22–26 Used during processing

0 = Batch Record

Record Group ID Num 4 27–30 Used during processing


Detail Record Type Char 2 31–32 Used during processing


Total Batch Num 15 33–47 DEPOSIT_CONTROL.CONTR

Amount OL_AMT

Total Number of Num 6 48–53 DEPOSIT_CONTROL.CONTR

Payments OL_CNT

Deposit Date Date 8 54–61 DEPOSIT_CONTROL.ACCOU


Payment Currency Char 3 62–64 PAYMENT.PAYMENT_CUR


Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 489
Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments Chapter 16

Payment Detail 2 (Check Information)

This table lists the layout for the payment detail 2 record:

Description Type Size Column Record Field

Record Type, 3 = Char 1 1 Used during processing


Lockbox ID Char 15 2–16 LOCKBOX_RUN_LOG.LOC




Payment Sequence Num 5 22–26 PAYMENT.PAYMENT_SE

Number Q_NUM

Record Group ID Num 4 27–30 Used during processing

Detail Record Char 2 31–32 Used during processing

Type (02)

Payment ID / Char 15 33–47 PAYMENT.PAYMENT_ID

Check Number

Payment Amount Char 14 48–61 PAYMENT.PAYMENT_AM


Payment Date Char 8 62–69 PAYMENT.ACCOUNTING_


Payment Method Char 3 70–72 PAYMENT.PAYMENT_ME


Payment Currency Char 3 73–75 PAYMENT.PAYMENT_CU


Payment Detail 3 (Customer Information)

This table lists the layout for the payment detail 3 record:

490 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 16 Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments

Description Type Size Column Record Field

Record Type, 3 = Char 1 1 Used during processing


Lockbox ID Char 15 2–16 LOCKBOX_RUN_LOG.


Batch ID Char 5 17–21 DEPOSIT_CONTROL.L


Payment Sequence Num 5 22–26 PAYMENT.PAYMENT

Number _SEQ_NUM

Record Group ID Num 4 27–30 PAYMENT_ID_CUST.L


Detail Record Type Char 2 31–32 Used during processing


Customer Business Char 5 33–37 PAYMENT_ID_CUST.


Customer ID Char 13 38–50 PAYMENT_ID_CUST.


MICR Number Char 30 51–80 PAYMENT_ID_CUST.


Payment Detail 4 (Customer Information)

This table lists the layout for the payment detail 4 record:

Description Type Size Column Record Field

Record Type, 3 = Char 1 1 Used during processing


Lockbox ID Char 15 2–16 LOCKBOX_RUN_LOG.


Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 491
Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments Chapter 16

Description Type Size Column Record Field

Batch ID Char 5 17–21 DEPOSIT_CONTROL.L


Payment Sequence Num 5 22–26 PAYMENT.PAYMENT_

Number SEQ_NUM

Record Group ID Num 4 27–30 PAYMENT_ID_CUST.L


Detail Record Type Char 2 31–32 Used during processing


Remit From setID Char 5 33–37 PAYMENT_ID_CUST.R


Remit From Char 15 38–52 PAYMENT_ID_CUST.R


Corporate setID Char 5 53–57 PAYMENT_ID_CUST.C


Corporate Char 15 58–72 PAYMENT_ID_CUST.C


Payment Detail 5 (Customer Information)

This table lists the layout for the payment detail 5 record:

Description Type Size Column Record Field

Record Type, 3 = Char 1 1 Used during processing


Lockbox ID Char 15 2–16 LOCKBOX_RUN_LOG.L


Batch ID Char 5 17–21 DEPOSIT_CONTROL.LO


492 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 16 Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments

Description Type Size Column Record Field

Payment Sequence Num 5 22–26 PAYMENT.PAYMENT_S

Number EQ_NUM

Record Group ID Num 4 27–30 PAYMENT_ID_CUST.LO


Detail Record Type Char 2 31–32 Used during processing


Remit From Char 39 33–71 PAYMENT_ID_CUST.NA

Customer Name ME1

D&B Number Char 9 72–80 PAYMENT_ID_CUST.DB


Payment Detail 6 (Customer Information)

This table lists the layout for the payment detail 6 record:

Description Type Size Column Record Field

Record Type, 3 = Char 2 1 Used during processing


Lockbox ID Char 15 2–16 LOCKBOX_RUN_LOG.L


Batch ID Char 5 17–21 DEPOSIT_CONTROL.LO


Payment Sequence Num 5 22–26 PAYMENT.PAYMENT_S

Number EQ_NUM

Record Group ID Num 4 27–30 PAYMENT_ID_CUST.LO


Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 493
Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments Chapter 16

Description Type Size Column Record Field

Detail Record Type Char 2 31–32 Used during processing


Customer City Char 30 33–62 PAYMENT_ID_CUST.CI


Customer Postal Char 12 63–74 PAYMENT_ID_CUST.PO


Payment Detail 7 (Invoice Information)

This is the layout for the payment detail 7 record:

Description Type Size Column Record Field

Record Type, 3 = Char 1 1 Used during processing


Lockbox ID Char 15 2–16 LOCKBOX_RUN_LOG.LO




Payment Sequence Num 5 22–26 PAYMENT.PAYMENT_SE

Number Q_NUM

Record Group ID Num 4 27–30 PAYMENT_ID_ITEM.LOC


Detail Record Type Char 2 31–32 Used during processing


Reference Qualifier Char 2 33–34 PAYMENT_ID_ITEM.REF


Reference Value Char 30 35–64 PAYMENT_ID_ITEM.REF


494 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 16 Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments

Description Type Size Column Record Field

Item Line Num 6 65–70 PAYMENT_ID_ITEM.ITE


Entry Event Char 10 71–80 PAYMENT_ID_ITEM.ENT


Payment Detail 8 (Invoice Information)

This table lists the layout for the payment detail 8 record:

Description Type Size Column Record Field

Record Type, 3 = Char 1 1 Used during processing


Lockbox ID Char 15 2–16 LOCKBOX_RUN_LOG.LO




Payment Sequence Num 5 22–26 PAYMENT.PAYMENT_SE

Number Q_NUM

Record Group ID Num 4 27–30 PAYMENT_ID_ITEM.LOC


Detail Record Type Char 2 31–32 Used during processing


Total Invoice Amt Num 14 33–46 PAYMENT_ID_ITEM.ITE


Amount of Invoice Num 14 47–60 PAYMENT_ID_ITEM.PAY

Paid _AMT

Discount Amount Num 12 61–72 PAYMENT_ID_ITEM.DIS


Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 495
Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments Chapter 16

Description Type Size Column Record Field

Invoice Date Date 8 73–80 PAYMENT_ID_ITEM.ITE


Payment Detail 9 (Invoice Information)

This table lists the layout for the payment detail 9 record:

Description Type Size Column Record Field

Record Type, 3 = Char 1 1 Used during processing


Lockbox ID Char 15 2–16 LOCKBOX_RUN_LOG.LO




Payment Sequence Num 5 22–26 PAYMENT.PAYMENT_SE

Number Q_NUM

Record Group ID Num 4 27–30 PAYMENT_ID_ITEM.LOC


Detail Record Type Char 2 31–32 Used during processing


Adjustment Num 14 33–46 PAYMENT_ID_ITEM.ADJ


Adjustment Entry Char 2 47–48 PAYMENT_ID_ITEM.ADJ


Reference Char 15 49–63 PAYMENT_ID_ITEM.CUS

Customer ID T_ID

496 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 16 Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments

Receiving Payments in an EDI File

To receive payments in an EDI file, use a third-party translator to translate the file into a PeopleSoft business
document, which is a layout that describes the files that comprise the electronic banking file, including file
name, type, length, format, short name, and long name.

To load the EDI data into the staging tables to be processed by the payment interface, use PeopleSoft
Enterprise Messaging. The data can be published directly in the Application Messaging queue from external
systems. If you use EDI flat files, you can use the Flat File utility (EOP_PUBLISHF) to load or publish data.
Use the PeopleSoft Enterprise Integration Broker to set up the EDI interface.

Use the PAYMENT_LOAD file layout to determine the format of the flat file. The following sections
describe the records in the PAYMENT_LOAD file layout:

• Payment record

• Customer remittance record.

• Item remittance record.

See Chapter 20, "Receiving Payments Electronically," Using EDI and Split Stream Processing, page 604.

See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

Payment Record

This table describes the Payment record:

Column Size Type Field Name Description

1 3 CHAR ROW_ID Row ID (always set to 000)

4 1 CHAR AUDIT_ACTN Action (always set to A)


20 17 NUMBER PAYMENT_AMT Payment Amount

37 3 CHAR PAYMENT_METHO Payment Method


40 10 DATE ACCOUNTING_DT Accounting Date

50 3 CHAR PAYMENT_CURRE Payment Currency


Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 497
Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments Chapter 16

Column Size Type Field Name Description

53 17 CHAR BANK_ACCOUNT_ Bank Account Number


70 20 CHAR BNK_ID_NBR External Bank ID

90 10 DATE STTLMENT_DT_ES Estimated Settlement Date


100 2 CHAR DFI_ID_QUAL DFI Qualifier


114 10 NUMBER EDI_TRACE_NBR EDI Trace Number


154 3 CHAR DATA_SOURCE Data Source (set to CRX or 820)

157 1 CHAR MATCH Match Flag

Y = both cash and remittance are included
N = only cash is included
R = does not create payment for the
payment record

Note. The Payment record is required

even if only remittance data is sent. If the
value in the Match field is R, then the
system does not create a payment for the
payment record.

158 5 CHAR DEPOSIT_BU Deposit Business Unit

Customer Remittance Record

This table describes the Customer Remittance record:

Column Size Type Field Name Description

1 3 CHAR ROW_ID Row ID (always set to 010)

498 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 16 Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments

Column Size Type Field Name Description

4 1 CHAR AUDIT_ACTN Action (always set to A)



10 15 CHAR REMIT_FROM_CUS Remit From Customer



55 9 NUMBER DB_NUMBER Dun and Bradstreet Number

64 2 CHAR DFI_ID_QUAL DFI Qualifier


78 20 CHAR BNK_ID_NBR External Bank ID

98 17 CHAR BANK_ACCOUNT_ Bank Account Number


115 5 CHAR BUSINESS_UNIT Business Unit

120 15 CHAR CUST_ID Bill To Customer ID

Item Remittance Record

This table describes the Item Remittance record:

Column Size Type Field Name Description

1 3 CHAR ROW_ID Row ID (always set to 020)

4 1 CHAR AUDIT_ACTN Action (always set to A)

5 17* NUMBER PAY_AMT Payment Amount

22 17* NUMBER ITEM_AMT Amount

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 499
Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments Chapter 16

Column Size Type Field Name Description

39 10 DATE ITEM_DT Item Date

49 17* NUMBER DISC_TAKEN Discount Taken

66 17* NUMBER ADJUSTMENT_AMT Adjustment Amount

83 2 CHAR ADJUSTMENT_REA Adjustment Reason


85 2 CHAR REF_QUALIFIER_C Reference Qualifier Code


87 30 CHAR REF_VALUE Reference

117 5 CHAR BUSINESS_UNIT Business Unit

122 15 CHAR CUST_ID Bill To Customer ID

500 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 17

Configuring Page Features

This chapter list prerequisites and discusses how to:

• Change the default date on customer options records.

• Increase the number of rows in a grid.

• Change activity types.

• Add user history IDs to setID and business unit history.

Oracle provides a tool called PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Designer to assist with modifying and editing
PeopleCode to change display options or the appearance of PeopleSoft Receivables pages.

Before trying to modify page features, become familiar with Application Designer and PeopleCode basics.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer

Changing the Default Date on Customer Options Records

When you select the Bill To Customer,Ship To Customer, or Sold To Customer check box on the General
Info page for a customer, the system automatically builds a corresponding Options record (CUST_OPTION)
in the background. The Receivable Update Application Engine process (ARUPDATE) requires valid Options
records to process each of these customer types.

By default, the system automatically populates option records with an effective date of the current date when
you create an Options record. If you need to post receivables transactions with an earlier accounting date than
the default effective date, you can change the default effective date to January 1, 1900, to ensure that the
Receivable Update process finds a valid Bill To Options record to process the customer. To change the
default date to January 1, 1900, make the following PeopleCode modifications.

Bill To Customer Options

To change Bill To Customer options using CUST_OPTION. CUST_ID.RowInsert PeopleCode:

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 501
Configuring Page Features Chapter 17

Change the following code:

/* Default to the current date */

To this:
/* Default to '1900/01/01' */
CUST_OPTION.EFFDT = Date3(1900, 1, 1);

Ship To Customer Options

To change Ship To Customer options using CUST_SHIPTO_OPT.EFFDT/FieldDefault PeopleCode:

Change the following code:


To this:

CUST_SHIPTO_OPT.EFFDT = Date3(1900, 1, 1);

Sold To Customer Options

To change Sold To Customer options using CUST_SOLDTO_OPT.EFFDT/FieldDefault PeopleCode:

Change the following code:


To this:

CUST_SOLDTO_OPT.EFFDT = Date3(1900, 1, 1);

Increasing the Number of Rows in a Grid

This section provides an overview of row limits in grids and discusses how to increase the number of rows in
a grid.

502 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 17 Configuring Page Features

Understanding Row Limits in Grids

You may want to limit the number of rows that appear in grids on high-volume inquiry or worksheet pages,
such as the worksheets for payments, maintenance, transfer items, drafts, and direct debits. Oracle delivers
PeopleSoft Receivables with a default of 100 rows in the grid—the maximum number of rows that can be
contained in the grid at one time. This is referred to throughout this documentation as a chunk or grouping of

Page Used to Increase the Number of Rows in a Grid

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Installation Options - INSTALLATION_AR Set Up Financials/Supply Define the maximum

Receivables Chain, Install, Installation numbers of rows that appear
Options, Receivables at one time in inquiry and
worksheet grids.

Increasing the Number of Rows in a Grid

Access the Installation Options - Receivables page. (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install,
Installation Options, Receivables.)

Increase or decrease the default of 100 rows that appears in a grid (chunking) by changing the value in the
Max Number of Rows in Scrolls field. The change may affect performance, but the impact depends on other
factors. The greater the number of rows in the grid, the longer the time for the pages to appear. Experiment to
find the number that works best.

The limit of rows in a grid works in conjunction with the up and down arrow buttons on the pages. Given the
default of 100 rows, if the search criteria returns 100 or fewer rows from the database, they are all available in
the grid and the arrow buttons are invisible. If the search criteria returns more than 100 rows, use the arrow
buttons to view the different chunks of 100 rows in the grid.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Installation Options for
PeopleSoft Applications," Defining Receivables Installation Options

Changing Activity Types

The Unit Activity page and the Unit Activity report use the selections in the Activity Type and Activity
Type/Origin/Bank Code fields on the System Functions 1 page to summarize the data and how to break it

To add more activity type categories:

1. In Application Designer, open the ENTRY_USE_TBL record.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 503
Configuring Page Features Chapter 17

2. In the record window that appears, select and right-click the SYS_TRAN_TYPE field.

3. Click View Translates.

4. Click ADD to add translate values.

Adding User History IDs to SetID and Business Unit History

If you add new user-defined history IDs, they do not automatically appear on history inquiry pages. You need
to perform three tasks for them to appear.

This section discusses how to:

• Modify view text for history IDs.

• Modify views for the Customer History page.

• Modify views for the Unit History page.

Modifying View Text for History IDs

To modify the view text:

1. Open the record that you want to modify in Application Designer.

2. In the SQL object window that appears, select the row for the CUST_HIST_ID field.

3. Right-click and select View PeopleCode.

4. Modify the PeopleCode.

Modifying Views for the Customer History Page

If you create queries that use a business unit, the new history ID appears immediately on the Customer
History page. If the business unit field is left blank, the new history ID does not appear until these views are





For example, to add a new history ID called WIDGET_SALES, change the view text on each of the views as
shown here.


Change the view text to:

504 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 17 Configuring Page Features



Change the view text to:



Change the view text to:

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 505
Configuring Page Features Chapter 17



Change the view text to:


506 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 17 Configuring Page Features

Modifying Views for the Unit History Page

New history IDs do not appear on the Unit History page until you modify these views:



For example, to add a new history ID called WIDGET_SALES, change the view text on each of the views as
shown here.


Change the view text to:



Change the view text to:


Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 507
Chapter 18

Entering Pending Items

This chapter provides an overview of pending item entry, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

• Enter or update pending items.

• Find and correct errors when entering receivables.

• Review pending item groups.

Understanding Pending Item Entry

This section provides an overview of pending item entry and discusses:

• Billing interfaces.

• PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Order Management interfaces.

• Online pending item entry.

• Overdue charges groups.

• Accounting entry creation.

• PeopleSoft Project Costing integration.

You enter pending items into the system in one of two ways:

• Import them using an interface.

• Enter them manually.

After pending items are entered in the system, use the Receivable Update Application Engine process
(ARUPDATE) to post them. The process creates the items, generates accounting entries, updates item
activity, and updates the customer balance. If errors occur during posting, the process does not post the
pending items, and you use the pending item error correction pages to correct the errors.

Note. In a production environment, you can create accounting entries online before running the Receivable
Update process to verify that your setup creates the correct accounting entries.

PeopleSoft Receivables distinguishes between items (posted receivables) and pending items (information that
has been entered into or created by the system but has not yet been posted).

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 509
Entering Pending Items Chapter 18

PeopleSoft Receivables follows the standard of bundling pending items into groups rather than handling them
individually. In other systems, a group of pending items is sometimes called a batch. To avoid confusion, the
term group is used in the PeopleSoft system, and the term background refers to offline processes. To each
group of pending items, the system assigns a group ID that remains with the group even after it is posted. The
system processes pending items in groups. Keep track of the group ID throughout the cycle so that you have it
when you want to view progress or check the status of a pending item.

Billing Interfaces
You enter most pending items using a billing interface. Although external pending item entry occurs in the
background, the information that appears on the online pages enables you to understand how the process

The procedure that you use to bring in pending items must include background processing and populating
database tables.

When you enter pending items through a billing interface, the system edits external groups and identifies
errors when you run the Receivable Update process.

If you use PeopleSoft Billing, you use the Load AR Pending Items Application Engine process (BILDAR01)
to integrate these items into PeopleSoft Receivables. If you use a third-party billing system, you must develop
an interface to populate the pending item tables.

While developing and testing the interface, you may find that some errors appear consistently throughout an
entire group. If you encounter a data problem, you can delete the group, adjust the interface process, interface
the group again, and run the Receivable Update process again to check for errors. If the error results from
your setup, you can adjust your control tables and set the group for posting again.

After the pending items are in the system, you can view or adjust information as needed. The pages that you
use to fix errors in external pending item groups are the same as the pages used to enter pending items online.

See Also

Chapter 14, "Performing Data Conversion," Understanding Item and Payment Conversion, page 403

Chapter 15, "Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items," Receiving Information from a Billing
System, page 419

PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Order Management Interface

If you create claims for vendor rebates in PeopleSoft Purchasing or claimbacks in PeopleSoft Order
Management, use the Claim Settlement Process for AR process (PO_CLMSTL_AR) to interface the items to
PeopleSoft Receivables after you approve the claims on the claims management workbench. The items enter
PeopleSoft Receivables as an external group.

Vendor rebates occur when your organization is a buyer and the seller owes you money for the rebate. A
rebate claim becomes a debit in PeopleSoft Receivables and a reversal rebate claim becomes a credit.
Reversal claims have the same item ID as the original claim.

510 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Entering Pending Items

Claimbacks occur when your organization has an agreement with the manufacturer or supplier that is based
on an order being shipped to the consumer by a contractor. For example, you purchase a door from a
manufacturer for 100.00 EUR, and you need to sell it to a contractor for 90.00 EUR because the manufacturer
also sells doors directly to the contractor for 90.00 EUR. The 10.00 EUR difference is the amount for the
claimback that you send to the manufacturer.

The Claim Settlement Process for AR process updates the pending item tables with the item information and
the distribution lines. PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Order Management define the ChartField values
for the user-defined distribution line. They use the receivables (AR) distribution code assigned to the
receivables business unit that is associated with the rebate agreement or the claimback contract to determine
the ChartFields for the AR line.

When you run the Receivable Update process, it checks for errors, creates the item, and posts the item
distribution lines. When you run the Journal Generator process (FS_JGEN), the process generates the journals
for the distribution lines.

If errors occur, use the pages for external pending item groups to correct them. While developing and testing
the interface, you may find some errors that appear consistently throughout an entire group. If you encounter
a data problem, you can delete the group, adjust the interface process, interface the group again, and run the
Receivable Update process again to check for errors. If the error results from your setup, you can adjust your
control tables and set the group for posting again.

Vendor rebate claims use the vendor rebate (R) group type and claimbacks use the claimback (C) group type.
The item ID is the same as the claim ID in PeopleSoft Purchasing or PeopleSoft Order Management.

You apply payments to the rebate claim and claimback items using the payment worksheet. However, after
you post the payment group by running the Receivable Update process, you must run the AR Rebate
Notification process (AR_REBATE) to interface the payment information or any other change to the balance
of a claim item to the Claims Incoming Payment staging table (VRBT_CLAIM_PMTI). This enables users to
reconcile the payments with the original claims using the claims management workbench. If you receive a
reversal claim, the Receivable Update process automatically offsets the original claim, because they both
have the same item ID.

Note. PeopleSoft Receivables does not generate value-added tax (VAT) distribution lines for the claim items
that you interface from PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Order Management using the Claim Settlement
Process for AR process. For claim items that require VAT distribution lines, you create two entries when you
apply a payment or draft to the items on the payment or draft worksheet, or when you offset a claim item on
the maintenance worksheet: one for the base item amount and one for the VAT amount. Because you must
enter the VAT information manually when you apply a payment, you cannot use Payment Predictor to apply
payments for claim items. When you run the Rebate Notification process, it sends the base and VAT amount
to the Claims Management Workbench. When you run the Claim Settlement process for AP Application
Engine process (PO_CLMSTL_AP) on the claims management workbench, the system uses this information
to generate the base and VAT distribution lines when it creates adjustment vouchers or claimback vouchers.

See Also

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Understanding Entry Reasons, page 74

Chapter 28, "Posting and Unposting Groups," Running the AR Rebate Notification Process, page 910

PeopleSoft Enterprise Purchasing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Understanding Vendor Rebates"

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order Management 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with Claimbacks"

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 511
Entering Pending Items Chapter 18

Online Pending Item Entry

When you enter pending items online, you enter control information, provide pending item information,
select payment terms and personnel references, enter VAT information if necessary, create accounting entries
if needed, and select an action for the group.

The system validates the data and displays an error message if the data fails one or more system edits. The
system prevents two types of user errors:

• Entering information that is invalid.

• Leaving a required field blank.

Overdue Charges Groups

An overdue charges group contains system-generated pending items that represent overdue charges for
customers whose payments are late. If you generate overdue charges, the system creates a new group with
pending items. You run the Receivable Update process to edit and post the pending items.

If you create overdue charges in an external system, you can also include the pending items in a group type
that you define or within a billing group. This type of pending item has an entry type that is mapped to the IT-
01 system function.

See Also

Chapter 39, "Generating Overdue Charges," page 1165

Accounting Entry Creation

You can create pending item accounting entries online or during background processing when the Receivable
Update process runs. When you run Receivable Update to post pending item groups, the Pending Group
Generator Application Engine process (AR_PGG_SERV) creates accounting entries if they are not present.
Normally, you run the Receivable Update process to create accounting entries. But if you must review them,
create them online.

Note. To create entries for all pending items in the group, use the Group Action page.

The system creates accounting entries based on the templates that you defined during setup. If your setup
includes inheritance options, the inheritance options that you selected override the defaults in the templates.

Accounting entries follow the formats defined for item entry types on the Accounting Template page. Each
type of transaction—credit memo, debit memo, invoice, and so on—has its own template. The accounting
templates can define all transaction accounting entries or only one side of the accounting entries (that is, only
the debit side or only the credit side). If a template defines only one side, the system cannot create balanced
accounting entries. You must create the accounting entries online and supply the lines needed to make the
entries balance. If your templates contain multiple user-defined lines and you create entries online, you can
manually allocate the amount of the item across the accounting lines. If you create entries during background
processing, the accounting lines cannot be balanced, and you must use the error correction pages to manually
allocate the amount across the accounting lines.

512 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Entering Pending Items

If you enabled ChartField combination editing for the business unit on the Receivables Options - General 2
page, the system edits for errors. You cannot post the accounting entries until you fix the error if you selected
Recycle in the ChartField Editing group box.

For Create a Debit Memo (IT-01) and Create Credit Memo (IT-02) pending items created online or interfaced
from another system, you can modify the ChartField combination for the receivables (AR) line and the user-
defined line on the Accounting Entries page for the pending item group. For Overdue Charges (FC-01) items,
you can modify only the user-defined line.

See Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Setting Up Item Entry Types, page 84

Accounting Entries for VAT

For each item in PeopleSoft Receivables, VAT information is stored on VAT lines. The system usually
generates one VAT accounting entry for each VAT line on the pending item. If ChartField combinations are
the same across multiple accounting entries, the system generates one VAT accounting entry with the
amounts summarized.

You establish the VAT ChartField combination at the tax code level on the Value Added Tax Code -
Accounting Information page. PeopleSoft Receivables has VAT accounts for each type of VAT liability—an
intermediate account and a final account. Within a tax code you can have a different ChartField combination
for intermediate VAT and final VAT. You can also define different ChartField combinations for VAT output
for discounts and credit adjustments to output VAT.

The term declaration point refers to the time when you report VAT to the tax authorities—at invoice time, at
delivery, at the time of payment, or at the accounting date of the transaction. For a declaration point of
invoice, delivery, or accounting date, the system creates entries to final VAT during pending item entry. For a
declaration point of payment, the system creates entries to intermediate VAT during pending item entry. The
default value for the declaration point is determined by values defined in the VAT Defaults Setup page. The
system uses the following values, with the shown override capabilities, to determine the default value for the
declaration point:

• VAT entity.

• PeopleSoft Receivables business unit options (overrides VAT entity).

• Customer (overrides PeopleSoft Receivables business unit options).

• Customer location (overrides customer).

PeopleSoft Project Costing Integration

Items that come into PeopleSoft Receivables from PeopleSoft Billing are already distributed to PeopleSoft
Project Costing.

In PeopleSoft Project Costing, you can enter projects information about receivable items. The projects
information enables you to use PeopleSoft Project Costing to track outstanding revenue and to maintain
financial control over a project.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 513
Entering Pending Items Chapter 18

When you create the accounting entry templates for items using the Item Entry Type - Accounting Template
and Auto Entry Type - Accounting Template pages, you can identify the PeopleSoft Project Costing
ChartField values that you want in accounting entries that PeopleSoft Receivables generates. You can
override these values on the Accounting Entries page if you create accounting entries online before you post
items. The PeopleSoft Project Costing ChartFields are:

• Project ID

• Project Costing business unit

• Activity

• Source Type

• Category

• Subcategory

Note. You can associate different project ChartField combinations with different entry reasons. If you have a
lot of project ChartField combinations, Oracle recommends that you leave the project ChartFields on the
accounting templates blank and generate the accounting entries online so that you can enter the appropriate

When you post an item in PeopleSoft Receivables, the system marks the item as ready to distribute to
PeopleSoft Project Costing. It does this by setting the PC_DISTRIB_STATUS field in the Item Activity table
(PS_ITEM_ACTIVITY) to N (none).

When you run the Receivables Adjustments Application Engine process (PC_AR_TO_PC) in PeopleSoft
Project Costing, the process copies this information from PeopleSoft Receivables into PeopleSoft Project
Costing and updates the Item Activity table to D (done).

When you create an adjustment item, such as Create a New Debit (MT-04) or a Prepayment (WS-04) using a
payment or maintenance worksheet, the Automatic Maintenance process (AR_AUTOMNT), or the Payment
Predictor Application Engine process (ARPREDCT), you must create the accounting entries online to enter
the project ChartField values unless you are using the default ChartField values in the automatic entry
accounting template. If you enter the ChartField values online and you want to use the project ChartField
values for the original item, access the AR Billing Inquiry page for the item and click the Bill Header -
Project Info link. This enables you to view the project ChartFields on the bill header in PeopleSoft Billlng.

If you unpost an item, the process sets the PeopleSoft Project Costing distribution status field for the new
rows to N (not distributed).

Before you can enter receivable items, you must perform these tasks:

• Define business units and business unit defaults.

• Define customers and customer information.

• Define Receivables processing options.

• Define additional processing options, such as payment terms.

514 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Entering Pending Items

• Define exception and collection codes.

• Define sales persons, collectors, and credit analysts.

• Define a bank account for cash forecasting.

• Define bank holiday processing.

• Set up currency codes and exchange rate information for multicurrency processing.

• Define the users who will enter group information and item information and set up their user preferences.

You can prohibit a user who works with external groups from modifying or deleting online groups.

• If you use VAT, set up your VAT environment.

• (IND) If you are in India, set up your tax structure.

See Also

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," page 19

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," page 55

Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," page 119

Chapter 7, "Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing," page 195

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General Customer
Information," Adding General Customer Information

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up External, Internal, and
Netting Accounts," Defining External Account Information

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "Processing Multiple Currencies"

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining User Preferences"

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with VAT"

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "(IND) Setting Up Excise Duty, Customs
Duty, Sales Tax, and VAT"

Entering or Updating Pending Items

This section provides an overview of pending item components and discusses how to:

• Enter or update group control information.

• Complete the Pending Item 1 page.

• Review summarized VAT information.

• Review VAT header defaults..

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 515
Entering Pending Items Chapter 18

• Review VAT line information.

• Complete the Pending Item 2 page.

• Complete the Pending Item 3 page.

• (IND) Enter tax information for India.

• (IND) View tax details for India.

• Create and review accounting entries online.

• Select a group action.

Understanding Pending Item Components

The pages used to review pending items that are loaded with a billing interface resemble the pages for
entering items online. However, they require a different navigation path, and the path that you use determines
the information that can be displayed or updated.

Use the External Items menu options for unposted groups that you interfaced from your billing system.

Use the Online Items menu options to:

• Enter groups online.

• Update an existing online group.

These groups can be either groups that you entered online or system-generated groups, such as overdue
charges groups.

The following table describes the four components that you can use for both online and external groups:

Menu Name Description

Group Entry Use this option to enter a new group or to view all pending items in a small
group (about 50 pending items or less).

Single Item Use this option to access a single pending item when the group is too large
for the system to handle within the pending item entry scroll. This is useful
when you want to update a single item in a very large group.

Large Group Use this option to open a large group and add a row for a new pending
item. The system automatically increments the count for the control total by

Note. You can add rows for new pending items only for online groups.

Overdue Charges Items Use for groups that you generated using the Overdue Charges Application
Engine process (AR_OVRDUE). This option is available only on the
Online Items menu.

516 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Entering Pending Items

You can work only with groups that have not been posted.

PeopleSoft Receivables also provides three components that enable you to quickly set a group to post. To
access these components, use one of the following navigation paths:

• For external groups, select Accounts Receivable, Pending Items, Change Pending Group Action, External
Pending Items.

• For online groups, select Accounts Receivable, Pending Items, Change Pending Group Action, Online
Pending Items.

• For overdue charges groups, select Accounts Receivable, Pending Items, Change Pending Group Action,
Overdue Charge Pending Items.

Pages Used to Enter or Update Pending Items

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Group Control GROUP_ENTRY1

• Accounts Receivable, Enter or update control
Pending Items, Online information.
Items, Group Entry,
Group Control

• Accounts Receivable,
Pending Items, External
Items, Group Entry,
Group Control

• Alternatively, select
Single Item, Large
group, or Overdue
Charge Items instead of
Group Entry.

Pending Item 1 GROUP_ENTRY2

• Accounts Receivable, Enter information about
Pending Items, Online individual pending items,
Items, Group Entry, such as the entry type and
Pending Item 1 reason, payment terms, and
discount data.
• Accounts Receivable,
Pending Items, External
Items, Group Entry,
Pending Item 1

• Alternatively, select
Single Item, Large
group, or Overdue
Charge Items instead of
Group Entry.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 517
Entering Pending Items Chapter 18

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

SF220_9 Report Types AR_SF220_TYPES Click the SF220 9 Type link (USF) Assign an entity code
on the Pending Item 1 page. and receivable type to a
pending item. This
information is required for
the Receivables Due from
the Public report
(ARSF2209). This page is
available only if you
selected the Receivables
Due From Public check box
on the Installation Options -
Receivables page.

VAT Summary Information GROUP_ENTRY_VATS Click the VAT Summary View summarized VAT
link on the Pending Item 1 header information and
(value added tax)
page. VAT lines for an item and
drill down to the VAT
header and line defaults.

VAT Header GROUP_ENTRY_VATHDR Click the VAT Header link View VAT header defaults.
on the Pending Item 1 page. Manually override values if

VAT Lines GROUP_ENTRY_VAT_LN Click the VAT Lines link View VAT line defaults
on the VAT Header page. including the VAT
amounts. Manually override
values if applicable.

Pending Item 2 GROUP_ENTRY2B

• Accounts Receivable, Enter correspondence,
Pending Items, Online personnel, direct debit,
Items, Group Entry, draft, and cash forecasting
Pending Item 2 information for the pending
• Accounts Receivable,
Pending Items, External
Items, Group Entry,
Pending Item 2

• Alternatively, select
Single Item, Large
group, or Overdue
Charge Items instead of
Group Entry.

518 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Entering Pending Items

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Pending Item 3 GROUP_ENTRY2C

• Accounts Receivable, Enter consolidated invoice
Pending Items, Online information (used in
Items, Group Entry, PeopleSoft Billing). Enter
Pending Item 3 values in user-defined
• Accounts Receivable,
Pending Items, External
Items, Group Entry,
Pending Item 3

• Alternatively, select
Single Item, Large
group, or Overdue
Charge Items instead of
Group Entry.


• Accounts Receivable, (IND) Enter and calculate
Pending Items, Online excise duty, sales tax, or
Items, Group Entry, VAT amounts for India.
Group Entry Tax This page is available only
if you enabled sales tax,
• Accounts Receivable, VAT, or excise duty for a
Pending Items, External receivable business unit
Items, Group Entry, type on the Business Unit
Group Entry Tax Tax Applicability page.

• Alternatively, select
Single Item, Large
group, or Overdue
Charge Items instead of
Group Entry.

Tax Detail GROUP_ENTRY_TAX_DT Click the Tax Detail link on (IND) Display excise duty,
the Group Entry Tax page. sales tax, or VAT detail
information for India and
view the results of the tax
calculation. This page is
available only if you
enabled sales tax, VAT, or
excise duty for a receivable
business unit type on the
Business Unit Tax
Applicability page.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 519
Entering Pending Items Chapter 18

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Accounting Entries GROUP_ENTRY3

• Accounts Receivable, Create accounting entries
Pending Items, Online for one pending item at a
Items, Group Entry, time.
Accounting Entries

• Accounts Receivable,
Pending Items, External
Items, Group Entry,
Accounting Entries

• Alternatively, select
Single Item, Large
group, or Overdue
Charge Items instead of
Group Entry.

Group Action GROUP_ENTRY4

• Accounts Receivable, Specify the action that the
Pending Items, External system performs on a group
Items, Group Entry, of pending items, such as
Group Action posting the group, or
creating or deleting
• Alternatively, select accounting entries.
Single Item or Large
group instead of Group


• Accounts Receivable, Specify the action that the
Pending Items, Online system performs on a group
Items, Group Entry, of pending items, such as
Group Action posting the group, or
creating or deleting
• Alternatively, select accounting entries.
Single Item, Large
group, or Overdue
Charge Items instead of
Group Entry.

Cash Drawer Receipts CDR_RECEIPT

• Click the Drawer Review cash drawer
Receipt link on the receipts for unposted items.
Group Action page.

• Accounts Receivable,
Payments, Cash
Drawer, Cash Drawer

Entering or Updating Group Control Information

Access the Group Control page. (Accounts Receivable, Pending Items, Online Items, Group Entry, Group

520 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Entering Pending Items

Online Pending - Group Control page

This page displays control and header information for a group of pending items. At a minimum, you need to
enter a group type, origin ID, control amount, and control count.

If the group contains pending items in different currencies, you can handle the control total using the
following approaches:

• If your organization requires pending item groups in a single currency, split the pending items into
separate groups by currency and enter the control currency for each group.

This restricts all pending items to the selected currency and ensures that your control total is meaningful
in the selected currency.

• If your organization uses control amounts to check matching pending item amounts with the group total,
leave multicurrency items in a single group.

In this case, the control total is a hash total (###), representing the total amount of the pending items,
irrespective of currency.

Group ID Displays the group ID for the group. When you save this page, the system assigns
the next available group ID. The group ID is based on the settings made on the
Business Unit Definition page. You can override automatic numbering by
entering your own group ID.

Accounting Date Displays the accounting date that is the default for each pending item in the
group. The date determines the fiscal year and accounting period to which the
pending item is posted. This date determines the VAT declaration date if the
declaration point is Accounting Date.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 521
Entering Pending Items Chapter 18

Group Type Select one of the group types that you defined for billing.

Origin ID Select the group origin ID, for example OBILL (online billing). The system
assigns an origin ID that is valid for external entry to groups that are received
through the billing interface.

Control Currency Select a currency only if you want all pending items in the group to have the
same currency.

Format Currency Displays the default format currency value that you entered on the Receivables
Data Entry 2 page. The system uses the format currency to determine the default
currency of the pending item amounts that you enter. If you enter a control
currency, the format currency changes to that value, and the field becomes
unavailable for entry.

Control Enter the group control totals: the total monetary amount of pending items in this
group and the control count (the total number of pending items in this group).
The system compares the control amount and count with the entered amount and
count and calculates the difference.
The control amount must match the entered totals amount before you can post the
pending items in this group. In other words, the difference should be 0.
After you post a group, you view the posted amount and count for the group
using inquiry pages.

Received and Entered Indicate when the group was received into the system and when items were
entered. Use these fields to indicate processing delays, such as a department
receiving the credit memo on Thursday, but not entering the items until Friday.
These fields are informational only and appear on inquiry pages.

Assign Select the user ID of the user who will enter pending item information. The user
ID of the assigned user appears in the User field.

Edit Status Indicates whether pending items have been edited. Edited indicates that pending
items have been edited. (Most online groups have a status of Edited.)Not Edited
indicates that external groups have not yet been processed by the Receivable
Update process.

Balanced Indicates that the system has balanced the online group. If the value is No, the
pending item group has not yet been processed by the Receivable Update process
and the group may not actually be out of balance. To determine whether a group
is really out of balance, click the Balance button on the Group Action page.

Posting Status Indicates whether pending items have been posted. Not Posted indicates that the
groups have not yet been processed by the Receivable Update process. After
Receivable Update runs, the posting status is either Errors or Complete.

Accounting Entries Indicates whether accounting entries for pending items are Balanced or Not

Posting Action Displays the posting action that you selected on the Group Action page: Do Not
Post, Post Now, Post Now to GL, Batch Priority, or Batch Standard.

522 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Entering Pending Items

Completing the Pending Item 1 Page

Access the Pending Item 1 page. (Accounts Receivable, Pending Items, Online Items, Group Entry, Pending
Item 1.)

Online Pending - Pending Item 1 page

Pending Item Entry

Accounting Date Displays the date entered on the Group Control page. The date determines the
fiscal year and accounting period used to post the item for both PeopleSoft
Receivables and PeopleSoft General Ledger. This date determines the VAT
declaration date if the declaration point is Accounting Date.

As Of Date Enter a date, which is usually the same as the accounting date. You can use a
different date for aging. You can also use this date to record the invoice date used
to calculate payment terms.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 523
Entering Pending Items Chapter 18

Item ID Enter a number that describes the pending item, such as the invoice number.
While you enter pending items, the system assigns each row a sequence number,
which appears as you scroll through the pending items on the page.

Copy Line Click to add the next line number and automatically copy some of the pending
item information to the new row if you need to divide an invoice into multiple
lines. You need to complete the AR Dist (accounts receivable distribution code),
Entry Type, and Reason fields on the new row.

Business Unit and Enter the business unit and customer ID.
Customer A customer can exist in more than one business unit with the same ID. The
business unit that you specify determines which customer the pending item is
posted to. The customer business unit does not need to match the group business
unit, although typically it does.

SubCustomer 1 and Displays subcustomer qualifiers, which come from the customer, if the feature is
SubCustomer 2 enabled. You specify whether to use the subcustomer feature and, if so, the
number of qualifiers for the entire installation on the Installation Options -
Overall page. The default subcustomer qualifiers for customers are specified on
the Miscellaneous General Info page. You can override the default qualifiers for
individual pending items. You use these subcustomer qualifiers for tracking
history and aging information and to filter item lists on inquiry pages.

Amount and Currency Enter the amount and currency for the pending item. If the entry currency differs
from the base currency of the receivables business unit, the system handles the
conversion automatically and displays the base currency equivalent.

Entry Type and Reason Enter the entry type and reason used to create the pending item. Entry types and
entry reasons are among the most important pieces of information associated
with a pending item. They determine how accounting entries are created, how
they are carried with the pending item through posting, and how they are
considered when history is generated. They are also used as identifiers for open
items, determine how items are aged, and determine whether accounting entries
are included on customer correspondence and drafts.

AR Dist (accounts Enter the distribution code that governs the ChartFields that are used when the
receivable distribution) system generates accounting entries.
To create a single receivables (AR) line for accounting entries, use the default or
override the default with a different code. The system obtains the default AR
distribution code in the following order:
1. From the entry reason on the Item Entry Type - Selection page.

2. From the customer on the General Information - Bill To Options page.

3. From the business unit on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 1


524 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Entering Pending Items

Entry Event Enter an entry event code for the item to create supplemental accounting entries
if entry events are enabled for PeopleSoft Receivables.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Using
Entry Events."

Revalue Flg (revalue Select if you want the Revaluation Application Engine process (AR04000) to
flag) revalue the item.

Error Info (error Appears only when errors are present. Click to open a page where you can view
information) more details about the error.

Document Sequence Click to access a page where you can enter document sequencing information.
This button is available only if you enabled the document sequencing feature for
the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook,
"Defining Document Sequencing," Using Document Sequencing.

(USF) SF220 9 Types Click to access a page where you can enter an entity code and receivable type for
a pending item. This information is required for the Receivables Due from the
Public report (ARSF2209). This link is available only if you selected the
Receivables Due From Public check box on the Installation Options -
Receivables page.

Payment Terms

If you do not enter payment terms, the system checks to determine whether you have set them at the next
level up—the customer level. If you specified payment terms on the Bill To Options page for the customer,
the system draws them from there. If you did not set payment terms for this customer, the system uses the
terms that you associated with the business unit on the Receivables Options - Accounting Options 2 page. If
no payment terms are specified, the system prompts you to enter a payment terms code or a due date.

Terms Displays the default payment terms code. Change the default, or leave this field
blank. If you change the default, you cannot use the discount fields. If you leave
this field blank, you can enter the discount amounts and dates of your choice.

Due Date If no default values exist for the discount fields, you still must enter a due date. If
the due date falls on a bank holiday, the system adjusts it automatically. This
field is required for the Aging Application Engine process (AR_AGING).

Due Days Enter grace days or leeway to the payment terms.

Disc Days (discount days) Enter the number of days past the discount date during which the customer is still
eligible to receive a discount.

Always Allow Discount Select during conversion and for preferred customers. Select to override
previously set discount parameters and ensure that a customer receives a discount
regardless of due date and payment date. Payment worksheets and Payment
Predictor use this check box.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 525
Entering Pending Items Chapter 18

Note. If discounts must be included in VAT calculations, then enter the payment terms before entering the
VAT amounts.

VAT Control Totals

Use this group box to enter control amounts for VAT and to access the VAT Header and VAT Lines pages
where you can view and, if applicable, manually override VAT default values.

VAT Transaction Enter the control amount for the transaction amount that is subject to VAT. This
Amount is typically the transaction amount printed on the invoice.
If you are entering an item online, the system populates the Transaction Amount
field for the first VAT line with the control amount. If you create additional VAT
lines, you must change the transaction amount for each line so that they add up to
the amount of the control amount. You have to open the VAT lines page and
enter a VAT override amount.

VAT Amount Enter the control amount for the VAT amount in this field. This is typically the
VAT amount printed on the invoice. The system compares the total recorded
VAT amount for all the VAT lines on the VAT Lines page to the control amount.
The system automatically calculates the VAT for each line. You need to enter an
override VAT amount only if the calculated VAT amount does not match the
VAT amount on the invoice. If you enter an override VAT amount, the system
uses this as the recorded amount. Otherwise, the system uses the calculated VAT
amount as the recorded amount.

VAT Summary Click to open the VAT Summary Information page where you can view
summarized VAT header information and VAT line information in one place.

VAT Header Click to open the VAT Header page, where you can review VAT defaults as well
as access VAT details for the VAT line. When you click this link, the system
retrieves the VAT defaults based on your VAT setup and entered customer

VAT Lines Click to view VAT line information. Appears only when you view a group and a
VAT line exists for the item, or when you are entering new items and you have
navigated to the VAT pages and back.

Reference Information

BOL (bill of lading) Enter the bill of lading number for the pending item.

L/C ID (letter of credit Enter the letter of credit ID for the pending item.

Reviewing Summarized VAT Information

Access the VAT Summary Information page. (Click the VAT Summary link on the Pending Item 1 page.)

526 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Entering Pending Items

VAT Summary Information page

If you change the VAT defaults or amounts on the VAT Header or VAT Lines page and return to the VAT
Summary Information page, the system updates the amounts on this page. This enables you to review the
amounts before you save the information.

VAT Entity(value added Displays the VAT entity associated with the business unit. The VAT entity is the
tax entity) level within your organization at which the VAT return is filed.

Customer Registration Displays the VAT registration defaults that you defined on the VAT Header page
Country, Exception, in the VAT Registration section. The customer registration country is the
VAT Reporting registration country of the bill to customer. The Exception field displays the
Country, (value added exception granted to the customer. The reporting country and state are the
tax reporting country)and country and state or province in which the VAT will be reported.
Gross/Net, Declare At, Displays the VAT control information that you defined on the VAT Header page,
and Recalculate at which indicates how the VAT is calculated and recognized for reporting
Payment, purposes.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 527
Entering Pending Items Chapter 18

VAT Place of Supply Displays the VAT treatment group as defined on the VAT Header page in the
Country and VAT VAT Treatments section and, for services, displays the country in which the
Treatment Group(value VAT is liable.
added tax place of supply
country) (value added tax
treatment group)
VAT Header(value added Click to access the VAT Header page where you can view VAT header defaults
tax header) and manually override the values if needed.

The documentation for the VAT Header page describes the preceding fields in detail.

See Chapter 18, "Entering Pending Items," Reviewing VAT Header Defaults, page 529.

VAT Basis Amount Displays the total amount on which the VAT is calculated in the transaction
(value added tax basis currency for all lines. If VAT is being calculated at net, this amount is net of any
amount) discounts.

Item Amount, Discount Displays the total item amount and discount amounts that you entered for the
Amount, and Discount item on the Pending Item 1 page.
Amount 1
VAT Transaction Displays the control amount for the transaction amount that is subject to VAT
Amount, Control, and that you entered on the Pending Item 1 page and the total transaction amount that
Entered(value added tax you entered for all VAT lines.
transacti0n amount)
VAT Amount, Control, Displays the control amount for the VAT amount—this is typically the VAT
and Entered(value added amount printed on the invoice—that you entered on the Pending Item 1 page and
tax amount) the total recorded VAT amount for all the VAT lines on the VAT Lines page.

VAT Information

The VAT Information grid summarizes the total VAT basis amount, the system-calculated amount, the
recorded amount (amount of VAT that will be recorded for this transaction), and the applicable VAT
percentage for all lines with the same VAT code.

VAT Code(value added Displays the VAT code that defines the rate at which VAT is calculated for the
tax code) lines.

VAT Lines

The VAT Lines grid displays summarized VAT details for each VAT line.

Click the VAT Lines button to access the VAT Lines page where you can view
all VAT line defaults and override values if needed.

Domestic Reverse This check box is selected if this country requires the use of the domestic reverse
Charge Goods charge provision.

528 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Entering Pending Items

Customer VAT Code Displays the customer VAT code used for domestic reverse charges. This code is
used to calculate a domestic reverse charge VAT amount.

Customer VAT Rate Displays the rate from the customer VAT code.

Customer Amount Displays the customer VAT amount for domestic reverse charges that are
calculated using the Customer VAT Code.

See Chapter 32, "Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables," Domestic Reverse Charge
Goods VAT, page 964.

The documentation for the VAT Lines page describes the rest of the fields in the VAT Lines grid.

See Chapter 18, "Entering Pending Items," Reviewing VAT Line Information, page 536.

Reviewing VAT Header Defaults

Access the VAT Header page. (Click the VAT Header link on the Pending Item 1 page.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 529
Entering Pending Items Chapter 18

VAT Header (1 of 2)

VAT Header (2 of 2)

Review and manually override VAT header defaults, as applicable.

530 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Entering Pending Items

VAT defaults appear in descending order of impact. When you change multiple VAT defaults and click
Adjust Affected VAT Defaults, specific fields may be adjusted. You should work from the top to the bottom
of the page, clicking Adjust Affected VAT Defaults at appropriate times to avoid adjustments to VAT
defaults that you overrode but did not memorize.

For example, if you override Calculate at Gross or Net and click Adjust Affected VAT Defaults, nothing
happens because Calculate at Gross or Net does not affect any other VAT defaults. If you then override
Customer Registration Country and click Adjust Affected VAT Defaults again, the system adjusts all VAT
defaults except customer registration country. This time, Calculate at Gross or Net is overridden, which
means that you probably have to override this VAT default again to undo the adjustment.

Note. Because complex algorithms are used to obtain the VAT header defaults, avoid manually changing
these values as much as possible. If you must make changes, make sure that you understand how those
changes will affect the way the system calculates VAT amounts and how the VAT will be recorded and

VAT Lines(value added Click to open the VAT Lines page to review VAT information for the line.
tax lines)
VAT Entity(value added Displays the VAT entity associated with the business unit. The VAT entity is the
tax entity) level within your organization at which the VAT return is filed.

Sequence Displays the sequence number for the line. Because you can enter multiple VAT
lines for one pending item, the VAT sequence number is used to protect against
duplicate rows.

Expand All Sections Click to scroll to and access every section on the page. You can also expand one
or more sections by clicking the arrow next to the section's name.

Collapse All Sections Click to collapse all expanded sections so that only header information is
displayed. You can also collapse one or more expanded sections by clicking the
arrow next to the section's name.

Physical Nature

Physical Nature Indicates whether an object is a good or a service. Many countries are required to
report the sale and purchase of goods separately from services. The default
comes from the customer location, customer, or receivables business unit.

Change Physical Nature Click to override the default physical nature for this item. The system resets all
the VAT defaults.

VAT Locations

Ship From Country Displays the receivables business unit location country. In the case of
transactions involving goods or freight service transactions, this is used to
determine the VAT treatment.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 531
Entering Pending Items Chapter 18

Ship From State Displays the receivables business unit location state. In the case of transactions
involving goods or freight service transactions, this is used to determine the VAT

Ship to Country Displays the ship to customer location country. In the case of transactions
involving goods or freight service transactions, this is used to determine the VAT

Ship to State Displays the ship to customer location state. In the case of transactions involving
goods or freight service transactions, this is used to determine the VAT

Location Country For services only, displays the PeopleSoft Receivables business unit country.

Location State For services only, displays the PeopleSoft Receivables business unit state.

Customer Location For services only, displays the customer's bill to location country.
Customer Location State For services only, displays the customer's bill to location state.

Service Performed Depending on the services performed flag setting in the product defaulting
Country hierarchy (for example on the customer or business unit), the system sets the
value for this field in the following way:
• If it is the ship from location, the system sets it to the PeopleSoft Receivables
business unit country.

• If it is the ship to location, the system sets it to the customer location country.

• If it is the buyer's location, the system sets it to the customer's bill to location

• If it is the supplier's location, the system sets it to the PeopleSoft Receivables

business unit location country.

Service Performed State Depending on the services performed flag setting in the product defaulting
hierarchy (for example on the customer or business unit), the system sets the
value for this field in the following way:
• If it is the ship from location, the system sets it to the PeopleSoft Receivables
business unit state.

• If it is the ship to location, the system sets it to the customer location state.

• If it is the buyer's location, the system sets it to the customer's bill to location

• If it is the supplier's location, the system sets it to the PeopleSoft Receivables

business unit location state.

532 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Entering Pending Items

Vat Defaults

Review VAT registrations, service specific defaults, controls, and treatments. Adjust or reset VAT default
values as necessary.

VAT Service Specific Defaults

Service Type If the transaction is for a service, this field displays the VAT service type of
Freight or Other. Special rules exist for freight transport within the European
Union, and the value in this field determines whether they apply.

Place of Supply Driver If the transaction is for a service, this field displays the usual place of supply, (the
place where VAT is usually liable) for the service. This value is used to help
determine the place of supply country and the VAT treatment. Options are
Buyer's Countries, Supplier's Countries, or Where Physically Performed.

VAT Registrations

Reporting Country Displays the country for which this VAT will be reported. This is the VAT Entity
VAT registration country and determines many of the VAT defaults.

Defaulting State If the reporting country requires that VAT be tracked by state or province, this
field displays the state within the reporting country for which an associated value
is retrieved from the VAT defaults table.

Customer Registration Displays the registration country and ID of the bill to customer. This The VAT
Country and Customer Registration ID field is a left-justified character field of up to 20 characters.
Registration ID The system appends the corresponding 2-character country code automatically
from the country statistics table to the VAT Registration ID once you select the
appropriate country on the Customer Information, General Information,
Customer VAT Info page.

Note. This PeopleSoft application delivers the required 2-character country codes
that appear in front of the VAT Registration ID. The delivered country codes
cannot be changed. You can use the Country Stat Rpt Codes page to view these
2-character VAT country codes, along with various other types of country codes.
(Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Location, Country

Customer Exception Displays the exception granted to the customer. Options are None,Exonerated,
Type and Suspended. This value is specified for the bill to customer.

Certificate ID If applicable, displays the ID of the VAT exception certificate that may have
been issued to the customer.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 533
Entering Pending Items Chapter 18

VAT Controls

Calculate at Gross or Indicates how VAT is calculated. Options are:

Net Gross: The system calculates VAT before it applies any early payment discounts.
Net: The system calculates VAT after it deducts early payment discounts. If two
percentage discounts exist, the system uses the larger of the two when it
calculates VAT. The system does not use discount amounts, only discount
The default value comes from the VAT entity driver.

Recalculate at Payment Select to enable the recalculation of VAT at payment time to allow for any early
payment discounts if you are calculating VAT at gross. This causes the system to
adjust the VAT amount at the time of payment if the discount has been taken.
This is set on the VAT entity driver.

Declaration Point For a good or a service, displays when you want VAT transaction information to
be recognized for reporting purposes. Options are:
Accounting Date: VAT is recognized at the accounting date of the transaction.
The user cannot override the declaration date when this option is selected.
Invoice: VAT is recognized at time of invoice.
Payment: VAT is recognized at time of payment.
Delivery: VAT is recognized on delivery.
YOu can set this value at any level in the VAT hierarchy—VAT entity
registration, business unit options, customer, or customer location.

Rounding Rule Displays the VAT rounding rule. The value comes from the VAT country driver
or VAT Entity driver definition. Options are:
Natural Round: Amounts are rounded normally (up or down) to the precision
specified for the currency code. For example, for a currency defined with two
decimal places, 157.4659 would round up to 157.47, but 157.4649 would round
down to 157.46.
Round Down: Amounts are rounded down.
Round Up: Amounts are rounded up with a rounding precision to one additional
decimal place. For example, for a currency defined with two decimal places,
157.4659 would round up to 157.47, but 157.4609 would be rounded down to

VAT Treatments

Place of Supply Country For services, displays the country in which the VAT is liable.

534 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Entering Pending Items

Treatment Group Displays the VAT treatment group. Options are Domestic Sales, Exports,
European Union Sales, No VAT Processing, and Out of Scope.
Within the PeopleSoft system, detail VAT treatment values on the transaction
lines are used for applying the precise defaults applicable to the transaction lines.
Each of these detail VAT treatment values are associated with a VAT treatment
group. The system tracks the VAT treatment group on the header enabling
individual transaction lines to be grouped together into invoices during batch
processes and to validate the detail line VAT treatment values on the transaction

Adjust/Reset VAT Defaults

Any changes that you make to fields on this page may affect VAT defaults on this page. For accuracy and
consistency, use the following fields to adjust affected VAT defaults or to reset all VAT defaults. Adjusting
or resetting VAT defaults affects only fields within the VAT Defaults group box.

Adjust Affected VAT Click to have the system adjust the VAT defaults that are affected by your
Defaults changes. All changes that you have made to VAT defaults on this page that affect
other VAT defaults on this page are retained.

Note. Oracle recommends that you always click the Adjust Affected VAT
Defaults button after changing any defaults on the VAT page.

Click to list the fields that will be adjusted when you click the Adjust Affected
VAT Defaults button.

Levels Enables you to specify levels affected when you click the Reset All VAT
Defaults button. Options are:
All lower levels: Resets all VAT defaults at lower levels for this page.
This and all lower levels: Resets all VAT defaults on this page and at any lower
levels of this page.
This level only: Resets all VAT defaults on this page.

Note. Resetting completely redetermines the VAT defaults. This does not
necessarily mean that they are reset to their original values. For example, you
may not have changed any VAT default values, but if a VAT driver field was
changed, resetting redetermines all defaults based on the new driver value.

Reset All VAT Defaults Click to have the system reset the VAT defaults based on the levels value that
you selected. Any changes you have previously made to VAT defaults are lost.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with VAT"

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 535
Entering Pending Items Chapter 18

Reviewing VAT Line Information

Access the VAT Lines page. (Click the VAT Lines link on the VAT Header page.)

VAT Lines page (1 of 2)

536 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Entering Pending Items

VAT Lines page (2 of 2)

Review the VAT defaults for each item line and override, as applicable.

VAT defaults appear in descending order of impact. When you change multiple VAT defaults and click
Adjust Affected VAT Defaults, you can adjust specific fields.. Work from the top to the bottom of the page,
clicking Adjust Affected VAT Defaults at appropriate times to avoid adjustments to VAT defaults that you
overrode, but did not memorize.

Note. Because complex algorithms are used to obtain the VAT defaults, avoid manually changing these
values as much as possible.

VAT Lines

These fields are explained in the section on VAT header defaults.

See Chapter 18, "Entering Pending Items," Reviewing VAT Header Defaults, page 529.

Physical Nature

These fields are explained in the section on VAT header defaults.

See Chapter 18, "Entering Pending Items," Reviewing VAT Header Defaults, page 529.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 537
Entering Pending Items Chapter 18

VAT Locations

Location Country For services only, displays the receivables business unit country.

Location State For services only, displays the receivables business unit state. This is displayed
only if the location country requires that VAT be tracked by state or province.

Customer Location For services only, displays the customer's bill to location country.
Customer Location State For services only, displays the customer's bill to location state. This is displayed
only if the customer location country requires that VAT be tracked by state or

Service Performed Displays a country depending on the value that you select for the Where Services
Country Performed field on the (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related,
Receivables Options, VAT Defaults) page or the Where Performed field on the
(Customer, Customer Information, General Information) page.
• If you select Ship From Location in the Where Service Performed or Where
Performed field , the system displays the Country value specified in the
PeopleSoft Receivables business unit (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain,
Business Unit Related, Receivables, Receivables Definition, Business Unit
Definition page)in the this Services Performed Country field.

• If you select Ship To Locationin the Where Services Performed or Where

Performed field, the system displays the Country value specified in the
Address Details - Country field for the Ship To customer. (Customer,
Customer Information, General Information page.) in this Services Performed
Country field.

• If you select Buyer's Location, in the Where Services Performed or Where

Performed field, the system displays the Country value specified in the
Address Details - Country field for the Bill To customer. (Customer,
Customer Information, General Information)) in this Services Performed
Country field.

• If you select Suppliers Location in the Where Services Performed or Where

Performed field, the system displays the Country value specified in the
PeopleSoft Rreceivables business unit (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain,
Business Unit Related, Receivables, Receivables Definition, Business Unit
Definition page.) in this Services Performed Country field.

538 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Entering Pending Items

Service Performed State Displays a state or province associated with the Service Performed Country.
default value. If the default country has a state associated with it, the system
displays that state depending on the value that you select for the Where Services
Performed field on the (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related,
Receivables Options, VAT Defaults) page or the Where Performed field on the
(Customer, Customer Information, General Information) page.
• If you select Ship From Location in the Where Service Performed or Where
Performed field , and the country has a state or province specified, the system
displays the State value specified in the PeopleSoft Receivables business unit
(Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Receivables,
Receivables Definition, Business Unit Definition page.) in this Services
Performed State field.

• If you select Ship To Locationin the Where Services Performed or Where

Performed field, and the country has a state or province specified, the system
displays the State value specified in the Address Details - State field for the
Ship To customer (Customer, Customer Information, General Information
page.)in this Services Performed State field.

• If you select Buyer's Location, in the Where Services Performed or Where

Performed field, and the country has a state or province specified, the system
displays the State value specified in the Address Details - State field for the
Bill To customer (Customer, Customer Information, General Information.)in
this Services Performed State field.

• If you select Suppliers Location in the Where Services Performed or Where

Performed field, and the country has a state or province specified, the system
displays the State value specified in the PeopleSoft Receivables business unit
(Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Receivables,
Receivables Definition, Business Unit Definition page.) in this Services
Performed State field.

Ship From Country Displays the PeopleSoft Receivables business unit location country. In the case
of transactions involving goods or freight service transactions, this is used to
determine the VAT treatment.

Ship From State Displays the PeopleSoft Receivables business unit location state. In the case of
transactions involving goods or freight service transactions, this is used to
determine the VAT treatment.

Ship to Country Displays the ship to customer location country. In the case of transactions
involving goods or freight service transactions, this is used to determine the VAT

Ship to State Displays the ship to customer location state. In the case of transactions involving
goods or freight service transactions, this is used to determine the VAT

VAT Defaults

Review VAT default values and update as necessary.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 539
Entering Pending Items Chapter 18

VAT Service Specific Defaults

Service Type If the transaction is for a service, this field displays the VAT service type of
Freight or Other. Special rules exist for freight transport within the European
Union, and the value in this field determines whether they apply.

Place of Supply Driver If the transaction is for a service, this field displays the usual place of supply, (the
place where VAT is usually liable) for the service. This value is used to help
determine the place of supply country and the VAT treatment. Options are
Buyer's Countries, Supplier's Countries, and Where Physically Performed.

VAT Registrations

These fields are explained in the section on VAT header defaults.

See Chapter 18, "Entering Pending Items," Reviewing VAT Header Defaults, page 529.

VAT Controls

Declaration Date Displays the date on which this transaction will be reported to the tax authorities.

Domestic Reverse Select this check box if this country requires the use of the domestic reverse
Charge Goods charge provision.
See Chapter 32, "Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables,"
Domestic Reverse Charge Goods VAT, page 964.

VAT Treatments

Place of Supply Country For services, displays the country in which the VAT is liable.

540 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Entering Pending Items

Treatment Displays the VAT treatment. Options are:

Deemed Service Export: Services that are provided in the supplier's country to a
foreign buyer, where the supply of these services must be zero-rated (that is, the
place of supply is the country in which the supplier is located and registered for
VAT, but the customer is located in another country).
Domestic Goods Sale: Sale of goods when the supplier and customer are located
in the same country.
Domestic Reverse Charge Sale: Sale of goods when the domestic reverse charge
provision is required.
Domestic Service Sale: Sale of services when the supplier and customer are
located in the same country.
EU Goods Distance Sale: Sale of goods between European Union (EU) countries
in which the supplier is registered in an EU country and the purchaser is not
registered in an EU country. The VAT rate charged is the rate applicable in the
suppliers country.
EU Goods Sale: Sale of goods between EU countries.
EU Sale (Simplification): Used for a transaction between an intermediary and the
purchaser in cases in which a sale of goods occurs between EU countries
involving three parties: the purchaser, an intermediary (bill-from) supplier, and
the actual goods supplier. Each party is located in a different EU country and
registered in its own country, and not in either of the other two countries. The
only difference between this VAT treatment and that applied to normal EU sales
is that the supplier is required to print a different message on the invoice
referencing the statute that applies to triangulation, rather than the one that
references the statute for normal EU sales.
No VAT Processing: No VAT processing is required.
Out of Scope EU Service Sale: EU services are out of the scope of VAT.
Out of Scope Service Export: Services that are provided in the supplier's country
to a foreign buyer, where services are out of scope for VAT.
Outside of Scope: Outside the scope of VAT.
Zero-Rated EU Service Sale: Sale of services within the EU is subject to zero-
rated VAT.
Zero-Rated Goods Export: Export of goods is subject to zero-rated VAT.
Zero-Rated Services Export: Export of services is subject to zero-rated VAT.
Within the PeopleSoft system, detail VAT treatment values on the transaction
lines are used for applying the precise defaults that are applicable to the
transaction lines. The treatment is determined based the rules that are applicable
to the transaction.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 541
Entering Pending Items Chapter 18

VAT Details

Applicability Displays the VAT status. Values are:

Exempt (not subject to VAT)
Outside (outside of scope of VAT)
VAT Only

VAT Code Displays the VAT code that defines the rate at which VAT is calculated for this

Transaction Type Displays the code that categorizes and classifies this transaction for VAT
reporting and accounting.

Customer VAT Code Enter the customer VAT code used for domestic reverse charges. This code is
used to calculate a domestic reverse charge VAT amount.

Customer VAT Rate Displays the rate from the customer VAT code. The calculated amount for
domestic reverse charges is displayed in the Customer Amount field in the VAT
Summary Information page of this component.

See Chapter 32, "Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables," Domestic Reverse Charge
Goods VAT, page 964.

Adjust/Reset VAT Defaults

These fields are explained in the section on VAT header defaults.

See Chapter 18, "Entering Pending Items," Reviewing VAT Header Defaults, page 529.

VAT Calculations

Transaction Amount Enter the amount of the transaction in the transaction currency. If the control total
amount has been entered on the pending item, the system automatically populates
this field with a value from the pending item for the first VAT line.

Transaction Amount Displays the amount of the transaction in the base currency.
Basis Amount Displays the amount on which the VAT is calculated in the transaction currency.
If VAT is being calculated at net, this amount is net of any discounts.

Basis Amount Base Displays the amount on which the VAT is calculated in the base currency. If
VAT is being calculated at net, this amount is net of any discounts.

542 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Entering Pending Items

Tax Rate Displays the applicable VAT percentage.

Calculated Amount Displays the system-calculated VAT amount in the transaction currency.

Calculated Amount Base Displays the system-calculated VAT amount in the base currency.

Override VAT Amount Override the calculated VAT amount by entering the VAT amount for the line if
the calculated VAT amount is not equal to the VAT on the invoice being
recorded. Otherwise, the field is blank.

Override VAT Amount Displays the entered override VAT amount in base currency. This is calculated
Base from the transaction currency override VAT amount, based on the exchange rate
that is applicable to the transaction.

Recorded Amount Displays the amount of VAT that will be recorded for this transaction in the
transaction currency. If the calculated VAT amount has been overridden, this is
the entered override VAT amount. Otherwise, this is the calculated VAT amount.

Recorded Amount Base Displays the amount of VAT that will be recorded for this transaction in the base
currency. If the calculated VAT amount has been overridden, this is the entered
override VAT amount. Otherwise, this is the calculated VAT amount.

Customer VAT Rate Displays the rate from the Customer VAT Code field that is used to calculate
domestic reverse charges.
See Chapter 32, "Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables,"
Domestic Reverse Charge Goods VAT, page 964.

Recalculate Click to recalculate the VAT for the line.

See Also

Chapter 18, "Entering Pending Items," Reviewing VAT Header Defaults, page 529

Completing the Pending Item 2 Page

Access the Pending Item 2 page. (Accounts Receivable, Pending Items, External Items, Group Entry, Pending
Item 2.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 543
Entering Pending Items Chapter 18

Online Pending - Pending Item 2 page

Collection Status

Dispute Select to mark a pending item for dispute. Then enter a reason in the Status field,
and enter the date and the amount.

Collection Select to mark a pending item for collection. Then enter a collection agency in
the Status field and enter the date.

Latest Dunning Enter the type of dunning letter that the customer last received. Then enter the
date it was sent.

Last OC (last overdue Enter the type of overdue charge: Finance,Administrative, or Penalty. Then enter
charge) the date and the amount of the last overdue charge.

Last Statement Enter the date when you sent the customer the last statement.

Note. The Dispute,Collection,Latest Dunning,Last OC, and Last Statement

fields are often used during conversion.

Additional Detail

Sales Select the name of the primary sales person assigned to the customer.

544 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Entering Pending Items

Location Select the address sequence number of the bill to customer. This is usually the
address used by PeopleSoft Billing for invoices or for debit or credit memos. It
can also be the address attached to the item. The address, if entered, is used for
correspondence for the item. Otherwise, the default location for the customer is
used for correspondence.

Pay Method Select a payment method for the customer. If you leave this field blank, the
system uses the payment method specified for the customer on the Bill To
Options page. If a payment method is not defined for the customer, the system
uses the default defined on the Receivables Options - Payment Options page for
the business unit.
Options are Cash,Check,Credit Card,Direct Debit,Electronic Files Transfer
(EFT), Giro - EFT, and Letter of Credit.

Draft Type If you selected the payment method Draft, the system displays the default draft
type for the customer that was specified on the Bill To Options page. If you did
not assign a default draft type, select one.

Cash Forecasting

Bank Code and Account Enter the bank code and account that the customer uses to send payments.
PeopleSoft Cash Management uses this for cash forecasting.

Draft Options

If you selected a payment method of Draft, you must select one of the following check boxes.

Preapproved? Select if the item is preapproved for draft processing.

Create Document? Select if the item must be included in a draft document that is prepared for the

One Item per Draft? Select if the item must appear on a separate draft.

Completing the Pending Item 3 Page

Access the Pending Item 3 page. (Accounts Receivable, Pending Items, Online Items, Group Entry, Pending
Item 3.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 545
Entering Pending Items Chapter 18

Online Pending - Pending Item 3 page

If multiple invoices in PeopleSoft Billing were consolidated, the business Unit and Invoice number fields
identify which open items correspond to the consolidated invoice. The Billing interface automatically
populates these fields. If you have a similar concept in the billing systems that you integrate with, you can use
these fields for a similar purpose.

PeopleSoft Receivables provides configurable user fields in the pending item tables that you can use to track
company-specific or industry-specific information that is not predefined on the Pending Item table, such as a
contract or shipment. User fields include:

• User Date 1 through User Date 4

• User Text 1 through User Text 10

• User Amounts 1 through User Amounts 8

See Also

Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," Setting Up User-Defined Fields, page 172

(IND) Entering Tax Information for India

Access the Group Entry Tax page. (Accounts Receivable, Pending Items, Online Items, Group Entry, Group
Entry Tax.)

546 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Entering Pending Items

India - Online Pending - Group Entry Tax page

The system calls the Tax Determination process to supply default values for the tax transaction lines based on
the business unit and customer for the item.

Entering Control Totals

Total Tax Amount Enter the total tax amount. This is the sum of the excise tax amount and sales tax
or VAT amount.

Total Excise Amount Enter the total amount of excise tax. This field is required if excise tax is

Total ST/VAT Amount Enter the total amount of sales tax or VAT. This field is required if sales tax or
(total sales tax/value VAT is applicable.
added tax amount)

Determining Tax Information or Calculating Tax

Tax Determination Click to supply default information such as ship from country and state, ship to
county and state, tax authority (for sales tax or VAT), tax form code (for sales tax
or VAT), tax transaction type, excise duty and tax codes from the business unit,
and customer setup to the tax transaction line. The transaction line can have
excise duty only, sales tax only, both, or VAT.
If you change the default value for the tax transaction type, tax form code, or tax
rates codes, you must click this button again to run the tax determination routine

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 547
Entering Pending Items Chapter 18

Calculate Tax Click to calculate taxes only if the items are entered in PeopleSoft Receivables or
for items interfaced from billing for which PeopleSoft Receivables will create the
accounting entries. Taxes cannot be recalculated if the accounting entries were
created in PeopleSoft Billing. The system calculates the excise duty tax amounts,
sales tax, and VAT amounts.
You view the results on the Tax Detail page.

Entering Indian Tax Line Information

Ship From State Displays the default ship from state that the tax determination routine identifies.
The system determines the ship from state based on the business units assigned to
the item:
• If an order management business unit is available, it uses the order
management business unit location country and state.

• If no order management business unit is available, but a billing business unit

is available, it uses the billing business unit location country and state.

• If neither an order management business or a billing business unit is

available, it uses the receivables business unit location country and state.

Ship to State Displays the ship from state. The system uses the country and state for the ship to
customer to populate the field.

Reporting Authority Displays the reporting authority. The Tax Determination process populates the

Tax Transaction Type Select a tax transaction type. Values are:

DEB: Direct export with bond
DEWB: Direct export without bond
DIMP: Direct export
DOM: Domestic
IUT: Interunit transfer
LEB: Local export with bond
LEWB: Local export without bond
LIMP: Local import

548 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Entering Pending Items

Tax Form Code Select a tax form code. This is only for sales tax or VAT and is used for form
tracking. Valid entries are:
20: Tamilnadu Local S/P
32: West Bengal Local S/P
37: Karnataka Local S/P
C: Interstate Sales
D: Sale to Government
EI: Intransit Purchase
EI & C: Intransit Sales
EII: Intransit Sales Level 2
F: Stock transfer form
H: Deemed Export

Transaction Line Enter the total amount of transactions for the line. Each line has its own
Amount transaction total. The system uses this amount to calculate the taxes.

Excise Tax Amount Displays the total amount of excise tax for the line. Each line has its own excise
tax amount. If excise tax is applicable. The sum of all the excise tax amounts
should equal the control excise tax amount.

Excise Tax Rate Code Enter the excise duty or tax rate associated with this line. Excise duty and tax rate
and Tax Rate Code codes represent a specific grouping of tax type components, calculation schemes,
and other tax attributes. If excise duty, sales tax, or VAT is applicable to a line,
this field must be populated. If excise duty, sales tax, or VAT is not applicable to
a line, this field must not be populated.

Tax Amount Displays the total amount of sales tax or VAT for the line. Each line has its own
tax amount. The sum of all the tax amounts should equal the control tax amount.

Tax Detail Link Click to access the Tax Detail page, where you can view the excise duty, sales
tax, and VAT detail information.

See Also

Chapter 32, "Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables," (IND) Excise Duty, Sales Tax, and
VAT Processing for India, page 1017

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "(IND) Determining and Calculating
Excise Duty, Sales Tax, VAT, and Customs Duty"

(IND) Viewing Tax Detail for India

Access the Tax Detail page. (Click the Tax Detail link on the Group Entry Tax page.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 549
Entering Pending Items Chapter 18

Online Pending - Tax Detail page

Tax Rate Code Displays the tax rate used to calculate the tax for each line. Tax is applied to each
line separately, rather than applied to a subtotal of the bill, enabling you to
establish different tax rates for each line.

Tax Component Code Displays the tax component for the line. One tax component code exists for each
tax type. Multiple tax component codes that have the same tax type are grouped
together to define tax rate codes.

Calculation Scheme Displays the calculation scheme that determines how the taxes are calculated.
PeopleSoft Receivables uses only the P (percentage) calculation scheme.

Tax Rate Pct (tax rate Displays the rate at which the taxes are calculated. The value that appears here is
percentage) determined by the value in the Calc Scheme field and is always a percentage.

Basis Amount Displays the amount of the line on which the tax was calculated.

Tax Amount Displays the amount of the tax that the system calculated for the line.

Creating and Reviewing Accounting Entries Online

Access the Accounting Entries page. (Accounts Receivable, Pending Items, Online Items, Group Entry,
Accounting Entries.)

550 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Entering Pending Items

Online Pending - Accounting Entries page

Before you can view and edit the accounting distribution lines on this page, you must select the Group Action
tab and click the Create Entries button.

Amount Displays the amount in the entry currency.

Tot Base (total base) Displays the amount converted into the base currency.

Creating and Deleting Accounting Entries

Display Totals Select the type of currency used to display the totals at the bottom of the page.
Select either Base or Entry.

Click the Create button to have the system create accounting entries for one
pending item at a time. After you click the Create button, the accounting entries
appear in the grid at the bottom of the page.

Click the Delete button if you make a mistake and want to start over. The button
affects only the pending item shown in the scroll area, not all pending items in
the group.

Accounting Entries The status changes from Incomplete to Complete after you create accounting
entries and the entries are balanced.

Reviewing and Updating Accounting Entries

The Distribution Lines grid at the bottom of the page displays the individual lines for a single item. To see the
accounting lines for a different pending item, use the Accounting Entries group box.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 551
Entering Pending Items Chapter 18

The accounting entries that appear are based on the item entry template and are either system-defined or user-
defined. For billing groups, you can edit both system-defined receivables lines and user-defined (revenue)
lines. You can have multiple lines for each. For other group types, you can edit the receivables lines only for
transactions that do not reference existing items, but you can edit the user-defined lines. If you selected
Always Inherit or Inherit within BU for the inheritance option, you cannot modify the ChartField values.

See Chapter 13, "Understanding Interunit and Intraunit Accounting and ChartField Inheritance," ChartField
Inheritance, page 396.

The lines must balance; that is, total debits must equal total credits, and the total of all accounts receivable
lines must equal the entry amount of the pending item.

Manually enter the ChartField values for the pending item as needed, or supply the value automatically by
click the SpeedType button and select a SpeedType code to automatically display the ChartField values.

You must set up Speed Type codes in advance to use the automatic Speed Type feature.

Note. The ChartFields that appear in the grid depend on the ChartField configuration setup for your

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Editing ChartField Combinations."

GL Unit (general ledger Displays the general ledger business unit that is linked to the receivables business
business unit) unit and receives journals.

Type Indicates the type of accounting line (for example, accounts receivable, user-
defined, VAT, and so on).

Ledger Group and Displays the ledger group and ledger for the entries. The system populates these
Ledger fields for all entries, but the fields appear only if you selected the multibook
option on the Installation Options - Overall page.
See Chapter 30, "Processing Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Receivables,"
Multibook Processing, page 940.

Ledger Base In a nonmultibook environment, displays the business unit base currency.

Statistics Code If the accounting template that you selected on the Accounting Template page
includes a statistic code for the particular entry type that you are working with,
the statistic code value appears in this field.
If the Statistics Code field is populated, then the associated unit of measure field
is also populated. For instance, suppose that you track the number of workdays
associated with the item. The statistic code is DAY (work days), and the
associated unit of measure is also DAY (days). The field that appears between
these two is the statistical amount, which in this example you might enter as 3.00,
the number of days.
If the Stat field is not populated, you can enter a value and overwrite the existing
unit of measure as needed.

Open Item Key Enter the information that you need to track and maintain for the open item
account in PeopleSoft General Ledger. This field is available only if the account
for the distribution line is marked as an open item account.

552 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Entering Pending Items

At the bottom of the page, verify that the debits and credits are balanced. The total number of lines for each
pending item, the debit (DR) and credit (CR), and the net must be 0 before you can post the group.

If you receive a ChartField Combination editing error message, you may need to make the correction before
you run the Receivable Update process depending on the setup for the business unit on the Receivables
Options - General 2 page. If you receive an error message, you must correct the error before you post the
pending item group. If you receive a warning message, you can post the group without correcting the errors.

ChartField Combination Error Tab

A single error message appears for a pending item if at least one item distribution line has a ChartField
combo edit error. This message instructs the user to refer to the ChartField Combo Error tab for further details
about the error. The ChartField Combo Error tab appears in the Distribution Lines grid. This tab identifies the
specific fields and combination group that were used to compare against the distribution line with the error. If
no errors occur, this tab does not appear.

Selecting a Group Action

Access the Group Action page. (Accounts Receivable, Pending Items, External Items, Group Entry, Group

Online Pending - Group Action page

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 553
Entering Pending Items Chapter 18

Drawer Receipt Click to access the Cash Drawer Receipts page (Accounts Receivable, Payments,
Cash Drawer, Cash Drawer Receipt).
This link appears:
• When you enter a single customer in a group and save the page.

• When you enter multiple items for the same customer in a group and save the

• If the group is balanced.

This link does not appear if:

• Multiple items exist for the different customers in the group.

• The group is not balanced.

• If you search for and select an existing group with multiple customers.

Because no security is applied to access the Cash Drawer Receipt page from the
Accounts Receivables menu, then no security is applied to access this page by
means of the Drawer Receipt link on the Group Action page.
If a user enters pending items and runs ARUPDATE, and ARUPDATE creates
entries in error, the Drawer Receipt link does not appear on the Group Control
page due to error. If a user accesses the Cash Drawer Receipts page from the
Accounts Receivable menu, the items are not available because the group was
not posted.
A user can partially pay for an item after the item is posted. Users can reference
partially paid items on the Cash Drawer Receipt page. However, the Drawer
Receipt link appears only on the Group Control page for pending items that are
not posted.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up and Maintaining
a Cash Drawer," Creating a Cash Drawer Receipt.

Group Actions

Balance Click to balance the group but not set it to post. The system reviews the
completed fields on the Group Control page to confirm that the control amount
and count are equal to the entered amount and count. If the entered pending items
match the group controls and you entered them online, the system verifies that
the accounting entries are balanced. The system also verifies that any VAT
amounts are balanced. If the group, accounting entries, or VAT amounts are out
of balance, you receive a warning message. The system also checks for required
For an external group, the Group Status group box on the Group Control page
shows the status of the group.

Delete Group Click to delete the entire group of pending items. If you delete a draft group, the
system deletes any draft fees associated with the group.

554 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Entering Pending Items

Posting Action

The Posting Action group box varies depending on whether you are working with an external group or an
internal group.

Action Select a posting action for the group and click OK to perform the action. Valid
values are:
Do Not Post: Saves the changes to the group, but no posting takes place. Use this
option to change the posting option for a group set to Batch Standard or Batch
Priority, if the group has not been processed yet.
Post Now: Runs the Receivable Update process immediately. If the user enabled
the notification feature, the system displays a message when the process finishes.
Post Now to GL: Runs the Receivable Update process immediately and runs
processes to create and post journals to the general ledger. If the user enabled the
notification feature, the system displays a message when the process finishes.
Batch Priority: Runs the Receivable Update process the next time a priority-
scheduled job runs or the next time a standard scheduled job runs if that occurs
first. This option is not intended for large jobs.
Batch Standard: Runs the next time a standard scheduled batch job runs. This
may occur once a day depending on how often the organization schedules
standard jobs.

Note. The posting options that are available depend on the options that you select
for the user on the Define User Preferences - Process Group page. Use the Post
Now and Post Now to GL options only for small groups or when you need to post
the transaction immediately. The system issues a message if another user or
scheduled process is posting transactions for the same business unit and customer
combination at the same time.

See Chapter 12, "Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator,"
Receivable Update Processing Options, page 370.

For external groups, only these posting actions are available:

• Do Not Post

• Batch Priority

• Batch Standard

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 555
Entering Pending Items Chapter 18

Accounting Entry Actions

Create Entries Click to create and initially balance accounting entries for all of the group's
pending items that do not yet have entries. This option creates entries for all
pending items in the group at once, whereas on the Accounting Entries page, you
create entries for only one pending item at a time.

Note. Normally, you create accounting entries during a Receivables Update run
unless you must review them. To create accounting entries in a batch, select a
posting action.

See Chapter 18, "Entering Pending Items," Creating and Reviewing Accounting
Entries Online, page 550.

Delete Entries Click to erase the accounting entries that were created for all pending items in the

Finding and Correcting Errors When Entering Receivables

When you enter pending items online, the system validates the data and displays an error message if the data
fails one or more system edits. In this way, the system prevents two types of user errors:

• Entering information that is not valid.

• Leaving a required field blank.

You can receive error messages at the field level or the page level. Edits at the field level prevent you from
moving beyond a field when you enter invalid data or try to leave a required field blank. Edits at the page
level catch the same errors as well as errors that involve multiple fields.

A single error message appears for a pending item if at least one item distribution line has a ChartField
combo edit error. This message instructs the user to refer to the ChartField Combo Error tab for further details
about the error. The ChartField Combo Error tab appears in the Distribution Lines grid. This tab identifies the
specific fields and combination group that were used to compare against the distribution line with the error. If
no errors occur, this tab does not appear.

The Receivable Update process also edits pending items and flags the errors.

See Also

Chapter 28, "Posting and Unposting Groups," Correcting Posting Errors, page 894

Reviewing Pending Item Groups

This section lists the inquiry pages that display information about pending item groups.

556 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 18 Entering Pending Items

Pages Used to Review Pending Item Groups

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Billings by Origin GROUP_ACT_ORIGIN Accounts Receivable, Reconcile your database

Pending Items, Review with information from your
Items, Billings by Origin, billing system. Display the
Billings by Origin pending groups that are
received from a billing
origin on a certain day or
within a range of dates.

Billings By Unit GROUP_ACT_BU Accounts Receivable, View the pending groups

Pending Items, Review from PeopleSoft Billing that
Items, Billings by Unit, are received into a business
Billings By Unit unit.

Pending Item Status PNDG_ITEM_STATUS Accounts Receivable, View the status of an

Pending Items, Review unposted pending item for a
Items, Pending Item Status, customer.
Pending Item Status

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 557
Chapter 19

Entering Payments
This chapter provides an overview of payments and deposits, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

• Enter regular deposits.

• Enter express deposits.

• Create cash control accounting entries.

• Journal payments directly to the general ledger.

• Reconcile payments on a bank statement.

Understanding Payments and Deposits

This section provides an overview of payments and deposits and discusses:

• Bilateral netting

• Payment status

In PeopleSoft Receivables, a deposit consists of all payments that you are processing or that the bank
processes. You can apply a payment to multiple items for a single customer or to multiple items for different
customers, even across business units.

You can enter payments into PeopleSoft Receivables using these methods:

Method Description

Regular deposit This is the standard method for online payment entry. Use
regular deposit when you have customer information but
lack item IDs.

Express deposit If you have an item ID, use express deposit so that you
can enter deposits and apply payments at the same time.
You do not need customer information to use express

Excel Spreadsheet Cash and remittance information can be entered into a

preformatted Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and loaded into
PeopleSoft Receivables.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 559
Entering Payments Chapter 19

Method Description

Lockbox Electronic payments that are deposited automatically in

the background from a bank file.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) A process that receives payments in both the European
and U.S. EDI formats.

Cash drawer receipts Payments and deposits that you enter as cash drawer
receipts for counter sales in PeopleSoft Order

Bank statement Bank statement deposits are a source of payments through

the entry of reconciled deposits to the receivables system.

Bilateral netting Netting deposits are the result of a net of payables and
receivables transactions.

Credit card The PeopleSoft system provides a tool to obtain credit

card authorization and to process credit card payments.

(JPN) Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) A process receives payments in an EFT file.

Depending on your business, you can use one or more of these methods. The method of payment entry that
you use does not limit your cash application options. After you enter payments, you can apply them to items
by using either a payment worksheet or the Payment Predictor Application Engine process (ARPREDCT),
which automatically applies payments. After you apply the payments, run the Receivable Update Application
Engine process (ARUPDATE) to post the payments, create accounting entries, and update the customers'

You journal cash to the general ledger by using direct journalling or the cash control accounting method.

• Direct journalling bypasses payment application and sends cash directly to the general ledger—a method
suited to payments that do not pay accounts receivable items.

• The cash control accounting method journals cash to a control account upon receipt or when reconciled on
a bank statement, depending on the cash control methods used.

If you do not use cash control, the system updates the cash account after you apply the payment.

See Also

Chapter 19, "Entering Payments," Journaling Payments Directly to the General Ledger, page 582

Chapter 19, "Entering Payments," Creating Cash Control Accounting Entries, page 578

Chapter 20, "Receiving Payments Electronically," page 593

Chapter 21, "Applying Payments," page 637

Chapter 22, "Managing Credit Card Payments," page 687

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Processing Credit Cards"

560 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Entering Payments

Bilateral Netting
Netting deposits are the result of a net of payables and receivables transactions. If your organization uses both
PeopleSoft Payables and PeopleSoft Receivables, you can offset open items in PeopleSoft Receivables with
open vouchers in PeopleSoft Payables by using bilateral netting. This function is useful when some of your
customers are also vendors from whom you purchase goods or services.

You need to set up a contractual arrangement with your trading partners who want to participate in the netting
process. You specify which vendor IDs and customer IDs participate in each netting selection and the system
nets the open vouchers and items for those customers and vendors. You also specify rules for selecting the
vouchers and items and for the order in which the system matches the items. For example, you can specify
that you want the process to match the smallest items or largest items first.

Note. If you do not want to include an item in the netting process, clear the Available for Netting check box
on the View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page.

The netting process uses a netting bank account, which is a virtual bank, for the exchange of funds. No
exchange of actual funds occurs, but the process creates a deposit that uses this bank account.

In some cases, when you net transactions, the total of the receivables items and the payables vouchers is not
equal. If the receivables are greater than the payables, the process selects the items to net based on the netting
rules and then partially nets one item. For example, suppose that you have two items in a netting selection:
one for 100.00 and one for 50.00. You have two vouchers in a netting selection: one for 75.00 and one for
50.00. The total of the vouchers is 125.00 and the total of the items is 150.00. Your netting rules specify that
you net the largest item first. So the process would net both vouchers, the 100.00 item, and 25.00 of the
second item.

When you close the netting selection using Pay Cycle Manager, the system creates a deposit with one
payment for the total amount of the net. In this example, the deposit would be for 125.00. The deposit uses
the netting reference ID for the payment ID. The closing process creates a payment worksheet for the deposit
and sets its posting status to Batch Standard.

Warning! If you change the item selections on the payment worksheet, the accounting entries for the net will
be out of balance.

The closing process changes the due date and payment method for all of the items in the netting selection that
were not paid (including the item that the net partially paid) to the same due date and payment method based
on the PeopleSoft Receivables receipt settlement instructions. It also assigns the netting reference ID to each
item to facilitate payment application.

If the payables are greater than the receivables, the process is essentially the same, except that all items in the
netting selection are paid in full by the netting deposit.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Cash Management 9.1 PeopleBook, "Managing Bilateral Netting"

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 561
Entering Payments Chapter 19

Payment Status
A payment's status changes as the payment moves through the system. The status determines which payment
information you can change and which menu options are available to work with the payment.

This table lists payment status and provides a description for each status:

Payment Status Description

Unidentified A payment was entered through a regular or express deposit or

electronically by lockbox, EDI, bank statement, or a cash drawer receipt.
A payment ID was entered but no customer or payment reference
information was provided. You can change all payment information.

Identified Payment reference information or a customer identifier was provided upon

entry. This occurs for regular deposits on the Regular Deposit - Payments
page or on the Worksheet Selection page. The system identifies electronic
payments by magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) ID, a customer
ID, or any of the payment references.
If you delete a worksheet, the payment status reverts to Identified.

Identified - Express Item or payment reference information was provided on the Express
Deposit - Payments page. The payment is linked to an item or items, but
not set to post. You can change all payment information.

Directly Journalled The payment was entered in a regular deposit and marked for direct
journalling. The status changes when you mark accounting entries
complete after entering the user-defined line on the Accounting Entries

Worksheet The payment has a saved worksheet that is not set to post. If any payment
in a deposit has this status, you cannot change any deposit information,
payment amounts, dates, or IDs. If accounting entries have not been
created, you can change identifying information for the payment.

Applied The payment has been applied, and either accounting entries were created
online or the payment is set to post on the Worksheet Action page. If any
payment in a deposit has this status, you cannot change any deposit or
payment information.

Complete The Receivable Update process has successfully posted the payment.
After a payment has been marked Complete, you can only inquire on it.
To change it, you must unpost the payment group.

562 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Entering Payments

Before you enter payments, you must:

• Select a cash control method for each business unit.

• Set up the bank accounts for depositing payments.

• Define group types for payments.

• Define deposit types.

• Set up qualifiers for payment reference information.

See Also

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Defining the Accounting Options 2 Page, page

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Setting Up Group Types and Group
Origins, page 111

Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," page 119

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up External, Internal, and
Netting Accounts," Defining External Account Information

Entering Regular Deposits

This section provides an overview of regular deposits and discusses how to:

• Enter regular deposit totals.

• Enter regular deposit payment information.

• Enter payment details for items.

• Correct balancing errors.

• Delete a deposit.

Understanding Regular Deposits

Use a regular deposit when you have customer information but lack item IDs. After you create the deposit,
you must apply the payments using the payment worksheet or the Payment Predictor process.

You can change deposit information until one of these events occurs:

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 563
Entering Payments Chapter 19

• A payment in the deposit is applied or has a saved worksheet.

• Accounting entries for directly journalled payments have been completed.

• The Journal Generator Application Engine process (FS_JGEN) has processed cash control accounting

Pages Used to Enter Regular Deposits

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Regular Deposit - Totals PAYMENT_DATA1

• Accounts Receivable, Enter regular deposit totals,
Payments, Online including information and
Payments, Regular control totals for a new
Deposit, Totals deposit. You can also delete
a deposit.. The Totals page
• Accounts Receivable, is unavailable if the deposit
Payments, Online has been reconciled with a
Payments, Regular bank statement.
Deposit Balancing,

Regular Deposit - Payments PAYMENT_DATA2

• Accounts Receivable, Enter details about each
Payments, Online payment in a regular
Payments, Regular deposit.
Deposit, Payments

• Accounts Receivable,
Payments, Online
Payments, Regular
Deposit Balancing,

Detail Reference PAYMENT_REF_DETAIL Click the Detail References Enter the items to which
Information link on the Regular Deposit you are applying the
- Payments page. payment. Also, create
deductions, pay or write off
all or part of an item, and
create on-account payments
or prepayments.

Regular Deposit Balancing - PAYMENT_DATA3 Accounts Receivable, Select an action to save the
Action Payments, Online deposit or delete the
Payments, Regular Deposit deposit.
Balancing, Action

All Deposits DEPOSIT_STATUS Accounts Receivable, View details about one

Payments, Review specific deposit ID
Payments, All Deposits, All (including control totals and
Deposits status) or scan all deposits,
one at a time.

564 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Entering Payments

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Incomplete Deposits DEPOSIT_INCOMPLETE Accounts Receivable, View posted and unposted

Payments, Review deposits that are not yet
Payments, Incomplete completely processed. You
Deposits, Incomplete can see the payment amount
Deposits for the deposit that is still in
process, summarize out-of-
balance deposits (only), or
view the list of incomplete
deposits by user.

Entering Regular Deposit Totals

Access the Regular Deposit - Totals page. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Online Payments, Regular
Deposit, Totals.)

Regular Deposit - Totals page

Accounting Date Enter the accounting date for each payment and for all pending items created
from the payment. You can override the date on the Regular Deposit - Payments
page. The system validates the accounting date to make sure it falls within the
open period for the business unit and transaction type as defined on the Open
Period page for the business unit.

Deposit Type Displays the default deposit type for the bank account that you defined on the
External Accounts - Account Information page. Override the value if needed.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 565
Entering Payments Chapter 19

Control Currency Enter a currency code if the same currency is used for all of the payments.

Note. Specifying a control currency at the deposit level is optional. If you enter
currency at this level, all payments in the deposit must then have this same
currency. To take advantage of multicurrency processing, leave control currency
blank and specify currency at the payment level. The next page in this
component, Payments, enables you to enter a different currency for each payment
in the deposit.

Format Currency Select the display currency.

Rate Type and Exchange If you enter a control currency, you can adjust these fields as needed.
Rate Realized gain and loss calculations are not affected by changing the rate type or
exchange rate on the deposit or payment pages. The appropriate way to change
the exchange rate for the realized gain and loss calculations is to change the
market rate. The exception to this is when the base currencies of the item and
payment are the same and when the entry currencies of the item and payment are
the same.

Click the Exchange Rate Detail button to access a page where you can view or
modify the exchange rate.

Control Total Amount Enter the control totals for the amount and count of the payments in this deposit.
You can have a zero-total deposit if the payment amounts offset each other.

Entered Total Amount These fields display the amount and count of the payments that you have entered
and Difference Amount and the difference between the payments entered and the control totals. If the
control and entered totals and count are not the same, you cannot apply any of the
payments. Balancing these control totals is a necessary first step in payment

Posted Total Amount These fields display the amount and count of payments that are applied and
and Journalled Total posted, or directly journalled.
Received and Entered Enter the date when either the bank or your company received the payment.
Because of normal processing delays, this date may be different from the entered

User Displays the user ID of the individual assigned to the deposit. If you received an
electronic deposit, the Payment Loader process (AR_PAYLOAD) assigns the
user ID of the individual who created the run control ID for the process. If
another user modifies the deposit in the Regular Deposit component
(PAYMENT_ENTRY), the system automatically changes the user ID to that
person's user ID.

Entering Regular Deposit Payment Information

Access the Regular Deposit - Payments page. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Online Payments, Regular
Deposit, Payments.)

566 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Entering Payments

Regular Deposits - Payments page

The more information that you can provide on this page, the easier it will be to work with the payment

Balance Displays the status for the deposit. When the amount total and number of entered
payments equals the control amount and count from the Regular Deposit - Totals
page, the status changes from Not Balanced to Balanced. The total amount of all
the payments in the deposit must match the control totals on the Regular Deposit
- Totals page before you can create a payment worksheet.

Payment Information

You cannot update payment information for a deposit that has been reconciled with a bank statement.

Seq (sequence) Displays the sequence number for each payment. When you enter a payment ID,
the system assigns the next number to the payment so that you can track the order
in which payments are entered.

Payment ID Enter the check number or other identifying number.

Accounting Date Displays the payment date, using the accounting date on the Totals page as the
default. The system validates the payment date to make sure that the date falls
within the open period for the business unit and transaction type as defined on the
Open Periods page for the business unit. The payment date may be different from
the deposit date if you use the postmark date from checks. The payment date
affects earned discounts, so it needs to be accurate.

Amount Enter the amount for this payment.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 567
Entering Payments Chapter 19

Payment Predictor Select to use the Payment Predictor process to apply this payment. The bank
account governs the default setting for this check box. If a worksheet already
exists for this payment, this check box is unavailable.

Note. If you receive payments for vendor rebate claims or claimback items from
PeopleSoft Purchasing or PeopleSoft Order Management, you do not select this
option. You must manually apply the payments on the payment worksheet to
indicate the base and value-added tax (VAT) amounts for each item.

Journal Directly Select if a payment should be handled as miscellaneous cash received rather than
applied to items. Payments to be directly journalled cannot be processed in
payment worksheets and do not go through the Receivable Update process.

Range of References Select to identify an item by a range of numbers. Enter reference values in the
Reference Information group box.

Payment Method Select Check, Electronic Funds Transfer, or Giro - EFT. Use Giro - EFT in the
Netherlands if you print invoices, statements, or dunning letters with the
acceptgiro attachment and the payment is for one of these bills. The system
populates this field in the following way:
1. Uses the payment method for the deposit type with the same setID as the
deposit business unit.

2. Uses the payment method specified in the Receivables Options - Payables

Options page for the setID of the deposit business unit.

3. Uses CHK.

If the payment method is Cash, the deposit was entered as a cash drawer receipt
for a counter sale. In this case, all payments in the deposit are cash payments, and
you cannot change the payment method. Also, you cannot add any payments to
the deposit. The only information you can change for cash payments is the
reference information.

Note. If you enter deposits online, the cash payment method is not available.

Customer Information

Customer information is optional. However, the more information that you can provide, the easier using the
payment worksheet is.

Customer ID and MICR Enter a customer ID or a MICR ID to identify a customer. The system then
ID (magnetic ink automatically displays other information about the customer.
character recognition ID)
Note. If you selected the Track Direct Journal Customer check box on the
Installation Options - Receivables page, the Cust ID field is available for direct
journal payments so that you can associate a customer with the payment. The
payment does not update the customer balance. This enables you to use the
Direct Journal inquiry page to review all direct journal payments for a customer.
The field is available for all normal payments.

568 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Entering Payments

SubCustomer 1 and Displays the default subcustomer qualifiers for the customer that you entered on
SubCustomer 2 the Miscellaneous General Info page. Override the values if needed. You use the
subcustomer qualifiers as filter criteria for payments on some inquiry pages. If
subcustomer qualifiers are not enabled for the customer, these fields are not

Link MICR(link Click to access a page where you can link the MICR ID to the remit from
magnetic ink character customer. If you enter a MICR ID that has not been associated with a customer,
recognition) no customer information appears.

Attachments See "Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Receivables Preface," Common Elements

Used in This PeopleBook, page xl.

View Audit Logs Click link to search for audit logs for this payment and deposit.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining
Financials and Supply Chain Management Common Definitions," Establishing
Carrier Calendar Exceptions.

Reference Information

Enter information that ties this payment to specific items. You can use part of the name plus a wildcard of %
as long as you provide the beginning letters or numbers. For example, enter a purchase order (PO) number of
24% here and later use the Like Match option on the Worksheet Selection page. The worksheet will contain
all items having PO numbers beginning with 24, but will not include a PO number of x24x.

Qual Code (qualifier Select the type of reference information to use to identify the items, such as
code) document, purchase order, or bills of lading.

Reference (reference Enter a reference number to identify an item, or enter a range of reference
value) and To Reference numbers. To enter a range, select the Range of References check box in the
(to reference value) Payment Information scroll area. The value in the To Reference Value field must
always be greater than the value in the Reference field.

Note. The references (#REFS) Payment Predictor algorithm group does not
support a range of references. To use a range of references for a particular
payment and have the Payment Predictor process apply that payment, create
algorithms specifically for your environment or database platform.

Detail References Click to open the Detail Reference Information page, where you create
deductions, pay or write off all or part of an item, and create on-account
payments or prepayments. This page functions like a worksheet; it enables you to
list the items to which you are applying the payment and enter the appropriate
entry type for each item.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 569
Entering Payments Chapter 19

Add Conversation Click to access the Conversations page where you can add a conversation entry.
These circumstances determine whether this link appears or does not appear on
this page.
• The Add a Conversation link appears on this page for a single active
customer with existing conversations

• The Add a Conversation link appears on this page for a single active
customer with no conversations.

• The Add a Conversation link does not appear on this page for a single
inactive customer in a payment.

• The Add a Conversation link appears on this page for multiple customers in a
payment irrespective of status (active or inactive) and whether conversations
exist or do not exist

• The Add a Conversation link does not appear on this page when the payment
is defined as direct journalled payment.

View/Update Click to view or update any existing conversation.

Conversations These circumstances determine whether this link appears or does not appear on
this page.
• The View/Update Conversations link appears on this page for a single active
customer with existing conversations.

• The View/Update Conversations link does not appear on this page for a
single active customer with no conversations.

• The View/Update Conversations link does not appear on this page fir a
single inactive customer in a payment.

• The View/Update Conversations link appears on this page for multiple

customers in a payment irrespective of status (active or inactive) and whether
conversations exist or do not exist

• The View/Update Conversations link does not appear on this page when a
payment is defined as direct journalled payment.

Entering Payment Details for Items

Access the Detail Reference Information page. (Click the Detail References link on the Regular Deposit -
Payments page.)

The Detail Reference Information page for a regular deposit is similar to the Detail Reference Information
page for the payment worksheet.

See Also

Chapter 18, "Entering Pending Items," page 509

570 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Entering Payments

Correcting Balancing Errors

A deposit is out of balance when the number of entered payments does not match the control number, or the
total amount of entered payments does not equal the deposit control amount. You can see that a deposit is out
of balance because the Not Balanced message appears on the regular deposit entry pages. Another indication
of an out-of-balance deposit is that the Worksheet Selection page is unavailable when you try to build a
worksheet for a payment in the deposit.

To correct errors on regular deposits:

• Adjust regular deposit totals.

• Adjust payment information.

• Delete a deposit.

The pages that you use to correct regular deposit balancing errors are identical to those that you use to enter
regular deposits. However, the navigation is different. You use the Regular Deposit Balancing component
(BALANCING) to correct balancing errors.

The pages work the same as when you enter deposits and payments, but only out-of-balance deposits are
available for you to select. When you use pages for balancing errors, you can change any of the information
associated with a deposit or payment.

Deleting a Deposit
Access the Regular Deposit - Totals page. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Online Payments, Regular
Deposit, Totals.)

Click the Delete Deposit button.

Entering Express Deposits

This section provides an overview of express deposits and discusses how to:

1. Enter express deposit totals.

2. Enter and apply payments with express deposit.

3. Select an express deposit action.

4. Correct express deposit balancing errors.

Understanding Express Deposits

If you have an item ID, use express deposit so that you can enter deposits and apply payments at the same
time. You do not need customer information to use an express deposit.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 571
Entering Payments Chapter 19

If you do not have an item ID but have a customer ID, a reference number, an amount, or only a business unit,
you must use a payment worksheet to apply the payment.

You can use express deposits to enter deposits, apply payments, and set payments to post as long as these
conditions are met:

• The item currency and the base currency of the payment must be the same.

• You do not need to journal payments directly.

• You need only limited handling of discounts.

• You will post the deposit in a standard run of the Receivable Update process.

Pages Used to Enter Express Deposits

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Express Deposit - Totals PAYMENT_EXPRESS1

• Accounts Receivable, Enter information and
Payments, Online control totals for a new
Payments, Express deposit.
Deposit, Totals

• Accounts Receivable,
Payments, Online
Payments, Express
Deposit Balancing,

Express Deposit - Payments PAYMENT_EXPRESS2

• Accounts Receivable, Enter and apply payments
Payments, Online with item IDs in a deposit
Payments, Express after you enter the deposit
Deposit, Payments control totals.

• Accounts Receivable,
Payments, Online
Payments, Express
Deposit Balancing,

Express Deposit - Action PAYMENT_EXPRESS3

• Accounts Receivable, Post a deposit (provided
Payments, Online that you entered and saved
Payments, Express payments on the Express
Deposit, Action Deposit - Payments page),
review accounting entries,
• Accounts Receivable, create worksheets for
Payments, Online incompletely applied
Payments, Express payments, clear worksheets,
Deposit Balancing, or permanently delete the
Action entire deposit so that you
can start over.

572 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Entering Payments

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Express Deposit - GROUP_ENTRY3 Click the Create/Edit button Review and modify
Accounting Entries on the Express Deposit - accounting entries for
Action page. payments in an express

Entering Express Deposit Totals

Access the Express Deposit - Totals page. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Online Payments, Express
Deposit, Totals.)

This page is identical to the Regular Deposit - Totals page.

See Also

Chapter 19, "Entering Payments," Entering Regular Deposit Totals, page 565

Entering and Applying Payments with Express Deposit

Access the Express Deposit - Payments page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Online Payments, Express
Deposit, Payments).

Express Deposit - Payments page

Deposit Balance Displays the deposit status. When the amount total and number of entered
payments equals the control amount and count from the Express Deposit - Totals
page, the status changes from No to Yes.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 573
Entering Payments Chapter 19

Control Total Amt Displays the control totals entered on the Express Deposit - Totals page.
(control total amount)
Entered Total Amt Displays the amount of the payments that you have entered and the difference
(entered total amount) and between the payments entered and the control totals. If the control and entered
Difference Amount totals are not the same, you cannot apply any of the payments. Balancing these
control totals is a necessary first step in payment application.

Payment Information

You can only update payment information for deposits that have not been reconciled with a bank statement.

Payment Sequence When you enter a payment ID, the system assigns the next number to the
payment so that you can track the order in which they were entered.

Payment ID Enter the check number or other identifying number.

Accounting Date Displays the payment date using the accounting date on the Totals page as the
default. The system validates the payment date to make sure it falls within the
open period for the business unit and transaction type as defined on the Open
Periods page for the business unit. The payment date may be different from the
deposit date if you use the postmark date from checks. The payment date affects
earned discounts, so it must be accurate.

Payment Predictor Select to use the Payment Predictor process to process a payment. This setting
may override a default setting at the customer level. If a worksheet already exists
for this payment, the check box is clear, and you cannot select it.

Note. If you receive payments for vendor rebate claims or claimback items from
PeopleSoft Purchasing or PeopleSoft Order Management, do not select this
option. You must manually apply the payments on the payment worksheet to
indicate the base and VAT amounts for each item.

Amount Enter the amount for the individual payment.

574 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Entering Payments

Payment Method Select Check or Electronic Funds Transfer. The system uses the default payment
method from the deposit type or business unit on the Receivables Options page.
You can override the default payment method only for individual payments. If
the Payment Method field is left blank, the payment method is assigned like this:
1. Obtain the payment method for the deposit type using the setID of the deposit
business unit.

2. Obtain the payment method specified in the Receivables Options page for the
setID of the deposit business unit.

3. If the payment method is not available from the Receivables Options page,
assign CHK as the deposit type.

If the payment method is Cash, the deposit was entered as a cash drawer receipt
for a counter sale. In this case, all payments in the deposit are cash payments, and
you cannot change the payment method. Also, you cannot add any payments to
the deposit. The only information that you can change for cash payments is the
reference information.

Note. If you enter deposits online, the cash payment method is not available.

Selected Displays the total amount of payments applied to items.

Discount Taken Displays the total amount of discount taken on the items.

Remaining Displays the total amount of the payment remaining after you apply items to the
payment. This amount reflects discounts taken.

Add Conversation and Click the Add Conversation link to access the Conversation page and add a new
View/Update conversation concerning a customer's express deposit. Click the View/Update
Conversation Conversation to review or update an existing conversation with or about the
customer associated with this express deposit.

See Chapter 19, "Entering Payments," Entering Regular Deposit Payment Information, page 566.

Reference Information

Item ID Enter the ID of the item that you want to pay. When you provide an item ID, the
system displays the item's payment amount. You can override this amount to
create a partial payment or overpayment. The system displays a value in the Cust
(customer) field or the Unit field unless an item ID references more than one
item. If the system finds more than one item for the item and item line that you
entered, it supplies only the item ID.

Discount Select for an earned discount. The check box is selected by default if the discount
is earned. The check box is deselected if the discount is unearned. If you want to
take an unearned discount, you must create a payment worksheet.

Disc Avail (discount Displays the amount available for an earned discount.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 575
Entering Payments Chapter 19

If you cannot completely apply a payment on this page, use a payment worksheet to apply prepayments,
deductions, adjustments, on-account payments, and write-offs as needed.

Selecting an Express Deposit Action

Access the Express Deposit - Action page. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Online Payments, Express
Deposit, Action.)

Deposit Balance Displays the status for the deposit. It must be Balanced before you can set the
deposit to post.

Go To Worksheet Click to open the Payment Worksheet Application page, where you can manually
apply payments to items and make partial payments. This link is only displayed
after a worksheet is built.
See Chapter 21, "Applying Payments," Applying Payments Using Payment
Worksheets, page 642.

Status Displays the posting action for the deposit. Values are No Action (deposit not
ready to post) or Standard (deposit has been set to post).

Posting Actions

Select a posting action for the payments.

Do Not Post The system disables this button by default. You can click this button only if you
previously selected Batch Standard for payments. This option will reverse the
posting status from Standard to No Action for payments that are either not
journalled or not posted.

Batch Standard . Click to set payments to Batch Standard posting status. The next time that a
standard schedulled Receivable Update batch job runs, this payment will be
processed. Be aware that this run may occur only once each day depending on
how often your organization schedules standard jobs.
Selecting this button:
• Saves the deposit.

• Sets any payment to post that has been fully applied in Batch Standard.

• Builds a worksheet for any payments that could not be set to post, but have
sufficient identifying information.

• Displays the number of payments set to Post.

Note. Express deposits are posted as individual payments rather than in a payment group. However, a
payment group consisting of only one payment is used for a cash application.

576 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Entering Payments

Worksheet Actions

Build Click to create one worksheet for every payment in the deposit. The system
indicates the number of worksheets created.

Note. Instead of using the Build button, you can use the worksheet menu options
to create one worksheet at a time.

Important! The system does not build payments without any identifying
information into a worksheet. Carefully review these unidentified payments.

Delete Click to delete the payment group that was created without deleting the entire
deposit. If you accidentally select the wrong action, select Delete Worksheet on
the Worksheet Action page to delete the worksheets, but retain the express
deposit information that you entered.

Accounting Entry Actions

Create/Edit Click to create accounting entries online for all applied payments in the deposit,
as long as the deposit is in balance. The system accesses the Accounting Entries
page where you can review and modify accounting entries. The payment status is
set to Worksheet. You must return to the Action page to set the group to post.
Typically, you let the Receivable Update process create accounting entries. You
need to create accounting entries online only when you must review them

Deposit Actions

Delete Click to delete the entire deposit. If you entered and saved payments on the
Express Deposit - Payments page, use this option only if you want to
permanently delete the entire deposit.

Correcting Express Deposit Balancing Errors

A deposit is out of balance when either the number of entered payments does not match the control number or
the total amount of entered payments does not equal the deposit control amount. You may recognize an out-
of-balance deposit either by the Not Balanced message on the express deposit entry pages or because the
Worksheet Selection page is not available when you try to build a worksheet for one of the payments in a

To correct errors on express deposits:

1. Adjust express deposit totals.

2. Adjust payment information.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 577
Entering Payments Chapter 19

3. Delete the deposit as needed.

The pages that you use to correct express deposit balancing errors are identical to the pages that you use to
enter express deposits. However, you use a different navigation path to access the pages for balancing errors.
You use the Express Deposit Balancing component (EXP_BALANCE).

The pages work the same as when you enter deposits and payments, but only out-of-balance deposits are
available for you to select. When you use pages for balancing errors, you can change any of the information
associated with a deposit or payment.

Creating Cash Control Accounting Entries

This section provides an overview of cash control accounting and discusses how to:

1. Run the Cash Control Application Engine process (AR_CSH_CNTL).

2. Review cash control accounting entries.

Understanding Cash Control Accounting

Cash control accounting ensures that the general ledger reflects cash as soon as you receive it or reconcile it
on a bank statement; you do not have to apply the cash for it to appear in the general ledger.

You implement cash control accounting at the bank level. The PeopleSoft system provides two options for
cash control accounting:

• Standard cash clearing.

Use this option to create cash control accounting entries only.

• Deposit in transit.

Use this option to create deposit-in-transit and cash control accounting entries if you reconcile your bank
statements online.

The deposit-in-transit accounting entries record payments that are not deposited in your bank account and
have not been reconciled on a bank statement.

Standard Cash Clearing

To set up standard cash clearing for a bank account, select the Cash Clearing check box on the External
Accounts page and enter the ChartField values for the Cash - AR and Dep - AR (cash control) account types.

Also, specify the cash control method for each deposit business unit on the Receivables Definition -
Accounting Options 2 page. The options are:

578 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Entering Payments

Bank Reconciliation Creates the cash control entry that debits cash when the payment is reconciled on
a bank statement or when you run the Cash Control process. This method
requires an additional run of the Bank Stmt Processing (bank statement
processing) Application Engine process (AR_BNKSTMT) when you are using
automated reconciliation with statements transmitted by EDI.

Payment Entry Creates the cash control entry that debits cash when the payment is received.

Note. If you select None for the cash control method, the system always debits the Cash account and credits
the Receivables account when you apply the payment and does not create cash control lines.

This table shows the accounting entries that the system generates for each event if the cash control method is
Bank Reconciliation:

Event Debit Credit

Payment entry Not Applicable Not Applicable

Bank statement processing or cash Cash Deposit - AR (cash control)

control processing

Payment application Deposit - AR (cash control) Receivables

If the Payment Loader or Bank Stmt Processing (bank statement processing) process did not create cash
control accounting entries, you must run the Cash Control process to create them. You normally run this
process if you have a duplicate or out-of-balance deposit or if you did not have a cash control account set up
when you ran the Payment Loader or Bank Stmt Processing processes. If the cash control method for the
deposit business unit is Bank Reconciliation, the Cash Control process processes only payments that have
been reconciled.

This table shows the accounting entries that the system generates for each event if the cash control method is
Payment Entry:

Event Debit Credit

Payment entry Cash Deposit - AR (cash control)

Cash control process run Not Applicable Not Applicable

Payment application Deposit - AR (cash control) Receivables

If the cash control method is Payment Entry, the system automatically creates cash control accounting entries
when you save a deposit or receive payments electronically from a bank account designated for cash control.
All payments except those earmarked to be directly journalled are affected. If you change deposit or payment
information, the system updates the accounting entries to reflect your changes.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 579
Entering Payments Chapter 19

Deposits in Transit

To set up deposit-in-transit transactions for a bank account, select the Cash Clearing and Dep in Transit
(deposit in transit) check boxes on the External Accounts page and enter the ChartField values for the Cash -
AR, Dep - AR (cash control), and DIT - AR (deposit in transit) account types.

Also, select Bank Reconciliation for the cash control method for each deposit business unit on the
Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 2 page.

The process flow to generate deposit-in-transit accounting entries is:

1. Enter payments online or electronically.

2. Add bank statement information online or electronically.

3. Reconcile the bank statement.

4. Run the Cash Control process.

5. Apply the payment.

6. Post the payment.

This table shows the accounting entries that the system generates for each event if you enabled deposits in
transit for a bank account and the cash control method is bank reconciliation:

Event Debit Credit

Payment entry Deposit in Transit - AR Deposit - AR (cash control)

Cash control processing Cash Deposit in Transit - AR

Payment application Deposit - AR (cash control) Receivables

If you set up deposits in transit for a bank account and select Bank Reconciliation for the cash control method
for a deposit business unit, the system also generates additional accounting entries for direct journal

The process flow for direct journal payments when you enable the deposit-in-transit option is:

1. Enter the payment using the Regular Deposit component.

2. Create the accounting entries for the direct journal payment.

3. Add bank statement information online or electronically.

4. Reconcile the bank statement.

5. Run the Cash Control process.

This table shows the accounting entries for direct journal payments that the system generates for each event if
you enabled deposits in transit for a bank account and the cash control method is bank reconciliation:

580 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Entering Payments

Event Debit Credit

Create direct journal accounting Deposit in Transit - AR User-Defined Revenue


Cash control processing Cash Deposit in Transit - AR

See Also

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Defining the Accounting Options 2 Page, page

Chapter 20, "Receiving Payments Electronically," page 593

Chapter 21, "Applying Payments," page 637

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up External, Internal, and
Netting Accounts," Defining External Account Information

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Receiving and Updating Bank

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Reconciling Statements"

Pages Used to Create Cash Control Accounting Entries

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Cash Control CASHCNTL_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Run the Cash Control

Payments, Cash Control process to create cash
Entries, Create Accounting control accounting entries.
Entries, Cash Control

Cash Control Payments CASH_CNTRL_DST Accounts Receivable, Review cash control

Payments, Cash Control accounting entries.
Entries, Review Accounting
Entries, Cash Control Note. If you need to delete
Payments the cash control accounting
entries for a deposit, you
must delete the entire
deposit using the Regular
Deposit component
Express Deposit component

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 581
Entering Payments Chapter 19

Running the Cash Control Application Engine Process

Access the Cash Control page. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Cash Control Entries, Create Accounting
Entries, Cash Control.)

Deposit Unit Enter the business unit for the payments that you want to deposit.

Deposit ID Enter a deposit ID to limit the processing to specific deposits.

Payment Sequence Enter a payment sequence number to limit the processing to specific payments.

If you want to include business units, deposit IDs, and payment sequence numbers that begin or end with the
same characters or numbers, use the % wildcard. For example, if you enter 6%, the list includes all deposits
that begin with 6, such as 6877 and 6789.

Reviewing Cash Control Accounting Entries

Access the Cash Control Payments page. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Cash Control Entries, Review
Accounting Entries, Cash Control Payments.)

Click the tabs to view more details.

CR Amt (credit amount) If the system displays the debits and credits separately, the Credit Amount and
and DR Amt (debit Debit Amount fields display the amounts in the base currency of the business
amount) unit.
If you selected the Display Debit/Credit Amounts in Subsystems option on the
User Preferences - Overall Preferences page, the debit amount or the credit
amount and currency appear for each accounting line. Otherwise, the Line
Amount field appears for each line.

Note. If the system displays separate debits and credits, a negative amount indicates an unpost transaction.
Otherwise, negative amounts indicate a credit to the account, and positive amounts indicate a debit to the

Journaling Payments Directly to the General Ledger

This section provides an overview of direct journal payments, lists common elements used in this section, and
discusses how to:

• Select payments for direct journalling.

• Create or correct accounting entries for direct journal payments.

• Review and modify accounting entries for direct journal payments.

582 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Entering Payments

See Also

Chapter 19, "Entering Payments," Entering Regular Deposits, page 563

Understanding Direct Journal Payments

Payments that do not correspond to items can bypass the cash application process. Such payments are often
called miscellaneous cash receipts or non-AR cash. In the PeopleSoft system, they are referred to as directly
journalled payments because you can create accounting entries for them without applying them to any item.

If you create a regular deposit and journal the cash directly to the general ledger and need to reverse the
journal entry, you can enter a negative payment in the Regular Deposit component (PAYMENT_ENTRY)
and then journal that payment to the general ledger.

Common Elements Used in This Section

Click the Budget Check button to run the Budget Processor Application Engine
process (FS_BP).

Click the Budget Check Options button to bypass a budget-checking error.

Click the Document Sequencing button to enter document-sequencing


Pages Used to Journal Payments Directly to the General Ledger

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Regular Deposit - Payments PAYMENT_DATA2 Accounts Receivable, Provide detailed

Payments, Online information for each
Payments, Regular Deposit, payment in a regular deposit
Payments and flag payments for direct

Accounting Entries PAYMENT_MISC_DST Accounts Receivable, Create or change accounting

Payments, Direct Journal entries for payments that are
Payments, Create to be journalled directly. If
Accounting Entries, you use the Commitment
Accounting Entries Control option, use it to run
the Budget Processor

Note. You can view only

accounting entries that are
not marked as complete.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 583
Entering Payments Chapter 19

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Directly Journalled PAYMENT_MISC_DST_I Accounts Receivable, Review directly journalled

Payments Payments, Direct Journal payments that have been
Payments, Modify marked Complete. Also,
Accounting Entries, change the Complete status
Directly Journalled to Incomplete. You can run
Payments the Budget Processor
process to budget-check
direct journal payments.

Commitment Control KK_EXCPTN_OVER_SEC Click the Budget Check Bypass budget checking for
Options button on either the the transaction. Also view
Accounting Entries page or details about a commitment
the Directly Journalled control transaction, such as
Payments page. the source transaction type
and the amount type for the

Journal Generator Request JRNL_GEN_REQUEST General Ledger, Journals, Initiate journal generator
Subsystem Journals, processing.
Generate Journals, Journal
Generator Request

Selecting Payments for Direct Journalling

Access the Regular Deposit - Payments page. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Online Payments, Regular
Deposit, Payments.)

Journal Directly Select to create direct journal payments only for the payment.

Customer ID Enter a customer ID to associate the direct journal payment with a customer. If
you enter a customer ID, you can inquire on the direct journal payment by using
a customer ID.

Note. This field is available only if you selected the Track Direct Journal
Customer check box on the Installation Options - Receivables page. The payment
does not update the customer balance.

Creating or Correcting Accounting Entries for Direct Journal Payments

Access the Accounting Entries page. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Direct Journal Payments, Create
Accounting Entries, Accounting Entries.)

584 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Entering Payments

Accounting Entries page

Click the Create button to create the cash line for a direct journal payment.

Click the Delete button to delete journal lines.

This section discusses how to:

1. Create accounting entries.

2. Budget-check the entries.

3. Resolve budget-checking errors.

Creating Accounting Entries

To create accounting entries:

1. Enter ChartField values for the revenue line.

Note. If you set up speed types for ChartFields, click the Speed Type button and select a speed type code.
The system automatically supplies the General Ledger ChartField values defined by the speed type.

2. In the Line Amount field, enter the credit amount for the revenue account.

Note. If you are journalling a negative payment, enter a debit amount.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 585
Entering Payments Chapter 19

3. Click the Create button to create the line that records the cash.

The system supplies the ChartField values using either the AR - Cash or DIT - Cash ChartFields that you
defined for the bank account on the External Accounts page. It uses the DIT - AR ChartFields only if you
selected the Dep in Transit (deposit in transit) check box for the bank account.

Project ChartFields other than Project Id, such as Business Unit PC, Activity Id, and more, are inherited to
the offsetting cash accounting line if the inheritance option for Project Id is set to Always Inherit. If the
inheritance option for Project Id is set to Do Not Inherit, then these Project ChartFields will not be

The system calls the Centralized Inter/IntraUnit Application Engine process (IU_PROCESSOR) to create
intraunit accounting entries if you enabled ChartField balancing for the ledger group and interunit
accounting entries, and if you are journalling the cash to a different business unit than the deposit business

Note. After you create the cash line, you cannot change the ChartField values or amounts. To change this
information, click the Delete button. The system deletes the cash line and makes the revenue ChartField
values available to edit.

4. (Optional) If you enabled the Entry Event feature, enter the Entry Event code used to generate
supplemental accounting entries.

5. (Optional) If you enabled the Document-Sequencing feature for the PeopleSoft General Ledger business
unit, click the Document Sequencing button for each line to enter document-sequencing information.

6. After you enter all of the accounting lines and they are in balance, select the Complete check box.

586 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Entering Payments

7. Verify the edit status on the ChartFields tab.

The status can be:

Not Edited You have not saved the entries.

Errors You saved the entries, but the system did not create them because they are in

Complete You created valid accounting entries.

A single error message displays for a direct journal payment if at least one payment distribution line has a
ChartField combo edit error. This message instructs the user to refer to the ChartField Combo Error tab
for further details about the error.

The ChartField Combo Error tab displays in the Distribution Lines grid. This tab identifies the specific
fields and combination group that was used to compare against the distribution line with the error. If there
are no errors, this tab does not appear.

Correct the error and select the Complete check box again. If you receive a combination edit error, you
must either change the ChartField combination or modify the combination edit rules. If you receive a
ChartField configuration editing error message after you mark the entries complete, you must correct the
error before you save the direct journal. If you receive a warning message, you can save the direct journal
without making corrections.

Note. If you must change the accounting entries after you save them and before you run the Journal
Generator process, clear the Complete check box on the Directly Journalled Payments page. Then return
to the Accounting Entries page to change the entries.

Budget-Checking the Entries

If you enabled the Commitment Control feature for PeopleSoft Receivables and for the business unit, run the
Budget Processor process after the accounting entries are complete. The process checks the control budget
entries, updates the revenue estimate budget, and creates the commitment control journal lines.

To budget-check the entries:

1. Click the Budget Check button to run the Budget Processor process.

The system displays a warning message if transactions passed budget checking but receive a warning

Note. You can also run the Budget Processor process for direct journal payments from the Directly
Journalled Payments page or from the Budget Processor page.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 587
Entering Payments Chapter 19

2. When the Budget Processor process is complete, verify the budget status for the entire payment and also
for each line on the Budget tab.

The status can be:

Error The entry failed to pass budget checking.

Not Chk'd (not checked) The Budget Processor process has not processed the entry.

Valid The entry passed budget checking and the process created the journal line in
the ledger.

Warning The Budget Processor process issued a warning, which indicates that the
control budget did not have sufficient funds. However, it passed budget
checking because the commitment control option for the control budget is set
to Tracking w/ Budget (tracking with budget) or Tracking w/o Budget
(tracking without budget) on the Control Budget Options page. The control
budget might also be over the budget amount, but under the tolerance amount.
This warning applies only to individual lines.

The default budget date is the accounting date for the current transaction. You can change the budget date, but
Oracle recommends that you do not.

Resolving Budget-Checking Errors

Transactions typically fail the budget-checking process because the amount of the source transactions exceeds
the amount in the control budget. If this occurs, you have two options:

• Increase the revenue estimate budget amount.

• Flag the direct payment journal to bypass budget checking.

An entry could also fail because you provided a revenue account that is not in the revenue estimate budget.

To resolve budget-checking errors:

1. Do one of the following procedures:

• To bypass budget checking for entries in error, click the Budget Check Options button to open the
Commitment Control page.

Then select the Override Transaction check box.

You must have authority to override budget checking.

• If you entered an invalid revenue account, delete the accounting entries and enter them again using a
different revenue account.

2. Run the Budget Processor process again.

588 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Entering Payments

See Also

Chapter 29, "Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables," page 913

PeopleSoft Enterprise Commitment Control 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Basic Commitment Control
Options," Enabling Commitment Control for Specific Applications

PeopleSoft Enterprise Commitment Control 9.1 PeopleBook, "Entering and Posting Commitment Control
Budget Journals"

PeopleSoft Enterprise Commitment Control 9.1 PeopleBook, "Managing Budget Exceptions"

Reviewing and Modifying Accounting Entries for Direct Journal Payments

Access the Directly Journalled Payments page. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Direct Journal Payments,
Modify Accounting Entries, Directly Journalled Payments.)

Directly Journalled Payments page

This page is similar to the Accounting Entries page.

If you have not run the Budget Processor process and you have enabled commitment control for PeopleSoft
Receivables and the business unit, you can run it from this page and review the results.

If a budget entry fails because you provided a revenue account that is not in the revenue estimate budget, you
need to delete the accounting entries and enter them again using a different revenue account.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 589
Entering Payments Chapter 19

Complete Clear to delete and change the accounting entries for the payment. Then access
the Accounting Entries page to make the changes.

Important! If you clear the Complete check box and commitment control
records exist for this direct journal, they will be deleted. The system will only
delete commitment control exception records, because at this point you can only
clear the check box for transactions that have not been budget checked or have
failed budget checking.

Accounting Line Display Specify the types of accounting entries that should appear, and then click
Display. Values are Standard, Supplemental (Entry Event), and Both.
Supplemental accounting entries are available only if you entered an entry event
code on the Accounting Entries page.

Type Indicates the type of accounting entries:

S: Standard.
E: Supplemental

Credit Amount and If the system displays the debits and credits separately, the Credit Amount and
Debit Amount Debit Amount fields display the amounts in the base currency of the business
If you selected the Display Separate Debit/Credit in Subsystem check box on the
Operator Preferences - Overall page, the debit amount or the credit amount and
currency appear for each accounting line. Otherwise, the Line Amount field
appears for each line.

See Also

Chapter 19, "Entering Payments," Creating or Correcting Accounting Entries for Direct Journal Payments,
page 584

Reconciling Payments on a Bank Statement

When you receive a bank statement, you can reconcile payments by matching the amount of each payment or
deposit received with the amount that was submitted to the bank. You can reconcile payments manually, or
use the Bank Reconciliation Application Engine process (FSPRECON) to reconcile them.

The reconciliation rule that you use varies depending on the information that the bank provides. You should
reconcile at the same level that the bank provides on the bank statement. If one payment always exists per
deposit, the bank provides the deposit ID. In this case, use the PS_BNK_RCN_DEPOSIT rule. If multiple
payments are in a deposit, the bank provides the payment ID. In this case, use the

If you have cash payments received through the Load Cash Drawer Receipts process (CDR_LOADPMT),
you must use the PS_BNK_RCN_DEPOSIT rule because all cash payments are sent to PeopleSoft
Receivables in one deposit and the payment-level detail is not available in the bank statements. In this case,
you must set up separate bank accounts: one for cash deposits and one for other payment methods.

590 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 19 Entering Payments

Important! If you have already applied the payment using the payment worksheet or the Payment Predictor
process and run the Receivable Update process, use the PS_BNK_RCN_PAYMENT reconciliation rule.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Reconciliation"

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Reconciling Statements"

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up External, Internal, and
Netting Accounts," Defining External Account Information

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 591
Chapter 20

Receiving Payments Electronically

This chapter provides an overview of electronic payment processing and discusses how to:

• Receive lockbox deposits.

• Use electronic banking to process payments.

• Use electronic data interchange (EDI) and split stream processing.

• Receive cash drawer payments.

• Receive and edit spreadsheet payments.

• (JPN) Receive electronic funds transfer (EFT) payments.

• Check electronic payment errors.

• Correct errors.

See Also

Chapter 16, "Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments," page 479

Understanding Electronic Payment Processing

The Payment Loader Application Engine process (AR_PAYLOAD) processes all payments that are received
through an electronic payment process. Payment Loader processes the following types of electronic

• Lockbox


• Bank statements

• EFT files

• Excel spreadsheet

Payment Loader also processes payments entered using the Cash Drawer Receipts feature.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 593
Receiving Payments Electronically Chapter 20

The following diagram illustrates how the Payment Loader Application process loads payments. The Load
Cash Drawer Receipts (CDR_LOADPMT), Lockbox (AR25001), and Bank Statement Processing
(AR_BNKSTMT) processes load data into staging tables. The unmatched remittances and payments not
matched with bank accounts remain in the staging tables, while the Payment Loader process loads the
matched data from the staging tables to the payment application tables. EDI transactions consisting of cash
and remittance advice or just the remittance advice are transmitted to PeopleSoft software based on a thrid-
party translator, which translates the file into a PeopleSoft business document format. The data is then
published in the Applicaton Messaging queue and uploaded to the staging tables. When the data is loaded into
the staging tables, the Payment Loader process moves the data from the staging tables to the payment
application tables.

594 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Receiving Payments Electronically

Entering payments electronically using Payment Loader

The Payment Loader process performs the following tasks:

• Edits data for internal integrity.

• Checks for duplicate deposits or payments.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 595
Receiving Payments Electronically Chapter 20

• Assigns defaults and deposit IDs.

Note. The Load Cash Drawer Receipts Application Engine process (CDR_LOADPMT) assigns the
deposit ID to payments that you enter using the Cash Drawer Receipt feature.

• Assigns document sequence numbers if you enabled document sequencing at the installation level and the
general ledger (GL) business unit level.

• Creates cash control accounting entries based on settings for the bank account and business unit options.

• Matches split-stream remittance advices and their cash, depending on the request parameters that you
specify for split-stream processing.

• Assigns the user ID of the individual who created the run control for the Payment Loader process to the
Deposit Control record (DEPOSIT_CONTROL) in the User ID (ORPRID) and Assigned User ID
(ASSN_OPRID) fields for each electronic deposit.

Note. If another user accesses and modifies the deposit in the Regular Deposit component
(PAYMENT_ENTRY), the system automatically changes the assigned user ID to the individual who
modified the deposit. When you apply the payment, the system updates the Applied User ID
(APPLIED_OPRID) field on the Payment Record (PAYMENT) with the user ID of the person who
applied the payment. The values in the User ID and Assigned User ID fields on the Deposit Control
record remain the same. You must run a query to see the values in the APPLIED_OPRID field.

The process processes all payments that are received through an electronic data interface. It moves the
payment data from the staging tables to these payment application tables:






You can load EDI transactions or run the Lockbox SQR (Structured Query Report) process (AR25001) many
times a day to load multiple transmissions into the staging tables. Then at the end of the day, run the Payment
Loader process once to load the data into the application tables and process all the received payments.

Before you perform electronic payment processing:

• Assign a default entry type, entry reason, and system function to adjustment reasons for each setID on the
Receivables Definition - Bank/Payment Options page.

• If you use cash control accounting, define your cash control method on the Receivables Definition -
Accounting Options 2 page.

596 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Receiving Payments Electronically

• Define the bank accounts where you will deposit the payments in the External Accounts component

• Assign a business unit to the bank accounts from which you receive deposits on the External Accounts -
Account Information page.

• Define group types for payments on the Group Type page.

• Define deposit types on the Deposit Type page.

• Set up qualifiers for payment reference information on the Reference Qualifier page.

• Set up adjustment reason codes.

See Also

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Defining Business Unit Defaults for Individual
Business Units, page 42

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Setting Up Group Types and Group
Origins, page 111

Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," page 119

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up External, Internal, and
Netting Accounts," Defining External Account Information

Receiving Lockbox Deposits

This section provides overviews of lockbox processing and the lockbox deposit process flow and discusses
how to:

1. Run the Lockbox SQR process (AR25001).

2. Run the Payment Loader Application Engine process.

3. Review lockbox deposit control information.

Understanding Lockbox Processing

Lockbox deposits automatically update deposit and payment information from a bank or payment collection
system. The automatic update process includes these conditions, that:

• Each lockbox file can have multiple lockboxes.

• Each lockbox can have multiple deposits with multiple payments.

• Each deposit is identified by the bank and bank account it came from.

• Each payment can be in a different currency.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 597
Receiving Payments Electronically Chapter 20

The Lockbox process accepts deposits with these payment methods: CHK (check), EFT (electronic file
transfer), and GE (giro - EFT). If an invalid value is found in the lockbox file, the process assign a default
payment method. The process will use:

1. The payment method assigned to the deposit type that shares the same setID as the deposit business unit.

2. The payment method specified on the Receivables Options - Payment Options page for the deposit
business unit.

3. A check as the payment method for the deposit.

Oracle provides you with a record layout for lockbox transmissions that mirrors the online deposit entry pages
and is ANSI X12-compatible. Oracle designed the interface guidelines for recording deposit and payment
information to provide you with all of the information that you currently receive from your lockbox.

Important! You must specify the path on the application server where the lockbox input file resides to run
the Lockbox process (AR25001). This enables the Lockbox process to read and process the lockbox file from
any location on the application server.

See Also

Chapter 16, "Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments," Receiving Information from a Lockbox, page

Understanding the Lockbox Deposit Process Flow

Perform these steps to receive electronic payments:

1. Run the Lockbox process to load data from the flat file into the staging tables.

2. Run the Payment Loader process to move the data from the staging tables into the payment application

Note. You can combine the Lockbox and Payment Loader processes in a PeopleSoft Enterprise Process
Scheduler job and run them together.

3. View the Application Engine error messages in the Process Monitor.

The Payment Loader process compares the control totals and counts with the calculated totals at all levels
(deposit, lockbox, and file). If they do not match, the process issues an error message. Batch level errors
have an Out of Balance status.

4. Review the received control totals on the Lockbox Run Information page.

5. Check for errors at the deposit level on the All Deposits or Incomplete Deposits pages.

6. Correct errors on the deposit and payment entry pages and on the Payment Interface Duplicates page.

7. If you use cash control accounting and a duplicate or out-of-balance deposit exists, run the Cash Control
Application Engine process (AR_CASHCNTL) to create the cash control accounting entries after
correcting the errors.

598 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Receiving Payments Electronically

See Also

Chapter 19, "Entering Payments," Creating Cash Control Accounting Entries, page 578

Pages Used to Receive Lockbox Deposits

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Lockbox LOCKBOX_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Run the Lockbox SQR

Payments, Electronic process that imports
Payments, Retrieve lockbox files to the staging
Lockbox Files. Lockbox tables.

Payment Interface PAYLOAD_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Run the Payment Loader

Payments, Electronic process for lockbox
Payments, Process Payment deposits.
Interface, Payment Interface

Lockbox Run Information LB_CONTROL_AMTS Accounts Receivable, View the control totals for
Payments, Electronic the lockbox deposit. This
Payments, Review Deposit page compares the payment
Information, Lockbox Run count and amount with the
Information lockbox totals.

Running the Lockbox SQR Process

Access the Lockbox page. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Retrieve Lockbox Files.

Name of Lockbox File Enter the name of the file that contains deposits from one or more lockboxes.
This value can be up to 80 characters long. If you leave the lockbox file name
blank on the Run Control page, you will receive an error indicating that you must
enter a value in this field before you can continue with the processing.

File Directory Enter the path on the application server where the lockbox input file resides.

Note. If you do not specify the path on the Lockbox run control page, the error
message 6890 appears stating: "You have left file directory empty and a value is
required." If the path that you specified on the Lockbox run control page has
spaces, the program eliminates the spaces before processing the lockbox file.

Process Frequency Select a process frequency value of Always, Don't, or Once.

Last Date Run Displays the last date that the Lockbox process was run.

Last Run Time Displays the time that the last Lockbox process was run.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 599
Receiving Payments Electronically Chapter 20

Run Click to schedule the Lockbox process to run. You can review its progress based
on the generated process instance number that appears on the Lockbox run
control page.

Process Instance Displays the process instance that was generated the last time the Lockbox
process was run.

Note. If the file is on the client, you must run the process on the client. If the file is on the server, you must
run it on the server.

Running the Payment Loader Application Engine Process

Access the Payment Interface page. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Process Payment
Interface, Payment Interface.)

Select the Lockbox check box.

Reviewing Lockbox Deposit Control Information

Access the Lockbox Run Information page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments,
Review Deposit Information, Lockbox run Information.)

Lockbox ID Displays the ID that was processed.

Transmission Date/Time Indicates the time that the file was transmitted.

Processed Date/Time Indicates the time that the Payment Loader process processed the lockbox.

Control Information

Displays the control information from the lockbox, the calculated results and the difference for the deposit
count, payment count, and payment amount. The difference should be zero. If not, errors exist in the lockbox.

Using Electronic Banking to Process Payments

This section provides an overview of electronic banking, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

• Load unreconciled payments for individual statements.

• Load unreconciled payments for all statements.

600 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Receiving Payments Electronically

Understanding Electronic Banking

The following diagram illustrates how the Electronic Banking process works in PeopleSoft Receivables. The
Bank Statement Application Engine process (BSP_IMPORT) imports the electronic statement and loads the
bank statement data from the staging tables to the Bank Statement tables. The Automated Reconciliation
Application Engine process (FSPRECON) runs and reconciles the bank statement at the payment level.
Unreconciled payments are loaded into the payment application tables. The Bank Reconciliation Cash
Control process must be run twice to generate cash control entries.

Electronic banking process flow

Process Flow for Electronic Banking

To process bank statement payments:

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 601
Receiving Payments Electronically Chapter 20

1. Run the Import Bank Statement Application Engine process (BSP_IMPORT) to import the electronic
statements into the staging tables and to load the bank statement data from the staging tables into the Bank
Statement tables.

2. Run the Bank Reconciliation Application Engine process (FSPRECON) on the AutoRecon Manager page.

You must reconcile the bank statement at the payment level and not at the deposit level by assigning the
BNK_RCN_PAYMENT reconciliation rule to the bank account.

You can also manually reconcile bank statements.

The process verifies whether the receipts on the bank statement with a TRANSACTION_CODE of C
exist as payments in the PS_PAYMENT table. The process marks receipts that are found on the
PS_PAYMENT table as reconciled. The process marks those not found as unreconciled and gives the
receipts an NTF (not found in system) status.

Note. Documentation about receiving bank statements, the Transaction Loader process, and the
Automatic Reconciliation process is in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Bank Setup and Processing 9.0

3. Load any unreconciled payments that have the NTF status into the payment tables and create cash control
accounting entries for the payments if you selected the appropriate settings for the bank account and
business unit options.

Use one of these options to load the data:

• Run the Bank Statement Processing Application Engine process (AR_BNKSTMT) to load specific
bank statement data.

• Run the Payment Loader process to load data for all bank statements.

The Bank Statement Processing process handles only the payments that are processed by the Bank
Reconciliation process. It does not evaluate unprocessed payments in the bank statement tables.

