Department of Education
Region I
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of art elements and processes
by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills;
The learner demonstrates understanding of new technologies that allow
new expressions in the arts; and
B. Performance The learner creates artworks using available media and natural resources on local
Standard topics, issues, and concerns such as environmental advocacies ecotourism, and
economic and livelihood projects;
The learner practices healthy eating habits that support an active lifestyle
C. Most Essential Creates artworks that can be assembled with local materials (A10PR-IIIc-
Learning e-1);
Competency/ies Describes the characteristics of media-based arts and design in the
Philippines (A10PR-IIIc-e-2);
Mounts a media-based exhibit of completed artworks (A10PR-IIIg-5);
Evaluates works of art in terms of artistic concepts and ideas using criteria
appropriate for the style or form of media-based arts and design (A10PR-
A. References Cabanban, E., Moran, M., Valdez, M., et. al. (2015) HORIZONS Music
and Arts Appreciation for Young Filipinos. Quezon City. Tawid
Callo, L., Camiling, M., Yap, J., et. al. (2015) Physical Education and
Health. Pasig City. Vibal Group, Inc.
1. Teacher's guide
pages MAPEH 10 Most Essential Learning Competencies, pp. 310 – 311
MAPEH 10 Most Essential Learning Competencies, pp. 337 – 338
2. Learner's materials
3. Textbook pages pp. 293 – 300
pp. 106 – 116
4. Additional materials
from learning
resources (LR) portal
A. Reviewing The learners will share what they have learned from the previous discussion about
previous lesson or animation and print media.
presenting the new
lesson The learners will share what they have learned from the previous discussion about
product and industrial design.
The learners will share their experiences in crafting their fashion-related pieces.
The learners will share what they have learned from the previous discussion about
street dance and hip-hop dance styles.
B. Establishing a Unlocking Content Vocabulary
purpose for the The teacher will present the meaning of the following terms that would be of great
lesson help for learners to easily understand the lessons:
Innovation – a new idea or method, or the use of new ideas and methods
Product – an article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale
Industrial Design - a process of design applied to physical products that are to be
manufactured by mass production.
Runway – the long, narrow stage that models walk along in a fashion show
Fashion show – an event put on by a fashion designer to showcase their upcoming line of
clothing and/or accessories during a fashion week.
Hip-hop – a range of street dance styles primarily performed to hip hop music or that have
evolved as part of hip hop culture.
Breakdancing - an energetic style of dance typically performed to hip-hop music,
characterized by stylized footwork and acrobatic or athletic movements. It originated
among African American and Latino people in New York City during the 1970s.
Shuffling – to move by sliding along or back and forth without lifting.
Waacking – an extremely expressive, free and musical form of dance that is characterized
by arm movements and posing with a strong emphasis on musicality and improvised
C. Presenting The teacher will show photos of creations of Filipino or foreign fashion, interior and
examples/instances industrial designers and the learners will observe each of these and share their
of the new lesson insights about what makes these Filipino and Foreign designers so outstanding in
the global world of fashion, interior and industrial design.
The teacher will show some references of suggested target output for the task.
D. Discussing new The teacher will discuss the topic about Innovation in Product and Industrial
concepts and Design
practicing new skills
#1 The teacher will explain what the activity is all about.
The learners will choose one from the list below and craft their own fashion-related
• Head piece or hair accessory
• Bag, tote, or pouch
• Belt or sash
• Fashion accessories – bangles, buckles, buttons, a scarf, etc.
The teacher will discuss the topic about Hip-Hop and Street Dance.
E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skills
F. Developing Through an oral-questioning activity, the teacher will ask the learners to answer
mastery (leads to the following questions:
formative 1. What is your reaction to the creations of the Filipino designers presented?
assessment) Which one/s particularly impressed or appealed to you?
2. What do you think about combining our traditional crafts and indigenous
materials, with international trends in color, texture, design, and even function?
The teacher will ask the learners to differentiate hip-hop from street dance and
compare and contrast b- boying, popping, and
G. Finding practical The learners will reflect and answer the following questions briefly:
application of 1. Would you consider these designers as role models for young Filipinos like
concepts and skills in yourselves looking ahead to your future careers? Explain briefly.
daily living 2. Seeing the Filipino achievers in this field, both locally and internationally, how
do you view the potential of our people in terms of the 'applied arts'?
Explain your opinion.
3. What realizations do you have about Philippine raw materials and how they can
be incorporated into creations for interior design, furniture, decorative accent
pieces, clothing, and fashion accessories?
The learners will create their own fashion-related piece.
The learners will answer the following questions on their quiz notebook:
1. What dance styles, formally known as vernacular dances, refer to dance that
evolved outside of dance studios?
2. What form of street dance is performed impromptu in large crowds?
3. What culture is created by DJ-ing, rapping, breakdancing, and graffiti art?
4. What dance style is primarily performed to hip-hop music and have evolved as
part of hip-hop culture?
5. What hip-hop style is based on the technique of quickly contracting and relaxing
muscles to cause a jerk in a dancer’s body?
1. It is characterized as being a free dance where the movements are more abrupt
and strong. (KRUMPING)
2. Characteristics are the stylized posing and fast synchronized arm movements.
3. It can also be done with the fingers rather than the arms. (TUTTING)
4. It is characterized by its robotic elements contracting or jerking the muscles of
the body which is called pop or a hit. (POPPING)
5. It combines 3 main elements: acrobatics, gymnastics and rhythm. (B-BOYING)
Score Description
Exceptional Demonstrates outstanding creativity, flawless craftsmanship,
45 – 50 excellent functionality, strong aesthetic appeal, and perfect
relevance to the category.
Proficient Shows high creativity, good craftsmanship with minor flaws,
35 – 44 strong functionality, appealing aesthetics, and clear relevance to
the category.
Satisfactory Displays moderate creativity, adequate craftsmanship with
25 – 34 noticeable flaws, basic functionality, acceptable aesthetics, and
reasonable relevance to the category.
Needs Exhibits minimal creativity, poor craftsmanship, limited
Improvement functionality, weak aesthetics, and marginal relevance to the
15 – 24 category.
Poor Lacks creativity, has poor or incomplete craftsmanship, is non-
1 – 14 functional, visually unappealing, and unrelated to the category.
J. Additional activities
for application or
Principal IV