TA 4 iSS - Unit 3 - Lesson 1.2 - Page 35
TA 4 iSS - Unit 3 - Lesson 1.2 - Page 35
TA 4 iSS - Unit 3 - Lesson 1.2 - Page 35
Lesson 1.2 (page 35)
1. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to draw attention to the words ending with -y and practice
the conversations.
1.1. Language knowledge and skills
Vocabulary: sunny, rainy, snowy, windy, cloudy, foggy.
Sentence pattern: What’s the weather like today?
It’s (windy).
Skills: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking.
1.2. Competences
Self-control and independent learning: draw attention to the words ending with -y.
Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups to ask and answer about the weather.
Critical thinking and creativity: learn how to ask and answer about the weather correctly and fluently.
1.3. Attributes
Kindness: support their friends to complete the learning tasks or play the games.
Diligence: focus on the lesson and work hard to complete all the tasks.
Honesty: play fair.
Accountability: appreciate kindness, diligence and honesty.
2. Teaching aids and materials
- Teacher’s aids: Tiếng Anh 4 i-Learn Smart Start Student’s Book and Teacher’s book, Class CDs,
Flashcards, DCR & DHA on Eduhome, Projector/Interactive Whiteboard /TV (if any), PowerPoint slides.
- Students’ aids: Tiếng Anh 4 i-Learn Smart Start Student’s Book, Workbook, Notebook.
3. Procedures
A. Warm up (5 minutes)
a. Objectives: To review the vocabulary items about the weather, generate students’ interests and, lead
in the new lesson.
b. Content: Playing the game: “Play the Aha game” or “Slap the board”.
c. Expected outcomes and assessment
- Task completed with excellence: Students can slap flashcards or identify the word behind the white
paper and say the words quickly and correctly.
- Task completed: Students can slap flashcards or identify the word behind a piece of paper or a card
and say the words.
- Task uncompleted: Students slap the wrong flashcards or pronounce the words incorrectly.
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Option 1: Play the Aha game.
- Cover the flashcard with a piece of paper or card. - Follow their teacher’s instructions
before playing the game.
- Very slowly move the paper to reveal the picture. - Look at the teacher showing the
- Ask the students to guess the picture on the flashcard. flashcard and try to guess the picture
on it.
- Have them say “Aha” and the vocabulary. - Say “Aha” and the vocabulary.
Option 2: Playing the game “Slap the board”
- Divide the class into two teams and have them form - Make two lines to play this game.
two lines.
- Place the flashcards about family members on the
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board, showing the images. - Look at the flashcards on the board.
- Call out a word and have the first student from each
group race to slap the correct image on the board and - Carefully listen and run to the board
say it correctly. The first student to slap the correct to slap the correct card and read aloud
flashcard wins a point for their team. the word on it.
B. Main Lesson
1. Presentation (10 minutes)
a. Objective: To help students identify and draw attention to the tress of the words ending with -y and
practice saying the words in the chant.
b. Contents: Listening and repeating.
c. Expected outcomes and assessment
- Task completed with excellence: Students can identify and draw attention to the tress of the words
ending with -y and pronounce them correctly and fluently.
- Task completed: Students can identify and draw attention to the tress of the words ending with -y
and pronounce them.
- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to identify and draw attention to the tress of the words ending
with -y and pronounce them.
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
2. 1. Listen and repeat. (CD1 Track 54)
- Draw attention the tress of the words ending with -y - Listen and follow their teacher’s
(using DCR). instructions.
- Briefly explain that for words ending with –y. We
usually tress the first syllable. Demonstrate the stress.
- Play the audio. - Listen to the audio.
- Have students notice the sounds. - Listen and notice the sounds first.
- Play the audio again. - Listen to the audio again and repeat
- Have students listen and repeat. the sounds.
- Correct students’ pronunciation if needed.
2. Chant. (CD1 Track 55)
- Write the words or put up the words on the board. - Follow their teacher’s instructions.
- Play the audio (using DCR).
- Have students listen to the chant. - Listen to the chant.
- Point to a word or picture on the board, say the words - Listen and repeat the words.
with stress and have students listen and repeat.
- Follow the same procedure with the other words.
- Play the audio again. - Listen to the chant again.
- Have students listen and clap along with the tress as - Listen and clap along with the stress
they hear them in the chant. as they hear them in the chant.
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d. Organization:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
D. 1. Look and listen. (CD1 Track 56)
- Introduce the situation: “At the weekend…” (using - Listen to their teacher’s
DCR). introduction about the situation.
- Have students look at the story and ask these - Look at the story and answer their
questions. teacher’s questions.
• Who can you see? (Lucy, Ben, Tom, Mrs Brown and
Mr Brown)
• Where are they? (at home, on the street)
• What’s the weather like? (sunny, rainy, windy)
- Play the audio.
- Have students look and listen. - Listen to the story.
2. Listen and write. (CD1 Track 57)
- Play the audio (using DCR) and demonstrate the - Listen and follow their teacher’s
activity using the example. demonstration.
- Play the audio and have students listen and write. - Listen to the story and write.
- Play the audio again and check answers as a whole - Listen to the story again and check
class. the answers as a whole class.
3. Practice with your friends.
- Divide the class into two pairs. - Work with their partner to complete
the task.
- Have students practice saying the sentences. - Practice saying the sentences.
- Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of - Demonstrate the activity in front of
the class. the class.
3. Production (5 minutes)
a. Objectives: To help them practice the stories and use their own ideas.
b. Content: Working with their partners.
c. Expected outcomes and assessment
- Task completed with excellence: Students can practice and use their own ideas to make a story
- Task completed: Students can practice and use their own ideas to make a story.
- Task uncompleted: Students cannot practice and use their own ideas to make a story.
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Make their own stories.
- Have students work in groups of three students.
- Work with their friends to complete
the task.
- Ask them to choose one of the stories from Part 2 –
- Choose one of the stories from Part
Listen and write as a sample.
2 – Listen and write as a sample.
- Give students enough time to make their stories using
- Make their stories using their own
their own ideas.
- Walk around the class and support them if necessary.
- Invite some pairs to present their stories in front of the
- Present their stories in front of the
- Help students with feedback and correct them if any.
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a. Objectives: To help students review the lesson by rearranging the sentences to make a meaningful
b. Contents: Making a conversation and assigning homework in the Workbook.
c. Expected outcomes and assessment
d. Task completed with excellence: Students can rearrange the sentences to make a meaningful conversation
- Task completed: Students can rearrange the sentences to make a meaningful conversation.
- Task uncompleted: Students fail to can rearrange the sentences to make a meaningful conversation.
e. Organization
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
- Ask students work in groups of four or five students. - Work in groups to complete the
- Give each group a set of sentences and ask them to make - Make a meaningful conversation
a meaningful conversation. from the given sentences.
- Give them enough time to rearrange the given sentences.
- Invite each group to present their answer. - Present their answer in front of the
- Have other groups comment and give the correct answer class.
if any. - Give comments to other groups.
- Check the students’ answers as a whole class.
Homework Assignment
- Require students to do exercises on page 23 in the - Follow their teacher’s instructions.
- Have them do the exercises in their Tiếng Anh 4 i-Learn - Do homework, copy the structures,
Smart Start Notebook 16. and prepare the new lesson.
- Ask them to prepare Parts E and F, Lesson 1 on page 36
in the Student’s Book.
4. Reflection
a. What I liked most about this lesson today:
b. What I learned from this lesson today:
c. What I should improve for this lesson next time:
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