If you use the Bank Reconciliation cash control accounting method that records the debit to cash when
the payment or trade receipt is reconciled on the bank statement, you must reconcile your bank
statements. With the Bank Reconciliation cash control method, the system debits cash only when a
deposit is reconciled to payments that were previously recorded in PeopleSoft Receivables. The debit
to cash is the reconciled deposit amount.

You must run the Bank Statement Processing process twice to generate the cash control entries if you
use the Bank Reconciliation cash control accounting method. In the first run, you load the
unreconciled deposits into PeopleSoft Receivables as new payments. The second time that you run the
Bank Statement Processing process for a bank, you generate the cash control entries. Another option
is to use the Cash Control process after loading the bank statement into PeopleSoft Receivables to
generate the accounting entries.

Note. You can combine the Reconciliation process and the Bank Statement Processing process in one
Process Scheduler job. However, you can run the combined Process Scheduler job only from the
Reconciliation page.

4. If you use cash control accounting and errors occur, fix the problem and then run the Cash Control
process to create the cash control accounting entries.

5. View the Application Engine error messages in the Process Monitor for the Payment Loader process.

602 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Receiving Payments Electronically

See Also

Chapter 19, "Entering Payments," Creating Cash Control Accounting Entries, page 578

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Receiving and Updating Bank

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Reconciling Statements"

Before you use electronic banking to process payments, you must set up the statement codes to determine the
payment method for each bank transaction line. If a statement code is not matched to a payment method, the
system assigns CHK (check) as the payment method.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up the Bank Statement Import

Pages Used to Process Payments Using ElectronicBanking

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Bank Statement Interface BNKSTMT_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Load unreconciled

Payments, Electronic payments for specific
Payments, Load Bank statements into PeopleSoft
Statements, Bank Statement Receivables by running the
Interface Bank Statement Processing

Payment Interface PAYLOAD_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Load unreconciled

Payments, Electronic payments for all statements
Payments, Process Payment into PeopleSoft Receivables
Interface, Payment Interface by running the Payment
Loader process.

Loading Unreconciled Payments for Individual Statements

Access the Bank Statement Interface page. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Load
Bank Statements, Bank Statement Interface.)

Bank ID and Bank Enter the bank ID and account number into which the deposits were made.
Account Number

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 603
Receiving Payments Electronically Chapter 20

Statement ID Specify the bank's statement identification number to identify which statement to

Loading Unreconciled Payments for All Statements

Access the Payment Interface page. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Process Payment
Interface, Payment Interface.)

Select the Bank Statement check box.

Using EDI and Split Stream Processing

This section provides overviews of EDI processing, split stream processing, the EDI payment process flow,
and business unit determination, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

1. Load business documents into staging tables.

2. Confirm that data loaded successfully.

3. Run the Payment Loader process.

4. Delete unmatched customer or item remittances.

Understanding EDI Processing

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to receive a payment (cash and remittance advice combined) or just the
remittance (remittance information without cash) in an EDI transmission.

When you receive the remittance advice and the cash information at different times and through different
channels, you can use a variety of methods to match them. This helps you identify and apply the payments.

PeopleSoft Receivables supports both European and U.S. EDI formats. The European EDI standard is
EDIFACT, and the supported format is CREEXT. The U.S. standard is ANSI-X12; its supported format is
820. In both formats:

• One transmission can contain a payment (cash and remittance information combined) or just cash.

• One transmission can contain only a remittance (the corresponding cash information to be transmitted

This scenario introduces the need for split stream processing.

604 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Receiving Payments Electronically

Understanding Split Stream Processing

Split stream processing matches and unites the two parts of a payment, the cash information and the
remittance advice, when they are received at different times and possibly from different data sources. EDI,
lockbox, and bank statement processing support the transmission of cash by itself. Only EDI processing and
the Excel Payment Upload process support the transmission of a remittance advice by itself or cash and

Note. The Payment Loader process matches remittance information in the staging tables with cash
information that is in either the staging tables or the application tables. You can use the Remittance Delete
pages to find and delete unmatched remittances in the staging tables.

Split Stream Examples

Typically both the cash information and the remittance advice are received through EDI, as shown in the
following example in which the customer sends the EDI remittance directly to the vendor or the customer
sends the cash to their bank, their bank sends cash to the vendor's bank, and the vendor's bank sends EDI cash
to the vendor.

Example of a complete EDI payment either directly from the customer to the vendor or through the customer's
and vendor's banks

In this example, the customer sends you two EDI transmissions. The remittance advice is sent directly to you.
The cash information is sent to the customer's bank, then to your bank, and then to you. As a result, you
receive two separate EDI transmissions, one with cash and one with remittance information. You use split
stream processing to match them and form the complete payment (linked cash and remittance information).

The common denominator for all methods of receiving split stream data is that the remittance information is
received by EDI; only the source of the cash information varies. The method that customers use to send the
cash to their bank or to your bank is irrelevant to split stream processing. Your only concern is how your bank
transmits the cash information to you: as an EDI transmission, in a lockbox file or, as in the following
example, as a receipt on a bank statement:

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 605
Receiving Payments Electronically Chapter 20

The bank sends a bank statement that details cash information

The following example shows transmission of cash information by way of a lockbox, where the customer
sends an EDI remittance directly to the vendor or the customer mails a check to the vendor's bank, which
sends a lockbox file, which includes the check, to the vendor's bank.

The bank sends a lockbox file that provides the cash information

U.S. and European business practices differ. In the United States, you usually receive payment in a lockbox
file, but you are unlikely to receive payments from bank statements. In Europe, you probably do not use a
lockbox, but you probably receive payments from bank statements.

606 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Receiving Payments Electronically

Understanding the EDI Payment Process Flow

To receive payments and remittance information in an EDI file:

1. Using a third-party translator, translate the file into a PeopleSoft business document format.

See Chapter 16, "Developing Interfaces for Electronic Payments," Receiving Payments in an EDI File,
page 497.

2. Publish the data in the business document in the Application Messaging queue.

The subscriber program loads the data into data tables.

3. Confirm that the data loaded.

4. Run the Payment Loader process to move the data from the staging tables into the payment application

5. View PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Engine messages.

6. Check for errors at the deposit level on the All Deposits or Incomplete Deposits page.

7. Correct errors in the deposit and payment entry pages and the Payment Interface Duplicates component

8. If you use cash control accounting and you have a duplicate out-of-balance deposit, run the Cash Control
process to create the cash control accounting entries.

See Chapter 19, "Entering Payments," Creating Cash Control Accounting Entries, page 578.

Understanding Business Unit Determination

If you receive a business unit for a deposit in the EDI file, the system assigns that business unit to the deposit.
Otherwise, it uses the business unit that you assigned to the bank account on the External Accounts - Account
Information page. If both business units are missing, the system uses the business unit that is assigned to the
operator that runs the Payment Loader process.

Use the PeopleSoft Enterprise Integration Broker to set up the EDI interface.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Tools and Utilities

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 607
Receiving Payments Electronically Chapter 20

Pages Used for EDI and Split Stream Processing

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

File Inbound EO_FILE_INBOUND Enterprise Components, Load business documents

Integration Definitions, into staging tables.
Inbound File Rule, File

Inbound File EO_FILETOMSG Enterprise Components, Load banking data from a

Integration Definitions, flat file into the staging
Initiate Processes, Inbound tables using the
File Publish, Inbound File EOP_PUBLISHF
Application Engine process.
You can also use an
external system to publish
data directly in the
Application Messaging

EC Business Doc Links EC_BUSDOC_02 PeopleTools, EDI Manager, Verify that data was loaded
View EDI Audit Trail, into the EC tables at the
(enterprise component
Business Document subscribing bank.
business doc links)
Summary, EC Business Doc

Summary EC_BUSDOC_01 PeopleTools, EDI Manager, Confirm that the banking

View EDI Audit Trail, data loaded successfully.
Business Document
Summary, Summary

Payment Interface PAYLOAD_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Define the run parameters

Payments, Electronic for the Payment Loader
Payments, Process Payment process and run the process.
Interface, Payment Interface

Delete Remittance - MATCH_ERROR_CU Accounts Receivable, Delete unmatched customer

Customer Payments, Electronic remittances in the staging
Payments, Delete tables.
Remittance, Customer

Delete Remittance - Item MATCH_ERROR Accounts Receivable, Delete unmatched item

Payments, Electronic remittances in the staging
Payments, Delete tables.
Remittance, Item

Loading Business Documents into Staging Tables

Access the File Inbound page. (Enterprise Components, Integration Definitions, Inbound File Rule, File

608 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Receiving Payments Electronically

File Inbound page

To set up and use the EDI process:

1. Set up the file identifier to point to a file.

File Identifier Displays an identifier pointing to the file.

Inbound File Enter the path and file name that you want for the inbound flat file when you
import into the PeopleSoft Receivables system.

Index Flag Select only if the inbound file is an index file.

File Layout ID Enter an ID that identifies the file layout.

LUW Size, Program Leave blank.

Name, and Section
Create Message Header Deselect these check boxes.
and Create Message
Definition Name Change the value to PAYMENT_LOAD.

Message Name Change the value to PAYMENT_LOAD.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 609
Receiving Payments Electronically Chapter 20

2. Enter run parameters on the Inbound File page. (Enterprise Components, Integration Definitions, Initiate
Processes, Inbound File Publish)

File Identifier Enter the file identifier that you defined on the File Inbound page.

Index Flag Select only if the inbound file is an index file.

3. Click Run to run the EOP_PUBLISHF process, which loads data from the file and publishes the data as
application messages.

Select the following process name on the Process Scheduler Request page: EOP_PUBLISHF.

4. Use the Process Monitor to verify that the process finished successfully.

5. Verify that the subscriber processed the message and loaded the data into ECtables (enterprise
components)on the EC Business Doc Links page. (PeopleTools, EDI Manager, View EDI Audit Trail,
Business Document Summary, EC Business Doc Links.)

The value for the EC Completion Status field should be Done.

Confirming That Data Loaded Successfully

Access the Summary page. (PeopleTools, EDI Manager, View EDI Audit Trail, Business Document
Summary, Summary.)

Status Verify that the status is Loaded.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Supported Integration Technologies

Running the Payment Loader Application Engine Process

Access the Payment Interface page. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Process Payment
Interface, Payment Interface.)

610 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Receiving Payments Electronically

Payment Interface page

EDI 820 Select if loading EDI data from the United States.

EDI CREEXT Select if loading EDI data from a European country.

Upload from Excel Select if loading payments from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Match Split Stream Select to include split stream matching as part of the payment data load process.
Match Payments Select to match remittance information with cash information that you already
Already Loaded loaded into the payment application tables.

EDI Trace Number Select if you receive both the cash and remittance by EDI. The transmissions
(electronic data have matching trace numbers. The trace numbers are unique, so the two pieces
interchange trace can be matched by using these criteria.
Payment Amount and Select if you require customers to include the payment ID (this could be the
Payment ID check number) and payment amount in the remittance advice. The cash and
remittance are matched if they have the same payment amount and payment ID.

Date, Amount and Select if the customer includes the payment date on the remittance. European
Payment ID companies use Value Date as an additional matching field. (Estimated and actual
value dates determine the float.) In the United States, use the accounting date of
the payment. The cash and remittance are matched if they have the same date,
amount, and payment ID.

Customer ID and Select if the cash has a magnetic ink character recognition ID (MICR ID) with it
Payment ID and the remittance has a customer ID. The cash and remittance are matched if
they have the same payment ID and the cash MICR ID points to the remit from
customer ID that is on the remittance.

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Receiving Payments Electronically Chapter 20

Deleting Unmatched Customer or Item Remittances

Access the Delete Remittance- Customer page or the Delete Remittance - Item page. (Accounts Receivable,
Payments, Electronic Payments, Delete Remittance, Customer.)

Remittance Status Select the remittance status to search for and display in the list. Values are:
Unmatched: Displays unmatched remittances in the file. This value is available
only if unmatched remittances exist in the file.
Not Processed: Displays unprocessed remittances. This value is available only if
remittances in the file were not processed.

Delete To remove the unmatched remittances from the staging tables, select the Delete
check box next to each remittance that you want to delete and click the Delete

If the cash information precedes the remittance information and you have already run the Payment Loader
process for the cash information, the cash information is already loaded into the payment application table.
Thus, the applicable remittance information does not match the cash information. Instead, the applicable
remittance information remains in the staging tables as unmatched unless you run the option that matches the
payment that you already loaded into the payment application table. You can manually correct this by
deleting the unmatched remittance information on the Regular Deposits - Totals page. Then enter the
remittance information with its associated payment in the reference information fields on the Regular
Deposits - Payments page.

See Also

Chapter 19, "Entering Payments," Entering Regular Deposit Totals, page 565

Chapter 19, "Entering Payments," Entering Regular Deposit Payment Information, page 566

Receiving Cash Drawer Payments

This section provides an overview of cash drawer receipt processing and discusses how to update payment
application tables.

Understanding Cash Drawer Receipt Processing

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to enter an order and the payment for the order at the same time for
counter sales using the Cash Drawer Receipts feature. To load the cash drawer payments into PeopleSoft
Receivables, run the Load Cash Drawer Receipts process to update the payment staging tables, and run the
Payment Loader process to load the data in the payment staging tables into the payment application tables.

Customers can pay for an order with multiple payment methods, for example cash, check, and credit card—
each as a separate payment. Each payment that the Load Cash Drawer Receipts process updates inPeopleSoft
Receivables should have the order number and possibly other reference information to enable you to apply
the payment to the item associated with the order.

612 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Receiving Payments Electronically

The cash drawer accepts these payment methods: gift vouchers, cash, and checks and credit, debit, or
procurement card authorizations. However, the Load Cash Drawer Receipts process does not update gift
voucher information in PeopleSoft Receivables. When the Load Cash Drawer Receipts process sends
information for payments made by credit, debit, or procurement card authorizations, the payment method is
EFT. Also, the payment method for the items paid for with these authorizations is EFT. The reason that these
items have an EFT payment method is to differentiate these items from items with a credit card payment
where you run the Receivables Credit Card process (AR_CRCARD) to create the payments and a payment
worksheet in PeopleSoft Receivables. The payments can be either full payments or deposits for an order.

The Load Cash Drawer Receipts process populates the Payment ID field with different values depending on
the payment method, as shown in this table:

Payment Method Payment ID

Cash Cash drawer receipt number

EFT (debit, credit, or procurement card) Authorization code

Check Check number

The cash drawer setup defines which bank and bank account to use for payments that you enter in the cash
drawer. The setup also defines which receivables business unit is associated with each cash drawer. The
system assigns the next available deposit ID to the cash drawer transaction for the deposit business unit. This
table shows how the Load Cash Drawer Receipts process maps the fields on the cash drawer transaction to the
fields in the payment staging tables:

Cash Drawer Receipt Fields Payment Staging Table Fields

Deposit Business Unit LOCKBOX_ID


Payment Sequence Number PAYMENT_SEQ_NUM

The system creates a separate deposit for all payments with the same payment method. For example, it creates
three deposits if applicable: one for cash payments, one for EFT payments, and one for checks.

Note. The Payment Loader process processes payments with a cash payment method only if they originate in
the cash drawer receipts interface.

After you load the cash drawer receipts into the payment application tables, use Payment Predictor to apply
the payments to the items associated with the orders. Oracle recommends that you update the items from
PeopleSoft Billing to PeopleSoft Receivables and post them before running the Payment Predictor process.

Note. You can access the Cash Drawer page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Cash Drawer, Cash Drawer
Receipt page) from a link on the Pending Items - Group Action page (Accounts Receivable, Pending Items,
Online Items, Group Entry).

See Chapter 18, "Entering Pending Items," Entering or Updating Pending Items, page 515.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 613
Receiving Payments Electronically Chapter 20

See Also

Chapter 9, "Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing," Item-Level Adjustments and Reference Values, page

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up and Maintaining a
Cash Drawer"

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order Management 9.1 PeopleBook, "Entering Counter Sales," Using the Cash Drawer

Page Used to Receive Cash Drawer Payments

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Payment Interface PAYLOAD_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Define run parameters for

Payments, Electronic the Payment Loader process
Payments, Process Payment to load cash drawer
Interface, Payment Interface payments into the payment
application tables.

Updating Payment Application Tables

Access the Payment Interface page. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Process Payment
Interface, Payment Interface.)

Select the Cash Drawer Receipts check box.

Receiving and Editing Spreadsheet Payments

This section provides an overview of spreadsheet payments, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

• Set up spreadsheet payments.

• Enter spreadsheet payments.

• Edit and process spreadsheet payments.

• Run the Payment Loader process.

• Review errors in spreadsheet payments.

• Correct errors in spreadsheet payments.

• Correct errors in spreadsheet payment references.

614 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Receiving Payments Electronically

Understanding Spreadsheet Payments

The Spreadsheet Payment workbook enables you to enter payments offline using Microsoft Excel and then
import the payments into your PeopleSoft Receivables system. When you import the spreadsheet payments,
and they go through the edit process, the Payment Loader Application Engine process loads the payment data
into the payment application tables.

Note. The spreadsheet payment upload process supports MicroSoft Excel input formats. If you use a non-
Excel spreadsheet, you must convert the data to an Excel format before importing.

The ExcelUploadforDeposits.xls workbook is the Microsoft Excel data input tool. You use it to prepare and
enter payments and import them into your PeopleSoft database.

Two worksheets make up the ExcelUploadforDeposits.xls workbook, the Template worksheet and the Data
Sheet worksheet. The Template worksheet contains all of the available fields that you can configure for data
entry. You enter the transaction data on the Data Sheet worksheet. You can create multiple versions of the
Microsoft Excel workbook, each with different templates if required.

The Spreadsheet Payment workbook supports check, EFT, and EFT Giro payment methods.

Spreadsheet Payment Upload Process Flow

The Spreadsheet Payment Upload Process flow consists of the following steps:

1. Enter the payment data into the spreadsheet.

Enter data into all of the required fields for a PeopleSoft Receivables payment.

2. Generate XML and post the file from the spreadsheet payment options.

A Visual Basic (VB) macro in the Spreadsheet Payment workbook converts the spreadsheet data into an
XML format that the PeopleSoft Integration Broker reads and then posts to a URL available to PeopleSoft

3. Integration Broker processes the incoming XML data and transfers it to the Excel Payment Upload tables
on the application server.

4. The Excel Payment Upload process (AR_EDIT_UPLOADED_PAY_INFO) validates the data in the
Excel Payment Upload tables. Data with errors causes the rejection of the entire payment group. You
must correct any errors before the data can be processed successfully. Oracle recommends that you
correct the errors online through the Excel Upload Error Correction page. However, you can correct the
errors in the Spreadsheet Payment workbook and then regenerate the XML file and post the data again.

5. The Excel Upload Payment process copies the validated payment data into the payment staging tables.

6. Run the Payment Loader process to select the payments based on the process run control parameters and
build the PeopleSoft Receivables deposit and payment groups.

All payments in the Excel Payment Upload tables are assigned the value XEL in the DATA_SOURCE
field. The Payment Loader process uses the XEL data source value to recognize payments created through
the spreadsheet payment upload process.

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Receiving Payments Electronically Chapter 20

The following diagram illustrates the flow for processing spreadsheet payments. The data is entered into an
Excel spreadsheet and the Excel Visual Basic Macros are run on the data, which is sent to Integration Broker.
Integration Broker sends the data to Excel Payment Upload tables. The Excel Upload Payment Process
(AR_EDIT_UPLOADED_PAY_INFO) is run and, if errors occur, they can be corrected on an Excel Upload
Error Correction page. If no errors occur, the payment data is sent to the Payment Staging Tables. The
Payment Loader Process (AR_PAYLOAD) runs and the data is updated in the payment tables.

Excel Payment Upload process flow

Spreadsheet Payment Upload Data Fields

You can configure the ExcelUploadforDeposits.xls workbook for the appropriate data entry required.
However, certain fields must contain data order to properly convert the data into an XML file.

The ExcelUploadforDeposits.xls workbook enables you to enter data into fields that are available in the
regular deposit entry process. The fields available in the ExcelUploadforDeposits.xls workbook are:

616 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Receiving Payments Electronically

Record Type Field Required? Notes

Record Type 000 Process Flag N This field exists on the Data
Sheet worksheet.
Deposit Information
Valid values are Y and N.
This field is used only by
the Visual Basic macros in
the Spreadsheet Payment
workbook. This row of data
is processed only if the
Process Flag field value is
After processing, the field
value is set to N. To
reprocess this row, you
must change the value to Y.

Record Type 000 Remit Only N Valid values are Y and N.

Deposit Information Y indicates that only the
remit data will be processed
and added to a payment
already in the system. The
payment is identified in
record type 001 of the

Record Type 000 Deposit Business Unit Y Populating this field on the
Data Sheet worksheet
Deposit Information
indicates a new deposit for
system processing.

Note. This field must be

populated in the first row of
the Data Sheet worksheet.
All rows are skipped until
the VB macros find a row
with this field populated.

Record Type 000 Deposit ID Y The system assigns the

deposit ID when you
Deposit Information
deselect the Add to Data
Sheet check box for this
field type on the Template
The system assigns the
deposit ID when this field
on the Data Sheet
worksheet is blank.

Record Type 000 OprID Y Default values are not

available for this field
Deposit Information

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 617
Receiving Payments Electronically Chapter 20

Record Type Field Required? Notes

Record Type 000 Control Count Y

Deposit Information

Record Type 000 Control Amount Y

Deposit Information

Record Type 000 Accounting Date Y

Deposit Information

Record Type 000 Bank Code N If you leave this field blank,
the system uses the bank
Deposit Information
specified on the
Receivables Options -
General 1 page.

Record Type 000 Bank Account N If you leave this field blank,
the system uses the bank
Deposit Information
account specified on the
Receivables Options -
General 1 page.

Record Type 000 Received Date N If you leave this field blank,
the system uses the current
Deposit Information

Record Type 001 Deposit BU Y Default values for these

fields are copied from the
Payment Information Deposit ID
deposit record, record type

Record Type 001 Payment Sequence Y This field is automatically

populated in the
Payment Information
background. The number in
this field increments by one
for each new payment.

Record Type 001 Payment ID Y Data in this field on the

Data Sheet worksheet
Payment Information
indicates that a new
payment is within a deposit
for system processing.
If this field is left blank, the
payment will not be
uploaded to the database.

Record Type 001 Payment Amount Y The Excel Payment Upload

process does not process
Payment Information
payments with negative

618 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Receiving Payments Electronically

Record Type Field Required? Notes

Record Type 001 Payment Currency N If you leave this field blank,
the system uses the format
Payment Information
currency specified on the
Receivables Options -
Payment Options page.

Record Type 001 Payment Method N The supported payment

methods are:
Payment Information
• Check


• EFT Giro

If you leave this field blank,

the system uses the
payment method specified
on the Receivables Options
- Payment Options page.

Record Type 002 Deposit BU Y Default values for these

fields are copied from the
Customer Remit Deposit ID
payment information,
Payment Sequence record type 001.

Record Type 002 Identification Sequence Y This field is automatically

populated in the
Customer Remit
background. The number in
this field increments by one
for each new customer.

Record Type 002 Customer ID Y Do not enter data in this

field if data is entered in the
Customer Remit
MICR ID field

Record Type 002 Business Unit Y This field is required when

the Customer ID field is
Customer Remit
Do not enter data in this
field if data is entered in the
MICR ID field

Record Type 002 MICR ID Y This field is required if the

Customer ID field is not
Customer Remit
Do not enter data in this
field if data is entered in the
Customer ID field

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 619
Receiving Payments Electronically Chapter 20

Record Type Field Required? Notes

Record Type 003 Deposit BU Y Default values for these

fields are copied from the
Summary and Detail Deposit ID
customer payment
Reference Remit
Payment Sequence information, record type

Record Type 003 Identification Sequence Y This field is automatically

populated in the
Summary and Detail
background. The number in
Reference Remit
this field increments by one
for each new payment.

Record Type 003 Reference Qualifier Code Y This field requires data in
the Reference Value field.
Summary and Detail
Reference Remit If you enter data in this
Information field, do not enter data in
the Item,Item Line,Business
Unit,Customer ID,Payment
Amount, or Discount Taken

Record Type 003 Reference Value Y This field requires data in

the Reference Qualifier
Summary and Detail
Code field.
Reference Remit

Record Type 003 Entry Event N

Summary and Detail
Reference Remit

Record Type 003 Item Y If you enter data in this

field, do not enter data in
Summary and Detail
the Reference Qualifier
Reference Remit
Code or Reference Value
The following fields require
that you enter data:
• Item Line

• Business Unit

• Customer ID

• Payment Amount

• Discount Taken

620 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Receiving Payments Electronically

Record Type Field Required? Notes

Record Type 003 Item Line Y If you enter data in this

field, do not enter data in
Summary and Detail
the Reference Qualifier
Reference Remit
Code or Reference Value
Enter data in the following
• Item

• Business Unit

• Customer ID

• Payment Amount

• Discount Taken

Record Type 003 Business Unit Y If you enter data in this

field, do not enter data in
Summary and Detail
the Reference Qualifier
Reference Remit
Code or Reference Value
field. Enter data in the
following fields:
• Item

• Item Line

• Customer ID

• Payment Amount

• Discount Taken

Record Type 003 Customer ID Y If you enter data in this

field, do not enter data in
Summary and Detail
the Reference Qualifier
Reference Remit
Code or Reference Value
Enter data in the following
• Item

• Item Line

• Business Unit

• Payment Amount

• Discount Taken

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 621
Receiving Payments Electronically Chapter 20

Record Type Field Required? Notes

Record Type 003 Payment Amount Y If you enter data in this

field, do not enter data in
Summary and Detail
the Reference Qualifier
Reference Remit
Code or Reference Value
This amount must be
greater than zero.
Enter data in the following
• Item

• Item Line

• Business Unit

• Customer ID

• Discount Taken

Record Type 003 Discount Taken N If you enter data in this

field, do not enter data in
Summary and Detail
the Reference Qualifier
Reference Remit
Code or Reference Value
This amount must be
greater than or equal to
Requires data in the
following fields:
• Item

• Item Line

• Business Unit

• Customer ID

• Payment Amount

See Also

Chapter 19, "Entering Payments," Entering Regular Deposits, page 563

Before you can enter and import spreadsheet payments, you must:

622 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Receiving Payments Electronically

• Copy the ExcelUploadforDeposits.xls file to a folder on your workstation.

The file is located in the core\build\excel folder of the shipped PeopleSoft software.

• Install MicroSoft-delivered XML library file MSXML.DLL on your workstation.

• Set up your Microsoft Excel to accept macros.

• Configure Integration Broker for the Receivables EIP (enterprise integration point).

The web server and the application server should be configured for setting up the Integration Gateway.
Also, the application server should be configured to have the Pub/Sub servers established before bringing
up the application server.

Determine your default local node for the Integration Broker to receive the data and run the application
message. Oracle defines the default local node as PSFT_EP, but you can change it to your default local

Configure your browser to automatically detect LAN settings. From your browser, navigate to Tools,
Internet Options. Select the Connections tab and click the LAN Settings button. Select Automatically
detect settings in the Automatic configuration group box.

• Create an Excel Payment Upload process run control.

See Also

Chapter 19, "Entering Payments," page 559

PeopleSoft PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Pages Used to Receive and Edit Spreadsheet Payments

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Excel Payment Upload EXCEL_EDIT_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Use to retrieve and validate
Process Payments, Electronic payment data that is created
Payments, Excel Edit from an uploaded XML file.

Payment Interface PAYLOAD_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Run the Payment Loader

Payments, Electronic process for spreadsheet
Payments, Process Payment payments.
Interface, Payment Interface

Excel Upload Deposit EXCEL_ERROR_LIST Accounts Receivable, Select deposit records

Errors Payments, Electronic created from the Excel
Payments, Excel Error Payment Upload process.

Excel Upload Error EXCEL_ERR_CORR Click the link for the Edit payments created from
Correction deposit ID on the Excel the Excel Payment Upload
Upload Deposit Errors process that have been
page. marked as containing errors

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 623
Receiving Payments Electronically Chapter 20

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

References EXCEL_ERR_CORR2 Click the References link on Edit the reference

the Excel Upload Error information for a payment
Correction page received from the Excel
Payment Upload process.

Setting Up Spreadsheet Payments

Access the Spreadsheet Payment - Template worksheet by clicking the ExcelUploadforDeposits.xls file
delivered with your PeopleSoft products. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Excel Edit
Request.) You set the defaults and set up your payment spreadsheets for importing into PeopleSoft
Receivables on the Template worksheet.

Spreadsheet Payment -Template worksheet

The Template worksheet in the Spreadsheet Payment workbook contains all of the available fields that you
can use on the Data Sheet worksheet to enter payment data.

Machine Name, Enter machine name, integration gateway, from node, and to node. The data
Integration Gateway, entered in these fields creates a URL string.
From Node, and To
Node Note. Oracle delivers the From Node as PSFT_AR_DEP_EXCEL_XML The
Integration Broker subscribes only to a single default local node. The To Node is
the URL for the database that you want to receive the payments.

See PeopleSoft PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Generated URL Displays the URL generated from the host name, integration gateway, and node
entered. The XML file created is posted to the defined URL.

Record Displays the Excel Payment Upload table name associated with the field.

624 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Receiving Payments Electronically

Record Type Displays the record type associated with the field. Values are:
• 000: Deposit information. The deposit information fields are highlighted in

• 001: Payment information. The payment information fields are highlighted in


• 002: Customer remit information. The customer remit information fields are
highlighted in light blue.

• 003: Summary and detail reference remit information. The reference remit
summary information and the reference remit detail fields are highlighted in

The deposit, payment, customer remit, summary, and detail reference remit
information fields are color-coded to differentiate the various sets of data.

Field Displays the name of the field.

Label Displays the label of the field.

Field Type Displays the type of the field. Types include Character,Date, and Number.

Field Length Displays the length of the field.

Required Displays a value of Yes or No depending on whether the field is required during
data entry.

Default Value Enter the default value for the field. The value entered in the Template worksheet
will be the field value displayed on the Data Sheet worksheet. You can override
the default value on the Data Sheet worksheet.

Note. You can enter default values for fields not included in the Data Sheet
worksheet. The default values will become part of the transaction data, but will
not be visible on the Data Sheet worksheet.

Add to Data Sheet Select to include the field on the Data page.

Update Data Sheet Click to update the Data Sheet worksheet with the selected fields.

Set Password Click to enter or change a password associated with this spreadsheet file.

Hide Template Click to hide the Template worksheet for this spreadsheet file. You will be
prompted to enter a password if one has not been defined. You can navigate back
to the Template worksheet by selecting from your Excel Tools menu, Macro,
Macros. A window pops up listing all the macros. Select the ShowAdminSheet
macro and click Run. The system prompts you for a password before displaying
the Template worksheet.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 625
Receiving Payments Electronically Chapter 20

Entering Spreadsheet Payments

Access the Spreadsheet Payment - Data Sheet worksheet by clicking the ExcelUploadforDeposits.xls file
delivered with your PeopleSoft products. You use the Data Sheet worksheet to create and import payment

Spreadsheet - Data Sheet worksheet

Enter payment data and import the payment data into PeopleSoft Receivables using the Data Sheet worksheet.
The Data Sheet worksheet is designed to display only the fields selected in the Template worksheet.

Note. You must enter data in record type 000, the Deposit Information fields in the first row of the Data Sheet
worksheet. The VB macro skips all rows until the macro locates data in the Deposit Unit field in record type
000.. You are not required to enter the deposit information for multiple payments if they are part of a single
deposit. Also, you are not required to enter the same payment information for multiple lines of customer and
item remit information.

Generate XML and Post Click to create an XML file and post the file to the URL defined in the Template
worksheet. The Excel Save As window appears when you click the Generate
XML and Post button. Save the XML file to the same folder where the actual
spreadsheet resides to instantly post the XML file to the URL.

Note. The URL string must be valid to post the XML data. The Excel Upload
Payment Process (AR_EDIT_UPLOADED_PAY_INFO) retrieves the XML data
from the URL site when it is posted.

Generate XML Click to create an XML file. The Excel Save As window appears when you click
the Generate XML button. Indicate the file name and where you want to save it.
For example, you can write the data to an FTP site and create another process to
post the XML file to the URL. When Integration Broker is active, it posts the
XML data to the system making the data available for processing by the online
and batch Receivables Excel Payment Upload process.

626 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Receiving Payments Electronically

Record Type (Line 2) Displays the record type associated with the field. Values are:
• 000: Deposit information. The deposit information fields are highlighted in

• 001: Payment information. The payment information fields are highlighted in


• 002: Customer remit information. The customer remit information fields are
highlighted in light blue.

• 003: Summary and detail reference remit information. The reference remit
summary information and the reference remit detail fields are highlighted in

Description (line 3) Displays the description of the field.

Editing and Processing Spreadsheet Payments

Access the Excel Payment Upload Process page. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments,
Excel Edit Request.)

Deposit Unit Enter the business unit for the Excel deposits that you want to edit. Leave this
field blank to accept deposits from any business unit.

Deposit ID Enter the deposit ID for the Excel deposits that you want to edit. Leave this field
blank to accept all deposits.

User ID Enter the user ID for the Excel deposits that you want to edit. Leave this field
blank to accept all user IDs.

Running the Payment Loader Process

Access the Payment Interface page. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Process Payment
Interface, Payment Interface.)

Select the Upload from Excel check box.

Note. You can use the Excel Payment Upload process to enter remit-only information.

Reviewing Errors in Spreadsheet Payments

Access the Excel Upload Deposit Errors page (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Excel
Error Correction).

Use this page to review and select deposit records created by the Excel Payment Upload process. You can
narrow the selection criteria by specifying a deposit business unit, deposit ID, payment ID, or user ID. You
can review all of the Excel deposit records by leaving all four of these fields blank.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 627
Receiving Payments Electronically Chapter 20

Excel Upload Deposit Errors page

Error Deposits Only Select to display only spreadsheet deposits that contain errors.

All Deposits Select to display all spreadsheet deposits with or without errors.

Deposits without Errors Select to display only deposits that do not contain errors.

Search Click this button after you determine the search criteria to display the relevant
deposits in the Deposits region.
The page displays the deposit data and up to five error messages for each deposit.

Clear Click to clear the search criteria.

Load Deposits to Staging Click to run the Excel Payment Upload process. The process uses the values in
Tables the Deposit Unit,Deposit ID, and User ID fields for the run control criteria. You
can view the deposits that the system will edit and load to the staging tables by
selecting the Deposits Without Errors check box and then clicking the Search
button .

Process Monitor Click to access the Process List page and view the process that you initiated by
clicking the Load to Staging Tables link. A link on the Process List page enables
you to return to the Excel Upload Deposit Errors page.

Delete Select to mark the deposit for deletion.

Deposit ID Displays the identifier for a payment within a deposit. Click the link for the
payment to open the Excel Upload Error Correction page, where you can edit
payments created from the Excel Payment Upload process that have been marked
as containing errors.

Deposit Errors Indicates whether the deposit has errors. Valid values are Y, to indicate errors in a
deposit, and N, to indicate that no errors are in a deposit.

Message 1,Message 2, Displays up to five error messages associated with each deposit.
Message 3,Message 4,
and Message 5

628 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Receiving Payments Electronically

Delete Selected Deposits Click to delete any deposits on this page that have the Delete check box selected.

Correcting Errors in Spreadsheet Payments

Access the Excel Upload Error Correction page. (Click the link for the deposit ID on the Excel Upload
Deposit Errors page. )

Use this page to display the deposit data for deposits with errors. This page also displays up to five error
messages for a deposit. You can change the deposit information or information for individual payments on
this page to correct the errors. The system enables you to add or delete payments for the current deposit. If
you add or delete payments, you must also change the values in the Control Total Amount and Control Count
fields until the values in the Difference Amount and Difference Count fields equal zero.

After completing the changes, click the Apply button to save your changes, or click the OK button to save the
changes and return to the Excel Upload Error Correction page. Click the Cancel button to remove any
changes you have made since clicking the Apply button or the OK button.

Note. Clicking the Cancel button after accessing the References page can also remove some changed data if
you do not first click the Apply button or the OK button.

Message 1,Message 2, The system displays up to five error messages associated with the deposit. The
Message 3,Message 4, Payments region displays all error messages associated with the payments in the
Message 5 deposit.

Get Payments with Click to populate the Payments region with information about any payments in
Errors this deposit that contain errors.

Get All Payments Click to populate the Payments region with information about any payments in
this deposit.

Error Correction Displays a check box that indicates that the error correction for this deposit is
Complete complete.

References Click to access the References page. You can modify values and add or delete
reference records on this page.

Correcting Errors in Spreadsheet Payment References

Access the References page. (Click the References link on the Excel Upload Error Correction page.)

Use this page to add, delete, or modify any customer, summary, and detail references associated with a

Click the Apply button to save your changes or click the OK button to save your changes and return to the
Excel Upload Error Correction page. Clicking the Cancel button cancels any changes you have made.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 629
Receiving Payments Electronically Chapter 20

(JPN) Receiving EFT Payments

This section provides an overview of the EFT payment process flow, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how

1. Load EFT payment files.

2. Run the Payment Loader process.

See Also

Chapter 26, "Managing Drafts," EFT Draft Process Flow, page 798

Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," Selecting EFT Layouts, page 137

Understanding the EFT Payment Process Flow

To process EFT payments:

1. Run the AR_DRAFT_EFT Application Engine process to load the EFT files into the Payment staging
table (AR_PAYMENT_EC).

The process extracts regular payments from the file if the creation date equals the accounting date (due
date). If the customer name can be resolved to a customer ID, the system also creates a customer staging
record (AR_IDCUST_EC). The process uses the Kijitsu file layout.

2. Run the Payment Loader process to move the data from the staging tables into the payment application

3. View Application Engine messages.

4. Check for errors at the deposit level on the All Deposits or Incomplete Deposits page.

5. Correct errors in the deposit and payment entry pages and the Payment Interface Duplicates component.

6. If you use cash control accounting and you have a duplicate out-of-balance deposit, run the Cash Control
process to create the cash control accounting entries.

See Chapter 19, "Entering Payments," Creating Cash Control Accounting Entries, page 578.

You must associate the customer IDs with the customer names in the EFT files on the Customer EFT Name

630 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Receiving Payments Electronically

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining Additional
Customer Information," Associating EFT Payment File Names With Customer IDs

Pages Used to Receive EFT Payments

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Load EFT Payments DR_EFT_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Use to load regular

Drafts, Create Drafts, payments from an EFT file.
(electronic file transfer
Receive Draft Payments,
Load EFT Payments

Payment Interface PAYLOAD_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Define run parameters for

Payments, Electronic the Payment Loader process
Payments, Process Payment to load EFT payments into
Interface, Payment Interface the payment application

Loading EFT Payment Files

Access the Load EFT Payments page. (Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Create Drafts, Receive Draft Payments,
Load EFT Payments.)

Process Select Payments or Both to process the regular payments in the EFT file.

Note. If you select Both, the process loads draft and regular payments.

Review This field is used only for draft processing.

File Name Enter a name for the EFT file. The name of the EFT file must be unique. The file
must be loaded into the directory on the application server defined by
%PS_SERVDIR%\FILES, where %PS_SERVDIR% is the directory where the
application server domain is defined. If you process the EFT file using Process
Scheduler, then you need to load the file into %PS_CFG_HOME%\appserv\prcs\
<database name>\files.
After the system processes the file, it updates a table (DR_FILE_NAME) on the
database with the name of the flat file that has been loaded. Using a unique file
name prevents drafts or payments from being entered into the system twice. Only
the file name is stored, not the path.

Running the Payment Loader Application Engine Process

Access the Payment Interface page. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Electronic Payments, Process Payment
Interface, Payment Interface.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 631
Receiving Payments Electronically Chapter 20

Select the EDI 820 check box.

Checking Electronic Payment Errors

This section provides an overview of electronic payment errors and list pages used to check electronic
payment errors.

Understanding Electronic Payment Errors

The Payment Loader process checks for formatting errors and duplicates. These errors are corrected in the
following way:

• Nonnumeric characters in numeric fields are replaced with zeros.

• Invalid dates in date fields are replaced with the current date.

• Duplicate deposits in lockbox and EDI deposits are placed on hold, with an indicator on the Payment
Interface Duplicate - Totals page.

The system uses different criteria to identify duplicates, depending on the type of deposit:

• If two lockbox deposits with the same deposit unit and lockbox ID are received, the system uses four
criteria to determine whether they are duplicates: bank, bank account, deposit date, and control totals.

• For EDI deposits, if two payments with the same payment ID are received, the system uses the
following criteria to determine whether they are duplicates: bank, bank account, deposit date, amount,
and deposit unit.

The system groups duplicate payments into deposits and marks them as duplicates.

Online error correction is available for any payments that do not transfer smoothly. If a deposit is out of
balance and contains errors, you can access it on the All Deposits or Incomplete Deposits pages.

Pages Used to Check Electronic Payment Errors

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

All Deposits DEPOSIT_ALL Accounts Receivable, Check a specific deposit ID

Payments, Review number or scan any or all of
Payments, All Deposits, All your deposits at one time.
Deposits This page displays control
totals and status information
for a single deposit at a

632 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Receiving Payments Electronically

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Incomplete Deposits DEPOSIT_INCOMPLETE Accounts Receivable, Track down deposits that

Payments, Review are not completely
Payments, Incomplete processed. View the
Deposits, Incomplete payment amount in the
Deposits deposit that is still in
process, summarize out-of-
balance deposits, or view
the list of incomplete
deposits by operator. The
deposits contain a mix of
posted and unposted

Correcting Errors
This section provides an overview of error correction and discusses how to correct duplicate deposits.

Understanding Error Correction

Error correction involves comparing and matching your recorded business transactions with the bank
transactions. If the totals or control amounts are out of balance on the Regular Deposit - Totals page, then the
deposit is unbalanced. You must correct the errors.

Use these indications to determine whether the deposit is balanced:

• If the difference on the Regular Deposit - Totals page is zero, then the deposit is balanced.

• If the difference is not zero, then errors occurred.

• If the control total amount and entered total amount are the same on the Regular Deposit - Totals page,
then the deposit is balanced.

You can delete a deposit that has unmatched remittance information or you can balance unmatched deposits
using the Regular Deposit Balancing component (BALANCING).

Note. The Regular Deposit Balancing component is available only if the deposit is out of balance.

See Also

Chapter 19, "Entering Payments," Correcting Balancing Errors, page 571

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 633
Receiving Payments Electronically Chapter 20

Pages Used to Correct Errors

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

• Accounts Receivable, Review deposit totals and
Payments, Online delete duplicate deposits
Payments, Regular created by the payment
Deposit, Totals interface.

• Accounts Receivable,
Payments, Online
Payments, Regular
Deposit Balancing,

• Accounts Receivable,
Payments, Electronic
Payments, Correct
Duplicate Payments,

• Accounts Receivable, Provide detailed
Payments, Online information for each
Payments, Regular payment in a regular
Deposit, Payments deposit.

• Accounts Receivable,
Payments, Online
Payments, Regular
Deposit Balancing,

• Accounts Receivable,
Payments, Electronic
Payments, Correct
Duplicate Payments,

• Accounts Receivable, Select an action to save the
Payments, Online deposit or delete the
Payments, Regular deposit.
Deposit Balancing,

• Accounts Receivable,
Payments, Electronic
Payments, Correct
Duplicate Payments,

634 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 20 Receiving Payments Electronically

Correcting Duplicate Deposits

Access the Correct Duplicate Payments - Totals page. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Online Payments,
Regular Deposit, Totals.)

Hold Duplicate If this is not a duplicate deposit, deselect the Hold Duplicate check box and make
the deposit available for payment processing. If this is a duplicate deposit, click
the Delete Deposit button to delete the deposit.
This field is visible only if the Payment Loader process marked a lockbox deposit
as a duplicate or if an EDI deposit contains duplicate payments.

Note. If no lockbox or EDI deposit errors occurred, the Correct Duplicate Payments component is

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 635
Chapter 21

Applying Payments
This chapter provides an overview of payment application options, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

• Run the Payment Predictor Application Engine process.

• Review Payment Predictor process results.

• Apply payments using payment worksheets.

• Approve write-off amounts using workflow.

• Create and update accounting entries.

• Look up information about payments.

Understanding Payment Application Options

PeopleSoft Receivables provides three options to apply payments:

• The Payment Predictor process (ARPREDCT) automatically applies payment to items and makes partial
payments based on the payment predictor methods that you define and assign to business units and

Note. If you receive payments for vendor rebate claims or claimback items from PeopleSoft Purchasing or
PeopleSoft Order Management from the Claims Management Workbench, you cannot use this option for
those items. You must manually apply the payments on the payment worksheet to indicate the base and
value-added tax (VAT) amounts if any for each item.

• The payment worksheet provides a method that enables you to manually apply payments to items and
make partial payments.

• The Credit Card Application Engine process (AR_CRCARD) enables you to pay for individual items by
credit card.

Before you apply payments, you must:

• Create automatic entry types for payment processing.

• Set up the reference qualifiers.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 637
Applying Payments Chapter 21

• Enter items into the system and then run the Receivable Update Application Engine process

• Enter payments into the system.

See Also

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Defining Automatic Entry Types, page 89

Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," Setting Up Reference Qualifiers, page 125

Running the Payment Predictor Application Engine Process

This section provides an overview of Payment Predictor processing, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

• Reset the Payment Predictor process.

• Restart the Payment Predictor process.

See Also

Chapter 9, "Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing," page 261

Understanding Payment Predictor Processing

The Payment Predictor process automatically matches payments with open items for a customer based on a
predefined payment predictor method. When you set up Payment Predictor, you define algorithms, algorithm
groups, and methods. You specify in each payment predictor method how to handle the exceptional
conditions, such as overpayments or underpayments, for the algorithm group that you associate with the

Note. The algorithm groups #DETAIL and #DTL_TLR do not allow you to define exception handling.

The Payment Predictor process either matches the payment and sets it to post or sends the payment matching
results to a payment worksheet for review. If the payment predictor method designated that the process create
a payment worksheet, the worksheet shows how Payment Predictor applied the payment and made
adjustments based on the instructions in the method.

If the system sends the payment matching results to a payment worksheet, you must review the worksheet.
You must decide whether to accept the matching results as they are or make other adjustments. When you
finish working with the payment worksheet, you set the payment to post.

If the process does not generate a worksheet, it creates a payment group and sets it to post.

Run the Receivable Update Application Engine process to post any new items that the process created and to
create accounting entries.

638 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Applying Payments

Payment Predictor Abends

If the Payment Predictor process ends abnormally, you have two alternatives:

• Reset and rerun the process instance on items locked by the Payment Predictor process and other
associated tables that may need to be rolled back to their original state.

• Restart and resume processing after you have resolved the cause of the abnormal ending.

Note. Oracle recommends that you reset and rerun from the beginning if your are not certain which approach
to take.

Perform the following tasks before you run the Payment Predictor process:

1. Define payment predictor methods.

2. Assign a payment predictor method to a business unit.

3. Override the payment predictor method for individual customers if needed.

4. Enter balanced deposits with reference information for payments.

5. Select the Payment Predictor check box for the payments.

Each payment must have a magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) ID, a customer ID, or some other
type of reference information. If the payment does not have reference information, use a payment
predictor method that has a step to route the unidentified payment to a control account and generate a

6. Verify that the deposits are in balance.

7. If you import vendor rebates from PeopleSoft Purchasing or claimbacks from PeopleSoft Order
Management, you must activate the CHKREBAT step in the PREPARE section of the AR_PREDICT1
Application Engine process.

See Also

Chapter 9, "Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing," Defining Payment Predictor Methods, page 292

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Defining Payment Options, page 32

Chapter 19, "Entering Payments," page 559

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General Customer
Information," Entering Additional Billing, Purchasing, Payment, and Write-Off Options for Bill To

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 639
Applying Payments Chapter 21

Pages Used to Run the Payment Predictor Application Engine Process

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Payment Predictor PP_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Define run parameters for

Payments, Apply Payments, the Payment Predictor
Request Payment Predictor, process.
Payment Predictor

Process Reset AR_RESET Accounts Receivable, Reset the Payment Predictor

Receivables Update, process. Unlock and rerun
Archive Receivables, Reset the process.
Process, Process Reset

Process List PMN_PRCSLIST PeopleTools, Process Review the multiple

Scheduler, Process Monitor, processes in a job.
Process List
Click Process Monitor on
the Payment Predictor page.

Process Detail PMN_PRCSLISTREE Click the Details link on the Restart a failed process.
Process List page.
Select a failed process from
the process list.

Resetting the Payment Predictor Process

Access the Process Reset page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Archive Receivables,
Reset Process, Process Reset.)

Enter your search criteria for the process instance and click Refresh.

Not Successful Process Requests, select the process instance that you want to reset.

Reset Click to unlock and reset the process instance.

After the process instance is reset, you can rerun the process.

Restarting the Payment Predictor Process

Access the Process List page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Archive Receivables, Reset
Process, Process Reset, and click Process Monitor on the Payment Predictor page.)

Because Payment Predictor is a job (a collection of multiple processes), you may need to restart multiple
processes. Find the processes that you need to restart.

Process Detail Click to access the Process Detail page, and select Restart Request.

640 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Applying Payments

Reviewing Payment Predictor Process Results

This section provides an overview of the Payment Predictor payment status and lists the pages used to review
Payment Predictor process results.

Note. If you use the message catalog to view all of the messages that the process returns, the system prompts
you for a language code and message set number. Use 6880 for the Payment Predictor process.

Understanding Payment Predictor Payment Status

This table lists the different Payment Predictor process statuses for payments that appear on inquiries, reports,
payment worksheets, and messages:

Payment Predictor Description Pay Status Post Status

Payment Status
I (processed) Payment was considered, Identified Not applicable
and it either did not meet the
criteria of the method, or it
did not have items selected
for it.

W (worksheet) Payment was applied and a Worksheet No action

payment worksheet was built
by the Payment Predictor
process for review.

A (applied) Payment was applied and Applied Batch Standard

pending groups were created
by the Payment Predictor
process for posting.

Pages Used to Review Payment Predictor Process Results

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Payment Predictor Detail RUN_AR21001 Accounts Receivable, Define the run parameters
Payments, Reports, for the Payment Predictor
Payment Predictor Detail, Detail report (AR21001).
Payment Predictor Detail Use the report to view a list
of Payment Predictor
activities between the dates
that you specify.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 641
Applying Payments Chapter 21

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Payment Predictor RUN_AR21002 Accounts Receivable, Define the run parameters

Summary Payments, Reports, for the Payment Predictor
Payment Predictor Summary report
Summary, Payment (AR21002). Use the report
Predictor Summary to view a list of Payment
Predictor results by status
and predictor method or
algorithm. The number of
payments is listed as a
percentage of the total
number of payments
A summary at the end of the
report provides the number
of payments predicted, the
number of payments not
predicted, and both numbers
as a percentage of the total.

Unmatched MICR RUN_AR21003 Accounts Receivable, Define the run parameters

(magnetic ink character Payments, Reports, for the Unmatched MICR
recognition) Identifiers Unmatched MICR Identifiers report
Identifiers, Unmatched (AR21003). Use this report
MICR Identifiers to view a list of MICR
identifiers that appear on
payments and that have not
been defined in the
customer MICR ID table.
This report also indicates
the predictor status of each

Applying Payments Using Payment Worksheets

This section provides an overview of worksheet creation and modification and discusses how to:

• Build a payment worksheet.

• (Optional) Enter item references for the payment.

• Use payment worksheets to apply payments.

• Review Item List Detail 1 Summary Information

• Review Item List Detail 2 Summary Information

• Review Item List Detail 3 Summary Information

• Review Item List Detail 4 Summary Information

• Review Item List Detail 5 Summary Information

642 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Applying Payments

• Review Item List Detail 6 Summary Information

• Distribute amounts for multiple revenue lines for control budgets.

• View and update item details.

• Convert payment amounts to a different currency.

• Select a payment worksheet action.

• Handle returned payments.

Understanding Worksheet Creation and Modification

A payment worksheet is a cash application tool; it is an alternative to applying payments through express
deposit or with the Payment Predictor process. Payment worksheets use information about customers and
items to apply payments. You match items with payments and make any necessary adjustment (prepayments,
on-account payments, write-offs, and deductions). The system creates one worksheet for each payment, not
one for each deposit.

You can process items with multiple currencies, and the payment and items do not have to be in the same
currency. The worksheet enables you to work with different item entry, item base, payment entry, and
payment base currencies.

Working with a payment worksheet consists of these high-level steps:

1. Use the Worksheet Selection page to select the items that you want to work with and build the worksheet.

If you add items to an existing worksheet, the system adds the new items that you selected and does not
delete any items that are already on the worksheet.

2. Use the Worksheet Application page to apply the payment to items.

3. Use the Worksheet Action page to select a posting action for the worksheet or to create accounting entries

You can copy selected or unselected items on a payment worksheet.

You can delete the worksheet, or you can save your work and complete the worksheet later. You can also
select and deselect a range or all of the items and discount rows on a worksheet, as well as highlight all
duplicate rows.

Note. You run the Receivable Update process to post the payments, create accounting entries, and update the
item balance due amount. In a production environment, Oracle recommends that you use Receivable Update
to create accounting entries rather than creating accounting entries online.

See Also

Chapter 28, "Posting and Unposting Groups," page 883

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 643
Applying Payments Chapter 21

Pages Used to Apply Payments Using Payment Worksheets

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Worksheet Selection PAYMENT_IDENT_IC Accounts Receivable, Create a new worksheet,

Payments, Apply Payments, modify an existing one, and
Create Worksheet, select items to include in the
Worksheet Selection worksheet.

Detail Reference PAYMENT_REF_DET2 Click the Detail Reference Create deductions, pay or
Information link on the Worksheet write off all or part of an
Selection page. item, create on-account
payments or prepayments
without first building the

Items NOT open on ITEM PAYMENT_REF_DET3 Click the Item Status link Display items that are not
table on the Worksheet Selection open on the Item table (PS_
page or the Detail ITEM). Use to list items
Reference Information that have been selected on
page. the Detail Reference
Information page but have
already been paid or that do
not exist on the Item table
to determine whether to
delete items on the Detail
Reference Information

Worksheet Application PAYMENT_WS_IC Accounts Receivable, Apply payments to selected

Payments, Apply Payments, items.
Update Worksheet,
Worksheet Application

Currency Conversion EU_CUR_CNV_WS_SEC Select the currency code,

Click the Disp Curr
Conversion Worksheet rate, and date of conversion
(display currency for the display currency on
conversion worksheet) the worksheet. The values
button on the Worksheet that you enter determine the
Application page. currency and amount for the
Conversion Amount -
Currency field.

Worksheet Application PAYMENT_WS_IC_DTL View or update details

Click the View Detail
Detail View about a selected item on a
button on the Worksheet
worksheet or copy, write
Application page.
off, or edit items.

Currency Exchange Aid CURR_EXCHG_AID_SEC Click the Currency Use as an aid in converting
Exchange Aid link on the the payment amount to the
Worksheet Application currency of a selected item
Detail View page. making a partial payment.

644 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Applying Payments

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Multiple Revenue Line AR_MRL_SEC Click the Revenue Distribute amounts for
Distribution Distribution link on the multiple revenue lines for
Worksheet Application control budgets.

VAT Header PAYM_ITEM_VAT_HDR Click the Add VAT View VAT header defaults.
Information link on the Manually override values if
Worksheet Application applicable.
Detail View page.

VAT Detail PAYM_ITEM_VAT_LN Click the VAT Detail Page View VAT line defaults
link on the VAT Header including the VAT
page. amounts. Manually override
values if applicable. If the
VAT declaration is at the
accounting date, then the
user cannot modify the
VAT declaration date.

Item Activity Detail ITEM_ACTIVITY_DRILL Click the Item Activity link View all activities for an
on the Worksheet item.
Application Detail View

Item in Other Groups ITEM_PGROUP_SEC Click the Item in Other View other worksheet
Groups link on the groups that have the
Worksheet Application selected item or any
Detail View page. pending item groups that
are not posted that have the

Additional Customer CUST_INFO_SEC Click the Additional Cust View additional customer
Information Information (additional information.
customer information) link
on the Worksheet
Application Detail View

Worksheet Action PAYMENT_ACTION_IC Accounts Receivable, Select posting options for

Payments, Apply Payments, the payment applied on the
Finalize Worksheet, payment worksheet,
Worksheet Action including entry events and
worksheets that the
Click the Worksheet Action
Payment Predictor process
link on the Worksheet
generated. If approval
Selection page or the
workflow is enabled, you
Worksheet Application
submit workflow for
approval on this page.

Building a Payment Worksheet

Access the Worksheet Selection page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Payments, Apply Payments, Create
Worksheet, Worksheet Selection.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 645
Applying Payments Chapter 21

Worksheet Selection page

Payment Predictor Select to apply the payment automatically the next time that you run the Payment
Predictor process. If you select Payment Predictor and then attempt to build a
worksheet, the system clears the Payment Predictor check box.

Note. The Worksheet Selection page and the Payments page in regular and
express deposit entry both have the Payment Predictor check box. If you select
the option on either of these pages, the system automatically selects the check
box on the other page. Set the default for the Payment Predictor process using the
bank account on the External Accounts page.

Selecting Customer and Item Reference Criteria

The information that you enter about customers and items determines the information that appears on the
worksheet. The more information that you provide, the more focused your worksheet will be. For example:

• If you enter only customer information, the worksheet lists all open items for the customer.

• If you enter only item information, the worksheet lists all open items that match your item criteria for all

• If you enter both customer and item information, the worksheet lists all the open items that match the
customer and item criteria that you select.

646 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Applying Payments

Note. If you enter no customer or item information, the system creates a blank worksheet.

Entering Customer Criteria

Customer Criteria Select the type of customer that you want to include in the worksheet: Corporate
Items, Customer Items, or Remit From Items. If you select None, the system
creates a worksheet based on the other selection criteria and does not limit items
to specific customers. You can also select None and enter a customer ID and
business unit. In this case, the system uses the customer reference criteria in
conjunction with the item reference criteria to choose only items that match both

Customer ID and Enter the customer ID and business unit.

Business Unit
Note. If you select Corporate Items or Remit From Items in the Customer
Criteria field, you must enter a business unit. The system needs a business unit to
determine the setID of corporate and remit from customers. The resulting
worksheet displays all open items having the specified corporate or remit from
customer across all business units, not just the business unit that you select.

MICR ID (magnetic ink (Optional) Enter the customer's MIRC ID.

character recognition ID)
Link MICR Click to link the customer's MICR ID to other customers who have the same

Entering Reference Criteria

The information that appears on the Worksheet Selection page comes from the Regular Deposit - Payments
page or the Express Deposit - Payments page, or from payment information received from a payment
interface, such as Electronic Data Interchange) (EDI) or a lockbox. If you did not enter information on the
Payments page, enter it on the Worksheet Selection page.

Note. The only instance in which you can use reference criteria independently of customer criteria is when
the Restrict to field is All Customers.

Reference Criteria Specify whether to use a Specific Value, None, or a Range of References. If you
select either Range of References or Specific Value, you enter information in the
Item Reference fields.
If you click the Detail Reference link to enter reference information, the
Reference Criteria field displays Detailed References.

Restrict to Select to qualify items by customer. Values are All Customers, Corporate Cust
Only, Customer Only, and Remit Cust Only.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 647
Applying Payments Chapter 21

Match Rule If you select Specific Value in the Reference Criteria field, specify whether the
item information is an Exact Match or a Like Match. A Like Match enables you
to use a percent (%) wildcard to identify the reference, as long as you provide the
beginning letters or numbers. For example, if you enter a purchase order number
of 24% and select Like Match, the worksheet will contain all items with purchase
order numbers beginning with 24xx, but will not include a purchase order
number of x24x.

Reference and To • If you selected Specific Value in the Reference Criteria field, enter the
Reference specific item reference.

• If you selected Range of References, enter the starting and ending values for
the range of references.

The values that you enter are case-sensitive.

Qual Code (qualifier Enter the type of reference, such as documents, items, purchase orders, or any
code) other criteria that you set up on the Reference Qualifier page.

Detail Reference Click to access the Detail Reference Information page, where you enter a list of
items to which you are applying the payment. This page works like a worksheet,
and enables you to quickly enter items and specify the payment amount and enter
some of the available entry types for processing the items.

Including and Excluding Items

All Items, Deduction Select one of these options to indicate the types of items to include in the
Items Only, or Items in worksheet. If you select All Items, you can select one or more of the following
Dispute Only check boxes to exclude those item types from the worksheet: Exclude Deduction
Items, Exclude Collection Items, and Exclude Dispute Items.

648 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Applying Payments

Building the Worksheet

Build Click to create a new worksheet or to add items meeting your selection criteria to
an existing worksheet.
The following may occur if the payment is out of balance or there are duplicate
• If the Build button is unavailable, the deposit containing this payment is out
of balance, or the deposit is a duplicate lockbox or EDI deposit.

Correct these problems using the Regular Deposit Balancing page.

• If you build a worksheet that references the same item multiple times, a
warning message appears indicating that you have duplicate payments for the
item when you save the worksheet.

The item appears multiple times on the worksheet. Apply the payment to the
item multiple times, which creates a credit on the customer account, or clear
the item and select another action.

Clear Click to remove all items from an existing worksheet.

Entering Item References for the Payment

Access the Detail Reference Information page. (Click the Detail Reference link on the Worksheet Selection

To view and change information:

1. (Optional) Click Get Pay Amounts to display the amount of the items from the previous entries.

This button is available only if amounts are not displayed.

2. Enter the item ID, such as an invoice number and a sequence number.

The system populates the other fields from the current item information if the item ID is a preexisting

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Applying Payments Chapter 21

3. Change the payment amount, entry type, and entry reason as needed.

These entry types are valid for existing items:

PY Pay an item.

Note. The Entry Reason field is not available when the entry type is set to PY.

WO Write-off.

DED Deductions.

Note. To partially write off an item, use the write-off option and change the payment amount.

These entry types are valid for new items:

OA On account (negative amount).

PR Prepayment (negative amount).

DED Deductions (positive amount).

4. Enter discount information:

• For earned discounts, the system automatically selects the Disc (discount) check box and populates
the Disc Amt (discount amount) field.

Change the discount amount if needed or clear the Disc check box if you do not want to allow the

• For unearned discounts, the Disc check box is not available unless you accessed the page from the
Regular Deposit - Payments page and you selected the Payment Predictor check box.

To enable the Payment Predictor process to take an unearned discount, select the Disc check box and
enter the discount amount. If you are applying the payment on the payment worksheet, you take
unearned discounts on the Worksheet Application page.

Using Payment Worksheets to Apply Payments

Access the Worksheet Application page. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Apply Payments, Update
Worksheet, Worksheet Application.)

650 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Applying Payments

Worksheet Application page

To use the payment worksheet, follow these steps:

1. Use the item display or sort controls to adjust the view.

2. Select the items to pay.

3. Handle underpayments, overpayments, and discounts.

4. Check the information in the Balance group box to determine whether you have used the entire payment.

You cannot post a worksheet until the entire amount of a payment is accounted for, either applied to an
item, deemed a prepayment, held on account, deducted from the customer's balance, or considered an

Payment Accounting Displays the accounting date for the payment activity.

Selecting an Item Action

The Item Action group box enables you to select a specific Entry Type and Entry Reason to apply to the items
displayed in the Item List grid.

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Applying Payments Chapter 21

Entry Type and Reason Select the entry type for the activity that you want to perform for the selected
items. You must enter a valid entry reason in the Reason field if you specified
that entry reasons are required when you set up the entry type that you entered in
the Entry Type field. Valid entry types are:
PY (Pay an Item): Select to apply the payment to all the selected items.
WO (Write off an Item): Select to write off selected items. The system issues a
message if you try to write off more than the write-off tolerances permit. If
approval framework is activated, then the system requires the approval of write-
off amounts entered on the worksheet that are below the write-off tolerances but
above the approval-needed limit.
DED (Create a Deduction): Select to create a deduction item for the selected

Note. If you select an item that is in use, you get an error message. A setting on
the Installation Options - Receivables page, No Mult Pending Item Selection (no
multiple pending item selection), determines whether the system checks groups
to determine whether an unposted pending item exists for the item that you
selected or whether the item has been selected in another group. To see where the
item is in use, select Items in Other Groups on the Worksheet Application Detail
View page for the item.

Defining Row Selection Criteria

Use the Row Selection group box fields to determine whether the Sel (select) check box is selected or not
selected in the Item Display grid based on a selected

652 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Applying Payments

Choice Select one of these values to select or clear the Sel, Disc, or Discount check box
for the rows that appear in the Item List grid.
• De-Select All Discounts

Select this value to clear the Disc (Discount) check box for the selected rows
with discounts and in the Item List grid.

• De-Select All Items

Select this value to clear the Sel (select) check box for all item rows in the
Item List grid.

• De-Select Range of Discounts

Select this value to clear theDisc (Discount) check box for a selected range
of discount rows in the Item List grid that you enter in the Range field.

• De-Select Range of Items

Select this value to clear the Sel (select) check box for a selected range of
item rows in the Item List grid that you enter in the Range field.

• Select All Discounts

Select this value to add a check mark in the Disc (discount) check box for all
selected rows with discounts in the Item List grid.

• Select All Items

Select this value to add a check mark in the Sel (select) check box) for all
item rows in the Item List grid.

• Select Range of Discounts

Select this value toadd a check mark in the Disc (discount) check box for a
range of the selected discount rows in the Item List grid that you enter in the
Range field.

• Select Range of Items.

Select this value to add a check mark in the Sel (select) check box for a range
of selected item rows in the Item List grid that you enter in the Range field.

Go Click this button to apply your selection to the Item List grid and update
worksheet balances.

Selecting Item Display Control Criteria

Use the fields in the Item Display Control group box to adjust the view and contents of the Item List grid.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 653
Applying Payments Chapter 21

Display Select one of these values to display all of the items in the Item List grid or
modify the display of items in the Item List grid:
• All Items

Displays all of the items in the Item List grid.

• Blank

Displays a blank row in the Item List grid.

• New Items

Displays only the new items in the Item List grid.

• Other

Displays any items that are not new in the Item List grid..

• Selected

Displays only items for which the Sel check box is selected in the Item List

• Unselected

Displays only items for which the Sel check box is not selected.

Go Click to refresh the list of items in the grid.

Click the Disp Curr Conversion Worksheet (display currency conversion

worksheet) button to access the Currency Conversion page, where you select a
display currency for the Conversion Amount - Currency column and specify
whether to use today's date, the accounting date for the item, or a date that you
specify to determine which exchange rate to use.

Selecting Row Sorting Criteria

Use the Row Sorting group box to sort the rows that appear in the Item List grid based on the value that you
specify. This feature sorts all items in the worksheet and not just the items that are displayed in the scroll

Click the arrows to view different chunks of data. For better performance, you can limit the number of rows
that appear in the scroll area on the Installation Options - Receivables page. Oracle recommends a maximum
chunk size of 100 rows, although larger chunks may perform satisfactorily.

654 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Applying Payments

Sort All By Click the dropdown arrow to enable you to select one of these sort values:
• Clear Highlights

Select this value and click the Go button.

The system removes the red highlights from the rows. The display order that
displayed when you selected the Highlight Duplicate option does not change
when you clear the highlighting.

• Due Date

Select this value and the Go button.

This sorts all items in the payment worksheet based on their due dates.

• Highlight Duplicate

Select this value and the Go button.

The system checks for any changes that occurred to the worksheet since the
last time it was saved. If there are any changes, the system issues an error
message, which requests the user to save the worksheet. If the system locates
duplicate items, the system highlights the duplicate items in red.

The system also considers the option that you select in the Item Display
Control group box. For example, you select the option Selected from the
Display dropdown list, select Highlight Duplicate from the Sort By dropdown
list, and click the Go button. The system only checks the duplicates based on
the selected item and highlights the rows in red, and ignores unselected items.

The system compares these fields before highlighting duplicate rows:

• Pay Amt (payment amount)

• Cur (currency)

• Item ID

• Item Line

• Unit

• Customer

• Type

• Reason

• Event

• Disc Amt (discount amount)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 655
Applying Payments Chapter 21

• Item

Select this value and click the Go button.

The system sorts all of the items on the payment worksheet based on the
order that you entered the items on the payment worksheet.

Reviewing Item List Summary Information

Each of the detail tabs in the Item List grid are described in six separate sections.

See Chapter 21, "Applying Payments," Reviewing Item List Detail 1 Summary Information, page 658.

This button and these links appear below the Item List grid:

Add with Detail Select this button to add an item to handle overpayments, underpayments, and
write-offs. If a new item was created in error, clear the item by clearing the Sel
(select) column, or delete the item.

Revenue Distribution Click to manually distribute amounts for control budgets across multiple revenue
lines if you are making a partial payment. This link is available only if you have
enabled commitment control processing and you have enabled input of multiple
revenue lines for the business unit.

Add a Conversation Click this link to access Accounts Receivable, Conversations, View/Update
Conversations and add a new conversation with this payment.
See Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," Reviewing
Conversations and Promises, page 1110.

View/Update Click to access the Conversations page to view or update conversations that are
Conversations associated with this payment. This link is only visible when a conversation exists
for the customer.
See Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," Reviewing
Conversations and Promises, page 1110.

Reviewing Balance Information

When you select open items, you need to check the information in the Balance group box. The system
updates the amounts whenever you click the Refresh button. If the remaining amount is not 0, you need to
adjust the payment amounts or select additional items.

Handling Exact Payments

Select items that match the payment. If a customer has no items in the worksheet, you can still put a payment
on account or treat it as a prepayment.

656 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Applying Payments

Handling Underpayments

To apply an underpayment, do one of the following procedures:

• Treat the entire amount as a partial payment against an item.

Then change the amount for the item to the amount of the payment.

• Pay off the item and create an adjustment or a deduction item for the difference between the item amount
and the payment amount by creating a new item and entering a positive amount for the difference.

For deductions, enter the item ID of the paid item as the document ID for the new deduction on the
Worksheet Application Detail View page. This ties the purchase order number, bill of lading, and
document information for the referenced item to the new deduction. Regular deductions create new items
in the system. The Deduction Due Date field on the Receivables Options - Payment Options page enables
you to determine whether the due date of the new item is the payment accounting date or the due date of
an existing item. If you specify that the due date is from an existing item, you must enter the item ID of
the existing item as the document ID on the Worksheet Application Detail View page. After the
Receivable Update process runs, the new deduction appears in the system.

• Until you know why the customer underpaid, place the entire amount on account (without referencing any
items) by creating a new item and entering a negative amount for the amount of the payment.

Do not use the same item ID for the on-account item as an existing item. If you want the on-account item
to be associated with an existing item, either add a prefix or suffix to the ID or use the same item ID with
a different line number.

• Partially pay for an item and write off the remaining item balance by selecting the split item and changing
the entry type to WO. The system issues a message if you try to write off more than the write-off
tolerances permit. Workflow is launched if the write-off amount requires approval.

Important! If the item is a rebate claim that originated in PeopleSoft Purchasing or a claimback that
originated in PeopleSoft Order Management, do not write off the remaining balance. Use the Claims
Management Workbench in PeopleSoft Purchasing or PeopleSoft Order Management to handle write-
offs. This enables the system to determine whether the write-offs meet the write-off tolerances for claim

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Purchasing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Understanding Vendor Rebates."

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order Management 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with Claimbacks."

Handling Overpayments

To apply an overpayment, do one of the following procedures:

• Pay off the item and create a new on account, adjustment, or prepay item with the remainder by creating a
new item and entering a negative amount for the overpayment amount.

Note. If invoices exist that reflect a prepayment (that is, the on-account item and the item have the same
document number), be careful not to match those items with another item that does not have a matching
value in the Document field.

• Pay off one or more items entirely and treat the remainder as a partial payment on another item by
changing the amount for the item to the remaining amount of the payment.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 657
Applying Payments Chapter 21

• Until you know why the customer overpaid, place the entire amount on account (without referencing any
items) by creating a new item and entering a negative amount for the amount of the payment.

• Pay off one or more items and write off the remaining balance by creating a new item and entering a
negative amount for the overpayment payment amount.

Handling Remaining Amounts

If you do not find an open item to which you can apply the remaining payment, add an item to the worksheet
and write off the remaining balance by selecting either the Write-off an Overpayment or Write-off an
Underpayment entry type.

The system issues a message if you try to write off more than the write-off tolerances permit. Workflow is
launched if the write-off amount requires approval. You can write off an amount only up to the user's
authorized limit. Check these amounts on the User Preferences - Receivable Data Entry 2 page. The system
compares the item amount to the user's write-off limit in the format currency selected on the Receivables Data
Entry 2 page.

Note. If you selected the Partial Payment Disabled check box on the Receivables Options - Payment Options
page, no partial payments can be processed.

Reviewing Item List Detail 1 Summary Information

Access the Detail 1 tab. (Receivables, Payments, Apply Payments, Update Worksheet, Payment Worksheet
Application, and select the Detail 1tab in the Item List grid.)

658 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Applying Payments

Detail 1 tab - Payment Worksheet Application page

Use the Customize link to sort by column and to reorder, hide, and freeze columns. This enables you to put
the key fields that you want to review on the Detail 1 tab and sort your data.

Click the View Detail button to view or update details for a selected item on a
worksheet and to copy or write off the item.

Remit Seq (remit This sequence number relates to the order in which the items were entered on the
sequence number) Worksheet Selection page. Initially, the items appear in this order. If you sort the
worksheet based on the value in another column, the number stays with the item,
but the grid order changes. Use this column to sort the worksheet in the original

Sel(select) Select each check box for applying payments. You can control the rows that are
selected with the Row Selection group box at the top of the page.

Pay Amt (payment Initially displays the open amount for the item. Change the amount to make a
amount) partial payment.

Cur(currency) Displays the currency applied used for this payment.

Item ID Enter or the system displays the item associated with this payment. You can also
select a different or new item.

Item Line Enter or the system displays the line number that applies to this item. You can
split an item, which adds another line for the same item. For example, you may
want more than one item line for overdue charges. This field value appears only
when data was entered in the Item, business Unit, Customer ID, Payment
Amount, Discount Taken fields when entering payments on a worksheet.

Unit Enter or the system displays the business unit associated with the customer.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 659
Applying Payments Chapter 21

Customer Enter or the system displays the customer associated with the payment of this

Type and Reason Enter the entry type and reason. Some entry types are valid for existing items and
some are valid only for new items.

Note. If you are applying a payment to a vendor rebate claim or claimback item
from PeopleSoft Purchasing or PeopleSoft Order Management and the business
unit for the item requires VAT, then you must split the item by entering the base
amount of the item in the Pay Amt (payment amount) field for one row and the
VAT amount for the item in the Pay Amt (payment amount) field for the other
row. Use the PY (Pay an Item) entry type for each item. You must enter the
appropriate entry reason for each row to indicate whether the amount is the base
amount or the VAT amount. You also must enter the reference number for the
claim item in the Document field on the Worksheet Application Detail View

See Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options,"

Understanding Entry Reasons, page 74.

Event U.S. federal financial systems require supplemental accounting entries. Enter the
entry event code to generate the appropriate supplemental accounting entries for
the payment activity for the item.

Disc (discount) Select to take an unearned discount.

Disc Amt (discount Override the amount of an earned discount or enter an amount for an unearned
amount) discount.
The system calculates item discounts using the payment terms code and discount
grace days that are posted with the item. A discount is earned if the payment
accounting date falls within the period of discount days plus discount grace days.
For example, if the terms code for the item specifies discount terms of 10 days
and the discount grace days is 3, then the discount is earned if you received the
payment within 13 days.
Any changes made to discounts must meet the discount tolerance requirements
defined on the User Preferences - Receivable Data Entry 2 page.

Add with Detail Select this button to add an item to handle overpayments, underpayments, and
write-offs. If a new item was created in error, clear the item by clearing the Sel
(select) column, or delete the item.

Revenue Distribution Click to manually distribute amounts for control budgets across multiple revenue
lines if you are making a partial payment. This link is available only if you have
enabled commitment control processing and you have enabled input of multiple
revenue lines for the business unit.

Reviewing Item List Detail 2 Summary Information

Access the Detail 2 tab. (Receivables, Payments, Apply Payments, Update Worksheet, Payment Worksheet
Application page and select the Detail 2 tab in the Item List grid.)

660 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Applying Payments

Detail 2 tab - Payment Worksheet Application page - Detail 2 tab

Item Accounting Date Displays the accounting date entered for online and external pending items. The
date determines the fiscal year and accounting period used to post the item for
both PeopleSoft Receivables and PeopleSoft General Ledger.

As of Date Displays the date, which is usually the same as the accounting date that is entered
for entering online and external pending items. You can also use this date to
record the invoice date used to calculate payment terms.

Due Date Displays the payment due date. If the due date falls on a bank holiday, the system
adjusts it automatically. This field is required for the Aging Application Engine
process (AR_AGING).

Discount Date Displays the date on which you can apply a payment and receive a discount.
You can set up default discount terms on the Payment Terms page for an item
(Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Payments,
Payment Terms, Payment Terms.) You can also enter discount terms on the
Accounts Receivable, Pending Items, Pending Item 1 page.

Discount Date 1 Displays a second date closer to the payment due date on which you can apply a
payment and receive usually a smaller discount.
For example, if a payment is due on May 1, 2008 and the item details indicate
that if a customer makes a payment on or or before April 25, 2008, the customer
receives a 5% discount. You also set up a second discount date (Discount Date 1)
so that if the payment is made after April 25 but on or before April 28, the
customer will receive a 2% discount.

Days Late Displays the number of days that a customer is late in making a payment on this

Customer Name Displays the customer's name associated with this customer's profile. (Accounts
Receivable, Customer Accounts, Customer Information, Account Overview,

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 661
Applying Payments Chapter 21

SubCust1(subcustomer 1) Displays a subcustomer1 based on the setup on the Installation Options – Overall
page and the set up of subcustomer 1 on the SubCustomer Qualifier 1 page. (Set
Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Customers,
SubCustomer Qualifier 1, SubCustomer Qualifier 1)

SubCust2((subcustomer Displays a subcustomer2 based on the setup on the Installation Options – Overall
2) page and the set up of subcustomer 2on the SubCustomer Qualifier 2 page.( Set
Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Customers,
SubCustomer Qualifier 2, SubCustomer Qualifier 2)

Reviewing Item List Detail 3 Summary Information

Access the Detail 3 tab. (Receivables, Payments, Apply Payments, Update Worksheet, Payment Worksheet
Application, and select the Detail 3 tab on the Item List grid.)

Detail 3 tab - Payment Worksheet Application page

Purchase Order Displays a purchase order ID associated with the original invoice if a purchase
order was used to purchase this item if you integrate with PeopleSoft Purchasing.
If you enter a value that matches an existing item ID, the system automatically
populates this field.

Document ID(document Displays a user-defined reference value, which is entered on the maintenance,
identification) payment, or draft worksheet to help identify the claim in the Claim Management
workbench. If the document reference ID for deduction items in the Item table
matches the document reference field for credit items in the Item table, the
Automatic Maintenance process matches items for all customers associated with
the remit from customer.

662 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Applying Payments

Order No(order number) Displays the number of the PeopleSoft Inventory order number associated with
the item on the original invoice. If you enter a value that matches an existing item
ID, the system automatically populates this field.

Bill of Lading This is the bill of lading associated with this item. A bill of lading lists all items
in a shipment destined for a particular ship to location. If you enter a value that
matches an existing item ID, the system automatically populates this field.

Contract Displays the contract number associated with the original invoice if you integrate
with PeopleSoft Contracts. If you enter a value that matches an existing item ID,
the system automatically populates this field.

Payment Terms Defines payment terms for this payment. The payment term is selected on the
Pending Item 1 page (Accounts Receivable, Pending Items, Online Items.) The
selected payment term specifies the rules for calculating an item due date and the
discount terms.

Reviewing the Item List Detail 4 Summary Information

Access the Detail 4 tab. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Apply Payments, Update Worksheet, Payment
Worksheet Application, and select the Detail 4 tab in the Item List grid.)

Detail 4 tab - Payment Worksheet Application page

Corporate Customer Displays the name of the corporate customer defined on the Customer General
Information page (Customers, Customer Information, General Information.)

Remit Customer Displays the name of the customer making the payment, which is defined on the
General Info (information) page (Customers, Customer Information, General

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 663
Applying Payments Chapter 21

Sales Person Displays the ID of the primary sales person associated with selling this item to
this customer. This information can be selected on the Pending Item 2 page
(Accounts Receivable, Pending Items,) or (Entering or on the Item Details -
Detail 1 page (Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information,
View/Update Item Details, Detail 1 .)

Sales Person 2 Displays the ID of a second sales person associated with selling this item to this
customer. This information is derived from values enter in the Detail 1 page
(Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information, View/Update Item

Collector Displays the ID of the individual assigned to collecting a payment from the
customer, which is defined on the Bill To Options page (Customers, Customer
Information, General Information.)

Credit Analyst Displays the ID of the credit analyst assigned to this customer, which is defined
on the Bill To Options page (Customers, Customer Information, General

Broker Displays the broker ID assigned to this customer. The customer can be selected
as the broker on the General Info page (Customers, Customer Information,
General Information.)

AR Specialist Displays the name of the AR Specialist assigned to this customer, which is
defined on the Bill To Options page (Customers, Customer Information, General

Viewing the Item List Detail 5 Summary Information

Access the Detail 5 tab. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Apply Payments, Update Worksheet, Payment
Worksheet Application, and select the Detail 5 tab in the Item List grid.)

664 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Applying Payments

Detail 5 tab - Payment Worksheet Application page

Deduction Reason Displays the default reason code entered for the AR business unit or you can
select a unique reason based on the entry reason for the deduction. If you want to
use unique reasons for entry reasons, you must create deduction reason codes that
are the same as the entry reason codes for the deduction (DED) entry type.
See Chapter 7, "Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing," Understanding
Exception Reasons and Collection Codes, page 201.

Deduction Date Displays the date based on the default setting in on the Receivables Options –
Payment Options page. This date will either be the accounting date or the item
date depending on your selection on the Payment Options page. This date You
can override the default date in this field.

Note. You can also override the Receivables Options deduction fields in the
View Update/Item Details - Detail 1 page.

Warning! If you mark an item as a deduction using the Deduction check box
rather than creating a deduction (WS-08 item) using the payment worksheet, you
do not generate any accounting entries or close the original item and create a new
deduction item. Once you select this check box and save the page, you cannot
clear your selection.

See Chapter 23, "Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information," page 719.

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Applying Payments Chapter 21

Dispute Reason Displays a default value based on values that you set up in the Customer
Relations group box on the Detail 1 page (Accounts Receivable, Customer
Accounts, Item Information, View/Update Item Details) for a selected customer.
If security was set up for you to set up these values in the View/Update Item
Details component, then you can add, update, and delete the default dispute
reason, dates, and values that appear in the worksheet.
When you apply a partial payment to an item based on a dispute in the payment
worksheet and every item row appears once, you can enter dispute information
for each item. If an item row appears more than once on the worksheet, then you
must enter the same dispute information for each row.
If you enter the dispute information for an item row, and then enter a partial
payment row for the same item, the dispute information that you entered on the
first row will also appear in the partial payment row. However, if you enter the
partial payment row first and enter the dispute information in that row, you must
also enter the dispute information for the original item row.
See Chapter 23, "Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information," Changing
Discount, Payment, and Draft Options and Customer Relationship Information,
page 723.

See Chapter 7, "Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing," Setting Up

Dispute Reasons, page 203.

Dispute Date Displays the default date that you entered on the View/Update Item Details –
Detail 1 page. You can override this date on the worksheet.
See Add link to Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information: Changing
Discount, Payment, and Draft Options and Customer Relationship Information.

Dispute Amount Displays the amount that you entered on the View/Update Item Details – Detail 1
page. You can override this date on the worksheet.
See Add link to Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information: Changing
Discount, Payment, and Draft Options and Customer Relationship Information.

Claim Number Displays the debit memo number that the customer sent you for a deduction. This
number is entered on the View/Update Item Details – Detail 1 page.

Claim Date Displays the date on which the customer created the debit memo for a deduction.
This number is entered on the View/Update Item Details – Detail 1 page.

Promotion Code Displays the identifier that you assigned to the promotion deal in your promotion
application. This number is entered on the View/Update Item Details – Detail 1

Merch Type Displays the identifier that you assigned to the merchandising activity for the
(merchandise type) promotion in your promotion application. View/Update Item Details – Detail 1

666 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Applying Payments

Reference Reason Displays the reference reason which is associated with an item on the Reason
Maintenance page (Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information,
Update Reference Reason, Reason Maintenance.) You can select Reference
Criteria when you build a payment worksheet.
See Applying Payments: Building a Payment Worksheet

Viewing the Item List Detail 6 Summary Information

Access the Detail 6 tab. (Accounts Receivable, Payments, Apply Payments, Update Worksheet, Payment
Worksheet Application, and select the Detail 6 tab in the Item List grid.)

Detail 6 tab - Payment Worksheet Application page

Letter of Credit ID Displays an ID if a letter of credit is associated with this the payment of the item.

AG Number(acceptgiro Displays the acceptgiro (AG) o reference number assigned to the item or invoice
reference number) when you ran the Statements process (AR_STMTS) or the AR Dunning process
(AR_DUNNING) for business units enabled for acceptgiro processing. It also
displays the acceptgiro reference number assigned to the invoice when you
printed the invoice in PeopleSoft Billing.
See Add link to Defining Receivables Business Units: Selecting Bank and
Payment Interface Options

Region Displays the code for the team members that are assigned to the item. This code
is selected when entering a pending item.
See Add link to Developing Interfaces for Customers and Pending Items:
Populating Pending Item Table Fields

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 667
Applying Payments Chapter 21

Declaration Point Displays the point at which you report VAT to the tax authorities—at the
accounting date, at invoice time, at delivery, or at the time of payment. Values
only appear in this field if VAT is enabled for this customer.
See Add link to Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables:
Invoice, Delivery, Accounting Date, or Payment Declaration Point.

Doubtful Indicates that you transferred the item to a Doubtful Receivables account using
the transfer worksheet.

Balance - Base Currency .Displays the open amount for the item in the entry currency and the base
currency. The base amount appears only if the balance differs from the base
currency for the business unit.

Invoice Displays the number of the related invoice associated with the item.
See Add link to Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information: Updating
Reference, Contact and Shipping Information

Invoice Business Unit Displays the business unit associated with the invoice.

Collection Code Displays a collection code indicating that one or more payments have not been
made for this item or by this customer.
See Add link to: Setting Up Collection and Exception Processing: Understanding
Exception Reasons and Collection Codes.

Distributing Amounts for Multiple Revenue Lines for Control Budgets

Access the Multiple Revenue Line Distribution page. (Click the Revenue Distribution link on the Worksheet
Application page.)

668 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Applying Payments

Multiple Revenue Line Distribution page (1 of 2)

Multiple Revenue Line Distribution page (2 of 2)

The only item entries that appear on the page are ones for which you are making a partial payment.

Display Control If you are viewing all item entries, select an option to limit the list of item entries
and click Redisplay. Options are:
All Entries: Displays all item entries.
Manual Entries: Displays only item entries that the user is changing manually.
Out of Balance: Displays only item entries that have a remaining amount.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 669
Applying Payments Chapter 21

Revenue Amount Specify how to distribute the revenue. Enter the instruction for an individual item
Distribution entry by completing the Revenue Amount Distribution field for the item entry
and clicking Distribute. Enter the instruction for all items displayed in the scroll
area by completing the All Item Entries Displayed field and clicking Distribute
All. Options are:
System Distribution: This is the default. The Revenue Estimate Application
Engine process (AR_REV_EST) calculates the revenue distribution amount for
each line by prorating the revenue balance for all lines. If you have selected a
manual method, select this option to enable the process to calculate the amounts.
Reset to Zero: Select to reset all the amounts to 0.
Weighted Open Balance: Select to have the system prorate the revenue amounts
based on the revenue balance for each distribution line. Then readjust the
amounts as needed.
Even Across Revenue Lines: Select to distribute the revenue amount evenly
across all lines for the item entry. Then readjust the amounts as needed.

Revenue Amount Displays the total revenue amount for the item entry.

Distributed Amount Displays the total of the revenue amount that has been entered for the revenue

System Distribution Select to have the Revenue Estimate process calculate the revenue distribution

Remaining Amount Displays the difference between the total revenue amount for an item entry and
the amount entered. The amount must be 0 to post the worksheet. Click the
Refresh button to update the totals.

See Also

Chapter 29, "Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables," Understanding Revenue
Estimate Processing, page 913

Viewing and Updating Item Details

Access the Worksheet Application Detail View page. ( Click the View Detail button on the Worksheet
Application page.)

670 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Applying Payments

Worksheet Application Detail View page

View item details to identify an item or change the details as needed.

Deduction Reason If you are creating a new deduction, enter the reason why the customer took the
deduction. You define reason codes on the Deduction Reason page.

AR Specialist (accounts The system populates the AR Specialist field for deduction items based on the
receivable specialist) default specialist that you assigned to the business unit. If you overrode the
default specialist for the deduction reason or customer, the system uses that

Document If you enter a value that matches an existing item ID, the system automatically
populates the Bill of Lading, Order No (order number), PO Ref (purchase order
reference), Contract # (contract number), Letter of Credit ID, and Due Date
fields with the values for the existing item when you save or refresh the page. If
you receive different information for these fields with the payment, override
those values.
If you are applying the payment to a vendor rebate claim item or claimback item
from PeopleSoft Purchasing or PeopleSoft Order Management, you must enter a
reference ID. When you run the Rebate Notification process, it sends the
reference ID to PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Order Management to use
to reconcile the claims on the claims management workbench.
This field is available for entry for existing items only if you enter entry reasons
on the AR Integration page.

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Applying Payments Chapter 21

Promotion Code and If you are creating a new deduction that the customer took for a promotional deal
Merch Type and you use PeopleSoft Promotions Management, enter the code associated with
(merchandising type) the promotion and the merchandising type. If the promotion is associated with
more than one merchandising type, you must create a separate deduction for each
merchandising type.

Location Enter the address sequence number for new items. You must enter a value in this
field to include the item in correspondence if you selected the Item Address
option for the correspondence customer on the Correspondence Options page.

Copy Click to copy selected and unselected items on the payment worksheet to a new
row to the worksheet. This enables you to create deductions and other
adjustments to lines that have already been selected for payment. You must add
the amount and entry type to the new row.

Write Off For a new item, click to write off an overpayment or underpayment amount.

Note. To save your changes on this page, return to the Worksheet Application page.

Converting the Payment Amount to a Different Currency

Access the Currency Exchange Aid page. (Click the Currency Exchange Aid link on the Worksheet
Application Detail View page.)

Currency Exchange Aid page

The Amount to apply to Item field initially displays the amount from the Worksheet Application page in the
entry currency. If you want to partially pay the item, you have two options:

672 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Applying Payments

• Change the amount to pay using the item currency in the Amount to apply to Item field.

When you press the Tab key to exit the field, the system updates the Amount of payment to apply to Item
in Payment Currency field with the amount of the payment that you will apply to the item in the payment

• Enter the amount of the payment to apply to the item in the payment currency in the Amount of payment
to apply to Item in Payment Currency field.

When you press the Tab key to exit the field, the system changes the item amount (the amount of the item
you will pay) in the Amount to apply to Item field.

Each time that you change one of these amounts, the system updates the New Payment Amount Remaining
field so that you can track how much of the initial payment remains.

Selecting a Payment Worksheet Action

Access the Worksheet Action page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Payments, Apply Payments, Finalize
Worksheet, Worksheet Action and click the Worksheet Action link on the Worksheet Selection page or the
Worksheet Application page.)

Delete Worksheet Click to delete the entire worksheet, plus any accounting entries created for the

Delete Payment Group Click to delete the accounting entries that you create but leave the worksheet

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 673
Applying Payments Chapter 21

Action Select a posting action for the group and click OK to carry out the action. Values
Submit to Workflow:Displays only if Approval Workflow is set up. Approval
workflow is controlled by the Approval Framework feature in PeopleSoft
Enterprise Components. The user is not able to set the worksheet to post until the
write-off amount is approved. Both the approver and the worksheet user can set
the worksheet to post after approval is granted
Pending Approval:Displays only if Approval Workflow is set up and the Submit
to Workflow action has been completed. Once any write-offs have been
approved, then the approver and the worksheet user can set the worksheet to post.
See Chapter 21, "Applying Payments," Approving Write-Off Amounts Using
Workflow, page 676.

Do Not Post: Saves the changes to the group, but no posting occurs. Select this
option to change the posting option for a group set to Batch Standard if the group
has not been processed yet.
Post Now: Runs the Receivable Update process immediately. If the user enabled
the notification feature, the system displays a message when the process finishes.
Post Now to GL: Runs the Receivable Update process immediately and runs
processes to create and post journals to the general ledger. If the user enabled the
notification feature, the system displays a message when the process finishes.
Batch Priority: Runs the Receivable Update process the next time a priority
scheduled job runs or the next time a standard scheduled job runs if that occurs
first. This option is not intended for large jobs.
Batch Standard: Runs the Receivable Update process the next time a standard
scheduled batch job runs. This may occur once a day depending on how often the
organization schedules standard jobs.

Note. The posting options that are available depend on the options that you select
for the user on the Define User Preferences - Process Group page. Use the Post
Now and Post Now to GL options only for small groups or when an immediate
need exists to post the transaction. The system issues a message if another user or
scheduled process is posting transactions for the same business unit and customer
combination at the same time.

If the Payment Predictor process created the worksheet and an item is selected
for a business unit to which you do not have security access, you cannot post the
payment until you clear the selection.
See Chapter 12, "Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator,"
Receivable Update Processing Options, page 370.

Create/Review Entries Click this button to create or review accounting entries. Use this option only if
you need to review or modify the accounting entries. Otherwise, use one of the
posting actions to create the accounting entries.

Note. If the worksheet does not have a zero balance, but you need to stop working with the worksheet, save
the work, and select Do Not Post for the posting action.

674 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Applying Payments

Handling Returned Payments

You can handle returned payments in a variety of ways according to your organization's policies and the
conditions surrounding the return.

Reversing the Original Payment

If you have already run the Receivable Update process to post a payment, you must unpost the payment group
to reverse the payment.

To unpost a payment:

1. (Optional) View control information on the Payment Control page.

2. (Optional) Select an unpost reason on the Options page.

3. Select Batch Priority or Batch Standard in the Action field on the Action page and click OK.

Handling Uncollectible Payments

A variety of solutions exist for handling uncollectible payments. The solution that you select depends on:

• Whether the payment is permanently uncollectible and whether the totals should be included in the
control tables.

• Whether the payment is temporarily uncollectible and whether the totals should be included in the control

To handle permanently uncollectible payments when the amount is not included in the control totals:

1. Unpost the original payment.

2. Reapply the original payment as an on-account payment on the payment worksheet.

3. Write off the on-account payment on the maintenance worksheet.

To handle permanently uncollectible payments when the amount is included in the control totals:

1. Unpost the original payment.

2. Reapply the original payment as an on-account payment on the payment worksheet.

3. Apply the returned check to the on-account item that you created for the payment.

To handle temporarily uncollectible payments when the amount is not included in the control totals:

1. Unpost the original payment to open the items and leave the payment unapplied.

2. When the check clears, reapply the payment using the original payment.

To handle temporarily uncollectible payments when the amount is included in the control totals:

1. Create a debit item to record the return.

2. When the check clears, create a new worksheet and apply the payment to the new debit item.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 675
Applying Payments Chapter 21

Approving Write-Off Amounts Using Workflow

Within PeopleSoft Receivables, you can restrict the users ability to write-off amounts on the payment
worksheet, maintenance worksheet, or draft worksheet. There are two methods to restrict write-off amounts:

• Limit the amount that can be written off. Maximum write-off amounts can be defined for the business
unit, bill-to customer, and individual user. If any of these limits are exceeded, the system does not allow
the user to save the worksheet.

• Require approval of write-off amounts entered on the worksheet that are below the maximum write-off
limits but above the approval-needed limit. This approval workflow is controlled by the Approval
Framework feature in PeopleSoft Enterprise Components. The user is not able to set the worksheet to post
until the write-off amount is approved. Both the approver and the worksheet user can set the worksheet to
post after approval is granted.

For information on the setup of maximum write-off amounts and the approval workflow process for write-off
amounts, see the "Setting Up Write-Off Approval Workflow" section of the "Defining Additional Processing
Options" chapter in this PeopleBook.

See Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," Setting Up Write-Off Approval Workflow, page

The approval process includes the following steps:

676 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Applying Payments

1. The user enters a write-off amount using the payment worksheet, maintenance worksheet, or draft
worksheet. The user saves the Worksheet Application page, the system does not save the page if the
write-off amount is above the maximum write-off amount. If the write-off amount is below the maximum
write-off limits but above the approval-needed limit, then the worksheet is saved. Please note that clicking
the Save button on the worksheet pages does not launch workflow. For the draft worksheet, the Submit
for Write-off Approval button displays when the worksheet is saved; click this button to initiate approval
workflow. For the payment worksheet and maintenance worksheet, the user goes to the Worksheet Action
page; for write-offs needing approval, the user is not able to set the worksheet to post. In the Posting
Action group box, submit the write-off amount to workflow by selecting the Submit to Workflow value in
the Action field and click the OK button. The workflow notification is sent to the approver and the Post
Action Status field on the Worksheet Action page is changed to Pending Approval.

Bottom of the Draft Worksheet Application page with submit button for user entering write-off amounts
(partial page)

The Worksheet Action page before submitting to workflow using the payment worksheet or the
maintenance worksheet

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Applying Payments Chapter 21

The Worksheet Action page after submitting to workflow using the payment worksheet or the maintenance

2. The approver receives a notification in his worklist that a write-off amount requires his approval. If setup
in the PeopleSoft Approval Framework, the approver can receive an email notifying him of the write-off
amount requiring approval. From the worklist, the approver can access the Worksheet Application page
for the payment worksheet, maintenance worksheet, or draft worksheet. From the approval component,
the approver can review the write-off and choose to approve or deny the amount. If approved, the
approver has the option to post to worksheet.

Worklist displays maintenance worksheet write-off that needs approval

678 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Applying Payments

3. On the Worksheet Application page for the payment worksheet, maintenance worksheet, or draft
worksheet, the approver can review the write-off and choose to approve or deny the amount. The bottom
on the Worksheet Application page displays buttons to approve or deny the write-off amount and contains
a section to enter comments.

Bottom of the Worksheet Application page with approve or deny actions for supervisor

4. Once the write-off amount is approved or denied, the Worksheet Application page displays a link to view
approval details. For approvals, the Approved Write-Off link displays. For denials, the Denied Write-Off
link displays.

Bottom of Maintenance Worksheet Application page after clicking the Approve Write-Off button (partial

5. Click the Approved Write-Off link or the Denied Write-Off link to access the Writeoff Approver Stage
page. This page enables you to view the approval steps and any comments entered when approving or
denying the write-off on the Worksheet Application page.

Writeoff Approver Stage page

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 679
Applying Payments Chapter 21

If the write-off transaction is currently in the approval process and the write-off amount is increased on the
worksheet, then the workflow process is restarted.

Pages Used to Approve Write-Off Amounts Using Workflow

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Worksheet Application PAYMENT_WS_IC Accounts Receivable, Record a write-off amount

Payments, Apply Payments, and save the page. In
Update Worksheet, addition, the user with
Worksheet Application approval authority can use
this page to review the
write-off and select the
approve or deny buttons.

Worksheet Action PAYMENT_ACTION_IC Accounts Receivable, Use this page to initiate

Payments, Apply Payments, workflow after entering a
Update Worksheet, write-off amount needing
Worksheet Application approval. If your worksheet
contains a write-off needing
Click the Worksheet Action
approval, you cannot set the
link on the Worksheet
worksheet to post. In the
Selection page or the
Posting Action group box,
Worksheet Application
submit the write-off amount
to workflow by selecting
the Submit to Workflow
value in the Action field and
click the OK button. The
workflow notification is
sent to the approver and the
Post Action Status field on
the Worksheet Action page
is changed to Pending

Maintenance Worksheet WS_WORKSHEET_IC Accounts Receivable, Record a write-off amount

Application Receivables Maintenance, and save the page. In
Maintenance Worksheet, addition, the user with
Update Worksheet, approval authority can use
Worksheet Application this page to review the
write-off and select the
approve or deny buttons.

680 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Applying Payments

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Maintenance Worksheet WS_ACTION_IC Accounts Receivable, Use this page to initiate

Action Receivables Maintenance, workflow after entering a
Maintenance Worksheet, write-off amount needing
Update Worksheet, approval. If your worksheet
Worksheet Application contains a write-off needing
approval, you cannot set the
Click the Worksheet Action
worksheet to post. In the
link on the Worksheet
Posting Action group box,
Selection page or the
submit the write-off amount
Worksheet Application
to workflow by selecting
the Submit to Workflow
value in the Action field and
click the OK button. The
workflow notification is
sent to the approver and the
Post Action Status field on
the Worksheet Action page
is changed to Pending

Draft Worksheet DRAFT_WORKSHEET_IC Accounts Receivable, Use this page to enter a

Application Drafts, Apply Drafts, write-off amount and
Update Worksheet, Draft submit it to workflow for
Worksheet Application approval. In addition, the
approver uses this page to
approve or deny the write-
off amount and add any

Worklist WORKLIST Worklist, Worklist Displays approval and other

workflow items that need
the current user's attention
based on user ID.

Writeoff Approver Stage AR_APPR_MONITOR Click the Approved Write- Displays the current
Off link or the Denied approval or denial of the
Write-Off link from the write-off and any comments
Worksheet Application entered by the approver.
page for the payment
worksheet, maintenance
worksheet, or draft

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 681
Applying Payments Chapter 21

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Monitor Approvals EOAW_ADM_MON_SRC

• Enterprise Components, Displays approval and other
Approvals, Approvals, workflow items. The
Monitor Approvals approval monitor gives
administrators a view into
• Enterprise Components, all approvals to which they
Approvals, Approvals, have access, as well as the
User Monitor ability to take necessary
actions on pending
approvals. To view the
write-off approvals, enter
the value of
ARMaintWriteOff, or
ARPaymentWriteOff in the
Approval Process field.
You must have set up the
write-off approvals using
the Approval Monitor
Configuration page.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise
FSCM 9.1 PeopleBook:
Approval Framework:
"Using the Approval

Creating and Updating Accounting Entries

When you post payment groups, the Receivable Update process creates the group and accounting entries. To
review the accounting entries before you post the group, you can create them online using the Worksheet
Action page. The system edits for ChartField combination errors when you create the accounting entries in
batch or online if you enabled ChartField combination editing on the Receivables Options - General 2 page
for the business unit. You cannot post the accounting entries until you fix the error if you selected Recycle in
the ChartField Editing group box.

Use the Accounting Entries page to review and update accounting entries that have already been created for
payment groups. You can edit the AR (receivables) lines for these types of new items that do not reference
existing items:

• Prepay an Item (WS-04)

• Place an Amount on Account (WS-05)

• Adjust Remaining Overpayment (WS-06)

• Adjust Remaining Underpayment (WS-07)

• Create a Deduction (WS-08)

• Write-off an Overpayment (WS-10)

• Write-off an Underpayment (WS-11)

682 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Applying Payments

Note. You cannot edit the AR lines when the system generates two transactions for the same new item ID,
because the AR line must match for both transactions. This applies when a Write-off an Overpayment (WS-
10) item automatically creates an Adjust Remaining Overpayment (WS-06) item, or when a Write-off an
Underpayment (WS-11) item automatically creates an Adjust Remaining Underpayment (WS-07) item.

You can edit the user-defined line for these type of transactions:

• Take Earned Discount (WS-02)

• Take Unearned Discount (WS-03)

• Write-off an Item (WS-09)

• Write-off an Overpayment (WS-10)

• Write-off an Underpayment (WS-11)

Note. You cannot edit entries if you selected the Always Inherit or Inherit within BU inheritance option.

For errors in Pay an Item (WS-01) transactions:

1. Delete the entries using the error correction pages.

2. Modify the combination edit rules so that the combination is valid or modify the ChartField combination
on the External Account page for the bank account if the error is on the Cash line.

3. Rerun the Receivable Update process.

Important! To keep the accounting entries balanced when you make changes, select the IntraUnit Balancing
Entries check box on the General Ledger, Ledgers, Ledger Groups, Balancing page. This enables the system
to create intraunit accounting entries across the from and to line.

If the original item that an item references has project ChartFields and you imported it from PeopleSoft
Billing, and you want to use the same ChartField values, access the AR Billing Inquiry page for the item and
click the Bill Header - Project Info link. This enables you to view the project ChartFields on the bill heading
in PeopleSoft Billing.

See Also

Chapter 28, "Posting and Unposting Groups," Correcting Posting Errors, page 894

Page Used to Create and Update Accounting Entries

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Accounting Entries GROUP_ENTRY1_DSP Accounts Receivable, Review and correct errors

Receivables Update, for accounting entries in a
Correct Posting Errors, payment group.
Payment, Accounting

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 683
Applying Payments Chapter 21

Looking Up Information About Payments

This section lists the pages used to look up information about payments.

Pages Used to Look Up Information About Payments

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

All Deposits DEPOSIT_STATUS Accounts Receivables, View details about a

Payments, Review specific deposit ID
Payments, All Deposits, All (including control totals and
Deposits status) or scan all deposits,
one at a time.


• Accounts Receivable, View the status of a specific
Payments, Review payment.
Payments, All
Payments, All

• Accounts Receivable,
Payments, Review
Payments, Payment

Item Activity From A ITEM_PAYMENT Accounts Receivable, Review all items paid by a
Payment Receivables Update, single payment.
Posting Results - Payments,
Item Activity From
Payment, Item Activity
From A Payment

Cash Received by Unit DEPOSIT_ACT_BU Accounts Receivable, View cash received by one
Payments, Review business unit or scan all
Payments, By Unit, Cash business units, one at a
Received by Unit time.

Cash Received By Bank DEPOSIT_ACT_BANK Accounts Receivable, Reconcile your database

Account Payments, Review with information received
Payments, By Bank from the bank.
Account, Cash Received By
Bank Account

684 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 21 Applying Payments

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Incomplete Deposits DEPOSIT_INCOMPLETE Accounts Receivable, View posted and unposted

Payments, Review deposits that are not yet
Payments , Incomplete completely processed. View
Deposits, Incomplete the payment amount in a
Deposits deposit that is still in
process, summarize out-of-
balance deposits (only), or
look at the list of
incomplete deposits by user.

Incomplete Payments PAYMENT_INCOMPLETE Accounts Receivable, View payments that are not
Payments, Review complete (not yet posted).
Payments, Incomplete
Payments, Incomplete

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 685
Chapter 22

Managing Credit Card Payments

This chapter provides an overview of credit card processing, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

• Create credit card payments using item inquiries.

• Create credit card payments using the Credit Card worksheet.

• Create credit card payments in batch.

• Resolve credit card payment exceptions.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Processing Credit Cards"

Understanding Credit Card Processing

You can create credit card payments in several different ways:

• Click the Pay by Credit Card link on the following inquiry pages:

• Account Overview - Balances page

See Chapter 33, "Researching Customer Accounts," Reviewing Customer Account Information, page

• Item List page

See Chapter 34, "Researching Receivables," Reviewing Item Information, page 1041.

• View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page

See Chapter 23, "Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information," Changing and Reviewing Item
Information, page 719.

• Use the Credit Card worksheet component.

The Credit Card worksheet enables you to select existing items in the same way you use PeopleSoft
Receivables Payment worksheets. You can also define other types of payment item, such as prepayments,
on-account items, write-offs, and so on.

• Use the batch Credit Card processor.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 687
Managing Credit Card Payments Chapter 22

This diagram illustrates how items charged on credit cards that originate from PeopleSoft Billing, external
sources, or online item entries are processed in Receivables. Items that are paid for using a credit card in
PeopleSoft Billing, external sources, and online entries are either paid or sent to the Receivables Credit Card
Payment Worksheet workbench, where they can be managed before sending them for authorization or
settlement. Worksheets with credit card items paid in PeopleSoft Billing are sent directly to Receivable
Update for processing. Worksheets with credit card items that were not paid in Billing are authorized and
settled online and in batch form, and then sent to Receivables Update for posting. If an exception to the
authorization or settlement procedure occurs, then these items are sent back to the Credit Card Payment
Worksheet workbench and corrected. Once corrected, the credit card transactions are resent for authorization
or settlement, and then sent to Receivables Update for posting.

688 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 22 Managing Credit Card Payments

Receivables Credit Card Payment Worksheet rocess flow

The credit card workbench enables you to manage credit card payments that have been created but not yet
authorized or settled. You also can use this component to inquire on the transaction history for authorized and
settled credit card payments. Do not use this component to create new credit card payments.

Note. Credit card payments may also be authorized and settled within the PeopleSoft Billing and eBill
Payment applications.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 689
Managing Credit Card Payments Chapter 22

Note. Once credit card numbers are entered, they are stored in an encrypted format. The encrypted credit card
number does not appear on pages used to enter credit card information, but displays in masked form. For
example, when you use the Quick Customer Create component to review a customer, once you enter
information about the customer and click Search, the Customer Summary page appears and displays 12 Xs
and the last four digits of the customer's credit card number, for example: XXXXXXXXXXXX4411.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Processing Credit Cards"

Before you pay for an item by credit card, perform these tasks:

1. Create a bank account, using the External Accounts component (BANK_EXTERNAL), that has a
collection method of Credit Card.

2. Assign the bank account to the business unit on the Receivables Definition - Bank/Payment Options page.

3. Set up the customer's credit card details on the Contact Additional Info (contact additional information)

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining Contacts,"
Entering Contact Credit Card Information.

Note. If you do not enter credit card information on the Contact Additional Info page, you will not be able
to create credit card payments and receive authorization and settlement information in batch. You can,
however, still enter manual authorizations on the Credit Card Details page.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up External, Internal, and
Netting Accounts," Defining Collection Methods

Creating Credit Card Payments Using Item Inquiries

This section provides an overview of creating credit card payments from inquiries and discusses how to enter
and transmit credit card data.

Understanding Creating Credit Card Payments from Inquiries

You can create credit card payments on any of the following PeopleSoft Receivables inquiry pages:

• Account Overview - Balances page

690 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 22 Managing Credit Card Payments

• Item List page

• View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page

Use any of these inquiry pages to access the Credit Card Details page. The system obtains the value in the
Deposit Unit field on the Credit Card Details page from the business unit specified in the inquiry search
criteria. If no business unit is entered, then the system obtains the value from the Define User Preferences -
Overall Preferences page.

The system automatically builds a credit card worksheet that contains any items you selected on the inquiry
page. The items you select are stored in the Payment ID Item table (PS_PAYMENT_ID_ITEM) so that the
system correctly selects or creates the credit card worksheet.

When you choose to pay for items by credit card on the Account Overview - Balances page or the Item List
page, the system populates the Customer ID and Business Unit fields in the Customer Reference region of the
Credit Card Worksheet Selection page from the information you entered on the inquiry page. If you do not
specify a customer on the Item List page, the system prompts you to enter bill-to customer information.

When you choose to pay for an item by credit card from the View/Update Item Details page, the system uses
the customer ID on the selected item as the bill-to customer for the credit card worksheet. The currency of the
item is the credit card currency.

Use the Credit Card Workbench to review credit card transaction history for a customer.

See Also

Chapter 23, "Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information," Changing Discount, Payment, and Draft Options
and Customer Relationship Information, page 723

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Managing Credit Card Payments Chapter 22

Page Used to Enter and Transmit Credit Card Data

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Credit Card Details AR_CRCARD_DETAILS

• Select Accounts View or modify the
Receivable, and click customer's credit card
the Pay Balance by details, and authorize and
Credit Card link on the settle a credit card
Account Overview - transaction.
Balances page.

• Select Pay by Credit

Card in the Item Action
field on the Item List
page and click the Go

• Click the Pay By Credit

Card link on the
View/Update Item
Details - Detail 1 page.

• Select Accounts
Receivable, Credit
Cards, Create
Worksheet, Credit Card
Worksheet Selection
page, and then click the
Credit Card Details

• Select Accounts
Receivable, Credit
Cards, Update
Worksheet, Credit Card
Worksheet Application
page, and then click the
Credit Card Details

• Select Accounts
Receivable, Credit
Cards, Finalize
Worksheet, Credit Card
Worksheet Action page,
and then click the Pay
by Credit Card link.

• Select Accounts
Receivable, Credit
Cards, Credit Card
Workbench, Credit
Card Workbench page,
and then click the
Credit Card Details icon
in the Credit Card
Payment List grid.

692 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 22 Managing Credit Card Payments

Entering and Transmitting Credit Card Data

Access the Credit Card Details page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Credit Card: Credit Card Workbench or
click the Pay Balance by Credit Card link on the Account Overview - Balances page.)

Credit Card Details page (1 of 3)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 693
Managing Credit Card Payments Chapter 22

Credit Card Details page (2 of 3)

Settlement History grid

You can maintain credit card information on the Credit Card Details page. From this page, you can settle the
payment immediately or settle the payment in a batch process.

For the credit card data to be authorized and settled, you must enter data in all the fields required by the third-
party authorizing authority.

If you access this page from a PeopleSoft Receivables inquiry page, the system displays a warning at the top
of the page. If you want to leave the Credit Card Detail page without saving or processing the credit card
transaction, you must click the indicated link to cancel the transaction. Leaving the page using another
method, such as clicking the back button on your browser, creates a credit card worksheet based on the items
you selected on the inquiry page.

694 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 22 Managing Credit Card Payments

Credit Card Action

Credit Card Action Select the settlement action for this credit card transaction. The values are:
No Action: The system does not perform any settlement action on this
Authorize and Settle Now:The system obtains an approval for the credit card
transaction from the third-party authorizing authority and charges the amount of
this transaction to the specified credit card.
Authorize and Settle Later: The system processes the credit card transaction the
next time the Credit Card Processor multiprocess job (ARCRCARD) is run.
Manually Approved/Settled: The credit card payment was processed outside of
the PeopleSoft system. Optionally, you can enter the authorization code. This
option is called a Manual Charge in PeopleSoft Billing.
Cancel Settlement Request: The settlement request is cancelled. The history is
retained for this transaction, but the status of the transaction is set to No Action.

Current Settlement Status

The system populates all but the Authorization Codefield in this region.

This information is also written to the Credit Card History table.

Status Displays the current status of the authorization and settlement request.

Authorization Code Displays the authorization code for the transaction.

You can enter an authorization code if the value in the Credit Card Action field is
Manually Approved and Settled. If the transaction was settled through a third-
party authorizing authority, the system populates the Authorization Code field.

Transaction Date/Time Displays the date and time of a transaction request.

Credit Card Message 1, Displays processing messages. A message with a prefix of ICS indicates that the
Credit Card Message 2, message is from a third-party authorizing authority.
and Credit Card
Message 3

Credit Card Data

In this region, enter credit card information to pay for outstanding items. You must enter data in all the fields
required by a third-party authorizing authority for the credit card data to be authorized and settled. The system
retrieves default values for all credit card information from the primary credit card that is defined on the
Contact Addl Info (contact additional information) page for the customer's primary contact. If the system
does not find default credit card information, you must supply values for the required fields.

Credit Card Type Select the type of credit card. These values must first be set up on the Credit Card
Type page.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 695
Managing Credit Card Payments Chapter 22

Credit Card Number Enter the credit card number. The system performs a number of validations that
are specified by the parameters you set up on the Credit Card Type page. If you
enter a value that does not match the parameters set up for the card type on the
Credit Card Type page, an error message appears.

No Mask Select this check box to display the complete credit card number without any
mask. Values are:
• If you do not select the No Mask check box,the value in the Credit Card
Number field appears as XXXXXXXXXXXX4523.

• If you select the No Mask check box, the value in the Credit Card Number
field appears as 5433234456664523.

Important! The No Mask check box is only accessible to users with the role of

Email ID andTelephone Enter the email address and telephone number for the person named on the credit

Clear Credit Card Data Click to clear the credit card information on the page.

Credit Card Address

Enter address information for the transaction.

Settlement History

Use this region to review the credit card payment history.

Auth Status Displays the authorization status of the authorization and settlement attempt.
(authorization status)
History Sequence Displays a unique sequence number for all historical transactions.
Credit Card Auth Code Displays the approval code that the third-party authorizing authority assigned to
(credit card authorization the transaction.
Cr Card Auth Displays the date and time that the transaction was attempted.
Date/Time(credit card
authorization date and
User ID Displays the user ID that was used to submit the transaction.

696 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 22 Managing Credit Card Payments

Creating Credit Card Payments Using the Credit Card Worksheet

This section provides an overview of credit card worksheet creation and modification, and discusses how to:

• Build a credit card worksheet.

• Use the credit card worksheet to select items to pay by credit card.

• View and update item details.

• Select a credit card worksheet action.

Understanding Credit Card Worksheet Creation and Modification

Credit card worksheets enable you to select existing PeopleSoft Receivables items and pay them by credit
card. Credit card worksheets are created during credit card batch processing, when items are paid by credit
card from inquiries and when they are built directly through the credit card worksheet pages.

Credit card worksheets populate the same tables as payment worksheets.

The credit card worksheet components behave differently depending on whether or not the credit card
payment has been authorized and settled. Before settlement, use the credit card worksheet to select items that
make up the amount to be authorized and settled. After the credit card payment has been settled, unposting
the payment enables you to use the credit card worksheet to apply the payment to items in the same way you
would use a payment worksheet.

Working with a credit card worksheet consists of these high-level steps:

1. Use the Credit Card Worksheet Selection page to select the items that you want to work with and build
the worksheet.

If you add items to an existing worksheet, the system adds the new items that you selected and does not
delete any selected items that are already on the worksheet.

2. Use the Credit Card Worksheet Application page to select items to pay by credit card.

3. Use the Credit Card Worksheet Action page to select a posting action for the worksheet or to create
accounting entries online.

You can also delete the worksheet, that is, remove the items from the worksheet, or you can save your
work and complete the worksheet later.

See Also

Chapter 28, "Posting and Unposting Groups," page 883

Chapter 21, "Applying Payments," Applying Payments Using Payment Worksheets, page 642

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 697
Managing Credit Card Payments Chapter 22

Pages Used to Create Credit Card Payments Using Credit Card Worksheets

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Credit Card Worksheet PAYMENT_IDENT_IC Accounts Receivable, Create a new worksheet,

Selection Credit Cards, Create modify an existing one, and
Worksheet, Credit Card select items to include in the
Worksheet Selection worksheet.

Change Deposit Unit AR_CHANGEBU_SEC Click the Change Unit Change the deposit unit for
button on the Credit Card the credit card worksheet.
Worksheet Selection page.

Credit Card Details AR_CRCARD_DETAILS Click the Pay By Credit View or modify the
Card link on the Credit Card customer's credit card
Worksheet Selection page. details and settle a credit
card transaction.

Exchange Rate Detail AR_EXCH_RT_DTL Click the Exchange Rate View or modify the
Detail link on the Credit exchange rate.
Card Worksheet Selection

Document Sequence AR_DOC_SEQ_SEC Click the Document Enter a document sequence

Sequencing link on the number if the document
Credit Card Worksheet type is set up for manual
Application page. numbering. Also, change
the document type for
document sequencing.

Detail Reference PAYMENT_REF_DET2 Click the Detail Reference Create deductions, pay or
Information link on the Credit Card write off all or part of an
Worksheet Selection page. item, and create on-account
or prepayments without first
building the worksheet.

Items NOT open on ITEM PAYMENT_REF_DET3 Click the Item Status link Display items that are not
table on the Credit Card open in the Item table
Worksheet Selection page (PS_ITEM). List items that
or the Detail Reference are selected on the Detail
page. Reference page but were
already paid or do not exist
in the Item table to
determine whether to delete
items on the Detail
Reference Information

Credit Card Worksheet PAYMENT_WS_IC Accounts Receivable, Select items for payment by
Application Credit Cards, Update credit card.
Worksheet, Worksheet

698 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 22 Managing Credit Card Payments

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Currency Conversion EU_CUR_CNV_WS_SEC Select the currency code,

Click the Disp Curr rate, and date of conversion
Conversion Worksheet for the display currency on
(display currency the worksheet. The values
conversion worksheet) you enter determine the
button on the Credit Card currency and amount for the
Worksheet Application Conversion Amount -
page. Currency field.

Worksheet Application PAYMENT_WS_IC_DTL View or update details

Detail View Click the View Detail about a selected item on a
button on the Credit Card worksheet or copy, write
Worksheet Application off, or edit items.

Currency Exchange Aid CURR_EXCHG_AID_SEC Click the Currency Use as an aid in converting
Exchange Aid link on the the payment amount to the
Worksheet Application currency of a selected item
Detail View page. making a partial payment.

VAT Header PAYM_ITEM_VAT_HDR Click the Add VAT View VAT header defaults,
Information link on the and manually override
Worksheet Application values, if applicable.
Detail View page.

VAT Detail PAYM_ITEM_VAT_LN Click the VAT Detail Page View VAT line defaults,
link on the VAT Header including VAT amounts.
page. Manually override values if
applicable. If the VAT
declaration is at the
accounting date, then the
user cannot modify it.

Item Activity Detail ITEM_ACTIVITY_DRILL Click the Item Activity link View all activities for an
on the Worksheet item.
Application Detail View

Item in Other Groups ITEM_PGROUP_SEC Click the Item in Other View other worksheet
Groups link on the groups that have the
Worksheet Application selected item or any
Detail View page. pending item groups that
are not posted that have the

Additional Customer CUST_INFO_SEC Click the Additional Cust View additional customer
Information Information (additional information.
customer information) link
on the Worksheet
Application Detail View

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 699
Managing Credit Card Payments Chapter 22

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Credit Card Worksheet PAYMENT_ACTION_IC Accounts Receivable, Select posting options for
Action Credit Cards, Finalize the payment applied on the
Worksheet, Credit Card credit card worksheet,
Worksheet Action including entry events.
Click the Worksheet Action
link on the Credit Card
Worksheet Selection page
or the Worksheet
Application page.

Building a Credit Card Worksheet

Access the Credit Card Worksheet Selection page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Credit Cards, Create
Worksheet, Credit Card Worksheet Selection.)

Credit Card Worksheet Selection page

Change Unit Click to change the deposit unit. This button is only visible if no payment items

Credit Card Details Click to access the Credit Card Details page.

700 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 22 Managing Credit Card Payments

Exchange Rate Detail Click to access the Exchange Rate Detail page. You can change this information
if no payment items exist and the currencies are different.

Customer Criteria and Reference Criteria

The information that you enter about customers and items determines the information that appears on the
worksheet. The more information you provide, the more focused your worksheet will be. For example:

• If you enter only customer information, the worksheet will list all open items for the customer.

• If you enter only item information, the worksheet will list all open items that match your item criteria for
all customers.

• If you enter both customer and item information, the worksheet will list all the open items that match the
customer and item criteria that you select.

Note. If you enter no customer or item information, the system will create a blank worksheet.

Customer Criteria

Customer Criteria Select the type of customer that you want to include in the worksheet from these
values: Corporate Items, Customer Items, or Remit From Items. If you select
None, the system creates a worksheet based on other selection criteria, and it
does not limit items to specific customers. You can also select None and enter a
customer ID and business unit. In this case, the system uses the customer
reference criteria in conjunction with the item reference criteria to select only
items that match both criteria.

Customer ID and Enter the customer ID and business unit.

Business Unit
Note. If you select Corporate Items or Remit From Items in the Customer
Criteria field, you must enter a business unit. The system needs a business unit to
determine the setID of corporate customers and remit-from customers. The
resulting worksheet displays all open items with the specified corporate or remit-
from customer across all business units, not just the business unit that you select.

Reference Criteria

Reference Criteria Specify whether you will use a Specific Value, None, or a Range of References. If
you select either Range of References or Specific Value, you enter information in
the Item Reference fields.
If you click the Detail Reference link to enter reference information, the
Reference Criteria field displays Detailed References.

Restrict to Select to qualify items by customer. Values are All Customers, Corporate Cust
Only, Customer Only, and Remit Cust Only.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 701
Managing Credit Card Payments Chapter 22

Match Rule If you select Specific Value in the Reference Criteria field, specify whether the
item information is an Exact Match or a Like Match. A Like Match enables you
to use a percent (%) wildcard to identify the reference, as long as you provide the
beginning letters or numbers. For example, if you enter a purchase order number
of 24% and select Like Match, the worksheet will contain all items with purchase
order numbers beginning with 24xx, but it will not include a purchase order
number of x24x.

Note. Like Match is not available for reference qualifiers that equate to numeric
fields, such as statement IDs, and accept giro numbers.

Reference and To Enter one of the following:

• If you selected Specific Value in the Reference Criteria field, enter the
specific item reference.

• If you selected Range of References, enter the starting and ending values for
the range of references.

The values that you enter are case-sensitive.

Qual Code (qualifier Enter the type of reference, such as documents, items, purchase orders, or any
code) other criteria that you set up on the Reference Qualifier page.

Detail Reference Click to access the Detail Reference Information page, where you enter a list of
items to which you are applying the credit card payment. This page works like a
worksheet, enabling you to enter items quickly and specify the payment amount
and enter some of the available entry types for processing the items.

Item Inclusion Options

All Items, Deduction Select one of these options to indicate the types of items to include in the
Items Only, or Items in worksheet. If you select All Items, you can select one or more of the following
Dispute Only check boxes to exclude those item types from the worksheet: Exclude Deduction
Items, Exclude Collection Items, and Exclude Dispute Items.

Worksheet Action

Build Click to create a new worksheet or to add items meeting your selection criteria to
an existing worksheet.

Clear Click to remove all items from an existing worksheet.

Using Credit Card Worksheets to Select Items to Pay by Credit Card

Access the Credit Card Worksheet Application page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Credit Cards, Update
Worksheet, Worksheet Application.)

702 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 22 Managing Credit Card Payments

Credit Card Worksheet Application page

To use the credit card worksheet, follow these high-level steps:

1. Use the item display or sort controls to adjust the view.

2. Select the items to pay.

3. Manage underpayments and discounts.

Overpayments are not allowed on credit card worksheets that have not been authorized and settled.

4. Check the information in the Credit Card Paymentgroup box to verify the amount of the credit card
payment based on the selected items.

Payment Accounting Displays the accounting date for the payment activity.

Item Action

The Item Action group box enables you to select a specific entry type and entry reason to apply to the items
that appear in the Item List grid.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 703
Managing Credit Card Payments Chapter 22

Entry Type and Reason Select the entry type for the activity that you want to perform for the selected
items. You must enter a valid entry reason in the Reason field if you specified
that entry reasons are required when you set up the entry type that you entered in
the Entry Type field.

Note. If you select an item that is in use, you get an error message. To see where
the item is used, select Items in Other Groups on the Worksheet Application
Detail View page for the item.

Row Selection

Use the Row Selection group box fields to determine whether the Sel (select) check box is selected or not
selected in the Item Display grid based on a selected Choice.

704 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 22 Managing Credit Card Payments

Choice Select one of these values to select or deselect the Sel (select) check box for the
rows that appear in the Item List grid.
• De-Select All Discounts

Select this value to clear the Sel (select) check box for all rows with
discounts in the Item List grid.

• De-Select All Items

Select this value to clear the Sel (select) check box for all item rows in the
Item List grid.

• De-Select Range of Discounts

Select this value to clear the Sel (select) check box for a range of discount
rows in the Item List grid that you enter in the Range field.

• De-Select Range of Items

Select this value to clear the Sel (select) check box for a range of item rows
in the Item List grid that you enter in the Range field.

• Select All Discounts

Select this value to add a check mark in the Sel (select) check box for all
rows with discounts in the Item List grid.

• Select All Items

Select this value to add a check mark in the Sel (select) check box for all item
rows in the Item List grid.

• Select Range of Discounts

Select this value to add a check mark in the Sel (select) check box for a range
of discount rows in the Item List grid that you enter in the Range field.

• Select Range of Items

Select this value to add a check mark in the Sel (select) check box for a range
of item rows in the Item List grid that you enter in the Range field.

Go Click this button to apply your selection to the Item List grid and to update
worksheet balances.

Item Display Control

Use the fields in the Item Display Control group box to adjust the view and contents of the Item List grid.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 705
Managing Credit Card Payments Chapter 22

Display Select one of these values to display all of the items in the Item List grid or to
modify the appearance of items in the Item List grid:
• All Items

Displays all items in the Item List grid.

• Blank

Displays a blank row in the Item List grid.

• New Items

Displays only new items in the Item List grid.

• Other

Displays items that are not new in the Item List grid.

• Selected

Displays items for which the Sel check box is selected in the Item List grid.

• Unselected

Displays items for which the Sel check box is not selected.

Go Click to refresh the list of items in the grid.

Click the Disp Curr Conversion Worksheet (display currency conversion

worksheet) icon to access the Currency Conversion page, where you select a
display currency for the Conversion Amount - Currency column and specify
whether to use today's date, the accounting date for the item, or a date that you
specify to determine the exchange rate to use.

Row Sorting

Use the Row Sorting group box to sort the rows that appear in the Item List grid based on the value that you
specify. This feature sorts all items in the worksheet, not just the items that appear in the scroll area.

Click the arrows to view different chunks of data. For better performance, you can limit the number of rows
that appear in the scroll area on the Installation Options - Receivables page. Oracle recommends a maximum
chunk size of 100 rows, although larger chunks may perform satisfactorily.

706 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 22 Managing Credit Card Payments

Sort All By Click the drop-down arrow to select one of these sort values:
• Clear Highlights

Select this value and click the Go button.

The system removes the red highlights from the rows. The display order that
you saw when the Highlight Duplicate option was selected does not change
when you clear the highlighting.

• Due Date

Select this value and click the Go button.

All items in the payment worksheet are sorted based on their due date.

• Highlight Duplicate

Select this value and click the Go button.

The system checks for any changes that occurred to the worksheet since the
last time it was saved. If changes were made, the system issues an error
message, which requests the user to save the worksheet. If the system locates
duplicate items, the system highlights the duplicate items in red.

The system also considers the option that you selected in the Item Display
Control group box. For example, you select Selected from the Display drop-
down list, select Highlight Duplicate from the Sort By drop-down list, and
click the Go button. The system checks for duplicates on the worksheet based
on the selected item, highlights the duplicate rows in red, and ignores the
unselected items.

Before highlighting the duplicate rows, the system compares these fields on
the worksheet:

• Pay Amt (payment amount)

• Cur (currency)

• Item ID

• Item Line

• Unit

• Customer

• Type

• Reason

• Event

• Disc Amt (discount amount)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 707
Managing Credit Card Payments Chapter 22

• Item

Select this value and click the Go button.

The system sorts all of the items on the payment worksheet based on the
order that you enter the items on the Payment Worksheet page.

Item Summary Information

Use the Customize link to sort by column and to reorder, hide, and freeze columns. This feature enables you
to put the key fields that you want to review on the Detail 1 tab and sort your data.

The Item List summary information detail tabs are identical to the Item List grid summary information detail
tabs described in the Applying Payments chapter.

See Chapter 21, "Applying Payments," Reviewing Item List Detail 1 Summary Information, page 658.

Click the View Detail icon to view or update details for a selected item on a
worksheet and to copy or write off the item.

Add with Detail Click to add an item to handle underpayments and write-offs. If a new item was
created in error, clear the item by clearing the Sel (select) column or delete the

Revenue Distribution Click to manually distribute amounts for control budgets across multiple revenue
lines if you are making a partial payment. This link is available only if you have
enabled commitment control processing and you have enabled input of multiple
revenue lines for the business unit.

Credit Card Details Click this link to access the Credit Card Details page.
See Chapter 22, "Managing Credit Card Payments," Entering and Transmitting
Credit Card Data, page 693.

Add a Conversation Click this link to access Accounts Receivable, Conversations, View/Update
Conversations and add a new conversation or update a conversation to associate
with this payment.
See Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," Reviewing
Conversations and Promises, page 1110.

View/Update Click this link to view or update an existing conversation.


Reviewing Credit Card Payment or Balance Information

As you select open items, you need to check the information in the Credit Card Payment group box. The
system updates the amounts whenever you click the Refresh button.

The Credit Card Payment group box is renamed to Balance after you authorize and settle the credit card
transaction. The region then behaves in the same manner as the Balance region of the Payment worksheet.

708 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 22 Managing Credit Card Payments

Handling Exact Payments

Select items that you want to pay for by credit card. If a customer has no items in the worksheet, you can still
put a payment on account or treat it as a prepayment.

Handling Underpayments

To create an underpayment, do one of the following:

• Treat the entire amount as a partial payment against an item, and then change the amount for the item to
the amount of the credit card payment.

• Pay off the item and create an adjustment or a deduction item for the difference between the item amount
and the payment amount by creating a new item and entering a positive amount for the difference.

For deductions, enter the item ID of the paid item as the document ID for the new deduction on the
Worksheet Application Detail View page. This action ties the purchase order number, bill of lading, and
document information for the referenced item to the new deduction. Regular deductions create new items
in the system. The Deduction Due Date field on the Receivables Options - Payment Options page, enables
you to determine whether the due date of the new item is the payment accounting date or the due date of
an existing item. If you specify that the due date is from an existing item, you must enter the item ID of
the existing item as the document ID on the Worksheet Application Detail View page. After the
Receivable Update process runs, the new deduction appears in the system.

• Place the entire amount on account (without referencing any items) by creating a new item and entering a
negative amount for the amount of the payment.

Do not use the same item ID for the on account item as an existing item. If you want the on account item
to be associated with an existing item, either add a prefix or suffix to the ID, or use the same item ID with
a different line number.

• Partially pay for an item and write off the remaining item balance by selecting the split item and changing
the entry type to WO.

Important! If the item is a rebate claim that originated in PeopleSoft Purchasing or a claimback that
originated in PeopleSoft Order Management, do not write off the remaining balance. Use the Claims
Management Workbench in PeopleSoft Purchasing or PeopleSoft Order Management to handle write-offs
so that the system can determine whether the write-offs meet the write-off tolerances for claim processing.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Purchasing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Understanding Vendor Rebates."

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order Management 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with Claimbacks."

Viewing and Updating Item Details

Access the Worksheet Application Detail View page. (Click the View Detail button on the Credit Card
Worksheet Application page.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 709
Managing Credit Card Payments Chapter 22

Worksheet Application Detail View page

View item details to identify an item or change the details.

Deduction Reason If you are creating a new deduction, enter the reason why the customer took the
deduction. You define reason codes on the Deduction Reason page.

AR Specialist (accounts The system populates the AR Specialist field for deduction items based on the
receivable specialist) default specialist that you assigned to the business unit. If you overrode the
default specialist for the deduction reason or customer, the system uses that

710 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 22 Managing Credit Card Payments

Document If you enter a value that matches an existing item ID, the system automatically
populates the Bill of Lading, Order No (order number), PO Ref (purchase order
reference), Contract # (contract number), Letter of Credit ID, and Due Date
fields with the value for the existing item when you save or refresh the page. If
you receive different information for these fields with the payment, override
those values.
If you are creating a payment for a vendor rebate claim item or claimback item
that you interfaced from PeopleSoft Purchasing or PeopleSoft Order
Management, you must enter a reference ID. When you run the Rebate
Notification process, it sends the reference ID to PeopleSoft Purchasing and
PeopleSoft Order Management for use in reconciling the claims on the claims
management workbench.
This field is available for entering existing items only if you enter entry reasons
on the AR Integration page.

Promotion Code and If you create a new deduction that the customer took for a promotional deal and
Merch Type you use PeopleSoft Promotions Management, enter the code associated with the
(merchandising type) promotion and the merchandising type. If the promotion is associated with more
than one merchandising type, you must create a separate deduction for each
merchandising type.

Location Enter the address sequence number for new items. You must enter a value in this
field to include the item in correspondence if you selected the Item Address
option for the correspondence customer on the Correspondence Options page.

Copy Click to copy the item and add a new row to the worksheet. You must add the
amount and entry type to the new row.

Write Off For a new item, click to write off an underpayment amount.

Note. To save your changes on this page, return to the Worksheet Application page.

Selecting a Credit Card Worksheet Action

Access the Credit Card Worksheet Action page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Credit Cards, Finalize
Worksheet, Credit Card Worksheet Action and click the Worksheet Action link on the Credit Card Worksheet
Selection page or the Worksheet Application page.)

Delete Worksheet Click to delete the entire worksheet, plus any accounting entries created for the
worksheet. If the associated credit card transaction has not been settled, the entire
payment is deleted, releasing any items selected on the worksheet. If the
associated credit card transaction has been settled, the payment is not deleted, but
items selected on the worksheet are released. The settled payment must be
unposted before the Delete Worksheet button becomes available.

Delete Payment Group Click to delete the accounting entries that you create but leave the worksheet

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 711
Managing Credit Card Payments Chapter 22

Pay by Credit Card Click to access the Credit Card Details page to begin credit card processing.

Action Select a posting action for the group and click OK to execute the action.

Note. The posting options that are available depend on the options that you select
for the user on the Define User Preferences - Process Group page. Use the Post
Now and Post Now to GL options only for small groups or when the transaction
must be posted immediately. The system issues a message if another user or
scheduled process is posting transactions for the same business unit and customer
combination at the same time.

See Chapter 12, "Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator,"
Receivable Update Processing Options, page 370.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook,

"Processing Credit Cards."

Create/Review Entries Click to create or review accounting entries. Use this option only if you need to
review or modify the accounting entries. Otherwise, use one of the posting
actions to create the accounting entries.

Note. If the worksheet does not have a zero balance but you need to stop working with the worksheet, save
your work and select Do Not Post for the posting action.

Creating Credit Card Payments in Batch

This section provides an overview of the Credit Card Processor (ARCRCARD) and discusses how to run the
Credit Card Processor.

See Also

Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," Setting Up Credit Card Profiles, page 129

Understanding the Credit Card Processor

The Credit Card Processor multiprocess job (ARCRCARD) enables you to create credit card worksheets and
settle credit card transactions automatically. The worksheet creation phase selects open items that are due
with a payment method of credit card and builds credit card worksheets. A credit card profile is applied to
limit the selection of open items and to apply rules for building and approving the worksheets. The
authorization and settlement phase of the Credit Card Processor selects credit card worksheets that are ready
for settlement.

712 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 22 Managing Credit Card Payments

Page Used to Create Credit Card Payments in Batch

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Credit Card Scheduler AR_CRCARD_RQST Accounts Receivable, Create credit card

Credit Cards, Process Credit worksheets and settle credit
Cards card transactions

Running the Credit Card Processor

Access the Credit Card Scheduler page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Credit Cards, Process Credit Cards.)

Credit Card Scheduler page

From Due Date Specify the beginning due date to use when the Credit Card Processor selects

Increment Due Dates By Enter the amount of time to increment the From Due Date and the To Due Date
fields. Enter the numerical value and the time scale in days, weeks, or months
that you want the due dates to change. These values are used when you click the
Increment Now button or select the Automatic Increment Dates check box.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 713
Managing Credit Card Payments Chapter 22

Increment Now Click to increment the From Due Date and To Due Date based on the Increment
Due Dates By fields.

To Due Date Specify the last due date to use when the Credit Card Processor selects items.

Automatic Increment Select this check box so that the From Due Date and To Due Date fields
Dates automatically increment each time you run the Credit Card Processor. This
option enables you to reuse a run control without having to change the dates.

Include Items from eBill Select to include items from PeopleSoft eBill Payment in this process run. eBill
Payment payment items will be selected based on the Payment Date that was set in eBill
Payment. The process includes eBill Payment lines when the item is using the
payment method CC. Even when the item was originally created with another
payment method, eBill Payment changes it to CCwhen the external user selects
this payment method in the Payment Cart or Schedule Payment Cart, so that
Credit Cart Processor can select this item.

Deposit Unit Enter the deposit business unit. This value controls the bank account from which
the credit card payment is made. The system processes each specified deposit
unit separately.

Create Credit Card Select this check box to create credit card worksheets for the selected deposit
Worksheets business unit. Credit card worksheets are created from items that have a credit
card payment method and a due date that falls within the specified range of due
dates. The process selects all items in the selected business units that have the
payment method set to credit card, as well as any items in the business unit that
originated in PeopleSoft Billing and have been paid by credit card.

Authorize and Settle Select this check box to enable credit card authorization and settlement for the
Worksheet specified deposit business unit. All credit card worksheets in the defined deposit
business unit that have a credit card authorization status of Unprocessed/Retry
are selected.

Resolving Credit Card Payment Exceptions

This section discusses how to:

• Use the Credit Card Workbench.

• Handle disputed credit card charges.

Page Used to Resolve Credit Card Payment Exceptions

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Credit Card Workbench AR_CRCARD_WORKBNCH Accounts Receivable, Select credit card payments
Credit Cards, Credit Card and perform mass actions
Workbench on credit card payments.

714 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 22 Managing Credit Card Payments

Using the Credit Card Workbench

Access the Credit Card Workbench page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Credit Cards, Credit Card

Credit Card Workbench page

Authorization Status Select the authorization status of the credit card payments that will appear in the
Credit Card Payment List area. Values are:
Authorized and Billed
Manually Approved/Settled
No Action
Pending Approval
Validation Errors
Zero Payment for maintenance
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook,
"Processing Credit Cards."

From Date and To Date Enter the date range that identifies when the credit card payments were created.

Search Click to populate the Credit Card Payment List area with data based on the
information entered in the Search Criteria region.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 715
Managing Credit Card Payments Chapter 22

Clear Click to clear the information in the Search Criteria region.

Payment ID Displays the remit sequence for the item on the Credit Card Worksheet
Application page. Click the link to access the Credit Card Worksheet Application

Credit Card Auth Status Displays the authorization status of the credit card payment.
(credit card authorization
Credit Card Displays the date the authorization was received from the third party authorizing
Authorization Date authority.

Authorize and Settle Click to submit all selected credit card worksheets for authorization and
Now settlement. Until the authorization and settlement process completes, the credit
card worksheets are not available for selection, and they have a credit card
authorization status of Processing.

Cancel Settlement Click to cancel the settlement request for the selected credit card worksheets that
Request have not been authorized and settled. This button sets the Credit Card
Authorization Status to No Action. The cancelled credit card worksheets are not
selected by the Credit Card Processor, however, you can update a cancelled
credit card worksheet.

Delete Payment Click to delete all selected credit card worksheets. The selected items in the
worksheet are available for selection in other credit card worksheets. This option
is only available for credit card payments that have not been settled.
If the deposit does not contain any other payments, the system also deletes the
deposit. If another payment exists in the deposit, the system subtracts the deleted
payment amount from the deposit total.

Handling Disputed Credit Card Charges

This section describes how to unpost credit card payments and offers examples of handling disputed credit
card charges under the following conditions:

• The customer disputes a charge with their credit card company.

• The customer claims the wrong credit card was charged.

• The customer questions application of the payment.

• The credit card payment is denied.

• The customer disputes the amount of the charge.

For example, the customer was billed in error or overcharged, or a problem with the order resulted, such
as the goods were damaged or not received.

As credit card worksheets are authorized and settled, the system generates payment groups from the
worksheets. To unpost a credit card payment, use the PeopleSoft Receivables payment unpost components.
Once a worksheet is unposted, use the credit card worksheet to reapply items.

