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Project in English

Submitted by: Crisanta Diana B. Borbe Submitted to: Ms. Alyssa Siglos

Table of Contents
I. Technical Reports Memorandum report Letter report Accounting report II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 5

Expository Techniques of Technical Writing Definition Description Comparison and Contrast Analogy Classification Partition Illustration Cause and Effect Giving Instructions Employing Persuasion Interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19


Diary Bibliography


Memorandum Report TO: Graduate Council Members FROM: Dr. Jane Doe Department of Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences DATE: September 5, 2002 SUBJECT: ULM COURSE OFFERINGS After a review of the pharmaceutics curriculum in the Department of Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences, five new courses are being submitted for approval. These courses are: (1) Pharmaceutical Reformulation (PHAR 577), (2) Solid State Chemistry of Drugs (PHAR 578), (3) Dosage Form Design (PHAR 579), (4) Surface and Interfacial Phenomena (PHAR 583), and (5) Chemical Kinetics and Stability of Pharmaceuticals (PHAR 584). The proposed new course offering will address new principles and concepts in pharmaceutics as well as addressing existing deficiencies in our curriculum. Please find the enclosed information for each course: a New Graduate Course Application form, a syllabus, and a Request for New Course Number form. Your assistance in facilitating the approval of these proposed courses will be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact me.

Letter Report May 30, 2001 Dear Mr. Stephenson, Again this year I did my Birdathon in Delaware along with three friends from Pennsylvania Dave Cutler, Harry Armistead, and Carl Perry and a good birder from Delaware John Janowski. The date was May 17 - by chance precisely the same as last years. While the 17th is slightly past the usual peak of the spring migration, the best migration days this year actually occurred in the week after our outing. I ended up, however, with a good total of 175 species, just one short of last year. You never get all the species scored by everyone in the group and I missed six seen by some of the others. We started in the dead of night and covered a number of marshes in Kent and Sussex counties, picking up five rails and a few sparrows, wrens, and shorebirds in the dark, along with three owls and two goatsuckers. At dawn we were at the Delaware River near the Pea Patch Island heronry to see the morning foraging flight nine species of herons and several other waterbirds terns, gulls, and cormorants. The Nemours Foundation, on the outskirts of Wilmington, one of the few remaining areas in Delawares Piedmont where the big oaks that attract insectivorous birds have not been reduced to lumber, was our next stop, and we did fairly well there, getting among other birds 12 of the days 27 warblers, three mimids, and both orioles. Some of the other 15 warblers along with five thrushes and four vireos we got next at White Clay Creek in New Castle Countys northwest corner. From White Clay we went south again, visiting the coastal marsh areas for shorebirds, ducks, and a Peregrine Falcon and the vicinity of Redden State Forest, where we had the rest of our warblers, several flycatchers, and great views of a Red-headed Woodpecker. At Cape Henlopen we picked up a few new shorebirds, including the endangered Piping Plover. We had run out of the time necessary to get us to Indian River Inlet, where we would surely have added a half dozen salt water species to our list, so turned homeward where I arrived at about ten oclock. Now the good news youve been waiting for. At $9.50 per species, your sponsorship is worth $150.90. So youre in a position to make a tax-deductible contribution of that amount (or even more if you wish) to the National Audubon Society, who will put your contribution towards making the world a better place for you and your children to live in. All you have to do is make out your check to the Society and send it on to me in the enclosed envelope. If you have a connection to a corporation that matches charitable gifts, the Birdathon will qualify for that too. Mr. Stephenson thanks for your support. Its truly appreciated; Im grateful for your sponsorship. Sincerely, Agatha Simons

Accounting Report L. MINELLI TRUCKING AND STORAGE CO. Statement of Financial Position December 31, 2010

Assets: Cash Accounts Receivable Prepaid Insurance Office Supplies Prepaid Gas and Oil Land Building Less: AD, Building Truck Less: AD, Truck Office Equipment Less: AD, OE TOTAL ASSETS

