Payment New (3)
Payment New (3)
Payment New (3)
B. Payment Steps
1. After successful login, your dashboard will be displayed
2. Navigate to the Fees section on the side menu list
3. Click my fees.
4. The following fees are compulsory for all categories of students:
a. Bundled fee (100 - 300 levels) or School fee (400 level and above)
b. Technology Levy – To be paid separately.
c. Utility Levy - To be paid separately.
5. Health Professional levy or Laboratory Professional fee is compulsory for students of the
College of Medicine while Special DVM levy is compulsory for students of the faculty of
Veterinary Medicine
- To be paid separately
6. Click the button besides the fee option you are paying and click Proceed.
7. Confirm the correctness of your payment details.
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8. Click Proceed to pay.
9. You will be redirected to the Remita payment platform.
10. Select a payment option (card/bank/branch/transfer/remita)
11.Complete payment process as directed in the selected payment
C: Confirmation of Payment
1. After successful payment, you will be redirected to the registration portal.
2. Go to Fees, then select Transactions to confirm the status of your payment.
3. If successful, click the view button under Actions for payment details. A pdf version can
also be downloaded.
4. Remita receipt will be sent to your student email.
5. In the case of a failed transaction for which you were debited, click the refresh icon to
update status.
D. Course Registration
The following steps will guide you through the process of course registration for
2024/2025 Academic Session.
Kindly visit for guidance on the following amongst
• Courses to register
• prerequisites for the courses
• minimum and maximum units to register
Please note that you can only proceed to registration after successful payment of all
mandatory fees and levies (bundle fee, technology levy, and utility levy).
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Course Registration Steps
1. Login to the portal
3. Click Course Registration (Confirm that your details are correct and the
minimum and maximum units are as obtained from your department)
4. Scroll down on the page to view available courses within your department.
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5. Under action, click “ADD” and “Okay” for each of the courses listed
6. After selecting all the available courses within your department, click the “Add other
courses” blue button for additional courses you wish to offer including GES where
7. Type the course code in the text box provided (Note that the course code should
not have space or any other character).
8. Ensure that you select course status on the dialog box before clicking “ADD Course
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12. You will therefore need to check the portal regularly before closure of registration to
confirm approval
13. If you have any concerns, kindly contact your course level coordinator/adviser before
the closure of registration. Unapproved registration will not be reckoned with for
purposes such as attendance, continuous assessment and examination.
14. Prior to approval, you may edit your course (add or remove) by clicking the Edit
Course Registration
15. Ensure you click “Submit course registration” and “Okay” after editing
16. Your registration process is completed only when the Approved status on the
course form changes to YES
E. Support
For support on payment/registration, send email to
University of Ibadan
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