Gulf of Mexico Organizational Moc
Gulf of Mexico Organizational Moc
Gulf of Mexico Organizational Moc
INITIATE: h Litrlcto DavidsimsdreRoles Rcsponribilitica E&A opcralidrsManagcr and of Drtc Initisted: rcb x',2010 tnitirfedByr Utlsl$i$s
Dlte Completed:
Justification: ln support of the 2ol 0 re-orgenizationof the GoM SPU tnd trrutting D&C Function chenger.
VERIFY & REVIEWI Prepare ottachedJob transltlon eheckltstbefore stgntng and subnittingfor dpproval. Incumbcnt(r) Signeturc & Dete Signnture & Date
CLOSEOUTT Hon&ner and outstandtngaction ircrns completed.Shbmit completedMOC to 1ut Mrc Signeture & Dete
BP+IZN-MSI 00107/+79
ProceisStcps l. Employee handover to dutiescompletes rpplicable st>ctions tho form. of 2. Employce handing ovcr dutios and thc 'Rcceivcr" discus the trffiitioning duties using the form as atool. 3. tilhen all handoveritems are complete, the omployeesigns fie form to certify suooessirl tramfer of thejob function and effective commrmioalion rvith tho rccciving cmployeo. 4 . Thc Recciving employee(s)should review and shorv ooacurrence initialing besidcthoir nanrowhcrc it appcarson the form. by 5 . Tlre TeanrLeadgr sbould sign dre form indicatiug their sgroomcntthat the handovcr is complcte6. The completedfom is sent to your IIIOC coordinator for tcrcking and .erention. (Production &STD- Liezl Sarinas,D&C - Mick Leary, Finnnce Kim Myer, DevclopmentsBrian Smith, Exploration Dmilry Bazykin,ThunderHome- Alistnir Murdocb,Atlantis-Tcrrv Bcrcich)
BP+iZN-MSr 00107480
tmnsfcrthg6ckcyrcslonsibiliticandflestothcapprogimoindividuils. Youhrnd.cvermeetingnndfii$sheetneedtobcompletedpriortothst;nsferofjob responsibility. Rcreiving employees arc (o indicate rccp{.rnce by initirling by thcir nnme below.
* L
Frequency/ Key Rasponsibilities
ft 6.
o a
.c r (,
Comments Status
p'l*iFlqEgla$ Refe{ lhe quesalons to balowts ptwnFs on whaltW ot hrfomdionto prot F.gqs-$Flilptllgc. ldo. Depandng uponthe dtuation, dt qu;aiions nd mayba apqoqide s n*d lo bd answatd. d&lonal [nes to thotebroas noaded. Add . Whataccountabitilis kcy functtons lour roledoesthercceirrr needto horr,? & of . Arc tbercanyexpectatiors your bcss, pccrsandothcrsthatneed becommunicatcd? of to . Whatlere/are thG priodtcs for your BU afil tcarn? . Wlut lre/arc thc long tem gmls snddirectionfor yotr BU flnd lc{m? . How wasyorr perfomance nrea$red? . Wtut arethe*ills, competencies bebaviors arencccssa$, succrss ilds position?Wut is thtevelof skill andcompetency and tlrat for for rEquired? . Becausc thistransition, therepeople ltrc tcamwhoscmle will change a coucqucnccofyour uamition?Whoarc rhy;d whararEthechongcs? of are on as .Ar|Ilcrcrryadditiorra|roles&account8bilitias(ta8s,clunnpionrole,leamleadcrsoftca|nIDembiofirritialirs,industrussfmcmbeGl|ip)lllqrccoivcrwill assum lf so,wh&tarerheymd how will tlley traruitionlo tftrceiver? . Whalis tlrc delcattiondauthority ard hasit bccll updttcdto refled the charye? lnput and agmcmentofthe rvell plan By well sims E&A Wsll C.onstrusticur By well Porformilcs AGMs, Sims (Cost/Scheduh/Quality) compliance Exploration in Managersl with rvcll plan TLs Feedbackof lessons Leamsd By well Slms Plans Sprgue QualityWoll Enginecring Rolenolonger Includes
BP-HZN-MBt 00107481
: Eef
Comments Status
Kev ResoonsibillUes
Primary intcrAco with AOM for intesratd frold olanninq. FISSEon Exolontion md Annaisl ric Exrxution of BP Policy/Standards cr E&A Drillinp Onentions Rcsourcinq oconlcbasicsfor Tqm and Supportrngtho oontractingstratogy and pcrformancemanagement approprinto of oontractoru Functional support to and intcgration rvith the appropriateoroiecls and CDO. Technical iryut to business proposals aod providing neoossary cos! risk ard deliverability assessments Lo{iatokeeper/Endorser for all E&A wells Merrbr of theD&C LT Changefuuncial delegationof authority from Little to Sims ChangeBackbonedolegationof authoritv from Little to Sims Rcviorv2010 E&A Ops Mgr oetformancecontract Modi$ ComnuuricationPlan (How We Work) for t}e DeeplvaterHorizon.