96, 500 149, 000 59, 600 15, 500 4, 650

P 25, 600 9, 800 10, 000 1, 100 5, 500 100, 000 P 355, 000 258, 500 89, 400 10, 580 P 510, 750

LIABILITIES AND OWNERS EQUITY Liabilities: Accounts Payable Notes Payable Unearned Storage Fee Accrued Interest Payable Accrued Salaries Payable TOTAL LIABILITIES Owners Equity L. Minelli, Capital P 383, 400 Less: L. Minelli, Drawing 55,000 Net Capital 328, 400 Add: Net Income 104, 350 Total Owners Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS EQUITY

P 7, 500 50, 000 11, 000 2, 500 7, 000 P 78, 000

423, 750 P

510, 750

Definition Beetle Beetle is an insect of the order Coleoptera, with modified front wings forming hard protective cases closing over the back wings. Beetles have the largest number of insects with over 375,000 species currently identified. They are found almost everywhere. They are fed on the wide range of food from pollen, plant sap to rotten woods. The adult beetles have heavily armored bodies. This form a protective cover over the more delicate hind wings. While the beetle larvae have softer bodies and are protected by remaining hidden inside their foods. Some beetles are important pests of crops and of stored foods. In nature, beetles play a useful role in recycling the nutrients in dead remains. Some beetle larvaeparticularly in wood-eating specieslive over for 10 years before metamorphosis into an adult form. The adults typically live for a few weeks or months. Beetles have jaws, antenna, compound eye, femur, thorax, hind wings and tarsus. Thats their parts. Beetles are kinda interesting thats why we should study a lot more about them. For us to know everything about them.

Description A Vacation in An Island A vacation in an island is a real great experience. This happened on our summer vacation a few years ago. First, we took a bus and it is an eight hour trip. The air of the city is really different from the air of the province. It is really refreshing and it is really cold unlike the polluted air of the city. We took a midnight trip and it gave me a good feeling that this vacation would be a good one. The trip became peaceful and calm. The sky has its stars that shines and glitters, as if theyre talking to you. At last, were at our destination, we have to ride a motor boat and the trip lasted one and a half hour. The sea is color blue but at some part it is green. The water is cold and when we got into the island, well, just for you information is the island where I was born is very welcoming. We stayed at my grandmas house which was near by the seashore. The people there are very industrious; they made mats and bags out of karagumoy. Theres also who plant vegetables and theres a lot of fruit- bearing trees everywhere, and chirping birds every morning. I really enjoyed my stay at our province and I assure myself that Ill back there soon. You should try to visit your province when it is vacation.

Comparison and Contrast Gadgets: Computer or Laptop Every one of us has our own gadgets these days. It is very helpful to us in means of communication, entertainment, games and applications. Now, the most popular is a computer set and a laptop or net book. In these two, what might be the more convenient and helpful? Lets compare. Both computer and laptop can help us in doing our assignments. Such as in typing and searching. They are both easy to operate and both have applications to be downloaded. Both have storage for documents, music, pictures and videos. Of course, if these two gadgets have similarities, they, too, have differences. The personal computer stayed only at our houses and even more expensive. The net books can be brought at any places we want. At the school for reports, at the office and even if youre on a vacation. It is rechargeable and we can connect on the internet by the use of wifi or a prepaid kit. The only disadvantage is that net books can be snatched from you while the computer set is safe at your room. We dont have similar taste for a gadget to use but it is on the person who will use it properly.

Analogy Lets Read Books; Get To Know Manga Reading books is one of my hobbies; novels, textbooks, and even tagalog pocketbooks. Even if it is secondhand or a new released book. I also do online reading. I have a collection of books and the book that I treasured the most is called manga. It is an illustrated novel done by a mangaka or a Japanese illustrator. A manga is just like a comic like the Marvel Superheroes. A manga is the beginning of all the animes that the Otaku loves. Every volume contains chapters to read. A typical book can be read from left to right but a manga is a bit different. A manga is read from right to left and is divided by block so you will be able to know which the next part is. Every manga and comic has its own stories; fantasy, romance, and most of the time the setting is always in school. It focused more on high school life, first love, infatuation, crush and puppy love, also the love at first sight. It is also interesting to read a manga because of the author. Their ideas and different styles of illustrating and drawing. Somehow, I can say that it can really be confusing at first but when you read it consistently, youll get used to it and be able to appreciate a manga.

