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Maloro, Tangub City



Subject Matter: Weather Disturbances
Grade Level: Grade 5 Time Allotment: 50 minutes
Teacher/s: Cherry Mae Beniero
Content The learners demonstrate understanding of weather disturbances and their effects on the
Standard: environment.
The learners should be able to prepares an individual emergency kit.
Observe the changes in the weather before, during, and after a typhoon. S5FE-IVd-4
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
a. Infer the changes in the weather before, during, and after a typhoon;
b. practice precautionary measures before, during, and after a typhoon; and
c. show concerns to everyone especially in times when weather disturbances occur.
References: Science Curriculum Guide, S5FE-IVd-4
PowerPoint presentation, visual aids, pictures, and videos.
Values: Show concerns to everyone during hard times and become environment-friendly.
Method: 4E’s


Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Engage

a. Prayer

Everybody, please stand for the prayer. Let us bow our heads, close our eyes and let us
Christy, will you please lead our prayer. pray.

Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s
commits me here, ever this day, be at my side, to light love commits me here, ever this day, be at my
and guard, Rule and guide. Amen. side, to light and guard, Rule and guide. Amen.

Thank you, Christy.

b. Greetings

Good morning, class! Good morning teacher, good morning classmates.

It’s nice to see you again!

How are you today? We are all good, teacher!

It is good to hear that you are all good class.

c. Energizer

Remain standing class for we will be dancing and


Do you want to sing and dance class? Yes teacher!

So, I have prepared here a video and all you have to Yes teacher.
do is to follow the steps. Is that clear class?
Do you feel energize now, class? Yes teacher.

Before taking your seats, kindly pick up the pieces of (Pupils do as told)
trash under your chair and arrange your chairs
properly in a count of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. You may now take
your seat.

d. Checking of Attendance

For your attendance this morning, answer me with

your favorite fruit once your name is called.

Is that clear class? Yes teacher.

(Checking of attendance) (Pupils do as told)

Very good! I am glad that all of you are present today.

(Pupils do as told)
Give yourself 3 claps

e. Classroom Rules

Before we start our lesson this morning, may we

observe the following classroom rules all throughout
the discussion.

Everybody please read;

C- Come prepared. C- Come prepared.

A- Actively participate. A- Actively participate.
R- Respect each other. R- Respect each other.
E- Enjoy learning. E- Enjoy learning.

Are my rules clear to you class? Yes teacher!

f. Review

Before we have a review to our discussion last

meeting class, kindly pass first your assignment in
front. In a count of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Last meeting, we discussed about effects of soil

erosion on living things.

What are those effects of soil erosion on the living Effects on plants, effect on animals, and effects on
things? humans.

Very good! Now for me to check if you really

understand our topic last meeting let’s have a short
Directions: Match the pictures in column A to the
words in column B.

Column A Column B


(Pupils do as told)

Very good! I am glad that you really understood our

discussion last meeting.

Give yourselves a barangay clap!

g. Motivation

Now class, I prepare here pictures. All you have to do

is to observe each picture because I will ask a
question later on. I will give you one minute to observe

The weather is sunny, teacher.

What can you say about the first picture?
It is cloudy, teacher.
Very good! How about on the second picture?
The clouds are heavy teacher and very dark.
Correct! For the picture number 3, what have you There’s a possibility that it is going to rain.
observe to the weather condition? What do you think is
supposed to happen?
Yes, teacher.
Very good observation class! Do you experience these (Pupils do as told)
weather conditions class?


h. Presentation
Major Organs of the Human Body: Parts and
Now class, I want you to put your right hand to your Function
upper left chest.

What do you feel class?

What causes the beating of your heart? Do you have

any idea?
a. identify the major organs of the human body and
Alright! I want you to sit properly and listen very its functions;
carefully because today we are going to learn about b. create a lung model; and
the, everybody read; c. value the importance of the major organs
of the human body in our daily lives.
Major Organs of the Human Body: Parts and Function

At the end of the lesson you should be able to do

these following learning objectives:

Everybody read! (Pupils do as told)

a. identify the major organs of the human body

and its functions;
b. create a lung model; and
c. value the importance of the major organs of the
human body in our daily lives.

But before we proceed to our proper discussion, let’s

have an activity first. I will divide the class into two
groups. Here’s what you are going to do:

Activity 1: “Working Heart”

Directions: Assign a leader in your group to write
your resting and working pulse rate. Follow the steps
in the given handouts. You have six minutes to do the

Activity No. 1: Working Heart

Observe how the heart works before and during the
given activities.

