NASA: 83126main 1974

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74-01 NASA extends Boeing Contract for ASTP/Skylab Supporl l/3/74

74-02 NASA extends ASTP support contract with General Elec :. l/3/74

74-03 NASA Plans 26 Launches in 1974 1/4/74

'-o 74-04 Skylab Hometown Release - Tandy N. Bruce 1/21/74

x 74-05 Skylab Hometown Release - Robert J. Green 1/21/74

c_ 74-006 Skylab Hometown Release - Alan Glines

_ 74-07 Skylab Hometown Release - David D. DeAtkine 1/21/74

74-08 Skylab Hometown Release - David L. Kelley 1/21/74

% 74-O9 Skylab Hometown Release - Sherman L. Webster 1/21/74

x 74-10 Skylab Hometown Release - Earl W. Thompson 1/21/74

· -'4 74-11 Skylah Hometown Release - Stanley Tonnessen

74-12 NASA Issues Installment for Shuttle Development 1/9/74

74-13 SkylabHometown Release - Richard B. Ramsell

74-14 Skylab Hometown Release - Gary B. Evans
x_ 74-15 Skylab Hometown Release - Anthony J. pes ko

74-16 Skylab Hometown Release - Edward Ramire_ 1/21/74

74-17 Skylab Hometown Release - Frank E. HUghe_
'4 74-18 Skylab Hometown Release - Bruce C. Shraut nagle
74-19 Skylab Hometown Release - Leonard J. Rich

74-20 Crew cleared for another week in space 1/10/74

74-21 ASTP Working Groups to Meet l/ll/74


· 1

74-22 Skylab Hometown Release - Ronald D. _erda

74-23 Skylab Hometown Release - Frank R. Hits

'¼ 74-24 SKYLAB HOMETD%rN RELEASE - Charles R. Edwards 1/21/74



74-27 SKYLAB HOMETOWN RELEASE- Joseph William Hir, ,an J /1_/9_

_q 74-28 SKYLAB HOMETOWN RELEASE - Louis V. Ramon 1/21/74

_ 74-29 SKYLAB HOMETOWN RELEASE- Melvin R. Rothe] 1/21/74

74-30 _S_t_s_ue Bid for New Data Processing

74-31 Crew given go for another week in space 1/17/74

74-32 Skylab.astronauts revealing Ocean's mysteries 1/17/74

74-33 KEY EVENTS - DAY OF SPLASH 1/17/74

74-34 Volunteer subject suffers brief cardiac arrest 1/18/74

74-35 NASA Calls for Systems to Modify M_C, Other Area_ 1/19/74

74-36 SKYLAB HOMETOWN RELEASE - John David Bla]ock _


o. / --


Stuart M.D.,
A. Bergr
Ph.I. an _// /_/ /

74-39 SKYLAB HOMETOWN RELEASE- H. Gene Koch ------_////_

74-40 SK%rLAB HOMETOWN RELEASE - Robert Heselme' -=r 1/21/74

74-41 SK,rLAB HOSIETOWN RELEASE - James E. Wallac 1./21./74

74-42 SKYLAB HOMETOWN RELEASE - charles Alford 1/21./74



74-43 S_B HO_IETOWN RELEASE - Don Hill 1/21/74

74-44 SKYLAB HO_{ETOWN RELEASE - Charles Robert Larsen 1/21/74

74-45 NASA issues installment for shuttle development 1/23/74


74-.48 SKYLAB HOMETOWN RELEASE - Louis A. Deluca 2/1/74

74-47 Skylab to be leftin revisit condition 2/_/74

74-_ Note to Editors/News Directors 2/6/74

74-_ T-38 Mishap at Berstrom (Henize) 2/6/74

74-51 Energy Reductions Paying Space Center Big Dividends 2/20/74

74-52 Philco-Ford Contract Modified 2/19/74

74-53 S_ger Simcom Contract Refiewed 2/19/74

74-54 Northrop Contract Renewed 2/19/74

74-55 Pan-Am Awarded Support Contract 2/25/74

74-56 The 5th Annual Lunar Science Conference 3/7/74

74-57 NASA Remote Sensing to 'Assist'in _//Z/Q,_

Eradicating Screwworm

74-58 JSC Visitor Program has New Attractions 3/11/74

Earth Resources L'ab support contract
74-59 negotiated 3/15/74

74-60 President Nixon Visits JSC 3/20/74

74-61 Grumman Contract Supplemented 3/20/74

Draper Lab to Develop ASTP/Shuttle
74-62 Avionics Software 4/3/74


74-63 McDonnell Dotg-las Selected for Space Shuttle Support 4/8/74

74-64 ASTP Working Groups to Meet at JSC 4/9/74

74-65 Skylab Awards Made at JSC 4/18/74

74-66 Aircraft Maintenance & Modification Contract 4/19/74

NASA Signs Major Supplemental Agreement to Space i

74-68 Shuttle .Contract
Philco-Ford/MCC with Roclcwell
Supplemental international
Agreement Corporatil n )/Z%/_
4/24/74 V

74-69 Univac Contract Extended 4/2 5/74

74-69a Woodling Receives ALAA Award 4/24/74

74-70 MCC/RTCC Contract Continued with IBM 4/25/74

74-71 Young to Head Astronaut office 4/30/74

74-72 Astronaut Schweickart Moves to NASA Headquarters 4/30/74

74-73 Hordinsky Receives NASA Exceptional Service Medal _A¥ 8 1974
74-7_] McMann Receives NASA Exceptional Service Medal _9_19,O_ MAY 8 197_

74-75 Stonesifer Receives NASA Exceptional Service Medal MAY 8 1974

74-76 Smith .......... _llY 8 1974

74-77 Thompson ........... bl,tl¥ 8 1974

74-78 Shelley .......... MAY 8 1974

74-79 Frank .......... t_Ay 8 1974.

74-80 Louviere .......... _Y

74-81 McLeaish .......... MAY 8 1974

___X parten .......... _AY $ 1974

74-83 Taylor .......... _¥ 8 1974



74-84 Richmond Receives NASA Exceptional Service Medal MAY 8 1974

74-85 Harris .......... MAY 8 1974

74-86 Huffstetler .......... NAY 8 1974

74-87. Miller .......... _A¥ 8 1974

74-88 Williams .......... MAY 8 1974

74-89 Honeycutt .......... MAY g 1974

74-90 Johnson "C ........ gAY 8 1974

74-91 Bush .... . ...... billy 8 1974

72-92 Sanborn .... ' ...... _A¥ 8 1974

74-93 Dietlein .......... t_y 8 7974

74-94 Armi.tage .... . Group Achievement Award _AY q 1974

74-95 Hawkins .......... MAY 8 1974

John F. Yardley named New Head of NASA
74-96 Manned Space Flight 5/8/74

74-97 Cliff Charlesworth Honored 5/9/74

Contract Awarded for Engineering Support
74-98 Services at JSC 5/1_/74

74-99 Communique on
Resultsof ASTP Meetings 5/3/74

9_/-/c e Musgrave Receives NASA Exceptional Service Medal 5/;t3/74

i ,r


74-102 Astronaut Schmitt Heads new NASA Energy Of Eice 5/13/74

74-103 McCandle_$ Receives NASA Excptional Service Me& L_//'%/') t(

74-104 IBM named for Space shuttle software 5/17/74



74-105 Proposals Requested for Orbiter Simulator 5/24/74

74-106 Kentron Support Services Contract Extended 5/31/74

74-107 Texas ERTS Mosaic 6/6/74

74-108 Lind Receives 'NASA Exceptional Service Medal 6/12/74

74-109 Lenoir _eceives NASA Exceptional Service Medal 6/12/74

74-110 tunney Receives Flemning Award 6/22/74

74-111 'Brand Receives Exceptional Service Medal 6/12/74

74-112 RFP Goes Out For Shuttle Simulator Computer Complex 6/13/74

74-113 Piland, Aldrich Get New JSC Assignments 6/14/74

74-114 NASA Engineers to Moscow for ASTP Lighting Test C]/)/?t /

74-115 Former. Resident Graham, to'Moscow for ASTP Li_hti:lg Tests 6/lq / _

74-116 Former
TeAts Resident Land, to Moscow for ASTP Lighting _ ti///_/QG
Former Resident Edmiston, to Moscow for ASTP ! /
74-117 Lighting Tests _//_/_

Former Resident Ragan, to Moscow for ASTP / /

74-118 Li_htin_ Tests _ _ I_ __ ti .

Former Resident Dennett, to Moscow. for ASTP /

74-119 Lighting Tests _// _ tO 7

74-120 Flights747
Selected For Space Shuttle Orbiter Ferry _/I _ /O

74-121 ASTP Crew to Train in U.S.S.Ro 6/19/74

Released at NA iA
H__dqs. & MSFC NASA to Award SRM Contract to Thiokol 6/27/74
Released at Lockheed Named for NASA White Sands Test
NASA HQS Facility Support 6/28/74

74-122 Delco gets ASTP Guidance Contract 7/8/74

74-123 GE Support Contract Modffied 7/9/74



74-124 Rockwell awarded supplemental space shuttle contri_et 7/11/74

74-125 Former Resident Madison Interns at NASA 7/15/74

74-126 Resident Bothe Interns At NASA 7/15/74

74-127. Resident Gibson Interns at NASA 7/15/74

74-128 Resident Simmons Interns at NASA 7/15/74

74-129 Resident Green Interns at NASA 7/15/74

74-130 Resident Lemieux Interns at NASA 7/15/74

74-131 Resident Johnson Interns at NASA 7/15/74

74-132 Resident Minor Interns at NASA 7/15/74

74-133 Resident Johnson Interns at NASA 7/15/74

74-134 Former Resident Mueller Interns ,at NASA 7/15/74

74-135 Three Area Residents Intern at NASA 7/15/74

74-136 Resident Thornton Interns at NASA 7/15/74

74-137 Resident Perko Interns at NASA 7/15/74

74-138 Three Area Residents Intern at NASA 7/15/74

74-139 Two Area Residents Intern at NASA 7/15/74

74-140 Resident Speake Interns at NASA 7/15/74

74-141 Former Resident Collins Interns at NASA 7/15/74

74-142 Resident Yeary Interns at NASA 7/15/74

74-143 Resident Goodman Interns at NASA 7/15/74

74-144 Resident Leake.Interns at NASA 7/15/74



74-145 Resident Kent' Interns at NASA 7/!5/74

74-14_ Resident Doucet Interns' at NASA 7/15/74

JSC Observes Fifth Anniversary of First
74-_4_ /_ Lunar Landing 7/12/74

74=148 Apollo/$0yuz Crews to Observe, Photograph_Earth Features 9/9/74

149 _ ASTP Exp. MA =083 Extreme Ultraviolet Telescope 7/22/74
74-150 ASTP Exp. MA=048 X-ray Observation 7/22/74

74-151 ASTP Exp. MA-106 Light Flash 7/22/74

74=152 ASTP Exp. MA-147 Zone Forming Fungi 7/22/74

74-153 ,,F_)P Exp. MA=088 Helium Glow Detector 7/22/74 ._

74-154 _TP Exp. MA-148 Artificial SOlar Eclipse 7/22/74

74-155 ASTP E.xp. AR-002 Microbial · Exchange 7/22/74

74-156 ASTP Exp. MA-107 Biostack 7/22/74

74-157 ASTP Exp. MA-028 Crystal Growth in 'Zero Gravity 7/22/74

74-158 ASTP Exp. MA-089 Doppler Tracking 7/22/74

74-159 _, gASTP Exp. MA-059 Ultraviolet (UV)Pibsorption 7/22/74

74=160 Astronaut Alan B. Shepard, Jr., Announces Retiremer_ 7/19/74

74-161 ESRO Meeting 7/22/74

74-162 Aircraft flammability test 7/30/74

74-163 JSC Participation in Skylab Conference 8/1/74

74-164 Whitsett Presents Skylab Paper -AAS 8/15/74

74-165 Sevier Presents Skylab Paper - AAS 8/15/74

- II


74-166 Roach Presents .Skylab Paper - AAS 8/15/74

74-167 Primeaux Presents Skylab Paper - AAS 8/15/75

74-168 Schultz Presents Skylab Paper - AAS 8/15/74

74-169 MacLeod Presents Skylab Paper - AAS 8/15/74

74-170 Huffstetler Presen%s Skylab Paper - AAS 8/15/74

7h_]71 Stonesifer Presents Skylab Paper - AAS 8/15/74

74-172 Bush Presents Skylab Paper - AAS 8/15/74

74-173 Henize Presents Skylab Paper - AAS 8/15/74

74-174 Gibson Presents Skylab Paper - AAS 8/15/74

74-175 Parker Presents Skylab Paper - AAS 8/15/74

74-176 W_lmarth Pre_ents Skylab Paoer - AAS 8/15/74

74-177 ' Johnson Presents Skylab Paper - AAS 8/15/74

74-178 Truly Presents Skylab Paper 8/15/74

74-179 CrippenPresents Skylab Paper 8/15/74

74-180 Potter Presents Skylab Paper 8/15/74

74-181 Bond Presents Skylab Paper 8/15/74

74-182 Lenoir Presents Skylab Paper 8/15/74

74-183 ASTPDocking Test Near Completion 8/2/74

NASA Monitoring Instrument May Aid 8/6/74

74-184 Hypertension Studies
74-185 Anthony Calio Gets Sloan Fellowship 8/5/74

74-186 Dr. Robert A. Parker New Chief, Astronaut Office 8/15/74

-- S & AD


74-_/_ Holloway Presents Skylab Paper 8/15/74

74-188 Ahsan in NASA Faculty Program 8/16/74

74-189 · Allen ........ 8/16/74

74-190 ' Amoss ...... 8/16/74

74-191 ' Andrus ...... 8/16/74

74-192 Anderson ...... 8/16/74

74 - 193 ' Aronhime ...... 8/16/74

74-194 · Belkin ...... 8/16/74

74-i95 · Chao ...... 8/16/74

74-196 · Chopin ...... 8/16/74

74-197 ' Corke .... ." 8/16/74

74-198 Cox ........ 8/16/74

74-199 Frank ...... 8/16/74

74-200 · Heenan ...... 8/16/74

74-201 ' Henry ...... ' 8/16/74

74-202 Higgs ...... 8/16/74

74-203 ' Murray ...... 8/16/74

74-204 Naugle ...... 8/16/74

74-205 Owen ...... 8/16/74

74-206 Pendleton ...... 8/16/74

74-207 Ruffin ...... 8/16/74

-- 74-208 ' Silver ........ 8/16/74



74-209 Smith in NASA' Faculty Program 8/16/74

74-210 Solomon .... " 8/16/74

74-211 Walton ...... 8/16/74

74-212. Wang in " " " 8/16/74

74-213 Whitson " " " 8/16/74

74-214 Williamson" ,, ,, 8/16/74

74-215 Wolf " '* " 8/16/74

74-216 Wolgamott " " " 8/16/74

74-217 Yeh " " " 8/16/74

74-218 Antunes ...... 8/16/74

74-219 Carmichael ..... 8/16/74

74-220 CHENG ...... 8/16/74

74-221 Halter & Holm .... 8/16/74

74-222 Kuester ...... 8/16/74

74-223 Lutes ...... 8/16/74

74-224 Maples ...... 8/16/74

74-225 Meyers ...... 8/16/74

74-226 Rao ...... 8/16/74

74-227 Riesco ...... X_8/16/74

74-228 Swift and Wiebe .... 8/16/74

74-229 Turner ....... 8/16/74



74-230 Van Poolen in. NASA Faculty Program 8/16/74

74-231 Stetb .... ." 8/16/74

74-232 Chang .... 8/16/74

74-233 Krause ...... 8/16/74

74-234 Hordinsky Presents Skylab Paper 8/12/74

Vance' Brand attends Apollo/Soyuz AUG 2 _ _74

74-235 Soviet Meetings

74-236 Skylab Life Science Symposium Scheduled 8/16/74

Ken Young Attends Apollo/Soyuz AUG 2 2 _74

74-237 . Soviet Meetings

74-238 ' Lawrence Bourgeois Jr. Attends Apollo/Soyuz AUG 2 _ 1974

Soviet Meetings
Harold Black Attends Apollo/Soyuz Soviet
74-239 Meetings AUG 2 2 1974
M. P. Frank Attends Apollo/Soyuz Soviet _JG _ 2 _74
74-240 Meet.ings

Astronaut Karol K. Bobko Attends Apollo/ AUG 2 2 _74

74-241 Soyuz Soviet Meetings

74_242 ! Daniel A. Bland Jr. Attends Apollo/Soyuz

Soviet Meetings AUG Z 2 _74
" Elvin B. Pippert Jr. Attends Apollo/Soyuz AUG 2 2 1974
74-243 Soviet Meetings
Robert W. Becker Attends Apollo/Soyuz AUG 2 _ _74
74-244 Soviet Meetings

Maurice Kennedy Attends Apollo/Soyuz AUG 2 _ _74

74-245' Soviet Meetings

74-246 Astronaut Gibson announces resignation 8/20/74

74-247 Steve McLendon Attends Apollo/Soyuz Soviet 8/22/74

Charles F. Deiterich Attends Apollo/Soyuz 9/4/74
74-248 Soviet Meetings
Sy Liebergot attends apollo/soyuz Soviet 9/5/74
74-249 Meetings

74-25C ASTP Activities in U.S. and U.S.S.R. 9/6/74



74-251 Earth _bit Maintenance Study Contract 9/9/74

74-252 Shuttle Earth Observations Pac_ge Study 9/_74

74-25 B Srlight 9/27/74

74-255 Spacelab Simulation Und_m_wayat JSC 10/1/74

74-256 Dr. Morgan Investigator on Shuttle Balloon Test 10/2/74

74-257 White, Manager of Shuttle Balloon Test 10/2/74

74-258 Supplemental Contract Award to RI 10/2/74

74-259 Apollo Soyuz Crews to Produce own Solar Eclipse 10/2/74

74-260 Dr, Carolyn Leach to get Civil Service League Award 10/8/74

74-261 Apollo Soyuz Experiments to Study Interstellar 10/15/74


74-262 Affects of Long-Term Space Flight Object of ASTP Medi:al Experiments

74-263 Initial Space Shuttle Flights to Land in CA o 10/18/74

74-264 Soviet Flight Controllers at JSC for ASTP Training _O/5_ _/*)V .
NASA-JSC Tests-Apollo-Soyuz Satellite Communicati ,ns
'_ _- _. b _ Relay 10/22/74

74-266 Skylab Photographs Aid City Planning 11/1/74

Also Released Lt NASA Headquarters
74-267 Large Area Crop Inventory Experiment 11/6/74

74-268 RAF Physician Named to Post at JSC 11/6/74

y0_) 74-269 Houston

Breathing Firemen
Gear get NASA
_ 0 -Develkoped,
] _ [_'_rttt_[_J, _t_ /$,_ ) _1 l_/t_/7 4

74-269 NASA JSC Aircraft Operatinns Flys Project Airstre_ m 11/21/74

RELEASE_A-_2_AsA _)T_Experiment .Promotes Understanding of Energy Ceneration 11/18/74



Also Release_ at NASA Headquarters

74-271 ALSEP 12 FiveYears Old & Still Going Strong 12/2/74

74-272 U.S. Tracking Soyuz 16 12/3/74

Houston Firemen Get NASA-Developed Lightweight
74-273 Breathing Gear 12/5/74

74-274 Boeing Awarded R &QA Contract 12/12/74

74-275 Joint US/USSR Procedures Simulation this Week for ASTP 12/17/74

74-276 NASA, Singer to Ne_)tiate Shuttle Simulator Contract 12/20/74

74-277 NASA Negotiates with Klate-Holt for JSC Custodial Serx ices 12/24/74

74-278 Technicolor Contract Extension 12/30/74

Johnson Space Center

_J Houston, Texas 77058

Milton E. Reim FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 January 3, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-001


The NASA Johnson Space Center has extended its

contract (NAS 9-10364) with the Boeing Company to provide

support to the Apollo/Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) and Skylab

for the period January 1, 1974 through September, 1975.

The value of the extension was negotiated for a

total estimated cost and fixed fee of $2,424,250. This

modification to the Boeing contract provides for approxi-

mately 62.5 man-years of systems and project engineering

support to the ASTP and Skylab Program Offices,

This latest addition to the contract which commenced

January 1, 1970, increases the total value of Boeing support

on all Apollo hardware-related programs to $33,961,771.


E. Reim
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
3, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-002


The NASA Johnson Space Center has extended its con-

tract (NAS 9-10230) with the General Electric Corporation

to provide for program support to the Apollo/Soyuz Test

Project (ASTP) at the center in Houston.

value of the extension for the period January 1, 1974

through September 1975 was negotiated for a total estimated

cost and fixed fee of $1,695,077.

Modification to the General Electric contract provides

for approximately 37-man-years of systems and project engi-

neering support to the ASTP Program Office°

This increases the total value of the contract which

commenced January 1_ 1970, and has supported all Apollo hard-

ware related programs including the automatic checkout equip-

ment (ACE) to $85,028,508.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert V. Gordon FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 January 4, 1974




Twenty-six vehicles will be boosted into space during 1974 in a busy launch

schedule planned by NASA o

For the first time in the agency's history more spacecraft will be launched

for organizations outside NASA than launches for which the agency is solely or primarily

-- responsible. NASA will be reimbursed for providing launching and tracking services

for 15 corporations and governments or government-connected organizations, both

domestic and foreign.

Among the 11 NASA launches, the first Synchronous Meteorological Satellite

(SMS) is scheduled for liftoff using a Delta booster, in March. To be placed in

stationary orbit 22,300 miles above the equator, it is the first of two satellites to

be used by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in development of an

operational geosynchronous weather satellite system. SMS-B is set for a May launch.
A Titan-Centaur booster is scheduled for launch January 24. The new configu-

ration, which mates a liquid hydrogen-fueled Centaur upper stage with the Titan IIIC,

will launch two Viking spacecraft to Mars.

The Titan-Centaur will carry a mass model of a Viking, similar in weight and

shape to the spacecraft scheduled for launch in 1975, and a SPHINX (Space Plasma High

Voltage Interaction Experiment) spacecraft to be released in Earth orbit.

- more -
- 2 -

Helios-A to be launched by a Titan III E-Centaur, is a NASA-German

cooperative satellite designed to study the solar environment. GEOS-C, a Geodetic

Explorer, is scheduled for launch from the Western Test Range atop a Delta in late

summer. Later in the year the second Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS-B)

will be launched from the Western Test Rangeo

Two spacecraft will be launched from the San Marco launch site off the east
coast of Africa -- San Marco C2, a scientific vehicle featuring NASA-Italian coopera-

tion in January, and UK-5, a NASA-United Kingdom scientific project in April.

ATS-Fis scheduled for an April launch aboard a Titan IIIC booster from the

Eastern Test Range. Hawkeye, launched by a Scout booster, will blast off from the

Western Test Range in May°

ANS-A, a jointly operated NASA-Netherlands astronomical satellite, is

scheduled for an August launch aboard a Scout rocket from the Western Test Range.
Twenty-four launches are scheduled from NASA U.S. complexes in 1974 with

17 from spaceport facilities at Cape Kennedy and seven from the Western Test Range.
Five of the reimbursable launches will be for the Comsat Corporation and

three for the United Kingdom. NASA will begin a series of domestic communications

satellite launches for Western Union for the first time in June, with a total of three

scheduled during 1974.

Two launches will be reimbursed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration (NOAA)o One spacecraft will be launched for West Germany and one

for a two-nation consortium, West Germany and France.

All 1974 launches will be unmanned spacecraft with the next manned effort,

ASTP, a joint United States-Soviet mission, scheduled for mid-1975.

Tentative dates have been established for the first four 1974 launches -- San

Marco C2, Jan. 15; Skynet IIA, Jan. 18; Titan IIIE/Centaur, Jan. 24; and Intelsat IV,

Jan. 30. See the attached schedule for other listings.

- more -
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Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert V. Gordon FOR RELEASE:

FEB 2 1 7974


Tandy N. Bruce, 32, formerly of Beaumont, Texas, is among the group

of flight controllers supporting Skylab IV, which, if all goes as planned, should be

the longest manned space flight mission in history. The Skylab IV crew of Gerald

Carr, Edward Gibson and William Pogue, are scheduled to splash down in the

Pacific Ocean on February 8, 1974o

Bruce, a 1966 graduate of Lamar University, is a member of the 'bronze"

team of flight controllers at the NASA Johnson Space Center's Mission Control

Center° He is responsible for communications systems between the orbiting space

station and the Mission Control Center.

When the mission passed the half-way mark of the scheduled 12-week flight,

William C. Schneider, Director of NASA's Skylab Program, said "We think the crew

is doing a fine job". At a recent press conference, Schneider singled out some of

the scores of significant accomplishments of the crew -- in December the first

observation by man in space of a limb flare on the Sun and visual confirmation of

water/atmospheric phenomena in the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan Peninsula. Sky-

lab crews, with the use of the onboard instruments aboard Skylab have provided

more quality data of the Sun to scientists than from aH previous observations from


Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their orbiting home 270
miles above the Earth on November 16, 1973. The crew of Carr, Gibson, and Pogne

- more -
- 2 -

are daily adding to the harvest of scientific information about our home planet and

our life-giving star, the Sun and will continue this search for knowledge until

February 8, 1974.
Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space station for 28 and

59 days before "leaving the key under the mat" for the final crew that will live aboard

Skylab for up to three months.

Earth resources, solar astronomy, medical and other experiments fill the

waking hours of the Skylab crewmen, with the opportunity to view the comet Kohoutek
as an added bonus in December and January.

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth atmosphere, Skylab's solar

telescopes and astronomical cameras are expected to provide valuable data about

the make-up of comets as well as continuing the surveillance of the flares, prominences

and other dynamic events taking place on the face of the Suno

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert J. Gordon FOR RELEASE:
F_B 2 1 19_


Robert J. Green, 32, a former resident of Teaneck, New

Jersey, is among the group of flight controllers supporting

Skylab IV which, if all goes as planned_ should be the longest

manned space flight mission in history. The Skylab IV crew

of Gerald Carr, Edward Gibson and William Pogue are scheduled

to splash down in the Pacific Ocean on February 8, 1974.

Green, an employee of Bendix Aerospace Corporation, is

one of many contractor personnel supporting the flight at the

NASA Johnson Space Center's Mission Control Center, Houston,


When the mission passed the half-way point of the scheduled

12-week flight, William C. Schneider, Director of NASA's Skylab

Program, said "We think the crew is doing a fine job." At a

recent press conference, Schneider singled out some of the

scores of significant accomplishments of the crew -- in December

the first observation by man in space of a limb flare on the

Sun and visual confirmation of water/atmospheric phenomena in

- more -

- 2 -

the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan Peninsula. Skylab crews,

with the use of the onboard instruments aboard Skylab have

provided more quality data of the Sun to scientists than from

all previous observations from Earth.

Green is a member of team four flight controllers and is

responsible for monitoring and solving problems on all the

hardware and pointing control system. He has been an employee

of Bendix since 1965.

Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their

orbiting home 270 miles above the Earth on November 16, 1973.

The crew of Carr, Gibson, and Pogue are daily adding to the

harvest of scientific information about our home planet and our

life-giving star, the Sun and will continue this search for

knowledge until February 8, 1974.

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space sta-

tion for 28 and 59 days before "leaving the key under the mat"

for the final crew that will live aboard Skylab for up to three


Earth resources, solar astronomy, medical and other experi-

ments fill the waking hours of the Skylab crewmen, with the

opportunity to view the comet Kohoutek as an added bonus in

December and January.

- more -

- 3 -

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth atmosphere,

Skylab's solar telescopes and astronomical cameras are expected

to provide valuable data about the make-up of comets as well

as continuing the surveillance of the flares, prominences and

other dynamic events taking place on the face of the Sun.

Green, a graduate of Fairleigh Dickinson university, Teaneck,

is married to the former Barbara Hilpert, of Teaneck. They

live in Seabrook, Texas with their two children christopher, three,

and Jennifer, one.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert V. Gordon FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 FEB 21 !974



Alan Glines, 31, formerly of Independence, is among

the group of flight controllers supporting Skylab IV which,

is all goes as planned, should be the longest manned space

flight mission in history. The Skylab IV crew of Gerald

Carr, Edward Gibson and William Pogue are scheduled to

splash down in the Pacific Ocean on February 8, 1974.

A 1966 graduate of the University of Kansas, Glines is

lead instrumentation and communications officer for flight

control team three at the Mission Control Center at the NASA

Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas.

When the mission passed the half-way point of the scheduled

12-week flight, William C. Schneider, Director of NASA's Sky-

lab Program, said "We think the crew is doing a fine job."

At a recent press conference, Schneider singled out some of the

scores of significant accomplishments of the crew -- in December

the first observation by man in space of a limb flare on the

- more -

- 2 -

Sun and visual confirmation of water/atmospheric phenomena

in the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan Peninsula. Skylab

crews, with the use of the onboard instruments aboard Skylab

have provided more quality data of the Sun to scientists than

from all previous observations from Earth.

Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their

orbiting home 270 miles above the Earth on November 16, 1973.

The crew of Carr, Gibson and Pogue are daily adding to the

harvest of scientific information about our home planet and

our life-giving star, the Sun and will continue this search

for knowledge until February 8, 1974.

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space station

for 28 and 59 days before "leaving the key under the mat" for

the final crew that will live aboard Skylab for up to _ee


Earth resources, solar astronomy, medical and other

experiments fill the waking hours of the Skylab crewmen, with

the opportunity to view the comet Kohoutek as an added bonus

in December and January.

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth atmosphere,

Skylab's solar telescopes and astronomical cameras are expected

to provide valuable data about the make-up of comets as well as

- more -

- 3 -

continuing the surveillance of the flares, prominences and

other dynamic events taking place on the face of the Sun.

Glines is recepient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom

as part of the Apollo 13 mission operations team.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
NATIONALTexas 77058
Robert VGordon
FEB _ _ !974


David L Kelley, 40, a former Kansas City, Missouri resident is among

the group of flight controllers supporting Skylab IV which, if all goes as

planned_ should be the longest manned space flight mission in history. The
Skylab IV crew of Gerald Cart, Edward Gibson and William Pogue are scheduled
to splash down in the Pacific Ocean on February 8, 1974.
Kelley graduated from Wichita State University in 1966 where he majored
in Mathematics. He is _rried to the former Charlene Marie Heugel of Ft.
Scott, Kansas.
When the mission passed the half-way mark of the scheduled 12-week flight,
William C. Schneider, Director of NASA's Skylab Program said "We think the crew
is doing a find job." At a recent press conference, Schneider singled out some
of the scores of significant accomplishments of the crew _ in December the
first observation by _u in space of a limb flare on the Sun and visual con-
firm_tion of water/atmospheric phenomena in the Gulf of Mexico off the Yuca-
tan Peninsula. Skylab crews, with the use of the onboard instruments aboard
Skylab have provided more quality data of the Sun to scientists than from all
previous observations from Earth.
Kelley is one of a number of NASA contractor employees supporting the
earth resources program at the Mission Control Center at the Johnson Space
Center, Houston, Texas.

Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their orbiting home 270
miles above the Earth on November 16. The crew of Cart, Gibson and Pogue are
daily adding to the harvest of scientific information about our home planet
and our life-giving star, the Sun and will continue this search for knowledge
until February 8, 1974.

- more -
Bm,EASE NO- 74-08

- 2 -

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space station for 28 and
59 days before "leaving the key under the mat" for the final crew that will
live aboard &kylab for up to three months.
Earth resources, solar astronon_, medical and other experiments fill the
waking hours of the Skylab crewmen, with the opportunity to view the comet
Kohoutek as an added bonus in December and January.
Flying above the distorting layers of Earth atmosphere, Skylab's solar
telescopes and astronomical cameras are expected to provide valuable data about
the make-up of comets as well as continuing the surveillance of the flares,
prominences and other dynem_c events taking palce on the face of the Sun.

- end -

j/ Johnson Space
Houston, Texas Center
Robert V. Gordon FOR RELEASE:



Sherman L. Webster, 45, a former resident of North Platte, Nebraska is

among the group of flight controllers supporting Skylab IV which, if all goes
as planned, should be the longest manned space flight mission in history. The
Skylab IV crew of Gerlad Carr, Edward Gibson and William rogue are scheduled to
splash down in the Pacific Ocean on February 8, 1974.
Webster, a senior engineer with Martin-Marietta Corporation, is one of the
many NASA contractor employees supporting the Skylab mission at the Johnson
Space Centerts Mission Control Center, at Houston, Texas.
When the mission passed the half-way mark of the scheduled 12-week flight,
William C. Schneider, Director of NASA' s Skylab Program, said "We thing the crew
is doing a fine job." At a recent press conference, Schneider singled out some
of the scores of significant accomplishments of the crew m in December the first
observation by m_u in space of a limb flare on the S.:nand visual confirmation
of water/atmospheric phenomena in the G,1lf of Mexico off the Yucatan Peninsula.
Skylab crews, with the use of the onboard instruments aboard Skylab have pro-
vided more q_lity data of the Sun to scientists than from all previous obser-
vations from earth.

Webster, graduated from the United Stated Military Academy, West Point,
where he received a bachelor of science in engineering in 1952. He received

a MS in m_uagament from the University of Southern California in 1966.

Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their orbiting home 270
miles above the Earth on November 16. The crew of Carr, Gibson, and rogue are

daily adding to the harvest of scientific information about our home planet and
- our life-giving star, The Sun and will continue this search for knowledge until
February 8, 1974.

- more -

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space station for 28 and
59 days before "leaving the key under the mat" for the final crew that will live
aboard Skylab for up to three months.
Earth resources, solar astronomy, medical and other experiments fill the
waking hours of the Skylab crewmen, with the opportunity to view the comet
Kohoutek as an added bonus in December and January.
Flying above the distorting layers of Earth atmosphere, Skylab's solar
telescopes and astronomical cameras are expected to provide valuable data about
the make-up of comets as well as continuing the surveillance of the flares,
prominences and other dynamic events taking place on the face of the Sun.
Webster is data m_uager for JSCts flight operations Directorate. Before
joining Martin-Marietta in 1971, he served in the United States Air Force from
1952 until 1970.
Webster is married to the former Judith Levy of Newburgh, New York. They
live in Alvin, Texas with their children Keith, 21 and Drew, 18.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert V. Gordon FOR RELEASE:



Earl W. Thompson, 35, formerly of Lufkin, Texas, is

among the group of flight controllers supporting Skylab IV

which, if all goes as planned, should be the longest manned

space flight mission in history. The Skylab IV crew of

Gerald Carr, Edward Gibson and William Pogue are scheduled

to splash down in the Pacific Ocean on February 8, 1974.

Thompson, a 1961 graduate of Lamar university, Beaumont,

Texas, is a member of the "Bronze" team of flight controllers

at NASA's Johnson Space Center's Mission Control Center.

He plans and aides in the execution of the earth resources


When the mission passed the half-way mark of the scheduled

12-week flight, William C. Schneider, Director of NASA's Skylab

Program, said "We think the crew is doing a fine job." At a

recent press conference, Schneider singled out some of the

scores of significant accomplishments of the crew -- in December

the first observation by man in space of a limb flare on the

- more -

Sun and visual confirmation of water/atmospheric phenomena in

the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan Peninsula. Skylab crews,

with the use of the onboard instruments aboard Skylab have

provided more quality data of the Sun to scientists than from

all previous observations from Earth.

Space Station Skylab_s final tenants moved into their

orbiting home 270 miles above the Earth on November 16, 1973.

The crew of Carr, Gibson, and Pogue are daily adding to the

harvest of scientific information about our home planet and

our life-giving star, the Sun and will continue this search

for knowledge until February 8, 1974.

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space

station for 28 and 59 days before "leaving the key under the

mat" for the final crew that will live aboard Skylab for up

to three months.

Earth resources, solar astronomy, medical and other

experiments fill the waking hours of the Skylab crewmen, with

the opportunity to view the comet Kohoutek as an added bonus

in December and January.

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth atmosphere,

Skylab's solar telescopes and astronomical cameras are expected

- more -

- 3 -

to provide valuable data about the make-up of comets as well

as continuing the surveillance of the flares, prominences and

other dynamic events taking place on the face of the Sun.

Before joining the NASA in 1966, Thompson served in the

U. S. Air Force. He is married to the former Henrietta Brown

of Port Arthur, Texas. The Thompson"s reside in Seabrook with

their children Randy, 10, and Tracey_ 7.

- end -

jJ Johnson Space
Houston, Texas Center
Robert V. Gordon FOR RELEASE:



Stanley Tonnessen, 31, a native of New york City, is among

the group of flight controllers supporting Skylab IV which, if

all goes as planned, should be the longest manned space flight

mission in history. The Skylab IV crew of Gerald Carr, Edward Gib-

son, and William Pogue are scheduled to splash down in the Pacific

Ocean on February 8, 1974.

Tonnessen is a senior electrical engineer with Bendix Aero-

space Corporation and supports flight crew planning activities at

the NASA Johnson Space Center's Mission Control Center. He assists

the flight activities officer and checklist personnel in planning

daily crew activities and making changes in the day-to-day flight


When the mission passed the half-way mark of the scheduled

12-week flight, William C. Schneider, Director of NASA's Skylab

Program, said "We think the crew is doing a fine job." At a re-

cent press conference, Schneider singles out some of the scores of

significant accomplishments of the crew -- in December the first ob-

- more -

- 2 -

servation by man in space of a limb flare on the Sun and visual

confirmation of water/atmospheric phenomena in the Gulf of Mexico

off the Yucatan Peninsula. Skylab crew, with the use of the on-

board instruments aboard Skylab have provided more quality data of

the Sun to scientists than from all previous observation from


Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their orbit-

ing home 270 miles above the Earth on November 16, 1973. The crew

of Carr, Gibson, and Pogue are daily adding to the harvest of scienti-

fic information about our home planet and our life-giving star, the

the Sun, and will continue this search for knowledge until February

8, 1974.

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space station

for 28 and 59 days before "leaving the key under the mat" for the

final crew that will live aboard Skylab for up to three months.

Earth resources, solar astronomy, medical and other experi-

ments fill the waking hours of the Skylab crewmen, with the oppor-

tunity to view the comet Kohoutek as an added bonus in December

and January.

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth atmosphere,

Skylab's solar telecsopes and astronomical cameras are expected

to provide valuable data about the make-up of comets as well as

continuing the surveillance of the flares, prominences and other

dynamic events taking place on the face of the Sun.

- more -

- 3 -

Tonnessen is a graduate of the Polytechnic Institute of

New York (formerly of Brooklyn) and is married to the for-

mer Betty A. Kjellberg of New York. The Tonnessens' live at 15311

Baybrook Drive, Houston, with their three children, Keith six,

Scott three, and Kristin one.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
713/483-5111 January 9, 1974



The NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center has made a payment of

$6,901,500 to Rockwell International Corporation, Downey, California, for

continued development of the Space Shuttle vehicle°

The installment increases the total amount of the award to $205,595,500

and covers Rockwell's performance through January 8, 1974.

More than 4400 contractor personnel now are employed in shuttle


- end -
Johnson Space Center
J Houston, Texas 77058

Robert V. Gordon FOR RELEASE:

713/483- 5111

RELEASE NO: 74- 13 FgB 2 i 7974


Richard B. Ramsell_ 35_ a native of Des Moines_ Iowa_ is among the

group of flight controllers supporting Skylab IV_ which if all goes as planned_

should be the longest manned space flight mission in history. The Skylab IV

crew of Gerald Carr, Edward Gibson and William Pogue are scheduled to splash

down in the Pacific Ocean on February 8, 1974.

Ramse!l, a 1961 graduate of Drake University, is the operations and

procedures officer for Team FozLr (Bronze) at the Mission Control Center at

NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas. The operations and procedures officer

is responsible for retrieval of data from Skylab from the time it is received

at a tracking site until it is received by other flight controllers or scientists.

A veteran of the U. S. Air Force, Ramsell served as a tactical com-

munications officer_ a tanker co-pilot, and also a helicopter pilot in Southeast

Asia. He joined NASA in 1971 and supported the Apollo 15, 16_ and 17 missions.

When the mission passed the half-way mark of the scheduled 12-week

flight, William C. Schneider, Director of NASA's Skylab Program_ said "We

think the crew is doing a fine job." At a recent press conference, Schneider

singled out some of the scores of significant accomplishments of the crew -- in

December the first observation by man in space of a limb flare on the Sun and

visual confirmation of water/atmospheric phenomena in the Gulf of Mexico off

PmEASE NO: 74-13


the Yucatan Peninsula. Skylab crews_ with the use of the onboard instruments

aboard Skylab have provided more quality data of the Sun to scientists than

from all previous observations from Earth.

Space Station Sk_ylab's final tenants moved into their orbiting home

270 miles above the Earth on November 16_ 1973. The crew of Carr_ Gibson_

and Pogue are daily adding to the harvest of scientific information about out

home planet and our life-giving star_ the Sun and will continue this search

for knowledge until February 8_ 1974.

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space station for

28 and 59 days before "leaving the key under the mat" for the final crew that

will live aboard Skylab for up to three months.

Earth Resources_ solar astronomy_ medical and other experiments fill

the waking hours of the Skylab crewmen_ with the opportunity to view the comet

Kohoutek as an added bonus in December and January.

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth atmospher% Skylab's

solar telescopes and astronomical cameras are expected to provide valuable

data about the make-up of comets as well as continuing the sturveillance of the

flares_ prominences and other dynamic events taking place on the face of the Sun.

Ramsell is married to the former Gail A. Vandewater of E1 Dorad%

Arkansas. The Ramsells live with their son Todd_ thre% in Clear Lake City

near the Johnson Space Center.

Johnson Space Center
NATIONALTexas 77058
Robert V. Gordon FOR RELEASE:
713/483- 5111
FEB _ I !974

RELEASE NO: 74- 14


Gary B. Evans_ 32_ a native of Redondo Beach_ California_ is among

the group of flight controllers supporting Skylab IV_ which if all goes as

planned_ should be the longest manned space flight mission in history. The

Skylab IV crew of Gerald Carr_ Edward Gibson and William Pogue are scheduled

to splash down in the Pacific Ocean on February 8: 1974.

Evans an employee of the Garrett Corporation is one of many contractor

personnel assigned to the Mission Control Center at NASA's Johnson Space Center_

Houston_ Texas. He is assigned as a systems expert for the enviromental control

system of the command module.

When the mission passed the half-way mark of the scheduled 12-week

flight_ William C. Schneider_ Director of NASA's Skylab Program_ said '_ge think

the crew is doing a fine job." At a recent press conference_ Schneider singled

out some of the scores of significant accomplishments of the crew -- in December

the first obserw_tion by man in space of a limb flare on the Sun and visual

confirmation of water/atmospheric phenomena in the Gulf of Mexico off the

Yucatan Peninsula. Skylab crews_ with the use of the onboard instruments aboard

Skylab have provided more quality data of the Sun to scientists than from all

previous observations from Earth.

RELEASEN0: 74_14


Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their orbiting

home 270 miles above the Earth on November 16_ 1973. The crew of Carr,

Gibson_ and Pogue are daily adding to the harvest of scientific information

about our home planet and our life-giving star_ the Sun and wilt continue

this search for knowledge until February 8_ 1974.

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space station for

28 and 59 days before "leaving the key under the mat" for the final crew

that will live aboard Skylab for up to three months.

Earth resources_ solar astronomy_ medical and other experiments

fill the waking hours of the Skylab crew_men_ with the opportunity to view

the comet Kohoutek as an added bonus in December and January.

Flying above the distorting l_yers of Earth atmosphere_ Skylah's

solar telescopes and astronomical cameras are expected to provide valuable

data about the make-up of comets as well as continuing the surveillance of

the flares_ prominences and other dynamic events taking place on the face

of the Sun.

Evans_ with Garrett since 1962_ has worked on all U. S. manned

missions including the Gemini and Apollo missions specializing in life

support systems for extravehicular work on the moon and in outer space.

Ev_ns graduated from the Redondo Union High School in 1959 and

attended Unviersity of California.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert V. Gordon FOR RELEASE:
FEB £_ !974


Anthony J. Peszko, 29, a native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,

is among the group of flight controllers supporting Skylab IV,

which, if all goes as planned, should be the longest manned

space flight mission in history. The Skylab IV crew of

Gerald Carr, Edward Gibson and William Pogue are scheduled to

splash down in the Pacific Ocean on February 8, 1974.

Peszko is a member of team four (Bronze Team) and is

assigned as a console engineer in the staff support room at

the Mission Control Center. He is responsible for monitoring

the electrical and general instrumentationsystems of the

Apollo Telescope Mount.

When the mission passed the half-way mark of the scheduled

12-week flight, William C. Schneider, Director of NASA's Skylab

Program, said "We think the crew is doing a fine job." At a

recent press conference, Schneider singled out some of the

scores of significant accomplishments of the crew -- in December

- more -
the first observation by man in space of a limb flare on the

Sun and visual confirmation of water/atmospheric phenomena in

the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan Peninsula. Skylab crews,

with the use of the onboard instruments aboard Skylab have

provided more quality data of the Sun to scientists than from

all previous observations from Earth.

Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their

orbiting home 270 miles above the Earth on November 16, 1973.

The crew of Carr, Gibson, and Pogue are daily adding to the

harvest of scientific information about our home planet and

our life-giving star, the Sun and will continue this search

for knowledge until February 8, 1974.

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space

station for 28 and 59 days before "leaving the key under the

mat" for the final crew that will live aboard Skylab for up

to three months.

Earth resources, solar astronomy, medical and other experi-

ments fill the waking hours of the Skylab crewmen, with the

opportunity to view the comet Kohoutek as an added bonus in

December and January.

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth's atmosphere,

Skylab°s solar telescopes and astronomical cameras are expected

to provide valuable data about the make-up of comets as well

- more -
as continuing the surveillance of the flares, prominences and

other dynamic events taking place on the face of the Sun.

Peszko, a 1966 graduate of Carnegie - Mellon university,

is married to the former Jean Dahl of Minot, North Dakota.

The Peszkos live in Clear Lake City near the Johnson Space

Center with their daughter Rebekah Jean, three.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058

Robert V. Gordon FORRELEASE:




Edward Ramirez, formerly of Austin, Texas, is among the group of flight

controllers supporting Skylab IV, which, if ali goes as planned, should be the long-

est manned space flight mission in history. The Skylab IV crew of Gerald Cart,

Edward Gibson and William Pogue are scheduled to splash down in the Pacific Ocean

on February 8, 1974.

Ramirez, 24, an employee of TRW, Inc., is one of the many contractor

personnel assigned to the Mission Control Center at NASA's Johnson Space Center,

Houston, Texas. Ramirez is responsible for generating flight plan and detail

activities for each day's activities for the Skylab IV crew members.

When the mission passed the half-way mark of the scheduled 12-week flight,

William C. Schneider, Director of NASA's Skylab Program, said '%Ye think the crew

is doing a fine job." At a recent press conference, Schneider singled out some of

the scores of significant accomplishments of the crew -- in December, the first

observation by man in space of a limb flare on the Sun and visual confirmation of water/

atmospheric phenomena in the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan Peninsula. Skylab crews,

with the use of the onboard instruments aboard Skylab have provided more quality

data of the Sun to scientists than from all previous observations from Earth.

Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their orbiting home 270 miles

above the Earth on November 16, 1973. The crew of Cart, Gibson and Pogue are

daily adding to the harvest of scientific information about our home planet and our life-
giving star, the Sun and will continue this search for knowledge until February 8, 1974.

- more -

- 2 -

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space station for 28 and

59 days before "leaving the key under the mat" for the final crew that will live aboard

Skylab for up to three months.

Earth resources, solar astronomy, medical and other experiments fill the

waking hours of the Skylab crewmen, with the opportunity to view the comet Kohoutek

as an added bonus in December and January.

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth atmosphere, Skylab's solar

telescopes and astronomical cameras are expected to provide valuable data about

the make-up of comets as well as continuing the surveillance of the flares, prominences

and other dynamic events taking place on the face of the Sun.

Ramirez is a graduate of Our Lady of the Lakes College where he received a

degree in physics in 1973. His wife is the former Anna Marie Granados of Austin.