716 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 22 Managing Credit Card Payments

Example 1:Customer Disputes a Charge with Their Credit Card Company

In this example, the transaction is completely processed, which means that cash was received by your bank
and accounting entries were made in PeopleSoft Receivables. The customer's credit card company credits the
customer's account and debits your bank. Perform the following steps:

1. Unpost the payment group with the credit card payment and then run the Receivable Update process.

2. Delete the deposit containing the payment.

Example 2: Customer Claims the Wrong Credit Card Was Charged

In this example, the transaction is completely processed. Perform the following steps:

1. Unpost the payment group that contains the credit card payment.

2. Run the Receivable Update process.

3. Use the credit card worksheet to issue a credit to the original credit card by creating an on-account item
for the credit card payment.

4. Complete the authorization and settlement process.

5. Run the Receivable Update process again.

6. Debit the correct credit card by creating a new credit card payment using the correct credit card account.

7. Complete the authorization and settlement process on the new credit card payment.

8. Run the Receivable Update process.

Example 3: Customer Questions Application of the Payment

In this example, the customer wants the credit card payment reapplied. No credit is issued. Perform the
following steps:

1. Unpost the credit card payment group that contains the credit card payment.

2. Run the Receivable Update process.

3. Reapply the credit card payment using the credit card worksheet. Authorization and settlement is not
required, however, a separate transaction is required to pay for additional items.

Example 4: Credit Card Payment Is Denied

In this example, the credit card transaction is denied by the third-party authorizing authority. Use the Credit
Card Workbench page to take further action. You can take three different actions in this scenario:

• Resubmit the transaction. Perform the following steps:

1. Correct any incorrect information based on the code return from Cybersource.

2. Resubmit the transaction for authorization and settlement.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 717
Managing Credit Card Payments Chapter 22

• Change the payment method for the item if the customer does not want to pay by credit card. You must
delete the credit card worksheet data.

• Call for manual authorization and enter the approval code online.

Example 5: Customer Disputes the Amount of the Charge

You can take three different actions in this scenario:

• Issue a credit memo from PeopleSoft Billing.

• If the credit is settled in PeopleSoft Billing, create a credit item and payment from PeopleSoft Receivables
and then close them.

• If credit is not settled in PeopleSoft Billing, that is, the credit card item was created in PeopleSoft
Receivables, perform the following steps:

1. Credit the customer's credit card.

2. Leave as a credit memo to be picked up in next automated credit card run.

3. Match with debits on the maintenance worksheet.

4. Refund the disputed amount through PeopleSoft Payables.

718 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23

Maintaining and Reviewing Item

This chapter discusses how to:

• Change and review item information.

• Split exception items.

• Update multiple items.

• Add an reference reason to a posted item.

Changing and Reviewing Item Information

This section provides an overview of item maintenance and discusses how to:

• Change discount, payment, and draft options and customer relationship information.

• Update reference, contact, and shipping information.

• Update user-defined information.

• Review item activity.

• Review item activity for a match group.

• Review value-added tax (VAT) entries.

• Review item accounting entries.

• Review audit history for an item.

Understanding Item Maintenance

In PeopleSoft Receivables, maintenance items can be credit or debit memos, invoices, deductions,
adjustments (generated when you process payments), on-account payments, or prepayments. After setting up
component security, you can you set up and update the dispute check box, dispute reason code, dispute
amount and dispute date for a selected customer. The PeopleSoft Receivables item maintenance feature
enables you to change open or closed items once they have been posted and does not create a group of
pending items or change the customer's balance. The changes take effect immediately. You do not need to run
the Receivable Update Application Engine process (ARUPDATE).

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 719
Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information Chapter 23

The View/Update Item Details component (ITEM_MAINTAIN) provides a central point to change details for
individual items and to review all activities, all accounting entries, and all VAT lines for an item. You can
also view and assign actions to an item.

See Also

Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," Working with Actions on the Item Action List,
page 1093

If you want to track and review changes to fields on items on the Item Audit History page, select the fields on
the Audit Control page.

See Also

Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," Setting Up Item Audit Options, page 153

Common Elements Used in This Section

Add a Conversation Click to access the Conversations page, where you can enter a new conversation
entry for the customer. The system populates the reference information with the
item information.

Customer Click the customer ID to access the General Info page for the customer.

View/Update Click to access the Conversations page, where you can view or update an existing
Conversations conversation entry for the item.

Pages Used to Change and Review Item Information

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

View/Update Item Details - ITEM_MAINTAIN

• Accounts Receivable, Change discount, payment,
Detail 1 Customer Accounts, and draft options for an
Item Information, item. Put an item in dispute
View/Update Item or collections, mark an item
Details, Detail 1 as a deduction, and assign
item owners. Set the
• You also access this revaluation flag and make
page from several pages an item available for
by clicking a button or AR/AP netting.
link for an item.

720 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

View/Update Item Details - ITEM_MAINTAIN_2 Accounts Receivable, Update item references and
Detail 2 Customer Accounts, Item contact, shipping, and
Information, View/Update product information. Update
Item Details, Detail 2 information for the
Receivables Due from
Public report. View and
change the memo status for
the U.S. government.

AR Billing Inquiry AR_BI_INQUIRY_B

• Click the Detail link on Review details for an
the Detail 1 or Detail 2 invoice in PeopleSoft
page. Billing. The amounts are in
the base currency. This page
• Accounts Receivable, contains data only if you
Customer Accounts, use PeopleSoft Billing.
Item Information, Item Use the Go To field to
Billing Data, AR access a page in the Bill
Billing Inquiry Inquiry component
PeopleSoft Billing.


• Click the Detail link on Review details for an
(receivables billing inquiry) the Detail 1 or Detail 2 invoice in PeopleSoft
page and then click Billing. The amounts are in
View in Euro Currency. the euro currency. This page
contains data only if you
• Accounts Receivable, use PeopleSoft Billing.
Customer Accounts, Use the Go To field to
Item Information, Item access a page in the Bill
Billing Data, AR Inquiry component in
Billing Inquiry, and PeopleSoft Billing.
then click View in Euro

Bill Header - Note AR_BI_HDR_NOTE_INQ Click the Bill Header Notes View notes attached to the
link on the AR Billing bill header for an invoice.
Inquiry page or AR BI Inq
(EURO) page.

Bill Header - Bill To AR_BI_HDR_ADDR_INQ Click the Bill To Address View address information
Address link on the AR Billing for the customer and
Inquiry page or the AR BI information about how the
Inq (EURO) page. invoice was sent.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 721
Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information Chapter 23

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Bill Header - Projects AR_BI_HDR_PC_INQ Click the Bill Header - View the PeopleSoft Project
Information Project Info link on the AR Costing transaction
Billing Inquiry page or the information on the bill
AR BI Inq (EURO) page. header associated with the
item line, including the
source PeopleSoft Contracts
information, the purchase
order reference information,
reimbursable agreement ID
for contracts, and the start
and end dates for the project

View/Update Item Details - ITEM_MAINTAIN_3 Accounts Receivable, Update user-defined fields.

Detail 3 Customer Accounts, Item
Information, View/Update
Item Details, Detail 3

Item Activity ITEM_DATA2

• Accounts Receivable, Review all activity records
Customer Accounts, for an item.
Item Information,
View/Update Item
Details, Item Activity

• You can also access this

page by clicking a link
on several pages.

Item Activity From A ITEM_SUB_GROUP

• Click the link for the View all matched items in a
Match Group match group ID on the match group from the
Item Activity page. maintenance worksheet or
the Automatic Maintenance
• Accounts Receivable, Application Engine process
Customer Accounts, (AR_AUTOMNT) as well
Item Information, as the amounts matched.
Match Group Activities,
Item Activity From A
Match Group

Item VAT Entries ITEM_DATA_VAT Accounts Receivable, Review the VAT lines for
Customer Accounts, Item an item. This page is
Information, View/Update available only if the item
Item Details, Item VAT has VAT lines.

Item Accounting Entries ITEM_DATA3 Accounts Receivable, View the accounting entries
Customer Accounts, Item for each item activity.
Information, View/Update
Item Details, Item
Accounting Entries

722 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Item Audit History ITEM_AUDIT Accounts Receivable, View maintenance changes

Customer Accounts, Item to items.
Information, View/Update
Item Details, Item Audit

Changing Discount, Payment, and Draft Options and Customer Relationship

Access the View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page (Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item
Information, View/Update Item Details, Detail 1).

View Update Item Details - Detail 1 page

You can change only field values that do not change the customer balance. The fields at the top of the page
display information to identify the type of item and the item balance. If the item was entered in a currency
that differs from the business unit base currency, the system displays the base currency amount and the rate
type and exchange rate used for conversion.

Balance and Base Displays the open amount for the item in the entry currency and the base
currency. The base amount appears only if the balance differs from the base
currency for the business unit.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 723
Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information Chapter 23

Detail Click to access the AR Billing Inquiry page, where you view the original invoice
information. This link is available only if there is a valid PeopleSoft Billing
business unit for the item which is associated with a valid invoice in PeopleSoft

Exchange Rate Detail Click to view the information used in converting the item amount.

Original Amount Displays the original amount of the item in the entry currency. This is the amount
of the item before any payments, adjustments, or splits.

Discount Options

Due Date Enter the date on which the item is due.

Terms Select a payment term that defines the due date, discount days, and discount
amount. If this field is blank, you can manually define the terms by entering
values in the due and discount fields. If the item has payment terms, the Discount
Amount and Date fields are unavailable.

Due Days Enter the number of days beyond the due date during which the payment is still
considered on time.

Discount Days (discount Enter the number of days beyond the discount date during which the customer is
days) still eligible to receive a discount.

Discount Amount, Date, Enter user-defined amounts for discounts and dates from which to start counting
Discount Amount 1, and the discount due date. The customer must pay by the discount due date to take an
Date 1 earned discount.

Always Allow Discount Select to allow the discount on this item to be earned regardless of when the item
is paid.

As of Date Enter the date used to age the item.

724 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information

Payment/Draft Options

Payment Method Select a payment method from these values:

• CHK (check)

• DR (draft)

• CC (credit card)

• DD (direct debit)

• EFT (electronic funds transfer)

• GE (giro - EFT)

If you select draft, the draft fields become available. If you select direct debit,
the Profile ID field becomes available.
If the payment method is direct debit, you cannot change the payment method if
the item is selected on a direct debit worksheet, unless you do the following:
1. Remit the direct debit.

2. Run the Receivable Update process.

3. Cancel the direct debit.

4. Run the Receivable Update process.

Pay by Credit Card Click to access the Credit Card Details page to begin credit card processing.
See Chapter 22, "Managing Credit Card Payments," page 687.

Draft Type Select one of the draft types that you defined on the Draft Types page, which
determines the draft processing options and what accounting entries to generate
for the draft item.

Preapproved? Select if the customer's drafts do not need to be sent to the customer for
individual approval.

Create Document? Select to include the item in the draft document prepared for the customer.

One Item Per Draft? Select to have a separate draft for the item.

Direct Debit Profile ID Enter the direct debit profile ID used to determine the direct debit processing
rules for the item. The default value comes from the entry type for the item.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 725
Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information Chapter 23

Customer Relations

Dispute, Reason, Date, To put an item into dispute, select the Dispute check box and enter a dispute
and Dispute Amount reason code, the date on which you put it in dispute, and the disputed amount.
The default dispute date is the current date and the default amount is the item

Note. To enable users to add, update, and delete dispute information on the
payment worksheet, you must define component level security in PeopleSoft
Security for the View/Update Item Maintenance component. A user, who can
access the Item Maintenance Page, can update dispute fields in the payment
worksheet. The dispute fields are display only for users without access to the
View/Update Item Maintenance component.

See Add link: Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing, Setting Up

Dispute Reasons

See Add link to Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing, Dispute


See Add link to Applying Payments: "Using Payment Worksheets to Apply

Payments," Reviewing Item List Detail 5 Summary Information

Deduction, Reason, and To mark an item as a deduction, select the Deduction check box and enter the
Date deduction reason and the date that you marked it as a deduction. If you created a
deduction, using the payment or draft worksheet, the Deduction check box is

Warning! If you mark an item as a deduction using the Deduction check box
rather than creating a deduction (WS-08 item) using the payment worksheet, you
do not generate any accounting entries or close the original item and create a new
deduction item. Once you select this check box and save the page, you cannot
clear your selection.

Doubtful This check box is selected if you transferred the item to a Doubtful Receivables
account using the transfer worksheet.

(USF) DMS Information Click to access the Debt Management Services Information page, where you
(Debt Management enter information for the debt management system.
Services information)
See Chapter 41, "Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems," (USF) Referring
Delinquent Items to the DMS, page 1217.

Collection, Code, and To put an item into collection, select the Collection check box and enter a
Date collection code and the date you put it in collection. To put the entire customer
into collection, use the Credit Profile page for the customer.

Analyst Select the credit analyst who you want to manage this item. If you set up
conditions for collection and exception processing to assign items to the credit
analyst, this person is notified of actions that he or she must perform.

726 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information

Collector Select the collector who you want to manage this item. If you set up conditions
for collection and exception processing to assign items to the collector, this
person is notified of actions that he or she must perform.

Sales Person Select the primary salesperson for the item. Salespeople are support team
members whose support team type is Sales.

AR Specialist Select the individual responsible for managing deductions and items in dispute. If
(receivables specialist) you select the Dispute or Deduction check box, the system automatically
populates this value with the specialist assigned to either the customer, deduction
or dispute reason, or business unit.

Other Options

Revaluation Flag Select to enable the Revaluation Application Engine process (AR_REVAL) to
revalue the item. Clear the check box if you do not want the item to be revalued.

Available for Netting By default, all items are available for netting—a process that offsets open items
and vouchers, if you have PeopleSoft Payables and PeopleSoft Cash
Management on your system. You must set up a participant agreement between
the vendors and customers to net their items and vouchers. If you do not want an
item to be selected in the netting process, clear the check box.

(USF) Transfer to IPAC Click to access the IPAC Information page, where you enter information for the
Transactions (transfer to IPAC interface.
Intergovernmental See Chapter 41, "Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems," (USF) Submitting
Payment and Collection Transactions Between Agencies Using the IPAC System, page 1222.
System transactions)

Item Action Click to access the Item Action page, where you view or add all actions
associated with the item, assign action owners, and drill down to perform the
See Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," Working with
Actions on the Item Action List, page 1093.

Updating Reference, Contact, and Shipping Information

Access the View/Update Item Details - Detail 2 page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item
Information, View/Update Item Details, Detail 2.)

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Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information Chapter 23

View Update Item Details - Detail 2 page

Reference Information

Related Unit, Related Enter the number of the related invoice associated with the item and the business
Invoice, and Related unit associated with the invoice. Click Detail to access the AR Billing Inquiry
Invoice Date page, where you view details about the invoice and PeopleSoft Project Costing
Information. This link is available only if there is an invoice number in the
Related Invoice field and the business unit and invoice number are a valid
business unit and invoice in PeopleSoft Billing.
If you enter a value that matches an existing item ID, the system automatically
populates the following fields with values associated with the item when you
save the page: Bill of Lading, Order Number, Purchase Order,Contract Number,
Promotion, Claim Number, Sold To, Ship To, and User.

Note. The Related Invoice field for a deduction created on the payment or draft
worksheet is blank if the value in the Document field does not match the item ID
for another item in PeopleSoft Receivables. If it does match, it contains the item
ID for the original item.

728 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information

Document Displays the document ID that you entered when you created the item. Override
the value if needed.

Note. If this is a deduction created using the payment or draft worksheet, it is the
item ID of the original invoice for which the customer took the deduction.

OM Business Unit and Enter the number of the sales order associated with the item and the business unit
Order Number associated with the order. Click Detail to access the Order Summary page, where
you view details about the order. This link is available only if there is an order
number in the Order Number field and a business unit in the OM Unit field, and
if you have installed PeopleSoft Order Management.

Claim Date and Claim Enter the debit memo number that the customer sent you for a deduction and the
Number date on which the customer created it.

Purchase Order, Enter the purchase order number, contracts business unit, contract number, and
Contracts BU, (contracts contract line that is associated with the original invoice.
business unit) Contract, Click the Detail link for a contract to access the Contract Summary page, where
and Contract Line you see summarized details for a contract and drill down to contract details. This
link is available only if there is a valid contract number and you have installed
PeopleSoft Contracts on your system.

Note. If this is a deduction created on the payment or draft worksheet, it is the

purchase order and contract number associated with the original invoice for
which the customer took the deduction.

You can change only the order number, purchase order number, and contract
number for debit and credit (IT-01 and IT-02) items, if you enabled entry on the
Receivables Options - General 2 page.

Promotion Code and Select the identifiers that you assigned to the promotion deal and for the
Merchandising Type merchandising activity for the promotion in your promotion application.
Associate the codes with an invoice in your billing application. If you use
PeopleSoft Promotions Management, set up customer promotions and assign a
merchandising type using the Customer Promotions component
(TD_PROMO_MAINT). If you manually write off a deduction for a promotion
instead of matching it to a credit memo for the promotion, you must enter the
promotion code and merchandising activity for the deduction, so that you can
track activity for the promotion in PeopleSoft Promotions Management.
Click Detail to access the Promotional Activity component
(TD_PROMO_STATUS) in PeopleSoft Promotions Management, where you can
view all activity against a promotion, including payments made, invoices,
shipments, credit memos created, and deductions written off. The link is
available only if you have installed PeopleSoft Promotions Management on your
system and if you have a valid promotion code.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Promotions Management 9.1 PeopleBook, "Viewing
Promotional Activity."

Letter of Credit (letter of Displays the letter of credit ID for the item.
credit ID)

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Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information Chapter 23

Reference Reason Enter an additional entry reason assigned for the item. The reason is used for
custom reports and inquiries. It does not generate accounting entries.

(USF) Entity Code and Select the information required for the Receivables Due from the Public report.
Receivable Type See Chapter 41, "Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems," (USF) Generating the
Receivables Due From the Public Report, page 1242.

(NLD) AG Number Displays the acceptgiro reference number assigned to the item or invoice when
(acceptgiro reference you ran the Statements process (AR_STMTS) or the AR Dunning process
number) (AR_DUNNING) for business units enabled for acceptgiro processing. It also
displays the acceptgiro reference number assigned to the invoice when you
printed the invoice in PeopleSoft Billing.

Note. Each time that you run the Statements process or the AR Dunning process,
the system overwrites the reference number if the item is included on a new
statement or dunning letter. So, it is possible that the bank could pay for the item
using a different reference number.

Contacts and Shipping Information

Sales Person 2 Enter the code for the secondary sales person associated with the item.

Broker Enter the code for the individual who negotiated a promotion deal. A broker is a
customer to whom you assigned the broker role on the General Info page.

Ship From Site Enter the original business unit for the sales order. If you have PeopleSoft
Enterprise Inventory, enter an inventory business unit. The business unit should
represent a warehouse.

Sold To Customer and Enter the ship to and sold to customer IDs.
Ship To Customer
Carrier ID Enter the unique identifier for the shipping carrier. Enter one of the values that
you defined on the Carrier ID page.

Proof of Delivery Enter a proof of delivery slip number.

Bill of Lading Enter the bill of lading number for the shipment.

(USF) Memo Status Click the Detail link to enter the current memo status or view historical status
Code changes on the Memo Status Changes page. This option is available only if you
enabled it on the Installation Options - Receivables page.

Product Information

Family Select an identifier that defines inventory items at a high level. Examples include
computer items and office furniture.

730 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information

Class Enter a code for a group of customers in a trade, such as grocers or mass

Trade Enter the type of industry market, such as groceries, hardware, or appliances.

Division Enter a geographic area within an organization.

See Also

Chapter 41, "Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems," (USF) Tracking Memo Status Changes, page 1238

Updating User-Defined Information

Access the View/Update Item Details - Detail 3 page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item
Information, View/Update Item Details, Detail 3.)

View Update Item Details - Detail 3 page

PeopleSoft Receivables provides 22 fields in the Item table (PS_ITEM) that you can use to track company- or
industry-specific information that is not predefined in the Item table, such as shipment date. You define the
value to use for each of the fields, and you can specify what to use for the field label.

Reviewing Item Activity

Access the Item Activity page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information,
View/Update Item Details, Item Activity.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 731
Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information Chapter 23

Item Activity page

Each time that you perform an action to an item, such as transferring it to another customer, applying a
payment, or unposting it, the Receivable Update process updates the Item Activity table
(PS_ITEM_ACTIVITY). The Item Activities scroll area displays each activity record in the table.

Refund Detail Click to access the Refund Status page, where you view information for a refund
voucher that was created by PeopleSoft Payables. This field is not available if
you have not refunded the item and created a voucher in PeopleSoft Payables.

Entry Type and Reason Displays the type of activity. The system uses the entry type and reason to
generate accounting entries.

Worksheet Reason Displays an additional reason assigned to all items in a maintenance group to
further identify the reason for the activity. This reason does not generate
accounting entries. You define maintenance reasons on the Worksheet Reason

Unpost Reason Displays the reason code that you specified for unposting the item's group. You
define unpost reason codes on the Unpost Reason page.

Group Unit and Group Displays the business unit for the group, the group ID, and the type of group—
ID billing, payment, maintenance, transfer, overdue charge, unpost, direct debit,
draft, vendor rebate, or claimback.
Click the link for the group to open the Item Activity From A Group page, where
you view the activities for all items in the group.

Match Group ID Displays the identifier for a match group on the maintenance worksheet or that
the Automatic Maintenance process assigned. A match group is a group of items
that you are matching where the total of the debits equals the total of the credits.
Click the link for the match group to open the Item Activity for a Match Group
page, where you view all of the items in the match group associated with the item
activity record.

732 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information

Deposit Unit, Deposit Displays the identifier for a deposit and payment and the deposit business unit for
ID, and Payment ID a payment activity.
Click the link for the payment to open the Item Activity for a Payment page,
where you view items that were paid by a single payment after the payment was
processed by the Receivable Update process.

Draft Unit and Draft ID Displays the identifier for a draft and the draft business unit for a draft activity.

Direct Debit Business Displays the identifier for a direct debit and the business unit for a direct debit
Unit and Direct Debit ID activity.

Reviewing Item Activity for a Match Group

Access the Item Activity From A Match Group page. (Click the link for the match group ID on the Item
Activity page.)

The Item Activities grid displays all of the items in the match group for a specific maintenance activity.

Display Amount Switch Specify whether you want to view amounts in the entry currency or the base

Item ID Click the link to access the View/Update Item Details component, where you
view detailed information about the item.

Entry Type and Entry Identifies the type of activity and reason associated with each item. These
Reason determine the accounting entries that were generated. The entry types are always
MT (maintenance), MD (new debit), MC (new credit), WO (write-off debit), or
WOC (write-off credit).

Entry Amount and Displays the amount and currency of the item that was matched.
Entry Currency

Reviewing VAT Entries

Access the Item VAT Entries page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information,
View/Update Item Details, Item VAT Entries.)

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Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information Chapter 23

Item VAT Entries page

The Item Activity scroll area displays the VAT information for the item for each activity. The Entry Type
field identifies the type of activity. The VAT Lines grid displays the VAT information for each item line.

Intermediate VAT Displays the VAT amounts for a future declaration point. These amounts are not
reported to the government.

Final VAT Displays the VAT amounts ready to be reported to the government.

VAT Basis Displays the amount of the item on which the VAT is calculated.

Error Flag Appears if the discrepancy between the invoice and the amount the system
calculates exceeds the tolerance level defined by the Percent and VAT amount.

Domestic Reverse This check box is selected if the country requires the use of the domestic reverse
Charge Goods charge provision.

Customer VAT Code Displays the customer VAT code used to calculate a domestic reverse charge
VAT amount. When the Domestic Reverse Charge Goods check box has been
selected, the regular VAT code is replaced by a zero-rate VAT code and the
customer VAT code is used instead.

Customer VAT Rate Displays the rate from the customer VAT code.

Customer Amount Displays the customer VAT amount for domestic reverse charges that are
calculated using the Customer VAT Code.

Reviewing Item Accounting Entries

Access the Item Accounting Entries page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item
Information, View/Update Item Details, Item Accounting Entries.)

734 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information

Item Accounting Entries page

The Item Activity scroll area displays all of the accounting entries for each activity for the item. The Entry
Type field identifies the type of activity. The Accounting Lines grid displays the ChartField values for each

Accounting Line Display Specify which accounting entries to display, and then click Display. Values are:
Standard, Supplemental (Entry Event), or Both. Supplemental accounting entries
are available only if you entered an entry event code for the pending item,
payment item, or maintenance item. These options are available only if you
enable the entry event feature for PeopleSoft Receivables on the Installation
Options - Entry Event page.

Debit Amount and The item amount appears unless you enabled the Display Separate Debit/Credit
Credit Amount in Subsystem option on the User Preferences - Overall page. Otherwise, the debit
and credit amount and currency appear for each accounting line.

See Also

Chapter 18, "Entering Pending Items," Creating and Reviewing Accounting Entries Online, page 550

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Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information Chapter 23

Reviewing Audit History for an Item

Access the Item Audit History page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information,
View/Update Item Details, Item Audit History.)

Item Audit History page

The page displays one row for each change to the item.

Field Changed, Previous Displays the name of the field, the original value, and the new value after the
Value, and Updated change.
User ID Displays the individual who made the change. If the Mass Change Application
Engine process (AR_MASS_CHANGE) made the change, the field displays the
user ID of the person who created the run control request.

Source of Change Displays the source of the change. Values are:

Item Maintenance: A change entered using the View/Update Item Details
Multi-item Update: A change entered online using the Multi-item Update option
on the Item List page.
Batch Mass Change: A change generated by the Mass Change process.

Splitting Exception Items

This section provides an overview of item splitting and discusses how to split an item.

736 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information

Understanding Item Splitting

You can split a deduction item or a disputed item into multiple items. This function is useful when a customer
is disputing only part of an invoice, or when a customer has taken a deduction for multiple reasons and you
want to track the reasons separately. If you use PeopleSoft Promotions Management, you must create a
separate deduction for each merchandising type for the promotion. Use the split feature to split the deduction
and assign a separate merchandising type to each item.

When you split an item, the system creates a new item using either the Create a Debit (MT-04) or Create a
Credit (MT-05) automatic entry type for the split item in the Pending Item table (PS_PENDING_ITEM). The
new item uses the original item ID and the next available line number. The system creates a maintenance
group, containing the original item and the new split item, that is set to post. You must run the Receivable
Update process to create the new line for split items and reduce the balance for the original line item. You can
choose to run the process immediately from the Item Split page or in a scheduled job.

Note. We recommend that you create a unique entry reason for the Create a Debit and Create a Credit entry
types to easily identify split items.

Pages Used to Split Items

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage


• Accounts Receivable, Split an exception item into
Customer Accounts, multiple lines.
Item Information, Item
Split, Item Split

• Click the Split link of

the Detail 1 page.

Item in Other Groups ITEM_MGROUP_SEC Click the Item in Other View other worksheet
Groups link on the Item groups that have the item
Split page. selected or any pending
item groups that are not
posted that include the item.

Splitting an Item
Access the Item Split page (Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information, Item Split, Item
Split and click the Split link of the Detail 1 page).

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 737
Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information Chapter 23

Item Split page

Current Item Balance Displays the open amount of the item before you split it.

The Original and Split Item(s) grid displays all of the lines for the item, including the original line item.

Add Click to add a new row for a split item and enter the amount of the split item.

Item ID Displays the original item ID.

Item Line Each time that you click the Add button, the system adds a new line for the split
item and assigns the next available line number.
The system also populates the other fields with the values for the previous item in
the list. You can change all of these values except the currency. The system
assigns today's date for the accounting date and the as of date.

Open Amount Enter the amount that you want to split.

The system adjusts the open amount of the original line each time that you add a
new line. For example, if you are splitting a 1,000.00 deduction and the new
deduction will be 200.00, the open amount of the original deduction line changes
to 800.00.

Entry Reason Enter a new value, if you want a different entry reason on the split item for
reporting purposes or to generate different accounting entries.

Due Date Enter the date on which the split item becomes past due.

Deduction Reason For a deduction, enter the reason for the split item.

Dispute Reason For an item in dispute, enter the reason that the item is in dispute.

Promotion Code and Enter the merchandising type and promotion code associated with a promotion
Merchandising Type deal for a deduction. This ensures that the promotion fund is updated properly
when you offset a deduction.

AR Specialist Enter a new value, if you want a different AR specialist to manage and track the

738 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information

Action Select a posting action for the split items, and then click OK.
Do Not Post: Saves the changes to the group, but no posting occurs. Select this
option to change the posting option for a group set to Batch Standard, if the
group has not been processed yet.
Post Now: Runs the Receivable Update process immediately, updates the item
balances, and creates the accounting entries.
Batch Standard: Runs the Receivable Update process the next time that a
standard scheduled batch jobs runs.

Note. The posting options that are available depend on the options that you select
for the user on the Define User Preferences - Process Group page. Use the Post
Now option only for small groups or when there is an immediate need to post the
transaction. The system issues a message, if another user or scheduled process is
posting transactions for the same business unit and customer combination at the
same time. If you run the processes immediately and have enabled the
notification feature for the user, the system displays a message when the process

Worksheet Business Displays the business unit for the maintenance group and the maintenance
Unit and Worksheet ID worksheet ID that the system assigns to the group. These values appear after you
select an action and click OK.

Items in Other Groups Click to open the Items in Other Groups page, where you view worksheet groups
that contain the item or any pending item groups that contain the item that are not
posted. This link is available only if the item is selected in a worksheet or is in a
pending item group. To split an item in another group, you must clear the item
selection in the worksheet.

Updating Multiple Items

This section provides an overview of the multiple-item update options and discusses how to:

• Change field values for selected items.

• Run the Mass Change process.

Understanding the Multiple-Item Update Options

PeopleSoft Receivables provides two methods for changing field values on multiple items simultaneously:

• Manually, for selected items on the Item List page.

• Automatically, using the Mass Change process (AR_MASSCHG).

This feature is useful, for example, when an AR specialist leaves the organization or moves to a new position
within the organization and you need to reassign all of the AR specialist's deductions and disputed items to
another person.

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Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information Chapter 23

You can change field values for the following fields for selected items on the Item List page, or you can
change these field values in the Pending Item table (PS_PENDING_ITEM) or Item table (PS_ITEM) when
you run the Mass Change process. When you run the Mass Change process, you limit the items whose field
values you are changing to a specific business unit, customer group, or customer:

• Credit Analyst

• Collector

• Sales Person

• AR Specialist

• Broker

• Deduction Reason

• Dispute Reason

• Collection Reason (code)

• Due Date

• Payment Method

• Payment Terms

When you run the Mass Change process, you can also:

• Change these fields in the Billing Header table (PS_BI_HDR) in PeopleSoft Billing:

• Sales Person

• Credit Analyst

• Collector

• Due Date

• Payment Method

• Payment Terms

• Change these fields in the Customer Options table (PS_CUST_OPTION):

• Credit Analyst

• Collector

• AR Specialist

• Payment Method

• Payment Terms

You can change field values only for open items (items with an open balance). If you have enabled audit
history for these fields, the system updates the Audit History table (PS_ITEM_AUDIT).

740 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information

See Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," Understanding Management of Action
Owner Assignments, page 1083.

Pages Used to Update Multiple Items

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Item List ITEM_LIST Accounts Receivable, Select the items whose field
Customer Accounts, Item values you want to change.
Information, Item List, Item

Multi-item Update AR_MASS_CHNG_SEC Select Multi-Item Update in Select the fields whose
the Item Action group box, values you want to change,
on the Item List page and and enter the new values.
then click Go.

Mass Change MASS_CHANGE_RUN Accounts Receivable, Enter run parameters for the
Customer Accounts, Item Mass Change process,
Information, Mass Change select the fields whose
Process, Mass Change values you want to change,
enter new values, and select
the tables to update from
PeopleSoft Receivables,
PeopleSoft Billing, and
customer tables.

Changing Field Values for Selected Items

Access the Item List page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information, Item List,
Item List.)

To change field values for action owners, collection reasons (codes), exception reasons, due date, payment
method, and payment terms for selected items:

1. Enter search criteria to populate the item list.

2. Select the items whose field values you want to change.

3. Select Multi-item Update in the Item Action group box and click Go to access the Multi-item Update

4. Select the fields whose values you want to change for the selected items.

5. Enter the new value for each selected field in the To field.

See Also

Chapter 34, "Researching Receivables," Reviewing Item Information, page 1041

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 741
Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information Chapter 23

Running the Mass Change Process

Access the Mass Change page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information, Mass
Change Process, Mass Change.)

Run Request Parameters

Specify whether you want to limit fields to items associated with a specific business unit, customer group,
and customer ID.

Fields to Update

Select the fields whose values you want to change.

From Enter the current field value.

To Enter the new field value.

Data To Update

Open AR Posted Items Select to update the fields for open items in the Item table.

Unposted AR Items Select to update the fields for items in the Pending Item table, if the Posted Flag
field is N or if the Posted Flag is Y and the item status in the Item table is Open.

Bill To Customer Select to update records in the Customer Options table.

PeopleSoft Billing Select to update records in the Billing Header table, if the bill status is not INV,
FNL, or CAN.

Count Only Select to run the process without updating any records. A count of the number of
records to be updated appears in the message log.

Adding a Reference Reason to a Posted Item

If you want to associate additional reference reasons with an item for reporting or inquiry purposes, you can
add additional codes after you post the item.

This section discusses hot to add a reference reason to an item.

742 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 23 Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information

Page Used to Add a Reference Reason to a Posted Item

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Reason Maintenance REF_REASON_CHNG Accounts Receivable, Assign an additional

Customer Accounts, Item reference reason to posted
Information, Update items, including items that
Reference Reason, Reason the system creates for on-
Maintenance account payments,
adjustments, and deductions
on payment worksheets.

Adding a Reference Reason to an Item

Access the Reason Maintenance page (Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information, Update
Reference Reason, Reason Maintenance).

Enter search criteria for the items that you want to display on the page, and enter your sort criteria.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 743
Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information Chapter 23

Reason Maintenance page

Add a Conversation Click to add a conversation entry for the customer.

View/Update Click this link to access an existing conversation on the Conversations page.
Conversation This link appears when a conversation exists for the selected customer.

Search Click to display items matching your search criteria and to sort the item list.

Ref Reason (reference Enter the additional reference reason for each item.
View Click to access the Item Activity page and view activity for the item.

744 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 24

Maintaining Customer Account Balances

This chapter provides an overview of customer account maintenance and discusses how to:

• Maintain customer accounts using the Automatic Maintenance Application Engine process

• Maintain customer accounts using worksheets.

• Review accounting entries and correct errors.

• Process refunds.

Understanding Customer Account Maintenance

PeopleSoft Receivables provides two options to maintain customer account balances. Each option offsets
debit items with credit items and writes off items that meet the write-off tolerances:

• The Automatic Maintenance Application Engine process automatically matches debits and credits and
writes off remaining balances that meet the write-off tolerances.

The process places them in match groups based on the methods that you set up.

• The maintenance worksheet provides a method that enables you to offset debit and credit items manually
or to write off items and remaining balances.

The maintenance worksheet enables you to offset all items in the worksheet or to enter match criteria that
generates match groups.

This section discusses:

• Write-off tolerances

• Write-off approvals

• Process flow

See Also

Chapter 24, "Maintaining Customer Account Balances," Maintaining Customer Accounts Using Worksheets,
page 751

Chapter 10, "Setting Up Automatic Maintenance Processing," page 317

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Maintaining Customer Account Balances Chapter 24

Write-Off Tolerances
The system uses the write-off tolerances that you defined for the customer, business unit, and entry reason
assigned to the write-off item to determine whether the item is eligible to be written off automatically or on
the maintenance worksheet. The system also uses the write-off tolerances for the user using the worksheet to
determine whether items on a worksheet can be written off. The system uses the most restrictive write-off
tolerance values. For example, if the maximum write-off amount is 100.00 for a business unit, 20.00 for a
customer, 50.00 for a deduction reason, and 30.00 for the user, the maintenance worksheet uses the 20.00
maximum write-off requirement for the customer because it is the most restrictive.

Note. If you enable a user to override write-off tolerances on the maintenance worksheet, the write-off must
still meet the write-off tolerances for the user.

The tolerances determine the maximum amount that the system can write off and the minimum age of an item
before the system can write it off. To determine whether to write off an item, the system checks:

• Whether the write-off amount is less than or equal to the tolerance amount.

• Whether the write-off amount of the item is less than or equal to the tolerance percentage of the open
amount of the item on the maintenance worksheet.

The Automatic Maintenance process compares the tolerance percentage to the percentage that the
remaining balance for a match group is of the total amount of the debit or credits (whichever is higher).

Note. If you select No Match Write-Off for a step in an automatic maintenance method, the Automatic
Maintenance process does not check the percentage tolerance because the percentage will always be 100.

• Whether the number of days that the item has been open exceeds the specified tolerance days until write-

The system determines the number of days that the item has been open by subtracting the item's
accounting date from the system date.

Write-Off Approvals
The write-off approval workflow is designed to require approval for write-off amounts entered on the
maintenance worksheet that are below the write-off tolerances but above the approval-needed limit. This
approval workflow is controlled by the Approval Framework feature in PeopleSoft Enterprise Components.
You must set up the write-off approval workflow before using this feature.

Note. The write-off approval workflow is designed to require approval for write-off amounts entered on the
payment worksheet, maintenance worksheet, or draft worksheet only. The workflow does not pick up write-
off transactions from processes such as the Automatic Maintenance process.

See Also

Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," Setting Up Write-Off Approval Workflow, page 144

Chapter 21, "Applying Payments," Approving Write-Off Amounts Using Workflow, page 676

746 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 24 Maintaining Customer Account Balances

Process Flow
To maintain customer account balances:

1. (Optional) Run the Automatic Maintenance process.

2. Enter item selection criteria and matching criteria, and build maintenance worksheets.

3. Use the worksheet to match debits and credits and create write-off, refund, and adjustment items.

Note. If you specify in the automatic maintenance method that you want to generate a worksheet for
specific conditions, the Automatic Maintenance process automatically builds the worksheet. Use the
worksheet to review the maintenance groups before posting.

4. Set the maintenance worksheet to post.

Each maintenance worksheet creates one maintenance group. The next time that the Receivable Update
Application Engine process (ARUPDATE) runs, the system updates the customer balances and item
activity for the selected items and generates the appropriate accounting entries.

Note. The Automatic Maintenance process also creates maintenance groups and automatically sets them
to post, unless the automatic maintenance method indicates that the process should generate a worksheet.

Before you can maintain items, you must:

• Create automatic entry types for maintenance groups, using the Automatic Entry Type component.

• Create control distribution codes for the maintenance worksheet and the Automatic Maintenance process.

• Assign a default control distribution code to each business unit.

• Define write-off tolerances for:

• Each business unit on the Receivables Options - General 1 page.

• (Optional) Individual customers on the Write-Off Info page.

The system default for customers is no limit.

• Individual entry reasons for automatic entry type for the MT-02, MT-03, MT-06, and MT-07 system
functions on the Automatic Entry Type - Selection page.

The system default is zero, which means that nothing can be written off. If you want to enable write-
offs, you must enter the tolerance values.

• Users who will use the maintenance worksheet on the Define User Preferences - Receivables Data
Entry 2 page.

The system default is zero. If you want to enable a user to write off items, you must enter values.

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Maintaining Customer Account Balances Chapter 24

• (Optional) Setup approval workflow for write-off amounts.

• Define reference qualifier codes for the maintenance worksheet.

• (Optional) Define automatic maintenance methods.

• (Optional) Assign an automatic maintenance method to each business unit.

• (Optional) Define worksheet reasons.

See Also

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," page 55

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," page 19

Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," page 119

Chapter 10, "Setting Up Automatic Maintenance Processing," page 317

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General Customer
Information," Entering Additional Billing, Purchasing, Payment, and Write-Off Options for Bill To

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining User Preferences," Defining
Receivables Write-off and Discount Tolerances

Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," Setting Up Write-Off Approval Workflow, page 144

Maintaining Customer Accounts Using the Automatic Maintenance

This section provides an overview of automatic maintenance, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

• Run the Automatic Maintenance process.

• (Optional) Run the Actual Matches report.

• (Optional) Run the Potential Matches report.

Understanding Automatic Maintenance

The Automatic Maintenance process automatically matches debit and credit items based on criteria in
automatic maintenance methods. It places the matching items in match groups and either creates write-off
items to balance the group or creates an adjustment item to resolve the remaining balance for a group. The
Automatic Maintenance process uses the anchor business unit to write off any remaining balances. Depending
on the instructions in the automatic maintenance method, it either sets the match group to post or puts the
match group on a maintenance worksheet. Use the worksheet to review the match groups and to set the
maintenance group to post. It places all match groups for a corporate customer on the same worksheet.

748 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 24 Maintaining Customer Account Balances

Note. The process assigns items to the appropriate customer on the worksheet based on the customer level
that you select for the automatic maintenance method step. For example, if you select Corporate for the
customer level, the items are assigned to the corporate customer.

After you run the process, you can run these reports:

• Actual Matches report, which lists new pending items that the Automatic Maintenance process created
and set to post.

The report indicates the maintenance group and match group to which each item belongs.

• Potential Matches report, which lists new worksheet items that the Automatic Maintenance process put on
maintenance worksheets.

The report provides the worksheet ID and match group ID for each item.

You can run the Potential Matches report and Actual Matches report for a single process instance of the
Automatic Maintenance process by running the Automatic Maintenance and Reports multiprocess job

Common Elements Used in This Section

Process Instance Enter the number of a process instance for the Automatic Maintenance process to
include only items from a specific run of the process.

Separate DR/CR Select to display the entered amount for each item in either the Debit Total or
Amount Fields (separate Credit Total column depending on whether it is a debit or credit item. Otherwise,
debit/credit amount fields) the report displays all item amounts in the Entered Amount column.

Pages Used to Maintain Accounts Using the Automatic Maintenance Process

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Automatic Maintenance AUTOMNT_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Run the Automatic

Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance process..
Automatic Maintenance,
Request Automatic
Maintenance, Automatic

Actual Matches Report RUN_AR11004 Accounts Receivable, Running the Actual

Receivables Maintenance, Matches report (AR11004).
Automatic Maintenance,
Actual Matches Report,
Actual Matches Report

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Maintaining Customer Account Balances Chapter 24

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Potential Matches Report RUN_AR11005 Accounts Receivable, Running the Potential

Receivables Maintenance, Matches report (AR11005).
Automatic Maintenance,
Potential Matches Report,
Potential Matches Report

Running the Automatic Maintenance Process

Access the Automatic Maintenance page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Automatic
Maintenance, Request Automatic Maintenance, Automatic Maintenance.)

Override Method Select an automatic maintenance method if you want to use the same method for
all items instead of the method assigned to the business unit.
Select one of these methods:
• MATCH EQUAL AMT (match equal amount)

Select to match debits and credits for items exactly by their open amounts.

• NO MATCH WO (no match write-off)

Select to write off debit or credit items that were not matched by the previous
steps that have an amount that is less than the tolerances that you defined.


Select to match using the #OLDEST algorithm, which matches items by due


Select to match by reference information.

See PeopleSoft Receivables: "Setting Up Automated Maintenance Processing,"

Understanding Automatic Maintenance Methods, Viewing a Sample Automatic
Maintenance Method.

Anchor Business Unit Select the business unit to use for transactions that cross business units for
interunit accounting entries. Leave blank to use the business unit of the first item
in each group as the anchor business unit for the maintenance group.
If you enter an anchor business unit, the system uses the format currency for the
business unit to convert transaction amounts to a common currency. Otherwise, it
uses the format currency for the lowest-value business unit that you enter in the
Process Request Parameters grid. The process assigns the same anchor currency
to each Maintenance worksheet that it creates. The system displays the worksheet
totals in the anchor currency.

Note. The system uses the anchor business unit to perform an automatic write-off
of a remaining amount.

750 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 24 Maintaining Customer Account Balances

Accounting Date Enter the accounting date for the process to use as the accounting date for any
new items that it creates. If you leave the field blank, the process uses the date at
the time of the run as the accounting date.

Item Selection Criteria Select one of the following dates for the last activity date:
• Specific Date, for which the process selects items with a last activity date that
is less than or equal to a date the user selects in the Specific Date field on this

• Today, for which the process selects items with a last activity date that is less
than or equal to the current date at the time the process is run.

• All Dates, for which the process selects all items regardless of the last activity

Business Unit Enter the ID of all business units for which you want to match items. If you do
not want to create match groups that include items across all business units, enter
only one business unit.

Running the Actual Matches Report

Access the Actual Matches Report page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Automatic
Maintenance, Actual Matches Report, Actual Matches Report.)

From Date and To Date Enter the date range that identifies when the Automatic Maintenance process
created the pending items.

Running the Potential Matches Report

Access the Potential Matches Report page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Automatic
Maintenance, Potential Matches Report, Potential Matches Report.)

From Date and To Date Enter the date range that identifies when the Automatic Maintenance process
created the worksheets.

Maintaining Customer Accounts Using Worksheets

This section provides an overview of how to use the maintenance worksheet, lists a common element, and
discusses how to:

• Build a maintenance worksheet.

• (Optional) Specify matching criteria.

• Use the worksheet to maintain items individually.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 751
Maintaining Customer Account Balances Chapter 24

• Maintain items in match groups.

• View and update item details.

• Distribute multiple revenue lines.

• Choose a worksheet action.

Understanding How to Use the Maintenance Worksheet

This section provides an overview of the maintenance worksheet and discusses:

• Process flow

• Match groups

A maintenance worksheet is a workspace for offsetting, writing off, or adjusting posted items. You can also
use maintenance worksheets to refund an item with a credit balance or to create a new refund item for a credit
remaining from maintenance tasks.

You can use two different views to work with the worksheet:

• Use the normal view to work with items individually.

Select the items that you want to maintain individually; however, the worksheet must have a zero balance
at the end before you can post a worksheet. The amount of the debits that you selected and the amount of
the credits that you selected, plus the amount of adjustments must equal zero.

• Use the group view to work with items in match groups.

Specify matching criteria to work with items in match groups. The total of the debit and credit items in
each match group must equal zero before you can post the worksheet. You can change the amount of an
item that you are matching, add and remove items in each match group, or create a write-off item for the
remaining balance for a group. The system uses the anchor business unit to perform an automatic write-
off of a remaining amount. This method is useful when you want to resolve deductions by matching them
to offsetting credit memos.

Note. The Item Activity by Match Group page displays all the items in each match group for an item
maintenance activity. This enables you to see all the offsetting items used to close an item.

See Chapter 23, "Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information," Reviewing Item Activity for a Match
Group, page 733.

Because you frequently do not resolve the remaining balance for an item at one time, you can partially match
a debit to a credit item or partially write off an item by changing the amount for the item on the worksheet.
The system updates only the amount of the item that you specify.

Process Flow

To use a maintenance worksheet:

1. Enter information that determines which items appear in the worksheet.

2. (Optional) Enter criteria to match items in match groups.

752 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 24 Maintaining Customer Account Balances

3. Use the Worksheet Application or Worksheet Group View page to select items to match, to create write-
off and adjustment items, or to create refund items.

4. Set the worksheet to post.

Match Groups

If you work with the worksheet in group mode, the system places debits and credits in match groups based on
your matching criteria. The match group can contain items that belong to different business units and
customers. Each group contains at least one credit and a least one debit. You can move items from one group
to another as needed.

Common Element Used in This Section

Reason Code (Optional) Select a reason code to apply to all items selected on the worksheet.
This reason code appears with the item activity for these items.

Pages Used to Maintain Customer Accounts Using Worksheets

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Worksheet Selection WS_IDENTIFY_IC Accounts Receivable, Create a new worksheet, or

Receivables Maintenance, add and change items on an
Maintenance Worksheet, existing maintenance
Create Worksheet, worksheet. Build the
Worksheet Selection worksheet.

Worksheet Matches WS_WORKSHEET_MTCHS Accounts Receivable, Specify matching criteria to

Receivables Maintenance, create match groups in the
Maintenance Worksheet, worksheet and build the
Create Worksheet, worksheet.
Worksheet Matches

Worksheet Application WS_WORKSHEET_IC

• Accounts Receivable, Offset individual debits and
Receivables credits, write off items,
Maintenance, create new items, or refund
Maintenance items.
Worksheet, Update
Worksheet, Worksheet

• Click the Normal View

link on the Worksheet
Group View page.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 753
Maintaining Customer Account Balances Chapter 24

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Worksheet Group View WS_WORKSHEET_IC2

• Accounts Receivable, Balance match groups,
Receivables create write-offs and new
Maintenance, items, or refund items as
Maintenance needed.
Worksheet, Update
Worksheet Match
Groups, Worksheet
Group View

• Click the Group View

link on the Worksheet
Application page.

Move Item WS_MOVE_ITEM Click the Move button on Move an item to a different
the Worksheet Group View match group.

Anchor Information AR_WS_ANCHOR_SEC Click the Anchor Specify the anchor currency
Information link on the for multicurrency
Worksheet Application processing and the anchor
page or the Worksheet business unit and
Group View page. distribution code for the
maintenance control
distribution lines.

Currency Conversion EU_CUR_CNV_WS_SEC Select the currency code,

Click the Currency
Conversion Panel button on rate, and date of conversion
the Worksheet Application for the display currency on
page or the Worksheet the worksheet. The values
Group View page. that you enter determine the
currency and amount for the
Conversion Amount -
Currency field.

Worksheet Application WS_WORKSHT_IC_DTL View or change details

Click the View Detail
Detail View about a selected item on a
button on the Worksheet
worksheet. Write off a
Application page or the
remaining balance for the
Worksheet Group View

Item Activity Detail ITEM_ACTIVTY_DRILL Click the Item Activity link View all activities for an
on the Worksheet item.
Application Detail View

Conversations CONVER_DATA1_SS Click the Conversations link Add or view conversation

on the Worksheet entries for the item.
Application Detail View

754 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 24 Maintaining Customer Account Balances

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Item in Other Groups ITEM_MGROUP_SEC Click the Item in Other View other worksheet
Groups link on the groups that have the
Worksheet Application selected item or any
Detail View page. pending item groups that
are not posted that have the

Additional Customer CUST_INFO_SEC Click the Additional Cust View additional customer
Information Information link on the information.
Worksheet Application
Detail View page.

Multiple Revenue Line AR_MRL_SEC Click the Revenue Determine how to distribute
Distribution Distribution link on the revenue to control budgets
Worksheet Application for partial payments when
Detail View page, the an item has multiple
Worksheet Application revenue lines.
page, or the Worksheet
Group View page.

AR Billing Inquiry AR_BI_INQUIRY_B Click the View Billing Review details for an
Information link on the invoice in PeopleSoft
(accounts receivable billing
Worksheet Application Billing. The amounts are in
Detail View page. the base currency. This page
contains data only if you
use PeopleSoft Billing.
Use the Go To field to
access a page in the Bill
Inquiry component
PeopleSoft Billing.
See Chapter 23,
"Maintaining and
Reviewing Item
Information," Pages Used to
Change and Review Item
Information, page 720.

Worksheet Action WS_ACTION_IC Accounts Receivable, Select a posting action,

Receivables Maintenance, create or review accounting
Maintenance Worksheet, entries, delete a worksheet,
Finalize Worksheet, create accounting entries
Worksheet Action online for the worksheet, or
delete accounting entries.

Building a Maintenance Worksheet

Access the Worksheet Selection page. ( Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance
Worksheet, Create Worksheet, Worksheet Selection.)

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Maintaining Customer Account Balances Chapter 24

Worksheet Selection page

Customer Criteria

Customer Criteria Select the type of customer that you want to include in the worksheet. Values are:
Corporate Items, Customer Items,Remit From Items, and None. If you select
None, the system creates a worksheet based on your other selection criteria and
does not limit items to specific customers. In addition, if you select None, the
Customer Reference fields are not available.

Cust ID (customer ID) Enter a customer ID and business unit.

and Business Unit
Note. If you select Corporate Items or Remit From Items in Customer Criteria,
you must enter a business unit. The system needs a business unit to determine the
setID of corporate and remit from customers. The resulting worksheet displays
all open items that have the specified corporate or remit from customer across all
business units, not just the business unit that you selected.

756 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 24 Maintaining Customer Account Balances

Rate Type Required if you are working with multiple currencies. The default value for the
rate type comes from the value that you defined for the business unit on the
Receivables Options - Payment Options page.

Warning! If you do not enter a rate type and you select multicurrency items, the
system returns you to the Worksheet Selection page, and you must start from the
beginning. None of your work on the worksheet will be saved. To avoid
accidentally losing your work, enter a rate type on the Receivables Options -
Payment Options page so that you always have a default value on the Worksheet
Application page.

MICR ID (magnetic ink (Optional) Enter the customer's MICR ID.

character recognition ID)
Link MICR Link the customer's MICR ID to other customers who have the same MICR ID.

Accounting Date For new worksheets, select the accounting date that you want to apply to all
items that you select on the worksheet.
For existing worksheets, you can change the accounting date only if no items
have been selected on the worksheet. If you have selected items, click the Clear
button to clear the selections. Then change the accounting date.

Reference Criteria

Reference Criteria Select a value that indicates how you will identify the items for the worksheet.
Values are Specific Value,None, and a Range of References. If you select either
Range of References or Specific Value, you work with the other two Item
Reference fields.

Note. The only instance in which you can use reference criteria independently of
customer criteria is when All Customers appears as the value for the Restrict to

Restrict To Select a value to qualify items by customer. Values are All Customers, Corporate
Cust Only, Customer Only, and Remit Cust Only.

Match Rule If you selected Specific Value in the Reference Criteria field, specify whether the
item information is an exact match or a like match. A like match enables you to
use a percent (%) wildcard to identify the reference, as long as you provide the
beginning letters or numbers. For example, if you enter a purchase order (PO)
number of 24% and select Like Match, the worksheet will contain all items
having PO numbers beginning with 24xx, but will not catch a PO number of

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Maintaining Customer Account Balances Chapter 24

Anchor Business Unit Select a business unit. The system uses the currency for the business unit as the
anchor currency for conversion when items on the worksheet are in different
currencies. The system also uses the maintenance control code (AR distribution
code) that you assigned to this business unit to create offsetting accounting
entries. The system uses this business unit when you perform an automatic write-
off of a remaining balance.
If items are selected on the worksheet, you cannot change an anchor business
unit. To change an anchor business unit, click the Clear button to clear the

Currency Enter the control currency for the worksheet. This field appears only if you enter
reference values.

Reference and To If you selected Specific Value in the Reference Criteria field, enter the specific
Reference item reference. If you selected Range of References, enter the starting and ending
values for the range of references.

Reference Qualifier Select the type of reference, such as document, item, purchase order, or any other
Code criteria that you set up on the Reference Qualifier page.

Note. You must enter a qualifier code before you enter a reference number if
you do not have a default value assigned to the business unit.

Item Inclusion Options

All Items, Deduction Select one of these options to indicate the type of items to include in the
Items Only, and Items in worksheet. If you select All Items, you can select one or more of these check
Dispute Only boxes to exclude those item types from the worksheet: Exclude Deduction Items,
Exclude Collection Items, and Exclude Dispute Items.

Item Selection Filter

To limit the list of items on the worksheet, enter additional selection criteria in the Item Selection Filter
group box. The Worksheet Application page displays only items the values of which match the ones that you
enter. For example, enter the code for a receivables (AR) specialist to view only the items assigned to that
person. This option is useful when you want to build a worksheet to resolve deductions.

Worksheet Action

Build Click to create a new worksheet or to add items that meet your selection criteria
to an existing worksheet.

Clear Click to remove all items from an existing worksheet.

758 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 24 Maintaining Customer Account Balances

Specifying Matching Criteria

Access the Worksheet Matches page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance
Worksheet, Create Worksheet, Worksheet Matches.)

Worksheet Matches page

You specify the criteria for matching debit items to credit items in the Match Criteria group box. When you
build the worksheet, the system displays groups of matching debit and credit items on the Worksheet Group
View page.

Field Match Select an option for matching the field values. Options are:
Field: Select to match any value in a specific debit item field to the exact same
value in a specific credit item field. When you select this option, only the Debit
Field and Credit Field are available.
Value: Select to match a specific or partial value in a specific debit field to a
specific or partial value in a specific credit field.

Debit Field and Credit Select the matching criteria for debits in the debit fields and the matching criteria
Field for credit items in the credit fields.
For each line, select the field on the Item table (PS_ITEM) that you want to
match. Values are Bill of Lading, Broker ID, Carrier ID, Claim Number, Class of
Trade, Contract ,Division, Document ID, Entry Reason, Family, Invoice, Item
ID, Major Classification, Order No, Price Promotion Code, Proof of Delivery,
Purchase Order Ref, Sales Person, and Sales Person 2.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 759
Maintaining Customer Account Balances Chapter 24

Operator Select the operator for each field match:

= (equal): Matches the exact value that you enter in the From field.
BTW (in between): Matches a range of values that you enter in the From and To
fields. For example, if you enter C to DZ, it matches all values that begin with C
to DZ.
LIKE (like comparison): Includes references that begin or end with the same
characters or numbers by entering a partial value and the percent (%) wildcard in
the From field. For example, if you enter a PO number of 24%, it matches items
that have PO numbers beginning with 24xx, but won't match a PO number of

Note. The To field is available only if you selected BTW for the operator. If you
selected LIKE, you must enter a percent wildcard in the From field.

The system creates one match group that contains all of the items that meet your matching criteria for each
line. For example, enter the following matching criteria:

Debit Field ITEM

Operator =

From DE134

Credit Field ITEM

Operator LIKE

From CR123%

If you have the debit item DE1234 and the CR1234, CR1236, and CR1239 credit items in the system, the
system creates one match group containing these items:

• DE1234

• CR1234

• CR1236

• CR1239

Worksheet Action

Build Click to create a new worksheet or to add items that meet your selection criteria
to an existing worksheet.

Clear Click to remove all items from an existing worksheet.

760 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 24 Maintaining Customer Account Balances

Using the Worksheet to Maintain Items Individually

Access the Worksheet Application page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance
Worksheet, Update Worksheet, Worksheet Application, and click the Normal View link on the Worksheet
Group View page.)

Worksheet Application page

The page appears in normal view if you did not enter any matching criteria on the Worksheet Matches page
or if the matching criteria did not generate any match groups.

Anchor Information Click to access the Anchor Information page, where you select an anchor
business unit and anchor currency for multicurrency processing. Select a control
distribution code for accounting entries. If an item is selected on the worksheet,
then you are unable to change or select any of these fields.

Working with Item Selection Controls

The item selection controls enable you to work with all items in the worksheet at once or a specified range of

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 761
Maintaining Customer Account Balances Chapter 24

Entry Type and Reason Select the entry type for the activity that you want to perform for the selected
items. You must enter a valid entry reason in the Reason field if you selected the
Require Reason check box for the entry type on either the Item Entry Type -
Selection page or the Automatic Entry Type - Selection page. Valid entry types
Offset an Item: Select to offset all of the selected items.
Refund a Credit: Select to refund selected credit items. If you also have debit
items selected, the system ignores them.
Write off a Debit: Select to write off selected debit items. If you also have credit
items selected, the system ignores them. The system issues a message if you try
to write off more than the write-off tolerances permit. If approval framework is
activated, then the system requires the approval of write-off amounts entered on
the worksheet that are below the write-off tolerances but above the approval-
needed limit.
Write off a Credit: Select to write off selected credit items. If you also have debit
items selected, the system ignores them. The system issues a message if you try
to write off more than the write-off tolerances permit.
If you receive a warning message that the write-off exceeds the tolerances, you
can bypass the message, as long as you are enabled to override tolerances in user
preferences and the write-off meets your tolerance requirements. If approval
framework is activated, then the system requires the approval of write-off
amounts entered and saved on the worksheet that are above the approval-needed

Note. If you select an item that is selected in another worksheet, and you selected
the No Mult Pending Item Selection field on the Installation Options -
Receivables page, the system does not select the item in the grid. To determine
whether the item is selected in another group, click the Items in Other Groups
link on the Detail View page for the item. The system also does not automatically
select an item that you added to the worksheet by clicking the Add Item button if
that item is selected in another worksheet.

Important! The system allows you to select Write off a Debit or Write off a
Credit if the business unit for both items being matched requires VAT (value
added tax) only if VAT applicability is set to Exempt or Out of Scope.

Choice and Range Select an option to select or clear multiple items at a time. Values are Select All,
De-Select All, Select Range, De-Select Range.
If you select Select Range or De-Select Range, enter the range in the Range field.
For example, enter 4-7.

Go Click to apply your selections to the items in the grid and to update the worksheet
If you have a remaining balance, you can write off the remaining balance or
create a new debit or credit item for the difference.

762 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 24 Maintaining Customer Account Balances

Using Item Display Controls

Display Specify which items to display in the grid, such as All Items, Unselected Items, or
Selected Items.

Go Click to refresh the item list and balances.

Click the Currency Conversion Panel button to access the Currency Conversion
page, where you select a display currency for the Conversion Amount - Currency
column and specify whether to use today's date, the accounting date for the item,
or a date that you specify to determine which exchange rate to use.

Sort All Use the Sort All field to sort all items in the worksheet, not just the items that are
displayed in the scroll area. This field is not available if the number of rows does
not exceed the maximum chunk size. Select Match to place matching credits and
debits together. The worksheet matches the items by comparing the item ID and
line number with the document and document line number. Select Items to sort
the worksheet in the order that you entered the items on the Worksheet Selection
page. Then click Go to resort all items in the worksheet.
The page displays the selected rows that currently appear in the list. Click the
arrows to view different chunks of data. For better performance, you can limit the
number of rows that appear in the scroll area on the Installation Options -
Receivables page. Oracle recommends a maximum chunk size of 100 rows,
although larger chunks may perform satisfactorily.
These fields and buttons are not available if the number of rows does not exceed
the maximum chunk size.

Working with Item Summary Information

Use the Customize link to sort by column and reorder, hide, and freeze columns. This enables you to put the
key fields that you want to review on the Detail 1 tab and sort your data.

See the section on using grid and scroll area controls in the Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Using
PeopleSoft Applications.

Click the View Detail button to access the Worksheet Application Detail View
page, where you view and update details for an item.

Note. If you selected the option to view all items in the grid, the Detail View
page displays information about all items in the grid and the page takes longer to

Seq Nbr (sequence This number relates to the order in which the items were entered on the
number) Worksheet Selection page. Initially the items appear in this order. If you sort the
worksheet based on the value in another column or by using the Sort All field,
the number stays with the item, but the grid order changes. Use this column to
resort the worksheet in the original order.

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Maintaining Customer Account Balances Chapter 24

Item Balance Displays the amount of the item on which you are taking action. Change the
amount if you do not want to take action on the full amount of the item. For new
items that you create, add the amount for the item.

Item ID and Line If you added a new item to the worksheet to balance the worksheet, enter the item
ID and line number. If you need to add additional information for the item, use
the Worksheet Application Detail View page.

764 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 24 Maintaining Customer Account Balances

Type and Reason Select the entry type and reason for the activity. If you are working with an
existing item, select one of these entry types:
MT (Offset an Item): Select to match the item.

Note. If you are offsetting a vendor rebate claim or claimback item derived from
PeopleSoft Purchasing or PeopleSoft Order Management and the item's business
unit is associated with a VAT entity, you create two items, one with the base
amount of the item in the Item Balance field and one with the VAT amount for
the item in the Item Balance field. Use the MT (Offset an Item) entry type for
each item. Use the CRBSE entry reason for the row with the base amount and
CRVAT entry reason for the row with the VAT amount. You also must enter the
reference number for the claim item in the Document field on the Worksheet
Application Detail View page.

RC (Refund a Credit): Select to refund a credit item.

WO (Write-off a Debit): Select to write off a debit item.
WOC (Write-off a Credit): Select to write off a credit item.
If you are working with a new item in the worksheet that you created by adding a
new row to the worksheet, select one of these entry types:
MC (Create New Credit): Select to create a new credit memo and add the amount
to the adjustment total. The amount in the balance field must be negative.
MD (Create New Debit): Select to create a new debit memo and add the amount
to the adjustment total. The amount in the balance field must be positive.
RRC (Refund Remaining Credit): Select to refund the remaining balance for the
worksheet in the Net field.
WRC (Write-off Remaining Credit): Select to write off the remaining credit
balance for the worksheet in the Net field. The system creates a credit (MT-05)
and adds the amount to the adjustment total. It also creates a credit write-off
(MT-06) and adds that amount to the write-off total.
WRD (Write-off Remaining Debit): Select to write off the remaining debit
balance for the worksheet in the Net field. The system creates a debit memo
(MT-04) and adds the amount to the adjustment total. It also creates a debit
write-off (MT-07) and adds that amount to the write-off total.

Note. If you receive a warning message that the write-off exceeds the tolerances,
you can bypass the message, as long as you are enabled to override tolerances in
user preferences and the write-off meets your tolerance requirements. If approval
framework is activated, then the system requires the approval of write-off
amounts entered and saved on the worksheet that are above the approval-needed

Important! The system allows you to select Write off a Debit or Write off a
Credit if the business unit for both items being matched requires VAT only if
VAT applicability is set to Exempt or Out of Scope.

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Maintaining Customer Account Balances Chapter 24

Add Item Click to add an existing item that is not already in the worksheet. When you add
an item, enter the business unit, customer ID, and item ID. The system selects the
item and assigns an MT offset entry type. If you are using line items, all line
items for the item are selected. If you attempt to add an invalid item ID or any
open item that does not meet the current editing criteria, it will not be added to
the worksheet.

Note. To add all of another customer's open items as opposed to a single item,
access the Worksheet Selection page, where you can add a customer ID and
rebuild the worksheet.

Group View Click to access the Worksheet Group View page, where you match items in
match groups.

Write Off Remaining Click to write off the remaining balance for the worksheet. The link is available
Amount only if a balance is in the Net field. The system creates two new pending items—
the new debit or credit and the write-off—and assigns an item ID to each item.
Override the item ID if you want to assign your own number.
If the net amount is greater than zero, the system creates a debit memo (MT-04)
and adds the amount to the adjustment total. It also creates a debit write-off (MT-
07) and adds that amount to the write-off total.
If the net is less than zero, the system creates a credit (MT-05) and adds the
amount to the adjustment total. It also creates a credit write-off (MT-06) and adds
that amount to the write-off total.
If either MT-06 or MT-07 have the Require Reason option selected, you will not
be able to use this link. Instead, you must create a new line on the Worksheet and
enter the information for the write-off including the reason code.

Revenue Distribution Click to distribute revenue amounts for control budgets when an item has
multiple revenue lines and you are only partially taking action on it. This link is
available only if you enabled commitment control processing and if you enabled
the entry of multiple revenue lines for the business unit.


The system updates the balance information when you click Go or Refresh, or you save the worksheet. You
must have a zero balance before you can post the worksheet.

Dr (debit) Displays the total of positive amounts.

Cr (credit) Displays the total of negative amounts.

Adj (adjustment) Displays the amount of new debit and credit pending items that you created.

Net Displays the remaining or unmatched amount for selected items (debits – credits
+ adjustments).

WO (write-off) Displays the total of both item and remainder write-offs.

766 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 24 Maintaining Customer Account Balances

Ref (refund) Displays the total of refunded items.

Maintaining Items in Match Groups

Access the Worksheet Group View page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance
Worksheet, Update Worksheet Match Groups, Worksheet Group View, and click the Group View link on the
Worksheet Application page.)

The page opens in group view if you entered matching criteria on the Worksheet Matches page and your
criteria generated match groups.

Each match group contains the items that matched based on your matching criteria. Match group number
99999 contains all items that did not match any other items. The group balance for each match group must be
zero before you can post the worksheet. Also, the net amount for the worksheet must be zero.

To balance a match group, you can:

• Select the items to offset.

• Write off an item or write off the remaining balance for an item.

• Change the balance for an item to partially match it.

• Move items to another group.

• Add a new item to the group.

• Delete items from the group.

Use the Match Group scroll area to scroll through the match groups. Use the Item List grid to scroll through
items within a match group.

Anchor Information Click to access the Anchor Information page, where you select an anchor
business unit and anchor currency for multicurrency processing. Select a control
distribution code for accounting entries. If an item is selected, then you will not
be able to change or select any of these fields.

Click the Currency Conversion Panel button to access the Currency Conversion
page, where you select a display currency for the Conversion Amount - Currency
column and specify whether to use today's date, the accounting date for the item,
or a date that you specify to determine which exchange rate to use.

Normal View Click to access the Worksheet Application page, where you match individual
items instead of matching items in groups.

Revenue Distribution Click to distribute revenue amounts for control budgets when an item has
multiple revenue lines and you are only partially taking action on it. This link is
available only if you enabled commitment control processing and if you enabled
the entry of multiple revenue lines for the business unit.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 767
Maintaining Customer Account Balances Chapter 24

Using the Item Controls to Balance Groups

The item selection controls enable you to work with all items in a single match group at once or a specified
range of items.

Entry Type and Reason Select the entry type for the activity that you want to perform for the selected
items. You must enter a valid entry reason in the Reason field if you selected the
Require Reason field for the selected entry type on either the Item Entry Type -
Selection page or the Automatic Entry Type - Selection page. Valid entry types
MT (Offset an Item): Select to offset all of the selected items.
RC (Refund a Credit): Select to refund selected credit items. If you also have
debit items selected, the system ignores them.
WO (Write off a Debit): Select to write off selected debit items. If you also have
credit items selected, the system ignores them. The system issues a message if
you try to write off more than the write-off tolerances permit. If approval
framework is activated, then the system requires the approval of write-off
amounts entered on the worksheet that are below the write-off tolerances but
above the approval-needed limit.
WOC (Write off a Credit): Select to write off selected credit items. If you also
have debit items selected, the system ignores them. The system issues a message
if you try to write off more than the write-off tolerances permit.
If you receive a warning message that the write-off exceeds the tolerances, you
can bypass the message, as long as you are enabled to override tolerances in user
preferences and the write-off meets your tolerance requirements. If approval
framework is activated, then the system requires the approval of write-off
amounts entered and saved on the worksheet that are above the approval-needed

Note. If you select an item that is selected in another worksheet, and if you
selected the No Mult Pending Item Selection option on the Installation Options -
Receivables page, the system does not select the item in the grid. To determine
whether the item is selected in another group, click the Items in Other Groups
link on the Detail View page for the item.

Important! The system allows you to select Write off a Debit or Write off a
Credit if the business unit for both items being matched requires VAT only if
VAT applicability is set to Exempt or Out of Scope.

Match Group Select the number of the match group with which you want to work.

Choice and Range Select an option to select or clear multiple items in the group at once. Values are
Select All, De-Select All, Select Range, De-Select Range, and none.
If you select Select Range or De-Select Range, enter the range in the Range field.
For example, enter 4-7.

768 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 24 Maintaining Customer Account Balances

Go Click to apply your selections to the items in the match group and to update the
group balance and worksheet balances.
If you have a remaining balance for a match group, you can write off the
remaining balance or create a new debit or credit item for the difference. To write
off the remaining balance, add a new row for a write-off item to the match group
and enter the remaining amount in the Item Balance field. Select either the WRD
or WRC entry type to write off the remaining debit or credit.

Working with Individual Items to Balance Match Groups

Use the Customization link to sort by column and reorder, hide, and freeze columns. This will enable you to
put the key fields that you want to review on the Detail 1 tab and sort your data.

See the section on using grid and scroll area controls in the Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Using
PeopleSoft Applications.

Click the View Detail button to access the Worksheet Application Detail View
page, where you can view and update details for an item.

Note. You can review only one item in the Detail page when clicking the View
Detail button on the Worksheet Group View page.

Item Balance Displays the amount of the item on which you are taking action. Change the
amount if you do not want to take action on the full amount of the item. For new
items that you create, add the amount for the item.

Seq (sequence) This number relates to the order in which the items were entered on the
Worksheet Selection page. Initially, the items in each match appear in this order.
If you sort the match group based on the value in another column, the number
stays with the item, but the grid sequence number for the item in the left column
changes. Use this column to resort the worksheet in the original order.

Item ID and Line If you added a new item to the match group to balance the group, enter the item
ID and line number. Add additional information for the item on the Detail View

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 769
Maintaining Customer Account Balances Chapter 24

Type and Reason Select the entry type and reason for the activity. If you are working with existing
items, select one of these entry types:
MT (Offset an Item): Select to match the item.

Note. If you are offsetting a vendor rebate claim or claimback item derivedi from
PeopleSoft Purchasing or PeopleSoft Order Management and the item's business
unit is associated with a VAT entity, you create two items, one with the base
amount of the item in the Item Balance field and one with the VAT amount for
the item in the Item Balance field. Use the MT (Offset an Item) entry type for
each item. Use the CRBSE entry reason for the row with the base amount and
CRVAT entry reason for the row with the VAT amount. You also must enter the
reference number for the claim item in the Document field on the Worksheet
Application Detail View page.

RC (Refund a Credit): Select to refund a credit item.

WO (Write off a Debit): Select to write off a debit item.
WOC (Write off a Credit): Select to write off a credit item.
If you are working with a new item in the match group that you created by
adding a new row, select one of these entry types:
MC (Create New Credit): Select to create a new credit memo and add the amount
to the adjustment total. The amount in the balance field must be negative.
MD (Create New Debit): Select to create a new debit memo and add the amount
to the adjustment total. The amount in the balance field must be positive.
RRC (Refund Remaining Credit): Select to refund the remaining balance for the
match group in the Group Balance field.
WRC (Write-off Remaining Credit): Select to write off the remaining credit
balance for the match group in the Group Balance field. The system creates a
credit (MT-05) and adds the amount to the adjustment total. It also creates a
credit write-off (MT-06) and adds that amount to the write-off total.
WRD (Write-off Remaining Debit): Select to write off the remaining debit
balance for the match group in the Group Balance field. The system creates a
debit memo (MT-04) and adds the amount to the adjustment total. It also creates
a debit write-off (MT-07) and adds that amount to the write-off total.

Note. If you receive a warning that the write-off exceeds the tolerances, you can
bypass the message, as long as you are enabled to override tolerances in user
preferences and the write-off meets your tolerance requirements. If approval
framework is activated, then the system requires the approval of write-off
amounts entered and saved on the worksheet that are above the approval-needed

Important! The system allows you to select Write off a Debit or Write off a
Credit if the business unit for both items being matched requires VAT only if
VAT applicability is set to Exempt or Out of Scope.

Move Click to access the Move Item page. Select the Move Item check box and enter
the number for the new match group in the To Match Group ID field. Click Save
to move the item.

770 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 24 Maintaining Customer Account Balances

Viewing and Updating Item Details

Access the Worksheet Application Detail View page. (Click the View Detail button on the Worksheet
Application page or the Worksheet Group View page.)

Item Balance To partially take action on an item, change the amount and click Edit to update
the worksheet balance information.

Entry Type and Entry Select the entry type and reason for the activity.
Location Enter the address sequence number for new items. You must enter a value in this
field to include the item in correspondence if you selected the Item Address
option for the correspondence customer on the Correspondence Options page.

Document If you are applying the payment to a vendor rebate claim item or claimback item
that is derived from PeopleSoft Purchasing or PeopleSoft Order Management,
you must enter a reference ID. When you run the Rebate Notification process, it
sends the reference ID to PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Order
Management to use to reconcile the claims on the claims management
This field is available for existing items only if you enter entry reasons on the AR
Integration page.

Click the links to view and update more information about the item.

Note. To save your changes, return to the Worksheet Application or Worksheet Group View page.

Distributing Multiple Revenue Lines

Access the Multiple Revenue Line Distribution page. (Click the Revenue Distribution link on the Worksheet
Application Detail View page, the Worksheet Application page, or the Worksheet Group View page.)

See Chapter 21, "Applying Payments," Distributing Amounts for Multiple Revenue Lines for Control
Budgets, page 668.

Choosing a Worksheet Action

Access the Worksheet Action page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance
Worksheet, Finalize Worksheet, Worksheet Action.)

Delete Worksheet Click to delete the entire worksheet and any accounting entries that you created
for the worksheet.

Delete Maintenance Click to delete the accounting entries that you created, but leave the worksheet
Group intact.

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Maintaining Customer Account Balances Chapter 24

Action If approval workflow is enabled, any write-offs must be approved before you can
proceed with any of the posting actions. You must select Submit to Workflow
action. The approver can access the worksheet and change this action to Pending
Approval. Once the write-off is approved, the system enables the approver to
perform a posting action.
Select a posting action for the group and click OK to carry out the action. Values
Do Not Post: Saves the changes to the group, but no posting occurs. Use this
option to change the posting option for a group set to Batch Standard if the group
has not been processed yet.
Post Now: Runs the Receivable Update process immediately. If the user enabled
the notification feature, the system displays a message when the process finishes.
Post Now to GL: Runs the Receivable Update process immediately and runs
processes to create and post journals to the general ledger. If the user enabled the
notification feature, the system displays a message when the process finishes.
Batch Priority: Runs the Receivable Update process the next time that a priority
scheduled job runs or the next time that a standard scheduled job runs, if that
occurs first. This option is not intended for large jobs.
Batch Standard: Runs the next time that a standard scheduled batch jobs runs.
This may occur once a day, depending on how often the organization schedules
standard jobs.

Note. The posting options that are available depend on the options that you select
for the user on the Define User Preferences - Process Group page. Use the Post
Now and Post Now to GL options only for small groups or when an immediate
need exists to post the transaction. The system issues a message if another user or
scheduled process is posting transactions for the same business unit and customer
combination at the same time. If approval workflow is enabled, the write-off has
to be approved before a posting action can be selected.

See Chapter 12, "Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator,"
Receivable Update Processing Options, page 370.

Create/Review Click to create accounting entries online. Normally you do not use this option in
Accounting Entries a production environment.

772 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 24 Maintaining Customer Account Balances

Reviewing Accounting Entries and Correcting Errors

When you post maintenance groups, the Receivable Update process and the Pending Group Generator
process (AR_PGG_SERV) work together to create the group, pending items, and accounting entries. To
review the accounting entries before background processing occurs, you can create them online by clicking
the Create/Review Entries button on the Worksheet Action page. The process edits for ChartField
combination errors if you enabled this option for the business unit on the Receivables Options - General 2
page. A single error message appears if at least one distribution line has a ChartField combo edit error. This
message instructs the user to refer to the ChartField Combo Error tab for further details about the error. The
ChartField Combo Error tab appears in the Distribution Lines grid. This tab identifies the specific fields and
combination group that was used to compare against the distribution line with the error. If no errors occurred,
this tab does not appear. You cannot post the accounting entries until you fix the errors if you selected
Recycle in the ChartField Editing group box for the business unit.

Use the Accounting Entries page to review or edit accounting entries that have already been created for
maintenance group items and correct them if needed. You can edit both the receivables (AR) line and the
user-defined lines for these types of new items that do not reference existing items:

• Create a New Debit (MT-04)

• Create a New Credit (MT-05)

• Write-off Remaining Credit (MT-06)

• Write-off Remaining Debit (MT-07)

• Refund Remaining Credit (MT-08)

Note. You cannot edit the AR lines when the system generates two transactions for the same new item ID
because the AR line must match for both transactions. This applies when a Write-off Remaining Debit (MT-
07) item automatically creates a Create a New Debit (MT-04) item, or when a Write-off Remaining Credit
(MT-06) or Refund Remaining Credit (MT-08) item automatically creates a Create a New Credit (MT-05)

For write-off items (MT-02) and MT-03), you can edit only the user-defined lines. To keep these accounting
entries balanced when you make changes, enable the ChartField Balancing option on the Ledger Group -
Balancing page. This enables the system to create intraunit accounting entries across the from and to line.

Note. You cannot edit the entries if you selected the Always Inherit or Inherit within BU inheritance option.

If ChartField combination errors occur on Offset an Item (MT-01) and Refund a Credit (MT-09) transactions:

1. Delete the accounting entries on the error correction pages.

2. Modify the ChartField combinations for either the combination edit rules or for the distribution codes.

3. Rerun the Receivable Update process to regenerate the accounting entries.

If your automatic entry type accounting templates contain multiple user-defined lines, and you create entries
online, you can manually allocate the amount of the item across the accounting lines. If you create entries
during background processing, the accounting lines will not be balanced and you must use the error
correction pages to manually allocate the amount across the accounting lines.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 773
Maintaining Customer Account Balances Chapter 24

If the original item that an item references has project ChartFields and you want to use the same ChartField
values, access the AR Billing Inquiry page for the item and click the Bill Header - Project Info link. This
enables you to view the project ChartFields on the bill header in PeopleSoft Billing. Otherwise, the system
uses the ChartField values that you defined on the Auto Entry Type - Accounting Template for the entry type
and reason.

See Also

Chapter 28, "Posting and Unposting Groups," Correcting Posting Errors, page 894

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Editing ChartField Combinations"

Pages Used to Review Accounting Entries and Correct Errors

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Worksheet Control GROUP_ENTRY1_DSP

• Accounts Receivable, Review the control totals
Receivables for a maintenance group.
Worksheet, Update
Accounting Entries,
Worksheet Control

• Accounts Receivable,
Receivables Update,
Correct Posting Errors,
Worksheet, Worksheet

Accounting Entries GROUP_ENTRY3_DSP

• Accounts Receivable, Review and correct errors
Receivables for accounting entries in a
Maintenance, maintenance group.
Maintenance See Chapter 18, "Entering
Worksheet, Update Pending Items," Creating
Accounting Entries, and Reviewing Accounting
Accounting Entries Entries Online, page 550.
• Accounts Receivable,
Receivables Update,
Correct Posting Errors,
Worksheet, Accounting

Processing Refunds
This section provides an overview of refund processing, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

1. Create refunds using the maintenance worksheet.

774 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 24 Maintaining Customer Account Balances

2. Post the refunds using the Receivable Update process.

3. Run the Receivables Refund process to update the Voucher Stage tables.

Understanding Refund Processing

The Receivables Refund Application Engine process (AR_REFUND) adds rows to the
Receivables. The PeopleSoft Payables Voucher Build Application Engine process (AP_VCHRBLD) creates
voucher record sets. The Receivables Refund process does not add unposted vouchers to the voucher tables in
your accounts payable system.

If PeopleSoft Payables is not installed, the Receivables Refund process adds rows to the
PS_AR_REFUND_TMP table instead.

Note. If you do not have PeopleSoft Payables installed on your system, disable Payables on the Installed
Products page so that the option to load the rows to the PeopleSoft Payables staging tables is not available on
the Refund Parameters page.

Process Flow

Perform these steps to process refunds:

1. Create refunds using the maintenance worksheet.

2. Post the refunds using the Receivable Update process.

3. Run the Receivables Refund process to update the Voucher Stage tables.

After you perform the three tasks, run the Voucher Build process in PeopleSoft Payables, and continue with
normal voucher processing in PeopleSoft Payables.

Accounting for Refund Processing

The system debits accounts receivable and credits the Refund Control ChartField combination when you run
the Receivables Update process or create accounting entries online for the refunds that you create on a
maintenance worksheet.

The Receivables Refund process creates an offsetting debit to the Refund control account. The system
determines the corresponding credit by using your PeopleSoft Payables account entry templates associated
with the payables business unit.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Payables 9.1 PeopleBook, "Running Voucher and Payment Posting," Running the
Voucher Posting Process

Chapter 30, "Processing Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Receivables," Understanding Realized Gain and
Loss Processing, page 938

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 775
Maintaining Customer Account Balances Chapter 24

You must set up your system to process refunds correctly. Perform these tasks before you create a refund:

• Link each customer to a vendor by entering a customer ID for the vendor on the Vendor Information

PeopleSoft Payables uses the vendor ID that you assign to the customer on the voucher.

• Link the vendor to the customer on the Miscellaneous General Info page.

In the Vendor ID fields, enter a setID and a vendor ID.

• Link the receivables business unit to the payables business unit and specify the accounts payable (AP)
origin ID on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 2 page.

See Also

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Defining the Accounting Options 2 Page, page

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining Additional
Customer Information," Viewing Vendor Names and IDs

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General Customer
Information," Entering Tax ID, Vendor ID, Web Addresses, Stock Symbols, and SubCustomer Information

Pages Used to Process Refunds

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Worksheet Selection WS_IDENTIFY_IC Accounts Receivable, Build the maintenance

Receivables Maintenance, worksheet.
Maintenance Worksheet,
Create Worksheet,
Worksheet Selection

Worksheet Application WS_WORKSHEET_IC Accounts Receivable, Select the items to refund.

Receivables Maintenance,
Maintenance Worksheet,
Update Worksheet,
Worksheet Application

Worksheet Group View WS_WORKSHEET_IC2 Accounts Receivable, Select the items to refund.
Receivables Maintenance,
Maintenance Worksheet,
Update Worksheet Match
Groups, Worksheet Group

776 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 24 Maintaining Customer Account Balances

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Worksheet Action WS_ACTION_IC Accounts Receivable, Select a posting action.

Receivables Maintenance,
Maintenance Worksheet,
Finalize Worksheet,
Worksheet Action

Receivable Update Request POSTING_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Post the worksheet refund
Receivables Update, items.
Request Receivables
Update, Receivable Update

Refunds RUN_AR36001 Accounts Receivable, Run the Receivables

Receivables Maintenance, Refunds process.
Refunds, Request Refund
Item, Refunds

Refund Status REFUND_INQUIRY Accounts Receivable, View information for a

Receivables Maintenance, refund voucher that was
Refunds, Refund Status, created by PeopleSoft
Refund Status Payables.

Creating Refunds
Access the Worksheet Selection page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Maintenance
Worksheet, Create Worksheet, Worksheet Selection.)

To create refunds:

1. Build the maintenance worksheet on the Worksheet Selection page.

2. Select the credit items that you want to refund on the Worksheet Application page or the Worksheet
Group View page, and select the Refund a Credit entry type.

Alternatively, create a new row on a worksheet with a net credit balance and select the Refund Remaining
Credit entry type.

3. Select a posting action on the Worksheet Action page.

See Also

Chapter 24, "Maintaining Customer Account Balances," Maintaining Customer Accounts Using Worksheets,
page 751

Posting Refunds
Access the Receivables Update Request page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Request
Receivables Update, Receivable Update Request.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 777
Maintaining Customer Account Balances Chapter 24

See Also

Chapter 28, "Posting and Unposting Groups," Running Receivable Update, page 887

Running the Receivable Refunds Process

Access the Refunds page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Refunds, Request Refund Item,

Load Directly to AP Select to load the processed refunds into the PeopleSoft Payables voucher staging
tables. Deselect to enable the system to write refund information to the
PS_AR_REFUND_TMP table. If you do not select this check box, you must
write a custom process to read information from the PS_AR_REFUND_TMP
table and update the appropriate PeopleSoft Payables tables or third-party
payables system. This check box is available only if PeopleSoft Payables is
installed on your system.

778 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 25

Transferring Receivables
This chapter lists prerequisites and common elements and discusses how to:

• Transfer items to another customer or business unit.

• Transfer doubtful receivables.

• Review and update accounting entries.

Before you can use a transfer worksheet to transfer items, you must:

• Create automatic entry types for these transfer system function IDs:

• TR-01 (transfer item from customer).

• TR-02 (transfer item to customer).

• TR-03 (transfer item to the Doubtful Receivables account).

• Create a distribution code for the doubtful receivable account using the doubtful distribution type.

• Assign a default doubtful distribution code to the business unit.

• Create control distribution codes for transfer worksheets and assign a default control distribution code to
the business unit.

Note. When you are transferring an item from one business unit to another, the GL account and
ChartFields assigned to the Transfer Control Distribution Code (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain,
Business Unit Related, Receivables, Receivables Definition, Accounting Options 2 page) must exist in
both the transfer from business unit and the transfer to business unit.

• Set up reference qualifiers to identify the types of references to use when building the worksheet.

You also must enter the items into the system and run the Receivable Update Application Engine process
(ARUPDATE) to post the items.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 779
Transferring Receivables Chapter 25

See Also

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," page 55

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Defining Business Unit Defaults for Individual
Business Units, page 42

Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," Understanding Reference Qualifiers, page 125

Common Elements Used in This Chapter

Click the Document Sequencing button to select the sequencing value for
documents that you create online.

If working with multiple currencies, click the Disp Curr Conversion Worksheet
(display currency conversion worksheet) button to change the display currency
and specify whether to use today's date, the accounting date, or the date that you
specify to determine which exchange rate to use.

Click the View Related Links button to view additional links.

See Also

Chapter 31, "Using Document Sequencing in PeopleSoft Receivables," Changing Document Types and
Document Sequence Numbers, page 956

Transferring Items to Another Customer or Business Unit

This section provides an overview of customer and business unit transfers and discusses how to:

• Build a customer or business unit transfer worksheet.

• Select the to customer, business unit, and items.

• Modify item information.

• Select a transfer worksheet action.

Understanding Customer and Business Unit Transfers

Use the transfer worksheet to transfer items to another customer or business unit. The customers can be in the
same business unit or different business units, or they can be assigned to different subcustomer levels within a
single customer.

780 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 25 Transferring Receivables

When you transfer an item from one business unit to another, the GL account and ChartFields assigned to the
Transfer Control Distribution code must exist in both the business unit from which you are transferring the
item and the business unit to which you are transferring the item.

You can transfer items with value-added tax (VAT) as long as all the From customers' and To customers'
receivables business units point to the same VAT entity. You can transfer payments that are put on account
between two PeopleSoft Receivables business units.

Note. You cannot transfer multiple items that have the same item and item line number to another customer.
For example, suppose that you have three customers that have items with the same item and item line
numbers. In this case, you can combine the three items into one item on the maintenance worksheet using the
target customer's number.

After you complete the transfer worksheet and select a posting action, you must run the Receivable Update
process (AR_UPDATE) to transfer the items, create accounting entries, and post the results.

See Also

Chapter 13, "Understanding Interunit and Intraunit Accounting and ChartField Inheritance," page 389

Pages Used to Transfer Items to Another Customer or Business Unit

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Transfer Selection TRN_IDENTIFY Accounts Receivable, Build a customer business

Receivables Maintenance, unit or transfer worksheet..
Transfer Worksheet, Create
Worksheet, Worksheet

• Accounts Receivable, Indicate the to customer or
Receivables business unit that receives
Maintenance, Transfer the items.
Worksheet, Update
Worksheet, Worksheet

• Click the Build button

on the Transfer
Selection page.

Currency Conversion EU_CUR_CNV_WS_SEC Select the currency code,

Click the Disp Curr
rate, and date of conversion
Conversion Worksheet
for the display currency on
(Display Currency
the worksheet.
Conversion Worksheet)
button on the Worksheet1

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 781
Transferring Receivables Chapter 25

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Control Distribution ID AR_TRN_DST_CTL_SEC Click the Control Override the control

Distribution ID link on the distribution code that
Worksheet1 page. defines the control accounts
receivable (AR) account.

• Click the Build button Review or modify
on the Transfer information about the items
Selection page. that you are transferring.

• Accounts Receivable,
Maintenance, Transfer
Worksheet, Update
Worksheet, Worksheet
2 tab.

Additional Item Information TRN_WRKSHT_EXT Display additional

Click the View Related
Links button on the information for an item.
Worksheet1 page or the
Worksheet2 page.

Item Activity Detail ITEM_ACTIVTY_DRILL View item activities.

Click the View Related
Links button on the
Worksheet1 page or the
Worksheet2 page.

Items in Other Groups ITEM_GROUP_SEC View other worksheet

Click the Related Links
button on the Worksheet1 groups that have the
page or the Worksheet2 selected item or any
page. pending item groups that
are not posted that have the

Conversations CONVER_DATA1_SS Update or add conversation

Click the Related Links
button on the Worksheet1 entries for the item.
page or the Worksheet2

Additional Customer CUST_INFO_SEC Display customer

Click the Related Links
Information button on the Worksheet1 information for an item.
page or the Worksheet2

Transfer Action TRN_ACTION Accounts Receivable, Select a posting action for a

Receivables Maintenance, worksheet. Also use this
Transfer Worksheet, page to delete a worksheet,
Finalize Worksheet, create accounting entries
Transfer Action online for the worksheets,
or delete accounting entries.

782 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 25 Transferring Receivables

Building a Customer or Business Unit Transfer Worksheet

Access the Transfer Selection page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Transfer Worksheet,
Create Worksheet, Transfer Selection .)

Transfer Selection page

Customer Options

Customer Criteria Select the type of customer items that you want to display on the worksheet.
Values are:
Corporate Items: Displays corporate items only.
Customer Items: Displays all customer items only.
Remit From Items: Displays remit from items only.
None: The system creates a blank worksheet.

Cust ID (customer ID), Enter the customer's ID and the business unit to construct a worksheet for a
Business Unit, specific customer. If the customer has subcustomers that were set up on the
SubCustomer 1, and SubCustomer Qualifier 1 and SubCustomer Qualifier 2 pages, enter the qualifiers
SubCustomer 2 to narrow the worksheet display even further.

Note. Remember that the GL account and ChartFields assigned to the Transfer
Control Distribution code must exist in this from business unit.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 783
Transferring Receivables Chapter 25

Reference Options

Reference Criteria Select an option to restrict reference criteria to search for only a Range of
References,Specific Values, or no values (None.) If you decide to enter only
reference options, the worksheet contains items matching the references.

Restrict to Select All Customers, Corporate Cust Only, Customer Only, or Remit Cust Only.

Match Rule If you selected Specific Value or Range of References in the Reference Criteria
field, specify the match type for the item information. Values are Exact Match
and Like Match. A like match enables you to use a specific reference and range
for reference values to identify the reference, as long as you provide the
beginning letters or numbers, not characters from the middle. For example, if you
enter a purchase order (PO) number of 24%, and select Like Match, the
worksheet contains all items with PO numbers beginning with 24, but does not
catch a PO number of x24x.

Reference and Range If you selected Specific Value in the Reference Criteria field, enter the reference
for Reference Value value in the Reference field.
If you selected Range of References in the Reference Criteria field, enter from
and to values, with the to value always greater than the from value.
The values that you enter are case-sensitive.

Qual Code (qualifier Select from the reference criteria that were set up on the Reference Qualifier
code) page. Items can be identified by any reference such as PO, item ID, or document

Item Inclusion Options

All Items, Deduction Select one of these options to indicate what type of items to include in the
Items Only, or Items in worksheet. If you select All Items, you can select one or more of these check
Dispute Only boxes to exclude those item types from the worksheet: Exclude Deduction Items,
Exclude Collection Items, and Exclude Dispute Items.

Worksheet Control

Build Click to build a worksheet that transfers items to another customer or business

Clear Click to clear all items from the existing worksheet.

Selecting the To Customer, Business Unit, and Items

Access the Worksheet1 page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Transfer Worksheet, Update
Worksheet, Worksheet1.)

784 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 25 Transferring Receivables

Worksheet1 page

Control Distribution ID Click to override the control distribution code that was set up on the Receivables
Definition - Accounting Options 2 page. The distribution code determines the
offsetting AR accounting entries.

Selecting a Transfer To Customer

Business Unit and Enter the business unit and customer ID of the transfer to customer. If the
Customer customer has subcustomers, the system displays information about subcustomer 1
and subcustomer 2 in the remaining two fields. If you selected the Subcustomer
Qualifier option for the system and have set them up for the customer, you can
perform intracustomer transfers by changing the subcustomer 1 and subcustomer
2 qualifiers.

Note. Remember that the GL account and ChartFields assigned to the Transfer
Control Distribution code must exist in this transfer from business unit.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 785
Transferring Receivables Chapter 25

Selecting Rows and Controlling the Display

Range Select Enter a range of items, such as items 4 to 7, to select multiple rows, and click Go.

Note. If you select an item that is in use, you may receive an error message. A
field on the Installation Options - Receivables page, No Mult Pending Item
Selection, determines whether the system checks groups to verify that an
unposted pending item exists for the item that you selected or that the item has
been selected in another group. To verify where the item is in use, select Items in
Other Groups using the related links button for the item.

Display Select a value to limit the display of items in the list, such as All Items, Selected,
or Unselected, and click Go.

Click the Disp Curr Conversion Worksheet (display currency conversion

worksheet) button to access the Currency Conversion page, where you select a
display currency for the Conversion Amount - Currency column and specify
whether to use today's date, the accounting date for the item, or a date that you
specify to determine which exchange rate to use.

Sort All Select an option to sort all the items in the worksheet, not just the items that
appear in the scroll area. Sort items by due date or item ID.
The page displays the selected rows that currently appear in the list. Click the
arrows to view different chunks of data. For better performance, you can limit the
number of rows that appear in the scroll area on the Installation Options -
Receivables page. You should use a maximum chunk size of 100 rows, although
larger chunks might perform satisfactorily.
These fields and buttons are not available if the number of rows does not exceed
the maximum chunk size.

Note. Click the Customize link to sort by column, reorder columns, hide columns, and freeze columns. This
enables you to place the key fields that you want to review on the Detail 1 tab and sort your data.

Selecting Items

Remit Seq (remit This number relates to the order in which the items were entered on the
sequence) Worksheet Selection page. Initially, the items appear in this order. If you sort the
worksheet based on the value in another column, the number stays with the item,
but the grid order changes. Use this column to sort the worksheet in the original

Sel (select) Select the items to transfer.

786 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 25 Transferring Receivables

Add Item Click to add a new item to the worksheet and specify the business unit, customer
ID, and item ID.

Note. To add all of another customers' open items to the scroll, as opposed to a
single item, click the Worksheet Selection link to add a customer ID to the
customer reference and rebuild the worksheet.

Beg Amount (beginning Displays balance information, which is updated whenever you select an item and
amount), Beg Count save or refresh the worksheet.
(beginning count), Rem
Amount (remaining
amount), Rem Count
(remaining count), Sel
Amount (selected
amount), and Sel Count
(selected count)

Modifying Item Information

Access the Worksheet2 page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Transfer Worksheet, Update
Worksheet, Worksheet2.)

Worksheet2 page

If you access this page to view details about a selected item, none of the fields appear highlighted. You can
change the value of any of these fields for selected items if the transfer item requires different values.

If the system automatically opens this page, the worksheet has errors. The system automatically highlights the
fields that you need to change. You must change the value of any highlighted field to a value for the To

Analyst, Sales, Collector, If the To customer has different support personnel assigned, enter the code for
and AR Specialist the credit analyst, sales person, collector, or AR specialist.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 787
Transferring Receivables Chapter 25

Dist ID AR (distribution Enter a new AR distribution code to use different ChartField values for the AR
ID receivables) line from the values for the original transfer from item. Otherwise, the system
uses the same ChartField values as the original transaction.

Family If the To customer is assigned to a different family of inventory items, enter the
new family.

Broker ID, Ship To,Sold If the bill to customer for the from customer is associated with a different broker,
To, or Location ship to customer, location, or sold to customer from the to customer, enter the
correct values for the to customer.

Selecting a Transfer Worksheet Action

Access the Transfer Action page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Transfer Worksheet,
Finalize Worksheet, Transfer Action.)

Delete Worksheet Click to delete the entire worksheet, plus any accounting entries that were created
for the worksheet.

Delete Transfer Group Click to delete the accounting entries that you created, but leave the worksheet

788 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 25 Transferring Receivables

Action Select a posting action for the group, and click OK to perform the action. Values
Do Not Post: Saves the changes to the group, but no posting takes place. Use this
option to change the posting option for a group set to Batch Priority or Batch
Standard if the group has not been processed yet.

Note. When you select Do Not Post, the Business Unit and the Customer fields
become available for entry on the Transfer Worksheet, Worksheet 1 page.

Post Now: Runs the Receivable Update process immediately. If the user enabled
the notification feature, the system displays a message when the process finishes.
Post Now to GL: Runs the Receivable Update process immediately and runs
processes to create and post journals to the general ledger. If the user enabled the
notification feature, the system displays a message when the process finishes.
Batch Priority: Runs the Receivable Update process the next time a priority
scheduled job runs or the next time a standard scheduled job runs if that occurs
first. This option is not intended for large jobs.
Batch Standard: Runs the next time a standard scheduled batch job runs. This
may occur once a day depending on how often the organization schedules
standard jobs.

Note. The posting options that are available depend on the options that you select
for the user on the Define User Preferences - Process Group page. Use the Post
Now and Post Now to GL options only for small groups or when you have an
immediate need to post the transaction. The system issues a message if another
user or scheduled process is posting transactions for the same business unit and
customer combination at the same time.

Important! When you select the Post Now,Post Now to GL,Batch Priority, and
Batch Standard values in the Action field, the Business Unit and Customer fields
on the Transfer Worksheet , Worksheet 1 page are no longer available for entry.

When you select the Do Not Post value, the Business Unit and Customer fields
become available for entry on the Worksheet 1 page .

See Chapter 12, "Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator,"
Receivable Update Processing Options, page 370.

OK Click if you selected Post Now or Post Now to GL to run the batch processes.

Create/Review Entries Click to create or review accounting entries. Use this option only if you need to
review the accounting entries before posting.

Transferring Doubtful Receivables

This section provides an overview of doubtful receivables transfers and discusses how to:

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 789
Transferring Receivables Chapter 25

• Build a transfer worksheet for doubtful receivables.

• Transfer items to a Doubtful Receivables account.

• Modify the distribution code.

• Choose an action for a doubtful receivables worksheet.

Understanding Doubtful Receivables Transfers

You can use transfer worksheets to transfer expected bad debt to a Doubtful Receivables account. The
transferred item remains open, but does not appear in your normal receivables (AR) account on your balance
sheet. At a later date, you can either apply a payment to the item or write it off. If you write off a doubtful
item with VAT, you can recover the associated VAT. You can also assign a hold status to the customer who
is responsible for the doubtful receivable. If you use PeopleSoft Order Management, this hold status inhibits
new order entries for the customer.

When you run the Receivable Update process or create the accounting entries online, the system credits the
current AR account for the item and debits the Doubtful Receivables account.

After you complete a doubtful receivables transfer worksheet, you must run the Receivable Update process to
transfer the items, create accounting entries, and post the results.

Pages Used to Transfer Doubtful Receivables

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Worksheet Selection TRN_IDENTIFY Accounts Receivable, Create a new worksheet or

Receivables Maintenance, add items to a transfer
Transfer Worksheet, Create worksheet.
Worksheet, Worksheet

Worksheet1 TRN_WORKSHEET1 Accounts Receivable, Select the items to transfer.

Receivables Maintenance,
Transfer Worksheet, Update
Worksheet, Worksheet1

Control Distribution ID AR_TRN_DST_CTL_SEC Click the Control Override the control

Distribution ID link on the distribution code that
Worksheet1 page. defines the control AR

Worksheet2 TRN_WORKSHEET2 Accounts Receivable, Override the default

Receivables Maintenance, doubtful receivable
Transfer Worksheet, Update distribution code.
Worksheet, Worksheet2

790 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 25 Transferring Receivables

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Transfer Action TRN_ACTION Accounts Receivable, Select a posting action for a

Receivables Maintenance, worksheet. Also use this
Transfer Worksheet, page to delete a worksheet,
Finalize Worksheet, create accounting entries
Transfer Action online for the worksheets,
or delete accounting entries.

Building a Transfer Worksheet for Doubtful Receivables

Access the Worksheet Selection page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Transfer Worksheet,
Create Worksheet, Worksheet Selection.)

Enter your customer and reference selection criteria.

Build Doubtful Click to build a worksheet that transfers a doubtful item to a Doubtful
Receivables account.

See Also

Chapter 25, "Transferring Receivables," Building a Customer or Business Unit Transfer Worksheet, page 783

Transferring Items to a Doubtful Receivables Account

Access the Worksheet1 page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Transfer Worksheet, Update
Worksheet, Worksheet1.)

Sel (select) Select the items to transfer to a doubtful account within the same customer ID
and business unit.

Click the Customer Hold button to place a customer on hold. When you click this
button, you automatically access the Messages page, where you can create a
customer message using a hold code.

Modifying the Distribution Code

Access the Worksheet2 page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Transfer Worksheet, Update
Worksheet, Worksheet2.)

Dist ID AR (receivables Override the default distribution code for doubtful receivables that was assigned
distribution code) to the business unit, if necessary. Otherwise, the system uses the same ChartField
values as the original transaction.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 791
Transferring Receivables Chapter 25

See Also

Chapter 25, "Transferring Receivables," Modifying Item Information, page 787

Choosing an Action for a Doubtful Receivables Worksheet

Access the Transfer Action page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Transfer Worksheet,
Finalize Worksheet, Transfer Action.)

See Also

Chapter 25, "Transferring Receivables," Selecting a Transfer Worksheet Action, page 788

Reviewing and Updating Accounting Entries

This section provides an overview of accounting entry updates for transfers and lists the pages used to review
and update accounting entries.

Understanding Accounting Entry Updates for Transfers

When you post transfer groups, the Receivable Update process creates the group and accounting entries. To
review the accounting entries before you post the group, you can create them online using the Transfer Action
page. The system edits for ChartField combination errors when you create the accounting entries in batch or
online if you enabled ChartField combination editing on the Receivables Options - General 2 page. You
cannot post the accounting entries until you fix the error if you selected Recycle in the ChartField Editing
group box on the Receivables Options - General 2 page for the business unit.

Use the Accounting Entries page to review and update accounting entries that have already been created for
transfer groups. You can edit the AR (receivables) lines for these transactions:

• Transfer Item To (TR-02)

• Transfer to Doubtful (TR-03)

You cannot edit entries if you selected the Always Inherit or Inherit within BU inheritance option.

If an error occurred for the Transfer Item From Customer (TR-01) transaction, perform these tasks:

• Delete the accounting entries on the error correction pages.

• Modify the ChartField combinations for either the combination edit rules or for the distribution codes.

• Rerun the Receivable Update process to regenerate the accounting entries.

Important! To keep the accounting entries balanced when you make changes, enable the ChartField
Balancing option on the Ledger Group - Balancing page. This enables the system to create intraunit
accounting entries across the from and to line.

792 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 25 Transferring Receivables

See Also

Chapter 28, "Posting and Unposting Groups," Correcting Posting Errors, page 894

Pages Used to Review and Update Accounting Entries

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Transfer Control GROUP_ENTRY1_DSP

• Accounts Receivable, Review control totals for a
Receivables transfer group.
Maintenance, Transfer
Worksheet, Update
Accounting Entries,
Transfer Control

• Accounts Receivable,
Receivables Update,
Correct Posting Errors,
Transfer, Transfer

Accounting Entries GROUP_ENTRY3_DSP

• Accounts Receivable, Review and correct errors
Receivables for accounting entries in a
Maintenance, Transfer maintenance group.
Worksheet, Update See Chapter 18, "Entering
Accounting Entries, Pending Items," Creating
Accounting Entries and Reviewing Accounting
Entries Online, page 550.
• Accounts Receivable,
Receivables Update,
Correct Posting Errors,
Transfer, Accounting

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 793
Chapter 26

Managing Drafts
This chapter provides an overview of processing drafts, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

• Enter drafts into PeopleSoft Receivables.

• Use worksheets to approve or reject drafts.

• Identify drafts used as collateral.

• Endorse drafts to another party.

• Remit drafts to the bank.

• Dishonor drafts.

• Void drafts.

• Cancel draft remittances.

• Reconcile drafts on a bank statement.

• Unpost drafts.

• Review and correct draft accounting entries.

• Review draft information.

Understanding Draft Processing

You perform several tasks for a draft during the draft life cycle. The tasks that you perform depend on if you
are using vendor-initiated drafts, customer-initiated drafts, or customer electronic funds transfer (EFT) drafts.

This section discuses:

• Vendor-initiated draft process flow.

• Customer-initiated process flow.

• EFT draft process flow.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 795
Managing Drafts Chapter 26

See Also

Chapter 26, "Managing Drafts," Dishonoring Drafts, page 835

Chapter 26, "Managing Drafts," Voiding Drafts, page 840

Chapter 11, "Setting Up Draft Processing," Understanding the Draft Life Cycle, page 334

Vendor-Initiated Draft Process Flow

You perform the following tasks for vendor-initiated drafts:

1. Run the Create Drafts Application Engine process (AR_DRAFTS) to create the vendor draft and a draft

The status of a draft that you create is either Identified or Pending Acceptance.

2. Send the draft to the customer for approval unless the draft is preapproved, and print the Draft Document
report to provide the customer a list of items on the draft.

If the draft is preapproved, the system automatically approves the draft when you create it, and you skip
the next step. The status of an approved draft is Accepted.

3. Make any necessary modifications to the draft data on the draft worksheet and approve the draft.

If the customer did not approve the draft, use the draft worksheet to reject the draft. The items will be
available for selection on another draft worksheet.

Note. To approve multiple drafts without changing item information, use the draft approval worksheet.
Also, use draft approval worksheets if the person in your organization who approves drafts is not the same
as the individuals who apply drafts to items on the draft worksheet.

4. Run the Receivable Update process to post the group, update the draft status, and update draft activity.

5. (Optional) Identify drafts that are being used as collateral and endorse drafts to another party as required.

Once a draft is no longer being used as collateral or is endorsed, you can remit the drafts to the bank.

6. Select the drafts that you want to submit to the bank, specify remittance details for each draft, and mark
the drafts complete using the draft remittance worksheet.

The status of a remitted draft is Remitted.

7. Run the Receivable Update process to post the remittance group, update the draft status, update draft
activity, and change the draft remittance status to Complete.

The monies will either be collected at the due date or at the discount date after you run the Receivable
Update process.

8. (Optional) Cancel a remittance.

This changes the draft status to Accepted after you run the Receivable Update process.

9. Run the Format EFT Files SQR process (FIN2025) to create the file that you send to the bank.

796 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

10. (Optional) Create an EFT file cover sheet.

11. (Optional) Run the AR_DRAFT_BNK Application Engine process to receive the bank EFT file that
indicates whether the payments were collected.

12. (Optional) Correct payment records from a bank EFT file that did not match drafts on the system to
enable them to match existing drafts.

13. (Optional) Run the EFT Draft Inbound Exception report to obtain a list of drafts in the bank EFT file that
failed collection due to incorrect bank details.

You can only run this report if you received a bank EFT file.

You correct the bank details for the customer on the MICR Information - Customer Bank page and then
approve and remit the draft again.

14. (Optional) Cancel the EFT file if you need to reformat the remittance or if you lost the original.

15. Reconcile the draft by matching the amount of the draft received with the amount that was submitted to
the bank when you receive a bank statement.

You can also choose to perform the following tasks at various points in the draft life cycle.

• Void a draft.

• Dishonor a draft.

The section that describes each of these tasks indicates when you can perform these tasks.

Customer-Initiated Process Flow

You perform the following tasks for customer-initiated drafts:

1. Enter the information from the customer's draft document into PeopleSoft Receivables.

Because you must enter a customer ID, the draft status is Identified.

2. Build a draft worksheet, and select the items to include in the draft payment.

When you save the worksheet, the draft status changes to Pending Acceptance. When the value in the
Difference field on the worksheet is zero, the user can mark the draft approved. When this occurs, the
draft status becomes Accepted.

Note. To approve multiple drafts simultaneously after selecting the items, use the draft approval

3. Run Receivable Update to post the group and update draft activity.

The draft status remains Accepted. However, the posted date and group ID on the Draft Control inquiry
page for the Draft Approval line is now populated.

4. (Optional) Identify drafts that are being used as collateral and endorse drafts to another party as required.

Once a draft is no longer being used as collateral or is endorsed, you can remit the drafts to the bank.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 797
Managing Drafts Chapter 26

5. Select the drafts you want to submit to the bank, specify remittance details for each draft, and mark the
drafts complete using the draft remittance worksheet.

The status of a remitted draft is Remitted.

6. Run the Receivable Update process to post the remittance group and update draft activity.

The draft status remains Remitted. However, the posted date and group ID on the Draft Control inquiry
page for the Draft Remitted line is now populated.

The monies will either be collected at the due date or at the discount date after you run the Receivable
Update process again. At this point, the draft status becomes Complete, and, if you open the Draft Control
inquiry page, the posted date and group ID for the Draft at Due Date line is now populated.

7. (Optional) Cancel a remittance.

This step changes the draft status to Accepted after you run the Receivable Update process.

8. Run the Format EFT Files process (FIN2025) to create the file that you send to the bank.

9. (Optional) Create an EFT file cover sheet.

10. (Optional) Run the AR_DRAFT_BNK process to receive the bank EFT file that indicates whether the
payments were collected.

11. (Optional) Correct payment records from a bank EFT file that did not match drafts on the system to
enable them to match existing drafts.

12. (Optional) Run the EFT Draft Inbound Exception report to obtain a list of drafts in the bank EFT file that
failed collection due to incorrect bank details.

You can run this report only if you received a bank EFT file.

You correct the bank details for the customer on the MICR Information - Customer Bank page and then
approve and remit the draft again.

13. (Optional) Cancel the EFT file if you need to reformat the remittance or if you lost the original.

14. Reconcile the draft by matching the amount of the draft received with the amount that was submitted to
the bank when you receive a bank statement.

You can also choose to perform the following tasks at various points in the draft life cycle.

• Void a draft.

• Dishonor a draft.

The section that describes each of these tasks indicates when you can perform these tasks.

EFT Draft Process Flow

In some countries, drafts are sent electronically from a customer using an EFT file. The bank already holds
the drafts so there is no need to remit the drafts to the bank.

You perform the following tasks for EFT drafts:

798 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

1. Run the AR_DRAFT_EFT process to load the EFT file into the draft tables on the database.

Draft payments (known as kijitsu in Japan) are extracted from the file if the creation date is not equal to
the accounting date (that is, the due date). The extracted data is loaded into the AR Draft Staging table
(PS_DR_STAGE_EFT). If the customer name and bank account cannot be resolved to a customer ID and
bank code, the record is marked as an Error. If the review option on the run control record is set to errors
only, the system converts staged drafts that are not in error into real drafts (DRAFT_CONTROL). The
system also creates a customer reference record (DRAFT_ID_CUST).

The AR_DRAFT_EFT process uses the Kijitsu file layout. Two Zengin data record formats are available
for the file layout: Zengin Format A and Format B. You must use Zengin Format B. Format B allows for
payment amounts of up to 13 digits. Do not use Zengin Format A.

Note. Regular payments are extracted from the file if the creation date equals the accounting date (or due
date). The extracted data is loaded into the AR Payment staging table (AR_PAYMENT_EC). These
payments can then be converted to regular deposits using the Payment Loader Application Engine process

See Chapter 20, "Receiving Payments Electronically," page 593.

2. Correct errors in the drafts on the Draft Staging table and create draft control records.

3. Make any necessary modifications to the draft data on the draft worksheet and approve the draft.

Note. To approve multiple drafts without changing item information, use the draft approval worksheet.
Also, use draft approval worksheets if the person in your organization who approves drafts is not same as
the individuals who apply drafts to items on the draft worksheet.

4. Run the Receivable Update process to post the group, update the draft status, and update draft activity.

5. When you receive a bank statement, you reconcile the draft by matching the amount of the draft received
with the amount that was submitted to the bank.

You can also choose to perform the following tasks at various points in the draft life cycle.

• Void a draft.

• Dishonor a draft.

The section that describes each of these tasks indicates when you can perform these tasks.

Note. You should not endorse, cancel, or unpost an EFT draft, because the draft has already been remitted.

Before you can process drafts, you must perform the following tasks:

• Review business events and subevents.

• Define distribution codes and assign them to a business unit.

• Create entry types, entry reasons, and automatic entry types.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 799
Managing Drafts Chapter 26

• Define draft transaction types for customized reports.

• Define draft types that determine how drafts are processed.

• Designate where draft documents are stored.

• Define document types.

• Assign account ChartFields to a bank account for the Cash and Cash Control accounts for both discounted
and nondiscounted drafts.

• Define draft collection methods for a bank account.

• Link the customer's bank account to a remit from customer if you plan to remit drafts using an EFT file on
the Customer Bank page.

• Select the draft payment method and processing rules for bill to customers.

• Assign customers to draft groups.

• Create reason codes for rejecting drafts using the Reject Draft reason type.

• Set up automatic numbering.

• Set up item reference qualifiers.

• Set up draft reference qualifiers.

• Set up EFT reason codes and EFT file layouts.

• Associate the customer IDs with the customer names in the EFT files on the Customer EFT Name page
for EFT drafts.

• (Optional) Setup approval workflow for write-off amounts.

800 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

See Also

Chapter 11, "Setting Up Draft Processing," page 333

Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," Setting Up Reference Qualifiers, page 125

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining Document Sequencing,"
Defining Document Types

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up External, Internal, and
Netting Accounts," Defining External Account Information

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining Additional
Customer Information," Defining MICR IDs

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General Customer
Information," Assigning Individual Customers to Customer Groups

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General Customer
Information," Entering Additional Billing, Purchasing, Payment, and Write-Off Options for Bill To

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining Financials and Supply Chain
Management Common Definitions," Setting Up Automatic Numbering

Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," Selecting EFT Layouts, page 137

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining Additional
Customer Information," Associating EFT Payment File Names With Customer IDs

Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," Setting Up Write-Off Approval Workflow, page 144

Common Elements Used in This Chapter

Draft Ref (draft Draft reference number supplied by the customer.

Draft Type Determines how the draft is processed and how accounting entries are created.

Entry Event or Event If you use the Entry Event feature, enter the entry event code used to create
supplemental accounting entries for the activity.

Entering Drafts into PeopleSoft Receivables

This section provides an overview of the Create Drafts process and discusses how to:

• Create vendor-initiated drafts.

• Enter one customer-initiated draft.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 801
Managing Drafts Chapter 26

• Enter multiple customer-initiated drafts.

• Load drafts using an EFT file.

• Correct errors in EFT drafts.

Understanding the Create Drafts Process

The Create Drafts process creates vendor-initiated drafts and creates a draft worksheet. The process looks for
open items that match the vendor draft payment method that you selected and does the following:

• Marks each draft as Identified.

• If the draft is preapproved, approves the draft.

• Creates a draft worksheet.

• Places all items with the same letter of credit number in a single draft.

• Places all items with the same approval method, entry currency, due date, and document printing
instructions in a single vendor-initiated draft.

If you selected the One Item per Draft? check box when entering pending items, the process places only
one item in a draft.

• If the draft type has automatic numbering enabled, assigns the next available draft reference number to the

If the draft type does not have automatic numbering enabled, the system uses the draft ID number for the
draft reference number.

Note. If the settlement date falls on a holiday, the process uses the bank holiday rules assigned to the
customer to adjust the estimated settlement date.

The process also does the following for credit items that have the draft payment method:

• Adds credit items to the draft worksheet if the due date and amount of the credit item is the same as or
less than the due date or amount of the debit items.

The process continues to add credit items to the draft worksheet whose due dates are the same as or less
than the due dates of the debit items in the draft worksheet until the amount of the credit items becomes
larger than the total of the debit item. The process never allows the draft amount to become a negative

If credit memos that meet the due date criteria but exceed the total amount of the draft still remain, these
items are available for inclusion in a draft worksheet the next time you run the process.

• Changes the draft due date for the credit items to the same date as the debit items.

• Clears the One Item per Draft? check box for the credit items if it is selected.

• Creates a message in the message log that lists the credit items that were not processed in the current draft
run because they have a due date or amount that is greater than the debit items.

802 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

Common Elements in This Section

Link MICR (link Select to open a page where you can associate a new MICR ID with a customer.
magnetic ink character
MICR ID (magnetic ink Enter the MICR ID of the customer's bank account used for drawing the draft.
character recognition ID)
Qual Code (qualifier Enter the type of reference values that you are entering, such as item ID or
code) document number. The default qualifier code is the reference qualifier code of
the remit-from customer for the customer you selected on this page. If the
customer does not have a qualifier code, the system uses the code assigned to the
business unit.

Pages Used to Enter Drafts

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Draft Request DRAFT_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Runs the Create Drafts

Drafts, Create Drafts, process.
Vendor Drafts

Draft Documents RUN_AR32101 Accounts Receivable, For vendor-initiated drafts,

Drafts, Reports, Draft define the run parameters
Documents, Draft for the Draft Document
Documents report (AR32101).
Customers can use this
report to decide if the draft
should be accepted or

Draft Entry DRAFT_ENTRY Accounts Receivable, Enter a single customer-

Drafts, Create Drafts, initiated draft, indicating the
Customer Drafts items that the draft will pay.

Draft Mass Entry DRAFT_MASS_ENTRY Accounts Receivable, Enter multiple customer-

Drafts, Create Drafts, initiated drafts.
Multiple Customer Drafts

Draft Details DR_MASS_ENTRY_SEC Click the References link on Enter detail reference
the Draft Mass Entry page. information for draft

Load EFT Payments DR_EFT_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Use to load draft payments
Drafts, Create Drafts, from an EFT file.
Receive Draft Payments

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 803
Managing Drafts Chapter 26

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Draft EFT Load and DR_EFT_STAGE Accounts Receivable, Correct errors in drafts that
Review Drafts, Create Drafts, you receive in EFT files.
Electronic Drafts, Draft
EFT Load and Review

Creating Vendor-Initiated Drafts

Access the Vendor Drafts page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Create Drafts, Vendor Drafts.)

Vendor Drafts page

Due Date Range

From Date and To Date Enter a range for the due dates of items to include. To include items due on a
specific day, enter the same date in both fields.

Item Date Range

From Date and To Date Enter the date range for item creation. To include items created on a specific day,
enter the same date in both fields.

804 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts


Pre-Approved Only Select to process only items that are preapproved on the draft and that do not
require customer approval.

Customer Criteria and These fields work together to limit the customers for whom you will create
Customer Group drafts. If you decide to select items based on customer criteria, select one of these
options: Customer, Corporate, or Remit From.
Then, select the customer group assigned to the customers.
For example, suppose you select a customer group containing customers FRA01
and FRA04 and you select Remit From.
The customers in the remit-from customer group for customer FRA01 are FRA01
and FRA03. Customer FRA04 is the only customer in the remit-from customer
group for customer FRA04. In this case, the system selects items for customers
FRA01, FRA03, and FRA04.
If you had selected Customer as the customer criteria, the system would select
items for only customers FRA01 and FRA04.

Due Date Option Select a value that determines the due date for the items in the draft. Options are:
Default: Use the item due date. If you use item due dates, the process creates a
separate draft for items with different due dates.
Specified: Use the date that you entered in the Due Date field for the items.

Draft Type Select a draft type. (The draft types are defined on the Draft Type - Receivables

See Also

Chapter 11, "Setting Up Draft Processing," Defining Draft Types, page 348

Entering One Customer-Initiated Draft

Access the Draft Entry page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Create Drafts, Customer Drafts.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 805
Managing Drafts Chapter 26

Draft Entry page

Due Date Enter the due date for the draft.

Creation Date Override this date if necessary. The default date is the current system date.

Accounting Date Override this date if necessary. The default date is the current system date.

Amount Enter the total amount of the draft.

Est Settlement Date The system populates this value when you save. It uses the bank holiday rules
(estimated settlement defined for the bank account that you assigned to the customer for the draft if it
date) falls on a holiday.

Range of References Select to enter a range of items.

Customer Information

Payer Name Displays the customer's name on the draft by default. You can change the payer
name as needed.

Item Reference

(Optional) Use to indicate the item or range of items that are applied to the draft. You can also enter this
information when you build a draft worksheet.

806 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

Reference and To Enter one reference number unless you selected Range of References. Then, you
Reference must enter a beginning and ending reference number.

Entering Multiple Customer-Initiated Drafts

Access the Draft Mass Entry page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Create Drafts, Multiple Customer

Draft Mass Entry page

To enter several customer-initiated drafts:

1. Enter information about the drafts.

Due Date Enter the due date for the draft.

Amount Enter the total amount for the draft.

Creation Override the draft creation date as needed. The default is the current date.

When you save the page, the system updates the estimated settlement date using the bank holiday rules
assigned to the customer.

2. (Optional) Click the References link to access the Draft Details page, where you specify the items to
apply to the draft.

Note. You can also enter this information when you build a draft worksheet.

References Click to access the Draft Details page, where you can enter a range of items.

See Also

Chapter 11, "Setting Up Draft Processing," Defining Draft Types, page 348

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 807
Managing Drafts Chapter 26

Loading Drafts Using an EFT File

Access the Load EFT Payments page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Create Drafts, Receive Draft

Load EFT Payments page

Process Indicate whether to process Drafts, regular Payments, or Both in the EFT file.

Review Select a review option. Options are:

All: Creates draft control records for all records in the EFT file even if they do
not have a matching customer or bank account in the system.
Errors: Select if you want to review and correct errors for drafts before the
system updates the Draft Control table.
This option is available only if you are processing drafts.

File Name Enter a name for the EFT file. The name of the EFT file must be unique. The file
must be loaded into the directory on the application server defined by
%PS_SERVDIR%\FILES, where %PS_SERVDIR% is the directory where the
application server domain is defined. If you process the EFT file using Process
Scheduler, then you need to load the file into %PS_CFG_HOME%\appserv\prcs\
<database name>\files.
After the system processes the file, it updates a table (DR_FILE_NAME) on the
database with the name of the flat file that was loaded. Using a unique file name
prevents drafts or payments from being entered into the system twice. Only the
file name is stored, not the path.

Correcting Errors in EFT Drafts

Access the Draft EFT Load and Review page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Create Drafts, Electronic
Drafts, Draft EFT Load and Review.)

The Select Drafts grid displays the drafts in the EFT files that meet your search criteria.

To correct the errors and create drafts:

808 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

1. Select the drafts for which you want to create a Draft Control record (DRAFT_CONTROL).

2. Change the values for the business unit, customer ID, or MICR ID so that they match values on the

3. Change the accounting date, if needed.

4. Save the page to create the drafts and Draft Control record.

Using Worksheets to Approve or Reject Drafts

This section provides an overview of draft approval worksheets and discusses how to:

• Build a draft worksheet.

• Use a draft worksheet to approve one draft.

• Distribute multiple revenue lines.

• View item details.

• Build a draft approval worksheet for approving multiple drafts.

• Use a draft approval worksheet to approve multiple drafts.

Understanding Draft Approval Worksheets

Use worksheets to record the customer's approval and make any necessary modifications to the draft.
Worksheets are cumulative. As long as you do not clear the worksheet, you can continue to expand it by
selecting additional criteria. Each time you build a worksheet, the items you previously selected remain and
the system adds items that meet the new criteria.

Use the draft worksheet to select items to be paid by the draft and approve drafts. You can also create
deductions, advance payments, write-offs, and adjustments using the draft worksheet.

Use the draft approval worksheet if you want to approve multiple drafts at once. This worksheet is useful for
organizations in which the approver is not the individual who applies the drafts to individual items.

Pages Used to Approve or Reject Drafts

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Draft Worksheet Selection DRAFT_IDENTIFY_IC Accounts Receivable, Select items to be paid by a

Drafts, Apply Drafts, Create customer-initiated draft, and
Worksheet, Draft build a draft worksheet that
Worksheet Selection you use to approve a single

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 809
Managing Drafts Chapter 26

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Draft Worksheet DRAFT_WORKSHEET_IC Accounts Receivable, Select items to include in

Application Drafts, Apply Drafts, the draft, and approve one
Update Worksheet, Draft draft at a time.
Worksheet Application

Currency Conversion EU_CUR_CNV_WS_SEC Select the currency code,

Click the Currency
Conversion Panel button on rate, and date of conversion
the Draft Worksheet for the display currency on
Application page. the worksheet.

Multiple Revenue Line AR_MRL_SEC Click the Revenue View or update multiple
Distribution Distribution link on the revenue line entries. If you
Draft Worksheet change an amount on this
Application page. page, the change overrides
the amount on the

Activity DRAFT_STATS_IC Click the Activity link on View a list of all activities
the Draft Worksheet for the draft, including the
Application page. activity date and posting

Draft Notes DRAFT_NOTES_SEC Click the Notes link on the View or add notes about a
Draft Worksheet draft. Assign the draft to a
Application page or the physical location.
Draft Control page.

Document Sequence AR_DOC_SEQ_SEC Click the Document Enter a document sequence

Sequencing link on the number if the document
Draft Worksheet type is set up for manual
Application page. numbering. Also, change
the document type for
document sequencing.

Draft Detail View DRAFT_WS_IC_DTL View or update details

Click the View Detail
button on the Draft about a selected draft on a
Worksheet Application worksheet. Also copy, write
page. off, or edit drafts.

Currency Exchange Aid DR_CURR_EXCHG_SEC Click the Currency Use as an aid in converting
Exchange Aid link on the the payment amount to the
Draft Detail View page. currency of a selected item
making a partial payment.

VAT Header DRAFT_ITEM_VAT_HDR Click the Add VAT View VAT header defaults.
Information link on the Manually override values, if
Draft Detail View page. applicable.

VAT Detail DRAFT_ITEM_VAT_LN Click the VAT Detail Page View VAT line defaults,
link on the VAT Header including the VAT
page. amounts. Manually override
values, if applicable.

810 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Item Activity Detail ITEM_ACTIVITY_DRILL Click the Item Activity link View all activities for an
on the Draft Detail View item.

Item in Other Groups ITEM_DGROUP_SEC Click the Item in Other View other worksheet
Groups link on the Draft groups that have the
Detail View page. selected item or any
pending item groups that
are not posted that have the

Additional Customer CUST_INFO_SEC Click the Additional Cust View additional customer
Information Information link on the information.
Draft Detail View page.

Draft Approval Selection DR_APROV_SEL_IC Accounts Receivable, Build a draft approval

Drafts, Approve Drafts, worksheet used to approve
Create Worksheet, Draft multiple drafts.
Approval Selection

Draft Approval Worksheet DR_APROV_WORKS_IC Accounts Receivable, Approve multiple drafts.

Drafts, Approve Drafts,
Update Worksheet, Draft
Approval Worksheet

Draft Details DR_APROV_ITEM_SEC Click the Details link on the View details about items in
Draft Approval Worksheet a draft.

Building a Draft Worksheet

Access the Draft Worksheet Selection page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Apply Drafts, Create
Worksheet, Draft Worksheet Selection.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 811
Managing Drafts Chapter 26

Draft Worksheet Selection page

If you are working with a vendor-initiated draft, the Create Drafts process creates the worksheet; you do not
need to build it.

The draft Status is Identified until you build the worksheet. If you already built a worksheet for the draft, the
status is Pending Acceptance.

The information that you enter about customers and items determines what data appears on the worksheet.
The more information you provide, the more focused your worksheet will be.

Note. If you enter no customer or item information, then the system creates a blank worksheet.

Customer Criteria

Customer Criteria Indicates the type of customer that you want to include in the worksheet:
Corporate Items, Customer Items, or Remit From Items. If you select None, the
system creates a worksheet based on your other selection criteria and does not
limit items to specific customers. If you select None, the Customer Reference
fields are not available.

812 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

Cust ID (customer ID) Enter a customer ID and business unit.

and Business Unit
Note. If you select Corporate Items or Remit From Items from the Customer
Criteria drop-down list box, you must enter a business unit. The system needs a
business unit to determine the setID of corporate and remit-from customers. The
resulting worksheet displays all open items having the specified corporate or
remit-from customer across all business units, not just the business unit that you

Accounting Date Displays the default value from the Accounting Date field on the Draft Entry
page. You can override this value, if necessary. If you override this value,
ARUPDATE will edit the date for the open period and items selected on the
worksheet and will apply this date to the accepted draft on the Draft Entry page.

Reference Criteria

Reference Criteria Specify whether you will use Detailed References, Specific Value, None, or a
Range of References. If you select either Range of References or Specific Value,
you work with the Item Reference fields.

Note. The only instance in which you can use reference criteria independently of
customer criteria is when the value in the Restrict To field is All Customers.

Restrict to Qualify items by customer by selecting All Customers, Corporate Cust Only,
Customer Only, or Remit Cust Only.

Match Rule If you selected Specific Value in the Reference Criteria field, specify whether the
item information is an Exact Match or a Like Match. A Like Match enables you
to use a percent (%) wildcard to identify the reference, as long as you provide the
beginning letters or numbers. For example, if you enter a PO number of 24% and
select Like Match, the worksheet will contain all items having PO numbers
beginning with 24xx, but it will not catch a PO number of x24x.

Qual Code (qualifier Enter the type of reference, such as documents, items, purchase orders, or any
code) other criteria that you set up on the Reference Qualifier page.

Note. When you enter a reference number, the default qualifier code appears.

Reference and To Do one of the following:

• If you selected Specific Value in the Reference Criteria field, enter the
specific item reference.

• If you selected Range of References, enter the starting and ending values for
the range of references.

The values that you enter are case-sensitive.

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Managing Drafts Chapter 26

Item Inclusion Options

All Items, Deduction Select one of these options to indicate what type of items to include in the
Items Only, or Items in worksheet. If you select All Items, you can select one or more of these check
Dispute Only boxes to exclude those item types from the worksheet: Exclude Deduction Items,
Exclude Collection Items, and Exclude Dispute Items.

Worksheet Action

Build Click to create a new worksheet or to add items meeting your selection criteria to
an existing worksheet.

Clear Click to remove all items from an existing worksheet.

Using a Draft Worksheet to Approve One Draft

Access the Draft Worksheet Application page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Apply Drafts, Update
Worksheet, Draft Worksheet Application.)

Draft Worksheet Application page

Using the draft worksheet consists of these basic tasks:

• Use the item display or sort controls to adjust the view.

• Select the items to pay.

• Handle underpayments, overpayments, and discounts.

814 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

• Approve, hold, or reject the draft.

You cannot approve a draft until the entire amount of the draft is accounted for, either applied to an item,
deemed a prepayment, held on account, deducted from the customer's balance, or considered an

Selecting Items and Item Actions

The item selection controls enable you to work with all items in the worksheet at once or a specified range of
items at once.

Entry Type and Reason Select the entry type for the activity that you want to perform for the selected
items. You must enter a valid entry reason in the field if you have entry reasons
set up for the write-off entry type. Valid entry types are:
Create A Deduction: Select to create a deduction item for the selected items.
Pay an Item: Select to apply the draft to all the selected items.
Write-off an Item: Select to write off selected items. The system issues a message
if you try to write off more than the write-off tolerances permit. If approval
framework is activated, then the system requires the approval of write-off
amounts entered on the worksheet that are below the write-off tolerances but
above the approval-needed limit.

Note. If you select an item that is in use, you will get an error message. A setting
on the Installation Options - Receivables page—No Mult Pending Item Selection
—determines whether the system checks groups to see if an unposted pending
item exists for the item that you selected or if the item has been selected in
another group. To see where the item is in use, select Items in Other Groups on
the Draft Detail View page for the item.

Choice and Range Select an option to select or clear multiple items at a time. Valid values are:
Select All, De-Select All, Select Range, De-Select Range, and none.
If you select Select Range or De-Select Range, enter the range in the Range field.
For example, enter (4-7).

Go Click to apply your selections to the items in the grid and to update the worksheet

Using Item Display Information

Use the fields in the Item Display Control group box to adjust the view and contents of the Item List grid.

Display Specify which items to display in the grid, such as All Items, New Items,
Unselected Items, or Selected Items.

Go Click to refresh the list of items in the grid.

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Managing Drafts Chapter 26

Click the Currency Conversion Panel button to access the Currency Conversion
page, where you select a display currency for the Conversion Amount - Currency
column and specify whether to use today's date, the accounting date for the item,
or a date that you specify to determine which exchange rate to use.

Sort All Select a value to sort all items in the worksheet, not just the items that appear in
the scroll area. This field is not available if the number of rows does not exceed
the maximum chunk size. Options are: Due Date or Item. Then, click Go to
resort all items in the worksheet.

Item Display Set Control Use the arrows to view different chunks of data. For better performance, you can
limit the number of rows that appear in the scroll area on the Installation Options
- Receivables page. We recommend a maximum chunk size of 100 rows,
although larger chunks may perform satisfactorily.

Reviewing Item Summary Information

Use the Customize link to sort by column, reorder, hide, and freeze columns. This functionality enables you
to put the key fields that you want to review on the Detail 1 tab and to sort your data.

Click the View Detail button to view or update details for a selected item on the
worksheet and to copy, write off, or edit items.

Remit Seq (remit This sequence number relates to the order in which the items were entered on the
sequence number) Worksheet Selection page. Initially, the items appear in this order. If you sort the
worksheet based on the value in another column, this number stays with the item,
but the displayed order of the grid changes. Sort the worksheet using this column
to return the list of items to the original order.

Amount This field initially displays the open amount for the item. Change the amount to
make a partial payment.

Type and Reason Enter the entry type and reason for the item. For preexisting items, valid entry
types are Payment,Write-off, or Deduction. For new items, all entry types except
Payment and Write-off are valid.

Note. If you are applying a payment to a vendor rebate claim or claimback item
interfaced from PeopleSoft Purchasing or PeopleSoft Order Management and the
business unit for the item requires VAT, then you must split the item by entering
the base amount of the item in the Amount field for one row and the VAT
amount for the item in the Amount field for the other row. Use the DM - 01 (Pay
an Item) entry type for each item. You must enter the appropriate entry reason for
each row to indicate whether the amount is the base amount or the VAT amount.
You also must enter the reference number for the claim item in the Document
field on the Draft Detail View page.

Add with Detail Click to add an item to handle overpayments, underpayments, and write-offs. If a
new item was created in error, clear the item by clearing the Sel (select) column.

816 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

Revenue Distribution Click to manually distribute amounts for control budgets across multiple revenue
lines if you are making a partial payment. This link is available only if you have
enabled commitment control processing and you have enabled the input of
multiple revenue lines for the business unit.

Handling Exact Payments

The draft payment usually matches the total of the items. Select items that match the payment. If a customer
has no items in the worksheet, you can still put a payment on account or treat it as a prepayment.

Handling Underpayments

To apply an underpayment, do one of the following:

• Treat the entire amount as a partial payment against an item.

Change the Amount field for the item to the amount of the draft.

• Pay off an item and create an adjustment or a deduction item for the remainder of the item amount.

Create a new item, enter a positive amount for the remainder of the item amount, and enter an entry type
and reason.

• Place the entire amount on account or create a prepayment without referencing any items.

Create a new item, enter a negative amount for the amount of the draft amount, and enter an entry type
and reason.

• Partially pay for an item and write off the remaining item balance.

When you partially pay an item, the item splits and a new line with that item ID appears with the
remaining balance for the item. Select the write-off entry type and reason for the split item.

Handling Overpayments

To apply an overpayment, do one of the following:

• Pay off the item and create a new on account, adjustment, or prepay item with the remainder.

Create a new item, enter a negative amount for the overpayment payment amount, and enter an entry type
and reason.

• Pay off one or more items entirely and treat the remainder as a partial payment on another item.

Change the Amount field for the item to the remaining amount of the draft.

• Place the entire amount on account, without referencing any items.

Create a new item, enter a negative amount for the remaining amount of the draft, and enter an entry type
and reason.

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Managing Drafts Chapter 26

• Pay off one or more items and write off the remaining balance.

Create a new item, enter a negative amount for the overpayment payment amount, and enter an entry type
and reason.

Handling Remaining Draft Amounts

If you do not see an open item to apply the draft to, add an item to the worksheet, and enter a negative value
equal to the remaining draft amount. Select an entry type such as Adjust Overpayment, Write-off
Overpayment, Prepayment, or On Account.

You can write off an amount only up to the user's authorized limit. Check these amounts on the User
Preferences - Receivable Data Entry 2 page. The system compares the item amount to the user's write-off
limit in the format currency selected on the Receivables Data Entry 2 page. If approval framework is
activated, then the system requires the approval of write-off amounts entered on the worksheet that are below
the user's authorized limit but above the approval-needed limit.

Note. If you selected the Partial Payment Disabled option on the Receivables Options - Payment Options
page, no partial payments can be processed.

Approving, Holding, or Rejecting a Draft

As you select open items, you need to check the balance information. The system updates the amounts
whenever you click the Refresh button. If the Difference is not zero, you need to adjust the payment amounts
or select additional items before you approve a draft.

Hold Click to place the entire draft on hold so that it cannot be processed by any other
activity. The items in the draft are available for selection in other worksheets. If
approval workflow is enabled and the write-off status is Pending Approval, this
button is disabled until the write-off is approved or denied.

Reject Click to cancel the draft. The items selected for payment in the draft become
available for selection in another draft. If approval workflow is enabled and the
write-off status is Pending Approval, this button is disabled until the write-off is
approved or denied.

Approve Click to approve the draft and change the status to Accepted. This button is
available only if the worksheet is balanced. If approval workflow is enabled, this
button will only be visible once write-off is approved.

Attachments Specifies the attachment count. By clicking the link, you can review existing
attachment and add new attachments

Note. See also PeopleSoft Enterprise Receivables 9.1 PeopleBook, Defining Additional Processing Options,
Setting Up Write Off Approval Workflow or PeopleSoft Enterprise Receivables 9.1 PeopleBook, Applying
Payments, Approving Write-Off Amounts Using Workflow

818 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

Write Off Approval Workflow

If approval workflow for write off is enabled and you created write-offs on the Draft Worksheet, the write off
amounts must be approved before you can approve the draft or after a draft approval is denied. These
approval options will appear on the page once you select the Submit for Writeoff Approval button.

Submit for Write off This button will be visible if approval workflow is enabled. Once the draft write-
Approval off is submitted for approval, this button will be hidden and will be visible again
if write-off is denied.

Pending Write Off Identifies the write-off is submitted for approval and awaits for action from
Approval approving parties. If draft is in this state, the Hold and Reject buttons are

Approved Write Off The write-off has been approved and all the Draft action buttons are now

Denied Write Off The write-off has been denied. Modify write-off conditions or amounts then
resubmit for approval.

Distributing Multiple Revenue Lines

Access the Multiple Revenue Line Distribution page. (Click the Revenue Distribution link on the Draft
Worksheet Application page.)

See Chapter 21, "Applying Payments," Distributing Amounts for Multiple Revenue Lines for Control
Budgets, page 668.

Viewing Item Details

Access the Draft Detail View page. (Click the View Detail button on the Draft Worksheet Application page.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 819
Managing Drafts Chapter 26

Draft Detail View page

View item details to help you identify the item or change the details, as needed.

Document If you are applying the payment to a vendor rebate claim or claimback item that
you interfaced from PeopleSoft Purchasing or PeopleSoft Order Management,
you must enter a reference ID. When you run the Rebate Notification process, the
process sends the reference ID to PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Order
Management so that you can reconcile the claims on the claims management
This field is available only if you enter entry reasons on the AR Integration page.

Deduction Reason If you are creating a new deduction, enter the reason why the customer took the
deduction. You define reason codes on the Deduction Reason page.

AR Specialist The system populates the AR Specialist field for deduction items based on the
(receivables specialist) default specialist that you assigned to the business unit. If you overrode the
default specialist for the deduction reason or customer, the system uses that

820 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

Promotion Code and If you are creating a new deduction that the customer took for a promotional deal
Merch Type and you use PeopleSoft Promotions Management, enter the code associated with
(merchandising type) the promotion and the merchandising type. If the promotion is associated with
more than one merchandising type, you must create a separate deduction for each
merchandising type.
When you apply a credit memo for the promotion to the deduction, the system
uses this information to update the funds for the promotions in PeopleSoft
Promotions Management.