Frequancy Timlno
Ongoing By well Ey rvll ongolng Ongoing
I g f o
3d E
Ongoing ongolng
Dlscusswilh RichardLynch
By well ongoing
vYeer oI
KevrwGIexeepeilE nqorser accountability with Spraguoand Rich uonfirmwnn Dave Rich Send note1oJoneUe Keys on chafEe of delegstion.Thig may be a coordinated sPU ffort. sBnd nol lo Andrsas Kreus/Angie Davis
Do not have yi
March 22
Merch 22
week ol Maroh22
BP-HZN MBr00t07482
8Key Responsibilities
UnderstandE&A Ops Mgr rclationship with otherf)os Mcs- EnpmqMh UnderstandE&A Ops lv{gr rclationship with GOM Wells Manacer and VP
Frequency/ Timino
YYEK OI Marel!22
c o
E o
Keuew expodailonswlth Spragueand Rich Discusswilh Rlch Clarry with Richwho is tho focal point for Expl VP. Discusswilh Dave Rainoy. Rocommend Ops Mgr (Sims) aather than ETL or Endmo Mdr u|anry wrn uavo xtcn ano Riciard Lynch unecx mln spf8guo on accountabillty rig schedule for updates(ETL,op's Mgr, Engt Mor)
vveeK oI
Week of March 22
Understard E&A Opslv(grrolc with rcspcot Exploration Resource to and Appraisal Managers VP and rolc Undcrstand of E&A ops Mgrasir ralatcs DCLandCDO to
Provide rig scheduleplanning updatosfor Exploration and Appraisal wolls Drive standardization utilizationof ard bestpractice acrcesE&A opcrationsto onsurecompliancervith BtB, BP policies and MMS regs- ln concertwith SPU Ops Msm Clari$'orpectntions Engng Mgr on of how Ops Managerand EngineeringTL wor* together in planning and execution ohases
slms slms
Ey enclof Apnl
Discusswnh Spragueand Rich how ETL relalsto Ops Mgr in planningand execution.
||:'..FnqI1gn::|J.lqe3tRefe|totheque8|Ionsbo|owasNomp|8onwhdtypg'o|.infomation|oprovHe'cnpe@ apprcNiata o( need to bg anwod. A& addlkhal lina6 ao tho tblo as ngqdod.
BP-HZN-MBt 00107,163
FrequencyI Key Responsibillges
. . .
= EE
Hsrc youagld EhandolErd0lc to allowing cufficient timcfor a guahty complctechange? & Arc lhcrcarryantedm yo|l arrangenenB ntrd aosetuppendingUre receiver's arival? I{aveyou disctscd riskscrsted by tte tmmition andrlrg s'ill mdinatc andmilig|tc those riskfi Tanst Handovcr woct ofMarch 22 Sims Decide wbere to sit and whcn to nrovc By end of slms Aprll Mceting witl main coDtmoiorcprimarily Tralsoccan and Pride week, of March22 $ims
F.i|'F[FY*ifs'niu;:9i'|-su{|:fir?Ag'.i0frFdi'g'Re|qto.hequ*tlon$io,owaspro'r'dsoiwt '' quodiwsmaybeappro0'id/.laorneedtofunflrrBd Addddhnalltnestothaabasnedad. . Whalmc lhis position'sshortMm/ longtenn a@mtabilitis ahs( applicable thercceiver? are for . arclhckcy risksto peforuunoedelirrery bareyou approprbtcty and doarmcnted aclioruin placeto mitigatcthcrn? ]tal . Wha(arglhc crilical rueisrequiringurgcnlottcfltionondayonetrrnnth oneandlongerterm? . Are thcroanyDending negotiations rcgulalory, or lcgal or t x issucs? What is thc E&A Ops 2010 Performance weillng on thls to roll oul Contmct KaskidaIFT Ops weoK ot iiims Marcn22 Kaskidall-l' tinginccring week ol Spra0ue March22 - SPA for Dropped 2010Objectives Week of sims Dlscuss with Joe Noumeyot Obiects CIP Msrch 22 ild John Guide - otherSPA or 2010 Objeotives commifinents. PersonnelRasourccrequirementsfor V\.EEK OI Spragueand spraguewi$ no/vhave current dg scheduleand GoM 700 rig March 22 Walz rOsourcing responslb{lilics tor scheduls angineering tosm.