Stopwatch, pen, and paper

What to do:
1. Prepare the table below before you start your
2. Look for your pulse by using your index and
middle fingers and press them slightly on your wrist.
3. Count the pulses while in seated position for one
minute. Record your data. This will be your resting
4. Do the the 2 minute jog in place. Count the pulses
for 1 minute after the activity. Record the data in the
table. This will be your working rate. Get the
difference of working rate to resting pulse rate.
5. The assign leader of the group will gather the data
and record on the table.

Name Resting Working Differenc

Pulse Pulse e in Pulse
Rate Rate Rate

Yes teacher!

(Pupils do as told)
Guide questions:
1. Compare your heart rate while resting, with your
heart rate after exercise. What did you observe?

2. What is the effect of exercise to your heart rate?

What does this mean? Why does this happen?

Are you done class?

B. Explain

Choose one representative to explain your task. Each

group will be given 2 minutes to explain your task.

i. Discussion

Now class, let us know how the heart and lungs work
together. First, let’s learn the parts and functions of the

Major Organ of the Human Body: Heart

Heart- is a fist-sized organ that

pumps blood throughout your body. It’s your circulatory
system’s main organ. Muscle and tissue make up this
powerhouse organ.

Parts of the Heart

1. Heart chambers- our heart has four separate

chambers. There are two chambers on the top (atrium,
plural atria) and two on the bottom (ventricles), one on
each side of your heart.

 Right atrium: Two large veins deliver oxygen-

poor blood to your right atrium. The
superior vena cava carries blood from your
upper body. The inferior vena cava brings
blood from your lower body. Then the right
atrium pumps the blood to your right ventricle.
 Right ventricle: The lower right chamber
pumps the oxygen-poor blood to
your lungs through the pulmonary artery. The
lungs reload the blood with oxygen.
 Left atrium: After the lungs fill your blood with
oxygen, the pulmonary veins carry the blood to
the left atrium. This upper chamber pumps the
blood to your left ventricle.
 Left ventricle: The left ventricle is slightly
larger than the right. It pumps oxygen-rich
blood to the rest of your body.

2. Heart valves- heart valves are like doors between

your heart chambers. They open and close to allow
blood to flow through. They also keep your blood from
moving in the wrong direction.

Two types of heart valves:

A. Atrioventricular valves- the atrioventricular (AV)

valves open between your upper and lower heart
chambers. They include:

 Tricuspid valve: Door between your right

atrium and right ventricle.
 Mitral valve: Door between your left atrium and
left ventricle.

B. Semilunar valves- Semilunar (SL) valves open

when blood flows out of your ventricles. They include:
 Aortic valve: Opens when blood flows out of
your left ventricle to your aorta (artery that
carries oxygen-rich blood to your body).
 Pulmonary valve: Opens when blood flows
from your right ventricle to your pulmonary
arteries (the only arteries that carry oxygen-
poor blood to your lungs).

3. Blood vessels- heart pumps blood through three

types of blood vessels:

 Arteries -carry oxygen-rich blood from your

heart to your body’s tissues. The exception is
your pulmonary arteries, which go to your
 Veins- carry oxygen-poor blood back to your
 Capillaries -are small blood vessels where
your body exchanges oxygen-rich and oxygen-
poor blood.

Functions of the Heart

 Heart’s main function is to move blood throughout
your body. Blood brings oxygen and nutrients to
your cells. It also takes away carbon dioxide and
other waste so other organs can dispose of them.
 Controls the rhythm and speed of your heart
 Maintains your blood pressure.

Major Organ of the Human Body: Lungs

Lungs-lungs make up a large part of your respiratory

system, which is the network of organs and tissues
that allow you to breathe.

Two types of lungs:

1. Right lung- The lung on your right side is divided

into three lobes: the superior, the middle and the
inferior. It’s shorter than your left lung, but also wider
than your left lung. Both of your lungs are covered with
a protective covering called pleural tissue.
2. Left lung- Your left lung has two lobes: the superior
and the interior. Your left lung is smaller than the right
because your heart is where the middle lobe on your
left lung would be. Your left lung has two parts that
your right lung doesn’t have: the cardiac notch (where
your heart fits) and the lingula, an extension of the
superior lobe.