Location Enter the address sequence number for new items. You must enter a value in this
field to include the item in correspondence if you selected the Item Address
option for the correspondence customer on the Correspondence Options page.

Copy Click to copy the item and add a new row to the worksheet. You must add the
amount and entry type to the new row.

Write Off Click for a new item to write off an overpayment or underpayment amount.

Currency Exchange Aid Click to open a page that aids you in converting the draft amount to the currency
of a selected item to make a partial payment.

See Also

Chapter 21, "Applying Payments," Converting the Payment Amount to a Different Currency, page 672

Building a Draft Approval Worksheet for Approving Multiple Drafts

Access the Draft Approval Selection page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Approve Drafts, Create
Worksheet, Draft Approval Selection.)

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Managing Drafts Chapter 26

Draft Approval Selection page

Note. Before you can build a draft approval worksheet, apply the drafts to items using a draft worksheet.

From Date and To Date Enter dates to select drafts using specific dates.

Draft Type Enter a draft type to limit the worksheet to drafts of a specific type.

Customer Options Indicate the type of customer that you want to include in the worksheet. Options
are: Customer Drafts or None.
Select None to create a blank worksheet. This selection saves time if you merely
need to place the draft payment on account, or if the reference information that
you entered is almost complete, and you do not need to include all the customer
account information.

Cust ID (customer ID) Displays the customer's ID or business unit.

User Options and User Select ID for the user option and enter the user ID. Use to limit the worksheet to
drafts applied to items by a specific user.

Build Click to build the worksheet.

Clear Click to remove all drafts from the worksheet.

822 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

Using a Draft Approval Worksheet to Approve Multiple Drafts

Access the Draft Approval Worksheet page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Approve Drafts, Update
Worksheet, Draft Approval Worksheet.)

Draft Approval Worksheet page

The system automatically selects the check boxes next to each draft. If you do not want to approve a draft,
deselect its check box.

Details Click to access the Draft Details page, where you can view a list of the items
included in a particular draft.

Complete Click to approve the selected drafts and change the status to Accepted.

Cancel Click to cancel the selected drafts. The items selected for payment in the drafts
become available for selection in another draft.

Amount and Count Displays the total amount and number of the drafts that you have selected.

Identifying Drafts Used as Collateral

You can use drafts that have an Accepted status as collateral. When you identify a draft as being used for
collateral, its status changes from Accepted to Collateral and you cannot remit the draft to the bank. When a
draft is no longer being used for collateral, change its status back to Accepted so that it can be remitted to the

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 823
Managing Drafts Chapter 26

This section discusses how to use drafts as collateral.

Page Used for Identifying Drafts Used as Collateral

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Draft Collateral DRAFT_TRANSFER Accounts Receivable, Identify drafts that are being
Drafts, Transfer Drafts, used or are no longer being
Draft Collateral, Draft used as collateral.

Using Drafts as Collateral

Access the Draft Collateral page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Transfer Drafts, Draft Collateral, Draft

Transaction Date Enter the date when the draft is first used as collateral.

Name Enter the name of the collateral holder.

Undo Click if the draft is no longer being used as collateral to change the status to


Records each change to the status of the draft.

Transaction Type Displays the collateral status of the draft.

Collateral indicates that the draft is being used as collateral. Undo indicates that
the draft is no longer being used as collateral.

Endorsing Drafts to Another Party

Drafts that have an Accepted status can be endorsed to another party. When you endorse a draft, its status
changes from Accepted to Endorse and you cannot remit the draft to the bank. If the draft is no longer
endorsed to another party, change its status back to Accepted so that it can be remitted to the bank.

This section discusses how to endorse drafts.

824 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

Page Used for Endorsing Drafts

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Endorse Draft DRAFT_TRANSFER Accounts Receivable, Endorse drafts to another

Drafts, Transfer Drafts, party.
Endorse Drafts, Endorse

Endorsing Drafts
Access the Endorse Draft page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Transfer Drafts, Endorse Drafts,
Endorse Draft.).

This page is similar to the Draft Collateral page.

Transaction Type Displays the endorsement status of the draft:

Endorse indicates that the draft is endorsed to another party. Undo indicates that
the draft is no longer endorsed.

See Also

Chapter 26, "Managing Drafts," Identifying Drafts Used as Collateral, page 823

Remitting Drafts to the Bank

When you remit drafts to the bank, you indicate when you want to receive funds for the draft, either before
the due date for a discounted amount or on the due date for the full amount.

This section discusses how to:

• Build a draft remittance worksheet.

• Use a draft remittance worksheet to select drafts.

• (Optional) Change remittance details.

• (Optional) Enter bank fees for discounted drafts.

• Create the EFT file for remitting drafts.

• (Optional) Create an EFT file cover sheet.

• (Optional) Cancel an EFT file for draft remittances.

• (Optional) Receive confirmation from the bank.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 825
Managing Drafts Chapter 26

• (Optional) Correct drafts not matched in the bank EFT file.

• (Optional) Run the EFT Draft Inbound Exception report.

Pages Used to Remit Drafts

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Draft Remittance Selection DR_REMIT_SEL_IC Accounts Receivable, Build a draft remittance

Drafts, Remit Drafts to worksheet. When you build
Bank, Create Worksheet, the worksheet, you have the
Draft Remittance Selection option of discounting drafts
for payment before the due

Available Credit DR_REMIT_CRED_SEC Click the Available Credit Determine if credit is

link on the Draft available at the bank to
Remittance Application discount more drafts.
page or the Draft
Remittance Application

Draft Remittance DR_REMIT_WORKS_IC Accounts Receivable, Select drafts that are ready
Application Drafts, Remit Drafts to for remittance.
Bank, Create Worksheet,
Draft Remittance Selection

Remittance Details DR_REMIT_WS_SEC_IC Click the Details link on the View or change remittance
Draft Remittance information for the drafts.
Application page.

Bank Fees DRAFT_FEE_SEC Click the Bank Fees link on Enter bank fees for
the Draft Remittance discounted drafts.
Application page.

Create EFT File RUN_FIN2025_DR Accounts Receivable, Run the Format EFT Files
Drafts, Remit Drafts to process (FIN2025) that
Bank, Create EFT File, creates the remittance (EFT
Create EFT File file) that is sent to the bank.

Create EFT File Cover RUN_FIN2025 Accounts Receivable, Define the run parameters
Sheet Drafts, Remit Drafts to for the EFT File Cover
Bank, Create Cover Sheet, Sheet report (FIN2025).
Create EFT File Cover Use the report to create a
Sheet cover letter for the EFT file
if the bank requires one.

826 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Cancel EFT File DR_EFT_CANCEL Accounts Receivable, Cancel the EFT file before
Drafts, Remit Drafts to you transmit it to the bank,
Bank, Cancel EFT File, if you need to change a
Cancel EFT File draft after creating an EFT
After you cancel the EFT
file and change the draft,
you can then create a new
This page is available only
if you generated an EFT

Inbound Bank EFT File EFT_DR_INBOUND Accounts Receivable, Run the AR_DRAFT_BNK
Drafts, Create Drafts, process to load and process
Inbound Bank EFT File, the bank EFT file.
Inbound Bank EFT File

Inbound Bank EFT File for DR_IN_BANK_FILE Accounts Receivable, Change details for a
Drafts Drafts, Remit Drafts to payment record in a bank
Bank, Receive Bank EFT file so that the record
Confirmation, Inbound matches an existing draft.
Bank EFT File for Drafts

Detail DR_IN_BANK_SEC Click the Details link on the View details about the
Inbound Bank EFT File for issuer and customer's bank
Drafts page. ID, branch, and account

Bank Remit Exception EFT_DR_EXCEPT Accounts Receivable, Define the run parameters
Report Drafts, Reports, Bank Remit for the EFT Draft Inbound
Exception Report, Bank Exception report
Remit Exception Report (AR3210X). Use this report
to see a list of exceptions
that were found in the bank
EFT file for a specific

Remittance/Discount Form DRAFT_REMIT_FORMS Accounts Receivable, Define the run parameters

Drafts, Reports, for the Remittance/Discount
Remittance/Discount Form, Forms report (AR32103).
Remittance/Discount Form Submit this report to a bank
to inform the bank of the
drafts that need to be
collected from the
customer's bank.

Building a Draft Remittance Worksheet

Access the Draft Remittance Selection page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Remit Drafts to Bank,
Create Worksheet, Draft Remittance Selection.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 827
Managing Drafts Chapter 26

Draft Remittance Selection page

Worksheets are cumulative. As long as you do not clear the worksheet, you can keep expanding it by
selecting additional criteria. Each time you build a worksheet, the drafts you previously selected remain and
the system adds drafts that meet the new criteria to the worksheet.

Bank and Account Enter a bank code and account number. The bank account must have a draft
collection method defined on the External Accounts - Collection Method page.

Currency Displays the default currency of the bank account. Change the currency as

Draft Type Select a draft type to limit the worksheet to specific types of drafts. If you leave
this field blank, the worksheet includes only drafts that allow discounts. If you
select a draft type that does not allow discounts, you cannot enter discount
information in the other fields.

Discount? Select to discount all drafts in the remittance for early payment.

Recourse? Select if you are still responsible for the draft amount up until the original due
date of the draft. In other words, the amount appears as a liability on your books
until your bank receives the funds.

828 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

Discount Date If you select the Discount? check box, you must enter a discount date.

Max Remit Amt Enter the maximum remittance amount that you will send to the bank. If the total
(maximum remittance of the drafts exceeds this amount, you receive a warning message when you mark
amount) the worksheet Complete. The amount displays in the currency for the bank

Available Credit Click to access the Available Credit page, where you can determine if you have
enough credit left with the bank to discount more drafts.

Customer Options

Use these options to create a worksheet with drafts for a particular customer ID. When you specify a
customer, the name of the customer appears and the Customer Options field changes to Customer Drafts. The
system includes all the customer's drafts in the worksheet.

Date Options

Use these options to create a worksheet with drafts that have a specific date range.

Date Options When you specify a date range, the Date Options field changes to Due Date
Range. You can change the selection to Accounting Date Range.

Reference Options

Reference Qualifier Enter the type of information used to identify the drafts. Then, use the Reference
Code and To Reference fields to fill in the details. Options are:
B - Customer Bank: Enter your customer's bank account and branch.
D - Draft ID: Enter a draft ID.
G - Customer Group: Enter a customer group code.
R - Draft Reference: Enter a draft document reference number.

Reference Options and Options are Specific Value (to match specific values) or None. If you select
Match Rule Specific Value, use the Match Rule field to select Exact Match or Like Match.
Like Match compares the beginning characters. For example, a like match of 24%
includes all items beginning with 24.

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Managing Drafts Chapter 26

Restrict To Select how reference information should be combined with other selection
options to determine which drafts appear in the worksheet. Options are:
All: Builds a worksheet with only drafts that meet the reference criteria with no
reference to the other options.
Customer Only: Builds a worksheet with drafts that match the reference criteria
and belong to the specified customers.
Date Only: Builds a worksheet with drafts that match the reference criteria and
are in the specified date range.
Customer and Date: Builds a worksheet with drafts that match the reference
criteria, belong to the specified customers, and are in the specified date range.

Worksheet Action

Build Click to build a draft remittance worksheet.

Clear Click to remove all drafts from an existing worksheet.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up External, Internal, and
Netting Accounts," Defining Collection Methods

Using a Draft Remittance Worksheet to Select Drafts

Access the Draft Remittance Application page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Remit Drafts to Bank,
Create Worksheet, Draft Remittance Selection.)

830 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

Draft Remittance Application page

By default, the check box next to each draft is selected. If you do not want to remit a draft, deselect its check

Due Date Displays the date that you expect the bank to receive payment. If the draft is a
discounted draft, the bank deposits the funds in the account on the discount date.

Bank Fees Click to open a page where you can enter bank fees for discounted drafts.

Complete Click to approve all selected drafts for remittance and to mark the worksheet as

Cancel Click to cancel the remittance. You can then include the drafts in a new

Edit After you click Complete (and before posting), click to edit drafts. Then, click
Complete again to mark the worksheet complete.

Amount and Count Displays the total amount and count of the drafts that you selected.

Max Remit Amt Displays the maximum remittance amount that you can send to the bank. You
(maximum remittance indicate this number when you build the worksheet.
Difference Displays the difference between the maximum remittance amount and the
amount of the selected drafts.

Min Remit Amt Displays the minimum amount the bank will let you remit if the drafts are
(minimum remittance discounted. You specify this amount on the Collection Methods page.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 831
Managing Drafts Chapter 26

Difference Displays the difference between the amount of the selected drafts and the
minimum remittance amount.

Details Click to change remittance details for a draft.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up External, Internal, and
Netting Accounts," Defining Collection Methods

Changing Remittance Details

Access the Remittance Details page. (Click the Details link on the Draft Remittance Application page.)

Remittance Details page

Remittance Date Enter the date that you remit the draft to the bank for payment. Override today's
date, if needed.

Bank and Account Change the bank account to which you submit the draft, if needed.

Discount Draft If this check box is selected, you can change the discount date for discounted

Allow Recourse If selected, you are still responsible for the draft amount up until the original due
date of the draft. In other words, the amount appears as a liability on your books
until your bank receives the funds.

832 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

Entering Bank Fees for Discounted Drafts

Access the Bank Fees page. (Click the Bank Fees link on the Draft Remittance Application page.)

Pay Amt (payment Enter the amount of each fee that the bank charges for discounted drafts. The
amount) default currency is the draft currency.

Entry Type and Reason Displays the default entry type for fees come from the business unit. Enter an
entry reason, if needed.

When you post the remittance worksheet, the system adds an item for each bank fee and generates the
accounting entries for the bank fees on the discount date.

Creating EFT Files for Remitting Drafts

Access the Create EFT File page. (Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Remit Drafts to Bank, Create EFT File,
Create EFT File.)

To prevent funds from being collected more than one time, you can select a draft remittance for inclusion in
an EFT file only once.

Note. EFT file layouts differ from country to country. The organization that receives the EFT file from your
customer should be able to furnish you with the appropriate layout specifications.

The location of the file when the process completes depends on the output destination options that you
selected in the process definition for the Format EFT Files process.

If the output destination is User Defined, the location depends on the parameters you enter on the Process
Scheduler Request page and can be one of the following:

Output Type Destination Options Location

Output type: Web The file is in the location that you defined for the
{FILEPREFIX} variable for SETENV.SQC in

Output type: file The file is in the location that you defined for the
{FILEPREFIX} variable for SETENV.SQC in
Output destination: blank

Output type: file The file is in the folder path that you specified, such as
C:\temp\EFT files\.
Output destination: a folder path, such as C:\temp\EFT

If the output destination for the Format EFT Files process is Process Definition, the location is the folder that
you defined for the output definition for the process definition.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 833
Managing Drafts Chapter 26

If the output destination for the process definition is Process Type Definition, the location is the folder that
you defined for the output definition for the SQR process type definition.

Creating an EFT File Cover Sheet

Access the EFT File Cover Sheet page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Remit Drafts to Bank, Create
Cover Sheet, Create EFT File Cover Sheet.)

Language Option You specify whether the cover sheet is in a Specified Language or the Recipient's
Language, and then select the Language Code.

EFT Layout Code Enter the code for the type of EFT file used to submit the draft.

Process Instance Displays the number of the process instance that created the EFT file.

Canceling an EFT File for Draft Remittances

Access the Cancel EFT File page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Remit Drafts to Bank, Cancel EFT
File, Cancel EFT File.)

Click Cancel Draft EFT File.

Receiving Confirmation from the Bank

Access the Inbound Bank EFT File page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Create Drafts, Inbound Bank
EFT File, Inbound Bank EFT File.)

EFT Layout Code and Enter the EFT layout code and the file name for the EFT file for which you are
File Name trying to determine whether the payment collection was successful.

If the payment collection was not successful, the AR_DRAFT_BANK process changes the status of the draft
to Void on the Draft Control record (DRAFT_CONTROL). The next time you run the Receivable Update
process, it generates the appropriate accounting entries to reverse the payment.

Correcting Drafts Not Matched in the Bank EFT File

Access the Inbound Bank EFT File for Drafts page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Remit Drafts to
Bank, Receive Bank Confirmation, Inbound Bank EFT File for Drafts.)

The EFT Transactions grid contains a list of payment records that were in the bank EFT file that the
AR_DRAFT_BANK process could not match to drafts in the system. You need to determine which draft in
the system matches a payment record and update the information so that it matches a draft. When you save
the page, the system changes the status of the draft based on the reason code assigned to the payment record.

Unit or Draft ID Enter the business unit or draft ID of the draft on the system that matches the
payment record.

834 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

Reason Code If the reason code on the payment record does not match a reason code on your
system, change the code to match the appropriate code defined on your system.

See Also

Chapter 11, "Setting Up Draft Processing," Defining EFT Reason Codes and EFT File Layouts, page 364

Running the EFT Draft Inbound Exception Report

Access the Bank Remit Exception Report page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Reports, Bank Remit
Exception Report, Bank Remit Exception Report.)

EFT Layout Code Enter the EFT file layout code for the EFT files that you submitted to the bank
whose exceptions you want to include in the report.

Reason Code Enter the code that identifies the reason why the collection failed.

Dishonoring Drafts
This section provides an overview of dishonored draft processing and discusses how to:

• Build a dishonor draft worksheet.

• Select drafts to dishonor.

• Handle the outstanding debt on a dishonored draft.

Understanding Dishonored Draft Processing

You can dishonor a draft at any point in the draft life cycle after you have approved it but before you
reconcile it on a bank statement. You dishonor a draft after you remit it, and it is past due because a customer
fails to pay the draft at the maturity date. You can dishonor a draft earlier in the draft life cycle if you know
that they will not be able to pay for it.

After you select drafts to be dishonored, run the Receivable Update process to:

• Create accounting entries.

• Update the activity table.

• Change the draft status to Dishonored.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 835
Managing Drafts Chapter 26

Pages Used to Dishonor Drafts

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Dishonor Draft Selection DRAFT_DISH_SEL_IC Accounts Receivable, Build a dishonor draft

Drafts, Dishonor Drafts, worksheet.
Create Worksheet, Dishonor
Draft Selection

Dishonor Draft Application DRAFT_DISH_WORK_IC Accounts Receivable, Select drafts that you want
Drafts, Dishonor Drafts, to dishonor.
Update Worksheet,
Dishonor Draft Application

Dishonor Activity DRAFT_RUN_ARDISH01 Accounts Receivable, Define the run parameters

Drafts, Reports, Dishonor for the Dishonor Activity
Activity, Dishonor Activity report (AR32104). Use the
report to list all drafts that
have a dishonored status.

Building a Dishonor Draft Worksheet

Access the Dishonor Draft Selection page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Dishonor Drafts, Create
Worksheet, Dishonor Draft Selection.)

836 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

Dishonor Draft Selection page

Worksheets are cumulative. As long as you do not clear the worksheet, you can keep expanding it by
selecting additional criteria. Each time you build a worksheet, the drafts you previously selected remain, and
the system adds drafts that meet the new criteria to the worksheet.

The Restrict To field works basically the same for all selection criteria. They determine how reference
information should be combined with other selection options to determine which drafts appear in the
worksheet. The values vary based on the selection criteria you enter. Values include:

All Drafts Builds a worksheet with only drafts associated with the specified criteria for the
current option, regardless of the other criteria that you entered.

Cust & Date (customer Builds a worksheet with drafts that are associated with the current option and that
and date) belong to the specified customers and fall within the specified date range.

Customer Only Builds a worksheet with drafts that are associated with the current option and that
belong to the specified customers.

Date Range Only Builds a worksheet with drafts that are associated with a current option and that
fall within the specified date range.

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Managing Drafts Chapter 26

Draft & Cust (draft and Builds a worksheet with drafts that are associated with the current option and that
customer) belong to the specified customers and with the specified draft IDs.

Draft Only Builds a worksheet with drafts associated with the current option and with the
specified draft IDs.

Customer Options

You can use the customer options to build a worksheet for a specific customer ID.

Customer Options Select None if you fill in the fields under Date Options, Draft Criteria, or Bank

Cust ID (customer ID) Enter the customer's ID or business unit. The customer's name automatically
appears, and the Customer Options field changes to Customer Drafts.

Date Options

Date Options Select an option for selecting drafts by a date. Options are: None, Due Date
Range, Due Date, and Accounting Date Range.

Restrict to Options are: All Drafts,Customer Only, Draft & Cust, and Draft Only.

From Date and To Date Enter a date range if you want to build a worksheet for drafts using specific due
dates or accounting dates.

Draft Criteria

Draft Options Select None if you fill in the fields under Customer Options,Date Options, or
Bank Criteria.

Draft ID Enter the draft ID if you want to build a worksheet for a specific draft. The Draft
Options field changes to Draft Value.

Bank Criteria

Bank Code and Bank Enter bank information if you want to build a worksheet for a specific bank
Account account. The Bank Options field changes to Bank Account.

Bank Options Options are: None and Bank Account.

Restrict to Options are: All Drafts, Cust & Date (customer and date), Customer Only, Date
Range Only, and Draft Only.

838 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

Worksheet Action

Build Click to build the worksheet.

Clear Click to remove all drafts from an existing worksheet.

Selecting Drafts to Dishonor

Access the Dishonor Draft Application page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Dishonor Drafts, Update
Worksheet, Dishonor Draft Application.)

Dishonor Draft Application page

Select each draft that you want to dishonor.

Reason Enter a reason code to display on the Draft Inquiry page. You can also use that
code in custom reports. If the draft type does not require a reason, you can enter a
reason for an audit trail.

Post Click to set the group to post.

Cancel Click to cancel the worksheet. You can then include the drafts in a new

Edit After you click Post (and before posting), click to select or deselect more drafts.
If you want to edit the worksheet after it is posted, you must unpost the group

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 839
Managing Drafts Chapter 26

Handling the Outstanding Debt on a Dishonored Draft

After you dishonor a draft, you must handle the outstanding debt for the draft by performing one of the
following tasks:

• Pay for the items on the draft by check or another draft.

To do this, void the draft to reopen the items. Then, either pay for the items on a different draft or change
the payment method for the item to check.

• Present the draft to the bank at a later date.

To do this, cancel the remittance. Then, change the due date for the draft on the draft worksheet and remit
the draft again. Use this option only if you already remitted the draft to the bank when you dishonor it.

• Write off the items on the draft.

To do this, void the draft and then write off the items on the maintenance worksheet.

• Transfer the items in the draft to a doubtful receivables account.

To do this, void the draft and then use a transfer worksheet to transfer the items.

Voiding Drafts
This section provides an overview of the draft void process and discusses how to:

• Build a void draft worksheet.

• Use a void draft worksheet to void drafts.

Understanding the Draft Void Process

You void a draft if the draft has been dishonored or was lost or stolen and you want to reopen all the items
associated with the draft.

You can void a draft after it has been approved, but before you reconcile it on a bank statement. For example,
you could void a discounted draft before the due date plus the risk days (the number of days that the bank
waits before it notifies you that the customer failed to pay).

After you select drafts to be voided, run the Receivable Update process to:

• Create accounting entries.

• Update the activity table.

• Change the draft status to Void.

840 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

See Also

Chapter 11, "Setting Up Draft Processing," Additional Draft Events, page 337

Pages Used to Void Drafts

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Void Draft Selection DRAFT_DISH_SEL_IC Accounts Receivable, Build a void draft

Drafts, Void Drafts, Create worksheet.
Worksheet, Void Draft

Void Draft Application DRAFT_DISH_WORK_IC Accounts Receivable, Select drafts that you want
Drafts, Void Drafts, Update to void.
Worksheet, Void Draft

Building a Void Draft Worksheet

Access the Void Draft Selection page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Void Drafts, Create Worksheet,
Void Draft Selection.)

The fields on this page are similar to those on the Dishonor Draft Selection page.

Instead of entering bank criteria, you enter values in the Status Criteria group box.

Draft Status Enter the status of the drafts to include in the worksheet. The Status Options field
changes to Draft Status.

Status Options Options are: None and Draft Status.

Restrict To Options are: All Drafts, Cust & Date (customer and date), Customer Only, Date
Range Only, and Draft Only.

See Also

Chapter 26, "Managing Drafts," Building a Dishonor Draft Worksheet, page 836

Using a Void Draft Worksheet to Void Drafts

Access the Void Draft Application page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Void Drafts, Update
Worksheet, Void Draft Application.)

The fields on this page are the same as those on the Dishonor Draft Application page.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 841
Managing Drafts Chapter 26

See Also

Chapter 26, "Managing Drafts," Selecting Drafts to Dishonor, page 839

Canceling Draft Remittances

This section provides an overview of the cancel remittance process and discusses how to:

• Build a cancel remittance worksheet.

• Use a cancel remittance worksheet to cancel remittances.

Understanding the Cancel Remittance Process

You can cancel a draft remittance either before or after the draft due date, but before you reconcile it. For
discounted drafts, you must cancel the remittance before the discount date or after you dishonor it. You can
cancel a draft remittance if the customer failed to pay the draft, but promised that there would be sufficient
funds to cover the amount of the draft.

After you select drafts remittances to be cancelled, run the Receivable Update process to:

• Create accounting entries.

• Update the activity table.

• Change the draft status to Accepted.

The draft is still posted, so you can select it again for remittance. You cannot access the draft on the draft

See Also

Chapter 11, "Setting Up Draft Processing," Additional Draft Events, page 337

Pages Used to Cancel Draft Remittances

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Cancel Remittance DRAFT_DISH_SEL_IC Accounts Receivable, Build a cancel remittance

Selection Drafts, Cancel Draft worksheet.
Remittance, Create
Worksheet, Cancel
Remittance Selection

842 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Cancel Remittance DRAFT_DISH_WORK_IC Accounts Receivable, Select draft remittances that

Application Drafts, Cancel Draft you want to cancel.
Remittance, Update
Worksheet, Cancel
Remittance Application

Building a Cancel Remittance Worksheet

Access the Cancel Remittance Selection page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Cancel Draft Remittance,
Create Worksheet, Cancel Remittance Selection.)

The fields on this page are the same as those on the Dishonor Draft Selection page.

See Also

Chapter 26, "Managing Drafts," Building a Dishonor Draft Worksheet, page 836

Using a Cancel Remittance Worksheet to Cancel Remittances

Access the Cancel Remittance Application page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Cancel Draft
Remittance, Update Worksheet, Cancel Remittance Application.)

The fields on this page are the same as those on the Dishonor Draft Application page.

See Also

Chapter 26, "Managing Drafts," Selecting Drafts to Dishonor, page 839

Reconciling Drafts on a Bank Statement

When you receive a bank statement, you must reconcile drafts by matching the amount of each draft received
with the amount that was submitted to the bank. You can reconcile drafts manually, or use the Bank
Reconciliation Application Engine process (FSPRECON) to reconcile them. Use the
PS_BNK_RCN_DRAFT reconciliation rule to reconcile bank statements for drafts.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Reconciliation"

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Reconciling Statements"

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 843
Managing Drafts Chapter 26

Unposting Drafts
Unposting a draft reverses your last action on the draft. You can unpost a draft after you run Receivable
Update at any point in the draft life cycle. For example, you might unpost a draft because you want to change
some details about the draft.

When you unpost a draft, the system restores the draft to its status before the last action and reverses the last
accounting entries.

If you have not already run Receivable Update, it is not necessary to unpost the group. You can return to the
appropriate worksheet page and cancel the group.

See Also

Chapter 28, "Posting and Unposting Groups," Unposting Groups, page 903

Understanding How to Review and Correct Draft Accounting Entries

This section discusses:

• How the system creates draft accounting entries.

• How the system creates draft interunit accounting entries.

• How to perform error corrections for draft payments.

Draft Accounting Entry Creation

For drafts, all the accounting entries are created when you run the Receivable Update process. You cannot
create them online. The draft type determines how the accounting entries are created.

The system creates accounting entries for each event in the draft life cycle even though it may not be an event
that you initiate online. For example, it creates accounting entries at the draft due date. The next time that you
run the Receivable Update process after the due date, the system creates accounting entries.

The draft process uses the PeopleSoft Receivables core architecture for pending groups. For example, after
you indicate that a draft was accepted by the customer, the Receivable Update process creates a group of
pending items with the group type D and creates the accounting entries that are associated with the DM-01
(pay item) system function.

When you accept a draft, the Receivable Update process reduces the balance of open items and creates an
accounting entry that debits the receivable account and credits drafts receivable. For subsequent draft events,
it does not change the balance of the item; it simply creates the appropriate accounting entries for the draft
event and changes the draft status.

844 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

Interunit Accounting Entries

The system also creates interunit accounting entries when the PeopleSoft Receivables business units of the
draft payment and the item are associated with different general ledger business units. The entries are the
same as payments on the payment worksheet, except that the process debits the Draft Receivables account
instead of the Cash account.

Error Correction

The Receivable Update process edits for ChartField combination errors if you enabled ChartField
combination editing on the Receivables Options - General 2 page for the business unit. You cannot post the
accounting entries until you fix the error if you selected Recycle in the ChartField Editing group box. You
can edit the receivables (AR) lines for these types of new items that do not reference existing items:

• Prepay an Item (DM-02)

• Place an Amount on Account (DM-03)

• Adjust Remaining Overpayment (DM-04)

• Adjust Remaining Underpayment (DM-05)

• Create a Deduction (DM-06)

• Write-off an Overpayment (DM-08)

• Write-off an Underpayment (DM-09)

Note. You cannot edit the AR lines when the system generates two transactions for the same new item ID,
because the AR line must match for both transactions. This applies when a Write-off an Overpayment (DM-
08) item automatically creates an Adjust Remaining Overpayment (DM-04) item, or when a Write-off an
Underpayment (DM-09) item automatically creates an Adjust Remaining Underpayment (DM-05) item.

You can also edit entries in the user-defined line for these transactions:

• Write-off an Item (DM-07)

• Write-off an Overpayment (DM-08)

• Write-off an Underpayment (DM-09)

For all other draft transactions perform these steps:

1. Delete the entries using the Draft Error Correction component (MAINT_DST_CORR2).

2. Modify the combination edit rules so the combination is valid or perform one of these steps as appropriate

• Modify the ChartField combination on the External Account page for the bank account if the error is
on the Cash or Cash Control line.

• Modify the ChartField combination on the Distribution Code page if the error is on a line generated
from one of the distribution codes.

3. Rerun the Receivable Update process.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 845
Managing Drafts Chapter 26

Note. You cannot edit entries if you selected the Always Inherit or Inherit within BU inheritance option.

Use the Draft Error Correction component to correct any other errors that were discovered by the Receivable
Update process. When you save the Draft Error Correction page, the system runs the combination edit again,
and the error detail appears on the ChartField Comb Error tab in the Distribution Lines grid. The draft error
correction pages are accessible only if the system detects any pending items that are in error.

Use the Accounting Entries page to review accounting entries created for drafts during the Receivable Update

See Also

Chapter 28, "Posting and Unposting Groups," Unposting Groups, page 903

Reviewing Draft Information

Use inquiry pages and reports to look up information about drafts.

This section discusses how to review all drafts.

Pages Used to Review Drafts

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Draft Control DRAFT_CONTROL_DSP Accounts Receivable, Review summary or

Drafts, Review Drafts, All detailed information for
Drafts, Draft Control each item on a draft.

Draft Details DRAFT_WS_DTL_SEC Click the Draft ID link on View information about the
the Draft Control page. bank that will receive the
draft payment, bank
statement reconciliation
information, and bank fees.

Draft Items DRAFT_ITEM_DSP Accounts Receivable, Review details about each

Drafts, Review Drafts, All item on a draft.
Drafts, Draft Items

Draft Inquiry DR_INQUIRY_IC Accounts Receivable, Search for a list of drafts

Drafts, Review Drafts, Draft based on search criteria,
Inquiry, Draft Inquiry such as business unit,
customer ID, due date, bank
information, draft type, and
draft status. Review draft
details and drill down to the
draft control information
and draft items for each

846 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 26 Managing Drafts

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Item Activity From A Draft ITEM_DRAFT Accounts Receivable, View activity for draft
Drafts, Review Drafts, Item items.
Activity from Draft, Item
Activity From A Draft

Draft Reports DRAFT_REPORTS Accounts Receivable, Define the run parameters

Drafts, Reports, Draft for draft aging reports
Reports, Draft Reports (AR32102). Your options
are a draft aging report by
bank or a draft aging report
by customer. Use the report
to list unpaid drafts by due

Draft Statement RUN_AR32100 Accounts Receivable, Define the run parameters

Drafts, Reports, Draft for the Draft Statement
Statement, Parameters report (AR32100). Use the
report to list invoices and
other documents in a draft.

Reviewing All Drafts

Access the Draft Control page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Drafts, Review Drafts, All Drafts, Draft

Draft Control page

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 847
Managing Drafts Chapter 26

Draft ID Click to access the Draft Details page, where you view details about the draft,
such as information about the customer's bank, bank statement reconciliation,
and bank fees. Depending on the status of the draft, you can use this link to
change the due date and MICR ID.

Draft Notes Click to access the Draft Notes page, where you can view or enter comments
about the draft.

Pre-approved Draft If selected, the draft is preapproved for payment by a bill-to customer and you
can submit it to the customer's bank without the customer's sign-off. If the check
box is not selected, the draft must be reviewed and approved by the customer
before you can submit it to the bank for payment.

Hold Switch If selected, the draft is placed on hold on the draft worksheet.

848 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 27

Managing Direct Debits

This chapter provides an overview of direct debit processing, lists prerequisites, lists common elements, and
discusses how to:

• Create and work with direct debits.

• Cancel direct debits.

• Remit direct debits to the bank.

• Review accounting entries and correct errors.

• Review direct debits.

Understanding Direct Debit Processing

Direct debits are a contractual method for collecting payment and receipts. The vendor and customer set up a
contract that enables the vendor to collect an amount due for specific goods or services directly from the
customer's bank through electronic funds transfer (EFT). Some banks require a cover letter for the EFT files
they receive.

You can set up the direct debit data to require the creation, transmission, and confirmation of a direct debit
prenote, which is a zero dollar electronic payment that is sent to the customer's bank to confirm the accuracy
of customer's bank information. Prenotes help to eliminate additional processing or handling fees due to the
transmission of incorrect customer account information to the customer's bank, and reduce any delays in
receivable collections based on direct debit transactions. The Create Direct Debit process (AR_DIRDEBIT)
must process and confirm the prenote before it can process any associated direct debit transactions.

This section discusses

• Remittance methods

• Direct debit process flow

Remittance Methods
PeopleSoft Receivables provides two processes to remit direct debitsto the bank.

• You can generate an EFT file in PeopleSoft Receivables and send it to the bank manually or by using a
third-party integration.

• You can use the PeopleSoft Cash Management Financial Gateway option to create an EFT file and send it
to the bank.

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Managing Direct Debits Chapter 27

When you create the bank account into which the funds should be deposited, you specify the EFT format
layouts to use if the payment method is Direct Debit on the Collection Methods page. You can assign
multiple layouts to the bank account, but you must specify the default layout. You specify the remittance
method for each layout: Financial Gateway or EFT file (Format EFT). When you create a direct debit profile,
the system populates the EFT Layout field with the default layout for the bank that you selected for the
profile. You can override the layout with any other layout assigned to the bank account. You can also
override the layout when you run the Create Direct Debits Application Engine process (AR_DIRDEBIT) with
any layout assigned to the bank. The Create Direct Debit process assigns the remittance method to each direct
debit based on the remittance method associated with the EFT file layout on the run control page.

See Also

Chapter 27, "Managing Direct Debits," Understanding the Direct Debit Remit Process, page 870

Direct Debit Process Flow

Perform the following tasks to create direct debits and send them to the bank for collection:

1. Run the Create Direct Debits process (AR_DIRDEBIT) to create direct debits and build a worksheet.

If direct debits are set up to require the creation, transmission, and reception of direct debit prenotes, the
Create Direct Debit process creates prenotes. These prenotes must be sent to the customers bank and
confirmed before the direct debit transactions associated with the prenotes can be processed.

2. Approve, reject, or hold the direct debits using the direct debit worksheet.

3. Change the direct debit's status to Remitted on the direct debit worksheet.

4. Run the Receivable Update process (ARUPDATE) to post the direct debit groups, update the item and
customer balances, update item activity, and generate accounting entries.

Warning! When running the Receivable Update process after the Create Direct Debits process, if the
Direct Debit Group field is Direct Debit, on the Create Direct Debits page, then the calculation of the
direct debit due date must be less than, or equal to, the Receivable Update process run date to close the
direct debit. The calculation of the direct debit due date results from the option selected in the Due Date
Option field of the Create Direct Debits run control page. If the calculation of the direct debit due date is
greater than the Receivable Update process run date, then the direct debit is not closed.

5. (Optional) Cancel direct debits that have a Remitted status, but have not been submitted to the bank.

If you remit direct debits using the PeopleSoft Cash Management Financial Gateway option, you can
cancel the direct debit after you send it to Financial Gateway if the dispatch status is Awaiting Dispatch,
Hold, or Error.

Note. You must run the Receivable Update process after you cancel a direct debit. Running this process
reverses the accounting entries that the Receivable Update process created for the direct debit and reopens
the items in the direct debit.

850 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 27 Managing Direct Debits

6. Remit the direct debit to the bank by running either the Create EFT through FG System Application
Engine process (AR_FG_PROC) or the Format EFT Files SQR process (FIN2025).

Note. If you want to automatically run Receivable Update and generate the EFT files when you run the
Create Direct Debit process, you can create a job definition to combine the four processes:
AR_DIRDEBIT, ARUPDATE, AR_FG_PROC, and FIN2025. You can also run just three processes in
one job and omit either the AR_FG_PROC or FIN2025 processes. You must also select the Auto-Remit
Direct Debits option on the Create Direct Debits page. The multiprocess job runs all three or four
processes for all direct debits to which the Create Direct Debits process assigns the Accepted status.

7. (Optional) Reconcile the direct debit with the bank statement using the PS_BNK_RCN_DEBIT
reconciliation rule.

See Also

Chapter 28, "Posting and Unposting Groups," Running Receivable Update, page 887

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Reconciling Statements"

This section provides the tasks you perform before you process direct debits:

• Define direct debit collection information for your bank account to which you will send the EFT files on
the Collection Methods page.

• Define the customer's bank account information and link it to a remit from customer on the MICR
Information - Customer Bank page.

Warning! If you use Financial Gateway to submit EFT files to the bank, you will get an error when you
run the Create EFT through FG System process, if you skip this step.

• Create the direct debit profiles.

• Set up electronic banking if you use Financial Gateway as your remittance method.

• Define the direct debit information for customers that pay by direct debits on the Bill To Options page.

• Set up automatic numbering for direct debit IDs.

Select DD ID for the number type and DD_ID for the field name.

• Define automatic entry types for direct debit processing.

• (Optional) Assign a direct debit profile to an entry type.

• Define the EFT file layout that you use on the EFT File Layouts page or the Layout Catalog page for
Financial Gateway.

• (Optional) Set up EFT Reason codes for bank EFT confirmation files.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 851
Managing Direct Debits Chapter 27

See Also

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Setting Up Automatic Entry Types, page

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Defining Entry Types, page 76

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up External, Internal, and
Netting Accounts," Defining Collection Methods

Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," page 119

PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Files for Electronic Funds
Transfers," Setting Up EFT Processing

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining Additional
Customer Information," Defining MICR IDs

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General Customer
Information," Entering Additional Billing, Purchasing, Payment, and Write-Off Options for Bill To

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining Financials and Supply Chain
Management Common Definitions," Setting Up Automatic Numbering

PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Gateway 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Electronic Banking Using Financial
Gateway," Setting Up Common Components for Bank Statement, Payment, and Payment Acknowledgment

Common Elements Used in This Chapter

Status Displays the status of a direct debit. Values are:

Accepted: The direct debit is approved and you can mark it ready for posting and
Complete: The direct debit has completed processing.
No Action: The direct debit group has been rejected, and the items in the direct
debit will be available for selection the next time you create direct debits.
Pending: You either selected the direct debit for edit or it is pending approval
due to exceptions.
See Chapter 27, "Managing Direct Debits," Maintaining Direct Debit Details,
page 864.

Rejected: All direct debits have been rejected because you have cancelled a direct
debit after you changed the status to Remitted. Also, the Receivable Update
process changes the status to Rejected if you receive a rejection reason in the
bank confirmation file that requires the cancel action. You can select these direct
debits again the next time you create direct debits.
Remitted: The direct debit is ready to be posted and sent to the bank for

852 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 27 Managing Direct Debits

Creating and Working with Direct Debits

This section provides an overview of the Create Direct Debit process and discusses how to:

• Create direct debits.

• Use the direct debit worksheet to manage direct debits.

• Maintain direct debit details.

Understanding the Create Direct Debits Application Engine Process

The Create Direct Debits process (AR_DIRDEBIT) selects the items that match your selection criteria and
creates direct debits for them. It creates one direct debit for all open items with the same business unit,
currency, and due date for each bill to customer that has a Direct Debit payment method. Each direct debit
includes only one item if you selected the One Item Per Direct Debit check box in the direct debit profile.

The process also assigns one of the following statuses to each direct debit:

• Accepted: If the direct debit does not have any exceptions, it assigns it the Accepted status, which means
that you can remit the direct debit.

• Remitted: If you are using the Auto-Remit option for the run request, it assigns direct debits without
exceptions the Remitted status, which means that it is ready to post so you can remit it to the bank.

This means that all direct debits for a single run request must be approved before the process will use the
Auto-Remit option.

• Pending: If the direct debit has exception conditions, it assigns it the Pending status.

The process uses the bank holiday rules defined for the bank account that you assigned to the customer on the
Correspondence Options page to adjust the estimated settlement date if it falls on a holiday. You define the
bank holiday rules for the bank account on the Collection Methods page.

If you enabled document sequencing, the Create Direct Debit process assigns a document sequence number to
the direct debits when it creates them.

The Create Direct Debit process may not process any items for one or more customers and may write a
message to the message log indicating that no items were processed for at least one customer . This can occur
if all of the following conditions are true:

• The Exclude Credit Items check box is not selected on the Direct Debit Profile - Profile page.

• The Net Debit/Credit Amounts? check box is selected on the Direct Debit Profile - Profile page.

• The Create Negative Direct Debit check box is not selected on the Direct Debit Profile - Profile page.

• The total of all credits to be processed for the customer is greater than the total of all debits to be
processed for that customer.

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Managing Direct Debits Chapter 27

Understanding the Set Up and Processing of Direct Debits with Prenotes

A direct debit prenote is a zero dollar electronic payment that is sent to the customer's bank to confirm the
accuracy of customer's bank information. Prenotes help to eliminate additional processing or handling fees
due to the transmission of incorrect customer account information to the customer's bank, and reduce any
delays in receivables collections. After setting up various components to enable prenote processing, the
Create Direct Debit Application Engine (AR_DIRDEBIT) process creates the prenote transactions. These
prenotes are sent to the customers bank. After receiving confirmation of the prenote information from the
bank, any associated direct debit transactions are processed.

If the customer's bank sends a confirmation, the system updates the prenote status to Confirmed and the
related Direct Debits are processed the next time that the Create Direct Debits process runs. If the bank does
not send a confirmation, after a specified number of days the pending prenote is set to confirmed.

Note. Normally the bank only sends a response if the prenote is incorrect.

Direct Debit Prenote Setup

You set up various components to enable the creation, transmission, and confirmation of direct debit prenotes.
The setup includes these components:

854 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 27 Managing Direct Debits

• Direct Debit Profile

You can select the Prenote Required check box on the Profile page of the Direct Debit Profile component
(Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Payments, Direct Debit Profile). You
must also select an EFT Layout. The system runs an edit on the EFT Layout that you select to ensure that
you selected an EFT Layout that can be used for transmitting direct debit prenotes.

• These EFT layouts are used for transmitting direct debit prenotes manually or through third-party

EFT File Layout Code Description Country

BACS Use for outbound transmissions. United Kingdom

CPA005 Use for outbound transmissions. Canada

Canada Pay Association.

UFF Use the Universal File Format for United States

outbound transmissions.

SEPA Use for Single European Payment Europe

• These EFT layouts will be used for transmitting direct debit prenotes using the Financial Gateway
option in PeopleSoft Cash Management.

Format ID Format Name

820 ACH EDI 820 payment format for ACH

PPD NACHA PPD payment format

CCD NACHA CCD payment format

CCD+ NACHA CCD+ payment format

CTX NACHA CTX payment format


EIP Message

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Managing Direct Debits Chapter 27

• Customer Information Component

You must select Direct Debit as the payment method in the Payment Method Options group box on the
Bill To Options page (Customers, Customer Information, General Information) in order for the Prenote
for Direct Debit group box to appear on the page. You can select the Prenote Required check box in this
group box, select the status of the prenote, enter the number of days required to elapse before the prenote
will be automatically confirmed by the system, and select a reason code, if applicable. You can also click
a link on this page to view the prenote history. The statuses for a prenote include:

• New

When you select the Prenote Required check box, the system automatically updates the status to New.
This status indicates that the Create Direct Debit process has not yet been run to create prenotes.

• Pending

The Create Direct Debit process creates the prenote and sets the status to Pending. At this stage the
prenote has not been sent to the bank. The prenote remains in this status until the prenote is sent, you
hear back from the bank, or the prenote is automatically confirmed. Automatic confirmation occurs
when the days prior to confirmation have elapsed, which causes the Create Direct Debit process to set
the prenote status to Confirmed and processes the direct debit.

• Confirmed

The bank notifies you that the Direct Debit account information is correct or the entered time period
has elapsed, which enables the Create Direct Debit process to process the direct debit transactions
associated with the prenotes.

• Rejected

The bank notifies you that the Direct Debit account information is not correct, which prevents the
Create Direct Debit process from processing the direct debit transactions associated with the prenotes.
These transactions cannot be processed until the account information is corrected and the prenotes are

• External Accounts Component

You must select Direct Debit as the Payment Method in the Payment Information group box and the
Prenote Required check box on the Collection Methods page to enable this bank to receive prenotes
(Banking, Bank Accounts, External Accounts) for a selected external bank account. Once you select
Direct Debits, an Electronic Layouts grid appears where you can select the EFT Layouts used by this

• eBill Payment – My Preferences Component

You select Direct Debit as the Default Payment Method on the My Preferences for eBill Payment page. If
the payment method is Direct Debit in the My Preferences for eBill Payment page (eBill Payment, My
Preferences), and the prenote status is New,Pending or Rejected, a warning appears to inform the user that
direct debit transactions will not be processed until the prenote is confirmed.

• Bank Integration Layout Component

You must select the Supports Prenotes check box on the Bank Integration Layout page (Banking,
Administer Bank Integration, Bank Integration Layouts) to use PeopleSoft Cash Management Financial
Gateway for transmitting prenotes with the selected bank.

856 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 27 Managing Direct Debits

• Reason Codes Component

PeopleSoft created a new reasontype for prenotes as system data to enable users to define the error
messages. PeopleSoft sample data contains these three reason codes for prenotes (Set Up
Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Codes and Auto Numbering > Reason Codes): Reason
codes help the user to better describe the reason for prenote status change. The reason codes can be
selected on the Bill To Options page (Customers, Customer Information, General Information)


This reason code indicates that the status was changed by EFT File process.


This reason code indicates that the status was changed by Create Direct Debits process.


This reason code indicates that the status was changed manually.

See Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," Setting Up Direct Debit Profiles, page 131.

See Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," Selecting EFT Layouts, page 137.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General
Customer Information," Entering Additional Billing, Purchasing, Payment, and Write-Off Options for Bill To

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Banks Setup and Processing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up External, Internal, and
Netting Accounts," Defining Collection Methods.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise eBill Payment 9.1 PeopleBook, "PeopleSoft eBill Payment Self-Service
Transactions," Modifying Default Preferences.

Direct Debit Processing with Prenotes

After setting up for direct debit processing and indicating that prenotes are required, the prenote process flow
uses the following steps:

1. You run the Create Direct Debit process (AR_DIRDEBIT) to create prenotes, which are sent to the
customer's bank using one of these methods:

• Generate an EFT file in PeopleSoft Receivables and send the prenote to the customer's bank manually,
or use a third-party integration.

• Send the prenote to the bank automatically using PeopleSoft Cash Management Financial Gateway.

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Managing Direct Debits Chapter 27

2. The customer's bank can confirm the prenote using one of these methods:

• Manually, through a third party system, or using phone, email, or other means.

• Send the prenote back to PeopleSoft Receivables using PeopleSoft Cash Mangement Financial

• Allow the specified time set up in PeopleSoft Receivables for the prenote to elapse, which results in
an automatic confirmation of the prenote in PeopleSoft Receivables.

The Create Direct Debit process logs a message in the Message Log if it automatically changes the
Prenote Status for a customer to Confirmed after the elapse of the specified number of days. The
message "(x) Customer(s) automatically updated with a Prenote Status of Confirmed," where X
represents the number of customers updated.

Important! The Create Direct Debit process will not pick up the associated direct debit transactions
when a prenote is required and not confirmed. The required prenotes must be sent to the bank and
confirmed before the direct debit transactions associated with the prenotes can be processed.

3. Once the prenotes are confirmed, the Create Direct Debit Application Engine process creates the direct
debit transactions associated with the confirmed prenotes, and assigns one of the following statuses to
each direct debit:

• Accepted

If the direct debit does not have any exceptions, the system assigns it a status of Accepted, which
means that you can remit the direct debit.

• Remitted

If you are using the Auto-Remit option for the run request, it assigns a status of Remitted to direct
debits without exceptions. This status indicates that the system is ready to post so you can remit it to
the bank.

Important! All direct debits included in a single run request must be approved before the process will
use the Auto-Remit option.

• Pending

If the direct debit has exception conditions, the system assigns it a status of Pending.

Important! An unconfirmed prenote is not considered an exception condition and will not change the
status of the direct debit transaction to Pending. All direct debit transactions with required prenotes
must have the prenote confirmed before the direct debit transaction can be processed.

4. Run the Receivable Update process (ARUPDATE) to post the direct debit groups, update the item and
customer balances, update item activity, and generate accounting entries.

Note. ARUPDATE only processes the direct debit transactions and does not process prenotes, because
prenotes are not associated with any accounting entries.

858 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 27 Managing Direct Debits

5. Remit the direct debit to the bank by running either the Create EFT through the FGAT System
Application Engine process (AR_FG_PROC) or the Format EFT Files SQR process (FIN2025).

Note. When the prenote status is changed either manually by the user or by the Create Direct Debit
process, the prenote history is updated.

See Chapter 27, "Managing Direct Debits," Remitting Direct Debits to the Bank, page 869.

Prenote Reporting and History

Once prenotes are processed, an exception report provides a list of direct debit prenotes that failed due to
incorrect bank details when an error notification is received from the customer's bank. You can cancel the
prenote depending on the status.

The customer record contains information indicating whether a direct debit prenote was sent and the status of
the prenote. The customer can view the status of the direct debit by clicking the View Prenote History link on
the Bill To Options page (Customers, Customer Information, General Information).

Pages Used to Create and Work with Direct Debits

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Create Direct Debits DD_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Create direct debits by

Direct Debits, Administer running the Create Direct
Direct Debits, Create Direct Debits process.
Debits, Create Direct Debits

Update Direct Debits - DD_WORKLIST

• Accounts Receivable, Approve, hold, or reject
Worksheet Direct Debits, direct debits. Mark the
Administer Direct direct debits as ready for
Debits, Update Direct remittance to the bank.
Debits, Worksheet Create an EFT file for the
direct debits on the
• Click the Direct worksheet.
Debit button on the
Create Direct Debits

Worksheet Detail DD_WORKSHEET_SEC Click the DD ID(direct View or change details

debit ID) link for the direct about a direct debit, such as
debit on the Worksheet the bank account or
page. individual items.

Multiple Revenue Line AR_MLR_SEC Click the Revenue Determine how to distribute
Distribution Distribution link on the revenue to control budgets
Worksheet Detail page. for partial payments when
an item has multiple
revenue lines.

Customer Bank Account CUST_BANKINFO_SEC Click the Customer Bank View the customer's MICR
Details Details link on the ID.
Worksheet Detail page.

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Managing Direct Debits Chapter 27

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Item in Other Groups ITEM_XGROUP_SEC Click the Item in Other View other worksheet
Groups link on the groups in which a direct
Worksheet Detail page. debit item is selected. This
page also displays any
pending item groups that
are not posted that the item
is in.

Additional Customer CUST_INFO_SEC Click the More Cust Info View customer information.
Information link on the Worksheet
Detail page.

Item Activity ITEM_DATA2 Click the Item Activity View item activities.
Detail link on the
Worksheet Detail page.

Creating Direct Debits

Access the Create Direct Debits page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Direct Debits, Administer Direct Debits,
Create Direct Debits, Create Direct Debits.)

Create Direct Debits page

860 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 27 Managing Direct Debits

Item Selection Criteria

Due Date Option Select Max Due (maximum due date) to process open items with due dates that
are the same as or earlier than the date that you enter. When you select this
option, the field that follows becomes Max Due Date (maximum due date).
Select Days Prior to process items before the due date. For example, if you enter
10 in the Days Prior to Due Date field, the process selects all items that are due
within 10 days from the current date.

Warning! If the Direct Debit Group field is Direct Debit, then the calculation of
the direct debit due date must be less than, or equal to, the Receivable Update
process (ARUPDATE) run date to close the direct debit. The calculation of the
direct debit due date results from the option selected in the Due Date Option field
of the Create Direct Debit run control page. If the direct debit due date is greater
than the Receivable Update process run date, then the direct debit is not closed.

Direct Debit Profile ID Select the profile whose processing parameters you want to use. This restricts the
selection of open items to those customers who have the same profile.

Direct Debit Group Select the direct debit group assigned to the customers whose items you want to
process. This restricts the selection of open items to those customers who have
the same group.

Auto-Remit Direct Select to automatically assign a Remitted status to direct debits with no
Debits exceptions. If any of the direct debits that the process creates have exceptions,
their status is Pending on the direct debit worksheet. Set the default for this field
on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 2 page.

Include Items from eBill Select to include items from PeopleSoft eBill Payment in this process run. EBill
Payment payment items will be selected based on the Payment Date that was set in eBill
Payment. To ensure payments are received by the Payment Date of the item,
Lead Time will be considered. Lead time represents the number of business days
that will be subtracted from the Payment date for an item to determine when the
Direct Debit process needs to select that item for payment .

Deposit Bank

Bank Code and Bank Enter the bank code and account number where the funds are collected. The
Account system populates the Bank Code and Bank Account fields based on the values in
the direct debit profile ID that you select. To send the funds to a different bank
account, override the bank information.

EFT Layout Code Enter the EFT layout code used to request the funds. The system populates the
(electronic file transfer layout code from the direct debit profile ID that you select. To use a different
code) layout, override the code.

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Managing Direct Debits Chapter 27

Settle By Displays the remittance method that you assigned to the EFT layout on the
Collection Methods page for the bank account. Values are:
01 Financial Gateway: Sends the settlement request to PeopleSoft Cash
Management Financial Gateway. Financial Gateway creates the EFT files and
submits them to the bank. You receive acknowledgement statuses from Financial
02 Format EFT: Generates an EFT file in PeopleSoft Receivables, which you
send to the bank manually or through a third-party integration.
The Create Direct Debits process assigns the remittance method to each direct
debit that it creates. When you run the other direct debit processes, each process
checks the Settle By field for the direct debit to determine whether to process the
direct debit.
See Chapter 27, "Managing Direct Debits," Understanding the Direct Debit
Remit Process, page 870.

Prenotes may be required, which are processed using the Create Direct Debit process.

See Add link to Understanding the Set Up and Processing of Direct Debits with Prenotes

Last Run

When the process is complete, click the Direct Debits button to display the direct
debit worksheet number, Last Run On date and time, and status information for
the process that was just run.

Using Direct Debit Worksheets to Manage Direct Debits

Access the Update Direct Debits - Worksheet page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Direct Debits, Administer
Direct Debits, Update Direct Debits, Worksheet.)

Update Direct Debits - Worksheet page

862 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 27 Managing Direct Debits

Accounting Date The accounting date is set to the current date if you leave the field blank. This
field is available only when the worksheet can be remitted; that is, when the
status of each direct debit in the worksheet is set to the Accepted value or the No
Action value. The system edits the accounting date to ensure it is in an open
accounting period.

Entering Selection Criteria

In the Selection Criteria group box, select the direct debits that you want to display.

Status Select the status for the direct debits. Options are: Accepted, Complete, No
Action, Pending, Rejected, or Remitted.

Exception Select all the direct debits or only those that have the specified exception
See Chapter 27, "Managing Direct Debits," Maintaining Direct Debit Details,
page 864.

DR/CR (debit or credit) Select :

• All to display both direct debit debits and credits in the Direct Debits grid.

• Debits to display only direct debit debits in the Direct Debits grid.

• Credits to display only direct debit credits in the Direct Debit grid.

Direct Debit Amounts Enter a direct debit amount value. When you click the Change Criteria icon, the
>= (direct debit amounts system displays the direct debits that have an amount greater than or equal to this
greater than or equal to) specified amount.

Click the Change Criteria button to update the list of direct debits based on your
new selection criteria.

Working with Direct Debits

Use the following buttons to act on individual direct debits.

Click the Select All button to select all displayed direct debits on the worksheet
(select all check boxes). If you prefer, you can select individual direct debits by
selecting the check box to the right of each direct debit. This option works only
in conjunction with the Approve and Reject buttons.

Click the Approve button to approve all selected direct debits. The system
changes their status to Accepted.

Click the Reject button to reject all selected directs debits. This means that the
associated items will be available for selection the next time you create direct
debits. The system changes their status to No Action.

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Managing Direct Debits Chapter 27

Use the following buttons to act on the entire worksheet. You cannot use these buttons to work on individual
direct debits.

Click the Remit to Bank button to mark all approved direct debits with a
Remitted status. This means that the direct debits are ready to be posted and
remitted to the bank. This button is available only when the status of all the direct
debits in the worksheet is either Accepted or No Action. None of the direct debits
can have a Pending Acceptance status.

Note. You must run Receivable Update before you can create the EFT file and
remit it to the bank.

Click the EFT button to generate an EFT file.

See Chapter 27, "Managing Direct Debits," Generating an EFT File for Direct
Debits on a Worksheet, page 875.

Click the Print button to run the Remittance Advice report using Crystal Reports.

Note. None of the options on the worksheet are available while the Receivable Update process is processing
the direct debits. To determine whether it is processing the direct debits, view the DD Control (direct debit
control) page for the direct debit group. It displays the message, In Progress if the Receivable Update process
is currently processing the group.

Maintaining Direct Debit Details

Access the Worksheet Detail page. (Click theDD ID (direct debit ID) link for a direct debit on the Update
Direct Debits - Worksheet page.)

864 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 27 Managing Direct Debits

Worksheet Detail page

Use the information at the top of the page to view or change details about the direct debit.

Bankand Account Displays the bank account where the funds are deposited.

Due Date Displays the date that the funds should be deposited in your organization's bank
account. Override the date if needed.

MICR ID (magnetic ink Displays the MICR ID associated with the customers bank account from which
character recognition ID) the funds are withdrawn. Change the ID to another account if needed.

Revenue Distribution Click to access the Multiple Revenue Line Distribution page where you distribute
revenue to control budgets for partial payments when an item has multiple
revenue lines.
See Chapter 21, "Applying Payments," Distributing Amounts for Multiple
Revenue Lines for Control Budgets, page 668.

Document Sequencing Click to view document sequencing information.

Customer Bank Details Click to view or change information about the customer's bank account
(identified by the MICR ID).

Click the Edit button to change information for the direct debit. The status on the
Worksheet page changes to Pending. The fields on the Worksheet Detail page
become available to edit.

Sel (select) Remove items from the direct debit by clearing their check boxes. When you
deselect an item, the total amount of the direct debit decreases and the item is
available for selection in another direct debit request.

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Managing Direct Debits Chapter 27

Item Balance To partially pay for an item, change the amount to the amount you want to pay.
This decreases the amount of the direct debit. The Receivable Update process
adjusts the balance for the item when you post the direct debit group, and the
remaining balance of the item will be available for selection in another direct
debit request.

Event Enter the entry event code to generate the appropriate supplemental accounting
entries for the item activities. Federal financial systems require supplemental
accounting entries.

After you make changes, select another action by clicking one of the following buttons. This changes the
status of the direct debit on the Worksheet page.

Click the Approve button to change the direct debit's status to Accepted.

Click the Reject button to reject the direct debit and change its status to No
Action. The items in the direct debit will be available for selection in another
direct debit request.

Click the Hold button to put the direct debit On Hold. The status on the
Worksheet page remains Pending. If you put a direct debit on hold, you cannot
change the status to Remitted. You must first approve the direct debit.

Handling Exceptions

If the direct debit has exceptions, the Exceptions group box appears and displays a list of all the exceptions
that apply to the direct debit. The exceptions can be any of the following:

C (exceeds credit The amount of the direct credit exceeds the amount of the credit approval limit
approval limit) for the direct debit profile that you used to create the direct credit. You can:
• Reject the direct credit.

• Decrease the amount of the direct credit by deselecting some of the items in
the direct debit.

• Manually approve the direct credit as is.

D (exceeds debit approval The amount of the direct debit exceeds the amount of the debit approval limit for
limit) the direct debit profile that you used to create the direct debit. You can:
• Reject the direct debit.

• Decrease the amount of the direct debit by removing some of the items from
the direct debit.

• Manually approve the direct debit as is.

866 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 27 Managing Direct Debits

F (foreign currency) The currency for the direct debit is different than the currency of the bank to
which you are remitting it. You can:
• Reject the direct debit.

• Manually approve the direct debit.

N (due date within notice The number of days between the invoice date (as of date) and the due date for the
period) items in the direct debit is less than the agreed upon number of days for direct
debit notice period that you specified for the bank on the Collection Methods
page. You can:
• Reject the direct debit.

• Manually approve the direct debit.

P (missing customer You did not define the bank details for the customer in the Customer Bank page.
bank details) You can:
• Enter the customer's bank details on the Customer Bank page and then assign
the MICR ID on the Worksheet Detail page.

• Reject the direct debit and then enter the bank details for the customer. The
next time you run the Create Direct Debits process, it creates a direct debit
including the rejected items.

See Also

Chapter 31, "Using Document Sequencing in PeopleSoft Receivables," page 951

Cancelling Direct Debits

This section provides an overview or direct debit cancellations and discusses how to select and cancel direct

Understanding Direct Debit Cancellations

The timing of direct debits cancellations depends on which remittance method that you use. In both cases,
you can cancel the direct debit after you mark the direct debit as ready to remit on the direct debit worksheet
and run the Receivable Update process. If you remit direct debits by generating an EFT file in PeopleSoft
Receivables, you must cancel the direct debit before you generate the EFT file.

If you remit direct debits using PeopleSoft Cash Management Financial Gateway , you can cancel the direct
debit after you run the Create EFT Through FG System process as long as the dispatch status is Awaiting
Dispatch, Error, or Flagged for Hold. You can cancel a completed direct debit, if the dispatch status is Error.

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Managing Direct Debits Chapter 27

If you remitted the direct debit through Financial Gateway and you cancel the direct debit, the system triggers
the Payment Cancellation message (PAYMENT_CANCEL) to notify Financial Gateway. You must save the
page to trigger the message. Financial Gateway returns an acknowledgement message in real time. When you
refresh the page, the status changes to Canceled.

Note. If there is a problem with cancelling the direct debit in Financial Gateway, the status changes to Error.
Click the Transaction ID link to determine the reason for the error. Then try to cancel the direct debit again.

After you cancel a direct debit, you run the Receivable Update process. This changes the status of the direct
debit to Rejected, reopens the items included in the direct debit, and creates accounting entries to reverse the
accounting entries that the process created when you posted the direct debit group.

Note. If you cancel a direct debit prenote, the prenote status is reset to New and a new prenote is generated
during the next run of the Create Direct Debit process.

Pages Used to Cancel Direct Debits

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Cancel Direct Debits DD_CANCEL Accounts Receivable, Cancel a direct debit.

Direct Debits, Administer
Direct Debits, Cancel Direct
Debits, Cancel Direct

Review Payment Details PMT_LIFE_CYCLE_INQ Click the Transaction ID Review the history of the
link on the Cancel Direct direct debit processing in
Debits page. Financial Gateway and all
the settlement details.

Selecting and Cancelling Direct Debits

Access the Cancel Direct Debits page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Direct Debits, Administer Direct Debits,
Cancel Direct Debits, Cancel Direct Debits.)

Cancel Direct Debits page

If the direct debit does not have a remitted status, you cannot cancel it using this page. Instead, you can reject
it on the direct debit worksheet page.

868 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 27 Managing Direct Debits

Cancel Select the direct debits that you want to cancel.

Reason Indicate why the direct debit must be canceled.

Event Enter the entry event code to generate the appropriate supplemental accounting
entries for the cancel activity for the item in the direct debit. Federal financial
systems require supplemental accounting entries.

Acctg Date (accounting Enter the accounting date. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the
date) current date as the accounting date. Often, the cancellation date (the date the
bank rejects the direct deposit) is different from the current date.

Transaction ID Displays the ID assigned to the direct debit by Financial Gateway. Click to
access the Review Payment Details page, where you view all the details about the
direct debit settlement and the history of the settlement processing by Financial
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Gateway 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with
Payments in Financial Gateway," Reviewing Payment Details.

Dispatch Status Displays the status of the direct debit settlement in Financial Gateway. You can
only cancel payments with these status: Error,Flagged for Hold, or Awaiting
After you save and refresh the page, the status changes to Canceled.

Remitting Direct Debits to the Bank

This section provides an overview of the direct debit remit process and discusses how to:

• Enter override options for the Format EFT File process.

• Generate an EFT file for direct debits on a worksheet.

• Generate an EFT file for all direct debits.

• Generate a cover sheet for an EFT file.

• Cancel an EFT file.

• Receive confirmation from the bank EFT file.

• Correct direct debits not matched in the bank EFT file.

• Run the EFT Direct Debit Inbound Exception report (AR3750X).

• Email the direct debit remittance advice

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Managing Direct Debits Chapter 27

Understanding the Direct Debit Remit Process

When you remit direct debits to the bank, you run one or more processes to generate the EFT files. The
process that you run depends on your setup. If you selected the Send to Financial Gateway check box for an
EFT file layout on the Collection Methods page for the bank, you run the Create EFT through FG System
process. Otherwise, you run the Format EFT Files process.

Note. When you run the Create Direct Debit process, it checks to see what EFT process type was assigned to
the file layout that you entered on the run control page and updates the Settle By field on the Direct Debit
Control record (DD_CONTROL) with the EFT process type used to generate the EFT file. The Format EFT
File process and Create EFT through FG System process each check the Settle By field to determine whether
it should process a direct debit.

Format EFT File Process

When you run the Format EFT File process to generate the EFT file in PeopleSoft Receivables, you must
either manually submit the EFT file to the bank or use a third-party integration to submit it. You can
optionally generate a cover letter for each EFT file if one is required by the customer's bank.

This diagram shows the process flow when you generate the EFT file in PeopleSoft Receivables, submit it to
your organization's bank, which sends it to your customer's bank who sends the payment back to the bank

Process for EFT files generated in Receivables

If an EFT file has an error or if the bank rejected the file, you can cancel the EFT file and generate it again. If
you do not regenerate the EFT file, you must cancel the direct debit.

870 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 27 Managing Direct Debits

Create EFT Through FG System Process

When you run the Create EFT through FG System (create electronic file through Financial Gateway process)
process, PeopleSoft Cash Management Financial Gateway generates the EFT file and sends the file to the
bank. The Create EFT through FG System process triggers the Payment Request message
(PAYMENT_REQUEST) and sends a message containing direct debits to Financial Gateway. Financial
Gateway generates the EFT file and submits it to the bank the next time you run the Payment Dispatch

This diagram shows the flow of the direct debit transaction if you select PeopleSoft Cash Management
Financial Gateway to remit direct debits. PeopleSoft Receivables sends the direct debit transaction to
PeopleSoft Financial Gateway, which sends it to your organization's bank, which sends it to the customer's
bank. The customer's bank sends a payment to your organization's bank which sends it to Financial Gateway,
which updates PeopleSoft Receivables.

Process for EFT files generated in Financial Gateway

Check the message log for the Create EFT through FG System process to verify that the process completed
successfully and sent a message for each direct debit. If it did not complete successfully, determine what the
problem is and rerun the process.

When Financial Gateway receives the message, it sends a Payment Acknowledgement message
(PAYMENT_RESPONSE) for each direct debit and assigns each direct debit a transaction ID. The message
contains the transaction ID and the dispatch status. When PeopleSoft Receivables receives the Payment
Acknowledgement message, it adds the transaction ID and the dispatch status to the Direct Debit Control
record for each direct debit. Initially the status is either Error or Awaiting Dispatch. If you want to be notified
when there is an error, you can set up event notification for Financial Gateway. Note that the event
notification is set up for one person or one role per event and each time that event occurs the person or people
associated with the role are notified. So, they will receive notification when the error event occurs in
PeopleSoft Cash Management and PeopleSoft Payables too.

If you want to monitor the dispatch status of direct debits sent to Financial Gateway in PeopleSoft
Receivables, use the DD Control page. You can drill down to view the details and history of the settlement in
Financial Gateway from the page. Financial Gateway sends a Payment Acknowledgement message each time
the dispatch status for the direct debit (settlement) changes in Financial Gateway. The status changes that
Financial Gateway sends to PeopleSoft Receivables are:

• Awaiting Dispatch: The settlement is waiting to be sent to the bank in Financial Gateway.

• Flagged for Hold: Someone put the settlement on hold in Financial Gateway.

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Managing Direct Debits Chapter 27

• Dispatched to Bank: Financial Gateway sent the EFT file to the bank.

• Received by Bank: The bank sent a message indicating that it received the EFT file.

• Paid: The bank sent a message indicating that the funds were collected for the direct debit. If the
transaction corresponds to a Direct Debit prenote, then the prenote status is set to confirmed.

• Error: The bank cannot pay the direct debit due to insufficient funds or another reason, or there is a
problem processing the settlement request in Financial Gateway.

Use the DD Control page to access the error details for the direct debit in Financial Gateway. If the
transaction corresponds to a Direct Debit prenote, then the prenote status is set to rejected.

• Canceled: You cancelled the direct debit in PeopleSoft Receivables and the settlement is cancelled in
Financial Gateway.

If Financial Gateway sends a message that indicates the direct debit is in error, cancel the direct debit.
Cancelling the direct debit, changes the status to Rejected. You must run the Receivable Update process to
reopen the items in the direct debit and reverse the accounting entries. Then you correct the problem that
caused the error, and create the direct debit again, approve it, and remit it again.

Important! PeopleSoft Receivables does not update the cash account when it receives a message from
PeopleSoft Financial Gateway that the direct debit is paid. The cash account is updated when you run the
Receivable Update process on the due date. If you use the Cash Clearing option for a bank, PeopleSoft
Receivables updates the Cash account on either the due date or when you run bank reconciliation depending
on the cash control method that you use.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Gateway 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with Payments in Financial

Bank Collection Confirmation Receipts

Some banks send an EFT file to confirm the collection of the payment. If banks send confirmation EFT files,
you perform these tasks:

1. Run the AR_DD_BNK Application Engine process to receive the bank EFT file that indicates whether the
payments were collected.

2. Correct the payment records from a bank EFT file that do not match direct debits on the system to enable
them to match existing direct debits.

3. Run the EFT Direct Debit Inbound Exception report to obtain a list of direct debits in the bank EFT file
that failed collection due to incorrect bank details. You can run this report only if you received a bank
EFT file.

You correct the bank details for the customer on the MICR Information - Customer Bank page and then
approve and remit the direct debit again.

Remittance Advice Email

PeopleSoft Receivables provides the ability to deliver direct debit (DD) remittance advice information to
customer contacts through e-mail. Depending on customer contact and direct debit profile setup, you can
notify a customer contact that they have instructed their bank to withdraw money from their bank account.

Follow these steps to setup and email the remittance advice:

872 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 27 Managing Direct Debits

1. When setting up the direct debit profile, select the Email Notify option on the Direct Debit Profile page.

2. When setting up the customer:

• The primary address location and the contact are used to select the contact email where the remittance
advice is sent on the Correspondence Options page.

• On the Bill To Options page, the Payment Method field value must be DD (direct deposit) and the
Direct Debit Profile ID field value must be one that has the Email Notify option selected.

3. When setting up the customer contact:

• The contact must have the Primary Bill To option selected on the Contact Customer page.

• The Email ID field for the contact must have a valid Email address on the Contact page.

• The Document Code field value must be PRAD and the Preferred Communication field value must be
E-mail only on the Contact Additional Information page.

Note. Only the contacts for the primary bill to customer receives an email for the remittance advice.
Non-primary bill to contacts do not receive an email even if they have a document code of PRAD and
a preferred communication of E-mail only.

4. The remittance advice email is sent:

• Through the Financial Gateway.

The Financial Gateway automatically creates email notifications for the direct debit transactions that
go through the Financial Gateway, immediately after the bank returns a positive message to the
Financial Gateway that confirms the receipt of the transaction.

The AR_FG_PROC message sends a payment request for direct debits to the Financial Gateway. This
is an asynchronous message.

• Through the Email Advice process (AR_EMAIL_ADV).

Use the Email Advice process to email a direct debit remittance advice that is related to the direct
debit transactions that are not processed through the Financial Gateway. For example, you only need
to send a direct debit remittance advice email through this run control page for the direct debit
transactions that are created by the EFT SQR programs such as FIN2025.

Pages Used to Remit Direct Debits to the Bank

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Override Options PRCSDEFNOVRD PeopleTools, Process Enter override options for

Scheduler, Processes, the Format EFT File
Override Options process.

Update Direct Debits - DD_WORKLIST Accounts Receivable, Create an EFT file for the
Worksheet Direct Debits, Administer direct debits on the
Direct Debits, Update worksheet.
Direct Debits, Worksheet

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Managing Direct Debits Chapter 27

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Create EFT File RUN_FIN2025_DD Accounts Receivable, Create an EFT file for all
Direct Debits, Remit to direct debits associated with
Bank, Create EFT File, EFT a business unit that have a
File Parameters remitted status.
Run the Format EFT Files
process and the Create EFT
through FG System process.

Create EFT File Cover RUN_FIN2025 Accounts Receivable, Creates a cover letter for the
Sheet Direct Debits, Remit to EFT files that you created
Bank, Create Cover Sheet, by running the Format EFT
Create EFT File Cover Files process. (Some banks
Sheet require cover letters. When
you define the EFT layout,
you need to indicate if you
need a cover letter.)

Cancel EFT File DD_EFT_CANCEL Accounts Receivable, Cancel an EFT file that you
Direct Debits, Remit to created by running the
Bank, Cancel EFT Files, Format EFT File process, if
Cancel EFT File page it has an error or has been
rejected by the bank.

Receive Bank EFT File EFT_DD_INBOUND Accounts Receivable, Run the AR_DD_BNK
Direct Debits, Remit to process to load and process
Bank, Receive Bank EFT the bank EFT file.
File, Receive Bank EFT

Inbound Bank File for DD_IN_BANK_FILE Accounts Receivable, Change details for a
Direct Debits Direct Debits, Remit to payment record in a bank
Bank, Receive Bank EFT file so that the record
Confirmation, Inbound matches an existing direct
Bank File for Direct Debits debit.

Detail DD_IN_BANK_SEC Click the Details link on the View bank details for the
Inbound Bank File for issuer and the customer for
Direct Debits page. a direct debit that was not

Bank Remit Exception EFT_DD_EXCEPT Accounts Receivable, Enter run parameters for the
Report Direct Debits, Remit to EFT Direct Debit Inbound
Bank, Bank Remit Exception report
Exception Report, Bank (AR3750X). Use the report
Remit Exception Report to see a list of direct debits
that were uncollected for a
specific reason.

Email Remittance Adv RUN_AR_EMAIL_ADV Accounts Receivable, Email the direct debit
(advice) Direct Debits, Remit to remittance advice. Use this
Bank, Email Remittance run control page to email a
Advice remittance advice that are
created by EFT SQRs.

874 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 27 Managing Direct Debits

Entering Override Options for the Format EFT File Process

Access the Override Options page (PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Processes, Override Options).

Override Options page

If you run PeopleSoft Receivables on a DB2 database on a Windows NT or OS390 server, you must manually
insert an owner ID parameter in the list of parameters for the process definition before you can run the Format
EFT Files process.

Parameters List Enter Prepend.

Parameters In the Parameters field next to the Parameters List field, enter %%OWNERID%%
:EFT_WRK_PARM1 as shown in the example above. Note that there is a space
between the owner ID parameter ( %%OWNERID%%) and

Generating an EFT File for Direct Debits on a Worksheet

Access the Update Direct Debits - Worksheet page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Direct Debits, Administer
Direct Debits, Update Direct Debits, Worksheet.)

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Managing Direct Debits Chapter 27

Click the EFT button to create an EFT file or to generate a message to Financial
Gateway for all direct debits on the worksheet. The system determines which of
these processes to run based on the value in the Settle By field for each direct
• The Create EFT Through FG System process, which sends a message to
Financial Gateway to create and send the EFT file.

• The Format EFT Files process, which creates the actual EFT file that you
send to the bank.

When the Format EFT Files process completes, the location of the file varies
depending on your output destination options in the process definition for

After the process completes, click the Print button on the worksheet page to run
the remittance advice report. The advice lists the items included in the direct
debit. You can send it to the customer so that they know what items will be
collected when the direct debit is remitted to the their bank.

Generating an EFT File for All Direct Debits

Access the Create EFT File page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Direct Debits, Remit to Bank, Create EFT
File, EFT File Parameters.)

Run the processes to remit all direct debits associated with the selected business unit that have a remitted
status and have been posted, but not submitted to the bank. Select one or both processes on the Process
Scheduler Request page:

• The Create EFT through FG System process sends the PAYMENT_REQUEST message to Financial
Gateway to create and send the EFT file for all direct debits that have 01 Financial Gateway in the Settle
By field.

• The Format EFT Files process creates EFT files for all direct debits that have 02 Format EFT in the Settle
By field.

Note. If any direct debits in the business unit have a remitted status, but have not been posted, you cannot run
the process until you run the Receivable Update process.

When the Format EFT Files process completes, the location of the file varies depending on your Output
Destination Options in the process definition for FIN2025.

If the output destination is user defined, the location varies, depending on the parameters you enter on the
Process Scheduler Request page. The following table shows the user-defined options:

876 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 27 Managing Direct Debits

Output Type Output Destination Location of EFT File

Web N/A Location you defined for the

{FILEPREFIX} variable for

File Blank Location you defined for the

{FILEPREFIX} variable for

File Path to folder Folder that you specify, such as

C:\temp\EFT files\.

If the output destination for the FIN2025 process definition is Process Definition, the location will always be
in the folder that you define for the Output Definition for the process definition.

If the output destination for the FIN2025 process definition is Process Type Definition, the location will
always be in the folder that you define for the output definition for the SQR process type definition.

Generating a Cover Sheet for an EFT File

Access the Create EFT File Cover Sheet page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Direct Debits, Remit to Bank,
Create Cover Sheet, Create EFT File Cover Sheet.)

Language Option Click the Specified Language button or the Recipient's Language button and then
select the Language Code. that will be used on this EFT file cover sheet page.

EFT Layout Code Enter the code for the type of EFT file to use to submit the direct debit.
(electronic file transfer
layout code)
Process Instance Enter the number of the process instance that was generated when the system
created the EFT file.

Cancelling an EFT File

Access the Cancel EFT File page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Direct Debits, Remit to Bank, Cancel EFT
Files, Cancel EFT File.)

Enter the Process Instance number associated with the EFT file that you want to cancel.

Receiving Confirmation from the Bank EFT File

Access the Receive Bank EFT File page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Direct Debits, Remit to Bank, Receive
Bank EFT File, Receive Bank EFT File.)

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Managing Direct Debits Chapter 27

Enter the EFT Layout Code and the File Name for the EFT file for which you are trying to determine whether
the payment collection was successful.

If the payment collection was not successful, the DD_AR_BANK process changes the status of the direct
debit to Rejected on the Direct Debit Control record. The next time you run the Receivable Update process, it
generates the appropriate accounting entries to reverse the payment and reopens the items that were in the
direct debit.

Correcting Direct Debits Not Matched in the Bank EFT File

Access the Inbound Bank EFT File for Direct Debits page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Direct Debits, Remit
to Bank, Receive Bank Confirmation, Inbound Bank File for Direct Debits.)

The EFT Transactions grid contains a list of payment records that were in the bank EFT file that the
AR_DD_BANK process could not match to direct debits in the system. You need to determine which direct
debit in the system matches a payment record and update the information so that it matches a direct debit.
When you save the page, the system changes the status of the direct debit based on the reason code assigned
to the payment record.

Unit or DD ID (direct Enter the business unit or direct debit ID of the direct debit on the system that
debit ID) matches the payment record.

Reason Code If the reason code on the payment record does not match a reason code on your
system, change the code to match the appropriate code defined on your system.

See Also

Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," Setting Up EFT Reason Codes for Direct Debits, page

Running the EFT Direct Debit Inbound Exception Report (AR3750X)

Access the Bank Remit Exception Report page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Direct Debits, Remit to Bank,
Bank Remit Exception Report, Bank Remit Exception Report.)

EFT Layout Code Enter the EFT file layout code for the EFT files that you submitted to the bank
whose exceptions you want to include in the report.

Reason Code Enter the code that identifies the reason why the collection failed.

Note. If prenotes are required, the EFT Direct Debit Inbound Exception Report (AR3750X) displays a
Prenote column, which indicates whether the transaction is a direct debit prenote.

878 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 27 Managing Direct Debits

Emailing The Direct Debit Remittance Advice

Access the Email Remittance Adv (advice) page (Accounts Receivable, Direct Debits, Remit to Bank, Email
Remittance Advice).

Remittance advice emails for direct debits are typically sent through the Financial Gateway. The Email
Advice process (AR_EMAIL_ADV ) is used to email a remittance advice that is not processed through the
Financial Gateway and that is created by EFT SQR programs such as FIN2025.

The Remittance Post Date and Unit (business unit) fields are required.

Reviewing Accounting Entries and Correcting Errors

After you run the Receivable Update process, you need to review the direct debit accounting entries and
correct any errors that the system found on the error correction pages. The system edits for ChartField
combination errors if you enabled ChartField combination editing on the Receivables Options - General 2
page for the business unit. You cannot post the direct debit until you fix the error if you selected Recycle in
the ChartField Editing group box. If the system found ChartField combination errors perform these steps:

1. Delete the entries using the error correction pages.

2. Modify the combination edit rules so the combination is valid or modify the ChartField combination on
the External Account page for the bank account if the error is on the Cash or Cash Control line.

3. Rerun the Receivable Update process.

The date that the cash account is debited depends on your PeopleSoft Receivables installation options and
your bank account setup.

If you do not use cash control accounting, the process debits the Cash account when you remit the direct

If you do use cash control accounting and you have identified the bank account as a cash-clearing account,
the date that the cash will be recognized depends on whether you specified Due Date or Bank Reconciliation
for the cash-clearing method. The Receivable Update process debits the Cash Control account when you
remit the direct debit. Then it credits the Cash Control account and debits the Cash account based on your
clearing method.

See Also

Chapter 28, "Posting and Unposting Groups," page 883

Reviewing Direct Debits

As you work with direct debits, you can use the inquiry pages to look up information about a single direct
debit or all the direct debits created for a business unit.

This section discusses how to review direct debit control information.

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Managing Direct Debits Chapter 27

Pages Used to Inquire on Direct Debits

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

DD Control (direct debit DD_CONTROL_DSP Accounts Receivable, View control information,

control) Direct Debits, Review such as the direct debit
Direct Debits, All Direct status, customer
Debits, DD Control information, and the posting

DD Items DD_ITEM_DSP Accounts Receivable, View basic information

Direct Debits, Review about each item in a direct
Direct Debits, All Direct debit.
Debits, DD Items

Direct Debits by Unit DD_INQUIRY Accounts Receivable, View direct debits created
Direct Debits, Review for a business unit.
Direct Debits, Direct Debit
by Unit, Direct Debits by

Detail 1 ITEM_MAINTAIN Click an Item ID link on the Change and review

DD Items page. information about items,
with the exception of
customer balance.

Reviewing Direct Debit Control Information

Access the DD Control page (Accounts Receivable, Direct Debits, Review Direct Debits, All Direct Debits,
DD Control)..

880 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 27 Managing Direct Debits

DD Control page

Cancel Reason Displays the reason that a direct debit is cancelled. This field appears only if the
direct debit is cancelled.

Description and Account Displays the bank account where the funds are deposited.
# (account number)
MICR ID Displays the MICR ID of the bank from which the funds are withdrawn.

Clearing Displays the cash clearing method used by the bank that receives the remitted
direct debit: Due Date or Bank Reconciliation. This determines when the
Receivable Update process creates the accounting entries to debit the Cash
account and credit the Cash Control account.

Transaction ID Displays the ID assigned to the direct debit by PeopleSoft Cash Management
Financial Gateway. Click to access the Review Payment Details page where you
view all the details about the direct debit settlement and the history of the
settlement processing by Financial Gateway. This is very useful when you want
to see the reason that the settlement is in error or why the settlement was put on
hold in Financial Gateway.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Gateway 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with
Payments in Financial Gateway," Reviewing Payment Details.

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Managing Direct Debits Chapter 27

Dispatch Status Displays the status of the payment in Financial Gateway. Values are:
Awaiting Dispatch: Indicates that Financial Gateway received the
PAYMENT_REQUEST message and assigned a dispatch status to the direct
Paid: Indicates that the bank has collected the funds from your customer's bank.
Error: Indicates that Financial Gateway received the PAYMENT_REQUEST
message, but there is a problem processing the direct debit. Click the Transaction
ID link to determine what the problem is.
Canceled: Indicates that you cancelled the direct debits in PeopleSoft
Flagged for Hold: Indicates that Financial Gateway is not currently processing
the direct debit. Click the Transaction ID link to view the reason for the hold.
Dispatched to Bank: Indicates that Financial Gateway sent the payment request
to your organization's bank.
Received by Bank: Indicates that your organization's bank received the payment

Note. The Transaction ID and Dispatch Status fields display only if you submitted the payment request
through Financial Gateway.

882 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 28

Posting and Unposting Groups

This chapter provides an overview of posting and unposting and discusses how to:

• Set groups to post.

• Run Receivable Update.

• Review posting results.

• Correct posting errors.

• Unpost groups.

• Run the AR Rebate Notification process (AR_REBATE).

Understanding Posting and Unposting

The Receivable Update multiprocess job (ARUPDATE) posts items in billing, overdue charge, payment,
maintenance, transfer, draft, and direct debits groups. The job does the following for the items in the group:

• Updates the item activity.

• Updates the item balance and customer balance.

• Creates balanced accounting entries for each activity.

The system combines information entered with other control information, such as accounting entry
templates to create the balanced entries.

• Updates the system-defined customer history elements.

• Creates commitment control source transactions and control budget entries if you have enabled
commitment control for the general ledger business unit and your organization.

The Receivable Update multiprocess job and online On Demand posting are the only methods that PeopleSoft
Receivables uses to update posted information.

The Receivable Update process determines whether the accounting date for the item activity is in an open
period for the business unit and transaction type in PeopleSoft Receivables. It also determines whether the
accounting date is in the same period for both PeopleSoft Receivables and PeopleSoft General Ledger. If the
accounting date is not within an open period for the receivable business unit, the Receivable Update process
issues a posting error.

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Posting and Unposting Groups Chapter 28

If the accounting date falls in a different period in PeopleSoft General Ledger, it updates the
GL_ACCTG_DT field on the Item Distribution table (PS_ITEM_DST) with a date in the general ledger
period. The Journal Generator Application Engine process (FS_JGEN) uses the item activity accounting date.

The process checks for ChartField combination edit errors if you enabled combination editing for the business
unit on the Receivables Options - General 2 page. Depending on your selection on the Receivables Options -
General 2 page, the system either creates an error or warning message in the message log. If it creates an error
message, you must correct the error in the error correction components and rerun Receivable Update to post
the transactions.

See Also

Chapter 12, "Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator," page 367

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Defining Additional General Options, page 28

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Editing ChartField Combinations"

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up On-Demand Processing"

Posting Process Flow

To post groups:

1. Select a posting action for the group.

2. Run Receivable Update.

Check the message log to determine whether there are any warning or error messages.

3. Review the posting results.

4. Correct posting errors.

5. (Optional) Unpost the groups to reverse the activity and the accounting entries, and start over.

6. Run the Journal Generator process to generate the journal lines.

You must select the accounting entry definition that the system should use when it creates journal lines,
such as ARDEFN (receivables definition), ARDIRJRNL (direct journal), or ARREVALUE (revaluation).

Note. You can optionally specify that you want the Journal Generator process to run automatically after
the Receivable Update multiprocess job completes in the run control definition.

7. If you interface vendor rebate claims and claimbacks to PeopleSoft Receivables from PeopleSoft
Purchasing and PeopleSoft Order Management, run the AR Rebate Notification Application Engine
process (AR_REBATE) to update the claim balances in the claim management workbench based on
payment and maintenance activity in PeopleSoft Receivables.

After groups are posted, the items are available for other business processes, such as payment processing or

884 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 28 Posting and Unposting Groups

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Using Journal Generator," Generating
Journal Entries

Setting Groups to Post

This section provides an overview of how to set groups to post and lists the pages used to set groups to post.

Understanding How to Set Groups to Post

For all groups except direct debits and drafts, you must select a posting action of Batch Priority or Batch
Standard when running Receivable Update as a scheduled multiprocess job. For groups posted using On
Demand processing, the groups are automatically set to a posting action of Batch Standard but are posted
immediately. For direct debits, change the status to Remitted to enable posting. For drafts, post the groups
after every business event. Selecting a posting action is not necessary.

Use inquiry pages to determine whether a group has been set to post or to view the group status.

Groups whose posting action is Batch Standard or Batch Priority can cause a backlog in the system. Use the
Groups Set to Post page, Payments Set to Post page, Drafts Set to Post page, and Direct Debits Set to Post
page to help you identify either a solution or the scope of the backlog.

See Also

Chapter 18, "Entering Pending Items," Selecting a Group Action, page 553

Chapter 24, "Maintaining Customer Account Balances," Choosing a Worksheet Action, page 771

Chapter 25, "Transferring Receivables," Selecting a Transfer Worksheet Action, page 788

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 885
Posting and Unposting Groups Chapter 28

Pages Used to Set Groups to Post

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Groups Not Set to Post GROUP_NOT_POST_BU

• Accounts Receivable, View groups whose posting
Pending Items, Review action is Do Not Post.
Items, Group Not Set
To Post, Groups Not
Set to Post

• Accounts Receivable,
Direct Debits, Review
Direct Debits, Groups
Not Set To Post,
Groups Not Set to Post

• Accounts Receivable,
Drafts, Review Drafts,
Groups Not Set To
Post, Groups Not Set to

Groups Set To Post GROUP_POST_BU Accounts Receivable, View item groups that will
Pending Items, Review post the next time that you
Items, Groups Set To Post, run the Receivable Update
Groups Set To Post multiprocess job.

Payments Set to Post PYMT_POST_BU Accounts Receivable, View payment groups that
Payments, Review will post the next time that
Payments, Payments Set to you run the Receivable
Post, Payments Set to Post Update multiprocess job.

Drafts Set to Post DRAFT_POST_BU Accounts Receivable, View draft groups that will
Drafts, Review Drafts, post the next time that you
Drafts Set to Post, Drafts run the Receivable Update
Set to Post multiprocess job.

Direct Debits Set To Post DD_POST_BU Accounts Receivable, View direct debit groups
Direct Debits, Review that will post the next time
Direct Debits, Direct Debits that you run the Receivable
Set to Post, Direct Debits Update multiprocess job.
Set To Post

886 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 28 Posting and Unposting Groups

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage


• Accounts Receivable, View the posting status and
Pending Items, Review posting action of a group.
Items, Group Status,
Group Status

• Accounts Receivable,
Direct Debits, Review
Direct Debits, Group
Status, Group Status

• Accounts Receivable,
Drafts, Review Drafts,
Group Status, Group

Running Receivable Update

Normally, you run the Receivable Update multiprocess job as a scheduled job. You can run the job ad hoc, as

Note. You can also run the job immediately from an Action page for small groups under certain
circumstances, such as at the end of the period when you need to update the ledger immediately.

This section provides an overview of how to restart or reset Receivable Update, lists prerequisites, and
discusses how to:

• View the job message log summary.

• Restart the Receivable Update multiprocess job.

• Reset the Receivable Update multiprocess job.

See Also

Chapter 12, "Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator," Setting Up Parallel Processing,
page 374

Understanding How to Restart or Reset Receivable Update

We recommend that you try to restart the Receivable Update multiprocess job before resetting the process.
You can restart a process that has abended as a result of an environmental problem. After you have fixed the
COBOL, SQL, or data problems that caused a process to abend, you can restart the process. Not all processes
are restartable from this page.

Note. Remember that Receivable Update uses temporary tables. If the temporary tables have been deleted,
you cannot restart (resume processing); you must reset and rerun the process from the beginning.

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Posting and Unposting Groups Chapter 28

If you are unable to restart a process instance that has abended, you must unlock and reset the process. When
a process abends because of SQL, bad data, or a missing COBOL process, some tables with data in the groups
set to post under the run control ID become locked when the process instance becomes populated with the
current instance.

Unlocking and resetting the process instance to zero in the locked tables unlocks the tables and enables you to
rerun the process. The system also automatically deletes the PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Engine run
control record from the AERUNCONTROL table.

You should only unlock and reset under certain development circumstances or in expert testing environments:

• When you have corrected the problem that caused the process to abend and you want to reprocess the
same groups again but do not have access to restart from the server.

• When you have not corrected the problem but want to continue processing.

Before you can run the Receivable Update process, you must:

• Set up the PeopleSoft Receivables business units (including selection of calendar and aging options).

• Define the receivable processing options (system functions and entry types).

• Create groups for pending items, payment worksheets, maintenance worksheets, drafts, or direct debits.

• Set up system-defined history IDs.

• If you want to run Receivable Update immediately from an action page, you must:

• Define processing options for your organization on the On Demand Processing page.

• Define the processing options for each user on the Define User Preferences - Process Group page.

You must define separate options for each of these source transactions: ARMNTWS (maintenance
worksheet), ARITSPLT (item splits), AROPIE (online pending items), ARPAYWS (payment
worksheet), ARTRNWS (transfer worksheet), ARUNPOST (unpost transactions).

Your system must also have pending items that are ready to post. These pending items can be entered online,
created by a billing interface, or created during payment processing, draft processing, direct-debit processing,
overdue charge processing, or during item maintenance activities.

See Also

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Defining General Options, page 24

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," page 55

Chapter 8, "Setting Up History and Aging," page 243

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up On-Demand Processing"

888 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 28 Posting and Unposting Groups

Pages Used to Run Receivable Update

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Receivable Update Request POSTING_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Enter run parameters for the
Receivables Update, Receivable Update
Request Receivables multiprocess job and run the
Update, Receivable Update job.
See Chapter 12, "Setting Up
Receivable Update and
Pending Group Generator,"
Setting Up Run Controls for
Receivable Update, page

Job Message Log Summary AR_MSGSUM Accounts Receivable, View a summary of

Receivables Update, Job messages generated by
Message Log Summary, Job individual processes within
Message Log Summary a multiprocess job,
including individual
processes run in parallel,
such as processes for the
Receivable Update,
Payment Predictor
(ARAGE), and Statements
(ARSTMT) multiprocess


• PeopleTools, Process Review the multiple
Scheduler, Process processes in a job.
Monitor, Process List

• Click Process Monitor

on the Receivable
Update Request page.

Process Reset AR_RESET Accounts Receivable, Reset the Receivable

Receivables Update, Reset Update process. Unlock and
Process, Process Reset rerun the process.

Viewing the Job Message Log Summary

Access the Job Message Log Summary page. ( Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Job Message Log
Summary, Job Message Log Summary.)

Process Instance Displays the process instance number for the multiprocess job.

Process Run Status Displays the status of the multiprocess job, such as No Success or Success.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 889
Posting and Unposting Groups Chapter 28

Instance Displays the process instance number for the individual process. For example,
the ARUPDATE multiprocess job with a process instance number of 510 will
have several instances, such as instance number 511 for the AR_UPDATE
process, instance number 512 for the AR_PGG1 process, and instance number
514 for the AR_POST1 process.

Process Displays the name of the individual process within the multiprocess job. For
example, for the ARUPDATE multiprocess job, it would display rows for the
AR_UPDATE, AR_PGG1, and AR_POST1 processes.

Restarting the Receivable Update Multiprocess Job

Access the Process List page. ( PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Process Monitor, Process List.)

Because Receivable Update is a job (a collection of multiple processes), you may need to restart multiple
processes. Find the processes that you need to restart.

Details Click to access the Process Detail page, and select Restart Request.

Resetting the Receivable Update Multiprocess Job

Access the Process Reset page. ( Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Reset Process, Process Reset.)

Enter your search criteria for the process instance and click Refresh.

In the Not Successful Process Requests grid, select the process instance that you want to reset.

Reset Click to unlock and reset the process instance.

After the process instance is reset, you can rerun the process.

Reviewing Posting Results

This section provides an overview of the posting result inquiry pages and lists the pages used to review
posting results.

Understanding Posting Result Inquiry Pages

After you run the Receivable Update multiprocess job, review the posting results for groups. You can review
individual item details for the items in the groups, accounting entries, value-added tax (VAT) information, tax
information for India, and group control information.

890 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 28 Posting and Unposting Groups

PeopleSoft Receivables provides several components for reviewing posting results. The components all use
the same pages, but they have different search records to filter the groups that you select. Some components
enable you to view all information for the items and some components do not show the accounting entries,
VAT information, and tax information for India. Some components enable you to view all items in a group
and others enable you to search for a single item in the group. The following table lists the navigation to each
component and the pages in each component.

Note. The pages that display tax information for India are available only if you enabled sales tax and excise
duty for a receivable business unit type on the Business Unit Tax Applicability page.

These pages are the same as the pages that you use to enter pending items except that you cannot change any

Menu Navigation Pages

Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting • Group Control

Results - Pending Items, All Items w/ Detail
Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting • Pending Item 1
Results - Pending Items, Single Items w/ Detail
• Pending Item 2

• Pending Item 3

• VAT Header

• VAT Detail

• (IND) Group Entry Tax Ds

• Accounting Entries

Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting • Group Control

Results - Updated Items, All Items w/ Detail
Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting • Pending Item 1
Results - Updated Items, Single Items w/ Detail
• Pending Item 2

• Pending Item 3

• VAT Header

• VAT Detail

• Accounting Entries

Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting • Group Control

Results - Updated Items, All Items
Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting • Pending Item 1
Results - Updated Items, Single Item
• Pending Item 2

• Pending Item 3

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 891
Posting and Unposting Groups Chapter 28

Menu Navigation Pages

Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting • Group Control

Results - Direct Debits, All Items w/ Detail
Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting • Pending Item 1
Results - Direct Debits, Single Items w/ Detail
• Pending Item 2

• Pending Item 3

• Accounting Entries

Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting • Group Control

Results - Direct Debits, All Items
Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting • Pending Item 1
Results - Direct Debits, Single Item
• Pending Item 2

• Pending Item 3

Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting • Group Control

Results - Drafts, All Items w/ Detail
Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting • Pending Item 1
Results - Drafts, Single Items w/ Detail
• Pending Item 2

• Pending Item 3

• Accounting Entries

Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting • Group Control

Results - Drafts, All Items
Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting • Pending Item 1
Results - Drafts, Single Item
• Pending Item 2

• Pending Item 3

Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting • Payment Control

Results - Payments, Item w/ Accounting Entries
Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting • Payment 1
Results - Payments, Items w/ Accounting Entries
• Payment 2

• Payment 3

• VAT Header

• VAT Detail

• Accounting Entries

892 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 28 Posting and Unposting Groups

Menu Navigation Pages

Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting • Payment Control

Results - Payments, Payment Group - Single Item
Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting • Payment 1
Results - Payments, Payment Group - All Items
• Payment 2

• Payment 3

See Also

Chapter 18, "Entering Pending Items," Entering or Updating Pending Items, page 515

Pages Used to Review Posting Results

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Control GROUP_ENTRY1_DSP Accounts Receivable, Review the control totals

Receivable Updates and group status for the
Then, select the navigation
to the appropriate

Pending Item 1 or Payment GROUP_ENTRY2_DSP Accounts Receivable, View item information,

1 Receivable Updates including amounts, entry
type and reason, payment
Then, select the navigation
terms, and discount data.
to the appropriate

Pending Item 2 or Payment GROUP_ENTRY2B_DSP Accounts Receivable, View assigned support

2 Receivable Updates personnel, correspondence
information, cash
Then, select the navigation
forecasting information, and
to the appropriate
draft information.

Pending Item 3 or Payment GROUP_ENTRY2C_DSP Accounts Receivable, View user-defined fields.

3 Receivable Updates
Then, select the navigation
to the appropriate

VAT Header GRP_ENT_VATHDR_DSP Click the VAT Header link View VAT header defaults.
on the Pending Item 1 page.

VAT Detail GRP_ENT_VAT_LN_DSP Click the VAT Line link on View VAT line defaults,
the VAT Header page. including the VAT

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Posting and Unposting Groups Chapter 28

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Accounting Entries GROUP_ENTRY3_DSP Accounts Receivable, View accounting entries for

Receivable Updates each item.
Then, select the navigation
to the appropriate

Group Entry Tax Ds GROUP_ENTRY_TAX_DSP Accounts Receivable, (IND) View excise duty and
Pending Items, Online sales tax amounts for India.
Items, Group Entry, Group
Entry Tax, Group Entry Tax

Tax Detail GROUP_ENTRY_TAX_DT Click the Tax Detail Link (IND) Display excise duty
on the Group Entry Tax Ds and sales tax detail
page to view India tax detail information for India.

Correcting Posting Errors

When the Receivable Update multiprocess job finds errors, the job updates the Error Code field
(AR_ERROR_CD) on the Pending Item table (PS_PENDING_ITEM) with an error code. The job creates and
balances your accounting entries before editing occurs. If the process does not create your accounting entries
or they are incorrect, the AR_ERROR_CD field contains a value of ACTOB.

Once accounting entries are correct and balanced, the Receivable Update multiprocess job continues with two
types of edits. The Receivable Update multiprocess job edits the Pending Item (PS_PENDING_ITEM) table
through a series of editing update statements which only edit pending items created by systems external to
PeopleSoft Receivables such as PeopleSoft Billing or an external billing system, and then all groups are
edited through other specific program logic.

When it detects an error condition on a pending item, it sets a value in the AR_ERROR_CD field on the
Pending Item record. After the pending item passes the editing sections, the system checks for additional
conditions within the SQL that is executed by the Receivable Update multiprocess job. The system reports
only one error condition at a time per pending item, so even if it detects more than one error, it stores only
one error code.

Error Correction

You can edit any error detected by Receivable Update using an error correction page. The system reedits the
pending item and highlights the fields that are in error for you to correct.

To edit an error:

1. Click the Error Info (error information) button to view a summary description of the error.

894 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 28 Posting and Unposting Groups

2. If you need more details, click the Explain button.

For combination edit (combo edit) errors, when you click the Error Info (error information) button, a
summary description of the error appears. However, to view more details, you must select the Action page
to select the posting action. Then the system validates the combo edits again and the combo edit error
details appear in the grid.

3. After you review an explanation, click OK.

4. Correct the error for the pending item or correct some aspect of either your setup tables or your interface

In most cases, you must correct your setup.

5. Use the Action page to select the posting action again.

Note. When you set the posting action, the online combo edit validation occurs, but Receivable Update
does not run again as part of this process.

If more than one error exists, then the next error message appears. Otherwise, you return to the Error
Correction page.

Error Messages

The edit updates statements that the Receivable Update multiprocess job executes. This table lists the
conditions it edits. Use PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Designer to view the Receivable Update edit SQL
that identified the error. This table provides a list of the error messages and a description of the action to take:

Value Error Code and Long Description

1GBU Pending Item Group Business Unit Invalid

Action: Verify that the group business unit used on the pending item has been created in PeopleSoft
Receivables and PeopleSoft General Ledger.

1PBU Pending Item Business Unit Invalid

Action: Verify that the business unit used on the pending item has been created in PeopleSoft
Receivables and PeopleSoft General Ledger.

1CUST Customer does not exist

Action: Verify that the customer exists on the General Info page. Verify that the customer's status is
Active and the customer level is not set to Prospect. Also verify that the Bill to Customer field is
selected on the Bill to Selection page.

1DISP Dispute Reason Invalid

Action: Verify the status and effective date of the dispute reason on the Dispute Reason page.

1COLL Collection Code Invalid

Action: Verify the status and effective date of the collection code on the Collection Code page.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 895
Posting and Unposting Groups Chapter 28

Value Error Code and Long Description

2SLS Salesperson Invalid

Action: Verify that the default support team defined for this customer has a team member defined as
a salesperson with a priority greater than zero.

2CRD Credit Analyst Invalid

Action: Verify the status and effective date of the credit analyst on the Credit Analyst page.

2COLL Collector Invalid

Action: Verify the status and effective date of the collector on the Collector page.

3PYTR Payment Terms Invalid

Action: Verify the status and effective date of the payment terms code on the Payment Terms page.

3DST AR Distribution code Invalid

Action: Verify the status of the distribution code on the Distribution Code page.

4ENT Entry Type Invalid

Action: Verify the status of the entry type on the Entry Type page.

4ENR Entry Reason required

Action: This entry type requires an entry reason. Enter an entry reason or clear the Require Reason
check box on the Item Entry Type - Selection page or Automatic Entry Type - Selection page.

4ERI Entry Reason Invalid

Action: Verify the status of the entry reason on the Entry Reason page.

4ETS Entry amount Invalid for this Entry Type

Action: Verify the entry amount for this entry type. Entry types require either positive or negative
amounts based on the entry type.

5ADIS Incorrect Value for Allow Discount Flag

Action: The Always Allow Discount check box on Pending Item 1 page has an incorrect value.
Please select or clear the check box.

5PSTD Incorrect Value for Posted Flag

Action: This pending item is flagged as having already been posted. Contact Oracle/PeopleSoft

896 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 28 Posting and Unposting Groups

Value Error Code and Long Description

5SUBC SubCustomer Invalid

Action: Verify that a subcustomer exists for this customer on the SubCustomer page.

5SCI SubCustomer Use Invalid

Action: Verify SubCustomer usage at the installation level setup. Specify that you use one or both
subcustomer fields.

6BCUR Customer Options Error

Base Currency Invalid for Pending Item.
Action: Verify that the base currency of the pending item equals business unit base currency.

6CURI Entry Currency Invalid

Action: The entry currency code must be active based on the pending item accounting date. Verify
the status and effective date on the Currency Code page.

6RTI Rate Type Invalid

Action: Verify the rate type specified is valid for this multicurrency pending item.

6RMDI Exchange Rates Missing

Action: The currency exchange rate values RATE_MULT and RATE_DIV are missing on a
multicurrency pending item. Contact Oracle/PeopleSoft Support.

6CCUR Entry Currency Invalid

Action: Verify that the pending item entry currency equals the group control currency.

7VENT VAT Entity Missing

Action: Verify that the VAT entity is populated for a VAT business unit.

7VATM In-Use Cust

Action: The customer is unavailable because it is being used by another background process. The
process may be running or it may have terminated abnormally.

8PTAX Sales Tax and Excise Duty

Action: Verify pending tax information is correct on the pending item Group Entry Tax page.

ACTPD Accounting Period Not Open

Action: Verify in PeopleSoft General Ledger that the accounting period is open for the transaction
type specified on Group Type page. Refer to the transaction type for the group type being posted.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 897
Posting and Unposting Groups Chapter 28

Value Error Code and Long Description

ACTOB Accounting Entries Out of Balance

Action: Verify the accounting entry setup, for example: entry type, reason code definitions, item
entry types, and automatic entry types.

ALTAC Alternate Account Error

Action: Verify whether the Alternate Account ChartField is missing or invalid for the item on the
Correct Posting Errors, Accounting Entries page.

COMBO Item(s) contain Combination Edit Errors

Action: Verify the ChartField combination on the accounting lines is a valid combination. Modify
the ChartField values online or modify the appropriate distribution code, item entry type or
automatic entry type accounting template, or bank accounting entry setup. Alternatively, modify the
combination editing rules.

CRDR Entry Amount Error

Action: A negative debit or positive credit has been entered. Credits must be less than zero and
debits greater than zero.

CURXI Currency Exchange Rate Invalid

Action: Verify the pending item exchange rate. Pending item transactions for existing items must
match the exchange rate of the original item.

CUSOM Customer Options Missing

Action: Verify that customer options have been defined, are active, and are properly effective dated
for this customer and accounting date in the Customer - General Information component

DDPRF Direct Debit Profile Missing

Action: Pending item has a payment method of direct debit but is missing a direct debit profile.
Verify that a profile has been defined on the General Information - Bill To Options page for the

DOCSQ Document Sequencing Error

Action: Document Sequencing has been enabled at the installation and general ledger business unit
level. The accounting entries for this pending item are missing a document sequencing date. Verify
document sequencing setup.

INHRT Chartfield Inheritance Error

Action: Verify that ChartField inheritance is setup is on the ChartField Inheritance page for the
setIDs being edited.

898 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 28 Posting and Unposting Groups

Value Error Code and Long Description

ITDUP Duplicate Item

Action: This pending item is a duplicate of a pending item in another group that is being posted. If
the Don't Post Duplicate Entries check box is selected on the Entry Type page, clear it, or delete the
duplicate entry on the Pending Item 1 page.

ITMIU In-Use Item

Action: The item has been locked by another background process that is processing transactions for
the same item. Please try again later after the other application completes.

IECI Entry Currency Invalid

Action: Verify that the pending item entry currency is the same as the existing item's balance
currency. Any additional pending items for existing items must be entered in the item's balance

MCSI Multiple Entry Currencies for same Item

Action: Verify that the pending items (for the same item in different groups) being posted share the
same entry currency.

OOBG Group Out of Balance

Action: Verify the sum of the entry amounts equals the control amount, the total count of pending
items in the group equals the control count, and the group status is balanced on the Group Control

OOBM Maintenance Group Out of Balance

Action: Verify that the sum of control base amount equals the control amount and the total count of
pending items.

OPITM Open Item Key Missing

Action: The account in the AR line requires an open item key. Enter the open item key for the line.

PCBU Invalid PC Business Unit for the Distribution Line GL Business Unit
Action: Verify the PeopleSoft Project Costing business unit is valid for the general ledger business
unit associated with the accounting lines.

PMTRM Payment Terms Invalid

Action: Verify status and effective date of payment terms on the Payment Terms page.

PMTDI Default Payment Terms Invalid

Action: Verify status and effective date of the default payment terms specified on the business unit
and customer on the Payment Terms page.

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Posting and Unposting Groups Chapter 28

Value Error Code and Long Description

SALES Default Salesperson not defined

Action: Verify that a default support team has been assigned to this customer. If so, verify that the
support team has a team member defined as a salesperson with a priority greater than zero.

VATID VAT Registration ID Invalid

Action: Verify the VAT registration ID.

Error Correction Components

PeopleSoft Receivables provides several components for correcting posting errors. The components all use
the same pages, but they have a different search record to filter the groups that you select.

This table provides the navigation to each component, lists the pages in the component, and describes the
usage for the component. The pages in these components are the same as the pages that you use to enter
pending items.

Note. The pages that display tax information for India are available only if you enabled sales tax and excise
duty for a receivable business unit type on the Business Unit Tax Applicability page.

This table provides the navigation for all the error correction components and describes how to use them:

Menu Navigation Pages Usage

Accounts Receivable, Receivables • Group Control Use to correct errors in online

Update, Correct Posting Errors, pending item groups.
Online Items • Pending Item 1

• Pending Item 2

• Pending Item 3

• Group Entry Tax

• VAT Header

• VAT Detail

• Accounting Entries

• Group Action

900 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 28 Posting and Unposting Groups

Menu Navigation Pages Usage

Accounts Receivable, Receivables • Group Control Use to correct errors in pending

Update, Correct Posting Errors, item groups entered in another
External Items • Pending Item 1 application.

• Pending Item 2

• Pending Item 3

• Group Entry Tax

• VAT Header

• VAT Detail

• Accounting Entries

• Group Action

Accounts Receivable, Receivables • Group Control Use to correct pending items in

Update, Correct Posting Errors, overdue charge groups.
Overdue Charge Items • Pending Item 1

• Pending Item 2

• Pending Item 3

• Accounting Entries

• Group Action

Accounts Receivable, Receivables • Worksheet Control Use to correct errors in maintenance

Update, Correct Posting Errors, worksheet groups.
Worksheet • Pending Item 1

• Pending Item 2

• Pending Item 3

• Accounting Entries

• Group Action

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 901
Posting and Unposting Groups Chapter 28

Menu Navigation Pages Usage

Accounts Receivable, Receivables • Transfer Control Use to correct errors in transfer

Update, Correct Posting Errors, groups.
Transfer • Pending Item 1

• Pending Item 2

• Pending Item 3

• Accounting Entries

• Group Action

Accounts Receivable, Receivables • Group Control Use to correct errors in unpost

Update, Correct Posting Errors, groups.
Unpost • Pending Item 1

• Pending Item 2

• Pending Item 3

• Accounting Entries

• Group Action

Accounts Receivable, Receivables • Group Control Use to correct errors in direct debit
Update, Correct Posting Errors, groups.
Direct Debit • Pending Item 1

• Pending Item 2

• Pending Item 3

• Accounting Entries

• Group Action

Accounts Receivable, Receivables • Worksheet Control Use to correct errors in direct debit
Update, Correct Posting Errors, groups.
Direct Debit Acctg Entries • Accounting Entries

Accounts Receivable, Receivables • Group Control Use to correct errors in draft

Update, Correct Posting Errors, groups.
Draft • Pending Item 1

• Pending Item 2

• Pending Item 3

• Accounting Entries

• Group Action

902 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 28 Posting and Unposting Groups

Menu Navigation Pages Usage

Accounts Receivable, Receivables • Worksheet Control Use to correct errors in draft

Update, Correct Posting Errors, groups.
Draft Accounting Entries • Accounting Entries

Accounts Receivable, Receivables • Payment Control Use to correct errors in payment

Update, Correct Posting Errors, worksheet groups.
Payment • Payment 1

• Payment 2

• Payment 3

• Accounting Entries

• Payment Action

See Also

Chapter 18, "Entering Pending Items," page 509

Unposting Groups
This section provides an overview of unposting and the unpost components, lists a prerequisite, and discusses
how to:

• Select groups to unpost.

• Review group control information.

• Specify unpost options.

• Select an unpost action.

Understanding Unposting and the Unpost Components

You can only unpost groups if the Receivable Update multiprocess job has successfully processed them.
Unposting creates a new group that is the exact opposite of the original group. The unpost group creates a
new unpost item activity and new accounting entries for each item that it is unposting.

If the Receivable Update multiprocess job has not run, groups for which you selected the Batch Standard or
Batch Priority posting action are not actually posted. In that case, select the Do Not Post posting action on the
Action page to prevent the groups from posting. You do not need to unpost the groups.

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Posting and Unposting Groups Chapter 28

Unpost Components

PeopleSoft Receivables provides several components to unpost groups. The components all use the same
pages with one exception (the control page for draft groups is different), but they have a different search
record to filter the groups that you select based on the type of group. PeopleSoft Receivables also provides a
page where you can search for groups based on a combination of group control information, item information,
and ChartField values in the distribution lines.

This table provides the navigation to each component that filters groups by the type of group, lists the pages
in the component, and describes the usage for the component:

Menu Navigation Pages Usage

Accounts Receivable, Receivables • Group Control Unpost online pending item groups.
Update, Unpost Groups, Online
Group • Options

• Action

Accounts Receivable, Receivables • Group Control Unpost pending item groups from
Update, Unpost Groups, External another application.
Group • Options

• Action

Accounts Receivable, Receivables • Group Control Unpost items in overdue charge

Update, Unpost Groups, Overdue groups.
Charge Group • Options

• Action

Accounts Receivable, Receivables • Group Control Unpost maintenance groups.

Update, Unpost Groups,
Maintenance Group • Options

• Action

Accounts Receivable, Receivables • Group Control Unpost transfer groups.

Update, Unpost Groups, Transfer
Group • Options

• Action

Accounts Receivable, Receivables • Group Control Unpost an unpost group.

Update, Unpost Groups, Pending
Unpost Group • Action

904 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 28 Posting and Unposting Groups

Menu Navigation Pages Usage

Accounts Receivable, Receivables • Payment Control Unpost a payment group.

Update, Unpost Groups, Payment
Group • Options

• Action

Accounts Receivable, Receivables • Draft Control Unpost a draft group.

Update, Unpost Groups, Draft
Group • Options

• Action

Before you unpost groups, define reason codes for unpost groups if you want to assign unpost reasons to your
unpost groups.

See Also

Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," Setting Up Unpost Reason Codes, page 128

Pages Used to Unpost Groups

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

UnPost Group Query UNPOST_QRY Accounts Receivables, Review groups that are
Receivables Update, Unpost posted based on a
Groups, Group Search for combination of search
Unpost, UnPost Group criteria and link to the
Query appropriate unpost page.

Group Control, GROUP_ENTRY1_DSP

• Accounts Receivable, Review group control
Receivables Update, information, such as the
Payment Control
Unpost Groups, Online group type, accounting date,
Group, Group Control group totals, and posting
• Accounts Receivable,
Receivables Update,
Unpost Groups,
Payment Group,
Payment Control

• Several other navigation

paths are available for
the Group Control page.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 905
Posting and Unposting Groups Chapter 28

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Options GRP_UPST_PNL Accounts Receivable, Specify a reason for

Receivables Update, Unpost unposting a group or change
Groups, Online Group, the accounting date. Define
Options document sequencing
options for the unpost
Several other navigation
paths are available for this

Unpost Action UNPOST_ACTION Accounts Receivable, Select an action for an

Receivables Update, Unpost unpost group.
Groups, Online Group,
Several other navigation
paths are available for this

Draft Control DR_UNPOST_GRP Accounts Receivable, Review group control

Receivables Update, Unpost information for a draft for a
Groups, Drafts Group, Draft specific draft event.

Selecting Groups to Unpost

Access the UnPost Group Query page. ( Accounts Receivables, Receivables Update, Unpost Groups, Group
Search for Unpost, UnPost Group Query.)

906 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 28 Posting and Unposting Groups

UnPost Group Query page

Search Criteria

Enter any combination of search criteria to retrieve the groups to unpost, and click Search Groups for

Group Unit, Group ID, Select fields from the group control record to identify groups.
Type, Origin ID, and
Date Type, Date Select a type of date on the group control record. Values are: Accounting Date,
Operand, and Date Posted Date, and Entry Date. Select an operator to identify the date, such as <
Query Value (less than) or Between, and enter a specific date or a date range.

Customer, Item ID, and Select a value for a customer, item ID, or entry type for the items in the group.
Entry Type
Chartfield Typeand Enter the ChartField type and value to select groups that contain distribution lines
Chartfield Value for a specific ChartField value.


The Groups grid displays the groups that match your search criteria.

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Posting and Unposting Groups Chapter 28

Click the Show Group Detail button to access pages to view group control
information, item details, and distribution lines.

Unpost Click the Unpost link to access the appropriate unpost page for the group type,
where you can unpost the group.

Reviewing Group Control Information

Access the Group Control, Payment Control, or Draft Control page. ( Accounts Receivable, Receivables
Update, Unpost Groups, Online Group, Group Control, or Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Unpost
Groups, Payment Group, Payment Control.)

Review the control information and group status.

Specifying Unpost Options

Access the Options page. ( Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Unpost Groups, Online Group,

Keep Original Select to use the document type of the original group. Deselect to use the default
Document Type document type for the group type. This field is available only if you have enabled
document sequencing.

Unpost Reason Select an unpost reason code to indicate your purpose for unposting.
Selecting this value is optional unless you selected the Enable Unpost Reason
check box on the Installation Options – Receivables page. If you selected this
check box, then you must select a reason code for this field.
You can select a reason code, for example, to indicate that you are unposting a
payment group because a check was returned due to insufficient funds. You can
view the reason on the Item Activity and Payment Status pages.

Edit Accounting Date Select if you want to change the Accounting Date field. The new accounting date
must be in an open accounting period for the PeopleSoft Receivables business

Note. Overriding the accounting date changes the accounting date for the
unposted payment. Also, the system issues a warning when you select the Edit
Accounting Date check box and enter a date that precedes the original accounting
date of the unposted payment group.

Important! Overriding the accounting date for payment unpost groups uses the specified date for the unpost
payment group and changes the accounting date for the payment (PS_PAYMENT.ACCOUNTING_DT) to
the selected date. This accounting date is used for the subsequent payment application group.

908 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 28 Posting and Unposting Groups

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining Document Sequencing,"
Defining Document Types

Selecting an Unpost Action

Access the Unpost Action page. ( Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Unpost Groups, Online Group,

Delete Unpost This option is available after you select a posting action. Click to delete the
unpost group that you created.

Action Select a posting action for the group and click OK to execute the action. Values
Do Not Post: Saves the changes for the unpost group, but no posting takes place.
Post Now: Runs the Receivable Update multiprocess job immediately. If the user
enabled the notification feature, the system displays a message when the job
Post Now to GL: Runs the Receivable Update multiprocess job immediately and
runs processes to create and post journals to the general ledger. If the user
enabled the notification feature, the system displays a message when the job
Batch Priority: Runs the Receivable Update multiprocess job the next time a
priority scheduled job runs or the next time a standard scheduled job runs, if that
occurs first. This option is not intended for large jobs.
Batch Standard: Runs the next time a standard scheduled batch jobs runs. This
run may occur once a day, depending on how often the organization schedules
standard jobs to run.

Note. The posting options that are available depend on the options that you select
for the user on the Define User Preferences - Process Group page. Use the Post
Now and Post Now to GL options only for small groups or when a transaction
must be posted immediately. The system issues a message if another user or
scheduled process is posting transactions for the same business unit and customer
combination at the same time.

See Chapter 12, "Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator,"
Receivable Update Processing Options, page 370.

Review Unpost Now Click to display a page where you can review the details of the unpost group.
This option is available after you select a posting action.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 909
Posting and Unposting Groups Chapter 28

Running the AR Rebate Notification Process

This section provides an overview of the AR Rebate Notification process and lists the page used to run the
Payment Notification process.

Understanding the AR Rebate Notification Process

If your vendor rebate claims and reversals from PeopleSoft Purchasing or claimbacks from PeopleSoft Order
Management interface with your system, you must update the balances for these claims in the claim
management workbench in PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Order Management by running the AR
Rebate Notification process. The process updates the Claims Incoming Payments staging table
(VRBT_CLAIM_PMTI) when one of these activities occurs for claim items whose group type is R (vendor
rebates) or C (claimbacks):

• WS-01 (Pay an Item).

• WS-08 (Create a Deduction).

• WS-09 (Write off an Item).

• DM-01 (Pay an Item).

• DM-06 (Create a Deduction).

• DM-07 (Write off an Item).

• DD-XX (Any direct debit activity that changes the item's balance).

• MT-01 (Create an Offset).

• MT-02 (Write off a Credit).

• MT-03 (Write off a Debit).

• FC-01 (Create an Overdue Charge).

• TR-01 (Transfer Item From Customer).

• TR-03 (Transfer Item to Doubtful Receivable Account).

The process also updates the Claims Incoming Payments staging table when:

• A draft or direct debit activity that paid for a claim item is voided or cancelled.

• A payment or offset activity against a claim is unposted.

The process adds the following information to the Claims Incoming Payments staging table for each claim:

• Claim setID.

• Claim ID (item ID in PeopleSoft Receivables).

• Payment date and time (post date for the activity in PeopleSoft Receivables).

910 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 28 Posting and Unposting Groups

• Current payment method for the item in PeopleSoft Receivables.

• Claim amount (amount of the payment or offset activity).

PeopleSoft Receivables sends the amount in the original currency of the claim item, which is the currency
for the rebate agreement or the claimback contract. If a gain or loss occurs due to currency conversion
(when the payment is in a different currency than the original claim item currency), the process includes
the gain or loss in the amount.

• Base amount (amount of the payment or offset activity less the VAT amount).

• VAT amount (VAT amount of the payment or offset activity).

• Agreement or contract currency code.

• Document ID.

This user-defined reference value is entered on the maintenance, payment, or draft worksheet to help
identify the claim in the claim management workbench.

The process also sets the Process Flag field to N and the value in the Process Instance field to the process
instance that the Process Scheduler assigned to the run of the AR Rebate Notification process.

After the process completes, run the Incoming Payment Reconciliation Application Engine process
(PO_CLMRECON) in PeopleSoft Purchasing or PeopleSoft Order Management to load the payment and
offset activity in the Claims Incoming Payments staging tables into the claim management workbench.

See Also

Chapter 18, "Entering Pending Items," PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Order Management Interface,
page 510

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Defining Entry Reasons, page 79

PeopleSoft Enterprise Purchasing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Understanding Vendor Rebates"

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order Management 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with Claimbacks"

Page Used to Run the AR Rebate Notification Process

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Receivables Rebate REBATE_RUN_CNTL_AR Accounts Receivable, Run the AR Rebate

Notification Receivable Update, Request Notification process.
Rebate Process, Receivables
Rebate Notification

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 911
Chapter 29

Using Commitment Control Processing in

PeopleSoft Receivables
This chapter provides an overview of revenue estimate processing, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to
perform commitment control processing in PeopleSoft Receivables.

Understanding Revenue Estimate Processing

This section discusses:

• Revenue estimate processing.

• The Revenue Estimate Application Engine process (AR_REV_EST).

• Special condition handling during the Revenue Estimate process.

Revenue Estimate Processing

The role of PeopleSoft Receivables in the commitment control process is to create source transactions for the
revenue entries in the control budgets. A budget in PeopleSoft Receivables is a fixed income allocation (that
is, a revenue estimate) with two monetary buckets: a recognized revenue bucket and a collected revenue
bucket. Recognized revenue is revenue that has been billed to the customer but for which payment has not yet
been received. It is open receivables. Collected revenue is cash that has been received as payment. The
combined amounts should eventually match the total estimated amount, which is your budget.

Most receivable functions that you perform update one of the two revenue buckets. In some cases, they
update both. This diagram demonstrates that the functions create a debit memo, a credit memo, ITEM match
items, a write-off credit item, a write-off debit item, an earned discount, and an unearned discount, all of
which update the recognized revenue bucket. Direct journal entries, match cash items, and item payments
update the collected revenue bucket.

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Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 29

Recognized and collected revenue bucket updates by Receivables functions

You run the following processes to update the control budgets:

• The Revenue Estimate process, which creates the source transactions for the control budget ledger for all
activity except direct journals.

• The Budget Processor Application Engine process (FS_BP), which updates the revenue buckets and
creates the commitment control budget lines.

The Receivable Update Application Engine process (ARUPDATE) automatically runs the Revenue Estimate
process and Budget Processor when it completes if you enabled commitment control for PeopleSoft
Receivables. If you have errors in the source transaction or budget checking errors, then you must run the
Budget Processor after you correct the errors. If you choose to delete the activity's source transactions, then
you must rerun the Revenue Estimate process before you run the Budget Processor again. You only need to
rerun these processes if you have corrected errors.

Note. The Revenue Estimate process does not change the distribution of PeopleSoft Receivables accounting
entries in PeopleSoft General Ledger. If you enabled commitment control for PeopleSoft Receivables and for
the general ledger business unit associated with the receivables business unit, then you must budget check the
entries before you distribute them to PeopleSoft General Ledger.

914 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 29 Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Commitment Control 9.1 PeopleBook, "Processing Source Transactions Against
Control Budgets"

The Revenue Estimate Application Engine Process

The Revenue Estimate process uses the revenue accounting lines in the Item Distribution (PS_ITEM_DST)
table to generate the source transactions for the control budget ledger. It generates one source transaction for
each revenue line. If the activity does not generate a revenue line, the Revenue Estimate process searches the
preceding activity for a revenue account and follows these rules:

• If the activity is a Create a Debit Memo (IT-01), Create a Credit Memo (IT-02), or Create an Overdue
Charge (FC-01) activity, the process uses the revenue account for that activity.

If it cannot find a revenue account, then the transaction causes an error. Enter the revenue account
manually on the Revenue Estimate Correction page.

• If the activity is a Transfer Item to Customer (TR-02) activity and the item was transferred to a customer
in the same business unit, the process uses the revenue account of the from item.

• If the item is system-generated (for example, an underpayment or an overpayment), then no revenue

account exists and the process does not generate a source transaction.

When you create the write-off for an underpayment or overpayment, the system updates the revenue

Special Condition Handling During the Revenue Estimate Process

This section describes how the Revenue Estimate process generates source transactions for these special

• Overpayments.

• Underpayments.

• Prepayments.

• Draft processing.

• Write-offs on maintenance worksheets and in automatic maintenance.

• Source transactions for PeopleSoft Billing and PeopleSoft Contracts items.

• Directly journaled payments.

• Realized gains and losses.

• Unpost groups.

• Items with value-added tax (VAT).

• Multiple revenue lines.

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Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 29


If you have an overpayment (MT-05, WS-04, WS-05, or WS-06 item activities) and you leave the cash or
credit on-account, the process does not create source transactions for the overpayment amount. When you
apply the remaining cash or credit to an item, it updates the collected revenue bucket. However, if you write
off an overpayment, the process updates both the recognized and collected revenue buckets.

Here is an example of revenue estimate entries for on-account overpayments:

Transaction Recognized Collected

Original 100.00 item –100.00

110.00 payment –100.00

Here is an example of revenue estimate entries for writing off an overpayment:

Transaction Recognized Collected

Original 100.00 item –100.00

110.00 payment –100.00

Write-off of 10.00 –10.00 –10.00

Note. You cannot combine cash and a credit memo when you create an overpayment. If you have an
overpayment, the entire amount should come from cash or the entire amount should come from a credit
memo. This is necessary because the system updates the buckets differently depending on whether the
overpayment is from cash or a credit memo. If you combine them, it cannot determine how to update the


If you have an underpayment and you pay off the item and create an adjustment item, the process updates the
collected revenue bucket with the full item amount at that time. When you pay for the adjustment of the item,
the system does not create any further source transactions.

Here is an example of revenue estimate entries for an underpayment with an adjustment:

Transaction Recognized Collected

Original 100.00 item –100.00

916 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 29 Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

Transaction Recognized Collected

90.00 payment and 10.00 –100.00


Apply 10.00 payment to the No entries


When you have an underpayment and you write off the remainder of the item, the process creates one source
transaction that updates the collected revenue bucket for the amount of the payment. It also creates another
source transaction that debits the recognized bucket for the write-off.

Here is an example of revenue estimate entries for an underpayment and a write off:

Transaction Recognized Collected

Original 100.00 item –100.00

90.00 payment –90.00

10.00 write-off item 10.00


When you create the prepayment item (WS-04), the Revenue Estimate process does not create source
transactions for the control budget. When you create the IT-01 item for the prepayment, the Revenue Estimate
process generates the source transactions that update both the collected and the recognized bucket. It uses the
accounts from the new item to create the entries.

Here is an example of revenue estimate entries for a prepayment:

Transaction Recognized Collected

100.00 Prepayment (WS-04)

100.00 Item (IT-01) –100.00 –100.00

If you create prepayments using the draft worksheet, the process is the same except that it does not create the
source transactions when you create the IT-01 item if the cash for the draft has not been recognized yet. When
the cash is recognized at the discount date or at the due date, the process looks to see if an IT-01 item already
exists for the prepayment and generates the source transactions. If you void, dishonor, or cancel the
remittance for a draft with prepayments, the process reverses transactions only if the prepayment was already
applied to an item.

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Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 29

Draft Processing

When the process creates source transactions for the Pay an Item (DM-01), Write-off an Overpayment (DM-
08), and Write-off an Underpayment (DM-09) activities on the draft worksheet, it places them in two holding
tables (PS_ARCC_HLDTRN_HDR and PS_ARCC_HLDTRN_TBL) until the cash is recognized for the
draft. When the cash is recognized either at the discount date or at the due date, it moves the source
transactions from the holding tables to the application tables (PS_AR_CC_TRAN_HDR and
PS_AR_CC_TRAN_TBL) that hold the source transactions for budget processing.

The process also uses the holding tables when you void or dishonor a draft or when you cancel a draft

Write-offs on Maintenance Worksheets and in Automatic Maintenance

If you write off an item on a maintenance worksheet or if the Automatic Maintenance Application Engine
process (AR_AUTOMNT) writes off an item, the system uses the reason for the write-off item to determine
which bucket to update. You define which buckets to update in the automatic entry type for the write-off
system functions for maintenance groups.

Source Transactions for PeopleSoft Billing and PeopleSoft Contracts Items

If you enter your invoices (IT-01 or IT-02 items) in PeopleSoft Billing, PeopleSoft Receivables creates the
source transactions for them in the recognized revenue bucket if PeopleSoft Receivables generates the
accounting entries. When PeopleSoft Billing creates the accounting entries, PeopleSoft Receivables does not
create the source transactions to update the recognized bucket. You must create the source transactions in
PeopleSoft Billing.

When you a apply payment to an item interfaced from PeopleSoft Billing, the Revenue Estimate process uses
the revenue lines in the PeopleSoft Billing accounting entry table (PS_BI_ACCT_ENTRY) to generate the
source transactions for the collected bucket. The Revenue Estimate process creates the source transactions for
the payments only after the billing source transactions have been budget checked. If the item has an
associated contract line in PeopleSoft Contracts, then the process uses the revenue lines that reside on the
PeopleSoft Contracts accounting line tables. PeopleSoft General Ledger updates and budget checks the
recognized revenue lines for the budget when you post the PeopleSoft Contracts journals in PeopleSoft
General Ledger. The process looks for the revenue lines in these tables to populate the revenue collected

1. Contracts Accounting Line Projects table (PS_CA_ACCTG_LN_PC), which contains the revenue lines
for rate-based contracts.

2. Contracts Accounting Line table (PS_CA_ACCTG_LINE), which contains the revenue lines for amount
based contracts.

The process uses the most recent revenue entry that was posted for the contract line in the Contracts
Accounting Line table (PS_CA_ACCTG_LINE). You should use the same revenue distribution lines for
amount-based contracts throughout the life of the contract. At least one revenue event must be posted in
PeopleSoft Contracts before you apply the first payment to the item associated with the contract line. If
there are no posted revenue lines for the contract line, the process does not update the collected revenue
bucket and the process generates an error message.

If you receive an error, you should post some revenue lines for the contract line in PeopleSoft Contracts
and then rerun the Revenue Estimate process.

918 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 29 Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

Directly Journaled Payments

When you journal a payment directly to the general ledger, the system uses the information in the
PS_PAY_MISC_DST table to update the recognized and collected buckets. No source transactions for direct
journals will appear in the revenue estimate tables: PS_AR_CC_TRAN_HDR and PS_AR_CC_TRAN_TBL.
Therefore, you do not need to run the Revenue Estimate process for directly journaled payments.

Realized Gains and Losses

If you apply a payment to an item in a foreign currency and either a realized gain or loss exists, then the
process creates an additional transaction to adjust the amount in the collected bucket.

Here is an example of revenue estimate entries for a transaction with realized gain or loss:

Transaction Recognized Collected

Original Item –100.00

Payment –100.00

Realized Gain or Loss 2.00

Unpost Groups

When you unpost a group, the Revenue Estimate process creates source transactions to reverse the original
entries in the revenue budget.

Items with VAT

If an item contains a VAT amount or sales tax, only the base amount of the transaction updates the revenue
buckets. For example, if the total item is 108.00 EUR and the VAT amount is 8.00 EUR, then the process
updates the revenue budgets with 100.00 EUR.

Multiple Revenue Lines

If an item has multiple revenue lines and it is completely paid by one payment, the system uses the same
amounts for each revenue account as the original revenue lines.

If an item has multiple revenue lines and you make a partial payment, the system provides a page in the
worksheet components where you can specify how to distribute the revenue amount. This page is available
only if you selected Allow Manual Distribution in the Multiple Revenue Line field for the business unit. If
you do not enable manual distribution, the system automatically prorates the payment amount across the
remaining revenue balances.

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Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 29

See Also

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Setting Up Item and Automatic Entry
Types for Revenue Estimate Processing, page 94

Before you can run the revenue estimate processes, you must perform the following tasks:

1. Enable commitment control accounting for PeopleSoft Receivables on the Installation Options - Installed
Products page.

2. Set up the system for commitment control accounting.

3. Review the source transaction definition for the commitment control transactions for the Revenue
Estimate process and for direct journal payments.

4. If the system function for an item entry type specifies that the revenue estimate bucket is user-defined,
specify which bucket to update for each entry reason.

5. If the system function for an automatic entry type specifies that the revenue estimate bucket is user-
defined, specify which bucket to update for each entry reason.

6. Make sure the user-defined accounting lines (revenue lines) contain ChartFields in the control budget

7. Define the defaults for revenue estimate processing for each business unit by tableSet on the Receivables
Options - General 2 page.

8. Disable PeopleSoft Billing and PeopleSoft Contracts on the Installed Products page if you do not have
those products installed on your system.

Disabling these products improves performance because the Revenue Estimate process does not search
records in PeopleSoft Billing or PeopleSoft Contracts for revenue lines.

See Also

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," page 55

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Defining Additional General Options, page 28

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Installation Options for
PeopleSoft Applications," Defining Options for Installed PeopleSoft Applications

PeopleSoft Enterprise Commitment Control 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Basic Commitment Control

PeopleSoft Enterprise Commitment Control 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Commitment Control Source
Transaction Types"

920 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 29 Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

Performing Commitment Control Processing

This section provides overviews of the commitment control process flow and of budget checking error
correction and warnings, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

• Review revenue estimate entries.

• Correct revenue estimate errors.

• Run the Revenue Estimate process.

• Run the Budget Processor.

• View budget checking exceptions for revenue estimate source transactions.

• View direct journal exceptions.

Understanding the Commitment Control Process Flow

Perform these tasks for revenue estimate and budget checking processing:

Note. These steps do not apply to direct journal payments.

1. Run the Receivable Update process to post groups, create accounting entries, create the source
transactions, and budget check the source transactions.

Note. The Receivables Update process runs the Revenue Estimate process and budget checks the
transactions only if you have enabled commitment control for PeopleSoft Receivables and the general
ledger business unit associated with the receivables business unit.

2. (Optional) Review the source transactions.

3. Correct errors in the source transactions if needed.

For example, you might post some revenue lines for a contract line in PeopleSoft Contracts.

4. Run the Revenue Estimate process again if you corrected errors in source transactions.

In some cases, you need to unpost the original group and correct the accounting lines. If this is the case,
you run the Receivable Update process to post the group again and it automatically runs the Revenue
Estimate process.

See Chapter 29, "Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables," Understanding
Budget Checking Error Correction and Warnings, page 922.

Note. You can run the Budget Processor process at the same time if you do not want to review the source
transactions before you budget check the transactions.

5. Run the Budget Processor process again if you corrected errors in the source transactions.

6. View budget checking errors and warning exceptions and resolve them.

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Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 29

7. Run the Budget Processor again if you corrected errors or overrode the exceptions.

See Also

Chapter 12, "Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator," page 367

Chapter 19, "Entering Payments," Journaling Payments Directly to the General Ledger, page 582

Understanding Budget Checking Error Correction and Warnings

Transactions typically fail the budget checking process because the amount of the source transactions exceeds
the amount in the control budget and the commitment control option for the budget. If this occurs, you have
two options:

• Credit the revenue estimate budget amount.

• Mark the entire transaction to bypass budget checking on the Commitment Control, Revenue Estimate
Exceptions, or Misc Payment Exceptions page for the transaction.

After you mark it, you must run the Budget Processor process again.

A transaction could also fail because you provided a revenue account that is not in the revenue estimate
budget. If this is the case, you need to perform the following tasks:

1. Set the group that included the source transactions to unpost.

2. Run the Receivable Update process, which reruns the Revenue Estimate process and the Budget

The Revenue Estimate process deletes the source transactions and does not create new sources

3. Recreate the items with the correct data.

4. Run the Receivable Update process again, which reruns the Revenue Estimate process and the Budget

If you run the Budget Processor when you run the Receivable Update process or from the Budget Processor
page, use the message log to see if you have received any warnings. Alternatively, go directly to the budget
exception pages to see if you have any warnings. Select Only Warnings Exist in the Process Status field, when
you search for exceptions to display only transactions with warnings.

If you budget check transactions from an online page, such as the Direct Journal Payments - Accounting
Entries page or the Corrections page for the Revenue Estimate process, the system displays a warning
message for any type of warning including the warning for negative expense budgets. Users must go to the
appropriate budget exceptions page to determine the type of warning. If there is a warning status at the line
level, you can drill directly down to the warning on the exception page by clicking the Budget Check Options

Note. You receive the warning message when you budget check transactions online only if you selected the
Pop Up Error/Warning Message check box on the Installation Options - Commitment Control page.

922 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 29 Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

See Also

Chapter 28, "Posting and Unposting Groups," Unposting Groups, page 903

Chapter 28, "Posting and Unposting Groups," Running Receivable Update, page 887

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," page 55

Chapter 29, "Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables," Running the Revenue
Estimate Process, page 930

Chapter 29, "Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables," Running the Budget
Processor, page 931

PeopleSoft Enterprise Commitment Control 9.1 PeopleBook, "Entering and Posting Commitment Control
Budget Journals"

Common Elements Used in This Section

Click the Revenue Line Source button to access the accounting entries inquiry
page, where you can review the original accounting entries for the item activity.

Note. This option is not available for transactions with errors on the Revenue
Estimate Correction page.

Accounting Date Displays the accounting date for the item activity.

Amount and Base Displays the total amount of the source transactions for the item in the entry
Amount (for all source currency and the base currency.
Amount (for a single Displays the entry amount and currency of the item activity.
source transaction)
Base Amount (for a Displays the base amount and currency of the item activity.
single source transaction)
Budget Date Displays the default budget date for entries to the recognized bucket is the
accounting date for the item. Although you can change the budget date, we
recommend that you do not in order to keep the entries in the control budget
ledger synchronized with the entries to the actual ledger. For entries to the
collected bucket, the default varies based on your selection on the Receivables
Options - General 2 page for synchronizing budget dates. If you selected Yes, the
date for entries to the collected bucket matches the date for entries to the
recognized bucket for the item. Otherwise, it is the accounting date for the
current transaction. We recommend that the budget date for entries to the two
buckets be the same so that the entries fall in the same budget period.

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Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 29

Budget Status (for all Displays the status of all the source transactions in the budget checking process.
activity source Values are:
Error: At least one of the source transactions failed to pass budget checking.
Not Chk'd (not checked): The Budget Processor has not processed the source
Valid: All the source transactions passed budget checking and the process created
the journal lines in the ledger.

