From Women in the Job Market
From Women in the Job Market
From Women in the Job Market
According to a report in this newspaper from Lucknow, hundreds of women — who otherwise play the
role of saviours as communication officers for Uttar Pradesh’s Dial 112 emergency helpline — are
protesting in distress. Simply put, their grievance is two-fold. One, they assert that Rs 11,400 for a
month’s work (that’s Rs 380 per day) where a regular day involves handling at least 600 emergency
calls (ranging from road accidents to crimes against women to harassment) is not adequate
remuneration. What makes it worse is the fact that their salary hasn’t increased while the world
around them has gone through upheavals, including a global pandemic and historic inflation. The
second complaint of the communication workers is about the lack of job security since they are
employed by a private firm, and not by the government. On the face of it, this is just one local protest.
However, seen in the broader context of India’s employment data, this protest underlines a sobering
reality, especially for women in India’s labour force.
When the official employment data for India was released last month, there were four key takeaways.
One, that most of the headline indices continued to improve. These included improving the labour
force participation rate (implying more people were demanding jobs), falling unemployment rate
(implying the ratio of those who looked for a job and failed to get one is falling) and rising workforce-
population ratio (implying that overall the ratio of employed people and the total population was
rising). Two, that most of these positive changes were happening due to women entering the
workforce. Three, that most of the new jobs were of very poor quality — self-employment — where
monthly incomes are much lower than regular wages. Four, all types of incomes — be it for regular
wages, casual labour or self-employment — had remained largely stagnant over the past six years.
Simply put, women were entering the job market driven by economic woes.
The distress call from the women workers in Lucknow provides a real-life example of the macro data.
The workers claim that instead of listening to their complaints, the police lathicharged their protest
march and booked them for rioting. The solutions, however, lie far away from the police’s domain.
What is required is broad-based economic growth: An economy that creates so many new and well-
paying jobs that young women enter the workforce out of choice, not distress. [Practice Exercise]
1. Distress (noun) – Agony, suffering, pain, 12. Underline (verb) – Emphasize, highlight,
hardship, anguish underscore, stress, accentuate
2. Saviour (noun) – Rescuer, protector, 13. Sobering (adjective) – Serious, solemn, grave,
deliverer, defender, guardian somber, thought-provoking
3. Simply put (phrase) – In simple terms, plainly, 14. Takeaway (noun) – Conclusion, message,
straightforwardly, clearly, basically implication, point, moral
9. Upheaval (noun) – Turmoil, disruption, 20. Drive (verb) – Propel, push, motivate,
disturbance, chaos, commotion थल- थल prompt, urge
10. Inflation (noun) – Price rise, increase in 21. Woes (noun) – Troubles, problems,
prices, cost escalation, economic inflation, difficulties, distress, miseries
22. Riot (verb) – Revolt, protest, uprising,
11. On the face of it (phrase) – Apparently, disturbance, rebellion
seemingly, ostensibly, superficially, at first
glance 23. Domain (noun) – Field, area, sphere, realm,
C. Excited
D. Hopeful
12. Select the most appropriate synonym for the underlined word in the given sentence.
The guest was heckled by the spectators.
A. Calmed
B. Aided
C. Taunted
D. Helped
13. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given group of words.
The vehicle which carries dead bodies
A. Coffin
B. Hearse
C. Ambulance
D. Corpse
14. Select the most appropriate option that can substitute the underlined words in the given
The principal posted all the staff rules in black and white.
A. on chart
B. on board
C. in writing
D. in coloured print
15. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
A. Oppose
B. Stay
C. Bear
D. Stand
16. Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom.
The new electric car costs an arm and a leg.
A. Needs physical strength to drive
B. Is very expensive
C. Is very cheap
D. Has no gears
17. Select the most appropriate option that can substitute the underlined segment in the given
She can draw very well and just as creative.
A. as creativer
B. as creatively
C. creative than
D. Creative
18. Select the most appropriate idiom for the following statement.
It's better to get less than what you want than get nothing.
A. Half a loaf is better than none.
B. Waste not, want not.
C. Where there is smoke, there is fire.
D. A storm in a teacup
19. Select the option that expresses the following sentence in superlative degree of comparison.
It looks like our bad fears are coming true.
A. No change required
B. The worse fears are coming back it seems so.
C. It looks like our worst fears are coming true.
D. The fears with bad thoughts come back.
20. Parts of a sentence are given below in jumbled order. Select the option that arranges the
parts in the correct order to form a meaningful sentence.
A. Written in unadorned Sanskrit prose
B. One of the world’s earliest books
C. Devoted to statecraft,
D. The Arthashastra is
A. D, B, C, A
B. C, D, A, B
C. B, C, A, D
D. D, A, B, C
In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and
select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank.