Oiscuss wlth Oave Rich. Suggoststayingon 2d floor to be neer E&A WTLS. set u0 formalinlro with Tol end Pride. InvolveGlenn Nohavitza
BP-HZN-MBt 00107484
r t
List Extemal lnterfaces Nameof Receiving Emolove
() u
Kev Resoonslblfities
Frequency Timino
-94 eE o
E3f Egr
. . r
RefertoIte +resltors bobw as prompls whaltyped intormalion ptovido.Dspanding H9$E.Si9f!!1!ilE4{g9lttlfi on ao vponthe aluaan, na * queatuts nay Oe apqoqals q noedto be anail'erl.Ntl sddiltonat [ns lo lhs t&h as n6edod. Wbatuc thc koy HSSErisksandwhat is thocontinuityof mmugcmcnt frcse risks? of incidenr repofitrgiud crisisdtilugemcul proccss is tlurc enyfisk of continuity$ith tNs [ansition? Wul i$ ahc ard Wbglis yourfrersonal safetyplanald d,o releveil activiths needto beh$ded over? Elv Dropped ObiectCIP See above plan Communicotion see aDove TOI Horizon2010Goalsand Metrics By Bndol slms utscussmth Jonn GuEo and March Paul Johnson(TOl) Ey 6nd of UndcrstandOps Mgr HSE goals Sims utscuss mtn uteve ilnK, ops March leadeship visits, metings.rollouts, stc. Mgrs (Holtand Frazelle) Undorstardiocidsnt rcporting process By end of Sims Clarify with Rioh and confirm Marcb processraf,ectod on
cdmmilniaqlldn drn fa:"lrla\
Wan for SPU vrltle coordinatd effortto make charEas. Sugged lM trainingfor Ops Mor.
Reter lo lhe questims Orowes pMpla an wha/ type of itrtormdkn to Fovt<1,e.D''/ndn lo"foJillftiptl {f{lfl.tti epproryialo u nood lo be ans,'tf]ed.Add a&Ilbnal frnes lo ahet*b as needed. . tls\ you h:mded qrlr all required Ltromntion necessary to do your iob including. documenb, adivity logs. elctronic files ard other ilfomarion?
