A. Engage
a. Prayer
Everybody, please stand for the prayer. Let us bow our heads, close our eyes and let us
Christy, will you please lead our prayer. pray.
Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s
commits me here, ever this day, be at my side, to light love commits me here, ever this day, be at my
and guard, Rule and guide. Amen. side, to light and guard, Rule and guide. Amen.
b. Greetings
c. Energizer
So, I have prepared here a video and all you have to Yes teacher.
do is to follow the steps. Is that clear class?
Do you feel energize now, class? Yes teacher.
Before taking your seats, kindly pick up the pieces of (Pupils do as told)
trash under your chair and arrange your chairs
properly in a count of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. You may now take
your seat.
d. Checking of Attendance
e. Classroom Rules
f. Review
What are those effects of soil erosion on the living Effects on plants, effect on animals, and effects on
things? humans.
Column A Column B
(Pupils do as told)
g. Motivation
h. Presentation
Major Organs of the Human Body: Parts and
Now class, I want you to put your right hand to your Function
upper left chest.
Activity No. 1: Working Heart
Observe how the heart works before and during the
given activities.
Stopwatch, pen, and paper
What to do:
1. Prepare the table below before you start your
2. Look for your pulse by using your index and
middle fingers and press them slightly on your wrist.
3. Count the pulses while in seated position for one
minute. Record your data. This will be your resting
4. Do the the 2 minute jog in place. Count the pulses
for 1 minute after the activity. Record the data in the
table. This will be your working rate. Get the
difference of working rate to resting pulse rate.
5. The assign leader of the group will gather the data
and record on the table.
Yes teacher!
(Pupils do as told)
Guide questions:
1. Compare your heart rate while resting, with your
heart rate after exercise. What did you observe?
i. Discussion
Now class, let us know how the heart and lungs work
together. First, let’s learn the parts and functions of the
Functions of Lungs
Lungs ake oxygen available to your body and
remove other gases, such as carbon dioxide, from
your body. This process takes place 12 to 20
times per minute.
After absorbing oxygen, the blood leaves your
lungs and is carried to your heart. From there, it’s
pumped through your body to provide oxygen to
the cells of your tissues and organs.
When cells use oxygen, they produce carbon
dioxide and transfer it to your blood. Your
bloodstream carries the carbon dioxide back to
your lungs. When you exhale, you remove the
carbon dioxide.
Your respiratory system prevents harmful
substances from entering your lungs by using:
(Pupils do as told)
(Pupils do as told)
Very Good!
In taking care of our heart and lungs we must eat
healthy foods and avoid eating junkfoods and drinking
alcoholic drinks.
(Pupils do as told)
Is that clear class?
l. Application
balloons,rubber bands, clay, empty plastic bottle,
pair of scissors, hose connector or drinking straw
1. Push the plastic tube into one opening of the hose
connector. Use the clay to make an air tight seal.
Tightly fix a balloon onto each of the other openings
with the rubber bands, making sure the seal is
Guide questions:
1. What happen to the ribs when you inhale and
2. What goes into your body when you inhale? What
gets out of your body when you exhale?
3. Explain how air moves into and out of the body.
4. What is the main functions of the lungs.
Neatness- 10 points
Creativity- 20 points
Teamwork- 10 points
Time measurement- 10 points
Total: 50 points
Directions: Write True if the statement is correct and False if otherwise. Write your answer on the blank
before the number.
___1. Your heart rate is faster when you are at rest.
___2. The lungs are the main organs for breathing.
___3.You take in carbon dioxide and take out oxygen.
___4. The heart and lungs support each other to allow distribution of nutrients and oxygen to all parts and
the removal of carbon dioxide as a waste products in the body.
___5. The ribs move up when you exhale and move downward when you inhale.
Directions: List down at least 5 ways on how to take care of your heart and lungs. Write your answer on
your science notebook.
Pre-service Teacher