- end -

j/ Houston, Texas Center

Johnson Space 77058
Robert V. Gordon FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 _
F_o £ i 1974


Frank E. Hughes, 31, a native of Butte, Montana is among

the group of flight controllers supporting Skylab IV, which

if all goes as planned, should be the longest manned space

flight mission in history. The Skylab IV crew of Gerald Carr,

Edward Gibson and William Pogue are scheduled to splash down

in the Pacific Ocean on February 8, 1974.

Hughes, a 1965 graduate of St. Mary's College, has been

with the NASA since 1966 and has served both at Kennedy Space

Center, Florida and the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.

He is the flight activities officer for the Bronze Team (Team

Four) at the Mission Control Center at JSC. He coordinates

science systems and operational requirements for each day's

flight plans for the Skylab IV crew.

When the mission passed the half-way mark of the scheduled

12-week flight, William C. Schneider, Directer for NASA's

Skylab Program, said "We think the crew is doing a fine job."

- more -
At a recent press conference, Schneider singled out some of

the scores of significant accomplishments of the crew -- in

December the first observation by man in space of a limb

flare on the Sun and visual confirmation of water/atmospheric

phenomena in the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan Peninsula.

Skylab crews, with the use of the onboard instruments abroard

Skylab have provided more quality data of the Sun to scientists

than from all previous observations from Earth.

Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their

orbiting home 270 miles above the Earth on November 16, 1973.

The crew of Carr, Gibson, and Pogue are daily adding to the

harvest of scientific information about our home planet and

our life-giving star, the Sun andwill continue this search

for knowledge until February 8, 1974.

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space

station for 28 and 59 days before "leaving the key under the

mat" for the final crew that will live aboard Skylab for up

to three months.

Earth resources, solar astronomy, medical and other experi-

ments fill the waking hours of the Skylab crewmen, with the

opportunity to view the comet Kohoutek as an added bonus in

December and January.

- more -
Flying above the distorting layers of Earth atmosphere,

Skylab's solar telescopes and astronomical cameras are expected

to provide valuable data about the make-up of comets as well

as continuing the surveillance of the flares, prominences and

other dynamic events taking place on the face of the Sun.

Hughes is married to the former Rosemary Bellew of Seattle,

Washington. The Hughes live at 730 Beachcomber Lane, Houston,


- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert V. Gordon FOR RELEASE:



Bruce C. Shraufnagle, 40, a native of Ashland, Wisconsin,

is among the group of flight controllers supporting Skylab IV,

which, if all goes as planned, should be the longest manned

space flight mission in history. The Skylab IV crew of

Gerald Carr, Edward Gibson and William Pogue are scheduled to

splash down in the Pacific Ocean on February 8, 1974.

Shraufnagle, an employee of General Electric, is one of

the many NASA contractor employees supporting the operation

of the Mission Control Center at the Johnson Space Center,

Houston, Texas. He is responsible for crew procedure plans

and operations specifically in the earth resources experiment


When the mission passed the half-way mark of the scheduled

12-week flight, William C. Schneider, Director of NASA's Skylab

Program, said "We think the crew is doing a fine job." At a

recent press conference, Schneider singled out some of the

- more -
scores of significant accomplishments of the crew -- in December

the first observation by man in space of a limb flare on the

Sun and visual confirmation of water/atmospheric phenomena

in the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan Peninsula. Skylab crews,

with the use of the onboard instruments aboard Skylab have

provided more quality data of the Sun to scientists that from

all previous observations from Earth.

Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their

orbiting home 270 miles above the Earth on November 16, 1973.

The crew of Carr, Gibson, and Pogue are daily adding to the

harvest of scientific information about our home planet and

our life-giving star, the Sun and will continue this search

for knowledge until February 8, 1974.

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space

station for 28 and 59 days before "leaving the key under the

mat" for the final crew that will live aboard Skylab for up to

three months.

Earth resources, solar astronomy, medical and other

experiments fill the waking hours of the Skylab crewmen, with

the opportunity to view the comet Kohoutek as an added bonus

in December and January.

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth atmosphere,

Skylab_s solar telescopes and astronomical cameras are expected

- more -
to provide valuable data about the make-up of comets as well

as continuing the surveillance of the flares, prominences and

other dynamic events taking place on the face of the Sun.

Shraufnagle has been with GE since 1968. He is married

to the former Kathleen Murray of Gary, Indiana. The Shraufnagles

live at 15414 Banff Drive, Houston, with their two children,

Diane 17 and Thomas 11.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
/__ Houston,
NATIONALTexas 77058
Robert V. Gordon FORRELEASE:
FEB 2 i 1974


Leonard J. Riche, 33, a native of Simmesport, Louisiana,

is among the group of flight controllers supporting Skylab IV

which if all goes as planned should be the longest manned

space flight mission in history. The Skylab IV crew of

Gerald Carr, Edward Gibson and William Pogue are scheduled to

splash down in the Pacific Ocean on February 8, 1974.

Riche is book manager for the stowage book used in main-

taining accurate location record and usage record of the more

than 20,000 items aboard the space station. Prior to Skylab,

Riche prepared flight plans and supported Apollo missions 8,

the first manned orbital flight around the Moon, Apollo 11,

the first manned landing on the Moon and Apollo 15, the mission

which saw the first use of the lunar rover.

When the mission passed the half-way mark of the scheduled

12-week flight, William C. Schneider, Director of NASA's

- more -
Skylab Program, said "We think the crew is doing a fine job."

At a recent press conference, Schneider singled out some of

the scores of significant accomplishments of the crew -- in

December the first observation by man in space of a limb flare

on the Sun and visual confirmation of water/atmospheric pheno-

mena in the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan Peninsula. Skylab

crews, with the use of the onboard instruments aboard Skylab

have provided more quality data of the Sun to scientists than

from all previous observations from Earth.

Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their

orbiting home 270 miles above the Earth on November 16, 1973.

The crew of Carr, Gibson, and Pogue are daily adding to the

harvest of scientific information about our home planet and

our life-giving star, the Sun and will continue this search

for knowledge until February 8, 1974.

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space

station for 28 and 59 days before "leaving the key under the

mat" for the final crew that will live aboard Skylab for up to

three months.

Earth resources, solar astronomy, medical and other

experiments fill the waking hours of the Skylab crewmen, with

the opportunity to view the comet Kohoutek as an added bonus

in December and January.

- more -
Flying above the distorting layers of Earth atmosphere,

Skylab's solar telescopes and astronomical cameras are expected

to provide valuable data about the make-up of comets as well

as continuing the surveillance of the flares, prominences and

other dynamic events taking place on the face of the Sun.

Riche is married to the former Barbara Maddie of

Opolousas, Louisiana. The Riches live at 2706 Wisdom,

Deer Park, Texas with their two children, Mary Angela, nine;

and Leonard, eight.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
NATIONALTexas 77058
Bill Pomeroy FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 January 10, 1974



The three Skylab astronauts, now in their 56th day in orbit, today were

gi yen a go-ahead for seven additional days.

For the remainder of the mission, weekly evaluations of the hardware,

consumables and crew will be made by NASA officials. The first such weekly

review was completed this afternoon.

William C. Schneider, Skylab Program Director, said, the crew members

"are in good spirits and excellent physical condition and the spacecraft is in

good shape to continue."

Originally, the three Skylab manned missions were planned, successively,

for one of 28 days and two of 56 days. The first mission lasted 28 days, the

second was extended to 56 days, and the third was then planned as an open-

ended 60-day mission with consumables aboard to provide for as many as

85 days.

Johnson Space Center
_,__'j__ Houston,
NATIONALTexas 77058
713/483-5111 January 11, 1974
RELEASE NO: 74-21 9:00a.m°


Three Apollo-Soyuz Test Project working groups wilt begin technical meetings

Monday at the Johnson Space Center in the areas of mission plans and experiments,

communications and tracking, and life support and crew transfer.

Thirty-five Soviet engineers and specialists will work at JSC for periods

ranging from 16 to approximately 90 days. The nine members of the communications

and tracking working group who will spend three months here will take part in

extensive compatibility testing of the radio and cable communications systems

for the Soviet and American spacecraft.

The meetings are part of a continuing exchange of working groups between

the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. in preparation for a joint manned earth-orbital mission

in July, 1975 to test a compatible rendezvous docking systems and techniqueso

Project technical directors are scheduled to meet again in March at JSCo

Their last meeting was in Moscow in October, 19730

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
F. D. williams FOR RELEASE:



A Sioux Falls native, Ronald D. Lerdal, is keeping close

watch on the large gyroscopes that are used to control the

Skylab space stations"s orientation to the Earth and Sun°

When the first gyroscope failed in November, the 30-year-old

flight controller turned it off via ground command.

Ron, who received his B.S. from Augustana College in

Sioux Falls in 1966s is a guidance and navigation engineer for

the third Skylab flight--already the longest manned spaceflight

in history.

Astronauts Gerald Carr, Edward Gibson, and William Pogue

are scheduled to splash into the Pacific Ocean southwest of

San Diego on February 8, completing an 84-day flight.

Although the second of the three attitude control gyro-

scopes has behaved erratically on several occasions, Skylab

Program Director William C. Schneider has expressed the hope

that it will survive long enough to allow the flight to be


- more -

Should Ron or one of his counterparts on the other flight

teams which maintain a 24-hour watch over Skylab's crew and

systems, have to shut down a second gyroscope, the astronauts

would probably return within a week.

Two back-up systems could maintain Skylab"s attitude

through the conclusion of the flight, but to reduce risk,

Schneider said the crew should return after stowing the exten-

sive collection of photographs and other scientific data in

their command module.

When the mission passed the half-way mark of the scheduled

12-week flight, William C. Schneider, Director of NASA's Skylab

Program, said "We think the crew is doing a fine job." At a

recent press conference, Schneider singled out some of the

scores of significant accomplishments of the crew -- in

December the first observation by man in space of a limb flare

on the Sun and visual _onfirmationof water/atmospheric phenomena

in the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan Peninsula. Skylab crews,

using instruments aboard the space station have provided more

quality data of the Sun to scientists than from all previous

observations from Earth.

Space station Skylab's final tenants moved into their

orbiting home 270 miles above the Earth on November 16, 1973.

- more -

The crew of Carr, Gibson, and Pogue are daily adding to the

harvest of scientific information about our home planet and

our life-giving star_ the Sun_ and will continue this search

for knowledge until February 8, 1974.

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space

station for 28 and 59 days before "leaving the key under the

mat" for the final crew that will live aboard Skylab for

nearly three months.

Earth resources, solar astronomy, medical and other

experiments fill the waking hours of the Skylab crewmen, with

the opportunity to photograph and study the comet Kohoutek an

added bonus in December and January.

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth atmosphere,

Skylabgs solar telescopes and astronomical cameras are expected

to provide valuable data about the make-up of the mysterious

comet as well as continuing the surveillance of the flares,

prominences and other dynamic events taking place on the face

of the Sun.

Ron now lives in Houston with his wife, the former

LuRae M. Irwin of Sioux Falls. They have two children:

Eric Paul, 4; and Andrew Michael, 18 months.

- end -

j/ Johnson
Houston, Space
Texas Center
F. D. Williams FOR RELEASE:
713/483 -51ll



Frank R° Hitz, a native of Waukesha, Wisconsin, is a member of the

flight control team supporting the third manned Skylab mission--the longest

manned spaceflight in history.

Daily work schedules for Skylab astronauts Gerald Carr, Edward Gibson,

and William Pogue are planned carefully by Frank and the other members of the

flight activities staff.

Frank's family home is now Arvada, Coloradoo A 1960 graduate of Baylor

University in Waco, Texas, where he also did advanced work in physics, Frank

had previously attended the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee and Trinity

University in San Antonio, Texas.

The Skylab crew was launched on November 16, 1973, and passed the previous

Skylab team's 59 day 11hour mark for the longest manned spaceflight on January 14.

If everything continues to go well they are scheduled to splash into the Pacific

Ocean on February 8.

When the mission passed the halfway mark of the scheduled 12-week flight,
William C o Schneider, Director of NASA's Skylab Program, said '"We think the

crew is doing a fine job." At a recent press conference, Schneider singled out

some of the scores of significant accomplishments of the crew--in December the

first observation by man in space of a limb flare on the Sun and visual confirmation

of water/atmospheric phenomena in the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan Peninsula.

Skylab crews using instruments aboard Skylab have provided more quality data of
the sun to scientists than from all previous observations from Earth.
- more -
Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their orbiting home 270 miles
above the Earth on November 16, 1973. The crew of Carr, Gibson, and Pogue

are daily adding to the harvest of scientific information about our home planet

and our life-giving star, the Sun and will continue this search for knowledge until

February 8, 1974.
Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space station for 28 and 59

days before '2earing the key under the mat" for the final crew that will live

aboard Skylab for nearly three months.

Earth resources, solar astonomy, medical and other experiments fill the

waking hours of the Skylab crewmen, with the opportunity to view the comet
Kohoutek as an added bonus in December and January.

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth atmosphere, Skylab's solar

telescopes and astronomical cameras are expected to provide data about the

make-up of comets as well as continuing the surveillance of the flares,

prominences and other dynamic events taking place on the face of the Sun°
Frank is married to the former Olga Lou Hammer of Houston. They have

three children: Michael, 17, Cynthia, 15, and Laurie, 13o

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058

Robert Vo Gordon FOR RELEASE:


RELEASE NO-: 74-24


Charles R. Edwards, 35, a native of Monroe, North Carolina 0

is busily engaged in supporting the third and final Skylab

mission -- longest manned space flight in history.

Edwards, a member of the Biomedical Systems team0 evaluates

biomedical data to determine if Skylab on board medical hardware

is functioning properly. Medical data is of extreme importance

in a space mission of this length which is planned to last

84 days. The Skylab crew of astronauts Gerald Carr, Edward Gibson

and William Pogue are scheduled to splash down in the Pacific

Ocean on February 8, 1974, following a November 16, 1973, launch

from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida°

When the mission passed the half-way mark of the scheduled

12-week flight, William C. Schneider, Director of NASA"s Skylab

Program 0 said "We think the crew is doing a fine job." At a

recent press conference, Schneider singled out some of the

- more -

scores of significant accomplishments of the crew -- in

December the first observation by man in space of a limb flare

on the Sun and visual confirmation of water/atmospheric pheno-

mena in the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan Peninsula. Skylab

crews, with the use of the onboard instruments aboard Skylab

have provided more quality data of the Sun to scientists than

from all previous observations from Earth.

Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their

orbiting home 270 miles above the Earth on November 16, 1973.

The crew of Carr, Gibson, and Pogue are daily adding to the

harvest of scientific information about our home planet and

our life-giving star, the Sun and will continue this search

for knowledge until February 8, 1974.

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space

station for 28 and 59 days before "leaving the key under the

mat" for the final crew that will live aboard Skylab for up to

three months.

Earth resources, solar astronomy, medical and other

experiments fill the waking hours of the Skylab crewmen, with

the opportunity to view the comet Kohoutek as an added bonus

in December and January°


Flying above the distorting layers of Earth atmosphere_

Skylab°s solar telescopes and astronomical cameras are expected

to provide valuable data about the make-up of comets as well

as continuing the surveillance of the flares, prominences and

other dynamic events taking place on the face of the Sun

Edwards, a 1961 graduate of the Georgia Institute of

Technology, has been with NASA since 1965 where he was pre-

viously employed at the Johnson Space Center, Houston, as a

Simulation Flight Controller. In this capacity, he was

engaged in the planning and execution of simulations designed

to train Apollo and Skylab flight controllers.

He is married to the former Donna Clare Cates of

Amarillo, Texas. The Edwards reside in Houston with their

two children Elaine Heather, age 6; and Elizabeth Marie,

age 2.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
_/_ Houston, Texas
F. Do WilLiams
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE'


Keeping constant watch over the health of the three Skylab

astronauts, John W. Maas, a native of Louisville, Kentucky is

an important member of the mission control team at the Johnson

Space Center.

Astronauts Gerald Carr, Edward Gibson, and William Pogue

perform frequent medical experiments to help doctors on the

ground measure changes in their physical condition as the

result of weightlessness.

John, an aeromedical officer at the Mission Control Center_

assists the flight surgeon in monitoring the crew's health and

in collecting medical data transmitted by telemetry from the

space station.

The Skylab astronauts, launched November 16, 1973 from

Kennedy Space Center in Florida, passed the record for the

longest manned spaceflight in history on January 14o They are

scheduled to conclude their 84-day flight on February 8, when

they will splash into the Pacific Ocean southwest of San Diego.

- more -

Ail three astronauts continue in excellent health.

Complete medical reviews are being held weekly during the

final third of the flight.

When the mission passed the half-way mark of the scheduled

12-week flight, William C. Schneider, Director of NASA's

Skylab Program, said "We think the crew is doing a fine job."

At a recent press conference, Schneider singled out some of the

scores of significant accomplishments of the crew -- in December

the first observation by man in space of a limb flare on the

Sun and visual confirmation of water/atmospheric phenomena in

the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan Peninsula. Skylab crews

using instruments aboard Skylab have provided scientists with

more quality data of the Sun than gathered in decades of

observation from Earth.

Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their

orbiting home 270 miles above the Earth on November 16, 1973.

The crew of Carr, Gibson, and Pogue are daily adding to the

harvest of scientific information about our home planet and our

life-giving star, the Sun and will continue this search for

knowledge until February 8, 1974.

Two earlier astronaut teams occupied the space station

for 28 and 59 days before "leaving the key under the mat"

- more -

for the final crew now living aboard Skylab for nearly

three months.

Earth resources, solar astronomy, medical and other

experiments fill the waking hours of the Skylab crewmen, with

the opportunity to view the comet Kohoutek an added bonus

in December and January.

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth atmosphere 0

Skylab's solar telescipes and astronomical cameras are

expected to provide valuable data about the make-up of

comets as well as continuing the surveillance of the flares,

prominences and other dynamic events taking place on the face

of the Sun.

John Maas attended the University of Alabama and the

Auburn University extension. Master Sergeant Maas has been

working at the Johnson Space Center since 1969 as a member of

Detachment 12_ l137th UoS. Air Force Special Activities Squadron.

John is married to the former Ann Harrison of Selma,

Alabama. They live in Houston with their two children, Susan

and Robin.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
/f-' Houston,
NATIONALTexas 77058
Robert V. Gordon'
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:



William J. Moon, 3l, a native of Cleveland, Mississippi, is among a group

of Skylab life support systems engineers supporting the third and final Skylab

mission--a mission destined to become the longest manned spaceflight in history.

The current Skylab crew of astronauts Gerald Carr, Edward Gibson, and William

Pogue are scheduled to splash down in the Pacific Ocean on February 8, 1974,

completing an 84-day mission.

As a Skylab systems engineer, Moon is responsible for the electrical power,

environmental (life support and thermal system) and instrumentation on the Skylab

space station and the Apollo spacecraft that ferries the Skylab crews to and from

When the mission passed the halfway mark of the scheduled I2-week flight,

William C. Schneider, Directorof NASA's Skylab Program, said %Ve thinkthe crew

isdoing a finejob." At a recent press conference, Schneider singledout some of

the scores of significant

accomplishments of the crew--in December the first

observationby man in space of a limb flareon the Sun and visualconfirmationof

water/atmospheric phenomena in the Gulf of Mexico offthe Yucatan Peninsula.

Skylab crews, with the use of the onboard instrumentsaboard Skylabhave provided

more qualitydataof the Sun to scientiststhan from allprevious observationsfrom


Space StationSkylab'sfinaltenantsmoved intotheirorbitinghome 270 miles

above the Earth on November 16, 1973. The crew of Carr, Gibson, and Pogue are

dailyadding to theharvest of scientific

informationabout our home planetand our

life-givingstar,the Sun and willcontinuethissearch for knowledge untilFebruary

8, 1974.
- more -
- 2 -

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space station for 28 and 59

days before "leaving the key under the mat" for the final crew that will live

aboard Skylab for up to three months.

Earth resources, solar astronomy, medical and other experiments fill the

waking hours of the Skylab crewmen, with the opportunity to view the comet
Kohoutek as an added bonus in December and January°

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth atmosphere, Skylab's solar

telescopes and astronomical cameras are expected to provide valuable data

about the make-up of comets as well as continuing the surveillance of the

flares, prominences and other dynamic events taking place on the face of the

Moon, a 1964 graduate of Mississippi State University, has been with the

NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, since 1965. Prior to joining NASA, he was

an electrical design engineer with McDonnell Aircraft.

Moon is married to the former Shelia Ann Nice of Pampa, Texas. They reside

in Houston with their two children, Lori and Michael°

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
F.D. Williams FOR RELEASE:
(713/483-5111) January 15, 1974

RELEASE NO.: 74-27


Although most of us think that the Sun is a constant

and unchanging source of energy, solar physicist Joseph W.

Hirman knows exactly how far that belief is f_om the truth°

Hirman, a 35-year-old native of Raymond, Minnesota,

and a 1964 graduate of the University of Minnesota, is

Director of the Skylab Forecast Center.

As chief forecaster of solar activity, Joe keeps a

large team of scientists informed in detail of changes

occurring on the Sun° Using data from world-wide observatories

and several satellites 0 Joe helps scientists plan solar

studies by the Skylab crew.

Astronauts Gerald Carr, Edward Gibson, and William

Pogue began their record-breaking flight on November 16, 1973.

They have already passed the 59-day, ll-hour record of the

second Skylab crew as they complete the longest manned space

flight in history°

The crew is scheduled to splash into the Pacific


Ocean southwest of San Diego on February 8, completing an

84-day mission°

Despite the failure of one of Skylab's three large

gyroscopes, used to maneuver the space station and to hold

it in the proper position for solar observations, photography

of stars and the Comet Kohoutek, and studies of the Earth,

the flight has been very successful in expanding scientific


Tens of thousands of photographs of the Sun have been

taken already by the Sky_ b astronauts, using a collection of

large telescopes that can gather data obscured from ground-

based telescopes by Earth's distorting atmosphere.

Aided by Joe Hirman's forecasts of large solar storms

and unusual conditions in the Sun's atmosphere, the Skylab

crew will bring back data that should keep scientists busy

for many years.

One of the most important potential benefits of solar

studies may be a better understanding of the effect of the

Sun's activity on weather conditions here on Earth. The

Sun°s energy, striking the upper atmosphere, produces most

of the major patterns in the world's weather.

The Skylab astronauts confirmed a finding made after

they were launched that may tell scientists more about the,

other major influence on Earth's weather. Unusual cloud-


free areas above the Gulf Stream may be a by-product of

swirling circular regions of cold water in the warm current.

Such eddies may change the direction of hurricanes.

The eddies were discovered with photographs taken on a previous

Skylab flight.

Joe Hirmanas work in the Mission Control Center, where

every facet of the Skylab flight is planned and monitored,

is not his first important work as a scientific investigator.

Working for the U.S. Department of Interior, Joe

aided in the survey of U.S. mineral deposit reserves in

Alaska a decade ago.

From 1964 to 1966, Joe was in charge of a research

station in Antarctica, where he studied the Earth's upper

atmosphere. Mt. Hirman on the cold continent at the bottom

of the world bears his name.

During 1966 and 1967, Joe assisted in the preparation

of the Orbiting Geophysical Observatory and the analysis of

data returned by the satellite.

After nearly five years in charge of the solar

observatory at the NASA tracking station on the Canary

Islands off the coast of northwest Africa, Joe joined the

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as a

solar physicist.

His current work at the Johnson Space Center is by


special arrangement with NOAA.

Joe is married to the former Ella M. Gibson of

Jackson, Michigan. They live in Houston with their six

children: Deborah, 17, Charles, 16, Michael, 15, Crystals

10s and Joseph and Julies both 3.

# # #
Johnson Space Center
/ Houston, Texas 77058
r. D. Williams FOR RELEASE:
713 /483- 5111



Louis V. Ramon, 31, a native of Rahway, New Jersey, is among the

group of flight controllers supporting Skylab IV, the longest manned

space flight mission in history. The Skylab IV crew of Gerald Carr,

Edward Gibson and William Pogue are scheduled to splash down in the

Pacific Ocean on February 8, 1974.

Ramon, a 1964 graduate of the California State Polytechnic University

at Pomona, is an experiment operations specialist for a half dozen experi-

ments aboard the Space station. He monitors experiment procedures and

works with the experiment scientists.

l_hen the mission completed the eighth of the scheduled 12-week flight,

William C. Schneider, Director of NASA's Skylab Program, said "We think

the crew is doing a fine job." At a recent press confference, Schneider

singled out some of the scores of significant accomplishments of the

crew -- in December the first observation by man in space of a limb flare

on the Sun and visual conffirmation of water/atmospheric phenomena in the

Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan Peninsula. Skylab crews, with the use of

the onboard instruments aboard Skylab have provided more quality data of

the Sun to scientists than from all previous observations from Earth.



Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their orbiting

home 270 miles above the Earth nine weeks ago. The crew of Carr_ Gibson_

and Fogue are daily adding to the harvest of scientific inforn_tion about

our home planet and our life-giving star_ the Sun and will continue this

search for knowledge until February 8_ 1974.

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occuped the space station for 28

and 59 days before "leaving the key under the mat" for the final crew

that will live aboard Skylab for up to three months.

Earth resources_ solar astronomy_ medical and other experiments fill

the waking hours of the Skylab crewmen.

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth atraosphere_ Skylab's solar

telescopes and astronomical cameras are expected to provide valuable data

about the make-up of comets as well as continuing the surveillance of the

flares_ prominences and other dynamic events taking place on the face of

the Sun.

Ramon is married to the former Jeannene Zimmerman of Houston and they

have two children Lori_ five and Noah_ four months. The Ramons live in


Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
F. D. Williams FOR RELEASE:

FE_ 3 i _74

S tqZT__B,.

Melvin R. Rother, 32, a native of Halletsville, Texas

is among the group of flight controllers supporting Skylab IV,

the longest manned space flight mission in history. The

Skylab IV crew of Gerald Carr, Edward Gibson and William

Pogue are scheduled to splash down in the Pacific Ocean on

February 8, 1974.

Rother, a 1963 graduate of Sam Houston State University,

is one of a group of flight controllers responsible for

monitoring and evaluating the attitude and maneuvering system

of Skylab. A member of the Mission Planning and Analysis

Division since 1963, Rother is assigned to the mission opera-

tions support system room and is directly responsible for

planning and designing maneuvers that should be performed

by the space station.

When the mission passed the eighth of the scheduled

12-week flight, William C. Schneider, Director of NASA's

Skylab Program, said "We think the crew is doing a fine job."

- more -

At a recent press conference, Schneider singled out some of

the scores of significant accomplishments of the crew-- in

December the first observation by man in space of a limb

flare on the Sun and visual confirmation of water/atmospheric

phenomena in the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan Peninsula.

Skylab crews, with the use of the onboard instruments aboard

Skylab have provided more quality data of the Sun to scientists

than from all previous observation from Earth.

Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their

orbiting home 270 miles above the Earth nine weeks ago.

The crew of Carr, Gibson, and Pogue are daily adding to the

harvest of scientific information about our home planet

and our life-giving star, the Sun and will continue this

search for knowledge until February 8, 1974.

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space

station for 28 and 59 days before "leaving the key under

the mat,, for the final crew that will live aboard Skylab

for up to three months.

Earth resources, solar astronomy, medical and other

experiments fill the waking hours of the Skylab crewmen,

with the opportunity to view the comet Kohoutek as an added

bonus in December and January.

- more -

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth's atmos-

phere, Skylab's solar telescopes and astronomical cameras

are expected to provide valuable data about the make-up of

comets as well as continuing the survellance of the flares,

prominences and other dynamic events taking place on the

face of the Sun.

Rother has worked on the propulsion system for the

two-manned Gemini program (1963-64), the Apollo program

(1964-72) and has been involved in the Skylab program since

launch of the workshop since May of last year.

Rother is marred to the former Gall Wartnan of Sheridan,

Texas and they live at 11502 Sagehurst, Houston, with their

two children Michelle, eight and Melanie, five.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058

713/483-5111 January 17, 1974



Requests for proposal for computing and data processing

for the space program software systems have been released to

the aerospace industry by NASA. The request for bids was

sent out by the Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas.

Eleven companies were invited to submit bids. Included

were: Control Data Corporation, General Electric, International

Business Machines, Philco-Ford Corporation, Sperry Rand Corpora-

tion, and TRW Systems Group, all with operations in Houston;

also the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, with operations in

Webster, Texas; Computer Sciences Corporation, Falls Church,

Virginia; Intermetrics Incorporated, Cambridge, Massachusetts;

Radio Corporation of America, Moorestown, New Jersey; and

Systems Development Corporation, Santa Monica, California.

The contractor has been requested to develop systems covering

the Space Shuttle, the Earth Resources Program and other science

programs. Much of the design and development work will be

- more -

necessary for control center support during testing of the

Space Shuttle.

Primary objective, of contract is to provide the space

agency with software systems that have "maximum flexibility

for supporting a wide variety of missions and ... readily

capable of supporting future requirements," according to

the technical information document that accompanied the

proposal for bids.

The term "software" relates to mathematical computations

and information translated into language acceptable for compu-

ter systems.

"The contract shall define, design8 develop, test, and

maintain software packages, exclusive of operating systems,

necessary for the Mission Control Center to support the

Shuttle vertical flight tests, the shuttle operational phase,

and other assigned projects."

The contract will be awarded July 1, 1974 and will be

effective through December 31, 1979o This period runs concur-

rently with the Space Shuttle program design, development,

test and evaluation period--acronym DDT&E.

The government plans to negotiate the contract in two

increments. Increment No. 1 will cover 24 months from July 1st,

and the second phase will cover an additional 42 months.

- more -

A cost-plus-award-fee contract is planned. Amount of

award will be determined by the Government based on the level

of the contractor's performance.

Proposals are to be submitted in two increments. The

first is due February 4, 1974 and the second on February 14th.

Johnson Space Center
NATIONALTexas 77058
Gatha Cottee FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 January 17, 1974



Astronauts Carr, Gibson, and Pogue now in their 63rd day in space

were given the go for another seven days.

For the remainder of the mission, weekly evaluations of crew,

consumables and hardware will be made by NASA officials. The second

weekly review was completed this afternoon.

Following the review of inflight medical data and the recommendation

of Dr. Charles A. Berry, NASA Director for Life Sciences, William C. Schneider,

Skylab Program Director, gave approval for the mission to continue until at

least January 24.

Originally, the three Skylab manned missions were planned, successively,

for one of 28 days and two of 56 days. The first mission lasted 28 days, the

second was extended to 59 days, and the third was then planned as an open-

ended 60-day mission with consumables aboard to provide for as many as

85 days.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
F. D. Williams FOR RELEASE:
January 17, 1974


Using cameras just like those owned by photographers on the Earth's

surface, astronauts aboard the Skylab space station are permanently recording

the appearance of an ever-changing sea.

Gerald Cart, Edward Gibson, and William Pogne, with the most thorough

training ever given a team of orbiting observers, have already seen and reported

extensively on little known ocean phenomena--phenomena that affect the lives of

every person on Earth.

From their excellent vantage point 270 miles above the planet's surface,

the astronauts have seen and photographed ocean currents and huge concentrations

of marine life in areas so remote that such changing conditions would be virtually

impossible to monitor from any other location.

A tremendous range of oceanographic studies will benefit from the Skylab


George A. Maul, a principal investigator for Skylab's earth resources

research and an oceanographer with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis-

tration's Atlantic Oceanographical and Meteorological Laboratories in Miami, Florida,

says the unique observations by Carr, Gibson, and Pogue will add significantly to

man's knowledge and understanding of the oceans.

With handheld cameras, the astronauts are gathering data that will permit

scientists to make significant revisions of ocean color charts prepared before the

Second World War, says Maul.

- more -


One area of particular interest, says Maul, is the South Atlantic Ocean,

where only 4 per cent of the World's oceanographic stations are located.

On numerous occasions, Skylab astronauts passing over this area have

observed, described, and photographed the Falkland Current, a river of cold

water flowing from just beyond the Antartic in a great arc swirling northeast

along the coast of Argentina to mix with the Brazil Current from the north°
It has been known for years that the Falkland Current carries great

icebergs into the Atlantic from their source in Antartic's Weddell Sea,

hundreds of miles to the south° Its location--remote from the heavily travelled

shipping lanes of the North Atlantic--has severely restricted the scientific

investigation of its winding course.

Until the Skylab crew began ocean observations, the most definitive
studies of the Falkland and Brazil Currents had been made by German and

British expeditions in the late 1920's and early 1930's--studies that took years

to complete, says Maul.

Because ocean currents affect weather conditions, the distribution of

marine life, the movement of sediments, and the course of international

shipping, very detailed knowledge of the changes they undergo would be of

clear benefit to people everywhere.

Within the Fatkland Current, and in many other places on the surface

of the World's oceans, the astronauts have observed yet another transient

feature of great importance to man. Huge concentrations of microscopic marine

life covering hundreds of square miles of the sea surface have been observed

and photographed by the third Skylab crew.

Because these microorganisms are at the base of the ocean food chain

that supplies an important part of the world's protein, knowledge about the

population explosions or "plankton blooms" is essential to ecologically sound



management of food sources°

Jerry Carr described one suspected bloom, which may have been

produced by sunlight warming the ocean's surface during the southern

hemisphere's summer:

'_You could see the Falkland Current again very, very plainly, the

long, light-green, almost fluorescent-looking light-green, serpentine current

moving its way to the northeast.

"I found another patch of red. I would estimate the patch of red to be

15 to 20 miles wide and 25 to 40 miles in length."

Carr said the red surface was within the current, never touching the blue

of the adjacent waters.

Such red plankton blooms are often associated with massive fish kills°

As algae populations explode, changing the ocean color to a distinct red, the

great volume of waste material and the death and decay of the one-celled

creatures may make the water poisonous to larger life forms.

Such "red tides" strike coasts around the world, killing great

numbers of fish, and sometimes making shellfish poisonous to man.

The prediction and prevention of such destructive growths is

virtually impossible without timely world-wide observations of the sort made

by the Skylab astronauts.

Maul notes that the third crew has also seen and recorded large

oceanic eddies, and swirling cloud patterns produced by islands jutting from

the surface of the sea. The study of currents by the space crew has also

revealed new information about the movement of oil spills, and the crew has

detected and photographed branching within the world's currents.

By regular reports to the ground, the Skylab astronauts have aided

s cientists in planning more effective use of the sophisticated cameras and

electronic sensors in the space station's Earth Resources Experiment Package.



Data from the ocean and atmospheric studies conducted during earth

resource' surveys made by the astronauts will be returned on February 8, when

they splash into the Pacific Ocean southwest of San Diego°

The skill of trained observers may become an increasingly important

part of man's venture into near-Earth space when the Space Shuttle becomes

available in the coming decadeo Maul says that' space'researchers could be

part of an alarm system to forewarn of dangerous ocean phenomena such as

red tides and to observe and report other important changes in the surface
of the sea.

Space photography of the Gulf of Mexico, supported by the visual

observations of the current Skylab crew, allowed oceanographer Dr. Robert

E. Stevenson of the Office of Naval Research, La Jolla, California to detect

swirling disks within the Gulf Stream, which carries more water than all
the world's rivers combined°

The Gulf Stream has long been treated as a warm current, and has

frequently been credited with bringing Europe its mild winters. But Stevenson

has suggested _hat the disks or eddies are much cooler than the surrounding
current o

If continuing research confirms the finding indicated by Skylab

photography, the new data may change both oceanographic maps and the

predictability of hurricanes, which draw their strength from warmer waters

and are frequently dissipated by cooler regionso

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Gatha Cottee FOR RELEASE:




GMT ] CDT 33 ° 32' N
Undocking 10:31! 5:31 53 ° 54' W

Separation 10:57 5:57 38 ° S aV=5FPS,

14 ° E 12 sec. RCS

Shape (SPS-1) 11:29 6:29 00 ° S AV=268 FPS

145 ° E 11 sec, SPS

Deorbit (SPS-2) 14:33 9:33 9° N AV=190 FPS,

106 ° E 8 sec, SPS

Entry Interface 14:58 9:58 46 ° N

148 ° W
Black out (in) 15:00 10:00

Black out (exit) J 15:04 10:04

Drogue Chute 15:08 10:08

Main Chutes 15:09 10:09

Splash * 15:14 10:14 29 ° 44' N

1120o 21'

*Ail Events Based on Present Time Lines0 and February 8, 1974

Splash Down.

As of 17, January 74
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Gatha Cot-tee FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 January 18, 1974

A volunteer subject fainted and suffered a brief loss of heart beat but was

immediately revived during a cardiac output evaluation test conducted under

controlled conditions for the Skylab medical programo The subject, Lt. Colo

Edouard Burchard, required no hospitalization and was back on duty a short

time later.

The incident occurred after a needle had been placed in Lt. Col. Burchard's

artery during the test. He responded immediately to the normal therapy that

includes an injection of atropine and external heart massage.

The test, conducted at the Space Center Hospital near the Johnson Space

Center, was a simulation of one of the post flight medical analysis checks con-

sidered for the Skylab 4 astronauts after their return to Houston. The purpose

of the test is to get a precise measurement of cardiac output by introducing

a dye into the blood system o

Such dye dilution tests are routinely used in cardiac research diagnosis and

medical officials said Lt. COlo Burchard's reaction was very unusual. As a

result of the incident, however, Skylab program officials have decided that the

test will not be performed on any of the returning crew members.

Lt. Col. Burchard is a West German Air Force medical officer detailed to

NASA. He serves as deputy flight surgeon for the Skylab program.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
713/_83-5111 January 19, 1974


The Johnson Space Center has issued a bid for contractual services

which eventually leads to modification of the Mission Control Center

(MCC) at the Houston, Texas facility to support the Space Shuttle


In space agency language, the Government has requested the aero-

space industry to submit proposal for "Ground Based Data Systems, Design,

Implementation, Operation, and Maintenance," of equipment to support the

Space Shuttle, life sciences and other science programs.

While much of the modification will effect the MCC, the contractor

also will provide services in the simulation, training, and medical areas.

Primary objective of the contract is to provide NASA with a

"flexibility for supporting a...variety of missions...," according to

the technical information document that accompanied the proposal for bids.

"It is also anticipated that new systems design and support require-

ments for future missions will evolve ....due to changing mission concepts."

the document says.

The contract will be awarded July l, 197A and will be effective

through the Space Shuttle program design, development, test and evaluation

period--acronym DDT&E.
- -more- -

A phasing program is called for in the bid package. The incumbent -

or current - contractor has basic responsibility for control center

systems through the Skylab and Apollo Soyuz Test Projects (ASTP). Certain

of the tasks--relating principally to new and projected hardware--will be

the responsibility of the new contractor.

"At the completion of the ASTP, presently scheduled for August l,

1975, the new contractor will assume total responsibility of all systems..

with the exception of operations of the Real Time Computer Complex (RTCC)."

according to the document.

Significant mission-related events require the new contractor's

attention. These are:

December l, 1975: Begin crew training for orbiter Horizontal Test

Flight (HTF)

December l, 1976: First orbiter HTF

September l, 1977: Begin crew training for Vertical Flight Test (VFT)

March l, 1978: Begin VFT control center simulations

September l, 1978: First Space Shuttle VFT

A cost-plus-award-fee contract is planned. The government asks for

bids by January 21, 197A_ They are to be submitted in three volumes:

No. l, the Technical Proposal, No. 2, Management Proposal, and No. 3, the

Cost Proposal.

Johnson Space Center
/ Houston, Texas 77058

Robert Vo Gordon FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 February 1, 1974



John David Blalock, 31, a native of Alexandria, Louisiana,

is among the group of flight controllers supporting Skylab IV,

the longest manned space flight mission in history. The

Skylab IV crew of Gerald Carr, Edward Gibson and William Pogue

are scheduled to splash down in the Pacific Ocean on February 8,


Blalock, a 1965 graduate of Louisiana Tech University_

is responsible for planning and monitoring crew activities in

the area of solar observations. He also assists in responding

to crew queries concerning changes in solar activity and the

ATM flight plan.

When the mission passed the half-way mark of the scheduled

12-week flight, William C. Schneider, Director of NASAls Skylab

Programs said "We think the crew is doing a fine job." At a

recent press conference, Schneider singled out some of the

scores of significant accomplishments of the crew -- in

- more -
December the first observation by man in space of a limb

flare on the Sun and visual confirmation of water/atmospheric

phenomena in the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan Peninsula.

Skylab crews, with the use of the onboard instruments aboard

Skylab have provided more quality data of the Sun to scientists

than from all previous observations from Earth.

Blalock received the Sustained Superior performance

award in 1972 for his work in preparing for the Skylab mission°

Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their

orbiting home 270 miles above the Earth on November 16, 1973.

The crew of Carr, Gibson, and Pogue are daily adding to the

harvest of scientific information about our home planet and

our life-giving star_ the Sun and will continue this search

for knowledge until February 8, 1974.

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space

station for 28 and 59 days before "leaving the key under the

mat" for the final crew that will live aboard Skylab for up

to three months.

Earth resources0 solar astronomy, medical and other

experiments fill the waking hours of the Skylab crewmen, with

the opportunity to view the comet Kohoutek as an added bonus

in December and January.

- more -

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth atmosphere,

Skylab's solar telescopes and astronomical cameras are expected

to provide valuable data about the make-up of comets as well

as continuing the surveillance of the flares, prominences

and other dynamic events taking place on the face of the Sun.

Blalock is married to the former Delores Leavines of

Alexandria. The Blalocks live in Seabrook with their two

children Carrie and Catherine.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert V. Gordon FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 February 1, 1974



Girish C. Joshit a native of Bombay, India, is among the

group of flight controllers supporting Skylab IV, the longest

manned space flight mission in history. The Skylab IV crew

of Gerald Carr, Edward Gibson and William Pogue are scheduled

to splash down in the Pacific Ocean on February 8, 1974.

Joshi, a graduate of the university of Bombay, provides

technical expertise for the operation of two of the Skylab

solar X-ray instruments. He also assisted in preparing mat-

erial for the training of the flight control group and the


When the mission passed the half-way mark of the scheduled

12-week flight, William C. Schneider, Director of NASA°s Skylab

Program, said "We think the crew is doing a fine job." At a

recent press conference, Schneider singled out some of the

scores of significant accomplishments of the crew -- in De-

cember the first observation by man in space of a limb flare

- more -

on the Sun and visual confirmation of water/atmospheric

phenomena in the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan Peninsula.

Skylab crews, with the use of the onboard instruments aboard

Skylab have provided more quality data of the Sun to scientists

than from all previous observations from Earth.

Joshi, in conjunction with Dr. William Granger of the

New England Medical Centers, built and designed a portable

cardiac monitor which is used on exercising rehabilitation


Space Station Skylabgs final tenants moved into their

orbiting home 270 miles above the Earth on November 16, 1973.

The crew of Carr, Gibson, and Pogue are daily adding to the

harvest of scientific information about our home planet and

our life-giving star, the Sun and will continue this search

for knowledge until February 8, 1974.

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space

station for 28 and 59 days before "leaving the key under the

mat" for the final crew that will live aboard Skylab for up

to three months.

Earth resources_ solar astronomy, medical and other

experiments fill the waking hours of the Skylab crewmen,

- more -
with the opportunity to view the comet Kohoutek as an added

bonus is December and January.

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth atmosphere,

Skylab's solar telescopes and astronomical cameras are expected

to provide valuable data about the make-up of comets as well

as continuing the surveillance of the flares, prominences_and

other dynamic events taking place on the face of the Sun.


Mr. Walter White

Branch Public Affairs Officer
American Consulate General
Bombay, INDIA

(Information obtained from: Emma Davis, Headquarters)

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert V. Gordon FOR RELEASE:
February 1, 1974


Dr. Stuart Ao Bergman, Jr., a native of San Antonio,

Texas0 is among the group of flight controllers supporting

Skylab IV, the longest manned space flight mission in history.

The Skylab IV crew of Gerald Carr, Edward Gibson and William

Pogue are scheduled to splash down in the Pacific Ocean on

February 8, 1974o

Dr. Bergman's primary responsibility is to check out

mission activity which may effect crew health status. He

monitors biomedical experiments and reviews electrocardio-

grams and vectrocardiograms from these experiments.

When the mission passed the half-way mark of the

scheduled 12-week flight, William C. Schneider, Director of

NASA's Skylab Program, said "We think the crew is doing a

fine job°" At a recent press conference, Schneider singled

out some of the scores of significant accomplishments of

the crew -- in December the first observation by man in

- more -

space of a limb flare on the Sun and visual confirmation of

water/atmospheric phenomena in the Gulf of Mexico off the

Yucatan Peninsula. Skylab crews, with the use of the onboard

instruments aboard Skylab have provided more quality data of

the Sun to scientists than from all previous observations

from Earth.

Dr. Bergman is a member of the Psy Chi. Honor Society,

and a past President of the Phi Beta Pi Medical Fraternity.

He is also a fellow of the National Institute of Health

Research in Cardiology.

Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their

orbiting home 270 miles above the Earth on November 16, 1973.

The crew of Carr, Gibson, and Pogue are daily adding to the

harvest of scientific information about our home planet and

our life-giving star0 the Sun and will continue this search

for knowledge until February 8, 1974.

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space

station for 28 and 59 days before "leaving the key under

the mat" for the final crew that will live aboard Skylab for

up to three months.

Earth resources, solar astronomy, medical and other

experiments fill the waking hours of the Skylab crewmen,

- more -

with the opportunity to view the comet Kohoutek as an added

bonus in December and January.

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth atmosphere,

Skylab's solar telescopes and astronomical cameras are

expected to provide valuable data about the make-up of comets

as well as continuing the surveillance of the flares, pro-

minences and other dynamic events taking place on the face

of the Sun.

Dr. Bergman is married to the former Nancy Middleton.

They live in Seabrook with their two children0 Anthony, 5;

and Aaron, 3.
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert V. Gordon FOR RELEASE:
February 1, 1974



H. Gene Koch, 34, a native of Eads, Colorado, is among

the group of flight controllers supporting Skylab IV, longest

manned space flight mission in history. The Skylab IV crew

of Gerald Carr, Edward Gibson and William Pogue are scheduled

to splash down in the Pacific Ocean on February 8, 1974.

Kock attended the University of Colorado. He has been

employed at JSC 2½ years and is responsible for operations

associate_ with the Naval Research Laboratory ATM solar tele-


When the mission passed the half-way mark of the scheduled

12-week flight, William C. Schneider, Director of NASAls

Skylab Program, said "We think the crew is doing a fine job."

At a recent press conference, Schneider singled out some of

the scores of significant accomplishments of the crew -- in

December the first observation by man in space of a limb

flare on the Sun and visual confirmation of water/atmospheric

- more -
phenomena in the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan Peninsula.

Skylab crews, with the use of the onboard instruments aboard

Skylab have provided more quality data of the Sun to scientists

than from all previous observation from Earth.

Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their

orbiting home 270 miles above the Earth on November 16, 1973.

The crew of Carr, Gibson, and Pogue are daily adding to the

harvest of scientific information about our home planet and

our life-giving star, the Sun and will continue this search

for knowledge until February 8, 1974.

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space

station for 28 and 59 days before "leaving the key under

the mat" for the final crew that will live aboard Skylab for

up to three months.

Earth resources, solar astronomy, medical and other

experiments fill the waking hours of the Skylab crewmen,

with the opportunity to view the comet Kohoutek as an added

bonus in December and January.

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth atmosphere,

Skylab's solar telescopes and astronomical cameras are

expected to provide valuable data about the make-up of

- more -

comets as well as continuing the surveillance of the flares,

prominences and other dynamic events taking place on the face

of the Sun.

Koch is married to the former Glenda C. Dye of Great Bend,

Kansas. The Kochs live in Seabrook with their children,

Stewart and Heidi.

- end -


V. Gordon
Space Center
Texas 77058


_ _ _



Robert Heselmeyer, 30, a former resident of Cleveland,

Tennessee, is among the group of flight controllers support-

ing Skylab IV, the longest manned flight mission in history.

The Skylab IV crew of Gerald Carr, Edward Gibson and William

_ Pogue are scheduled to splash down in the Pacific Ocean on

February 8, 1974.