Budget Status (for a Displays the status of a single budget line entry. Values are:
single source transaction)
Error: The budget line failed to pass budget checking.
Not Chk'd (not checked): The Budget Processor has not processed the line.
Valid: The budget line passed budget checking and the process created the
journal line in the ledger.
Warning: The Budget Processor issued a warning for a line, but also updated the
control budget ledger.

Entry Type and Reason Displays the entry type and reason that you assigned to the item activity.

GL Unit Displays the general ledger unit that is linked to the receivables business unit for
the item.

Group Unit, Group ID, Displays the business unit and ID for the group, and the group type for the item
and Group Type activity.

Ledger Grp (ledger Displays the General ledger group and ledger for the entries. These values appear
group) and Ledger only if the process created multibook entries.

Posted Date Displays the date that you posted the item activity.

Rev Estimate (revenue Indicates whether the source transactions for the item activity updated the
estimate) Collected, Recognized, or Both buckets.

Sequence Displays the sequence number for the item in the item group.

924 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 29 Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

Status Indicates whether source transactions passed the revenue estimate process
successfully or if they were in error. If an error exists, the Status field displays
the reason. Values are:
Corrected: You corrected the source transactions on the Revenue Estimate
Correction page.
Error: A source transaction has an unknown error.
Gen by BI (generated by billing): The process did not find revenue lines for
invoices, credit memos, debit memos, or overdue charge invoices (IT-01, IT-02,
or FC-01 activities) in the PS_ITEM_DST table, but it found them in the
PS_BI_ACCT_ENTRY table. The process does not need to generate the source
transactions because PeopleSoft Billing generates them for the recognized
revenue bucket.
Out of BU (out of business unit): The process could not create the source
transactions because the item was transferred out of the business unit. The
accounts were not available to update.
Processed: The process successfully generated source transactions for the item.
No Itm Rev (no item revenue lines): The process could not create the source
transactions because no item revenue lines were associated with the current item
activity or with the previous item activity.
Transferred: The process could not create the source transactions because it
could not find the from item for a transferred item. (The process obtains the
revenue accounts from the from item.)
No Rev: The process could not create the source transactions because no user-
defined revenue lines were set up for the item entry type or automatic entry type
that you associated with the system function.
Skip: The system skips the request when the process runs.
Err Exists (error exists): The process could not create the source transactions
because an error exists in a previous activity that affects the current activity.
Correct the errors and run the process again.

View/Update Click to access the Conversations page, where you view conversations associated
Conversations with the item.

Pages Used for Commitment Control Processing

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Revenue Estimate Review AR_CC_TRAN Accounts Receivable, View source transactions

Receivables Update, that the Revenue Estimate
Revenue Estimates, Review process created for all
Transactions by Item, activities for an item. You
Revenue Estimate Review can view both completed
transactions and
transactions with errors.
However, you can change
only the budget date for the

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Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 29

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Revenue Estimate by AR_CC_TRAN_ACT Accounts Receivable, View source transactions

Activity Receivables Update, that the Revenue Estimate
Revenue Estimates, Review process created for a single
Trans by Activity, Revenue item activity. You can view
Estimate by Activity both completed transactions
and transactions with errors.
However, you can change
only the budget date for the

Revenue Estimate AR_CC_TRAN_ERROR Accounts Receivable, Correct source transactions

Correction Receivables Update, for the commitment control
Revenue Estimate, Correct ledger that have errors. You
Transactions, Revenue can also flag the
Estimate Correction transactions to bypass
budget checking before you
process them or if they fail
budget checking.

Revenue Estimate REV_EST_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Recreate the source

Receivables Update, transactions for the control
Revenue Estimates, Create budget and optionally
Transactions, Revenue budget check the
Estimate transactions.

Budget Processor AR_CC_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Rerun the Budget Processor

Receivables Update, process independently of
Revenue Estimates, Budget the Revenue Estimate
Check Transactions, Budget process.

Revenue Estimate KK_XCP_HDR_AR1 Commitment Control, View budget checking

Exceptions Review Budget Check errors or warning
Exceptions, Revenues, exceptions for receivables
Revenue Estimate, Revenue source transactions. Users
Estimate Exceptions who have authority can also
override the budget error

Refine Inquiry Criteria KK_XCP_TR_ADV_SEC Click Advanced Budget Refine selection criteria for
(transaction exceptions) Criteria on the Revenue budgets to view.
Estimate Exceptions or
Misc Payment Exceptions

Commitment Control KK_XCP_TRAN_SEC View details about a source

Click the Budget Check
transaction with exceptions,
Details button on the
including the amount type
Revenue Estimate
and override information.
Exceptions or the Misc
Payment Exceptions pages.

926 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 29 Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Receivables Revenue KK_DRL_AR1_SEC View line details for

Estimate Line Drill Down Click the View receivables items with
Exception Details button budget exceptions.
on the Revenue Estimate
Exception page for a
specific budget line.

Line Exceptions KK_XCP_LN_AR1 Commitment Control, View individual transaction

Review Budget Check lines in a receivables source
Exceptions, Revenues, transaction with budget
Revenue Estimate, Line checking errors or warning
Exceptions exceptions.

Exception Details (lines) KK_XCP_TRAN_SEC3 View budget and exception

Click the View
Exception Details button on details for a transaction line.
the Line Exceptions page
for the source transaction.

Misc Payment Exceptions KK_XCP_HDR_AR2 Commitment Control, View individual transaction

Review Budget Check lines in a source transaction
Exceptions, Revenues, for a direct journal payment
Direct Journal, Misc with budget checking errors
Payment Exceptions or warning exceptions.

Receivables Miscellaneous KK_DRL_AR2_SEC View line details for direct

Payment Line Drill Down Click the View journal payments with
Exception Details button budget error exceptions.
on the Misc Payment
Exception page for a
specific budget line.

Direct Journal Exceptions - KK_XCP_LN_AR2 Commitment Control, View individual transaction

Line Exceptions Review Budget Check lines in a source transaction
Exceptions, Revenues, for a direct journal payment
Direct Journal, Line with budget checking errors
Exceptions or warning messages.

Reviewing Revenue Estimate Entries

Access the Revenue Estimate Review page or the Revenue Estimate by Activity page. (Select Accounts
Receivable, Receivables Update, Revenue Estimates, Review Transactions by Item, Revenue Estimate

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Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 29

Revenue Estimate Review page

Use the Item Activity scroll area to view each activity for an item on the Revenue Estimate Review page. Use
the Revenue Estimate scroll area to see source transactions for an item activity. The Revenues grid displays
information for each source transaction.

Click the Budget Check button to run the Budget Processor, which checks the
source transactions and creates the entries in the revenue bucket for the budget.
This button is available only if the transactions have no revenue estimate errors.
It is not available if you already ran the Budget Processor.

Note. The system displays a warning message if transactions passed budget

checking but receive a warning status.

Correcting Revenue Estimate Entries

Access the Revenue Estimate Correction page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Revenue
Estimate, Correct Transactions, Revenue Estimate Correction.)

928 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 29 Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

Revenue Estimate Correction page

The page shows the source transactions for a single item activity. It shows only transactions with errors from
the Revenue Estimate process or the Budget Processor.

Revenue Estimate

The Revenue Estimate group box displays information about the source transactions that the Revenue
Estimate process generated.

Click the Delete Revenue Estimates button to delete all the source transactions
for the item activity. This action resets the Revenue Estimate process so that it
can process the activity again. This button is not available if the Correction
Complete check box is selected.

Note. If you delete an individual line, it will not update the control budget.

Click the Budget Check button to run the Budget Processor, which checks the
source transactions and creates entries in the revenue bucket for the budget. This
button is available only after you correct the errors and select Correction
Complete. It is not available if you have already run the process.

Note. The system displays a warning message if transactions passed budget

checking but received a warning status.

Click the Budget Check Options button to open the Commitment Control page,
where you can flag the source transactions in error to bypass budget checking.
You must have authority to override budget checking. Click the Go to
Transaction Exception link on the Commitment Control page to go to the budget
exception page to view details about the budget checking error or warning. This
button appears only if the item activity has a budget checking error.

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Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 29

Correction Complete Select after you correct the errors so that the Budget Processor will check the
source transactions the next time you run the process.

Max/Min Rev Amount Displays the minimum or maximum amount permitted for the activity. You
(maximum or minimum receive an error message when you save the page if the total of the revenue
revenue amount) estimate lines exceeds the maximum or minimum revenue amount. If the activity
credits revenue, the amount cannot exceed the maximum amount. If the activity
debits revenue, the amount cannot exceed the minimum amount.


The Revenues grid displays information for each source transaction. Change information in this grid as
needed to correct the transaction.

The Revenue Estimate process may generate errors for several reasons. The following table lists the reasons
and the corresponding resolutions:

Error Resolution

You transferred the item from one business unit to Enter the revenue accounts manually.
another. Since different business units might use
different revenue accounts, the process does not know
which revenue accounts to use.

The system could not find revenue lines for the current Enter the revenue lines manually.
item activity or in a previous activity for the item.

The process could not find the From transfer Enter the revenue lines manually.
information for a transferred item.

You applied a payment to an item that was interfaced You must first post some revenue lines for the contract
from PeopleSoft Billing and the item has an associated line in PeopleSoft Contracts and then run the Revenue
contract line in PeopleSoft Contracts for an amount- Estimate process again.
based contract. The process could not find any revenue
lines for the contract in the PeopleSoft Contracts

Running the Revenue Estimate Process

Access the Revenue Estimate page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Revenue Estimates,
Create Transactions, Revenue Estimate.)

From Date and To Enter the beginning and ending accounting date of the item activities to include
in the run.

Send Transactions Select to run the Budget Processor automatically immediately following the
Generated revenue estimate process.

930 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 29 Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

Specify Transaction Select the source transaction type that the budget processor uses to read the
Type source data and to perform budget checking. The page displays the default source
transaction type specified on the Receivables Options - General 2 page. This
check box is available only if you select the Send Transactions Generated check

Running the Budget Processor

Access one of the following pages to run the Budget Processor:

• The Budget Processor page to run the process for all source transactions that were processed successfully
after correcting the errors. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Revenue Estimates, Budget
Check Transactions, Budget Processor.)

Also run it for transactions that the Revenue Estimate process created for direct journals.

• The Revenue Estimate page to run the Budget Processor process along with the Revenue Estimate

If you run it with the Revenue Estimate process and you have errors in the source transactions, then you
must run it again after you correct the errors.

• The Revenue Estimate Review page to run the process for all source transactions for a single item.

• The Revenue Estimate Correction page or the Revenue Estimate by Activity page to run the process for
all source transactions for a single item activity.

See Also

Chapter 29, "Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables," Running the Revenue
Estimate Process, page 930

Chapter 29, "Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables," Reviewing Revenue
Estimate Entries, page 927

Chapter 29, "Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables," Correcting Revenue
Estimate Entries, page 928

Viewing Budget Checking Exceptions for Revenue Estimate Source

Access the Revenue Estimate Exceptions page. (Select Commitment Control, Review Budget Check
Exceptions, Revenues, Revenue Estimate, Revenue Estimate Exceptions.)

Use the pages in the Revenue Estimate component (KK_XCP_AR1) to review the budget exceptions and, if
you have authority, to override specific budgets for a failed transaction as well as all budgets for a failed

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Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 29

Click the View Related Links button at the top of the page to open a page that
has the following options:
Go to Source Entry and Go to Source Adjustment: Open the Revenue Estimate -
Correction page, where you can change the source transaction and run the Budget
Go to Source Inquiry: Opens the Revenue Estimate - Review page, where you
can view the source transaction and run the Budget Processor.

The process to use the Revenue Estimate component is similar to using the Generic Exceptions component

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Commitment Control 9.1 PeopleBook, "Managing Budget Exceptions," Viewing and
Handling Budget Transaction Exceptions

Viewing Direct Journal Exceptions

Access the Misc Payment Exceptions page. (Click the View Exception Details button on the Misc Payment
Exception page for a specific budget line.)

Use the pages in the Direct Journal component (KK_XCP_AR2) to review the budget exceptions. If you have
authority, use the pages to override specific budgets for a failed transaction as well as all budgets for a failed

Click the View Related Links button at the top of the page to open a page that
has links to the Directly Journalled Payments page, where you can change the
source transaction and run the Budget Processor process.

The process to use the Direct Journal component is similar to using the Generic Exceptions component.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Commitment Control 9.1 PeopleBook, "Managing Budget Exceptions," Viewing and
Handling Budget Transaction Exceptions

932 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 30

Processing Multiple Currencies in

PeopleSoft Receivables
This chapter provides overviews of multicurrency processing in PeopleSoft Receivables, multicurrency
processing for items, multicurrency processing for payments, realized gain and loss processing, multicurrency
processing for statements, dunning letters, and overdue charges, multicurrency processing in history and
aging, and accounting entries for multicurrency transactions and discusses how to revalue transactions.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "Processing Multiple Currencies"

Understanding Multicurrency Processing

Multicurrency processing is fully integrated into PeopleSoft Receivables. It supports the common currency of
the European Union (the euro), as well as currency conversions, remeasurement, revaluation, and translation.
It also provides a complete audit trail of all multicurrency processing.

This section discusses:

• Types of currency

• Currency calculations

Types of Currency
PeopleSoft Enterprise applications use a currency code to identify and track individual currencies. Although
the system does not require it, we suggest that you use the International Standards Organization (ISO)
currency codes supplied with the application. You may use an unlimited number of currencies in PeopleSoft
Enterprise applications.

Base Currency

A business unit can have only one base currency. This is generally the local currency for the organization.
Accounting rules or other circumstances may dictate that it be different.

In PeopleSoft Receivables, you assign a base currency to each business unit on the general ledger Definition
page. PeopleSoft Receivables business units use the base currency of their associated general ledger business
units. Once established, the base currency of a general ledger business unit cannot be changed.

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Processing Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 30

The system stores all customer-level accounting data in the business unit base currency. This includes balance
information stored on the Customer Information and Balances table (PS_CUST_DATA), aging information
stored on the Customer Aging table (PS_CUST_AGING), and history information maintained on the
Customer History table (PS_CUST_HISTORY).

Entry and Payment Currency

Any currency in which a business unit conducts business—other than its base currency—is a foreign
currency. In PeopleSoft Receivables, we refer to a foreign currency as the entry currency when describing the
currency in which customers are billed and as the payment currency when describing the currency in which
customers pay.

The system stores all item-level accounting data in both the business unit base currency and the entry
currency. Maintaining accounting data in this parallel form enables you to view item-level information in
either currency.

Currency Calculations
The system performs several calculations when it works with multicurrency transactions.


Conversion is the exchange of one currency for another. In PeopleSoft Receivables, this refers to expressing
the value of foreign currency transactions in terms of the base currency. Conversion occurs in many places in
your PeopleSoft Receivables system.

When you receive items from a billing system, you can supply an entry amount in a foreign currency. The
system uses an exchange rate to convert the entry amount to the business unit base currency amount. When
you apply payments in one currency to items in a different currency, the system performs currency
conversion as necessary to enable payment application. During the revaluation of your current receivables
balance, the process revalues open items based on business unit base currency.

Exchange Rate

An exchange rate is the value of one currency expressed in terms of another. Actual exchange rates vary
based on the currency rate type that you use. There are several recognized currency rate types, including spot
(immediate), current, negotiated (discount and premium forward rates), average, and historical rates. The
system supports any number of exchange rates.

Unrealized Gains and Losses

An unrealized gain or loss represents the difference between the amount you would receive in your base
currency if your outstanding foreign currency accounts receivable balance were paid now, and the amount
you would have received if payment was made when the items were created. If the exchange rate is more
favorable now than when the items were created, you have an unrealized gain. If the exchange rate is less
favorable now, you have an unrealized loss.

934 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 30 Processing Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Receivables

Realized Gains and Losses

A realized gain or loss represents the actual increase or decrease, due to exchange rate fluctuations, in the
amount of money received in the base currency. The system determines realized gain or loss at payment time
and when you offset items on the maintenance worksheet or by running the Automatic Maintenance
Application Engine process (AR_AUTOMNT).

Understanding Multicurrency Processing for Items

This section discusses:

• Item entry.

• Maintenance worksheets.

• Automatic maintenance.

• Transfer worksheets.

Every item is associated with two amounts:

• An entry amount.

• A converted base amount.

Many pages that contain item amounts display (or offer the option to display) both of these amounts.

At any time, you can revalue open items and generate adjusting entries for the general ledger.

If an item is entered with a currency that is different from that of the business unit, then the system handles
currency conversion automatically. The currency conversion is based on the rate type, the exchange rate, and
the base currency of the business unit.

See Also

Chapter 30, "Processing Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Receivables," Revaluing Transactions, page 945

Item Entry
When you enter pending items online, you provide an entry amount and currency for each pending item. If
the entry currency is different from the business unit base currency, the system calculates the conversion and
displays both amounts. Conversion uses the currency rate type from the customer or from the business unit.
For groups of pending items, you can constrain all pending items to a selected currency; or you can leave
multicurrency items in a single group with the totals represented by hash marks (#). Group balancing is based
on the entry amount.

Billing systems may produce groups that contain invoices in multiple currencies, so you have the option to
specify a currency for the group or to leave the currency code blank and then specify the currency code on the
individual item. Currency conversion can occur before the interface or when you run the Receivable Update
Application Engine process (ARUPDATE).

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Processing Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 30

Maintenance Worksheets
Worksheet totals are in the anchor currency. The system calculates realized gain or loss information for
partially and completely offset items using the items' entry and base currencies.

You can select items on the maintenance worksheet in any currency. When the first item is selected, that
item's currency becomes the anchor currency for the worksheet. Optionally, you can establish an anchor
currency before the first item is selected on the worksheet.

On a maintenance worksheet with multiple currencies, if a rounding difference exists when the system
converts amounts, the Receivable Update process posts any leftover amounts using the rounding account code
that you assigned to the business unit on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 1 page.

Automatic Maintenance
The Automatic Maintenance process converts item amounts to a common currency and uses that currency for
the anchor currency for maintenance worksheets that it creates. The system calculates realized gain or loss
information for partially and completely offset items using the items' entry and base currencies.

If a rounding difference exists when the process converts amounts, the Receivable Update process posts any
leftover amounts using the rounding account code that you assigned to the business unit on the Receivables
Definition - Accounting Options 1 page.

Transfer Worksheets
Transfers can involve more than one currency, so the actual totals that display at the bottom of the worksheet
are represented by hash marks (#). The system uses the original exchange rate and rate type for transfers
when the base currency is the same. No realized gain or loss occurs as the result of a transfer.

Understanding Multicurrency Processing for Payments

This section discusses:

• Deposit and payment entry

• Payment worksheets

• Payment Predictor

• Draft worksheets

Payments carry both the payment amount and the converted base amount. The system handles conversion
automatically based on rate types, exchange rates, and the base currency of the business unit. You can apply
payments to items in different currencies. When an item is paid, the system calculates realized gain or loss
and generates accounting entries to reflect the gain or loss.

The deposit and payment status pages reflect the currency of the payment. Other pages that contain payment
amounts show both currencies—payment and base.

936 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 30 Processing Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Receivables

Deposit and Payment Entry

You can perform deposit entry using either of these methods:

• Limiting the deposit to only one currency.

• Entering a currency code for each payment.

If the deposit currency and the business unit base currency are different, the system stores both amounts in the

Payment Worksheets
When you apply a payment to items, the items do not have to have the same currency, and the payment does
not need to have the same currency as the items.

Worksheet totals appear in the payment currency. The system converts the sum of the selected items to the
payment currency to match the deposit and payment totals at the bottom of the worksheet. When an item is
partially or completely paid off on the payment worksheet, the system calculates realized gain or loss and
generates the adjusting accounting entries.

If a rounding difference exists when the system converts the amount, the Receivable Update process posts the
leftover amount using the rounding account code that you assigned to the business unit on the Receivables
Definition - Accounting Options 1 page.


Suppose that you have an invoice that is 12,565.39 USD, and you receive a EUR payment that converts to
12,565.40 USD. The Receivable Update process would post the .01 USD difference to the rounding account.

Note. If the transaction involves a realized gain or loss, the rounding account is not updated.

When the system calculates a realized gain or loss amount for an item, it includes in the calculation any gain
or loss amount that results from a difference in exchange rates.

See Also

Chapter 30, "Processing Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Receivables," Understanding Realized Gain and
Loss Processing, page 938

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Defining the Accounting Options 1 Page, page

Payment Predictor
The Payment Predictor Application Engine process (ARPREDCT) applies payments to items, including items
that do not share a single currency. Also, the payment may be in a different currency from the currencies of
the items. For VAT-related transactions, we recommend that you route Payment Predictor results that contain
remaining balance amounts to the payment worksheet.

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Processing Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 30

Payment Predictor calculates the realized gain or loss on items for all applied payments, even when the entry
currency for a payment differs from the item's base currency.

See Also

Chapter 9, "Setting Up Payment Predictor Processing," Payment Predictor and Multicurrency Processing,
page 264

Draft Worksheets
When you apply a draft to items, the items do not have to have the same currency, and the draft does not need
to have the same currency as the items.

Worksheet totals display in the draft currency. The system converts the sum of the selected items to the draft
currency to match the draft totals at the bottom of the worksheet.

Understanding Realized Gain and Loss Processing

Realized gains and losses are the actual increases and decreases, due to exchange rate fluctuations, in the
amount of money received in the base currency.

The system determines and generates realized gain or loss at payment time when you apply a payment on the
payment worksheet or when the Payment Predictor process applies payments. The system also determines
and generates realized gain or loss when you offset items using the Automatic Maintenance process or on the
maintenance worksheets. If an item is not paid in full or offset in full, the system calculates realized gain or
loss for a portion of the item at the time of partial payment or partial offset. All realized gain or loss figures
appear in the period in which the item is paid.

If PeopleSoft Payables is installed on your system, PeopleSoft Receivables does not create realized gain or
loss entries in the primary or secondary ledgers for a refund. PeopleSoft Payables generates any realized gain
or loss entries for the refund. If PeopleSoft Payables is not installed on your system, PeopleSoft Receivables
creates a real gain or loss entry in both the primary and secondary ledgers for a refund if required.

The Receivable Update process creates the realized gain or loss accounting entries and the Journal Generator
Application Engine process (FS_JGEN) summarizes them.

Note. If you pay for items using drafts, the system calculates the realized gain or loss for the item when the
cash is recognized at either the due date or the discount date when the draft status is Complete.

PeopleSoft Receivables calculates the realized gain or loss for discounts taken. The system performs the
calculation for discounts taken automatically in Payment Predictor or manually on a payment worksheet. The
system updates the Realized Gain/Loss account.


Suppose that you pay an item whose entry currency was 100.00 EUR and whose base currency was USD
90.00. The exchange rate at the time of entry was .9 USD equals 1 EUR. When the payment is made, the
exchange rate is .8 USD equals 1 EUR. A 2 percent discount was taken when the payment was made.

938 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 30 Processing Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Receivables

When the payment is made, the accounting entries would look like this:

Transaction Entry Currency Entry Currency Base Currency Base Currency

Debit Credit Debit Credit

Cash (debit) 98.00 EUR 78.40 USD

Discount expense 2.00 EUR 1.60 USD


Discount realized .20 USD

gain/loss (debit)

Receivables 9.80 USD

realized gain/loss

Receivables 100.00 EUR 90.00 USD

account * (credit)

* For drafts, the receivables account is the last updated debit account in the draft life cycle (for example,
remitted draft receivables or draft cash control). For all other payments, the receivables account is the AR

Understanding Multicurrency Processing for Statements, Dunning

Letters, and Overdue Charges
Customer statements, dunning letters, and overdue charge invoices display the foreign currency information
for an item and calculate customer totals by foreign currency. If a correspondence customer has open items in
more than one foreign currency, the items are grouped and totaled by foreign currency. However, you may
also choose to generate the correspondence in a single display currency by choosing a currency from the
respective correspondence request on the Display Currency page.

Understanding Multicurrency Processing in History and Aging

The Aging Application Engine process (AR_AGING), which updates summary aging information, uses the
base currency amount for items. The Receivable Update process also uses the base currency amounts to
update user-defined history, payment performance history elements, and days sales outstanding.

Because the base currency balance of open items can vary due to currency fluctuations, you can generate
aging reports using different values. The item balance can be the business unit base value, the value based on
a specified rate, or the balance in the entry currency.

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Processing Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 30

Understanding Accounting Entries for Multicurrency Transactions

If you enter pending items or payments in a currency other than the business unit base currency, accounting
entries carry currency information. PeopleSoft Receivables displays accounting entries as follows:

Entry Type Currency Type

Receivables entries. Entry and business unit base currencies.

Cash entries. Payment and business unit base currencies.

User-defined entries. Entry and business unit base currencies.

Realized or unrealized gain/loss entries. Base currency.

You can display the totals on the Accounting Entries page in the entry, payment, or base currency.

You create accounting entries for unrealized gain or loss when you run the Receivables Revaluation
Application Engine process (AR_REVAL). Accounting entries are also created when you run the Receivable
Update process.

The accounting entries generated show both realized gain or loss, and unrealized gain or loss. The system
creates accounting entries for realized gain or loss based on the items paid on the maintenance or payment

For a partial payment, the system calculates realized gain or loss based on the payment amount.

The system stores realized gain and loss accounting entries in the Item Distribution (PS_ITEM_DST) table
along with other accounting entries generated by the system. It stores unrealized gain or loss accounting
entries in their own table (PS_RVL_ACCTG_LN_AR). The Journal Generator process creates and writes
journal entries to the Journal Line table (PS_JRNL_LN) and the Journal Header (PS_JRNL_HEADER) table
in the process of selecting and summarizing accounting entries in general ledger journal entries.

Note. The Journal Generator processes unrealized gain or loss accounting entries as a separate request.

Multibook Processing
If you select the multibook option on the Installation Options - Overall page, the Receivable Update process
creates accounting entries for both the primary ledger and secondary ledgers, including translation ledgers.
Each ledger may have a different currency. Secondary ledgers have the same foreign amount currency as the
primary ledgers. Translation ledgers create accounting differently than primary and secondary ledgers. When
a translation ledger is created, the base currency of the primary ledger becomes the transaction or foreign
currency of the translation ledger. This amount is then converted to the base currency of the translation

940 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 30 Processing Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Receivables


Suppose that you enter an item in EUR for a business unit whose base currency is CAD. The base currency
for the secondary ledger is EUR. The base currency for the translation ledger is USD. In this case, the process
would create entries in these currencies:

Ledger Foreign Currency Base Currency

(Transaction Currency)

Primary Ledger EUR CAD

Secondary Ledger EUR EUR

Translation Ledger CAD USD

Note. Multibook functionality does not apply to direct journal payments. Therefore, secondary lines are not
created for direct journals.

Rate Types for Secondary Ledgers

The method that the system uses to obtain the rate type for secondary ledgers varies based on the type of
transaction. This table shows how it obtains the rate types for the different types of transactions.

Transaction Type Method

Online pending item entry The system does the following:

• If a rate type exists for the secondary ledger on the
Ledger Group - Definition page, it uses that rate type.

• If a rate type isn't defined for the secondary ledger,

the system uses the rate type on the pending item.

• If the pending item has no rate type, the system uses

the default rate type for the secondary ledger on the
Ledger Group - Definition page.

The system populates the rate type for the pending

item based on the value assigned to the customer. If
the customer has no rate type, it uses the rate type for
the business unit as defined on the Receivables
Options - Payment Options page.

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Processing Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 30

Transaction Type Method

Payment worksheets The system does the following:

• If a rate type exists for the secondary ledger on the
Ledger Group - Definition page, it uses that rate type.

• If a rate type isn't defined for the secondary ledger,

the system uses the rate type entered for the deposit
on the Totals page.

• If the deposit has no rate type, the system uses the

default rate type for the secondary ledger on the
Ledger Group - Definition page.

The system populates the rate type for the deposit

based on rate type for the business unit as defined on
the Receivables Options - Payment Options page.

Maintenance worksheets The system does the following:

• If a rate type exists for the secondary ledger on the
Ledger Group - Definition page, it uses that rate type.

• If a rate type isn't defined for the secondary ledger,

the system uses the rate type entered for the
maintenance worksheet on the Worksheet Selection

• If the worksheet has no rate type, the system uses the

default rate type for the secondary ledger on the
Ledger Group - Definition page.

The system populates the rate type for the worksheet

based on rate type for the business unit as defined on
the Receivables Options - Payment Options page.

Transfer worksheets The system does the following:

• If a rate type exists for the secondary ledger on the
Ledger Group - Definition page, it uses that rate type.

• If a rate type isn't defined for the secondary ledger,

the system uses the default rate type for the secondary
ledger on the Ledger Group - Definition page.

942 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 30 Processing Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Receivables

Transaction Type Method

Customer-initiated drafts The system does the following:

• If a rate type exists for the secondary ledger on the
Ledger Group - Definition page, it uses that rate type.

• If a rate type isn't defined for the secondary ledger,

the system uses the rate type entered for the draft on
the Draft Entry page.

• If the draft has no rate type, the system uses the

default rate type for the secondary ledger on the
Ledger Group - Definition page.

The system populates the rate type for draft creation

based on rate type for the business unit as defined on
the Receivables Options - Payment Options page.

Vendor-initiated drafts The system does the following:

• If a rate type exists for the secondary ledger on the
Ledger Group - Definition page, it uses that rate type.

• If a rate type isn't defined for the secondary ledger,

the system uses the default rate type for the secondary
ledger on the Ledger Group - Definition page.

Direct debits The system does the following:

• If a rate type exists for the secondary ledger on the
Ledger Group - Definition page, it uses that rate type.

• If the ledger group does not have a rate type, the

system uses the default rate type for the ledger group.

This flowchart shows how the system obtains the rate type for the secondary ledger entries. If the rate type
exists in the ledger group, then secondary ledgers are created with that rate type. If the rate type exists in a
pending item, then secondary ledgers are created with that rate type. If the rate type does not exist in the
ledger group or in the pending item, then secondary ledgers are created with the default rate type of the ledger

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Processing Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 30

Creation of secondary ledgers using rate types

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "Processing Multiple Currencies,"

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Ledgers," Multibook Ledgers

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Ledgers," Defining a Ledger

The pages used to define the currency codes, rate types, and exchange rates for currency conversion are
common to all PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials Management Solutions and Supply Chain Management
applications. You set up the currency tables once for all applications.

In addition to setting up currency tables, you must assign the currency codes to business units and setIDs.
Currency controls include the base currency for each business unit, the default currency and rate types for
customers and origins, and the accounting entry templates for realized and unrealized gain or loss.

Before you can process items and payments in multiple currencies, you must perform these tasks:

• Confirm that the currencies you use in your organization are already defined on the Currency Code page.

944 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 30 Processing Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Receivables

• Assign a base currency to the general ledger business units with which your PeopleSoft Receivables
business units are associated on the PeopleSoft General Ledger Definition page.

Note. You cannot change the base currency associated with a PeopleSoft Receivables business unit.

• Set the default rate type for business units on the Receivables Options - Payment Options page.

Note. You can override the default rate type for individual customers when you set them up, and you can
override the default for individual items during pending item entry.

• Set up distribution codes for unrealized gains and losses.

• Set up a distribution code for the AR account for translation ledgers if you enabled the multibook option.

• Link the distribution codes that you created to business units on the Receivables Definition - Accounting
Options 1 page.

• Assign a rounding account for leftover amounts from currency conversion on worksheets to each business
unit on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 1 page.

• Specify the journal template to use when the system transfers revaluation information to the general
ledger for each PeopleSoft Receivables business unit on Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 1

See Also

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," page 19

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Setting Up Distribution Codes, page 80

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "Processing Multiple Currencies,"
Maintaining Currency Tables

Revaluing Transactions
This section provides an overview of the Revaluation Application Engine process (AR_REVAL) and
discusses how to:

1. Run the Revaluation process.

2. Review revaluation accounting entries.

Understanding the Revaluation Application Engine Process

Revaluation restates the current receivables balance in the base currency, generating figures for unrealized
gain or loss. As exchange rates fluctuate between the base currency and foreign currencies, the current value
of open items changes. Companies generally revalue accounts at the end of each accounting period, resulting
in adjusted entries that recognize unrealized gain or loss.

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Processing Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 30

Note. If you use drafts to pay for items, the revaluation process also includes items paid by drafts until the
draft status is Complete. The status for remitted drafts is complete when the cash is recognized on the due
date, the discount date, or during bank reconciliation.

Some companies perform revaluation within their general ledger system. Others revalue in the source system
and send resulting journals to the general ledger. The revaluation option is designed for companies that
revalue in PeopleSoft Receivables and then send the results to their general ledger.

The Receivables Revaluation process performs revaluation and generates unrealized gain or loss information
by currency based on a specified rate type. You can use the unrealized gain or loss information to create an
accrual entry for the general ledger that is reversed when you revalue again and make the next accrual.

Accounting Entry Summarization

You can summarize accounting entries at three levels:

• Business unit level.

• Customer level.

• Item level.

You make this choice on the Receivables Options - Payment Options page.

If you choose to summarize at the business unit level, the values for customer ID and item ID will be zero. If
you choose to summarize at the customer level, the values for the item ID will be zero. If you summarize at
the item level, each field contains a value.

The following examples show the accounting entries that the process would create using different
summarization levels on the Receivables Options - Payment Options page for the following scenario:

• The business unit FRA01 has a base currency of EUR.

• The unrealized gain account is 68001.

• The unrealized loss account is 68002.

946 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 30 Processing Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Receivables

• The revaluation process includes the following invoices:

Customer Invoice Number AR Account Unrealized Gain or


A111 A1 12000 +10.00

A111 A2 22000 -40.00

A111 A3 12000 +50.00

B222 B1 22000 +20.00

B222 B2 12000 -80.00

If you summarize at the business unit level, the process creates the following accounting entries:

Business Customer Invoice Currency Account Debit Credit


FRA01 0 0 EUR 68002 40.00

FRA01 0 0 EUR 12000 20.00

FRA01 0 0 EUR 22000 20.00

If you summarize at the customer unit level, the process creates the following accounting entries:

Business Customer Invoice Currency Account Debit Credit


FRA01 A111 0 EUR 68001 20.00

FRA01 B222 0 EUR 68002 60.00

FRA01 A111 0 EUR 12000 60.00

FRA01 A111 0 EUR 22000 40.00

FRA01 B222 0 EUR 12000 80.00

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Processing Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 30

Business Customer Invoice Currency Account Debit Credit


FRA01 B222 0 EUR 22000 20.00

If you summarize at the item level, the process creates the following accounting entries:

Business Customer Invoice Currency Account Debit Credit


FRA01 A111 A1 EUR 68001 10.00

FRA01 A111 A1 EUR 12000 10.00

FRA01 A111 A2 EUR 68002 40.00

FRA01 A111 A2 EUR 22000 40.00

FRA01 A111 A3 EUR 68001 50.00

FRA01 A111 A3 EUR 12000 50.00

FRA01 B222 B1 EUR 68001 20.00

FRA01 B222 B1 EUR 22000 20.00

FRA01 B222 B1 EUR 68002 80.00

FRA01 B222 B1 EUR 12000 80.00

Before you run the Receivables Revaluation process, perform these tasks:

• Determine how you want to view unrealized gains and losses on financial statements.

If you want to view them separately, create one distribution code for unrealized gains and another for
unrealized losses. Otherwise, create one distribution code for both unrealized gain and unrealized loss.

• Determine at what level you want to summarize the accounting entries for each business unit on the
Receivables Options - Payment Options page.

• Run the Receivable Update process for all business units whose transactions you want to revalue.

948 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 30 Processing Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Receivables

See Also

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Setting Up Distribution Codes, page 80

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Defining Payment Options, page 32

Chapter 28, "Posting and Unposting Groups," Running Receivable Update, page 887

Pages Used to Revalue Transactions

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Receivables Revaluation RVL_RUN_CNTL_AR Accounts Receivable, Run the Revaluation

(process) Receivables Update, process.
Revaluation, Request
Revaluation, Receivables

Receivables Revaluation RVL_AR_ACCTG_ENTS Accounts Receivable, View the accounting entries

(inquiry) Receivables Update, that the Revaluation process
Revaluation, Review created for unrealized gain
Receivables Revaluation, or loss.
Receivables Revaluation

Running the Revaluation Application Engine Process

Access the Receivables Revaluation (process) page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update,
Revaluation, Request Revaluation, Receivables Revaluation.)

Check Only Select to run the Revaluation process without distributing the accounting entries
to the general ledger. The accounting entries are created, but are marked Hold,
and are not available for distribution to the general ledger.
If this check box is selected, you can run this process as many times as needed to
evaluate results using various rate types. Each time you run the process, it deletes
any entries marked Hold from the previous run and creates new entries.

Rate Type Select the exchange rate type for revaluation.

Entry Currency Code Select a currency code to revalue a single currency. Use a single currency to
evaluate your exposure to certain unstable currencies without running the whole
To revalue all currencies, leave this field blank.

Account Override the default receivables account for the item, if needed.

Accounting Date Enter the accounting date for the revalued amount of each item.

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Processing Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 30

Note. The Receivables Revaluation process revalues only the items that you select to revalue. By default, the
system revalues all items. You can override the default for a single item on the View/Update Item Details -
Detail 1 page or on the detail information pages linked to a worksheet. You view a detail information page
from any worksheet, but you can change the revalue flag only from the maintenance, payment, or draft

See Also

Chapter 23, "Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information," Changing Discount, Payment, and Draft Options
and Customer Relationship Information, page 723

Reviewing Revaluation Accounting Entries

Access the Receivables Revaluation (inquiry) page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update,
Revaluation, Review Receivables Revaluation, Receivables Revaluation.)

Currency The page displays one row for each currency that you revalued.

Accounting Date Displays the date that the Journal Generator process uses when creating journals
for the general ledger.

Distribution Status Indicates if accounting entries with the specified currency have been incorporated
in journals generated for the general ledger. Values are:
H (hold): You selected the Check Only check box on the run control request.
D (distributed): The Journal Generator process created journals that include
revaluation entries in the currency. In this case, the general ledger Journal ID and
Journal Date fields appear. When you run the Revaluation process, the system
deletes all existing entries in the currency that have not yet been distributed to the
general ledger.

Note. If entries are unbalanced, look for a missing distribution code or journal template. Because the Journal
Generator process selects accounting entries based on their journal template, each line must have a journal
template associated with it when it is created. The system uses the journal template specified on the
Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 1 page and creates unbalanced entries if the template is missing.

950 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 31

Using Document Sequencing in

PeopleSoft Receivables
This chapter provides overviews of document sequencing and document sequencing with PeopleSoft
Receivables transactions, and discusses how to:

• Change document types and document sequence numbers.

• Change or delete documents with document sequence numbers.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining Document Sequencing"

Understanding Document Sequencing

Some countries legally require that all financial transactions or documents be classified into different
transaction types, and that within each transaction type, all documents be numbered sequentially. The
document sequencing feature helps maintain established business practices by ensuring that the following
requirements are met:

• You can create documents online or through background (batch) processing.

• When you activate the document sequencing feature, the PeopleSoft system assigns a sequence number to
each document, such as an item or journal.

• You can manually enter document sequence numbers.

• The system adjusts document sequence numbering when you delete, change, or unpost a document.

This section discusses:

• PeopleSoft Receivables document types.

• PeopleSoft Receivables group types and document types.

• Document types and PeopleSoft Receivables accounting entries.

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Using Document Sequencing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 31

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining Document Sequencing," How
the System Assigns Sequence Numbers

PeopleSoft Receivables Document Types

After you set up the system for document sequencing, you can define the receivables document types, such as
AR-CASH and AR-MAINT, by using the Document Type page.

Use the Sequence Range field to set up sequence ranges. Select the Automatic Numbering field if you want
the system to generate document sequence numbers automatically.

PeopleSoft Receivables Group Types and Document Types

Documents in PeopleSoft Receivables include billing (items or invoices), overdue charges, payments, direct
debits, drafts, transfer worksheets, and maintenance worksheets. Each document is associated with a group
type. For example, the group type for payment is P.

You create document types and assign a document type to each group type. The system determines whether to
assign a document sequence number automatically to an item in a group based on the document type that is
assigned to the group type. You assign a document type to a group type on the Group Types page.

Note. For group types that the system creates in background processing, you must assign a document type
that is set up for automatic numbering.

Because you enable the document sequencing option at the installation and the general ledger business unit
level, all or none of the documents in the group have document sequence numbers.

See Also

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Setting Up Group Types and Group
Origins, page 111

Document Types and Receivables Accounting Entries

Use the Journal Generator Template - Defaults and Summarization pages to assign a document type to the
accounting entries that PeopleSoft Receivables generates. The Journal Generator Application Engine process
(FS_JGEN) uses this information to assign document sequence numbers to journals.

To retain and pass the document sequence numbers to PeopleSoft General Ledger, access the Summarization
page and then select the Retain Detail in the How Default Specified field.

952 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 31 Using Document Sequencing in PeopleSoft Receivables

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Using Journal Generator," Setting Up for
Journal Generator

Understanding Document Sequencing with PeopleSoft Receivables

This section describes how document sequencing affects the following transactions and activities in
PeopleSoft Receivables processing:

• Overdue charges.

• Payments.

• Drafts.

• Direct debits.

• Maintenance worksheets and transfer worksheets.

• Posting and unposting.

• Interunit accounting entries.

Overdue Charges
Because the system creates overdue charges in a background process, you must assign a document type to the
overdue charge group type that is set up for automatic numbering.

When you receive payments, the transaction may or may not have a document sequence number. If document
sequencing is enabled for the business unit, either the Payment Predictor Application Engine process
(ARPREDCT) or the payment worksheet automatically assigns a number.

Because the Payment Predictor process and payment worksheets generate items and assign document
sequence numbers by using background processes, you must assign a document type, which is set up for
automatic numbering, to the payment group type to get the proper next sequential number assigned.

Payment Worksheets

If you want to enter a document sequence number manually for a payment worksheet, you can assign a
document type that is set up for manual numbering when you build the worksheet and then assign a document
sequence number. If the worksheet uses the default document type, the system assigns a document sequence
number when you save the worksheet.

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Using Document Sequencing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 31

The document sequence number is at the worksheet level. Accounting entries for all items that are created or
selected by the worksheet have the same document sequence number as the payment.

Payment Predictor

The Payment Predictor process assigns a document sequence number to payments that do not already have
the document sequence number assigned when it generates worksheets or when it creates a payment group.

Direct Journal Accounting Entries

Direct journal accounting entries have the same document sequence information as the payment.

Cash Control Accounting

For cash control payments that are entered in a payment interface, such as a lockbox, a bank statement, or an
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transmission, the system assigns the document sequence number when it
creates the payment and accounting entries.

Cash control accounting entries have the same document sequence information as the payment.

The system automatically assigns a document sequence number for each draft accounting event. The setup for
each draft event on the Business Events page for document sequencing determines whether you assign a
document type to the Draft group type or to an event that is associated with a bank account that has a Draft
payment method.

Because the process that creates the drafts must be able to assign a document sequence number automatically,
you must assign a document type to the group type or the draft event that is set up for automatic numbering.

The Receivable Update Application Engine process (ARUPDATE) assigns the document sequence number to
drafts each time that it processes a draft event.

The system provides the default document type when you approve a draft on a draft worksheet. If you want to
change the document type, you click the Document Sequence button to access the Document Sequence page.
If you select a document type that is set up for manual numbering, you must enter a document sequence
number before you save the draft. If you select a document type that is set up for automatic numbering, the
system assigns a number when you save the draft.

See Also

Chapter 11, "Setting Up Draft Processing," Reviewing Business Events and Subevents, page 341

Direct Debits
Because the background process that creates the direct debits must be able to assign a document sequence
number automatically, you must assign a document type to the direct debit group type that is set up for
automatic numbering.

954 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 31 Using Document Sequencing in PeopleSoft Receivables

If you select a document type that is set up for manual numbering, you must enter a document sequence
number before you submit the request. If you select a document type that is set up for automatic numbering,
the system assigns a number when you submit the request.

Maintenance Worksheets and Transfer Worksheets

You should assign a document type to the maintenance and transfer group types that is set up for automatic
numbering. If you want to enter a document sequence number manually, you can assign a document type that
is set up for manual numbering when you build the worksheet, and then assign a document sequence number.
If the worksheet uses the default document type, the system assigns a document sequence number when you
save the worksheet.

The document sequence number is at the worksheet level. All accounting entries that result from the items
that you create or that the worksheet selects have the same document sequence number.

Posting and Unposting

The Receivable Update process verifies that all accounting entries (except interunit entries) have a document
sequence date. If a value is in only one of these fields—document sequence number and document sequence
date—on the pending item distribution table (PS_PENDING_DST), the system issues a document sequencing
error for the item and the process does not post the item. If both fields are blank, the process automatically
assigns both numbers. The document sequencing date is the system date and the sequencing number is
assigned based on the accounting date of the item.

For example, if you created an item on January 22, 2004 and the item accounting date is December 19, 2003:

• The document sequencing date is January 22, 2004.

• The document sequence number is assigned by the system in the December 2003 range for the default
document type for these transactions.

When you unpost a group and document sequencing is enabled, the system creates an unpost group with
accounting entries that have a new document sequence number using the original document type. However,
the system uses the document type that you define for the Unpost group type on the Group Type page if:

• The Keep Original Document Type check box is not selected on the Options page of the appropriate
unpost group component.

• The Keep Original Document Type check box is selected and the document type is a manual type.

If you unpost a group that has transactions with both interunit accounting entries and document sequencing,
the system uses a different document type for the interunit transactions. The system uses the document type
that is assigned to the business unit for interunit accounting entries on the Business Unit Definition page.

See Also

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Establishing General Ledger Business Unit
Defaults, page 44

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Using Document Sequencing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 31

Interunit Accounting Entries

When you create accounting entries by using the Pending Group Generator Application Engine process
(AR_PGG_SERV) for interunit transactions, the accounting entries that are for the general ledger business
unit that initiates the interunit entries inherit the document type from the transaction itself. For interunit
accounting entries, the posting process automatically assigns document sequence numbers by using this
document type.

However, the accounting entries for the other general ledger business units that are involved in the interunit
transaction have blank values in the document type, document sequence number, and document sequence date
fields. The Journal Generator process fills in the document sequence values for entries in the other general
ledger business units.

Changing Document Types and Document Sequence Numbers

If you generate documents online, use the Document Sequence page to specify document sequence values for
documents. Use this page to override the default document type for a receivable transaction. If you enter
document sequence numbers manually, use this page to manually enter a document sequence number.

Because you assign a document type to each group type, the system automatically assigns a default document
type to each item when you enter the item.

Suppose that the AR-CASH document type is set to automatic numbering. On the Document Sequence page,
the document sequence number changes to Next by default. If you do not select automatic numbering, you
cannot edit the Document Sequence Number field. When you save the group, the system assigns the
document sequence number to the item.

Note. Invoices that come from PeopleSoft Billing should already have document sequence numbers. The
system handles their document sequencing the same way that it handles other PeopleSoft Receivables items.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining Document Sequencing,"
Entering Document Sequence Numbers Online

Changing or Deleting Documents with Document Sequence

The system assigns a document sequence number when you save an entered item. After you save an item, you
enter a reason for the deletion for the audit trail.

If you change the accounting date or document type after the system assigns a document sequence number,
you may need to assign a new number depending on local laws and regulations. If you assign a new number
or change a manually entered number, the system deletes the original number and records the change for the
audit trail. It also validates the new number based on the setup options.

956 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 31 Using Document Sequencing in PeopleSoft Receivables

If you delete a document sequence number, you must specify a reason for the audit trail. If you try to delete
the whole group and more than one item in the group has a document sequence number, the system displays
an error message asking you to delete each item one by one. You then must delete items row by row and enter
the reason for the deletion. If tonly one item is in the group, you can delete the whole group and the system
prompts you to enter the reason for the deletion.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining Document Sequencing,"
Modifying a Document

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Chapter 32

Understanding Tax Processing in

PeopleSoft Receivables
This chapter discusses:

• Value-added tax (VAT) in PeopleSoft Receivables.

• PeopleSoft Billing integration for VAT processing.

• VAT calculation types and declaration points.

• VAT calculations for advance payments and on-account payments.

• VAT adjustment for advance payments and on-account payments.

• VAT calculations for drafts and direct debits.

• VAT calculations for discounts.

• VAT calculations for write-offs.

• VAT calculations for credits that offset debits.

• VAT calculations for credit item refunds.

• Prerequisite setup for VAT processing.

• (IND) Excise duty, sales tax, and VAT processing for India.

• (IND) Prerequisite setup for excise duty, sales tax, and VAT processing in India.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with VAT"

VAT in PeopleSoft Receivables

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to record and report VAT information associated with items.

Important! Although PeopleSoft Receivables records and verifies VAT amounts, it does not derive the
original tax amounts unless you enter items directly in PeopleSoft Receivables. Your billing system or
manual billing process is responsible for calculating VAT.

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Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 32

The system calculates VAT based on the information that you enter during setup (for example, VAT codes,
which determine the VAT rates that the system uses).

The system loads the VAT information on your transactions into the VAT transaction table and then into the
VAT reporting tables, which you can use to create VAT returns and other VAT reports.

This section provides an overview of VAT and discusses:

• VAT information and defaults.

• VAT accounting entries.

• VAT validation.

• Transaction processing and reporting.

• VAT transaction table.

• VAT reports.

VAT Information and Defaults

As in all PeopleSoft Enterprise applications that process VAT transactions, you set up VAT defaulting in
PeopleSoft Receivables in one common VAT defaults table using VAT drivers, which control the VAT
settings at the various levels of the VAT defaulting hierarchy. You access the VAT Defaults Setup pages
either from the application pages (for example, the customer General Information component
(CUSTOMER_GENERAL) or the Receivables Options component (BUS_UNIT_OPT_AR1) for business
units or by means of the VAT Defaults setup component (VAT_DEFAULT_SEARCH), in which case you
specify the driver that you want to define.

The VAT drivers make up all of the levels of the defaulting hierarchy, and the common default records store
the hierarchical default data in such a way as to make retrieval of the appropriate defaults efficient. For
example, a VAT default specified for a customer address sequence is used before a default for a receivables
business unit. Furthermore, within each VAT driver, defaults specified by country and state are more specific
and come before defaults by country only, which in turn are more specific and come before defaults in which
both the country and state are omitted.

If you need to establish default values for the additional VAT treatment determinants that are specific for
services, you can do this using the Services VAT Treatment Defaults Setup component
(VAT_DEF_SER_SEARCH). Like the VAT Defaults setup component, this component uses VAT drivers to
supply the default values at various levels of the hierarchy. For any applicable driver, you can define the usual
place of supply of the service, or the place where the VAT is liable, whether it is the supplier's location,
customer's location, or the place where the service is actually performed, depending on the type of service.
You can also specify whether the service is freight transport or other.

The following table lists the VAT drivers and associated VAT driver keys used by PeopleSoft Receivables in
the VAT default hierarchy sequence from most specific to least specific for the VAT Defaults component.
The table lists the drivers that control defaults for the services VAT treatment:

960 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

VAT Driver VAT Driver Country State Applicable to Applicable to

Keys Regular VAT Services VAT
Defaults Treatment

CUST_ADDR_SEQ Customer Optional Optional Yes Yes

Customer Location
Customer ID

CUSTOMER Customer Optional Optional Yes Yes

Customer ID

BUS_UNIT_OPT_A SetID Optional Optional Yes Yes

AR Options

VAT_ENT_RGSTR VAT Entity Required Optional Yes No

VAT Entity

COUNTRY_VAT_T Country Not Optional Yes No

BL applicabl
VAT Country

The detailed description of the fields set at the various levels is discussed in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Global
Options and Reports 9.0 PeopleBook.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with VAT," Establishing VAT

VAT Accounting Entries

The Receivable Update Application Engine process (ARUPDATE) creates both regular accounting entries
and VAT accounting entries.

For general ledger purposes, the system bases the VAT entries on the accounting date. For tax reporting
purposes, the system also records and uses the tax declaration date, which may be the same as the accounting
date. The declaration date is set during pending item entry, either on the VAT Header page or in your billing

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Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 32

Note. The system does not fully support VAT processing and multiple offset accounting lines when
ChartField inheritance is in use. If you are processing items with VAT and multiple accounting lines (for
example, multiple user-defined lines entered on accounting templates or by means of online pending item
entry), and you have defined any ChartField inheritance options as Always Inherit, that ChartField may be
out of balance due to the VAT amount. The amounts can be allocated across the accounting entries to make
the entries balance. The ChartField may not balance in PeopleSoft General Ledger.

VAT Validation
Here is how the system validates VAT information:

• It compares the totals of the entered VAT lines with the control totals on the pending item.

• It compares the VAT transaction amount and the VAT amount to the total item amount for items entered
in PeopleSoft Receivables.

If an item is interfaced from PeopleSoft Billing, PeopleSoft Billing calculates the amounts.

• It validates and tracks the VAT registration IDs of some countries.

Note. The system automatically calculates the VAT amount if you enter pending items online.

You cannot post a pending item unless the first validation is successful. The sum of the transaction amounts
for each VAT line must equal the control transaction amount, and the VAT amounts total must equal the
control VAT amount. Also the VAT transaction amount and VAT amount for each item must equal the total
amount of the item.

The system receives VAT information for external groups and edits both the entered and calculated totals for
validity. If the calculated totals and the entered totals do not match, the system first checks the VAT tolerance
percentage. If the difference exceeds the percentage, the system checks the tolerance amount. If both the
percentage and the tolerance amount are exceeded, the system assigns the status Calc Error (calculation
error). If the percentage is exceeded but the amount is not, the tolerance is met and the system assigns the
item the status No Error. If you receive an error, you can review the VAT entries for the group and make
corrections, as necessary.

Note. PeopleSoft Receivables allows a within-tolerance difference because the Receivable Update process,
reporting, and journals are always based on the VAT amount shown on the invoice as sent to the customer.

You can enter a VAT Registration ID for an item online, receive an ID from an external billing system, enter
an ID on the Identification page of the VAT Entity component, or enter an ID on the Customer VAT Info
page of the General Information component as long as the country associated with the VAT Registration ID
has been set up on the VAT Country Options page.

When you set up a VAT entity for a country, you must enter a VAT Registration ID. If you do not enter a
Registration ID, the system displays a message informing you that this is a required field. Once you have
entered a VAT Registration ID, the system validates whether the Registration ID is correct. If it is incorrect,
the system displays another message, which instructs you to enter a correct ID.

You are not required to enter a VAT Registration ID for a country on the Customer VAT Info page. When
you select the country on this page, a 2-character country code appears, as needed, next to the VAT
Registration ID field. If you choose to enter a VAT Registration ID on this page for a country that has been
set up on the VAT Country Options page, the system does not validate the VAT Registration ID that you
enter for every country. The system will only validate the VAT Registration ID for the countries on this list:

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Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

• Australia — AUS

• Belgium — BEL

• Canada — CAN

• France — FRA

• Germany — DEU

• Ireland — IRL

• Italy — ITA

• Netherlands — NLD

• New Zealand — NZL

• Spain — ESP

• United Kingdom — GBR

Note. Use the VAT Header page to review VAT information for external groups or to enter VAT information
for internal groups that have not been posted.

Transaction Processing and Reporting

PeopleSoft Receivables has the following transaction processing and reporting capabilities:

• Supports multiple VAT accounting entries per pending item.

• Moves VAT liability from an intermediate VAT account to a final VAT account at payment time (when
using a Payment declaration point).

• Adjusts VAT liabilities at the time of payment for write-offs, discounts, drafts, direct debits, and bank

• Adjusts VAT liabilities, as needed, for advance payments and on-account payments.

• Rounds VAT amounts based on rules that you define.

You can apply different rounding rules for each VAT country and override the default rounding options
for each VAT entity, customer, or transaction. The rounding options are:

• Normal rounding (to the nearest unit).

For example, the system rounds down all values less than .49 and rounds up all values greater than or
equal to .50.

• Rounding up.

• Rounding down.

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Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 32

The rounding options apply to VAT amounts in both the item VAT header and the individual VAT lines. The
system adjusts any discrepancies between the VAT header amount and the total of the VAT lines in the larger
of the two amounts.

The Payment Predictor process (ARPREDCT) calls the common VAT defaulting routines to update the VAT
default values for prepayments and on-account items that it creates. If an error occurs, the process creates a
payment worksheet so that you can correct the invalid information online.

VAT Transaction Table

You should run the VAT Transaction Loader Application Engine process (FS_VATUPDFS) periodically to
update the VAT transaction table. Each time that the VAT Transaction Loader process runs, it picks up all
VAT, regardless of the tax declaration date, that you have not already posted to the VAT transaction table.
The system posts information to the VAT transaction table at a detail level to retain a complete history of
VAT transactions.

VAT Reports
From the VAT transaction table, you can run the VAT Reporting SQR process (VAT1001) to copy VAT
transaction information to the VAT reporting tables. For each VAT report instance, you can then use the
PeopleSoft VAT reporting capabilities to view the status of your VAT liabilities and prepare your VAT

Domestic Reverse Charge Goods VAT

In the United Kingdom, specified categories of goods being traded between businesses are subject to a VAT
accounting provision called the domestic reverse charge, which is applicable above a certain sale amount.
The reverse charge only applies to sales within the United Kingdom where specified goods are purchased by
a VAT-registered business for business purposes – sales to non-business customers are unaffected by the
change and normal VAT rules continue to apply. For additional information about VAT domestic reverse
charges see the PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with VAT," Overriding
VAT Defaults and Settings.

To identify a transactions that includes a domestic reverse charge, PeopleSoft Receivables includes fields to
record domestic reverse charges, including:

Domestic Reverse Select this check box if the country requires the use of the domestic reverse
Charge Goods charge provision.

Customer VAT Code Enter the customer VAT code used to calculate a domestic reverse charge VAT
amount. When the Domestic Reverse Charge Goods check box has been selected,
the regular VAT code is replaced by a zero-rate VAT code and the customer
VAT code is used instead.

Customer VAT Rate Displays the rate from the customer VAT code.

964 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

Customer Amount Displays the customer VAT amount for domestic reverse charges that are
calculated using the Customer VAT Code.

Treatment For the sale of goods when the domestic reverse charge provision is required
enter the value of Domestic Reverse Charge Sale in the Treatment field.

The following pages and components within PeopleSoft Receivables contain fields to record domestic reverse

• The Receivables Options - VAT Defaults page defines the default values for VAT processing. Click the
VAT Default link to access the VAT Defaults Setup page. This page includes the Domestic Reverse
Charge field (enter a yes or no value to indicate the use of the domestic reverse charge provision) and the
Domestic Reverse Charge Sales field to enter a VAT Transaction Type code for domestic reverse charges.

See Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Defining VAT Defaults, page 35.

• Pending Item components. Several domestic reverse charges fields are located within the Pending Items
components on the VAT Summary Information page and the VAT Lines page.

See Chapter 18, "Entering Pending Items," Understanding Pending Item Components, page 516.

• The VAT Detail page located within the Payment Worksheet component.

See Chapter 21, "Applying Payments," Pages Used to Apply Payments Using Payment Worksheets, page

• The Item VAT Entries page within the View/Update Item Details component contains the Domestic
Reverse Charge Goods check box, the Customer VAT Code field, the Customer VAT Rate field, and the
Customer Amount field.

See Chapter 23, "Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information," Reviewing VAT Entries, page 733.

• The VAT Detail page located within the Draft Worksheet component.

See Chapter 26, "Managing Drafts," Pages Used to Approve or Reject Drafts, page 809.

• The Correct Posting Errors components for online items, external items, and payments.

See Chapter 28, "Posting and Unposting Groups," Correcting Posting Errors, page 894.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with VAT," Overriding VAT
Defaults and Settings

PeopleSoft Billing Integration for VAT Processing

The PeopleSoft Billing interface to PeopleSoft Receivables consists of the Load AR Pending Items
Application Engine process (BILDAR01) that inserts entries into PeopleSoft Receivables tables.

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Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 32

PeopleSoft Billing passes VAT account types to PeopleSoft Receivables as either VO for output or VOI for
output intermediate. It passes VO when the VAT declaration point is set to invoice, delivery, or accounting
date, and it passes VOI when the declaration point is set to payment. If PeopleSoft Billing sends transactions
that originated in PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Management as an asset reinstatement, the type is VORE.

In the Pending Distribution table (PENDING_DST) for VAT accounting entries, if the declaration point is
invoice, delivery, or accounting date, the accounting entry line type in the SYSTEM_DEFINED field is set to
V (VAT-Final). If the declaration point is payment, the SYSTEM_DEFINED field is set to W (VAT-

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Billing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Calculating VAT in PeopleSoft Billing," Passing VAT
Entries to PeopleSoft Receivables

VAT Calculation Types and Declaration Points

This section discusses:

• Gross or net calculation type.

• Invoice, delivery, accounting date, or payment declaration point.

• Calculation type with declaration point combinations.

Gross or Net Calculation Type

The calculation type that you select determines the basis for calculating the VAT amount. You can select
either gross or net as the calculation type. For example, assume that you have a sales amount of 100.00 EUR
with early payment terms of 2 percent discount and a VAT rate of 8 percent. In this case, you would enter a
VAT transaction amount of 100.00 EUR.

For a calculation type of gross, the system calculates a VAT basis of 100.00 EUR. The VAT amount would
be 8.00 EUR and the total amount would be 108.00 EUR.

For a calculation type of net, when the customer has the opportunity to pay early and take a discount, the
system calculates a VAT basis of 98.00 EUR. The VAT amount would be 7.84 EUR and the total amount
would be 107.84 EUR.

Invoice, Delivery, Accounting Date, or Payment Declaration Point

Declaration point refers to when you report VAT to the tax authorities—at the accounting date, at invoice
time, at delivery, or at the time of payment.

PeopleSoft Receivables maintains two amount fields for recording the two stages of VAT liabilities—an
intermediate amount and a final amount. The Intermediate VAT field tracks VAT amounts that are owed by
various customers but are not yet ready to be reported to the tax authorities. The Final VAT field contains all
VAT that is ready to be reported to the tax authorities by placing it in the VAT transaction table.

966 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

For a declaration point of accounting date, invoice, or delivery, the system creates entries to final VAT during
pending item entry. For a declaration point of Payment, the system creates entries to intermediate VAT during
pending item entry. The default value for the declaration point comes from either the setting for the customer
location, customer, and business unit, or the VAT entity. These settings are defined using the VAT Defaults
component. The setting for the customer location overrides the setting for the customer; the setting for the
customer overrides the setting for the business unit; and the setting for the business unit overrides the setting
for the VAT entity.

The system stores pending information in the Pending VAT table (PS_PENDING_VAT). The system stores
VAT information for each item in PeopleSoft Receivables on the Item VAT Activity table
(PS_ITEM_ACT_VAT). Separate VAT accounting entries are created for each item activity. On each item
activity VAT line, the amount is identified as either intermediate VAT or final VAT. When you run the VAT
Transaction Loader, it looks for both intermediate and final VAT amounts that have not yet been recorded on
the VAT transaction table.

The default declaration date is based on the declaration point, which determines when you must report VAT
to the government. The system uses the accounting date, delivery, or invoice date as the default declaration
date. For an Accounting Date declaration point, the user cannot override the declaration date during item

For a Payment declaration point, the system handles partial payments in the same manner, regardless of
recalculation. The percentage of VAT that the system moves from intermediate status to final status equals
the percentage of the item being paid. For example, if the system receives a payment for 50 percent of an
item's balance, it moves 50 percent of the VAT amount from intermediate to final.

Calculation Type and Declaration Point Combinations

This table lists the calculation and declaration point combinations that PeopleSoft Receivables supports.
Recalculation occurs only when a discount is available:

Combination VAT Calculation Type Declaration Point Recalculation

1 Gross Payment N

2 Gross Payment Y

3 Gross Accounting Date, N

Invoice, Delivery

4 Gross Accounting Date, Y

Invoice, Delivery

5 Net Payment

6 Net Accounting Date,

Invoice, Delivery

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Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 32

Combination 1: Calculation Type Gross and Payment Declaration Point Without


When you post the pending item that creates the receivable, the system creates accounting entries. These
accounting entries record the VAT liability on the gross amount of the item in the ChartField combination
that you designated for output intermediate VAT on the VAT Code - Accounting Information page. At
payment time, the system creates accounting entries that:

• Offset the intermediate VAT liability.

• Create the final VAT liability.

The system makes no adjustments to the amount of the liability—the status simply changes from intermediate
to final.

Combination 2: Calculation Type Gross and Payment Declaration Point with Recalculation

This scenario is almost the same as the gross calculation type with a payment declaration point without
recalculation. In this scenario, however, the system creates a PENDING_VAT record to adjust the VAT
liability if you take a discount.

Combination 3: Calculation Type Gross and Accounting Date, Invoice, or Delivery

Declaration Point Without Recalculation

If you declare VAT at accounting date, invoice, or delivery, PeopleSoft Receivables places the VAT amounts
directly into the Final VAT field. The VAT accounting entries that you provide (or that the system creates)
record the VAT liability based on the gross item amount in the ChartField combination that you designated
for output use on the VAT Code - Accounting Information page. Subsequent processing does not create any
VAT accounting entries.

Combination 4: Calculation Type Gross and Accounting Date, Invoice, or Delivery

Declaration Point with Recalculation

This scenario is nearly the same as the preceding one, but the system creates a PENDING_VAT record to
adjust the VAT liability if you take a discount.

Combination 5: Calculation Type Net and Payment Declaration Point Without Recalculation

When you post the pending item that creates the receivable, the system creates accounting entries that record
the VAT liability on the net amount of the item in the ChartField combination that you designated for output
intermediate VAT on the VAT Code - Accounting Information page. At payment time, the system creates
accounting entries that:

• Offset the intermediate VAT liability.

• Create the final VAT liability.

No adjustments are made to the amount of the liability—the status simply changes from intermediate to final.

968 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

Combination 6: Calculation Type Net and Accounting Date, Invoice, or Delivery Declaration
Point Without Recalculation

If you choose to declare VAT at accounting date, invoice time, or delivery, PeopleSoft Receivables places the
VAT amounts directly into the Final VAT field. The VAT accounting entries that you provide (or that the
system creates) record the VAT liability based on the net item amount in the ChartField combination that you
designate for output on the VAT Code - Accounting Information page. Subsequent processing does not create
any VAT accounting entries.

VAT Calculations for Advance Payments and On-Account Payments

The system calculates VAT for advance payments and on-account payments and creates accounting entries if
you enabled VAT for advance payments on the VAT Defaults Setup page for the VAT Entity Registration

You can override the default as needed for each VAT entity and declaration point combination on the VAT
Header page when you apply payments.

If the Receivable Update process generates VAT output entries for an advance payment, it performs the
following tasks:

• Records the final output VAT.

• Reverses the VAT entries for the advance payment when you apply the advance payment to an item.

If the advance payment is recorded in a foreign currency, the system does not revalue the VAT amount when
you apply an item to the payment. When you enter the item, the system converts the remaining VAT amount
to the base currency of the item's business unit using the exchange rate for the item.

The system also calculates the correct VAT amount and creates the correct accounting entries when you apply
a discount to an advance payment. You must apply the discount when you apply the payment to the item.

This section provides the following examples, which demonstrate different VAT scenarios for creating
accounting transactions for advance payments:

• VAT declaration point set to Payment, prepayment applied on payment worksheet.

• VAT declaration point set to Payment, prepayment offset on maintenance worksheet.

• VAT declaration point set to Payment, prepayment applied on direct debit worksheet.

• VAT declaration point set to Payment with VAT rate changes.

• VAT declaration point set to Accounting Date.

• VAT declaration point set to Invoice.

• VAT declaration point set to Delivery.

Note. The Payment Predictor process (ARPREDCT) processes VAT for prepayments and on-account
payments in the same manner as the payment worksheet.

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Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 32

VAT Declaration Point Set to Payment, Prepayment Applied on Payment

This example applies when the VAT declaration point is set to payment, the final payment is applied on the
payment worksheet, and VAT transactions must be generated. The example has the following conditions:

• An advance payment of 1,196.00 EUR is received, and the standard VAT rate is 19.6 percent.

• An invoice with the total 3,588.00 EUR, including 19.6 percent VAT, is sent to the customer.

• The prepayment is cleared against the invoice on the payment worksheet.

• The final payment of 2,392.00 EUR is received and applied on the payment worksheet.

Here are the accounting entries:

1. When advance payment is created:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 1,196.00

Advance Payments Received 1,000.00


VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

2. When the invoice is sent to the customer:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables (AR) 3,588.00

User-defined (Revenue) 3,000.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 588.00

970 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

3. When advance payment is applied against the invoice on the payment worksheet:

• These are the item distribution lines:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 1,196.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1,196.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 196.00

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

• These are the prepayment distribution lines:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 1,196.00

Advance Payments Received 1,000.00

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

4. When final payment is applied against the invoice on the payment worksheet:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 2,392.00

Accounts Receivables 2,392.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 392.00

VAT Output Final (VO) 392.00

VAT Declaration Point Set to Payment, Prepayment Offset on Maintenance

This example applies when the VAT declaration point is set to payment, the advance payment is offset on the
maintenance worksheet, and VAT transactions must be generated. The example has the following conditions:

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Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 32

• An advance payment of 1,196.00 EUR is received, and the standard VAT rate is 19.6 percent.

• An invoice with the total 1196.00 EUR, including 19.6 percent VAT, is sent to the customer.

• The prepayment is offset against the invoice on the maintenance worksheet.

Here are the accounting entries:

1. When advance payment is created:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 1,196.00

Advance Payments Received 1,000.00


VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

2. When the invoice is sent to the customer:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1196.00

User-defined (Revenue) 1,000.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 196.00

972 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

3. When advance payment is matched against the invoice on the maintenance worksheet:

• These are the item distribution lines:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 196.00

Maintenance Control 1,000.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1,196.00

• These are the prepayment distribution lines:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Advance Payments Received 1,196.00


Maintenance Control 1,000.00

Advance Payments Received 196.00


VAT Declaration Point Set to Payment, Prepayment Applied on Direct Debit

The examples in this section apply when the VAT declaration point is set to payment, the prepayment is
applied on a direct debit worksheet, and VAT transactions must be generated. The example has the following

• An advance payment of 1,196.00 EUR is received, and the standard VAT rate is 19.6 percent.

• An invoice with the total 3588.00 EUR, including 19.6 percent VAT, is sent to the customer.

• The prepayment is applied to items in direct debit on the direct debit worksheet.

The accounting entries vary based on the selected cash clearing method for the direct deposit business unit.

Cash Clearing Method: None

Here are the accounting entries:

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Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 32

1. When advance payment is created:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 1,196.00

Advance Payments Received 1,000.00


VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

2. When the invoice is sent to the customer:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables (AR) 3,588.00

User-defined (Revenue) 3,000.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 588.00

974 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

3. When the advance payment is applied against the invoice in a direct debit that is approved on a direct
debit worksheet and remitted to the bank:

• These are the item distribution lines:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 3,588.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 3,588.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 196.00

Advance Payments Received 196.00

• These are the prepayment distribution lines:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 1,196.00

Advance Payments Received 1,196.00

4. When the Receivable Update process is run on or after the due date:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 392.00

VAT Output Final (VO) 392.00

5. When you reconcile the bank statement, the system does not generate any accounting entries.

Cash Clearing Method: Payment Entry

Here are the accounting entries:

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1. When a deposit is saved or received electronically:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 1,196.00

Cash Clearing 1,196.00

2. When advance payment is identified as a prepayment on the payment worksheet:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash Clearing 1,196.00

Advance Payments Received 1,000.00


VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

3. When the invoice is sent to the customer:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 3,588.00

User-defined (Revenue) 3,000.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 588.00

976 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

4. When the advance payment is applied against the invoice in a direct debit that is approved on a direct
debit worksheet and remitted to the bank:

• These are the item distribution lines:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash Clearing 3,588.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 3,588.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 196.00

Advance Payments Received 196.00

• These are the prepayment distribution lines:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash Clearing 1,196.00

Advance Payments Received 1,196.00

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5. When the Receivable Update process is run on or after the due date:

• These are the item distribution lines:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 3,588.00

Cash Clearing 3,588.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 392.00

VAT Output Final (VO) 392.00

• These are the prepayment distribution lines:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 1,196.00

Cash Clearing 1,196.00

6. When you reconcile the bank statement, the system does not generate any accounting entries.

Cash Clearing Method: Bank Reconciliation

Here are the accounting entries:

1. When a deposit is saved or received electronically:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 1,196.00

Cash Clearing 1,196.00

978 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

2. When advance payment is identified as a prepayment on the payment worksheet:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash Clearing 1,196.00

Advance Payments Received 1,000.00


VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

3. When the invoice is sent to the customer:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables (AR) 3,588.00

User-defined (Revenue) 3,000.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 588.00

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4. When the advance payment is applied against the invoice in a direct debit that is approved on a direct
debit worksheet and remitted to the bank:

• These are the item distribution lines:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash Clearing 3,588.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 3,588.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 196.00

Advance Payments Received 196.00

• These are the prepayment distribution lines:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash Clearing 1,196.00

Advance Payments Received 1,196.00

5. When the Receivable Update process is run on or after the due date:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 392.00

VAT Output Final (VO) 392.00

980 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

6. When you reconcile the bank statement:

• These are the item distribution lines:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 3,588.00

Cash Clearing 3,588.00

• These are the item distribution lines:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 1,196.00

Cash Clearing 1,196.00

VAT Declaration Point Set to Payment with VAT Rate Changes

VAT rate changes—between the time that the advance payment is created and the time that the item is
created—require additional activities and cause the accounting entries to differ. The accounting entries differ
depending on whether the advance payment is less than or greater than the item.

Advance Payment Is Less Than the Item

This example applies when the VAT declaration point is set to payment, and the advance payment is less than
the item. The example has the following conditions:

• An advance payment of 1,196.00 EUR is received, and the standard VAT rate is 19.6 percent.

• A 1200.00 EUR invoice with a 9.09 percent VAT rate is sent to the customer, and an item is created in
PeopleSoft Receivables.

• The prepayment is cleared against the invoice on the payment worksheet.

• The final payment of 4.00 EUR is received and applied on the payment worksheet.

Here are the accounting entries:

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1. When the prepayment is created:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 1,196.00

Advanced Payments Received 1000.00


VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

2. When the invoice is sent to the customer:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivable 1,200.00

User-defined (Revenue) 1,100.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 100.00

3. When the prepayment is applied to the item:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 196.00

Advance Payments Received 1,000.00


Accounts Receivable 1,196.00

982 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

4. When the final payment is applied against the invoice on the payment worksheet:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 4.00

Accounts Receivable 4.00

VAT Output Final (VO) 96.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 96.00

Advance Payment Is Greater Than the Item

This example applies when the VAT declaration point is set to payment, and the advance payment is greater
than the item. The example has the following conditions:

• An advance payment of 1,196.00 EUR is received, and the standard VAT rate is 19.6 percent.

• A 720.00 EUR invoice with a 20 percent VAT rate is sent to the customer, and an item is created in
PeopleSoft Receivables.

• The prepayment is applied to the 720.00 EUR item.

• A second invoice for 840.00 EUR with a 20 percent VAT rate is sent to the customer, and an item is
created in PeopleSoft Receivables.

• The original prepayment is applied to the 840.00 EUR item.

• A final payment of 364.00 EUR is applied to the 840.00 EUR item.

Here are the accounting entries:

1. When the prepayment is created:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 1,196.00

Advanced Payments Received 1,000.00


VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

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2. When the invoice is sent to the customer:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivable 720.00

User-defined (Revenue) 600.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 120.00

3. When the prepayment is applied to the item:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 118.00

Advance Payments Received 602.00


Accounts Receivable 720.00

4. When the second invoice is sent to the customer:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivable 840.00

User-defined (Revenue) 700.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 140.00

5. When the original prepayment is applied to the second item:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 78.00

Advance Payments Received 398.00


Accounts Receivable 476.00

984 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

6. When the final payment is applied to the second invoice on the payment worksheet:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 364.00

Accounts Receivable 364.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 64.00

VAT Output Final (VO) 64.00

VAT Declaration Point Set to Accounting Date

This example applies when the VAT declaration point is set to accounting date. The example has the
following conditions:

• An advance payment of 1,160.00 EUR is received, and the standard VAT rate is 16 percent.

• An invoice with the total 4,640.00 EUR, including 16 percent VAT, is sent to the customer.

• The advance payment is applied against the invoice.

• The final payment is received from the customer.

Here are the accounting entries:

1. When advance payment is received:

Note. Although the amount posted under advance payments received is 1,000.00, the customer's total
balance must be decreased by 1,160.00.

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 1,160.00

Advance Payments Received 1,000.00


VAT Output on Advance 160.00

Payments (VOAP)

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2. When invoice is sent to the customer:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 4,640.00

User-defined (Revenue) 4,000.00

VAT Output Final 640.00

3. When advance payment is applied against the invoice:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Advance Payments Received 1,000.00


VAT Output on Advance 160.00

Payments (VOAP)

Accounts Receivables 1,160.00

4. When the final payment is received:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 3,480.00

Accounts Receivables 3,480.00

VAT Declaration Point Set to Invoice

This example applies when the VAT declaration point is set to invoice. The example has the following

• An advance payment of 1,160.00 EUR is received, and the standard VAT rate is 16 percent.

• An invoice with the total 4,640.00 EUR, including 16 percent VAT, is sent to the customer.

• The advance payment is applied against the invoice.

• The final payment is received from the customer.

Here are the accounting entries:

986 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

1. When advance payment is received:

Note. Although the amount posted under advance payments received is 1,000.00, the customer's total
balance must be decreased by 1,160.00.

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 1,160.00

Advance Payments Received 1,000.00


VAT Output on Advance 160.00

Payments (VOAP)

2. When invoice is sent to the customer:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 4,640.00

User-defined (Revenue) 4,000.00

VAT Output Final 640.00

3. When advance payment is applied against the invoice:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Advance Payments Received 1,000.00


VAT Output on Advance 160.00

Payments (VOAP)

Accounts Receivables 1,160.00

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4. When the final payment is received:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 3,480.00

Accounts Receivables 3,480.00

VAT Declaration Point Set to Delivery

This example applies when the VAT declaration point is set to delivery and no intermediate VAT is
generated. The example has the following conditions:

• An advance payment of 1,196.00 EUR is received, and the VAT rate is 19.6 percent.

• An invoice with the total 1,196.00 EUR, including 19.6 percent VAT, is sent to the customer.

• The advance payment is cleared against the invoice.

Here are the accounting entries:

1. When advance payment is received:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 1,196.00

Advance Payments Received 1,196.00


2. When the invoice is sent to the customer:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1,196.00

User-defined (Revenue) 1,000.00

VAT Output Final 196.00

988 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

3. When advance payment is applied against the invoice on maintenance worksheet:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Advance Payments Received 1,196.00


Maintenance Control 1,196.00

Accounts Receivables 1,196.00

Maintenance Control 1,196.00

VAT Adjustment for Advance Payments and On-Account Payments

This section discusses how to:

• Apply VAT adjustment for prepayments.

• Record the transfer of prepayments between business units.

Applying VAT Adjustment for Prepayments

This section provides an overview of applying a VAT adjustment on a prepayment (an advanced payment or
on-account payment). For French business transactions, the VAT amount of a sale should be included in the
accounts receivable pre-paid account. For most VAT countries the VAT portion of the prepayment is not
included in the pre-paid account.

To enable the VAT adjustment for advanced payments and on-account payments:

• Enabled VAT for advance payments on the VAT Defaults Setup page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain,
Common Definitions, VAT and Intrastat, Value Added Tax, VAT Defaults) for the VAT Entity
Registration driver.

• For each business unit using VAT adjustment (for example, French business units), select the VAT
Adjustment on Advance Pymt check box on the Receivables Definition- Accounting Options 2 page (Set
Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Receivables, Receivables Definitions, Accounting
Options 2). This check box enables the system to include the VAT amount of a prepayment in the
Accounts Receivable Pre-Paid account.

• Enter an account for the new VAT accounting entry type, Output Advance with Adjustment, using the
VAT Code- Accounting Information page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, VAT
and Intrastat, Value Added Tax, VAT Code, Value Added Tax Code, Accounting Information). This VAT
adjustment account is used when recording an advanced payments within a business unit. To balance the
prepayment transaction, a new accounting entry is made using this VAT adjustment account. When the
prepayment is applied against an invoice or written off, the amount in the VAT adjustment account (and
the accounts receivable pre-paid account) are reversed accordingly.

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If the Receivable Update process generates VAT output entries for an advance payment, it performs the
following tasks:

• Records the final output VAT.

• Reverses the VAT entries for the advance payment when you apply the advance payment to an item.

• Reverses the VAT adjustment entries for the VAT portion of the advance payment when you apply the
advance payment to an item.

If the advance payment is recorded in a foreign currency, the system does not revalue the VAT amount when
you apply an item to the payment. When you enter the item, the system converts the remaining VAT amount
to the base currency of the item's business unit using the exchange rate for the item.

The system also calculates the correct VAT amount and creates the correct accounting entries when you apply
a discount to an advance payment. You must apply the discount when you apply the payment to the item.

This section provides the following examples, which demonstrate different VAT scenarios for creating
accounting transactions for advance payments:

• VAT adjustment for prepayment applied on a payment worksheet.

• VAT adjustment on a maintenance worksheet with invoice declaration point set to delivery or invoice.

• VAT adjustment on a maintenance worksheet with invoice declaration point set to payment.

Note. The Payment Predictor process (ARPREDCT) processes VAT for prepayments and on-account
payments in the same manner as the payment worksheet.

VAT Adjustment for Prepayment Applied on a Payment Worksheet

These are the expected accounting entries when using a payment worksheet to match an open invoice to a
prepayment with a VAT adjustment. To make it simpler, the prepayment has the same amount as the invoice.
In this example the declaration point can be any option (delivery, invoice, or payment).

The example has the following conditions:

• For this business unit, the VAT Adjustment on Advance Pymt check box on the Receivables Definition-
Accounting Options 2 page has been selected.

• An account has been entered for the Output Advance with Adjustment VAT accounting entry type, using
the VAT Code- Accounting Information page.

• An advance payment of 1,196.00 EUR is received. Merchandise totalling 1,000.00 EUR has a standard
VAT rate is 19.6 percent (1,000.00 x 19.6 percent = 196.00).

• An invoice with the total 1,196.00 EUR, including 19.6 percent VAT, is sent to the customer.

• The prepayment is cleared against the invoice on the payment worksheet.

• The final payment of 1,196.00 EUR is received and applied on the payment worksheet.

Here are the accounting entries:

990 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

1. When advance payment is created:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 1,196.00

Advance Payments Received 1,196.00


Output Advance with Adjustment 196.00

(VAT to Adjust)

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

2. When the invoice is sent to the customer:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1196.00

User-defined (Revenue) 1,000.00

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

3. When advance payment is applied against the invoice on the payment worksheet:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 1,196.00

Advance Payments Received 1,196.00


Output Advance with Adjustment 196.00

(VAT to Adjust)

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

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Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 32

4. When final payment is applied against the invoice on the payment worksheet:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 1196.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1196.00

VAT Adjustment on a Maintenance Worksheet With Invoice Declaration Point Set to Delivery
or Invoice

These are the expected accounting entries when using a maintenance worksheet to match an open invoice to a
prepayment with a VAT adjustment. To make it simpler, the prepayment has the same amount as the invoice.
In this example the prepayment can have any declaration point (delivery, invoice or payment) and the invoice
has a declaration point of delivery or invoice (but not payment).

The example has the following conditions:

• For this business unit, the VAT Adjustment on Advance Pymt check box on the Receivables Definition-
Accounting Options 2 page has been selected.

• An account has been entered for the Output Advance with Adjustment VAT accounting entry type, using
the VAT Code- Accounting Information page.

• An advance payment of 1,196.00 EUR is received. Merchandise totalling 1,000.00 EUR has a standard
VAT rate is 19.6 percent (1,000.00 x 19.6 percent = 196.00).

• An invoice with the total 1,196.00 EUR, including 19.6 percent VAT, is sent to the customer.

• The prepayment is offset against the invoice on the maintenance worksheet.

• The final payment of 1,196.00 EUR is received and applied on the maintenance worksheet.

Here are the accounting entries:

1. When advance payment is created:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 1,196.00

Advance Payments Received 1,196.00


Output Advance with Adjustment 196.00

(VAT to Adjust)

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

992 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

2. When the invoice is sent to the customer:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1196.00

User-defined (Revenue) 1,000.00

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

3. When the prepayment is offset against the invoice on the maintenance worksheet:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Advance Payments Received 1,196.00


Offset (control account) 1,196.00

Output Advance with Adjustment 196.00

(VAT to Adjust)

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

4. When final payment is applied against the invoice on the maintenance worksheet:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Offset (control account) 1196.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1196.00

VAT Adjustment on a Maintenance Worksheet With Invoice Declaration Point Set to Payment

These are the expected accounting entries when using a maintenance worksheet to match an open invoice to a
prepayment with a VAT adjustment. To make it simpler, the prepayment has the same amount as the invoice.
In this example the prepayment can have any declaration point (delivery, invoice or payment) and the invoice
has a declaration point of payment (but not delivery or invoice).

The example has the following conditions:

• For this business unit, the VAT Adjustment on Advance Pymt check box on the Receivables Definition-
Accounting Options 2 page has been selected.

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• An account has been entered for the Output Advance with Adjustment VAT accounting entry type, using
the VAT Code- Accounting Information page.

• An advance payment of 1,196.00 EUR is received. Merchandise totalling 1,000.00 EUR has a standard
VAT rate is 19.6 percent (1,000.00 x 19.6 percent = 196.00).

• An invoice with the total 1,196.00 EUR, including 19.6 percent VAT, is sent to the customer.

• The prepayment is offset against the invoice on the maintenance worksheet.

• The final payment of 1,196.00 EUR is received and applied on the maintenance worksheet.

Here are the accounting entries:

1. When advance payment is created:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 1,196.00

Advance Payments Received 1,196.00


Output Advance with Adjustment 196.00

(VAT to Adjust)

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

2. When the invoice is sent to the customer:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1196.00

User-defined (Revenue) 1,000.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 196.00

994 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

3. When the prepayment is offset against the invoice on the maintenance worksheet:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Advance Payments Received 1,196.00


Offset (control account) 1,196.00

Output Advance with Adjustment 196.00

(VAT to Adjust)

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

4. When final payment is applied against the invoice on the maintenance worksheet:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Offset (control account) 1196.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1196.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 196.00

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

Recording the Transfer of Prepayments Between Business Units

This section provides an overview of transferring a prepayment (an advanced payment or on-account
payment) between business units. This transfer can involve business units with VAT adjustments for
prepayments or business units without the VAT adjustment. In addition, this transfer can be completed as an
interunit transfer or without interunit processing.

When a prepayment is transferred between business units, the prepayment is completely reversed in the
sending business unit and the prepayment is created in the receiving business unit as if it had been originally
entered in the receiving business unit. For instance, if we are transferring from a business unit with a VAT
adjustment to a business unit without a VAT adjustment, then:

• The accounting entry in the sending business unit reverses the original accounting entry for the item
including the VAT amount in the Output Advance with Adjustment (VAT to Adjust) account. In this
accounting entry, the Accounts Receivable account is the same amount as the prepayment (merchandise
amount plus VAT amount).

• The accounting entry in the receiving business unit does not use the Output Advance with Adjustment
(VAT to Adjust) account and the Accounts Receivable account does not include the VAT amount.

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In the examples below we have all the combinations of business units with VAT adjustments and without
VAT adjustments, and also interunit transfer and non-interunit transfer scenarios.

These examples have the following conditions:

• An advance payment of 1,196.00 EUR is received. Merchandise totalling 1,000.00 EUR has a standard
VAT rate is 19.6 percent (1,000.00 x 19.6 percent = 196.00).

• The examples display the accounting entries recorded after the Receivables Update process has been run.

Before the transfer, these are the accounting entries after running the Receivables Update process in a
business unit that uses VAT adjustment:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 1,196.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1,196.00

Output Advance with Adjustment 196.00

(VAT to Adjust)

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

Before the transfer, these are the accounting entries after running the Receivables Update process in a
business unit that does not use VAT adjustment:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 1196.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1,000.00

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

Transferring Between Business Units Using VAT Adjustment and no Interunit Transfer

In this example:

• Both sending and receiving business unit use the VAT adjustment.

• This is not an interunit transaction.

Here are the accounting entries:

996 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

1. After the transfer, these are the accounting entries in the sending business unit to reverse the prepayment:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

AR Transfer Control 1,196.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1,196.00

Output Advance with Adjustment 196.00

(VAT to Adjust)

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

2. After the transfer, these are the accounting entries in the receiving business unit to record the prepayment:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

AR Transfer Control 1196.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1196.00

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

Output Advance with Adjustment 196.00

(VAT to Adjust)

Transferring Between Business Units With Sending Business Unit Using VAT Adjustment
and no Interunit Transfer

In this example:

• The sending business unit uses the VAT adjustment.

• The receiving business unit does not use the VAT adjustment.

• This is not an interunit transaction.

Here are the accounting entries:

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1. After the transfer, these are the accounting entries in the sending business unit to reverse the prepayment:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

AR Transfer Control 1,196.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1,196.00

Output Advance with Adjustment 196.00

(VAT to Adjust)

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

2. After the transfer, these are the accounting entries in the receiving business unit to record the prepayment:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

AR Transfer Control 1196.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1,000.00

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

Transferring Between Business Units Without VAT Adjustment and no Interunit Transfer

In this example:

• Both sending and receiving business unit do not use the VAT adjustment.

• This is not an interunit transaction.

Here are the accounting entries:

1. After the transfer, these are the accounting entries in the sending business unit to reverse the prepayment:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

AR Transfer Control 1,196.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1,000.00

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

998 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

2. After the transfer, these are the accounting entries in the receiving business unit to record the prepayment:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

AR Transfer Control 1196.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1000.00

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

Transferring Between Business Units With Receiving Business Unit Using VAT Adjustment
and no Interunit Transfer

In this example:

• The sending business unit does not use the VAT adjustment.

• The receiving business unit uses the VAT adjustment.

• This is not an interunit transaction.

Here are the accounting entries:

1. After the transfer, these are the accounting entries in the sending business unit to reverse the prepayment:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

AR Transfer Control 1,196.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1,000.00

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

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Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 32

2. After the transfer, these are the accounting entries in the receiving business unit to record the prepayment:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

AR Transfer Control 1196.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1,196.00

Output Advance with Adjustment 196.00

(VAT to Adjust)

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

Transferring Between Business Units With Sending Business Unit Using VAT Adjustment
and Interunit Transfer

In this example:

• The sending business unit uses the VAT adjustment.

• The receiving business unit does not use the VAT adjustment.

• This is an interunit transaction. Since this is interunit transfer, the system uses interunit accounts instead
of control accounts.

Here are the accounting entries:

1. After the transfer, these are the accounting entries in the sending business unit to reverse the prepayment:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Interunit 1,196.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1,196.00

Output Advance with Adjustment 196.00

(VAT to Adjust)

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

1000 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

2. After the transfer, these are the accounting entries in the receiving business unit to record the prepayment:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Interunit 1196.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1,000.00

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

Transferring Between Business Units Without VAT Adjustment and Interunit Transfer

In this example:

• Both sending and receiving business unit do not use the VAT adjustment.

• This is an interunit transaction. Since this is interunit transfer, the system uses interunit accounts instead
of control accounts.

Here are the accounting entries:

1. After the transfer, these are the accounting entries in the sending business unit to reverse the prepayment:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Interunit 1,196.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1,000.00

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

2. After the transfer, these are the accounting entries in the receiving business unit to record the prepayment:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Interunit 1196.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1000.00

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

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Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 32

Transferring Between Business Units Using VAT Adjustment and Interunit Transfer

In this example:

• Both sending and receiving business unit use the VAT adjustment.

• This is an interunit transaction. Since this is interunit transfer, the system uses interunit accounts instead
of control accounts.

Here are the accounting entries:

1. After the transfer, these are the accounting entries in the sending business unit to reverse the prepayment:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Interunit 1,196.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1,196.00

Output Advance with Adjustment 196.00

(VAT to Adjust)

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

2. After the transfer, these are the accounting entries in the receiving business unit to record the prepayment:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Interunit 1196.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1196.00

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

Output Advance with Adjustment 196.00

(VAT to Adjust)

Transferring Between Business Units With Receiving Business Unit Using VAT Adjustment
and Interunit Transfer

In this example:

• The sending business unit does not use the VAT adjustment.

• The receiving business unit uses the VAT adjustment.

1002 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

• This is an interunit transaction. Since this is interunit transfer, the system uses interunit accounts instead
of control accounts.

Here are the accounting entries:

1. After the transfer, these are the accounting entries in the sending business unit to reverse the prepayment:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Interunit 1,196.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1,000.00

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

2. After the transfer, these are the accounting entries in the receiving business unit to record the prepayment:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Interunit 1196.00

Accounts Receivables (AR) 1,196.00

Output Advance with Adjustment 196.00

(VAT to Adjust)

VAT Output Final (VO) 196.00

VAT Calculations for Drafts and Direct Debits

For drafts and direct debits, the system calculates and records VAT information at payment time. For draft
payments, the Receivable Update process generates accounting entries at the due date or discount date
(depending on the selected system function). For direct debits, it generates the accounting entries at the due
date, remittance date, or after bank reconciliation, depending on the cash clearing method.

If the associated item has a declaration point of payment, the following entries are generated:

Debit Credit

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) VAT Output (VO)

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Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 32

VAT Calculations for Discounts

For discounts, the system uses the VAT calculation method at payment time to determine VAT adjustments.

You can apply prompt payment discounts if the advance payment is applied to the invoice before the discount
due date, or if the final payment is received (and applied to the invoice) before the discount due date.

If you select VAT Discountable Amount for the basis amount for a payment term, the system calculates the
discount amount on the net amount of the item after VAT. Otherwise, it calculates it on the gross amount.

Note. This scenario applies only to certain countries. For example, it is valid for Germany but not for France.

This section offers the following examples of discounts:

• VAT declaration point set to Invoice with the VAT recalculation flag on.

• VAT declaration point set to Invoice with the VAT recalculation flag off.

VAT Declaration Point Set to Invoice with the VAT Recalculation Flag On
This example assumes the following conditions:

• A 4,640.00 EUR invoice, including 16 percent VAT, is sent to the customer.

• The payment is applied against the invoice before the discount due date.

A 2 percent prompt payment is applied.

Here are the accounting entries:

1. When the invoice is sent to the customer:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 4,640.00

User-defined (Revenue) 4,000.00

VAT Output Final 640.00

1004 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

2. When payment is received and applied against the invoice:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 4,547.20

Accounts Receivables 4,547.20

Customer Discount (2 percent of 80.00


Accounts Receivables 92.80

VAT Output Discount (VOD) 12.80

VAT Declaration Point Set to Invoice with the VAT Recalculation Flag Off
This example assumes the following conditions:

• A 4,640.00 EUR invoice, including 16 percent VAT, is sent to the customer

• The payment is applied against the invoice before the discount due date.

A 2 percent prompt payment is applied.

Here are the accounting entries:

1. When the invoice is sent to the customer:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 4,640.00

User-defined (Revenue) 4,000.00

VAT Output Final 640.00

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Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 32

2. When payment is received and applied against the invoice:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Cash 4,547.20

Accounts Receivables 4,547.20

Customer Discount (2 percent of 92.80


Accounts Receivables 92.80

VAT Calculations for Write-Offs

This section provides the following examples of accounting entries for write-offs.

• VAT declaration point set to Invoice for debit and credit items.

• VAT declaration point set to Payment.

• VAT declaration point set to Invoice for underpayments and overpayments.

VAT Declaration Point Set to Invoice for Debit and Credit Items
This example has two scenarios:

• Writing off a debit item.

• Writing off a credit item.

Writing Off a Debit Item

A 105.50 EUR invoice, including 5.5 percent VAT, is sent to the customer, and then the item is written off.

Here are the accounting entries:

1006 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

1. When the invoice is sent to the customer:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 105.50

User-defined (Revenue) 100.00

VAT Output Final (VO) 5.50

2. When the item is written off:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivable 105.50

Write-Off 100.00

VAT Output for Write Off 5.50


Writing Off a Credit Item

A 105.50 EUR credit, including 5.5 percent VAT, is written off.

Here are the accounting entries:

1. When the credit item is created:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 105.50

User-defined (Revenue) 100.00

VAT Output for Credits (VOC) 5.50

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Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 32

2. When the item is written off:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 105.50

Write Off 100.00

VAT Output for Write Off 5.50


VAT Declaration Point Set to Payment

This example has two scenarios:

• Writing off a debit item.

• Writing off a credit item.

Writing Off a Debit Item

A 105.50 EUR invoice, including 5.5 percent VAT, is sent to the customer and then the item is written off.

Here are the accounting entries:

1. When the invoice is sent to the customer:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 105.50

User-defined (Revenue) 100.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 5.50

1008 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

2. When the item is written off:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 105.50

Write-Off 100.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 5.50

Writing Off a Credit Item

A 105.50 EUR credit, including 5.5 percent VAT, is written off.

Here are the accounting entries:

1. When the credit item is created:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 105.50

User-defined (Revenue) 100.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 5.50

2. When the customer's credit item is written off:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 105.50

Write-Off 100.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 5.50

VAT Declaration Point Set to Invoice for Underpayments and Overpayments

This example has two scenarios:

• Writing off an overpayment.

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Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 32

• Writing off an underpayment.

Writing Off an Overpayment

A 105.50 EUR invoice, including 5.5 percent VAT, is sent to the customer. The customer overpays the
amount by 10.00 EUR, and the amount overpaid is written off.

Here are the accounting entries:

1. When the invoice is sent to the customer:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 105.50

User-defined (Revenue) 100.00

VAT Output Final (VO) 5.50

2. When the customer overpays the amount:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 10.00 115.50

Cash 115.50

Write Off 9.45

VAT Output Final (VO) 0.55

Writing Off an Underpayment

A 105.50 EUR invoice, including 5.5 percent VAT, is sent to the customer. The VAT declaration point is set
to payment. The customer underpays the amount by 10.00 EUR, and the remaining amount due is written off.

Here are the accounting entries:

1010 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

1. When the invoice is sent to the customer:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 105.50

User-defined (Revenue) 100.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 5.50

2. When the customer underpays the amount:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 95.50

Cash 95.50

VAT Output Intermediate VAT 4.98


VAT Output Final (VO) 4.98

Accounts Receivables 10.00

Write-Off 9.48

VAT Output Intermediate VAT 0.52


VAT Calculations for Credits That Offset Debits

This section offers a scenario of credits used to offset debits when the VAT declaration point is set to Invoice
and the VAT recalculation flag is set to Y or N, with no discount. The scenario has the following conditions:

• A 100.00 EUR invoice, including 5.5 percent VAT, is sent to the customer.

• The customer has a 100.00 EUR credit.

• The customer's credit is used to offset the amount of the debit.

Here are the accounting entries:

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Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 32

1. When the invoice is sent to the customer:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 100.00

User-defined (Revenue) 94.50

VAT Output Final (VO) 5.50

2. When the customer has a 100.00 EUR credit:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 100.00

User-defined (Revenue) 94.50

VAT Output for Credits (VOC) 5.50

3. When the customer's credit is used to offset the debit:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 100.00 100.00

Maintenance Control 100.00 100.00

VAT Calculations for Credit Item Refunds

This section offers examples of refunding a credit item under the following conditions:

• VAT declaration point is set to Invoice.

• VAT declaration point is set to Payment.

VAT Declaration Point Is Set to Invoice

This example has two scenarios:

• Refunding a credit item at the customer's request.

1012 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

• Refunding a credit item when the customer overpays.

Refunding a Credit Item at the Customer's Request

A 150.00 EUR invoice, including 8.25 EUR VAT, is sent to a customer, and the full amount of the
overpayment is put on account.

Here are the accounting entries:

1. When the credit item is entered:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 150.00

User-defined (Revenue) 141.75

VAT Output Final (VOC) 8.25

2. When a customer requests a refund:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 150.00

Refund 150.00

Refunding a Credit Item When the Customer Overpays

A 100.00 EUR invoice, including 5.50 EUR VAT, is sent to a customer. Then the following occurs:

• The customer overpays the invoice by 150.00 EUR.

The overpayment is put on account as a credit item, and no VAT is assessed to the money on account.

• The money placed on account is refunded.

Here are the accounting entries:

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Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 32

1. When the invoice is sent to the customer:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 100.00

User-defined (Revenue) 94.50

VAT Output Final (VO) 5.50

2. When an overpayment is put on account as a credit item:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 100.00

Cash 250.00

AR (Charged to OA Account) 150.00

3. When the money placed on account is refunded:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 150.00

Refund Control 150.00

VAT Declaration Point Is Set to Payment

This example has two scenarios:

• Refunding a credit item.

• Refunding a credit item put on account.

Refunding a Credit Item

A 150.00 EUR credit item, including 8.25 EUR VAT, is entered, and then the credit item is refunded.

Here are the accounting entries:

1014 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

1. When a credit item is entered:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 150.00

User-defined (Revenue) 141.75

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 8.25

2. When the customer requests a refund:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 150.00

Refund Control 150.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 8.25

VAT Output Final (VOC) 8.25

Refunding a Credit Item Put on Account

A credit was created using a payment worksheet as a result of an overpayment. Then the following occurs:

• The overpayment was put on account (OA item, which is a credit item).

• The on-account item is refunded.

Here are the accounting entries:

1. When an invoice is sent to the customer:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 100.00

User-defined (Revenue) 94.50

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 5.50

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Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 32

2. When an overpayment is put on account as a credit item:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 100.00

Cash 250.00

OA Account 150.00

VAT Output Intermediate (VOI) 5.50

VAT Output Final (VO) 5.50

3. When the item is refunded:

Accounting Entry Debit Credit

Accounts Receivables 150.00

Refund Control 150.00

Prerequisite Setup for VAT Processing

Before you can process transactions using VAT in PeopleSoft Receivables, you must perform these steps:

1. Set up your VAT processing rules and defaults.

2. Use the Business Unit Definition page to define a location code and to associate the receivables business
units with the general ledger (GL) business units that are linked to a VAT entity.

You establish the GL business unit and VAT entity relationship on the VAT Entity - Identification page.

3. On the Receivables Options - VAT Defaults page, click the VAT Defaults link to define the tolerances for
groups and other VAT defaults.

These tolerances and other defaults can also be set directly using the VAT Defaults component for the
receivables business unit options driver.

4. From the customer General Information component, click the VAT Defaults link to define VAT
processing information for pending items for each customer.

These settings can also be set directly using the VAT Defaults component for the customer driver.

1016 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 32 Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

See Also

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Defining VAT Defaults, page 35

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "Working with VAT"

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General Customer
Information," Entering Customer VAT Information

(IND) Excise Duty, Sales Tax, and VAT Processing for India
You can enter and calculate excise duty, sales taxes, and VAT on the Group Entry Tax page only if you are
entering items directly in PeopleSoft Receivables or for transactions interfaced from a billing system for
which you create accounting entries in PeopleSoft Receivables. You can calculate tax for excise duty only,
sales tax only, both, or VAT. If you interface items from billing and your billing system generates the
accounting entries, you cannot recalculate the tax. Instead, run the Receivable Update process to update the
customer balances.

When you run the Receivable Update process, the system updates the tax information to populate the excise
duty, sales tax, and VAT tables: Item Tax Activity (PS_ITEM_ACTTAX) and Item Tax Activity Detail
(PS_ITEM_ACTTAX_DTL). The process also creates the following accounting entries if you entered the
items in PeopleSoft Receivables or if your billing system does not generate the accounting entries:

Account Debit Credit

Accounts Receivable 100.00

User-defined (Revenue) 90.00

Excise Duty Receivable 7.00

Sales Tax/VAT Liability 3.00

The customer and business unit for a transaction determine how to populate information on the tax transaction
lines, such as the ship from country and state and the appropriate tax codes. If you enter an item directly in
PeopleSoft Receivables, the system uses the default values for the receivables business unit. If you interface
an item from billing, the system uses the following business units:

• If an order management business unit has been specified, the system uses the order management business

• If no order management business unit has been specified, but a billing business unit has been specified,
the system uses the billing business unit.

• If neither an order management business unit or a billing business unit have been specified, the system
uses the receivables business unit.

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Understanding Tax Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables Chapter 32

If you change the default values in the tax transaction lines, you must run the tax determination routine again
before you calculate the tax.

After you enter the amounts in the tax transaction lines and the control totals, you run the tax calculation
routine to calculate the tax amounts. The system populates the Pending Tax (PS_PENDING_TAX) and
Pending Tax Detail (PS_PENDING_TAX_DTL) tables.

(IND) Prerequisite Setup for Excise Duty, Sales Tax, and VAT
Processing in India
Before you can process excise duty, sales tax, or VAT for India, you must perform these steps:

1. Enable excise duty, sales tax, and VAT processing for each business unit on the Business Unit Tax
Applicability page.

2. Set up the tax structure for excise duty, sales tax, and VAT processing.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Options and Reports 9.1 PeopleBook, "(IND) Setting Up Excise Duty, Customs
Duty, Sales Tax, and VAT"

1018 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 33

Researching Customer Accounts

This chapter lists common elements and discusses how to:

• Maintain customer contact information.

• Review customer account information.

• Review additional customer account information.

Common Elements Used in This Chapter

Add a Conversation Click to access the Conversations page and add conversations for the customer.

Display Currency Click to access a page, where you can change the display currency and specify
whether to use today's date, the accounting date, or a date that you specify to
determine the exchange rate. This button is available only if you selected the Use
an AR Display Currency field for the business unit.

Level Select N (no customer relationships are considered), C (corporate customer), P

(correspondence customer), or R (remit from customer).

Messages Click to access the Customer Messages page, where you add or view a message
for the customer.

SubCust 1 (subcustomer Enter the subcustomer identifier code that is assigned to a customer to record
1) and SubCust2 history and aging information for a subset of customers. For some pages, enter
(subcustomer 2) the identifier code to filter search results to the subset of items or payments for
the customer.

Unit Leave blank to view information across all business units.

Update/View Click to access the Conversations page and review existing conversations for the
Conversations customer.

Click the Balance BU (balance business units) button or Balance Breakdown by

BU (balance breakdown by business unit) button to access the Balance Detail by
BU (balance detail by business unit) page and view the balance amounts by
business unit in the base currency of the business unit and the display currency
for the business unit. This button is available if you select the Use AR Display
Currency (use accounts receivable display currency) check box for the business
unit when the balance for a customer includes business units with different base

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1019
Researching Customer Accounts Chapter 33

Click the Next Customer button to view the action plan for the next customer that
you selected on the Owner Action List page.

Click the Previous Customer button to view the action plan for the previous
customer that you selected on the Owner Action List page.

Maintaining Customer Contact Information

When you establish a new customer account, you enter customer contact information. PeopleSoft Receivables
users can update contact information as needed using the Contact Info component (CONTACT_INFO) on the
Customers menu and on the Conversations menu under Customer Interactions.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining Contacts"

Reviewing Customer Account Information

This section provides an overview of the Account Overview component (ITEM_OPEN_QUERY), lists
common elements, and discusses how to:

• Review customer balances.

• Exclude exception and collection items from balances.

• View aging information in a chart.

• Review a customer's profile.

• Review customer trends.

• View trend information in a chart.

Understanding the Account Overview Component

The Account Overview component provides a central location to research information for each customer. The
component enables you to analyze a customer's account at a high level. It shows a variety of balances, and it
enables you to drill down to see what makes up the balance.

The amounts on the Account Overview - Balances page appear in the base currency for the business unit. If
you select the Use an AR Display Currency field for the business unit on the Display Currency Options page,
the Account Overview - Balances page also displays the amounts in the display currency for the business unit.
You can override the display currency. When you drill down to view details for the balances, the amounts
appear in the same currencies that they do on the Account Overview - Balances page.

The component also provides profile information for the customer.

1020 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 33 Researching Customer Accounts

Common Elements Used in This Section

Customer Name Click to access the General Information component, where you view all setup
information for the customer.

Item List Click to access the Item List page, where you view a list of open items for the

Pages Used to Review Customer Account Information

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Account Overview - CUST_BALANCES_HDR Accounts Receivable, View various customer

Balances Customer Accounts, balances, the most recent
Customer Information, item and payment activity,
Account Overview, and summarized aging
Balances information. Click links to
view detailed credit data,
such as the customer's risk
code or dispute status.

Display Currency EU_DSP_CUR_CNV Click the Display Currency Change the display currency
Conversion link on the Account and specify whether to use
Overview - Balances page today's date, the accounting
(and several other inquiry date, or a date that you
pages). specify to determine the
exchange rate.

Balance Detail by BU EU_BAL_DET_BU View balance amounts by

Click the Balance
business unit in the base
Breakdown by BU (balance
currency of the business
breakdown by business
unit and the display
unit) button on the Account
currency of the business
Overview - Balances page
(and several other inquiry

Customer Messages CUST_MSG_SEC_AR Click the Bill Messages link View messages associated
on the Account Overview - with a customer.
Balances page (and several
See PeopleSoft Enterprise
other pages).
Order to Cash Common
Information 9.1 PeopleBook
, "Maintaining General
Customer Information,"
Attaching Messages to

Item Activity From A ITEM_PAYMENT_SEC Click the Payment link on View items that were paid
Payment the Account Overview - or created for the most
Balances page. recent payment.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1021
Researching Customer Accounts Chapter 33

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Payment History CUST_PROFILEB_SEC Click the Pay History Days View payment history,
link on the Account balance, and sales
Overview - Balances page. information.

Vouchers for a Vendor CUST_VNDR_ITEM_SEC Click the Vendor Balance View a list of the customer's
link on the Account vouchers or invoices and
Overview - Balances page. their amounts.

Draft Receivables CUST_DRAFTS_SEC Click the Draft Amount link View a list of drafts that
on the Account Overview - make up the customer's
Balances page. draft receivables balance.

Adjust Balance ADJUST_BAL_SEC Click the View Adjusted View an adjusted balance
Balance button on the by excluding deduction,
Account Overview - disputed, collection, and
Balances page. doubtful items.

Credit Card Details AR_CRCARD_DETAILS Click thePay Balance by Access the Credit Card
Credit Card link on the Details page where you can
Account Overview - update credit card
Balances page. information and pay the
balance by credit card.

Customer Aging Chart CUST_AGCHRT_SEC Click the Aging Chart link View a chart with the
on the Account Overview - amount or count of a
Balances page. customer's items by aging

Account Overview - Profile CUST_PROFILE_HDR Accounts Receivable, View customer profile

Customer Accounts, information and use links to
Customer Information, view in-process payments
Account Overview, Profile and outstanding items.

In Process Payments CUST_PEND_PAY_SEC Click the In Process View a customer's in-

Payments link on the process payments.
Account Overview - Profile

Unapplied Payments CUST_PEND_PAY_SEC Click the Unapplied View a customer's

Payments link on the unapplied payments.
Account Overview - Profile

Drafts Needing Approval CUST_DRAFTS_SEC Click the Drafts Needing View drafts needing
Approval link on the approval.
Account Overview - Profile

Customer Pending Items CUST_PEND_ITEM_SEC Click the Customer Pending View details for pending
Items link on the Account items.
Overview - Profile page.

1022 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 33 Researching Customer Accounts

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Customer Trend 1 AR_CUST_TREND1 Accounts Receivable, Review a customer's

Customer Accounts, historical statistics based on
Customer Information, the history IDs that you
Account Overview, specified on the Receivables
Customer Trend 1 Options - Customer Trend
Options page. The page
displays up to three
historical statistics for
history IDs that track
amounts by period, for
example, the high balance

Customer Trend 1 Chart CUST_TRD1CHRT_SEC Click the Customer Trend View a chart with a
Chart link on the Customer customer's historical
Trend 1 page or the statistics based on the
Customer Trend 3 page. history IDs that you
specified on the Receivables
Options - Customer Trend
Options page. The page
displays up to three
historical statistics for
history IDs that track
amounts by period, for
example, the high balance

Customer Trend 2 AR_CUST_TREND2 Accounts Receivable, Review a customer's

Customer Accounts, historical statistics based on
Customer Information, the history IDs that you
Account Overview, specified on the Receivables
Customer Trend 2 Options - Customer Trend
Options page. The page
displays up to three
historical statistics for
history IDs that track
amounts by period, for
example, the high balance

Customer Trend 2 Chart CUST_TRD1CHRT_SEC Click the Customer Trend View a chart with a
Chart link on the Customer customer's historical
Trend 2 page. statistics based on the
history IDs that you
specified on the Receivables
Options - Customer Trend
Options page. The page
displays up to three
historical statistics for
history IDs that track
amounts by period, for
example, the high balance

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Researching Customer Accounts Chapter 33

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Customer Trend 3 AR_CUST_TREND3 Accounts Receivable, Review a customer's

Customer Accounts, historical statistics based on
Customer Information, the history IDs that you
Account Overview, specified on the Receivables
Customer Trend 3 Options - Customer Trend
Options page. The page
displays up to six history
statistics for history IDs that
track the number of days by
period, for example,
average days late.

Reviewing Customer Balances

Access the Account Overview - Balances page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Customer
Information, Account Overview, Balances.)

1024 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 33 Researching Customer Accounts

Account Overview - Balances page

Enter search criteria for the customer, and click Search.

Item ID Displays the most recent item for the customer, the item date, and amount. Click
to access the View/Update Item Details component (ITEM_MAINTAIN) for the
item, and view or change the item details.

Payment Displays the most recent payment for the customer, the payment date, and
amount. Click to view a list of items that were paid by the payment.

Pay History Days Displays the weighted average number of days late for payments from the
customer. Click to access the Customer Payment History page, where you view
the customer's weighted average payment history (the number of days and the
basis amount) period by period. This link is available only if you entered a
business unit.

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Researching Customer Accounts Chapter 33

Credit Limit Displays the customer's credit limit. Click to open the Credit Profile page for the
customer, where you view or enter customer credit profile information including
credit limit review dates and dispute and collection status.

Corporate Credit Limit Displays the corporate customer's credit limit. Click the link to access the Credit
Profile page for the corporate customer, where you can update the credit limit.

Reviewing Customer Balances

The information that appears on the Account Overview - Balances page depends on the balances that you
select to see on the AR Account Overview Balances page in installation options. The Balance and Past Due
fields always appear. If there is no currency code and the balance is 0, the Amount field is blank.

Balance Displays the total receivables balance and the number of items that make up the
balance. Click to access the Item List page and view a list of items that make up
the customer's balance.

Past Due Displays the past due balance (all items with a due date before the current date)
and the number of items. Click to access the Item List page and view a list of
items that are past due.

Deductions Displays the total balance for deductions and the number of deductions.
Deductions are items that you create on the payment or draft worksheet for short
payments or items that you mark as deductions on the Detail 1 page. Click the
link to access the Item List page and view a list of deductions.

Disputed Displays the disputed balance and the number of disputed items. Use the Detail 1
page to indicate that an item is in dispute. Click the link to access the Item List
page and view a list of disputed items.

Doubtful Displays the doubtful balance and the number of doubtful items. A doubtful item
is an item that you transferred to a doubtful receivable account using the transfer
worksheet. Click the link to access the Item List page and view a list of doubtful

Collections Displays the total balance for items in collection and the number of items. Use
the Detail 1 page to indicate that an item is in collection. Click the link to access
the Item List page and view a list of items in collection.

Customer Deposits Displays the total amount of deposits that were made by the customer for orders
and the number of deposits. Click the link to access the Customer Deposits page
and view a list of all deposits that were made by the customer, the associated
sales order for each deposit, and activity associated with each deposit.

Vendor Balance Displays the amount of the vouchers that is owed to the customer and the number
of vouchers. Click to view a list of the customer's vouchers or invoices and their

1026 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 33 Researching Customer Accounts

Draft Amount Displays the total amount of drafts that are not complete. Click to view the actual
debt for drafts that are past due, the grace amount (amount of the drafts that are
not yet due), and the total amount due for approved, remitted, and dishonored
drafts. The page displays a list of incomplete drafts.

High Balance YTD (high Displays the high balance for the current fiscal year. Click the link to access the
balance year-to-date) Customer History page, where you can view the customer's high balance history
period by period.

Sales YTD (sales year-to- Displays the year-to-date sales amount. Click the link to access the Customer
date) History page, where you view the customer's sales history period by period.

Last Year Sales Displays the amount of last year's sales. Click the link to access the Customer
History page, where you view the customer's sales history period by period.

View Adjusted Balance Click to access the View Adjusted Balance page and view an adjusted balance by
excluding selected types of exception items and collection items.

Pay Balance by Credit Click to access the Credit Card Details page where you can update credit card
Card information and pay the balance by credit card.
If any of the items that make up the customer balance are not available for
payment by credit card, the system enables you to exclude these items and make
a payment for any remaining items. Items are not available for payment by credit
card if the items:
• Have not successfully passed budget checking.

• Are already selected in another group.

• Do not have a payment method of Check or Credit Card.

• Are vendor rebate or claimback items.

• Have been settled by credit card in PeopleSoft Billing.

See Chapter 22, "Managing Credit Card Payments," Viewing and Updating Item
Details, page 709.

Note. If the items in the category are in multiple currencies, the page displays **Multiple Currencies** for
the category.

Reviewing Aging

The Summary Aging grid has one line for each aging category that is defined on the Aging page. Click the
links to access the items in the selected aging category.

Click the Aging Chart link to display a chart that shows a customer's aging information. The chart contains
the same data that appears in the Summary Aging grid.

Note. You must run the Aging Application Engine process (AR_AGING) to view the data in this grid.

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Researching Customer Accounts Chapter 33

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Installation Options for
PeopleSoft Applications," Selecting Receivables Balance Display Options

Excluding Exception and Collection Items from Balances

Access the Adjust Balance page. (Click the View Adjusted Balance button on the Account Overview -
Balances page.)

Exclude Dispute Items, Select the type of items to exclude from the balance.
Exclude Deduction
Items, Exclude Doubtful
Items, and Exclude
Collection Items
Re-Calculate Click to calculate the customer's balance, excluding the items that you selected.

Adjusted Amount Displays the adjusted balance in the base currency of the business unit.

Adjusted Display If you selected the Use AR Display Currency check box for the business unit,
Amount this field shows the amount in the display currency for the business unit or in the
display currency that you selected for the Account Overview - Balances page on
the Display Currency Conversion page.

Viewing Aging Information in a Chart

Access the Customer Aging Chart page. (Click the Aging Chart link on the Account Overview - Balances

Chart Selection Select the values to display in the chart. Values are:
Count: Displays the number of items in each category.
Amount: Displays the amount in each category.

Chart Type Select the type of chart to display. Values are: 2D Bar Chart, 2D Pie Chart, 3D
Bar Chart, 3D Pie Chart, Line Chart, and Stacked Bar.

Draw Chart Click to redraw a chart based on the new selection criteria.

Previous Set and Next Click to scroll through multiple sets of data in the chart. If the data fits into one
Set single set, the links are not available.

Note. You must run the Aging process to view data in the chart.

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Chapter 33 Researching Customer Accounts

Item Information

Click an aging category in the chart to view the items that make up the category in the Items for Category

Reviewing a Customer's Profile

Access the Account Overview - Profile page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Customer
Information, Account Overview, Profile.)

Account Overview - Profile page

Enter search criteria for the customer, and click Search.

Remit to Bank and Displays the bank and bank account to which you instructed the customer to send
Remit to Bank Account payments. The address for this bank account appears on correspondence. You
assign the bank to the customer on the Correspondence Options page. If you do
not assign one to the customer, you assign the default value to each business unit
on the Receivables Options - General 1 page.

Terms Displays the payment term ID that is assigned to the customer. The terms
determine the rules for calculating item due dates and discount amounts and

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Researching Customer Accounts Chapter 33

Collection Customer Displays the code for the collection customer group to which the customer
Group belongs. You can define collection and assessment rules for the Condition
Monitor Application Engine process (AR_CNDMON) for customers in a specific
collection group. You assign a customer to a collection group on the Customer
Group Info (customer group information) page.

Credit Hold If this check box is selected, the customer has been put on a credit hold. When
you run the Condition Monitor process, the process searches for customers with
credit holds and creates an action based on the rules that you define.

Most Recent Conversations

The Most Recent Conversations scroll area displays the comments for all conversation entries for the

DateTime Displays the date and time that the conversation entry was entered.

User ID Displays the user ID of the individual who entered the conversation entry.

Visible Indicates whether self-service users (customers, brokers, and salespeople) can
view the conversation on the Receivables self-service pages. If this field is
selected the conversation entry can be viewed.

Contact ID Displays the customer contact information with whom the user spoke, including
the Telephone number and Extension for the contact.

Comments Displays the text that was recorded for the conversation entry.

Customer ID Number

Show DB Information Click to access the Dun and Bradstreet component (CUSTOMER_DB) and view
(show Dun and Bradstreet the details of the Dun and Bradstreet report.
Type and ID Number Displays the type of reporting entity, such as Dun and Bradstreet, and the ID
code, such as the Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number.

Customer Contacts

The Customer Contacts grid displays all contacts that are associated with the customer and contact
information. Click a contact link to access the Contact page, where you view details for the contact.

Links to Additional Pages

Drafts Needing Click to view a list of drafts needing approval.


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Chapter 33 Researching Customer Accounts

Unapplied Payments Click to view unapplied payments for the customer.

In Process Payments Click to view a list of in-process payments for the customer.

Customer Pending Items Click to view a list of pending items for the customer.

Reviewing Customer Trends

Access the Customer Trend 1 page, the Customer Trend 2 page, or the Customer Trend 3 page. (Accounts
Receivable, Customer Accounts, Customer Information, Account Overview, Customer Trend 1, or Customer
Trend 2, or Customer Trend 3.)

Account Overview - Customer Trend 2 page

The three pages that display customer trends work the same way.

Enter search criteria for the customer.

Fiscal Year Enter the calendar year that contains the periods for which you want to compare

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Researching Customer Accounts Chapter 33

Customer Trend Chart Click to access either the Customer Trend 1 Chart page or the Customer Trend 2
Chart page, where you view a chart with the historical statistics.

Viewing Trend Information in a Chart

Access the Customer Trend 1 Chart page or Customer Trend 2 Chart page. (Click the Customer Trend Chart
link on the Customer Trend 1 page or the Customer Trend 3 page.)

Customer Trend 2 Chart page

Trend Select the history for the historical statistics that you want to view.

Chart Type Select the type of chart for the statistics. Values are 2D Bar Chart, 2 Pie Chart,
3D Bar Chart, 3 Pie Chart, Horizontal Bar, Line Chart, and Stacked Bar.

Reviewing Additional Customer Account Information

PeopleSoft Receivables provides several inquiry pages that enable you to review specific information for a
customer, such as a list of outstanding items and their balance. These pages display amounts in the base
currency for the business unit. If you selected the Use an AR Display Currency check box for the business
unit on the Display Currency Options page, the pages also display the amounts in the display currency for the
business unit. You can override the display currency. If the items that make up the amounts are in different
currencies, the system displays the note **Multiple Currencies** instead of an amount.

This section lists common elements and discusses how to:

1032 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 33 Researching Customer Accounts

• Review customer history.

• Review customer history in a chart.

• Review customer hierarchy.

• Review draft information.

• Review aged customer accounts.

• View activities for customers.

• View customers' direct journal payments.

Common Elements Used in This Section

Balance Click to view a list of items that make up the balance on the Account Overview -
Balances page.

Hi Balance (high Displays the highest balance for the customer since you last ran the Aging
balance) process.

Hi Past Due (high past Displays the highest past due amount for the customer since you last ran the
due) Aging process.

Past Due Click to view past due items on the Item List page.

Pages Used to Review Additional Customer Account Information

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Outstanding Customer CUST_PENDING_ITEM Accounts Receivable, View information about

Items Customer Accounts, pending items for all
Customer Information, maintenance, billing,
Customer Pending Items, overdue charge, or transfer
Outstanding Customer items.

Customer Balances CUSTOMER_BALS Accounts Receivable, View the customer's

Customer Accounts, balance.
Customer Information,
Breakdown Balances,
Customer Balances

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Researching Customer Accounts Chapter 33

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Customer Credit Profile CUST_CREDIT_PROF Accounts Receivable, View customer balances

Customer Accounts, and aging information in the
Customer Information, currency that is associated
Credit Profile, Customer with the customer's credit
Credit Profile limit. The system converts
all open items for the
customer from the base
currency to the credit limit
currency using the currency
code and the rate type on
the Credit Profile page. This
information is useful when
you need to manage a
customer's credit and the
transactions in multiple
currencies. The page also
displays the customer credit
limit information.

History CUSTOMER_HISTORY Accounts Receivable, View both user-defined

Customer Accounts, history and system-defined
Customer Information, history. The system stores
Customer History, History customer history based on
the fiscal years and periods
that you define on the Detail
Calendar page.

History Chart CUSTOMER_HISTCHRT Accounts Receivable, View a chart with customer

Customer Accounts, history information.
Customer Information,
Customer History, History

Customer Hierarchy CUSTOMER_HIERARCHY Accounts Receivable, Review a customer

Customer Accounts, hierarchy.
Customer Information,
Customer Hierarchy,
Customer Hierarchy

Customer Drafts CUSTOMER_DRAFTS Accounts Receivable, View customer draft

Customer Accounts, balances and other draft
Customer Information, information.
Customer Drafts, Customer

Aging CUSTOMER_AGING Accounts Receivable, View or update aged

Customer Accounts, accounts. You must run the
Customer Information, Aging process to view
Customer Aging, Aging information on this page.

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Chapter 33 Researching Customer Accounts

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Profile by Corporate Tree CUST_PROF_CORPTREE Accounts Receivable, View customers in the

Customer Accounts, corporate tree
Customer Information, AR_CORPORATE_CUST,
Corporate Tree Profile, which you defined in
Profile by Corporate Tree PeopleSoft Enterprise Tree
Manager. You can also
define a two-level customer
relationship using the
General Information page
and the Corporate Customer

Customer Payments CUSTOMER_PAYMENTS Accounts Receivable, View customer payments at

Customer Accounts, a high or low level of detail.
Customer Information,
Payments, Customer

Customer Payment History CUSTOMER_PROFILEB Accounts Receivable, View payment history,

Customer Accounts, balance, and sales
Customer Information, information.
Payment History, Customer
Payment History

Outstanding Customer CUST_PENDING_PAY Accounts Receivable, View payments received,

Payments Customer Accounts, their identification, and
Customer Information, their status in the processing
Outstanding Payments, cycle. View the number of
Outstanding Customer outstanding payments and
Payments the total payment amount if
the items are associated
with multiple business units
and have different

Item Activity ITEM_ACT_QRY Accounts Receivable, View customer activity for

Customer Accounts, a specific customer and date
Customer Information, range.
Customer Activity, Item

Direct Journal DIRECT_JRNL_QRY Accounts Receivable, View all direct journal

Customer Accounts, payments for a specific
Customer Information, customer and date range.
Review Customer Activity,
Direct Journal

Reviewing Customer History

Access the History page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Customer Information, Customer
History, History.)

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Researching Customer Accounts Chapter 33

The Aging process and the Receivable Update Application Engine process (ARUPDATE) update the
customer history elements. If you have not run these processes recently, the history figures that you see do not
reflect up-to-date activity.

History ID Select either a system-defined or user-defined history ID. Use the percent sign
(%) to group the IDs that begin or end with the same characters. For example,
enter DSO% to display both DSO30 and DSO90 history IDs.

History Select the periods to display. Values are:

• All: Displays all available periods.

• Most Recent: Displays only the most recent period.

Reviewing Customer History in a Chart

Access the History Chart page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Customer Information, Customer
History, History Chart.)

The default search parameters for the customer history information come from the History page. Override the
values as needed.

Fiscal Year Enter the year for which you want to see the customer history. You can view
history for only one year at a time.

Chart Type Select the type of chart to display. Values are 2D Bar, 2D Pie, 3D Bar, 3D Pie,
Horiz Bar (horizontal bar) Line Chart, and Stacked Bar.

Reviewing the Customer Hierarchy

Access the Customer Hierarchy page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Customer Information,
Customer Hierarchy, Customer Hierarchy)

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Chapter 33 Researching Customer Accounts

Customer Hierarchy page

The Correspondence, Remit From, and Corporate Customer Hierarchy are created from the Customer
Information, General Information page.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General
Customer Information," Correspondence, Remit From, and Corporate Hierarchies.

Reviewing Draft Information

Access the Customer Drafts page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Customer Information,
Customer Drafts, Customer Drafts.)

Enter search criteria and sort criteria in the Draft Selection group box.

Draft Amount Click to view the Draft Receivables page, which shows all of a customer's
accepted drafts that have been posted but are not yet complete.

Risk Amount Click to view the Draft Receivables page, which shows the customer balance
total and the draft amount for the customer.

Reviewing Aged Customer Accounts

Access the Aging page. ( Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Customer Information, Customer Aging,

Search Criteria

Use the search fields at the top of the page to select the details about the customer.

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Researching Customer Accounts Chapter 33

Aging Information

The page displays New Balance if the customer's balance has changed since it was last aged. This indicates
that you may want to rerun the Aging process.

Aged Date Displays the system date from the beginning of the aging run. For example, if the
Aging process starts at 11:58 p.m. on September 12 and ends at 12:01 a.m. on
September 13, the aged date is September 12.

Click the Update Aging button to age the customer's items during the next run of
the Aging process.

Customer Balances

The monetary amounts in the Customer Balances group box appear in either the base currency or the display
currency for the business unit. To change from the base currency to the display currency, select the Use an
AR Display Currency field for the business unit on the Display Currency Options page.

Customer Aging

The Customer Aging group box has one line for each aging category that is defined on the Aging page. Click
the links to access the items in the selected aging category.

See Also

Chapter 37, "Aging Receivables Items," page 1123

Viewing Activities for Customers

Access the Item Activity page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Customer Information, Customer
Activity, Item Activity.)

The system sorts the activities in the Item Activity grid by business unit, customer ID, accounting date, and
entry type.

Item ID Click an item ID link to access the View/Update Item Details component, where
you can view details about the item, including accounting entries and all activity
for the item.

Entry Type Identifies the type of activity.

Viewing Customers' Direct Journal Payments

Access the Direct Journal page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Customer Information, Review
Customer Activity, Direct Journal.)

1038 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 33 Researching Customer Accounts

The system sorts the direct journal payments in the list by accounting date, deposit business unit, deposit ID,
and payment ID.

Payment ID Click a payment ID to access the Directly Journalled Payments page, where you
view the details for the direct journal payment, including the distribution lines.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1039
Chapter 34

Researching Receivables
This chapter lists common elements and discusses how to:

• Review item information.

• Review item activity information.

• Review receivables activity for a business unit.

• Review the source accounting entries for journal lines.

Common Elements Used in This Chapter

Balance Displays the open amount for an item.

View/Update Click to access the conversations page, where you view and add information to
Conversations an existing conversation for the customer. This link is available only if the
customer has existing conversations.

Reviewing Item Information

This section provides an overview of item searches and item lists and discusses how to:

• Research a customer's items.

• Enter search criteria.

See Also

Chapter 23, "Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information," Changing and Reviewing Item Information,
page 719

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Researching Receivables Chapter 34

Understanding Item Searches and Item Lists

Use the Item List component (ITEM_LIST) to search for items for a specified customer or business unit.
You can also generate a list of items spanning multiple customers based on the search parameters that you
entered. Use the Advanced Search function to enter and save search criteria based on field values in the Item
table (PS_ITEM).

Pages Used to Review Item Information

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Item List ITEM_LIST Accounts Receivable, Build and view a list of

Customer Accounts, Item items for a customer that
Information, Item List, Item matches your search
List criteria. Use links to view
details for a specific item.

Advanced Search ITEM_LIST_SEARCH Accounts Receivable, Enter search parameters to

Customer Accounts, Item generate a list of items
Information, Item List, based on field values in the
Advanced Search Item table.

Researching a Customer's Items

Access the Item List page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information, Item List,
Item List.)

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Chapter 34 Researching Receivables

Item List page

Add Conversation Click to access the Conversations page, where you add a new conversation for
the customer.

Account Overview Click to access the Account Overview - Balances page, where you can view
various balances for the customer and access customer profile information,
customer trend information, and the customer action list.
See Chapter 33, "Researching Customer Accounts," Reviewing Customer
Account Information, page 1020.

Display Currency Click to open a page where you can change the display currency. This button is
available only if you selected the Use an AR Display Currency (use an accounts
receivable display currency) option for the business unit on the Currency Display
Options page.

Entering Search Criteria

Use the search fields at the top of the page to identify customers whose items you want to review, or use the
Advanced Search page to enter detailed search parameters.

Unit Leave blank to view items for the customer across all business units.

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Researching Receivables Chapter 34

Customer Enter the customer ID of the customer whose items you want to view, or leave
blank to view all items in the business unit. Click the customer link to the right of
this field to access the General Information component
(CUSTOMER_GENERAL), where you can view and change customer

Level Select No Relationship (no customer relationships are considered), Corporate

(corporate customer), Correspondence (correspondence customer), or Remit
From (remit from customer).

SubCust1 (subcustomer Enter the subcustomer identifier code assigned to a customer to record history
1) and SubCust2 and aging information for a subset of customers. These fields are available only if
(subcustomer 2) you set up the customer to include subcustomers.

Status Select a value to see a subset of items in the list. Values are: All (all items),
Closed (closed items), Collections (items in collection), Deduction (deduction
items), Dispute (items in dispute), Doubtful (items marked as doubtful), Last
Conv (items from the last conversation), Open (open items), or Past Due (items
that are past due).

Search Click to search for items for the customer or business unit. If you have saved
search preferences, the system limits the list to items that match the search

Selecting Items

Range and Go Enter the row numbers for the range of items to select and click Go.

Select All and Deselect Click to select or clear the selections for all items in the list.

Working with Items

The Item List grid displays the results of the search criteria that you selected. It can display a limited number
of items. The maximum number of items that appears in the Item List grid is known as a chunk. Use the
chunking arrow buttons to move from chunk to chunk to find items. You define the maximum number of
items in a chunk on the Installation Options - Receivables page by entering a number in the Max Number of
Rows in Scrolls (maximum number of rows in scrolls) field.

Click the Customize link to sort by column, reorder, hide, and freeze columns. This enables you to put the
key fields that you want to review on the Detail 1 tab and sort the data.

See the section on using grid and scroll area controls in the Using PeopleSoft Applications PeopleBook.

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Chapter 34 Researching Receivables

Item Action and Go Select an option to perform an action, to generate a report, or to view information
for all the selected items, and then click Go. Values are:
Generate A Dunning Letter: Create a dunning letter for the customer. If you
select the option for printing dunning letters, the system runs the DUNITEM
multiprocess job that creates all three reports (AR33001, AR33002, and
AR33003). You must define a server for the job definition before you use this
option. If you enabled acceptgiro processing for the item's business unit, the
system prints these dunning letter with the acceptgiro stub: AR33A01,
AR33A02, AR33A03.
See Chapter 38, "Generating Correspondence," (NLD) Understanding Acceptgiro
Form Printing, page 1134.

Generate An Open Item Report: Run the AR Customer Item Inquiry report
(AR34003) for the customer. This report lists detailed item information by
customer, including entry type, balance, reference, dispute, terms, and discount
Multi-Item Update: Access the Multi-Item Update page and change field values
for all selected items.
Pay by Credit Card: Access the Credit Card Details page to authorize and settle
the transaction.

Note. If an item cannot be selected the item is highlighted in red and an error
message that explains why the item cannot be paid by credit card appears.

See Chapter 33, "Researching Customer Accounts," Reviewing Customer

Balances, page 1024.

See Chapter 22, "Managing Credit Card Payments," page 687.

Reprint Invoices: Reprint invoices for selected items.

See Chapter 38, "Generating Correspondence," Reprinting Invoices, page 1162.

Tie To A New Conversation: Access the Conversations page and add a new
conversation. The system associates the selected items with the conversation.
Tie To The Last Conversation: Access the Conversations page and add
information to the most recent conversation for the customer. The system
associates the selected items with the conversation.
View Items And Item Activity: Access the Selected Items page and view
summarized item details and activity for selected items.

Sort All Use to sort all items in the worksheet, not just the items that are displayed in the
scroll area. This field is not available if the number of rows does not exceed the
maximum chunk size. Options are Due Date or Item. Click Go to resort all items
in the grid.
Click the arrows to view different chunks of data. For better performance, you
can limit the number of rows that appear in the scroll area on the Installation
Options - Receivables page. We recommend a maximum chunk size of 100 rows,
although larger chunks may perform satisfactorily.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1045
Researching Receivables Chapter 34

Item Click the link for an item to access the View/Update Item Details component
(ITEM_MAINTAIN), where you can view and update item details and view item
activity and accounting entries. You can also access details for the sales order,
invoice, contract, or promotion associated with the item in PeopleSoft Order
Management, PeopleSoft Billing, PeopleSoft Contracts, or PeopleSoft
Promotions Management.

Activities Displays the numbers of activities for the item. For example, you could have two
activities: one for the original item and one for a partial payment.

Click the Conversation Exists button to access the Conversations page, where
you view conversations associated with the item. This button is available only if
the item is associated with an existing conversation. If the item has multiple
conversations associated with it, the system displays a list of conversations.

Conversation Exists? Displays a Y in the field if the item has conversation entries associated with it.
Use the option to sort the list by items that have associated conversation entries.

Viewing Search Total Results

Debits and Debit Displays the total number and amount of all retrieved debit items, not just the
Amount items in the current chunk.

Credits and Credit Displays the total number and amount of all retrieved credit items.
Total and Total Amount Displays the total number and amount of all retrieved items.

Selectedand Selected Displays the total number of selected items and the amount of the items. You
Amount must click Refresh before you can see these figures.

Note. The currency code and all amounts are blank if the items in the list contain multiple currencies.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Managing Conversations,"
Entering and Reviewing Conversations

Chapter 23, "Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information," Updating Multiple Items, page 739

Entering Search Criteria

Access the Advanced Search page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information, Item
List, Advanced Search.)

1046 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 34 Researching Receivables

Advanced Search page (1 of 3)

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Researching Receivables Chapter 34

Advanced Search page (2 of 3)

1048 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 34 Researching Receivables

Advanced Search page (3 of 3)

To limit items on the Item List page, enter search parameters. If you do not specify a value for a search
parameter, the system retrieves all the records for the parameter. For example, if you do not enter a collector,
the system retrieves items assigned to all collectors.

For some parameters, you can enter a range of values to include in the search. For example, you can search
for all items with a due date that falls between January 1, 2005 and January 8, 2005. To search for a range,
you must enter a value in the Thru field.

For each parameter, you enter the operator for the criteria, such as Equal,Greater Than, Between, or Exists.
Select Exists for any non-date field to retrieve items with any value in the field.

Note. You can expand and collapse the sections to control the number of viewable fields.

Search Preferences Select an existing search preference or enter the name for a new search

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Researching Receivables Chapter 34

Search Click to populate the Item List page with items that match your search preference

Important! If you enter new search criteria that you want to reuse, you must
click Save.

Clear Click to remove values from all fields on the Advanced Search page.

Save Click to save a new search preference. The name that you specify for the search
preference is available in the Preference field for future searches.

Delete Click to delete the selected search preference.

Reviewing Item Activity Information

This section lists the pages that you use to review item activity information.

Note. If the items associated with a document are in multiple currencies, the system displays the note
**Multiple Currencies** instead of an amount.

Pages Used to Review Item Activity Information

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Item Accounting Entries ITEM_DATA3 Accounts Receivable, View the accounting entries
Customer Accounts, Item for each item activity.
Information, View/Update
Item Details, Item
Accounting Entries

Item Activity Summary ITEM_DATA2_MULTI Accounts Receivable, View a single-line summary

Customer Accounts, Item of each item-related
Information, Item Activity activity.
Summary, Item Activity

Item Activity From A ITEM_GROUP Accounts Receivable, View activity for all items
Group Customer Accounts, Item in a group.
Information, Item Activity
From a Group, Item
Activity From A Group

1050 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 34 Researching Receivables

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Item Activity From A ITEM_PAYMENT Accounts Receivable, View items that were paid
Payment Customer Accounts, Item by a single payment after
Information, Items Activity the Receivable Update
From a Payment, Item Application Engine process
Activity From A Payment (ARUPDATE) processed
the payment. After the
payment has been posted,
you cannot return to the
payment worksheet to view
how it was applied.

Item Activity From A Draft ITEM_DRAFT Accounts Receivable, View activity for draft
Customer Accounts, Item items.
Information, Item Activity
From a Draft, Item Activity
From A Draft

Item Activity From A ITEM_SUB_GROUP

• Click the link for the View all matched items in a
Match Group match group ID on the match group from the
Item Activity page. maintenance worksheet or
the Automatic Maintenance
• Accounts Receivable, Application Engine process
Customer Accounts, (AR_AUTOMNT) as well
Item Information, as the amounts matched.
Match Group Activities,
Item Activity From A
Match Group

Reviewing Receivables Activity for a Business Unit

You can use inquiry pages to look up customer balances and various summaries of other receivable activity at
the business unit level.

This section discusses how to:

• View activity by business unit.

• View business unit history in a chart.

• Generate the Receivables Activity report.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1051
Researching Receivables Chapter 34

Pages Used to Review Receivables Activity for a Business Unit

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Out of Balance Customer CUSTOMER_OOB Accounts Receivable, Determine whether a

Receivables Update, Out of customer's balance matches
Balance Customers, Out of the total amount of the
Balance Customer customer's open items. This
page is available only if the
balance and the open item
total do not match for a
customer in the business
unit. This situation should
never occur but if it does,
then your database is out of
sync. Contact the system
administrator for your
organization. This page
helps the system
administrator investigate the

Unit Activity SYSTEM_ACTIVITY Accounts Receivable, View activity that you

Receivables Analysis, posted to a business unit.
Review Receivable The system includes only
Information, Unit payments that are
Activities, Unit Activity completely posted in the

Unit Cash BUS_UNIT_CASH Accounts Receivable, View cash applied and cash
Receivables Analysis, received by a business unit.
Review Receivable
Information, Unit Cash,
Unit Cash

Unit Draft BUS_UNIT_DRAFT Accounts Receivable, View draft summary

Receivables Analysis, information at the business
Review Receivable unit level.
Information, Unit Drafts,
Unit Draft

Unit Aging BUS_UNIT_AGING Accounts Receivable, View aging summary

Receivables Analysis, information at the business
Review Receivable unit level.
Information, Unit Aging,
Unit Aging

Unit Aging Chart BUS_UNIT_AGINGCHRT Accounts Receivable, View a chart with aging
Receivables Analysis, information for a business
Review Receivables unit. The types of charts are
Information, Unit Aging, two-dimensional bar,
Unit Aging Chart horizontal bar, line chart, or
stacked bar.

1052 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 34 Researching Receivables

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Business Unit History BUS_UNIT_HISTORY Accounts Receivable, View history summary at

Receivables Analysis, the business unit level.
Review Receivable
Information, Unit History,
Business Unit History

Business Unit History Chart BUS_UNIT_HIST_CHRT Accounts Receivable, View a chart with history
Receivables Analysis, information for a business
Review Receivables unit. The types of charts are
Information, Unit History, two-dimensional bar,
Business Unit History Chart horizontal bar, line chart, or
stacked bar.