tor drrectrcporls
Woek of March22
VYBKOT March 22
Gulde,Greytrom Litue from Kirton Schillino Guidefrom Uils, Graytrom FTazelle, Schllling from Kiion
BP-HZN-MBt 00107485
Namoof Receiving
E I o
Comments Status
fg, IT;
r'.9qP'Ei*.!qfgqf,qqq90ii''roQlt4.999-;t|!l-tE}'q|.Gqfi!ppo.I!8Re|o||o|heques||on6bdlowaspromPtsonwha|typeotinformalion.owvlda'DaFmfngUthQ eituallon, nol all questions mey bo ewoqlde or need to bo ans,il?,rcd Nd ad&ional linas ao lhe tabte as needod Wlul arc thc mlc and rmtrntsbililies for the tm lads/ lpmbers? What ue lhe concems within and sbout tho tcsrn, such uc sdturs, rnoralq st|ffug is*es, cross-businesg tcam is$res ud pcople baclup ptans? What colnmit noasto pople in your teafiL whicll oay rc{tuire the rccct}rr's Eupport? What ore thc agroed devstopmcnl plans for peoplc otr your tcam? What bockgrmnd information do yorr need to convey to prep{re lbe recaivcr for any npcoming performarpe evaluatjons? Have you tcviewed any specialaccnutability lhat the rcceiver may ned to assurile for your team nol ammrt from role. iob dffiidion elc ? BP PcoplePortal Changes YVee|( or Mnoy Sims
March 22
PDP's for directreoorts APR's fiordircct rcports Understand rdatronship tJrc wth Glcnn Nohavitza and reporting relationshipsof WTI* forDOA and DOC. Clari$ ergedations of Engrrg Mgr on borv Ops Manageraud Engineering TL work together in planning and sxeoution phaseg Undorstandthc roponing relatioruhip to Wells Manacer ald VP Ey end of April
- l-lR
See abovo
Tecm/org budget
tllloo.'ltolf{fF &,R9Po!!ng
lirms Thorseth
slms Sirns
0abw as prmds
BP+iZN-MBt 00107486
Ky Responsibilities
FrequencyI Timino
LiBt External
(, =
I g
Comments Status
quesbus maybe eppropriate neod be answared. addtknal Ines lo lhe taile as nnded. or to Add . Arc llrcrcapplicable portsofyour performmmontracl tlotshouldbc reliervedrvith thereceiver? . pGsiblodcviarions Wul m anyconcernsabout ftom cunfl1 yearPerfomuncc Colltmctor perfonnancc objcctives? . Haveyoo rwiesed documonls whichouuinckey porformalEe managemeilt mctric$ rcportson rvhiohyou relied,f strd . Wha aretheobligatio$ rcgrdiru rcpoaineof buqiqss lnformation pcrfonn4rce & rcponingfor tlte BU (i.e. tnonthlyGFOs. HSE inrurs & oulmrs 2010 Objocrives.. SPA for Dropped Seo abovB Ob'imtsCIP 2010Objectivs otherSPA or See abovo commitnrcnh. F.ngfnil,fiflg,IOrianfp.S Saftr lo tfe quoslbnsbolcwes pronpts on whd typaot intormation l approqde 6 need bo a'}swfed. ed,tftional to Ad.t finer to thelabloas noeded. . Wha(keyextemnl relatiotrsldps the reclver rvilt inl|edt? . Whatls lhc tmnsilionprocoss oachof thcsc? for Meeting lvith main contra.clotsprimarily Transocean and Pride Meelingrvith primaryrvell services By ondof Sims April conlrAolols
See above
Meet withHailburton Gary Godrvin, SchlumborgBr- Armand, FruOe, Ml Baker ' Huohes?
Rfr aoo guagri]flsDetcwas.pronpas wha!tyry C int 9_p.lQm[nrcation @ ,eed fo be ansnerud. addilional Md lineslo lhe tableas ncedod. . whoscaccountabilitisarechnrging0sa rBrilt of this tnnsition andhavetheybccninformed? ' Havsyou rwisntd oritioalcornmunicalion scliviticsoutliniry whatstrould comfimnitcdto rphichstakcholder, be when,by whomandhow?(tncluding culloneni, g(,\'emment oontacls,.perulfs, supp'lierq local comffunitics,.clevsntBp employees, othcr.,.) '. . wh0t crilicdl communication activiticsha\t yo{ andyoul teamrcliedupoq ingludlngany rEguiar meetingq their role,flEctinc obiectives un, flmol isus? and Weokly team Ops Meeting - Mondays End of Aprit sims uoctoownn to nave toam 0E00 mooilng
BP-HZN-trrBt 00107487
Ky Responsibilltisg Weckly t<am StaffMetings Wcdnesdaw0830 Weckly D&C LTrnevtings - Mondays l000and 1300 Drilling OperationsPerbrmencq WSL, Contraotor,HSE Steeringcommittee, ad Ris FISSEMectin*s E&A Rrxorrce LT mectings(Rainey's)
6E l0;
Frcquency/ Tlmlno
End of Apdl
Nameof R6celvlng
o x o
gEf 6e
Docidwhen to havteam msoting Conllrmatlendanc WlthDave Rich HSE steeringcommitlee momber- Sims already attendedand erryaged. ConfllctvyllhDa\ Rich LT mtg. Discusswith Dave Rainev-
Sims sims slms
Week of March 22
End ol Apnl
End of April
BP-HZlt-MSr 00107488