Heselmeyer, a 1966 graduate of Georgia Institute of

Technology, has been with NASA since 1966. Serving as a

flight controller he has supported Apollo missions 9 through


When the mission passed the three-quarter mark of the

scheduled 12-week flight, William C. Schneider, Director

of NASA's Skylab program, said "We think the crew is doing

a fine job." At a recent press conference, Schneider singled

out some of the scores of significant accomplishments of the

crew -- in December the first observation by man in space of

- more -

a limb flare on the Sun and visual confirmation of water/

atmospheric phenomena in the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan

Peninsula. Skylab crews, with the use of the onboard in-

struments aboard Skylab have provided more quality data of

the Sun to scientists than from all previous observations

from Earth.

As a Skylab flight controller, Heselmeyer is responsible

for providing real time support in the area of medical exper-

iments. Generally he provides support to the crew for the

medical experiment hardware and associated equipment, as

well as providing the final, processed medical data products

to principal investigators for these experiments.

Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their

orbiting home 270 miles above the Earth on November 16, 1973.

The crew of Carr, Gibson, and Pogue are daily add!ng to the

harvest of scientific information about our home planet and

our life-giving star, the Sun and will continue this search

for knowledge until February 8, 1974.

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space

station for 28 and 59 days before "leaving the key under the

mat" for the final crew that will live aboard Skylab for up

to three months.

- more -

Earth resources, solar astronomy, medical and other

experiments fill the waking hours of the Skylab crewmen,

with the opportunity to view the comet Kohoutek as an added

bonue in December and January.

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth's atmos-

phere, Skylab's solar telescopes and astronomical cameras

are expected to provide valuable data about the make-up of

comets as well as continuing the surveillance of the flares,

prominences and other dynamic events taking place on the

face of the Sun.

Heselmeyer is married to the former Melba Tipton of

Port Arthur, Texas. They live at 15514 Seahorse Drive in


- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert V. Gordon
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:

RELEASE NO: 74-41 : _ *


James E. Wallace, 30, a native of Vero Beach, Florida,

is among the group of flight controllers supporting Skylab IV,

the longest manned space flsight mission in history. The

Skylab IV crew of Gerald Carr, Edward Gibson and William Pogue

are scheduled to splash down in the Pacific Ocean on February 8,


Wallace, a 1965 graduate of Florida A&M university is

responsible for analyzing assigned scientific experiments

and for the development of operating techniques necessary

for optimum management and operation of these experiments.

When the mission passed the half-way mark of the scheduled

12-week flight, William C. Schneider, Director of NASA's

Skylab Program, said "We think the crew is doing a fine job."

At a recent press conference, Schneider singled out some of

the scores of significant accomplishments of the crew -- in

December the first observation by man in space of a limb

flare on the Sun and visual confirmation of water/atmospheric

- more -

phenomena in the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan Peninsula.

Skylab crews, with the use of the onboard instruments aboard

Skylab have provided more quality data of the Sun to scientists

than from all previous observations from Earth.

Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their

orbiting home 270 miles above the Earth on November 16, 1973.

The crew of Carr, Gibson, and Pogue are daily adding to the

harvest of scientific information about our home planet and

our life-giving star, the Sun and will continue this search

for knowledge until February 8, 1974.

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space

station for 28 and 59 days before "leaving the key under the

mat" for the final crew that will live aboard Skylab for up

to three months.

Earth resources, solar astronomy, medical, and other

experiments fill the waking hours of the Skylab crewmen, with

the opportunity to view the comet Kohoutek as an added bonus

in December and January.

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth's atmosphere,

Skylab's solar telescopes and astronomical cameras are expected

to provide valuable data about the make-up of comets as well

as continuing the surveillance of the flares, prominences,

- more -

and other dynamic events taking place on the face of the


Wallace is married to the former Rosa M. Jordan of

Douglas, Georgia. They have two children; Derrick and


- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert V. Gordon FOR RELEASE:



Charles Alford, 32, a native of Wichita Falls, Texas,

is among the group of flight controllers supporting Skylab IV,

the longest manned space flight mission in history. The

Skylab IV crew of Gerald Carr, Edward Gibson and William Pogue

are scheduled to splash down in the Pacific Ocean on February 8,


Alford, a 1963 graduate of Texas (Arlington), is an

optical sensor systems engineer in the Earth Resources Exper-

iment Area of Skylab. As such, he is responsible for managing

the cameras, film and magnetic tape used by the crew in gather-

ing data on Earth's natural resources.

When the mission passed the three-quarter mark of the

scheduled 12-week flight, William C. Schneider, Director of

NASA's Skylab Program, saie "We think the crew is doing a

fine job." At a recent press conference, Schneider singled

out some of the scores of significant accomplishments of the

crew -- in December the first observation by man in space of

- more -

a limb flare on the Sun and visual confirmation of water/

atmospheric phenomena in the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan

Peninsula. Skylab crews, with the use of the onboard in-

struments aboard Skylab have provided more quality data of the

Sun to scientists than from all previous observations from


Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their

orbiting home 270 miles above the Earth on November 16, 1973.

The crew of Carr, Gibson, and Pogue are daily adding to the

harvest of scientific information about our home planet and

our life-giving star, the Sun and will continue this search

for knowledge until February 8, 1974.

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space

station for 28 and 59 days before "leaving the key under the

mat" for the final crew that will live aboard Skylab for up

to three months.

Earth resources, solar astronomy, medical and other

experiments fill the waking hours of the Skylab crewmen, with

the opportunity to view the comet Kohoutek as an added bonus

in December and January.

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth's atmosphere,

Skylab's solar telescopes and astronomical cameras are expected


to provide valuable data about the make-up of comets as well

as continuing the surveillance of the flares, prominences and

other dynamic events taking place on the face of the Sun.

Alford is married to the former Carolyn Eaton of Fort

Worth, Texas. The Alfords have five children 11 year old

twin girls, Kathryn and Karen; Kristin, six; Scott, three

and Craig, two.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert V. Gordon FOR RELEASE:



Don Hill, 41, a native of Hempstead, Texas, is among

the group of flight controllers supporting Skylab IV, the

longest manned space flight mission in history. The Skylab

IV crew of Gerald Carr, Edward Gibson and William Pogue are

scheduled to splash down in the Pacific Ocean on February 8,


Hill is a member of the planning and operations team of

the Earth Resources experiment program at the Mission Control

Center. As a member of the team, Hill assists in preparation

and the planning of each pass Skylab makes gathering data on

natural resources.

When the mission passed the three-quarter mark of the

scheduled 12-week flight, William C. Schneider, Director of

NASA's Skylab Program, said "We think the crew is doing a

fine job." At a recent press conference, Schneider singled

out some of the scores of significant accomplishments of the

crew -- in December the first observation by man in space of

- more -

of a limb flare on the Sun and visual confirmation of water/

atmospheric phenomena in the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan

Peninsula. Skylab crews, with the use of the onboard instruments

aboard Skylab have provided more quality data of the Sun to

scientists than from all previous observations from Earth.

Hill is a 1961 graduate of the university of Houston.

Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their

orbiting home 270 miles above the Earth on November 16, 1973.

The crew of Carr, Gibson, and Pogue are daily adding to the

harvest of scientific information about our home planet and

our life-giving star, the Sun and will continue this search

for knowledge until February 8, 1974.

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space

station for 28 and 59 days before "leaving the key under the

mat" for the final crew that will live aboard Skylab for up

to three months.

Earth resources, solar astronomy, medical and other

experiments fill the waking hours of the Skylab crewmen, with

the opportunith to view the comet Kohoutek as an added bonus

in December and January.

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth's atmosphere,

Skylab's solar telescopes and astronomical cameras are expected

to provide valuable data about the make-up of comets as well

- more -

as continuing the surveillance of the flares, prominences

and other dynamic events taking place on the face on the Sun.

Hill is married to the former Martha Ellington of

Houston. The Hills and their two children, Craig, nine and

Scott, seven, live at 15731 Buccaneer, Houston.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert V. Gordon FOR RELEASE:

RELEASE NO: 74-44 dA_ g I _-:_


Charles Robert Larsen, 29, a native of Independence,

Missouri, is among the group of flight controllers supporting

Skylab IV, the longest manned space flight mission in history.

The Skylab IV crew of Gerald Carr, Edward Gibson and William

Pogue are scheduled to splash down in the Pacific Ocean on

February 8, 1974.

Since launch of Skylab on Mar 14, 1973, Larsen has

been responsible for monitoring the space station's thermal

and environmental control systems. This involves identifying

potential problems, analyzing them, recommending a course of

action to correct the problem, and analyzing the results.

Larsen is a graduate of the university of California,

Berkeley, where he received a degree in mechanical engineering

in 1966. Before Skylab, Larsen worked on the lunar surface

science experiment area.

When the mission passed the three-quarter mark of the

scheduled 12-week flight, William C. Schneider, Director of

- more -

NASA's Skylab Program, said "We think the crew is doing a

fine job." At a recent press conference, Schneider singled

out some of the scores of significant accomplishments of the

crew -- in December the first observation by man in space of

a limb flare on the Sun and visual confirmation of water/

atmospheric phenomena in the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan

Peninsula. Skylab crews, with the use of the onboard

instruments aboard Skylab have provided more quality data

of the Sun to scientists than from all previous observations

from Earth.

Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their

orbiting home 270 miles above the Earth on November 16, 1973.

The crew of Carr, Gibson, and Pogue are daily adding to the

harvest of scientific information about our home planet and

our life-giving star, the Sun and will continue this search

for knowledge until February 8, 1974.

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space

station for 28 and 59 days before "leaving the key under the

mat" for the final crew that will live aboard Skylab for up

to three months.

Earth resources, solar astronomy, medical and other

experiments fill the waking hours of the Skylab crewmen,

- more -

with the opportunity to view the comet Kohoutek as an added

bonus in December and January.

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth's atmosphere,

Skylab's solar telescopes and astronomical camers are expected

to provide valuable data about the make-up of comets as well

as continuing the surveillance of the flares, prominences

and other dynamic events taking place on the face of the Sun.

Larsen is married to the former Doris Elaine Craig of

Washington. The Larsens live at 730 Seamaster Drive in

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
713/483-5111 January 23, 1974



The NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center has made a payment of

$125, 000, 000 to Rockwell International Corporation, Downey, California, for

continued development of the Space Shuttle vehicle°

The installment increases the total amount of the award to $330, 595,500

and covers Rockwelt's performance through April 22, 1974.

More than 4460 contractor personnel now are employed in shuttle

- development.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
713/483-5111 January 24, 1974



A solar flare recorded on January 21, 1974 by the Skylab

SL-4 mission has created considerable excitement within the

worldwide solar physics community.

The flare was not large by comparison with those recorded

on previous Skylab flights. Ground observers classified it

as a medium sized flare.

The excitement stems from the news that for the first

time in the history of the Skylab missions a solar flare has

been recorded from its beginning through its expiration°

Previous Skylab crews have not been able to gather data

on solar flare beginnings because the systems that warn of

flares were not sensitive enough to detect the comparatively

weak X-Ray emissions from the Sun that signal the beginning

of a solar flare.

In the hope that he might catch the earliest stages of

a solar flare, Skylab Science Pilot Edward G. Gibson had

- more -
been spending long hours observing the Sun through the

Skylab Apollo Telescope Mount (ATM) instruments.

On January 21, Dr. Gibson's vigils were rewarded when

he observed indications of increasing radiation from the

western half of the Sun and immediately concentrated the

ATM instruments on the phenomenon.

According to ground controllers and scientists, Gibson's

patience and vigilance have resulted in the acquisition of

data of extreme significance to the understanding of solar

processes not otherwise possible to obtain.

Involved early in the Skylab program by participating

in the design and development of the ATM solar instruments,

Gibson has been described by ATM principal investigators as

one of the most enthusiastic Skylab astronauts regarding

solar physics. Dro Gibson, an experienced solar physicist,

is the author of "The Quiet Sun," a book that has received

considerable praise from other solar physicists.

Dr. Nell R. Sheeley, solar physicist with the U.So Naval

Research Laboratory (NRL), Washington_ D.C., was on duty at

the ATM science room console while Gibson was making his

unforeseen observations. Dr. Sheeley stated that to the

- more -
best of his knowledge neither of the previous Skylab crews

had been able to catch a flare from beginning to end.

"The importance is that certain things happened in the

rise of a flare that don"t happen at any other time. One

of these is the flash phase. At some time in the increase

of X-radiation, there is a 15- to 20-second period in which

the energy increases very quickly," Sheeley noted.

"We had no way of plotting or predicting it," Sheeley

continued," -- it can come at any time. It was a challenge

to Gibson and very exciting for the crew and for mission

planners, and it will be very exciting for scientists after

the mission is over."

Scheeley is one of the principal scientists on the team

responsible for the coronal spectroheliograph (SO82A) and

the chromospheric spectrograph (S082B) telescopes. The

Principal Investigator for the SO82 experiments is Dr. R. Tousey,

head of NRL's Rocket Spectroscopy Branch.

Dr. A. So Krieger of American Science and Engineering, Inco,

(AS&E), noted that "One of the most important and baffling

mysteries in solar physics concerns the process whereby energy

is transferred from the Sun's magnetic field into thermal, or

- more -

heat_ energy. This process takes place during the early

phases of a solar flare. Thanks to Dr. Gibson's alertness

we have been able to observe this process from Skylab for

the first time.

"If we can further unlock the secrets of this energy-

transfer process, it may become possible to develop energy-

transfer processes on Earth that will be of inestimable value

in our search to find cheaper sources of energy," Dr. Krieger


Dr. Krieger is principal scientist on the ATM X-Ray

Spectrographic Telescope (S054) team° The SO54 was developed

and built by AS&E, Cambridge, Massachusetts° Dr. G. Vaiana

of AS&E is principal investigator for the SO54 experiment.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Dave Garrett FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 February 6, 1974



Astronauts Gerald Carr, Ed Gibson and Bill Pogue, the

final Skylab crew, will leave their space station in a

condition which may permit revisit by some future spacecraft

when they splashdown in the Pacific on February 8, 1974.

Although there are no present plans for a specific

Skylab revisit mission, the deactivation sequence has been

designed to leave Skylab in a posture that would permit a

docking and entry by the revisit crew in their spacesuits.

Following the departure of the astronauts, there will

be about 2 days of testing via ground command. All systems

will then be deactivated and the cabin pressure vented. The

vehicle will be oriented in a gravity gradient attitude with

the longitudinal axis aligned toward the center of the Earth,

the communication links shut down and active ground monitoring


It is anticipated that the orbital life of Skylab will

be about ten years.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert V. Gordon FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 Februaryl, 1974



Louis A Deluca, 47, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Deluca

of Sharpsville, Pennsylvania, is among the group of flight

controllers supporting Skylab IV , the longest manned space

flight mission in history. The Skylab IV crew of Gerald

Carr, Edward Gibson and William Pogue are scheduled to

splash down in the Pacific Ocean on February 8, 1974.

When the mission passed the three-quarter mark of the

scheduled 12-week flight, William C. Schneider, Director of

NASA's Skylab Program, said "We think the crew is doing a

fine job." At a recent press conference, Schneider singled

out some of the scores of significant accomplishments of the

crew -- in December the first observation by man in space of

a limb flare on the Sun and visual confirmation of water/

atmospheric phenomena in the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan

Peninsula. Skylab crews, with the use of the onboard in-

struments aboard Skylab have provided more quality data of

the Sun to scientists than from all previous observations

from Earth.
- more -

Deluca serves as a Biomedical officer and daily

monitors performance by the crew of the various medical

experiments aboard Skylab. Deluca has been with NASA since

1961 and has served as a flight controller on all U. S.

manned spaceflight programs -- Mercury, Gemini and Apollo.

Space Station Skylab's final tenants moved into their

orbiting home 270 miles above the Earth on November 16, 1973.

The crew of Carr, Gibson, and Pogue are daily adding to the

harvest of scientific information about our home planet and

our life-giving star, the Sun and will continue this search

for knowledge until February 8, 1974.

Two earlier threesomes of tenants occupied the space

station for 28 and 59 days before "leaving the key under

the mat" for the final crew that will live aboard Skylab for

up to three months.

Earth resources, solar astronomy, medical and other

experiments fill the waking hours of the Skylab crewmen, with

the opportunity to view the comet Kohoutek as an added

bonus in December and January.

Flying above the distorting layers of Earth's atmos-

phere, Skylab's solar telescopes and astronomical cameras

are expected to provide valuable data about the make-up of

- more -

comets as well as continuing the surveillance of the flares,

prominences and other dynamic events taking place on the

face of the Sun.

Deluca is married to the former Vera Elesin of Detroit,

Michigan. They now live at 10327 Collingswood Road, Houston.

They have two children Louis Deluca, Jr., and Lina Jean both

of Huntsville, Alabama.

- end -


Mr. G. A. Harshman, Editor

42 S. Dock Street
Sharon, PA 16146
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Gatha F. Cottee
713/483-5111 February 2, 1974


The launch of Titian-Centaur 1 from the Kennedy Space

Center's Complex 41, Cape Kennedy Air Force Station, has

been rescheduled for 9:03 a.m. EDT Monday, February 11.

A Prelaunch Press Conference will be held at the Cape

12:00 noon Sunday, February 10. (11:00 a.m. CDT)

The press Conference will be two way between members

of the launch team at the Kennedy Space Center, and the

New's media at the Johnson Space Center in Houston4 Texas.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White February 6, 1974

Astronaut Dr. Karl G. Henize was uninjured Wednesday in

a T-38 landing mishap at Bergstrom Air Force Base near Austin,


The mishap occured at 10 a.m. CDT as Henize was landing

at Bergstrom after a flight from Ellington Air Force Base,

Houston. Henize took off from Ellington at 9:28 a.m. CDT

on an instrument flight rules ( IFR ) flight plan for


Details of the mishap and extent of damage to the aircraft

are not known at this time.

Johnson Space Center
NATIONALTexas 77058
F. Dennis Williams FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 February 20, 1974



A three-part program to substantially reduce energy consumption at the

Johnson Space Center has already begun to pay significant dividends.

The first part of the program seeks to save power through changes in work

hours or procedures, and through minor modifications to facilities and equipment.

Meanwhile, engineers are investigating more extensive changes that might

be made to conserve energy. Because improvements to the center would be re-

qnired to realize an additional saving, a careful study of such modifications must

be made before approval can be given and the funds requested.

The third step, which promises long-range benefits to people everywhere,

is research and development to reduce power consumption and to increase the supply

of energy available to the world.

Most of the early savings have been produced by changes in the working condi-

tions at JSC, including sharp reductions in non-essential lighting, adjustments in

heating and cooling requirements, and limitations on official transportation.

Despite the activity associated with the longest manned spaceflight in history,

an 84-day Skylab mission concluded February 8, energy uses at the space center have

been cut remarkably.

In December, JSC's total energy use was 23.9 per cent lower than was antici-

pated based on previous years' figures.

- more -

- 2 -

These results, which reflect a continued trend toward lower energy consump-

tion, were brought about by cutting lighting by as much as three-fourths in some

areas, by permitting a wider range of temperatures inside buildings, by improving

control of the heating and cooling system, by withholding one-fourth of the approved

travel budget, and by cutting aircraft use by one-fifth°

Such changes, along with the restriction of most lighting and temperature

control to working hours, has reduced energy use steadily since September.

Despite rising prices for most fuels, the bill for energy consumed from July

through December 1973, was reduced by more than $100, 000.

Although substantial energy savings have already been realized, center officials

continue to seek areas where further reductions may be made without interfering
with other center efforts.

At present, some further reductions in lighting are being considered.

In addition to the reduced use of natural gas, electricity, and liquid fuels by

the center itself, a conservation program by employees has also been successful.

A car pooling program, with preferential parking for those who share rides,

has also been successful. As more and more drivers become riders, NASA employees

are contributing directly to easing the national shortage of gasoline.

About 800 fewer cars are now driven to work at JSC, and the number of riders

per car continues to increase.

A test project to evaluate the potential for commuter buses to carry employees

to the center from residential developments in the area is also under consideration.

The Johnson Space Center is not served by mass transit.

While the first part of JSC's energy conservation program has been very success-

ful, part two is expected to take longer to reach its goalso

Among the areas likely to benefit from investments in improved technology

are heat production and utility control.

- more -

- 3 -

Center officials are now considering a plan to reclaim heat lost through

the exhaust stacks from boilers at the Central Heating and Cooling Plant. An

engineering study will be necessary to determine the most effective technique

and to calculate the potential savings.

A computerized control system to manage power uses at the center is also

under consideration as a means of saving energy and dollars through technological


Part three of the energy conservation program is expected to receive atten-

tion from scientists and engineers at the Johnson Space Center for many years to
come o

A program to design cities and building complexes that use less energy

and produce less refuse and pollution has been underway for some time at JSC o

The Modular Integrated Utility System (MIUS) project'has already made

substantial progress toward designing the city of the future. It's advanced engineer-

ing concepts will help solve the twin problems of limited natural resources and

undesirable pollution of our land, water, and air°

Extensive research and development projects like MIUS will be an important

element in assuring the world of sufficient energy in future years.

The Johnson Space Center will make every effort to contribute to solving

tomorrow's problems, just as JSC's quick action in recent months has helped solve

those facing us today.



Terry White
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
February 19, 1974



HOUSTON, Texas ---Philco-Ford Corporation's Western Development

Laboratories, Palo Alto, California have received a $4,095,500

modification to their operational support contract at the NASA

Johnson Space Center here. The contract supplemental agreement

calls for WDL to develop an Earth Resources Production Pro-

cessing System at the Center.

Standardized processing of time histories, film images,

tabulations, plots and sensor data on computer-compatible tapes

will be provided by the system to Earth resources principal


The cost-plus-award-fee supplemental agreement to the

Philco-Ford contract will bring the total contract value to

$54,534,500. The company for several years has had a contract

for systems engineering maintenance, operation and operational

support of the Mission Control Center at JSC.

Johnson Space Center

Y ,,_
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White February 19, 1974



HOUSTON, Texas .... The Singer Company Simulation Products

Division of Binghamton, New York has received a follow-on

contract from NASA Johnson Space Center here for maintenance

and modification of the Center's Simulator Complex (SIMCOM) .

SIMCOM is used for training flight crews and ground technicians

for future manned spaceflight missions.

The cost-plus-award-fee contract was awarded to Singer

on a noncompetitive basis and has a total value of $2,268,500.

Singer, contractor for SIMCOM work since September 1964, will

perform tasks under the new contract in JSC training facilities

and in their own off-site facilities. The new contract runs

from January 1, 1974 through June 30, 1974.



Johnson Space Center

Houston, Texas 77058

Terry White FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 February 19, 1974



Northrop Services, Inc. of Anaheim, California has

received a one-year extension to a contract for operations

and maintenance of laboratories and test facilities at the

NASA Johnson Space Center. The contract has a negotiated

value of $9,587,601 and will run from February 1, 1974 to

January 31, 1975.

Northrop support at JSC will include maintenance and

operations of training, life sciences and engineering

laboratories and the Lunar Curatorial Laboratory for returned

Apollo lunar samples.

The contract, in its second year, calls for four one-

year extension options.


Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White February 25, 1974



HOUSTON, Texas -- Pan American World Airways, Inc., Aero-

space Services Division, Cocoa Beach, Florida has been awarded

a contract for plant maintenance and operations support services

at the Johnson Space Center.

Pan American will be responsible for the operation of all

utility systems and maintenance of utilities, buildings, roads,

ditches, and special equipment at JSC.

The contract will be a cost-plus-fixed-fee/award fee type

contract and is awarded for a one-year period beginning February

13, 1974, and ending February 12, 1975. The contractor will

employ approximately 300 persons and the estimated amount of

the contract is $5,600,000.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Charles Redmond FOR RELEASE:
March 7, 1974


The Fifth Annual Lunar Science Conference will be held at the Johnson Space

Center March 18 through 22, and will be attended by more than 500 lunar and plane-

tary scientists and principal investigators of Apollo lunar samples.

Opening ceremonies will be on Monday with Dr. Christopher C. Kraft, Jr.,

JSC Director and Anthony J. Calio, Director of Science and Applicationso More than
190 individual papers will be presented during the conference at three concurrent

sessions. More than 380 papers were submitted. Abstracts of these papers will be

available at the conference.

This year's conference will be dedicated to the late Dr. Paul W. Gast, one of

the nations leading experts in the field of lunar geochemistry, who died in May 1973.
Dr. Gast was chief of the NASA Johnson Space Center Planetary and Earth

Sciences Division and was well known in the field of mass spectrometry and rare earth

analysis on terrestrial and extraterrestrial samples. He was responsible for super-

vising the analysis of lunar samples returned from the Moon in the Apollo missions,

as well as taking part in planning the lunar landing missions. He died of cancer in a

Houston hospital and is survived by his wife, two sons and a daughter.
The Fifth Annual Lunar Science Conference will direct itself to six main topics,

covering all papers. The topics are: constraints on structure and composition of
the lunar interior; characteristics and movement of materials in the lunar regolith;

- more -

- 2 -

characterizationand evolutionof the mare basins;characterizationand evolution

of the lunar crust;nature of impact processes and theireffectson lunar materials;

and the exchange of material and energy between themoon and itsenvironment.
Concurrent sessionswillbe held in the Building1 Auditorium and at the

GilruthRecreation Center, JSC. Sessions begin at 8:30a.m. on each of the session

days. At 2:00 p.m. Thursday, a general session willbe held in theauditorium.

The general sessionwilladdress itselfto a number of papers broadly detailingthe

recent advances in a number of fields. On Thursday evening, a specialSkylab

review program willbe presented in the auditorium and willfeatureDr. Owen Garriott,

science pilotfor the second Skylab mission and Dr° William Lenoir, scientistastro-

naut. Dr. Garriottwillgive a Skylab overview with emphasis on solar observations

and medical research, and Dr. Lenoir willgive a briefingon earth resources in

visualobservationsfrom Skylab.

On Friday, summary sessionswillbe held for each of the six topicareas.

One scientist per topic will be responsible for following his area throughout the entire

week and presenting an overview at Friday's session°

The program committee for this year_s lunar conference consists of Dr. Larry

Haskin, co-chairman and Chief of the Planetary and Earth Sciences Division at JSC;

Dr. J. W. Head, co-chairman and acting head of the Lunar Science Institute; Dr. Do S.

Burnett, Division of Geology and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology;

W. Gose, staff scientist at the Lunar Science Institute; Dr. William C. Phinney, Chief

of the Geology Branch of the Planetary and Earth Sciences Division, JSC; J. Pomeroy of

NASA Headquarters and Dr. Do Strangway, University of Toronto.

- end -

Johnson Space Center
_..___.j/ Houston, Texas 77058
Dennis Williams FOR RELEASE:
Charles Redmond
713/483-4341 March 12, 1974



Officials from NASA's Johnson Space Center and representa-

tives of the Mexican National Commission for Outer Space

(Comision Nacional del Espacio Exterior) have completed plans

for a remote sensing test project to assist in eradicating

the screwworm from Mexico.

The eradication program itself is being conducted by

The Mexican American Commission for the eradication of the

screwworm, established last year by the Secretaries of Agri-

culture in the two countries.

The screwworm is a grub or larva which destroys cattle,

poultry, and wildlife in the warm regions of the Americas.

It develops from screwworm fly eggs laid in open sores and

in the navels of newborn animals.

The grub grows to a length of about a half-inch by

eating living flesh, frequently crippling or killing large

numbers of domestic animals. Actual loss to the livestock

industry has frequently exceeded $200 million annually.



At one time, screwworms infested the United States from

Florida to California and as far north as Nebraska. During

the past two decades, they have been kept in check in the

U.S. by dropping billions of sterile flies to mate with

females in the infested areas.

An active program by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

succeeded in pushing the screwwormfly out of the United States;

for several years, a 300-mile-deep buffer zone has been esta-

blished along the northern border of Mexico from the Pacific

Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico.

Due to mild winter conditions, the sterile fly managed

to reinfest parts of Texas in 1972, causing an estimated $100

million in damage to livestock.

Beginning in 1975, a joint effort by the American and

Mexican governments will attempt to eradicate the insect

throughout Mexico, maintaining a new buffer zone across the

narrow Isthmus of Tehuantepec. This new corridor will reduce

the cost of maintaining the cleared zone to a fraction of

present levels.

To bring about the eradication of screwwormflies in



Mexico, agriculturists must have accurate reports on environ-

mental conditions that affect the breeding habits of the flies.

In the united States, information was communicated quickly

through an extensive network of weather stations.

In Mexico, an estimated 260 additional weather communica-

tions links would have to be constructed to provide similar

data. However, scientists in the Life Sciences

Directorate's_ Health Applications Office of NASA's Johnson

Space Center believe that sensor data provided by the Earth

Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS), the ITOS experimen-

tal weather satellite and similar space vehicles can be

combined with information returned by a Mexican remote sensing

aircraft to provide detailed reports on soil temperature,

moisture, and vegetative cover--all of which affect the

breeding patterns of the screwwormfly.

If satellite data can accurately pinpoint potentially

favorable conditions for screwworm infestation, this will

aid flight planners immensely in selecting areas for

distribution of the sterile flies.

The test site selected for the project by a joint team

from Mexico and the united States is an area 50 miles wide



by 100 miles long, with its center at Cordoba, a city midway

between Mexico City and the Gulf Coast port of Veracruz.

At the remote sensing test site, measurements from equipment

on the ground will be collected to be compared with the results

of analyzed data provided by the Mexican aircraft and the

twice-daily overflights of the weather satellites. The region

around Cordoba contains both lowland and highland plains,

major breeding areas for the screwwormfly.

Although screwworms do not pose a serious threat to

human health, Dr. Charles M. Barnes, Manager of the Health

Applications Office at JSC, says that remote sensing techniques

tested in Mexico may play an important role in understanding

insect ecology.

Barnes points particularly to the possibility that remote

sensing technology may help extend the sterile fly eradication

technique to other insects, including the disease-carrying

tsetse fly. The tsetse fly is so great a danger to the health

of humans and animals that thousands of square miles of Africa

are made virtually unfit for habitation.

The experimental phase of the remote sensing project in

Mexico is expected to begin in late February and continue



for approximately a year. If the techniques being developed

are successful, they may be integrated into the operational

screwworm eradication program being conducted by the two



Photographs to accompany this release may be obtained

from this office. Two views are available: NASA ASll-

36-5308 (Apollo 11 view of the Mexican --American area

depicted in the schematic map); and NASA S-71-13085-S

(Illustration of the Screwworm Fly).


_._ J' j__ Houston,

Johnson Texas 77058
Space Center
Janet Wrather FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 March 11, 1974



Several new attractions have been included in the

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center visitor Program.

One new addition to the collection of spacecraft, flight

articles and exhibits in the Visitor Orientation Center,

Building 1, is "America"--the spacecraft that carried the

Apollo 17 crew to the Moon. Apollo 17 was the last planned

manned lunar landing for the U.S.

Another new attraction is the Lunar Landing Training

vehicle, one of only two left in the world. Often called the

"flying bedsted," this strange looking craft was used by all

the Apollo crews to train for landing on the Moon.

The public may visit the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment

Package receiving station and observe live signals being

received from the Moon. Samples of data sent from the Moon

will be given to visitors upon request.

The LTA-8 (Lunar Module Test Article) is still available



for viewing. This spacecraft is identicle to the LM used to

land the first men on the Moon.

One of NASA's newest and largest development facilities,

and a focal point for this Nation's manned space flight program,

JSC is open to visitors for self-guided walking tours 7 days

a week from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. except on Christmas Day.

There is no admission charge and no need for advance reserva-


Guided tours through JSC facilities not included on

walking tours are available Monday through Friday at 9:15 a.m.,

11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.

Recently added to the guided tour schedule is a close-

up look at the 1-g Skylab trainers and duplicates of the

massive equipment that composes the Skylab space station

currently in Earth orbit. This 100-ton spacecraft was in-

habited by all the astronauts in the recently completed Skylab


JSC also sponsors a special space-science program for

elementary, junior and senior high school groups.



Lecture-demonstrations are given each Wednesday through-

out the school year to acquaint students with space-science

concepts, applications, major accomplishments, and future

objectives of the agency. The program begins at 10:15 a.m.

and lasts for about two hours.

Advance reservations are required for the lecture-

demonstrations and the guided tours. Small groups and

schools should call 483-4321; large organized groups should

call 483-4241.

Reservations also may be made by writing to the Special

Events Office, AP5, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas


JSC's visitor Program began in 1964 when the Center

opened to the public for a weekend. After that, the JSC Open

House Program emerged and lasted until 1969 when the Center

opened to the public on week days also.

Since 1970, JSC has attracted approximately one million

visitors annually.


Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058

Terry White FOR RELEASE:

March 15, 1974


The NASA Johnson Space Center has selected Lockheed

Electronics Company's Aerospace Systems Division of Houston

for negotiation and award of a cost-plus-award-fee contract

for technical and scientific support services at the NASA

Earth Resources Laboratory, Bay St. Louis, Mississippi.

The total estimated cost for a two-year period of

performance is approximately $2.8 million. Ocean Data

Systems, Inc. of Rockville, Maryland also submitted a

proposal for the contract.


Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:
March 20, 1974


President Richard Nixon today will visit the NASA Johnson Space Center for the

third time. He visited the Center in 1968 as a presidential candidate and again on April 18,

1970, when he presented the Presidential Medal of Freedom to the JSC Mission Operations

Team for its role in successfully bringing the crippled Apollo 13 spacecraft back to earth.

NASA Administrator Dr o James C. Fletcher will greet the President upon his

- arrival at JSC, and together with JSC Director Dr. Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., wilI brief

him on current space projects underway at the Center.

The President will be briefed on the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) by the ASTP

Technical Director for the United States Dr. Glynn S° Lunney and by the U.S. crewmen,

Brig. Gen o Thomas P. Stafford, Donald K. "Deke" Slayton and Vance D. Brand. A full-

scale Apollo command module and docking module, a Soyuz orbital module, and a 1/20th-

scale engineering model of the complete Apollo-Soyuz combination will be used in the

briefing. The joint United States-Soviet Union space mission is currently scheduled to be

launched in July 1975.

JSC Space Shuttle Program Manager Robert F. Thompson, using a 1/40th-

scale model of the Space Shuttle, will brief the President on the status of the nation's next

generation manned spacecraft. The ,Space Shuttle is a reusable spacecraft that will be

launched vertically on a booster, but which can land like an airplane on a landing strip°

- more -
- 2 -

First manned flights will be in the late 1970s. When operational, the Space Shuttle

will be used to carry scientific payloads into orbit, retrieve for repair orbiting satellites,

and lift manned scientific space stations into orbit.

Before leaving the Center, the President will speak to JSC employees outside the

Exhibit Hall and will present the NASA Distinguished Service Medal, the agenc_yhs highest

award, to Skylab 4 crewmen Gerald P. Carr, Edward G. Gibson and William R o Pogue.

The Skylab 4 crew returned to earth February 8, after spending 84 days aboard the

Skylab space station.

- end -

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 March 20, 1974
2:00 p.m.


The NASA Johnson Space Center has signed a supplemental agreement with

Grumman Aerospace Corporation, Bethpage, New York, to cover changes in the

Apollo Lunar Module (LM) contract. Changes to the LM included modifications

to the spacecraft communications equipment, additional flight and test batteries
for the LM and Command Service Modules, and various other changes. The

Apollo program ended in December 1972.

The supplemental agreement for the changes is for $3.7 million, bringing
the estimated value of the cost-plus-incentive-fee Grumman contract to

$1, 976, 607, 841. Grumman performed most of the LM contract work at Bethpage

with support from field offices at Johnson Space Center and Kennedy Space Center,


Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White
713/483-5111 FOR R[L£AS[:
April 3, 1974


The NASA Johnson Space Center has signed a $6,598_000

contract with the Charles Stark _raper Laboratory, Inco of

Cambridge, Massachusetts for Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP)

and Space Shuttle Orbiter software development. The cost-

plus-fixed-fee contract was awarded on a noncompetive basis.

Covered under the contract will be the development of

avionic software for the Shuttle Orbiter guidance, navigation

and control system, and software support for the command module

computer in the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project 8 a joint manned

orbital mission with the Soviet union scheduled for launch in

July 1975.

Included in the Shuttle Orbiter work will be software

design, design verification, simulation_ requirements definition

and avionics analysis. The ASTP portion of the contract covers

mission testing and maintenance of the flight software, data

and eraseable memory generation and other technical support

before and during the 12-day ASTP mission.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert V. Gordon FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 April 8, 1974



The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has selected McDonnell

Douglas Corporation, Houston, Texas for negotiation leading to an award of a

contract for Space Shuttle Engineering and Operation Support to the Space Shuttle

Program Office at the Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas.

The contractor's proposed cost for the two year cost-plus-award fee contract

is approximately $13.2 million. It is contemplated that there will be two extensions

of approximately two years each.

The McDonnell Douglas Corporation will provide analytical support to the

Space Shuttle Program in areas of technical and engineering systems analysis;

avionics systems engineering support; mission planning, mission analysis, and soft-
ware formulation; computer systems and software integration systems engineering

support; and crew procedures and flight planning.

Other firms submitting proposals for the work included: The Boeing Company,

Houston, Texas; Martin Marietta Corporation, Denver, Colorado; Grumman Houston

Corporation, Houston, Texas; and TRW, Inc., Houston, Texas.

The contract will be under the technical direction of the NASA Johnson Space

Center, Houston, Texas.

- end -

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
713/483-5111 April 10, 1974



Approximately 75 Soviet aerospace specialists, including four cosmonauts,

are scheduled to be at the Johnson Space Center this month to participate in Apollo-

Soyuz Test Project activities.

The majority will arrive Monday, April 15 o That group will include the

U.S.S.R. project technical director, Prof. Konstantin D. Bushuyev, and Cosmonauts

Aleksey A. Leonov, Valeriy N. Kubasov, Aleksey S. Yeliseyev and Valeriy F.

Bykovskiy. Leonov and Kubasov are prime Soyuz crewmen for the July 1975 interna-

tional space mission; Yeliseyev is the Soviet flight director; and Bykovskiy is training

officer for the Soviet ASTP flight crews.

Eight members of the communications and tracking working group arrived

April 8, to join nine Soviet engineers and technicians who have been here since

January 11, taking part in compatibility testing of radio and cable communications

systems. Technical meetings also will cover mission planning, experiments, control

and guidance, mechanical design, life support and crew transfer.

About 30 members of the delegation, including the cosmonauts, will return

to Moscow April 26. The remainder will leave JSC on May 3.

No specific joint crew training is scheduled during this visit; however, the

cosmonauts are expected to spend some time in flight simulators and trainers. They

will take part in discussions on the flight plan and on crew training periods planned

in the Soviet Union in July and here in September.

- more -
- 2 -

The meetings this month are part of a continuing exchange of working groups

between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. in preparation for a joint manned earth-orbital

mission in July, 1975 to test compatible rendezvous and docking systems and techniques.
The U.S. technical director, Dr. Glynn S. Lunney, and several of the U.S.

working groups met in Moscow last October. The last meeting here which Professor

Bushuyev and Soviet flight crews attended was in July, 1973o

- end -

April 9, 1974

Johnson Space Center
NATIONALTexas 77058
Terry White
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:
April 18, 1974


A group of NASA and aerospace industry employees today will receive the

agency's top awards for their part in the recently-completed Skylab program at

ceremonies at the Johnson Space Center here.

Presenting the awards will be NASA Administrator Dr. James C. Fletcher

and Deputy Administrator George M. Low. The awards will be made to 26 indivi-

duals, six employees of aerospace firms and four groups who took part in the world's

first operational manned space station. Three Skylab missions established space

duration records of 28, 59 and 84 days respectively, and yielded new data on the

sun, the earth, behavior of materials in space and the effects of spaceflight upon

the human biological system o

The award ceremony will start at 3 p.m. CDT in the Center's Auditorium.

Receiving the NASA Distinguished Service Medal is Space Shuttle Program

Manager Robert F. Thompson, who served as the first manager of the Skylab program

at its inception when it was called Apollo Applications.

Flight Control Division Chief M. P. "Pete" Frank III will receive the NASA

Outstanding Leadership Medal for his efforts in coordinating flight control opera-

tions in Mission Control Center during the three Skylab missions.

The NASA Exceptional Service Medal will go to the following ]SC employees:

Deputy Director of Life Sciences Dr. Lawrence F o Dietlein; Dr. Jerry R. Hordinsky,

William H° Bush, Jr., Dr. Malcolm C. Smith, Jr., John C. Stonesifer and William

J. Huffstetler, Jr., all of Life Sciences Directorate; Jay Fo Honeycutt, Vance D° Brand,

- more -
- 2 -

William B. Lenoir, Elmer Lo Taylor, Don Lo Lind, Carl B. Shelley, Bruce

McCandless II, Melvin L. Richmond and F. Story Musgrave, all of the Flight

Operations Directorate.

Also: Jackson D. Harris, Gary W. Johnson and Harold J. McMann, Jro,

of the Engineering and Development Directorate; Richard P. Parten and Samuel D.

Sanborn of the Data Systems and Analysis Directorate; Allen J. Louviere of the

Earth Resources Program Office; John E. McLeaish of the Public Affairs Office;

Bobble J. Miller of the Safety, Reliability and Quality Assurance Directorate,

and Charles K. Williams of the Space Shuttle Orbiter Project Office.

NASA Group Achievement Awards will go to the Johnson Space Center as a

unit, the Skylab Medical Team, the Earth Resources Experiment Team and the

U.So Navy Recovery Task Force Team that recovered Skylab crews and spacecraft

at splashdown.

The NASA Public Service Awards will be presented to the following aerospace

industry employees: James Co Edwards of Air Lock Corporation, George B° Merrick

of Rockwell International, Robert J. Molloy of Martin Marietta Corporation, George

R. Mulcahy of Serv-Air, Inc°, Richard C. Nelson of AiResearch and Homer Do

Reihm of ILC Industries o

- end -

April 17, 1974

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Milton E. Reim
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:
April 19, 1974
RELEASE NO: 74-66 2 P.M.


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has executed Supplemental

Agreement No. 12 to Contract NAS 9-13383, with Serv-Air Division of E-Systems,

Inc o This Supplemental Agreement provides for continuation of maintenance and modi-

fication of aircraft assigned to the Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas.

These aircraft are used for earth observation and astronaut proficiency train-

ingo The work to be performed includes maintenance, modification, and related ground

support of the JSC assigned aircraft; maintenance and ground support of transient

aircraft; engineering, design, fabrication, and installation of electronic and mechanical

systems, sub-systems, components, and equipment; and related logistic functionso

This Supplemental Agreement No. 12 provides for the first year extension and

second year of contract performance beginning April 1, 1974. Contract NAS 9-13383

_--isa Cost-Plus-Award-Fee Contract. The second year of performance is valued at

approximately $3.15 million and brings the total estimated value of Contract NAS 9-13383

to approximately $5.92 million.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert V. Gordon FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 July 23, 1974




A supplemental contract agreement has been signed between the National

Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Space Division of Rockwell International

Corporation, Downey, California, for additional work on and extension of 11 months

for the development of the Space Shuttle Orbiter and integration of all elements of the

_ Space Shuttle System.

As prime contractor, Rockwell is responsible for the design, development

and production of the Orbiter vehicle and for the integration of ail elements of the

Space Shuttle System.

The contract with Rockwell is on a cost reimbursement basis plus fixed and

award fees. It is funded incrementally and with the addition of this Supplemental

Agreement (No. 22) has an estimated value including fee of $943,248, 000o The contract

will now continue through June 1975.

A second increment of work; i.e., the balance of Design, Development, Test &

Evaluation plus delivery of two Orbiter vehicles is included as an option to the contract

and is scheduled to begin July 1, 1975.

Rockwell is to subcontract more than 50 percent of the dollar value of the

contract. Potential program subcontractors and suppliers have been identified in

almost every state in the union.

In addition to the Orbiter, major elements of the Space Shuttle system include

the Space Shuttle Main Engine, a 470, 000-pound-thrust hydrogen-oxygen tank, and twin

solid rocket boosters.

- more -
- 2 -

The External Tank (ET) and Solid Rocket Boosters (SRB) are procured inde-

pendently of the prime contractor. The planned site for the assembly of the tanks

is the government-owned facility at Michoud, Louisiana, where the Saturn rockets

used for the Apollo program were assembled.

Overall program management for the Shuttle within NASA has been assigned

by the Office of Manned Spaceflight to the Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas.
In addition to the project office established at JSC, NASA has assigned the

development of the Orbiter main engine, the External Tank and the Solid Rocket

Boosters to the Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama.

Responsibility for launch, landing and turn-around operations has been assigned

to Kennedy Space Center, Florida.

The Space Shuttle will be developed over the next several years° The complete

system is to be operational in the 1980's.

The Space Shuttle wilt be the first reusable space vehicleo The Orbiter stage

will be a delta-winged airplane-like vehicle with a large cargo compartment capable of

landing on conventional runways °

The Orbiter will be boosted into space through the simultaneous operation of

the solid-propellant booster rockets and the Orbiter stage high-pressure liquid oxygen-

liquid hydrogen main engines o The booster rockets will detach at an altitude of about

40 kilometers (25 miles) and descend into the ocean to be recovered and reused.

The Space Shuttle will be able to place satellites in orbit, return satellites from

orbit, permit in-orbit repair and servicing of satellites, deliver propulsive stages
and satellites to low Earth orbit, and conduct short-duration science and applications

missions with self-contained experiments in low Earth orbit.

The Space Shuttle will be employed as an operational system by both NASA and

the Department of Defense o Primary operational sites for the Space Shuttle will be the

Kennedy Space Center in Florida and Vandenberg Air Force Base in California o

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Milton E, Reim
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:
April 24, 1974
RELEASE NO: 74-68 2 P.M.


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has signed a supplemental

agreement with Philco-Ford Corporation for continued work at the Mission Control

Center, Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas.

Supplemental Agreement No. 155 signed with the Philco-Ford Corporation

Western Development Laboratories, 3939 Fabian Way, Palo Alto, California, is

under Contract NAS 9-1261 and is a Cost-Plus-Award-Fee contract.

Philco-Ford will perform the majority of the work at their Houston, Texas,

location with support from their offices at Palo Alto and Newport Beach, California,

and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The work to be performed consists of Mission Preparation, Operation,

Engineering and Operational Support of the Mission Control Center through the

Apollo-Soyuz Test Program.

The Supplemental Agreement valued at about $18,934, 000, brings the estimated

value of Contract NAS 9-1261 to approximately $255, 189, 000.

- end -
,, _i_2_ _ Johnson Space Center
/' ,_ ,_,_._:-_?
j_" ;______ SPACE
Texas 77058
Terr_ White
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:
April 24, 1974
RELEASE NO: 74-69o...

Special i o the 1'_._

_on, PA Ev.en.i_g Standard

Milton native Carroll 14o Woodling, Chief of the Flight Simulation Division

at the NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, recently received the American

Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics deFlorez Training Award for 1973o

Woodling received the ALAA award "for his outstanding contributions to

advancing thc development of simulators to train flight crew members for diverse

manned space flight missions and for conducting continuing training programs for

these flight crews o" Named for the late Admiral Luis deFlorez, the award is presented

annually by the AL{A to an individual responsible for an outstanding improvement in

aerospace training°

Born in Ivlilton, Pennsylvania, Woodling earned a BS degTee in physics from'

the College of William and Ivlary in Williamsburg, Virginia in 19500 He joined the NASA

Langley Research Center as a research scientist the following year, and transferred to

the NASA Johnson Space Center in 1962 where he entered the field of space flight simula-

tion and crew training_

Woodling is married to the former Mildred Johnson of Petersburg, Virginia°

The Wo0dlings have three children and live in Friendswood, Texas, near the Johnson

Space Center°

- end -
SPACE Space Center

tlouston, Texas 77058

T_q'rv White FORRELEAS E:
713/48'3-5111 April 24, 1974

RELEASE, NO: 74-69o.,.

to the College of william and.Mary'?_latH,_t_,d.!]iamsbur_ VA


William and Mary alumnus Carroll Ho Woodling, Chief of the Flight Simulation

Division at the NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, recently received the American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics deFlorez Training Award for 1973o

Woodiing received the AIAA award "for his outstanding contributions to

advancing the development of simulators to train flight crew members for diverse

manned space flight missions and for conducting continuing training programs for

these flight crewso" Named for the late Admiral Luis deFlorez, the award is presented

annually by the AIAA to an individfial responsible for an outstanding improvement in

aerospace training°

Born in Milton, Pennsylvania, Woodling earned a BS degree in physics from

the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia in 1950o He joined the NASA

Langley Research Center as a research scientist the following year, and transferred to
the NASA Johnson Space Center in 1962 where he entered the field of space flight simula-

tion and crew training°

Woodling is married to the former Mildred Johnson of Petersburg, Virginia o

The Woodlings have three children and live in Friendswood, Texas, near the Johnson

Space Center°

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Y /_ Houston,
NATIONALTexas 77058
713/483-5111 April 25, 1974



The NASA Johnson Space Center has signed a supplemental

agreement with Univac Computer Systems Division of Sperry Rand

Corporation of St. Paul, Minn. for continued work at the Mission

Control Center. The cost-plus-fixed-fee contract supplement

covers programming, engineering, maintenance and operations of

the Communications, Command and Terminal System (CCATS) processors

in Mission Control through the Apollo-Soyuz Test Program (ASTP) .