Receivables Activity RUN_AR20005 Accounts Receivable, Enter run parameters for the
Receivables Update, Receivables Activity report
Posting Results-Upd Pend (AR20005). Use this report
Items, Receivables Activity to view activities and
Report, Receivables amounts for items with the
Activity ChartField values in the
receivables (AR)
distribution line specified
on the run control.

Note. The AR20005

Receivable Activity report
assumes that any manually
created overdue charge
items are designated by a
user defined entry type that
is equal to or prefixed with
OC. System-generated
overdue charges already
satisfy this criteria and are
included in the Overdue
Charge Amount column.

Viewing Activity by Business Unit

Access the Unit Activity page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Analysis, Review Receivable
Information, Unit Activities, Unit Activity.)

Activity Type Use to select a business unit activity. Each activity is divided into different
categories of related system functions that perform the calculations. You can
modify these categories on the System Functions 1 page.

Display Amount Switch Choose to display either the base amount and currency or the entry amount and
currency on this page.

This table lists the business unit activities, categories, and system functions that should be associated with the
categories on the System Function 1 page:

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1053
Researching Receivables Chapter 34

Description Categories System Functions

Activity Type Billing IT-01, IT-02

Cash Applied WS-01, -04, -05, -06, -07, -08
Discounts WS-02, WS-03
Draft Management DM-01, -02, -03, -04, -05,-06
Direct Debit Management DD-01,-02,-03,-04,-05
Overdue Charges FC-01
Maintenance MT-01, -04, -05
Refunds MT-08, MT-09
Transfers TR-01, TR-02
Write-offs - Maintenance MT-02, -03, -06, -07
Write-offs - Payments WS-09, -10, -11

Activity Type/Origin/Bank Code Billing IT-01, IT-02

Cash Applied WS-01, -04, -05, -06, -07, -08
Discounts WS-02, WS-03
Draft Management DM-01, -02, -03, -04, -05, -06
Direct Debit Management DD-01,-02,-03,-04,-05
Overdue Charges FC-01
Maintenance MT-01, -04, -05
Refunds-Maintenance MT-08, MT-09
Transfers TR-01, TR-02
Write-offs - Maintenance MT-02, -03, -06, -07
Write-offs - Payments WS-09, -10, -11
If you selected Breakdown by
Origin in the Activity
Type/Origin/Bank Code field on the
System Function 1 page for a
system function, the system
displays one row per origin ID or
bank code, depending on the system
function. Draft and payment groups
use bank codes; all other groups use

Entry Type The system displays one row for Not applicable
each entry type that has activity.

1054 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 34 Researching Receivables

Description Categories System Functions

Group-Type/Origin/Bank Code The system displays one row for Not applicable
each group type. If you selected
Breakdown by Origin in the
Activity Type/Origin/Bank Code
field on the System Function 1 page
for a system function, the system
displays one row per origin ID or
bank code, depending on the system
function. Draft and payment groups
use bank codes; all other groups use

Entry Type/Entry Reason The system displays one row for Not applicable
each entry type and reason
combination that has activity.

See Also

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," page 55

Chapter 17, "Configuring Page Features," Changing Activity Types, page 503

Viewing Business Unit History in a Chart

Access the Business Unit History Chart page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Analysis, Review
Receivable Information, Unit History, Business Unit History Chart.)

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Researching Receivables Chapter 34

Business Unit History Chart page

Enter search criteria, the chart selection, and the chart type, and then click Draw Chart to display the chart.

Generating the Receivables Activity Report

Access the Receivables Activity page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting Results-
Upd Pend Items, Receivables Activity Report, Receivables Activity.)

Remaining Amount Enter an operator, such as equal to or greater than, and enter an amount. The
report includes only items whose balance meets the condition.

Only Write-off Activity Select to include only items that have a write-off activity.


Enter the ChartField values for each ChartField in the AR distribution line used to select items for inclusion
in the report.

1056 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 34 Researching Receivables

Reviewing the Source Accounting Entries for Journal Lines

This section provides an overview of how to drill down from journal lines and discusses how to link drill-
down pages with accounting entry definitions.

Understanding How to Drill Down from Journal Lines

You can view source transactions for PeopleSoft Receivables accounting entries from journal lines in
PeopleSoft General Ledger for both standard and entry event journals. You search for journals in the Journals
component (JOURNAL_INQUIRY) and drill down to source transactions for individual journal lines. The
page that you access is based upon the selections that you made on the Accounting Entry Definition page.

You can also review source transactions for entry event journals directly from the menu in PeopleSoft

Before you can view source transactions for a journal entry in PeopleSoft General Ledger, you must specify
the exact type of information that you want to drill down to from the Journals component. To do so, you link
a drill-down page with each accounting entry definition for which you generate journals.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger 9.1 PeopleBook, "Reviewing Financial Information," Viewing Journal

Pages Used to Review Accounting Entries from General Ledger

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Accounting Entry JRNL_GEN_ACCTG_DEF General Ledger, Journals, Identify the drill-down

Definition Subsystem Journals, pages for each accounting
Accounting Entry entry definition that the
Definition, Accounting Journal Generator
Entry Definition Application Engine process
(FS_JGEN) uses to generate
journals for PeopleSoft

Journal Inquiry INQ_JRNL_CRITERIA General Ledger, Review Enter search criteria to

Financial Information, retrieve a list of journals.
Journals, Journal Inquiry,
Journal Inquiry

Journal Inquiry Details INQ_JRNL_HDR_DTL Click a journal ID on the View journal lines for a
Journal Inquiry page. journal and drill down to the
source transactions in
PeopleSoft Receivables.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1057
Researching Receivables Chapter 34

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Drill to Source EE_ARITM_DRILL

• Accounts Receivable, Review the accounting
Customer Accounts, entries for receivables items
Item Information, EE for entry event journals.
Journal Entries, Drill to

• Click the Drill to

Source button for a
journal line on the
Journal Inquiry Details

Drill to Source EE_ARDJR_DRILL

• Accounts Receivable, Review the accounting
Payments, Direct entries for direct journal
Journal Payments, deposits and cash control
Journal Entry Drill accounting entries for entry
Down, Drill to Source event journals.

• Click the Drill to

Source button for a
journal line on the
Journal Inquiry Details

Linking Drilldown Pages with Accounting Entry Definitions

Access the Accounting Entry Definition page. (Select General Ledger, Journals, Subsystem Journals,
Accounting Entry Definition, Accounting Entry Definition.)

Select one of the accounting definition names in the following table. In the Page Name field, select the object
name of the page that you want to view.

Accounting Definition Drill-Down Page Object Name Description


ARDEFN AR Item Drill AR_ITEM_DRILL_PNL Displays standard

accounting entries for
items, such as invoices
and payments, that you
created online or during
background processing.
This page does not
display direct journal
payments and revaluation

1058 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 34 Researching Receivables

Accounting Definition Drill-Down Page Object Name Description


ARDIRJRNL AR Paymisc Drill AR_PAYMISC_DRL_P Displays standard direct

NL journals and cash control
entries created in
PeopleSoft Receivables.

ARREVALUE AR Rvl Drill AR_RVL_DRILL_PNL Displays standard

accounting entries created
to record gains and losses
from the revaluation of
foreign currencies.

EGAROIDEFN Journal Drill Down EE_ARITM_DRILL Displays entry event

accounting entries for
items, such as invoices
and payments, that you
created online or during
background processing.
This page does not
display direct journal
payments and revaluation

EGARDJDEFN Journal Drill Down EE_ARDJR_DRILL Displays entry event

direct journals and cash
control entries created in
PeopleSoft Receivables.

Select the Cross-Product Drill Down check box.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Using Journal Generator," Defining
Accounting Entries

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1059
Chapter 35

Understanding Exception and Collection

This chapter discusses:

• Deduction processing.

• Dispute processing.

• Default receivables (AR) specialist hierarchy.

• Deduction and disputed item splits.

• Collection processing.

• Conversation entry and review.

• Delivery of correspondence.

• Item inclusion and exclusion from receivables processes.

• Process scheduling.

See Also

Chapter 7, "Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing," page 195

Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," page 1075

Deduction Processing
Customers may take deductions for any of these reasons:

• A promotion deal.

For example, they were promised that they could take 5 percent off an invoice once they reached a certain
threshold for volume purchases.

• A nonpromotional discount resulting from damaged goods or a late delivery.

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Understanding Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 35

• A reason of their choosing.

For example, they are penalizing you because you sent a hard copy bill when they requested an electronic

PeopleSoft Receivables provides several tools to help you track all deductions, collect unauthorized
deductions, and offset deductions taken for legitimate reasons.

This section discusses:

• Process flow

• PeopleSoft Promotions Management integration

Process Flow
PeopleSoft Receivables integrates with PeopleSoft Order Management, PeopleSoft Billing, PeopleSoft
Contracts, and PeopleSoft Promotions Management to facilitate the deduction management process. This
section describes the process flow for deduction processing in these applications:

1. Enter your customer promotions in PeopleSoft Promotions Management.

You can view the status of these promotions directly from PeopleSoft Receivables.

2. Create sales orders in PeopleSoft Order Management.

You can view information about sales orders associated with deductions directly from PeopleSoft

3. Create invoices in PeopleSoft Billing and use the Load AR Pending Items Application Engine process
(BILDAR01) to interface the items to PeopleSoft Receivables.

You can view information about invoices associated with a deduction directly from PeopleSoft

Note. If you use a third-party billing application, you can interface items to PeopleSoft Receivables, but
you cannot view the original invoice information for an invoice associated with a deduction.

1062 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 35 Understanding Exception and Collection Processing

4. Create deductions in PeopleSoft Receivables in three ways.

When you create the deduction, the system automatically assigns an AR specialist to manage the

• When you apply the payment to the item on the payment worksheet, you can create a deduction for
the difference between the item and the payment.

• When you run the Payment Predictor Application Engine process (ARPREDCT), the system
automatically creates a deduction if you use a payment predictor method with instructions to create
deductions for underpayments.

Note. If you create a deduction after a payment is applied and posted, you must either unpost the
payment group or apply a credit item to the deduction to reverse the deduction.

• You can manually mark an item as a deduction and assign a deduction reason on the View/Update
Item Details - Detail 1 page.

Important! If you mark an item as a deduction manually, the system does not generate any
accounting entries to indicate that the item is a deduction.

5. Run the Condition Monitor Application Engine process (AR_CNDMON) to put deductions on the action
list for the assigned AR specialists and notify the specialists.

6. The AR specialist investigates the reason for the deduction and determines whether it is for a promotional
deal, a legitimate deduction due to error in your organization, or that it needs to be collected.

During the investigation process, the AR specialist may perform these tasks to help determine how to
handle the deduction:

• View or change details for the deduction, using the View/Update Item Details component

Drill down to see details about contracts, invoices, sales orders, and promotions related to the item.

• Assign an action and action owner to the deduction item for further research, such as asking a broker
to obtain a copy of the proof of delivery slip.

• Create a conversation entry and attach documents, if needed, for a broker or sales person, or enter
comments about a conversation with the customer concerning the deduction.

• Split the deduction into multiple deductions because the deduction amount is actually for two types of
deductions, such as a promotion and damaged goods.

7. If you plan to match the deduction with an offset item, either enter a credit memo in PeopleSoft Billing
and run the Load AR Pending items process to send the credit memo to PeopleSoft Receivables, or enter
the credit memo directly in PeopleSoft Receivables.

If you use PeopleSoft Promotions Management, enter and approve a customer claim for the amount of the
offset item. Then run the Payment Load Application Engine process (TD_PAYMENTS) to update the
PeopleSoft Billing interface tables, instead of entering the credit memo in PeopleSoft Billing.

8. Use the maintenance worksheet or the Automatic Maintenance Application Engine process
(AR_AUTOMNT) to resolve the deduction by either matching it with a credit item or writing it off.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1063
Understanding Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 35

9. Run the Receivable Update Application Engine process (ARUPDATE) to update the customer balances,
update the item activity, and create accounting entries.

This diagram shows the deduction process flow. Customer promotions created in PeopleSoft Promotions
Management, orders are received and shipped in PeopleSoft Order Management, and invoices are created and
sent and deductions authorizations (credit memos) are created in PeopleSoft Billing. PeopleSoft Billing books
invoice revenue and accounts receivable in General Ledger and updates the items in PeopleSoft Receivables,
where payments are received and the cash is recognized in PeopleSoft General Ledger. The payments are
applied to the items in PeopleSoft Receivables, deductions are created, the transaction is closed and updated
in the PeopleSoft General Ledger along with the deduction balance. An AR specialist is then assigned to
investigate and maintain the deductions, where they are resolved by either matching them to credits or writing
them off. Once the deductions have been resolved, the information is updated in PeopleSoft Promotions

1064 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 35 Understanding Exception and Collection Processing

Deduction process flow from creating customer promotions in PeopleSoft Promotion Managment to closing
the Receivables transactions and resolving the deductions.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1065
Understanding Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 35

See Also

Chapter 21, "Applying Payments," page 637

Chapter 23, "Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information," page 719

PeopleSoft Enterprise Promotions Management 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining Promotions"

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order Management 9.1 PeopleBook, "Introduction to Sales Order Entry"

PeopleSoft Enterprise Billing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Integrating with PeopleSoft Receivables, General Ledger, and
Accounts Payable," Running the Load AR Pending Items Process (BILDAR01)

Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," page 1075

PeopleSoft Promotions Management Integration

If you use PeopleSoft Promotions Management, you can associate a deduction with a promotion and
merchandising type that you created in that application. You enter the promotion code and merchandising
type on the View/Update Item Details - Detail 2 page or when you create the deduction using the payment
worksheet. If a promotion has more than one merchandising type in PeopleSoft Promotions Management, you
can create a separate deduction for each type. If you are marking an item as a deduction on the View/Update
Item Details - Detail 1 page, you can split it so that you can assign a separate merchandising type to each

If you use PeopleSoft Promotions Management and PeopleSoft Billing, we recommend that you enter a
customer claim for a promotion and create a credit memo to offset an authorized deduction. Take these steps
in PeopleSoft Promotions Management:

1. Enter the claim and select Deduction for the payment method.

This indicates that you do not want to send the credit memo to the customer.

2. Approve the claim.

3. Update the Billing Interface table (PS_INTFC_BI) in PeopleSoft Billing, using the Payment Load

Then you run the Billing Interface Application Engine process (BIIF0001) in PeopleSoft Billing to create the
credit memo.

You can create the customer claim and credit memo before or after the customer actually takes the deduction.

PeopleSoft Receivables has only one promotion code and merchandising activity for each item. If you want to
match deductions to credit items using the promotion code and merchandising activity, you must enter a
promotion code and merchandising activity for each credit memo in your billing application, at the header
level. Then enter the promotion code and merchandising activity for each deduction on the View/Update Item
Details - Detail 2 page or when you create the deduction using the payment worksheet on the Detail View

1066 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 35 Understanding Exception and Collection Processing

Although we recommend that you create credit memos for authorized claims, you can manually write off a
deduction that is related to a promotion in PeopleSoft Receivables. If you manually write off promotion-
related deductions, you must create unique entry reasons that identify the write-off as a promotion and that
create the appropriate accounting entries. You must also enter the promotion code and, if applicable, the
merchandising type for the deduction, on the View/Update Item Details - Detail 2 page or Detail View page
for the payment worksheet. This enables brokers and sales people to see that a deduction was written off for a
specific customer promotion in PeopleSoft Promotions Management. When you run the PeopleSoft
Promotions Management Update Application Engine process (TD_FINUP) in PeopleSoft Promotions
Management, the process updates the amount incurred and the balance for the fund assigned to the promotion
and merchandising type for the amount of the write-off. You can view the change to the amounts on the
Checkbook inquiry page in PeopleSoft Promotions Management.

Important! You must create a write-off for a single deduction, to correctly update the information in
PeopleSoft Promotions Management.

You can view a list of all deductions that were written off and associated with a specific promotion, on the
Promotion Activity - Deductions Write-Offs page in PeopleSoft Promotions Management. The page displays
the entry amount of the write-off activity for the deduction. You can access this page directly in PeopleSoft
Promotions Management or from the View/Update Item Details - Detail 2 page.

You can view all activity against a promotion for a specific customer in the Promotion Activity component
(TD_PROMO_STATUS), which you can access from the View/Update Item Details - Detail 2 page. This
helps you determine whether the customer has already been paid for a claim by check or whether a credit
memo has been created for the claim.

If you discover that no customer claim has been entered for a deduction, you can request that the broker or
salesperson enter the claim by assigning them an action on the Item Action page. The system triggers
workflow processing to notify the salesperson or broker that they have a new action that they should review
on the self-service Actions page.

If you want to identify credit memos and deductions based on the business reason for the promotion, create
separate entry reasons and deduction reasons for each business reason. Assign the entry reason to the credit
memo in your billing application and the deduction reason to the deduction in PeopleSoft Receivables.

See Also

Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," Assigning Actions to Items, page 1080

PeopleSoft Enterprise Promotions Management 9.1 PeopleBook, "Processing Payments for Promotional

PeopleSoft Enterprise Promotions Management 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining Funds"

PeopleSoft Enterprise Promotions Management 9.1 PeopleBook, "Viewing Promotional Activity"

PeopleSoft Enterprise Billing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Processing Billing Interface Activity"

Dispute Processing
If a customer is disputing an invoice, you can put the item in dispute and indicate the amount and reason for
the dispute. Putting an item in dispute does not generate any accounting entries.

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Understanding Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 35

These steps describe the process flow for dispute processing:

1. Mark an item as disputed, and enter a dispute reason and the disputed amount on the View/Update Item
Details - Detail 1 page.

2. Run the Condition Monitor process to put the disputed item on the action list for the AR specialist, and
then notify the specialist.

3. The AR specialist researches the reason for the dispute and determines whether the item should be
collected, refunded, or written off.

During the investigation process, the AR specialist may perform these tasks to help determine how to
handle the disputed item:

• View or change details for the item, using the View/Update Item Details component.

Drill down to see details about contracts, invoices, sales orders, and promotions related to the item.

• Assign an action and action owner to the item for further research.

• Create a conversation entry and attach documents, if needed, for a broker or salesperson, or enter
comments about a conversation with the customer concerning the disputed item.

4. Resolve the disputed item by doing one of these:

• Take the item out of dispute on the View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page.

• Write off the item, using the maintenance worksheet.

• Create a credit memo and apply the credit to the item, using either the Automatic Maintenance process
or the maintenance worksheet.

Note. If you write off the item or apply a credit memo to the item, run the Receivable Update process
to update the customer's balance, update item activity, and create accounting entries.

Default AR Specialist Hierarchy

The system automatically assigns an AR specialist to a deduction when you create it either by using the
payment worksheet, using the Payment Predictor process, or adding a deduction reason on the Detail 1 page.
The system also assigns an AR specialist to an item that you put into dispute. The system uses the following
hierarchy to determine which AR specialist to assign to the item:

1. Customer for the item (you assign AR specialists to customers on the Bill To Options page).

2. Deduction reason or dispute reason (you assign AR specialists to reasons on the Deduction Reason and
Dispute Reason pages).

3. Business unit for the item (you assign AR specialists to a business unit on the Receivables Options -
General 1 page).

To notify AR specialists when a new deduction or disputed item is assigned to them:

1. Set up a condition definition for deductions and disputed items.

1068 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 35 Understanding Exception and Collection Processing

2. Set up an action definition and action template to notify the specialists.

3. Create an assessment rule to identify the new deductions or disputed items.

4. Run the Condition Monitor process.

AR specialists will receive an email notifying them when they have an action for new deductions or disputed

Deduction and Disputed Item Splits

As you research a deduction, you may find that it consists of multiple deductions. For example, a deduction
for 3,000.00 USD appears with a promotion explanation. You initially assign the Promotion deduction reason
code to the deduction. As you investigate the item, you determine that the deduction is for a 2,000.00 USD
promotion adjustment and a 1,000.00 USD short shipment. You need to change the deduction to reflect this,
so that the different pieces can take separate resolution paths. To do this, you split the deduction.

You can also split a disputed item if the customer is disputing only part of the amount and you want to track
and resolve each portion separately.

See Also

Chapter 23, "Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information," Splitting Exception Items, page 736

Collection Processing
PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to monitor a customer's account and take action when a condition occurs.
You define the conditions that put a customer in an action plan, including:

• When the amount and age of the balance past due reach a specified limit.

• When the outstanding balance reaches a certain dollar amount or percentage or exceeds the customer's
credit limit.

• When a customer reaches a specified number of days from the credit expiration date or passes the date.

• You have a message with credit hold for a customer.

• A large amount is coming due.

• A conversation entry has reached the follow-up date or a new follow-up action has been entered.

• All promise date conversations that require follow up.

• • Promise has been broken based on promise amount not paid on promise date and taking into
consideration the promise tolerances.

• The customer has a high risk score.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1069
Understanding Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 35

• A deduction or dispute item exists.

If the amount and age of the customer's balance past due reach a specified limit, the Condition Monitor
process generates an action plan based on the collection rules that you define.

In addition, when you run the Condition Monitor process, the system will evaluate each promise date
conversation based on these conditions:

The CPDR (Customer Promise Date Review) condition will create an action list for all promise date
conversations requiring follow up.

The CPDB (Customer Promise Date Broken) condition will evaluate if a promise has been met based on
payments on item referenced in the promise date conversation. The promise tolerance days and promise
tolerance amount will also be evaluated. If the promise date + tolerance days is met and the total payment is
equal or greater than the promise tolerance amount, the condition will set the promise status to Kept and close
the promise date conversation. If the promise date + tolerance days is met and total payment is zero or less
than the promise tolerance amount, the condition will set the promise status to Broken and create a broken
promise action list. If there is no item referenced in the promise date conversation, the CPDB condition will
only evaluate whether the promise is kept or broken based on the promise date and promise tolerance days.

The CPDB condition will also close the promise date conversations that meet these criteria:

• The promise status is set to Broken with no promise date action, and does not have a review scheduled
after the promise date.

• The Promise Broken Done flag set to Yes and does not have a review date after the promise date.

You can access the Action List on the Collection Workbench.

For any other customer conditions, the condition monitor generates an action plan based on the assessment
rules that you define.

See Chapter 7, "Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing," page 195.

See Chapter 40, "Using the Collections Workbench," The Action List, page 1175.

You can define any additional conditions that are applicable to your organization and define assessment rules
to generate an action plan. You can define rules that create actions at the customer level or actions for
individual items.

These steps define the process flow for collection processing:

1. Run the Condition Monitor process to: generate new action plans, upgrade the customer to the next step in
the collection action plan, update action lists, perform automated actions, cancel actions if the condition
no longer exists.

Note. The Condition Monitor process calls the WF_FUNCTION, which triggers workflow processing that
sends notification to supervisors, AR specialists, and action owners; if an action has reached a specified
number of days before or after the action due date. This enables them to work or reassign the action if

See Appendix C, "Delivered Workflows for PeopleSoft Receivables," page 1295.

2. Action owners perform assigned actions from the PeopleSoft worklist, the action owner list, or emails,
such as calling the customer, putting a credit hold message on the customer, downgrading the customer's
credit rating, writing off the customer's balance, or generating customer correspondence.

1070 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 35 Understanding Exception and Collection Processing

3. Manage future-dated entries in an action plan for a customer by cancelling the action, moving the action
to the customer action list, or changing the action plan parameters.

4. Run the Condition Monitor process again to generate statements, dunning letters, or follow-up letters for
customers on the action list with an action status for the correspondence type of Pending.

Entering and Reviewing Conversations

PeopleSoft Receivables conversation pages help keep track of ongoing discussions and conversations with
customer contacts. Examples include invoice and payment issues that you are trying to resolve, as well as
other customer inquiries. You can link a conversation to a specific item. Use the PeopleSoft notification
feature to send an email to an interested party to announce that there is a new conversation entry to review.

Use the conversation pages as needed to review or add entries to an existing conversation thread or to record
a new one. The search criteria for retrieving a conversation can be a keyword that is associated with the
conversation or a follow-up action, such as calling the customer again.

You can set the conversation up for review in a specified number of days or have the supervisor review it.
The system assigns the supervisor associated with the user profile for the individual to review the

You can also attach documents to the conversation, such as proof of delivery slips, a bill of lading, or a
Microsoft Word or Excel document.

The Condition Monitor process creates an action for a customer, if you create a rule for the Conversation
Follow-up condition when a follow-up date is reached or you enter a new follow-up action.

The Collection Workbench enables you to create and manage conversations and conversation promises, as
well as assign and perform and update action items based on conditions associated with those conversations.

See Chapter 40, "Using the Collections Workbench," Conversations, page 1172.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Managing Conversations"

Delivery of Correspondence
The Condition Monitor process creates actions to generate correspondence. Correspondence generation
timing depends on whether you specified that the action should be automated or proposed when you set up
your action templates.

If the action is automated and due today or earlier, the Condition Monitor:

• Adds the action item to the Action List table (PS_ACTION_LST).

• Inserts a record in the Condition Monitor Correspondence Interface table (PS_CM_CRSPD_IFC) that
includes the type of action, such as Send Follow Up Letter, and sets the process flag on the record to Y.

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Understanding Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 35

• Calls the appropriate correspondence process when the Condition Monitor completes.

Depending on the action, the process calls either the Dunning Application Engine process
(AR_DUNNING), Follow Up Letter Extract Application Engine process (AR_FOLLOWUP), or the
Statements Application Engine process (AR_STMTS).

If the action is proposed, the timing depends on the selection on the Letter Delivery page when you initiate
the action. The system either:

• Transfers you to the appropriate run control for the type of correspondence and populates the run control

• Generates the correspondence the next time that you run the Condition Monitor process or the next time
you run the appropriate correspondence process from the run control page.

The system creates a record on the Condition Monitor Correspondence Interface table for the action.

The Statements, AR Dunning, and Follow Up Letters Extract processes:

• Generate correspondence for customers that have actions on the Condition Monitor Correspondence
Interface table with the appropriate action code, such as Send Follow Up Letter or Send Statement.

• Use the contact for the correspondence customer to determine the delivery method and the email address
or fax number.

If there is no preferred delivery method such as email or fax for a customer's contact person, the system
prints the correspondence.

• Extract the email address or fax number for the contact when the delivery method is Email or Fax.

PeopleSoft Receivables interacts with Merkur DeliveryWare Software from the Merkur Group, to deliver
correspondence by fax or email. Read the Merkur documentation from the Merkur Group for more

Note. You must purchase and install the Merkur DeliveryWare and Merkur Connector software to fax or
email correspondence. You must also ensure that the windows service BEA ProcMGR's log on value is This
Account. Then the specified windows user account should have printing permission to the printer where the
Crystal reports print. You also must define the appropriate paper size in the Crystal process type definition.

See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft, "Using Crystal Reports"

The Crystal Reports for dunning letters, statements, and follow-up letters have two additional fields that the
Merkur DeliveryWare Software uses:

• The system populates the #DEST field based on the delivery method for the bill to contact for the
correspondence customer.

It contains the email address or fax number, or is left blank. If information is missing for the contact, the
system enters the following text in the #DEST field, and then the process prints the correspondence:

• If the email address is missing, the system enters *** NO EMAIL ADDR ***.

• If the fax number is missing, the system enters *** NO FAX NUMBER ***.

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Chapter 35 Understanding Exception and Collection Processing

• The system enters PULSE for the assigned action owner in the #USER field.

Within the Merkur DeliveryWare Software, you can set up rules that determine how to notify the
administrator of:

• A failed transmission.

• A successful transmission.

The #tagged fields used for Merkur must match the set up in the Merkur configuration. The crystal output
destination must be directed to the Merkur port monitor. Refer to the Merkur documentation for the proper

Follow-up Letters

The Follow Up Letter Extract process (AR_FOLLOWUP):

• Selects customers on the action list whose action is OLTR.

• Creates a flat file for the selected letters and delivery method combination for each job run.

Dunning Letters

The Dunning process (AR_DUNNING):

• Updates the Dunning ID number field on the Condition Monitor Correspondence Interface table based on
the dunning ID number assigned to the letters.

• Uses the letter code that you assign as the action parameter for the action list item to determine the text to
include in the letters when the dunning ID for the customer uses the dunning method Dunning By Action

Note. If the customer has a dunning ID with different dunning method other than Dunning By Action List,
the process does not generate the letter. You must run the process from the run control page to generate
the letter.

• Selects customers on the action list whose action is DLTR.

• Includes open items that met the selection criteria for the dunning ID assigned to the bill to customers on
the action list.

• Updates the Customer Dunning Letter Header table (PS_DUN_CUST) and the Dunning Detail table
(PS_DUN_CUST_DTL), so that you can view the letter information online.


The Statements process (AR_STMTS):

• Selects customers on the action list whose action is STMT.

• Includes open items for all bill to customers associated with the collection customer on the action list.

• Updates the Statement ID number field on the Condition Monitor Correspondence Interface table based
on the statement ID number assigned to the job.

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Understanding Exception and Collection Processing Chapter 35

• Updates the Customer Statement Header table (PS_STMT_CUST) and Statement Detail table
(PS_STMT_DTL), so that you can view the statement information online.

Item Inclusion and Exclusion

You have the option to exclude items in dispute or collection as well as deductions from the various processes
in PeopleSoft Receivables based on your setup or your selection at run time. The system looks to see if an
item is marked as a deduction, disputed, or in collection to determine whether to include or exclude the item.
The processes that you can set up to exclude exception and collection items are:

• Aging.

• Calculations for average days late and weighted average days late.

• Dunning letters.

• Statements.

• Overdue charge invoices.

• Automatic Maintenance processing. (Excludes only deductions or disputed items.)

• Payment Predictor processing. (Excludes only deductions or disputed items.)

• Balances on the Account Overview - Balances page.

• Items selected for inclusion on payment, draft, transfer, and maintenance worksheets.

Process Scheduling
If you schedule your batch processes to run at a particular time of the day, you will probably find it most
efficient to schedule them to run in this order:

1. Payment Predictor.

2. Automatic Maintenance.

3. Receivable Update.

4. Condition Monitor.

5. Correspondence processes for statements, dunning letters, and follow-up letters.

6. Overdue Charges.

Scheduling the processes in this order, enables the Condition Monitor to create action list items for new
deductions, disputed items, or new collection conditions, and notify action owners of new assignments as
soon as possible.

1074 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 36

Managing Credit, Collections, and

This chapter lists prerequisites and common elements and discusses how to:

• Monitor conditions.

• Assign actions and send notification.

• Manage action owner assignments.

• Work with actions.

• Generate additional workflow notifications.

• Obtain Dun and Bradstreet information for a customer.

See Also

Chapter 35, "Understanding Exception and Collection Processing," page 1061

Chapter 38, "Generating Correspondence," page 1133

Before managing exception and collection issues, perform these tasks:

• Set up your system for exception and collection management.

• Define correspondence options.

• Define collection options for your installation.

See Also

Chapter 7, "Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing," page 195

Chapter 6, "Setting Up Correspondence Options," page 175

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Installation Options for
PeopleSoft Applications," Defining Receivables Installation Options

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1075
Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions Chapter 36

Common Elements Used in This Chapter

Action or Action Code Activity that an individual or the system performs when a customer or item
violates a condition. For example, placing a customer on credit hold or
generating a dunning letter.

Action Parameter Value to use when the system performs the action. On some pages, you can
provide a value.
For Send a dunning Letter (DLTR), enter a letter code.

Note. To use the letter assigned to the action, you must assign a customer a
dunning ID that uses an Dunning by Action List dunning method. Otherwise, the
system uses the letter codes based on the rules for the dunning ID.

For Place a hold message on a customer (HOLD), enter a message code.

For Send a follow-up letter (OLTR), enter a letter code.
For Refer to a collection agency (REFR), enter a collection code.

Action Template Template that provides an escalating plan for actions based on the age of the

Assign To or Action User ID of the action owner assigned to work with the action item.
Condition or Condition Change of status in a customer's account, such as reaching a credit limit or
ID exceeding a user-defined balance. A condition also occurs when specified item
types meet user-defined criteria.

Due Date Date by which the action should be performed.

Search Click to populate a grid with data that matches your search criteria.

Monitoring Conditions
This section provides an overview of the Condition Monitor Application Engine process (AR_CNDMON)
and discusses how to run the Condition Monitor process.

Understanding the Condition Monitor Application Engine Process

The Condition Monitor process scans customer and item information to determine whether their current
condition should trigger an action plan.

When you run the process, you specify which customers to include in the run:

• All customers for a setID.

1076 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 36 Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions

• All customers in a customer group.

• Individual customers.

This process performs four primary functions:

• Selects and loads customers, items, balances, and rules to monitor.

• Checks collection and assessment rules to determine if customers or items have violated the conditions
being monitored in the rules.

• Updates the application tables.

• Processes automated actions.

Selection and Load Process

The Condition Monitor process analyzes the schedules, customers, items, and rules to determine what to
monitor. The process selects customers who meet the criteria specified on the Condition Monitor page. The
process also selects all rules scheduled to be monitored on the current day as well as rules that were scheduled
to run between the current day and the last time that you ran the process. The process runs user-defined
schedules only if they match the run day.

The process matches the customers and items with the appropriate rules and loads the rules into a temporary

The process applies the rules at the lowest specified level, even if the rule at the customer or customer group
level is on a schedule that does not meet the criteria for the current run. For example, a rule set to process
weekly at the customer level is not overridden by a rule set to process daily at the setID level.

The process collects data specific to each customer (such as credit limit). The process loads customer
balances into a temporary table and makes adjustments for unapplied payments, in process payments, and for
disputed amounts, based on your installation options.

The process loads the items used for rules that use item-level conditions, such as Entry Type/Reason Code or
deduction item.

The process loads the action owners—collectors, credit analysts, receivables (AR) specialists, and sales
people—into temporary tables.

Collection and Assessment Rule Processing

The Condition Monitor process analyzes each assessment rule and compares the rule parameters to the
specific data related to each condition. The process inserts any rule violations into a temporary table. The
process compares the violations in the temporary table with existing violations. If the violation is new, it
places the actions for the action template in the Temporary Action Process table (AR_CM_PRC_TAO).

Also, when you run the Condition Monitor process, the Condition Monitor evaluates each promise date
conversation and creates an action list for all promise date conversations requiring follow up. It also evaluates
whether a promise has been kept or broken and sets the promise status appropriately.

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Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions Chapter 36

The Condition Monitor process also analyzes all collection rule violations and loads them into a temporary
table. It deletes any violation in the temporary table that has an existing action plan, unless you enabled the
escalation feature on the Installation Options - Receivables page. If the new violation has a higher priority
action template, the process removes current actions and future pending actions and inserts new actions based
in the new action template into the Action Process table (PS_AR_ACTION_PRCS).

See Chapter 35, "Understanding Exception and Collection Processing," Collection Processing, page 1069.

Application Table Updates

The Condition Monitor analyzes the temporary table that contains rule violations, and inserts new records into
the Action Process and Action List (PS_ACTION_LST) tables.

The process also:

• Cancels existing actions, if the condition violation no longer exists.

• Assigns action owners.

• Loads and updates the Action List table from the temporary action list.

• Evaluates the existing action dates in the Action Process table for customers and items to determine
whether to move an action to the Action List table.

• Calls the WF_FUNCTION, which triggers workflow processing to send emails to action owners that
notify them of new actions.

See Appendix C, "Delivered Workflows for PeopleSoft Receivables," page 1295.

Automated Action Processing

The Condition Monitor process performs any actions that are flagged as Automatic. For noncorrespondence
actions, such as Hold, the Condition Monitor process updates the appropriate data in the database. If the
action produces correspondence, such as a dunning letter or statement, the process inserts a record in the
Condition Monitor Correspondence Interface table (PS_CM_CRSPD_IFC) that includes the type of action,
such as Send Follow Up Letter, and sets the process flag on the record to Y.

Note. The Condition Monitor process automatically calls the processes to generate the correspondence for all
actions whose process flag is Y. If a customer has multiple actions for the same type of correspondence—for
example, two actions to generate dunning letters—the system generates the dunning letters for the most recent

Page Used for Condition Monitoring

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Condition Monitor RUN_AR_CNDMON Accounts Receivable, Define the run parameters

Customer Interactions, for the Condition Monitor
Actions, Condition Monitor, process.
Condition Monitor

1078 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 36 Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions

Running the Condition Monitor Process

Access the Condition Monitor page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Actions, Condition
Monitor, Condition Monitor.)

Specify the level to be monitored. Monitor by SetID, Customer Group, or Customer.

Anchor Date, Anchor Enter the date, currency code, and rate type used to convert monetary amounts to
Currency, and Anchor a common currency for comparison purposes. If you leave these fields blank, the
Rate Type process uses the current date, format currency for the user—who created the run
control—in user preferences, and the rate type for the business unit.

Assigning Actions and Sending Notification

This section provides an overview of action assignments and notification and discusses how to assign actions
to items.

Understanding Action Assignments and Notification

The Condition Monitor process assigns actions to individuals based on the type of action owner in the
condition definition and the individual assigned to the customer or item. For example, if the assigned owner
for a deduction item condition definition is AR Specialist, the system assigns the action for the deduction item
to the AR specialist on the item. As another example, if the assigned owner for the Collection condition is
collector, the system assigns the collector assigned to the customer to the action.

Note. If you selected the Allow Business Unit Monitoring check box on the Installation Options -
Receivables page, the Condition Monitor process groups all open items for the business unit and collection
customer combination together. If all these transactions have the same value in the action owner field, it uses
that value for the assigned action owner. Otherwise, it assigns the owner based on the collection customer.

You can also assign actions to items online, using the Item Action page. This is useful when an AR specialist
is managing a deduction or disputed item, and the specialist wants to assign an action to a broker or
salesperson to research information or obtain information from the customer.

When you assign a new action related to an item to action owners, the system calls a function that triggers a
workflow process to send an email to the action owners indicating that they have a new action. The Condition
Monitor process also sends notification for new actions that the Condition Monitor creates. In both cases, the
system also adds the action to the action owner's worklist.

You specify the number of days before or after the due date, to send the action owners an email reminding
them that an action is due to be completed in each action template.

See Also

Appendix C, "Delivered Workflows for PeopleSoft Receivables," page 1295

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Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions Chapter 36

Pages Used to Assign Actions and Send Notification

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

View/Update Item Details - ITEM_MAINTAIN Accounts Receivable, Review an item to

Detail 1 Customer Accounts, Item determine whether it needs
Information, View/Update an action.
Item Details, Detail 1

Item Action ITEM_ACTION Click the Item Action link Create a new action for an
on the View/Update Item item and assign it to an
Details - Detail 1 page. action owner.

Assigning Actions to Items

Access the Item Action page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information,
View/Update Item Details, Detail 1.)

1080 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 36 Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions

View/Update Item Detail - Detail 1 page

For an existing action, you can change only the Action Status field.

View/Update Click to access the Conversations page, where you can view conversation entries
Conversations or add additional entries. This link is available only if the customer has existing

Add Action Click to create a new action.

Action Status Displays the status for the action. Values are: New, Pending, or Cancelled.
If the status is Cancelled, you cannot change it. If you enter an action online, the
default status is New. The system triggers workflow processing for new action
Only the action owner or action creator can change the status. The system sets
the status to Complete after you perform the action.

Action Displays the action code. For a new action, select an action.

Description Click to access the Action page, where you work the action.

Assigned and Action Displays the user ID and name of the action owner. For a new action, select a
Owner user ID.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1081
Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions Chapter 36

Due Date Displays the due date. For a new action, the system calculates the due date using
the calendar assigned to the business unit on the Receivables Options - General 1
page and the Due Days field for the action definition. The system adds the
number of days in the Due Days field to the current date, and subtracts the
number of weekend days and holidays, as defined in the calendar.

Action Parm (action Enter the appropriate parameter for the action based on the action type:
For Send a dunning Letter (DLTR), enter a letter code.

Note. To use the letter assigned to the action, you must assign a customer a
dunning ID that uses an Dunning by Action List dunning method. Otherwise, the
system uses the letter codes based on the rules for the dunning ID.

For Place a hold message on a customer (HOLD), enter a message code.

For Send a follow-up letter (OLTR), enter a letter code.
For Refer to a collection agency (REFR), enter a collection code.

Days to Notify Owner Enter the number of days from the action due date to remind the action owner
that the action is not complete.

Days to Notify Enter the number of days from the action due date to notify the action owner's
Supervisor supervisor that the action is not complete.

Days to Notify Specialist Enter the number of days from the action due date to notify the AR specialist for
an item that the action is not complete.

Note. Enter a positive number to send the notification after the due date and a negative number to send the
notification before the due date. To send the notification on the due date, enter 0. You must run the Condition
Monitor process to send the notification.

The system does not include weekends and holidays when it calculates the notification date. The system uses
the business calendar that you selected for the general ledger business unit associated with the receivables
business unit, to determine which days are holidays and weekend days. Select the calendar in the Holiday List
field on the General Ledger Definition - Definition page.

Managing Action Owner Assignments

This section provides an overview of management of action owner assignments and discusses how to:

• Run the Owner Action Status report.

• Run the Actions by Customer/Conditions report.

• Reassign actions.

1082 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 36 Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions

Understanding Management of Action Owner Assignments

PeopleSoft Receivables provides two reports that help you manage action owner assignments:

• The Owner Action Status report lists the number of new action assignments by action owner in the
reporting period.

For each action, the report provides:

• Total number of actions.

• The number and percentage of canceled and completed actions for each action owner.

• The number and percentage of canceled and completed actions by the Condition Monitor process.

• The Condition Status by Owner and Customer report lists the conditions on the customer action list for
each action owner by a customer.

The report lists the total number of actions, the number of actions by condition, the number of actions
completed or canceled by the operator, and the number of actions completed or canceled by the Condition
Monitor process.

The Condition Monitor process triggers workflow processing to send the supervisor of an action owner an
email when an action is not completed in the specified number of days in the action template or item action
list. The Condition Monitor process also triggers workflow processing to send the AR specialist for an item
with an action an email when the action is not completed in the specified number of days in the action
template or item action list. The email provides a uniform resource locator (URL) to the Action page, where
the supervisor or AR specialist reviews the action and reassigns it, if needed.

PeopleSoft Receivables enables a supervisor to balance the workload of action owners. The Reassign Action
page displays a list of action assignments based on your search criteria. If you see that an action owner has a
large number of actions, you can reassign selected actions to a different action owner. You can also change
the status of an action assigned to an owner to Future, to indicate that actions that are not urgent can be
postponed. The system automatically triggers workflow processing to send an email to the new owner with
notification of the new action.

See Also

Appendix C, "Delivered Workflows for PeopleSoft Receivables," page 1295

Set up action owners to receive email notification.

See Also

Chapter 7, "Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing," Setting Up Workflow Notification for Action
Owners, page 199

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Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions Chapter 36

Pages Used to Manage Action Assignments

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Action Status by Owner Rpt RUN_ARCMCHCK Accounts Receivable, Define the run parameters
Customer Interactions, for the Owner Action Status
Actions, Action Status by report (ARCMCHK). Use
Owner Rpt, Action Status the report to view the
by Owner Rpt number of actions added to
the owner's action list for
each day of the reporting
period specified in the run
parameters, and the number
completed or canceled.

Condition Status by Owner RUN_ARCMCUST Accounts Receivable, Define the run parameters
Rpt Customer Interactions, for the Condition Status by
Actions, Condition Status Owner and Customer report
by Owner Rpt, Condition (ARCMCUST). Use the
Status by Owner Rpt report to view details about
action items on the
customer action list for each
action owner.

Reassign Action ACTION_REASSIGN Accounts Receivable, Review action assignments

Customer Interactions, and reassign actions.
Actions, Action
Reassignment, Reassign

Running the Owner Action Status Report

Access the Action Status by Owner Rpt page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Actions,
Action Status by Owner Rpt, Action Status by Owner Rpt.)

From Date and To Date Enter the date range of the actions entered on the action lists.

Running the Condition Status by Owner and Customer Report

Access the Condition Status by Owner Rpt page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions,
Actions, Condition Status by Owner Rpt, Condition Status by Owner Rpt.)

This page is the same as the Action Status by Owner Rpt page.

Reassigning Actions
Access the Reassign Action page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Actions, Action
Reassignment, Reassign Action.)

1084 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 36 Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions

Reassign Action page

Entering Search Criteria

Enter search criteria to populate the grid with actions and click Search.

Action Status Select the status of the items that you want to review. You can select one of these
• New

This action status indicates that the owner has not reviewed the action.

• Pending

This action status indicates that the owner has reviewed the action, but has
not completed it.

• Future

This action status indicates that the owner has reviewed the action and
determined that it will be performed in the future.

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Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions Chapter 36

Due Date Select a date by which the owner should perform the action.

Owner Type and Owner Select an owner type and owner. Values for owner type are: AR Specialist,
Collector, Analyst, or Sales Person. The values in the Owner field are the codes
that you defined for your collectors, credit analysts, AR specialists, or
salespeople, depending on your selection.

Reassigning Actions

To reassign owners:

1. Select the actions that you want to reassign individually, or click Select All.

2. Select the owner type and appropriate value for the owner.

3. Click Reassign.

The owner name in the grid changes when you click Reassign. The system automatically triggers the
Workflow Notification process to send notification to the new owner. A notification is also sent to the
original owner indicating that the action has been reassigned.

Working with Actions

This section provides an overview of action processing and discusses how to:

• Work with actions received by email.

• Work with actions on the PeopleSoft worklist.

• Work with actions on the owner action list.

• Work with actions on the customer action list.

• Work with actions on the item action list.

• Perform an action.

• Enter correspondence parameters.

• Manage future actions.

• Review action history for a customer.

Understanding Action Processing

PeopleSoft Receivables provides three types of action lists:

• The owner action list displays all customers who have active actions assigned to the action owner that you
specified in the search criteria.

• The customer action list displays all active actions for a specified customer.

1086 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 36 Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions

• The item action list displays all active actions for an item.

If a customer has an action plan, the Future Actions page displays the list of escalating actions in the action
template associated with the rule that created the plan. The Future Actions page displays the date that the
Condition Monitor should move the action to the action list.

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to access and work with actions from these locations:

• An email notification.

• The PeopleSoft worklist.

• The Owner Action List page.

• The Customer Action List page.

• The Item Action page.

This diagram shows the process flow for working with actions. You can perform or reassign actions based on
an email, a PeopleSoft Worklist, a Customer Action List, and an Owner Action List. You can perform an
action from the Item Action List by accessing first the Owner Action List to the Item Maintenance
component, which enables you to access the Item Action List. You can also access the Customer Action List
from the Owner Action list in order to perform actions.

Methods for performing and reassigning actions.

When you work with an action, you can:

• Perform the action.

• Review or add conversation entries for the customer.

• Reassign the action.

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Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions Chapter 36

Pages Used to Work with Actions

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Owner Action List OWNER_ACTION

• Accounts Receivable, Review a list of open
Customer Interactions, actions that are assigned to
Actions, Owner Action a specific owner.
List, Owner Action List

• Click the URL in an

email notification.

Display Currency EU_DSP_CUR_CNV_ACT Click the Display Currency Change the display currency
Conversion link on the Owner Action and specify the effective
List page. date used for currency
conversion and which
exchange rate to use.


• Click a customer ID Review a list of open
link on the Owner actions for the customer and
Action List page. take action on the
• Accounts Receivable,
Customer Accounts,
Customer Information,
Account Overview,
Customer Action

Item Action ITEM_ACTION Accounts Receivable, Review a list of open

Customer Accounts, Item actions for an item and add
Information, View/Update actions for an item.
Item Details, Detail 1
Click the Item Action link
on the View/Update Item
Details - Detail 1 page.

• Click the URL in an Review and work a single
email notification. action.

• Click the link for a

work item on your
personal worklist.

• Click an Action link on

the Owner Action List

• Click an Action link on

the Item Action page.

1088 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 36 Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Letter Delivery AR_LETTER_DELIVERY Click the Perform Action Enter the time to generate a
button on the Action page dunning letter, statement, or
for a Dunning Letter, follow-up letter, and
Follow-up Letter, or override the default contact
Statement action. name to appear on the

Future Actions ACTION_FUTURE Click Future Actions link Edit actions in an action
on the Customer Action plan for a customer that
page. The link is available have not yet been moved to
only if the customer has the customer action list.
active future actions. Cancel an action.

Action History ACTION_HISTORY Click the Action History Review a list of all actions
link on the Customer Action for a customer, including
page. completed actions and
actions assigned to all users.

Working with Actions Received by Email

To work with actions received in an email notification:

1. Open the email.

2. Do one of the following:

• Click the URL for the Action Detail page to open the Action page and perform the action.

• Click the URL for the Owner Action page to open the Owner Action List page and work with a list of
actions for an owner.

Working with Actions on the PeopleSoft Worklist

To work with actions on your personal worklist:

1. Click the PeopleSoft Worklist link.

2. Click one of the worklist item links.

Working with Actions on the Owner Action List

Access the Owner Action List page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Actions, Owner
Action List, Owner Action List.)

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Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions Chapter 36

Owner Action List page

Searching for Actions

Enter the search criteria that defines which customers appear in the list.

SetID, Customer, Enter the setID, customer ID, country, and state, to restrict the list of customers.
Country, and State The system uses the primary bill to address for each customer to determine the
county and state.

User ID Change the ID to display customers with actions assigned to another user. The
default user is the current user.

Supervisor Enter the supervisor of an action owner. Select from a list of user IDs.

Specialist Enter the AR specialist assigned to the actions.

Display Currency Click to open the Display Currency Conversion page, where you can change the
display currency. You can use the customer's default currency or enter a specific
currency. Also specify the date used to determine which exchange rate to use.
This button is available only if you selected the Use an AR Display Currency
option for the business unit.

Selecting the Display Option for the List

Highest Priority Per Select to display only the highest priority action for each customer. The default
Customer sort order is priority. Actions that you define on the Item Action page have the
lowest priority.

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Chapter 36 Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions

Show All Actions Select to display a list of all actions for each customer. The default sort order is
customer and priority.

Reviewing and Working Actions

Action Status Displays the status of an action. Values are:

New: No action has been taken.
Pending: You have looked at an action, but not completed it.

Action Click an action link to access the Action page, where you perform the action.

Customer Click to access the Customer Action page, where you view a list of all actions for
the customer and access the page used to perform the action.

Note. If you want to view actions for multiple customers, select the row for the
customers whose actions you want to view on the Customer Action page.

Customer Balance Displays the total open amount that the Condition Monitor calculates for the
customer. Depending on your selection on the Installation Options - Receivables
page, the amount includes unapplied payments and in process payments, and
excludes disputed items.

Item Click to access the View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page, where you view or
update details for an item and access the item action list. An item ID appears only
if the action is associated with an item condition, such as a deduction or an online

Item Balance Displays the open amount for the item. This amount appears only if the action is
associated with an item condition.

Past Due Displays the total past due amount for the customer or item.

Due Date Displays the date by which the action should be performed.

Action Owner Displays the name of the individual assigned to perform the action.

Supervisor Displays the name of the supervisor for the action owner.

AR Specialist Displays the AR specialist assigned to the customer or item.

Date Added Displays the date on which the Condition Monitor process added the action to the

Priority Displays the priority number for the action from the action template. Override the
priority if needed.

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Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions Chapter 36

Working with Actions on the Customer Action List

Access the Customer Action page. (Click a customer ID link on the Owner Action List page, or select
Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Customer Information, Account Overview, Customer Action.)

Customer Action page

Enter the search criteria that defines which customers' actions appear in the list.

Specify a setID, business unit (optional), customer ID, and subcustomer qualifiers. Leave the Unit field blank
if you want to see items for a single customer across all business units.

Use the Level field to limit or expand the list to include actions for any customer group to which this
customer belongs. Select C (corporate customer), P (correspondence customer), or R (remit from customer).
The default value is N (none), indicating that no customer relationships are taken into account.

Click the Next Customer button to see the action plan for the next customer
selected on the Owner Action List page.

Click the Previous Customer button to see the action plan for the previous
customer selected on the Owner Action List page.

Action History Click to access the Action History page, where you view a list of completed and
cancelled actions for a customer. This link is available only if there are
completed or cancelled actions.

1092 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 36 Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions

Future Actions Click to access the Future Actions page, where you view or update future actions
in the current action plan. This link is available only if the Condition Monitor
process generated an action plan for the customer with escalating actions over a
period of time.


Action Status Displays New as the default status. You can change the status to Pending or
Cancel. The system changes the status to Complete.

Action Code Click an action link to access the Action page, where you perform the action.

Monitor Role Displays the customer relationship that was monitored for the action list item,
such as Bill To Customer or Remit From Customer.

Due Date Displays the date by which the action should be performed.

Working with Actions on the Item Action List

Access the Item Action page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information,
View/Update Item Details, Detail 1, and Click the Item Action link on the View/Update Item Details - Detail
1 page.)

Action Status Displays the status for the action. Values are:
New: Displays for new actions that the owner has not begun to work.
Pending: Displays for actions that the owner has reviewed on the Action page,
but has not performed the action.
Cancel: Select to cancel the action. The system removes it from the list when you
save the page.

Description Click the Description link for an action to access the Action page, where you
perform the action.

See Also

Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," Assigning Actions to Items, page 1080

Performing an Action
Access the Action page. (Click the URL in an email notification, or click the link for a work item on your
personal worklist, or click an Action link on the Owner Action List page, or click an Action link on the Item
Action page.)

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Perform Action Click to perform the action.

Cancel Action Click to remove the action from the action list.

Action Status Displays the current status for the action: New or Pending. The system changes
the status to Complete after you perform the action.

Date Added Displays the date on which the action was added to the action list.

Days on List Displays the number of days the action has been on the action list.

Item Balance Displays the open amount for the item. This value appears for an item condition,
such as deduction item and reflects the current balance

Past Amount Due Displays the total amount past due for a customer. This value appears only for
the Collection (COLL) condition and reflects the amount calculated by the
Condition Monitor process.

Customer Balance Displays the total open amount that the Condition Monitor calculates for the
customer. Depending on your selection on the Installation Options - Receivables
page, the amount includes unapplied payments and in process payments, and
excludes disputed items.

History ID Displays the history ID specified in the assessment rule for the Key Statistics
Exceeded (KSTE) condition.

Entry Type and Entry Displays the entry type and reason specified in the assessment rule for the Entry
Reason Type/Reason (ETRC) condition. Items with this entry type and reason have
reached a specified amount or number of days before or after the date that the
Condition Monitor process ran.

Add A Conversation Click to access the Conversations page, where you add new conversation entries
for the customer.

View/Update Click to access the Conversations page, where you view existing conversation
Conversations entries for the customer.

Reassign Action Click to access the Reassign Action page, where you change the action

Action Results

When you click the Perform Action button for a noncorrespondence action, a message appears. The result of
the action varies, depending on your response to the message. If you are working on a correspondence action,
such as DLTR, OLTR, or STMT, the Letter Delivery page opens where you specify information for
processing the correspondence. The system generates the correspondence at the time that you specify on the
Letter Delivery page.

This table lists the results of the noncorrespondence actions:

1094 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 36 Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions

Action Action Result

Alert (ALRT) The result depends on your response to the message.

Yes: Changes the action status to Complete.
No: Changes the status to Pending.

Call the customer (CALL) You enter information into a current date conversation
for the customer or add a new conversation.
After you enter the conversation information, a message
appears. The result depends on your response to the
Yes: Changes the action status to Complete.
No: Changes the status to Pending.

Downgrade credit rating (DNGD) Opens the General Information component

(CUSTOMER_GENERAL) for the customer, where
you access the Credit Profile page to change the
customer's credit limit. When you save or exit the page,
you respond to a message.
The result depends on your response to the message.
Yes: Changes the action status to Complete.
No: Changes the status to Pending.

Place a hold message on the customer (HOLD) Inserts a record in the Customer Message table to put
the customer on hold, and changes the action status to

Refer to collection agency (REFR) Updates the collection status on the Credit Profile page
for the customer using the status code that you specified
as the action parameter.
Changes the action status to Complete.

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Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions Chapter 36

Action Action Result

Write-off balance Opens the Worksheet Selection page where you build a
worksheet to write-off the item on the Action page.
Perform these steps:
1. Enter the selection criteria and build the worksheet
on the Worksheet Selection page.

Use the same business unit, customer ID, and item

ID that is displayed on the Action page.

2. Select the item on the Worksheet Application page

and select the entry type for write-offs.

3. Select a posting action on the Worksheet Action

page and click OK.

4. Save the worksheet.

5. Click the Transfer to Action Detail Page link to
return to the Action page.

The status for the action changes to Complete.

Note. If you did not select an item with the same

business unit, customer ID, and item ID as the item
on the Action page or you did not write off the
entire amount, the system displays a warning
message that you did not complete the action. You
can either return to the Action page and the status of
the action changes to Pending, or you can return to
the worksheet and make the appropriate correction
to write off the item. Also, if you select Do Not
Post, the action status changes to Pending. As long
as you open the worksheet again and select a
posting status prior to logging off the system, you
can use the Transfer to Action Detail Page link from
the Worksheet Action page to complete the action.

User-defined action The result depends on your response to the message.

Yes: Changes the action status to Complete.
No: Changes the status to Pending.

Entering Correspondence Parameters

Access the Letter Delivery page. (Click the Perform Action button on the Action page for a Dunning Letter,
Follow-up Letter, or Statement action.)

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Chapter 36 Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions

Letter Delivery page

Specify when to generate a dunning letter, statement, or follow-up letter.

Process Now Depending on the action, accesses the appropriate run control page to initiate the
Dunning Application Engine process (AR_DUNNING), Follow Up Letter
Extract Application Engine process (AR_FOLLOWUP), or Statements process

Process Later Depending on the action, the system generates the correspondence for the
customer the next time that you run either the Dunning process, Follow Up Letter
Extract process, or Statements process. If you run the Condition Monitor process
prior to running the correspondence process, it automatically calls the appropriate
process to generate the correspondence.
The system changes the status to Complete when you click OK.

Contact ID Override the number of the contact in your organization whose name you want to
print on the correspondence. If you do not override the contact, statements and
dunning letters use the contact assigned to the correspondence customer and
follow-up letters use the contact assigned to the bill to customer.

See Also

Chapter 38, "Generating Correspondence," page 1133

Managing Future Actions

Access the Future Actions page. (Click Future Actions link on the Customer Action page. The link is
available only if the customer has active future actions.)

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Cancel Selected Actions Changes the status of all selected actions in the list to Cancelled.
The actions remain in the Action grid, but you cannot edit them.

Status Displays the status for the action. The default status is New. You can change it to
Cancelled if you want to remove the action from the collection process.

Descr (description) Displays the description for the condition that the customer violated.

Action Date Displays the date to move the action to the action list or to automatically perform
the action.

Proposed/Automated Indicates whether the Condition Monitor process performs the action. Values are:
Automated: The Condition Monitor process automatically performs the action the
next time that you run it on or after the action date.
Proposed: The Condition Monitor process transfers the action to the action list
the next time that you run it on or after the action date.

Note. You cannot edit an action that has been moved to the action list.

Reviewing Action History for a Customer

Access the Action History page. (Click the Action History link on the Customer Action page.)

Action Status Displays the status. Values are:

Cancelled: An action owner canceled the action.
Complete: The action owner completed the action.
System Cancelled: The Condition Monitor process canceled the action because
the customer is no longer violating the condition.
System Complete: The Condition Monitor process completed the action, such as
generating correspondence.

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Chapter 36 Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions

Cancel Reason Displays the reason the action was cancelled. Option are:
Credit Hold Exists: The customer was put on a credit hold.
Item Closed: The item associated with the action has a zero balance.
No Longer in Violation: The condition that generated the action no longer exists.
For example, the customer made a large payment and they are no longer
approaching the credit limit.
Operator Cancelled: The action was manually cancelled on the Action page or
the Future Actions page.
Rule Owner Change: The Condition Monitor cancelled the action and created a
new action, because the owner type in the collection or assessment rule that
generated the action was changed.
Template Upgrade: The action was cancelled because the Condition Monitor
upgraded the action to the next action on the action plan.

Description Displays the condition that the customer or item violated.

Condition Role Indicates whether the Condition Monitor process was monitoring conditions for
the bill to customer, corporate customer, correspondence customer, or remit from

Description Displays the action to be performed.

Proposed/Automated Indicates whether the Condition Monitor process performs the action. Values are:
Automated: The Condition Monitor process automatically performs the action the
next time that you run it on or after the action date.
Proposed: The Condition Monitor process transfers the action to the action list
the next time that you run it on or after the action date.

Delivery Method Displays the method used to deliver the correspondence for correspondence
actions: Email, Fax, or Print.

Complete Date Displays the date on which the action was completed.

Generating Additional Workflow Notifications

This section provides an overview of additional workflow notifications, lists prerequisites, and discusses how
to run the Workflow Notification process.

Understanding Additional Workflow Notifications

You can generate items on individuals' worklists and send email notifications for these situations:

• An item has been closed by the creation of a new debit or credit item rather than written off.

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• The Payment Predictor Application Engine process (ARPREDCT) applies a payment to a customer's
account and generates a payment worksheet.

The Workflow Notification Application Engine process (AR_WORKFLOW) notifies the workflow user
assigned to the customer.

Set up users for workflow notification.

See Also

Chapter 7, "Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing," Setting Up Workflow Notification for Action
Owners, page 199

Page Used to Generate Additional Workflow Notifications

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Notification Run Control WF_RUN_CNTL_AR Accounts Receivable, Run the Workflow

Customer Interactions, Notification process to
Actions, Notification, notify workflow users of
Notification Run Control payment worksheets
requiring review and new
debits and credits.

Running the Workflow Notification Application Engine Process

Access the Notification Run Control page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Actions,
Notification, Notification Run Control.)

New Debit Credit Flag Select to notify workflow users of new debits or credits created by the system
when closing another item.

PP On Account Flag Select to notify workflow users when the Payment Predictor process created a
(Payment Predictor on new on-account item and generated a worksheet for the item.
account flag)

Generating Risk Scores

This section presents an overview of risk score processing and discusses how to run the risk scoring process.

1100 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 36 Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions

Risk Score Definitions

These definitions are

Scoring Element Describes the type of scoring data used to make up a scoring rule. For example,
balance due or DSO30.

Scoring Group A group of related scoring elements, such as, system defined history or aging

Scoring Rule A user-defined rule which can consist of one or more scoring elements used to
compute a risk score for a customer or group of customers.

Understanding the Risk Scoring Process (RUN_AR_RISK)

The AR_RISK application engine program is used to compute the risk score for a customer or group of
customers using the scoring rules that you set up in the Risk Scoring Rule component (Set Up
Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Credit/Collections, Risk Scoring Rule.) You should
run the AR_RISK program as part of a nightly batch run after the ARUPDATE and AR_AGING processes
have completed. The AR_RISK program relies on updated history and aging information to compute the most
accurate risk score.

The customers are loaded by setID, customer group or specific customer, depending on your selections on the
Compute Risk Scores run control page. The business units are loaded based on the customers that were
loaded. The risk scoring rules are loaded in a hierarchical fashion, similar to assessment rules used by the
Condition Monitor. The user also has the option to run the risk scoring process for only one rule by entering
the override risk score id on the Compute Risk Scores run control page.

After all the customers and rules are loaded into temporary tables, the program processes each type of scoring
group necessary based on the rules selected. Each section retrieves the relevant data to compute the score and
stores the data in a temp table. Amounts are converted to the anchor currency defined on the risk scoring rule
using the anchor date and rate type selected on the Compute Risk Scores run control page. Once all of the
scoring groups are processed and the data is stored in temp tables, a risk score is computed for each scoring
element by comparing the data to the range values defined on the risk scoring rule. The computation is risk
score = (risk range value * (risk scoring weight / 100)). The individual element scores are summed for the
overall customer score and the PS_CUST_CREDIT table is updated with the customer risk score.

Here is an example of how the hierarchical Risk Scoring program (AR_RISK)works:

You run the AR_RISK program using customer 1000.

The program:

• Looks for a risk rule defined for customer 1000.

• If a risk rule is found, the program selects the first one and quits the selection process for this customer.

• If a risk rule is not found, the program looks for a risk rule defined for a customer group to which
customer 1000 belongs.

• If a risk rule is found for this customer group, select the first one and quit the selection process for this

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Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions Chapter 36

• If a risk rule is not found for this customer group, look for a rule defined for a setID to which customer
1000 belongs.

• If a risk rule is found for this setID, select the first one and quit the selection process for this customer.

• If a risk rule is not found for this setID, the program will issue a message indicating that no rule has been

These are examples of how the Risk Score process calculated risk scores for Customer A and Customer B.

Customer A

Scoring Element Customer Range Low Range High Range Scoring Score
Group Metrics Value Weight (%) Weight *

System AVGDAYS 50 -99999 35 1 0.15 0.30

(Average 36 56 2
Days Late)
57 99999 3

Aging 06 121+ 8,000 - 1000 5 0.85 8.50

Information 999,999,999
(121+ days 10,000 10
aging 1001
999,999,999 15

Total Score: 8.80

Customer B

Scoring Element Customer Range Low Range High Range Scoring (%) Score
Group Metrics Value Weight *

System AVGDAYS 30 -99,999 35 1 0.15 0.15

(Average 36 56 2
Days Late
57 99,999 3

Aging 06 121+ 10,000 - 1000 5 0.85 8.50

Information 999,999,999
(121+ days 10,000 10
aging 1001
999,999,999 15

Total Score: 8.65

See Chapter 7, "Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing," Setting Up Risk Scoring Rules, page 234.

See Also

Chapter 7, "Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing," Understanding Conditions, page 207

1102 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 36 Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions

Understanding How Risk Scoring Elements Are Derived

This table describes how risk scoring element data is derived for use in the Risk Scoring process.

Risk Scoring Group Risk Scoring Element Description

System Defined History All History Elements The Risk Scoring process selects the
CUST_HISTORY table for either the
FY/Period based on the run date of
the risk scoring process or the user-
entered FY/Period, which is an option
on the Run Risk Scoring Process
page. The HIST_AMT is used when
the System Defined History element
is amount-based such as PAST_DUE.
The HIST_COUNT is used when the
element is days-based such as
element is amount-based and more
than one currency exists in the
CUST_HISTORY table, the amount
will be converted to the currency
selected on the risk scoring rule.
You must run Aging or ARUPDATE
and select the history options before
the CUST_HISTORY table is
populated with current FY/Period
data. Aging updates some of the
System Defined History elements and
ARUPDATE updates some of the
System Defined History elements.
See Chapter 8, "Setting Up History
and Aging," Reviewing System-
Defined History IDs, page 248.
Once the process selects the
selected value is summed by:







The process compares the summed

amount to the risk ranges to
determine the range value.

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Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions Chapter 36

Risk Scoring Group Risk Scoring Element Description

User Defined History All User Defined History Elements Same as System Defined History.

Aging The Risk Scoring process selects the

table for the: BU, Customer, Aging
ID and Aging Category.
• Business Unit

• Customer

• Aging ID

• Aging Category

NOTE: The aging elements are

amount-based and will be converted
to the currency selected on the risk
score rule if more than one currency
exists in the CUST_AGING table.
You should run Aging prior to Risk
Scoring to ensure that the most
current Aging data exists in the
Once the Risk Scoring process selects
the AGING_AMT, it is summed by






The summed amount is compared to

the risk ranges to determine the range

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Chapter 36 Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions

Risk Scoring Group Risk Scoring Element Description

Item Large Amount Past Due Item This risk scoring element refers to the
item with the largest amount that is
past due.
The Risk Scoring process selects all
of the amounts from PS_ITEM that
are less than or equal to the current
date for open items (IT-01 only).
Next, it selects the maximum amount
and compares this amount to the risk
ranges to determine the range value.
NOTE: The item amounts will be
converted to the currency selected on
the risk scoring rule if more than one
currency exists in the PS_ITEM table.

Item Date of Oldest Item This risk scoring element refers to the
item with the highest number of days
late and is over a specified minimum
You enter the minimum threshold
amount on the risk scoring rule. For
example, the oldest item that has an
amount greater than $1000 USD.
The Risk Scoring process selects the
maximum days that an item is past
due based on the due date in
PS_ITEM for open items (IT-01 only)
and the item balance is greater than or
equal to the threshold amount entered
on the risk scoring rule. The
maximum days selected that meets
the above criteria is compared to the
risk ranges to determine the range

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1105
Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions Chapter 36

Risk Scoring Group Risk Scoring Element Description

Customer Activity Approaching Credit Limit Percent This risk scoring element refers to the
percentage of the customer balance
that is approaching the credit limit.
NOTE: You must set up the customer
credit information for the processing
of this element to return any data.
This formula is used to calculate the
percentage of the customer balance
that is over the credit limit.
Percent over credit limit =
R/100 )/
The risk scoring processes compares
this percentage over credit limit to the
risk ranges to determine the range

Customer Activity Exceeded Credit Limit This risk scoring element refers to
whether the customer has exceeded
their credit limit.
The Risk Scoring process selects the
customer balance from
PS_CUST_DATA and compares it to
the credit limit from the
NOTE: You must set up the customer
credit information for the processing
of this element to return any data.
This formula is used to determine if
the customer has exceeded the credit
MIT * (1 +
If the customer exceeds the credit
limit, the Risk Scoring process sets
the scoring element value to Y (yes)
and uses the range value for Y. If the
customer does not exceed the credit
limit, the Risk Scoring process sets
the scoring element value to N (no)
and uses the range value for N.

1106 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 36 Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions

Risk Scoring Group Risk Scoring Element Description

Customer Activity Credit Hold This risk scoring element refers to

whether a customer is on credit hold.
If the customer exists in the view
PS_AR_CUST_CRHD_VW then it is
on credit hold and the Risk Scoring
process sets the flag to Y (yes) and
uses the range value for Y on the Risk
Scoring Rule details page. If the
customer does not exist in the view
Scoring process sets the value to N
(no) and uses the range value for N.

Customer Activity Balance Due This risk scoring element refers to the
customer balance due.
The Risk Scoring process selects and
sums the
compares that amount to the risk
ranges that appear the Risk Range
Detail page associated with the Risk
Scoring Rule to determine the range

Customer Activity Percent of Balance Past Due This risk scoring element refers to the
percentage of the customer balance
that is past due.
The Risk Scoring process selects and
sums the
for open items where the due date is
less than the current date. It divides
the past due balance by the total
customer balance to determine the
percentage that is past due. It
compares this percentage to the risk
ranges that appear on the Risk Range
Detail page associated with the Risk
Scoring Rule to determine the range

Customer Table All Elements Select the risk scoring element from
the PS_CUSTOMER table for the
customers selected for risk scoring
and compare that data against the risk
ranges to determine the range value.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1107
Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions Chapter 36

Risk Scoring Group Risk Scoring Element Description

Customer D&B Table (customer All Elements The Risk Scoring process selects the
Dunn and Bradstreet table) element from the PS_CUST_DB table
for the customers selected for risk
scoring and compares that data
against the risk ranges to determine
the range value.
record field was used to obtain the
DB number for lookup on the
CUST_DB table. The
was used to determine which
STD_ID_NUM to retrieve from the

Ratios Debt Ratio The Risk Scoring process divides the

total current liabilities by the total
current assets based on this formula:

Ratios Asset Turnovers The Risk Scoring process divides the

sales by the total current assets based
on this formula:

Ratios ROE (Return on Equity) The Risk Scoring process divides the
net income by the total current assets
and subtracts the total current
liabilities based on this formula:

Ratios Acid Test Ratio The Risk Scoring process subtracts

inventory from the total assets and
divide by the total current liabilities
based on this formula:

1108 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 36 Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions

Page Used to Run the Risk Scoring Process

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Compute Risk Scores RUN_AR_RISK Accounts Receivable, Run the Risk Scoring
Receivables Analysis, Process (RUN_AR_RISK)
Request Risk Scoring,
Compute Risk Scores

Running the Risk Scoring Process

Access the Compute Risk Scores page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Analysis, Request Risk Scoring,
Compute Risk Scores)

Compute Risk Scores page

Override Risk Score ID Select a risk score id if you want to run the risk scoring process for only one risk
scoring rule. If you select a value for this field, the risk score process will only
process this selected rule and will override the risk score processing hierarchy
that runs based on your selection of a SetID value and Customer Group or
Customer ID.
Leave this field blank if you want to process all rules that apply based on the
selection criteria.

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Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions Chapter 36

Anchor Date Select the date to apply to the currency conversion when processing this risk
score. The currency is derived from the risk score rule.
This is a required field.

Anchor Rate Type Select the rate type to apply to the currency conversion when processing this risk
This is a required field.
See Chapter 7, "Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing," Setting Up
Risk Scoring Rules, page 234.

Date Option for History Select one of these dates to use for retrieving history data:
• Use Run Date

Select this option to use the date this process is run for the history scoring
elements in the process..

• Specify Date

Select this option to enable the Fiscal Year and Period fields, and enter the
year and accounting period to use for the history scoring elements in this

Reviewing Conversations and Promises

This section discusses how to:

• View and update conversations and promises in PeopleSoft Receivables.

• Review conversations with incomplete follow-ups.

• Review, add or update conversations with follow-up dates.

• Review or modify promise date conversations.

• Review broken promises.

• Review, add, or change promises that require supervisor review.

• Search by key word.

• Inquire on promise date conversations.

1110 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 36 Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions

Pages Used to Review Conversations and Promises

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Conversations CONVER_DATA1_SS Accounts Receivable, View and update existing

Customer Interactions, conversations and promises
Conversations, in PeopleSoft Receivables.
Conversations, select the
Conversations tab.

References CONVER_DATA2_SS Accounts Receivable, Review and add transaction

Customer Interactions, references to the
Conversations, conversation.
Conversations, select the
References tab.

Attachments CONVER_DATA5_SS Accounts Receivable, Add attachments of files to

Customer Interactions, the conversation.
Conversations, select the
Attachments tab.

• Accounts Receivable, Enter and update contact
Customer Interactions, information.
Conversations, Update
Contacts, Update
Contacts page

• Customers, Contact
Information, Contact

Conversations by Key Word SEARCH Accounts Receivable, Search for conversations

Customer Interactions, based on key words
Conversations, Search by identified on the
Key Word, Conversations Conversations page.
by Key Word

Follow-Up Action SEARCH Accounts Receivable, Search for Conversations

Customer Interactions, with incomplete follow-ups.
Conversations, Follow-Up
Action Needed, Follow-Up
Action Needed page

Conversation Review SEARCH Accounts Receivable, Search for regular

Needed Customer Interactions, conversations where a
Conversations, Review review was not completed
Needed, Conversation on the review date.
Review Needed page

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Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions Chapter 36

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Promise Date Review SEARCH Accounts Receivable, Search for promise date
Needed Customer Interactions, conversations where a
Conversations, Promise review based on the
Date Review Needed, promise date has not been
Promise Date Review completed.
Needed page

Broken Promises Review SEARCH Accounts Receivable, Search for the promise date
Needed Customer Interactions, conversations for which the
Conversations, Broken promise was broken.
Promises Review Needed,
Broken Promises Review
Needed page

Supervisor Review Needed SEARCH Accounts Receivable, Search for regular and
Customer Interactions, promise date conversations
Conversations, Supervisor that have the Supervisor
Review Needed, Supervisor Review check box selected.
Review Needed page

Promise Date Inquiry CWB_PROMISEINQ Accounts Receivable, Review promised date

Customer Interactions, conversation information.
Conversations, Promise
Date Inquiry, Promise Date
Inquiry page

Viewing and Updating Conversations and Promises in PeopleSoft Receivables

Access the Conversations page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations, View/Update
Conversations, select the Conversations tab.)

1112 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 36 Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions

View/update Conversations - Conversations page (1 of 2)

View/Update Conversations - Conversations page (2 of 2)

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Managing Conversations."

Reviewing Conversations with Incomplete Follow-ups

Access the Follow-up Action Needed Search page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions,
Conversations, Follow-Up Action Needed, Follow-Up Action Needed page)

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Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions Chapter 36

Follow-Up Action page

1114 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 36 Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions

Conversation page with follow-up Action needed

Enter the search criteria to enable the system to search for regular conversations and promise date
conversations that have incomplete follow-up actions. The user assigned to the action has not selected the
Done check box on the Conversations page. The system lists these conversations in the search results. Click
the appropriate conversation's link to open that Conversations page, perform the follow-up action required,
and click the Done check box to indicate that this follow-up action has been completed.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Managing Conversations,"
Entering and Reviewing Conversations.

Reviewing, Adding or Updating Conversations with Follow-up Dates That

Need Review
Access the Conversation Review Needed page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations,
Follow-Up Action Needed, Conversation Review Needed page)

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Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions Chapter 36

Enter the search criteria to enable the system to search for conversations in which the Done check box for the
follow up action was not selected . A list of conversations where the follow-up action need to be reviewed
displays. Click the conversation link that you want to review. The selected conversation appears on the
Conversations page. You can review, add to, or update the fields on this conversations page.

Reviewing or Modifying Promise Date Conversations

Access the Promise Date Review Needed page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations,
Promise Date Review Needed, Promise Date Review Needed page)

Enter the search criteria to enable the system to search for and review promise conversations that have not
been reviewed and marked as done. A list of promise date conversations that have promise dates need to be
reviewed and possibly modified displays. Click the conversation link that you want to review. The selected
promise date conversation appears on the Conversations page. You can review and modify the fields on this
Conversations page as necessary.

Reviewing Broken Promises

Access the Broken Promise Review Needed page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions,
Conversations, Broken Promise Review Needed, Broken Promise Review Needed page)

Enter the search criteria to enable the system to search for promise date conversations that have broken
promises where a broken promise action is needed and the Done check box is not selected.. A list of promise
date conversations that have broken promises displays. Click the conversation link that you want to review.
The selected promise date conversation appears on the Conversations page.

Reviewing, Adding, or Changing Promises that Require Supervisor Review

Access the Supervisor Review Needed page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations,
Supervisor Review Needed, Supervisor Review Needed page)

Enter the search criteria to enable the system to search for regular and promise date conversations in which
the Supervisor Review check box has been selected. A list of conversations that have the Supervisor Review
check box selected displays. Click the conversation link that you want to review. The selected conversation
appears on the Conversations page. You can review and modify the conversation as necessary, as well as
change the status of the supervisor's review.

Searching by Key Words

Access the Conversation by Key Work page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations,
Search by Key Word, Conversations by Key Word)

Select a key word that applies to conversations that you want to review. You set up key words for
conversations on the Conversations page.

1116 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 36 Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions

Inquiring on Promise Date Conversations

Access the Promise Date Inquiry page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Conversations, Promise
Date Inquiry, Promise Date Inquiry page) or (Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Collection

Promised Date Inquiry page (1of 2)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1117
Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions Chapter 36

Promise Date Inquiry page (2 of 2)

Search Promises

Select criteria in this group box to narrow your search for promise date conversation information.

1118 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 36 Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions

Display Options

Show All Click this option and click the Search button to display information based on the
search criteria that you set up in the Search Promises group box for all promises.
These promise information columns appear on the grid:
• Business Unit

• Customer

• Promise Date

• Promise Status

• Promised Amount

• Currency

• Override (Y/N)

• Override Reason

• Collector

• Supervisor

Group by Customer Click this option and click the Search button to display promise information
based on the search criteria that you set up in the Search Promises group box.
These promise information columns appear on the grid:
• Broken Promises

• Broken Amount

• Kept Promises

• Kept Amount

• Open Promises

• Open Amount

• Currency Code

Group by Business Unit Click this option and click the Search button to display promise information
based on the search criteria based on each business unit associated with a
The same columns that are in the Group by Customer grid display grouped by
business unit.

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Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions Chapter 36

Group by Collector Click this option and click the Search button to display promise information
based on the search criteria based on the collector associated with each promise.
The same columns that are in the Group by Customer grid display grouped by

Group by Supervisor Click this option and click the Search button to display promise information
based on the search criteria based on the supervisor who was selected to review
each promise.
The same columns that are in the Group by Customer grid display grouped by

Obtaining Dun and Bradstreet Information for a Customer

You can arrange to order credit reports from Dun and Bradstreet and load them directly into PeopleSoft
Receivables. Dun and Bradstreet bills you for each report that you order. The interface with Dun and
Bradstreet enables you to purchase these reports:

• Business Verification.

• Quick Check.

• Global Failure Risk Score.

• Financial Planning.

• Delinquency Score.

• Decision Support.

• Enterprise Management.

• Commercial Credit Score (USA).

Create a unique logon ID for the Dun and Bradstreet system for each setID, if needed, so that you can have
separate billing accounts for the different areas of your organization. You set up the login IDs on the D & B
Account Information page, which you access from the Installation Options - Overall page.

When you purchase a report for a specific DUNS number, you see the last time that you purchased a report
for that DUNS number as well as which report you purchased.

Review each report for a specific DUNS number, using the Dun and Bradstreet component
(CUSTOMER_DB). Associate the report with a customer on the Dun and Bradstreet - Operations page.

If you want to review a Dun and Bradstreet report for a customer, you can access the report from the Credit
Profile page or the Additional General Info page for the customer or the Account Overview - Profile page.

1120 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 36 Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions

See Also

Chapter 33, "Researching Customer Accounts," Reviewing a Customer's Profile, page 1029

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining Additional
Customer Information," Obtaining D&B Credit Reports

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1121
Chapter 37

Aging Receivables Items

This chapter provides an overview of the Aging Application Engine process (AR_AGING), lists prerequisite
tasks and common elements, and discusses how to:

• Run the Aging Application Engine process.

• Generate aging reports.

Understanding the Aging Application Engine Process

The Aging process is part of the Aging Preprocessor multiprocess job (ARAGE).

The Aging Preprocessor multiprocess job (ARAGE) includes:

• The Aging Parallel Preprocessor Application Engine process (AR_AGEPP).

• The Aging Parallel multiprocess job (AR_AGE).

The Aging Parallel multiprocess job calls AR_AGE1 through AR_AGE#, which run the Aging process

See Chapter 8, "Setting Up History and Aging," Setting Up Parallel Processing for Aging, page 255.

The Aging process updates summary aging information that appears on various inquiry pages. Management
and collection departments rely on aging to identify delinquent accounts and to assess possible cash flow

The Aging process also updates the Due and High Due history IDs.

This section discusses:

• The commit cycle

• In use customers

See Also

Chapter 8, "Setting Up History and Aging," Customer History Calculations in the Aging Process, page 247

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1123
Aging Receivables Items Chapter 37

The Commit Cycle

When you run the Aging process, aging occurs in two phases:

• The system builds images of all the records as they appear after you run the Aging process and commits
after every step.

• The system updates the database with the new records.

Phase two is wrapped into one commit; therefore, database integrity remains intact, regardless of how you
proceed after a problem.

In Use Customers
When you run the Aging process, it marks the customers as In Use by updating the process instance on the
Customer Data (CUST_DATA) table with the process instance of the current job.

Note. If In Use customers are encountered (that is, if the process instance is less than or greater than zero)
during the Aging process, the aging run is not terminated. The In Use customers are simply not aged, while
the rest of the customers in the requested business units are aged normally. After you determine the reason
that the customer is an In Use customer and correct the problem, run the aging request again.

Before you run the Aging process:

• Set up aging IDs.

• Assign an aging ID to a business unit.

• Set up system-defined history IDs to be used by the aging process.

• Set up parallel processing.

You should also apply all of your payments to items and run the Receivable Update Application Engine
process (ARUPDATE).

See Also

Chapter 8, "Setting Up History and Aging," page 243

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Defining General Options, page 24

1124 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 37 Aging Receivables Items

Common Element Used in This Chapter

Aging ID Defines the aging categories into which you want transactions broken down. Also
defines how the system ages disputed items.

Running the Aging Process

This section provides an overview of aging run controls and discusses how to:

• Create a run control ID for aging.

• Add parameters to an aging request.

Understanding Aging Run Controls

The Aging process automatically processes all customers in all business units specified on the aging request.
You can use a different method known as chunking, which enables you to process large sets of data more
efficiently by breaking them into subsets or smaller units of work. You can chunk by collector, credit analyst,
and receivables (AR) specialist.

To use chunking when you run the Aging process:

1. Create a run control ID for the Aging Preprocessor multiprocess job on the Aging Request page.

2. Modify the PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Engine steps for each AR_AGE# process on the
Application Engine Request page.

For example, if you have three partitions, you define the parameters for AR_AGE1, AR_AGE2, and

3. Return to the Aging Request page to run the process.

In most cases, you probably will run the Aging Preprocessor multiprocess job by using a scheduled job.

The name that you choose for any run control ID is significant. If you want to run aging as a separate process,
we recommend that the name that you select for the run control ID be unique, such as ARAGING. Otherwise,
if another Application Engine process is using the same combination of user ID and run control ID, your
request for aging receivables is added to an existing request as another job step.

Warning! We do not recommend running multiple concurrent instances of aging unless you have planned
the process very carefully. If you do, you must work with a unique set of customers and you might still
encounter database contention issues. In addition, we do not recommend running the Aging and Receivable
Update processes at the same time, because they both update customer data.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1125
Aging Receivables Items Chapter 37

Pages Used to Run the Aging Process

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Aging AGING_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Enter run control

Receivable Analysis, parameters for the Aging
Aging, Request Aging Preprocessor multiprocess
Process, Aging Request job and run the job.

Application Engine Request AE_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Enter additional parameters

Receivables Update, for aging for each
Request Application AR_AGE# process, such as
Engine, Application Engine parameters for smaller units
Request of data or to narrow the
scope of aging.

Creating a Run Control ID for Aging

Access the Aging page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivable Analysis, Aging, Request Aging Process,
Aging Request.)

Select the business units.

Process SubCustomer Select to update aging and history at subcustomer levels for all customers in the
business unit for which subcustomer history is enabled.

Adding Parameters to an Aging Request

Access the Application Engine Request page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Request
Application Engine, Application Engine Request.)

1126 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 37 Aging Receivables Items

Application Engine Request page

Use the State Record, Bind Variable Name, and Value fields to define exactly what data you want to age.
This enables you to process smaller units of data. Add as many rows as needed.

Using Chunking in Aging

If you have a large number of customers to age, use chunking to run the Aging process for a smaller group of
customers. You can group customers by business unit or by a value that is associated with each customer on
the Item record (ITEM), such as collector, AR Specialist, or credit analyst. This table provides descriptions
and sample field values for how to do this:

Chunking Description Sample Field Values

Age customers one business unit at a time. State Record: RA_AGING_AET

Bind Variable Name: AE_CHUNK_BY
Value: BU

Age customers associated with a specific collector. State Record: RA_AGING_AET

The system processes collectors individually, marking Bind Variable Name: AE_CHUNK_BY
each customer with items that are associated with a
particular collector. For example, suppose that Collector
A is associated with items for customers 1, 5, and 10
and that Collector B is associated with items for
customers 7 and 9. The customers for Collector A (1, 5,
10) form the first chunk, and the customers for Collector
B (7, 9) form the second chunk.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1127
Aging Receivables Items Chapter 37

Chunking Description Sample Field Values

Age customers by associated collector and chunk First row:

collectors in groups of 10.
State Record: RA_AGING_AET
Bind Variable Name: AE_CHUNK_BY
Second row:
State Record: RA_AGING_AET
Bind Variable Name: AE_CHUNK_SIZE
Value: 10

Narrowing the Scope of Aging

This table describes how to narrow the scope of aging:

Description Sample Field Values

Age only those customers who have been active since State Record: RA_AGING_AET
you ran the last Aging process.
Bind Variable Name: RA_RUN_OPTION

Age only those customers who have not been aged since State Record: RA_AGING_AET
you ran the last Aging process.
Bind Variable Name: AGED_PI
Value: (value of last process instance)

Combining Narrowing and Chunking

You can combine chunking and narrowing by adding more rows to this page. For example, you could limit
aging to only those customers with activity and also use a chunking method that limits processing to one
business unit at a time.

Generating Aging Reports

This section provides an overview of aging reports, lists a common element used in this section, and discusses
how to:

• Run the Aging Summary by ChartField report.

• Run the Summary Aged by Reason Code report.

1128 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 37 Aging Receivables Items

Understanding Aging Reports

The aging ID that you select on the run control page for the aging reports determines how to age the items.

The aging buckets on the aging reports show the amount of the items due in the aging category. The name of
each bucket matches the description that you gave the category on the Aging page. For example, suppose that
the description of a category for items that are 10 to 20 days old is 10 – 20, then the column heading reads 10
– 20.

Amounts that fall under the Other column are for items whose age does not fall into any of the categories that
you defined on the Aging page. For example, suppose that you have a category for items 1 to 10 days old and
a category for items 21 to 30 days old, any items that are 11 to 20 days old appear in the Other column.

See Also

Chapter 8, "Setting Up History and Aging," Setting Up Aging, page 250

Common Element Used in This Section

Display Option Select the type of items that you want to include in the aging report. Values are
Include All, Collections Only, Deductions Only, and Disputes Only.

Pages Used to Generate Aging Reports

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Aging Detail by Unit RUN_AR30003 Accounts Receivable, Define the run parameters
Receivables Analysis, for the Aging Detail by Unit
Aging, Aging Detail by report (AR30003). Use the
Unit Rpt, Aging Detail by report to see aged open
Unit balances for all items in a
business unit in either the
base currency or the entry

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1129
Aging Receivables Items Chapter 37

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Aging Detail by Tree RUN_AR30001 Accounts Receivable, Define the run parameters
Receivables Analysis, for the Aging Detail by Tree
Aging, Aging Detail by report (AR30001). Use the
Tree Rpt, Aging Detail by report to see aged open
Tree balances for all items
associated with a tree
structure in the base
currency of the business
unit. You can run the report
using these trees in the
sample database or using
trees with a structure similar
to these trees: AR CORP

Aging Summary by Unit RUN_AR30004 Accounts Receivable, Define the run parameters
Receivables Analysis, for the Aging Summary by
Aging, Aging Summary by Unit report (AR30004). Use
Unit Rpt, Aging Summary the report to see aged open
by Unit balances for every customer
in a business unit in either
the base currency or the
entry currency of the unit.

Aging Summary by Tree RUN_AR30002 Accounts Receivable, Define the run parameters
Receivables Analysis, for the Aging Summary by
Aging, Aging Summary by Tree report (AR30002). Use
Tree Rpt, Aging Summary the report to see aged open
by Tree balances for every customer
associated with a tree
structure in the base
currency of the business
unit. You can run the report
for these trees: AR CORP

Aging by Chartfield RUN_AR30006 Accounts Receivable, Define the run parameters

Receivables Analysis, for the Aging by ChartField
Aging, Aging by Chartfield report (AR30006). Use this
Rpt, Aging by Chartfield report to see aged
receivables by customer,
item, and ChartField

1130 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 37 Aging Receivables Items

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Run AR30007 RUN_AR30007 Accounts Receivable, Define run parameters for

Receivables Analysis, the Summary Aged by
Aging, Aging by Reason Reason Code report
Rpt, Run AR30007 (AR30007). Use the report
to see aged open balances
for deductions, items in
collection, or disputed items
for every customer in a
business unit in either the
base currency of the unit or
the entry currency.

Running the Aging Summary By ChartField Report

Access the Aging by Chartfield page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Analysis, Aging, Aging
Detail by Unit Rpt, Aging Detail by Unit.)

Report Option Select the level of report detail. Values are:

Detail: Includes the individual item detail within a customer.
Summary: Summarizes information by customer.

Refresh Click to display a list of ChartFields in the Field Long Name column.

ChartField Selection

Use the ChartField Selection group box to determine which items are included in the aging totals. The process
ages items that have distribution lines that include the ChartField values that you entered.

ChartField Name Displays a list of ChartFields.

Subtotal Select the ChartField for which you want to subtotal amounts.

Value and To Value Select the range of ChartField values for each ChartField for the items that you
want to age. If you do not enter any values, the system automatically ages all
items that have any AR account value in the distribution lines.

Running the Summary Aged by Reason Code Report

Access the Run AR30007 page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Analysis, Aging, Aging by Reason
Rpt, Run AR30007.)

You can run this report for a specific reason or all reasons. Depending on your selection in the Display Option
field, the reason that you enter varies:

• If you selected Collections Only, select a Collection Code.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1131
Aging Receivables Items Chapter 37

• If you selected Deductions Only, select a Deduction Reason.

• If you selected Disputes only, select a Dispute Reason.

1132 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 38

Generating Correspondence
This chapter provides overviews of correspondence generation and acceptgiro form printing and discusses
how to:

• Generate customer statements.

• Run balance forward statements the first time.

• Generate dunning letters.

• Generate and print follow-up letters.

• Reprint invoices.

Understanding Correspondence Generation

When you run the processes that generate statements, dunning letters, and follow-up letters, the processes
generate this correspondence for those customers that meet the criteria that you specify on the run control

To run the processes, you can::

• Schedule the processes to run at a designated time.

• Run the processes on demand from the menu.

• Set up collection and assessment rules that trigger correspondence and run the Condition Monitor
Application Engine process (AR_CNDMON).

The Condition Monitor process generates correspondence for customers with a Send a Dunning Letter
(DLTR), Send Follow Up Letter (OLTR), or Send Statement of Account (STMT) action on the customer
action list. The action must have the Process Flag field set to Y. Depending on the setup in the action
template, the Condition Monitor process automatically sets the flag to Y, or you manually set the flag to Y
when you work the action that is on the customer action list. The Condition Monitor process calls the
Statements (ARSTMT) multiprocess job, AR Dunning (AR_DUNNING) process, and Follow-up Letter
Extract (AR_FOLLOWUP) process to generate correspondence for customers that have one of the
correspondence actions. If you manually work a correspondence action, you can transfer from the
customer action list to the appropriate correspondence request page for the single correspondence action.

See Also

Chapter 35, "Understanding Exception and Collection Processing," Delivery of Correspondence, page 1071

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1133
Generating Correspondence Chapter 38

(NLD) Understanding Acceptgiro Form Printing

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to print dunning letters and statements using the acceptgiro form. The
acceptgiro form becomes an attachment to the dunning letters and statements. You must use the A/S Contract
Type acceptgiro form. The system prints the normal dunning letter or statement information at the top of the
form and, in the event of more information than will fit, it prints the remaining information on subsequent
pages. The system prints Vervallen (Void) in the body and counterfoil sections of the acceptgiro attachment
on the subsequent pages.

The system prints the total balance due for the dunning letter or statement in the body and counterfoil sections
of the acceptgiro attachment, which is at the bottom of the form. If the total amount exceeds 999,999.00 EUR,
then the system prints Vervallen (Void) in the amount field. The system also prints the address and bank
account number for the receivables business unit—this is the collector's bank address and account number—
in the body and counterfoil sections of the acceptgiro attachment. The body and counterfoil sections of the
attachment also include the address and bank account for the remit to customer.

Important! If you do not assign a bank account to the customer on the Customer Bank page, the system
prints only the normal dunning letter or statement information at the top of the form.

The system also prints the system-generated acceptgiro reference number in the body and counterfoil section
of the acceptgiro attachment. The system uses the acceptgiro reference number assigned to the business unit
on the Bank/Payment Options page and increments the number by one. The system also appends the control
digit to the number. The system also updates the AG Number (acceptgiro reference number) field for each
item with the acceptgiro reference number from the dunning letter or statement. If an item already has an
acceptgiro reference number, the system overwrites it. The bank normally sends the payment for acceptgiros
electronically and includes the acceptgiro reference number. The Payment Predictor process (ARPREDCT)
can use this number to apply payments if you use detail algorithms, or you can use the number to apply
payments to items on the payment worksheet.

If a statement has a negative balance, the system prints Vervallen (Void) on the acceptgiro attachment in the
amount field.

To enable acceptgiros, you must select A/S Contract in the Accept Giro Type field on the Bank/Payment
Options page for the business unit.

Each time that you generate dunning letters and statements for business units enabled for acceptgiro
attachments, you can print the letters or statements without the attachments by overriding the option on the
run control page. If you leave the business unit field blank on the run control pages, the system does not print
the letters or statements with the acceptgiro attachments. If the Condition Monitor process triggers the
dunning letter or statement processing, you cannot override acceptgiro processing.

Important! You may need to modify the Crystal Report formats to ensure that the fields align correctly on
the acceptgiro attachment. Also, you are responsible for obtaining certification with your banking institutions.

Generating Customer Statements

This section provides an overview of the statement generation process, lists prerequisites, and discusses how

1134 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 38 Generating Correspondence

• Run the Statements multiprocess job (ARSTMT).

• (Optional) Select the currency for Open Item statements.

• Print statements.

Understanding the Statement Generation Process

The Statements - Preprocessor multiprocess job (ARSTMT) includes:

• The Statement Parallel Preprocessor process (AR_STMTPP).

• The Statements - Parallel multiprocess job (AR_STMT).

The Statements - Parallel multiprocess job runs the Statements process (AR_STMTS).

See Chapter 6, "Setting Up Correspondence Options," Setting Up Parallel Processing for Statements, page

The Statements process (AR_STMTS) extracts data from customer and item records and populates statement
records. The Statements Print multiprocess job (ARSTPRT) merges data from the statement records with
predefined layouts and prints both the Open Item Statement (AR32000 and AR32A00) and the Balance
Forward Statement (AR32001 and AR32A01). You can also choose to print these statements separately and
to print the Draft Customer Statement (AR32002). You can use the customer statement samples that the
PeopleSoft software provides or use Crystal Reports to create your own statements.

Note. The AR32A00 and AR32A01 statements print only if you enable acceptgiro processing for the business

The Statements process assigns a process instance number to all items that it processes. When it finishes, it
sets the number to zero. Instance numbering enables you to run the process concurrently with other
PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Engine processes that use different run control IDs.

Note. PeopleSoft Receivables also provides the Statements-Parallel/Print multiprocess job (STATEMNT),
which runs the Statements multiprocess job (ARSTMT) and prints the Open Item Statement and the Balance
Forward Statement.

If you run the Statements - Preprocessor multiprocess job (ARSTMT), each AR_STMT# child process that
runs statements uses the same statement ID. Therefore, if you run the statement print processes separately,
you use one statement ID for all statements. This feature also enables you to view all statements in the run
using the same statement ID.

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to generate customer statements on a regular schedule for many
customers or a single statement for only one customer. When you run the Statements process, you specify the
scope of the process at any of the following levels:

• SetID level: Generates an invoice or a statement for each correspondence customer in all business units
that reference the setID.

• Business unit level: Generates an invoice or statement for each correspondence customer in the business

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Generating Correspondence Chapter 38

• Correspondence customer level: Generates a single invoice or statement for all customers in the
correspondence group.

• Customer level: Generates a single invoice or statement for the specified customer's correspondence

Customer statements are based on current customer balances and open item information, which are updated
by the Receivable Update Application Engine process (ARUPDATE). Therefore, we recommend that you run
Receivable Update before creating statements.

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to create the types of statements described in this table:

Statement Type Description

Open Item Statements that provide detail information for all open
items for the customer.

Balance Forward Statements that provide:

• An opening balance, which is the ending balance for
the previous balance forward statement period.

These statements do not show the detail for open

items from the previous statement.

• All new activity for the current statement period,

including a list of all new items (open or closed)
and payments.

Note. If the customer has not had any activity since

the last balance forward statement period, a balance
forward statement is generated for the current
period showing only the customer's balance

• The ending balance, which is the total of the

opening balance plus new items minus payments.

Note. Unlike other balance forward systems, PeopleSoft

Receivables does not close all open items from the
previous statement period and create one new open item
for the total of those items. All open items from the
previous statement period remain open so that you can
determine which items are included in the opening

Before you generate statements:

• Set up statement IDs.

1136 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 38 Generating Correspondence

• Assign default statement IDs to each setID and define the default remit to address that is used on
statements (from bank account addresses) on the Receivables Options - General 1 page.

• Specify which entry types are included in statements on the Entry Type page.

If you do not select the Include in Statements check box for an entry type, activities with that entry type
do not appear in statements.

• Override the remit to address and statement ID defaults or place a global hold on customer documents on
the Receivable Options - General 1 page.

• Specify the destination of statements as either the customer or the correspondence customer on the
Correspondence Selection page.

• Provide the address and contact for the customer to which you will send the statement on the General Info

• Specify the contact and address options for statements on the Correspondence Options page.

• Set up delivery information for correspondence.

• Assign the next available statement number at the installation level.

• Set up parallel processing for statements.

• (NLD) If the organization uses acceptgiros, enable acceptgiros processing for the appropriate business
units on the Bank/Payment Options page and assign the initial acceptgiro reference number.

• (NLD) Enter the bank account information for customers that use acceptgiros to make their payments on
the Customer Bank page.

• Run the Receivable Update process to post pending items.

See Also

Chapter 6, "Setting Up Correspondence Options," Setting Up Statement Processing, page 175

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Defining General Options, page 24

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," Defining Entry Types, page 76

Chapter 6, "Setting Up Correspondence Options," Setting Up Delivery Information for Correspondence, page

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Selecting Bank and Payment Interface
Options, page 50

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General Customer
Information," Adding General Customer Information

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Installation Options for
PeopleSoft Applications," Defining Receivables Installation Options

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining Additional
Customer Information," Entering Customer-Specific Bank Information

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Generating Correspondence Chapter 38

Pages Used to Generate Customer Statements

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Statements Parameters RUN_AR32001 Accounts Receivable, Run the Statements -

Customer Interactions, Preprocessor (ARSTMT)
Statements, Create multiprocess job or the
Customer Statements, Statements-Parallel/Prnt
Statement Parameters multiprocess job

Currency to Convert RUN_AR32001_CUR Accounts Receivable, Select the type of currency

Customer Interactions, to appear on Open Item
Statements, Create statements, and select the
Customer Statements, effective date.
Currency to Convert

Statement Print RUN_AR32000 Accounts Receivable, Print statements.

Customer Interactions,
Statements, Print
Statements, Statement Print

Statements CUSTOMER_STMTS Accounts Receivable, View all statements for a

Customer Interactions, customer. View the total
Statements, Review amount of the statement and
Statements, Statements the customer's current
balance. View the statement
type. Also, view the balance
forward amount for balance
forward statements.

Statement Delivery AR_CUST_STMT_SEC Click the Delivery Method Review the delivery method
Information button on the Statements or for a statement, including
Last Statement page. either the email address, fax
number, or printer.

Last Statement CUST_STMTS_LAST Accounts Receivable, View the last statement for
Customer Interactions, a customer. This page
Statements, Review Last displays the same
Statement, Last Statement information as the
Statements page.

Running the Statements Multiprocess Job

Access the Statements Parameters page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Statements,
Create Customer Statements, Statement Parameters.)

1138 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 38 Generating Correspondence

Statements Parameters page

Language Select the language to use to print the statements if running the STATEMNT
multiprocess job. Do not select a language if you run the ARSTMT multiprocess
job. To print statements in multiple languages, place copies of the Crystal report
in language subdirectories in the Crystal Reports directory.

As of Date Enter a date that specifies the last date that the statement includes data. The
current date is the default.
If you use an earlier date, the process reconstructs customer balances so that
statements show open items as of the date that is provided. For example, if
statements are run on January 5 and you select an as of date of 1/1/00, the results
are the same as if the statements are run on January 1 and the current default date
is accepted.
For balance forward statements, the as of date also determines the ending date for
the current statement period. The current balance forward statement period
begins with the statement date from the previous balance forward statement.

Open Item and Balance Deselect one of these check boxes if you do not want to run both statement types
Forward in the same statement run. This setting is useful when you select a business unit
that has some customers who receive open item statements and others who
receive balance forward statements, and you do not want to process all of them at
the same time.

Open Item Include Select to include draft items in an open item statement.

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Generating Correspondence Chapter 38

Balance Forward Re- Select to rerun a balance forward statement. The system determines which
Run previous balance forward statement to use for the opening balance based on the
as of date. It uses the most recent balance forward statement prior to the as of
date. When you rerun a statement, use the same as of date that you use when you
run the original statement. The process deactivates the original statement and
creates a new one.
If you rerun a balance forward statement and you ran other, later balance forward
statements with a different as of date, you must also rerun those statements to
ensure that all balances remain correct from one statement to the next.

Note. If the statement type is Bal Fwd, only items that have not appeared on a
previous balance forward statement are eligible for exclusion.

(NLD) Print Acceptgiro Deselect this check box if you do not want to print statements with an acceptgiro
attachment. This field appears only if you enabled acceptgiro processing for the
selected business unit on the Bank/Payments page and the check box is selected
by default.

Unit Enter a business unit to create statements for all customers with transactions in a
specific business unit. If you leave this field blank, a default business unit
automatically appears in the field.

SetID Select a setID or accept the default setID. If you leave this field blank, a default
setID automatically appears in the field.

Customer Enter only a customer ID to create statements for the specified customer. If you
select a customer who is part of a correspondence group, the system addresses
the statement to the correspondence customer but includes only the specified
customer's information.

Note. If you select a single customer, the system generates a statement for that
customer even if the customer is on hold.

Correspondence Enter only the customer ID for a correspondence customer to create statements
Customer for all customers in the correspondence group.

Note. If you add or remove a customer from a correspondence customer group

between statement periods, rerun the statements for the correspondence customer
by using the same as of date as the previous statement. This setting ensures that
the balance forward amount for the next statement run will reflect the correct

Statement Group Enter a statement group to create statements for all groups or only for customers
who belong to a selected statement group. Assign customers to a statement group
on the Correspondence Options page.

Balance Forward Due Enter the due date to print on the statements if you are running balance forward
Date statements.

1140 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 38 Generating Correspondence

Note. Enter the percent wildcard in the Customer fields if you want to include customer IDs that begin or end
with the same characters or numbers. For example, entering 100% includes all customer IDs that start with
100, such as 1001 and 1002.

Provide more than one parameter to tailor statements even further. The following table describes the results of
combining different parameters. It assumes that a parameter in the left column is combined with one or more
parameters to the right of that parameter:

Parameter SetID Business Unit Customer ID

Business Unit One statement for each NA (not applicable) NA

correspondence customer
in the business unit.

Customer ID A single statement for the A single statement for the NA

customer. If the customer customer, containing only
is part of a items in the business unit.
correspondence customer If the customer is part of
group, the process a correspondence
addresses the statement to customer group, the
the correspondence process addresses the
customer but includes statement to the
only items that are for the correspondence customer
specified customer. but includes only items
for the specified

Correspondence A single statement for the A single statement for the A single statement that is
Customer correspondence customer, correspondence customer, addressed to the
containing items for all containing items in the correspondence customer,
customers in the business unit for all containing only items for
correspondence group. customers in the the specified customer.
correspondence group.

Selecting the Currency for Open Item Statements

Access the Currency to Convert page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Statements,
Create Customer Statements, Currency to Convert.)

The default values for the fields depend on the values that you enter on the Receivables Options - Currency
Display Options page for the business unit. Override the values if you want to use a different display currency
on the statements.

Use a Currency to Select to print statements by using the default display currency that you specify
Convert in the Currency to Convert field.

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Generating Correspondence Chapter 38

Currency to Convert Select the type of currency for the statements:

Business Unit Currency: Select to use the default currency that is defined for the
business unit.
Customer Default Currency: Select to use the preferred currency that is defined
for the customer on the General Info page.
Other: Select to use the currency that you enter in the Currency Code field. Then,
enter the exchange rate type and specify whether to use today's date, the
accounting date, or another date that you specify as the effective date.

Printing Statements
Access the Statement Print page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Statements, Print
Statements, Statement Print.)

Language Select the language for the statements. To print statements in multiple languages,
place copies of the Crystal report in language subdirectories in the Crystal
Reports directory.

Statement Number Displays the most recent number for the run control ID that is not printed. Select
a different number to print a different request.

Note. Each time that you run the Statements multiprocess job (ARSTMT), each
AR_STMT# child process generates a statement number and applies it to all
statements that the run for that child process generates. For example, the
AR_STMT1 child process retrieves data for 37 statements and assigns statement
number 64. When you print statement number 64, you get 37 statements. You do
not have to run Crystal Reports 37 times.

On the Process Scheduler Request page, select one of these statement print processes:

Process Description

Customer Statement Print (AR32000) Prints open item statement without draft items. The
Open Item statement provides a list of all open items for
Customer Stmt Print w/Agiro (A32A00)
a customer based on the as of date that is specified when
the statement is run.
Select Customer Stmt Print w/Agiro only if you want to
include the acceptgiro attachment on the statement.

1142 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 38 Generating Correspondence

Process Description

Balance Forward Statement Print (AR32001) Prints balance forward statements. The Balance Forward
statement provides a list of all the items and payments
Balance Forward Stmt P w/Agiro (AR32A01)
in the current statement period. It also provides a
balance forward amount from the previous statement
period and the ending balance for the current statement
Select Balance Forward Stmt P w/Agiro only if you
want to include the acceptgiro attachment on the

Draft Customer Statement Print (AR32002) Prints open item statements that include draft items, if
Include Drafts is selected on the Statement Parameters

PS/AR Statements Print (ARSTPRT) Prints both statement types: Open Item statement
(AR32000 or AR32A00) and Balance Forward
statement (AR32001 or AR32A01).

Note. AR32A00 and AR32A01 print only if you

enabled acceptgiro processing for the business unit.

Warning! If you print one statement type only, you must print the other statement type before you run the
Statements process again.

Running Balance Forward Statements the First Time

When running the balance forward statements the first time for existing customers, follow a slightly different
procedure to generate a starting balance forward balance that appears on the customer's first statement.

To run balance forward statements for the first time:

1. Use the Statements Parameters page to run the Statements - Preprocessor multiprocess job (ARSTMT).

Important! Do not select the Statements-Parallel/Prnt multiprocess job (STATEMNT). Also, do not run
the Balance Forward Statement Print (AR32001) or Balance Forward Stmt P w/Agiro (AR32A01) process
that prints the statement at this time.

Use the end date of the previous statement period for the as of date.

2. Run the Statements - Preprocessor multiprocess job (ARSTMT) again by using the current statement
period for the as of date.

3. Use the Statement Print page to run the Balance Forward Statement Print process for each AR_STMT#
child process to print the statements.

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Generating Correspondence Chapter 38


You run statements that contain activity that ends on September 30, 2000.

In the first run of the process, you enter August 31, 2000 for the as of date. Because the process does not find
an as of date from a previous run, it extracts all activity from January 1, 1900 through August 31, 2000.

In the second run, you enter September 30, 2000 for the as of date. Because the system now has an as of date
from the first run, it extracts activity from September 1, 2000 through September 30, 2000.

See Also

Chapter 38, "Generating Correspondence," Generating Customer Statements, page 1134

Generating Dunning Letters

This section provides an overview of the dunning letter process, lists prerequisites, lists common elements,
and discusses how to:

• Define run parameters for the AR Dunning Application Engine process (AR_DUNNING).

• Define the display currency for dunning letters.

• (Optional) Review and delete dunning letters before printing.

• (Optional) Review and modify dunning letters before printing.

• (Optional) Review and remove items from dunning letters before printing.

• Print dunning letters.

Understanding the Dunning Letter Process

Use these processes to generate dunning letters:

• The AR Dunning process (AR_DUNNING) extracts customer data and populates a temporary table,

When the Dunning extract process begins, it assigns a process instance number to all items that it is

• Predefined dunning reports merge data from the temporary table with predefined report layouts and
generate dunning letters.

1144 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 38 Generating Correspondence

• The Dunning Letters process (DUNNING), which is a multiprocess job, runs both the AR Dunning
process and then the dunning reports in one step.

The job runs the Level One Dunning Letter (AR33001 and AR33A01), Level Two Dunning Letter
(AR33002 and AR33A02), and Level Three Dunning Letter (AR33003 and AR33A03). The system prints
data on the AR33A01, AR33A02, and AR33A03 reports only if you enabled acceptgiro processing for the
business unit.

• The Dunning for All Levels process (DUNNINGA), which is a multiprocess job, runs both the AR
Dunning process and then the Dunning Letter All Levels report (AR33000 or AR33A00) in one step.

The system prints the AR33A00 report only if you enabled acceptgiro processing for the business unit.

Note. Use the Dunning for All Levels process if you have more than three letter codes or for the Dunning
by Action List method.

Note. If you run the Dunning or Dunning for All Levels multiprocess jobs, you cannot change the text or
delete unwanted letters before printing.

If you select the Include Finance Charge field when you create a dunning method, and you run the process for
customers that are assigned that dunning method, you must run the Overdue Charges Application Engine
process (AR_OVRDUE) before you generate the letters to create the overdue charges invoice.

AR Dunning Process Data Extract

To generate dunning letters, you run the extract process, review and edit the results as needed, and then run a
dunning report that prints a dunning letter.

When you enter the run parameters for the AR Dunning process, you select the scope of the dunning letters:

• Unit level: Generates a letter for each correspondence customer in the business unit.

• Correspondence customer level: Generates a single letter containing all past-due items for all customers in
the correspondence group.

• Customer level: Generates a single letter for the specified customer's correspondence customer.

The process uses the default dunning ID that is assigned to the customer on the Correspondence Options
page. If none is defined for the customer, it uses the default dunning ID that is assigned to the business unit
on the Receivables Options - General 1 page.

Review and Edit of Letters Before Printing

After running the AR Dunning process, you can:

• Review the letters before printing them.

• View a list of the letters that the process generates.

• Selectively delete items that are on a letter.

• Delete letters that you do not want to send.

• Change the text for an individual letter before printing.

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Generating Correspondence Chapter 38

After you review the letters and make any needed onetime changes, run the dunning reports that print dunning

Days, Intervals, and Action Lists

When past-due items exist for a customer, dunning letters are sent based on the dunning methods that you
selected when you set up the system. The following figure shows dunning by days, where the age of the item
determines the level of the dunning letter sent. In this scenario, depending on when the dunning run is
performed, a customer could receive a level-three letter as a first correspondence. If a customer has multiple
past-due items, that customer receives one letter based on the age of his or her oldest item, rather than
multiple letters.

The following diagram illustrates what the Dunning process includes in letters if the dunning method is
Dunning by Days. Dunning Run 1 may include Item A, which is five days past due and a level 1 letter was
sent; Item B, which is twenty-five days past due and a level 1 letter sent; Item C, which is sixty-five days past
due and a level 3 dunning letter sent. Dunning Run 1 is run thirty days after the first run and includes Item A,
which is thirty-five days past due and a level 2 letter was sent; Item B is fifty-five days past due and a level 2
letter sent; Item C, which is ninety-five days past due and a level 3 letter sent.

The three levels by days include:

• One to thirty days past due.

• Thirty-one to sixty days past due.

• Sixty-one to nine thousand, nine hundred days past due.

Dunning Run 1 includes these items:

• Item A, which is five days past due and a level 1 letter was sent.

• Item B, which is twenty-five days past due and a level 1 letter sent.

• Item C, which is sixty-five days past due and a level 3 dunning letter sent.

Dunning Run 2 thirty days after the first run includes these items:

• Item A, which is thirty-five days past due and a level 2 letter was sent.

• Item B, which is fifty-five days past due and a level 2 letter was sent.

• Item C, which was ninety-five days past due and a level 3 letter was sent.

1146 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 38 Generating Correspondence

Dunning by days

When you use dunning by interval, the level of the letter sent corresponds to the time intervals that you have
defined between letters. Therefore, items that receive a level 1 letter could have different ages, but subsequent
letters would be determined by the time interval between letter levels. For a customer with multiple past-due
items, the oldest item is used to determine the start of the interval cycle.

The following diagram illustrates what the Dunning process includes in letters if the dunning method is
Dunning by Interval. The levels by interval include:

• Level 1: Past-due items that have not received a letter.

• Level 2: Thirty or more days after the first letter.

• Level 3: Fifteen or more days after the second letter.

Items included in Dunning Run 1 are:

• Item A: five days past due, level 1 letter sent.

• Item B: eighteen days past due, level 1 letter sent.

Items included in Dunning Run 2, which was sent ten days after the first run, are:

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Generating Correspondence Chapter 38

• Item A: fourteen days past due, no letter sent.

• Item B: twenty-eight past due, no letter sent.

• Item C: seven days past due, level 1 letter sent.

Items included in Dunning Run 3, which was sent thirty days after the first run, are:

• Item A: thirty-five days past due, level 2 letter sent.

• Item B: forty days past due, level 2 letter sent.

• Item C: twenty-five days past due, no letter sent.

1148 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 38 Generating Correspondence

Items included for Dunning by interval for Dunning Runs 1, 2, and 3

Dunning by action list is entirely based on rules you determine when you set up the system.

The following diagram illustrates what the Dunning process includes in letters if the dunning method is
Dunning by Action List. The action list includes all dunning criteria defined by rules. Dunning Run 1

• Item A, which is past due, the dunning criteria was met, and a letter was sent.

• Item B, which is past due, the dunning criteria was met, and no letter was sent.

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Generating Correspondence Chapter 38

Dunning Run 2 includes:

• Item A, which is past due, the dunning criteria was met, and a letter was sent.

• Item B, which is past due, the dunning criteria was met, and a letter was sent.

Items on the Dunning action list that are included during Dunning Runs 1 and 2

See Also

Chapter 6, "Setting Up Correspondence Options," Setting Up Dunning Letter Processing, page 183

Before you generate dunning letters:

• Define letter codes and letter content.

• Define the dunning ID and dunning method.

• Define the dunning levels for each dunning ID.

• Assign default dunning IDs to business units and the default remit to address for letters.

• Override the default dunning IDs and default remit to addresses for correspondence customers if

1150 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 38 Generating Correspondence

• Enter customer addresses and assign an address and contact to correspondence customers who should
receive the dunning letters.

• Specify whether to use item-based addressing or customer-based addressing.

• Set up delivery information for correspondence.

• Assign the next available dunning number at the installation options level.

• (Optional) Change the sample dunning letters that the PeopleSoft system provides or create additional
letter layouts.

• (NLD) If the organization uses acceptgiros, enable acceptgiros processing for the appropriate business
units on the Bank/Payment Options page and enter the initial acceptgiro reference number.

• (NLD) Enter the bank account information on the Customer Bank page for customers that use acceptgiros
to make their payments.

• Apply all the payments to items and run the Receivable Update process.

See Also

Chapter 6, "Setting Up Correspondence Options," Setting Up Dunning Letter Processing, page 183

Chapter 6, "Setting Up Correspondence Options," Setting Up Delivery Information for Correspondence, page

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Defining General Options, page 24

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Selecting Bank and Payment Interface
Options, page 50

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General Customer
Information," Adding General Customer Information

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Installation Options for
PeopleSoft Applications," Defining Receivables Installation Options

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining Additional
Customer Information," Entering Customer-Specific Bank Information

Common Element Used in This Section

Letter Code Letter codes represent the text that you want printed on a dunning letter.

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Generating Correspondence Chapter 38

Pages Used to Generate Dunning Letters

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Dunning Letters Parameters RUN_AR33000 Accounts Receivable, Specify the extract

Customer Interactions, parameters and run the AR
Dunning Letters, Extract Dunning process or the
Dunning Letter Info, Dunning Letters
Dunning Letters Parameters multiprocess job.

Display Currency RUN_AR33000_CUR Accounts Receivable, Select the type of currency

Customer Interactions, that you want to appear on
Dunning Letters, Extract dunning letters and select
Dunning Letter Info, the effective date.
Display Currency

Letter Preview DUNNING_LTR1 Accounts Receivable, Review dunning letters and

Customer Interactions, delete them if necessary.
Dunning Letters, Preview
Letter, Letter Preview

Letter Editing DUNNING_LTR_EDIT Accounts Receivable, Preview or change the text

Customer Interactions, of a dunning letter before
Dunning Letters, Preview you print it.
Letter, Letter Editing

Dunning Preview Delete DUNNING_LTR3 Accounts Receivable, Delete items on a dunning

Item Customer Interactions, letter prior to printing.
Dunning Letters, Delete
Item on Letter, Dunning
Preview Delete Item

Dunning Letter Print RUN_AR33001 Accounts Receivable, Run reports that merge data
Customer Interactions, from temporary tables with
Dunning Letters, Print a predefined layout to
Letter, Dunning Letter Print generate dunning letters.

Delete Letter Review DUNNING_LTR2 Accounts Receivable, Delete a dunning letter after
Customer Interactions, you print it. The system
Dunning Letters, Delete rolls back the dunning
Letter, Delete Letter status of the items to the
Review status of the previous
dunning process and
reinitializes the status if no
previous dunning occurred.

Dunning Letters DUNNING_LETTERS Accounts Receivable, View items on all the

Customer Interactions, dunning letters for a
Dunning Letters, History of customer.
Letters, Dunning Letters

1152 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 38 Generating Correspondence

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Last Dunning Letter DUNNING_LETTERS Accounts Receivable, View items on only the
Customer Interactions, most recent dunning letter
Dunning Letters, Last that is generated for a
Letter, Last Dunning Letter customer.

Dunning Delivery AR_CUST_DUN_SEC Click the Delivery Method Review the delivery method
Information button on the Dunning for a dunning letter,
Letters inquiry page. including either the email
address, fax number, or


• Accounts Receivable, View the contents of all the
Customer Interactions, dunning letters for a
Dunning Letters, customer or of only the
History of Letters, most recent dunning letter
Letter Content that is generated for a
• Accounts Receivable,
Customer Interactions,
Dunning Letters, Last
Letter, Letter Content

Dunned Item Status DUN_ITEM_INQUIRY Accounts Receivable, View the current dunning
Customer Interactions, status of the selected item.
Dunning Letters, Item
Dunning Status, Dunning
Item Status

Dunned Item History DUN_ITEM_HISTORY Accounts Receivable, View the dunning history of
Customer Interactions, an item.
Dunning Letters, Item
Dunning History, Dunning
Item History

Defining Run Parameters for the AR Dunning Application Engine Process

Access the Dunning Letters Parameters page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning
Letters, Extract Dunning Letter Info, Dunning Letters Parameters.)

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Generating Correspondence Chapter 38

Dunning Letters Parameters page

As of Date Enter a date that determines the last date for the dunning letter data. The current
date is the default.

SetID Use the default setID or select a setID. If you use only a setID and do not enter a
specific business unit, the process creates dunning letters for correspondence
customers with transactions in every business unit that references the setID.

Unit Enter a business unit to create dunning letters only for customers with
transactions in the selected business unit.

(NLD) Print Acceptgiro Deselect this check box if you do not want to print dunning letters with an
acceptgiro attachment. This field appears only if you enabled acceptgiro
processing for the selected business unit on the Bank/Payments page, and the
check box is selected by default.

Customer ID Enter only a customer ID to extract dunning data for the specified customer. If
you specify a customer who is part of a correspondence group, the process
addresses the letter to the correspondence customer but includes only the
specified customer's items.

Correspondence Enter only a correspondence customer ID to extract dunning data for all the
Customer customers in the correspondence group.

Dunning Group Select All Groups or the name of a specific group. You assign customers to a
dunning group on the Correspondence Options page.

Use Severest Dunning Select to print the text from the letter code that is associated with the highest
Letter dunning level and to print all past-due items for the customer.

1154 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 38 Generating Correspondence

Use Modest Dunning Select to print the text from the letter code that is associated with the lowest
Letter dunning level and to print all past-due items for the customer.

This table describes the results of combining different parameters. It assumes that a parameter in the left
column is combined with one or more parameters to the right:

Parameter SetID Business Unit Customer ID

Business Unit The system generates one NA NA

letter for each
correspondence customer
in the business unit.

Customer ID The system generates a The system generates a NA

single letter for the single letter for the
customer. If the customer customer, containing only
is part of a items that are in the
correspondence customer business unit. If the
group, the process customer is part of a
addresses the letter to the correspondence customer
correspondence customer group, the process
but includes only items addresses the letter to the
for the specified correspondence customer
customer. but includes only items
that are for the specified

Correspondence The system generates a The system generates a The system generates a
Customer single letter for the single letter for the single letter that is
correspondence customer, correspondence customer, addressed to the
containing items for all containing items in the correspondence customer,
customers in the business unit for all containing only items that
correspondence group. customers in the are for the specified
correspondence group. customer.

Note. When you save the page or click the Run button, the system assigns the next available dunning number
to the run control instance. The system also increments the next available dunning number on the Installation
Options - Receivables page. If you save the page without running the process, the system saves the dunning
number and uses it when you return to run the process. If you never run the process for the run control, the
dunning number is never used.

Defining the Display Currency for Dunning Letters

Access the Display Currency page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning Letters, Extract
Dunning Letter Info, Display Currency.).

Some customers prefer to have business units share tableset data. This page enables you to generate dunning
letters for a business unit that has a setID that is also used by another business unit. When letters contain
different currencies, the AR Dunning process groups and subtotals items by customer and then by currency.

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Generating Correspondence Chapter 38

The default values for the fields depend on the values that you enter on the Receivables Options - Currency
Display Options page for the business unit. Override the values if you want to use a different display currency
on the dunning letters.

Use an AR Display Select to print dunning letters by using the default display currency that you
Currency specify in the Display Currency field.

Display Currency Select the currency for the dunning letters. Options are:
Business Unit Currency: Select to use the default currency that is defined for the
business unit.
Customer Default Currency: Select to use the preferred currency that is defined
for the customer on the Miscellaneous General Info page.
Other: Select to specify a currency for the dunning letters and enter the type of
currency and the exchange rate.

Effective Date Enter the basis date for determining the conversion rate if you select Other for
the display currency. Options are Accounting Date, As of Today, and Other.

Reviewing and Deleting Dunning Letters Before Printing

Access the Letter Preview page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning Letters,
Preview Letter, Letter Preview.)

Review information about various items in the dunning letter, such as the customer, item ID, dunning date,
and letter code.

Delete Letter Click if you do not want to print a letter for a particular customer. The system
removes the dunning record from the Dunning Letter Report table
(AR33000_TMP), marks the letter as deleted, and retains the letter in the
Customer Dunning Letter Detail table (DUN_CUST_DTL) as a historical record.

Reviewing and Modifying Dunning Letters Before Printing

Access the Letter Editing page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning Letters,
Preview Letter, Letter Editing.)

Edit Click to make a onetime change to the text of the letter.

Note. If you change the text of the letter to make it longer, you may need to modify the format of the report in
Crystal Reports so that all of the report prints.

Reviewing and Removing Items from Dunning Letters Before Printing

Access the Dunning Preview Delete Item page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning
Letters, Delete Item on Letter, Dunning Preview Delete Item.)

1156 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 38 Generating Correspondence

Use the check boxes to select the items that you want to remove from a dunning letter before printing.

Printing Dunning Letters

Access the Dunning Letter Print page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning Letters,
Print Letter, Dunning Letter Print.)

Dunning Number Select the dunning number that the system assigned for the AR Dunning process
run instance for the letters that you want to print.

Note. Each time that the AR Dunning process runs, it generates a unique dunning number that serves as a
batch ID. The dunning number for the process is applied to all the dunning letters that the process generates.
If a process retrieves data for 37 dunning letters, it assigns each dunning letter the same run control ID that is
assigned to the AR Dunning process. Using the run control ID in the report parameters enables you to
generate multiple dunning letters by using one report. Therefore, if you have 37 letters, you do not have to run
the report 37 times.

On the Process Scheduler page, select one or more of the following dunning reports. Each Crystal Reports
report corresponds to a dunning level and letter code. If you select only the level 3 dunning letter, Crystal
Reports prints letters only for customers who have past-due items in dunning level 3.

Report Process Name Description

Dunning Letters - All Levels AR33000 Includes all past-due items in the
age bracket that is associated with
the dunning level and the text that is
associated with the oldest or newest
item in the letter (depending on the
run parameters that you specify).

Dunning Letters - All w/Agiro AR33A00 This report is the same as the
AR33000 report except that it
includes the acceptgiro attachment.

Level 1 Dunning Letter AR33001 Includes only items that are

assigned to dunning level 1.

Level One Dunning w/Agiro AR33A01 This report is the same as the
AR33001 report except that it
includes the acceptgiro attachment.

Level 2 Dunning Letter AR33002 Includes only items that are

assigned to dunning level 2.

Level Two Dunning w/Agiro AR33A02 This report is the same as the
AR33002 report except that it
includes the acceptgiro attachment.

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Generating Correspondence Chapter 38

Report Process Name Description

Level 3 Dunning Letter AR33003 Includes only items that are

assigned to dunning level 3.

Level Three Dunning w/Agiro AR33A03 This report is the same as the
AR33003 report except that it
includes the acceptgiro attachment.

Dunning Control AR33005 Lists all the dunning letters that you
printed from all dunning runs.

Dunning Preview AR33006 Lists the dunning letters that print.

Run this report before you print the

Note. You define dunning levels and the age range of items that are included in each letter category that is on
the Dunning Levels page.

See Also

Chapter 6, "Setting Up Correspondence Options," Defining Dunning Levels, page 187

Generating and Printing Follow-Up Letters

This section provides an overview of follow-up letter processing, lists prerequisites, lists common elements,
and discusses how to:

• Run the Follow Up Letters multiprocess job.

• Run the Follow Up Letters Extract application engine process.

• Generate the Follow Up Letter report.

Understanding Follow-Up Letter Processing

Follow-up letters change little from mailing to mailing. Only the names, addresses, and dates change.
PeopleSoft Receivables delivers a sample follow-up letter that you create by using Crystal Reports that you
can modify to suit your organization's needs.

The system generates follow-up letters as long as you provide a valid contact ID, follow-up action, follow-up
user ID, and letter code on the Conversations page.

1158 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 38 Generating Correspondence

Note. To print the standard text within a follow-up letter, you must enter a promise amount, a promise date,
and a review date on the Conversations page.

To generate follow-up letters, you run two processes:

• The Follow Up Letters Extract Application Engine process (AR_FOLLOWUP) extracts names, addresses,
and other data, scanning conversation records with letter codes for follow-up letters that have not been
marked by the system as done.

After the process extracts data, it marks the conversation record as done on the Conversation Actions and
Keywords page.

• The Follow Up Letter Crystal report (AR33004) merges the extracted data with the follow-up letter

Note. PeopleSoft Receivables also provides the Follow Up Letters multiprocess job (FOLLOWUP), which
runs both the Follow Up Letters Extract process and the Follow Up Letter Crystal report.

You run all three processes from the Customer Follow Up Letter page. If you run the extract process and the
Crystal report separately, you must wait for the Follow Up Letters Extract process to finish before you run the
Crystal report.

See Also

Chapter 6, "Setting Up Correspondence Options," Modifying the Sample Follow-Up Letter, page 191

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Managing Conversations,"
Entering Conversations

You must perform these tasks before you generate follow-up letters:

• Verify that you have a letter code of F for follow-up letters.

• Assign a remit to address to the correspondence customer who should receive follow-up letters and other
types of customer correspondence on the General Information - Correspondence Options page.

• Set up delivery information for correspondence for a contact.

• When you create the conversation entries for a specific customer, provide a valid contact ID, follow-up
action, and a follow-up letter of F.

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Generating Correspondence Chapter 38

See Also

Chapter 6, "Setting Up Correspondence Options," Setting Up Follow-Up Letter Processing, page 191

Chapter 6, "Setting Up Correspondence Options," Setting Up Delivery Information for Correspondence, page

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General Customer
Information," Adding General Customer Information

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Managing Conversations,"
Entering Conversations

Common Element Used in This Section

Customer ID Enter the customer ID for a specific customer or leave the field blank to run the
process for all customers.

Page Used to Generate and Print Follow-Up Letters

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Customer Follow Up Letter RUN_AR33004 Accounts Receivable, Run the Follow Up Letters
Customer Interactions, Extract process, the Follow
Customer Follow-Up Letter, Up Letter report, or the
Customer Follow Up Letter Follow Up Letters
multiprocess job.

Running the Follow Up Letters Multiprocess Job

Access the Customer Follow Up Letter page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Customer
Follow-Up Letter, Customer Follow Up Letter.)

1160 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 38 Generating Correspondence

Customer Follow Up Letter page

SetID If you use only a setID, the process creates follow-up letters for each
correspondence customer in every business unit that references the tableset.

Customer ID Enter a customer ID to create follow-up letters for the specified customer. If you
select a customer who is part of a correspondence group, the system addresses
the statement to the correspondence customer but includes only the specified
customer's information.

Business Unit Enter a business unit to create follow-up letters for all customers in a specific
business unit. The system enables you to specify multiple business units.

Running the Follow Up Letter Extract Application Engine Process

Access the Customer Follow Up Letter page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Customer
Follow-Up Letter, Customer Follow Up Letter.)

Select the AR_FOLLOWUP process on the Process Scheduler Request page.

Generating the Follow Up Letter Report

Access the Customer Follow-Up Letter - Parameters page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer
Interactions, Customer Follow-Up Letter, Customer Follow Up Letter.)

Select the AR33004 process on the Process Scheduler Request page.

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Generating Correspondence Chapter 38

Reprinting Invoices
This section provides an overview of invoice reprinting, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to:

• Select items for reprinting.

• Print invoices and override print parameters.

Understanding Invoice Reprinting

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to reprint invoices that you created in PeopleSoft Billing that are
associated with open items. You cannot reprint invoices that originate in PeopleSoft Grants that have a letter
of credit ID. If you select to print these PeopleSoft Grants invoices or invoices that are created in a third-party
billing system, the system issues a warning message.

The Reprint Invoice multiprocess job (BIJOB19) uses the server and printer that you specify on the User
Preferences - Billing page. You can override these parameters when you reprint the invoices. The invoices
print in the customer's language.

The existence of a summarization template on invoice lines determines whether the system prints a
summarized or detailed pro forma or actual invoice. If you are printing an invoice with multiple invoice lines,
the system performs the following tasks:

• If any of the lines in the invoice has a summarization template, the system generates a summarized pro
forma or actual invoice.

• If none of the lines has a summarization template, the system generates a detail pro forma or actual

(NLD) If you enabled acceptgiros for the billing business unit associated with the item, the system prints the
invoice with an acceptgiro attachment. If the original invoice in PeopleSoft Billing or PeopleSoft Purchasing
was printed with an acceptgiro attachment, the system uses the same acceptgiro reference number.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining User Preferences," Defining
Billing User Preferences

PeopleSoft Enterprise Billing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Generating Invoices"

PeopleSoft Enterprise Billing 9.1 PeopleBook, "Structuring Bills," Setting Up Bill Summarization

If you enabled acceptgiros for the billing business unit, you must enter the bank account information for the
remit to customer on the Customer Bank page.

1162 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 38 Generating Correspondence

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining Additional
Customer Information," Entering Customer-Specific Bank Information

Pages Used to Reprint Invoices

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Item List ITEM_LIST Accounts Receivable, Select invoices to reprint.

Customer Accounts, Item
Information, Item List, Item

Invoice Reprint Overrides BI_RPT_OVRRIDE_SEC Select Reprint Invoices in Run the Reprint Invoice
the Item Action field on the multiprocess job and
Item List page and click Go. override the default
parameters for generating

Selecting Items for Reprinting

Access the Item List page.

To reprint invoices:

1. Enter search criteria for the items and click Search.

2. Select the items for which you want to reprint invoices.

Note. You must select items that came from PeopleSoft Billing and have a billing business unit that is
associated with them and a valid invoice number in the Invoice field.

3. Select Reprint Invoices in the Item Action field and click Go.

See Also

Chapter 34, "Researching Receivables," Researching a Customer's Items, page 1042

Printing Invoices and Overriding Print Parameters

Access the Invoice Reprint Overrides page. (Select Reprint Invoices in the Item Action field on the Item List
page and click Go.)

Override the print parameters as needed and click OK to run the Reprint Invoices job.

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Generating Correspondence Chapter 38

Custom Label Enter additional text that you want to print on the invoice.

Print Invoice Sort By Select the order in which the invoices print. Values are Bus Unit, Invoice
(business unit, invoice), Country, Postal, and Customer, Invoice. For example, if
you select Customer, Invoice, the system prints the invoices by customer in
invoice number order.

Server Name Select the server on which to run the Reprint Invoices job.

Output Destination Specify whether the invoices should print to a file or on a rinter and enter the
path for the output in the Output Destination field.

1164 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 39

Generating Overdue Charges

This chapter provides an overview of overdue charges, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to generate
overdue charge invoices.

Understanding Overdue Charges

PeopleSoft Enterprise Receivables uses an open-item based approach to overdue charges that calculates
overdue charges based on the number of days that an invoice is overdue. An important aspect of the overdue
charge functionality is whether or not an overdue charge is considered a collectible item, and part of the
customer's balance, when it is created. Some businesses exclude overdue charges from the customer's
balance, while other businesses include them. PeopleSoft Enterprise Receivables supports both approaches
and provides flexibility for how and when to create accounting entries.

You must perform these tasks before you generate overdue charge invoices:

• Define overdue charge IDs.

• Assign default overdue charge IDs and remit-to addresses to business units for overdue charge invoices
on the Receivables Options - General 1 page.

• Specify which entry types to include in overdue charge invoices when you define entry types and entry

If you do not select the Include in Overdue Charges check box for an entry type, activities with that entry
type do not appear on overdue charge invoices.

• Define automatic entry types and reasons for overdue charges.

If you enabled the entry event option and you create one overdue charge for all of a customer's eligible
items, then enter the entry event used to generate supplemental accounting entries for each entry reason.

• If you enabled the entry event option and you create an activity for an item for overdue charges, or you
create a new line item for the overdue charge, then create a step for each type of overdue charge on the
Entry Event Code Definition page and Entry Event Process Definition page.

For example, you would have two fields in each step: ENTRY_REASON and ENTRY_USE_ID. The
entry use ID is FC-01 and the entry reason is the code that you defined for the overdue charge type, such

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Generating Overdue Charges Chapter 39

• Specify the following correspondence information for a customer:

• Override the remit-to address and overdue charge ID defaults or place a global hold on customer
documents, if needed.

• Specify the destination of overdue charges invoices as either the customer or the correspondence

• Assign an address and contact to customers who should receive the overdue charge invoices.

• Specify whether you want item-based addressing or customer-based addressing.

Before you generate overdue charges, you must apply all your payments to items and run the Receivable
Update process.

See Also

Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," Setting Up Rules for Overdue Charges, page 139

Chapter 4, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options," page 55

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Using Entry Events"

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General Customer
Information," Adding General Customer Information

Generating Overdue Charge Invoices

This section provides an overview of overdue charges processing and discusses how to:

• Enter overdue charges process parameters.

• Run the Overdue Charge Print report.

See Also

Chapter 18, "Entering Pending Items," Overdue Charges Groups, page 512

Understanding Overdue Charges Processing

Use the following processes to generate overdue charge invoices:

1166 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 39 Generating Overdue Charges

1. The Overdue Charges Application Engine process (AR_OVRDUE) extracts customer and item data and
populates temporary overdue charge records.

The process reviews customers' open items and identifies those that are eligible for overdue charges. The
system calculates the overdue charge for the number of days that are eligible for charging. If an item has a
previous overdue charge, the system compares the value in the Days Between Charges field on the
Overdue Charging Setup 1 page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Credit/Collections, Overdue Charging, Setup 1) to the number of days between the date of the current
overdue charge run and the date of the previous overdue charge. If an item has no previous charges, the
system uses the Grace Days entered on the Setup 1 page in combination with the basis date to determine
whether the item is overdue. If an item has exceeded its grace due days, the system uses the total days past
due to calculate the charges. These calculations are based on the amount, interest rate, fixed amount, and
date basis that you specified when defining overdue charge IDs. The process extracts the customer and
item data and populates temporary overdue charge records.

Access the Setup 1 page (Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables,
Credit/Collections, Overdue Charging, Setup 1).

See Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," Defining Overdue Charge IDs, page 140.

2. The Overdue Charge Print report (AR35000) generates the overdue charge invoices by merging the data
from the temporary overdue charge records with a predefined layout.

Note. You can also run the Overdue Charges multiprocess job (AROVRDUE), which runs the Overdue
Charges Application Engine process (AR_OVRDUE) and then runs the Overdue Charge Print process.

You run both the Overdue Charges Application Engine process (AR_OVRDUE) and the Overdue Charges
multiprocess job (AROVRDUE) from the same Process Scheduler Request page. If you run the
AR_OVRDUE process, you can review the results online after the process is done and then print the report

Note. Each time you run a process, it generates a unique run control ID. The run control ID for the Overdue
Charges process (AR_OVRDUE) is applied to all the invoices generated by the process. When the process
completes, the system sets the number to zero, which enables you to run the Overdue Charges process
concurrently with other PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Engine processes that are using different run
control IDs.

After the processes complete, review the overdue charge groups using the pending item components, if
needed, and run the Receivable Update process (ARUPDATE) to post the items.

Pages Used to Generate Overdue Charge Invoices

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Overdue Charges (process) OVRDUE_REQUEST Accounts Receivable, Enter the parameters for the
Customer Interactions, Overdue Charges process
Overdue Charges, Process (AR_OVRDUE) or the
Overdue Charges, Overdue multiprocess job
Charges (AROVERDUE).

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Generating Overdue Charges Chapter 39

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Overdue Charge Print RUN_AROVRDUE2 Accounts Receivable, Run an Overdue Charge

Customer Interactions, Print report (AR35000) that
Overdue Charges, Print merges data from the
Overdue Charges, Overdue temporary overdue charge
Charge Print records with a predefined
layout and generates
overdue charge invoices.

Overdue Charges (inquiry) CUSTOMER_OC_CHGS Accounts Receivable, View summary and detail
Customer Interactions, information for all overdue
Overdue Charges, Review charge invoices.
Overdue Charges, Overdue

Last Overdue Charges CUSTOMER_OC_CHGS Accounts Receivables, View summary and detail
Customer Interactions, information for overdue
Overdue Charges, Review charge invoices that the
Last Overdue Charges, Last Overdue Charges process
Overdue Charges created the last time it ran.

Entering Overdue Charges Process Parameters

Access the Overdue Charges page (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Overdue Charges,
Process Overdue Charges, Overdue Charges).

Enter the parameters for the overdue charge invoices that you want to create. The more parameters you
define, the more limited the scope of the overdue charges.

As of Date Enter the date that determines the last date that the overdue charge invoice
includes data. The current date is the default.

SetID Enter only a setID to create an overdue charge invoice for each correspondence
customer in every business unit that references the setID.

Business Unit Enter only a business unit to create an invoice for each customer in the business
unit. Indicate a specific business unit.

Note. If you select a single business unit, the system generates an overdue charge
invoice for that customer even if the customer is on hold.

Overdue Charge Group Enter an overdue charge group to extract data only for a specific overdue charge
group. If you use overdue charge groups, leave this field blank to extract data for
all overdue charge groups. Assign customers to an overdue charge group on the
Correspondence Options page.

Group Unit Enter the business unit that determines the business unit that the system uses to
create the group and the pending items.

1168 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 39 Generating Overdue Charges

Prime Rate Enter the prime rate value used to calculate the interest charge. This value is
required if you selected prime rate as the basis for the interest charge for the
overdue charge ID.

This table lists the results of combining different parameters. It assumes that a parameter in the left column is
combined with one or more parameters to the right.

Parameter SetID Business Unit Customer ID

Business Unit One invoice for each

correspondence customer
in the business unit.

