Senate Meeting 11-21-2008

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18th Senate Meeting Minutes: November 21st, 2008

1. Called to Order – 9:07am

2. Roll Call – Senator Brown absent

3. No additions or corrections

4. Agenda approved

5. Minutes approved

6a. President Sterr’s Report –

Working with Elections Board
Recreation Center Survey received 829 responses to date
Recognition to Jared and Michael for all their hard work

6b. Vice President Wooster’s Report –

Attended Northwest Student Leadership Conference (NWSLC)
Set up tabling schedule
Met about the Recreation Center
Preparing for One on One Meetings
Attended External Affairs committee meeting
Meeting with individuals
Reviewing the Senate, ASWSUV, and personal goals

6c. 1) Eric Davidson’s Report –

Thanksgiving Dinner event went well
Pullman Trip is occurring this weekend (11/22, 11/23)
Working on a medieval dinner

2) Nicole Mousleh’s report –

Preparing for advertising the Recreation Center Survey
Set up a big A-frame for advertising

3) Michael Hatch’s report –

Obtained the Managing Editor position at the VanCougar
Making major improvements to the ASWSUV website

4) Sommer Knight’s report –

Attended the WSL General Assembly and NWSLC
Contacted elected officials about agenda

5) Blake Hunter’s report –

Leadership Training Event was successful and another to occur Spring semester
Working with clubs that are not officially active
Attended the Club forums with a few senators

6) Jared Pengra’s report -

Received a promotion at work and leaving his ASWSUV position
Preparing and helping the new Event Assistant
Putting up flyers and posters

7. Committee reports
External Affairs – Faculty Canned Food Drive occurring Dec. 3rd – 10th
Holiday Open House on Dec. 3rd from 4-7pm
Volunteer Fair postponed

Programming – Proposed bill and work order for the lockers

Meeting with Michelle about facilities order

Finance – Approximately $1800 spent at the last meeting

Rules and Regulations – wrote up 3 By-Law Amendments

Budget Committee won’t meet until next semester

Old Business
8. Bill 18.010
Senator Cruz moved to postpone indefinitely. Senator Atkinson seconded.
Bill postponed.

New Business
9. Bill 18.013
Senator Shaw moved to amend Section 1 to change $2,000 to $2,575. Senator
Kleinschmidt seconded. Bill amended.

Senator Shaw called to question. Senator Chu seconded. Bill passed.

10. Bill 18.014

Senator Chu called to question. Senator Harman seconded. Bill passed.

11. Bill 18.015

Senator Myers asked to discuss the bill in order to redo the bill

Questions: Unexpected costs? Rounded up and got a price quote from the company.
Need to add facility costs.
Free use or control use? It is a pilot program, semester fee, and working out the details.
Policy for locker break-ins? Will ask for contact information and may create a formal
document for them to sign.
Where would funds go? Back into funding or there may be an ASWSUV scholarship
Advertising? Not yet decided
Who is managing it? OSI or ASWSUV

Senator Atkinson moved to postpone definitely until Dec. 5th meeting. Senator Chu
seconded. Bill postponed.

12. By Law Amendment 18.008

Senator Aday called to question. Senator Shaw seconded. Amendment amended.

13. By Law Amendment 18.009

Senator Kleinschmidt called to question. Senator Harman seconded. Amendment

14. By Law Amendment 18.010

Senator Harman moved to amend Section 2 from “642.00” to read “642.01 – 642.05”
Senator Chu seconded. Amendment amended.
Senator Myers moved to amend the spacing of Section 2 642.04. Senator Harman
seconded. Amendment amended.

Senator Chu called to question. Senator Harman seconded. Amendment amended.

15. Recognition to Nicole Mousleh, Michael Hatch, Jared Pengra, Blake Hunter, Peter
Sterr, and Andrea Wooster

16. Reported out about what we learned at the NWSLC

17. For the Good of the Order

Senator Sanders arranged for the senators to be able to leave tabling supplies in the
Human Resources office

McIlvoy: Keep in mind that approval is needed for travel out of the state
Learn who people represent and use verbage and titles correctly

Adjourned at 10:22am

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