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Joseph Marilo Bersabe Casing - Mentors

DOMAIN 1, CONTENT apply developmentally appropriate

KNOWLEDGE AND PEDAGOGY and meaningful pedagogy
grounded on content knowledge
is composed of seven strands:
and current research. It takes into
1. Content knowledge and its account teachers’ proficiency in
application within and Mother Tongue, Filipino and
across curriculum areas English in the teaching and learning
2. Research-based process, as well as needed skills in
knowledge and principles the use of communication
of teaching and learning strategies, teaching strategies, and
3. Positive use of ICT technologies to promote high-
4. Strategies for promoting quality learning outcomes.
literacy and numeracy.
5. Strategies for developing
critical and creative
thinking, as well as other consists of six strands:
higher-order thinking
1. Learner safety and security
2. Fair learning environment
6. Mother Tongue, Filipino
3. Management of classroom
and English in teaching and
structure and activities
4. Support for learner
7. Classroom communication
5. Promotion of purposive
Domain 1 recognizes the learning
importance of teachers’ mastery of 6. Management of learner
content knowledge and its behavior
interconnectedness within and
Domain 2 highlights the role of
across curriculum areas, coupled
teachers to provide learning
with a sound and critical
environments that are safe, secure,
understanding of the application of
fair and supportive in order to
theories and principles of teaching
promote learner responsibility and
and learning. This Domain
achievement. This Domain centers
encompasses teachers’ ability to
Joseph Marilo Bersabe Casing - Mentors

on creating an environment that is responsive to learner diversity. This

learning-focused and in which Domain underscores the
teachers efficiently manage learner importance of teachers’
behavior in a physical and virtual knowledge and understanding of,
space. It highlights the need for as well as respect for, learners’
teachers to utilize a range of diverse characteristics and
resources and provide experiences as inputs to the
intellectually challenging and planning and design of learning
stimulating activities to encourage opportunities. It encourages the
constructive classroom celebration of diversity in the
interactions geared towards the classrooms and the need for
attainment of high standards of teaching practices that are
learning. differentiated to encourage all
learners to be successful citizens in
a changing local and global
consists of five strands:
1. Learners’ gender, needs,
strengths, interests and
2. Learners’ linguistic,
cultural, socio-economic
and religious backgrounds
3. Learners with disabilities,
giftedness and talents
4. Learners in difficult
GROWTH MINDSET - In a growth
5. Learners from indigenous
mindset, people believe that their
most basic abilities can be
Domain 3 emphasizes the central developed through dedication and
role of teachers in establishing hard work—brains and talent are
learning environments that are just the starting point.
Joseph Marilo Bersabe Casing - Mentors


changes and willing to improve.
1. Make the curriculum
FIXED MINDSET - stagnant and not relevant to produce job-
open to changes. ready active and
responsible citizens.
FIXED MINDSET - views those same
2. Take steps to accelerate
traits as inherently stable and
the delivery of basic
unchangeable over time.
education services and
CHANGE AGILITY - Resilient and provision of facilities.
open to feedback. 3. Take good care of learners’
well-being, inclusiveness
CHANGE AGILITY - involves being and positive learning
proactive, resilient, and open to environment and give
feedback, while innovation support to teachers to
involves generating and teach better.
implementing new ideas,
solutions, and processes. Make the curriculum relevant to
produce job friendly, active, and
MATATAG K-10 responsible citizens. Take steps to
1. The focus of the curriculum is up accelerate the delivery of basic
to Grade 10 only. education services and provide
facilities. Take good care of learners
2. Grade 11-12 — needs revision by promoting learned well-being
but focuses more on the following: inclusive learning and positive
- What is employability? learning environment and give
- mid-level skills (21st support to teachers to teach better.
Century Skills)
- entrepreneurship
(students creating their
own business)
- readiness for college

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