Customer ID A single invoice for the A single invoice, for the

customer. If the customer customer, containing only
is part of a items in the business unit.
correspondence customer If the customer is part of
group, the process a correspondence
addresses the invoice to customer group, the
the correspondence process addresses the
customer but includes invoice to the
only items for the correspondence customer,
specified customer. but includes only items
for the specified

Correspondence A single invoice, for the A single invoice, for the A single invoice
Customer correspondence customer, correspondence customer, addressed to the
containing items for all containing items in the correspondence customer,
customers in the business unit for all containing only items for
correspondence group. customers in the the specified customer.
correspondence group.

Running the Overdue Charge Print Report

Access the Overdue Charge Parameters page (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Overdue
Charges, Process Overdue Charges, Overdue Charges).

Overdue Charge Displays the most recent number for the Overdue Charges process run control ID
Number for which you have not printed the report. Select a different run control ID to
print a different request.

Note. If a process retrieves data for 37 invoices, it assigns each invoice the same run control ID assigned to
the Overdue Charges process. Using the run control ID in the report parameters enables you to generate
overdue charge invoices using one report. Therefore, if you have 37 invoices, you do not have to run the
Overdue Charge Print report 37 times.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1169
Chapter 40

Using the Collections Workbench

This chapter presents and overview and discusses how to use the Collections Workbench.

Understanding the Collections Workbench

The PeopleSoft Receivables Collections Workbench is a central work space that presents a complete view of
each customer. Collectors can perform their day-to-day activities, including accessing and completing action
items directly from the Collections Workbench. Prior to contacting a customer or completing an action, the
collector can use the Collection Workbench to review a customer's history, such as the average days it takes a
customer to pay, the number of days any sales are outstanding (DSO), any past due balances, and any
previous broken promises. With this information at hand, the collector can contact the customer and
hopefully, work out a plan for payment and indicate on the Collections Workbench that the customer will pay
by direct debit, credit card, or a check. If the customer does not make a commitment to pay, the collector can
use the Collections Workbench to place the customer on credit hold and add an action to follow up in a
specified number of days. If the customer agrees to pay within a certain number of days and does not pay, the
collector can use the Collections Workbench to send a dunning letter. The collector can continue to follow-up
with this customer, and, after reviewing several broken promises, can use the Collections Workbench to mark
the customer in collections and refer the customer to a collection agency. The Collections Workbench
provides the collector all of the information and metrics needed to diligently track and manage customer data
from the days the customer receives a statement until it is paid or referred to a collection agency.

Collections managers can use the Collections Workbench to complete day-to-day management activities,
which may include reviewing the current payment promises, reviewing any outstanding broken promises, the
reassigning action items to different members of their team, or completing their own assigned action items.

The Collections Workbench enables an authorized user to:

• Easily access and populate the workbench data.

• Navigate to and from multiple pages and levels of data.

• Personalize the workbench.

• Access an enhanced owner action list and view action lists across customers.

• Access specific levels of customer detail.

• Display the credit profile information of a customer.

• Display and work the item list associated with a customer.

• Display the payment status and payment history of a customer.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1171
Using the Collections Workbench Chapter 40

• Review customer promises.

• Review, add, and update conversations with a customer.

• Review the correspondence history of a customer.

• Review customer aging and open credit information.

• Calculate a credit risk score for a customer.

Collections Workbench Access and Population

You can easily access the customer workbench by searching for or entering a customer ID in the Collections
Workbench header. When you enter the header information, your user ID is used to generate an action list in
the Action List group box, which lists any actions assigned to you that apply to the selected customer.
Customer detail information also appears for the selected customer in the Customer Details group box along
with tabs on which you can review:

• A credit profile of the customer.

• Any payment activity by this customer.

• A list of items purchased and the details regarding the purchase and payment of each item.

• A list of conversations with this customer.

• A history of correspondence with this customer in the form of statements and dunning letters

• Customer aging details.

• A multilevel customer hierarchy, which displays the item balance, past due balance, and credit limit for
each customer in the hierarchy with rolled up information that customers defined within the hierarchy..

You can also leave some of the header information blank, such as the Unit field and the Customer ID field to
display multiple customers who are associated with your user ID and have new or pending actions in the
Action List group box. Instead of selecting a customer, you can select the Detail button for one of these action
rows and display the customer detail for the customer associated with the action.


You can record any conversation you may have with the customer while working on the Collections
Workbench by clicking a link in the header of the Collections Workbench to add a new conversation or by
selecting the Conversations tab on the workbench to add or review conversations concerning the selected
customer. Conversations enable a collector to track and act on conversations and promises made by the
customer. Conversations and promises are discussed in more detail in a discussion about the Conversations
tab and in the PeopleSoft Enteprise Order to Cash Common Components PeopleBook.

See Chapter 40, "Using the Collections Workbench," Conversations Tab, page 1178.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Managing Conversations."

1172 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 40 Using the Collections Workbench

Content Personalization

You can click the Personalize Content link in the header of the Collections Workbench and access the
Personalize Content page, where you can determine if and how you want the Action List or Customer Details
to appear on the Collections Workbench page. You can also indicate if you want the message alert icon to
appear next to the customer's name, which indicates that there are notes associated with the selected customer.
These notes can be standard or custom and are printed on selected documents such as a bill of lading, a
picking plan, an invoice, and more. They enable you to view what type of information has been sent to the
customer, for example a reminder note, prior to your contacting them.

You can personalize the contents of the Customer Details group box by identifying the row and column
where you want to add a specific field name in the group box after you select one of these field categories.

• Activity Field

When you select this field category and place your cursor in a specific row and column, you can select
from field names such as Broken Promises, Credits, Kept Promises, In Process Payments and more. When
you select a field name, that selected field name appears in the row/column location of the Customer
Details group box with a value next to it.

For example, a customer has 4 broken promises and you want to display the number of broken promises
in the Customer Details group box on the Collections Workbench., If you select the Activity Field for the
category, click the Search icon in Row 1, Column 1, and select the field name Broken Promises, when
you return to the Collections Workbench page the field name Broken Promises will appear in Row 1,
Column 1 in the Customer Details group box and the system displays 4.0 as the number of broken
promises that exist for the selected customer.

• Balances Field

This field works the same way as the Activity Field. However, the field names produced by the online
search are different. Some of the fields names for the Balances Field category are Balances, Collections,
Deductions, Deposits and more. The system will display the value associated with the selected field name
in the selected column and row on the Customer Details group box.

• General Field

This field also works the same way as the Activity Field. However, some of the field names that you can
select are AR Specialist, Bill to Address, Collection Date, Collection Status and more.

• Metric Field

This field also works the same way as the Activity Field. However, some of the field names that you can
select are Prior History Day, Prior Avg Days Late, Prior Current Date, Prior DSO 30, Prior DSO 90 and

• User Field

These are fields that you define specifically based on the needs of your organization. You can set up user-
defined fields using instructions in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Receivables PeopleBook and the PeopleSoft
Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBooks.

See PeopleTools Application Designer PeopleBook: "Populating User Defined Fields"

This table is an example of Summary Information entered on the Personalize Content page. A Field Name
and Category are selected for 3 columns and five rows.

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Using the Collections Workbench Chapter 40

Row/ Column Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Field Name (Category) Field Name (Category) Field Name (Category)

Row 1 AR Specialist (General) Last Statement Date Balance (Balances)


Row 2 Collector (General) Last Payment Date Collections (Balances)


Row 3 Contact Phone (General) Last Payment Amount Past Due (Balances)

Row 4 Collection Status (General) Broken Promises (Activity) Deposits (Balances)

Row 5 Prior Avg Days Late


This diagram displays how the information entered on the previous example table appears in the Customer
Details group box on the Collections Workbench page for selected customer 1001.

Customer Details group box results based Personalize Content example

You can also personalize the tabs that appear on the Collection Workbench page. You can rename the tabs
and change the order of the tabs. The content of the data that appears on each tab is system-defined. The
system-defined tab labels are:

• Credit Profile

• Items

• Aging

• Corporate Accounts

• Payment

• Conversations

• Correspondence

1174 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 40 Using the Collections Workbench

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General
Customer Information," Entering Customer Notes.

The Action List

If you specify a customer ID in the Collections Workbench header, any action items associated with the user
and the selected customer appear in the Action List group box, along with the details and workbench data
applicable to the selected customer.

If you do not specify a customer ID and you click the Search button in the header of the Collections
Workbench, the system displays all action items in the Action List group box of the Collections Workbench
that are assigned to this user and have an action status of New. The list is initially sorted by customer name
and priority. Once the user clicks the Detail button next to an action list item, the Collections Workbench
header is refreshed with the customer ID and customer name associated with the action item along with any
details and workbench data that apply to that customer. In addition, the system overrides any setid or
customer entered in the Collections Workbench header and replaces it with the setID and customer associated
with the action list item.

You can also display a list action items by selecting a user-defined action filter. You can set up user-defined
action filters by selecting the Action Filter link in the Action List group box to access the Filter Action List
page. You select specific criteria on this page that are used to filter the owner action data. You assign a name
to this filter, save it, and click the Search button. The system displays the action items in the Action List
group box on the Collections Workbench page based on the filter criteria. You can set up, name, and save as
many filters as you need for your organization. Whenever you access the Collections Workbench page, you
can click the Search icon, select the appropriate action filter and display the action items that fall within the
parameters of the selected action filter.

You can also reassign an action to another action owner by selecting ing the Reassign Action link on the
Collections Workbench page.

See Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," Assigning Actions and Sending
Notification, page 1079.

Customer Details
As previously discussed, you can personalize the customer details that you want to appear in Customer
Details group box directly after the Action List on the Collections Workbench page by clicking the
Personalize Content link and accessing the Personalize Content page. The values for the credit details that
you select to appear on the Collections Workbench page are updated by the system based on the customer you
select. You can also select an option on the Personalize Content page, which indicates that you do not want
the Customer Details group box to appear at all on the Collections Workbench page.

The Personalize Content page also enables you to change the system-defined tab names and change the order
of the tabs that appear on the Collection Workbench.

The system-defined tabs are:

• Credit Profile

• Items

• Aging

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1175
Using the Collections Workbench Chapter 40

• Corporate Accounts

• Payment

• Conversations

• Correspondence

Credit Profile Tab

The Credit Profile tab describes the current and past circumstances of the selected customer's credit. You can
see everything that you need both about this customer's credit and any customer's within the selected
customer's remit from, correspondence, and corporate hierarchy, depending on the multilevel hierarchies that
have been set up for the selected customer. The Credit Profile tab for the selected customer contains:

• The current and past due balances as of the current system date.

• The credit limit amount

• A risk score and risk level.

• An assigned collector.

• The credit class.

• The D+B Rating (Dun and Bradstreet rating).

• The fiscal year to date record of the number of open, kept, and broken promises.

• A link to the Customer Messages page, which provides details or enables you to add details about a
customer message.

• History including all or various aspects of the history.

• Aged date.

• Posted date.

Customer Balances

You can click the customer's balance amount link to display the Items tab, which lists a breakdown of the
total balance due based on each item purchased. You can also click the customer's past due amount link to
display a detail list of the items that are past due that are included in this balance.

Risk Scoring

A risk score is calculated based on the set up and processing of specific risk scoring rules by the Risk Scoring
program (RUN_AR_RISK). You can set up one or more risk scoring rules for selected setid, customer, or
customer group. The range value entered in a risk score is used in conjunction with the risk scoring weight to
compute the risk score. The system computes the Range Value * Risk Scoring Weight = Risk Score.

The Risk Scoring program is run as part of a nightly batch run after the ARUPDATE and AR_AGING
processes have completed. This ensures that the most current risk score appears on the Credit Profile tab of
the Collections Workbench and in the customer's Credit Profile. The AR_RISK program relies on updated
history and aging information to compute the most accurate risk score. The Risk Score process does not take
into account the Dun and Bradstreet rating for this customer.

1176 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 40 Using the Collections Workbench

The Risk Score condition enables the Condition Monitor to create action items basedon a customer's risk

Risk score setup and processing is discussed in detail in other chapters of the PeopleSoft Enterprise
Receivables PeopleBook and the PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information PeopleBook.

See Chapter 7, "Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing," Setting Up Risk Scoring Rules, page 234.

See Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," Generating Risk Scores, page 1100.

See Chapter 35, "Understanding Exception and Collection Processing," page 1061.

Promise Tracking

Open, kept, and broken promises for this customer are based on the Promise Tracking functionality on the
Conversations page. A summary of these promises are listed on the credit tab and a breakdown of these
promise statuses appears on the Conversations tab, which is described in a later section.

Customer Messages

When you click a link to access the Customer Message page, you can review or update the message code, the
start and end dates of the message, the action required, and the hold code, if applicable. You can also indicate
whether you want Customer Messages to appear on the Collections Workbench.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General
Customer Information," Attaching Messages to Customers.

Payments Tab

This tab displays the outstanding and complete payment information and the payment performance for a
customer. If you select a setID, customer, and business unit in the Collections Workbench header, the system
will display this information for that specific business unit. If you leave the business unit blank, the system
will display the totals on the Outstanding Payments, Complete Payments, and Payment Performance grids for
all business units that apply to the selected customer.

When you select this tab for a customer, an On Account balance link enables you to access the Items tab and
view any new on account items for the selected customer. You can also click the Prepayments total amount,
which displays any items with prepayments that comprise this total.

You can set up one or more search filters to search for outstanding and complete payments. You select check
boxes on the Payments tab to display payments in process, unapplied payments, drafts and direct debits in the
Outstanding Payments grid. This grid displays the details for each payment and enables you to click the
Deposit ID link to drill down to the Review Payments – All Payments page for regular payments, Draft
Control page for drafts, and the Direct Debit Control page for direct debits.

You can use the search filter, select the Direct Debit and Draft check boxes, and enter a date range to display
completed payments on the Complete Payments grid. This grid displays details about each completed
payment. You can click a link to view the Item Activity From a Payment page, which displays how the
completed payment affected each item.

The Payment Performance grid displays the weighted average days and amount, which is the average number
of days and amount it took to complete payments falling within a specified year and accounting period and an
overall weighted average. d

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Using the Collections Workbench Chapter 40

Depending on the level of customer that you select in the header (corporate, correspondence, or remit from) if
a customer hierarchy is associated with this customer, then all outstanding payments for every customer that
is at the same level or a lower level in the hierarchy appear in the Outstanding Payments list on the Payments

See Chapter 8, "Setting Up History and Aging," Customer History Calculations in the Receivable Update
Process, page 243.

Items Tab

This tab enables you to display an Item List associated with the selected customer based on the item status.
You can also set up one or more filters to narrow your search for items similar to the way you set up filters
for the Action List. The Item List is identical the Item List component (Accounts Receivable, Customer
Accounts, Item Information, Item List). You can access the Account Overview component (Accounts
Receivable, Customer Accounts, Customer Information, Account Overview) to view the selected customer's
balance, the most recent item and payment activity, and summarized aging information. You can also click
links to view detailed credit data, such as the customer's risk code or dispute status.

Once you select items on the Item List for the selected customer, you can select an item action, such as
creating a maintenance worksheet, pay for an item by credit card, or generate a dunning letter. Once you
select an item action, the system transfers you to the appropriate page to perform the action such as the
Maintenance Worksheet and lists the items on that page.

Depending on the level of customer that you select in the header (corporate, correspondence, or remit from) if
a customer hierarchy is associated with this customer, then the items purchased by the customer and all other
customers defined at the same level or a lower level in the hierarchy appear in the Item List.

See Chapter 34, "Researching Receivables," Researching a Customer's Items, page 1042.

See Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," Assigning Actions to Items, page 1080.

Conversations Tab

This tab enables you to display a conversation's details related to the selected customer. You can search for
specific conversations by creating a filter of selected attributes. You name and save each filter so that you can
use it to search for those conversations again. When the details of a conversation appear on the Conversations
grid, you can access the conversation by clicking the link associated with the conversation's date.

This tab also enables you to access the Conversations component to add a new conversation, as well as add
any promise details on the Conversations page. You can access the Customer Contacts page from the
Conversations tab and add a contact or click a link associated with a contact's name to modify a contact's

You can access the Promise Date Inquiry from the Conversations tab and search for promises by selecting
various attributes. You indicate whether you want to show all of the promises based on your search criteria, or
group the promises by customer, business unit, collector, or supervisor.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Managing Conversations,"
Understanding Conversations.

See Chapter 7, "Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing," Setting Up Promise Date Options for a
Customer, page 232.

See Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," Reviewing Conversations and Promises,
page 1110.

1178 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 40 Using the Collections Workbench

The Correspondence Tab

The Correspondence tab enables you to review any statements or dunning letters associated with this
customer. You can also drill down to the details for each form of correspondence.

Depending on the level of customer that you select in the header (corporate, correspondence, or remit from) if
a customer hierarchy is associated with this customer, then any correspondence related to each of the
customers appearing at each level of the hierarchy appear in the list of conversations on the Conversations

Aging Tab

.The Customer Aging subpage tab displays the customer current and past due balances, the high balance and
high past due balances, and the balance and past due balance dates for the selected customer, as well as
balances for any customer in the customer hierarchy. The current aged date appears and will be updated if
you click an icon on this tab to update the aging. The Customer Aging grid containing the aging category,
aging ID, the aging amount and currency and the count.

See Chapter 8, "Setting Up History and Aging," Setting Up Aging, page 250.

See Chapter 37, "Aging Receivables Items," page 1123.

Customer Hierarchy Tab

When you select a customer to search for in the header of the Customer Workbench, you are required to
select either corporate, correspondence, remit from, or no relationship as the customer relationship level. The
selected relationship level determines the type of customer hierarchy that has been created for this customer
and displays it on the Customer Hierarchy tab of the Customer Workbench. However, if the selected customer
is not part of a customer hierarchy or you select the No Relationship value, then nothing will appear on the
Customer Hierarchy tab.

The multilevel customer hierarchy that appears on the Customer Hierarchy tab is set up based on values that
you select on General Info page (Customers, Customer Information, General Information) . The information
that you select on theCustomer General Info page for a customer displays in the customer hierarchy for the
selected relationship on the Customer Hierarchy page (Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Customer
Information, Customer Hierarchy). hierarchy.

The level that you select in the header also accumulates the item and past due balances for each level of
customer in the selected customer hierarchy and displays them on the Customer Hierarchy tab along with
each customer's credit limit.

If the Customer Hierarchy tab displays a hierarchy with multiple levels of customers, then each of the tabs on
the Collection Workbench , are updated with data for each level of customers in the customer hierarchy based
on the selected customer level at the top of the Collections Workbench page.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General
Customer Information," Corporate Customers.

See Chapter 33, "Researching Customer Accounts," Reviewing Additional Customer Account Information,
page 1032.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Installation Options for
PeopleSoft Applications," Defining Customer Hierarchy Display Options.

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Using the Collections Workbench Chapter 40

Using the Collections Workbench

This section discusses how to:

• Populate the Collections Workbench.

• Personalize content.

• Use the action list.

• Review the customer's credit profile.

• Review customer payment information.

• Research customer item information.

• Manage customer conversations and promises.

• Review customer correspondence.

• Review customer aging.

Pages Used to Use the Collections Workbench

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Collections Workbench COLLECTION_WRKBNCH Accounts Receivable, Track and manage customer

Customer Accounts, data and collections.
Collections Workbench,
Collections Workbench

Customer Notes • Click the Notes icon Displays any notes
next to the select associated with a selected
Customer ID on the customer.
Collections Workbench

• Customers, Review
Customer Information,
Notes, Customer Notes

1180 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 40 Using the Collections Workbench

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Conversations CONVER_DATA1_SS
• Click the Conversations Add and update
link on the conversations with a
• Customers,
Conversations, Update

• Accounts Receivable,
Customer Interactions,

Promise Date Optons PROMISE_DT_OPTIONS Set Up Financials/Supply Set up this page for a
Chain, Product Related, customer or customer group
Receivables, to enable threshold fields
Credit/Collections, Promise for a customer on the
Date Options, Promise Date Conversations page.

References CONVER_DATA2_SS Select the references tab. Add or review related


Attachments CONVER_DATA5_SS Select the Attachments tab. Add or review document


Personalize Content AR_CWB_USER_OPTION Click the Personalize Personalize the content and
Content link on the tabs in the Customer Details
Collections Workbench Section.

Reassign Action ACTION_REASSIGN Click the Reassign Action Reassign an action's owner
link on the Collections to another owner.
Workbench page.

Filter Action List AR_ALISTFILTER_SEC Select the Add Filter link on Add, name, and save a filter
the Collections Workbench, that narrows your search for
Activity List group box. action items.

Risk Score Details AR_RISK_DTL_SBP Click the Risk Score value Review risk score details.
link on the Credit Profile
tab on the Collections
Workbench page.

Customer Messages CUST_MESSAGES Click the Customer Displays any messages sent
Messages link on the Credit to the customer on various
Profile tab of the documents such as a
Collections Workbench statement, reminder notice,
page. and more.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1181
Using the Collections Workbench Chapter 40

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Customer Balances CUSTOMER_BALS Accounts Receivable, Review an item breakdown

Customer Accounts, of a customer balance.
Customer Information,
Breakdown Balances,
Customer Balances


• Click the Deposit ID Review details for a
link for a regular selected outstanding regular
payment on the payment.
Outstanding Payments
grid on the Payments
tab of the Collections

• Accounts Receivable,
Review Payments, All
Payments, All

• Click the Deposit ID View control information,
link for a direct debit such as the direct debit
payment on the status, customer
Outstanding Payments information, and the posting
grid on the Payments details.
tab of the Collections

• Accounts Receivable,
Direct Debits, Review
Direct Debits, All
Direct Debits, DD


• Click the Deposit ID Review summary or
button for a draft on the detailed information for
Outstanding Payments each item on a draft.
grid on the Payments
tab of the Collections

• Accounts Receivable,
Drafts, Review Drafts,
All Drafts, Draft

1182 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 40 Using the Collections Workbench

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Item Activity From a ITEM_PAYMENT

• Click the More Info Review the item details
Payment (more information) icon based on a completed
on the Complete payment.
Payments grid on the
Payments tab of the
Collections Workbench.

• Accounts Receivable,
Item Information, Item
Activity From a
Payment, Item Activity
From a Payment

History CUSTOMER_HISTORY Accounts Receivable, View both user-defined

Customer Information, history and system-defined
Customer History, History history. The system stores
customer history based on
the fiscal years and periods
that you define on the Detail
Calendar page. This
information displays for a
selected customer on the
Payment Performance grid
of the Payments tab of the
Collections Workbench.

Filter Items CWB_ITEMSRCH_SEC Click the Add Filter link on Displays a list of attributes
the Items tab of the that you can select to create
Collections Workbench. a filter, which is used to
narrow your search for

Account Overview – CUST_BALANCES_HDR

• Click the Account View customer balance, the
Balances Overview link on the most recent item and
Items tab of the payment activity, and
Collections Workbench summarized aging
page. information. Click links to
view detailed credit data,
• Accounts Receivable, such as the customer's risk
Customer Accounts, code or dispute status.
Customer Information,
Account Overview,

Filter Conversations CWB_CONVFILTER_SEC Click the Filter Select attributes to narrow

Conversations link on the you search for existing
Conversations tab of the customer conversations.
Collections Workbench

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Using the Collections Workbench Chapter 40

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Customer Contacts CWB_CUSTCONT_SEC

• Click the Update Displays the contacts
Contacts link on the associated with this
Conversations tab of the customer and enables you to
Collections Workbench. click on links that enable
you to phone and email the
• Accounts Receivable, contact. You can also click
Customer Information, a link to access the Contact
Account Overview, page for the selected
Profile contact, as well as click a
link to add a contact.

• Click the link Review or maintain
associated with a information about an
contact's name on the existing customer contact,
Customer Contact page. or add a new contact.

• Click the Add a New

Contact link on the
Customer Contacts

• Customers, Contact
Information , Contact

Contact Customer CONTACT_CUST_PAGE Click the Contact Customer Link a contact to a

link on the Contact page. customer.

Contact Phone and Type CONTACT_PHONE_PAGE Click the Contact Phone Add or update a phone
and Type link on the information for the
Contact page. customer contact and select
the type of contact that
applies to this customer

Contact User Profile CONTACT_USER_PROF Click the User Profile link Add or update a customer
on the Contact page. contact's logon information,
permission lists, and contact

Staffing Information CONT_STAF_INFO Click the Staffing Define the staffing contact
Information link on the information, the agenda
Contact page. events, and how to contact

1184 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 40 Using the Collections Workbench

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Promise Date Inquiry CWB_PROMISEINQ

• Click the Promise Search for and display
Inquiry link on the promises associated with a
Conversations tab of the selected customer.
Collections Workbench.

• Accounts Receivable,
Customer Interactions,
Promises Inquiry,
Promise Date Inquiry

Review Statements CUSTOMER_STMTS

• Click the link Review the statement's
associated with a subtotal and balances, as
statement number in the well as the items associated
Statement Details grid with the selected statement.
on the Correspondence
tab on the Collections
Workbench page.

• Accounts Receivable,
Customer Interactions,
Statements, Review
Statements, Review


• Click a Dunning Review the dunning letter
Number in the Dunning details of a specific dunning
Letters Details grid on letter sent to a selected
the Correspondence tab customer.
on the Collections
Workbench page.

• Accounts Receivable,
Customer Interactions,
Dunning Letters,
History of Letters,
Dunning Letters

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1185
Using the Collections Workbench Chapter 40

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage


• Click a Dunning Review the content of a
Number in the Dunning specific dunning letter sent
Letters Details grid on to a selected customer.
the Correspondence tab
on the Collections
Workbench page and
select the Letter
Content tab.

• Accounts Receivable,
Customer Interactions,
Dunning Letters,
History of Letters,
Letter Content

• Accounts Receivable,
Customer Interactions,
Dunning Letters, Last
Letter, Letter Content


• Select the Customer Displays the customer
Hierarchy tab on the hierarchy information.
Collections Workbench.

• Accounts Receivable,
Customer Accounts,
Customer Information,
Customer Hierarchy,
Customer Hierarchy

Customer Credit CUST_CREDIT_AVAIL Need to check on this one. Need to add.

Customer Information – CUST_GENERAL1

• Click the Customer ID Enables you to access the
General Info (general link within a customer's customer's information.
information) hierarchy on the
Customer Hierarchy tab
of the Collections

• Customers, Customer
Information, General
Information, General

Populating the Collections Workbench

Access the Collections Workbench page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Collections Workbench,
Collections Workbench)

1186 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 40 Using the Collections Workbench

Header, Action List, and Customer Details on Collections Workbench page

SetID Select a setID or leave the field blank to display all customers associated with the
setIDs set up for your organization. If a default setID appears in this field, it is
derived from User Preferences..

Unit Select a business or leave the field blank to search all business unit associated
one or more customers. If a default business unit appears in this field, it is
derived from the User Preferences – Receivables Data Entry 1 page, Default
Business Units group box.

Customer Select a customer or leave the field blank to search for all customers.

Click this Notes icon to display any notes or documents associated with the
selected customer. If there are no notes associated with the selected customer,
this icon will not appear on the page.

Level Select one of these customer relationship options to display on the Hierarchy tab
the remit from, correspondence, or corporate multilevel hierarchy that was set up
from the customer's General Information page. If a multilevel hierarchy was set
up for the selected customer relationship, datea for all customers associated with
each level of the hierarchy displays on each of the Customer Workbench tabs. If
you select No Relationship, then the data will display only for the selected
customer or customers, but no multilevel hierarchy will apply to any of the
Collection Workbench tabs.
• Corporate

• Correspondence

• No Relationship

This is the default field value.

• Remit From

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook,

"Maintaining General Customer Information," Corporate Customers.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1187
Using the Collections Workbench Chapter 40

Display Currency Displays the currency that is the default currency for the SetID in the Receivables
Options component, the default currency in the Receivables business unit, or the
default currency in the Customer definition.

Add Conversation Click this link to access the View/Update Conversations page where you can
search for any existing conversations with this customer or add a new
See Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," Reviewing
Conversations and Promises, page 1110.

Personalize Content Click this link to access the Personalize Content page where you can personalize
the way the Customer Details fields and the tabs appear on the Collections
Workbench page.

Personalizing Content
Access the Personalize Content page. (Click the Personalize Content link in the header section of the
Collections Workbench.)

1188 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 40 Using the Collections Workbench

Personalize Content page (1 of 2)

Personalize Content (2 of 2)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1189
Using the Collections Workbench Chapter 40

Action List Select one of these values:

• Collapse Upon Entry

Displays only the Action List group box header when you access the
Collection Workbench.

• Expand Upon Entry

Displays the entire Action List group box with a list of any actions that apply
to either the user or the selected customer when you access the Collection

• Always Hide

Does not display the Action List Header or group box when you access the
Collection Workbench.

Customer Details Select from the same options that appear for the Action List to determine how
you want the Customer Details group box to appear or not appear in the
Collection Workbench.

View Customer Select this check box to display the Notes icon next to the customer ID to enable
Messages Alert the you to access Customer Notes page to review any notes regarding the
selected customer.

1190 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 40 Using the Collections Workbench

Personalization of Customer Details

Category Select from one of these categories:

• Activity Field

When you select this category, you can select the column and row number
where you want to display the activity attribute field. Search and select the
appropriate activity attribute. This attribute appears as the field name on the
Collections Workbench in the Customer Details group box in the location
indicated on the grid. The system displays a value next to that attribute.

For example, if you select the category Activity and click the Search icon in
Column 1, Row 1, a list of attributes that apply to activity appears. Select the
attribute that you want to display in the Customer Details section of the
Collection Workbench.

• Select the category Activity.

• Click the Search icon in Column 1, Row 1 to display a list of activity


• Select the activity attribute that you want to appear in the Customer
Details section of the Collection Workbench such as Last Payment ID.

• When you save the Personalize Content page, the Last Payment ID
appears as the field name in column 1, row 1 in the Customer Details
group box along with the Last Payment ID number for the selected
customer, if applicable. For example: Last Payment ID12345 for
Customer 1001.

• Balances Field

Select this category and select attributes for the selected row and column as
described for the Balances Field category, which will appear in the Customer
Details group box of the Collections Workbench.

• General Field

Select this category and select attributes for the selected row and column as
described for the General Field category, which will appear in the Customer
Details group box of the Collections Workbench.

• Metric Field

Select this category and select attributes for the selected row and column as
described for the Metric Field category, which will appear in the Customer
Details group box of the Collections Workbench.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1191
Using the Collections Workbench Chapter 40

• User Field

Select this category and select attributes for the selected row and column as
described for the User Field category, which will appear in the Customer
Details group box of the Collections Workbench.

You define and populate fields that apply to your organization.

See Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," Setting Up User-

Defined Fields, page 172.

See Chapter 40, "Using the Collections Workbench," Content Personalization, page 1173.

Personalization of Customer Detail Tabs

Access the Tabs group box on the Personalizing Content page.

Display Select the check box next to each tab's row to indicate that you want the tab to
appear on the Collections Workbench page.

Order Enter the numerical order that you want the tabs to appear on the Collections
workbench page.

Important! You must enter a different number to order each of the tabs even if
you left the Display check box unchecked, which indicates that you do not want
to the tab to appear on the Collections Workbench page.

For example, if you number the tabs 1,2,6,4,5,3,7, leave the Display check box
for tab 3 and 4 unchecked, and save the page, the tabs 1, 2, 6, 5,7 will appear on
the Collection Workbench page in that order.

Description Displays the system-defined description of each tab.

Name Display Enter a name for each tab that you want to display on the Collections Workbench
page. If you do not enter a name and you select the Display check box for that
tab, a blank tab will appear on the Collections Workbench page. You can enter
any name for the tab. However, PeopleSoft recommends that the name of the tab
corresponds with the page content of the tab.

Using the Action List

Access the Action List group box on the Collections Workbench page. (Accounts Receivable, Customer
Accounts, Collections Workbench, Collections Workbench page)

1192 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 40 Using the Collections Workbench

Action List (1 of 3)

Actions List (2 of 3)

Actions List (3 of 3)

Reassign Action Select the Reassign Action link to reassign an action to another owner.
See Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," Reassigning
Actions, page 1084.

Select Action Filter Click the Search icon to select an action filter from a list of one or more action
filters that you previously set up using the Add Filter link.
When you select an action filter, a list of actions appear in the Action List group
box based on the criteria you selected and saved on the Filter Action List page.

Add Filter Select this link to access the Filter Action List page.
Refer to the Adding Filters sub-section following this section.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1193
Using the Collections Workbench Chapter 40

General 1 Displays a list of any actions that have been for each customer in the list. You
can click the Action link to view details about the action. You can also click the
customer link to view details about this customer.
See Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," Working with
Actions on the Customer Action List, page 1092.

General 2 Displays the items and their amounts affected by the action, the promise date
information from the Conversations page, the customer's risk score, the action
owner, the supervisor and location information.

General 3 Displays the conditions related to the action, the priority of the condition, the
action parameter, the user ID assigned to the action, and the user's role.

Search Filter Creation

Access the Filter Action List page. (Select the Add Filter link on the Collection Workbench page.)

1194 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 40 Using the Collections Workbench

Filter Action List page (1 of 2)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1195
Using the Collections Workbench Chapter 40

Filter Action List page (2 of 2)

Name Enter a name for the action filter that you want to create and save.
You can also click the Search icon next to the field and search for and display an
existing action filter.

Filter Bygroup box Select action criteria listed in this group box that will narrow your search for
action items that you want to appear in the Action List group box on the
Collections Workbench page.
You can use this filter criteria to display action items assigned to more than one

Save Click this button to save your selection of filter options by the filter name that
you entered or selected in the Name field. The system adds this action filter name
and its settings to the list of available action filters.

Delete Select the name of an action filter that you want to delete and click the Delete
button. The selected action filter will be removed from your list of action filters.

Search Click the Save button and then click this button to search for any actions that fall
within the Filter By criteria that you selected for this action filter.
When you click the Search button, the system searches for actions based on your
filter criteria and displays those actions in the Action List group box on the
Collections Workbench page. The name of the filter that you used to perform the
search replaces Select Action Filter field value in the field next to the Search

Cancel Click this button to cancel the Filter Action List page and return to the
Collections Workbench page. If you already saved the action filter and its search
criteria and select the Cancel button, the Collections Workbench page appears
and the saved action filter appears in the list of saved action filters.

1196 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 40 Using the Collections Workbench

Clear Click this button to clear any values entered or selected in the Filter By group
box. If an action filter name appeared in the Name field, it is replaced by the field
value Select Action Filter. However, the action filter that originally appeared in
the Name field still appears on the list of action filters as long as you saved it
before clicking the Clear button.

See Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," Assigning Actions and Sending
Notification, page 1079.

Reviewing the Customer's Credit Profile

Access the Credit Profile tab. (Select the Credit Profile tab on the Collections Workbench page.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1197
Using the Collections Workbench Chapter 40

Collections Workbench - Credit Profile tab.

Balance Displays the current outstanding balance for the selected customer. Click the
Balance amount link to display the Items tab, which contains the list of items and
their amounts that were purchased to make up this balance amount. The Total
Amount on the Items tab should equal the Balance amount on the Credit Profile

Past Due Displays the amount of the outstanding balance owed that is currently past due.
Click the Past Due amount link to display the Items tab, which contains a list of
items and their amounts that are past due.

Credit Limit Displays the current credit limit for this customer. This value is derived from the
Customer Information – Credit Profile page (Customers, Customer Information,
General Information, select 0030 – Credit Profile in the General Info
(information) links field.)

1198 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 40 Using the Collections Workbench

Risk Score Displays the risk score that is calculated based on setting up risk scoring rules
and running the Request Risk Scoring process (AR_RISK). Click the Risk Score
value link to access the Risk Score Details page.
See Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," Generating
Risk Scores, page 1100.

Collector Displays the collector ID and name assigned to this customer on the Bill to
Options page .(Customers, Customer Information, General Information, select
0030 – Credit Profile in the General Info (information) links field.)

Risk Level Displays the level of risk for this customer, which is set up on the Credit Profile
page. (Customers, Customer Information, General Information, select 0030 –
Credit Profile in the General Info (information) links field.)

Credit Class Displays the credit class for this customer, which is set up on the Credit Profile
page. (Customers, Customer Information, General Information, select 0030 –
Credit Profile in the General Info (information) links field.)

D+B Rating(Dun and Displays the Dun and Bradstreet credit rating for the selected customer. You can
Bradstreet rating) purchase a Dunn and Bradstreet Report for a customer, which you can integrate
with PeopleSoft.This Dun and Bradstreet rating is derived from the Dun and
Bradsteet Report's Credit and Risk page.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook,
"Maintaining Additional Customer Information," Obtaining D&B Credit Reports.

Credit Hold If this check box is selected, the customer has been put on a credit hold. When
you run the Condition Monitor process, the process searches for customers with
credit holds and creates an action based on the rules that you define.
See Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," Running the
Condition Monitor Process, page 1079.

Customer Messages Click this link to access the Customer Messages page.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook,
"Maintaining General Customer Information," Attaching Messages to Customers.

Promises: Fiscal Year to Displays the number of Open, Kept, and Broken promises for this year and last
Dategroup box year.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook,
"Managing Conversations," Understanding Conversations.

Breakdown Balancesgrid Displays the setid, business unit, item balance and currency for a specific

Customer History

Access the Customer History grid on the Credit Profile tab of the Collections Workbench page.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1199
Using the Collections Workbench Chapter 40

History ID Select a History ID such as HI_ BAL_AMT, CURRENTDUE, AVGDAYS.

History Select either:

• All

This enables you to view the customer history amounts for all accounting
periods of the selected History ID.

• Most Recent

This enables you to view the customer history amount for the most recent
accounting period of the selected History ID.

See Chapter 8, "Setting Up History and Aging," Understanding History

Calculations, page 243.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General
Customer Information," Setting Up and Reviewing Customer Credit Profiles.

See Chapter 33, "Researching Customer Accounts," Reviewing Customer Account Information, page 1020.

Reviewing Customer Payment Information

Access the Payments tab. (Select the Payments tab on the Collections Workbench

1200 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 40 Using the Collections Workbench

Payments tab on the Collections Workbench page (1 of 2)

Payments tab on the Collections Workbench page (2 of 2)

On Account Displays the total amount of payments placed on a customer's account.

Click the On Account amount link to access the Items tab, which lists the
individual items making up the amount. The Total Amount at the bottom of the
Items tab equals the On Account amount on the Payments tab.

Prepayments Displays the total amount of prepayments made by this customer.

Click thePrepayments amount link to access the Items tab, which lists the
individual items making up the amount. The Total Amount at the bottom of the
Items tab equals the Prepayments amount on the Payments tab.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1201
Using the Collections Workbench Chapter 40

Credit Memos Displays the total amount of credit memos issued to this customer.
Click theCredit Memos amount link to access the Items tab, which lists the
individual items making up the amount. The Total Amount at the bottom of the
Items tab equals the Credit Memos amount on the Payments tab.

Filter Payment Click this link to access the Filter Payment page. Use this page to create filters
that enable you to specify values that narrow your search for Outstanding
Payments and Complete Payments for this customer. This page works the same
way as the Filter Action List page.
Click the Search icon for the adjacent field to select one of the filters that you
have set up.
See Chapter 40, "Using the Collections Workbench," Search Filter Creation,
page 1194.

Payments in Process Select this check box to display payments that have worksheets created and have
been partially or fully applied in the Outstanding Payments grid for the selected

Unapplied Payments Select this check box to include any payments that been identified but not applied
in the Outstanding Payments grid for the selected customer.

Drafts Select this check box to include any drafts in the Outstanding Payments and the
Complete Payments grids for the selected customer.

Direct Debits Select this check box to include any direct debit payments in the Outstanding
Payments and Complete Payments grids for the selected customer.

Outstanding Payment Click this button to search for payments based on the filter and the check boxes
Search you selected.

Outstanding Payments Displays details of the payments and the total of all of the payments displayed
grid based on the filter and check boxes you selected after clicking the Outstanding
Payment Search button. You can click the Deposit ID link to access the Review
Payments page for each outstanding regular payment, the Direct Debit Control
page for each outstanding direct debit payment, and the Draft Control page for
each outstanding draft payment.
See Chapter 27, "Managing Direct Debits," Reviewing Direct Debit Control
Information, page 880.

See Chapter 26, "Managing Drafts," Reviewing All Drafts, page 847.

From Date andTo Date Enter a date range to narrow your search for completed payments. This date
range will work with the selected filter and the selected check boxes (Drafts,
Direct Debits) to display the complete payments on the Complete Payments grid.

1202 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 40 Using the Collections Workbench

Complete Paymentsgrid Displays payment information for payments where the Receivable Update
process has successfully posted the payment. After a payment has been marked
Complete, you can only inquire on it. To change it, you must unpost the payment
See Chapter 12, "Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator,"
Receivable Update Processing Options, page 370.

Click this icon in the Complete Payments grid to access the Item Activity for a
Payment page, which describes the effect of the payment on the payment items.

Payment Performance Displays the Weighted Average Days and Amount for payments within a specific
grid fiscal year and accounting period. Also displays the Total Weighted Average
Days and Basis for all payments listed for the specific fiscal year and accounting
period for the selected customer.
See Chapter 8, "Setting Up History and Aging," Customer History Calculations
in the Receivable Update Process, page 243.

See Chapter 33, "Researching Customer Accounts," Reviewing Customer

History, page 1035.

Researching Customer Item Information

Access the Items tab. (Select the Items tab on the Collections Workbench.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1203
Using the Collections Workbench Chapter 40

Items tab on the Collections Workbench

Status Select the status of the items that you want to appear on the Item List grid from
these options and select the Go button.:
• All

• Closed

• Collection

• Deduction

• Dispute

• Doubtful

• Last Conv (last conversation)

• Open (default)

• Past Due

1204 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 40 Using the Collections Workbench

Add Filter Click this link to access the Filter Items page. Select the attributes that you want
to use for this filter, enter the name of the new filter in the Search Preferences
field on the Filter Items page and click the Save button. You set up and use this
filter like you do the filters for the action list.
See Chapter 40, "Using the Collections Workbench," Search Filter Creation,
page 1194.

Account Overview Click this link to access the Account Overview – Balances page for the selected
See Chapter 33, "Researching Customer Accounts," Reviewing Customer
Account Information, page 1020.

Range Enter a range for the Item List rows that you want to select and click the Go
button. For example, if you enter 3–5 in this field, the system will place a check
mark next to rows 3, 4, and 5 in the Item List.

Item Action After selecting the rows on which you want to perform an item action, select one
of the actions in the item action list.
For example, if you select an item row , select the item action Create a
Maintenance Worksheet, and click the Go button, the Worksheet Application
page appears with the selected item in the Item List grid.
See Chapter 34, "Researching Receivables," Researching a Customer's Items,
page 1042.

See Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," Assigning

Actions to Items, page 1080.

Managing Customer Conversations and Promises

Access the Conversations tab. (Select the Conversations tab on the Collections Workbench page.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1205
Using the Collections Workbench Chapter 40

Conversations tab on the Collections Workbench page (1 of 2)

Conversations tab on the Collections Workbench page (2 of 2)

Filter Conversations Click this link to access the Filter Conversations page where you can select or
enter attributes to narrow your search for conversations associated with the
selected customer and display them in the Conversations grid on the
Conversations tab of the Collections Workbench.

1206 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 40 Using the Collections Workbench

Add Conversation Click this link to access the Conversations page of the Conversations component,
where you can add a new conversation with the selected customer.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook,
"Managing Conversations," Entering Conversations.

See Chapter 7, "Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing," Setting Up

Promise Date Options for a Customer, page 232.

Update Contacts Click this link to access the Customer Contacts page, which lists the name of
each contact associated with the selected customer. You can perform these
activities from this page:
• Click the link associated with a contact's name to access the Contact page and
maintain the selected contact's information.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1

PeopleBook, "Maintaining Contacts," Setting Up Contacts.

• Click the Telephone icon on a customer contact row and the system will
automatically dial this customer contact's phone number.

Important! This icon will only appear if Computer Telephony Integration

(CTI) is activated and the user is a CTI user.

• Click the contact's email address, which enables you to create and send an
email to the customer contact.

• Click the Add a New Contact link to access a blank Contact page, where you
can add a new contact for the selected customer.

Conversations grid The conversations associated with the selected customer based on your search
criteria are listed on this grid. You can click on the link associated with a
Conversation Date to access the Conversations page of the Conversations
component where you can review and update the details about the conversation
associated with the selected Conversation Date.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook,
"Managing Conversations."

Promise Date Inquiry

Access the Promise Date Inquiry page. (Click the Promise Inquiry link on the Conversations tab of the
Collection Workbench.)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1207
Using the Collections Workbench Chapter 40

Promise Date Inquiry page (1 of 2)

1208 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 40 Using the Collections Workbench

Promise Date Inquiry (2 of 2)

Search Promises group Select or enter the attributes that will narrow your search for promises made by a
box customer.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1209
Using the Collections Workbench Chapter 40

Display Optionsgroup Click on one of these options to determine how you want the promises to appear
box on the Promises list.
• Show All

When you click the Search button, the system return all conversations based
on the search parameters that you enteredand display all promise

• Group by Collector

When you click the Search button, the system will group conversations by
collector and display the summarized information for each collector...

• Group by Customer

When you click the Search button, the system will group conversations by
customer and display the summarized information for each customer.

• Group by Supervisor

When you click the Search button, the system will group selected
conversations by supervisor and display the summarized information for each

• Group by Business Unit

When you click the Search button, the system will group conversations by
business unit and display the summarized information for each business unit.

Promisesgrid When you click the Search button, promise information and associated details
display based on your selection of the search criteria and your selection of a
display option.

Reviewing Customer Correspondence

Access the Correspondence tab. (Select the Correspondence tab on the Collections Workbench page.)

1210 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 40 Using the Collections Workbench

Correspondence tab on the Collections Workbench page

Statement History

Statement Number Select a Statement Number associated with the selected customer and click the
Search button. The statement associated with this number appears in the
Statement Details grid.

Statement Date Select a date and click the Search button, to list any statements created on that
date in the Statement Details grid.

Note. You can also select a Statement Number and Statement Date and click the
Search button to display the selected statement on the Statement Details grid.
However, if you select a Statement Number and a Statement Date that is not
associated with that number and click the Search button, nothing will appear in
the Statement Details grid.

Statement Details grid When you access the Correspondence tab, a maximum of eight statements will
appear on the grid in descending date order for the selected customer. Use the
Statement Number field to search for and display a specific statement in the grid,
and the Statement Date field to search for and display any statements created on
the selected date in the grid.
Click the link associated with a Statement Number in the grid to display the
Review Statements page, where you can review the items associated with this
See Chapter 38, "Generating Correspondence," Generating Customer Statements,
page 1134.

Dunning History

Dunning Number Select a Dunning Number associated with the selected customer and click the
Search button. The Dunning Number and its details appears in the Dunning
Letter Details grid.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1211
Using the Collections Workbench Chapter 40

Dunning Date Select a Dunning Dateassociated with the selected customer and click the Search
button. Any dunning numbers created on this date appear in the Dunning Letter
Details grid.

Note. You can also select a Dunning Number and Dunning Date and click the
Search button to display the specific Dunning Number on the Dunning Letter
Details grid. However, if you select a Dunning Number and a Dunning Date that
is not associated with the selected dunning number and click the Search button,
nothing will appear in the Dunning Letter Details grid.

Dunning Letter Details When you access the Correspondence tab, a maximum of eight Dunning IDs will
grid appear on the grid in descending date order for the selected customer. Use the
Dunning Number field to search for and display a specific Dunning Number in
the grid, and the Dunning Date field to search for and display any Dunning
Numbers created on the selected date in the grid.
Click the link associated with a Dunning Numberin the grid to display the
Dunning Letters page, where you can review the details concerning the items that
associated with the dunning letter. You can click the Letter Content tab to view
the actual dunning letter that was sent out to the customer.

See Chapter 38, "Generating Correspondence," Generating Dunning Letters, page 1144.

Reviewing Customer Aging

Access the Aging tab. (Select the Aging tab on the Collections Workbench page.)

Aging tab on the Collections Workbench page

1212 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 40 Using the Collections Workbench

Balance Displays this customer's balance as of the current date.

Click the link associated with the balance amount to display the Items tab of the
Collection Workbench.
See Chapter 40, "Using the Collections Workbench," Researching Customer Item
Information, page 1203.

Hi Balance Displays the highest balance for the selected customer since the last time the
Aging process was run.

Important! This amount only appears if you select a business unit for this
customer and the History Options is turned on when ARUPDATE is run.

Balance Date Displays the date on which the balance amount was calculated.

Past Due Displays the portion of the balance amount that is currently past due.
Click the link associated with the balance amount to display the Items tab of the
Collection Workbench.

Hi Past Due Displays the highest past due amount for the selected customer since the last time
the Aging process was run and the History Options is turned on when
ARUPDATE is run.

Important! This amount only appears if you select a business unit for this

See Chapter 40, "Using the Collections Workbench," Researching Customer Item
Information, page 1203.

Past Due Date Displays the date

Note. This amount only appears if you select a business unit for this customer.

Aged Date Displays the system date from the beginning of the aging run. For example, if the
Aging process starts at 11:58 p.m. on September 12 and ends at 12:01 a.m. on
September 13, the aged date is September 12.

New Balance The this appears if the customer's balance has changed since it was last aged.
This indicates that you may want to rerun the Aging process.

Click the Update Aging button to age the customer's items during the next run of
the Aging process.

Customer Aginggrid This grid is updated if the aging process has been run for the selected customer.
Values appear in the Aging Category, Aging ID, Aging Amount, Currency, and
Aging Count fields
Click the link associated with an Aging Category to display the Items tab of the
Collections Workbench, which lists the items and amounts included in the
selected Aging Category.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1213
Using the Collections Workbench Chapter 40

See Chapter 8, "Setting Up History and Aging," Setting Up Aging, page 250.

Reviewing the Customer Hierarchy

Access the Customer Hierarchy tab. (Select the Customer Hierarchy tab on the Collections Workbench page.)

Customer Hierarchy tab on the Collections Workbench page

Corporate Credit Limit Displays the credit limit for the parent customer in the hierarchy.

Display Currency Displays currency associated with customer's general information.

1214 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 40 Using the Collections Workbench

Corporate Balances grid This grid displays the levels of the Customer Hierarchy, which include the
customer ID, the Item Balance amount, the Past Due amount, and the Credit
Limit each customer on the grid.
Customers that have other customers defined as children display the summarized
item balance and past due amounts of all of their children. The credit limit is not
summarized for each level of the hierarchy, because the credit limit is controlled
by the parent's corporate credit limit.
When summarized information for each level of the hierarchy displays, you
cannot drill down to a more detailed level of data..
Click one of the customer ID links in the Customer Hierarchy to access the
selected customer's general information (Customers, Customer Information,
General Information, General Info page.)
Click the Item Balance link for a selected customer within the Customer
Hierarchy to display the Items tab of the Collections Workbench.
Click the Past Due balance link for a selected customer within the Customer
Hierarchy to display the Items tab, where you can select Past Due, search for,
and display the items that make up the selected Past Due balance.
Click the Credit Limit amount link for a selected customer within the Customer
Hierarchy to display the Credit Profile tab for the selected customer.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General
Customer Information," Corporate Customers.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1215
Chapter 41

Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems

This chapter discusses how to:

• (USF) Refer delinquent items to the Debt Management Service (DMS).

• (USF) Submit transactions between agencies using the Intra-Governmental Payment and Collection
System (IPAC).

• (USF) Reclassify receivables accounting entries, direct journal accounting entries, and open items.

• (USF) Track memo status changes.

• Write off by ChartFields.

• (USF) Generate the Receivables Due From the Public report.

• Generate the 1099-C report.

• (USF) Create federal customer statements.

(USF) Referring Delinquent Items to the DMS

This section provides an overview of the delinquent debt referral process, lists prerequisites and common
elements, and discusses how to:

• Select items for referral.

• Create a DMS referral file.

• Create a debt adjustment file.

• Process DMS receipts.

Understanding the Delinquent Debt Referral Process

The Debt Collection Improvement Act (DCIA) requires that any non-tax debt or claim owed to the United
States that has been delinquent for a period of 180 days be turned over to the DMS of the U.S. Department of
Treasury for appropriate action. This is known as cross-servicing. Debts less than 180 days delinquent can be
voluntarily submitted to private collection agencies and agency Debt Collection Centers (DCCs). These are
referred to as pass-through debts.

Using the PeopleSoft Receivables Delinquent Accounts feature, you can:

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1217
Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems Chapter 41

• Enter DMS information for individual items on the DMS Information page.

• Select items for referral.

• Run the DMS Referral Application Engine process (AR_DMSREFRRL) to create the electronic flat file
for submission to the DMS.

• Run the DMS Adjustment Application Engine process (AR_DMSADJST) to create an electronic flat file
containing adjustments and corrections to previously referred debt for submission to the DMS.

• Run the DMS Process Receipts Application Engine process (AR_DMSRECEIP) to process any inbound
files from the DMS containing collections or adjustments against the previously referred debt.

You can verify that each process runs successfully by viewing the log files for errors.

Before creating debt referral files:

1. Enable DMS processing by selecting the DMS Interface check box on the Installation Options -
Receivables page.

2. Enter business unit-level DMS data on the DMS Information page.

3. Enter customer DMS information in the DMS Customer 1, DMS Customer 2, and DMS Customer 3

See Also

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," (USF) Defining Debt Management
Information, page 52

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Installation Options for
PeopleSoft Applications," Defining Receivables Installation Options

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General Customer
Information," Entering Customer DMS Information

Common Elements Used in This Section

Admin Debt Select the appropriate value for credit bureau reporting. Values are Employee
Classification Advance, Fee,Fine,Miscellaneous Debt, Overpayment, and Penalty.
(administrative debt
Business Unit Enter the business unit for which you want to select items for referral. Generally,
you process referrals monthly for a given business unit.

Program ID Enter a code that enables the DMS to group related debts in their system for
processing under specific business rules.

1218 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 41 Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems

Referral Type Select the type of referral for the items. Values are:
Passthrough: Debts for referral to the Debt Management Service Center (DMSC)
and Financial Management Service (FMS) system for referral to Private
Collection Agencies (PCAs) under existing FMS contracts.
Cross-Servicing: Debts for referral to the DMS for general collection activities.

Destination File Name Enter the file path and file name of the delinquent account file that you are

Secured Debt Select to indicate that the debt is secured with collateral.

Manual Selection Select to refer debts that are less than 180 days.

Pages Used to Refer Delinquent Items to the DMS

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

View/Update Item Details - ITEM_MAINTAIN

• Accounts Receivable, View item information and
Detail 1 Customer Accounts, access the DMS
Item Information, Information page.
View/Update Item
Details, Detail 1

• Click the View Detail

button for an item on
the Select Referral
items page.

DMS Information (Debt DMS_ITEM_SEC Click the DMS Information Update DMS information
Management Service link on the View/Update for the item.
information) Item Details - Detail 1 page.

Select Referral Items DMS_CONTROL Accounts Receivable, Select items to be referred

Customer Accounts, to the DMS.
Delinquent Accounts, Select
Referral Items, Select
Referral Items

Create Referral File DMS_REFERRAL Accounts Receivable, Create a file of referred debt
Customer Accounts, for submission to the DMS.
Delinquent Accounts,
Create Referral File, Create
Referral File

Create Adjustment File RUN_DMS_ADJST Accounts Receivable, Create a file of subsequent

Customer Accounts, collections and adjustments
Delinquent Accounts, of previously referred debt.
Create Adjustment File,
Create Adjustment File

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Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems Chapter 41

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Process Receipts RUN_DMS_RECEIPT Accounts Receivable, Process an inbound file of

Customer Accounts, collections or adjustments
Delinquent Accounts, against previously referred
Process Receipts, Process debt.

Selecting Items for Referral

Access the Select Referral Items page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Delinquent
Accounts, Select Referral Items, Select Referral Items.)

Select Referral Items page

Select a business unit and referral type. The system processes one file for each business unit and referral type

The page displays delinquent items for referral.

Viewing Item-Level Information

For each item listed in the grid, you can view the business unit, item ID, customer ID, and due date.

Click the View Detail button for an item to access the View/Update Item Details
- Detail 1 page and access and change the DMS information for the item.

Selected Flag Select to mark individual items for referral.

Viewing and Adjusting DMS Information

Select the DMS Detail tab to view the DMS Information for the item. This information is automatically
supplied based on the business unit and customer DMS setup. You can override these default values as

1220 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 41 Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems

Creating a DMS Referral File

Access the Create Referral File page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Delinquent
Accounts, Create Referral File, Create Referral File.)

Select the business unit for which you want to create the referral file, the referral type that you want to
process (Cross-Servicing or Passthrough), and enter the file path and name for the destination file.

Run the DMS Referral process to create the referral file for the DMS.

Creating a Debt Adjustment File

Access the Create Adjustment File page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Delinquent
Accounts, Create Adjustment File, Create Adjustment File.)

Select the business unit and enter the destination file path and name.

Run the DMS Adjustment process. This process generates a file of subsequent adjustments or collections for
debt that was previously referred to the DMS.

Processing DMS Receipts

Access the Process Receipts page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Delinquent Accounts,
Process Receipts, Process Receipts.)

Attached File Displays the name of the file received from the DMS.

Click the Add Attachment button to browse for the file to attach. Once you have
located the file, click the Upload button to load the file.

Click the Delete Attachment button to delete the currently selected attachment.

Click the View Attachment button to view the currently selected attachment.

Run the DMS Process Receipts process to insert delinquent account data from the DMS into the Pending Item
PS_PENDING_ITEM table using the DMS Inbound process.

Completing the Process Receipts Process

To complete the Process Receipts process:

1. Check the message log for errors.

2. View the group using the External Pending Item Entry component (ENT_EXTAID_UPDT) and select a
posting action for the group.

3. Run the Receivable Update Application Engine process (ARUPDATE) to post the pending items.

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Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems Chapter 41

See Also

Chapter 18, "Entering Pending Items," page 509

(USF) Submitting Transactions Between Agencies Using the IPAC

This section provides an overview of IPAC processing, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

• Enter IPAC information for an item.

• Enter additional IPAC information.

• Enter override options for the Format EFT File Application Engine process (FIN2025).

• Run the Format EFT File process.

Understanding IPAC Processing

The IPAC system is maintained by the U.S. Department of Treasury for intra-governmental transactions. The
IPAC system transmits billing information electronically, using a formatted file, to the U.S. Department of
Treasury specifications so that bills and payments can be applied to the correct account. If your organization
requires that you use the IPAC system, you can use PeopleSoft Receivables to create an extract file with
receivables data that you send to the U.S. Department of Treasury. You create a request to collect funds from
customers that are federal agencies by creating a flat file in PeopleSoft Receivables and sending the file
online or in a bulk file connection to the IPAC system.

PeopleSoft Receivables supports four types of IPAC transactions:

• Collection, which is associated with the 810 format.

Use this transaction type to collect funds from other agencies.

• Adjustment, which is associated with the 812 format.

Use this transaction type to correct payment or collection information received by your agency, including
the amount and the Standard General Ledger (SGL) account information. This transaction type is not
available if you initiated the IPAC transaction.

Note. A credit item cannot be selected for refund processing until an IPAC adjustment transaction is
entered. If an item that belongs to a customer, who requires IPAC processing, is selected for refund and
the adjustment transaction is not created for the item, then an error message appears on the Maintenance
Worksheet - Worksheet Application page.

• Zero dollar, which is associated with the 835 format.

Use this transaction type to add or change collection information that you sent in an earlier transmission.
This transaction type does not change the transaction amount or SGL account information.

1222 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 41 Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems

• Post SGL, which is associated with the 840 format.

Use this transaction type to add or change SGL account information for previously received or sent
transactions. You can add or change the sender's information, the receiver's information, or both.

The system includes transactions in the file only if they are marked as Not Processed in the IPAC record.

This diagram shows the flow of the IPAC information. Your agency creates an item, enters the IPAC
information, and creates an EFT file, which is sent to the Treasury Department and updated in the IPAC
system. The Treasury Department sends the IPAC file to another agency, which creates the payment.

IPAC processing from your agency to the Treasury Department to another agency where payments are

See Also

Chapter 23, "Maintaining and Reviewing Item Information," Changing and Reviewing Item Information,
page 719

Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," Selecting EFT Layouts, page 137

Before you export PeopleSoft Receivables transactions to IPAC:

1. Enable the IPAC interface on the Installation Options - Receivables page.

2. Assign an IPAC billing agency location code and sender DO (disbursing office) to a setID for each
business unit.

3. When defining customers, select the options for the IPAC interface and the customer agency location

4. Select a primary IPAC contact for each customer.

If you want to automatically supply the SGL account information, you must perform these tasks:

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Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems Chapter 41

1. Create entry event codes that include the WS-01 step for the ARUPDATE entry event process on the
Entry Event Code Definition page.

2. Add two ChartField attributes for accounts to which IPAC processing applies on the ChartField Attributes

• IPAC: Enter Y for the ChartField attribute value.

• USSGL: Enter the four-character SGL account that you want to interface with the IPAC system for the
ChartField attribute value.

When you run the Receivable Update process (ARUPDATE), the system compares the GL accounts in the
entry event code definition to the Account ChartField attributes to determine whether IPAC processing
applies. If IPAC processing applies, the system uses the four-character GL account that you enter for the
USSGL attribute value to populate the SGL Account fields.

If invoices are loaded from an external billing source, the IPAC interface option is selected on the Installation
Options - Receivables page, and the IPAC interface option is selected for the customer who is associated with
the invoice, then the Receivable Update process performs these edits:

• Billing ALC - The pending item is marked in error if the ALC is not defined on the Receivables Business
Unit options page.

• Sender DO - The pending item is marked in error if the sender do is not defined on the Receivables
Business Unit options page.

• Customer ALC - The pending item is marked in error if the ALC is not defined on the Customer-General
Options page.

• Sender TAS - The pending item is marked in error if the TAS string is not defined and associated with the
fund code on the item AR accounting line.

• Unit Price - The pending item is marked in error if the item entry amount is zero.

• SGL Account - The pending item is marked in error if the SGL Account is not defined and associated
with an entry event code on the item.

• Obligation Document and Purchase Order Id - Both fields default from the Purchase Order reference field
. The pending item is marked in error if the purchase order reference is not populated.

1224 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 41 Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems

See Also

Chapter 3, "Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Business Units," Defining General Options, page 24

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Installation Options for
PeopleSoft Applications," Defining Receivables Installation Options

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General Customer
Information," Adding Customer Names and Levels and Assigning Roles

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining Contacts"

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Using Entry Events," Defining Entry
Event Codes

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Defining and Using ChartFields,"
Defining and Using Account Types and Attributes

PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up and Generating Federal Government and
Statutory Reports"

Pages Used to Submit Transactions Between Agencies Using IPAC

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

View/Update Item Details - ITEM_MAINTAIN Accounts Receivable, Change information about

Detail 1 Customer Accounts, Item open and closed items.
Information, View/Update
Item Details, Detail 1

Receivable IPAC AR_IPAC_SEC Click the Transfer to IPAC Enter information required
Transactions Transactions link on the by IPAC.
View/Update Item Details -
Detail 1 page.

IPAC Description AR_IPAC_DESCR_SEC Click the Description link Enter a detailed description
on the Receivable IPAC for an IPAC transaction.
Transactions page.

IPAC Miscellaneous AR_IPAC_MISC_SEC Click the Misc Info Enter additional text to
Description (miscellaneous information) describe an IPAC
link on the Receivable transaction and additional
IPAC Transactions page. sender and receiver

Post SGL Comments AR_IPAC_SGLCMT_SBP Click the SGL Comments Enter standard general
link on the Receivable ledger comments.
IPAC Transactions page.

Override Options PRCSDEFNOVRD PeopleTools, Process Enter override options for

Scheduler, Processes, the Format EFT File
Override Options process.

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Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems Chapter 41

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

AR IPAC Run Request IPAC_EXP_RQST Accounts Receivable, Run the Format EFT File
Receivables Maintenance, process, which creates a file
Request IPAC Interface, that can be uploaded to
AR IPAC Run Request IPAC.

Entering IPAC Information for an Item

Access the Receivable IPAC Transactions page. (Click the Transfer to IPAC Transactions link on the
View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page.)

Receivable IPAC Transactions page (1 of 2)

1226 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 41 Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems

Receivable IPAC Transactions page (2 of 2)

Some of the information displayed on this page comes from the default values for IPAC that you assigned to
business units, customers, and contacts. You can override the default values as needed.

Entering IPAC Header Information

Billing ALC (billing Displays the billing agency location code that you assigned to the setID for the
agency location code) business unit. Override the code if needed.

Sender DO (sender Displays the five-digit ID that you assigned to the setID for the business unit.
disbursing office) Override if needed.

Customer ALC Displays the agency location code that you assigned to the customer associated
(customer agency location with the item. Override if needed.

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Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems Chapter 41

IPAC Type Select an IPAC transaction type. Values are:

Collection: Use for new transactions that you are sending to the IPAC system.
Adjustment: Use for IPAC payment transactions received from another agency to
add information and adjust the amount due. This option is not available if you
initiated the transaction.
Post SGL: Use to add or change the SGL account information for prior
transactions that you sent for collection.
Zero: Use for IPAC transactions that you have already sent to the IPAC system
to change information other than the amount or the SGL account information.
None: Use for information purposes only. No data is sent to the Department of

Note. The fields that require entry on the page vary based on the transaction type.

Create Click to validate that no previous transactions exist for the item and to create
IPAC transactions. Any previously entered transactions for the item must have a
process status of Processed. After you click the Create button, the system enables
data fields based on the IPAC record type selected.
If you click the Create button after IPAC detail records have been created, the
system issues a message warning that the existing IPAC detail records for this
IPAC transaction will be re-created. You can proceed or cancel the action.

Note. If you want to create additional IPAC transactions for an item that has
prior transactions with a Processed status, you must insert a new record and
IPAC type prior to clicking the Create button.

Total Amount Displays the total amount of the IPAC transaction for all item lines.

Entering Detail Information

Only the Original Line Item Number field is available for adjustment types. No other fields are available.

Trace ID Displays the user-assigned identification number to enable back-end systems to

match transactions.

Cross Ref Doc (cross- Displays the document reference number on the header of the original
reference document) transaction. This field appears only for zero dollar transaction types.

Original Line # (original Displays the detail line number from the original transaction, which is used for
line number) adjustments only.

Misc Info (miscellaneous Click to add additional information about the transaction.
Description Click to add information about the IPAC description.

1228 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 41 Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems

Quantity Displays the quantity amount that can be used to verify that the amount on each
IPAC detail record equals the quantity times unit price, except for the Zero
Dollar record type.

UOM (unit of measure) Displays the units by which goods and services are measured. This field is not
available for adjustment type.

Unit Price Displays the total amount of each IPAC unit, which is quantity multiplied by unit
price. This field is required for payment and collection.

Obligation Doc Displays the billing agency's internal accounting document associated with a
(obligation document) specific bill.

Final Pay Select to indicate whether a payment is final (F) or partial (P).

Contract Displays a number that uniquely identifies a contract between two trading

Contract Line Displays a contract line item number.

Requisition Displays whether a payment is from a requisition or a partial payment.

PO ID (purchase order Displays a purchase order number. This field is required for IPAC collections. A
ID) PO must exist before IPAC is created.

Contact Name and Displays information about the primary IPAC contact that you assigned to a
Phone customer.

Entering Sender/Receiver TAS/BETC Information

The fields that are available in this section vary based on the IPAC transaction type. This table shows the
fields that are available based on the IPAC type:

IPAC Transaction Type Available Fields

Collection All fields.

Adjustment All fields except sender and receiver DUNS and DUNS4.

Zero Dollar All fields except sender and receiver BETC.

TAS (treasury account For the sender, select the account number assigned by the U.S. Department of
symbol) Treasury to classify transactions. Indicates the agency that initiated the billing.
For the receiver, select the account of the fund that will receive the payment.

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Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems Chapter 41

BETC(business event Select the code used in the Government-wide Accounting and Modernization
type code) and Project (GWA) system to indicate the type of activity being reported, such as
payments, collections, and so on. This code must accompany the Treasury
Account Symbol (TAS) and the dollar amounts to classify the transaction against
the fund balance with the Treasury.

DUNS (Dun and Enter the Dun and Bradstreet number used to identify the sender (your agency) or
Bradstreet number) and the receiver (the customer's agency). The sender DUNS appears by default from
the values defined on the Receivables Business Unit Options page. The receiver
DUNS appears by default from the values defined on Customers - Additional
General Information page.

DUNS4 Enter the four-character identifier, along with the DUNS number, which
identifies individual business locations for federal vendors and federal customers.
The sender DUNS4 appears by default from the values defined on the
Receivables Business Unit Options page. The receiver DUNS4 appears by
default from the values defined on Customers - Additional General Information

Department Displays the receiver department code of the customer. This field appears by
default from the first two characters of the Customer ALC.

Entering SGL Information

If you entered an entry event code for the item in PeopleSoft Billing or during pending item entry on the
Pending Item 1 page, the Receivable Update process populates the fields in the SGL Information grid. You
can override the values if needed. If you did not enter an entry event code, you must enter SGL account
information for Post SGL transaction types, and you can optionally enter SGL account information for the
Collection and Adjustment transaction types. The SGL information fields are not available for zero dollar
transaction types.

SGL Comment (standard Click to access the AR Post SGL Comments page. This link is active only when
general ledger comments) Post SGL is selected in the IPAC Type field.

SGL Account (standard Enter a chart of accounts used by the U.S. Department of Treasury for central
general ledger account) agency reporting.

Dr/Cr (debit/credit) Select a debit or credit, which determines the type of amount entered. When this
value is saved, the system validates that the total debit amount is equal to the
total credit amount.

SGL Amount (standard Enter an SGL amount. The Dr/Cr field determines the type of amount to enter.
general ledger amount) This value is used to verify that the total SGL debit amount is equal to the total
SGL credit amount. It also verifies that the individual SGL amount is no greater
than the amount on the IPAC detail record

Sender/Receiver Flag Select a value to indicate whether the SGL account information for the line is for
the sender (your agency) or the receiver (the customer's agency).

1230 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 41 Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems

Federal Flag Select a value to indicate whether the SGL account information for the line is
Federal or Non-Fed (non-federal).

SGL Action(standard Select a value that indicates the action for the line. Values are:
general ledger action)
Add: Indicates that this is a new line.
Edit: Indicates that this is a changed line.
For Post SGL transaction types, the action is Edit for existing lines and Add for
new lines. For Adjustment transaction types, the action is Edit even though no
existing rows exist.

Entering Additional IPAC Information

Access the IPAC Miscellaneous Description page. (Click the Misc Info (miscellaneous information) link on
the Receivable IPAC Transactions page.)

IPAC Miscellaneous Description page

Enter comments about the collection request in the text box.

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Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems Chapter 41

Fiscal Year Obligation Select a value to indicate the fiscal year of the obligation. Values are Not
ID Applicable,Current Fiscal Year, and Prior Fiscal Year.

ACL/CD (account Displays a project code and is supplied to the billing agency by the customer on
classification code) the original request for services.

ACRN (account Appears for adjustment type only.

classification reference
Job Not available for adjustment type.

JAS (job agency site) Displays a combination of job order number, accounting classification record
number, and site ID.

FSN (fiscal station Displays an 8-digit number identifying the subdivision of an agency location
number) code.

DoD(activity address Displays the activity address code.


The fields that are available on this page vary based on the IPAC transaction type. This table shows the fields
that are available based on the IPAC type:

IPAC Transaction Type Available Fields

Collection All fields.

Adjustment All fields.

Zero Dollar All fields except Fiscal Year Obligation ID.

Post SGL Only the text box.

Entering Override Options for the Format EFT File Process

Access the Override Options page. (Select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Processes, Override Options.)

1232 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 41 Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems

Override Options page (Format EFT File process)

If you run PeopleSoft Receivables on a DB2 database on a Microsoft Windows NT or IBM OS390 server,
you must manually insert an owner ID parameter in the list of parameters for the process definition before
you can run the Format EFT Files process.

Parameters List Enter Prepend.

Parameters In the Parameters field next to the Parameters List field, enter
%%OWNERID%% :EFT_WRK_PARM1 as shown in the preceding example.
Note that a space is between the owner ID parameter ( %%OWNERID%%) and

Running the Format EFT File Process

Access the AR IPAC Run Request page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Request
IPAC Interface, AR IPAC Run Request.)

IPAC Interface Options Select an IPAC Interface option: Values are Generate for All Units,Generate for
One Unit, Generate for One Customer, and Rerun for Previous Job.

(USF) Reclassifying Receivables Accounting Entries, Direct Journal

Accounting Entries, and Open Items
To set up agency location codes (ALCs) and government wide accounting (GWA) reporting options for
reporting, use the Agency Location component (AGENCY_LOC_CD).

To create Partial SF224 reports, use the SF224/ SF1220 Report Definition component

This section provides an overview of Partial SF224 reporting and discusses how to:

• Reclassify receivables item accounting entries.

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• Reclassify direct journal accounting entries.

• Reclassify open receivables items.

Understanding Partial SF224 Reporting

The Financial Systems Integration Office (FSIO) has issued Core Systems Requirements that impact the
SF224 report and the electronic interface that is used to report cash receipt and cash disbursement activity by
Agency Location Code (ALC) to the U.S. Treasury. The FSIO Core System Requirements are based on new
Government-wide Accounting (GWA) Partial 224 Business Rules. The GWA business rules set the stage for
ultimately phasing out the SF-224 report over the next several years and replacing it with the Partial SF224
report. The new GWA Business Rules dictate how specific activity is to be excluded from SF224 reporting as
the U.S. Treasury systems are modified in the future. When agencies can finally report cash activity by the
Business Event Type Codes (BETC), the agencies will report only non-BETC-coded cash activity and cash
reclassifications using the Partial SF224 report.

The U.S. Treasury will be implementing the BETC for federal agencies to use to identify and report specific
information about cash receipt and disbursement transactions in lieu of that provided by the SF224 report.
The BETC is being implemented by the U.S. Treasury during the next few years for IPAC (collections and
payments), Cashlink II (collections), Electronic Certification System (payments), and the Treasury
Disbursement Office (TDO) systems.

Agency financial systems will be modified so that the BETC code can be specified for all cash transactions.
The evolution of the BETC drives the need for agency financial systems in the short term to be configurable
so as to identify those interfaces (IPAC, CA$HLINK, TDO Payments) when they are modified to pass BETC
with the associated cash activity to the U.S. Treasury.

Note. The Partial 224 report will not be available for use until the U.S. Treasury implements BETC.

Contact the U.S. Treasury Financial Management Service (FMS) for its schedule for implementation of the
BETC. Until such time as the BETC is implemented by the FMS, you must continue to produce the full
SF224 - Statement of Cash Transactions report.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up and Generating Federal Government and
Statutory Reports," Defining, Generating, Creating, and Printing SF224, SF1219, and SF1220 Reports

Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," (USF) Setting Up Agency Location Codes, page 169

1234 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 41 Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems

Pages Used to Reclassify Accounting Entries and Items

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Reclassify AR accounting PAR224_ARENTRIES Accounts Receivable, Change the fund associated

entries Receivables Maintenance, with posted accounting
Reclassify AR Entries entries. You can reclassify
the entire stream of the
transaction. The
reclassification entries are
recorded in the
PS_ITEM_DST table with a
sequence number starting
from 600.

Reclassify Direct Journal PAR224_DIRJRNL Accounts Receivable, Identify accounting entries

Entries Receivables Maintenance, for direct journals and
Reclassify Direct Jrnl reclassify the entries to
Entries correct the fund. The
reclassification entries are
recorded in the
with a line number starting
from 600.

Transfer Selection PAR224_TRANSFER Accounts Receivable, Create a new worksheet or

Receivables Maintenance, add items to a transfer
Reclassify Open Item worksheet.

Worksheet1 TRN_WORKSHEET1 Accounts Receivable, Select the items to transfer.

Receivables Maintenance,
Reclassify Open Item,
Worksheet 1

Worksheet2 TRN_WORKSHEET2 Accounts Receivable, Override the default

Receivables Maintenance, receivable distribution code.
Reclassify Open Item,
Worksheet 2

Transfer Action TRN_ACTION Accounts Receivable, Select a posting action for a

Receivables Maintenance, worksheet. Also use this
Reclassify Open Item, page to delete a worksheet,
Transfer Action create accounting entries
online for the worksheets,
or to delete accounting

Reclassifying Receivables Accounting Entries

Access the Reclassify AR accounting entries Page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance,
Reclassify AR Entries.)

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Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems Chapter 41

Reclassify AR accounting entries page

Item Search Click to display the accounting lines that match the entered business unit, item
ID, customer ID, fund code, and accounting date.

Selection Criteria Select the types of entries to display in the Accounting Lines area. the values are
All Entries and Reclassification Entries.

Update Click to generate new accounting entries for the selected accounting lines after
you have entered the appropriate fund code and accounting date.
The system generates reversal entries for the selected accounting lines and
creates new accounting entries with the following attributes:
• The fund code and accounting date are changed to the specified values.

• The distribution sequence number begins at 600.

• The value in the Distribution Status field changes to N if the value in the
selected rows is N or D.

For distribution status I in the selected rows, the value remains the same.

• The entry event process status is updated to N.

Reclassifying Direct Journal Accounting Entries

Access the Reclassify Direct Journal Entries page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance,
Reclassify Direct Jrnl Entries.)

1236 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 41 Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems

Reclassify Direct Journal Entries page

Search Click to display the accounting lines that match the entered deposit unit, payment
sequence, fund code, and accounting date.

Selection Criteria Select the types of entries to display in the Accounting Lines area. the values are
All Entries and Reclassification Entries.

Update Click to generate new accounting entries for the selected accounting lines after
you have entered the appropriate fund code and accounting date.
The system generates reversal entries for the selected accounting lines and
creates new accounting entries with the following attributes:
• The fund code and accounting date are changed to the specified values.

• The distribution sequence number begins at 600.

• The value in the Distribution Status field changes to N if the value in the
selected rows is N or D.

For distribution status I in the selected rows, the value remains the same.

• The entry event process status is updated to N.

Reclassifying Open Receivables Items

This section discusses how to:

• Build a transfer worksheet for reclassifying receivables items.

• Reclassify open receivables items.

• Modify the distribution code.

• Choose an action for a receivables reclassification worksheet.

Building a Transfer Worksheet for Reclassifying Receivables Items

Access the Transfer Selection page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Reclassify Open

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Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems Chapter 41

Enter your customer and reference selection criteria.

Build Click to build a worksheet that reclassifies an open item.

See Chapter 25, "Transferring Receivables," Building a Customer or Business Unit Transfer Worksheet, page

Reclassifying Open Receivables Items

Access the Worksheet1 page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Reclassify Open Item,
Worksheet 1.)

Sel (select) Select the items to reclassify.

Modifying the Distribution Code

Access the Worksheet2 page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Reclassify Open Item,
Worksheet 2.)

Dist ID AR (receivables Override the default distribution code that was assigned to the business unit. For
distribution code) reclassification, use the RECLASSIFY distribution code.

See Chapter 25, "Transferring Receivables," Modifying Item Information, page 787.

Choosing an Action for a Receivables Reclassification Worksheet

Access the Transfer Action page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Reclassify Open
Item, Transfer Action.)

See Chapter 25, "Transferring Receivables," Selecting a Transfer Worksheet Action, page 788.

(USF) Tracking Memo Status Changes

This section provides an overview of the track memo status changes process, lists prerequisites, and discusses
how to:

• Check an item's current memo status.

• Change an item's memo status.

• Run the Memo Status Changes report.

Understanding the Track Memo Status Changes Process

The DMS requires you to maintain account information about individual accounts receivable. To support this
requirement, PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to track multiple statuses for a receivable item.

1238 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 41 Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems

This involves:

• Updating the memo status and details on the View/Update Item Details - Detail 2 page.

• Running the Memo Status Changes report, which lists, by item, the history of changes to the memo status

Two tables are required to use the track memo changes:

• The Memo Status Codes table (PS_MEMO_STATUS_TBL) contains the valid statuses.

• The Memo Status Changes Control table (PS_ ITEM_MEMO_CHGS) contains each change made to the
memo status field, along with the user ID.

Before tracking memo status:

• Enable the Track Memo Status Changes feature by selecting the Use Memo Status check box on the
Installation Options - Receivables page.

• Set up memo status codes.

See Also

Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," (USF) Setting Up Memo Status Codes, page 171

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Installation Options for
PeopleSoft Applications," Defining Receivables Installation Options

Pages Used to Track Memo Status Changes

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

View/Update Item Details - ITEM_MAINTAIN_2 Accounts Receivable, Check an item's current

Detail 2 Customer Accounts, Item memo status.
Information, View/Update
Item Details, Detail 2

Memo Status Changes MEMO_STATUS_SEC Click the Detail button on Add and maintain a history
the View/Update Item of memo status code
Details - Detail 2 page. changes.

Memo Status Changes RUN_AR34006 Accounts Receivable, Generate the Memo Status
(report) Customer Accounts, Item Changes report (AR34006).
Information, Memo Status Use the report to see the
Change Report, Memo history of memo status
Status Changes changes by item.

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Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems Chapter 41

Checking an Item's Current Memo Status

Access View/Update Item Details - Detail 2 page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item
Information, View/Update Item Details, Detail 2.)

Memo Status Code Displays the current memo status for the item. This field appears only if you have
enabled this feature on the Installation Options - Receivables page.

Detail Click to access the Memo Status Changes page, where you can review a history
of status changes for the item and add a status change as needed.

Changing an Item's Memo Status

Access the Memo Status Changes page. (Click the Detail button on the View/Update Item Details - Detail 2
page. )

Change an item's memo status by adding a new row to the Memo Status Changes grid.

Date Assigned Enter the date of the status change.

Memo Status Select from any memo status codes that you have defined or one of the following
PeopleSoft-delivered memo status codes:
FOREBEAR: In forbearance or appeal.
GARNISH: In wage garnishment.
RESCHEDULE: Rescheduled.
WAIVE: Waiver or unwaived.
ELGBOFF: Eligible for Treasury offset.
REFOFF: Referred to Treasury for offset.
ELGBINT: Eligible for internal offset.
ELGBCROSS: Eligible for cross-servicing.
REFCROSS: Referred for cross-servicing.
REFCOLL: Referred to private collection.
REFJUST: Referred to Department of Justice.
OFFSET: Offset.
SUSPENDED: Suspended.
COMPROMISE: Compromised.
WRITEOFF: Written-off.
CLOSEOUT: Closed out.

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Chapter 41 Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems

Running the Memo Status Changes Report

Access the Memo Status Changes (report) page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item
Information, Memo Status Change Report, Memo Status Changes.)

You can specify a date range for the report, a specific business unit, a customer ID, and whether to include
closed items on the report. If you specify a date range, the report includes only items with a memo status
change within the specified date range.

Writing Off by ChartFields

This section provides an overview of the Write-Offs By ChartField Application Engine process
(AR_WOBYCF) and discusses how to run the Write-Offs by ChartField process.

Understanding the Write-Offs By ChartField Application Engine Process

The Write-Offs By ChartFields process searches for items that contain distribution lines with ChartField
values that match the selection criteria that you enter on the run control. Run this process to close out a
specific ChartField, such as a Fund. If all the distribution lines for an item qualify, the process assigns the
entire open amount of the items to a pending group and sets the posting action to Batch Standard. The next
time you run the Receivable Update process, the process writes off the items and closes the group. If the
qualifying distribution lines for an item make up only a portion of the open amount, the Write Off by
ChartField process assigns the remaining balance of the items to a maintenance worksheet. You must access
the maintenance worksheet and decide how to write off the item.

Page Used to Write Off by ChartField

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Write-Offs By ChartField AR_WOBYCF_REQ Accounts Receivable, Enter ChartField selection

Receivables Maintenance, criteria to select items to
Automatic Maintenance, write off by running the
Write-Offs by Chartfield, Write Off by ChartField
Write Offs By ChartField process.

Running the Write-Offs By ChartField Process

Access the Write-Offs By ChartField page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance,
Automatic Maintenance, Write-Offs by Chartfield, Write Offs By ChartField.)

Select a business unit and customer to process. You can process only one business unit at a time. The system
uses the setID for the business unit to provide prompt values for the customer and the write-off reason.

Write-off Reason Enter an entry reason that the process assigns to the write-off items that it creates.

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Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems Chapter 41

Field Name Select the ChartField values that you want to select in the ChartField value fields.

ChartField Value and Select the range of ChartField values that are in the distribution lines for the
ChartField TO Value items that you want to write off.

(USF) Generating the Receivables Due From the Public Report

This section provides an overview of the Receivables Due From the Public report, lists prerequisites and
common elements, and discusses how to:

• Assign a delinquency code to an item.

• Enter preparer information and report parameters.

• Enter the preparer address.

• Enter debt details.

Understanding the Receivables Due From the Public Report

This report creates a form used by the U.S. Department of Treasury to collect data on the status and condition
of the federal government's non-tax debt portfolio. This report is used if an agency has debts but is pursuing
them through collection, such as unpaid student loans, salary overpayments, duplicate payments, or unpaid
fines. The Department of Treasury shares the information in this report with other government agencies, some
private sector organizations, and the public.

This section discusses:

• Process flow

• Report lines

Process Flow

Perform these tasks to include item amounts in the report and to generate the report:

1. Assign an entity code and receivable type to an item in one of the following places:

• SF220-9 Report Types page, which you access from the Pending Item 1 page.

This assigns the codes to pending items.

• View/Update Item Details - Detail 2 page.

This assigns the codes to posted items.

2. Post pending items by running the Receivable Update process.

3. Assign a delinquency code on the Item Delinquency page to items amounts that you want to include in
various report lines.

1242 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 41 Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems

4. Enter report parameters and run the report using the Report On Receivables (ARSF220-9) component

Report Lines

The report includes information for items for which you specify the entity code and receivables type code on
the run control page. Part II, Section D (Debt Disposition) displays the values that you enter on the Debt
Disposition page.

The number of items and the amount of items for each line in other sections varies based on:

• Entry type for an item activity.

• Delinquency code assigned to the item.

• Customer type for the customer associated with the item.

• Whether the customer for the item is set up as a federal customer.

The following table describes each line that depends on these values and which combination of these values is
used to determine the number of items and the item amount.

Note. The table does not describe lines for which the amounts are calculated based on values in other lines.

Part, Section, and Report Line Label Description


Part I Beginning FY Balance Total for all items for which accounting date is prior to the
reporting period for customers that are not federal customers.
Section A
Line 1

Part I New Receivables Total for all new items in the reporting period for customers
that are not federal customers.
Section A
The total does not include items with an entry type of Adjust
Line 2
Write-off (AD), Administrative Charges (ADMIN), Finance
Charge (FC), Overdue Charges (OC), Payment (PY), Tax
Receipts (TAXES), or Write-off (WO).

Part I Accruals Total for all items in the reporting period with an entry type
of Adjust Write-off (AD), Administrative Charges (ADMIN),
Section A
and Overdue Charges (OC) for customers that are not federal
Line 3 customers.

Part I At Agency Total for all items in the reporting period with an entry type
of Payment (PY) and a delinquency code of At Agency
Section A
(AGN) for customers that are not federal customers.
Line 4 (A)

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Part, Section, and Report Line Label Description


Part I At Third Party Total for all items in the reporting period with an entry type
of Payment (PY) and a delinquency code of Other Third
Section A
Party (OTP) for customers that are not federal customers.
Line 4 (B)

Part I Asset Sales Total for all items in the reporting period with an entry type
of Payment (PY) and a delinquency code of Asset Sales
Section A
(AST) for customers that are not federal customers.
Line 4 (C)

Part I Other Total for all items in the reporting period with an entry type
of Payment (PY) and no delinquency code for customers that
Section A
are not federal customers.
Line 4 (D)

Part I Reclassified/Adjusted Total for all items in the reporting period with an entry type
Amounts of Adjustments - Reclassified (ADR) for customers that are
Section A
not federal customers.
Line 5 (A)

Part I Adjustments Due to the Total for all items in the reporting period with an entry type
Sales of Assets of Adjustments Due to Sales of Assets (ADS) for customers
Section A
that are not federal customers.
Line 5 (B)

Part I Consolidations Total for all items in the reporting period with an entry type
of Adjustments - Consolidations (ADC) for customers that
Section A
are not federal customers.
Line 5 (C)

Part I Amounts Written-Off Total for all items in the reporting period with an entry type
of Write-off (WO) for customers that are not federal
Section A
Line 6

1244 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 41 Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems

Part, Section, and Report Line Label Description


Part I Currently not Collectible Total for all items in the reporting period for customers that
are not federal customers. The items have an entry type of
Section A
Write-off (WO) and one of the following delinquency codes:
Line 6 (A)
• At Agency (AGN)

• Private Collection Agency (PCA)

• At Treasury Offset (TOP)

• Other Third Party (OTP)

• At Treasury Cross Servicing (TXS)

• Wage Garnishment (WGS)

Part I Written off and Closed Total for all items in the reporting period with an entry type
Out of Write-off (WO) and a Closed Out (CLO) delinquency code
Section A
for customers that are not federal customers.
Line 6 (B)

Part I Foreign/Sovereign Total for all items in the reporting period for customers
whose customer type is F.
Section A
Line 7 (A)

Part I State and Local Total for all items in the reporting period for customers
whose customer type is S.
Section A
Line 7 (B)

Part I Delinquent Total for all items in the reporting period for customers with
an entry type of Rescheduled Debt (RD) and a delinquency
Section A
code other than Non-delinquent (NA).
Line 8 (A)

Part I Non-Delinquent Total for all items in the reporting period with an entry type
of Rescheduled Debt (RD) and a Non-delinquent (NA)
Section A
delinquency code.
Line 8 (B)

Part I Interest and Late Charges Total of the administration amount, finance charge amount,
and penalty amount for all items prior to and including the
Section A
last day of the reporting period.
Line 9

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Part, Section, and Report Line Label Description


Part I Total Delinquencies Total for all items that are past due the number of days for the
line on the last date of the reporting period.
Section B
All lines

Part I Commercial Total for all items that are past due on the last date of the
reporting period for customers whose customer type is M.
Section B
Line 2

Part I Consumer Total for all items that are past due on the last date of the
reporting period for customers whose customer type is N.
Section B
Line 3

Part I Foreign/Sovereign Debt Total for all items that are past due on the last date of the
reporting period for customers whose customer type is F.
Section B
Line 4

Part II In Bankruptcy Total open amount for all items that are past due 1 to 180
days on the last day of the reporting period with an In
Section A
Bankruptcy (BKR) delinquency code. The customer type for
Line 1 (A) the item's customer is M,N,F, or S.

Part II In Forbearance or Formal Total open amount for all items that are past due 1 to 180
Appeals Process days on the last day of the reporting period with a
Section A
Forbearance/Formal Appeals (FRB) delinquency code. The
Line 1 (B) customer type for the item's customer is M,N,F, or S.

Part II In Foreclosure Total open amount for all items that are past due 1 to 180
days on the last day of the reporting period with an In
Section A
Foreclosure (FRC) delinquency code. The customer type for
Line 1 (C) the item's customer is M,N, F, or S.

Part II At Private Collection Total open amount for all items that are past due 1 to 180
Agencies days on the last day of the reporting period with a Private
Section A
Collection Agency (PCA) delinquency code. The customer
Line 1 (D) type for the item's customer is M,N, F, or S.

Part II In Litigation Total open amount for all items that are past due 1 to 180
days on the last day of the reporting period with an In
Section A
Litigation (LIT) delinquency code. The customer type for the
Line 1 (E) item's customer is M,N, F, or S.

1246 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 41 Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems

Part, Section, and Report Line Label Description


Part II Eligible for Internal Offset Total open amount for all items that are past due 1 to 180
days the last day of the reporting period with an Eligible for
Section A
Internal Offset (IOS) delinquency code. The customer type
Line 1 (F) for the item's customer is M,N, F, or S.

Part II In Wage Garnishments Total open amount for all items that are past due 1 to 180
days on the last day of the reporting period with a Wage
Section A
Garnishment (WGR) delinquency code. The customer type
Line 1 (G) for the item's customer is M,N, F, or S.

Part II At Treasury for Cross Total open amount for all items that are past due 1 to 180
Servicing days on the last day of the reporting period with an At
Section A
Treasury Cross Servicing (TXS) delinquency code. The
Line 1 (H) customer type for the item's customer is M,N, F, or S.

Part II At Treasury for Offset Total open amount for all items that are past due 1 to 180
days on the last day of the reporting period with an At
Section A
Treasury for Offset (TOP) delinquency code. The customer
Line 1 (I) type for the item's customer is M,N, F, or S.

Part II At Agency Total open amount for all items that are past due 1 to 180
days on the last day of the reporting period with an At
Section A
Agency (AGN) delinquency code. The customer type for the
Line 1 (J) item's customer is M,N, F, or S.

Part II Other Total open amount for all items that are past due 1 to 180
days on the last day of the reporting period with a
Section A
delinquency code other than the codes used for lines A
Line 1 (K) through I. The customer type for the item's customer is M,N,
F, or S.

Part II In Bankruptcy Total open amount for all items that are past due over 180
days on the last day of the reporting period with an In
Section B
Bankruptcy (BKR) delinquency code. The customer type for
Line 1 (B) the item's customer is notF.

Part II Foreign Sovereign Debt Total open amount for all items that are past due over 180
days on the last day of the reporting period for customers
Section B
whose customer type is F.
Line 1 (C)

Part II In Forbearance or Formal Total open amount for all items that are past due over 180
Appeals Process days on the last day of the reporting period with a
Section B
Forbearance/Formal Appeals (FRB) delinquency code.
Line 1 (D)

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Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems Chapter 41

Part, Section, and Report Line Label Description


Part II In Foreclosure Total open amount for all items that are past due over 180
days on the last day of the reporting period with an In
Section B
Foreclosure (FRC) delinquency code.
Line 1 (E)

Part II Other Total open amount for all items that are past due over 180
days on the last day of the reporting period with an Exempt
Section B
from Treasury Referral (OF%) delinquency code.
Line 1 (F)

Part II Debt Referred to Total open amount for all items that are past due over 180
DOJ/Litigation days on the last day of the reporting period with an In
Section B
Litigation (LIT) delinquency code.
Line 1 (H)

Part II Debt Referred to Treasury Total open amount for all items that are past due over 180
for Offset days on the last day of the reporting period with a Treasury
Section B
for Offset (TOP) delinquency code.
Line 1 (J)

Part II At PCAs Total open amount for all items that are past due over 180
days on the last day of the reporting period with a Private
Section B
Collection Agency (PCA) delinquency code.
Line 2 (B)

Part II Eligible for Internal Offset Total open amount for all items that are past due over 180
days on the last day of the reporting period with a Private
Section B
Collection Agency (IOS) delinquency code.
Line 2 (C)

Part II Debt Exempted by Total open amount for all items that are past due over 180
Treasury from Cross days on the last day of the reporting period with a Debt
Section B
Servicing Exempted by Treasury (DET) delinquency code.
Line 2 (D)

Part II Other Total open amount for all items that are past due over 180
days on the last day of the reporting period with a Debt
Section B
Collection (DC%) delinquency code.
Line 2 (E)

Part II Debt Referred to Treasury Total open amount for all items that are past due over 180
for Cross Servicing days on the last day of the reporting period with an At
Section B
Treasury Cross Servicing (TXS) delinquency code.
Line 2 (G)

1248 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 41 Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems

Part, Section, and Report Line Label Description


Part II By Private Collection Total for all items for which the accounting date falls in the
Agency reporting period that were paid after the due date.
Section C
Line 1 (A)

Part II By Litigation Total for all items for which the accounting date falls in the
reporting period that were paid after the due date. The items
Section C
have an In Litigation (LIT) delinquency code.
Line 1 (B)

Part II By Internal Offset Total for all items for which the accounting date falls in the
reporting period that were paid after the due date. The items
Section C
have an Eligible for Internal Offset (IOS) delinquency code.
Line 1 (C)

Part II By Third Party Total for all items for which the accounting date falls in the
reporting period that were paid after the due date. The items
Section C
have an Other Third Party (OTP) delinquency code.
Line 1 (D)

Part II By Asset Sales Total for all items for which the accounting date falls in the
reporting period that were paid after the due date. The items
Section C
have an Asset Sales (AST) delinquency code.
Line 1 (E)

Part II By Wage Garnishment Total for all items for which the accounting date falls in the
reporting period that were paid after the due date. The items
Section C
have a Wage Garnishment (WGR) delinquency code.
Line 1 (F)

Part II By Treasury Offset Total for all items for which the accounting date falls in the
reporting period that were paid after the due date. The items
Section C
have an At Treasury Cross Servicing (TOP) delinquency
Line 1 (G) code.

Part II By Treasury for Cross Total for all items for which the accounting date falls in the
Servicing reporting period that were paid after the due date. The items
Section C
have an At Treasury for Offset (TXS) delinquency code.
Line 1 (H)

Part II By Agency Total for all items for which the accounting date falls in the
reporting period that were paid after the due date. The items
Section C
have an At Agency (AGN) delinquency code.
Line 1 (I)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1249
Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems Chapter 41

Part, Section, and Report Line Label Description


Part II Other Total for all items for which the accounting date falls in the
reporting period that were paid after the due date. The items
Section C
have a delinquency code other than the codes in lines A
Line 1 (J) through I.

Before processing the Receivables Due From the Public report, perform the setup tasks for the Receivables
Due From the Public report.

See Also

Chapter 5, "Defining Additional Processing Options," (USF) Setting Up the Receivables Due From the Public
Report, page 164

Common Elements Used in This Section

Entity Code Enter the code that identifies the government agency to which you will submit
the Receivables Due from the Public report.

Receivable Type Enter the code that the system uses to determine in which Receivables Due From
the Public report to include the item.
You enter the code on the run control page, and the system includes items in the
report only if they have the matching receivables type code assigned to them.

Pages Used to Generate the Receivables Due From the Public Report

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Pending Item 1 GROUP_ENTRY2 Accounts Receivable, Enter information about

Pending Items, Online pending items.
Items, Group Entry,
Pending Item 1

SF220_9 Report Types AR_SF220_TYPES Click the SF220 9 Types Assign an entity code and
link on the Pending Item 1 receivable type to a pending
page. item.

1250 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 41 Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

View/Update Item Details - ITEM_MAINTAIN_2 Accounts Receivable, Assign an entity code and
Detail 2 Customer Accounts, Item receivable type to an
Information, View/Update existing item.
Item Details, Detail 2

Delinquency Maintenance ITEM_DELINQ_STATUS Accounts Receivable, Assign a delinquency code

Customer Accounts, Item to an item.
Information, Update
Delinquency Information,
Delinquency Maintenance

Report on Receivables - RUN_SF220_1 Accounts Receivable, Enter run parameters for the
Preparer Receivables Update, Receivables Due From the
Posting Results - Upd Pend Public report (ARSF220-9),
Items, Report On including the entity type,
Receivables (SF220-9), the receivables type, and
Preparer information about the report
preparer. The report creates
a form used by the U.S.
Department of Treasury.

Address RUN_SF220_2 Accounts Receivable, Enter run parameters for the

Receivables Update, Receivables Due From the
Posting Results - Upd Pend Public report that indicate
Items, Report On where the report was
Receivables (SF220-9), prepared.

Debt Disposition RUN_SF220_3 Accounts Receivable, Enter run parameters for the
Receivables Update, Receivables Due From the
Posting Results - Upd Pend Public report that define the
Items, Report On values that appear in Part II,
Receivables (SF220-9), Section D of the report.
Debt Disposition

Assigning a Delinquency Code to an Item

Access the Delinquency Maintenance page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item
Information, Update Delinquency Information, Delinquency Maintenance.)

Assign a delinquency code to an item. The Report on Receivables Due from the Public uses this delinquency
code to determine which items to include in the count and amount for various lines.

Note. Delinquency codes are assigned to items independent of item lines.

Entering Preparer Information and Report Parameters

Access the Report on Receivables - Preparer page. (Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting
Results - Upd Pend Items, Report On Receivables (SF220-9), Preparer.)

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Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems Chapter 41

Entity Code Enter the code that identifies the government agency where you will submit the
Receivables Due from the Public report.

Receivable Type Select the type of receivable. The receivable type represents whether this is a
direct loan, defaulted guaranteed loan, or noncredit receivable. This code appears
at the top of the Receivable Due From the Public Report, and the system uses it
to determine which items to include in the report. If the receivable type is a
guaranteed student loan, the report would include values for all items to which
you assigned the Guaranteed Student Loan code on either the SF220-9 Report
Types page or the View/Update Item Details - Detail 2 page.

Calendar ID Select the ID of the calendar that captures the period, such as monthly or
quarterly, that the report will be run.

Fiscal Year Enter the year that the report is to be run.

Accounting Period Enter an accounting period from 1 through 12 to equal the month, such as 1 for
January or 2 for February.

Enter the relevant preparer and supervisor information.

Entering the Preparer Address

Access the Address page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting Results - Upd Pend
Items, Report On Receivables (SF220-9), Address.)

Enter the details for the address for which the report is being prepared.

Entering Debt Details

Access the Debt Disposition page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting Results - Upd
Pend Items, Report On Receivables (SF220-9), Debt Disposition.)

PCA Debt Disposition Enter the number of written-off delinquent debts that are still being pursued by
Number (private private collection agencies.
collection agency debt
disposition number)
PCA Debt Disposition Enter the amount of written-off delinquent debts that are still being pursued by
Amount (private private collection agencies.
collection agency debt
disposition amount)
TXN Debt Disposition Enter the number of written-off delinquent debts that are still being pursued by
Number (treasury or the U.S. Department of Treasury or a designated debt collection center.
debit collection center
debt disposition number)

1252 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 41 Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems

TXN Debt Disposition Enter the amount of written-off delinquent debts that are still being pursued by
Amount (treasury or debit the U.S. Department of Treasury or a designated debt collection center.
collection center debt
disposition amount)
TOP Debt Disposition Enter the number of written-off delinquent debts that are still being pursued by
Number (treasury for the U.S. Department of Treasury for offset.
offset debt disposition
TOP Debt Disposition Enter the amount of written-off delinquent debts that are still being pursued by
Amount (treasury for the U.S. Department of Treasury for offset.
offset debt disposition
OTH Debt Disposition Enter the number of written-off delinquent debts that are still being pursued by
Number (other debt means other than those listed.
disposition number)
OTH Debt Disposition Enter the amount of written-off delinquent debts that are still being pursued by
Amount (other debt means other than those listed.
disposition amount)
IRS 1099-C Submitted Enter the number of written-off delinquent debts that have been reported to the
Number IRS on Form 1099-C.

IRS 1099-C Submitted Enter the amount of written-off delinquent debts that have been reported to the
Amount IRS on Form 1099-C.

Generating the 1099-C Report

This section provides an overview of 1099-C report generation, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to run
1099-C report.

Understanding 1099-C Report Generation

The 1099-C form for Cancellation of Debt is required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the United
States to summarize how much debt has been written off for a specific customer.

To generate the 1099-C form:

1. Run the Receivables 1099-C SQR process (AR20006), which supplies data to the 1099C_CUST_DATA
table. Then run the 1099-C Crystal (AR20006) report to display the formatted 1009-C.

The report displays the dollar value of debt that has been written off and identifies the portion of the debt
that the agency is pursuing in collection action. Line 1 of this section displays the number and dollar
amount of receivables that have been written off and not closed out. Line 2 displays debts that are written
off and are closed out.

2. Run the Receivables 1099-C Crystal report process (AR20006) to print the 1099-C form for Cancellation
of Debt.

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Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems Chapter 41

You can run each step separately or select the Produce 1099C multiprocess job (1099C) that runs both the
Receivables 1099-C SQR process and prints the 1099-C form in one step.

To generate the 1099-C report, enable this feature by selecting the 1099-C Forms check box on the
Receivables Installation Options page.

Page Used to Generate the 1099-C Report

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Receivables 1099-c (report) RUN_AR20006 Accounts Receivable, Enter run parameters for the
Receivables Update, 1099-C report (AR20006).
Posting Results - Upd Use this report to create a
Pending Items, Receivables completed 1099-C,
1099-c Report, Receivables Cancellation of Debt form.

Running the 1099-C Report

Access the Receivables 1099-c page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting Results -
Upd Pending Items, Receivables 1099-c Report, Receivables 1099-c.)

Select the setID, control ID, and from and to dates for the report. You can also run the report for a specific
business unit or customer ID.

Control ID Select the code that identifies which government reporting entity to use. The
system generates a different IRS report for each control ID.

(USF) Creating Federal Customer Statements

This section provides an overview of federal customer statements, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to
generate federal customer statements.

Understanding Federal Customer Statements

The Federal Customer Statements report is used internally by the federal government to track agreements
between federal government agencies. This feature gathers information from the PeopleSoft General Ledger,
PeopleSoft Receivables, and PeopleSoft Contracts systems to produce the Federal Customer Statements

To create federal statements, run the Federal Customer Statements multiprocess job (ARSTFED), which

1254 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 41 Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems

• The AR_FED_STMTS Application Engine process, which merges information from the PeopleSoft
General Ledger and PeopleSoft Contract systems with PeopleSoft Receivables data and updates these

• Reimbursable Agreements Federal Statement table (PS_FEDST_TBL_RA), which stores information

from PeopleSoft General Ledger and PeopleSoft Contracts for reimbursable agreements.

• PeopleSoft Receivables Federal Statement table (PS_FEDST_TBL_AR), which contains customer-

related information for the period that the report is run.

• The Federal Customer Statement report (AR80019).

If a customer has reimbursable activity and nonreimbursable activity, the report displays summary totals for

Before creating federal customer statements:

1. Enable the Federal Customer feature on the General Info page for the customer.

2. Enable the Federal Reimbursable Agreement feature on the Installation Options - Contracts page.

3. Set up the account mappings on the Reimbursable Agreement Account page.

Note. If you do not have PeopleSoft General Ledger or PeopleSoft Contracts installed on your system, disable
the products on the Installed Products page to ensure that the reports show correct information.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Order to Cash Common Information 9.1 PeopleBook, "Maintaining General Customer
Information," Adding Customer Names and Levels and Assigning Roles

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Installation Options for
PeopleSoft Applications," Defining Contracts Installation Options

PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger 9.1 PeopleBook, "Setting Up and Generating Federal Government and
Statutory Reports," Setting Up Federal Reimbursable Agreement Accounts in General Ledger

Page Used to Create Federal Customer Statements

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Create Federal Statements FEDERAL_CUST_STMT Accounts Receivable, Enter the run control
Customer Interactions, parameters for the Federal
Statements, Create Federal Customer Statements
Statements, Create Federal multiprocess job that creates
Statements federal customer statements.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1255
Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems Chapter 41

Generating Federal Customer Statements

Access the Create Federal Statements page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Statements,
Create Federal Statements, Create Federal Statements.)

Unit Enter a business unit to create statements for all customers with transactions in a
specific business unit. If you leave this field blank, a default business unit will
automatically appear in the field.

From Date and To Date Enter a date range for the accounting date of items that are included in the
statement activity. The dates determine the fiscal year and accounting periods
used to select information from PeopleSoft General Ledger.

SetID Select a setID or accept the default setID. If you leave this field blank, a default
setID will automatically appear in the field.

Customer Enter only a customer ID to create statements for the specified customer. If you
select a customer who is part of a correspondence group, the system addresses
the statement to the correspondence customer, but includes only the specified
customer's information.

Correspondence Enter only the customer ID for a correspondence customer to create statements
Customer for all customers in the correspondence group.

Project Optionally, enter a project ID that is associated with a reimbursable agreement to

include information only for customers that have reimbursable activity for that

Provide more than one parameter to tailor statements even further. The following table describes the results of
combining different parameters. It assumes that a parameter in the left column is combined with one or more
parameters to the right of that parameter:

Parameter SetID Business Unit Customer ID

Business Unit One statement for each Not applicable (NA) NA

correspondence customer
in the business unit.

Customer ID A single statement for the A single statement for the NA

customer. If the customer customer, containing only
is part of a items in the business unit.
correspondence customer If the customer is part of
group, the process a correspondence
addresses the statement to customer group, the
the correspondence process addresses the
customer but includes statement to the
only items that are for the correspondence customer
specified customer. but includes only items
for the specified

1256 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 41 Interfacing with U.S. Federal Systems

Parameter SetID Business Unit Customer ID

Correspondence A single statement, for A single statement for the A single statement that is
Customer the correspondence correspondence customer, addressed to the
customer, containing containing items in the correspondence customer,
items for all customers in business unit for all containing only items for
the correspondence customers in the the specified customer.
group. correspondence group.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1257
Chapter 42

Archiving Transactions
This chapter provides overviews of the data types available for archiving and of the archive objects
definitions, PSQuery objects, and template objects, and discusses how to:

• Archive data.

• Generate archive candidate reports.

• Restore archived data.

• Clear PeopleSoft Receivables transaction tables.

• Use SQL to clear PeopleSoft Receivables transaction tables.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Data Management, "Using PeopleSoft Data Archive Manager"

Understanding Data Types Available for Archiving

This section discusses:

• Data types.

• Pending item data.

• Payment data.

• Posted item data.

• Direct debit data.

• Action list data.

• Statement information, dunning letter information, and overdue charge information.

• Posted customer data.

• Conversation data.

• Customer definition data.

• Message log data.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1259
Archiving Transactions Chapter 42

• Suggested order of data removal.

Data Types
Most PeopleSoft Receivables tables contain data keyed either by business unit or tableSet. The tables keyed
by business unit accumulate large volumes of data over time. Eventually, you may not need to access some of
the data routinely. PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to archive the inactive data on the transaction tables
keyed by business unit to the history tables. If you need to access the data later, you can restore it.

The following table lists the tables keyed by business unit. PeopleSoft Receivables delivers archive objects to
remove only the first six types of data listed in the table: pending item, payment, posted item, statement,
action list, and direct debit data using the PeopleSoft Enterprise Data Archive Manager.

Note. To remove the other data types, you must directly remove the records from the database. You can
remove the records either by using a SQL script that you write or by creating your own archive objects in
PeopleTools and then using the Data Archive Manager.

Type of Data Description Tables

Pending item data Group control, pending item, • PS_GROUP_CONTROL

pending tax information, and
pending accounting entries • PS_PENDING_ITEM
processed by the Receivable Update
Application Engine process • PS_PENDING_VAT




Payment data Deposit and payment information • PS_DEPOSIT_CONTROL

provided during online entry or
during the Payment Interface • PS_PAYMENT
Application Engine process






1260 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 42 Archiving Transactions

Type of Data Description Tables

Posted item data Item information, such as item • PS_ITEM

activity, item tax information, and
item accounting entries maintained • PS_ITEM_ACTIVITY
by the Receivable Update and
Aging Application Engine • PS_ITEM_ACT_VAT
processes (AR_AGING).










Statement data Customer and item summary data • PS_STMT_CUST

maintained by the Statement
Application Engine process • PS_STMT_CUST_DTL


Action list data Actions added to actions lists by the PS_ACTION_LST

Condition Monitor process
(AR_CNDMON) or by entering
them on the Item Action page.

Direct debit data Direct debit control and direct debit • PS_DD_CONTROL
item data created when you create
direct items, run the Receivable • PS_DD_ITEM
Update process, and run the Create
Direct Debit process • PS_DD_ITEM_MRL

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Archiving Transactions Chapter 42

Type of Data Description Tables

Posted customer data Summary information at a customer • PS_CUST_AGING

level maintained by the Receivable
Update and Aging processes. • PS_CUST_DATA





Dunning data Customer and item summary data • PS_DUN_CUST

maintained by the Dunning
Application Engine process • PS_DUN_DTL

Overdue charge data Customer and item summary data • PS_OC_CUST

maintained by the Overdue Charge
Application Engine process • PS_OC_CUST_DTL

Conversation data Summary and detailed information • PS_CUST_CONVER

about conversations with customers.



1262 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 42 Archiving Transactions

Type of Data Description Tables

Customer Definition data Required for processing customers. • PS_CUSTOMER






















Message log data Log messages generated by • PS_MESSAGE_LOG

background processing.

Pending Item Data

The Receivable Update process is the only way to create posted information, such as customer balance and
history information, as well as the corresponding item, item activity, item activity taxes, and item accounting
entry information.

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Archiving Transactions Chapter 42

The tables for pending item data can be populated in many ways:

• Through interface programs that convert information from an existing system or bring in information
from billing systems.

• Through the online Group Entry function, which provides pending item information for the tables.

• Through worksheets (payment, maintenance, transfer, direct debit, and draft).

• Through Automatic Maintenance Application Engine (AR_AUTOMNT) and Payment Predictor

Application Engine (ARPREDCT) processing.

• Through overdue charges, item splits, and the unpost function.

After a group posts, the system updates customer-level posted data and item-level posted data. The system
records the data from the pending item data tables in a relational form into the posted item data tables. The
data is no longer needed for its original purpose.

The system does not delete the pending item data. Instead, it marks the data as posted and stores it in its
original form. The system continues to use the data in the pending item tables for control and inquiry and for
unposting groups. From a control and inquiry perspective, you may want to keep all pending data, even
though it has been posted, until all groups from a certain day or time period have been posted.

The most important reason for retaining pending item data is that the system uses it for unposting a group.
When you set a group or a payment to unpost, the system uses the pending data to create a mirror-image
group, one that is opposite in sign from the original. We recommend that you retain pending item data until
you are sure that you no longer need to unpost a group or payment.

If you delete pending item data for posted payment groups, you should also delete its associated deposit and
payment information.

Payment Data
The payment data tables store payment information that you entered directly online or through the payment
interface. Payments are processed when you:

• Apply them through a payment worksheet or automatically with Payment Predictor.

• Journal them directly to the general ledger.

The end result of the payment application process (whether it occurs online or during background processing)
is the transformation of each payment into a group and its components. The system restates the payment data
in pending item data format for submission to the Receivable Update process. The system stores the pending
item data in the pending item tables.

After you post the group and its components and distribute it to your general ledger, the posted data tables
contain all the information necessary to reference payment information for customer questions. For example,
you can review the payment application on the Item Activity From A Payment page. The item activity table
stores the payment ID.

When all payments in a deposit have been completely posted, you may want to retain the original entered
format of the payment data so you can use the inquiry pages to view totals and a summary of the status of
deposits and payments received.

1264 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 42 Archiving Transactions

You must keep deposit and payment information, in addition to the related group and pending items to unpost
a payment. If you archive a deposit and its payments or the associated pending item data, you cannot unpost
any of the payments within the deposit.

For directly journalled payments, the accounting entries in the PS_PAYMENT_MISC_DST table must
remain in PeopleSoft Receivables until the Journal Generator Application Engine process (FS_JGEN)
processes them.

A suggested approach for archiving payment data is to select deposits that have been completely posted and
processed by the Journal Generator process and whose accounting date matches the archive criteria.

When all relevant conditions for a given deposit have been met, remove the data in all eight payment tables.

Posted Item Data

If the records in the Item family meet certain criteria, you can remove or archive closed item information
from these posted item data tables:


• Has a closed status and has been closed for a designated amount of time.

• Is not referenced by an active conversation entry that is less than 90 days old.

• Has no associated customer statement detail records.

• Has no associated customer dunning letter detail records.

• Has no associated customer overdue charge detail records.

• Has no associated payment worksheet activity (PS_PAYMENT_ITEM records).

• Has no associated maintenance worksheet activity (PS_WS_ITEM records).


• Are no longer needed for Unit Activity page inquiry or reporting.

The Unit Activity page and reports show the beginning and ending balances of a business unit and the
related financial events. The page and reports are based on the information contained in

• No longer have corresponding pending item data.

• PS_ITEM_ACT_VAT records that have been posted to the VAT ledger and are no longer needed for
audit purposes.

• PS_ITEM_DST records that have been distributed to your general ledger.

• PS_ITEM_ACTTAX and PS_ITEM_ACTTAX_DTL records that contain tax information that are no
longer needed for audit purposes.

• PS_ITEM_AUDIT records that contain changes to posted items from item maintenance and are no longer

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Archiving Transactions Chapter 42

• PS_AR_IPAC_HDR, PS_AR_IPAC_SGL, PS_AR_IPAC_DETAIL records that contain information for

the U.S. Department of Treasury for intra-governmental transactions that you no longer need to interface
to the U. S. Department of Treasury.

• PS_AR_CC_TRAN_HDR and PS_AR_CC_TRAN_TBL records that contain the source transactions for
control budgets and are no longer needed.

• AR_EE_ITEM_ACCTG_LN records that contain entry event information that has been distributed to
your general ledger.

When all relevant conditions have been met for a given item family, remove the data from all thirteen tables
at the same time.

You must remove the related CUST_CONVER_DTL records when you remove items and payments. This
table ties conversations to items and payments.

Direct Debit Data

The direct debit data tables store information from direct debit groups that you create by running the Create
Direct Debits process (AR_DIRDEBIT) and update using a direct debit worksheet. You should keep direct
debit data until the direct debit has been paid by the bank. If you archive a direct debit, you can no longer
unpost the direct debit group or any of the items paid by the direct debit.

The system archives direct debit data when:

• The cash posting date or cancel posting data for the direct debit group is equal to or less than the archive

• The status of the direct debit group is either Completed or Rejected.

The system does not change the status to Completed or Rejected until you run the Receivable Update

Action List Data

Each time you run the Condition Monitor process or add an action for an item on the Item Action page, the
system adds an action to the Action List table (ACTION_LST). You can view a list of all actions for a
customer, including completed actions on the Action History page. You need to determine how frequently
you want to archive actions.

The system only archives actions if the actions have:

• A date that the action was added that is equal to or less than the archive date.

• A status of Cancelled, Completed, System Cancelled, or System Completed.

Statement Information, Dunning Letter Information, and Overdue Charge

Each time that you run statements, generate dunning letters, or generate overdue charges, the system updates
the relevant information tables.

1266 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 42 Archiving Transactions

Because the most recent statement or letter or the second most recent statement letter is probably the one that
will most likely be discussed with a customer, you may decide not to keep older statements or letters. When
you decide to archive statements or dunning letters, compare the statement date or dunning date to the target
archive date.

Note. PeopleSoft Receivables only provides archive objects to archive statement tables.

Posted Customer Data

After you post pending items to a customer and age them, the posted customer data tables contain summary
data. If you do not use subcustomer qualifiers, none of the three subcustomer-oriented tables will contain

When no more open items exist in a business unit and customer combination, and after you run the Aging
process, the customer aging and subcustomer aging tables do not contain any rows.

The PS_CUST_DATA and PS_SUBCUST_DATA tables contain balance and event information. Unless you
know that you will never post to the customer or subcustomer again, do not remove or archive data from these

If you archive these tables, delete rows for a customer only if the customer has no item information and has
been inactive for a significant period of time. Do not delete these rows if another business unit has data that
you need to maintain for the customer.

The PS_CUST_HISTORY and PS_SUBCUST_HISTORY tables contain one row for each history element
for each fiscal year and accounting period. Unless you need history at the business unit level for the period,
you can delete or archive history information that you no longer need. The system does not store business unit
summary information. Instead, it derives that information by combining customer-level information.

You should compare the fiscal year and accounting period of the data that you selected to delete to your target
fiscal year and accounting period. Because the system needs some of the history elements for other elements
to work correctly, we recommend keeping all history elements for a given fiscal year and accounting period.

Conversation Data
Conversation information can accumulate rapidly, depending on how you record multiple conversations. You
can open a single conversation record and use the Comments field to record multiple conversations by date
and time on the Conversations page. You can also use the DateTime field to enter a separate row for each

If you maintain a single conversation record using the Comments field, the volume remains lower, and you
may not need to delete the row until the customer becomes inactive.

If you use more than one row for each conversation, you can remove conversation rows if the conversation:

• Has a date older than your target archive date.

• No longer requires review.

• Has a status of closed.

• Does not reference any open items directly by an item reference or indirectly through a purchase order,
bill of lading, document, or payment reference.

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Archiving Transactions Chapter 42

• Does not reference unposted payment information.

The keys for the PS_CUST_CONVER_HDR table are SETID, CUST_ID, CONVER_DTTM_INIT, and

You must remove the PS_ CUST_CONVER_DTL records when you remove items and payments. This table
ties conversations to items and payments.

Customer Definition Data

The customer definition tables are keyed by setID.

Determining whether a customer is active requires a cross-business perspective. In other words, information
contained in these tables may be eligible for removal or archiving if a customer is no longer active in any of
the business units that use the tableSet customer definitions. To meet these criteria, a customer cannot have
any of the following information:

• Customer balance information (PS_CUST_DATA) in any business unit.

• Customer aging information (PS_CUST_AGING) in any business unit.

• Customer history information (PS_CUST_HISTORY) in any business unit.

• Customer conversations (PS_CUST_CONVER) in this tableSet.

• Customer conversation references (PS_CUST_CONVER_DTL) in any business unit.

• Customer relationships.

For example, the customer cannot be a corporate, remit from, or correspondence customer for another

• A reference in a corporate customer tree.

• Posted item information in any business unit.

(This information should not exist if the preceding posted customer information does not exist.)

• Statement information in any business unit.

(This information should not exist if the preceding posted customer information does not exist.)

• Dunning information in any business unit.

(This information should not exist if the preceding posted customer information does not exist.)

• Overdue charge information in any business unit.

(This information should not exist if the preceding posted customer information does not exist.)

• Pending item data in any business unit (pending item data family).

• Saved payment worksheets in any business unit (PS_PAYMENT_ITEM).

• Saved maintenance worksheets in any business unit (PS_WS_ITEM).

1268 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 42 Archiving Transactions

Note. You must remove data from all the tables at the same time. You can remove Dun and Bradstreet
information independently of the other customer tables if it becomes outdated. You may need a separate step
to remove effective-dated rows from the PS_CUST_DB table based on a target removal or archive date.

Message Log Data

Whenever a background process runs, such as Receivable Update or Aging, the system creates messages and
stores them in the message log tables. The system does not need these messages for subsequent processing,
such as unposting a group or a payment. These tables can quickly become quite large, especially if you run a
background process in debug mode.

If you decide to archive these tables, compare the date and time stamp in the message log to the archive date.

Suggested Order of Data Removal

When archiving data, remove data in the following order (taking into consideration your removal or archive
date requirements):

1. Pending item data for completely posted groups.

2. Payment data for completely posted deposits.

3. Direct debit data for completed or rejected direct debits that are posted.

4. Inactive conversation data.

5. Inactive statement data.

6. Inactive dunning data.

7. Inactive overdue charge data.

8. Closed action data.

9. Closed posted item data.

10. Inactive posted customer data.

11. Inactive customer definition data.

Understanding Archive Objects Definitions, Query Definitions, and

Template Definitions
PeopleSoft Receivables delivers archive object definitions, query definitions, and template definitions to

• Pending item data

• Payment data

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1269
Archiving Transactions Chapter 42

• Posted item data

• Action list data

• Direct debit data

• Statement data

You can modify them if needed using the Data Archive Manager. You can also use the Data Archive
Manager to create your own archive object definitions, query definitions, and template definitions to archive
other types of data.

Archive Object Definitions

An archive object definition identifies the tables that contain the data to be archived and the history tables that
will be updated for each table. PeopleSoft Receivables delivers these archive objects:

Data Type Archive Object

Pending item data AR_ARCH_PENDING_ITEM


Posted item data AR_ARCH_ITEMS

Direct debit data AR_ARCH_DIRECT_DEBITS

Action list data AR_ARCH_ACTIONS


Archive Query Definitions

Each archive query definition defines the selection criteria to archive data from transaction tables. PeopleSoft
Receivables delivers these archive queries:

Data Type Archive Query

Pending item data AR_ARCH_PENDING_ITEM


Posted item data AR_ARCH_ITEM

Direct debit data AR_ARCH_DIRECT_DEBIT

Action list data AR_ARCH_ACTION_LST


Review these queries to determine whether you want to add additional selection criteria for the transactions to
be archived.

1270 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 42 Archiving Transactions

Archive Template Definitions

When you archive data, you select an archive template definition. Each archive template definition includes
one or more archive object definitions and the archive query definitions used to select the data. PeopleSoft
Receivables delivers these archive templates:

Data Type Archive Template

Pending item data ARPEND

Payment data ARPYMT

Posted item data ARITEM

Direct debit data ARDIRDEB

Action list data ARACTLST

Statement data ARSTMT

Archiving Data
This section provides overviews of the archive process flow and of history tables, and lists the pages used to
archive data.

Understanding the Archive Process Flow

Use the Data Archive Manager to archive transactions. You use the same run control page for each step in the
process except for auditing the archive selection and generating archive candidate reports.

Perform these tasks to archive data:

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1271
Archiving Transactions Chapter 42

1. Archive transaction data to the history tables by selecting the archive template and query for the data type
that you want to archive on the Archive Data to History page.

Also, enter the archive date (or statement ID for the statement archive process ) used to select the
transactions by clicking Reset Query Bind Variables on the Define Query Bind Variables page.

This table shows what the system compares the archive date to for the different data types:

Data Type Archive Date

Pending item data Accounting date for the pending item group.

Payment data Accounting date for the deposit.

Posted item data Accounting date for the item.

Direct debit data Cash posting date or cancellation posting date for the direct

Action list data Date that the action was added.

Statement data Statement ID for the statement.

Note. You can run the process multiple times to create various what-if scenarios based on the archive

2. (Optional) Review the number of rows that were selected for archiving for each table on the Audit
Archiving page.

This page lists the number of rows that were selected for archiving for each archive ID (template), archive
batch number, and table combination.

Note. This page displays data only if you selected the Audit Row Count check box on the Archive Data to
History page.

3. (Optional) Run the archive candidate reports delivered with PeopleSoft Receivables to see a list of the
transactions that were selected in the transaction tables and copied to the history tables.

4. Delete the data from the transaction tables for a specific archive ID (template) and batch number on the
Archive Data to History page.

5. (Optional) Roll back the transaction data from the history tables for a specific archive ID (template) and
batch number on the Archive Data to History page if you deleted the transaction data in error.

6. Remove the transaction data from the history tables for a specific archive ID (template) and batch number
on the Archive Data to History page.

Understanding History Tables

PeopleSoft Receivables updates these history tables when you run the selection process:

1272 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 42 Archiving Transactions

Data to Archive History Tables

Pending item data • PS_AR_GROUP_CNTL_H







Payment data • PS_AR_DEP_CONTRL_H








Posted item data • PS_AR_ITEM_H













Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1273
Archiving Transactions Chapter 42

Data to Archive History Tables

Direct debit data • PS_AR_DD_CONTROL_H



Action list data PS_AR_ACTION_LST_H

Statement data • PS_AR_STMT_CUST_H




The data in these tables is keyed by the archive ID (template) and batch number for each archive run. If you
want to see all transactions that are selected to archive, you can run a query on the history tables or you can
run one of the PeopleSoft Receivables archive candidate reports.

You may not want to delete data from the history tables each time that you select and delete data from the
transaction tables. This way, the data will be available for a period of time to enable you to restore the data
into the transaction tables. We recommend that you create a schedule for deleting data from the history tables.
Before you delete data from the history tables, you should use a database utility to copy the contents to a flat

Important! If you decide to run the archive selection process again because you did not select the correct
data, you must first use the Data Archive Manager option to remove the data from the history tables.

Pages Used to Archive Data

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Archive Data to History PSARCHRUNCNTL PeopleTools, Data Archive Select an archive template
Manager, Archive Data to and query, and select the
History action you want to take in
the archiving process.

Define Query Bind PSARCHRUNQRYBND Click Define Binds on the Enter the date used to select
Variables Archive Data to History the transactions to archive
page. by clicking the Reset Query
Bind Variables button.

Audit Archiving PSARCHIVEAUDIT PeopleTools, Data Archive View the number of rows
Manager, Audit Archiving selected to be archived for
each table for a specific
archive run.

1274 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 42 Archiving Transactions

Generating Archive Candidate Reports

This section provides an overview of archive candidate reports, lists common elements used in this section,
and lists the pages used to generate archive candidate reports.

Understanding Archive Candidate Reports

PeopleSoft Receivables provides these reports that list the transaction data selected by the Archive Data
Manager for deletion:

Data Type Report

Pending item data AR Pending Item Archive Candidates (AR70001)

Payment data AR Payment Archive Candidates (AR70002)

Posted item data AR Item Archive Candidates (AR70003)

Direct debit data AR Direct Debit Archive Candidates report (AR70006)

Action list data AR Action List Archive Candidates report (AR70005)

Statement data AR Statement Archive Candidate (AR70004)

Use these reports to determine whether you have selected the data that you want to delete from the transaction

Common Elements Used in This Section

Archive Batch Number Enter the batch number for the archive run whose data you want to review. The
system assigns a batch number each time you run the Data Archive Manager
process (SPARCHIVE) to select rows for archiving. You can obtain the batch
numbers by viewing the details from the run control page or on the Audit
Archiving page.

Archive ID Displays the archive ID, which is the archive template for the data type whose
report you are running.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1275
Archiving Transactions Chapter 42

Pages Used to Generate Archive Candidate Reports

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Pending Archive RUN_AR70001 Accounts Receivable, Run the AR Pending Item

Candidates Receivables Update, Archive Candidates report.
Archive Receivables, Use the report to view
Pending Candidate Report, pending item groups that
Pending Archive you selected to archive.

Item Archive Candidates RUN_AR70003 Accounts Receivable, Run the AR Item Archive
Receivables Update, Candidates report. Use the
Archive Receivables, Item report to view closed items
Candidate Report, Item that you selected to archive.
Archive Candidates

Payment Archive RUN_AR70002 Accounts Receivable, Run the AR Payment

Candidates Receivables Update, Archive Candidates report.
Archive Receivables, Use the report to view
Payment Candidate Report, payments that you selected
Payment Archive to archive.

Statement Archive RUN_AR70004 Accounts Receivable, Run the AR Statement

Candidates Receivables Update, Archive Candidates report.
Archive Receivables, Use the report to view
Statement Candidate customer statements that
Report, Statement Archive you selected to archive.

Run AR70005 RUN_AR70005 Accounts Receivable, Run the AR Action List

Receivables Update, Archive Candidates report.
Archive Receivables, Use the report to view
Action List Candidate actions that you selected to
Report, Run AR70005 archive.

Run AR70006 RUN_AR70006 Accounts Receivable, Run the AR Direct Debit

Receivables Update, Archive Candidates report.
Archive Receivables, Direct Use the report to view direct
Debit Candidate Report, debits that you selected to
Run AR70006 archive.

Restoring Archived Data

This section provides an overview of data restoration and lists the page used to restore data.

1276 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 42 Archiving Transactions

Understanding Data Restoration

The Selection option on the Archive Data to History page places a copy of the data in the transaction tables in
the history tables, and the Delete option removes the transaction data from the transaction tables. If you delete
the data from transaction tables in error, you can restore the data from the history tables by using the Rollback
option on the Archive Data to History page. The process restores all data for a specific archive ID (template)
and process run. You cannot restore selected data. For example, you cannot specify that you want to restore
data for a specific customer or group control.

Important! After you delete data from the history tables by using the Remove from History option on the
Archive data to History page, you cannot restore it to the transaction tables unless you first manually restore it
to the history tables from a flat file.

See Also

Chapter 42, "Archiving Transactions," Understanding History Tables, page 1272

Page Used to Restore Archived Data

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Archive Data to History PSARCHRUNCNTL PeopleTools, Data Archive Select an archive ID

Manager, Archive Data to (template) and the batch
History number for the process run
of the data that you want to

Clearing PeopleSoft Receivables Transaction Tables

During your implementation process, you may have entered test data that you want to delete without going
through a formal archiving process.

To remove test data without going through a formal archiving process, remove records from the database
through a program that you have written. If you have tested archiving, you will also need to remove data from
the history tables.

Using PeopleSoft Receivables Tables

This section lists the tables, keyed by business unit, from which you need to delete rows to clear receivables
transactions and history from the system:

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1277
Archiving Transactions Chapter 42

Type of Data Tables

Pending item data • PS_GROUP_CONTROL















Maintenance worksheet data • PS_WS_CONTROL




Transfer worksheet data • PS_TRN_CONTROL




1278 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 42 Archiving Transactions

Type of Data Tables

Draft worksheet data • PS_DRAFT_CONTROL







Posted item data • PS_ITEM













Direct debit worksheet data • PS_DD_CONTROL



Action list data PS_ACTION_LST

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Archiving Transactions Chapter 42

Type of Data Tables

Posted customer data • PS_CUST_AGING






Statement data • PS_STMT_CUST




Dunning data • PS_DUN_CUST


Overdue charge data • PS_FC_CUST


Conversation data • PS_CUST_CONVER




Revaluation PS_RVL_ACCTG_LN_AR

1280 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 42 Archiving Transactions

Type of Data Tables

Archived closed items • PS_AR_ITEM_H













Archived pending items • PS_AR_GROUP_CNTL_H







Archived payments • PS_AR_DEP_CONTRL_H








Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1281
Archiving Transactions Chapter 42

Type of Data Tables

Archived direct debits • PS_AR_DD_CONTROL_H



Archived actions PS_AR_ACTION_LST_H

Archived statements • PS_AR_STMT_CUST_H




Using SQL to Clear PeopleSoft Receivables Transaction Tables

Use the following SQL script to clear PeopleSoft Receivables transaction tables in test databases that are
populated when you enter and post transactions, run aging, run statements, and generate overdue charges.
This script also clears history tables.

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Chapter 42 Archiving Transactions


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Archiving Transactions Chapter 42



1284 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 43

Using OLAP Tools to Analyze Receivables

This chapter provides an overview of using online analytical processing (OLAP) cubes with PeopleSoft
Receivables and discusses how to:

• Plan the OLAP database.

• Prepare trees and queries.

• Define the cube.

• Build the cube.

• Analyze cube data.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Cube Manager

Understanding OLAP Cubes

When you analyze PeopleSoft Receivables data, you probably want to look at it from several perspectives: by
company, division or business unit, product line, or time. If you try to use the columns or rows on a typical
spreadsheet to analyze PeopleSoft data, it is difficult to represent more than two dimensions (or attributes) at
a time.

The OLAP tools that integrate with PeopleSoft products offer a solution for viewing PeopleSoft data with
three or more dimensions. You can think of the OLAP tools as an arrangement of data in a cube, with each
side of the cube representing a different dimension.

To view data from different perspectives, you can pivot or reposition the cube.

You can use different combinations of dimensions to slice and dice the data. For example, you could examine
receivables for all business units that are in the western region and are selling to a particular industry group
for the entire year. You could slice off part of the cube or dice it to access an individual cell, perhaps to view
a single business unit. These multidimensional views of financial data can provide valuable information for
effective data analysis, decision-making, and forecasting.

Before you set up PeopleSoft Receivables for OLAP tools, you should be familiar with general OLAP
concepts and terminology, as well as the use of PeopleSoft Enterprise Query, Tree Manager, and Cube

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1285
Using OLAP Tools to Analyze Receivables Data Chapter 43

Use PeopleSoft Enterprise Cube Manager to build multidimensional databases of information. Cube Manager
integrates with Hyperion Essbase.

PeopleTools provides a standard OLAP cube template for use in PeopleSoft Receivables. This template
enables you to design and build OLAP databases (referred to as cubes) for multidimensional analysis and
reporting of receivables data.

After PeopleSoft Receivables data is integrated with the third-party OLAP tool of your choice, you can use
the OLAP tool to analyze and interact with the data.

Planning the OLAP Database

Integrating OLAP tools with PeopleSoft Receivables data begins with a careful examination of the data that
you want to report on and analyze by using OLAP. You must define specific goals and determine the results
that you need from online data analysis.

Preparing Trees and Queries

After defining goals, you need to design the PeopleSoft trees and queries that are appropriate for creating both
the structure and data of the OLAP database (the cube) that you plan to build.

To map the ledger query result to the cube, each column of the query becomes either a dimension or a
measure for the cube. For each dimension, you specify how detail values roll up to higher levels. For
ChartFields, such as Department ID, you can use existing department trees for the roll-up, or you can create
additional trees or queries for use with OLAP. In addition, you must define a query to extract the data from
the PeopleSoft database and add it to the OLAP cube.

PeopleSoft Receivables comes with the following queries and trees. You can use them as delivered or modify

Queries Tree Structure ID Tree



Defining the Cube

After you define the queries and trees to use with the cube, define the basic structure of the cube itself by
using Cube Manager.

The Cube Manager links the data source (a query) and the dimensions of the OLAP cube that you are
creating. You use the Cube Manager to specify how dimension data should roll up by using queries, trees, or
both queries and trees. As needed, you can reuse and easily modify the design of the dimensions, cube
definition, and cube instance definitions.

1286 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 43 Using OLAP Tools to Analyze Receivables Data

To define the cube:

1. Define the dimensions of the cube.

Use the Dimension page and its related pages to begin building the structure of each dimension that
comprises the cube. You define the sources, tree, query, (or both tree and query), and other settings for
dimension data. You do not define any data for the cube at this point. You must create one entry for each
dimension in the cube.

The PeopleSoft application delivers the following sample dimensions, and you can use them as delivered
or modify them as needed:






2. Create a cube definition that defines the basic structure of the cube.

Select the dimensions and measures that make up the cube and the data source queries that populate the
members and cube cells with data. Like dimensions, cube definitions are platform independent and can be

The PeopleSoft application delivers a sample AR Aging Analysis Model with PeopleSoft Receivables.
You can use the AR Aging Analysis Model as delivered or modify it as needed.

3. Create a cube instance definition.

A cube instance is the output of the Cube Manager. It is a physical cube that is built by the Build Cube
process in Essbase. The definition of a cube instance creates the link between the platform-independent
definition of the cube and the actual physical storage mechanism of the cube. This step tells Cube
Manager where to create the cube that you have defined.

The PeopleSoft application delivers a sample Analysis Model with PeopleSoft Receivables. You can use
the Analysis Model as delivered or modify it as needed.

Building the Cube

This section provides an overview of cube building and discusses how to build the aging analysis cube.

Understanding Cube Building

To build a cube, you have a choice of two pages, which run a background process that extracts hierarchies
and data from PeopleSoft Receivables:

• The Build Cube Request page in Cube Manager.

See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Cube Manager

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1287
Using OLAP Tools to Analyze Receivables Data Chapter 43

• The Build Aging Analysis Cube page in PeopleSoft Receivables.

The Build Aging Analysis Cube page builds cubes that display aging information. You can also use this page
as a template for creating a specialized request page for a different type of cube.

Page Used to Build a Receivables Cube

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Build Aging Analysis Cube AR_OLAP_AGE_REQ Accounts Receivable, Build an OLAP cube that
Receivables Analysis, displays aging information
Aging, Build Aging or create a template for
Analysis Cube, Build Aging building other cubes.
Analysis Cube

Building an Aging Analysis Cube

Access the Build Aging Analysis Cube page. (Select Accounts Receivable, Receivables Analysis, Aging,
Build Aging Analysis Cube, Build Aging Analysis Cube.)

Cube Instance ID Select the cube template to build the cube.

Click to view or change the settings that are on the Cube Inst Def (cube instance
definition) page.

Post-Build Script If you use Essbase, use this field to indicate the script that you want to run on the
cube after the system builds and populates it.

Meta-Data Action Select a value that identifies the period over which an accumulator collects and
accumulates amounts. Values are:
Create: Creates the cube. If a cube already exists, then the Cube Manager creates
it again, overwriting dimensions and data that previously existed.
Update: Updates the structure of the cube according to the metadata update
action. This field value is linked to the Meta-Data Update Action field on the
Essbase Cube Instance Definition page.
None: Does not change the structure of the cube or its individual dimensions.
(Use to update data only.)

Data Action Select a value that identifies the action that takes place when updating the cube.
Values are:
Create: Completely reloads the data and overwrites any existing data.
Update: Updates the existing data. For Essbase, this option is linked to the data
load action that is on the Essbase Cube Instance Definition page.
None: Not applicable in PeopleSoft Receivables.

1288 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 43 Using OLAP Tools to Analyze Receivables Data

Analyzing Cube Data

You can use PowerPlay (or another third-party OLAP tool, depending on the template that you use) to view
the cube from the various dimensions that you defined. You can look at the data in numerical or graphical

You can pivot, reposition, and manipulate the data and create graphs and charts.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1289
Appendix A

Configuring Batch Processes

This appendix discusses how to configure temporary tables for batch processing.

Configuring Temporary Tables for Batch Processing

When you run batch processes in parallel, you risk data contention and deadlocks on temporary tables. To
avoid this, PeopleTools enables you to dedicate specific instances of temporary tables for each process. When
PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Engine manages a dedicated temporary table instance, it controls the
locking of the table before use and the unlocking of the table after use.

When you decide how many temporary table instances to dedicate for a process, consider the number of
temporary tables that the process uses. More instances result in more copies of the temporary tables on the
system. For example, if a process uses 25 temporary tables and you have 10 instances for a process, you will
have 250 temporary tables on the system.

If you run processes in parallel and all of the dedicated temporary table instances are in use, the performance
of the process decreases. You need to find a balance that works for your organization.

Note. When you specify the number of instances, PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Designer displays a list
of the temporary tables for the process. Use the list to determine how many temporary tables each process

Specify how many temporary table instances to dedicate for each of the following batch Application Engine
processes that can run in parallel in PeopleSoft Receivables:

• Receivable Update ARUPDATE (specify for processes AR_POSTING and AR_PGG_SERV).

• Payment Predictor (ARPREDCT)

• Entry Event Generator (FS_EVENTGEN)

• Aging (AR_AGING)

• Statements (AR_STMTS)

• Invoice Data Extract (BI_IVCEXT)

The PeopleTools documentation discusses the usage of temporary tables in detail and describes how to
specify the number of instances.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1291
Configuring Batch Processes Appendix A

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Engine

1292 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix B

PeopleSoft Receivables Web Libraries

This appendix provides an overview of web libraries and discusses PeopleSoft Receivables web libraries.

Understanding Web Libraries

A web library is a derived or work record whose name starts with WEBLIB_. PeopleSoft embeds all internet
scripts (iScripts) in records of this type. An iScript is a specialized PeopleCode function that generates
dynamic web content. Administrators must make sure that users have the proper access to web libraries. For
example, the default navigation system for PeopleSoft Enterprise Pure Internet Architecture users is
implemented by using a web library. If users do not have the proper authorization to the web library and its
associated scripts, then they won't have proper access to the system. If users are not authorized to a particular
web library or iScript, then they can't invoke it. After you add a web library, you set the access for each script
function individually. Invoking an iScript requires the assembly of a URL. Developers assemble the URL by
using PeopleCode.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Security Administration

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Internet Technology

PeopleSoft Receivables Web Libraries

This table lists the web libraries that are used and delivered with PeopleSoft Receivables:

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1293
PeopleSoft Receivables Web Libraries Appendix B

Web Library Name Description

WEBLIB_PORTAL Contains the following five fields with FieldFormula

iScript PeopleCode, each of which relate to a
functional area of the portal:
PORTAL_HOMEPAGE: Support for homepage
runtime interaction, including the homepage version
of the menu navigation.
PORTAL_NAV: Main support routines for
PORTAL_HEADER: Support for the header portion
of the page and some generic routines.
PORTAL_DYN_TEMP: Support for the dynamic
PORTAL_PGLT_PREV: Support for the pagelet
preview functionality.

