October 2024
Changes to the way you access BP Online
We are updating the way you access your organisation’s multi-user licence to the British
Pharmacopoeia (BP). This ensures you and your colleagues have personalised accounts to enjoy
features like favourites and news updates.
Table of Contents
How this affects you.......................................................................................................................... 2
What you need to do......................................................................................................................... 3
I access via shared username/password or IP address and don’t have a
personal account.......................................................................................................................... 3
Check your eligibility steps........................................................................................................... 3
I access via shared username/password or IP address and have a personal account
associated with my email.................................................................................................................. 4
I already have a personal account.................................................................................................... 4
I already have a personal account linked to my organisation........................................................... 4
I access via OpenAthens................................................................................................................... 4
What else you need to know ............................................................................................................ 5
You need to keep your email verified........................................................................................... 5
You can uncouple your account from your organisation ............................................................. 5
Convert to personal user steps ................................................................................................... 5
Additional guidance.......................................................................................................................... 6
Identifying if you have a personal account .................................................................................. 6
Access through VPNs .................................................................................................................. 6
IP address .................................................................................................................................... 6
Access through your organisation’s or University’s intranet will stop ......................................... 6
Access to the BP Forum and DRT will continue .......................................................................... 6
You may not use shared mailbox emails to register .................................................................... 6
You may no longer share accounts ............................................................................................. 6
What you need to do
Your required action depends on your organisation’s chosen access method and whether you
already have a personal account.
To confirm if your organisation has
activated self-registration, enter
the details requested and select
‘check now’
successful you will be asked
to provide further details. Once
complete select ‘Register’
Now go to your email inbox and
select ‘Confirm your email using
this link’
What else you need to know
You need to keep your email verified
To ensure you’re still affiliated with your organisation, every six months, on login to the website, a
message will be displayed asking you to re-verify your email.
This will not apply to users accessing via OpenAthens.
Complete the provided registration
form. Once complete select
You will be logged out of your
account and will need to log back
in for the changes to apply
Additional guidance
Identifying if you have a personal account
If you purchase a single user licence or register a claim token each year then you have a personal
account, also known as a single-user account.
Alternatively, when you created your account, you linked to your organisation using a
subscription ID.
IP address
If you previously visited the website and were automatically logged-in, then your organisation had
IP access enabled.