Functions of Lungs
 Lungs ake oxygen available to your body and
remove other gases, such as carbon dioxide, from
your body. This process takes place 12 to 20
times per minute.
 After absorbing oxygen, the blood leaves your
lungs and is carried to your heart. From there, it’s
pumped through your body to provide oxygen to
the cells of your tissues and organs.
 When cells use oxygen, they produce carbon
dioxide and transfer it to your blood. Your
bloodstream carries the carbon dioxide back to
your lungs. When you exhale, you remove the
carbon dioxide.
 Your respiratory system prevents harmful
substances from entering your lungs by using:

 Small hairs in your nose that act as an air-

cleaning system and help filter out large
 Mucus produced in your trachea and bronchial
tubes to keep air passages moist and help
catch dust, bacteria and other substances.
 The sweeping motion of cilia (small hairs in
your respiratory tract) to keep air passages
clean. One of the reasons that cigarette smoke
is dangerous is that it stops cilia from working

(Pupils do as told)

(Pupils do as told)

Major Organs of the Human Body; Parts and

To further understand how the heart and lungs work The heart pumps blood throughout the body and
together, let’s watch the videos. maintains the blood pressure .It also takes away
carbon dioxide and other waste so other organs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46u2on6d4mg can dispose of them.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4ZI71BASQg The lungs make oxygen available to your body and
remove other gases, such as carbon dioxide, from
your body.
j. Generalization

Now, let us review our topic. What is our topic today?

Very good! How does the heart works? By eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables.
Avoid eating junkfoods and drinking alcoholic
drinks. Have an exercise.

Very Good! How about the lungs?

k. Values Integration Yes teacher.

Now class, since we are talking about the organs of

the human body. How are you going to take good care
of your heart and lungs?

Very Good!
In taking care of our heart and lungs we must eat
healthy foods and avoid eating junkfoods and drinking
alcoholic drinks.
(Pupils do as told)
Is that clear class?

l. Application

Now, let’s have an another activity with the same

group you had earlier.In this activity, I will only give you
10 minutes.

Directions: Create a lung model. Follow the steps in

the given handouts. Be guided with the rubrics below.
“Lung Model”

balloons,rubber bands, clay, empty plastic bottle,
pair of scissors, hose connector or drinking straw

1. Push the plastic tube into one opening of the hose
connector. Use the clay to make an air tight seal.
Tightly fix a balloon onto each of the other openings
with the rubber bands, making sure the seal is

2. Prepare the chest cavity. Carefully cut off the

bottom one inch from the bottom, using the scissors.
Make sure the cut edge of the bottle is smooth.
Place the lungs inside, and seal the plastic tube onto
the neck of the bottle with the rest of the clay to
make an airtight fit.

3. Prepare the diaphragm. Tie the knot in the neck of

third balloon, then carefully cut it in half cross-wise.
Gently stretch the half of the balloon with the knot in
it over the bottom of the bottom, pulling it up around
the size. Make the balloon as taut as you can- like
the top of the drum.

4. Start breathing. The lower part of the balloon

represents the diaphragm, the main breathing
muscle. Pull it down, as though you were inhaling.
This lower the air pressure in the bottle. Air from
outside rushes I and makes the two balloons
expand, just like the real lungs inside your chest.

Guide questions:
1. What happen to the ribs when you inhale and
2. What goes into your body when you inhale? What
gets out of your body when you exhale?
3. Explain how air moves into and out of the body.
4. What is the main functions of the lungs.

Neatness- 10 points
Creativity- 20 points
Teamwork- 10 points
Time measurement- 10 points
Total: 50 points


Directions: Write True if the statement is correct and False if otherwise. Write your answer on the blank
before the number.
___1. Your heart rate is faster when you are at rest.
___2. The lungs are the main organs for breathing.
___3.You take in carbon dioxide and take out oxygen.
___4. The heart and lungs support each other to allow distribution of nutrients and oxygen to all parts and
the removal of carbon dioxide as a waste products in the body.
___5. The ribs move up when you exhale and move downward when you inhale.


Directions: List down at least 5 ways on how to take care of your heart and lungs. Write your answer on
your science notebook.


Cherry Mae Beniero Cheryn Mae M. Maghinay_

Demonstrator Demonstrator

Pre-service Teacher

Approved for class utilization:

Datu Jed Dacula, LPT

Course Instructor

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