ASTP is a joint rendezvous mission in earth orbit between

a United States Apollo spacecraft and a Soviet Union Soyuz space-

craft scheduled for July 1975.

The supplement is valued at about $3,893,000, bringing the

total estimated value of the Univac contract to approximately


Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas
Milton Reim FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 April 25, 1974



The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has

awarded International Business Machines Corporation the contract

for continued work in support of the Real Time Computer Complex

(RTCC) of the Mission Control Center (MCC) at the Johnson Space

Center. (JSC).

Work to be performed consists of design, development,

implementation and maintenance of the RTCC of the MCC through

September 30, 1975.

IBM of 18100 Frederick Pike, Gaithersburg, Virginia will

perform the work at their facility in Houston, and at JSC.

The Contract No. NAS 9-13861 is a Cost-Plus-Award-Fee

Contract and was awarded noncompetitively. The total amount

of the contract is $10,518,103.

Johnson Space Center
/ Houston, Texas 77058

Terry White FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 April 30, 1974



John W. Young, veteran of four manned space flights, has

been named acting chief of the astronaut office of the Johnson

Space Center Flight Operations Directorate. Former astronaut

office chief Alan B. Shepard, Jr. will serve as senior advisor

to Young.

Young was in the second group of astronauts selected by

NASA in September 1962. He was pilot on the first manned Gemini

mission in 1965 and command pilot of Gemini 10 in July 1966. In

a lunar-orbit test mission of the Apollo lunar,module in May 1969,

Young served as command module pilot. Most recently, he was

commander of the Apollo 16 lunar landing mission at the Descartes

landing site. Young spent more than 20 hours on the lunar surface

in three periods of exploration.

Young, a captain in the U.S. Navy, graduated from Georgia

Institute of Technology in 1952 with a bachelor of science degree

in aeronautical engineering. He has been awarded two NASA



Distinguished Service Medals, two NASA Exceptional Service Medals,

the Navy Astronaut Wings, two Navy Distinguished Service Medals,

three Navy Distinguished Flying Crosses and the 1972 Iven C.

Kincheloe Award of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots.


Johnson Space Center
/ j__/_ Houston,
NATIONALTexas 77058
713/483-5111 April 30, 1974




Astronaut Russell L. Schweickart, lunar module pilot for

Apollo 9, will join the staff of NASA's Office of Applications

in Washington, D.C., effective May 1.

Currently assigned to the Office of the Associate Administrator

for Applications, he will become Director of User Affairs when

Albert T. Christensen, who now holds that position, returns to

private industry in August upon completion of his tour of duty

with NASA under the President's Executive Interchange Program.

The User Affairs Division in the Office of Applications

maintains a close tie with users and potential users of the

results of NASA's Applications programs -- Earth Observations,

Communications, Earth and Ocean Physics, and others -- to insure

that a flow of information back and forth is taking place and that

these programs are highly responsive to user needs.

Mr. Schweickart -- usually called "Rusty" -- was one of 14



astronauts named by NASA in 1963. As lunar module pilot for

Apollo 9, the third manned flight in the Apollo series in March

1969, he completed a successful 10-day mission in Earth orbit

that first tested the lunar module in flight. He and James

McDivitt, as spacecraft commander, separated the lunar module

more than 100 miles from the command/service module, piloted

by David R. Scott, then carried out a critical lunar-orbit

rendezvous simulation and subsequent docking.

During a 46-minute EVA, the first in the Apollo program,

Schweickart evaluated external transfer capability, took photo-

graphs, and retrieved thermal samples from the lunar module


Last year he served as backup commander for the first Skylab

mission and, in addition, was responsible for monitoring design

and development of the space station's solar telescope and planning

Skylab extravehicular activities. He also had a major role in

developing the hardware and procedures for erecting the emergency

solar shade and deploying the jammed solar array wing.

Before joining NASA, Schweickart served as a pilot in the

U.S. Air Force and Air National Guard from 1956 to 1963. He was



born in Neptune, New Jersey, and received a bachelor of science

degree in aeronautical engineering and a master of science degree

in aeronautics and astronautics from Massachusetts Institute of


He is a fellow of the American Astronautical Society, an

associate fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and

Astronautics, and a member of the Society of Experimental Test

Pilots, the Explorers Club, and Sigma Xi. He was awarded the

NASA Distinguished Service Medal in 1969, the NASA Exceptional

Service Medal in 1973, the Federation Aeronautique Internationale

De La Vaulx Medal in 1970, and the National Academy of Television

Arts and Sciences Special Trustees Award for 1969.

He and his wife, the former Clare G. Whitfield of Atlanta,

have three daughters and two sons.


Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas
Terry White FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 MAY 8 t974



Dr. Jerry R. Hordinsky, formerly of Drake, North Dakota, receixtly received

the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his participation in the Skylab program in

ceremonies here at the Johnson Space Center. He is the son of Dr. and Mrso Bohdan Zo

Hordinsky of Drake. Horciinsky was Skylab IV Flight Crew Surgeon.

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding service in support of

the Skylab Program which successfully culminated in the world's first operational

space station missions and opened up a new era in the uses of space for the study of

the sun, the earth, and man himself, and for many other scientific and practical

purposes o As a key member of the Skylab team, he contributed significantly to the

successful accomplishment of the goals of the Skylab Program."

NASA Exceptional Service medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center employees

for their part in the world's first operational space station. Three Skylab missions

established space duration records of 28, 59 and 84 days respectively, and yielded
new data on the sun, the earth, behavior of materials in space and in the effects of

spaceflight upon the human biological system.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 _A¥ 8 1974



Harold J. McMann, Jr o, formerly of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, recently

received the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his participation in the Skylab

program in ceremonies at the Johnson Space Center here° He is the son of Mrs.

Georgia McMann of Oklahoma City. Mr. McMann is Head of the EVA Support Systems

Section at ]SC.

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding technical contributions

to the Skylab Program which successfully culminated in the world's first operational

space station missions and opened up a new era in the uses of space for the study of

the sun, the earth, and man himself, and for many other scientific and practical pur-

poses ° As a key member of the Skylab team, he contributed significantly to the

successful accomplishment of the goals of the Skylab Program."

NASA Exceptional Service medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center employees

for their part in the world's first operational space station. Three Skylab missions

established space duration records of 28, 59 and 84 days respectively, and yielded new

data on the sun, the earth, behavior of materials in space and in the effects of space-

flight upon the human biological system.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:
_Y 8 _4


John C. Stonesifer, formerly of Hanover, Pennsylvania, recently received

the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his participation in the Skylab Program, in

ceremonies at the Johnson Space Center here. He is the son of Mrs. Robert W.

Stonesifer of Hanover. Stonesifer is Chief, Bioengineering Systems Division at JSC.

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding technical contributions

to the Skylab Program which successfully culminated in the world's first operational

space station missions and opened up a new era in the uses of space for the study of

the sun, the earth, and man himself, and for many other scientific and practical pur-

poses. As a key member of the Skylab team, he contributed significantly to the

successful accomplishment of the goals of the Skylab Program."

NASA Exceptional Service medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center employees

for their part in the world's first operational space station. Three Skylab missions

established space duration records of 28, 59 and 84 days respecticaly, and yielded

new data on the sun, the earth, behavior of materials in space and in the effects of

spaceflight upon the human biological system.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 [[,lY _ I974


Dro Malcolm C. Smith, formerly of Kingsville, Texas, recently received

the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his participation in the Skylab program, in

ceremonies at the Johnson Space Center here. He is the son of Mr. and Mrso M. C.

Smith, Sr. of Kingsville. Smith is Chief, Food and Nutrition Branch at JSC.

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding service in support of

the Skylab Program which successfully culminated in the world's first operational

space station missions and opened up a new era in the uses of space for the study of

the sun, the earth, and man himself, and for many other scientific and practical

purposes o As a key member of the Skylab team, he contributed significantly to the

successful accomplishment of the goals of the Skylab Program."

NASA Exceptional Service medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center employees

for their part in the world's first operational space station. Three Skylab missions

established space duration records of 28, 59 and 84 days respectively, and yielded
new data on the sun, the earth, behavior of materials in space and in the effects of

spaceflight upon the human biological system.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713 / 483 -5111 J!Ay
8 1974


Robert F. Thompson, formerly of Bluefield, Virginia, recently

received the NASA Distinguished Service Medal, NASA's highest award,

for his participation in the Skylab Program, in ceremonies at the Johnson

Space Center here. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thompson of

Bluefield, Virginia. Thompson is Manager of the Space Shuttle Program

at JSC.

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding achievements

while directing the Skylab Program during its formative years. His man-

agement leadership and technical skill contributed directly to the mission

capability of the flight hardware and to the subsequent successes achieved

during the operational phase of the Skylab Program."

NASA Exceptional Service Medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center

employees for their part in the world's first operational space station.

Three Skylab missions established space duration records of 28, 59 and

84 days respectively, and yielded new data on the sun, the earth, behavior

of materials in space and in the effects of spaceflight upon the human

biological system.

- end-
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:

RELEASE NO: 74-78 1_/_¥ 8 1974


Mr. Carl B. Shelley, formerly of Headland, Alabama, recently

received the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his participation in the

Skylab program, in ceremonies at the Johnson Space Center here. He

is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Adie Shelley of Headland. Shelley is Deputy

Chief, Crew Training and Procedures Division at JSC.

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding service in

the flight operations of the Skylab Program which successfully culminated

in the world's first operational space station missions and opened up a

new era in the uses of space for the study of the sun, the earth, and man

himself, and for many other scientific and practical purposes. As a key

member of the Skylab team, he contributed significantly to the successful

accomplishment of the goals of the Skylab Program."

NASA Exceptional Service medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center

employees for their part in the world's first operational space station.

Three Skylab missions established space duration records of 28, 59, and

84 days respectively, and yielded new data on the sun, the earth, behavior

of materials in space and in the effects of spaceflight upon the human

biological system.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 _A¥ 8 1974



Mr. M. P. Frank, formerly of Denton, Texas, recently received

the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his participation in the Skylab

Program, in ceremonies at the Johnson Space Center here. He is the

son of Mrs. Janie Sheppard Frank of Denton. Frank is Acting Chief,

Flight Control Division at JSC.

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding leadership

in managing flight control activities at the Johnson Space Center. Under

his direction, the flight control teams capably responded to the contingencies

that arose and made major contributions to the achievement of the goals of

the Skylab Program."

NASA Exceptional Service medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center

employees for their part in the world's first operational space station.

Three Skylab missions established space duration records of 28, 59 and

84 days respectively, and yielded new data on the sun, the earth, behavior

of materials in space and in the effects of spaceflight upon the human

biological system.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
NATIONALTexas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713 / 483- 5111
_P,Y 8 1974
RELEASE NO: '74-80


Mr. Allen J. Louviere, formerly of Beaumont, Texas, recently

received the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his participation in the

Skylab Program, in ceremonies at the Johnson Space Center here. He

is the son of Mrs. Markel M. Louviere of Beaumont. Louviere is

Technical Assistant, Earth Resources Program at JSC.

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding technical

contributions to the Skylab Program which successfully culminated in the

world's first operational space station missions and opened up a new era

in the uses of space for the study of the sun, the earth, and man himself,

and for many other scientific and practical purposes. As a key member

of the Skylab team, he contributed significantly to the successful accom-

plishment of the goals of the Skylab Program."

NASA Exceptional Service medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center

employees for their part in the world's first operational space station.

Three Skylab missions established space duration records of 28, 59 and

84 days respectively, and yielded new data on the sun, the earth, behavior

of materials in space and in the effects of spaceflight upon the human

biological system.

- end ~
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 M_Y 8 1974



John E. McLeaish, former resident of Weslaco, Texas, recently received

the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his participation in the Skylab program, in

ceremonies at the Johnson Space Center here. McLeaish is Chief, Public Information

Office at JSC°

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding service in support of

the Skylab Program which successfully culminated in the world's first operational

space station missions and opened up a new era in the uses of space for the study
of the sun, the earth, and man himself, and for many other scientific and practical

purposes, As a key member of the Skylab team, he contributed significantly to

the successful accomplishment of the goals of the Skylab Program."

NASA Exceptional Service medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center employees

for their part in the world's first operational space station. Three Skylab missions

established space duration records of 28, 59 and 84 days respectively, and yielded
new data on the sun, the earth, behavior of materials in space and in the effects of

spaceflight upon the human biological system.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:
MAY 8 1974


Richard C. Parten, formerly of Gainesville, Texas, recently received

the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his participation in the Skylab program,

in ceremonies at the Johnson Space Center here. He is the son of Mrs. Mary E.

Patten of Gainesville. Patten is Chief, Spacecraft Software Division at JSC.

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding service in support

of the Skylab Program which successfully culminated in the world's first opera-

tional space station missions and opened up a new era in the uses of space for the

study of the sun, the earth, and man himself, and for many other scientific and

practical purposes. As a key member of the Skylab team, he contributed signifi-

cantly to the successful accomplishment of the goals of the Skylab Program."

NASA Exceptional Service medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center employees

for their part in the world's first operational space system. Three Skylab missions

established space duration records of 28, 59 and 84 days respectively, and yielded

new data on the sun, the earth, behavior of materials in space and in the effects of

spaceflight upon the human biological system.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
NATIONALTexas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 _A¥ 8 7974



Mr. Elmer L. "Cooter" Taylor, formerly of Jonesville, Louisiana,

recently received the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his participation

in the Skylab Program, in ceremonies at the Johnson Space Center here.

Taylor is assigned to the Crew Support Section of Flight Operations at JSC.

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding service in

the flight operations of the Skylab Program which successfully culminated

in the world's first operational space station missions and opened up a

new era in the uses of space for the stud y of the sun, the earth, and man

himself, and for many other scientific and practical purposes. As a key

member of the Skylab team, he contributed significantly to the successful

accomplishment of the goals of the Skylab Program."

NASA Exceptional Service medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center

employees for their part in the world's first operational space station.

Three Skylab missions established space duration records of 28, 59 and

84 days respectively, and yielded new data on the sun, the earth, behavior

of materials in space and in the effects of spaceflight upon the human

biological system.

- end-
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713 / 4 8 3- 5111
IIAY 8 1974


Mr. Melvin L. Richmond, formerly of Westgrove, Pennsylvania,

recently received the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his participation

in the Skylab Program, in ceremonies at the Johnson Space Center here.

He is the son of Mrs. Audra Waltman of Westgrove. Richmond is assigned

to the Operations Support Section at JSC.

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding service in

the flight operations of the Skylab program which successfully culminated

in the world's first operational space station missions and opened up a new

era in the uses of space for the study of the sun, the earth, and man himself,

and for many other scientific and practical purposes. As a key member of

the Skylab team, he contributed significantly to the successful accomplish-

ment of the goals of the Skylab Program."

NASA Exceptional Service medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center

employees for their part in the world's first operational space station.

Three Skylab missions established space duration records of 28, 59 and

84 days respectively, and yielded new data on the sun, the earth, behavior

of materials in space and in the effects of spaceflight upon the human

biological system.

- end-
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058

Terry White FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 MAY S 1974


Mr. Jackson D. Harris, formerly of Providence, Kentucky,

recently received the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his participation

in the Skylab Program, in ceremonies at the Johnson Space Center here.

He is the son of Mrs. Ovella Clayton of Providence. Harris is Manager

of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project's Experiments System Division at JSC.

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding technical

contributions to the Skylab Program which successfully culminated in

the world's first operational space slation missions and opened up a new

era in the uses of space for the study of the sun, the earth, and man

himself, and for many other scientific and practical purposes. As a key

member of the Skylab team, he contributed significantly to the successful

accomplishment of the goals of the Skylab Program."

NASA Exceptional Service medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center

employees for their part in the world's first operational space station.

Three Skylab missions established space duration records of 28, 59, and

84 days respectively, and yielded new data on the sun, the earth, behavior

of materials in space and in the effects of spaceflight upon the human

biological system.

- end-
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas
Terry White
713/ 483-5111 FOR RELEASE:
MAY 8 1974


Mr. William J. Huffstetler, Jr., formerly of Maryville, Tenn-

essee, recently received the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his

participation in the Skylab Program, in ceremonies at the Johnson Space

Center here. He is the son of Mrs. Katherine Huffstetler of Maryville.

Huffstetler is Chief, Project Engineering Branch at JSC.

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding technical

contributions to the Skylab Program which successfully culminated in the

world's first operational space station missions and opened up a new era

in the uses of space for the study of the sun, the earth, and man himself,

and for many other scientific and practical purposes. As a key member

of the Skylab team, he contributed significantly to the successful accom-

plishment of the goals of the Skylab Program."

NASA Exceptional Service medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center

employees for their part in the world's first operational space station.

Three Skylab missions established space duration records of 28, 59, and

84 days respectively, and yielded new data on the sun, the earth, behavior

of materials in space and in the effects of spaceflight upon the human

biological system.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
NATIONALTexas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713 / 483-5111
M_y 8 1974


Mr. Bobby J. Miller, formerly of Campo, Colorado, recently

received the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his participation in

the Skylab Program, in ceremonies at the Johnson Space Center here.

He is the son of Mrs. John M. Miller of Campo. Miller is assigned to

the Flight Systems Safety Office at JSC.

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding service in

support of the Skylab Program which successfully culminated in the world's

first operational space station missions and opened up a new era in the

uses of space for the study of the sun, the earth, and man himself, and

for many other scientific and practical purposes. As a key member of

the Skylab team, he contributed significantly to the successful accomplish-

ment of the goals of the Skylab Program."

NASA Exceptional Service medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center

employees for their part in the world's first operational space station.

Three Skylab missions established space duration records of 28, 59 and

84 days respectively, and yielded new data on the sun, the earth, behavior

of materials in space and in the effects of spaceflight upon the human

biological system.

- end-
Johnson Space Center
-- Houston,
NATIONALTexas 77058
Terry White
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:
MAy 8 1974


Mr. Charles K. Williams, formerly of West Frankfort, Illinois,

recently received the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his participation

in the Skylab Program, in ceremonies at the Johnson Space Center here.

He is the son of Mrs. Lena E. Williams of West Frankfort. Williams is

Deputy Manager, Manufacturing and Test Office, Orbiter Project, here

at JSC.

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding technical

contributions to the Skylab Program which successfully culminated in the

world's first operational space station missions and opened up a new era

in the uses of space for the study of the sun, the earth, and man himself,

and for many other scientific and practical purposes. As a key member

of the Skylab team, he contributed significantly to the successful accom-

plishment of the goals of the Skylab Program."

NASA Exceptional Service medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center

employees for their part in the world's first operational space station.

Three Skylab missions established space duration records of 28, 59, and

84 days respectively, and yielded new data on the sun, the earth, behavior

of materials in space and in the effects of spaceflight upon the human

biological system.

- end-
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
_AY 8 1974


Mr. Jay F. Honeycutt, formerly of Pineville, Louisiana, recently

received the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his participation in the

Skylab Program, in ceremonies at the Johnson Space Center here. He is

the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Honeycutt of Pineville. Honeycutt is Chief,
Simulations Branch at JSC.

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding service in

the flight operations of the Skylab Program which successfully culminated

in the world's first operational space station missions and opened up a

new era in the uses of space for the study of the sun, the earth, and man

himself, and for many other scientific and practical purposes. As a key

member of the Skylab team, he contributed significantly to the successful

accomplishment of the goals of the Skylab Program."

NASA Exceptional Service medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center

employees for their part in the world's first operational space station.

Three Skylab missions established space duration records of 28, 59 and

84 days respectively, and yielded new data on the sun, the earth, behavior

of materials in space and in the effects of spaceflight upon the human

biological system.

- end-
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
MAY 8 1974
i_ELEASE NO: 74-90


Mr. Gary W. Johnson, formerly of Covington, Oklahoma, recently

received the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his participation in the

Skylab Program, in ceremonies at the Johnson Space Center here. He is

the son of Mr. John D. Johnson of Covington. Johnson is Head, Equipment

and Installation Section at JSC.

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding technical

contributions to the Skylab Program which successfully culminated in the

world's first operational space station missions and opened up a new era

in the uses of space for the study of the sun, the earth, and man himself,

and for many other scientific and practical purposes. As a key member

of the Skylab team, he contributed significantly to the successful accom-

plishment of the goals of the Skylab Program."

NASA Exceptional Service medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center

employees for their part in the world's first operational space station.

Three Skylab missions established space duration records of 28, 59 and

84 days respectively, and yielded new data on the sun, the earth, behavior

of materials in space and in the effects of spaceflight upon the human

biological system.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 I/lAY 8 1974



Mr. William H. Bush, Jr., formerly of Elizabethton, Tennessee,

recently received the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his participation

in the Skylab Program, in ceremonies at the Johnson Space Center here.

He is the son of Mr. William H. Bush, Sr., of Elizabethton. Bush is Chief,

Operational Systems and Planning Branch at JSC.

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding technical

contributions to the Skylab Program which successfully culminated in the

world's first operational space station missions and opened up a new era

in the uses of space for the study of the sun, the earth, and man himself,

and for many other scientific and practical purposes. As a key member

of the Skylab team, he contributed significantly to the successful accom-

plishment of the goals of the Skylab Program."

NASA Exceptional Service medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center

employees for their part in the world's first operational space station.

Three Skylab missions established space duration records of 28, 59 and

84 days respectively, and yielded new data on the sun, the earth, behavior

of materials in space and in the effects of spaceflight upon the human

biological system.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
_Y 8 7974


Mr. Samuel D. Sanborn, formerly of Midwest City, Oklahoma,

recently received the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his partici-

pation in the Skylab Program, in ceremonies at the Johnson Space Center

here. He is the son of Mrs. Margaret K. Sanborn of Midwest City.

Sanborn is Head, Requirements Section at JSC.

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding service in

the flight operations of the Skylab Program which successfully culminated

in the world's first operational space station missions and opened up a new

· era in the uses of space for the study of the sun, the earth, and man him-

self, and for many other scientific and practical purposes. As a key

member of the Skylab team, he contributed significantly to the successful

accomplishment of the goals of the Skylab Program."

NASA Exceptional Service Medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center

employees for their part in the world's first operational space station.

Three Skylab missions established space duration records of 28, 59 and

84 days respectively, and yielded new data on the sun, the earth, behavior

of materials in space and in the effects of spaceflight upon the human

biological system.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-3438 MAY 8 1974



Dr. Lawrence F. Dietlein, formerly of New Iberia, Louisiana,

recently received the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his participation

in the Skylab Program, in ceremonies at the Johnson Space Center here.

He is the son of Mrs. L. F. Dietlein, Sr., of New Iberia. Dietlein is

Deputy Director of Life Sciences at JSC.

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding service in

the management of the Skylab Program which successfully culminated

in the world's first operational space station missions and opened up a

new era in the uses of space for the study of the sun, the earth, and man

himself, and for many other scientific and practical purposes. As a key

member of the Skylab team, he contributed significantly to the successful

accomplishment of the goals of the Skylab Program."

NASA Exceptional Service Medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center

employees for their part in the world's first operational space station.

Three Skylab missions established space duration records of 28, 59 and

84 days respectively, and yielded new data on the sun, the earth, behavior

of materials in space and in the effects of spaceflight upon the human

biological system.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 I_y 8 7974



Mr. Peter J. Armitage, formerly of South Hampton, England,

recently received the NASA Group Achievement Award in recognition of

his outstanding accomplishments in the design, development, operation,

and support of the Skylab Earth Resources Experiments. Through his

exceptional efforts, experimental information has been obtained on the

Skylab missions that is of significant and practical value in promoting new

methods for the discovery, management, and conservation of the earth's

natural resources. Armitage is Assistant Director for Science and

Applications at JSC. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Armitage

of South Hampton.

NASA Exceptional Service Medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center

employees for their part in the world's first operational space station.

Three Skylab missions established space duration records of 28, 59 and

84 days respectively, and yielded new data on the sun, the earth, behavior

of materials in space and in the effects of spaceflight upon the human

biological system.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
NATIONALTexas 77058
Terry White
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:
_.'_Y 8 1974


Dr. Willard R. Hawkins, formerly of Fort Worth, Texas, recently

received the NASA Group Achievement Award "in recognition of his out-

standing achievements in providing medical research, operations, and

bioengineering support to the Skylab Program. Through well conceived

experiments and exceptional medical support, he proved conclusively

that man can perform effectively for extensive periods of time in weight-

less environment of space." He is the son of Mrs. Alice Hawkins of

Houston, Hawkins is Deputy Director for Medical Operations at JSC.

NASA Exceptional Service Medals went to 26 Johnson Space

Center employees for their part in the world's first operational space

station. Three Skylab missions established space duration records of

28, 59 and 84 days respectively, and yielded new data on the sun, the

earth, behavior of materials in space and in the effects of spaceflight

upon the human biological system.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Y /_ Houston,
NATIONALTexas 77058
713/483-5111 May 8, 1974
1:00 P.M.



Mr. John Finley Yardley has been named Associate Adminis-

trator for Manned Space Flight succeeding Mr. Dale Myers who

recently returned to private industry. In this position,

Mr. Yardley will direct NASA's manned flight programs, in-

cluding Space Shuttle and the US-USSR Apollo-Soyuz Test Project

and the united States' responsibilities in Spacelab. Mr. Yardley

has been Vice President and General Manager, Eastern Division,

Astronautics for the McDonnell Douglas Corporation since 1972.

He will report to his new NASA Headquarters post May 20.

Born in St. Louis in 1925, Mr. Yardley received a B.S.

degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Iowa State College

and an M.S. degree from Washington University. After three

years in the Navy during World War II, he joined McDonnell

Douglas in 1946 as a Structural Engineer and from 1958 to

1960 he served as Project Engineer for Mercury Spacecraft Design.



Mr. Yardley was Launch Operations Manager for the Mercury and

Gemini Spacecraft from 1960 to 1964, and then served as Gemini

Technical Director from 1964 to 1967. He was also Vice President

and Corporate-wide General Manager for the Skylab project before

being named Vice President and Deputy General Manager, Eastern

Division Astronautics in 1968.

Mr. Yardley received NASA's Public Service Award for

Mercury in 1963 and for Gemini in 1966. He was also awarded

the Spirit of St. Louis Medal by the American Society of

Mechanical Engineers. He is a Fellow of the American Institute

for Aeronautics and Astronautics. Mr. and Mrs. Yardley have

five children.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058

Charles Redmond FORRELEASE:

713/483-4341 May 9, 1974



Clifford E. Charlesworth, Manager of the Earth Resources

Program at the Johnson Space Center, was recently honored as

one of 14 outstanding Mississippians in ceremonies at Jackson,


The award was presented on April 25 by the Mississippi

Economic Council. The MEC is the state chamber of commerce

and represents more than 3,300 business and professional

associations within Mississippi.

The Council had compiled a list of several hundred former

Mississippians who had distinguished themselves in their work.

Of that number, 14 were selected for special recognition during

the occasion of the Council's 25th Anniversary.

Among those honored with Mr. Charlesworth were the president

of Coca-Cola Company, USA, Archie Manning, quarterback for the

New Orleans Saints, and the chairman of the board for National

Gypsum Company.

Charlesworth, one-time resident of Jackson, Mississippi,



has been Manager of the Earth Resources Program since April,

1972. He is responsible for managing the planning and direction

of all earth resources functions delegated to the Johnson Space

Center by NASA Headquarters. JSC is the lead center in the

development of earth resources planning and applications.

Prior to his current position, Charlesworth was Deputy

Manager of the Skylab Program. He also served as a Flight

Director during the Gemini and Apollo programs.

Among his many honors, Charlesworth has received the NASA

Exceptional Service Medal twice and the NASA Group Achievement

Award for his work on Apollo 11.

He is a member of the American Institute of Aeronautics

and Astronautics and received his Bachelor of Science degree

in physics from Mississippi College, clinton.

Johnson Space Center
__ Houston,
NATIONALTexas 77058
713/483-5111 May 13, 1974
2:00 P.M.


A contract has been awarded to Kentron Hawaii, Ltd,

Continental Operations, 2345 West Mockingbird Lane, Dallas,

Texas for the continuation of Engineering Support Services

at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Houston.

The contract period runs from May 1, 1974, through

April 30, 1975. The amount is approximately $1.2 million and

is a cost-plus-fixed-fee/award fee type contract.




April 8 - May 3, 1974

A meeting of Apollo-Soyuz Test Project specialists of the

U.S.S.R. and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

was held at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas,

U.S.A., April 8 - May 3, 1974.

The purpose of the meeting was to continue technical dis-

cussions and planning for the joint flight of Apollo and Soyuz

spacecraft to test compatible systems for rendezvous and docking

of manned spacecraft and stations of the future.

The project technical directors, the prime flight crews,

and all five of the working groups took part in the discussions.

Working groups are assigned to the areas of mission planning,

control and guidance, mechanical design, communications and

tracking, life support and crew transfer.

The technical directors, Prof. Konstatin D. Bushuyev for

the U.S.S.R. and Dr. Glynn S. Lunney for the U.S., have scheduled

the next major meeting in September 1974, in Moscow.

Joint f_ght crew training will be conducted in the U.S.S.R.

June 23 - July 15, 1974, and in the U.S.A. September 9 - 30, 1974.

An agreement was reached on the dates for visiting the

respective launch sites by specialists and members of the flight

crews for familiarization with the flight spacecraft and to

conduct the tests of compatible equipment. The visit to the U.S.

launch site will take place in February, 1975 and the visit to the

U.S.S.R. launch site will take place in May, 1975.

Results of the Apollo docking module and Soyuz life support

systems tests conducted earlier in 1974 were reviewed. A joint

document which confirms the compatibility of the two systems will

be prepared.

Safety assessment reports on control systems and on spacecraft

manufacturing rest and checkout were reviewed and approved.

The schedules for each of the five joint experiments were

approved. The experiments are: Ultraviolet Absorption, Biological

Interaction, Microbial Exchange, Multipurpose Furnace, and Artifi-

cial Solar Eclipse.

The two sides reached agreement on the basic approach and

content of the Joint Flight Readiness Review which will be held

in May 1975.

Discussion of long term requirements for compatible rendezvous


and docking systems will be resumed at the meeting in September.

During the current meeting, the heads of the delegations

visited the U.S. communication system compatibility test labora-

tory, the life support system breadboard test facility and the

thermal vacuum test facility.

The technical directors reported that good progress is

being made, and the project is on schedule for the July, 1975


- end -

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 June 12, 1974
RELEASE NO: 74-100


Dr. Story MusgTave, formerly of Lexington, Kentucky, recently received

the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his participation in the Skylab program, in

ceremonies at the Johnson Space Center here. He is the son of Mrs. Marguerite

Swann Musgrave of Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Musgrave is a NASA Astronaut.

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding service in the flight

operations of the Skylab Program which successfully culminated in the world's first

operational space station missions and opened up a new era in the uses of space for

the study of the sun, the earth, and man himself, and for many other scientific and

practical purposes. As a key member of the Skylab team, he contributed significantly

to the successful accomplishment of the goals of the Skylab Program."

NASA Exceptional Service medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center employees

for their part in the world's first operational space station. Three Skylab missions

established space duration records of 28, 59 and 84 days respectively, and yielded

new data on the sun, the earth, behavior of materials in space and in the effects of

spaceflight upon the human biological system.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
May 13, 1974
RELEASE NO: 74-101 2:00 p.m.


The Johnson Space Center has awarded a cost-plus-fixed-fee contract in the

amount of $2, 104, 900, to the Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Baltimore, Mary-

land, for color television cameras to be used in the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP).

Under the contract, Westinghouse will refurbish and modify 10 cameras

used in the Skylab Program and provide two new cameras. The contract also covers

associated equipment, such as synchronization modules, mounting brackets and

zoom lenses. End date of the contract is March 31, 1975.

ASTP is a joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. program to develop compatible rendezvous

and docking systems and techniques. A cooperative manned earth-orbital mission

is planned in July 1975, to test the systems and techniques.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
_...__. /' Houston, Texas 77058
713/483-5111 May 13, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-102



Astronaut Harrison H. Schmitt has been named NASA's

Assistant Administrator for Energy Programs. Dr. James C.

Fletcher, NASA Administrator, announced the appointment today.

"This new office will allow NASA to support the Federal

agencies responsible for energy research and development more

effectively, which in turn will insure the application of NASA

developed technology to the critical energy problems facing

our nation today," Fletcher said.

Dr. Schmitt, lunar module pilot on Apollo 17, will head

a newly formed Office of Energy Programs at NASA headquarters.

The new post is a consolidation of energy related functions

previously performed by several other NASA headquarters offices,

notably the Office of Applications and the Office of Aeronautics

and Space Technology.

RELEASE NO: 74-102


The new office will be responsible for coordinating NASA

support of other Federal agencies conducting energy research

and development. It will also manage existing NASA programs

applying aeronautics and space technology to the generation,

transmission, storage, conservation, utilization and management

of energy in non-aerospace applications.

A geologist, Schmitt is currently Chief of the Astronaut

Office, Science and Applications Directorate, at NASA's Johnson

Space Center, Houston, Texas. For the past three months he

has been on temporary assignment at NASA Headquarters as Special

Assistant to the Administrator for Energy Research and Develop-

ment. In addition to his duties as Assistant Administrator,

he will continue to serve as Astronaut Chief of the Science and

Applications Directorate in Houston until his responsibilities

there are completed and a replacement is named.

Schmitt was one of the first group of scientist-astronauts

selected by NASA in 1965. He was born in Santa Rita, New Mexico,

in 1935 and graduated from high school in Silver City, New Mexico.

He received a B.S. degree from California Institute of Technology

in 1957, was a Fulbright fellow at the University of Oslo, Norway,

RELEASE NO: 74-102


in 1957-58 and received his Ph.D in geology from Harvard University

in 1964.

Before joining NASA, Schmitt was a teaching fellow at Harvard,

worked for the Norwegian Geological Survey and was with the U.S.

Geological Survey, Astrogeology Center, Flagstaff, Arizona. In

the latter post he participated in mapping the Moon and instructed

NASA astronauts during geological field training trips.

Schmitt is a member of the Geological Society of America,

American Geophysical Union, American Association for the Advancement

of Science, American Association of Petroleum Geoligists, American

Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Sigma xi.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 June 12, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-103


Commander Bruce McCandless II,formerly of Boston, Massachusetts,

recentlyreceived the NASA ExceptionalService medal for his participationin

the Skylab Program, in ceremonies at the Johnson Space Center hereo McCandless
is a NASA Astronaut.

His citationreads: "In recognitionof his outstandingservice in theflight

operationsofthe Skylab Program which successfullyculminated inthe world's

firstoperationalspace stationmissions and opened up a new era in the uses of space

for the studyof the sun, the earth, and man himself, and for many other scientific

and practicalpurposes. As a key member of the Skylab team, he contributedsig-

nificantlyto the successfulaccomplishment of the goals of the Skylab Program o"

NASA ExceptionalService medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center employees

for theirpart in theworld's firstoperationalspace station. Three Skylab missions

establishedspace durationrecords of 28, 59 and 84 days respectively,and yielded

new dataon the sun, the earth, behavior of materials in space and in the effectsof

spaceflightupon thehuman biologicalsystem.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
_____J Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 May 17, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-104



International Business Maahines Corporation_ Federal

Systems Division, Bethesda, Maryland, has been selected by

NASA for negotiations leading to the award of a contract for

Space Shuttle software. The agreement will embrace ground

based computing and data processing system software design,

development and implementation in support of Space Shuttle

and other space programs.

The contractor's proposed cost for the two year cost-

plus-award fee contract is approximately $11 million. One

extension of approximately 42 months is contemplated.

IBM will provide ground based applications software

design, implementation and associated support for the large

general purpose computers supporting Space Shuttle. The

contractor will also perform analysis and formulation work

RELEASE NO: 74-104


in support of Earth Resources Data Systems. The work will

be accomplished for the Mission Control Center located at

NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas.

Other firms submitting proposals for the work included

The Control Data Corporation, Houston, Texas; Univac Division

of Sperry Rand Corporation, Houston, Texas; TRW Systems Group,

Houston, Texas; and Computer Sciences Corporation, Falls Church,


The contract will be under the technical direction of

NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston.

Johnson Space Center

/ Houston, Texas 77058

Milton E. Reim FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 May 24, 1974

KEV,EASE NO: 84-105


The NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston has asked for proposals

from twenty-one firms for producing a basic simulator to support

the training of crew members for piloting the orbiter vehicle during

the Orbiter 1 development flights of the Space Shuttle Program.

Tasks include development, design, fabrication, installation,

checkout, and six-months (12 man-months) support of one Orbiter

Aeroflight Simulator (OAS). Proposals must be received no later

than 5 p.m. CDT, July 10, 1974.

The OAS shall be a moving base simulator capable of representing

the basic operation of the orbiter durin g the Orbiter 1 development

flights and providing the crew members the rudimental functions of the
orbiter vehicle.
The successful contractor will be required to furnish on-site

technical and engineering support of the OAS for six-months after


Johnson Space Center

_....__._/ Houston, Texas 77058

Milton E. Reim FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 May 31, 1974
2:00 P.M.

RELEASE NO: 74-106


The NASA Johnson Space Center has awarded Kentron Hawaii, Ltd., Houston,

Texas, the contract to continue technical information and Public Affairs support
at the Houston Center.

The cost-plus-fixed-fee/award fee contract is for an estimated cost (including

fee) of approximately $2,7 million, and is for services from May 1, 1974 through

April 30, 1975.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
_/ Houston, Texas 77058
Charles Redmond FOR RELEASE:
713/483-4341 June 6_ 1974
RELEASE NO: 74-107


Texas Governor Dolph Briscoe was recently presented a copy of

this Earth Resources Technology mosaic map of Texas by Johnson Space

Center Director, Christopher C. Kraft.

In a letter to the Governor_ Dr. Kraft stated, this was the first
time a single mosaic covering the entire state of Texas has been prepared

from space photos.

The satellite which provided the information for the mosaic, ERTS-!,

has been in orbit almost 2 years. It repeats its ground coverage every

18 days and provides information in four wavebands covering the red,

yellow_ green and blue bands.

A copy of the map was also presented to Houston Mayor Fred Hofheinz.

-end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:
June 12, 1974
RELEASE NO: 74-108


Dr. Don L. Lind, formerly of Midvale, Utah, recently received the

NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his participation in the Skylab Program,

in ceremonies at the Johnson Space Center here. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.

Leslie A. Lind of Midvale, Utah. Lind is a NASA Astronaut.

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding service in the flight

operations of the Skylab Program which successfully culminated in the world's

first operational space station missions and opened up a new era in the uses of

space for the study of the sun, the earth, and man himself, and for many other

scientific and practical purposes. As a key member of the Skylab team, he contri-

buted significantly to the successful accomplishment of the goals of the Skylab

Program o"
NASA Exceptional Service medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center employees

for their part in the world's first operational space station. Three Skylab missions

established space duration records of 28, 59 and 84 days respectively, and yielded

new data on the sun, the earth, behavior of materials in space and in the effects of

spaceflight upon the human biological system.

- end -
.Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 June 12, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-109


Dr. William B. Lenoir, formerly of Miami, Florida, recently received

the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his participation in the Skylab Program_

in ceremonies at the Johnson Space Center hereo He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.

Samuel S. Lenoir of Miami, Florida. Lenoir is a NASA Astronaut.

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding service in the flight

operations of the Skylab Program which successfully culminated in the world's

first operational space station missions and opened up a new era in the uses of

space for the study of the sun, the earth, and man himself, and for many other
scientific and practical purposes. As a key member of the Skylab team, he contri-

buted significantly to the successful accomplishment of the goals of the Skylab


NASA Exceptional Service medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center employees

for their part in the world's first operational space station. Three Skylab missions

established space duration records of 28, 59 and 84 days respectively, and yielded

new data on the sun, the earth, behavior of materials in space and in the effects of

spaceflight upon the human biological system.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
713/483-5111 June 12, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-110


Glynn S. Lunney, Apollo Spacecraft Program Manager, has been selected

as one of the ten outstanding young men and women in the federal government.

He will receive the Arthur S. Flemming Award in a ceremony June 13,

at the Mayflower Hotel, Washington, DoC. The award is sponsored by the Down-

town Jaycees of Washington, D,C., and is named in honor of Dr. Arthur S,

Flemming, a former U°So Civil Service Commissioner and Secretary of Health,

Education and Welfare from 1958-61. Dr. Flemming presently is Chairman of

the U.S. Commissions on Civil Rights and Aging.

Dr. Lunney's selection is based on his work as Technical Director of the

Apollo Soyuz Test Project, which will culminate in a joint U.S. -U.SoS.R o manned

orbital spaceflight scheduled for July 1975. His leadership and technical ability

are cited as important elements in the outstanding cooperation and progress achieved

on the project by the two countries.

The Arthur S. Flemming Award is presented annually to five government

employees under 40 years of age in each of two categories, administrative and

scientific. Dr. Lunney will receive one of the scientific awards.

The award was established 26 years ago to recognize those who have per-

formed outstanding and meritorious work for the federal government; to attract

outstanding persons to federal service; to encourage high standards of performance

in federal service; and to enhance appreciation of our form of government and the

opportunities and responsibilities that it presents.

- more -

RELEASE NO: 74-110

Previous Arthur S° Flemming Award winners from the Johnson Space

Center are: Maxime A. Faget, George M. Low, Christopher C. Kraft, Wesley L.

Hjornevik, Joseph F. Shea, John D. Hodge, Neil Ao Armstrong, Eugene F. Kranz,

Lynwood C. Dunseith, and Harrison H. Schmitt.

Dr. Lunney, 37, joined NASA in 1959. He is married, has four children
and lives in Friendswood, Texas.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
.Tune 12, 1974
RELEASE NO: 74-111


Mr. Vance D. Brand, formerly of Longmont, Colorado, recently received

the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his participation in the Skylab Program,

in ceremonies at the Johnson Space Center here. He is the son of Dr. and Mrs.

Rudolph W. Brand of Longmont, Colorado. Brand is a NASA Astronaut.

His citation reads: "In recognition of his outstanding service in the flight

operations of the Skylab Program which successfully culminated in the world's

first operational space station missions and opened up a new era in the uses of

space for the study of the sun, the earth, and man himself, and for many other

scientific and practical purposes. As a key member of the Skylab team, he contri-

buted significantly to the successful accomplishment of the goals of the Skylab


NASA Exceptional Service medals went to 26 Johnson Space Center employees

for their part in the world's first operational space station. Three Skylab missions

established space duration records of 28, 59 and 84 days respectively, and yielded

new data on the sun, the earth, behavior of materials in space and in the effects of

spaceflight upon the human biological system.

- end -
Johnson Space Center

jJ Houston, Texas 77058

Milton Reim
713/483_5111 FOR RELEASE:
Jane 13, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-112


The NASA Johnson Space Center has asked thirty-one firms for proposals

for a computer complex for the Shuttle Mission Simulator (SM$) to be located

in the Building Five training facility. Request for proposals for a Shuttle
.._l_i_7_orfSimulatorhad gone out earlier.

Equipment for the complex will consist of a digital computer processing

system, local peripheral units, two remote batch stations, interactive display

terminals, data channels for interfacing with the simulation equipment, and

the related system software package.

The computer complex will be an integral part of the SMS and will be used
for the training of crewmen and ground personnel for operating the Space Shuttle

The simulator will include, but not necessarily be limited to, simulation

of the Orbiter vehicle, main engines, solid rocket motors, external tanks,

support equipment, and activities required to fulfill the Space Shuttle

Contractor for the Shuttle Mission Simulator Computer Complex (SMSCC) will

be required to design, fabricate, deliver_ install, and checkout the computer

system and the associated system software package. The SMBCC will then be
turned over to the contractor selected to manufacture the SMS.

Awarding of the contract is scheduled for October 15, 1974 calling foe

acceptance of the computer complex January 15, 1976.

Johnson Space Center
NATIONALTexas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 June 14, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-113


Robert O. Piland has been appointed acting assistant director for

advanced planning and design to NASA Johnson Space Center Director of

Engineering and Development _ Maxime A. Faget. The appointment will be

effective July 1_ 1974.

Since September 1970, Piland has been director of the NASA Earth

Resources Laboratory at the Mississippi Test Facility, Bay St. Louis_


Piland previously was deputy manager of the Apollo Spacecraft Program

Office, deputy director of Science and Applications and technical assistant

to the JSC director. He received the NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal in

October 1973 for his contributions to Earth remote sensing technology.

Piland joined NASA's predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for

Aeronautics (NACA) in 1947 after graduating from William and Mary College.

Piland's replacement as Earth Resources Laboratory director is

D. Wayne Mooneyhan who has served as Laboratory assistant director since

February 1973.

In another JSC assignment change, Arnold D. Aldrich has been appointed

manager of the Skylab Program in addition to his duties as deputy manger

of the Apollo Spacecraft Program. Aldrich will administer close-out of the

Skylab contracts and equipment disposition, and oversee preparation of Skylab

data reports and documentation.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:
June 17, 1974
RELEASE NO: 74-114


A nine man delegation from NASA will be participating in a joint test

project with Soviet representatives in Moscow, U.S.S.R. The two-week tests,

beginning June 17_ deal with TV and photo coverage of the up-coming Apollo

Soyuz Test Project.

Armistead Dennett from the Johnson Space Center will head the delegation.

Olin L. Graham, L. Kenneth Land, C. Ragan Edmiston and James H. Ragan are

also from JSC. Robert J. Shafer will represent NASA's headquarters in

Washington, D.C. Two subcontractor employees will also attend; from

Westinghouse, Larkin Niemyer, and Roekwell's Alex Sementovsky will act as


Dennett said the purpose of the visit is to evaluate lighting and

facilities available for television and photography in the Soyuz spacecraft.

Tests will be conducted in a mockup of the Soyuz which closely resembles

the actual spacecraft. During the tests the functions of astronauts and

cosmonauts will be performed by technicians wearing flight clothing to

simulate as nearly as possible, actual conditions of the mission. Combinations

of lights, lens openings, and filters can then be tested for optimal re-

production as well as establishing the advantageous vantage points, electrical

power availability and the positioning of equipment installation brackets

within the spacecraft, Dennett said.

The Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP), a test docking mission between
the United States' Apollo spacecraft and the Soviet Union's Soyuz, is

scheduled to take place in July 1975 and will include television coverage

from both spacecraft transmitted to both countries simultaneously°

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 June 18, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-115


Olin L. Graham, formerly of Childress, Texas, now employed at NASA's

Johnson Space Center in Houston, will participate in a joint test project

with Soviet representatives in Moscow, U.S.S.R. The two-week tests,

beginning June 17, deal with TV and photo coverage of the upcoming Apollo

Soyuz Test Project.

The purpose of the visit is to evaluate lighting and facilities available

for television and photography in the Soyuz spacecraft. Tests will be

conducted in a mockup of the Soyuz which closely resembles the actual space-

craft. During the tests the functions of the astronauts and cosmonauts will

be performed by technicians wearing flight clothing to simulate as nearly as

possible, actual conditions of the mission. Combinations of lights, lens

openings and filters can then be tested for optimal reproduction as well as

establishing the advantageous vantage points, electrical power availability

and the positioning of equipment installation brackets within the spacecraft.

The Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP), a test docking mission between
the United States' Apollo spacecraft and the Soviet Union's Soyuz, is

scheduled to take place in July 1975 and will include television coverage
from both spacecraft transmitted to both countries simultaneously.