A couple of minutes later, a woman comes running towards the desk. As soon as she sees the
little girl, she shouts and _______1________ up to her. She lifts the girl into her arms and holds
her very tight. Then she separates herself from her daughter and looks at her
__________2________ while she says, “I am here, Andrea. Everything is okay. I love you,
honey.” Then she turns and _____3______ the man. “Thank you so much, sir,” she says. “We
got separated in the crowd earlier. My daughter is deaf, so I could not make an
_______4_______ over the speakers for her. I was looking for her everywhere. I was so
worried!”. Now the man understands why the little girl did not look at him until he
____5______ her shoulder.
21. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 1.
A. chase
B. runs
C. stares
D. Blinks
22. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 2.
A. ears
B. nails
C. face
D. Skin
23. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 3.
A. opts
B. discreet
C. greets
D. Rejects
24. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 4.
A. claim
B. announcement
C. notification
D. Assertion
25. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 5.
A. felt
B. touched
C. contacted
D. cracked
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5.C 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. A 11.C 12.C
13. B 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.A 21.B 22.C 23.C 24.B
25. B
1. B) They assert that a monthly salary of Rs 11,400, which equates to Rs 380 per day for
handling at least 600 emergency calls, is not adequate remuneration.
The passage clearly states that the women communication officers are distressed over their
inadequate remuneration. They are receiving Rs 11,400 per month, which is Rs 380 per day, for
handling at least 600 emergency calls daily. This forms the crux of their grievance and is
accurately reflected in option B.
2. A) Their primary concern is the lack of job security, as they are employed by a private firm
and not by the government.
The passage highlights the communication officers' concern about the lack of job security. They
are employed by a private firm, not by the government, which makes their job security
3. C) The tone of the passage is critical and concerned. It highlights the challenges and distress
faced by women in the Indian workforce, particularly those in low-paying and insecure jobs.
This tone is evident in the description of the women's grievances, the stagnant wages amidst
rising living costs, and the call for broad-based economic growth to create better job
opportunities. Options A and D are incorrect as the passage does not express optimism or
enthusiasm about the current employment situation. Option B is also incorrect because the
passage does not maintain a neutral stance; it clearly conveys concern and criticism.
4. C) The main theme of the passage is the struggle of women in the Indian labor force. It focuses
on the inadequate remuneration and lack of job security faced by women, especially those
working in the Dial 112 emergency helpline in Uttar Pradesh. The passage uses this specific
example to highlight broader issues in India's labor market, such as low-quality jobs and
stagnant incomes, particularly affecting women. Option A is incorrect as it focuses only on a
specific aspect of the passage rather than its overall theme. Option B is incorrect because the
passage does not primarily focus on police action.
5. C) The passage indicates that the improvement in employment data is largely because of
women entering the workforce, and most of these new jobs are self-employment roles, which
typically offer lower monthly incomes than regular wages. This reflects the overall quality and
nature of the jobs being created. Options A and B are incorrect as the passage states that most
new jobs are of poor quality and incomes have remained largely stagnant. Option D is not
supported by the passage, as it doesn't mention government interventions as the sole reason
for improved employment rates.
6. B) The passage suggests that the solution to the employment issues, especially concerning
women, is broad-based economic growth that creates many new and well-paying jobs. This
would enable young women to enter the workforce out of choice, not distress. Option A is
incorrect because the passage critiques the quality of current self-employment opportunities.
Option C is incorrect as it misinterprets the role of the police mentioned in the passage, which
is unrelated to the nature of economic growth needed. Option D is incorrect as the passage
calls for a change in the quality of jobs being created, not merely sustaining the current trends
7. C) Turmoil
In the passage, the term 'upheavals'(उथर-ऩुथर) is used to describe the significant and
disruptive changes that have occurred, including a global pandemic and historic inflation.
8. A) Uplifting
In the passage, 'sobering reality' refers to a reality that is stark and somewhat disheartening.
The antonym of 'sobering' in this context is 'uplifting,' which implies something that is
encouraging or heartening, the opposite of what is conveyed by 'sobering.'
9. B) 'compliment' औय 'complements' का प्रमोग होगा क्मोंकक ऩूये सॊदबभ भें , ऩहरे रयक्त स्थर ऩय
ककसी की तायीप का अभबप्राम है औय दस
ू ये रयक्त स्थर ऩय ककसी चीज को औय अधधक अकषभक
फनाने वारी चीज का सॊदबभ है । "Kindly accept my ________ on your new haircut" भें तायीप की
फात हो यही है , जफकक "It ________ your personality" भें फार कटवाने से व्मक्क्तत्व भें सुधाय
होने का सॊदबभ है । इसभरए, 'compliment' औय 'complements' सफसे उऩमुक्त ववकल्ऩ होगा।
'compliment' and 'complements' should be used because in the entire context, the first
blank implies praising something while the second blank refers to something enhancing
another thing. "Kindly accept my ________ on your new haircut" is about praising,
whereas "It ________ your personality" refers to how the haircut has enhanced the
personality. Thus, 'compliment' and 'complements' would be the most appropriate
10. A) D, B, C, A
Loki was represented as the companion of the great gods Odin and Thor, helping them with his
clever plans but sometimes causing embarrassment and difficulty for them and himself
11. C) Calm (adjective) – Not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions;
tranquil, composed, cool. शाॊत
Antonym: Excited (adjective) – Very enthusiastic and eager; thrilled, stimulated, aroused.
