12.3 Pesticides
Classification of pesticides
Pesticides cover a wider range based on their use against various pests. Broadly these are
classified into the following types:
a. Insecticides
The pesticides used to kill various insects are called insecticides. These may be chlorinated
hydrocarbons, organophosphates, carbamates etc. Some of the commonly used insecticides
dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane (DDT), benzene hexachloride (BHC), aldrin ethylene dichloride
etc. pyrethroids have wide applications as household insecticides against mosquitoes, cockroaches
and flies.
b. Fungicides
The pesticides which either kill or inhibit the growth of fungi are called fungicides. Fungi
are parasitic lower plants those lack chlorophyll. The include molds, rusts, mildews, mushrooms
etc. These fungi destroy plants in different stages. Some of the commonly used fungicides are blue
vitriol, aluminium phosphide (AlP), Bordeaux mixture (CuSO4 + CaO), Chloropicrin (CCl3NO2),
hexachlorobenzene, pentachlorophenol, pentachloronitro benzene etc. Fungicides may be of two
types, i.e. protective and curative fungicides. The protective fungicides check the infection of
fungal strains whereas the curative fungicides kill or destroy the developed fungi in the plant
c. Herbicides or Weedicides
These are popular pesticides in agricultural practice being used to kill weeds or herbs
without harming the crops. Several aliphatic and aromatic organic compounds have been used as
herbicides. Some of the commonly used herbicides are 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid),
2,4,5-T (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy acetic acid), atrazine etc. These herbicides may be selective or
general in their applications. Eg 2,4,5-T is used to control woody plants whereas 2,4-D is effective
against various weeds.
The pesticides damage the pest organisms or the weeds through the different physiological
actions. On the basis of the physiotherapy, the pesticides are classified into the following types:
a. Gastrointestinal poisons
These are the pesticides used against the organisms and are toxic only if ingested. They
damage the gastrointestinal system of the pests. For e.g. sodium fluoride, lead arsenite, calcium
arsenite etc.
b. Contact poisons
Some pesticides show their action when coming in contact with cells of the pests by
penetrating them and called contact poisons. For e.g. DDT, BHC, aldrin etc.
c. Respiratory poisons
The chemicals which are highly volatile and thus poison the air being used for respiration
of the pests are termed respiratory poisons. These are effective against all types of organisms but
must be used in a confined space.
d. Repellents
These chemicals repel insects or organisms rather than killing them. They are used against
mosquitoes, blood-sucking flies, plant pests etc.
e. Chemosterilants
The chemicals which inhibit the reproduction of pests are called chemosterilants. These
pesticides do not killinsects and pests.
f. Plant pesticides
Some plants possess pesticide chemicals and thus act as natural pesticides. These
substances either kill or repel the insects and pests which come in contact with these plants or
nearby them. For eg the nicotine from the tobacco plant, rotenone from derris, pyrithrins etc are
some good example of plant pestcides.