Mr. Graham, a graduate of the University of Houston with a B.S. degree

in Electrical Engineering, now makes his home in Houston.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 June 18, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-116


L. Kenneth Y_nd, formerly of San Angelo_ Texas, now employed at NASA's

Johnson Space Center in Houston, will participate in a joint test project

with Soviet representatives in Moscow, U.S.S.R. The two-week tests,

beginning June 17, deal with TV and photo coverage of the upcoming Apollo

Soyuz Test Project.

The purpose of the visit is to evaluate lighting and facilities available

for television and photography in the Soyuz spacecraft. Tests will be

conducted in a mockup of the Soyuz which closely resembles the actual space-

craft. During the tests the functions of the astronauts and cosmonauts will

be performed by technicians wearing flight clothing to simulate as nearly as

possible, actual conditions of the mission. Combinations of lights, lens

openings and filters can then be tested for optimal reproduction as welt as
establishing the advantageous vantage points, electrical power availability

and the positioning of equipment installation brackets within the spacecraft.

The Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP), a test docking mission between

the United States' Apollo spacecraft and the Soviet Union's Soyuz, is

scheduled to take place in July 1975 and will include television coverage

from both spacecraft transmitted to both countries simultaneously.

Mr. Land, a graduate of the University of Houston with a B.S. degree

in Electrical Engineering, now makes his home in Houston.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 June 18, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-117


C. Ragan Edmiston_ formerly of Ruston and Arcadia Louisiana, now employed

at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, will participate in a joint test

project with Soviet representatives in Moscow, U.S.S.Ro The two-week tests,

beginning June 17, deal with TV and photo coverage of the upcoming Apollo

Soyuz Test Project.

The purpose of the visit is to evaluate lighting and facilities available

for television and photography in the Soyuz spacecraft. Tests will be

conducted in a mockup of the Soyuz which closely resembles the actual space-

craft. During the tests the functions of the astronauts and cosmonauts will

be performed by technicians wearing flight clothing to simulate as nearly as

possible, actual conditions of the mission. Combinations of lights, lens

openings and filters can then be tested for optimal reproduction as well as

establishing the advantageous vantage points, electrical power availability

and the positioning of equipment installation brackets within the spacecraft.

The Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP), a test docking mission between

the United States' Apollo spacecraft and the Soviet Union's Soyuz, is

scheduled to take place in July 1975 and will include television coverage

from both spacecraft transmitted to both countries simultaneously.

Mr. Edmiston, a graduate of the Louisiana Polytechnic Institute with a

B.S. degree in Electronic Engineering, now makes his home in Houston.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 June 18, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-118


James H. Ragan, formerly of Kingsville, Texas, now employed at NASA's

Johnson Space Center in Houston, will participate in a joint test project

with Soviet representatives in Moscow, U.S.S.R. The two-week tests,

beginning June 17, deal with TV and photo coverage of the upcoming Apollo

Soyuz Test Project.

The purpose of the visit is to evaluate lighting and facilities available

for television and photography in the Soyuz spacecraft. Tests will be

conducted in a mockup of the Soyuz which closely resembles the actual space-

craft. During the tests the functions of the astronauts and cosmonauts _ill

be performed by technicians wearing flight clothing to simulate as nearly as

possible, actual conditions of the mission. Combinations of lights, lens

openings and filters can then be tested for optimal reproduction as well as

establishing the advantageous vantage points, electrical power availability

and the positioning of equipment installation brackets within the spacecraft.

The Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP), a test docking mission between

the United States' Apollo spacecraft and the Soviet Union's Soyuz, is

scheduled to take place in July 1975 and will include television coverage

from both spacecraft transmitted to both countries simultaneously.

Mr. Ragan, a graduate of the Texas College of Arts and Industries with
a B.S. degree in Physics, now makes his home in Houston.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 June 18, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-119


Armistead Dennett, formerly of Kittery, -Maine, now employed at NASA's

Johnson Space Center in Houston, will participate in a joint test project

with Soviet representatives in Moscow, U.S.S.R_ The two-week tests,

beginning June 17, deal with TV and photo coverage of the upcoming Apollo

Soyuz Test Project.

The purpose of the visit is to evaluate lighting and facilities available

for television and photography in the Soyuz spacecraft. Tests will be

conducted in a mockup of the Soyuz which closely resembles the actual space-

craft. During the tests the functions of the astronauts and cosmonauts will

be performed by technicians wearing flight clothing to simulate as nearly as

possible, actual conditions of the mission. Combinations of lights, lens

openings and filters can then be tested for optimal reproduction as well as

establishing the advantageous vantage points, electrical power availability

and the positioning of equipment installation brackets within the spacecraft.

The Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP), a test docking mission between
the United States' Apollo spacecraft and the Soviet Union's Soyuz, is

scheduled to take place in July 1975 and will include television coverage

from both spacecraft transmitted to both countries simultaneously.

Mr. Dennett, a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy with a B°S. degree

in Engineering and from Purdue University with a M.S. degree in Industrial

Engineering, now makes his home in Seabrook, Texas, a suburb of Houston.


Johnson Space Center

_ j_J_ Houston, Texas 77058
Robert Gordon
713/483-5//1 FOR RELEASE:
June 17, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-120


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration plans to use a

Boeing 747 to transport the Space Shuttle Orbiter and related Shuttle

hardware cross country. The 747 also will be used in the planned approach

and landing tests of the reusable Orbiter.

This new concept replaces earlier plans to install six airbreathing

engines on the delta-winged Orbiter for flight testing and for ferry
flights from the west coast to the Kennedy Space Center, Florida_ launch

A used 747-100 type aircraft will be acquired from American Airlines.

Cost of the aircraft is estimated at $16 million.

The 747 will be modified and equipped with permanent fittings permitting

quick installation of an Orbiter or other Shuttle hardware atop the aircraft.

Studies have also determined the feasibility of ferrying the 153-foot long

liquid propellant external tank atop the 747 aircraft.

Flight profile tests will start immediately on the 747 and confine

through November 1974 after which modifications will begin. Ground and

flight tests of the modified 747 will commence in late 1976.

Takeoff weight complete with Orbiter and added fittings is estimated

to be 775,000 pounds.

The 747 will have an estimated range of 2,320 nautical miles, sufficient

for cross country transport flights carrying either the Orbiter vehicle or
other Shuttle hardware.

Becoming operational in 1980, the Space Shuttle Orbiter will be

launched vertically from Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on a large

RELEASE NO: 74-120


expendable liquid propellant tank and two recoverable and reusable solid

propellant rocket boosters. The 123-foot long Orbiter will remain in

Earth orbit for designated mission durations of a week or more, reenter

the atmosphere and land on a runway much like a conventional aircraft.

The initial Shuttle launch and landing site will be at the Kennedy

Space Center, Florida. Later, an additional site at Vandenberg, AFB,

California, will be added.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
713/483-5111 June 19, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-121


Eight astronauts will begin three weeks of training in the Soviet

Union Monday, June 24, in connection with the Apollo Soyuz Test Project

mission scheduled for July, 1975.

They include the prime crew, Astronauts Thomas P. Stafford, Vance

D. Brand and Donald K. Slayton; the backup crew, Astronauts Alan L. Bean,

Ronald E. Evans and Jack R. Lousma; and two support crewmen_ Astronauts

Robert F. Overmyer and Karol K. Bobko.

A ninth astronaut, Eugene A. Cernan, will take part in the first

two weeks of the activities, representing the Apollo Spacecraft Program


The training will be conducted at Star City, the cosmonaut training

center near Moscow. It will end July 12.

In addition to continuing their studies of Soyuz spacecraft systems,

the astronauts are scheduled to train in simulators and mockups with the

Soviet flight crews. They also will continue planning procedures and
checklists for joint operations.
U.S.S.R. cosmonauts will start a 3-week training period at the

Johnson Space Center on September 9. Joint crew training is planned in

each country next spring, also.

Target date for launching the earth-orbital mission is July 15, 1975.

Apollo will rendezvous and dock with Soyuz and the crews will exchange
visits and conduct joint experiments for up to two days. The mission is

designed to test compatible rendezvous and docking systems and techniques

which were developed jointly.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058

FOR THE RECORD June 27, 1974


James c. Fletcher, Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space

Administration, announced today his decision to award to Thiokol Chemical

Corporation a contract covering the Space Shuttle solid rocket motor development.

Lockheed had protested to the General Accounting Office the making of the award
to Thiokol.

In its decision of June 24, 1974, the General Accounting Office recommended
that the Administrator determine whether or not reconsideration of the selection

of Thiokol should be made. The GAO generally validated NASA's procedures and

methodologies in conducting the evaluation of proposals.

The GAO did state, however, that the cost analysis contained an over-state-

ment of the cost differential favoring Thiokol's proposal over that of the Lockheed

Propulsion Company. This resulted from the manner in which the supply of

ammonium perchlorate was evaluated. The GAO found NASA's evaluation of the

Lockheed proposal otherwise to have been performed reasonably.

The NASA Administrator has advised the Comptroller General, pursuant to

his request, that his decision is to proceed with Thiokol and is based on the con-
clusion that the initial rationale for the selection of Thiokol remains valid, even

assuming, but without conceeding, the correctness of the position taken by the GAO

respecting ammonium perchlorate costs.

- more -

Because further delay in the development of the solid rocket motor would

cause substantial increases in the cost of the Space Shuttle program, and therefore

not be in the public interest, the Administrator has directed that a contract be

awarded promptly to the Thiokol Chemical Corporation.

- end -
Johnson Space Center

Houston, Texas 77058


FOR THE RECORD June 28, 1974


Lockheed Electronics Company_ Inc. (Engineering Services Division)

Tuscon, Arizona has been selected by NASA for negotiations leading to the

award of a contract for maintenance and operation of the White Sands Test

Facility located near Las Cruces, New Mexico.

The Test Facility performs spacecraft propulsion and power systems

development and certification testing; and development and certification

of materials, components, and subsystems which involve hazardous or other

special environments.

Proposed cost for the first year cost-plus-award-fee contract is

approximately $4 million, with a firm priced option for the second year.
Three additional extensions of one year each are contemplated.

Services to be performed under the contract will cover test preparation,

test conduct, fabrication, instrumentation, data acquisition, data reduction,

maintenance and operation of all facilities, and administrative and logistic

support. Ail of the work will be done at the White Sands Test Facility.

Other firms submitting proposals for the work include Aeroject Electro-

systems Co., Bell Aerospace Co., Bendix Corp., Boeing Aerospace Co._ Collins
International Services Co._ Dynalectron Corp._ Management and Technical Services

Co., Kentron Hawaii Limited and Northrup Services, Inc.

The contract will be under the technical direction of the White Sands

Test Facility, a subsidiary of Johnson Space Center, Houston_ Texas.

-end -
Johnson Space Center

_J Houston, Texas 77058

Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 July 8, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-122


The NASA Johnson Space Center has awarded Delco Electronic Division

of General Motors Corporation, Goleta, California a $4,945,000 contract

for primary navigation, guidance and control system support for the

Apollo-Soyuz Test Project command modules.

The cost-plus-fixed-fee contract covers work to be done by Delco

at their Goleta plant, at the Rockwell International Space Division plant

in Downey, California, at Johnson Space Center and at Kennedy Space Center_


The Apollo-Soyuz Test Project is a joint United States-Soviet Union

rendezvous and docking mission scheduled for July 1975 which uses a US

Apollo command/service module and a Soviet Soyuz spacecraft.

Johnson Space Center

_ ,/ Houston, Texas 77058

Terry White FOR RELEASE:
July 9, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-123


The NASA Johnson Space Center has signed a supplemental agreement to

the contract with General Electric Company's Space Division of Houston

for extension of acceptance checkout equipment (ACE) support for the

Apollo-Soyuz Test Project. The contract modification also covers other

ASTP engineering support and some equipment testing for the Space Shuttle


Valued at $5_793,660_ the cost-plus -fixed-fee contract modification

brings the total estimated value of the GE contract to $90,837_197. GE,

which provided the ACE and engineering support for the Apollo and Skylab

programs, will perform most of the work under the contract at their Houston

facility or at Johnson Space Center.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Bob Gordon
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:
July 12, 1974
RELEASE NO: 74-124



A supplemental agreement totaling approximately $483 million has been

signed between NASA and the Space Division of Rockwell International Corporation,

Downey, California for additional work and a contract extension of eleven months

for the development of the Space Shuttle Orbiter and integration of all elements

of the Space Shuttle system.

As prime contractor, Rockwell is responsible for the design, development

and production of the Orbiter vehicle and for the integration of all elements

of the Space Shuttle system.

The supplemental contract is written on a cost reimbursement basis, plus

fixed and award fees. It is funded incrementally and, with the addition of

the new supplemental agreement, has an estimated value, including fixed fee_

of $943,248,000. The contract will now continue through June 30, 1975.

A second increment of work, the balance of design, development, test and

evaluation plus delivery of two Orbiter vehicles, is included as an option to

the contract and is scheduled to begin July 1, 1975.

Rockwell is to subcontract more than 50 per cent of the dollar value of

the contract.

In addition to the Orbiter, major elements of the Space Shuttle include

the 470,000 pound-thrust hydrogen-oxygen main engine external tank, and twin
solid rocket boosters.

The Space Shuttle main engines, and the External Tank (ET) and Solid

Rocket Boosters (SRB) have been procured independently of the prime contractor.

The planned site for the assembly of the tanks is the government-owned Michoud

Assembly Facility at New Orleans, La., where the Saturn rockets used for the

RELEASE NO: 74-124


Apollo program were assembled.

Overall program management for the Shuttle within NASA has been assigned

_ythe Office of Manned Spaceflight to the Johnson Space Center, Houston,


In addition to the project office established at JSC, NASA has assigned

the development of the Space Shuttle main engine, the External Tank and the
Solid Rocket Boosters to the Marshall Space Flight Center_ Huntsville, Alabama.

Responsibility for taunch_ landing and turn-around operations has been

assigned to Kennedy Space Center_ Florida.

The Space Shuttle will be developed over the next several years. The

complete system is to be operational in the 1980's.

Primary operational sites for the Space Shuttle will be the Kennedy

Space Center in Florida and Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 July 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-125


Jack Madison, formerly of Big Spring, employed at NASA's

Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, is working in the personnel

management of the Center's some 3500 Civil Service employees.

As an Aerospace Summer Intern, Madison is assigned to the

Personnel Office. He was selected for the Program based on his

work toward a Master of Public Administration degree from Texas

Tech University.

NASA's Aerospace Summer Intern Program offers students

nationwide the opportunity to work at the Space Center for ten

weeks during the summer to broaden their backgrounds through a

combination of academically-related work experiences and specially

designed lecture/seminar series with Center personnel.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058

Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 July 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-126


Davis Bothe of 1301 South Third, Watertown, employed at NASA's

Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, is writing and running

computer programs designed to test photographic hardware for

future spaceflight programs.

As an Aerospace Summer Intern, Bothe is assigned to the

Center's Optic Data Office. He was selected for the Program

based on his work toward a Master of Science degree in Applied

Mathematics from the University of Wisconsin.

NASA's Aerospace Summer Intern Program offers students

nationwide the opportunity to work at the Space Center for ten

weeks during the summer to broaden their backgrounds through a

combination of academically-related work experiences and specially

designed lecture/seminar series with Center personnel.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 July 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-127


Peggy Gibson of 722 Holly Street, Biloxi, employed at NASA's

Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, is currently making cost

analysis studies of the Lunar Module Program. The Lunar Module,

part of the Apollo spacecraft system, carried the astronauts to

the moon's surface during Apollo missions.

As an Aerospace Summer Intern, Ms. Gibson is assigned to the

Program Support Division. She was selected for the Program based

on her completion of a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics

from Xavier University.

NASA's Aerospace Summer Intern Program offers students

nationwide the opportunity to work at the Space Center for ten

weeks during the summer to broaden their backgrounds through a

combination of academically-related work experiences and specially

designed lecture/seminar series with Space Center personnel.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 July 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-128


Darrell Simmons of Palestine, Texas, employed at NASA's

Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, is currently studying

financial relationships between NASA and the contractors which

support the space program.

As an Aerospace Summer Intern, Simmons is assigned to the

Program Support Division. He was selected for this Program based

on his completion of a Bachelor in Business Administration degree

from Prairie View A&M University. He will begin his studies

toward a Master of Public Administration degree from the University

of Texas this fall.

NASA's Aerospace Summer Intern Program offers students

nationwide the opportunity to work at the Space Center for ten

weeks during the summer to broaden their backgrounds through a

combination of academically-related work experiences and specially

designed lecture/seminar series with Center personnel.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:
713-483-5111 July 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-129


Barbara Green of 57 Diamond Street, Norco, employed at NASA's

Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, is currently writing a

report and making recommendations about the closing of contracts

with different NASA contractors.

As an Aerospace Summer Intern, Ms. Green is assigned to the

Center's Program Procurement Division. She was selected for the

Program based on her completion of a Bachelor's degree in

Accounting from Xavier University.

NASA's Aerospace Summer Intern Program offers students

nationwide the opportunity to work at the Space Center for ten

weeks during the summer to broaden their backgrounds through a

combination of academically-related work experiences and specially

designed lecture/seminar series with Center personnel.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058

Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 July 8, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-130


Adam Lemieux of Bacherie, Louisiana, employed at NASA's

Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, is using management analysis

techniques in working with various procurement projects for the

Space Center.

Lemieux, an Aerospace Summer Intern, is assigned to the

Center's Staff of the Director of Procurement. He was selected

for the Program based on his work toward a Bachelor of Science

degree in Mathematics from Xavier University.

NASA's Aerospace Summer Intern Program offers students

nationwide the opportunity to work at the Space Center for ten

weeks during the summer to broaden their backgrounds through a

combination of academically-related work experiences and specially

designed lecture/seminar series with Center personnel.

Johnson Space Center
./"'- _ Houston,
NATIONALTexas 77058
Nancy Thornton FORRELEASE:
713/483-5111 July 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-131


David Johnson, of 1610 Santa Cecelia Street, Kingsville,

employed at NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston is currently

working as an Assistant Procurement Analyst.

As an Aerospace Summer Intern, Johnson was selected for the

Program based on his completion of a Bachelor of Science degree in

Mathematics from the Texas College of Arts and Industries. He

will begin his studies for a Master's degree at Texas A&I this


NASA's Aerospace Summer Intern Program offers students

nationwide the opportunity to work at the Space Center for ten

weeks during the summer to broaden their backgrounds through a

combination of academically-related work experiences and specially

designed lecture/seminar series with Space Center personnel.


Nancy Thornton


15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-132


Willie Minor of Anderson, employed at NASA's Johnson Space

Center, Houston, is administering the Space Center's Aerospace

Summer Intern Program for some 26 interns from all over the

United States.

An Intern himself, Minor is assigned to the Personnel Office.

He was selected for the Program based on his academic performance.

He will begin studies toward a Doctor of Business Education

degree at Arizona State University this fall.

NASA's Aerospace Summer Intern Program offers students

nationwide the opportunity to work at the Space Center for ten

weeks during the summer to broaden their backgrounds through a

combination of academically-related work experiences and specially

designed lecture/seminar series with Space Center personnel.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058

Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 July 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-133


Edcar E. Johnson, Jr., of 4408 St. Goar Street, Dickinson,

employed at NASA's Johnson Space Center, is working with the

Center's Co-Op Student Program. This Program is designed to

enable University students to spend three years alternately

working a semester in a job related to their academic interest,

then to spend a semester on campus with course work. At

graduation they have earned not only a college degree but

considerable work experience and improved employment opportunities.

As an Aerospace Summer Intern, Johnson is assigned to the

Personnel Office. He was selected for the Program based on his

work toward a Master's degree in Personnel Administration from

Texas A&M University.

NASA's Aerospace Summer Intern Program offers students nation-

wide the opportunity to work at the Space Center for ten weeks

during the summer to broaden their backgrounds through a combina-

tion of academically-related work experiences and specially

designed lecture/seminar series with Center personnel.


Johnson Space Center

Houston, Texas 77058
Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 July 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-134


Alan Mueller, formerly of Lubbock, employed at NASA's

Johnson Space Center, Houston, is working with orbital mechanics

for future manned spacecraft flights.

As an Aerospace Summer Intern, Mueller is assigned to the

Center's Advanced Mission Design Branch. He was selected for

the Program based on his work on a Bachelor of Aerospace

Engineering at the University of Texas.

NASA's Aerospace Summer Intern Program offers students

nationwide the opportunity to work at the Space Center for ten

weeks during the summer to broaden their backgrounds through

a combination of academically-related work experiences and

specially designed lecture/seminar series with Space Center


Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 July 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-135


Barbara Davis, 3225 Cherry; Gwendolyn Tate, 619 South Miro,

and Byron Wing, 8510 Spruce, are employed as Aerospace Summer

Interns at NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas.

Miss Davis works with the Institutional Management Accounting

System for the Space Center. She was selected for the Program

based on her work toward a Bachelor's degree in Accounting from

Dillard University.

Miss Tate is a Technical Editor for the Center's various

publications. She recently completed a Bachelor of Arts degree

in English and Education from Xavier University.

Wing assists in the initiation and close-out of contracts

made by NASA with their contractors. He graduated from Xavier

University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics.

NASA's Aerospace Summer Intern Program offers students

nationwide the opportunity to work at the Space Center for ten

weeks during the summer to broaden their backgrounds through a

combination of academically-related work experiences and specially

designed lecture/seminar series with Center personnel.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058

Charles Redmond FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 July 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-136


Nancy W. Thornton of 818 Marine Street, Boulder, employed

at NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, is working in

the Center's Public Information Section.

As an Aerospace Summer Intern, Ms. Thornton is assigned to

the Public Affairs Office. She was selected for the Program

based on her work toward a Master of Public Administration degree

from the University of Colorado.

NASA's Aerospace Summer Intern Program offers students

nationwide the opportunity to work at the Space Center for ten

weeks during the summer to broaden their backgrounds through a

combination of academically-related work experiences and specially

designed lecture/seminar series with Center personnel.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 July 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-137


Jon Perko of 2192 Edgerton Road, University Heights,

employed at NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, is

working on an experimental project involving a balloon-borne

astronomic telescope.

As an Aerospace Summer Intern, Perko is assigned to the

Space Center's Earth and Planetary Sciences Division. He was

selected for this Program based on his work toward a Master's

degree in Atmospheric Science from Ohio State University.

NASA's Aerospace Summer Intern Program offers students

nationwide the opportunity to work at the Space Center for ten

weeks during the summer to broaden their backgrounds through a

combination of academically-related work experiences and specially

designed lecture/seminar series with Center personnel.

Johnson Space Center
l_ Houston,
NATIONALTexas 77058
Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:
713-5111 July 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-138


Hays Jenkins, 7500 Plum Creek; Attis L. Baker, 2111 Holly

Hall, and Mark Richards, 6439 Burgoyne, are employed as Aerospace

Summer Interns at NASA's Johnson Space Center.

Jenkins, working on legal research of court cases involving

inventions and patents of NASA employees, was selected for the

Program based on his work toward a Doctor of Jurisprudence degree

from Texas Southern University.

Ms Baker is reviewing and updating statistical information

for the Space Center's Equal Employment Opportunity Office. She

a recent graduate of Prairie View A&M University with a Bachelor

of Arts degree in Business Administration.

Richards currently is observing the Center's Quality

Assurance operations. One area of Quality Assurance is maintaining

the required standards for space flight hardware. He just completed

a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree from Georgia Institute

of Technology.

?_' 2

NASA'S Aerospace Summer Intern Program offers students

nationwide the opportunity to work at the Space Center for ten

weeks during the summer to broaden their backgrounds through a

combination of academically-related work experiences and specially

designed lecture/seminar series with Space Center personnel.


Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:
713-483-5111 July 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-139


Hays Jenkins of 7500 Plum Creek Drive and Attis L. Baker,

of 2111 Holly Hall are employed as Aerospace Summer Interns at

NASA's Johnson Space Center.

Jenkins is working on legal research of court cases involving

inventions and patents of NASA employees. He was selected for the

Program based on his work toward a Doctor of Jurisprudence degree

from Texas Southern University.

Ms. Baker is reviewing and updating statistical information

for the Space Center's Equal Employment Opportunity Office. She

is a recent graduate of Prairie View A&M University with a

Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration.

NASA's Aerospace Summer Intern Program offers students

nationwide the opportunity to work at the Space Center for ten weeks

during the summer to broaden their backgrounds through a combina-

tion of academically-related work experiences and specially designed

lecture/seminar series with Space Center personnel.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 July 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-140


Theresa Speake of 11555 Grove Street, Seminole, employed

at NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, is adapting a

computer program which will test under laboratory conditions

components of the Space Shuttle, NASA's new and reuseable space

vehicle for Earth orbital flight.

As an Aerospace Summer Intern, Ms. Speake is assigned to

the Center's Avionic's Systems Engineering Division. She was

selected for the Program based on her work toward a Master of

Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford


NASA's Aerospace Summer Intern Program offers students

nationwide the opportunity to work at the Space Center for ten

weeks during the summer to broaden their backgrounds through a

combination of academically-related work experiences and specially

designed lecture/seminar series with Space Center personnel.

Johnson Space Center
/ __ Houston, Texas
Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 July 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-141


George C. Collins, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Collins of

3120 Rosedale Drive, Port Arthur, is employed at NASA's Johnson

Space Center, Houston, where he is working on an experimental

space communications project.

As an Aerospace Summer Intern, Collins is assigned to the

Space Center's Communications, Power and Data Systems Branch.

He was selected for the Program based on his work toward a

Doctorate degree in Electrical Engineering from Rice University.

NASA's Aerospace Summer Intern Program offers students

nationwide the opportunity to work at the Space Center for ten

weeks during the summer to broaden their backgrounds through a

combination of academically-related work experiences and specially

designed lecture/seminar series with Space Center personnel.

Johnson Space Center
J Houston, Texas 77058
Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 July 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-142


David Yeary of 1500 Fort Sumter Court, Lexington, employed

at NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, is making land

subsidence studies of the Space Center complex. The sinking

of the Center as well as the East Texas' Gulf coast area may

cause serious flooding problems in this hurricane-prone portion

of the country.

As an Aerospace Summer Intern, Yeary is assigned to the

Center's Facilities Planning Branch. He was selected for the

Program based on his work toward a Master of Public Administration

degree from the University of Colorado and a Bachelor of

Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of


NASA's Aerospace Summer Intern Program offers students

nationwide the opportunity to work at the Space Center for ten

weeks during the summer to broaden their backgrounds through a

combination of academically-related work experiences and specially

designed lecture/seminar series with Space Center personnel.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058

Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 July 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-143


Bruce D. Goodman of 3412 Oak Ridge Road, Minnetonka,

Minnesota, employed at NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas,

is working on Inventory Management, the purchase, storage and

distribution of the Center's required supplies.

As an Aerospace Summer Intern, Goodman is assigned to the

Logistics Division. He was selected for the Program based on his

work toward a Master of Public Administration from the University

of Colorado.

NASA's Aerospace Summer Intern Program offers students

nationwide the opportunity to work at the Space Center for ten

weeks during the summer to broaden their backgrounds through a

combination of academically-related work experiences and specially

designed lecture/seminar series with Center Personnel.

Johnson Space Center

/__ Houston, Texas

Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 July 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-144


Robert Leake of 2384 S. Yarrow Way, Lakewood, Colorado,

employed at NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, is

working on computer systems analysis for the Space Shuttle,

NASA's new and reuseable space vehicle for Earth orbital flight.

As an Aerospace Summer Intern, Leake is assigned to the

Center's Space Shuttle's Schedules Integration Office. Leake

was selected for this Program based on his work toward a Master

of Public Administration degree from the University of Colorado.

NASA's Aerospace Summer Intern Program offers students

nationwide the opportunity to work at the Space Center for ten

weeks during the summer to broaden their backgrounds through a

combination of academically-related work experiences and specially

designed lecture/seminar series with Center personnel.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 July 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-145


Thomas A. Kent of Jasper, employed at NASA's Johnson Space

Center, Houston, Texas, is studying quantitative aspects of

space photography taken on Skylab manned missions and from the

Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS).

As an Aerospace Summer Intern, Kent is assigned to the

Center's Photographic Sciences Office. He was selected for the

Program based on his completion of a Bachelor of Science degree

in Physics from the University of Houston. He will begin a

Master's program in Physics at Pennsylvania State University this


NASA's Aerospace Summer Intern Program offers students

nationwide the opportunity to work at the Space Center for ten

weeks during the summer to broaden their backgrounds through a

combination of academically-related work experiences and specially

designed lecture/seminar series with Center personnel.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
713/483-5111 July 12, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-146


A week-long special open house program will mark Johnson Space Center's

observance of the fifth anniversary of the first manned lunar landing.

July 20 is the anniversary of the day Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin

landed the lunar module Eagle at Tranquility Base on the moon to become the
first humans to set foot on another celestial body.

The Center's regular open house program will be augmented by a re-

creation of sights and sounds in Mission Control Center of the Apollo 11

first lunar landing---from President John F. Kennedy's speech setting a

manned lunar landing as the goal of the decade, to on-board film from Eagle's

descent and touchdown at Tranquility Base accompanied by replay of air-to-

ground radio transmissions.

Starting Monday, July 15, the Apollo 11 Mission Control Center program

will be repeated each half hour between 9 am and 4 pm through Saturday, July 20--

the fifth anniversary of the first landing. Visitors may pick up free tickets

to the Control Center program at the visitor reception area in the Auditorium-
Exhibit Hall.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Nancy Thornton FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 July 15, 1974



Robert Doucet of 13 Leany Street, Gardner, employed at

NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, is working on

guidance systems for the Space Shuttle, NASA's new and reuseable

space vehicle for Earth orbital flight.

As an Aerospace Summer Intern, Doucet is assigned to the

Space Center's Guidance Dynamics Branch. He was selected for

this Program based on his work toward a Doctorate degree in

Aerospace Engineering from the University of Texas.

NASA's Aerospace Summer Intern Program offers students

nationwide the opportunity to work at the Space Center for ten

weeks during the summer to broaden their backgrounds through a

combination of academically-related work experiences and specially

designed lecture/seminar series with Center personnel.

Johnson Space Center
j/ Houston, Texas 77058
Charles Redmond FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 September 9, 1974

Rk_,EASENO: 74-148



Earth observations will be a major part of the work of the American

astronauts on the joint United States-Soviet Union space mission scheduled
for July, 1975o
The Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) is a joint endeavor by the two
countries as part of the agreement on cooperation in space signed in Moscow
in May 1972.
As on the Apollo and Skylab missions, the American astronauts will take
pictures and record their comments about the Earth as they observe features
ranging from weather phenomena to volcanoes during the lO-day ASTP mission.
They will use Hasselblad 70mm cameras and voice recorders, with visual
observations complementing the photographs.
The human eye's ability to distinguish d_m]y as well as brightly lit
objects, its extreme color sensitivity and the observer's vantage point in
space will permit a better understanding of physical phenomena°
Types of features being considered for study on the ASTP mission include:
Studies of major active strike-slip fault zones in both eastern and western
hemispheres and identification of extensions of fault systems by studying
vegetation or drainage patterns.
Studies of closed-basin water circulation and shore lines as well as

snow cover studies to be used later in conjunction with photographs taken of

the H_malayas and hydrological studies of photographs taken over Indian Plains
and land areas inundated by rivers.
B_T_SE NO: 74-148

Studies of ocean upwellings and their hydrological and biological

effects and of major trends of the ocean currents.
Visual observations of tropical weather problems such as frontal waves,
tornadoes, storm centers and localized atmospheric circulations.
Principal investigator for the experiment is Dr. F. E1-Baz of the Center
for Earth and Planetary Studies at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington,
D. C.
Johnson Space Center
Houston, 77058
Charles Redmond FOR RELEASE:
713/483-4341 July 22, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-149


A pioneering survey of stellar extreme ultraviolet sources will be one
of the scientific experiments to be flown during the joint US-USSRApollo-
Soyuz mission in July, 1975.
Many celestial X-ray sources have been discovered and much progress
made toward a theoretical understanding of their behavior. However, one
important portion of the high-energy spectrum has been neglected by
astronomers -- the extreme UV range roughly between 50 and 500 angstroms.
An early interpretation of the complex nature of the interstellar gas led
to false conclusions that absorption by neutral hydrogen atoms would
prevent extreme UV radiation from traveling sufficiently far through the
interstellar space to be of much astronomical use.
More recent data suggest that the interstellar gas is distributed
unevenly in space, so as to permit extreme UV observations to substantial
distances in certain directions.

There are many kinds of stellar objects whose calculated and observed
behavior suggest that they might be extreme UV sources. Among those are
certain bright stars, planetary nebulae, red giants, sub-giants, dwarfs,
pulsating white dwarfs, and contact binary systems.
Prior to this experiment there has been no systematic survey of such
objects in the extreme UV spectrum. This will be the first attempt to
perform an extensive sky survey in this wavelength region.
The telescope which will perform the survey consists of several
concentric "grazing incidence" mirrors which direct radiation to an
electronic detector. The telescope is fixed rigidly to the Apollo
spacecraft structure, so pointing at targets will be done by changing
the attitude of the entire spacecraft.
i_,T,F,ASE NO: 74-149
-- 2 --

Principal Investigator for this experiment is Professor C. S. Bowyer

of the Space Science Laboratory at the University of California at Berkeley.
Co-Investigator is Dr. M. Lampton of the same laboratory.
r- Johnson Space Center

Houston, Texas 77058

Charles Redmond FOR RELEASE:
July 22, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-150


One of the astronomy experiments to be performed aboard the Apollo

spacecraft during the joint US-USSR Apollo-Soyuz mission in July 1975, is a

celestial mapping project designed to provide high-resolmtion maps of

sources and background radiation in the soft X-ray region of the spectrum.

During Skylab 3, X-ray sources in the 1-10 Kev range were mapped using

proportional counting equipment. The object of this ASTP experiment is to

map X-ray sources in the .1 to l0 Kev range. Kev represents one-thousand electron
volts and is a unit of energy.
The first astronomical X-rays were discovered in 1962, using Geiger

counters and later the more efficient proportional counters. To date,

about 160 sources have been observed in the 2-20 Kev energy range. This

energy range corresponds to a wavelength range of about 6 to .5 angstroms,

extremely short wavelengths.

In 1967 several scientists began making observations in a lower energy

band below 2 Kev. Several important results were produced from these soft

X-ray observations. First, a diffuse glow of X-ray was observed to be present

in all directions of the galaxy. The flux appears to be maximum toward

the poles of the Milky Way galaxy. The second result was the detection of
X-ray sources which emit only at energies below 2 Kev. There are currently
about 10 of these sources known. Most appear to be associated with old

supernova remnants and probably indicate the presence of hot gas plasmas

produced by the shock waves from the original exploding stars.

X-rays have also been observed in the Earth's auroral regions.

RELEASE NO: 74-150

The ASTP experiment aims at mapping the soft X-ray sources using a

h_gh angular resolution proportional counter. Thus, this experiment will

complement the observations of the Uhuru satellite in a different energy

range and will provide high resolution observations for sources which emit
only in the low energy X-ray range.

Principal Investigator for the experiment is Dr. Herbert Friedman of

the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C. Co-Investigator is Dr.

Seth Shulman, also of the NRL.

Johnson Space Center

Houston, Texas 77058

Charles Redmond FOR RELEASE:
July 22, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-151


The Light Flash experiment slated for the July 1975, joint US-USSR

Apollo-Soyuz mission should furnish scientists with additional information

concerning the energy and number of ionized particles that may be experienced
on long-term space flights.

It was originally thought that the radiation dose from interaction of

cosmic particles with space travelers was of little importance because the
dose over the entire body from protons and heavier particles is only a

fraction of a rad for anticipated space expeditions. Recent studies, however,

indicate that the energy deposited from a single particle passing through

or near a cell nucleus might be sufficient to kill the cell.

The discrete star-like flashes and streaks, observed in some cases

as often as two per minute by Apollo and Skylab astronauts, may be due

to ionized particles from galactic cosmic rays interacting with the retina

of the eye.
Experiments using cyclotron and Bevatron high energy accelerators at

the University of California at Berkeley have produced similar phenomena in

human subjects.
It has been proposed that high energy ionizing particles may offer a

potential hazard for long-term space flight as emphasized by the estimate

that on a 3-year flight, as much as 10 percent of the body cells may be

affected by atomic nuclei of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and heavier elements.

The light flash experiment will use a light-tight mask to eliminate

direct stimulation of the subject's retina. Subjects will spend a 110

minute dark period wearing the masks, the first 20 minutes being for dark
RELEASE NO: 74-151


adaption and the remainder for observing the light flashes. In conjunction

with the visual detection of flashes, particle detectors will be used to

measure the actual flux of heavy particles near the astronaut's eyes. In

this way the likelihood of interaction of heavy particles with body cells
can be measured.

The experiment will also measure the frequency and character of flashes

during orbital passes through the South Atlantic Anomaly where the concentration

of charged particles is at a maximum in the orbital path. This is an area

where the earth's radiation belts dip lower than usual towards the surface

of the planet.

Principal Investigator for this experiment is Dr. Thomas Budinger of the

Lawrence Radiation Laboratory at the University of California.

Johnson Space Center

Houston, Texas 77058

Charles Redmond FOR RELEASE:
July 22, 197_

RELEASE NO: 74-152


The effect of space environment on fungus is one of the Life Sciences

experiments to be performed during the joint US-USSR Apollo-Soyuz mission in
July, 1975. This is one of several joint US-USSR experiments to be performed
on the ASTPmission.
The ASTP flight offers an opportunity to study the effect of special
space-flight factors on this type of life-form. The experiment will provide
information on the circadian rhythm changes of the fungi due to space flight
and will also ebtain data on the effects of local radiation factors on the

The fungus to be used is the Puschino strain of a group of fungi called
Globisporus. By using the correct nutritional medium and the proper period
of light-dark conditions, any desired zone forming rhythm may be imposed on
the fungus. These conditions will be used to control the growth and zone-forming
characteristics of the fungus and the space environment and circadian rhythms will
then be the uncontrolled characteristics.
Each spacecraft will be launched with Petri dishes containing the fungus.
On each vehicle there will be two of these dishes and during the first exchange
between the crews one dish from the Soyuz and Apollo will be traded.
The circadian rhythms of the Apollo and Soyuz specimens will have been
synchronized on Earth to correspond to a ene_half day phase shift for each of
the specimens. By this method circadian rhythm changes can be later observed
as each investigator, the Soviets and the Americans, will then have one Petri
dish which was launched from his country and one which was launched from halfway
RELEASE NO: 74-152


around the world.

Inaddition to comparing the space flown specimens with ground-based,

control specimens, selected spores from the returned space-flown fungi will be
grown. The zone-forming characteristics of the second generation fungi will
then be compared to a second generation of the control specimens.
Principal Investigator for this experiment is Dr. Gerry Taylor of the
Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas. Co-Investigator is Dr. R. G. Akoyev
of the Soviet Union.
Johnson Space Center

Houston, Texas 77058

Charles Redmond FORRELEASE:
July 22, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-153

ASTP EXPERIMENT MA-088 Helium Glow Detector

Among the three astronomy experiments to be flown aboard the Apollo spacecraft
during the joint US-USSRApollo-Soyuz mission in July, 1975, is the helium
glow experiment designed to investigate the interstellar medium in the vicinity
of the solar system.
Interstellar gas, which includes helium, is the medium from which celestial
objects form and into which many of them dissipate their constituent elements when
they expire. It is also the medium through which the radiations from which we
study these objects, travel. Because this gas is tenuous and because it is
sometimes difficult to distinguish radiations emitted by the gas from radiations
emitted from other celestial objects, it has been difficult to establish the
basic physical parameters of the interstellar medium.
The helium glow experiment will attempt to establish these basic parameters.
Sunlight which is reflected back toward the Earth from the interstellar helium
can be used to measure the temperature, density and velocity of the helium.
The situation is similar to looking at dense fog by the light scattered by a
car's headlights.
The resonant wavelength of neutral helium is 584 angstroms and that of
singly-ionized helium is 304 angstroms. These wavelengths of ultraviolet
light from the Sun will be scattered by these two states of helium whenever
they are present. The helium glow detector will then observe this scattered
sunlight from as m_ny directions in the sky as possible.
A neutral helium filter placed in front of the detector will eliminate
confusionbetween interstellar helium and helium present in the Earthts
upper atmosphere.
REI,EASE NO: 74-153
-- 2 --

Principal Investigator for the experiment is Professor C. S. Bowyer

of the Space Science Laboratory at the University of California At Berkeley.
Prof. Bowyer is also the P-I on a related experiment which uses an
extreme UV (ultraviolet) telescope and which will survey the sky looking
for extreme UV stellar sources.

Co-Investigator for the experiment is Dr. F. Paresce of the same

Johnson Space Center

Houston, Texas 77058
Charles Redmond FOR RELEASE:
July 22, 1974

RETF_SE NO: 74-154


The atmosphere of the Stm is much fainter than the surface of the Sun. In
order to see or photograph this atmosphere (the solar corona), one must find
some means of preventing the light from the surface of the Sun from coming into
view. One of the joint experiments to be performed during the US-USSR Apollo-
Soyuz Test Project in July, 1975, involves the use of the Apollo spacecraft
as an occulting device to produce an artificial eclipse of the solar surface
as seen fromthe Soyuz spacecraft.
Space photography of the extended solar corona may then be performed from
the Soyuz. In addition to corona photography, the experiment will also allow
pictures to be taken of the spacecraft-associated environment around the
Apollo vehicle, which may develop from outgassing of sealed compartments,
degassing and sublimation of outer structural materials of the spacecraft,

and firings of the attitude control thrusters.

The experiment will operate as follows: The Apollo will align the Soyuz
toward the Sun. Shortly after spacecraft sunrise, the Apollo will undock from
the Soyuz and back away, toward the Sun. As the distance between the two
spacecraft increases, the apparent size of the Apollo as seen from the Soviet
ship will decrease, thus exposing more of the solar corona _o the field of
view of the Soyuz-mounted motion picture camera. During the separation this
camera will automatically take sequences of photographs with varying exposures.
An attempt will be made to correlate the observed coronal structure with sun's
surface activity, which will be observed simultaneously with ground-based
RELEASE NO: 74-154


This experiment provides an opportunity to investigate the Sun's corona

in 1975, about one year following the last detailed look outside the Earth's
atmosphere -- which occured on Skylab.
Principal Investigator for this experiment is Dr. G.M. Nikolsky of the
USSR. The American Co-Investigator is Dr. R.T. Giuli of the Johnson Space
Center, Houston, Texas. Dr. Giuli is also the Program Scientist for the other
experiments to be performed jointly with the USSR or unilaterally by the United

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Charles Redmond FOR RELEASE:
July 22, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-155


Significant postflightmicrobial alterations have been observed in samples

obtained from astronauts and command modules following previous flights.
Supporting ground studies have indicated that such alterations may result in
potentially harmful microbial imbalances in the crew members.
In addition to American studies, Soviet studies have also indicated microbial
changes in cosmonauts which appear to have been influenced by space flight
parameters. Soviet space dogs have demonstrated intestinal bacilli in their
oral cavities after only two days in space. This was interpreted by the Soviet
experts as a result of spaceflight decrease in the dogs' _mmlnuemechanism.
Microbial samples were also taken on the three Skylab missions; however,
results from these experiments have yet to be determined.
One of the Life Sciences experiments slated for the joint US-USSR Apollo-
Soyuz missionin July, 1975, is the Microbial Exchange experiment. This is one
of several joint experiments planned for the ASTP mission. The Apollo-Soyuz
combination offers a unique opportunity to conduct microbiological studies
with 5 crewmen and 2 spacecraft from different geographical locations.
This medical experiment is designed to qualitatively and quantitatively
measure the microbe activity of the crew members in both spacecraft. The
experiment will involve taking microbe samples from the bodies of the crewmembers
and from 15 different areas in each spacecraft. Samples from the neck and head
regions and hands of the cosmonauts and astronaut_ will be taken using swabs.
The samples will be kept in sealed containers until return to earth on Soyuz.
KELFASE NO: 74-155

-- 2-

In addition to samples taken during the flight, samples _ill also be taken
from each indi_ridual during the 6e-day pre-launeh period and for 30 days

following landing.
Principal Investigator for this experiment is Dr. Gerry Taylor of the

Johnson Space Center_ Houston, Texas. 0e-Investigator is Dr. S. N. Zalo&nKvev of

the Soviet Union.
Johnson Space Center

Houston, Texas 77058

Charles Redmond FOR RELEASE:
July 22, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-156


One of the Life Sciences experiments to be flown on the July, 1975, joint
US-USSRApollo-Soyuz mission has possible implications for the health of future
space travelers. The experiment, the Biostack, will investigate the biological
effects of cosmic radiation on selected biologically alive materials.
The Biostack containers, some with biological matter and a passive dosimeter,
and otherswith the same biological matter and active radiation counters, will
be placed in an area of the Apollo Command Module where there is minimum
shielding from cosmic rays.
The flux of very heavy particles and high energy heavy particles in space
is quite small. Nevertheless, during long space missions the total number of
these particles to which a traveller may be exposed can become large. The
response of a biological system to an incident particle depends on the function
the hit (damaged) region has for the integrity of the biological system. In
some situations a single particle can produce significant damage to a biological
system, if, say,*a cell nucleus is hit.
The test materials in the biostacks will be examined and evaluated for
response changes and compared to the tracks of heavy nuclei particles as
detected by the dosimeters. Additional information concerning the biological
effects of high energy heavy ions and very heavy ions, not observable with
detectors here on Earth, will also be evaluated.
RELEASE NO: 74-156

-- 2 --

Combined effects to the biostack of space travel, including weightlessness,

will be compared to results obtained on balloon experiments and on earth-
based experiments using accelerators on similar biostacks.
Principal Investigator for this experiment is Dr. Horst Bucker of the
University of Frankfurt, Germany.
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Charles Redmond FOR RELEASE:
?l 3/483-4341
July 22, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-157


On Earth it is often difficult to grow large, defect-free crystals of

sufficient size for industrial application. Such crystals play an important

part in our semiconductor electronics technology but here on Earth their

production has limited success and requires time consl_ming and expensive processes.

Since most crystals are usually only slightly soluble in water or other con-

venient solvents, they cannot be grown from solutions by ordinary low-temperature

methods. High temperature melting, solution or vapor growth methods are complicated

by a number of undersirable effects, including phase transformations in the

crystals themselves, volatility of one or more of the component elements,

thermally and mechanically induced strain on the crystal, and the increased

severity of contamination problems. These complications result in dislocations,

grain boundaries and symmetry problems in the crystals grown by these methods.

Superior crystals have been grown at iow temperatures in normal gravity

by using gelatin methods. However, these crystals have, for the most part,

been too small for commercial applications.

In the gelatin methods, it is believed that the principal function of the

gel is the suppression of mixing and support of the growing crystal. In zero

gravity it is hypothesized that the gel can be replaced with a region of pure
water and still result in growth of superior crystals of certain compounds.

Pure water as a growth medium would allow more rapid diffusion and completely

eliminate any mechanical constraint of the growing crystal.

One of the materials processing experiments slated for the joint US-USSR

Apollo-Soyuz mission in July, 1975, is a crystal growth experiment designed to

determine if large-size crystals can be grown in zero gravity environment by

RELEASE NO: 74-157

-- 2 --

the diffusion of reactants through pure water. The use of a zero-g environment

for this growth is one of the significant early results of the recently

completed Skylab missions.

The proposed zero-g method, like the Earth-bound gelatin methods, is a low

temperature method and therefore minimizes problems inherrent in the higher

temperature processes.

The experiment consists of six transparent reactors, each of which contains

three compartments. The outer two compartments will contain different salt

solutions which, when mixed, form an insoluble compound -- the compound which

will grow into a crystal. The center compartment contains pure water and, depending

on the crystal to be grown, possibly a small seed crystal. During the experiment,

the outer compartments will be opened to allow the salt solutions to diffuse
toward each other and mix in the center compartment.

Compounds to be grown include the following: PbS, CaC03, CaClJ_+06-H20, AgI,

PbI2, CdS and HgS. The crew of the Apollo will record their observations of the

growth phase.