Hyped (adjective) – Excessively publicized; made to seem more important than it
actually is. अत्यधिक प्रचाररत
as creatively' will be used instead of 'just as creative' because to modify the verb 'draw',
we use 'creatively' as an adverb.
18. A) Half a loaf is better than none (idiom) – It's better to get less than what you want than get
nothing. कुछ न होने से थोडा होना फेहतय है
o Waste not, want not (phrase) – If you don't waste things, you won't find yourself in
o Where there is smoke, there is fire (phrase) – If there is a sign or hint of something,
then it is probably true or exists.
o A storm in a teacup (phrase) –A lot of unnecessary anger and worry about a matter that
is not important. छोटी सी फात ऩय फडा शोय।
19. C) वाक्म को superlative degree of comparison भें व्मक्त कयने के भरए 'worst' शब्द का प्रमोग
ककमा जाएगा, जैसे कक 'bad' की तीन क्स्थततमाॉ होती हैं: bad, worse, worst। इसभरए, उऩमक्
ु त
ववकल्ऩ है : It looks like our worst fears are coming true.
To express the sentence in the superlative degree of comparison, the word 'worst' will
be used as 'bad' has three degrees: bad, worse, worst. Hence, the correct option is: It
looks like our worst fears are coming true.
20. A) D, B, C, A
The Arthashastra is One of the world’s earliest books Devoted to statecraft, Written in
unadorned Sanskrit prose
21. B) 'Runs' का प्रमोग होगा क्मोंकक passage भें फतामा गमा है कक भहहरा दौडती हुई डेस्क की ओय
आती है औय कपय वह छोटी रडकी को दे िकय उसकी ओय दौडती है । 'Chase' का अथभ होता है
ऩीछा कयना, 'Stares' का अथभ होता है घूयना, औय 'Blinks' का अथभ है ऩरक झऩकना, जो इस सॊदबभ
भें सही नहीॊ है ।
Runs' should be used because the passage mentions the woman comes running towards
the desk and then, upon seeing the little girl, she rushes towards her. 'Chase' implies
pursuing, 'Stares' means to look fixedly, and 'Blinks' means to shut and open the eyes
quickly, which don't fit in this context.
22. C) 'Face' का प्रमोग होगा क्मोंकक भाॊ अऩनी फेटी को अऩने साभने ध्मान से दे ि यही थी। 'Ears'
का अथभ होता है कान, 'Nails' का अथभ है नािन
ू , औय 'Skin' का अथभ है त्वचा, जो इस सॊदबभ भें
सही नहीॊ है ।
'Face' should be used because the mother was intently looking at her daughter in front
of her. Whereas, 'Ears' refer to the auditory organs, 'Nails' refer to the keratinous tips of
fingers and toes, and 'Skin' refers to the outer covering of the body, which don't fit in
this context.
23. C) 'Greets' का प्रमोग होगा क्मोंकक "greets" का अथभ होता है ककसी को नभस्काय कयना मा
भभरना। जफकक 'Opts' का अथभ है चन
ु ना, 'Discreet' का अथभ है सतकभ मा सॊववधातनक, औय
'Rejects' का अथभ है अस्वीकाय कयना, जो इस सॊदबभ भें सही नहीॊ है ।
'Greets' should be used because it means to say hello or acknowledge someone.
Whereas, 'Opts' means to choose, 'Discreet' means being careful or judicious, and
'Rejects' means to refuse or decline, which don't fit in this context.
24. B) 'Announcement' का प्रमोग होगा क्मोंकक "announcement" का अथभ होता है जनता को सूचना
दे ना ववशेष रूऩ से स्ऩीकसभ के भाध्मभ से। जफकक 'Claim' का अथभ है दावा कयना, 'Notification'
का अथभ है सच
ू ना मा सूचना ऩत्र, औय 'Assertion' का अथभ है स्ऩष्टीकयण मा क्स्थयता से कहना,
जो इस सॊदबभ भें सही नहीॊ है ।
'Announcement' should be used because it means to inform the public, especially
through speakers. Whereas, 'Claim' means to state or assert, 'Notification' implies a
notice or informing, and 'Assertion' means stating or declaring firmly, which don't fit in
this context.
25. B) Touched' का प्रमोग होगा क्मोंकक "touched" का अथभ होता है ककसी को स्ऩशभ कयना। जफकक
'Felt' का अथभ है भहसूस कयना, 'Contacted' का अथभ है सॊऩकभ कयना, औय 'Cracked' का अथभ है
पटना मा टूटना, जो इस सॊदबभ भें सही नहीॊ है ।
'Touched' should be used because it means to make physical contact with someone.
Whereas, 'Felt' means to sense, 'Contacted' means to communicate, and 'Cracked'
implies to break, which don't fit in this context.