Classification Anime Genres When we are on our childhood years we are fond of watching shows on the television especially the animated shows. Anime is a Japanese animated show divided into 25- 26 episodes or more and seasons. Anime is classified into 2 genres: Shonen and Shoujo. Shonen is the anime for boys. This is more on fantasy, martial arts, comedy, and myths. Lets take Naruto for example. It is about a boy who studied to become a ninja and dreams of becoming a Hokage. In his quest for his dream, he got to know new friends an strong enemies, and learn new techniques. Lets now have the Shoujo animes. Shoujo animes is for girls. It is more on school life, romance, and everyday lifestyles of the people. Example of this is the anime Maid Sama. It is about the student council president who works as a maid in a caf. She did her very best to keep her secret, but unfortunately, the campus crush of their school unintentionally saw her and she felt that her life is already over. Not until the guy confessed to him and she have the same feeling toward him. Animes are good to watch even if youre already on your 20s and it is comforting.


Partition Dividing Of Parts Partition is analysis that divides a singular unit into its components, steps or aspects. It is like dividing the chapters of the book for a group of students. Then the students of the group will divide the topic of the chapter for them to report it. It is also like a song that will be divided part by part to each member of a boy band. For example, there are five members of the band, the leader will have the first part, and the next one will have the second part. Then, they will be singing at the same time at the middle part of the song and so on. Partition can be found at our own house too. The mother will do the laundry, the father and son will have the repairing, and the daughter will do the cleaning and washing of the dishes. Should I say that the partition can make a person responsible to him/her works too? Like in studying for the upcoming examination. The students will divide their times to review the subjects that theyll be taking. An hour for mathematics, another one for English and two hours for the major subjects. Also in doing a choral declamation, the members will have their own parts to be said. There are many things that can be divided into many parts and it is a big help. You can also know what to do first and when to do things.


Illustration My Cellphone I am not a techie person. I dont own any latest gadgets. Im fine at having one used for communication and being updated for what are the latest happenings. I have a cell phone, it is a Nokia. It is an old unit but it still work. There are different parts: screen, keypads, battery, sim card, and the housing. The screen let you see the messages and features. Also to see the time and date and contact numbers. Keypads are used to control the features of the cell phone. It is used in going to the menu, click up and down, left and right. Battery abd sim card almost have the same function. A cell phone wont work if it didnt have these two. The housing is the outer part of the cell phone. It is to protect the phone and if you want, you can change it into a more stylish one base on your taste. Cell phones are convenient and easy to operate but with the life were having right now, we cant afford to buy a new one. I mean, I cant buy a new one.


Cause and Effect Effects of Catastrophes Whats happening to our environment these days? Catastrophes everywhere and yearly damaging places and live. Why are those things happening? What might be the effects of these to us? Every single country faces calamities yearly. For example, the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the tornadoes at the east and the strong storms and flashfloods here in our country. Many people sacrifices their lives. There shouldnt be any dangerous calamities if it is not the mistake of us, people. The effects of this to us is really big. Many people lose their hopes and even end up their own lives. The farmers and fishermen lost their worth of living. The houses and cars came broken and those people lost those who they love. We cant really say when or where the calamity will come thats why we should always get ready. What might be the reasons why these things are happening? Theres just thing Im sure, we should respect our environment and love everything that make us alive.


Giving Instructions Pechay Roll Almost all of the people Ive known love eating and I wont exclude myself to them. I love eating but at the same time being healthy. You want to know the dish that my father invented? Okay, here it is First, prepare the ingredients: pechay leaves, ground pork, eggs and seasonings. Beta the eggs in a bowl, put some salt and pepper. Blanch the pechay leaves in boiling water. Put the ground pork, chopped tomatoes and some seasonings in the peachay leaves and roll it. Do it again at the other pechay leaves. Heat the pan and put some oil. Dip the pechay roll at the beaten egg then fry. Let it be until its cook and ready to eat. You should try cooking this dish and Im really proud that my father invented this. It is sure healthy and yummy. Another thing, this dish can be paired at any kind of dip.