This experiment may demonstrate the technological and economic feasibility

of commercial production of superior crystals in the zero-g environment of


Principal Investigator for this experiment is Dr. M.D. Lind of Rockwell

Internationalls Space Center in California.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Charles Redmond FOR RELEASE:
July 22, 1974

RET,EASE NO: 74-158


In recent years great interest has focused on consideration of mass density

anomalies in the Earth's outermost layers. These concentrations of matter range
in size from hundreds to thousands of kilometers in the horizontal direction and

perhaps hundreds of kilometers in depth. Study of such anomalies is expected

to contribute to the knowledge of the physics of the Earth's mantle and of
plate tectonics. This study, in turn, is expected to be helpful in reconstructing
important aspects of the Earth,s evolution including continental drift.
The detailed structure of the Earth near the surface has been studied for

many years by surface gravimetry techniques, but these have proved adequate only
for studies of anomalies up to tens of kilometers in size due to difficulties in

performing consistent measurements with instrumentation deployed over large

areas. Anomalies larger than approximately 2,000 km have also been
studied over the past several years by measurement of the perturbations in the
orbits of individual satellites. This method is useful only for large-scale
anomalies because the perturbations must be extracted from data intergrated over
sizeable portions of the artificial satellite's orbits.
The Doppler Tracking experiment planned for the joint US-USSR Apollo-
Soyuz mission in July, 1975, will be used to determine mass density anomalies
ranging in size from about 200 to about 700 km. Thus, this experiment is designed
to bridge the gap between the small (less than 100km) scale and the larger
(greater than 1,000 km) scale.
The Doppler Tracking experiment will be performed after the joint phase of
the ASTP mission has been completed. The Apollo Docking Module will be separated
RELEASE NO: 74-158

-- 2 --

from the Command/Service Module to a distance of approximately 500 km, and

radio techniques will be used to measure the relative motions between them.

The object is to detect the small relative motions which arise each time one

of the vehicles crosses the boundary of a gravitational field anomaly caused

by a mass concentration in the Earth below.

Measurement of gravitational field anomalies cannot uniquely determine

the mass distribution anomalies in the Earth's uppermost layers, but measurements

of this type will be useful in setting constraints on the distributions of mass

which, when incorporated into global models, can present a consistent picture

of the Earth's upper layers.

A useful by-product of this experiment will be the determination of

vertical ionospheric profiles. These will be obtained from measurement of the

refraction of the VHF radio transmission which will be used between t_he Docking

Module and the Command/Service Modules for ranging.

The Principal Investigator for this experiment is Dr. G.C. Weiffenbach

of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge, Massachusetts. One

of Dr. Weiffenbach's Co-Investigators for this experiment is Mr. P.W. Shores

of the Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Charles Redmond FOR RELEASE:
71 3/483-4341
July 22, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-159


At present the abundances of atomic oxygen and atomic nitrogen in the Earth's

upper atmosphere are not accurately known. The oxygen abundance is uncertain

by a factor of 5-to10, and the nitrogen abundance has never been definitively

An interesting Earth atmosphere experiment to be carried out during the

joint US-USSR Apollo-Soyuz mission in July, 1975, is the measurement of oxygen and

nitrogen in the Earth's upper atmosphere, at the orbital altitude of the spacecraft.

The experiment, UV Absorption, will use monochromatic light beams whose

wavelengths correspond to neutral atomic o_fgen and nitrogen resonance lines

(respectively 1304 and 1200 angstroms).

The light beams will be sent from the Apollo spacecraft to the Soyuz

vehicle where they will be retroreflected to the Apollo and measured in an optical

absorption spectrometer.
These measurements will be taken at various separations of the two space-
craft between 150 meters and 1 kilometer. In order to determine the actual

separation distancesof the Apollo from the Soyuz, the astronauts will be taking
.... _!_,_-
photographs of the Soviet spacecraft during the experiment. The larger dlstance_:_._j_ -
.... _ _ . '-...-_:_A_:_ .
wlll be determined by VHF radio ranging between the space_ombinmng
lib.,iS4 the · ._:'_-__.?

known distances with the measured absorption of the light __ at those distances,
scientists may determine the abundances of neutral atomic _ _ and nitrogen

at the spacecraft altitude (appro_metely 200 km).

Principal Investigator for this experiment is Dr. T.M. Donahue of the Physics

Department, U_vers_t_ of Michigan, Dr. P_ D. Hudson, of the Johnson

Space Center, Houston, Texas, is a Co-Principal Investigator for this

- experiment.
Johnson Space Center
__ jJ' Houston, Texas 77058
713/483-5111 July 19, 1974
RELEASE NO: 74-160


Rear Admiral Alan B° Shepard, Jr., America's first man in space and one

of 12 men to explore the moon's surface, announced today that he will retire from

NASA and the U.S. Navy on August 1.

Shepard will join the Marathon Construction Company of Houston as a partner

and Chairman of the firm. Marathon is a subsidiary corporation of Coogan and

Waiters of Houston, the largest developer of K-Mart shopping centers in the U.S.

He has been associated with Coogan and Walters as an investor for several years.

Dr. James C. Fletcher, NASA Administrator, praised Shepard's dedication

and determination. "Al Shepard was the first American to make a space flight and

his determination to overcome a physical ailment after his suborbital mission

carried him to a highly successful manned lunar landing mission."

Johnson Space Center Director Dr. Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., noted that half

of Admiral Shepard's 30-year naval career has been devoted to the United States'

space program.

"He is a pioneer who contributed significantly to his country's progress,"

Kraft said. "Shepard is a man of great demonstrated courage and capability, and

we will sorely miss his presence in our space activities. As he concludes one

outstanding career to begin another, all of us in the space program wish him well."

- more

RELEASE NO: 74-160

Shepard called his association with the manned space program since its incep-

tion "a privilege and an honor.'*

"It is remarkable to review the tremendous accomplishments we have made in

space and to see, every day, the contributions of space technology toward a better

way of life," he said. "I am indeed proud of my duty with the U.S. Navy. I have

enjoyed this long opportunity of service to my country° It has been a most reward-

ing experience to have been a member of this nation's dedicated armed services."

One of the original seven astronauts, Shepard has been with NASA since April,

1959. He became the nation's first man in space on May 5, 1961, when he flew the

Mercury capsule "Freedom Seven" on a suborbital mission.

Shepard commanded the Apollo 14 lunar mission from January 31 to February 9,

1971o On February 5, 1971, he became the fifth man to step on the moon. He has

served as Chief of the Astronaut Office at JSC for a number of years.

Shepard has been on active naval duty since his graduation from the U.S. Naval

Academy in June, 1944. He has served on a destroyer and several aircraft carriers

as well as on the Atlantic Fleet staff. He is a graduate of the Naval War College and

the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School. He served two tours of duty as a Navy test pilot,

primarily of carrier-based jet aircraft.

He was appointed by President Nixon as a delegate to the 1971 session of the

United Nations General Assembly.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert V. Gordon FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 July 22, 1974
RELEASE NO: 74-161


U.S. and European representatives today began three days of detailed discus-

sions at the Johnson Space Center on the new Spacelab which Europeans are devel-

oping for launch aboard the UoS. Space Shuttle.

About 45 Europeans are attending the meeting which got underway at 9 a.m.

at the Gilruth Recreation Center. The European group is headed by officials of

the European Space Research Organization (ESRO) and its prime Spacetab contractor

ERNO, the Space Division of the VFW-Fokker Co.

Key Spacelab officials taking part in the discussions include Heinz Stoewer, Space-

lab acting head, ESRO; Dr. Hans Hoffman, Spacelab Manager, ERNO; and Jack C.

Heberlig, Space Shuttle payloads coordination manager, Johnson Space Center.

Topics to be discussed included Spacelab interfaces with the Shuttle environmental

control and life support subsystems, thermal analysis, structures, electrical power
and distribution, avionics and mission operations o

Spacelab is a cooperative venture between the United States and the nine country

member European Space Research Organization. European countries represented

in ESRO, the Spacelab project, are West Germany, Italy, France, United Kingdom,
Switzerland, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark.

- more -

- 2 -

On June 6, ESRO awarded a $226 million contract to the ERNO group for the

construction of a reuseable space laboratory which will be carried aboard the Space

Shuttle Orbiter now being developed by the NASA. Spacelab will be used by

European scientists in Shuttle flights scheduled to begin in 1980.

The Marshall Space Flight Center at Huntsville is responsible for the manage-

ment of the U.S. portion of the Spacelab program and the Johnson Space Center

has the overall management responsibility of the Space Shuttle program as well as
Shuttle Orbiter.

The Europeans spent several days at Huntsville, Alabama last week reviewing

overall Spacelab design with Marshall engineers.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
j,/ Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 July 30, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-162


Johnson Space Center engineers Wednesday will deliberately set a fire

in a section of an airliner fuselage as part of a continuing program of

evaluating new space-age fabrics and coatings. Wednesday's test will be

the fourth test in a planned series of seven tests in which inflight and
crash fires are simulated for measuring the degree of increased protection

for passengers and aircraft offered by the new materials.

Fabrics, coatings, foams and laminates developed in the manned space

flight program and aeronautics research for their fire-resistant qualities

are evaluated in a Boeing 737 fuselage at the Center. The materials are

used for ceiling panels, seat upholstery and padding, curtains and sidewalls.

A quart of JP4 jet fuel will be ignited under a passenger seat in a closed-
off 15-foot long section of the fuselage.

JSC test engineers and representatives of the Federal Aviation

Administration, Airline Pilots Association, Aerospace Industries Association

and other observers will watch the test burn on closed-circuit television.

The first test burn, made in June 1972, was baseline test using the

standard pre-1968 cabin interior materials installed in the aircraft at

the time of ints manufacture. Aircraft materials standards were changed

in 1968. The second test burn, with a section of the fuselage fitted out

with new interior materials, was run in June 1973 and the third test the

following month. The first two tests used JP4 jet fuel in a pan under a

passenger seat, while the third test used a methanol-acetone mix for its

smokeless qualities.

RELEASE NO: 74-162


The tests are aimed toward determining whether the new materials can

offer increased passenger and aircraft fire protection. Some materials

may be eliminated as potential improvement by reason of not having enough

durability, generating too much smoke or toxic fumes_ or having too-high

a cost. Test results are compared with test programs run by other government

and industry groups.

Three additional tests in the aircraft fuselage are planned after

Wednesday's test burn, including an external jet fuel fire simulating a

crash fire during takeoff or landing.

Johnson Space Center

Houston, Texas 77058

Robert Gordon FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 August 1, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-163


More than 20 NASA Johnson Space Center employees are part of a team

of aerospace engineers, scientists, flight controllers and astronauts who

will make the first comprehensive report on the results of Skylab. The

presentations are to be made at the 20th annual meeting of the American

Astronautical Society (AAS) in Los Angeles, California, August 20-22, 1974.

The meeting to be held at the University of Southern California (USC),

will feature presentations by representatives of NASA, the scientific

community, and aerospace industry on the significance of Skylab and its

impact on future programs. The conference is co-sponsored by AAS and USC's

Institute of Safety and Systems Management (ISSM).

General chairman is C. R. Able, president of the McDonnell Douglas

Astronautics Company and vice general chairman is Dr. Harold A. Sherman_

executive director of ISSM.

Skylab Director William C. Schneider heads up the group of top NASA

participants which include Skylab-4 science pilot Dr. Edward Gibson who

spent 84-days in America's first scientific space station, and scientist

astronaut Dr. Robert Parker, Skylab mission scientist. Skylab people from

_SA's Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama; NASA's Kennedy

Space Center, Florida; and NASA's Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia;

are among the presentators which also include representatives of major

Skylab aerospace contractors.

Results of Skylab operations--a total of 171 days of manned scientific

observations of the earth, the Sun, distant stars and man himself--and

detailed experiment results will be reported to the AAS members by the

RELEASE NO: 74-163


77 NASA, university and contractor presentations during the three day

session. Several of the sessions will be aired over the USC closed

circuit television system.

Dr. Ed Gibson who spent 84 days aboard the last Skylab mission with

Gerald Carr, and William Pogue, will discuss "Astronauts Flight Experience"

during the opening session on August 20. Also on the opening session will

be Skylab Director Schneider; Leland Belew, M_FC Skylab Program manager;

Robert Hock, t_SC Skylab program manager; and Arnold Aldrich, JSC Skylab

program manager.
The meeting will address all facets of the program in terms of

evolution, accomplishments, and applications to future NASA missions. The

Program, according to the AAS, "Will be presented by the men who conceived,

designed_ managed, conducted and flew the skylab missions."

JSC participants will take part in the following sessions: "Skylab

Operations Support", chaired by Joseph Roach; "Living and Working in Space"

with astronaut capsule communicators Robert Crippen and Richard Truly,

discussing "Flight Crew Observations and Spacecraft Systems"; Caldwell C.

Johnson and Robert Bond presenting papers on "Crew Quarters and Crew

Habitability Aspects" of Skylab; and earth resources chaired by V. R. Wilmarth

which features presentations in five separate areas of earth resources studies

conducted during the 171-day mission of Skylab. JSC participants are also

scheduled to take part in presentations on student experiments, corollary

experiments and life sciences.

Dr. Gerald Hordinsky, Skylab-4 flight surgeon, is scheduled to present a

paper on Medical Results of Skylab.

-end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert Gordon FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5]11 August 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-164


Major Charles E. Whitsett, Jr. formerly of Mobile, Alabama, is part

of the NASA aerospace team from the Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas,

scheduled to make the first comprehensive report on the results of Skylab,

the longest and most scientifically productive endeavors in the history

of human exploration.

Whitsett, a 1957 graduate of Auburn University will present a paper

on "Skylab Experiment MSO9-Astronaut Maneuvering Equipment Orbital Test

Results and Future Applications" at the 20th annual meeting of the American

Astronautical Society (AAS) in Los Angeles, California, August 20-22, 1974.

This three day conference which is co-sponsored by the University of Southern

California, Los Angeles, and the AAS, is designed to present a definitive

report on Skylab and its impact on future space programs.

The conference which features presentations by 77 government, industry

and university aerospace engineers and scientists will highlight all facets

of the 171-day long manned Skylab program during which time three separate

crews lived and worked aboard the t00-ton orbiting scientific laboratory

for periods of 28 to 84 days. The last mission ended on February 8, 1974o

Whitsett who is principal investigator for the maneuvering unit experiment

paper is part of the 2nd day session. His presentation details the operation
of the astronaut maneuvering unit which was flown by five separate crewmen
for 12 hours during two of the flights.

Skylab, the first manned orbiting laboratory, was launched from the

Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on May 14, 1973. The loss of a meteoroid

and thermal shield and loss of one of the vehicles solar array panels

RELEASE NO: 74-164


threatened the success of the program; however, ground crews worked out

procedural repairs which were carried out by the first crew of Charles

Conrad, Dr. Joseph Kerwin_ and Paul Weitz. This first team spent 28 days

aboard the orbiting lab and returned with a harvest of scientific evidence

on man's ability to perform during prolonged periods of weightlessness,

new evidence on the intricacies of Sun and near stars, and extensive data
on the natural resources of the Earth.

Subsequent missions of 59 days (Alan Bean, Dr. Owen Garriott, and

Jack Lousma, July 28-September 25, 1973) and 84 days (Gerald Cart,

Dr. Edward Gibson and William Pogue, November 16, 1973-February 8, 1974)

provided additional data on man's future role in space as well as a wealth

of new information about the dynamic processes of the Sun and its effects

on the Earth. The Skylab missions have also proved the value of manned

observations of the Earth from space, helped define the feasibility of

new products in zero gravity and has stimulated interest of international

cooperation in space.

Major Whitsett has been with the NASA since 1966. Before taking over

his Skylab post, he served as experiment coordinator in the manned spaceflight

Whitsett now resides in Houston, Texas with his wife Evelyn and three

children, Edith, Steven and Benjamin.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas
Robert Gordon
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:
August 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-165


John R. Sevier, formerly of Middlesboro, Kentucky, is part of the NASA

aerospace team from the Johnson Space Center, Houston_ Texas, scheduled to

make the first comprehensive report on the results of Skylab, the longest

and most scientifically productive endeavors in the history of human ex-


Sevier, a graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology will

present a paper on "Skylab Experiments Planning" at the 20th annual meeting

of the American Astronautical Society (AAS) in Los Angeles, California,

August 20-22, 1974. This three day conference which is co-sponsored by the

University of Southern California, Los Angeles, and the AAS, is designed to

present a definitive report on Skylab and its impact on future space programs.

The conference which features presentations by 77 government, industry

and university aerospace engineers and scientists will highlight all facets

of the 171-day long manned Skylab program during which time three separate

crews lived and worked aboard the lO0-ton orbiting scientific laboratory for

periods of 28 to 84 days. The last mission ended on February 8, 1974.

Sevier's paper is part of the first day's session. His presentation

discusses how scientific experiments were planned on a day to day basis

during Skylab and how this experience will apply to the Space Shuttle program.
Skylab, the first manned orbiting laboratory, was launched from the

Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on May 14, 1973o The loss of a meteoroid and

thermal shield and loss of one of the vehicles solar array panels threatened

the success of the program; however, ground crews worked out procedural

repairs which were carried out by the first crew of Charles Conrad, Dr. Joseph

Kerwin, and Paul Weitz. This first team spent 28 days aboard the orbiting

RELEASE NO: 74-165


lab and returned with a harvest of scientific evidence on man's ability to

perform during prolonged periods of weightlessness, new evidence on the

intricacies of Sun and near stars, and extensive data on the natural
resources of the Earth.

Subsequent missions of 59 days (Alan Bean, Dr. Owen Garriott, and

Jack Lousma, July 28-September 25, 1973) and 84 days (Gerald Carr,

Dr. Edward Gibson and William Pogue, November 16, 1973-February 8, 1974)

provided additional data on man's future role in space as well as a wealth

of new information about the dynamic processes of the Sun and its effects

on the Earth. The Skylab missions have also proved the value of manned

observations of the Earth from space_ helped define the feasibility of new

products in zero gravity and has stimulated interest of international

cooperation in space.
Sevier has been with the NASA since 1951. Before taking over his

Skylab post_ he was assigned to various positions in the Apollo program

at the Johnson Space Center.

During Skylab he served as Deputy Chief, Integration Division and

shared the responsibilities of Skylab experiment planning with the program


Sevier now resides in Seabrook, Texas with his wife Sylvia. The

Seviers have four children - John III_ 21; James, 20; Jeremy, 16; and

Sarah, 14.


Robert Gordon
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058

AuguSt 15_ 1974

RELF_SE NO: 74-166


Jones "Joe" W. Roach, formerly of Richmond, Virginia, is part of the

NASA aerospace team from the Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas_ scheduled

to make the first comprehensive report on the results of Skylab, the longest

and most scientifically productive endeavors in the history of human ex-


Roach_ a 1955 graduate of Virginia Military Institute will present

a paper on "Management and Control of Skylab Mission" at the 20th annual

meeting of the American Astronautical Society (AAS) in Los Angeles,

California, August 20-22, 1974. This three day conference which is co-

sponsored by the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, and the

AAS, is designed to present a definitive report on Skylab and its impact

on future space programs.

The conference which features presentations by 77 government, industry

and university aerospace engineers and scientists will highlight all facets
of the 171-day long manned Skylab program during which time three separate

crews lived and worked aboard the lO0-ton orbiting scientific laboratory

for periods of 28 to 84 days. The last mission ended on February 8, 1974.

Roach's paper is part of the first day's session. His presentation

details an overview of the operations and planning and implementation

considerations for the operational management of the Skylab mission. His

paper stresses the importance of premission planning and the mission

flexibility such planning affords.
During Skylab, Roach served as one of the managers of the Flight

Operations Management Room s the focal point of mission management.

RELE&SE NO: 74-166


Skylab, the first manned orbiting laboratory, was launched from the

Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on May 14, 1973. The loss of a meteoroid
and thermal shield and loss of one of the vehicles solar array panels

threatened the success of the program; however, ground crews worked out

procedural repairs which were carried out by the first crew of Charles

Conrad, Dr. Joseph Kerwin, and Paul Weitz. This first team spent 28 days
aboard the orbiting lab and returned with a harvest of scientific evidence
on man's ability to perform during prolonged periods of weightlessness,
new evidence on the intricacies of Sun and near stars, and extensive data
on the natural resources of the Earth.

Subsequent missions of 59 days (Alan Bean_ Dr. Owen Garriott, and

Jack Lousma, July 28-September 25, 1973) and 84 days (Gerald Cart,

Dr. Edward Gibson and William Pogue, November 16, 1973-February 8_ 1974)

provided additional data on man's future role in space as well as a wealth

of new information about the dynamic processes of the Sun and its effects

on the Earth. The Skylab missions have also proved the value of manned

observations of the Earth from space_ helped define the feasibility of

new products in zero gravity and has stimulated interest of international

cooperation in space.
Reach has been with the NASA since 1962. Before taking over his

Skylab post_ he was assigned to various positions in flight operations

at the Johnson Space Center.

Roach now resides in Seabrook, Texas with his wife Sherry Ann and

two children, Martha Ann_ 16 and Joey, 13.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert Gordon
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:
August 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-167


Gary R. Primeaux, formerly of Lafayette, Louisiana, is part of the

NASA aerospace team from the Johnson Space Center, Houston_ Texas, scheduled

to make the first comprehensive report on the results of Skylab, the longest

and most scientifically productive endeavors in the history of human explo-


Primeaux, a 1963 graduate of the University of Southwestern Louisiana

will present a paper on "Skylab Medical Operational Support" at the 20th

annual meeting of the American Astronautical Society (AAS) in Los Angeles,

California, August 20-22, 1974. This three day conference which is co-

sponsored by the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, and the

AAS, is designed to present a definitive report on Skylab and its impact

on future space programs.

The conference which features presentations by 77 government, industry

and university aerospace engineers and scientists will highlight all facets

of the 171-day long manned Skylab program during which time three separate

crews lived and worked aboard the 100-ton orbiting scientific laboratory

for periods of 28 to 84 days. The last mission ended on February 8, 1974.

Primeau_'s paper is part of the final day's session. His presentation

details the operational support of the medical operations personnel to the

mission and also discusses the Skylab mobile laboratories in which flight

crews were examined and tested immediately upon their return to Earth.
Skylab, the first manned orbiting laboratory, was launched from the

Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on May 14, 1973. The loss of a meteoroid

and thermal shield and loss of one of the vehicles solar array panels

-more -
RET.EASE NO: 74-167


threatened the success of the program; however, ground crews worked out

procedural repairs which were carried out by the first crew of Charles

Conrad, Dr. Joseph Kerwin, and Paul Weitz. This first team spent 28 days
aboard the orbiting lab and returned with a harvest of scientific evidence

on man's ability to perform during prolonged periods of weightlessness, new

evidence on the intricacies of Sun and near stars, and extensive data on the

natural resources of the Earth.

Subsequent missions of 59 days (Alan Bean, Dr. Owen Garriott, and

Jack Lousma, July 28-September 25, 1973) and 8h days (Gerald Carr,
Dr. Edward Gibson and William Pogue_ November 16, 1973-February 8, 1974)

provided additional data on man's future role in space as well as a wealth

of new information about the dynamic processes of the Sun and its effects

on the Earth. The Skylab missions have also proved the value of manned

observations of the Earth from space, helped define the feasibility of new

products in zero gravity and has stimulated interest of international

cooperation in space.
Primeau_ has been with the NASA since 1963. Before taking over his

Skylab post, he was assigned to the Lunar and Earth Sciences Division

where he was Project Engineer in Experimental Facilities and Equipment.

Primeaux now resides in Seabrook_ Texas with his wife Elizabeth and

daughter Lorrie.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert Gordon
713/483-5111 FORRELEASE:
August 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-168


David C. Schultz, formerly of Detroit, Michigan, is part of the NASA

aerospace team from the Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas_ scheduled
to make the first comprehensive report on the results of Skylab, the longest

and most scientifically productive endeavors in the history of human ex-

Schultz, a 1960 graduate of the University of Michigan will present

a paper on "Skylab Extravehicular Activity" at the 20th annual meeting

of the American Astronautical Society (AAS) in Los Angeles, California,

August 20-22, 1974. This three day conference which is co-sponsored by

the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, and the AAS, is designed

to present a definitive report on Skylab and its impact on future space

The conference which features presentations by 77 government, industry

and university aerospace engineers and scientists will highlight all facets
of the 171-day long manned Skylab program during which time three separate
crews lived and worked aboard the lO0-ton orbiting scientific laboratory

for periods of 28 to 84 days. The last mission ended on February 8, 1974.

Schultz's paper is part of the second day's session. His presentation

details the extravehicular activities performed during Skylab and how the

82 hours spent outside the workshop by the crew members were instrumental

in saving the program.

Skylab, the first manned orbiting laboratory, was launched from the

Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on May 14, 1973. The loss of a meteoroid
and thermal shield and loss of one of the vehicles solar array panels

RELEASE NO: 74-168


threatened the success of the program; however, ground crews worked out

procedural repairs which were carried out by the first crew of Charles

Conrad, Dr. Joseph Kerwin_ and Paul Weitz. This first team spent 28

days aboard the orbiting lab and returned with a harvest of scientific

evidence on man's ability to perform during prolonged periods of weight-

lessness, new evidence on the intricacies of Sun and near stars, and
extensive data on the natural resources of the Earth.

Subsequent missions of 59 days (Alan Bean_ Dr. Owen Garriott, and

Jack Lousma, July 28-September 25, 1973) and 84 days (Gerald Carr_

Dr. Edward Gibson and William Pogue_ November 16, 1973-February 8_ 1974)

provided additional data on man's future role in space as well as a wealth

of new information about the dynamic processes of the Sun and its effects

on the Earth. The Skylab missions have also proved the value of manned

observations of the Earth from space_ helped define the feasibility of

new products in zero gravity and has stimulated interest of international

cooperation in space.
Schu!tz has been with the NASA since 1964. Before taking over his

Skylab post he served as branch chief in Crew Procedures Division which

was responsible for development of crew procedures and the conduct of

crew training in the area of extravehicular activity.

Schultz now resides in Seabrook, Texas, with his wife Barbara and

three children, David, Sarah and Andrew.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert Gordon FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 August 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-169


John B. MacLeod, formerly of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, is part of

the NASA aerospace team from the Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas_
scheduled to make the first comprehensive report on the results of Skylab_

the longest and most scientifically productive endeavors in the history

of human exploration.

MacLeod, a 1964 graduate of the University of Washington will present

a paper on "The Skylab Student Project from a NASA Standpoint" at the 20th

annual meeting of the American Astronautical Society (AAS) in Los Angeles,

California, August 20-22, 1974. This three day conference which is co-

sponsored by the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, and the

AAS, is designed to present a definitive report on Skylab and its impact

on future space programs.
The conference which features presentations by 77 government, industry

and university aerospace engineers and scientists will highlight all facets

of the 171-day long manned Skylab program during which time three separate
crews lived and worked aboard the lO0-ton orbiting scientific laboratory

for periods of 28 to 84 days. The last mission ended on February 8, 1974.

MacLeod's paper is part of the third day's session. His presentation

details the creation of the Skylab Student Project, the selection of the

25 experimenters, the conduct and sampling of experiment results.

Skylab_ the first manned orbiting laboratory_ was launched from the

Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on May 14, 1973. The loss of a meteoroid
and thermal shield and loss of one of the vehicles solar array panels

threatened the success of the program; however, ground crews worked out

procedural repairs which were carried out by the first crew of Charles

RELEASE NO: 74-169


Conrad, Dr. Joseph Kerwin, and Paul Weitz. This first team spent 28 days

aboard the orbiting lab and returned with a harvest of scientific evidence

on man's ability to perform during prolonged periods of weightlessness,

new evidence on the intricacies of Sun and near stars, and extensive data

on the natural resources of the Earth.

Subsequent missions of 59 days (Alan Bean, Dr. Owen Garriott, and

Jack Lousma, July 28-September 25, 1973) and 84 days (Gerald Cart,
Dr. Edward Gibson and William Pogue, November 16, 1973-February 8, 1974)

provided additional data on man's future role in space as well as a wealth

of new information about the dynamic processes of the Sun and its effects

on the Earth. The Skylab missions have also proved the value of manned

observations of the Earth from space, helped define the feasibility of

new products in zero gravity and has stimulated interest of international

cooperation in space.
MacLeod has been with the NASA since 1964. Before taking over his

Skylab post, he has served in many engineering and project management areas

at the Johnson Space Center.

During Skylab he served as representative to the Skylab Student Project.

MacLeod now resides in Houston, Texas.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert Gordon FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 August 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-170


William J. Huffstetler, Jr., formerly of Maryville, Tennessee, is part

of the NASA aerospace team from the Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas,

scheduled to make the first comprehensive report on the results of Skylab,

the longest and most scientifically productive endeavors in the history of

human exploration.

Huffstetler, a 1959 graduate of the Tennessee Tech University will

present a paper on "Skylab Biomedical Hardware Development" at the 20th

annual meeting of the American Astronautical Society (AAS) in Los Angeles,

California_ August 20-22_ 1974. This three day conference which is co-

sponsored by the University of Southern California_ Los Angeles_ and the

AAS, is designed to present a definitive report on Skylab and its impact

on future space programs.

The conference which features presentations by 77 government, industry

and university aerospace engineers and scientists will highlight all facets

of the 171-day long manned Skylab program during which time three separate
crews lived and worked aboard the lO0-ton orbiting scientific laboratory

for periods of 28 to 84 days. The last mission ended on Feburary 8, 1974.

Huffstetler's paper is part of the third day's session. His presentation

details the design and development of the various biomedical experiments

aboard Skylab. He also will discuss the major problem areas, design solutions

and knowledge gained that may be used for future life science hardware.

Skylab, the first manned orbiting laboratory, was launched from the

Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on May 14, 1973. The loss of a meteoroid
and thermal shield and loss of one of the vehicles solar array panels

RELEASE NO: 74-170


threatened the success of the program; however, ground crews worked out

procedural repairs which were carried out by the first crew of Charles

Conrad, Dr. Joseph Kerwin, and Paul Weitz. This first team spent 28 days

aboard the orbiting lab and returned with a harvest of scientific evidence

on man's ability to perform during prolonged periods of weightlessness, new

evidence on the intricacies of Sun and near stars, and extensive data on the
natural resources of the Earth.

Subsequent missions of 59 days (Alan Bean, Dr. Owen Garriott, and

Jack Lousma, July 28-September 257 1973) and 84 days (Gerald Cart,

Dr. Edward Gibson and William Pogue, November 16, 1973-February 8, 1974)

provided additional data on man's future role in space as well as a wealth

of new information about the dynamic processes of the Sun and its effects

on the Earth. The Skylab missions have also proved the value of manned

observations of the Earth from space, helped define the feasibility of new

products in zero gravity and has stimulated interest of international

cooperation in space.
Huffstetler has been with the NASA since 1962 and has worked in crew

Systems Division where he managed development of crew survival and extra-

vehicular equipment used by Gemini and Apollo astronauts. He is presently

Chief of the Project Engineering Branch of the Life Sciences Directorate.

He now resides in Seabrook, Texas, with his wife Nancy and three

children, Jack_ Mark and Andrew.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert Gordon FOR RELEASE:
August 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-171


John C. Stonesifer, formerly of Hanover, Pennsylvania, is part of the

NASA aerospace team from the Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, scheduled
to make the first comprehensive report on the results of Skylab, the longest

and most scientifically productive endeavors in the history of human ex-


Stonesifer, a 1957 graduate of the University of Miami will present

a paper on "Skylab Medical Technology Utilization" at the 20th annual

meeting of the American Astronautical Society (AAS) in Los Angeles, California,

August 20-227 1974. This three day conference which is co-sponsored by the

University of Southern California, Los Angeles_ and the AAS, is designed to

present a definitive report on Skylab and its impact on future space programs.
The conference which features presentations by 77 government, industry

and university aerospace engineers and scientists will highlight all facets

of the 171-day long manned Skylab program during which time three separate
crews lived and worked aboard the lO0-ton orbiting scientific laboratory for

periods of 28 to 84 days. The last mission ended on February 8, 1974.

Stonesifer's paper is part of the third day's session. His presentation
details some of the new equipment, methods, techniques, and data being trans-

ferred for use and application in the medical and public sectors.

In addition to presenting this paper, Stonesifer is chairman of the

Life Sciences session at the AAS conference.

Skylab, the first manned orbiting laboratory, was launched from the

Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on May 14, 1973. The loss of a meteoroid
and thermal shield and loss of one of the vehicles solar array panels

RELEASE NO: 74-171


threatened the success of the program; however, ground crews worked out

procedural repairs which were carried out by the first crew of Charles

Conrad, Dr. Joseph Kerwin, and Paul Weitz. This first team spent 28 days
aboard the orbiting lab and returned with a harvest of scientific evidence

on man's ability to perform during prolonged periods of weightlessness, new

evidence on the intricacies of Sun and near stars, and extensive data on the
natural resources of the Earth.

Subsequent missions of 59 days (Alan Bean, Dr. Owen Garriott, and

Jack Lousma, July 28-September 25, 1973) and 84 days (Gerald Carr,

Dr. Edward Gibson and William Pogue, November 16, 1973-February 8, 1974)

provided additional data on man's future role in space as well as a wealth

of new information about the dynamic processes of the Sun and its effects

on the Earth. The Skylab missions have also proved the value of manned
observations of the Earth from space, helped define the feasibility of new

products in zero gravity and has stimulated interest of international

cooperation in space.
Stonesifer has been with the NASA since 1957. He is currently chief

of the Bioengineering Systems Division where he is responsible for the

management and implementation of biomedical systems for manned spaceflight.

He now resides in Friendswood, Texas, with his wife Marguerite and

four children, Kurt, Marlene, Greg and Jill.


Robert Gordon
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058

August 15, 1974

T.F_SENO: 74-172


William H. Bush, formerly of Johnson City, Tennessee, is part of the NASA
aerospace team from the Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, scheduled to make
the first comprehensive report on the results of Skylab, the longest and most
scientifically productive endeavors in the history of human exploration.
Bush, a 1959 graduate of Tennessee Technological University will present
a paper on "Skylab Food System" at the 20th annual meeting of the American
Astronautical Society (AAS) in Los Angeles, California, August 20-22, 1974.
This three day conference which is co-sponsored by the University of Southern
California, Los Angeles, and the AAS, is designed to present a definitive report
on Skylab and its impact on future space programs.
The conference which features presentations by 77 government, industry
and university aerospace engineers and scientist will highlight all facets of
the 171-day long manned Skylab program during which time three separate crews
lived and worked aboard the 100-ton orbiting scientific laboratory for periods
of 28 to 84 days. The last mission ended on February 8, 1974.
Bush's paper is part of the thirddayms session. His presentation details
the development and management of the Skylab food system which provided nutritional
and tasty meals for the astronauts who lived and worked aboard the lO0-ton
laboratory. More than 17,000 individual food packages and support items,
weighing more than one and a quarter tons were launched in Skylab.
Skylab, the first manned orbiting laboratory, was launched from the Kennedy
Space Center, Florida, on May 14, 1973. The loss of a meter,id and thermal
shield and loss of one of the vehicles solar array panels threatened the success
RELEASE NO: 74-172


of the program; however, ground crews worked out procedural repairs which were
carried out by the first crew of Charles Conrad, Dr. Joseph Kerwin, and Paul
Weitz. This first team spent 28 days aboard the orbiting lab and returned with
a harvest of scientific evidence on man's ability to perform during prolonged
periods of weightlessness, new evidence on the intricacies of Sun and near stars,
and extensive data on the natural resources of the Earth.

Subsequent missions of 59 days (Alan Bean, Dr. Owen Garriott, and Jack
Lousma, July 28-September 25, 1973) and 84 days (Gerald Carr, Dr. Edward Gibson
and William Pogue, November 16, 1973-February 8, 1974) provided additional data
on man's f_ture role in space as well as a wealth of new information about the
dyn_m_c processes of the Sun and its effects on the Earth. The Skylab missions
have also proved the value of manned observations of the Earth from space, helped
define the feasibility of new products in zero gravity and has stimulated interest
of international cooperation in space.

Bush has been with the NASA since 1959 and has worked in various positions
in Crew Systems Division.

He is presently subsystem manager for the Shuttle Orbiter food system as

well as food program manager for the Apollo Soyuz Test Project.
Bush now resides in Seabrook, Texas, with his wife Jacquilyne and son

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert Gordon FOR RELEASE:
August 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-173


Scientist Astronaut Karl G. Henize, formerly of Cincinnati, Ohio, is part

of the NASA aerospace team from the Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas,
scheduled to make the first comprehensive report on the results of Skylab, the
longest and most scientifically productive endeavors in the history of human
Dr. Henize, a 1954 graduate of the University of Michigan will present
a paper on "Ultraviolet Stellar Spectra Obtained With Skylab Experiment S019"
at the 20th annual meeting of the American Astronautical Society (AAS) in Los
Angeles, California, August 20-22, 1974. This three day conference which is
co-sponsored by the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, and the AAS,
is designed to present a definitive report on Skylab and its impact on future space
The conference which features presentations by 77 government, industry
and university aerospace engineers and scientists will highlight all facets of
the 171-day long manned Skylab program during which time three separate crews
lived and worked aboard the lO0-ton orbiting scientific laboratory for periods
of 28 to 84 days. The last mission ended on February 8, 1974.
Dr. Henize who is principal investigator for the Ultraviolet Stellar
Experiment will present his paper on the third day of the session° His
presentation details the results of his experiment which recorded information
on stars in the Milky Wayo
Skylab, the first manned orbiting laboratory, was launched from the Kennedy

RELEASE NO: 74-173


Space Center, Florida, on May 14, 1973. The loss of a meteoroid and thermal
shield and loss of one of the vehicles solar array panels threatened the success
of the program; however, ground crews worked out procedural repairs which were
carried out by the first crew of Charles Conrad, Dr. Joseph Kerwin, and Paul
Weitz. This first team spent 28 days aboard the orbiting lab and returned with
a harvest of scientific evidence on man's ability to perform during prolonged
periods of weightlessness, new evidence on the intricacies of Sun and near
stars, and extensive data on the natural resources of the Earth.
Subsequent missions of 59 days (Alan Bean, Dr. Owen Garriott, and Jack
Lousma, July 28-September 25, 1973) and 84 days (Gerald Carr, Dr. Edward Gibson
and William Pogue, November 16, 1973-February 8, 1974) provided additional data
on man's future role in space as well as a wealth of new information about the
dyna_c processes of the Sun and its effects on the Earth. The Skylab missions
have also proved the value of manned observations of the Earth from space, helped
define the feasibility of new products in zero gravity and has stimulated interest
of international cooperation in space.
Dr. Henize has been a NASA Astronaut since 1967.

During Skylab he served as one of the capsule comm_nuicatorswith the crew of

of Skylab. As com_nuicator he was the sole contact on a day to day basis with crew
and discussed with the crew each day's activities and passed up procedures prepared

by members of the mission control team at the Johnson Space Center.

Dr. Henize now resides in Nassau Bay, Houston, Texas, with his wife Caroline

and four children, Kurt, Marcia, Skye and Vance.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert Gordon FOR RELEASE:
713/483- 5111
August 15, 1974

RELWASE NO: 74-174


Skylab-4 Science Pilot, Dr. Edw_ard Gibson, formerly of Buffalo, New

York, is part of the NASA aerospace team from the Johnson Space Center,

Houston, Texas, scheduled to make the first comprehensive report on the

results of Skylab, the longest and most scientifically productive endeavors

in the history of human exploration.

Dr. Gibson, a 1960 graduate of the California Institute of Technology

will present a paper on "Pilot Flight Experience" at the 20th annual meeting
of the American Astronautical Society (AAS) in Los Angeles, California,

August 20-22, 1974. This three day conference which is co-sponsored by

the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, and the AAS, is designed

to present a definitive report on Skylab and its impact on future space

The conference which features presentations by 77 government, industry

and university aerospace engineers and scientists will highlight all facets

of the 171-day long manned Skylab program during which time three separate
crews lived and worked aboard the lO0-ton orbiting scientific laboratory

for periods of 28 to 84 days. The last mission ended on February 8, 1974.

Gibson and fellow crew members Gerald Cart and William Pogue spent 84

days aboard Skylab and gathered a wealth of knowledge on the Sun and its
effect on the earth, man's ability to work for prolonged periods in space
and new data on the natural resources of the earth. His paper which is

during the opening session, details, from the astronaut's personal viewpont_
the mission of Skylab.

-mot e-
RELEASE NO: 74-174


Skylab, the first manned orbiting laboratory_ was launched from the

Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on May 14, 1973. The loss of a meteoroid

and thermal shield and loss of the vehicles solar array panels threatened

the success of the program; however_ ground crew worked out procedural

repairs which were carried out by the first crew of Charles Conrad,

Dr. Joseph Kerwin_and Paul Weitz. This first team spent 28 days aboard

the orbiting lab and returned with a harvest of scientific evidence on

man's ability to perform during prolonged periods of weightlessness, new

evidence on the intricacies of Sun and near stars, and extensive data on
the natural resources of the Earth.

Subsequent missions of 59 days (Alan Bean, Dr. Owen Garriott, and

Jack Lousma, July 28-September 25, 1973) and 84 days (Gerald Carr_

Dr. Edward Gibson and William Pogue_ November 16, 1973-February 8, 1974)

provided additional data on man's future role in space as well as a wealth

of new information about the dynamic processes of the Sun and its effect

on the Earth. The Skylab missions have also proved the value of manned

observations of the Earth from space, helped define the feasibility of new

products in zero gravity and has stimulated interest of international

cooperation in space.
Dr. Gibson has been a NASA astronaut since 1967.

During Skylab he was the crewman primarily responsible for the 338

hours of operation of the solar cameras and telescopes which made extensive

observations of the solar processes. The crew of Skylab 4 completed 56

experiments, 26 science demonstrations, 15 subsystem detached objectives

and !3 student investigations during their 1,214 revolutions of the earth.

Dr. Gibson and wife Julia Ann reside in Nassau Bay, Houston_ Texas,

with their children, Jannet Lynn, John Edward_ Julie Ann and Joseph Michael.


Johnson Space Center

Houston, Texas 77058
Robert Gordon FOR RELEASE:
August 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-175


Scientist Astronaut Robert A. Parker, formerly of New York City and

Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, is part of the NASA aerospace team from the

Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, scheduled to make the first compre-

hensive report on the results of Skylab, the longest and most scientifically

productive endeavors in the history of human exploration.

Dr. Parker, a 1962 graduate of the California Institute of Technology
is co-chairman of the corollary experiment session at the 20th annual

meeting of the American Astronautical Society (AAS) in Los Angeles, California,

August 20-22, 1974. This three day conference which is co-sponsored by the
University of Southern California_ Los Angeles, and the AAS, is designed to

present a definitive report on Skylab and its impact on futu_re space programs.
The conference which features presentations by 77 government_ industry

and university aerospace engineers and scientists will highlight ali facets

of the 171-day long manned Skylab program during which time three separate
crews lived and worked aboard the 100-ton orbiting scientific laboratory for

periods of 28 to 84 days. The last mission ended on February 8, 1974.

During Skylab, Dr. Parker served as Skylab Mission Scientist, a position

which called for him to review, coordinate, plan and implement all experiment

phases of each day's activities. Co-chairman for the program, Jack Waite of
the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama, will oversee the

presentations involving a number of Skylab experiments on materials processing,

stellar astronomy and Comet Kohoutek observations.

Skylab, the first manned orbiting laboratory, was la_uched from the

Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on May 14, 1973. The loss of a meteoroid
and thermal shield and loss of one of the vehicles solar array panels

RELEASE NO: 74-175


threatened the success of the program; however_ ground crews worked out

procedural repairs which were carried out by the first crew of Charles

Conrad, Dr. Joseph Kerwin_and Paul Weitz. This first team spent 28 days

aboard the orbiting lab and returned with a harvest of scientific evidence

on man's ability to perform during prolonged periods of weightlessness, new

evidence on the intricacies of Sun and near stars_ and extensive data on the
natural resources of the Earth.

Subsequent missions of 59 days (Alan Bean_ Dr. 0_en Garriott_ and

Jack Lousma_ July 28-Septmber 25, 1973) and 84 days (Gerald Carr,
Dr. Edward Gibson and William Pogue, November 16_ 1973-February 8, 1974)

provided additional data on man's future role in space as well as a wealth

of new information about the dynamic processes of the Sun and its effects on

the Earth. The Skylab missions have also proved the value of manned observa-

tions of the Earth from space, helped define the feasibility of new products

in zero gravity and has stimulated interest of international cooperation in

Parker has been a NASA astronaut since 1967 and a member of the support

crews for Apollo 15 and 17.

Dr. Parker now resides in E1 Lago, Texas, with his wife Joan and 2

children, Kimberly and Brian.

Johnson Space Center
/ Houston, Texas 77058
Robert V. Gordon FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 August 15, 1974
RELEASE NO: 74-176


Verl R. Wilmarth, formerly of De Smet, South Dakota, is part of the NASA

aerospace team from the Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, scheduled to

make the first comprehensive report on the results of Skylab, the longest and

most scientifically productive endeavors in the history of human exploration.

Wilmarth, a 1955 graduate of Princeton, is chairman of the session devoted

to reporting the results of earth resource studies at the 20th annual meeting of the

American Astronautical Society (AAS) in Los Angeles, California, August 20-22,

1974. This three day conference which is co-sponsored by the University of Southern

California, Los Angeles, and the AAS, is designed to present a definitive report on

Skylab and its impact on future space programs.

The conference which features presentations by 77 government, industry and

university aerospace engineers and scientists will highlight ail facets of the 171-day

long manned Skylab program during which time three separate crews lived and

worked aboard the 100-ton orbiting scientific laboratorylbr periods of 28 to 84 days.

The last mission ended on February 8, 1974.

Wilmarth wilt chair the earth survey session on the second day where scientists

from the Johnson Space Center, the U.S. Geological Survey and four universities will

report on specific results from Skylab's six instruments which gathered data on the

Earth's crops, oceans, rivers, geological formations and the weather.

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-176
- 2 -

Skylab, the first manned orbiting laboratory, was launched from the Kennedy

Space Center, Floricla, on May 14, 1973. The loss of a meteoroid and thermal

shield and loss of one of the vehicles solar array panels threatened the success of

the program; however, ground crews worked out procedural repairs which were

carried out by the first crew of Charles Conrad, Dr o Joseph Kerwin, and Paul Weitzo

This first team spent 28 days aboard the orbiting lab and returned with a harvest of

scientific evidence on man's ability to perform during prolonged periods of weight-

lessness, new evidence on the intricacies of Sun and near stars, and extensive data

on the natural resources of the Earth.

Subsequent missions of 59 days (Alan Bean, Dr° Owen Garriott, and Jack

Lousma, July 28-September 25, 1973) and 84 days (Gerald Carr, Dr. Edward

Gibson and William Pogue, November 16, 1973-February 8, 1974) provided addi-

tional data on man's future role in space as well as a wealth of new information about

the dynamic processes of the Sun and its effects on the Earth. The Skylab missions

have also proved the value of manned observations of the Earth from space, helped

define the feasibility of new products in zero gravity and has stimulated interest of

international cooperation in space.

Wilmarth has been with the NASA since 1965o Before joining NASA, Wilmarth

worked 10 years with the Uo S. Geological Survey in various parts in Washington, DoC o
and Nevada.

During Skylab, Wilmarth coordinated all the planning activities which went into

each earth survey made by the crew of Skylab. This included work with individual

principal investigators, preparing target sites at which Skylab's instruments would be

aimed and assuring all this information was prepared in the proper format and re-

layed to the crew in adequate time °

Wilmarth now resides in Houston, Texas, with his wife Mary and family°

- end -

Robert Gordon
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
August 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-177


C. C. Johnson, formerly of Hampton, Virginia, is part of the NASA

aerospace team from the Johnson Space Center_ Houston, Texas, scheduled
to make the first comprehensive report on the results of Skylab, the

longest and most scientifically productive endeavors in the history of

human exploration.

Johnson, a graduate of the University of Virginia will present a

paper on "Skylab Experiment M487-Habitability/Crew Quarters" at the 20th

annual meeting of the American Astronautical Society (AAS) in Los Angeles,

California, August 20-22, 1974. This three day conference which is co-

sponsored by the University of Southern California, Los Angeles_ and the

AAS_ is designed to present a definitive report on Skylab and its impact

on future space programs.