WEBLIB_PT_NAV Contains iScripts for the menu pagelet and left-hand

navigation for transaction pages.

1294 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix C

Delivered Workflows for PeopleSoft

This appendix discusses delivered workflows using the PeopleTools Workflow Technology for PeopleSoft
Enterprise Receivables.

This appendix does not include approval workflows using the PeopleSoft Approval Framework.

See Also

Chapter 36, "Managing Credit, Collections, and Exceptions," page 1075

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Workflow Technology

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Using PeopleSoft Applications

Delivered Workflows for PeopleSoft Receivables

This section discusses PeopleSoft Receivables workflows. The workflows are listed alphabetically by
workflow name.

Action Notification
This section discusses the Action Notification workflow.


Event Description One of these events occurs to trigger Action Notification:

You create a new action and assign it to an action owner on the Item Action page.
The Condition Monitor Application Engine process (AR_CNDMON) creates a new
action and assigns it to an action owner.
You reassign an action to a new action owner on the Reassign Action page.
The Condition Monitor process determines that the notification date for a supervisor,
action owner, or receivables specialist has reached a specified number of days before or
after the action due date.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1295
Delivered Workflows for PeopleSoft Receivables Appendix C

Action Description The system sends an email notification to the action owner that contains links to the
Action page and the Owner Action List page. The system also places an item on the
action owner's worklist.

Notification Method Email and Worklist

Workflow Objects

Approval Rule Set None

Business Process Collect Receivables

Activity Actions

Role None

New Debits or Credits

This section discusses the New Debits or Credits workflow.


Event Description An item for a customer is closed, rather than written off, by the creation of a new debit
or credit item.

Action Description The system sends an email notification to the workflow user for the customer and places
an item on the user's worklist.

Notification Method Email and Worklist

Workflow Objects

Approval Rule Set None

Business Process Collect Receivables

Activity New Debit Credit

Role None

Payment Predictor On Account Flag

This section discusses the Payment Predictor On Account Flag workflow.

1296 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix C Delivered Workflows for PeopleSoft Receivables


Event Description The Payment Predictor Application Engine process (ARPREDCT) applies a payment to
a new on-account item and generates a payment worksheet.

Action Description The system sends an email notification to the workflow user for the customer and places
an item on the user's worklist.

Notification Method Email and Worklist

Workflow Objects

Approval Rule Set None

Business Process Collect Receivables

Activity PP on Account

Role None

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1297
Appendix D

PeopleSoft Receivables Reports

This appendix provides an overview of PeopleSoft Receivables reports and enables you to:

• View summary tables of all reports.

• View report details.

Note. For samples of these reports, see the Portable Document Format (PDF) files that are published on CD-
ROM with your documentation.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

PeopleSoft Receivables Reports: A to Z

This table lists the PeopleSoft Receivables reports, sorted alphanumerically by report ID. The reports listed
are Structured Query Reports (SQRs) and Crystal reports. If you need more information about a report, refer
to the report details at the end of this appendix.

Report ID and Report Description Navigation Run Control Page


AR01001 Lists system functions. Set Up Financial/Supply RUN_AR01001

(SQR) Chain, Product Related,
System Function
Receivables, Reports,
System Functions, System

AR01002 Lists valid automatic entry Set Up Financial/Supply RUN_AR01002

information as of a Chain, Product Related,
Entry Type/Entry Reason
specified effective date. Receivables, Reports, Entry
(SQR) Type Entry Reason, Entry
Type Entry Reason

AR01003 Lists valid automatic entry Set Up Financial/Supply RUN_AR01003

information as of a Chain, Product Related,
Auto Entry Type
specified effective date. Receivables, Reports, Auto
(SQR) Entry Type, Auto Entry

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AR01004 Lists valid item entry Set Up Financial/Supply RUN_AR01004

information as of a Chain, Product Related,
Item Entry Type
specified effective date. Receivables, Reports, Item
(SQR) Entry Type, Item Entry

AR01006 Describes the Payment Set Up Financial/Supply RUN_AR01006

Predictor methods used at Chain, Product Related,
Payment Predictor Method
the customer level to Receivables, Reports,
Report by Customer
override the business unit Predictor Method By
default method. The report Customer, Predictor Method
lists each method used in By Customer
this manner followed by a
list of customers that use it.

AR01007 Contains the steps involved Set Up Financial/Supply RUN_AR01007

in the Payment Predictor Chain, Product Related,
Payment Predictor Methods
method used as the default Receivables, Reports,
by SetID
for the specified setID. Predictor Method By
(Crystal) TableSet, Predictor Method
By TableSet

AR11001 Lists all group control Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR11001

records by entry date, Pending Items, Reports,
Group Control By Entry
shown in the entry currency. Group Control By Entry
(SQR) Date, Group Control By
Entry Date

AR11001P Lists all group control Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR11001PIT

records by entry date, Pending Items, Reports,
Group Control for Business
shown in the entry currency. Group Control - Point in
Specify a point in time Time, Group Control - Point
when you run the report. in Time

AR11002 Lists all pending items Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR11002

within a group, shown in Pending Items, Reports,
Pending Item By Entry Date
either the business unit base Pending Item By Entry
currency or the entry Date, Pending Item By
currency. (SQR) Entry Date

AR11002P Lists all pending items Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR11002P

within a group, in either the Pending Items, Reports,
AR 11002 Pending Items
business unit base currency Pending Item - Point in
or the entry currency. Time, Pending Item - Point
Specify a point in time in Time
when you run the report.

1300 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix D PeopleSoft Receivables Reports

Report ID and Report Description Navigation Run Control Page


AR11003 Shows item detail by line Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR11003

item, accounting date, entry Pending Items, Reports,
Item Detail
type, description, terms, due Item Detail, Item Detail
date, and amount. (Crystal)

AR11003P Shows item detail by line Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR11003PIT

item, accounting date, entry Pending Items, Reports,
Item Detail by Due Date
type, description, terms, due Item Detail - Point in Time,
date, and amount. (Crystal) Item Detail - Point in Time

Note. You must set up the

contact information for a
customer. This report does
not display items if the
customer contact
information is not

AR11004 Lists pending items that the Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR11004

Automatic Maintenance Receivables Maintenance,
Actual Matches Report
Application Engine process Automatic Maintenance,
created and set to post. Actual Matches Report,
(SQR) Actual Matches Report

AR11005 Lists new worksheet items Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR11005

that the Automatic Receivables Maintenance,
Potential Matches Report
Maintenance process placed Automatic Maintenance,
on maintenance worksheets. Potential Matches Report,
(SQR) Potential Matches Report

AR20001 Lists detailed information Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR20001

for deposits, in either the Payments, Reports, Deposit
Deposit Summary
business unit base currency Control by Entry Date,
or the entry currency. Deposit Control by Entry
(SQR) Date

AR20001P Lists detailed information Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR20001P

for deposits, in either the Payments, Reports, Deposit
Deposit Control
business unit base currency Control - Point in Time,
or the entry currency. Deposit Control - Point in
(Crystal) Time

Important! When you run

this report and select the
Base Curr (base currency)
as the Amount Type and do
not enter a control currency
in the Deposit field, there is
no basis to convert, which
results in a blank Control
Amount column.

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Report ID and Report Description Navigation Run Control Page


AR20002 Lists detailed information Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR20002

for all payments within a Payments, Reports,
Payment Detail
deposit, in either the Payment Detail, Payment
business unit base currency Detail
or the entry currency. The
payment details are
unavailable if the posting
status is Not Posted. (SQR)

AR20002P Lists detailed information Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR20002P

for all payments within a Payments, Reports,
Payment Detail
deposit, in either the Payment Detail - Point in
business unit base currency Time, Payment Detail -
or the entry currency. Point in Time
Specify a point in time
when you run the report.
You must enter item
references for each payment
to have data in this report.

AR20003 Lists status for all payments Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR20003

within a deposit, in either Payments, Reports,
Payment Summary
the business unit base Payment Summary,
currency or the entry Payment Summary
currency. (SQR)

AR20003P Lists the status for all Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR20003P

payments within a deposit, Payments, Reports,
Payment Summary
in either the business unit Payment Summary - Point
base currency or the entry in Time, Payment Summary
currency. Specify a point in - Point in Time
time when you run the
report. (Crystal)

AR20005 Lists each receivable with Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR20005

an associated write off. This Receivables Update,
Receivable Activity Report
is an SQR report. Posting Results Upd Pend
Items, Receivables Activity
Report, Receivables

AR20006 This form is required by the Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR20006

Internal Revenue Service in Receivables Update,
1099-C Form for Cancelled
the U.S. to summarize how Posting Results Upd Pend
much debt has been Items, Receivables 1099-c
cancelled, that is written off Report, Receivables 1099-c
and all collection attempts
completed without success.

1302 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix D PeopleSoft Receivables Reports

Report ID and Report Description Navigation Run Control Page


AR21001 Lists predicted payments. If Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR21001

a remit from setID and Payments, Reports,
Payment Predictor Detail
customer are associated Payment Predictor Detail,
with the payment, it is Payment Predictor Detail
listed. If more than one
remit from setID and
customer are associated
with the payment, only one
is listed. (SQR)

AR21002 Lists Payment Predictor Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR21002

results by status and Payments, Reports,
Payment Predictor
predictor method and Payment Predictor
algorithm. The number of Summary, Payment
payments is listed as a Predictor Summary
percentage of total number
of payments predicted. A
summary at the end of the
report provides the number
of payments predicted,
number of payments not
predicted, and each as a
percentage of the total.

AR21003 Lists MICR identifiers that Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR21003

appear on payments and Payment, Reports,
Unmatched MICR
that you have not defined on Unmatched MICR
the customer MICR ID Identifiers, Unmatched
table. The system derives MICR Identifiers
possible business units and
customers for each MICR
by looking at the items to
which the payment was
applied. (SQR)

AR30001 Lists aged base currency Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR30001

open balances for every Receivables Analysis,
Aging Detail by Tree
item. It is sorted and Aging, Aging Detail by
summarized by looking at a Tree Rpt, Aging Detail By
tree structure that you Tree
define for business units,
collectors, team members,
or credit analysts. (SQR)
See Chapter 37, "Aging
Receivables Items,"
Generating Aging Reports,
page 1128.

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AR30002 Lists aged base currency Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR30002

open balances for every Receivables Analysis,
Aging Summary by Tree
customer. It is sorted and Aging, Aging Summary by
summarized by looking at a Tree Rpt, Aging Summary
tree structure that you By Tree
define for business units,
collectors, team members,
or credit analysts. (SQR)
See Chapter 37, "Aging
Receivables Items,"
Generating Aging Reports,
page 1128.

AR30003 Lists aged open balances for Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR30003

every item. Balances may Receivables Analysis,
Aging Detail by Business
be reported in entry or base Aging, Aging Detail by
currency. When the Unit Rpt, Aging Detail By
currency amount type is Unit
base currency, a rate type
may be provided. When a
rate type is provided, the
applicable rates from the
rate table are applied to the
entry amounts on the open
items, giving run-time
generated base amounts. If
no rate type is provided, the
base item amounts are
reported. (SQR)
See Chapter 37, "Aging
Receivables Items,"
Generating Aging Reports,
page 1128.

1304 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix D PeopleSoft Receivables Reports

Report ID and Report Description Navigation Run Control Page


AR30004 Lists aged open balances for Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR30004

every customer. Balances Receivables Analysis,
Aging Summary By
may be reported in entry or Aging, Aging Summary by
Business Unit
base currency. When the Unit Rpt, Aging Summary
currency amount type is By Unit
base currency, a rate type is
provided, the applicable
rates are taken from the rate
table and applied to the
entered amounts on the
open items, giving run-time
generated base amounts. If
no rate type is provided, the
base item amounts are
included in the customer
balances. (SQR)
See Chapter 37, "Aging
Receivables Items,"
Generating Aging Reports,
page 1128.

AR30005 Lists base currency balances Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR30005

by customer, categorized by Customer Accounts,
Cash Forecast
user-defined forecasting Customer Reports, Cash
categories and rounded to Forecast, Cash Forecast
the nearest dollar. Includes
a grand total if specified
business units use the same
currency. (SQR)
See Appendix D,
"PeopleSoft Receivables
Reports," AR30005 - Cash
Forecast Report, page 1317.

AR30006 Lists calculated aged Accounts Receivables, RUN_AR30006

receivables by customer, Receivables Analysis,
Aging by Chartfield
item and ChartField Aging, Aging by Chartfield
selection. (SQR) Rpt, Aging By Chartfield
See Chapter 37, "Aging
Receivables Items,"
Generating Aging Reports,
page 1128.

AR30007 Shows a summarized total Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR30007

of all deductions, items in Receivables Analysis,
Summary Aged Report by
collection, or disputed items Aging, Aging by Reason
Reason Code
by reason in either the base Rpt, Run AR30007
currency of the unit or the
entry currency. (SQR)
See Chapter 37, "Aging
Receivables Items,"
Generating Aging Reports,
page 1128.

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Report ID and Report Description Navigation Run Control Page


AR31001 Lists all customers and Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR31001

customer addresses within a Customer Accounts,
TableSet Customers
TableSet. (SQR) Customer Reports,
Customers by SetID,
Customers By SetID

AR31002 Lists all customers and Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR31002

customer addresses within a Customer Accounts,
Business Unit Customers
business unit. (SQR) Customer Reports,
Customers by Unit,
Customers By Unit

AR31003 Lists all customers and Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR31003

customer contacts within a Customer Accounts,
TableSet Contacts
TableSet. (SQR) Customer Reports, Contacts
by SetID, Contacts By

AR31004 Lists all customers and Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR31004

customer contacts within a Customer Accounts,
Business Unit Contacts
business unit. (SQR) Customer Reports, Contacts
by Unit, Contacts By Unit

AR32000 A customer statement Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR32000

model that you can modify Customer Interactions,
Open Item Statement
as necessary. It lists all open Statements, Print
items for the customer, the Statements, Statement Print
total amount open, and an
aging of open items.

(NLD) AR32A00 A customer statement Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR32000

model that includes the Customer Interactions,
Open Item Statement
acceptgiro attachment, Statements, Print
which you can modify as Statements, Statement Print
necessary. It lists all open
items for the customer, the
total amount open, and an
aging of open items.

AR32001 Customer Statement model Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR32000

that you may modify as Customer Interactions,
Balance Forward Statement
necessary. It lists all new Statements, Print
items and payments in the Statements, Statement Print
current statement period,
balance forward amount or
ending amount from the
previous statement, and the
ending balance for the
current statement period.

1306 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix D PeopleSoft Receivables Reports

Report ID and Report Description Navigation Run Control Page


(NLD) AR32A01 Customer Statement model Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR32000

that includes an acceptgiro Customer Interactions,
Balance Forward Statement
attachment, which you can Statements, Print
modify as necessary. It lists Statements, Statement Print
all new items and payments
in the current statement
period, balance forward
amount or ending amount
from the previous
statement, and the ending
balance for the current
statement period. (Crystal)

AR32002 The same as AR32000 but Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR32000

in addition it lists the items Customer Interactions,
Open Item Draft Statement
that are closed but are in an Statements, Print
open draft (accepted drafts Statements, Statement Print
that have not been
collected). (Crystal)

AR32100 Lists the items that are in a Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR32100

draft. (Crystal) Drafts, Reports, Draft
Draft Statement
Statement, Draft Statement

AR32101 Includes the actual draft Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR32101

document for drafts that you Drafts, Reports, Draft
Draft Document
have created, but have not Documents, Draft
been preapproved. (Crystal) Documents

AR32102 Lists the drafts that are still Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR32102
unpaid by the customer by Drafts, Reports, Draft
Draft Summary by
the due date for a specified Reports, Draft Reports
date range. (SQR)

AR32103 Creates a form that can be Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR32103

submitted to a bank to show Drafts, Reports,
Request Form for Drafts
drafts that need to be Remittance/Discount Form,
discounted or collected. Remittance/Discount Form

AR32104 Lists all drafts that have a Accounts Receivable, DRAFT_RUN_ARDISH01

Dishonored status. (Crystal) Drafts, Reports, Dishonor
Dishonored Drafts
Activity, Dishonor Activity

AR3210X List drafts that processed Accounts Receivable, EFT_DR_EXCEPT

successfully and errors for Drafts, Reports, Bank Remit
EFT Draft Inbound
draft remittance files sent Exception Report
Exception Report
by the bank. (Crystal)

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AR33000 A dunning letter model that Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR33000

you may modify as Customer Interactions,
All Levels Dunning Letter
necessary. It contains all Dunning Letters, Print
past due items regardless of Letter, Dunning Letter Print
their age. The text that
prints before the open items
depends on your
specifications on the
Dunning Letter - Parameters
page. (Crystal)

(NLD) AR33A00 A dunning letter model that Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR33000

includes an acceptgiro Customer Interactions,
All Levels Dunning Letter
attachment, which you can Dunning Letters, Print
modify as necessary. It Letter, Dunning Letter Print
contains all past due items
regardless of their age. The
text that prints before the
open items depends on your
specifications on the
Dunning Letter - Parameters
page. (Crystal)

AR33001 Dunning letter model that Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR33001

you may modify as Customer Interactions,
Level 1 Dunning Letter
necessary. As delivered Dunning Letters, Print
with the system, this letter Letter, Dunning Letter Print
includes only items in the
age range for dunning level
one. (Crystal)

(NLD) AR33A01 Dunning letter model that Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR33001

includes the acceptgiro Customer Interactions,
Level 1 Dunning Letter
attachment, which you can Dunning Letters, Print
modify as necessary. As Letter, Dunning Letter Print
delivered with the system,
this letter includes only
items in the age range for
dunning level one. (Crystal)

AR33002 Dunning letter model that Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR33000

you may modify as Customer Interactions,
Level 2 Dunning Letter
necessary. As delivered Dunning Letters, Print
with the system, this letter Letter, Dunning Letter Print
includes only items in the
age range for dunning level
two. (Crystal)

1308 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix D PeopleSoft Receivables Reports

Report ID and Report Description Navigation Run Control Page


(NLD) AR33A02 Dunning letter model that Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR33000

includes an acceptgiro Customer Interactions,
Level 2 Dunning Letter
attachment, which you can Dunning Letters, Print
modify as necessary. As Letter, Dunning Letter Print
delivered with the system,
this letter includes only
items in the age range for
dunning level two. (Crystal)

AR33003 A dunning letter model that Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR33000

you may modify as Customer Interactions,
Level 3 Dunning Letter
necessary. As delivered Dunning Letters, Print
with the system, this letter Letter, Dunning Letter Print
includes only items in the
age range for dunning level
three. (Crystal)

(NLD) AR33A03 A dunning letter model that Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR33000

includes a dunning letter Customer Interactions,
Level 3 Dunning Letter
attachment, which you can Dunning Letters, Print
modify as necessary. As Letter, Dunning Letter Print
delivered with the system,
this letter includes only
items in the age range for
dunning level three.

AR33004 Letter that contains the text Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR33004

that you define. The system Customer Interactions,
Customer Follow Up Letter
generates a letter for each Customer Follow-Up Letter,
customer that contains a Customer Follow Up Letter
follow-up letter code on the
Conversation page for the
customer. (Crystal)
See Chapter 38,
Generating and Printing
Follow-Up Letters, page

AR33005 Shows the dunning letters Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR33000

that were printed from all Customer Interactions,
Dunning Letter Control
dunning runs. For example, Dunning Letters, Print
use to see which letter was Letter, Dunning Letter Print
last sent to a customer.

AR33006 Provides a preview of Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR33000

which dunning letters will Customer Interactions,
Dunning Letter Preview
print. (Crystal) Dunning Letters, Print
Letter, Dunning Letter Print

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AR34001 Lists all open vouchers for Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR34001

each vendor ID that Customer Accounts,
AR/AP Balance by
corresponds to the selected Customer Reports, AR/AP
customer ID. It also lists all Balance by Customer,
items for the customer. The AR_AP Balance by
vouchers are grouped by Customer
vendor ID, by payables
business unit within vendor
and currency within
payables business unit.

AR34002 Lists all open vouchers for Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR34002

each vendor ID that Customer Accounts,
AR/AP Balances by SetID
corresponds to all customer Customer Reports, AR/AP
IDs within the selected Balance by SetID, AR_AP
SetID. It also lists all items Balance by TableSet
for the customer. The
vouchers are grouped by
vendor ID, payables
business unit within vendor
and currency within
payables business unit.

AR34003 Lists detailed item Accounts Receivable, ITEM_LIST

information by customer, Customer Accounts, Item
AR Customer Item Inquiry
including entry type, Information, Item List, Item
balance, reference, dispute, List
terms, and discount date.
Select Generate an Open
Item Report in the Item
Action field and click Go on
the Item List page.

AR34004 Lists doubtful items that Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR34004

have unrealized gain or loss Receivables Update,
Unrealized Gains by
after running the Revaluation, Unreal Gain
Doubtful Items from
Revaluation Application Doubtful Items, Unreal
Revaluation Process
Engine process Gain Doubtful Items
(AR_REVAL). (Crystal)

AR34006 Lists any memo status code Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR34006

and the operator ID for any Customer Accounts, Item
Memo Status Changes
changed memo status. Information, Memo Status
(SQR) Change Report, Memo
Status Changes
See Chapter 41, "Interfacing
with U.S. Federal Systems,"
(USF) Tracking Memo
Status Changes, page 1238.

1310 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix D PeopleSoft Receivables Reports

Report ID and Report Description Navigation Run Control Page


AR35000 An overdue charge invoice Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR35000

model that you may modify Customer Interactions,
Finance Charge Invoice
as necessary. (Crystal) Overdue Charges, Print
Overdue Charges, Overdue
Charge Print

AR3750X After the system has Accounts Receivable, EFT_DD_EXCEPT

processed the bank Direct Debits, Remit to
EFT Direct Debit Exception
remittance file sent by the Bank, Bank Remit
bank, use to see if a direct Exception Report, Bank
debit was processed Remit Exception Report
successfully or if an
exception was found.

AR50001 Shows detailed accounting • Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR50001

entry information by Payments, Reports,
Accounting Entries
accounting date in the Accounting Entries,
business unit base currency. Accounting Entries
Lists accounting line
information at either a detail • Accounts Receivables,
or summary level. Detail Drafts, Reports,
shows all ChartField Accounting Entries,
activity, summary level Accounting Entries
summarizes by ChartField
(one line for each • Accounts Receivable,
ChartField combination). Pending Items, Reports,
(SQR) Accounting Entries,
Accounting Entries

AR50001P Shows detailed accounting • Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR50001PIT

entry information by Payments, Reports,
Accounting Entries
accounting date in the Acctg Entries - Point in
business unit base currency. Time, Accounting
It shows accounting line Entries - Point in Time
information at the detail
level, including all • Accounts Receivable,
ChartField activity. You Pending Items, Reports,
specify a point in time when Acctg Entries - Point in
you run the report. (Crystal) Time, Accounting
Entries - Point in Time

AR50002P Shows summarized Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR50001PIT

accounting entry Pending Items, Reports,
Accounting Entries -
information by accounting Accting Entries - Point in
Summary by Accounting
date, in the business unit Time, Accounting Entries -
base currency. It shows one Point in Time
line for each ChartField for
each accounting date. You
specify a point in time when
you run the report. (Crystal)

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AR60001 Shows a summarized Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR60001

picture of system activity. Receivables Analysis,
Unit Activity
Presents the information in Receivables Reports,
different ways depending on Business Unit Activity, Unit
the sort options you select. Activity
The report always shows a
beginning balance for a
business unit, but it
summarizes the activity for
the period by entry type,
entry type and entry reason,
group type and origin, or
activity and origin. (SQR)

AR60001P Shows a picture of business Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR60001P

unit activity for a selected Receivables Analysis,
Item Activities by Entry
date range summarized by Receivables Reports,
entry type and reason code. Business Unit Activity -
You specify a point in time PIT, Unit Activity - Point in
when you run the report. Time

AR60002P Shows a picture of business Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR60001PIT

unit activity for a selected Receivables Analysis,
Item Activities by Entry
date range summarized by Receivables Reports,
entry type and origin ID. Business Unit Activity -
You specify a point in time PIT, Unit Activity - Point in
when you run the report. Time

AR60003P Shows a picture of business Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR60001PIT

unit activity for a selected Receivables Analysis,
Item Activities by Entry
date range summarized by Receivables Reports,
entry type and reason. You Business Unit Activity -
specify a point in time when PIT, Unit Activity - Point in
you run the report. (Crystal) Time

AR60004P Shows a picture of business Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR60001PIT

unit activity for a selected Receivables Analysis,
Item Activities by Activity
date range summarized by Receivables Reports,
activity type, such as Billing Business Unit Activity -
or Cash Applied. You PIT, Unit Activity - Point in
specify a point in time when Time
you run the report. (Crystal)

AR60005P Shows a picture of business Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR60001PIT

unit activity for a selected Receivables Analysis,
Item Activities by Activity
date range summarized by Receivables Reports,
activity type, such as Billing Business Unit Activity -
or Cash Applied, and origin PIT, Unit Activity - Point in
ID. You specify a point in Time
time when you run the
report. (Crystal)

1312 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix D PeopleSoft Receivables Reports

Report ID and Report Description Navigation Run Control Page


AR70001 Lists the pending item Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR70001

archive candidates. Receivables Update,
Pending Item Archive
(Crystal) Archive Receivables,
Pending Candidate Report,
Pending Archive

AR70002 Lists the payment archive Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR70002

candidates. (Crystal) Receivables Update,
Payment Archive
Archive Receivables,
Payment Candidate Report,
Payment Archive

AR70003 Lists the closed item Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR70003

archive candidates. Receivables Update,
Closed Item Archive
(Crystal) Archive Receivables, Item
Candidate Report, Item
Archive Candidates

AR70004 Lists customer statements Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR70004

that are candidates to be Receivables Update,
AR Statement Archive
archived. (Crystal) Archive Receivables,
Statement Candidate
Report, Statement Archive

AR70005 Lists item and customer Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR70005

actions that are candidates Receivables Update,
AR Action List Archive
to be archived. (Crystal) Archive Receivables,
Action List Candidate
Report, Run AR70005

AR70006 Lists direct debits that are Accounts Receivable, RUN_AR70006

candidates to be archived. Receivables Update,
AR Direct Debit Archive
(Crystal) Archive Receivables, Direct
Debit Candidate Report,
Run AR70006

AR80019 Contains customer Accounts Receivable, RUN ARSTFED

summary information that Customer Interactions,
Federal Customer Statement
shows the amount billed, Statements, Create Federal
earned, and collected for Statements, Statement
each customer. Also Parameters
contains reimbursable
details for each customer
that is determined by
gathering information from
PeopleSoft General Ledger,
PeopleSoft Contracts, and
PeopleSoft Receivables.

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PeopleSoft Receivables Reports Appendix D

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ARCMCHK Provides the total number of Accounts Receivable, RUN_ARCMCHCK

actions open, completed, Customer Interactions,
Owner Action Status
and cancelled for each Actions, Action Status by
action owner during the Owner Rpt, Action Status
reporting period. (SQR) by Owner Rpt

ARCMCUST Provides the total number of Accounts Receivable, RUN_ARCMCUST

open, completed, and Customer Interactions,
Condition Status by Owner
cancelled actions for each Actions, Condition Status
and Customer
action owner during the by Owner Rpt, Condition
reporting period. The report Status by Owner Rpt
is sorted by customer and
condition. (SQR)

ARSF2209 U.S. Department of Accounts Receivable, RRUN_SF220_1

Treasury's means for Receivables Updates,
Receivables Due from the
periodically collecting data Posting Results - Upd Pend
on the status and condition Items, Report On
of the federal government's Receivables (SF220–9),
non-tax debt portfolio. Preparer
See Chapter 41, "Interfacing
with U.S. Federal Systems,"
Understanding the
Receivables Due From the
Public Report, page 1242.

FIN2025 Creates a cover letter that Accounts Receivable, RUN_FIN2025

you can send with the Drafts, Remit Drafts to
Electronic Funds Transfer
electronic funds transfer Bank, Create Cover Sheet,
Accompanying Form
(EFT) file for all drafts or Create EFT File Cover
direct debits associated with Sheet
a business unit that have a
Remitted status. (Crystal)

PeopleSoft Receivables Selected Reports

This section provides detailed information about individual reports, including important fields. The reports
are listed alphanumerically by report ID.

AR01006 - Predictor Method by Customer Report

For each method and qualifier combination, the report lists:

1314 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix D PeopleSoft Receivables Reports

Step Step number. The Payment Predictor Application Engine process (ARPREDCT)
performs the actions associated with a step if the payments match the remittance
information defined for the step. For each step, you define a different method for
identifying customers and for the references supplied.

Condition Condition the payment must match to perform an action. Each step must include
a First condition and optionally one or more of the conditions for underpayments
and overpayments.

Action Action that Payment Predictor performs on the payment that matches the step and
condition requirements.

Algorithm Algorithm group assigned to the condition if the selected action executes an
algorithm group.

Tolerances Tolerance amount that an underpayment or overpayment must exceed or be less

than for a condition.

Control Business unit and customer provided for an action that places the payment or
remaining amount on account.

Item Info (item System function that Payment Predictor uses to create an item for an action that
information) generates an item.

AR11001P - Group Control By Entry Date Point in Time Report

Define a Point in Time type when you run the report.

PIT Type (point in time Specify the type of date range for the group control records to include in the
type) report. Options are:
Day: Includes records entered on the current day only.
MTD (month to date): Includes records entered from the beginning of the month
through the current date.
Range: Includes records entered during the date range that you specify in the
From Date and To Date fields.
YTD (year to date): Includes records entered from the beginning of the year
through the current date.

AR11002 - Pending Item By Entry Date Report

Define parameters for the Pending Item by Entry Date report.

Separate DR/CR Select to have direct debits and credits in separate columns.
Amount Fields (separate
direct debit and credit
amount fields)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1315
PeopleSoft Receivables Reports Appendix D

Posted Select to include only posted items.

AR21001 - Payment Predictor Detail Report

The report indicates the status of each payment processed by the Payment Predictor process:

• Applied payments were completely applied.

• Processed payments were considered, met the criteria of the method, but did not get as far as having items
selected for them.

• Worksheet payments may be completely applied with review required, partially applied, or could have the
creation of a worksheet specified by the method.

• Not processed payments were not even considered, possibly because they didn't meet the method criteria.

• Excluded payments were not processed because they involve more than one currency.

AR21002 - Payment Predictor Summary Report

The report indicates the status of each payment processed by the Payment Predictor process:

• Applied payments were completely applied.

• Processed payments were considered, met the criteria of the method, but did not get as far as having items
selected for them.

• Worksheet payments may be completely applied with review required, partially applied, or could have the
creation of a worksheet specified by the method.

• Not processed payments were not even considered, possibly because they didn't meet the method criteria.

• Excluded payments were not processed because they involve more than one currency.

AR21003 - Unmatched MICR Identifiers Report

The report indicates the status of each payment processed by the Payment Predictor process:

• Applied payments were completely applied.

• Processed payments were considered, met the criteria of the method, but did not get as far as having items
selected for them.

• Worksheet payments may be completely applied with review required, partially applied, or could have the
creation of a worksheet specified by the method.

• Not processed payments were not even considered, possibly because they didn't meet the method criteria.

• Excluded payments were not processed because they involve more than one currency.

1316 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix D PeopleSoft Receivables Reports

AR30005 - Cash Forecast Report

The report shows open balances on an as of date by customer in the base currency. It also displays the amount
of cash that you can expect to receive in the cash forecast categories. The system determines in which period
the cash will be received using the average days late figure for a customer.

The amounts in each forecast category are based on the number of days that you enter in the Days Per
Category field on the Cash Forecast page. For example, if you enter 30, the categories on the report would be:

Pre-Forecast The open balance on the as of date.

Forecast 1 The amount you would expect to receive 1 to 30 days after the as of date.

Forecast 2 The amount you would expect to receive 31 to 60 days after the as of date.

Forecast 3 The amount you would expect to receive 61 to 90 days after the as of date.

Post-Forecast The amount you would expect to receive 91 days or more after the as of date.

In Dispute The total amount of items in dispute.

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1317
maintenance groups, reviewing 773
Numerics/Symbols maintenance worksheets, creating 772
missing 476
#BALANCE algorithm group 270, 277 multicurrency processing 940
#COMBOS algorithm group 270 overdue charges 91
#D 287 payment worksheets 674
#DETAIL algorithm group 272, 282 pending items 512
#DTL_PM algorithm group 274 pending items, online creation 550
#DTL_TLR algorithm group 37, 273, 282 revaluation, summarizing for 946
#DTL_TPM algorithm group 276 revaluation lines, reviewing 950
#OLDEST1 algorithm group 270, 291 setup, understanding 55
#OLDEST algorithm group 319 source transactions, viewing 1057
#OLDESTC algorithm group 271, 291 transfer groups, reviewing 792
#OVERDUE algorithm group 271, 288 transfer worksheets 789
#PASTDUE algorithm group 271 VAT 513, 961
#REF_ONE algorithm group 272 Accounting Entries - Summary by Accounting
#REFS_NG algorithm group 272, 280 Date report 1311
#REFS algorithm group 271, 280 Accounting Entries, Point in Time report 1311
#SAMPLE1 algorithm group 330 Accounting Entries page 520, 550, 894
#STATMNT algorithm group 277 Accounting Entries page (direct journal) 583, 584
1099-C Form for Cancelled Debt 1253, 1302 Accounting Entries report 1311
Accounting Entry Definition page 1057, 1058
Accounting Options 1 page - Receivables
Definition 43, 45
A Accounting Options 2 page - Receivables
Definition 43, 48
accounting dates accounting periods 373
business unit setup 29 Accounting Template page - Automatic Entry
data conversion 407 Type 88, 93
deposits 565, 567, 574 Accounting Template page - Item Entry Type
drafts 809 85, 86
earliest date for customer, changing 501 accounting templates
pending items 523 automatic entry types 88, 93
posting, selecting items by date 383 item entry types 84
accounting entries account maintenance
automatic entry types 93 maintenance worksheets 751
cash control, reviewing 582 overview of automated 748
cash control accounting 578 overview of manual 745
creation for direct journal payments 584 partial offsets 752
credit card worksheets 712 prerequisites 747
data conversion 410 process flow 747
definitions 56 Account Overview – Balances page 1183
direct debits, correcting 879 Account Overview component
dishonored drafts 351 Balances page 1021, 1024
distribution codes 80 Profile page 1022, 1029
document sequencing 952 understanding 1020
draft processing, cancelled remittances 338 accounts, customer inquiries 1020
draft processing, voids 338 accounts, customers
draft processing errors 340 changing status 207
draft processing setup 351 describing actions 215
drafts, reviewing 844 managing action plans 1097
express deposits 577 monitoring 1076
external groups, developing 469 monitoring, overview 1069
external groups, preventing distribution 469 monitoring roles 211
from billing systems 410 monitoring rules 221
general ledger update 410 reassigning actions 1084
generation 373 reviewing action history 1098
interfaced items, creation 421 taking action 1093
interunit 389, 396, 750 ACTION_CODE component 215
intraunit 389, 396 Action Code component (ACTION_CODE) 215
item entry types 87 Action Definition page 217
items, viewing 734 Action History page 1089, 1098

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1319

action list, using 1192 system-defined 215

action lists working 1086, 1093
Condition Monitor, updating 1078 actions, Collections Workbench
days before adding conditions 219 setting up 159
overview 1086 action status 1098
action notification, workflow Action Status by Owner Rpt page 1084
1078, 1079, 1083, 1295 Action Template component
action owners (AR_TEMPLATE_TBL) 215
actions, assigning 1079 Action Template page 217, 218
assessment rules 227, 230 action templates
assignment management 1082 assessment rules 230
collection rules 224 assessment rules, assigning to 227
overview 196 collection rules, assigning to 225
setup 196 overview 215
Action page 1088, 1093 prerequisites for setup 217
Action page - Express Deposit 572, 576 setup 215
Action page - Unpost Groups 906 activities
action parameters 1076 business units 1051
action plans drafts 335
collections 1070 items, reviewing 1050
condition violations 1076 items, viewing for customer 1038
management of 1097 maintenance 318
understanding 1087 understanding setup 55
actions activity ChartField xl
action parameters, assignment of 1082 Activity page 810
action status, reviewing 1081 activity types
action status changes 1094 changing 503
alerts 215 system functions 66
archiving 1266 Actual Matches report 751, 1301
AR specialist reminder 1082 Actual Matches Report page 749, 751
assignments, overview 196 adding filters 1194
automated 218, 1078 Additional Customer Information page
balancing workloads 1083 645, 699, 755, 782, 811, 860
call customer 215 Additional Item Information page 782
collection agency, referring to 216 Address page 1251, 1252
correspondence 1072, 1133 ADJ_REASON_TABLE component 124
correspondence generation 1097 Adjust Balance page 1022, 1028
credit rating, downgrading 216 adjustment reason codes 124
customer balance, writing off 216 Adjustment Reason component
customer hold 216 (ADJ_REASON_TABLE) 124
customers 1076 Adjustment Reason page 125
due date defaults 218 adjustments
due dates 1082 federal debt referrals 1221
dunning letter, sending 216 items 752
escalating 216 reason codes 124
future, managing 1097 Advanced Search page 1042, 1046
history, reviewing 1098 advance payments
items, assigning to 1080 French VAT processing 989
items, codes 1076 VAT adjustment calculations 989
letters, sending others 216 VAT processing 969
manual 220 affiliate ChartField xl
notification, sending 1079 AGENCY_LOC_CD component 169
owners, assigning to 1079 Agency Location Code page 169
parameters, defining 219 agency location codes
prerequisite setup 217 setting up 169
prerequisite setup for notification 1100 understanding 169
proof of delivery 216 Agency Location component
reassignment 1084 (AGENCY_LOC_CD) 169
reminders, AR specialists 220 aging See Also Aging process
reminders, setting up 220, 1082 across customers 254
reminders, setup 1079 aging buckets on reports 1129
results of processing 1094 aging IDs, defining 250
review broken promise date 216 Aging process, running 1125
review customer credit limit 215 analysis cube, OLAP 1288
review promise date 216 basis date 252
send statements 216 buckets 252
setup 215 by business unit 1052
supervisor notification 220, 1082 categories 252

1320 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

collection items 250, 253 automatic maintenance, defining for 330

deductions 250, 253 automatic maintenance, selecting for 323
disputed items 250, 253 customer-based example 277
exception items, prioritizing 253 detail reference example 282
items, excluding 253 for Payment Predictor 263
method for collection items 204 item-summary reference example 280
method for deductions 203 Payment Predictor, defining for 263, 267
method for disputed items 204 Payment Predictor, understanding 267
prerequisites 1124 Payment Predictor, viewing for 277
report aged by ChartFields 1131 Payment Predictor samples 270
report by reason codes 1131 payments with item and amount information
reports, overview 1129 293
reports, running 1128 payments with item references 293
setup overview 250 payments with no references 293
subset of customers 254 sample for automatic maintenance 330
viewing for customers 1027, 1037 sample for partial reference matches 280
Aging by Chartfield page 1130, 1131 special conditions 290
Aging by Chartfield report 1130, 1131, 1305 All Deposits page 564, 632, 684
aging categories All Levels Dunning Letter report 1308
entry types 79 All Payments page 1182
viewing on reports 1129 alternate account ChartField xl
Aging Detail By Business Unit report 1304 anchor business units
Aging Detail by Tree page 1130 Automatic Maintenance process 318, 750
Aging Detail by Tree report 1130, 1303 maintenance worksheets 758, 761
Aging Detail by Unit page 1129 anchor currency
Aging Detail by Unit report 1129 Condition Monitor process 1079
aging IDs maintenance worksheets 761
business unit defaults 24 Anchor Information page 754
setup 251 anchor lines
Aging multiprocess job interunit accounting entries 398
maximum concurrent processes 258 intraunit accounting entries 398
maximum instances 258 Application Engine Request page 383, 384, 1126
Aging Multiprocess job See Also Aging process applied cash, business unit 1052
Aging page 251, 1034, 1037, 1126 approval framework
Aging process activating 33
creating run controls 1126 approval transaction registry 147
narrowing scope 1126 Configure Transactions page 148
parallel processing setup 255 email notifications 149
process definitions, adding 260 Receivables Options-Payment Options page
processing multicurrencies 939 149
running 1125 setting up 144
skipping customers 1124 Setup Process Definition component 148
understanding 1123 User List Definition page 146
understanding run control setup 1125 User Profile component 147
updating history IDs 247 using for write-off amounts 676
aging reports approval limits, direct debits 132
aging categories 252 approvals, drafts 821
describing 1129 approval transaction registry 147
Aging Request page 1126 approval workflow
Aging Summary By Business Unit report 1305 write off 819
Aging Summary by Tree page 1130 AR_AGE multiprocess job 257
Aging Summary by Tree report 1130, 1304 AR_AGEPP process 257
Aging Summary by Unit page 1130 AR_ASSESS_RULE_SQL component 221
Aging Summary by Unit report 1130 AR_AUTOMNT process
Aging tab 1212 See Automatic Maintenance process
Aging tab, understanding 1179 AR_COLLECTION_RULE component 221
agreements, reimbursable 1255 AR_COND_DEF_USER component 207
algorithm groups AR_COND_DEF component 207
#BALANCE 277 AR_COND_PRIORITY component 207
#DETAIL 282 AR_CRCARD_PROFILE component 129
addition of 281 AR_DD_BNK process 872
algorithms, deactivating 281 AR_DIRDEBIT process 853, 860

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1321

AR_DRAFT_BNK process 364, 797, 834 transaction tables, deleting data from 1272
AR_DRAFT_EFT process 799, 808 ARCRCARD process 712
AR_DRAFTS process 804 AR Credit Card multiprocess job 712
AR_FED_STMTS process 1255 AR Customer Item Inquiry report 1310
AR_FLD_REF_TBL component 125 AR Customer Item Inquiry report (AR34003) 1045
AR_MASSCHG process 739 AR Direct Debit Archive Candidates report
AR_PAYMENT_EC table 630 (AR70006) 1276, 1313
AR_PGG multiprocess job 377 AR display currency 40
AR_POST multiprocess job 377 AR distribution codes 47, 82, 86
AR_PP multiprocess job 303 AR Dunning process
AR_PREDICT1 process 302 correspondence actions 1072
AR_REFUND process 774 running 1153
AR_RISK_SEC 235 setup overview 183
AR_RISKSCR_TBL 235 understanding 1144
AR_SPECIALIST component 196 AR IPAC Run Request page 1226
AR_STMT multiprocess job 180 AR Item Archive Candidates report (AR70003)
AR_STMTPP process 179 1276
AR_TEMPLATE_TBL component 215 AR Item Drill page 1058
AR_UPDATE process 377 AR Parallel Processing Options page
AR_WORKFLOW process 1100 180, 181, 258, 259, 303, 304, 378, 379
AR/AP Balance by Customer report 1310 AR Payment Archive Candidates report (AR70002)
AR/AP Balances by SetID report 1310 1276
AR 11002 Pending Items report 1300 AR Paymisc Drill page 1059
AR21001 report 641 AR Pending Item Archive Candidates report
AR21002 report 642 (AR70001) 1276
AR33000 report 1157 ARPOSTGL process group 371, 372
AR33001 report 1157 ARPOST process group 371, 372
AR33002 report 1157 ARPREDCT multiprocess job 266
AR33003 report 1158 ARPREDCT process
AR34003 report 1045 reviewing results 641
ARACTIONA process group 371 running 638
AR Action List Archive Candidates report AR Rebate Notification process (AR_REBATE)
(AR70005) 1276, 1313 76, 910
ARACTIONL process group 371 AR Rvl Drill page 1059
ARACTIONN process group 371 AR Specialist component (AR_SPECIALIST) 196
AR BI Inq (EURO) page 721 AR specialists
AR Billing Inquiry page 721 business unit default 25
archive candidate reports 1275 deduction reason default 203
Archive Data Manager, using 1271 default hierarchy 1068
Archive Data to History page 1274 disputed item reason default 204
Archive Job Definition page 1277 item assignment 727, 1068
archive object definitions 1270 multiple item updates 740
archive template definitions 1271 notification of actions 1063, 1068
archiving notification of exception items 1068
action list data 1266 setup 196
archive object definitions 1270 split items 738
archive query definitions 1270 AR Statement Archive Candidates report
archive template definitions 1271 1276, 1313
candidate reports, running 1275 ARUPDATE multiprocess job 381
conversation data 1267 ARUPDATE process 367
customer definitions 1268 as of dates
data, restoring 1276 data conversion 407
data removal order 1269 pending items 523
data selection 1272 Assessment Rule component
direct debit data 1266 (AR_ASSESS_RULE) 221
dunning letter data 1266 Assessment Rule page 223, 226
history deletion 1272 assessment rules
list of selected items 1275 assigning action templates 227, 230
message log data 1269 assigning assessment levels 221
overdue charge data 1266 identifying prerequisites 222
overview of data type 1259 processing 1077
payment data 1264 setting up 221, 226
pending item data 1263 setting up use of SQL 230
posted customer data 1267 understanding 221
posted data 1265 Assessment Rule SQL component
process flow 1271 (AR_ASSESS_RULE_SQL) 221
statement data 1266 Assessment Rule User page 223, 230
transaction data, rolling back 1272 Assessment Rule User SQL Statement page 223

1322 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

AUDIT_CNTRL component 153

Audit Archiving page 1274 B
Audit Control component (AUDIT_CNTRL) 153
Audit Control page 154 bad debt 789
audit history Balance Detail by BU page 1021
understanding 153 Balance Forward Statement Print 1143
viewing for items 736 Balance Forward Statement report 1306, 1307
auditing, selecting fields 154 balance forward statements
audit logging, Receivables 151 defining 1136
AUTO_ENTRY_TABLE2 component 88 running 1140
Auto Entry Type report 1299 running first time 1143
Automated Matches report 749 setting up 176
automated payment application 638 balances
Automatic Entry Type component customer, open items 1026
Accounting Template page 88, 93 customer, past due items 1026
Selection page 88, 89 customers 1020
Automatic Entry Type component high year to date 1027
(AUTO_ENTRY_TABLE2) 88 items, excluding 1028
automatic entry types overdue 208
commitment control setup 94 review 1024
data conversion 405 sales year to date 1027
definition of 89 updates for customer 367
overview 88 Balances page - Account Overview 1021
setup 88 Bank/Payment Options page - Receivables
user-defined accounting entries 93 Definition 43, 50
Automatic Maintenance and Reports multiprocess bank account ChartFields 340
job 749 bank accounts
Automatic Maintenance Method component EFT file layouts, direct debits 850
(AUTOMNT_METHOD) 318 netting 561
automatic maintenance methods setting up for drafts 360
algorithm groups, defining 330 bank confirmation receipt, draft EFT files 364
business unit default 26 bank EFT files, reason codes 135
definition 320 bank fees
design 319 business unit default 51
details, defining 322 draft setup 341
exact matches on amounts 327 entering 831, 833
exact matches on references 327 Bank Fees page 826
matching criteria 323 bank holidays
options 322 business unit default 28, 51
overview 319 direct debits 853
partial matches on references 328 drafts 802, 806
run time overrides 750 bank reconciliation
sample, reviewing 326 cash control entries 579
sample algorithm group 330 cash control method 49
setup 318 direct debits 851
steps, defining 322 drafts 337
steps, ordering 324 payments 590
steps, reviewing 320 Bank Reconciliation process 337, 602
Automatic Maintenance page 749, 750 Bank Remit Exception Report page
Automatic Maintenance process 827, 835, 874, 878
anchor business unit 750 bank remittance details, direct debits 134
automatic maintenance method 750 banks
entry reason default 90 address on correspondence 26
interunit accounting entries 389 customers remit to bank 1029
intraunit accounting entries 390 draft remittance, selecting for 828
multicurrency processing 936 Bank Statement Interface page 603
overview 317, 748 bank statements
results 749 direct debit reconciliation 851
setup 317 draft reconciliation 337, 843
use of 748 payment reconciliation 590
write-off tolerances 26, 91, 746 process overview 600
automatic numbering, drafts 362 base currency
Automatic Numbering page 362 business unit, assigning to 945
AUTOMNT_METHOD component 318 business unit default 45
Available Credit page 826 items 723
Average Days Late (AVGDAYS) calculations batch processing, process order 1074
244 bilateral netting 561
average number of days late, history 1025 Bill Header - Bill To Address page 721

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1323

Bill Header - Note page 721 setup 19, 21

Billing share 15
drilling down to invoices 724, 728 structure of 13
integrating with Receivables 4 tablesets 21
loading VAT information 965 tree structure 20
viewing bill details 721 VAT defaults 35
billing agency location codes 26, 1227
Billing Header table, updating field values 740
billings by origin, viewing 557
Billings by Origin page 557 C
Billings By Unit page 557
billing systems, receiving data 419 calculations
bill of exchange 349 average days late 244, 1025
Broken Promises Review Needed page 1112 types, VAT processing 966
brokers calculation types, VAT processing 966
contact IDs 240 calendar periods 373
for deductions 730 calender IDs, history calculation 25
roles 240 Cancel Direct Debits page 868
setup for self-service web 240 cancel draft worksheets 842
user profiles 240 Cancel EFT File page 827, 834, 874, 877
budget checking cancellation, draft remittances 338
See Also commitment control processing cancellation of debt, federal agencies 1253
date 923 Cancel Remittance Application page 843
direct journal exceptions 932 Cancel Remittance Selection page 842, 843
direct journal payments 587 cancel remittance worksheets
exceptions 931 building 843
status 924 selecting draft criteria 843
budget checking errors selecting items 843
correcting 922 carousel fraud 964
direct journal payments 588 cash, journalling to general ledger 560
Budget Processor page 926 cash clearing
Budget Processor process defined 578
rerunning 931 setup 578
running with Receivable Update 370 cash control accounting
budgets See control budgets accounting entries, reviewing 582
Build Aging Analysis Cube page 1288 bank statement reconciliation 602
BUS_UNIT_OPT_AR1 component 23 defined 560
BUS_UNIT_TBL_AR component 42 deposits in transit 578
business documents, loading 608 document sequencing 954
Business Document Summary - Summary page lockbox deposits 598
608, 610 Payment Loader process 596
business events, reviewing for drafts 341 standard cash clearing 578
Business Events page 344 understanding 578
business processes, Receivables 1 cash control methods 49, 578
business structure, identifying 13 Cash Control page 581, 582
Business Unit Contacts reports 1306 Cash Control Payments page 581, 582
business unit defaults Cash Control process
setting up by business unit 42 accounting entry generation 578
setting up by setID 23 bank statement reconciliation 602
Business Unit Definition page 22 lockbox deposits 598
Business Unit Definition page - Receivables running 582
Definition 43, 44 cash drawer receipts 612
Business Unit History Chart page 1053 cash forecasting 545
Business Unit History page 1053 Cash Forecast report 1305
business units Cash Management, integration 5
aging information 1052 Cash Received By Bank Account page 684
cash control methods 49 Cash Received by Unit page 684
creation 22 category ChartField xli
customer information 15 change control 736
default display currency 40 charges, overdue 1165
default draft distribution codes 49 ChartField combination editing
default setID 22 business unit default 31
General Ledger 14 direct debits 879
general ledger business unit 44 direct journal payments 587
history, reviewing 1053 drafts 844
overview 19 maintenance groups 773
receivable activity, reviewing 1051 payments 682
Receivables 14 pending items 513

1324 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

posting errors 884 setup overview 195

setup 115 collection methods, drafts 360
transfer groups 792 Collection Methods page 360
ChartField Combo Error tab Collection Reason component
pending item entry 553 (COLLECTION_TABLE) 200
ChartField inheritance Collection Rule page 223, 224
accounting entries 398 collection rules
overview 396 assigning action templates 225
setup 396 describing 221
ChartFields prioritizing 226
aging items by distribution lines 1131 processing 1077
automatic entry types 93 setting up 221, 224
combination editing setup 115 Collection Rules component
direct journal payments 585 (AR_COLLECTION_RULE) 221
distribution codes 80 collections
distribution lines, reviewing and updating action owners 196
551 actions plans 1070
draft processing 340 drafts, confirmation 834
item entry types 87 monitoring 1076
Project Costing 513 notifying action owners 1070
writing off items by 1241 notifying supervisors 1070
ChartField security taking action 1070
PeopleSoft Receivables components 12 Collections Workbench 1171
chart of accounts See ChartFields accessing, populating 1186
chunking action list 1175, 1192
data for aging 1125 actions, setting up 159
limiting rows in grids 503 Aging tab 1212
claimbacks Aging tab, understanding 1179
entry reasons 75 Conversations tab, understanding 1178
entry types 72 Correspondence tab 1210
group types 111 Correspondence tab, understanding 1179
notification of payment 910 Credit Profile tab, understanding 1176
Order Management interface 510 customer detail fields, setting up 157
claim dates 729 Customer Hierarchy, understanding 1179
claim numbers 729 Customer Hierarchy tab 1214
claims customer history grid 1199
creating 1066 Items tab 1203
PeopleSoft Promotions Management 1066 Items tab, understanding 1178
Claim Settlement Process for AR managing conversations and promises 1205
(PO_CLMSTL_AR) 510 pages 1180
Claims Incoming Payments staging table 910 Payments tab, understanding 1177
class ChartField xli personalize content 1188
Closed Item Archive Candidates report 1313 Personalize Content page. 1181
closed items, converting from existing systems personalizing content 161
403 reviewing customer payments 1200
collateral, drafts 823 setup components 155
collected revenue 94, 913 setup components pages 156
COLLECTION_TABLE component 200 tabs, setting up 158
collection agencies using 1180
assigning to items 726 Collections Workbench Actions page 156
assigning to pending items 544 Collections Workbench Customer Detail Fields
Collection Code page 202, 204 page 156
collection codes Collections Workbench page 1180
defining 204 Collections Workbench Tabs page 156
describing 201 Collection Workbench
setting up 200 customer details 1175
collection conditions 208 COLLECTOR_TABLE component 196
collection groups 220 Collector component (COLLECTOR_TABLE)
collection items 196
aging method 204 Collector page 197
creating 726 collectors
customers, total balance 1026 assigning to items 727
exclusion from processing 1074 setting up 196
inclusion in processing 1074 updating for multiple items 740
collection management combination editing
overview 1069 See ChartField combination editing
prerequisites 1075 commitment control
process flow 1070 See Also control budgets, revenue estimate

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1325

processing brokers 240

automatic entry types 92, 94 customers 240
collected revenue 94 Contact page 193, 1111, 1184
item entry type setup 86 Contact Phone and Type page 193, 1184
multiple revenue lines, distributing 668, 766 contacts
multiple revenue lines setup 29 maintaining 1020
process flow 921 viewing customer numbers 1030
recognized revenue 94 Contacts by SetID report 1306
system functions 70 Contact User Profile page 1184
use in Receivables 913 content, personalizing 1173
Commitment Control page 584, 926 contract numbers 729
component interfaces Contracts, integration 4
DC_PENDITEM_CI 413 control budgets
Compute Risk Scores page 1109 billing source transactions 918
condition collected revenue bucket 913
CPDB, Customer Promise Date Broken 213 contract source transactions 918
CPDR, Customer Promise Date Review 213 direct journal payments 919
RISK, Risk Score 214 draft processing 918
Condition Definition component error corrections 922
(AR_COND_DEF) 207 multiple revenue lines 919
Condition Definition page 210, 211 overpayments 916
Condition Definition User component prepayments 917
(AR_COND_DEF_USER) 207 process flow 914, 921
Condition Monitor page 1078 realized gains and losses 919
Condition Monitor process recognized revenue bucket 913
action templates 216 setup in Receivables 94
anchor currency 1079 source lines 915
automated actions 1078 source transactions, corrections 928
automated correspondence 1071 source transactions, reviewing 927
dunning letters, generating 184, 186 underpayments 916
overview 1076 unpost groups 919
rule setup 221 VAT process 919
running 1076 warnings 922
Condition Priority component write-offs 918
(AR_COND_PRIORITY) 207 control distribution codes
Condition Priority page 210, 214 business unit defaults 50
conditions transfer worksheets 785
approaching credit card expiration date 208 Control Distribution ID page 782
approaching credit limit 207 Control page (item groups) 893
approaching credit limit expiration 208 control totals
assessment rules, defining 226, 230 express deposits 573
collection 208 pending items 522
collection rules, defining 224 regular deposits 565
conversation follow-up 208 CONVER_DATA1_SS 1111
credit hold code exists 208 CONVER_DATA2_SS 1111
customer accounts 1076 CONVER_DATA5_SS 1111
customer roles 211 Conversation Review Needed page 1111
entry type/reason code 210, 227 conversations
exceeded credit limit 209 adding, updating 1172
exceeded credit limit expiration 209 archiving data 1267
key statistics exceeded 210 customer 1030
large amount coming due 210, 227 follow-up condition 208
overview 207 incomplete follow-up 1113
parameters defined 212 key words 1116
prioritization 214 reviewing and updating 1071
setup 207 with follow-up dates 1115
system-defined 207 conversations, managing 1205
Condition Status by Owner and Customer report conversations, promise date
description 1314 inquiring 1117
running 1084 reviewing, modifying 1116
understanding 1083 Conversations – Attachments page 1181
Condition Status by Owner Rpt page 1084 Conversations by Key Work page 1111
Configure Transactions page 148 Conversations page 1181
confirmation, draft EFT files 834 Conversations – References page 1181
consolidated invoices 546 Conversations tab, understanding 1178
CONTACT 1111 conversion See data conversion
Contact Customer page 1184 conversion, closed items 403
contact IDs corporate customers, credit limit 1026

1326 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Correct Duplicate Payments - Totals page 635 credit card profiles

correspondence setup 129
actions 1071 credit cards
automated processing 1078 encrypted number display 690
contact name 1097 entering and transmitting data 693
delivery 1071 item exclusion 130
delivery information, setting up 192 paying for an item 690
delivery methods 1072 setting up 690
email 1072 Credit Card Scheduler page 713
fax 1072 Credit Card Workbench page 715
generation 1133 credit card worksheets
including credit card worksheet items 711 accounting entries, creating 712
including worksheet items 672, 771 creation 697, 700, 702
invoices, reprinting 1162 credit card payment application 702
items by entry type, including 79 customer selection criteria 701
setup 175 deletion 711
triggered by actions 1133 item action 703
triggered by Condition Monitor 1133 item display controls 705
understanding processing 1133 item reference criteria 701
worksheet items, including 821 item selection 700
Correspondence tab item selection criteria 701
Dunning History 1211 modification 697
Statement History 1211 multiple currencies 706
Correspondence tab, understanding 1179 overview 697
counter sales, payments 612 posting actions 712
cover sheets removal of items 702
direct debit EFT files 877 row selection 652, 704
EFT files for drafts 834 row sorting 654, 706
CR_ANALYST_TABLE component 196 worksheet actions 711
Create Adjustment File page 1219 credit checking, aging categories 252
Create Direct Debits page 859, 860 credit holds
Create Direct Debits process setting up hold codes 204
defining processing rules 131 understanding 205
running 860 viewing for customer 1030
understanding 853 credit limits
Create Drafts process conditions 207
describing process flow 796 exceeding 207
running 804 monitoring 1076
understanding 802 reviewing for corporate customers 1026
Create EFT File Cover Sheet page 826, 874, 877 reviewing for customers 1026
Create EFT File page 826, 833, 874, 876 Credit Profile tab, understanding 1176
Create EFT through FG System process CREEXT 604
870, 875, 876 cross-servicing memo status code 1240
Create Federal Statements page 1255, 1256 Crystal Reports
Create Referral File page 1219, 1221 dunning letters 190
Credit Analyst component follow-up letters 191
(CR_ANALYST_TABLE) 196 cubes
Credit Analyst page 197 analyzing cube data 1289
credit analysts building 1287, 1288
assigning to items 726 defining 1286
setting up 196 planning 1286
updating for multiple items 740 preparing trees and queries 1286
credit card understanding 1285
disputed charges 716 currency See Also multicurrency processing
exceptions 714 base 933
processing 687, 712 conversion 934
workbench 714 default for page display 40
worksheets 697 display currency for inquiries 1019
Credit Card Details page 692, 693, 698, 1022 entry 934
credit card payment application exchange rate 934
credit card worksheets 702 payment 934
credit card payments realized gain and loss 935
exact 709 unrealized gain and loss 934
partial 709 currency codes, setting up 944
underpayments 709 Currency Conversion page 644, 698, 754
Credit Card Profile component Currency Display Options page - Receivables
(AR_CRCARD_PROFILE 129 Options 24, 40
Credit Card Profile page 129 Currency Exchange Aid page 644, 672, 699, 810

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1327

Currency to Convert page 1138, 1141 customer groups 16

CUST_HIST_TABLE component 248 data conversion 401
CUSTOMER_HIERARCHY 1034 default dates, changing 501
customer-initiated drafts 334 definition data, archiving 1268
customer account maintenance, offsetting items 745 direct journal payments 1038
customer accounts draft groups, assigning 361
describing actions 215 draft information, viewing 1037
inquiring 1020 Dun and Bradstreet reports 1030, 1120
managing action plans 1097 earliest available accounting date 501
monitoring 1076 government agencies, billing 1222
monitoring, overview 1069 historical trends 1031
monitoring roles 211 history, viewing 1035
monitoring rules 221 interfacing data 417
reassigning actions 1084 item activities, viewing 1038
reviewing action history 1098 items, aging 1123
taking action 1093 posted data, archiving 1267
viewing status changes 207 posted history data 402
customer action lists 1086 profile information 1020
Customer Action page 1088 remit to bank 1029
customer agency location code 1227 roles 16, 240
Customer Aging Chart page 1022, 1028 setup for self-service web 240
customer balances See balances support personnel assignments, changing 740
Customer Balances page 1033, 1182 TableSets 15
Customer Bank Account Details page 859 user profiles 240
Customer Contacts page 1184 write-off tolerances 747
Customer Credit page 1186 Customers by SetID report 1306
Customer Credit Profile page 1034 Customers by Unit report 1306
customer deposits 1026 customer selection criteria
customer details credit card worksheets 701
personalize 1191 draft worksheets 812
customer details fields, Collections Workbench maintenance worksheets 756
setting up 157 payment worksheets 647
Customer Drafts page 1034, 1037 transfer worksheets 783
Customer Follow Up Letter page 1160 Customer Statement Print process 1142
Customer Follow Up Letter report 1309 customer structure 14
Customer Group Info page 361, 362 Customer Trend 1 Chart page 1023
customer groups Customer Trend 1 page 1023
collection 220, 1030 Customer Trend 2 Chart page 1023
overview 16 Customer Trend 2 page 1023
Customer Group Table page 361 Customer Trend 3 page 1024
customer hierarchy Customer Trend Options page - Receivables
reviewing 1036 Options 24, 42
Customer Hierarchy page 1034, 1186 CWB_PROMISEINQ 1112
Customer Hierarchy tab, understanding 1179
customer history
defining comparison trends 42
understanding calculations 243 D
Customer History page 504
customer information data
deposits 568 action list data, archiving 1266
items 730 archived data, restoring 1276
Customer Messages page 1021, 1181 archiving 1259
Customer Notes page 1180 conversations, archiving 1267
Customer Options table, updating field values 740 customer definitions, archiving 1268
customer payment, reviewing 1200 customers, archiving posted data 1267
Customer Payment History page 1035 direct debit data, archiving 1266
Customer Payments page 1035 dunning letters, archiving 1266
Customer Pending Items page 1022 message logs, archiving 1269
customers overdue charges, archiving 1266
aging information, viewing 1037 payment data, archiving 1264
balances 1020, 1024 pending items, archiving 1263
business units, storing items by 15 pending items, conversion 401
contact IDs 240 posted items, archiving 1265
contact numbers 1030 statements, archiving 1266
contacts, maintaining 1020 types available for archiving 1259
conversation entries 1030, 1071 data conversion
credit limit 1026 accounting entries 410
customer files, attaching 1071 converting items 403

1328 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

converting payments 403 setup 200

current balances 404 split items 738
customers 401 deductions
date fields 407 assigning action owners 196
existing invoices 401 assigning aging method 203
group design 412 assigning AR specialists 671, 820
line items 406 assigning default due date 34
multiple currencies 413 assigning promotion codes 672, 729, 821
payments 404 assigning reasons 671, 820
pending items 401 changing item details 726
posted customer history 402 creating 1063
transaction details 404 creating claims 1066
dates creating in Payment Predictor process 282
accounting date 523 creating manually 726
as of date 523 creating offsets 1063
changing default for accounting on customer creating on credit card worksheets 709
records 501 creating on draft worksheets 817
days late, average number 1025 creating on payment worksheets 657
days late calculations determining due date 657
excluding deductions 203 excluding from automatic maintenance 324
excluding disputed items 204 excluding from Payment Predictor 296
days sales outstanding (DSO) excluding from processes 1074
calculations 245 including in processes 1074
history IDs 249 notifying AR specialists 1063
periods 26 putting actions on lists 1063
DC_PENDITEM_CI component interface 413 researching 1063
DD_PROFILE component 131 resolving 1063
DD Control page 880, 1182 selecting brokers 730
DD Items page 880 splitting, overview 1069
debit memo numbers 729 viewing promotion write-offs 1067
debit memos, item entry types 84 viewing total balance 1026
debt, bad 789 default value hierarchies 21
Debt Disposition page 1251, 1252 Define Query Bind Variables page 1274
Debt Management Service Delete Letter Review page 1152
business unit defaults 52 Delete Remittance - Customer page 608
delinquent debt referral 1217 Delete Remittance - Item page 608
memo status codes 1240 DELINQ_GRP component 164
tracking item status changes 1238 Delinquency Code (DELINQ_GRP) 164
debt referrals, federal Delinquency Code page 168, 169
creating adjustments 1221 delinquency codes
creating referral file 1221 assigning to items for federal agencies 1251
identifying prerequisites 1218 setting up 169
processing receipts 1221 understanding 166
referring to Debt Management Service 1217 Delinquency Maintenance page 1251
selecting items 1220 delinquent items
debts, federal changing federal customer status 1240
collection 1242 checking federal customer status 1240
status change tracking 1238 collecting federal 1242
declaration points defining status codes 171
defined for VAT 513 referring to Debt Management Service 1217
understanding for VAT 966 tracking federal status changes 1238
updating for items 534 delivery methods, correspondence 193
DEDUCTION_TABLE component 200 department ChartField xli
deduction management See deduction processing departments See business units
deduction processing DEPOSIT_TYPE_TABLE component 123
management prerequisites 1075 Deposit Control report 1301
overview 1061 deposits
process flow 1062 See Also regular deposits, express deposits,
understanding options 195 electronic payments
Deduction Reason component application method selection 568
(DEDUCTION_TABLE) 200 balancing errors, correcting 577
Deduction Reason page 202 business unit determination 607
deduction reasons correct spreadsheet payment errors 629
business unit default 34 correct spreadsheet payment reference errors
creation of 202 629
default AR specialist 203 customer information, entering 568
item updates 726 duplicate 595, 598, 632
overview 201 electronic, checking errors 632

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1329

errors, correcting 571, 633 multiprocess jobs 851

express deposits, entering 571 overview 849
in transit 578 prerequisites 851
item reference information 569, 575 process flow 850
lockbox 597 rejection 863
MICR ID, entering 568 remittance, marking for 864
multicurrency processing 937 remittance advice 876
out of balance 598 remittance methods 849
overview 559 remitting to bank 869
receipt of EDI files 604 review 879
receipt of EFT payments 630 selection 863
regular deposits, entering 563 settlement processes 849
review spreadsheet payment errors 627 status 852, 853
sales orders 1026 VAT processing 1003
selecting application method 574 worksheets 853
spreadsheet payment data worksheet 626, 627 Direct Debits by Unit page 880
spreadsheet payments 614 Direct Debits Set To Post page 886
spreadsheet payment template worksheet 624 direct debits worksheets 853
status 567 direct debit worksheets
user IDs 596 exception information 866
Deposit Summary report 1301 interunit accounting entries 389
Deposit Type component intraunit accounting entries 390
(DEPOSIT_TYPE_TABLE) 123 rows, increasing 503
Deposit Type page 124 using 862
deposit types Direct Journal Entry - Accounting Entries page 583
setting up 123 Direct Journal page 1035, 1038
understanding 123 direct journal payments
Detail 1 page - View/Update Item Details changing 590
720, 723, 880, 1080 creating accounting entries 584
Detail 2 page - View/Update Item Details 721, 727 defining 560
Detail 3 page - View/Update Item Details page deleting 590
722, 731 describing anchor lines 399
Detail page (inbound bank EFT files) 827, 874 describing document sequencing 954
Detail Reference Information page describing interunit accounting entries 389
564, 570, 644, 649, 698 editing ChartField combinations 587
direct debit performing budget checks 587
prenote 854 processing revenue estimates 919
direct debit groups, anchor lines 399 reviewing accounting entries 589
direct debit IDs, associated with items 733 understanding 582
Direct Debit Profile component (DD_PROFILE) viewing budget checking exceptions 932
131 viewing for customers 1038
direct debit profiles Directly Journalled Payments page 584, 589
assigning to entry types 133 discount dates, drafts 832
setting up 131 discount draft liability account 340
direct debits discount draft receivables account 340
accounting entries, correcting 879 discounts
approval 863 default amounts, setting up 120
approval limits 132 default due dates, setting up 120
archiving 1266 discount days, setting up 525
bank confirmation 877 express deposits 575
bank confirmation receipts, processing 872 grace days 33
bank holiday rules 853 items 724
bank remittance details 134, 861 Payment Predictor process 283
cancelling 867 payment term setup 123
ChartField combination edit errors 879 realized gains or losses 938
customer exclusion 132 taken on payment 660
document sequencing 954 VAT calculations 1004
EFT file layouts 137 VAT discountable amount 122
EFT files, canceling 877 Dishonor Activity report 836
EFT files, generating 875, 876 Dishonor Draft Application page 836, 839
exceptions, manually processing 866 Dishonor Draft Selection page 836
exceptions, status 853 dishonor draft worksheets See Also draft worksheets
Financial Gateway settlements, monitoring building 836
871 entering draft selection criteria 836
item exclusion 132 explaining 835
items, including by entry type 79 selecting items 839
maintenance of details 864 dishonored draft receivable account 340
management of 849 Dishonored Drafts report 1307

1330 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

dishonoring drafts 835 document sequencing

dispatch status, Financial Gateway processing 882 accounting entries 952
display currency, business unit default 40 cash control accounting 954
Display Currency Conversion page 1021, 1088 direct debits 954
Display Currency page 1152, 1155 direct journal payments 954
DISPUTE_TABLE component 200 documents, changing or deleting 956
disputed items document types, assigning 952
assigning action owners 196 drafts 954
assigning aging methods 204 draft setup 360
creating 726 interunit accounting entries 956
excluding from automatic maintenance 324 maintenance worksheets 955
excluding from Payment Predictor overdue charges 953
processing 296 Payment Predictor 954
marking a pending item 544 payments 953
marking items 1068 payment worksheets 953
notifying AR specialists 1068 pending items 525
processing 1074 posting and unposting 955
putting actions on lists 1068 transfer worksheets 955
researching 1068 understanding 951
resolving 1068 document types
reviewing customer total balance 1026 assigning 952
splitting 1069 changing 956
understanding options 195 selecting group type default 114
dispute management See disputed items understanding 952
dispute processing domestic reverse charge 964
management prerequisites 1075 doubtful receivables
overview 1067 customers, total balance 1026
process flow 1068 distribution code 82
Dispute Reason component (DISPUTE_TABLE) transfer of 789
200 DR_BUSINESS_EVENT component 341
Dispute Reason page 202, 203 DR_FLD_REF_TBL component 362
dispute reasons DR_STAGE_EFT table 799
assigning to AR specialist 204 DR_SUB_EVENT component 341
assigning to items 726 DRAFT_LOCATION component 359
assigning to split items 738 DRAFT_TXN_TYPE component 348
defining 203 DRAFT_TYPE component 348
setting up 200 draft accounting entries 844
understanding 201 draft aging reports 847
Distribution Code component Draft Approval Selection page 811, 821
(DST_CODE_TABLE) 80 Draft Approval Worksheet page 811, 823
Distribution Code page 80, 81 draft approval worksheets
distribution codes building 821
AR (receivables) 82 selecting drafts for approval 823
business unit defaults 47 Draft Business Events component
doubtful receivables 82 (DR_BUSINESS_EVENT) 341
draft hierarchy 340 Draft Collateral page 824
draft processing 84 Draft Control page 846, 847, 906, 1182
drafts 339 Draft Customer Statement Print 1143
draft type assignment 357 Draft Details page 80, 84, 803, 811, 846
pending items 524 Draft Detail View page 810, 819
realized gain 47 draft distribution codes
realized loss 47 AR distribution, linking to 84
setup 80 business unit default 49
types 82 Draft Document report 803, 1307
unrealized gain 47 Draft Documents page 803
unrealized loss 47 Draft EFT Load and Review page 804, 808
distribution lines See Also accounting entries Draft Entry page 803, 805
accounting lines for GL 14 draft events
item review 550 approval 336
write-offs by ChartField 1241 bank statement reconciliation 337
divisions See business units cancel remittance 338
DMS Adjustment process 1218 creation 336
DMS Definition page 44, 52 discount dates 336
DMS Information page 1219 dishonor drafts 338
DMS Process Receipts process 1218 due date 336
DMS Referral process 1218 remittance 336
document numbers, items 729 understanding 335
document sequence numbers, changing 956 void drafts 338

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1331

draft groups, anchor lines 399 debt for dishonored drafts, handling 840
draft IDs 733, 802 discount dates 831
draft items, including in statements 1139 discounted, setup 351, 360
Draft Items page 846 discounted without recourse 334
Draft Mass Entry page 803, 807 discounted with recourse 334
Draft Notes page 810 discounting 828
Draft Physical Location component dishonor event 338
(DRAFT_LOCATION) 359 dishonoring 835
Draft Physical Location page 360 dishonor reason 839
draft processing See Also drafts dishonor worksheet, selecting for 839
autonumber draft reference 350 distribution code setup 339
customer-initiated drafts 797 documents, storing 359
distribution codes, determining 340 document sequencing 954
EFT drafts, loading 798 draft life cycle 334
errors in accounting entries 340 draft types, understanding 339, 349
item options 725 due dates 831
overview 333 EFT, setup 350
prerequisites 799 EFT Draft Inbound Exception report 835
reject reason required 351 EFT drafts 798
rule setup 349 EFT file cover sheet, creating 834
setup 333 EFT file errors, correcting 808
vendor-initiated drafts 796 EFT files, cancelling 834
draft receivables account 340 EFT files for remittance, generating 833
Draft Receivables page 1022 EFT reason codes, defining 364
draft reference numbers 802 endorsement to another party 824
Draft Reference Qualifier component entering 801
(DR_FLD_REF_TBL) 362 errors, correcting bank confirmation file 834
Draft Reference Qualifier page 363 exact payments 817
Draft Remittance Application page 826, 830 French accounting 352
Draft Remittance Selection page 826, 827 German accounting 353
draft remittance worksheets holding 818
building 827 items by entry type, including 79
clearing 830 item selection criteria for creation 804, 806
selecting customer options 829 Japanese accounting 355
understanding 825 loading using EFT file 808
using 830 multiple, approving 821, 823
Draft Reports page 847 nondiscounted 334
drafts See Also draft processing overpayments 817
accounting dates 809 posting errors 844
accounting entries, cancelling 338 process flow, customer-initiated drafts 797
accounting entries, reviewing 844 process flow, EFT drafts 798
accounting entries, voiding 338 process flow, vendor-initiated drafts 796
accounting setup, reviewing 356 processing, understanding 795
amount of open drafts 1027 reference qualifiers, setting up 362
approving or rejecting 809, 818 remaining amounts 818
audit history 335 remittance, selecting for 830
automatic numbering, setting up 362 remittance details, changing 832
bank account setup 340 remittance to bank 825
bank fee entry 833 revenue estimate processing 918
bank fee setup 341 review of 846
bank statements, reconciling 843 settlement dates 802, 806
business events, creating new 343 setup overview 338
business events, reviewing 341 single draft, approving 814
business events, understanding 339, 342 Spanish accounting 354
cancelling 842 status 346
cancel remittance worksheet, selecting for 843 subevent setup 358
ChartField combination edit errors 844 transaction types 348
collateral, marking for 823 types, defining 348
collection, confirming 834 underpayments 817
collection methods, defining 360 unposting drafts 844
comments, entering 848 VAT processing 1003
customer-initiated, creating multiple 807 vendor-initiated, creating 804
customer-initiated, creating single 805 vendor-initiated process flow 796
customer-initiated, entering 807 vendor draft creation 802
customer-initiated drafts, defined 797 voiding 840
customers, assigning to draft groups 361 void worksheet, selecting for 841
customers, viewing information 1037 Drafts Needing Approval page 1022
customer selection criteria for creation 805 Drafts Set to Post page 886

1332 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Draft Statement page 847 dunning letters See Also correspondence

Draft Statement report 847, 1307 adding fields 190
draft status archiving data 1266
accepted 796, 798 changing layouts 188
collateral 823 creating letter layouts 190
complete 796, 798 creating or modifying queries 189
endorse 824 defining display currency 1155
identified 796 defining dunning IDs 186
pending acceptance 796, 797 defining dunning levels 187
remitted 796, 798 defining text 183
Draft Subevent System Function page 349, 358 deleting 1156
Draft Summary by Customer report 1307 deleting items 1156
Draft Transaction Type component delivering 1071
(DRAFT_TXN_TYPE) 348 determining item inclusion 183
Draft Transaction Type page 348 determining letter text 1154
Draft Type component (DRAFT_TYPE) 348 excluding collection items 186
Draft Type Copy page 349 excluding credit items 187
Draft Type Distribution Codes page 349, 357 excluding customers 187
Draft Type page 349, 350 excluding deductions 186
draft types excluding disputed items 186
assigning distribution codes 357 excluding small item balances 187
copying 356 extracting item data 1153
Draft Worksheet Application page 810, 814 generating 1144
draft worksheets identifying prerequisites 1150
creation 811 intervals 1146
customer selection criteria 812 levels 1146
interunit accounting entries 389 list of letters to print 1158
intraunit accounting entries 390 modifying 1156
item display controls 815 multicurrency processing 939
items, paying 814 printing 1157
items, selecting 811 reviewing 1145, 1156
item selection controls 815 reviewing items 1156
item selection criteria 813 reviewing letter list 1158
multicurrency processing 938 running AR Dunning process 1153
multiple currencies 816 setting up delivery methods 193
overview 809 setting up letter codes 185
removal of items from 814 setting up processing 183
rows, increasing 503 skipping credit balances 187
setting up write-off approval 144 understanding generation 1144
using write-off approval 676 understanding setup 183
Draft Worksheet Selection page 809, 811 Dunning Letters - All Levels report 188, 1157
Drill to Source page 1057, 1058 Dunning Letters multiprocess job 1153
DSO30 calculations 245 Dunning Letters page 1152, 1185
DSO90 calculations 245 Dunning Letters Parameters page 1152, 1153
DST_CODE_TABLE component 80 Dunning Level page 185, 187
due dates dunning levels
actions 1082 defining 187
changing for items 724 understanding 1146
defaults, setting up 120 dunning methods
draft processing 360 Dunning by Action List 184
pending item entry 525 Dunning by Days 184
Dun and Bradstreet reports Dunning by Level 184
obtaining online 1120 selection for a dunning ID 186
reviewing 1120 Dunning Preview Delete Item page 1152, 1156
Dunned Item History page 1153 Dunning Preview report 1158
Dunned Item Status page 1153 DUNS number 1030
Dunning Control report 1158 duplicate deposits 595, 633
Dunning Delivery Information page 1153
Dunning for All Levels multiprocess job 1145
Dunning ID page 185, 186
dunning IDs E
business unit default 26
defining 186 EC Business Doc Links page 608
Dunning Letter Control report 1309 EDI 820 604
Dunning Letter multiprocess job 1145 EDI files
Dunning Letter page 1156 loading 497
Dunning Letter Preview report 1309 PAYMENT_LOAD 497
Dunning Letter Print page 1152 EDI formats 604

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1333

EDI processing entity codes 164, 168

cash information 605 ENTRY_TYPE_TABLE1 component 70
EDI files, loading 608 ENTRY_USE_TABLE component 56
file load, confirming 610 entry events
overview 604 generating 370
payment process flow 607 overdue charges 91, 1165
payment staging tables 479 Entry Events Generator process
PeopleSoft business document 607 running with Receivable Update 384
prerequisites 607 understanding 370
remittance information 605 Entry Reason page 76, 79
third-party translator 607 entry reasons
unmatched remittances, deleting 612 Automatic Maintenance process 90
EFT_BANK_REASON component 135, 364 claimbacks 75
EFT Direct Debit Exception report 1311 defining 70, 79
EFT Direct Debit Inbound Exception report 878 overview 16, 74
EFT Draft Inbound Exception report 827, 835, 1307 Payment Predictor process 90
EFT File Cover Sheet 826 reporting 17
EFT File Cover Sheet page 834 split items 737
EFT file errors, correcting for new drafts 808 vendor rebate claims 75
EFT file layouts Entry Type/Entry Reason report 1299
direct debits 137 Entry Type component (ENTRY_TYPE_TABLE1)
direct debits, selection 850 70
electronic payments 137 Entry Type page 76
IPAC interface 139 entry types
EFT files accounting templates 18
cancelling 877 aging 17
cancelling for drafts 834 aging categories 79
cover sheet for direct debits 877 automatic entry types 88
cover sheet for drafts 834 customer history 250
direct debits 876 data conversion 405
direct debits, generating 875 defining 70, 76
drafts, bank confirmation receipt 364 direct debit profile 79
drafts, confirmation of receipt 834 draft worksheets 815
drafts, error correction 834 entering for pending items 524
drafts, exception report 835 inclusion of items from correspondence 79
drafts, generating 833 item activities 732
drafts, loading 798 item entry types 84
loading drafts 808 maintenance worksheets 762, 765, 768, 770
payment files, loading 631 overview 16
payments 630 Payment Predictor partial payments 72
reason codes for direct debits 135 payment worksheets 650, 652
setup for draft processing 360 Receivables Due From the Public report 165
EFT payments, process flow 630 reporting 17
EFT reason codes split items 737
direct debits, adding 136 EOP_PUBLISH process
direct debits, understanding 135 running 608
drafts, adding 364 understanding 497
drafts, understanding 364 error messages, Receivable Update 477
EFT Reason Codes component errors
(EFT_BANK_REASON) 135, 364 accounting entries 476
EFT Reason Codes page 135, 364 budget checking direct journals 588
electronic banking 600 ChartField combinations 884
Electronic Funds Transfer Accompanying Form deposits 571, 577
1314 draft accounting entries 340
electronic payment processing electronic deposits 633
EFT file layouts 137 error flags 894
overview 593 identifying 894
payment staging tables 479 pending items, correcting 556
prerequisites 596 posting, editing 894
reason codes 124 events See draft events, entry events
electronic payments, processing 593 exact matches, automatic maintenance methods 327
email address, contacts 193 exact payments 656, 817
email correspondence, setup 193 credit card 709
email notifications, actions 1089 Excel to Component Interface utility 413
email notifications for write-off approvals 149 Exception Details (lines) page 927
Endorse Draft page 825 exception items, splitting 736
endorsing drafts 824 exception processing
ENTITY_GRP component 164 See Also dispute processing, deduction

1334 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

processing Lockbox 484

management prerequisites 1075 Filter Action List page 1181
overview 1061 Filter Conversations page 1183
setup overview 195 Filter Items page 1183
exception reasons filters, adding 1194
overview 201 FIN2025 process 870, 875, 876
setting up 200 final VAT 964
exceptions finance charges See overdue charges
action owners 196 Financial Gateway
direct debits 853 direct debit cancellations 868
viewing for direct debits 866 direct debits, setup overview 849
exchange rates Payment Acknowledgement message
assigning to business units 945 (PAYMENT_RESPONSE) 871
currency conversion 934 Payment Request message
excise duty, India (PAYMENT_REQUEST) 871
accounting entries 1017 understanding direct debit processing 871
entering for items 546 Financials Audit Framework
setting up 1018 Receivables 151
understanding processing 1017 firm banking
viewing tax lines 549 kijitsu 799
expected bad debt 789 payments, receiving 630
Express Deposit component zengin 799
Action page 572, 576 follow-up
Payments page 572, 573 conversations 1115
Totals page 572, 573 Follow-Up Action page 1111
express deposits Follow-Up Letter - Parameters page 1160
defined 559 follow-up letters See Also correspondence
deleting 577 delivering 1071
entering control totals 573 delivery methods, setting up 193
entering payment information 573 generating 1158
posting actions 576 letter codes, setting up 191
status 576 modifying 191
understanding 571 prerequisites 1159
worksheet actions 577 printing 1161
external groups running Follow Up Letters Extract process
billing interface 510 1161
developing accounting entries 469 running Follow Up Letters multiprocess job
Order Management interface 510 1160
pending item component 516 setting up 191
preventing accounting distribution 469 understanding 1158
Purchasing interface 510 Follow Up Letter report 1159
Follow Up Letters Extract process 1072, 1159
Follow Up Letters multiprocess job 1159
Format EFT Files process
F direct debits, running for all 876
direct debits, running from worksheet 875
fax correspondence, setup 193 direct debits, understanding 870
fax numbers, correspondence 193 drafts, running 826
federal agencies, delinquent item status codes 171 IPAC files 1222
Federal Customer Statement report 1313 French accounting, drafts 352
Federal Customer Statements multiprocess job French VAT calculations 989
1254 FS_STREAMLN job 372
Federal Customer Statements report 1254 functions, web libraries 1293
federal features 1217 fund ChartField xlii
fields funds, receiving for drafts 825
PS_GROUP_CONTROL table 423 Future Actions page 1089, 1097
PS_PENDING_DST table 469
PS_PENDING_TAX table 461 G
PS_PENDING_VAT table 457
user-defined 546 gain or loss, realized See realized gain or loss
user defined 455 General 1 page - Receivables Options 23, 24
field values, updating multiple items 739 General 2 page - Receivables Options 23, 28
File Inbound page 608 General Information page 1186
file layouts General Ledger
EDI processsing 497 distribution 14
EFT, setting up 137 integration 3

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1335

receivables accounting, drilling down to 1057

general ledger business units 44 H
General Ledger Posting process 367
Generic Template Definition page 149 Highest Balance (HI_BAL_AMT) calculations 245
German accounting, drafts 353 historical trends, customers 1031
government agencies, billing 1222 history
grace days across customers 254
discounts 33 business unit defaults 24, 42
due dates 33 business units 1053
overdue charges 142 converting customer data 402
grids, increasing number of rows 502 subset of customers 254
GROUP_TYPE_TABLE component 111 tracking by entry type 18
Group Action page 520, 553 viewing for customer 1035
group actions history calculations
maintenance worksheet 771 during aging 247
payment worksheet 673 excluding entry types 79
pending item groups 553 selecting options to update 383
transfer worksheet 788 understanding 243
Group Control By Entry Date Point in Time report understanding setup 373
1315 History Chart page 1034, 1036
Group Control by Entry Date report 1300 history IDs
Group Control for Business Unit report 1300 DSO 249
group control information due family 247
entering 520 sales 249
reviewing 908 setup 248
Group Control page 517, 520, 905, 908 system-defined 248
Group Control table 423 updated by Receivable Update 243
Group Entry Tax Ds page 894 updating during aging 1123
Group Entry Tax page 519, 546 user-defined, setting up 249
group origin IDs, defining 115 user-defined on Customer History page 504
groups user-defined on Unit History page 504
customer 16 History page 1034, 1035, 1183
data conversion 412 history tables, archived data 1272
document types 114 HOLD_CD component 204
draft groups, assigning customers to 361 hold codes
external, preventing accounting distribution setting up 204
469 understanding 205
external groups, billing 510 Hold Codes component (HOLD_CD) 204
external groups, entering 516 Hold Codes page 205
external items, interfacing 421 holds, credit 1030
group types, defining 111 Hyperion Essbase 1286
journal templates 114
origin IDs, defining 115
overdue charges 512
pending items, entry overview 510 I
pending items, multiple currencies 521
pending items, posting 367 immediate posting 555, 674, 739, 772, 789
pending items, single currency 521 implementation planning, Receivables 11
posting 884 Import Bank Statement process 602
setting to post 885 Inbound Bank EFT File for Direct Debits page 878
transaction types 114 Inbound Bank EFT File for Drafts page 827, 834
unposting 903, 908 Inbound Bank EFT File page 827, 834
Groups Not Set To Post page 886 Inbound Bank File for Direct Debits page 874
Groups Set To Post page 886 Inbound File page 608
Group Status page 887 Incomplete Deposits page 565, 633, 685
Group Type component (GROUP_TYPE_TABLE) Incomplete Payments page 685
111 inheritance, ChartFields 396
Group Type page 113 inheritance groups 396
group types inheritance rules 396
defining 113 In Process Payments page 1022
requiring 111 inquiries, three-dimensional 1285
setting up 111 insufficient funds 675
understanding 111 integrations
group view, maintenance worksheets 767 other PeopleSoft applications 2
GWA Reporting Options page 169, 170 understanding Promotions Management 1066
Inter/IntraUnit process 374, 390
billing systems 510

1336 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

lockbox 484 Item Activities by Entry Type report 1312

Order Management 510 Item Activity Detail page 645, 699, 754, 782, 811
Purchasing 510 Item Activity From A Draft page 847, 1051
interunit accounting entries Item Activity From A Group page 1050
anchor business unit 750 Item Activity From a Match Group page 1051
anchor lines 398 Item Activity From A Match Group page 722, 733
document sequencing 956 Item Activity From a Payment page 1183
examples for maintenance groups 392 Item Activity From A Payment page
examples for payment groups 391 684, 1021, 1051
maintenance worksheets 761 Item Activity page 722, 731, 1035, 1038
processing 389 Item Activity Summary page 1050
setup 390 Item Archive Candidates page 1276
Intra-Governmental Payment and Collection Item Audit History page 723, 736
System (IPAC) See IPAC transactions item audit options
intra-governmental transactions 1222 defining 153
intraunit accounting entries selecting fields 154
anchor lines 398 Item Delinquency page 1251
examples for maintenance groups 394 Item Detail by Due Date report 1301
examples for payment groups 393 Item Detail report 1301
processing 389 Item Entry Type component
setup 390 Accounting Template page 85, 86
Invoice Reprint Overrides page 1163 Selection page 84, 85
invoices See Also items Item Entry Type component
converting from existing system 401 (ITEM_ENTRY_TABLE2) 84
converting open and closed 403 Item Entry Type report 1300
creating in Billing 1062 item entry types
related to items 728 converting data 405
reprinting 1162 defining 85
reprinting Grants invoices 1162 describing user-defined accounting entries 87
viewing in Billing 724 setting up 84
IPAC Description page 1225 item exclusions
IPAC file layout 139 credit card processing 130
IPAC interface See IPAC transactions direct debit processing 132
IPAC Interface Request page 1233 overdue charges 142
IPAC Miscellaneous Description page 1225 Item in Other Groups page
IPAC transactions 645, 699, 737, 755, 811, 860
business unit defaults 26 item list
creating EFT file 1233 detail 1 658
creating for items 1226 detail 2 660
describing transaction types 1222 detail 3 662
entering information 1226 detail 4 663
identifying prerequisites 1223 detail 5 664
setting up agency codes 169 detail 6 667
submitting 1222 Item List component 1042
understanding processing 1222 Item List page 1042
ITEM_ENTRY_TABLE2 component 84 item lists
item-level adjustments, Payment Predictor 265 entering search criteria 1043
Item Accounting Entries page 722, 734, 1050 entering search preferences 1046
item action lists 1087 saving search criteria 1046
Item Action page 1080, 1088 selecting items 1044
item activities understanding 1042
accounting entries 734 item maintenance
customer review 1038 understanding 719
entry reasons 732 updating values for individual items 719
entry types 732 updating values for multiple items 741
group IDs 732 item qualifier code 34
match group IDs 732 items 403, See Also pending items, 752
match groups 733 accounting entries, reviewing 550
review of 731, 1050 actions, assigning 1080
types 732 adjustments to 752
Item Activities by Activity Type - Point in Time aging 1123
report 1312 automatic maintenance 748
Item Activities by Activity Type/Origin - Point in automatic matching 317
Time report 1312 balance 723
Item Activities by Entry Type/Origin - Point in billing system, receiving from 419
Time report 1312 changes to information 719
Item Activities by Entry Type/Reason - Point in collection 726
Time report 1312 component interface conversion 413

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1337

consolidated invoices 546

conversations, linking to 1045 J
customer information 730
data conversion 403 Japanese accounting, drafts 355
date fields, converting 407 Job Definition page 180, 258, 303, 378
defined 509 Job Message Log Summary page 889
delinquent, referring to Debt Management Journal Generator process
Service 1217 running with Receivable Update 370, 384
details, reviewing 719 understanding 367
details on maintenance worksheets, adding 771 Journal Generator Request page 584
discount information 724 journals
disputed 726 assigning document sequence numbers 952
DMS, tracking changes for 1238 assigning template to group types 114
draft processing options 545, 725 creating lines for general ledger 884
dunning letters, generating 1045 reviewing source transactions 1057
entry, understanding 509 setting up drilldown 1058
exception items, splitting 736 journal templates
federal, assigning delinquency code 1251 business unit default 48
included in dunning levels 1146 group type default 114
India, entering taxes for 546 Revaluation process 945
interface with billing 510
interface with Order Management 510
interface with other systems 413
interface with Purchasing 510 K
invoices, reprinting 1162
IPAC transactions, creating 1226 key words, conversations 1116
line items, conversion 406 kijitsu
maintenance 719 EFT files 630
maintenance worksheets 751 firm banking 799
matching 745, 752
multicurrency processing 935
Open Item report, generating 1045
open items, converting 403
original amount 724
payment by credit card 690
payment method 725 Last Dunning Letter page 1153
payment terms 724 Last Statement page 1138
posted data, archiving 1265 ledgers, multibook processing 940
process flow for creation 509 LETTER_CD component 183
product information 730 letter charges, dunning letters 187
researching 1041 Letter Code component (LETTER_CD) 183
searches 1042 Letter Code page 185, 191
shipping information 730 letter codes
splitting 736 defining for dunning 185
summarized activity, viewing 1045 setting up for follow up letters 191
taking action on 1093 Letter Content page 1153, 1186
transferring to another business unit 780 Letter Delivery page 1089, 1096
transferring to another customer 780 Letter Editing page 1152
transferring to Doubtful Receivables account letter of credit IDs 729
789 Letter Preview page 1152, 1156
updating multiple 739, 741 letters See dunning letters, follow-up letters
user-defined fields, updating 546 Level 1 Dunning Letter report
writing off 745, 752 188, 1045, 1157, 1308
writing off automatically 317 Level 2 Dunning Letter report
item selection criteria 188, 1045, 1157, 1308, 1309
credit card worksheets 701 Level 3 Dunning Letter report
draft worksheets 813 188, 1045, 1158, 1309
maintenance worksheets 757 Line Exceptions page - Direct Journal Exceptions
payment worksheets 646 927
transfer worksheets 784 Line Exceptions page - Revenue Estimate 927
Items in Other Groups page 782 Load AR Pending Items process 510
Items NOT open on ITEM table page 644, 698 Load Cash Drawer Receipts process 612
Item Split page 737 Load EFT Payments page 631, 803
Items tab 1203 lockbox deposits
Items tab, understanding 1178 control information, viewing 600
item types 70 Lockbox process, running 599
Item VAT Entries page 722, 733 process flow 598
receipt of 597

1338 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

record layouts 484 match groups

Lockbox page 599 automatic maintenance, created by 326
Lockbox process 598 Automatic Maintenance process 748
Lockbox Run Information page 599, 600 balancing 767
Look Up Field page 157 item activity review 733
items, moving 770
maintenance worksheets 752, 753, 767
matching criteria
M automatic maintenance methods 323
maintenance worksheets 759
Maintain Personalizations - Personalization matching items
Search page 156 automatic maintenance 317
maintenance instructions 319
See account maintenance, item maintenance Member Commission page 198
maintenance, automatic 317 Member Data page 198
maintenance groups MEMO_STATUS_CODE component 171
accounting entries, reviewing 773 memo status
anchor lines 399 changing for an item 1240
ChartField combination edit errors 773 checking for an item 1240
created by automatic maintenance 318 memo status changes
interunit accounting entries 392 prerequisites 1239
intraunit accounting entries 394 understanding 1238
posting errors 773 Memo Status Changes page 1239, 1240, 1241
maintenance methods Memo Status Changes report 1239, 1241, 1310
See automatic maintenance methods memo status codes 171, 1240
maintenance worksheets Memo Status Codes component
accounting entry creation 772 (MEMO_STATUS_CODE) 171
automatic maintenance 326 Memo Status Codes page 172
creation 755 merchandising types, promotions 672, 729, 821
customer selection criteria 756 Merkur Group software 193, 1072
deletion 771 MESSAGE_TBL component 204
document sequencing 955 message codes, overview 205
for automatic matches 318 message logs
group view 767 archiving data 1269
individual items, offsetting 761 viewing 889
interunit accounting entries 389 Messages component (MESSAGE_TBL) 204
intraunit accounting entries 390 Messages page 205
item details, adding 769 METHOD_REVIEW component 292
item details, updating 771 Method Detail page 320, 322
item display controls 763 methods
item removal 758 defining for Automatic Maintenance process
item selection controls, group view 768 318
item selection controls, normal view 761 defining for Payment Predictor 292
item selection criteria 757 reviewing example for Automatic
item selection filters 758 Maintenance process 326
match groups, offsetting items 767 reviewing example for Payment Predictor
matching criteria, specifying 759 298
multicurrency processing 936 understanding for Payment Predictor 263
normal view 761 Method Summary page 320
overview 752 MICR ID
process flow 752 payment worksheets 647
remaining amount, writing off 766 unmatched 642
setting up write-off approval 144 Miscellaneous Payment Line Drill Down page
use 752 927
using write-off approval 676 Misc Payment Exceptions page 927, 932
views 752 Missing Trader Intra-Community (MTIC) fund
worksheet actions 771 fraud 964
write-off tolerances 26, 91, 746 Monitor Approvals page 682
mass change option monitoring customer accounts 1076
overview 739 Move Item page 754
Mass Change page 741, 742 Multi-item Update page 741
Mass Change process multibook processing 940
overview 739 multicurrency processing
running 742 accounting entries 940
updating Billing Header table 740 Aging process 939
updating Customer Options table 740 Automatic Maintenance process 936
match group IDs 318, 732 conversion 934
match group numbers 767 distribution code, rounding 83

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1339

draft worksheets 938 VAT adjustment calculations 989

dunning letters 939 VAT calculations 969
exchange rate 934 online PeopleSoft library xxxviii
item entry 935 open item accounts 552
items, overview 935 Open Item Draft Statement report 1307
maintenance worksheets 936 open item keys 552
overdue charges 939 open items, converting from existing systems 403
overview 933 Open Item Statement report 1306
Payment Predictor process 937 open item statements
payments 936 defining 1136
payment worksheets 937 setting up 176
realized gain and loss 935 open periods 46, 114
revaluation 945 operating unit ChartField xliii
setup 944 Options page - Group Unpost 906, 908
statements 939 Options page - Request Receivables Update 382
transfer worksheets 936 Order Management
unrealized gain and loss 934 credit checking 252
multiple currencies integration 4
data conversion 413 interface 510
payment worksheets 643 sales orders, viewing 729
pending item groups 521 order numbers, items 729
multiple ledgers 940 orders, deposits 1026
Multiple Revenue Line Distribution page organization, business structure 13
668, 755, 771, 810, 819 ORIGIN_TABLE1 component 111
multiple revenue lines Origin component (ORIGIN_TABLE1) 111
distribution 668, 771, 819 origin IDs, defining 115
maintenance worksheets 766 Origin page 113, 115
multiprocess jobs, viewing message logs 889 origin types 115
Out of Balance Customers page 1052
Outstanding Customer Items page 1033
Outstanding Customer Payments page 1035
N overdue charge IDs
business unit default 26
net terms 123 overview 139
netting See Also bilateral netting Overdue Charge Invoice 1166
making items available 727 Overdue Charge Invoice report 1311
netting deposits 561 Overdue Charge Parameters page 1169
new debits or credits Overdue Charge Print page 1168
workflow 1099 Overdue Charge Print report 1166
new debits or credits workflow 1296 overdue charges
non-tax debt portfolio 1242 by item lines 140
nondiscounted drafts 334 cancellation options 144
normal view, maintenance worksheets 761 charge groups 512
Notification Run Control page 1100 charge IDs, understanding 139
notifications collection items, excluding 143
item closings 1099 credit items, excluding 143
new payment worksheets 1099 data archiving 1266
numbering, automatic drafts 362 days between charges 141
deductions, excluding 143
disputed items, excluding 143
document sequencing 953
O dunning letters, creating for 1145
entry events 91, 1165
offsets, items 752 exclusions, defining 142
offsetting items for dunning letter items 187
automatic maintenance 317 grace days 142
maintenance worksheets 752 minimum item charge 143
OLAP multicurrency processing 939
analyzing cube data 1289 one time charge 141
building cubes 1287 overdue charge IDs, defining 140
defining the cube 1286 overview 1165
planning 1286 payment application 90
preparing trees and queries 1286 Payment Predictor process 288
understanding 1285 pending items, updating 516
using 1285 posting 1167
on-account items, notification 1100 preparation for posting 517
on-account payments prerequisites 1165
French VAT calculations 989 prior charges 141

1340 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

processing overview 1166 Payment 2 page 893

process parameters 1168 Payment 3 page 893
rate types 141 Payment Acknowledgement message
rules, defining 139 (PAYMENT_RESPONSE) 871
overdue charges groups payment amounts, payment worksheets 659
posting 1167 payment application
reviewing 1167 automatic 638
Overdue Charges multiprocess job 1166 options 637
Overdue Charges page 1167, 1168 overview 637
Overdue Charges process 1166 payment worksheets 650
Overdue Charging - Setup 1 page 140 prerequisites 637
Overdue Charging - Setup 2 page 140, 142 Payment Archive Candidates page 1276
Overdue Charging component Payment Archive Candidates report 1313
(OVRDUE_CHG_TABLE2) 139 Payment Cancellation message
overpayments (PAYMENT_CANCEL) 868
drafts 817 payment dates, drafts 831
Payment Predictor process 296 Payment Detail - Point in Time report 1302
payment worksheet 657 Payment Detail report 1302
revenue estimate processing 916 Payment Dispatch process (PMT_DISPATCH)
Override Options page 873, 1225 871
OVRDUE_CHG_TABLE2 component 139 payment groups
Owner Action List page 1088 anchor lines 399
owner action lists 1086 interunit accounting entries 391
Owner Action Status report intraunit accounting entries 393
description 1314 Payment History page 1022
overview 1083 payment IDs, associated with item 733
running 1084 payment interface options 51
owners See action owners Payment Interface page 604, 608, 610
Payment Loader process
business unit defaults 51
EDI processing 610
P EFT payment, loading 631
error correction 632
parallel processing lockbox deposits 600
adding processes for Aging 259 overview 593
adding processes for Payment Predictor 305 spreadsheet payment, loading 627
adding processes for Receivable Update 379 staging tables 479
adding processes for statements 182 payment methods
message logs 889 assigning to items 545
setting up for Aging 255 business unit default 32
setting up for Payment Predictor 301 changing for items 725
setting up for statements 178 Payment page - Receivables Options 23, 32
understanding for Aging 255 Payment Predictor
understanding for Payment Predictor 301 item-level adjustments 265
understanding for Receivable Update 374 reference values 265
understanding for statements 178 Payment Predictor Detail page 641
partial matches, automatic maintenance methods Payment Predictor Detail report 641, 1303, 1316
328 Payment Predictor Detail Summary report 1303
partial payments Payment Predictor Method by Customer report
business unit default 33 1300
credit card worksheets 709 payment predictor methods
entry types and reasons 72 business unit default 33
Payment Predictor process 72, 282, 291 defining 294
payment worksheets 657 example 298
partitions overview 263, 268
defining for Aging 259 prerequisite setup 294
defining for Payment Predictor 304 setup 292
defining for Receivable Update 379 steps 295
defining for statements 181 understanding 292
PAY_TERMS_AR component 119 Payment Predictor Methods by SetID report 1300
PAY_TERMS_TIME component 119 Payment Predictor multiprocess job
Payables See Also Payment Predictor process
bilateral netting 5 maximum concurrent processes 304
refunds 775 maximum instances 304
refund vouchers 777 viewing message log 889
payables business unit, refunds 50 Payment Predictor on account flag
PAYMENT_LOAD EDI file, 497 workflow 1100, 1296
Payment 1 page 893 Payment Predictor page 640

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1341

Payment Predictor process EDI 604

algorithm groups, adding 281 electronic, checking errors 632
algorithm groups, defining 267 electronic payment processing 593
algorithm groups, samples 270 exact 656
algorithm groups, understanding 263 express deposits 571
algorithm groups, viewing 277 express deposits, applying on 573
algorithms, deactivating 281 inquiring on 684
customer references 268 insufficient funds 675
deductions 282 journaling directly 582
deductions, excluding 296 loading EFT files 630
defining methods 263, 292 lockbox deposits 597
discounts 283 overdue charges, applying to 90
disputed items, excluding 296 overpayments 657
document sequencing 954 overview 559
entry reason default 90 partial 657
interunit accounting entries 389 payment entry methods 559
intraunit accounting entries 390 Payment Predictor, selecting for 306
item detail references 268 prerequisites 563
item summary references 268 reconciling with bank statements 590
multicurrency processing 264, 937 regular deposits 563
oldest first processing 291 remaining amounts 658
overdue charges 288 remittance advice, receiving 604
overpayments 296 returned 675
overview 261, 638 reversals 675
parallel processing setup 301 selecting application method 574
partial payments 282, 291 split stream processing 605
payment selection 306 spreadsheet, correct errors 629
payment status 641 spreadsheet, correct reference errors 629
prepayments 292 spreadsheet, data worksheet 626, 627
prerequisites 639 spreadsheet, receiving and editing 614
process definitions, adding 306 spreadsheet, template worksheet 624
process flow 262 status 562
reference-based algorithms 291 uncollectible 675
results, reviewing 641 underpayments 657
running 638 unposting 675
sample payment predictor method 298 unreconciled, loading 602
sections 311 user IDs 596
setup 261 Payments page - Express Deposit 572, 573
source of payments 262 Payments page - Regular Deposit 564, 566, 584
special conditions 290 Payments Set to Post page 886
SQL statements 311 Payments tab, understanding 1177
temporary tables 308 payment status, Payment Predictor process 641
tolerances 37 Payment Status page 684
underpayments 296 Payment Summary - Point in Time report 1302
worksheet generation 297 Payment Summary report 1302
Payment Predictor Summary report 642, 1316 payment terms
Payment Request message basis amount 122
(PAYMENT_REQUEST) 871 basis date 122
payments business unit default 33
application method, selecting 568 day increment 121
application of 637 definition 121
archiving 1264 discount terms 123
automatic application 261 due date 121
bank statement reconciliation 590, 600 due day 121
bilateral netting 561 end of month 121
cash control, reviewing 578 explanation 120
cash drawer receipts 612 items, updating for 724
control customer, applying to 297 month increment 121
conversion from existing system 404 net terms 123
counter sales 612 pending item entry 525
credit card 687, 690 setup 119
credit card profiles 129 timing IDs 121
data conversion 403 Payment Terms component (PAY_TERMS_AR)
direct journal, selecting for 584 119
direct journals for customer 1038 Payment Terms page 120, 121
discounted amounts 660 Payment Terms Timing component
discounts with Payment Predictor 283 (PAY_TERMS_TIME1) 119
document sequencing 953 Payment Terms Timing page 120, 121

1342 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

payment worksheets posting actions 555

accounting entries, creating 674 status 557
creation 643, 645, 649 understanding entry 509
customer selection criteria 647 understanding posting 367
deletion 673 VAT accounting entries 513
document sequencing 953 VAT control amounts 526
express deposits 577 VAT defaults 533
interunit accounting entries 389 VAT header information 529
intraunit accounting entries 390 VAT lines 536
item display controls 653 VAT locations 531
item reference criteria 646 VAT physical nature 531
item references, entering 649 VAT registration information 533
item selection 645 VAT treatments 534
item selection controls 651 viewing summarized VAT information 526
item selection criteria 647 Pending Item Status page 557
modification 643 Pending Item table 431
multicurrency processing 937 PeopleSoft Application Messaging 497
multiple currencies 643, 654 PeopleSoft Customer Connection website 3
overview 643 PeopleSoft Enterprise Billing See Billing
payment application 650 PeopleSoft Enterprise Cube Manager 1285, 1286
Payment Predictor generation 297 PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Gateway
payment reversal 675 dispatch status 882
payments, applying 642 PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger
posting actions 674 See General Ledger
quick item entry 649 PeopleSoft Enterprise Integration Broker 607
removal of items 649 PeopleSoft Enterprise Order Management
rows, understanding limits 503 See Order Management
setting up write-off approval 144 PeopleSoft Enterprise Payables Payables
using write-off approval 676 PeopleSoft Enterprise Project Costing
worksheet actions 673 Project Costing
PENDING_ITEM table 419 PeopleSoft Enterprise Promotions Management
PENDING_VAT table 419 See Promotions Management
Pending Archive Candidates page 1276 PeopleSoft Enterprise Purchasing Purchasing
Pending Group Generator multiprocess job 369 PeopleSoft Enterprise Real Estate Management,
Pending Group Generator process integration 5
adding process definitions 380 PeopleSoft Enterprise Tree Manager 20
modifying run parameters 388 PeopleSoft Receivables
understanding 373 chartfield combination editing 116
Pending Item 1 page 517, 523, 893 ChartField Security components 12
Pending Item 2 page 518, 543, 893 permissions lists
Pending Item 3 page 519, 545, 893 brokers 240
Pending Item Archive Candidates report 1313 customers 240
Pending Item by Entry Date report 1300 sales people 241
Pending Item by Entry Date Report 1315 Personal Data (Edit) page 197
pending item entry Personalize Content 157
ChartField Combo Error tab 553 personalize content, Collections Workbench
pending item groups, anchor lines 399 all users, by role, by user ID 161
pending items Personalize Content page 1181, 1188
accounting entries, creating online 550 personalize customer details 1191
accounting entry creation 512 personalize customer details section 163
archiving 1263 personalize tabs 1192
balancing groups 554 physical nature, VAT 531
components 516 posted items,archiving 1265
control totals 522 posting
defined 509 ChartField combination edit errors 884
details, review 556 document sequencing 955
entered 515 errors, correcting 894
entry prerequisites 514 immediate option 371
errors, correcting 525, 556 immediate processing, setting up 371
group actions, choosing 553 overdue charges 141
group control information, entering 520 overview 367, 883
group control information, reviewing 908 process flow 884
loading from billing 510 results, reviewing 890
loading from Order Management 510 posting actions
loading from Purchasing 510 credit card worksheets 712
online entry, understanding 512 express deposits 576
origin ID 522 maintenance worksheet 772
overdue charges 512 payment worksheets 674

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1343

pending item groups 555 DMS Referral process (AR_DMSREFRRL)

split items 739 1218
transfer worksheets 789 Dunning (AR_DUNNING) 183, 1144
Posting multiprocess job 369 Follow Up Letters Extract (AR_FOLLOWUP)
posting options 1159
Batch Priority 371 Format EFT Files (FIN2025) 870, 875, 876
Batch Standard 371 Import Bank Statement (BSP_IMPORT) 602
Do Not Post 371 in general 1
Post Now 371 Lockbox (AR25001) 598
Post Now to GL 371 Mass Change (AR_MASSCHG) 739
Posting process Overdue Charges (AR_OVRDUE) 1166
adding process definitions 380 Payment Loader (AR_PAY_LOAD) 610
modifying run controls 384 Payment Loader (AR_PAYLOAD) 593
posting status Payment Predictor (ARPREDCT) 261, 638
checking 885 Pending Group Generator (AR_PGG_SERV)
pending items 522 373
post now 555, 674, 739, 772, 789 Receivables Refund (AR_REFUND) 774
Post SGL Comments page 1225 Receivable Update (ARUPDATE) 367, 381
Potential Matches report 749, 751, 1301 Revaluation (AR_REVAL) 945
Potential Matches Report page 750, 751 Revenue Estimate (AR_REV_EST) 915
PP_METHODS component 292 Statements (AR_STMTS) 1135, 1138
Predictor Detail Options page - Receivables Statements Print (ARSTPRT) 1142
Options 24, 36 Workflow Notification (AR_WORKFLOW)
Predictor Method by Customer report 1314 1100
Predictor Method component (PP_METHODS) 292 Write-Offs By ChartField process
Predictor Method page 294 (AR_WOBYCF) 1241
Predictor Method Review - Review page 294 Process Receipts page 1220, 1221
Predictor Method Review component 292 Process Reset page 640, 889, 890
prenote process scheduling, suggested order 1074
direct debit 854 Produce 1099C multiprocess job 1254
processing 857 product ChartField xliii
reporting 859 product information 730
setup 854 Profile by Corporate Tree page 1035
Preparer page 1251 Profile page 132
prepayments Profile page - Account Overview 1022
Payment Predictor process 292 Profile page - Direct Debit Profile 131
revenue estimate processing 917 profiles, direct debits 131
Print Letter - Parameters page 1157 program ChartField xliii
priority jobs, setting parameters for posting 385 project ChartField xliv
Process Definition page 181, 258, 304, 378 Project Costing
process definitions ChartFields 513
adding for Aging 260 integration 4, 513
adding for Payment Predictor 306 promise
adding for Pending Group Generator 380 broken, reviewing 1116
adding for Posting process 380 reviewing 1110
adding for statements 183 PROMISE_DT_OPTIONS 232
processes promise date conversations
Aging (AR_AGING) 1123, 1125 inquring 1117
AR_DD_BNK process 872 reviewing, modifying 1116
AR_DRAFT_EFT 799, 808 Promise Date Inquiry 1207
AR_FED_STMTS 1255 Promise Date Inquiry page 1112, 1185
AR Rebate Notification process promise date options
(AR_REBATE) 910 setting up 232
Automatic Maintenance (AR_AUTOMNT) understanding 232
317, 748 Promise Date Options page 232, 1181
Bank Reconciliation (FSPRECON) 602 Promise Date Review Needed page 1112
Cash Control (AR_CSH_CNTL) 578, 582 promises
Condition Monitor (AR_CNDMON) 1076 supervisor review 1116
Create Direct Debits (AR_DIRDEBIT) promises, managing 1205
853, 860 promissory notes 349
Create Drafts (AR_DRAFTS) 802, 804 promotion activities, viewing 729
Create EFT through FG System process promotion codes
(AR_AR_FG_PROC) 870, 875, 876 assigning to deductions 672, 729, 821
Credit Card Processor (ARCRCARD) 712 assigning to split items 738
DMS Adjustment process (AR_DMSADJST) entering on credit memos 1066
1218 promotions
DMS Process Receipts process assigning to deductions 672, 821
(AR_DMSRECEIP) 1218 creating in Promotions Management 1062

1344 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

understanding Promotions Management 1066 unpost 128

viewing promotion activity 1067 Reason Maintenance page 743
Promotions Management reasons
integrating with Receivables 1066 deduction See deduction reasons
integration 4 disputes dispute reasons
viewing promotional activities 729 drafts, dishonored 839
PS_ACTTAX_DTL table 368 Reassign Action page 1084, 1181
PS_DRAFT_ACTIVITY table 335 REC_TYPE_GR component 164
PS_GROUP_CONTROL table 367, 419, 423 receipts, federal debt referrals 1221
PS_ITEM_ACT_VAT table 368 Receivable Activity report 1302
PS_ITEM_ACTIVITY 732 Receivable IPAC Transactions page 1225, 1226
PS_ITEM_ACTIVITY table 368, 404, 732 Receivable Process Reset page 640
PS_ITEM_ACTTAX table 368 Receivable Refund process 778
PS_ITEM_DST 368 receivables See items
PS_ITEM table 368, 404 Receivables
PS_MESSAGE_LOG table 1269 describing business processes 1
PS_PAYMENT_ID_ITEM table 282 implementing 11
PS_PENDING_DST table 367, 412, 419, 469 integrating with other PeopleSoft
PS_PENDING_ITEM table 367, 431 applications 2
PS_PENDING_TAX_DTL table 461 setting up 6
PS_PENDING_TAX_DTL tables 368 Receivables 1099-C Crystal report process 1253
PS_PENDING_TAX table 368, 461 Receivables 1099-c page 1254
PS_PENDING_VAT table 368, 457 Receivables 1099 - C page 1254
PS_PP_CUST_TAO table 310 Receivables 1099-C SQR process 1253
PS_PP_ITEM_TAO table 269, 310 receivables accounts, draft distribution codes 339
PS_PP_MATCH_TAO table 267, 311 Receivables Activity page 1053, 1056
PS_PP_OC_SEQ_TAO 311 Receivables Activity report 1053
PS_PP_PYMNT_TAO table 309 Receivables Adjustments process 514
PS_PP_STEP_TAO table 310 Receivables Definition component
PS/Import utility 419 Accounting Options 1 page 43, 45
PSAdmin 181, 258, 304, 378 Accounting Options 2 page 43, 48
purchase order numbers 729 Bank/Payment Options page 43, 50
Purchasing Business Unit Definition page 22, 43, 44
integration 4 Receivables Definition component
interface 510 (BUS_UNIT_TBL_AR) 42
Receivables Due from the Public report
business unit defaults 34
customer types 167
Q debt details, entering 1252
delinquency codes, assigning 1251
queries, creating for dunning letters 189 disposition information, entering 1252
Quick Customer Create 690 generation 1242
overview 165, 1242
preparer information, entering 1251, 1252
prerequisites 1250
R report ID 1314
report lines 1243
rate types report parameters, entering 1251
assigning to business units 945 setup 164
overdue charges 141 Receivables Options component
secondary ledgers 941 Currency Display Options page 24, 40
realized gain or loss Customer Trend Options page 24, 42
defined 935 General 1 page 23, 24
distribution codes, business unit default 47 General 2 page 23, 28
distribution code setup 82 Payment Options page 23, 32
Payment Predictor processing 264 Predictor Detail Options page 24, 36
revenue estimate processing 919 VAT Defaults page 23, 35
understanding processing 938 Receivables Options component
reason codes (BUS_UNIT_OPT_AR1) 23
adjustments 124 Receivable Specialist page 197
bank files 135 Receivables Rebate Notification page 911
direct debits, defining 135 Receivables Revaluation 949
EFT files 135 Receivables Revaluation page 949, 950
electronic payments, adjustments 125 Receivables Revenue Estimate Line Drill Down
Italy, RID 136 page 927
Italy RIBA 365 receivables specialists See AR specialists
system function ID 125 receivable type codes 164, 168
understanding 124 Receivable Type component (REC_TYPE_GRP)

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1345

164 setting up for drafts 362

Receivable Type page 168 understanding 125
Receivable Update multiprocess job reference reasons 742
maximum concurrent processes 378 references
maximum instances 378 credit card worksheets 701
message logs 889 defining qualifiers 125
overview 369 fields PS_PENDING_ITEM 407
prerequisites 888 maintenance worksheets 757
running 887 Payment Predictor processing 265, 268
Receivable Update process payment worksheets 646
additional processes, running 384 transfer worksheets 784
customer history calculations 243 Refine Inquiry Criteria page 926
errors, identifying after Receivable Update 894 Refund process 774
filtering groups processed 386 refunds
overview 367 accounting entries 775
parallel processing, setting up 374 creation 777
posting options 370 distribution code defaults 50
priority jobs 371 overview 774
results, reviewing 890 Payables, updating 778
run controls, setting up 381 payables business unit 50
run control setup, understanding 382 posting 777
scheduling options 370 prerequisites 776
setup 367 process overview 774
standard jobs 371 voucher details, reviewing 732
Receivable Update Request page 382, 383, 777, 889 worksheets, creating on 762
Receive Bank EFT File page 874, 877 Refunds page 777, 778
reclassify Refund Status page 777
accounting entries 1233 Register Transactions page 147
direct journal accounting 1233 Regular Deposit Balancing component 571
open items 1233 Regular Deposit component
recognized revenue Payments page 564, 566
control budgets 94 Totals page 564, 565
defined 913 regular deposits
reconciliation defining 559
drafts and bank statements 337, 843 deleting 571
payments and bank statements 600 entering 563
record group IDs, lockbox 485 entering control totals 565
record layouts entering payment information 566
Batch record 489 reimbursable agreements 1255
check information 490 Remittance/Discount Forms page 827
invoice information 494 Remittance/Discount Forms report 827
Lockbox 487 remittance advices 876
lockbox, understanding 484 Remittance Delete - Customer page 612
Lockbox Batch 489 Remittance Delete - Item page 612
Lockbox header 486 Remittance Details page 826, 832
Payment Detail 2 490 remittance information, qualifiers 125
Payment Detail 3 490 remittance methods, direct debits 849, 870
Payment Detail 4 491 remittances
Payment Detail 5 492 draft bank accounts, defining 360
Payment Detail 6 493 drafts, cancellation 338
Payment Detail 7 494 drafts, cover sheets 834
Payment Detail 8 495 drafts, EFT files 833
Payment Detail 9 496 EDI payments 605
Service 487 EFT files, cancelling 834
records See tables unmatched customer, deleting 612
reference qualifier codes unmatched item, deleting 612
business unit default 34 remittance worksheets
credit card worksheets 702 See draft remittance worksheets
draft worksheets 813 remitted draft receivables account 340
maintenance worksheets 758 Reporting Entity Code component (ENTITY_GRP)
payment worksheets 648 164
transfer worksheets 784 Reporting Entity Code page 168
Reference Qualifier component reporting entity codes 164
(AR_FLD_REF_TBL) 125 Reporting Entity page 168
Reference Qualifier page 126 Report on Receivables - Preparer page 1251
Reference Qualifier page - Drafts 363 reports
reference qualifiers 1099-C form 1253, 1302
setting up 125 Accounting Entries 1311

1346 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Accounting Entries - Point in Time 1311 Item Activities by Entry Type/Origin - Point
Accounting Entries - Summary by in Time 1312
Accounting Date 1311 Item Activities by Entry Type/Reason - Point
Actual Matches 1301 in Time 1312
aging 1128 Item Detail 1301
Aging by Chartfield 1130, 1305 Item Detail by Due Date 1301
Aging Detail by Business Unit 1304 Item Entry Type 1300
Aging Detail by Tree 1130, 1303 Level 1 Dunning Letter
Aging Detail by Unit 1129 188, 1045, 1157, 1308
Aging Summary by Business Unit 1305 Level 2 Dunning Letter
Aging Summary by Reason 1131 188, 1045, 1157, 1308, 1309
Aging Summary by Tree 1130, 1304 Level 3 Dunning Letter
Aging Summary by Unit 1130 188, 1045, 1158, 1309
All Levels Dunning Letter 1308 list of 1299
AR/AP Balance by Customer 1310 Memo Status Changes 1310
AR/AP Balances by SetID 1310 Open Item Draft Statement 1307
AR 11002 Pending Items 1300 Open Item Statement 1306
AR Action List Archive Candidates Overdue Charge Invoice 1166, 1311
1276, 1313 Owner Action Status 1314
archive candidate reports 1275 Payment Archive Candidates 1313
AR Customer Item Inquiry 1045, 1310 Payment Detail 1302
AR Direct Debit Archive Candidates Payment Detail, Point in Time 1302
1276, 1313 Payment Predictor Detail 641, 1303, 1316
AR Item Archive Candidates 1276 Payment Predictor Detail Summary 1303
AR Payment Archive Candidates 1276 Payment Predictor Method by Customer
AR Pending Item Archive Candidates 1276 1300
AR Statement Archive Candidates Payment Predictor Methods by SetID 1300
1276, 1313 Payment Predictor Summary 642, 1316
Auto Entry Type 1299 Payment Summary 1302
Balance Forward Statement 1306, 1307 Payment Summary - Point in Time 1302
Business Unit Contacts 1306 Pending Item Archive Candidates 1313
Cash Forecast 1305 Pending Item by Entry Date 1300
Closed Item Archive Candidates 1313 Pending Item By Entry Date 1315
Condition Status by Owner and Customer Potential Matches 1301
1314 Predictor Method by Customer 1314
Contacts by SetID 1306 Receivable Activity 1302
Customer Follow Up Letter 1309 Receivables Due from the Public 1242, 1314
Customers by SetID 1306 Remittance/Discount Forms 827
Customers by Unit 1306 Request Form for Drafts 1307
Deposit Control 1301 Summary Aged Report by Reason Code
Deposit Summary 1301 1305
Dishonor Activity 836 System Function 1299
Dishonored Drafts 1307 Unit Activity 1312
draft aging 847 Unmatched MICR Identifiers
Draft Document 803, 1307 642, 1303, 1316
Drafts 1307 Unrealized Gains by Doubtful Items from
Draft Statement 847, 1307 Revaluation Process 1310
Dunning Control 1158 VAT 964
Dunning Letter Control 1309 Reprint Invoice multiprocess job 1162
Dunning Letter Preview 1309 reprint invoices
Dunning Letters - All Levels 188, 1157 output destination 1164
Dunning Preview 1158 overview 1162
EFT Direct Debit Exception 1311 printing 1163
EFT Draft Inbound Exception 827, 1307 reprinting Grants invoices 1162
EFT File Cover Sheet 826 selecting items 1163
Electronic Funds Transfer Accompanying sort parameters 1164
Form 1314 Request Form for Drafts report 1307
Entry Type/Entry Reason 1299 Request page - Application Engine 388
Federal Customer Statement 1313 research
Follow Up Letter 1159 deductions 1063
Group Control by Entry Date 1300 disputed items 1068
Group Control By Entry Date Point in Time items 1041
1315 resolutions
Group Control for Business Unit 1300 deductions 1063
Item Activities by Activity Type 1312 disputed items 1068
Item Activities by Activity Type/Origin - restoring archived data 1276
Point in Time 1312 revaluation
Item Activities by Entry Type 1312 business unit default 35

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1347

marking items 727 risk scoring rules

marking pending items 525 understanding 234
Revaluation process roles
accounting entries, reviewing 950 brokers 240
default journal templates 945 customers 240
distribution lines, holding 949 sales people 241
overview 945 self-service web components 239
prerequisites 948 rolling back archived data 1272
running 949 rounding
Revenue Estimate by Activity page 926, 927 VAT calculations 534
Revenue Estimate Correction page 926, 928 VAT processing 963
Revenue Estimate Exceptions page 926, 931 rounding account 48, 83
Revenue Estimate page 926, 930 row limits 502
Revenue Estimate process rules
prerequisites 920 assessment 221
rerunning 930 collection 221
running with Receivable Update 370 RUN_AR_RISK 1109
understanding 915 Run AR30007 page 1131
revenue estimate processing Run AR70005 page 1276
Billing items 918 Run AR70006 page 1276
budget checking exceptions, viewing 931
Budget Processor process 931
Contracts items 918
correcting entries 928 S
direct journal payments 919
drafts 918 sales, last year's 1027
multiple revenue lines 919 sales order numbers 729
overpayments 916 sales people
prepayments 917 employee ID 198, 241
prerequisites 920 permission lists 241
process flow 921 roles 241
realized gains and losses 919 sales support teams 198, 241
rerunning process 930 setup 196, 198
reviewing entries 927 setup for self-service web 241
status 925 user profiles 241
system functions 94 sales person
underpayments 916 assigning to items 727
unpost groups 919 assigning to pending items 544
VAT 919 updating for multiple items 740
viewing revenue line exceptions 931 sales tax, India
write-offs 918 accounting entries 1017
Revenue Estimate Review page 925, 927 process 1017
revenue estimates setup 1018
automatic entry types 94 tax lines 549
system functions 70 sales tax/VAT, India
understanding 913 item entry 546
revenue lines sales year to date 1027
control budgets, generation 915 schedules
control budgets, multiple 919 monitoring, account 223
control budgets, setup 94 setting up 223
reversals, payments 675 Schedules page 223
Reverse Charge VAT 964 scroll areas, increasing rows 502
Review Statements page 1185 search preferences, items 1046
RIBA files 365 secondary ledgers, determining the rate type 941
RID files 136 security
Risk Range Details page 235 self-service web components 239
risk score understanding 12
definitions 1101 Selection page - Automatic Entry Type 88, 89
generating 1100 Selection page - Item Entry Type 84, 85
Risk Score Details page 1181 Select Referral Items page 1219, 1220
risk scoring self-service web components
deriving elements 1103 overview 238
Risk Scoring Process, RUN_AR_RISK 1109 roles 239
risk scoring rule search pages 240
defining 235 security 239
entering range values 237 setup 238
setting up 234 sender disbursing office 26, 1227
Risk Scoring Rule page 235 Server Definition page 180, 257, 303, 378

1348 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

servers data, archiving 1266

configuring for Aging 258 deductions, excluding 176
configuring for Payment Predictor 304 delivery method setup 193
configuring for Receivable Update 378 delivery of 1071
configuring for statement processing 181 disputed items, excluding 176
settlement dates Draft Customer Statement Print (AR32002)
customer-initiated drafts 806 1143
draft processing 802 federal customers 1254
draft setup 360 fields, adding 177
setup components generation process 1134
Collections Workbench 155 language, selecting 1139
Setup Process Definition component 148 multicurrency processing 939
SF220_9 Report Types page 518 open item, described 1136
SF220–9 Report 1242 open item setup 176
SF220–9 Report Types page 1250 prerequisites 1136
shipping carrier 730 printing 1142
shipping information 730 printing all statement types 1143
source transactions running 1138
See Also See also commitment control setup 175
transactions small item balances, excluding 177
correcting for control budgets 928 Statements-Parallel/Prnt multiprocess job
reviewing for control budgets 927 (STATEMNT) 1135
viewing budget checking exceptions 931 statements, bank 600
source type ChartField xliv Statements multiprocess job
Spanish accounting, drafts 354 maximum concurrent processes 181
SpeedTypes 552 maximum instances 181
split stream processing Statements page 1138
matching 611 Statements Parameters page 1138
overview 605 Statements Print multiprocess job (ARSTPRT)
unmatched remittances, deleting 612 1135
splitting items 736 Statements process
spreadsheet payments correspondence actions 1072
correct errors 629 parallel processing setup 178
correct reference errors 629 process definitions, adding 183
data worksheet 626, 627 understanding 1135
receiving and editing 614 status
review errors 627 direct debits 852, 853
template worksheet 624 draft processing 346
SQL, clearing transaction tables 1282 payments 562, 641
SQL statements, Payment Predictor 311 pending items, posting 522
Staffing Information page 1184 revenue estimate processing 925
staging tables steps
deposits 608 automatic maintenance methods 321, 322
EFT payments, loading 631 payment predictor methods 295
standard general ledger account, IPAC 1230 Sub-Events page 344, 347
STATEMENT_TABLE component 175 subcategory ChartField xliv
Statement Archive Candidates page 1276 SUBCUST1 component 254
Statement component (STATEMENT_TABLE) SUBCUST2 component 254
175 SubCustomer Qualifier 1 component
Statement Delivery Information page 1138 (SUBCUST1) 254
statement IDs SubCustomer Qualifier 1 page 255
business unit default 26 SubCustomer Qualifier 2 component
defining 176 (SUBCUST2) 254
understanding 175 SubCustomer Qualifier 2 page 255
Statement page 176 subcustomer qualifiers
Statement Print page 1138, 1142 setting up 254
statements See Also correspondence understanding 254
balance forward 1136, 1143 subevents
balance forward, rerunning 1140 assigning system function for drafts 358
balance forward setup 176 reviewing for drafts 341
Balance Forward Statement Print (AR32001) Sub Events component (DR_SUB_EVENT) 341
1143 Summary Aged Report by Reason Code report
collection items, excluding 176 1131, 1305
credit balances, skipping 177 Supervisor Review Needed page 1112
credit items, excluding 176 supervisors, notification of actions 1083
currency, selecting 1141 supplemental accounting entries
customers, excluding 177 generation of 370
Customer Statement Print (AR32000) 1142 overdue charges 91

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1349

support personnel PS_ITEM_ACTIVITY 368, 404

setting up 196 PS_ITEM_ACTTAX 368
updating for multiple items 740 PS_ITEM_DST 368
Support Team Members page 198 PS_MESSAGE_LOG 1269
support teams, sales people 198, 241 PS_PAYMENT_ID_ITEM 282
SYSTEM_HIST_TABLE component 248 PS_PENDING_DST 412, 419, 469
System Defined History component PS_PENDING_ITEM 367
System Defined History page 248 PS_PENDING_TAX 368, 461
system function ID, adjustment reason codes 125 PS_PENDING_TAX_DTL 368, 461
System Function report 1299 PS_PENDING_VAT 368, 457
system functions setting up for Receivables 6
accounting entries 69 updated by Receivable Update 368
attributes, selecting 65 TableSets
commitment control 70 business unit structure 21
draft events, assigning to 351 customer structure 15
overview 56 tabs
parameters 56 personalize 1192
revenue estimate processing 94 tabs, Collections Workbench
setup 56 setting up 158
VAT processing 68 Tax Detail page 519, 549, 894
System Functions 1 page 65 taxes, India
System Functions 2 page 65, 69 entering for items 546
System Functions component entering tax lines 549
(ENTRY_USE_TABLE) 56 understanding processing 1017
system transaction definitions Team Member Types page 198
Receivables Direct Journal (ARDJ) 390 templates, archiving 1271
Receivables Item (ARIT) 390 temporary tables
Receivables Transfer (ARTR) 390 Payment Predictor processing 308
PS_PP_ITEM_TAO 269, 310
PS_PP_MATCH_TAO 267, 311
tables 732 PS_PP_STEP_TAO 310
AR_PAYMENT_EC 630 timing IDs 121
archive history 1272 Totals page - Express Deposit 572, 573
archiving data 1260 Totals page - Regular Deposit 564, 565
clearing transactions 1277 transactions
DR_STAGE_EFT 799 archiving 1259
interfacing data 420 netting 561
payment application tables 596 transaction tables
payment staging tables 479 clearing implementation data 1277
PENDING_ITEM 419 clearing using SQL 1282
PENDING_VAT 419 transaction types 16, 70
PS_ACTTAX_DTL 368 Transfer Action page 782, 788
PS_CUST_ADDR_SEQ 417 transfer groups
PS_CUST_ADDRESS 417 accounting entries, reviewing 792
PS_CUST_BILLTO 417 ChartField combination edit errors 792
PS_CUST_CNTCT_CARD 417 posting errors 792
PS_CUST_CNTCT_DOC 417 transfer groups, anchor lines 399
PS_CUST_CNTCT_PHN 417 transfer worksheets
PS_CUST_CNTCT_SEQ 417 building for business unit transfers 783
PS_CUST_CNTCT_TYPE 417 building for customer transfers 783
PS_CUST_CONTACT 417 building for doubtful receivables transfers 791
PS_CUST_CREDIT 417 clearing 784
PS_CUST_CRSPD 417 creating accounting entries 789
PS_CUST_OPTION 417 customer selection criteria 783
PS_CUST_REGN_TYPE 417 deleting 788
PS_CUST_SHIPTO 417 document sequencing 955
PS_CUST_SHIPTO_OPT 417 increasing rows 503
PS_CUST_SOLDTO_OPT 417 interunit accounting entries 389
PS_CUST_VAT_REG 417 intraunit accounting entries 390
PS_CUSTOMER 417 item selection criteria 784
PS_DRAFT_ACTIVITY 335 modifying item information 787
PS_GROUP_CONTROL 367, 419, 423 multicurrency processing 936
PS_ITEM 368, 404 prerequisites 779
PS_ITEM_ACT_VAT 368 selecting actions 788

1350 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

selecting doubtful receivable account 791 User Defined History component

selecting items 784, 791 (CUST_HIST_TABLE) 248
selecting the to business unit 784 user fields See user-defined fields
selecting the to customer 784 user IDs, payments 596
Treasury offset memo status code 1240 User List Definition page 146
User Profile component 147
user profiles
brokers 240
U customers 240
sales people 241
U.S. Department of Treasury 1217
Unapplied Payment page 1022
uncollectible payments 675
underpayments V
credit card worksheets 709
draft worksheets 817 value added tax processing See VAT
Payment Predictor process 296 VAT See Also VAT processing
payment worksheets 657 accounting entries 513, 961
revenue estimate processing 916 business unit defaults 35
Unit Activity page 1052, 1053 calculate at gross or net 534
Unit Activity page, changing activity types 503 claimbacks 75
Unit Activity report 1312 declaration point 513
Unit Activity report, changing activity types 503 declaration points 534
Unit Aging Chart page 1052 discountable amount 122
Unit Aging page 1052 domestic reverse charge 964
Unit Cash page 1052 entering control amounts 526
Unit Draft page 1052 lines, updating 536
Unit History page 504 lines, viewing 536
Unmatched MICR Identifiers page 642 pending items, header information 529
Unmatched MICR Identifiers report physical nature 36, 531
642, 1303, 1316 recalculate at payment 534
UNPOST_RSN_TABLE component 128 reports 964
Unpost Action page 909 revenue estimate processing 919
UnPost Group Query page 905 rounding amounts 963
unpost groups rounding rule 534
document sequencing 955 services treatment 36
revenue estimate processing 919 transaction processing 963
unposting treatment drivers 36
actions 909 treatment for pending items 534
by ChartField values 906 type 36
drafts 844 vendor rebate claims 75
groups 906 viewing information for items 733
options 908 VAT Defaults page - Receivables Options 23, 35
overview 903 VAT Detail page 645, 699, 810, 893
prerequisites 905 VAT Distribution Type page 65, 68
Unpost Query page 906 VAT Header page 518, 529, 645, 699, 810, 893
unpost reason codes VAT lines, validation process 962
displaying for group 732 VAT Lines page 518, 536
setting up 128 VAT processing See Also VAT
understanding 128 advance payment calculations 969
Unpost Reason component Billing integration 965
(UNPOST_RSN_TABLE) 128 calculation types 966
Unpost Reason page 129 credit balances 1012
unrealized gain or loss credit item refunds 1012
accounting entries, generating 940 credit offsets 1011
distribution codes 47, 83 declaration points 966
process overview 934 defaults 960
Unrealized Gains by Doubtful Items from direct debits 1003
Revaluation Process report 1310 discounts 1004
unreconciled payments 602, 603, 604 drafts 1003
user-defined fields French adv pymt calculations 989
changing 409 French on-account pymts 989
describing item tables 408 in Receivables 959
implementing Pending Item table 455 loading VAT transaction tables 964
setting up 172 on-account payments 969
updating for items 546, 731 prerequisites 1016
User-Defined History page 248, 249 system functions 68
User Defined Condition page 210, 214 understanding 959

Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1351

validation 962 prerequisite setup 1100

VAT adjustment calculations 989 running 1100
write-offs 1004 workflow notifications 1099
VAT registration, pending items 533 worklists
VAT Reverse Charges assigning to action owners 1079
business unit setup 36 updating 1079
pending items, VAT line info 540 working with actions 1089
pending items, VAT summary info 528 write-off approval 676
understanding 540, 964 WORKSHEET_REASON component 127
View/Update Item Details component 734 Worksheet1 page - Transfer Worksheet
VAT Summary Information page 518, 526 781, 784, 791
VAT Transaction Loader process 964 Worksheet2 page - Transfer Worksheet
VAT transaction table, loading 964 782, 787, 791
vendor-initiated drafts 334 Worksheet Action page - Credit Card Worksheet
Vendor Drafts page 803, 804 700, 711
vendor rebate claims Worksheet Action page - Maintenance Worksheet
entry reasons 75 755, 771
entry types 72 Worksheet Action page - Payment Worksheet
group types 111 645, 673
notification of payment 910 worksheet actions
Purchasing interface 510 credit card worksheets 711
View/Update Conversations - Attachments page maintenance worksheets 771
1111 payment worksheets 673
View/Update Conversations - Conversations page transfer worksheets 788
1111 Worksheet Application Detail View page - Credit
View/Update Conversations - References page Card Worksheet 699, 709
1111 Worksheet Application Detail View page -
View Accounting Entries page 349, 356 Maintenance Worksheet 754, 771
Void Draft Application page 841 Worksheet Application Detail View page - Payment
Void Draft Selection page 841 Worksheet 644, 670
void draft worksheets Worksheet Application page - Credit Card
building 841 Worksheet 698, 702
draft selection criteria 841 Worksheet Application page - Maintenance
overview 840 Worksheet 753, 761, 777
selecting items 841 Worksheet Application page - Payment Worksheet
voiding drafts 840 644, 650
Voucher Batch process 775 Worksheet Detail page 859, 864
vouchers, amount owned 1026 Worksheet Group View page 754, 767
Vouchers for a Vendor page 1022 Worksheet Matches page 753
Worksheet page - Direct Debit Worksheet
859, 862, 873
Worksheet page - Update Direct Debits 875
W Worksheet Reason component
web libraries 1293 Worksheet Reason page 128
Weighted Average Days Late (WTAVGDAYS) worksheet reasons
calculations 245 reviewing for items 732
Weighted Average Days Paid calculations 246 setting up 127
weighted average number of days late 1025 understanding 128
Weighted Average Terms (WTAVGTERMS) worksheets
calculations 246 cancel draft 842
workflow credit card 697
action notification 1078, 1079, 1083, 1295 direct debits 853
approval transaction registry 147 dishonor draft 835
Configure Transactions page 148 draft 809
email notifications 149 draft approval 821
new debits or credits 1099, 1296 draft remittance 825
Payment Predictor on account flag 1100, 1296 maintenance 751
Receivables Options-Payment Options page match groups 752
149 payment 642
setting up 144 rows, increasing 503
Setup Process Definition component 148 transfer 780
User List Definition page 146 void draft 840
User Profile component 147 Worksheet Selection - Transfer Selection 781
using for write-off amounts 676 Worksheet Selection page - Credit Card Worksheet
Workflow Notification process 698, 700
(AR_WORKFLOW) Worksheet Selection page - Maintenance
overview 1100 Worksheet 753, 755, 777

1352 Copyright © 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Worksheet Selection page - Payment Worksheet

644, 645
Worksheet Selection page - Transfer Worksheet
783, 791
write-off days 92
activating approval framework 33
age 746
amount 746
approval framework setup 144
automatic maintenance methods 329
by ChartField values 1241
days 746
draft processing 347
entry types 319
items 752
maintenance worksheets 762, 765, 768, 770
revenue estimate processing 918
User List Definition page 146
using approval 676
VAT calculations 1004
Write-Offs By ChartField process
understanding 1241
write-off tolerances
business unit defaults 26
customers 747
entry reason defaults 91
overview for maintenance 746
write off
approval workflow 819
Writeoff Approver Stage page 676
Write Off by ChartField process
running 1241
Write Offs By ChartField page 1241

year to date balance 1027

zengin, data record formats 799

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