Short Report Analytical Chemistry

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Short Report Analytical Chemistry

Benefits Silver Nanoparticles In Microorganisms For Human Life

SUKARTI (P1100211402) SANTI (P1100211403)


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1Background Silver (Ag) is a dangerous heavy metals into tissues of living organisms exceeds the threshold. However, silver is a very powerful natural antibiotic that has been used for thousands of years. In recent decades, the medical community sees a relationship between the silver with the human body's natural defense system. At the time our body has enough silver content, it's like having a second immune system, even according to J. Powell, editor of Science Digest, "silver is emerging as a miracle of modern medicine. one antibiotic can only kill the harmful organisms while half a dozen silver can kill 650. No strains of bacteria that become resistant tehadap silver. even a small amount of silver can destroy harmful organisms in large numbers. On the other hand, the technique uses silver as a remedy is needed, so is not harmful to health. One example, by using microorganisms such as bacteria that can fight against other microorganisms that are pathogenic in the body. 1.2 Purpose The purpose of this paper are: 1. Knowing the benefits of silver for biological networks, especially in humans 2. Knowing some biotechnology techniques of silver nanoparticles used as raw material for medicine.

Chapter II Benefits Of Silver Nanoparticles On Microorganisms For Human Life

According to Brody, 2006, one of the new developments in biotechnology is the technology Ag nanoparticles in food packaging to inhibit the reaction of chemical components in food, pathogen detection, quality and packaging in accordance with food safety. Particles of Ag nanoparticles is continuously releasing positively charged ions that attack bacterial cells. At the same time, nano-sized silver particles destroy the enzymes that carry food for the bacterial cell. besides silver particles also damage the balance of the cell membrane, plasma cells, or bacterial cell wall, so it is not biased dividing. With such successive attacks, the bacteria can not survive. Particles into the body. Metallic silver in an amount in excess can cause liver damage, kidney and lung. But when attached to the bacteria, the silver particles considered safe because it is not possible to achieve these organs. Some of the benefits of silver ions on microorganisms network for human life, including: 2.1 Flu and Colds In alternative medicine, silver particles are often used for healing practices. Now scientists are also using silver to coat the good bacteria that is inserted into the body to fight germs that cause flu and colds. The bacteria used were Lactobacillus fermentum, a type of bacteria which are also used in probiotic drinks such as yogurt. This technology was developed by Prof. Willy Verstraete, a microbiologist from the University of Ghent in Belgium. . Through the bacteria, was given a silver coating before it is inserted into the body through the nasal spray. In the body, the bacteria will be involved in contact with norovirus,

the most common type of virus that cause flu and colds. The virus would lose its ability to infect cells when in contact with a silver lining. 2.2.Silver ions can help the healing of wounds The results of another study conducted by Dr. Robert O. Becker concluded that silver ions can be beneficial in wound healing. On September 29, 1998, dr. Robert O. Becker received a U.S. patent (5,814,094) for the devices, materials and techniques involved in the regeneration of tissue using silver ions. After several hundred cases, dr. Robert O. Becker argues that the tissue regeneration technique using ionic silver works in three stages, ie: 1. The first stage is a combination of active free ionic silver with all the bacteria or fungI present in the wound, where bacteria and fungi will be inactive within 20 to 30 minutes. 2. The second stage (usually appear within a few days) is ionic silver works on fibroblast cells (cells that normally lead to wound healing with scar formation) causes fibroblast cells to return to their original shape that is embryonic, and it would be a form of embryonic stem cells (stem cell). This is where stem cells are universal building blocks whose role is to reconstruct a new tissue and regenerate tissue structures that follow the original, not only to form scar tissue only. 3. At the final stage, ionic silver will form complexes with living cells in the injured area to be turned into stem cells. At the time of stem cell is flooding the wound, the stem cells will be quickly converted into a new network with a structure similar to normal adult cells prior to the types of injuries that have occurred. The end result of this conversion is complete recovery of all anatomical structures including nerves and blood supply without scar formation. In all cases handled, there is no evidence of Argyria (discoloration of skin) or other side effects were recorded. Keep in mind that silver is needed only in the number of nanoparticles, research has been done by G.

Danscher (1981), indicate the presence of silver deposits that are not needed by the body can block the transport of blood to the brain and the presence of silver deposits in the fetal liver of animals under study showed that silver ions can penetrate the placental barrier.


The conclusions that can be obtained from the study lyteratur about the benefits of silver in an amount not exceeding the threshold in biological tissue, especially in micro-organisms, like bacteria and fungi namely; 1. Silver can be used as a treatment for patients with flu and colds are caused by viruses 2. Assist wound healing by inhibiting the growth of fungi and bacteria that can cause infection. 3. Silver nanoparticles are utilized as a drug injected into the ways of microorganisms that can kill pathogenic microorganisms in the body


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