Employing Persuasion Bad Habits; Addiction Online games are the games that most the students mostly play. And this have a big effect for the students. Before, the students would go on a internet caf after school to play online games and would waste money. But now, they would even cut classes for it. Their parents dont even know what theyre doing. I also used to be an online player; I play Cabal Online with my classmates after school. Thats almost every day and my parents dont know that. That was until I cant focus on my studies. My grades went down and Im so worried. My parents would ask me why that is and I just told them that the exams are bit hard. Then, I promised to myself that I would play but not consistently. Ill play just for fun and to kill time. As of my own experience, you, students should control yourselves. Make limitations and think that the money youre wasting is your parents money. They worked hard for it.


Interpretation Before and After We should accept the fact that many changes have been made for the past few years. To the environment, gadgets, and even the behavior. Before, when I was in elementary days, we would just play always. Paper dolls, Barbie dolls, doll house and hide and seek. We study while playing. We play while studying. No boyfriends, no girlfriends. More on telling stories and laughing. But now, I feel frustrated and disgusted to the fact that the elementary students nowadays are flirting instead of studying. Less playing with dolls, more playing with someone. Girls are gossiping while the boys learn not to respect. Some dont obey their parents anymore and even having a fight with them. I know that nothings permanent. Everything changes for a reason. I think Im just not prepared for it.


Diary December 23, 2011 Today, I got up from bed at around 7:45 am. My mother cooked two pancit canton and my brother and I paired it with rice. We watched the animes airing at GMA 7, starting from Detective Conan to Hunter X Hunter to Fairy Tail up to Bleach. Then turn it to Showtime then Eat Bulaga. We ate late lunch and then we assembled the tamia of my brother. We beca,e confused in assembling it and after an hour. . . its done! We did it! At around 6 pm, we went to church for an anticipated mass. December 24, 2011 One day before Christmas! This day is very normal, nothings special. We dont hve noche buena; we just ate normal food for this special dinner. But still, Im happy because we are complete: mama, papa, my younger brother and I. Advance Merry Christmas! December 25, 2011 Merry Christmas everyone! Today is Christmas day. We woke up at 6 in the morning and went to church for Christmas mass. After that, we headed to Muntinlupa to visit our relatives. Theres my grandma, aunts, uncles, and cousins. They gave me money . Although at around 5 pm, I went home already. I left my mama and brother because I dont want my father to be alone at our house (thats lonely you know?!). When I came home, theres a party at our place but of course, I didnt join because Im not a party people. December 26, 2011 Today, my friends Princess, Diane and I went to Festival Mall. When we got there, we went first to Comic Alley. We bought some stickers and posters. We walked and walked and walked. We ate Takoyaki and walked again, we did window shopping and when we got tired we ate French fries, hamburger and coke float at Mc Donalds. We really had a great time. By the way, I bought a manga entitled Papillon. We also entered the power Book stall, Ive decided to save money to buy that book entitled Fallen by Lauren Kate. At around 4:30 we went home but I let them go first because I had to pick up my brother at my grandmas house at Muntinlupa. Before riding the jeep, I bought him a French fries and then we headed home. Im really tired that I went to sleep early. December 30, 2011 This will be a great and super happy day! Our barkada have a get-together today. The venue is at the house of one of my friends and he is Lenard. By the way, our barkada was named Hime, it is from the anime Mai Hime in which Hime means Princess. When we got there, we cooked pancit canton and made some iced tea. While eating, someone was taking pictures and we watched the movie Nanny McPhee. Then picture taking again before going home. Of course, we were planning for another get-together soon. Im pretty excited for it. 17

December 31, 2011 One day before New Year! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Im pretty excited you know?! This is the last day of the year 2011. Goodbye 2011, hello 2012! When I woke up, the sky is kinda dim so I went to sleep again and when I got up, the sun is shining so brightly. This will be a great day! I said and it should be. And when the night came, we cooked our food and I bought smidgets and at around 7 pm, I guess that the whole Philippines is starting to get wild and noisy but I like it! Its time to party and have a good time. January 1, 2012 HAPPY NEW YEAR! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! 12 in the midnight and the crowd went wild!

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