The conference which features presentations by 77 government_ industry

and university aerospace engineers and scientists will highlight all facets

of the 171-day long manned Skylab program during which time three separate
crews lived and worked aboard the lO0-ton orbiting scientific laboratory

for periods of 28 to 84 days. The last mission ended on February 8, 1974.

Johnson, principal investigator for the Skylab Habitability experiment,

will present his paper on the second day of the session. His presentation
details some of the more interesting findings of man's adaptability to the

large volume of Skylab and how their findings will influence the design of

future spacecraft.

Skylab_ the first manned orbiting laboratory, was launched from the

Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on May 14, 1973. The loss of a meteoroid

RELEASE NO: 74-177


and thermal shield and loss of one of the vehicles solar array panels

threatened the success of the program; however, ground crews worked out

procedural repairs which were carried out by the first crew of Charles

Conrad, Dr. Joseph Kerwin, and Paul Weitz. This first team spent 28 days

aboard the orbiting lab and returned with a harvest of scientific evidence

on man's ability to perform during prolonged periods of weightlessness,

new evidence on the intricacies of Sun and near stars, and extensive data
on the natural resources of the Earth.

Subsequent missions of 59 days (Alan Bean, Dr. Owen Garriott, and

Jack Lousma, July 28-September 25, 1973) and 84 days (Gerald Carr_

Dr. Edward Gibson and William Pogue, November 16, 1973-February 8, 1974)

provided additional data on man's future role in space as well asa wealth of

new information about the dynamic processes of the Sun and its effects

on the Earth. The Skylab missions have also proved the value of manned

observations of the Earth from space, helped define the feasibility of

new products in zero gravity and has stimulated interest of international

cooperation in space.
Johnson has been with the iMASA since 1939 and since 1969 has been chief

of the Spacecraft Design Office. He has also participated in technical

discussions with Russian aerospace engineers in working out details of the

Apollo Soyuz Test Project scheduled for 1975.

He now resides in Dickinson, Texas, with his wife Kathryn.

-end -
Johnson Space Center
/ Houston, Texas 77058
Robert Gordon FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 August 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-178


Commander Richard H. Truly, formerly of Fayette, Mississippi, is part

of the NASA aerospace team from the Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas,
scheduled to make the first comprehensive report on the results of Skylab,

the longest and most scientifically productive endeavors in the history of

human exploration.
Commander Truly, a 1959 graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology

will present a paper on "Flightcrew Observations of Spacecraft Systems" at

the 20th annual meeting of the American Astronautical Society (AAS) in Los

Angeles, California, August 20-22_ 1974. This three day conference which is

co-sponsored by the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, and the

AAS, is designed to present a definitive report on Skylab and its impact on

future space programs.

The conference which features presentations by 77 government, industry

and university aerospace engineers and scientists will highlight all facets

of the 171-day long manned Skylab program during which time three separate
crews lived and worked aboard the lO0-ton orbiting scientific laboratory

for periods of 28 to 84 days. The last mission ended on February 8, 1974.

Commander Truly's paper is part of the second day's session. His

presentation details the opinions and experiences of the three Skylab flight
crews in the use of the unique systems aboard the 100-ton space station.

Skylab, the first manned orbiting laboratory, was launched from the

Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on May 14_ 1973. The loss of a meteoroid
and thermal shield and loss of one of the vehicles solar array panels

threatened the success of the program; however, ground crews worked out

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Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert Gordon FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 August 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-179


Lieutenant Commander Robert L. Crippen, formerly of Beaumont and

Porter, Texas, is part of the NASA aerospace team from the Johnson Space

Center, Houston, Texas, scheduled to make the first comprehensive report

on the results of Skylab, the longest and most scientifically productive

endeavors in the history of human exploration.

Commander Crippen, a 1960 graduate of the University of Texas will

present a paper on "Flightcrew Observations of Spacecraft Systems" at the

20th annual meeting of the American Astronautical Society (AAS) in Los Angeles,

California, August 20-22, 1974. This three day conference which is co-

sponsored by the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, and the AAS,

is designed to present a definitive report on Skylab and its impact on future

space programs.
The conference which features presentations by 77 government, industry

and university aerospace engineers and scientists will highlight all facets

of the 171-day long manned Skylab program during which time three separate
crews lived and worked aboard the lO0-ton orbiting scientific laboratory for

periods of 28 to 84 days. The last mission ended on February 8, 1974.

Commander Crippen's paper is part of the second day's session. His

presentation details the opinions, and experiences of the three Skylab

flight crews in the use of the unique systems aboard the !O0-ton space

Skylab, the first manned orbiting laboratory, was launched from the

Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on May 14, 1973. The loss of a meteoroid
and thermal shield and loss of one of the vehicles solar array panels

RELEASE NO: 74-179


threatened the success of the program; however_ ground crews worked out

procedural repairs which were carried out by the first crew of Charles
Conrad_ Dr. Joseph Kerwin_ and Paul Weitz. This first team spent 28 days

aboard the orbiting lab and returned with a harvest of scientific evidence

on man's ability to perform during prolonged periods of weightlessness, new

evidence on the intricacies of Sun and near stars, and extensive data on the

natural resources of the Earth.

Subsequent missions of 59 days (Alan Bean Dr. _¢en Garriott, and

Jack Lousma, July 28-September 25, 1973) and 84 days (Gerald Carr_
Dr. Edward Gibson and William Pogue, November 16, 1973-February 8, 1974)

provided additional data on man's future role in space as well as a wealth

of new information about the dynamic processes of the Sun and its effects

on the Earth. The Skylab missions have also proved the value of manned

observations of the Earth from space, helped define the feasibility of new

products in zero gravity and has stimulated interest of international

cooperation in space.
Commander Crippen has been a _SA astronaut since 1969. Before

Skylab, Crippenwas the commander for the 56-day chamber test during which
he and two other astronauts performed various Skylab medical experiments

inside a 20-foot chamber.

During Skylab he was one of several capsule communicators who were

the sole persons who talked with the orbiting crewmen.

He now resides in LaPorte, Texas, with his wife Virginia and three

children_ Ellen Marie_ Susan Lynn, and Linda Ruth.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert Gordon FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 August 15, 1974

RET_ASE NO: 74-180


Andrew E. Potter, Jr., formerly of St. Petersburg, Florida_ is part

of the NASA aerospace team from the Johnson Space Center, Homston, Texas,

scheduled to make the first comprehensive report on the results of Skylab,

the longest and most scientifically productive endeavors in the history of

human exploration.

Potter, a 1948 graduate of University of Florida (Gainesville) will

present a paper on "Flight Performance of the Skylab Earth Resources

Experiment Package (EREP)" at the 20th annual meeting of the American

Astronautical Society (AAS) in Los Angeles, California, August 20-22, 1974.

This three day conference which is co-sponsored by the University of

Southern California, Los Angeles, and the AAS, is designed to present a

definitive report on Skylab and its impact on future space programs.

The conference which features presentations by 77 government, industry

and university aerospace engineers and scientists will highlight all facets

of the 171-day long manned Skylab program during which time three separate
crews lived and worked aboard the lO0-ton orbiting scientific laboratory

for periods of 28 to 84 days. The last mission ended on February 8, 1974.

Potter's paper is part of the second day's session. His presentation

details the performance of the Earth Resources experiment, a package of six

instruments which gathered information on the earth's oceans_ crops, geologic

formations, and weather.

Skylab_ the first manned orbiting laboratory, was launched from the

Kennedy Space Center, on May 14, 1973. The loss of a meteoroid and thermal

RELEASE NO: 74-180


shield and loss of one of the vehicles solar array panels threatened the

success of the program; however, ground crews worked out procedural repairs

which were carried out by the first crew of Charles Conrad, Dr. Joseph

Kerwin, and Paul Weitz. This first team spent 28 days aboard the orbiting
lab and returned with a harvest of scientific information on man's ability

to perform during prolonged periods of weightlessness, new evidence on the

intricacies of Sun and near stars, and extensive data on the natural
resources of the Earth.

Subsequent missions of 59 days (Alan Bean, Dr. Owen Garriott, and

Jack Lousma, July 28-September 25, 1973) and 84 days (Gerald Carr,

Dr. Edward Gibson and William Pogue, November 16, 1973-February 8, 1974)

provided additional data on man's future role in space as well as a wealth

of new information about the dynamic processes of the Sun and its effects

on the Earth. The Skylab missions have also proved the value of manned

observations of the Earth from space, helped define the feasibility of new

products in zero gravity and has stimulated interest of international

cooperation in space.
Potter has been with the NASA since 1953. Before taking over his

Skylab post, he was staff scientist in the Space Physics Division at the

Johnson Space Center.

Before joining JSC, he worked at the NASA Lewis Research Center where
he worked on solar cell studies and research on combustion.

Potter now resides in Seabrook, Texas, with his wife Shirley and 3

children_ Andrew, Lloyd and Thomas.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert Gordon FOR RELEASE:
August 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-181


Robert L. Bond, formerly of Annapolis, Maryland, is part of the NASA

aerospace team from the Johnson Space Center_ Houston_ Texas_ scheduled

to make the first comprehensive report on the results of Skylab, the

longest and most scientifically productive endeavors in the history of

human exploration.
Bond, a 1959 graduate of Louisiana State University will present

a paper on "Skylab Experiment MS16-Crew Activities Maintenance Study" at

the 20th annual meeting of the American Astronautical Society (AAS) in Los

Angeles_ California_ August 20-22_ 1974. This three day conference which

is co-sponsored by the University of Southern California_ Los Angeles, and

the AAS, is designed to present a defintive report on Skylab and its impact

on future space programs.

The conference which features presentations by 77 government, industry

and university aerospace engineers and scientists will highlight all facets

of the 171-day long manned Skylab program during which time three separate

crews lived and worked aboard the lO0-ton orbiting scientific laboratory

for periods of 28 to 84 days. The last mission ended on February 8_ 1974.

Bond who was principal investigator for crew activities and maintenance

experiment will present his paper on the second day of the session. His

presentation details an evolution of man's ability to handle and transport

items of various sizes and masses and to make equipment repairs aboard the

lO0-ton Skylab space station.

Skylab, the first manned orbiting laboratory, was launched from the

Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on May 14_ 1973. The loss of a meteoroid

RELEASE NO: 74-181


and thermal shield and less of one of the vehicles solar array panels

threatened the success of the program_ however, ground crews worked out

procedural repairs which were carried out by the first crew of Charles

Conrad, Dr. Joseph Kerwin, and Paul Weitz. This first team spent 28 days
aboard the orbiting lab and returned with a harvest of scientific evidence

on man's ability to perform during prolonged periods of weightlessness, new

evidence on the intricacies of Sun and near stars, and extensive data on the
natural resources of the Earth.

Subsequent missions of 59 days (Alan Bean, Dr. Owen Garriott, and

Jack Lousma, July 28-September 25, 1973) and 84 days (Gerald Cart,

Dr. Edward Gibson and William Pogue, November 16, 1973-February 8, 1974)
provided additional data on man's future role in space as well as a wealth of

new information about the dynamic processes of the Sun and its effects on

the Earth. The Skylab missions have also proved the value of manned

observations of the Earth from space, helped define the feasibility of new
products in zero gravity and has stimulated interest of international

cooperation in space.

Bond has been with the NASA since December 1965. Before taking over

his Skylab post, he was assigned to the advanced missions office where he

served as project engineer where he coordinated manned requirements for the

Lunar Rover vehicle.

Bond now resides in Nassau Bay, Houston, Texas, with his wife Nancy and
son Rick.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Robert Gordon
713/483-5111 FOR RELEA$E:
August 15, 1974
RET,EASE NO: 74-182


Dr. William B. Lenoir_ formerly of Miami, Florida_ is part of the NASA

aerospace team from the Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, scheduled to

make the first comprehensive report on the results of Skylab, the longest

and most scientifically productive endeavors in the history of human ex-

Dr. Lenoir, a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

will present a paper on "Visual Observations From Space" at the 20th

annual meeting of the American Astronautical Society (AAS) in Los Angeles,

California, August 20-22_ 1974. This three day conference which is co-

sponsored by the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, and the

AAS, is designed to present a definitive report on Skylab and its impact

on future space programs.

The conference which features presentations by 77 government_ industry

and university aerospace engineers and scientists will highlight all facets

of the 171-day long manned Skylab program during which time three separate
crews lived and worked aboard the lO0-ton orbiting scientific laboratory for

periods of 28 to 84 days. The last mission ended on February 8, 1974.

Dr. Lenoir's paper is part of the second day's session° His presenta-

tion details the contribution Skylab crew members made in the earth observa-

tion program. He discusses the importance of man's ability to recognize

objects and patterns, to integrate his observations and most importantly

to reason and make selective observations which cannot be performed by

automated machines.

Skylab, the first manned orbiting laboratory, was launched from the

Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on May 14, 1973. The]oss of a meteoroid

and thermal shield and loss of one of the vehicles solar arry panels

RELEASE NO: 74-182


threatened the success of the program; however, ground crews worked out

procedural repairs which were carried out by the first crew of Charles

Conrad, Dr. Joseph Kerwin, and Paul Weitz. This first team spent 28 days
aboard the orbiting lab and returned with a harvest of scientific evidence

on man's ability to perform during prolonged periods of weightlessness, new

evidence on the intricacies of Sun and near stars, and extensive data on the

natural resources of the Earth.

Subsequent missions of 59 days (Alan Bean, Dr. Owen Garriott, and

Jack Lousma, July 28-September 25, 1973) and 94 days (Gerald Carr,
Dr. Edward Gibson and William Pogue, November 16, 1973-February 8, 1974)

provided additional data on man's future role in space as well as a wealth

of new information about the dynamic processes of the Sun and its effects

on the Earth. The Skylab missions have also proved the value of manned

observations of the Earth from space, helped define the feasibility of new

products in zero gravity and has stimulated interest of international

cooperation in space.
Dr. Lenoir has been a NASA astronaut since 1967.

During Skylab he served as backup science pilot for Skylab 3 and 4 and
while the mission was in progress he served on the science team which
concentrated on solar studies.

Dr. Lenoir now resides in E1 Lago, Texas, with his wife Elizabeth and

2 children, William Jr., and Samantha.

Johnson Space Center

j/ Houston, Texas 77058

Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 August 2, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-183


"Soyuz, ehto Apollon° Stuikovka na pyat minuto.."

In Oklahoma-accented Russian, Thomas P. Stafford in mid-July of 1975

will radio the above message---or one like it---to the two Soviet cosmonauts

aboard a Soyuz spacecraft as his Apollo spacecraft closes the gap separating the

two craft° "Soyuz, this is Apollo. Docking in five minutes..."

The historic meeting in orbit above the earth between the United States'

Apollo spacecraft and the Soviet Union's Soyuz spacecraft next year will have been

preceded by exhaustive testing on the ground of the docking system that will link

the two spacecraft together o

A crucial series of tests of the docking system was run in July 1974---a

full year before the mission is to be flown. The tests were realistic simulations
of the conditions that the docking mechanisms must undergo during the actual link-

up in orbit. A computerized dynamic docking simulator in Johnson Space Center's

Structures and Mechanics l_,aboratory duplicated the motion, forces and impact loads

that are expected at the time Apollo and Soyuz dock for two days of joint operations
in orbit.

One end of the ApoUo-Soyuz docking module is fitted with the standard Apollo

docking ring that was used for linking the lunar module to the command module in

the Apollo lunar landing program. The opposite end of the docking module is fitted

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-183

with a docking mechanism thatis compatiblewith the SovietSoyuz spacecraft

docking system. An airlockin the docking module allows the American and
Sovietcrews to transferback and forthbetween the two spacecraft.

With Staffordaboard Apollowillbe Donald K. "Deke" Slaytonand Vance Do

Brand. The Soyuz spacecraftwillbe manned by Alexei Leonov and Valeriy Kubasov.

- end -
Johnson Space Center

jJ Houston, Texas 77058

Jan Wrather FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 August 6, 1974

RELFASE NO: 74-184


An automated blood pressure monitoring system developed for the NASA

Integrated Medical and Behavioral Laboratory Measurement System Program (IMBIbe)

is being evaluated for use in studies on control of high blood pressure in

human beings.
The system uses the blood pressure cuff_ originally developed for

IMBLMS, in conjunction with an automatic blood pressure monitoring system to

obtain bloo_ pressure measurements.

The Johnson Space Center (JSC) Bioengineering Systems Division Bio-

instrumentation Laboratory has modified the system and has delivered it to

Dr. Ted Andrechuk, Professor of Psychology, Texas Tech University_ for

evaluation with hypertensive subjects.

Previous studies involving humans as experimental subjects have

demonstrated that heart rate and blood pressure can be controlled through

conditioning techniques.
In essence_ human subjects learned to increase or decrease their

blood pressure with or without corresponding changes in heart rate when

biosensory data was displayed.

The NASA-funded Southwest Research Institute_ (SwRI) Biomedical

Applications Team_ San Antonio_ recognized that the pressure ramp programmer
used in the IMBI_MS program could be modified to provide continuous blood

pressure monitoring.
IMBLMS was a highly flexible_ advanced laboratory system originally

designed to transmit medical information from Skylab to physicians on Earth.

REAFASE NO: 74-184


The IMBLMS concept can also be adapted to provide hospital-quality care to

remote communities at a distance from established hospital facilities.

Modifications to the blood pressure system, including the incorporation

of an automatic blood pressure monitor similar to the one used on Skylab,

were specified by the SwRI Biomedical Applications Team and were performed
by JSC's Bioinstrumentation Laboratory.

The pressure ramp programmer begins a new pressure cycle at one

minute intervals with a total of 30 seconds for each cycle. Numerical

display of blood pressure is provided as well as continuous pressure display

on a strip chart recorder.

"If high blood pressure can be lowered permanently by biofeedback

conditioning, a significant alternative would be available to current

pharmacological and surgical methods of treatment which sometimes have

detrimental side effects", J. L. Sigmon, a member of the SwRZ Applications

team, said.
He added that an area of potential application of biofeedback

conditioning of the cardiovascular system is in the modification of symptoms

in disorders effecting those areas of the cardiovascular system controlled

by the automatic nervous system. One example is "essential hypertension"

in which the major symptom is an elevation of blood pressure without an

apparent cause.
Dr. Andrechuk has started a three-month evaluation program of the

pressure ramp programmer at the Veterans Administration Hospital, Temple,

Texas, to assess the effectiveness of biofeedback conditioning as well as

other previously established hypertension control methods.

A second evaluation of the system will be conducted this fall at the

Texas Tech University Medical School to determine the effect of hypertension

drug treatment, placebo drugs and patient suggestibility.

RELEASE NO: 74-184


A black and white photograph demonstrating the pressure ramp

programmer may be obtained from the JSC photo-library_ extension 4231.

Please reference NASA number S-74-15579 when ordering the photo.

Johnson Space Center

Houston, Texas 77058

Charles Redmond
713/483-4341 FOR RELEASE:
August 5, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-185


Anthony J. Calio, Director of Science and Applications for the Johnson

Space Center, Houston, has been accepted by the Stanford Graduate School of
Business as a Stanford-Sloan Fellow. Du_ing Dr. Calio's 10-month leave of

absence (beginning August 12, 1974), Dr. Owen K. Garriott, Deputy Director

of Science and Applications and former scientist-astronaut on Skylab 3, will

be Acting Director.
The Stanford-Sloan Program, which begins September 9 in Palo Alto,

California, is limited to 40 participants--upper level managers between 32

and 45 years of age. This year's class includes 18 foreigners and 24 Americans

(10 in government and 14 in private industry). The Stanford-Sloan Program

(and its counterpart at MIT for middle level management) trains managers to

understand the sensitive elements--consumer, investment, and government

expenditures--that affect the economy both domestically and internationally.

Each year the Stanford Program is changed slightly. The 1974-75

program will continue to stress decision theory, economics_ finance,

marketing, and behavioral management science and will include a new emphasis

on business/government relationships, corporate law, taxation, multinational

organizations, management of non-profit organizations, and the changing

business environment. Case studies are made of the traditional challenges

arising from continued progress in science and technology and the new

demands arising out of the increased emphasis on human and environmental

values in business. Of a fellow's academic time, 1/4 is spent in seminars_

1/4 in electives, and 1/2 in directed course work. Field trips to prominent
West and East Coast corporations and interviews with top business leaders

RELEASE NO: 74-185


in both private and governmental agencies will supplement the program.

Dr. Calio, previously Assistant Director of Planetary Exploration at

NASA Headquarters in Washington, came to JSC in 1968 as Deputy Director

Science and Applications. Since 1969, as Director of Science and Applications,

Dr. Calio has successfully defined, planned, and directed the scientific

activities associated with Apollo: the selection of lunar landing sites, the

development of the scientific instruments placed on the Moon, the training

of the astronauts for lanar exploration, and the management of the collection

of 850 pounds of lunar materials. Dr. Calio is currently the Manager of the
Lunar Science Project, which involves 1,000 scientists (associated with 140

domestic and 40 foreign institutions) engaged in the analyses of lunar data.

Dr. Calio also directs elements of JSC's Earth Resources Program, which

includes development of the Earth Resources Experiments Package (EREP) that

flew on Skylab and development of projects demonstrating the feasibility of

remotely sensed data (acquired from aircraft and spacecraft) applicable in

the areas of land use, forestry, and agriculture. In addition, Dr. Calio

manages research projects that will ultimately lead to Shuttle payloads that

will study three areas of space sciences: cosmic ray physics, atmospheric

physics, and astronomy.

During Dr. Calio's 12 years with NASA he has received three of NASA's

highest commendations: the Distinguished Service Medal, the Exceptional

Scientific Achievement Medal, and the Exceptional Service Medal, and he is

actively involved with the Houston Chamber of Co_merce's Houston Tomorrow

Assembly. Dr. Calio is an associate fellow of the American Institute of

Aeronautics and Astronautics, and a member of the New York Academy of

Sciences, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. A

former Philadelphian, Dr. Calio has resided in Houston for the past seven


Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Charles _edmond FOR RELEASE;
713/483-4341 August 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-186


Dr. Robert A. R. Parker, scientist-astronaut and program scientist for

the Skylab missions, has been named the new Chief, Astronaut Office, Science
and Applications Directorate.
Dr. Parker takes the reins from Dr. Harrison H. Schmitt who was named

Assistant Administrator for Energy Programs at NASA Headquarters in May.

Dr. Owen Garriott, Deputy Director, Science and Applications Directorate,

was Acting Chief of the Astronaut Office, S&AD since Dr. Sckmitt's departure

for Washington.

Dr. Parker was named a NASA scientist-astronaut in 1967 and was a member

of the support crews for the Apollo 15 and 17 missions. He holds a Doctorate
in Astronomy from the California Institute of Technology.

The Astronaut Office, Science and Applications Directorate, was created

in a Johnson Space Center reorganization this past February. Scientist-

astronauts formerly assigned to the Flight Crew Operations Directorate were

assigned to the newly created office in S&AD. The Astronaut Office, S&AD,

will serve as an interface between eventual Shuttle payload users and the

space agency as well as participate in the flight research program of the



Johnson Space Center

Houston, Texas 77058
Robert Gordon
7!3/483-5] ]1 FOR RELEASE:
August 15, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74- 187


Thomas W. Holloway, formerly of Jasmine, Arkansas, is part of the NASA

aerospace team from the Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, scheduled
to make the first comprehensive report on the results of Skylab, the longest
and most scientifically productive endeavors in the history of human ex-


Holloway, a graduate of the University of Arkansas will present a

paper on "Skylab Flight Plan Development" at the 20th annual meeting of

_ the American Astronautical Society (AAS) in Los Angeles, California,

August 20-22, 1974. This three day conference which is co-sponsored by

the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, and the AAS, is designed

to present a definitive report on Skylab and its impact on future space

The conference which features presentations by 77 government, industry

and university aerospace engineers and scientists will highlight all facets

of the 171-day long manned Skylab program during which time three separate
crews lived and worked aboard the 100-ton orbiting scientific laboratory

for periods of 28 to 84 days. The last mission ended on February 8, 1974.

Holloway's paper is part of the first day's session. His presentation

details the flight planning lessons learned during the mission and recommenda-
tions for future use in the planning of long duration manned missions.

Skylab, the first manned orbiting laboratory, was launched from the
Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on May 14, 1973. The loss of a meteoroid
and thermal shield and loss of one of the vehicles solar array panels

threatened the success of the program; however, ground crews worked out

RETEASE NO: 74-187


procedural repairs which were carried out by the first crew of Charles

Conrad, Dr. Joseph Kerwin, and Paul Weitz. This first team spent 28 days

aboard the orbiting lab and returned with a harvest of scientific evidence

on man's ability to perform during prolonged periods of weightlessness,

new evidence on the intricacies of Sun and near stars, and extensive data
on the natural resources of the Earth.

Subsequent missions of 59 days (Alan Bean, Dr. Owen Garriott, and

Jack Lousma_ July 28-September 25, 1973) and 84 days (Gerald Carr,

Dr. Edward Gibson and William Pogue, November 16, 1973-February 8, 1974)

provided additional data on man's future role in space as well as a wealth

of new information about the dynamic processes of the Sun and its effects

on the Earth. The Skylab missions have also proved the value of manned

observations of the Earth from space, helped define the feasibility of new

products in zero gravity and has stimulated interest of international

cooperation in space.
Holloway now resides in Seabrook_ Texas_ with his wife Shirley and


Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-188


Dr. S. Reza Ahsan, professor of geography at Western Kentucky Univer-

sity and Bowling Green resident, is taking part in a 10-week summer faculty

fellowship program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating in the

program at JSC which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the American

Society for Engineering Education.

Working in the earth resources area at JSC, Dr o Ahsan said, "The

earth observation section at JSC has an extraordinary facility for interpretation

of space photos from Skylab and from the Earth Resources Technology Satellite°

This information could be very valuable in state land-use inventory as well as in

the study of urban problems o

"In the case of Kentucky, "he said, "Skylab data could be used for locating

strip mining areas."

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-188

- 2 -

The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in coopera-

tion with the American Society for Engineering Education in two major catagories:

engineering systems design and aeronautics and space research.

NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs, with

funding coming from the NASA Office Of University Affairs in the form of grants
to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners in the program are the Uni-

versity of Houston, Rice University and Texas A gum University.

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for 11 weeks this

summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal by incinera-

tion, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics and space reseach

fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse fields as planetary and earth

sciences, space medicine and enviromnental physiology, life support systems,

communications, guidance and control, spacecraft propulsion and power generation,

structures and mechanics, aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

t Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states and Puerto

Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth summer for the aero-

nautics and space research group, and in the seventh summer for engineering

systems design.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
J jj__ Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-189


Professor Charles W o Allen, instructor in the department of electrical

engineering at Virginia Polytechnic and State University, is taking part in a

10-week summer faculty fellowship program at the NASA Johnson Space Centero

He is one of 53 university professor and instructors participating in the

program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the American

Society for Engineering Education.

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-189

- 2 -

The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in coopera-

tion with the American Society for Engineering Education in two major catagories:

'engineering systems design and aeronautics and space research.

NASA Field centers and local universities administer the programs, with

funding coming from the NASA Office of University Affairs in the form of grants

to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners in the program are the Uni-

versity of Houston, Rice University and Texas A &M University.

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for 11 weeks this

summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal by incinera-

tion, with an energy' source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics and space reseach

fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse fields as planetary and earth

sciences, space medicine and environmental physiology, life support systems,

communications, guidance and control, spacecraft propulsion and power generation,

structures and mechanics, aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states and Puerto

Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth summer for the aero-

nautics and space research group, and in the seventh summer for engineering

systems design.

- end -

'F' _r
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-:5111 August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-190


Dr. Donald C. Amoss, assistant professor of electrical, computer

engineering and bioengineering at Clemson University, is taking part in a

10-week summer faculty fellowship program at the NASA Johnson Space


He is one of 53 university professor and instructors participating in

the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Society for Engineering Education.

Dr. Amoss said, "The Faculty Fellowship Program offers valuable

exposure to NASA's involvement in biomedical research and development°"

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-190

- 2 -

The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in coopera-

tion with the American Society for Engineering Education in two major catagories:

engineering systems design and aeronautics and space research.

NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs, with

funding coming from the NASA Office of University Affairs in the form of grants

to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners in the program are the Uni-

versity of Houston, Rice University and Texas A gum University.

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for 11 weeks this

summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal by incinera-

tion, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics and space reseach

fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse fields as planetary and earth

sciences, space medicine and environmental physiology, life support systems,

communications, guidance and control, spacecraft propulsion and power generation,

structures and mechanics, aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states and Puerto

Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth summer for the aero-

nautics and space research group, and in the seventh summer for engineering

systems design.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
/ j__ Houston, Texas 77058
713/483-5111 August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-191


Dr. Jan Frederick Andrus, associate professor of mathematics at the

University of New Orleans, is taking part in a 10-week summer faculty

fellowship program at the Johnson Space Center o

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating

in the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Society of Engineering Education.

Dr. Andrus is working on an optimal guidance system for the upper

stage of the Space Shuttle vehicle.

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-191

- 2 -

The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in coopera-

tion with the American Society for Engineering Education in two major catagories:

engineering systems design and aeronautics and space research.

NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs, with

funding coming from the NASA Office of University Affairs in the form of grants

to the universities. Johnson Space center's partners in the program are the Uni-

versity of Houston, Rice University and Texas A &M University.

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for 1l weeks this

summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal by incinera-

tion, with an energy source as a by-product_ The 33 aeronautics and space reseach

fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse fields as planetary and earth

sciences, space medicine and enviromnental physiology, life support systems,

communications, guidance and control, spacecraft propulsion and power generation,

structures and mechanics, aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states and Puerto

Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth summer for the aero-

nautics and space research group, and in the seventh summer for engineering

systems design.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058

Terry White FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-192


Dr. Edward E. Anderson, assistant professor in the department of mechanical

engineering at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, is taking part in

a 10-week summer faculty fellowship program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.
An alumnus of Purdue and Iowa State, he is one of 53 university professors and

instructors participating in the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in

cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education.

Dr. Anderson says the program "serves as a significant link between the class-

room and the space program."

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-192

- 2 '

The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in coopera-

tion with the American Society for Engineering Education in two major catagories:

'engineering systems design and aeronautics and space research.

NASA Field centers and local universities administer the programs, with

funding coming from the NASA Office of University Affairs in the form of grants
to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners in the program are the Uni-

versity of Houston, Rice University and Texas A &M University.

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for 11 weeks this

summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal by incinera-

tion, with an energy' source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics and space reseach

fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse fields as planetary and earth

sciences, space medicine and environmental physiology, life support systems,

communications, guidance and control, spacecraft propulsion and power generation,

structures and mechanics, aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states and Puerto

Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth summer for the aero-

nautics and space research group, and in the seventh summer for engineering

systems design.

- end -


Johnson Space
Houston, Texas Center

Terry White August 16, 1974


RELEASE NO: 74=193


Dr. Peter B. Aronhime, of the Illinois Institute of Technology

electrical engineering department, is taking part in a 10-week summer

faculty fellowship program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

Formerly on the electrical engineering faculty of Tri-State College,

he is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating in the

program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the American

Society for Engineering Education.

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-193 i,

-2- !

The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in coopera- 1/

tion with the American Society for Engineering Education in two major catagories:

engineering systems design and aeronautics and space research. {

NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs, with

funding coming from the NASA Office of University Affairs in the form of grants
to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners in the program are the Uni-

versity of Houston, Rice University and Texas A gum University.

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for 11 weeks this

summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal by incinera-

tion, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics and space reseach

fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse fields as planetary and earth

sciences, space medicine and environmental physiology, life support systems,

communications, guidance and control, spacecraft propulsion and power generation,

structures and mechanics, aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states and Puerto

Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth summer for the aero-

nautics and space research group, and in the seventh summer for engineering

systems design.

- end -


Johnson Space
Houston, Texas Center
Terry White August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-194


Dr. Harold M. Belkin, associate professor of chemical engineering

at New Mexico State Universi W, is taking part in a 10-week summer facul W

fellowship program at the NASA Johnson Space Center's White Sands Test

Facili W.
He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating in

the JSC program, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the American

Society for Engineering Education.

Dr. Belkin said, "The Faculty Fellowship Program allows the faculty

member to get firsthand knowledge of the many ramifications of the space pro-

gram as they relate to his technical discipline. In the relatively short period of

my stay at the JSC White Sands Test Facility, "he said, "I am amazed by the

materials test capability at this facility."

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-194

- 2 '

The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in coopera-

tion with the American Society for Engineering Education in two ma]or catagories:

engineering systems design and aeronautics and space research.

NASA Field centers and local universities administer the programs, with

funding coming from the NASA Office of University Affairs in the form of grants
to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners in the program are the Uni-

versity of Houston, Rice University and Texas A &tMUniversity.

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for 11 weeks this

summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal by incinera-

tion, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics and space reseach

fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse fields as planetary and earth

sciences, space medicine and environmental physiology, life support systems,

communications, guidance and control, spacecraft propulsion and power generation,

structures and mechanics, aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states and Puerto

Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth summer for the aero-

nautics and space research group, and in the seventh summer for engineering

systems design.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White
713/483-5111 August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-195


Dr. Raul Eduardo Chao, associate professor of chemical engineering

at the University of Puerto Rico, is taking part in a 10-week summer faculty

fellowship program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

An alumnus of Johns Hopkins University, he is one of 53 university

professors and instructors participating in the program at JSC, which is spon-

sored by NASA in cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Educa-
tion o

Dr. Chao said of the program, "It has been a very stimulating and

rewarding challenge to work for two years with NASA scientists and engineers

in the solution of our most pressing non-space problems."

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-195

- 2 -

The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in coopera-

tion with the American Society for Engineering Education in two major catagories:

engineering systems design and aeronautics and space research.

NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs, with

funding coming from the NASA Office of University Affairs in the form of grants

to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners in the program are the Uni-

versity of Houston, Rice University and Texas A &M University.

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for 11 weeks this

summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal by incinera-

tion, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics and space reseach

fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse fields as planetary and earth

sciences, space medicine and environmental physiology, life support systems,

communications, guidance and control, spacecraft propulsion and power generation,

structures and mechanics, aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

! Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states and Puerto

Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth summer for the aero-

nautics and space research group, and in the seventh summer for engineering

systems design.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
/ Houston, Texas 77058

Terry White FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-196


Dr. Cecil M. Chopin, assistant professor of chemistry at Dominican

College in Houston, is taking part in a 10-week summer faculty fellowship

program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

An alumnus of Northwestern State University and Louisiana State

University, he is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating

in the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Society for Engineering Education.

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-196

- 2 -

The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in coopera-

tion with the American Society for Engineering Education in two major catagories:

' engineering systems design and aeronautics and space research.

NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs, with

funding coming from the NASA Office of Umversity Affairs in the form of grants
to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners in the program are the Uni-

versity of Houston, Rice University and Texas A _M University.

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for 11 weeks this

summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal by incinera-

tion, with an energy' source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics and space reseach

fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse fields as planetary and earth

sciences, space medicine and environmental physiology, !ife support systems,

communications, guidance and control, spacecraft propulsion and power generation,

structures and mechanics, aerodynamics, spacecraft de.sign and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states and Puerto

Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth summer for the aero-
nautics and space research group, and in the seventh summer for engineering

systems design.

- end -

jJ Johnson Space
Houston, Texas Center
Terry White
713/483-5111 August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-197


Dr. Henry E. Corke, instructor of physics at Galveston College, is

taking part in a 10-week summer faculty fellowship program at the NASA

Johnson Space Center.

A resident of Clear Lake City, he is one of 53 university professors

and instructors participating in the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA

in cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education.

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-197

- 2 -

The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in coopera-

tion with the American Society for Engineering Education in two major catagories:

engineering systems design and aeronautics and space research.

NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs, with

funding coming from the NASA Office of University Affairs in the form of grants

to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners in the program are the Uni-

versity of Houston, Rice University and Texas A &M University.

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for 11 weeks this

summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal by incinera-

tion, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics and space reseach

fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse fields as planetary and earth

sciences, space medicine and environmental physiology, life support systems,

communications, guidance and control, spacecraft propulsion and power generation,

structures and mechanics, aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states and Puerto

Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth summer for the aero-

nautics and space research group, and in the seventh summer for engineering

systems design.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
/ Houston, Texas 77058

Terry White FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-198


Dr. Kenneth E. Cox, associate professor in the University of New

Mexico Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, is taking part in

a 10-week summer faculty fellowship program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating in

the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the American

Society for Engineering Education.

Dr. Cox said, "The Faculty Fellowship Program is beneficial to my

research field in the energy area. I am presently doing a study on coal conversion

to clean energy forms. This is my second year at JSC, "he said. "Last year was

spent on the hydrogen study team, and the experience has been of great value to me,

the University and my students."

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-198

- 2 -

The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in coopera-

tion with the American Society for Engineering Education in two major catagories:

engineering systems design and aeronautics and space research.

NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs, with

funding coming from the NASA Office of University Affairs in the form of grants

to the universitieSo Johnson Space center's partners in the program are the Uni-

versity of Houston, Rice University and Texas A &M University.

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for 11 weeks this

summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal by incinera-

tion, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics and space reseach

fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse fields as planetary and earth

sciences, space medicine and environmental physiology, life support systems,

communications, guidance and control, spacecraft propulsion and power generation,

structures and mechanics, aerodynamics, spacecraft de.sign and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states and Puerto

Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth summer for the aero-

nautics and space research group, and in the seventh summer for engineering

systems design.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-199


Dr. William Frank, assistant professor of Earth Science at Central

State University, is taking part in a !O-week summer faculty fellowship

program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating

in the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Society for Engineering Education.

"Being able to interact daily with individuals with collectively

thousands of man-years experience in Earth observations," said Dr. Frank,

"has been a learning experience that would require far greater expenditures
of time and money to equal any other way.

-more -
RELEASE NO: 74-199

-2- !!
The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in I/

cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education in two /

major catagories: engineering systems design and aeronautics and space

research. , i
NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs, 1

with funding coming from the _SA Office of University Affairs in the

form of grants to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University of Houston, Rice University and Texas


The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for i1 weeks

this summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal

by incineration, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics

and space research fellows at JSC for t0 weeks are working in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences, space medicine and environmental

physiology, life support systems, communications, guidance and control,

spacecraft propulsion and power generation, structures and mechanics,

aerodynamics_ spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico, the s_mer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth

summer for the aeronautics and space research group, and in the seventh

summer for engineering systems design.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-200


Dr. William A. Heenan, assistant professor of chemical engineering

at the University of Puerto Rico, is taking part in a 10-week summer

faculty fellowship program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating

in the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Society for Engineering Education.

Dr. Heenan said, "The program is providing me with valuable infor-

mation concerning solid waste management and energy production, which I

plan to use in both my teaching and research at the University of Puerto


RET.WASE NO :. 74-200


The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in

cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education in two

major catagories: engineering systems design and aeronautics and space


NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs,

with funding coming from the NASA Office of University Affairs in the

form of grants to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University of Houston, Rice University and Texas


The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for 11 weeks

this sm_mmer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal

by incineration, v_th an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics

and space research fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences, space medicine and environmental

physiology_ life support systems, commtulications, guidance and control,

spacecraft propulsion and power generation, structures and mechanics,

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth

summer for the aeronautics and spade research group, and in the seventh

summer for engineering systems design.


Johnson Space Center
4,,,_ Houston,
NATIONALTexas 77058
Terry White
713/483- 5111 F0 R RELEASE:
August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-201


Dr. Robert R. Henry, assistant professor of engineering at Northern

Arizona University, is taking part in a 10-week summer faculty fellowship

program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating

in the program at JSC, sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the American

Society for Engineering Education.

Dr. Henry said the program is "an excellent opportunity for an

educator to advance his knowledge while helping to solve current problems."

RET,FASE NO: 74-201


The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in

cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education in two

major catagories: engineering systems design and aeronautics and space

research. /
NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs,

with funding coming from the NASA Office of University Affairs in the

form of grants to the mniversities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University Of Houston, Rice University and Texas

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for ll weeks

this sumner at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal

by incineration, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics

and space research fellows at JSC for l0 weeks are working in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences, space medicine and environmental

p_vsioloP_v, life support systems, communications, guidance and control,

spacecraft propulsion and power generation, structures and mechanics,

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 2! states

and Puerto Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth

summer for the aeronautics and space research group, and in the seventh

summer for engineering systams design.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-202


Dr. Gary K. Higgs, assistant professor of the Michigan State University

geography department, is taking part in a 10-week summer faculty fellowship

program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating

in the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Society for Engineering Education.

Dr. Higgs said the program is "a tremendous advantage to teachers

and researchers because it provides a very broad exposure to activities
in the various fields of remote sensing studies and enables expanded

professional contact."

RE_EASE NO: 74-202


The Summer Faculty Fell_rship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in

cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education in two

major catagories: engineering systems design and aeronautics and space


NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs,

with funding coming from the !_SA Office of University Affairs in the

form of grants to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University Of Houston_ Rice University and Texas


The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for 11 weeks

this s_mmer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal

by incineration, with an energy sourceas a by-product. The 33 aeronautics

and space research fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences, space medicine and enviro_lental

physiology, life support systems_ eommunications_ _idance a_d con_ro]_

spacecraft propulsion and power generation, structures and mechanics,

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth

summer for the aeronautics and space research group, and in the seventh

summer for engineering systems design.

-end- f
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-203


Dr. Richard G. Murray_ head of the Oklahoma State University Mechanical

Power Technology Department_ is taking part in a 10-week summer faculty

fellowship program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating

at the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Soceity for Engineering Education. Dr. Murray is working on

internal combustion engine research at JSC.

Rk_.FASE NO:. 74-203


The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in

cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education in two

major catagories: engineering systems design and aeronautics and space

, /
NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs,

with funding comingfrom the _SA Office of University Affairs in the

form of grants to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University of Houston, Rice University and Texas


The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for ll weeks

this summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal

by incineration, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics

and space research fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences, space medicine and environmental

p_vsiology, life support systems_ communications_ guidance and contro!_

spacecraft propulsion and power generation_ structures and mechanics,

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 2! states

and Puerto Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth
s_mmer for the aeronautics and space research group, and in the seventh

summer for engineering systems design.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White
713/483-5]]1 FOR RELEASE:
August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-204


Dr. Norman W. Naugle, associate professor of mathematics at Texas

A&M University, is taking part in a 10-week summer faculty fellowship

program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating

in the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Society for Engineering Education.

RELEASE NO: 74-204

-2- t_

The Slimmer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in /]

cooperation with the /%merican Society for Engineering Education in two

major catagories: engineering systems design and aeronautics and space


NASA field aenters and local universities administer the programs,

withfunding coming from the b_SA Office of University Affairs in the

form of grants to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University of Houston, Rice University and Texas

A&24 University.
The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for 11 weeks

this summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal

by incineration, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics

and space research fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences_ space medicine and environmental

pkysiology_ life support systems_ communJcations_ guidance an_ cont_o]_

spacecraft propulsion and power generation, structures and mechanics,

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico, the s_=mer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth
summer for the aeronautics and space research group, and in the seventh

summer for engineering systems design.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:
August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-205


Dr. Earle W. Owen, associate professor of electrical engineering at the

University of California at Davis_ is taking part in a 10-week summer faculty

fellowship program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating in

the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Society for Engineering Education. Dr. Owen said that he is

"enjoying the program greatly."

RELFASE NO: 74-205


The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in

cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education in two

major catagories: engineering systems design and aeronautics and space

research. /
NASA field centers and local universities administer th_ programs,

with funding coming from the _SA Office of University Affairs in the

form of grants to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University of Houston_ Rice University and Texas

A_M University.

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for ll weeks

this summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal

by incineration, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics

and space research fellows at JSC for l0 weeks are working in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences, space medicine and enviro_nental

physioloa_v_ life support systems_ communications_ _idance and co_rnl_

spacecraft propulsion and power generation_ structures and mechanies_

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 2! states

and Puerto Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth

summer for the aeronautics and space research group, and in the seventh

summer for engineering systems design.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:
August 16, 1974

RET,EASE NO: 74-206


Dr. Richard L. Pendteton, assistant professor of mechanical engineering

at the South Dakota School of Mines and Tecknology_ is taking part in a

10-week summer faculty fellowship program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating in

the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Society for Engineering Education.

Dr. Pendleton said, "Being able to work with the NASA technical group

and become involved in their plans and problems_ as well as working on

special research problems, has proven to be very interesting and professionally


RET.FASE NO:. 74-206


The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in

cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education in two

major catagories: engineering systems design and aeronautics and space


NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs,

with funding coming from the NASA Office of University Affairs in the

form of grants to the umiversities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University of Houston, Rice University and Texas


The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for tl weeks

this summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal

by incineration, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics

and space research fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences, space medicine and envirommental

physiology, life support systems, commun_aatio_ g_li_a_c_ a_ control,

spacecraft propulsion and power generation, structures and mechanics,

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth

summer for the aeronautics and space research group_ and in the seventh

summer for engineering systems design.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 August 16, 1974

RET.EASE NO: 74-207


Professor Ineatha W. Ruffin, assistant professor of physics at

Southern University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is taking part in a !O-

week summer faculty fellowship program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

She is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating

in the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Society for Engineering Education.

Professor Ruffin said, "The program is a rewarding intellectual


R_.F_SE NO: 74-207


The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in

Cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education in two

major catagories: engineering systems design and aeronautdcs and space

NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs,

with funding coming from the _SA Office of University Affairs in the

form of grants to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University Of Houston; Rice University and Texas

A&M University.

The 20 engineering and systems' design fellows working fcr 11 weeks

this summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal

by incineration, with an energ7 source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics

and space research fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse
fields as planetary and earth sciences, space medicine and environmental

physiology, life suooort systems, communications, ga_idance and control,

spacecraft propulsion and power generation, structures and mechanics,

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth
summer for the aeronautics and space research group, and in the seventh

s.mmer for engineering systems design.

Johnson Space Center
/__ Houston,
NATIONALTexas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-511] August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-208


Dr. Murray Silver_ assistant professor of mathematics at Bowdoin

College, is taking part in a 10-week summer faculty fellowship program

at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating

in the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Society for Engineering Education.

_ R_.MASE NO: 74-208


The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in

cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education in two

major catagories: engineering systems design and aeronautics and space


NASA field centsrs and local universities administer the programs,

with funding coming from the _SA Office of University Affairs in the

form of grants to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University of Houston, Rice University and Texas

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows _orking for i1 weeks

this summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal

by incineration, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics

and space research fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences, space medicine and environmental

physiology, life support systems, communications, guidance and control,

spacecraft propulsion and power generation, structures and mechanics,

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth

summer for the aeronautics and space research group, and in the seventh

s_mmer for engineering systems design.


Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-51]] August 16, 1974

RET.WgSE NO: 74-209


Dr. Theodore F. Smith_ assistant professor of mechanical engineering

at the University of Iowa, is taking part in a 10-week summer faculty

fellowship program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating

in the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Society for Engineering Education.

RE%¥ASE NO: 74-209

-2- 1!

The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in [_

cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education in two

major catagories: engineering systems design and aeronautics and space

NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs,

withfunding coming from the NASA Office of University Affairs in the

form of grants to the umiversities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University of Houston, Rice University and Texas

A&M University.

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows _orking for 11 weeks

this sun,her at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal

by incineration, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics

and space research fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are vmrking in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences, space medicine and envirommental

physiology, life support systems, communications_ guidance and control,

spacecraft propulsion and power generation, structures and mechanics,

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth
summer for the aeronautics and space research group, and in the seventh

summer for engineering systems design.


Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
August !6, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-210


Dr. Jimmy L. Solomon_ assistant professor of mathematics at Texas

A&I University_ is taking part in a 10-week summer faculty fellowship

program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating

in the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Society for Engineering Education.

Dr. Solomon describes the program as "a stimulating experience."

RELEASE NO: 74-210


The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in

cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education in two

major catagories: engineering systems design and aeronautics and space


NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs,

with funding coming from the _SA Office of University Affairs in the

form of grants to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University Of Houston_ Rice University and Texas


The 20 engineering and systems design fellows _rking fcr ll weeks

this summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal

by incineration, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics

and space research fellows at JSC for !0 weeks are working in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences_ space medicine and environmental

physiolo_, life suoport systems, communications, _guidance and control,

spacecraft propulsion and power generation, structures and mechanics,

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth

summer for the aeronautics and space research group, and in tile seventh

snmmer for engineering systems design.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5]]] August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-211


Dr. Jay R. Walton, assistant professor of mathematics at Texas A&M

University, (and native of Gary; and DePauw alumnus) is taking part in

a 10-week summer faculty fellowship program at NASA Johnson Space Center.

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating

in the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperationwith the

American Society for Engineering Education.

RET.FASE NO: 74-211


The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in

cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education in two

major catagories: engineering systems design and aeronautics and space


NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs,

with funding coming from the !_ASA Office of University Affairs in the

form of grants to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University of Houston, Rice University and Texas


The 20 engineering and systems design fellows _orking for 11 weeks

this summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid _ste disposal

by incineration, with an energy soui.ce as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics

and space research fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences, space medicine and environmental

physiology, life support systems, communications, guidance and control,

spacecraft propulsion and power generation, structures and mechanics,

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth
summer for the aeronautics and space research group, and in the seventh

summer for engineering systems design.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-212


Dr. Sam Shu-Yi Wang, associate professor of mechanical engineering

at the University of Mississippi, is taking part in a 10-week summer

faculty fellowship program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating

in the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Society for Engineering Education.

RELEASE NO: 74-212


_le Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in i

cooperation with the A_aerican Society for Engineering Education in two

major catagories: engineering systems design and aeronautics and space


NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs,

with funding coming from the NASA Office of University Affairs in the
form of grants to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University of Houston, Rice University and Texas


The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for 1! weeks

this summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal

by incineration_ with an energy source as a by-pro_lct. The 33 aeronautics

and space research fellows at JSC for !0 weeks are working in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences, space medicine and environmental

physiolo_n;, life suoport systems, communications, guidance and control,

spacecraft propulsion and power generation, structures and mechanics,

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico, the s_mmer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth

summer for the aeronautics and space research group, and in the seventh

summer for engineering systems design.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry _hite FOR RELEASE:
713/483-511 ]
August 16, 1974

RET,WASE NO: 74-213


Dr. Dennis W. }_itson, associate professor of physics at Indiana

University of Pennsylvania, is taking part in a 10-week s_nmer faculty

fellowship program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.
He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating

in the program at JSC_ which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Soeeity for Engineering Education.

Dr. Whitson said, "In the next decade_ scientists and engineers will

be desparately needed by this society. This program helps to keep a number

of these people cumrent with what is happening and at the same time broadening
their interests."

REI,FASE NO: 74-213


The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in

cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education in two

major catagories: engineering systems design and aeronautdcs and space


NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs,

with funding coming from the _SA Office of University Affairs in the

form of grants to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University Of Houston_ Rice University and Texas

A&bi University.
The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for 1_ weeks

this su_er at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal

by incineration, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics

and space research fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences, space medicine and environmental

p_vsiolo&_/, life suooort systems_ communications_ guidance and control_

spacecraft propulsion and power generation, structures and mechanics,

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth

sm_er for the aeronautics and space research group, and in tile seventh

summer for engineering systems design.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-214


Dr. Edward P. Williamson, associate professor of electrical engineering

at Tulane University, is taking part in a 10-week su_ar faculty fellowship

program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating

in the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Society for Engineering Education.

REI.FASE NO: 74-214


The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in

cooperation with the _merican Society for Engineering Education in two

major catagories: engineering systems design and aeronautics and space


NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs,

with funding coming from the I_SA Office of University Affairs in the

form of grants to the universities. Johnson Sp_ee Center's partners

in the program are the University of Houston, Rice University and Texas


The 20 engineering and systems design fellows _orking for 11 weeks

this summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid _ste disposal

by incineration, v_th an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics

and space research fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences, space medicine and environmental

physiology, life suDDort systems, communications, guidance and control,

spacecraft propulsion and power generation, structures and mechanics,

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico_ the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth

summer for the aeronautics and space research group, and in the seventh

summer for engineering systems design.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
August16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-215


Dr. George W. Wolf_ assistant professor of astronomy at Southwest

Missouri State University, is taking part in a 10-week s_umer faculty

fellowship program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating

in the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Society for Engineering Education.

Dr. Wolf said_ "The program permits faculty members who spend most of
thier time during the academic year teaching to collaborate in research and

thereby improve the necessary skills of their professions."

-pAor e -
RELEASE NO: 74-215

-2- I!

_le Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in

cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education in two

major catagories: engineering systems design and aeronautics and space

NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs, I

with funding coming from the NASA Office of University Affairs in the
form of grants to the _aniversities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University of Houston, Rice University and Texas

A&_l University.
The 20 engineering and systems design fellows %Torking for 11 weeks

this summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal

by incineration_ with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics

and space research fellows at JSC for !0 weeks are working in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences, space medicine and environmental

pkysiclo_y, life support systems, communications, guidance and control,

spacecraft propulsion and power generation, structures and mechanics,

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth for the aeronautics and space research group, and in the seventh

summer for engineering systems design.

Johnson Space Center
/_ Houston,
NATIONALTexas 77058
Terry White
713/483- 5111 F 0 R R E L £ A S E'
August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-216


Dr. Gary D. Wolgamott_ associate professor of microbiology at Southwestern

Oklahoma State University_ is taking part in a 10-week summer faculty fellowship

program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

A native of Kiowa_ Kansas and a graduate of Northwestern Oklahoma State

University_ he is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating

in the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Society for Engineering Education.

Dr. Wolgamott said, "The faculty fellowship program is a tremendous

educational opportunity and it is very thrilling to have an active role in

the microbiological experimental payload package of our nation's space


RELEASE NO: 74-216


The Smmmer Faculty Fe!lowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in

Cooperation with the _erican Society for Engineering Education in two

major catagories: engineering systems design and aeronautics and space


NASA field centers and local universities a_minister the programis,

with funding coming from the _L%SA Office of University Affairs in the

form of grants to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University of Houston_ Rice University and Texas

A_4 University.
The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for i1 weeks

this summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal

by incineration, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics

and space research fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences, space medicine and enviro_Jaental

p_vsiolofAy, life suooort systems_ communications_ guidance and control,

spacecraft propulsion and power generation, structures and mechanics,

aerod)mamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico, the su_mmer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth
smm_ner for the aeronautics and space research group, and in tiie seventh

sun,net for engineering systems design.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
August 16, 1974

RELEASE _JO: 74-217


Dr. Hsi-Han Yeh_ associate professor of electrical engineering at the

University of Kentucky, is taking part in a 10-week smm_er faculty fellowship

program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating in

the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Society for Engineering Education.

Dr. Yeh said_ "The program offers the invaluable experience of partici-
pating in space research and design work."

RELEASE NO: 74-217


The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in

cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education in two

major catagories: engineering systems design and aeronautics and space

4 4

NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs,

with funding coming from the _SA Office of University Affairs in the

form of grants to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University of Houston, Rice University and Texas

A_M University.

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows _rking for !! weeks

this suimmer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal

by incineration, with an energy source as a by-product. _he 33 aeronautics

and space research fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences, space medicine and enviro_.ental

physiology, life suaDort systems, communications. _uidance and control,

spacecraft propulsion and power generation, structures and mechanics,

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico, the s_mmer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth

summer for the aeronautics and space research group, and in the seventh

summer for engineering systems design.

Johnson Space Center
Y _ J __ Houston, Texas
Terry White
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:
August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-218


Dr o George E. Antunes, associate professor of political science at the

University of Houston, is taking part in a ii-week summer faculty fellowship

program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

A native of Havre, Montana, and a graduate of Gonzaga University in

Spokane, Washington, he is one of 53 tmiversity professors and instructors

participating in the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation

with the American Society for Engineering Education°

"Our group has an interesting research topic, "said Dr ° Antunes° "Few

people have serously examined municipal garbage as a source of raw materials

and energy."

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-218

- 2 -

The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in coopera-

tion with the American Society for Engineering Education in two major catagories:

engineering systems design and aeranautics and space research.

NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs, with

funding coming from the NASA Office Of University Affairs in the form of grants

to the universities. Johnson Space center's partners in the program are the Uni-

versity of Houston, Rice University and Texas A &aMUniversity.

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for 11 weeks this

summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal by incinera-

tion, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics and space reseach

fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse fields as ptanetary and earth

sciences, space medicine and environmental physiology, life support systems,

communications, guidance and control, spacecra{t propulsion and power generation,

structures and mechanics, aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states and Puerto

Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth summer for the aero-

nautics and space research group, and in the seventh summer for engineering

systems design.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO:. 74-219


Dr o Ronald L. Carmichael, professor of engineering management at the

University of Missouri at Rolla, is taking part in a Il-week summer faculty

fellowship program at the NASA Johnson Space Center°

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating in the

program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the American

Society for Engineering Education.

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-219

- 2 '

The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in coopera-

tion with the American Society for Engineering Education in two major catagories:

_engineering systems design and aeronautics and space research.

NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs, with

funding coming from the NASA Office of University Affairs in the form of grants
to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners in the program are the Uni-

versity of Houston, Rice University and Texas A &M University.

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for 11 weeks this

summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal by incinera-

tion, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics and space reseach

fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse fieids as planetary and earth

sciences, space medicine and environmental physiology, life support systems,

communications, guidance and control, spacecraft propulsion and power generation,

structures and mechanics, aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states and Puerto

Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth summer for the aero-

nautics and space research group, and in the seventh summer for engineering

systems design°

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-220


Dr o Shang-I Cheng, professor of chemical engineering at the Cooper

Union, is taking part in a il-week summer faculty fellowship program at

the NASA Johnson Space Center o

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating in

the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Society for Engineering Education.

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-220

- 2 -

The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in coopera-

tion with the American Society for Engineering Education in two major catagories:

engineering systems design and aeronauticsand space research. I

NASA fieldcenters and localuniversitiesadminister the programs, with

fundingcoming from the NASA Officeof UniversityAffairsin the form of grants

to the universitiesoJohnson Space Center's partners in the program are the Uni-

versityof Houston, Rice Universityand Texas A &M University.

The 20 engineeringand systems design fellowsworking for 11 weeks this

summer at JSC are conductinga systems study of solidwaste disposalby incinera-

tion,with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronauticsand space reseach

fellowsat JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse fieldsas planetaryand earth

sciences, space medicine and environmental physiology,lifesupport systems,

communications, guidance and control,spacecraftpropulsionand power generation,

structuresand mechanics, aerodynamics, spacecraftdesign and flightoperations.

Representing thisyear 39 collegesand universitiesin 21 statesand Puerto

Rico, the summer facultyfellowshipprogram is in itstenthsummer for the aero-

nauticsand space research group, and in the seventh summer for engineering

systems design.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
l_ Houston, Texas
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-221


_o A_,_ professors, Dr. Gary M. Halter of the political science

department, and Dr. Francis W. Holm of the mechanical engineering department,

are raking part in a il-week summer faculty fellowship program at the I_SA

Johnson Space Center.

They are among 53 university professors and instructors participating

in the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Society for Engineering Education.

RELEASE NO: 74-221


The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in

cooperation with the American Society for Engineering _du_atlon in two

major catagories: engineering systems design and aeronautics and space

r ¢

_SA field centers and local universities administer the programs,

with funding coming from the I_SA Office of University Affairs in the

form of grants to the umiversities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University of Houston, Rice University and Texas

A_d University.

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows _rking for 11 weeks

this summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal

by incineration_ with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics

and space research fellows at JSC for !0 weeks are working in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences, space medicine and environmental

physiology, life support systems, communications_ g-uidance and control,

spacecraft propulsion and power generation, structures and mechanics,

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and _niversities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico, the su_zaer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth

summer for the aeronautics and space research group, and in the seventh

suaraer for engineering systes_isdesign.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058

Terry _ite FOR RELEASE:

August 16> 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-222


Dr. James L. Kuester, associate professor of chemical engineering at the

University of Arizona, is taking part in a Il-week s_mmer faculty fellowship

program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

A native of Phoenix, he is one of 53 university professors and instructors

participating in the program at JSC_ which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation

with the American Society for Engineering Education.

RELFAS E NO: 74-222

-2- i

1_le Su_'_:ier
Faculty ] ·
re_lowshzp Institutes _
are s_ensored by NASA in ii

cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education in two I

major eatagories: engineering systems design and aeronautics and space


_ASA field centers and local universities administer the programs, t

with funding coming from the _I&SA Office of University Affairs in the

form of grants to the _aniversities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University of Houston, Rice University and Texas

A&24 University.

t!ae 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for 11 weeks

this summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid xaste disposal

by incineration, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics

and space research fe!lo_zs at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth seiences_ space medicine and enviror2_enta!

physiology, life suDnort systems _ co_nunications, guidance and control_

spacecraft propulsion and power generation, structures and mechanics,

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight c_erations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and mliversities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico_ the s_rm_er faculty fellowship program is in its tenth

s_mfner for the ae_onau_zcs

r _' and space
~ research group, and in the seventh

summer for engineering systems design.

Johnson Space Center
_ J' __ Houston, Texas
Terry _,,_it
713/453- _11t FOR RELEASE:
August 16, 1974

RELEASE N0: 74-223


Dr. Loren D. Lutes_ associate professor of civil engineering at Rice

University, is taking part in a ll-week sum_mer faculty fellowship program

at the }_SA Johnson Space Center.

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating in

the program at JSC_ wlaich is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the American

Society for Engineering Education.

RELEASE NO: 74-223


The Summer Faculty Fellowship institutes are sponsored by NASA in

cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education in two

major catagories: engineering systems design and aeronautics and space


NASA field centers and local universities administer the progr_ns,

with funding coming from the ?i_SA Office of University Affairs _n the

form of grants to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University of Houston_ Rice University and Texas


The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for 11 weeks

this su_er at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal

by incineration, _ith an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics

and space research fellovzs at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences, space medicine and enviro_s_ental

physiolog¥_ life su_ort systems, communications_ guidance and control,

spacecraft propulsion and power generation, structures and mechanics,

aerod_mamics, spacecraft design and flight ooerations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and mniversities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico, the su_mr_erfaculty fellowship program is in its tenth

sumc_er for the aeronautics and space research group, and in the seventh

summer for engineering systems design.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry _*_ite FOR RELEASE:
August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-224


Dr. Dupree Maples, associate professor of mechanical engineering at

Louisiana State University_ is taking part in a !l-week s_m_er faculty

fellowship program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating in

the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the American

Society for Engineering Education.

Referring to the solid waste disposal system study his group is working

on at JSC_ Dr. Maples said, "Energy from solid waste will aid in the solution

of two national problems. First, the solid waste disposal problem in the

United States is reaching alarming proportions, and second, we have an energ3_

shortage. The _SA study is an attempt to combine these two problems into one
solution: energy from solid waste. 'r

RELEASE NO: 74-224


The Surmmer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in

cooperation with the A_erican Society for Engineering Education in t_o

major categories: engineering s_stems design and aeronautics and space


_SA field centers and local universities a_'inister the programs,

with funding coming from the }_SA Office of University Affairs in the

form of grants to the u__iversities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University of Houston, Rice University and Texas

A&M University.

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows vTorking for 11 weeks

this summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid _aste disposal

by incineration, with an energy source as a by-product. _ae 33 aeronautics

and space research fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences, space medicine and enviro_ental

physiology, life support systems, communications_ _uidance and control_

spacecraft propulsion and po_er generation, structures and mechanics,

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico, the su_mer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth

summer for the aeronautics and space research group, and in the seventh

summer for engineering systems design.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry }Fnite
713/4_3-51!1 FOR RELEASE:
August 16, 1974

RELEASE 1TO: 74-225


Dr. Arthur C. Meyers_ instructor of natural science and technology in the

Environmental Design College of the University of Colorado, is taking part

in a ll-week summer faculty fellowship program at the 3?ASA Johnson Space Center.

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating in the

program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the American

Sociely for Engineering Education.

Dr. Neyers said_ "I have found the program most helpful in professional

growth in environmental design and environmental physics."

REL_,SE NO: 74-225


Tile Stu._;ler
Faculty Fel!o_,fship Znstitutes are sF_onsored by NASA in

cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education in two

major categories: engineering systems design and aeronautics and space

research. ¢

_,_SA field centers and local universities ad_._inister the progrsmls, I

with funding coming from the _2_SA Office of University Affairs in the
form of grants to the ,aniversities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University of Houston, Rice University and Texas

A_.l University.
The 20 engineering and systems design fellows _Torking for 11 weeks

this su_mer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid _aste disposal

by incineration_ _ith an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeroilautics

and space research fellows at JSC for !0 weeks are _._orking in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences_ space medicine and enviro,_._enta!

physiolo_onf, life suoport systems, communications, guidance and control.

spacecraft propulsion and pgvzer generation, structures and mechanics,

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and uaniversities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico, the s=mner faculty fellowship program is in its tenth

suzmmer for the aeronautics and space research group, and in the seventh

stummer for engineering systems design.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry ?_ite
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:
August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-226


Dr. Shankaranarayana R. N. Rao_ chairman of the civil engineering department

at Prairie View A_{ University, is taking part in an ll-week summer faculty

fellowship program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating in

the program at JSC_ which is sponsored by Il[ASAin cooperation with the American

Society for Engineering Education.

Dr. Rao said, "A faculty fellowship program such as this is a worthy
instrument for the benefit of the futuz_e of our society."

RELEASE NO: 74-296


The Su_ner Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in

cooperation with the _nerican Society for Engineering Education in two

major catagories: engineering systems design and aeronautdcs and space


NASA field centers and local universities administer th_ progrsm_s,

with fmnding coming from the _SA Office of University Affairs in the

form of grants to the u_niversities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University of Houston_ Rice University and Texas

A_M University.

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for i1 weeks

this sur_mer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal

by incineration, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics

and space research fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences_ space medicine and enviromnental

physiolo_¥_ life suuuort systems, communications. _uidance and control,

spacecraft propulsion and power gener_tion_ structures and mechanics,

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight ouerations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico, the su_mner faculty fellowship program is in its tenth

sur_ner for the aeronautics and space research group, and in the seventh

surmaer for engineering systems design.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058

Terry White FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-227


Dr o Armando Riesco II, assistant professor in the industrial engineering

department at the University of Puerto Rico, is taking part in an ll-week summer

faculty fellowship program at the NASA Johnson Space Center°

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating in the

program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the American

Society for Engineering Education.

Dr. Riesco said, "This program provides an opportunity for faculty

members to work in an interdisciplinary group which concentrates itself on very

timely and important problems°"

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-227

The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in coopera-

tion with the American Society for Engineering Education in two major catagories:

' engineering systems design and aeronautics and space research.

NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs, with

funding coming from the NASA Office of University Affairs in the form of grants
to the universities o Johnson Space Center's partners in the program are the Uni-

versity of Houston, Rice University and Texas A kM University.

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for 11 weeks this

summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal by incinera-

tion, with an energy- source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics and space reseach

fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse fieids as planetary and earth

sciences, space medicine and environmental physiology, life support systems,

communications, guidance and control, spacecraft propulsion and power generation,

structures and mechanics, aerodynamics, spacecraft de.sign and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and mniversities in 21 states and Puerto

Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth summer for the aero-

nautics and space research group, and in the seventh summer for engineering

systems design.

- end -

_l' Houston, Texas 77058

Johnson Space Center
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-228


Dr o Fredrick W o Swift and Dr. Henry A o Wiebe, assistant professors

in the engineering management department of the University of Missouri at Rolla,

are taking part in an Il-week summer faculty fellowship program.

They are among 53 university professors and instructors participating

in the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Society for Engineering Education.

Dr o Swift said, "This outstanding program gives one an excellent oppor ~

tunity to work with colleagues from other universities, but it should he expanded

so that other universities could host the program o"

Dr. Wiebe said the program is "of great benefit to the participants o"

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-228

- 2 -

The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in coopera-

tion with the American Society for Engineering Education in two major catagories:

engineering systems design and aeronautics and space research.

NASA field centers and local universities administer the programs, with

funding coming from the NASA Office of University Affairs in the form of grants
to the universities° johnson Space Center's partners in the progr_am are the Uni-

versity of Houston, Rice University and Texas A &M University.

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for 11 weeks this

summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal by incinera-

tion, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics and space reseach

fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse fields as planetary and earth

sciences, space medicine and environmental physiology, life support systems,

communications, guidance and control, spacecraft propulsion and power generation,

structures and mechanics, aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states and Puerto

Rico, the summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth summer for the aero-

nautics and space research group, and in the seventh summer for engineering

systems design°

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White
713/483-5111 August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-229


Dr. William Do Turner, associate professor in the department of

civil and mechanical engineering at Texas A &I University, is taking part in

an il-week summer faculty fellowship program at the NASA Johnson Space

Center o

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating

in the program at JSC, which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Society for Engineering Education.

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-229

- 2 -

The Summer Faculty Fellowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in coopera-

tion with the American Society for Engineering Education in two major catagories:

:engineering systems design and aeronautics and space research.

NASA Field centers and local universities administer the programs, with

funding coming from the NASA Office of University Affairs in the form of grants

to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners in the program are the Uni-

versity of Houston, Rice University and Texas A &aMUniversity.

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for 11 weeks this

summer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal by incinera-

tion, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics and space reseach

fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse fields as planetary and earth

sciences, space medicine and environmental physiology, life support systems,

communications, guidance and control, spacecraft propulsion and power generation,

structures and mechanics, aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states and Puerto

Rico, tile summer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth summer for the aero-

nautics and space research group, and in the seventh summer for engineering

systems design°

- end -
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry _,_,m.
713/483-5111 August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-230


Dr. Lambert J. Van Poolen_ associate professor of engineering at

Galvin College_ is taking part in an il-week summer faculty fellowship

program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

An Illinois Institute of Technology alulnus, he is one of 53 university

professors and instructors participating in the program at JSC_ which is

sponsored by '_{ASAin cooperation with the American Society for Engineering


Dr. Van Poo!en said_ _'This program_ which brings together various

disciplines_ is showing the _y to how complex engineering problems need

to be solved. No longer can the engineer avoid the political, social and

broad economic problems involved in designing and implementing technical

soluLions to problems. _'


_le Smu_:er Faculty Fellowship Ins uztu_es are sponsored by NASA in

cooperation with the ._merican Society for Engineering Education in two

major catagories: engineering systems design and aeronautics and space


NASA field centers and local universities ad_i_nister the programs, t

with funding coming from the U_.SA Office of University Affairs in the
form of grants to the ,,_'-__
_z,e_sities Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University of Houston, Rice University and Texas

A_.i University.

T_e 20 engineering an_ systems design fello:;s _.Torking for 11 weeks

this s_u_mer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid _zaste disposal

by incineration, with an energy source as a by-prom _cu. _ne 33 _eronau___s

and sp_ce research fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are v_orking in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences_ space medicine and enviror__cental

physiolo_ _, life support systems, co_uunications, a:uidance and control.

spacecraft propulsion and po_.:ergeneration, structu_'es and _echanics,

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico_ the s_mner faculty fellowship program is in its tenth

subtler for the aeronautics and space research group, and in the seventh

smmmer for engineering systems design.

Johnson Space Center
J' Houston, Texas 77058

Terry i*?nite FOR RELEASE:

713/453-5111 August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-231


Dr. Hichael Steib, assistant professor of mathematics at the University

of Houston, is taking part in an ll-week su_Lmer faculty fellowship program

at the }_SA Johnson Space Center.

He is one of 53 university professors and instructors participating

in the program at JSC, which is sponsored by HASA in cooperation with the

American Society for Engineering Education.

RELEASE NO: 7h-231


The Sum_mer Faculty Fe!lowship Institutes are sponsored by NASA in

cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education in two

major catagories: engineering systems design and aeronautdcs and space


_SA field centers and local universities a_ainister t_e programs,

with funding coming from the :q_SA Office of University Affairs _n the

form of grants to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University of Houston_ Rice University and Texas

A_M University.

The 20 engineering and systems design fellows working for ll weeks

this sur_er at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal

by incineration, with an energy source as a by-product. =_e 33 aeronautics

and space research fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences, space medicine and enviromtental

physiolo_v, life supoort systems_ co_aunications, guidance and control,

spacecraft propulsion and power generation_ structures and meehanics_

aerodynamics_ spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and universities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico_ the s_zaer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth

s_mmer for the aeronautics and space research group_ and in the seventh

s_mner for engineering systems design.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry _7_ite FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 August 16, 1974

RELEASE I.:0: 7h-232


Dr. Tsong-how Chang_ assistant professor of industrial engineering

at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee_ is taking part in an ll-week

su_er faculty fellowship program at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

He is one of 53 _qiversity professors and instructors participating

in the program at JSC_ which is sponsored by NASA in cooperation with the

American Society for Engineering Education.

Dr. Chang said, "This s_r_er's program attempts to review and assess

existing methods and to develop new ideas for mining the so-called "urban

ore" which many cities have found increasingly difficult to put down after

its been picked up."

P_LF_S E NO: 74-232


The SuP_mer Faculty Fe!!owshin Institutes are sponsored by NASA in

cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education in two

major categories: engineering systems design and aeronautics and space


NASA field centers and local universities a_:_inister the progr_as,

with funding coming from the }_SA Office of University Affairs in the

form of grants to the universities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the pro6ram are the University of Houston, Rice University and Texas

A_{ University.

The 20 engineering and systems design fetlo_{s working for !! weeks

this s_er at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal

by incineration, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics

and space research fellovrs at JSC for 10 weeks are working in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences_ space medicine and envirorxental

physiolo_v, life suo_ort systems_ communications_ 6uidance and control.

spacecraft propulsion and pod{er generation_ structures and mechanics,

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and _iversities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico, the s_mmer faculty fellowship program is in its tenth

sulmmer for the aeronautics and seade research group_ and in the seventh

sumner for engineering systems design.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry T_Uait
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:
August 16, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-233


Professor Wayne Krause_ instructor in the mechanical engineering depart-

ment at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technolo_v_ is taking part in

an ll-week summer faculty fellowship program at the :_SA Johnson Space Center.

A native of Lead_ South Dakota_ he is one of 53 university professors

and instructors participating in the program at JSC_ which is sponsored by

IfASA in cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education.

Professor Krause said, "I have had the opportumity to develop

professionally and I am especially impressed with the interest shovm by our

NASA supervision. They are doing a fine job in supporting our efforts."

RELEASE NO: 74-233


_le Smmner Faculty }e__owshmp Institutes are sponsored by NASA in

cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education in two

major catagories: engineerin 6 systems design and aeronautics and space


}_SA field centers and local universities ae_inister the programs,

with funding coming from the ?RSA Office of University Affairs in the

form of grants to the ,maiversities. Johnson Space Center's partners

in the program are the University of Houston, Nice University and Texas
A_4_ ..
uR1vers!t .__
3 .

The 20 engineering and systems design fellovrs _._orking for tl weeks

this s'mmmer at JSC are conducting a systems study of solid waste disposal

by incineration, with an energy source as a by-product. The 33 aeronautics

and space research fellows at JSC for 10 weeks are _{orking in such diverse

fields as planetary and earth sciences, space medicine and envirommenta!

physiology, life support systems, cox_unications_ suidance and control,

spacecraft propulsion and power generation, structures and mechanics,

aerodynamics, spacecraft design and flight operations.

Representing this year 39 colleges and m_iversities in 21 states

and Puerto Rico, the s_=mer faculty fello_snmp program is in its tenth

sum_ner for the aeronautics and space research group, and in the seventh

su_ner for engineering systems design.

Johnson Space Center
NATIONALTexas 77058
Robert Gordon FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 August 12, 1'974

RELEASE X0: 74-234


Dr. Jerry R. Hordinsky_ formerly of Drake_ North Dakota_ is part of the

NASA aerospace team from the Johnson Space Center_ Houston, Texas_ scheduled
to make the first comprehensive report on the results of Skylab_ the longest

and most scientifically productive endeavors in the history of h_::an explora-

tion. Dr. Hordinsky was crew flight surgeon for Skylab-4.

Dr. Hordinsky_ a graduate of North Dakota will present a paper on

"Evaluation Of Life In Skylab From A Hedica! Vievrcoint" at the 20th annual

meeting of the American Astronautical Society (ALS) in Los Ange!es_ Ca!ifornia_

August 20-22_ 1974. This three day conference which is co-sponsored by the

University of Southern California_ Los Angeles, and the AAS_ is designed to

present a definitive report on Skylab and its impact on future space programs.
l_he conference which features presentations by 77 government, industry

and university aerospace engineers and scientists will highlight all facets

of the 17!-day long manned Skylab program during v_ich time three separate

crews lived and worked aboard tile 100-ton orbiting scientific laboratory

for eeriods of 28 to 84 days. %_ne last mission ended on February 8_ !974.

Dr. Hordinsky's paper is part of the third day's session. His presenta-

tion details an overview of the significant results of the medical experiments

conducted during Skylab and a s,_=aary of the medical observations gathered

by the team of life scientists.

RELEASE NO: 74-234


$kylab_ the first manned orbiting laboratory_ vTas launched from the

Kennedy Space Center_ Plorida_ on Kay 14_ 1973. The loss of a meteoroid

and thermal shield and loss of one of the vehicles solar array panels
threatened the success of the program; however_ ground crews worked out

procedural repairs _shich were carried out by the first crew of Charles

Conr_d_ Dr. Joseph Kerwin, and Paul Weir×. This first team spent 28 days

aboard the orbiting lab aha returned with a harvest of scientific evidence

on man's ability to perfect d'_ing prolonged periods of weightlessness_

new evidence on the intricacies cf Sun and near stars_ and extensive data
on the natural resources of the Earth.

Subsequent missions of 59 days (Alan Bean_ Dr. _en Garriott, and

Jack Lousma_ July oS-September 25_ 1973) and S4 days {Gerald _arr_

Dr. Edward Gibson and William Pogue_ November t6_ 1973-February 8, 1974)

provided additional data on man's future role in spase as well as a wealth

ef new information about the dynamic processes of the S_u and its effects

on the Earth. The Skylab missions have also proved the value of manned

observations of the Earth from space_ helped define the feasibility of new

products in zero gravity and has stimulated interest of international

cooperation in space.

Dr. Hordinsky has been with the 7ASA since 1972. Prior %o jo{ning

the iRSA_ Dr. Hordinsky was a resident in Aviation Hedicine at Harvard

University_ Cambridge, i,lssachusetts (1971-72)_ an Army flight surgeon at

Ft. Polk, Louisiana; and an intern at Cook County Nospita!_ Chicago,


Dr. Kordinsky, _lo was born in i'_,lusch_Uleraine_ now resides in

League City, Texas_ with his wife i,larthaand daughters_ Tamara, and
Natal! e.

Johnson Space Center

jJ Houston, Texas 77058

?_imtonRe__m FOR RELEASE:
71 _/h_-_lll
August 227 1974

RELEASE NO: 7_-235


Astronaut Vance Brand _Atl be part of the group of crevm_en_ engineers_

and support personnel from the l_SA Johnson Space Center attending meetings

and training exercises in the Soviet Union beginning in late August and

continuing through September. These are preparations for the upcoming

Apo!le/Soyuz Test Project space flight now scheduled for mid-July of 1975.
Brand,of Long_ont_ Colorado_ is the prime crew Cor_and Module Pilot

and will be attending negotiation meetings in the Moscow area the last

week in August and the first week in September.



Tile ASTP flight scheduled for next year will be the first joint manm,ei

space flight by %._o nations.

Tentative mission profile for the flights of the U.S.S.R. and U.S.

spacecraft has the Soyuz spacecraft laumched first with a two-man crew

on July 15_ 19,'_--

from the Soviet CosmoS'one. T%_e _u._._Apollo spacecraft
will be la,J_nched with tP_ee astronauts aboard a Sat_n lB rocket from the

Kennedy Space Center,

_ _
z_orlda, launch site approx_mate!y 7 1/2 hou_-s !atez.

Af%er achieving __w_'_'__,

orbit_ the U.S. astronauts will niace the SedCO-

craft in the proper configuration for docking. N_e Apollo will then transfer

to the same docking orbit as Sobmz. Docking of the two spacecraft is

scheduled %o Lake place about two days into the mission.

Nk_ing the two days that the spacecraft are linked together each of

the crew members in both spacecraft will visit the spacecraft of the other

cnnnt,_y. 0The nor:tined U.S, - U.S.S.R. crew will perform joint experiments

and radio/television reporting from both Apollo and Soyuz.

After the jein_ dockin_ e2_eriments have been co_mpleted_ the spaceera_'%

will separate and continue on a program cf auto_o':ous f!ight. _le Sopaz

will land in the U.S.S.R. and the Apollo will make a wa%er landing in time
Pacific Ocean.

During the entire flight, the ground control centers of both co?_ltries
will remain in radio ooxn}mications contact with each other as well as

their spacecraft,

%Sac joint docking mission of the So_az and Apollo spacecraft in 197p

will be a major step in the realizatio_ef agreements between the Soviet

Union and the United States on cooperation i:n exploration and peaceful

uses of outer space.

%_e main goal of the joint flight is to test and evaluate the

compatibility of systems for rendezvous, docking end tlne transfer of

cosmonauts and astronaL:ts between future rearmed spacecraft and stations.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry %_ite FOR RELEASE:
713/483- 5!11
August 16_ 1974

RELEASE NO: 7k-236



Project Aeollo proved that man could cross a quarter million n:iles of

space and land on another celestrial body_ but the S'_lab space station proved
that man can adapt to long-duration space flights _,_th no adverse effects upon

his physiological systems.

SkMlab's contribution to medical knowledge of how well man can perform

useful work in space will be covered in 38 papers to be presented in a three-

day Skylab Life Sciences Sy_:posium August 27-29_ 1974 at the I_SA Johnson

Space Center. The papers will detail the results of medical experiments as
described by the principal investigators_ and crew performance as related by

the Skylab crevanen and by the NASA physicians who monitored crew biomedical

responses during the 171 days the space stations was manned.
JSC Director of Life Sciences Richard S. Johnston said_ "The performance

of the Skylab crev_en_ the medical equipment_ and the principal investigator
team _,ms outstanding and exceeded all expectations. With the completion of

the postflight medical evaluations from the last Skylab flight_ we feel it

is appropriate to surmwarize and report to the scientific con_munity the biomedical

findings resulting from this program.

lie spvr_posiux_,
will close with a panel discussion on the afternoon of the
final day.


(Notice to editors: Copies of the Skylab Life Sciences Symposiua

Rgend_ are available from the JSC Public information Office uoon

Johnson Space Center
j Houston, Texas 77058
Milton Reim FOR RELEASE:
7t3/h_ 3-5111
August 227 1974

RELEASE N0: 7h-237


Ken Young of Austin will be part of the group of crewmen_ engineers,

and support personnel from the NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) attending

meetings and training exercises in the Soviet Union beginning in late

August and continuing through September. T_ese are preparations for the

upcoming Apollo/Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) space flight now scheduled for

mid-July 1975.

Young is the AS?P Project Manager for the JSC Mission Planning and
Analysis Division and will serve as trajectory subgroup chairman of the

working group during negotiation meetings September 1-14 in the Moscow


RELFRSE NO: 4-2 u '


The ASTP flight scheduled for next year will be the first joint manned

space fl!gh_ by two ua%ions.

Tentative mission profile for the flights of the U.S.S.R. and U.S.

spacecraft has the So}naz spacecraft launched first with a two-,man crew

on July 15, 1975 fror. the Soviet Cosmcdrone. _e U.S. Apollo spacecraft
will be lam_ehed _:ith three astronauts aboard a Saturn iB rocket from %he

Kennedy Space Center_ Florida_ launch site approxLmate!y 7 1/2 hours later.
After achieving Earth orbit, the U.S. astronauts ?;ill place the space-

craft in the proper configuration for docking. The Apollo _,_illthen transfer

%o the same docking orbit as ooFaz. Docking of the two spacecraft Is

scheduled to take place about two days into the mission.

During the two days that the spacecraft are linked together each of
the cre]._members in both spacecraft will visit the seaceeraft of the other

country. The combined U.S. - U.S.S.R. crew will perform joint experiments

and radio/television reporting from both Apollo and Soyuz.

After the joint docking e:._eriments ha ....been -'_ == the smacecra:t

will separate and continue on a program of autononous flight. __ne Soyuz

will land in the U.S.S.R. and the Apollo will make a water landing in the

Pacific Ocean.

During the entire flight, the ground control centers of both countries
will remain in radio eo_._munications contact with each other as well as

their spacecraft.

%%_e joint docking ....

'_ sszon
'" of the So_n_z and Apo]7o
-- spacecraft in 1975

will be a m':jcr step in the rea!iza%ioq_of agreements between the Soviet

Union and the United States on cooperation
_ tn _ ] ,,_,
_. e_,p_o,_tzon and peaceful

uses of outer space.

Eb_e main goal of the joint flight is to test and evaluate the

compatibility of s y_'_,,e__-
for rendezvous_ docking and t_e..transfer of
cosmonauts and sstrcnauts between future manned spaeecrsft and stations.

Johnson Space Center

jJ Houston, Texas 77058

Xilton Reirr. FOR RELEASE:
713/4_3-5111 August 22_ 1.974

__EL.___S= }_0: 74-23_

T Nm _ _

Lavmence Bourgeois Jr. of Houma_ Louisiana_ will be part of the group

of cre_,_en, engineers and support personnel from the NASA Johnson Space

Center attending meetings and training exercises in the Soviet Union begin-

ning in late August and continuing through September. These are preparations

for the upcoming Apollo/Soyuz Test Project (AS?P) space flight nevi scheduled

for mid-July 1975.

Bourgeois is an experiments flight controller and will be attending

flight controller training in the Moscow area September 16-27. The training

is to familiarize the flight controllers with the Soviet spacecraft and

control eenter operations for the ASTP mission.

-mcr e-
RELF_,SE 10:4-238


T_ne ASTP flight scheduled for next y', _ill be tile first joint :harmed

space flight by two nations.

Tentative '.aissionp_-_'ofiT___
for the fill _:,.s
of the U.S.S.R. and U.S.

spacecraft h_s the So_n_z spacecraft launched first with a two-_man crew

on July i _;
q !975 from the Soviet Cosn:o&rone. The U.S ° _
Ae0t!o _i0 _Cec_
..... _
will be launched with tb_ee astronauts aboard a Satlk_n t3 _,_u_eo
_ .... from the

Kennedy Space Center_ =- -s,

_lorm_, !s.m_ch site approxJm_ate!y 7 -
7/p- ho_s later.

After achieving -£arth orbit, the U.S astronauts _.7-i]i

_tace _t,e no_

craft in the p__'ope,_

.... for docking The Anol!o _zill then transfer

to the same dockin S orbit as SoFaz. Docking of the %._o spacecraft is

sched_u!ed to take place about two days into the mission.

During ti:e two days that the spacecraft ore linked _be_L_r each of
the crew members in both spa_ecra_ _ _,_il!visit the svJacecraft of the other

country. The ncmb_rJed U.S, - U.S.S.R_ crew _,_illperform jolnt exeeri.ments

and radio/%e!evision reporting from both Apollo and So:/uz.

After the joint deakin6 e_._eri_:ents have been cs::?!stei, the suasecraft

will separate and continue on a program of autonomous flight. %l_e Soyuz

will land _._
in the _T c .......
e and the Aeollo will make a water landing in the

Pacific Ocean.

During the entire fiight_ the ground control centers of both countries
will remain in radio co_cn_u:ications contact with each other as well as

their spacecraft.

_ne joint docking mission of the Soyuz and Apollo _pacecraft in 197J

will be a major step in the realizatior_ef agreements between the Soviet

Union and the United States on cooperation i.n exp!orsticn and eeaeefu!

uses of outer space.

The main goal or t?,.ejoint flight is to test and evaluate %he

compatibility of systems for rendezvous, docking and the transfer of

cosmonauts and astronauts between future mar_nel spacecraft and stations.

Johnson Space Center
J Houston, Texas 77058

Milton Reim FOR RELEASE:

7!A/453-5111 August 22_ 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-239


Harold Black of Clifton_ New Jersey, will be part of a group of cre_nen,

engineers, and support personnel from %he NASA Jobmson Space Center attending

meetings and training exercises in the Soviet Union beginning in late August

and continuing t_l_ough September. _nese are preparations for the upcoming

Apol!o/Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) space flight now scheduled for mid-July
of 1975.
Black a com_unications systems flight controller will be attending

negotiation meetings and flight controller training exercises in the Hoscow

area September $-28. His responsibility is planning the use of, managing
and troubleshooting of the ASTP co_nunications systems.


The ASTP flight scheduled for next year will be the first joint manned

space flight by tsro nations.

Tentative mission profile for the flights of the U.S.S.R. and U.S.

spacecraft has the _osu._

a ,_,7 soacecrazt....
launchei first _!tn a two-man crew

on uu!y !5_ 1975 from the oc

_ "_
v_e_' Cosmodrone. _le U.S . _,p_llo
_'_ .......
v;i!l be !au_eal_edwith t}lree astro_l_uts aboard a Satu_l! iL rocket from tile

Kenned'/ Space Center_ Florida_ launch site approx_rs~te!y 7 1,/2 hours later.

After achieving Earth orbit_ tile U.S. astrorlauts will place the SDS,Ce-

craft in the proper configuration for docking. The Aec!lo _.,_i!l

then Cransfer

to the same _o_k_ng

..... orulu'
'_ _o_ So,_uz.,_Docking of the two spacecraft __s

scheduled to take _o_

oi_,_e about ts¢o days into the mission.

D-raringthe tv_o days that the spacecraft are linked t_a_e_her each cf

the crew members in both spacecraft will visit the seacecraft of tl'_cother

enn_trCz. _le ae,rnb"nedU,S, - U.S.S.R. crew,3_dlt eerform joint e_-:perimeuts

and radio/television reporting from both Apo!lo and SoFaz.

After the joint docki:g e,_'_-_

_s h_v_,_
_ been _'_-_r_-,:__-_eted,
the s_aeecraft

};iii sept,rate and continue on a program of autonomous fl ig,_u.

-_ '_ ±r_e So_kqcz

}:ill land in the U.S.S.R. aP_d the Apollo will make a v%ter landing in the
Pacific Ocean.

During the entire flight, the ground control centers of both cou__ltr!es
_rill remain in radio comlmunicatiens contact v-iCh each other as };ell as

their spacecraft.

The joint doc:_zng'_'

mission of the So}fez and Apollo spacecraft _in 1975

will be a .major step in the realizatiosmDf agreements bet,leon the Soviet

Union and the Un__a _taues on cooperation i.n exploraticn and peaceful

uses of outer space.

The main goal of the joint flight is to test and evaluate the

cor_patibility of systems for rendezvous_ eoc__,-ngand the transfer of

cosmonauts anl astronauts between futume }.!afhnect

spacecraft and s o_tzons.

Johnson Space Center

jJ Houston, Texas 77058

_iltonReir_ FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 August 22_ 1974

REEF_&SE NO: 74-240


K. P. Prank_ of Denton, Texas, will head up the group of cre_en,

engineers and support personnel from the NASA Johnson Space Center attending

meetings and training exercises in the Soviet Union beginning in late August

and continuing through September. These are preparations for the upcoming

Apollo/Soyuz Test Project space flight now scheduled for mid-July 1975.
Frank is the lead flight director for the ASTP flight and chairman of

the joint working group that will be attending these meetings in the Moscow
area. Se will take part in the negotiation meetings and the flight controller

training exercises during September 8-28 with the group's Soviet counterparts.

SE NO: 4-240


The ASTP flight scheduled for next year will be the first joint manned

space flight by two nations.

Tentative mission profile for the flights of the U.S.S.R. and U.S.

spacecraft has the Soyuz spacecraft la_lched first with a two-man crew

on July !5_ 1975 from the Soviet Cosmodrone. _ne U.S. Apollo spacecraft
will be launched with three astronauts aboard a Satemn iB rocket from the

_nne_j S_ace Center_ Florida_ la_ch site ap_roxii,_ate!y 7 !/2 hou_,s later.

Az'her achieving Earth erbit_ the U.S. astronauts will place the space-

craft in the proper configuration for docking. The Apollo will then transfer

to the same docking orbit as Soyuz. Docking of the two spacecraft is

scheduled to take place about two days into the mission.

During the two days that the spacecraft are linked together each of

the crew members in both spacecraft will visit the spacecraft of the other

aolmf_y, The combi_ed U.S. - U.S.S.R. crew will perforn_ joint experiments

and radio/television reporting from both Apollo and o O ,JU_.

After the joint docking e:_eriments h_,_e seen comi3ieted , the _ ........

will separate and continue on a program of autonomous flight. _e Se_z

will land in the U.S.S.R. and the Apollo will make a water landing in the
Pacific Ocean.

During the entire flight, the ground control centers of both countries
will remain in radio cormr_unications contact with each other as well as

their spacecraft,

The joint docking mission of the So_z and Apollo spacecraft in i975

will be a major step in the realizatios_of agreements between the Soviet

Union and the United States on coaperation in exploration and peaceful

uses of outer space.

The main goal of' the joint flight is to test and evaluate the

compatibility of systems for rendezvous_ docking and the transfer of

cosmonauts and s,
stronau%s between future manned spacecr_ft and stations.

Johnson Space Center
__ Houston, Texas
713/453-_111 August 22_ 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-241


Astronaut Karol J. 3obko of Seaford_ New York_ will be part of the

group of crev_en_ engineers and support personnel from %he N_ASA Johnson

Space Center attending meetings and training exercises in the Soviet Union

beginning in late August and continuing through September. These are prep-

arations for the upcoming Apollo/Soyuz Test Project {ASTP) space flight now

scheduled for mid-July 1975.

Nobko_ a support crev_en for ASTP assisting the flight crews in training

and test ac%ivities_ will be attending negotiation meetings and taking part

in flight controller training in the Moscow area September 16-27.

RELig,SE NO: 74-241


The ASTP flight scheduled for next year will be the first jolnt manned

space flight by t,_o nations.

Tentative mission profile for the flights of the U.S. _.R.

_ and U.S

spacecraft has the SoFaz o_ ......a_t

o2 _' launchei first with a t_o-man crew

on July 15, 1975 frohl the Soviet Cos._oarone.

'_ '- Thc U.S. Apollo spacecrafv
will be laui_cnea with onree astronauts aboard a Sat_n lB rocket from the

_=em_ed3 Space C,enter, Florida, launch site aporoxJ'_::_te!y7 1/2 hou_s la%er

After achieving Earth orbit, the U.S. astronauts ;;ill place the smaae-

craft in the proper eonfiguratio_ for docking. The Apollo N?itl then transfer

to the same docking orbit as _o}_z. Docking of the two spacec_afu is

scheduled to take place aleut t_zo days into the mission.

During the v_..'o

days tnao the _p_ce_raf._ are linked together each of

the crew.,-
members in both spacecraft will visit the spacecraft of the other

onun{_rv. T%e combSned U._.° _ U.S.S.R_ erevz will perform joint exper!Rents

and radio/television reporzing fro:n both Apollo and o ....

After the jni _,+ dockhlg e}_eriments have been ...._'_e, p .......

will separate and continue on a program of autonomous _ '_'_- _p_e So,Rtz

will land in the U.S.S.R. and the Apollo will make a water landing in the
Pacific Ocean.

During the entire f!igit, the ground control centers cf both countries
__11 remain in radio cor;x_z_icaticns contact with each other as well as

their spacecraft.

The joint docking mission of the SoFuz and Apollo spacecraft in 1975

will be a major step in the realizatioR_of agreements between the Soviet

Union and the United S _°_- on cooperation in exploration and peaceful

uses of outer space.

The main goal of the joint flight is to test and evaluate the

compatibility of systems for rendezvous, docking and the transfer of

cosmonauts and astronauts between future manned spacecraft and stations.

Johnson Space Center
,/ Houston, Texas 77058

Hilton Rei_r, FOR RELEASE;

713/483-5111 August 22:1974

RELEASE NO: 74-242


Daniel A. Bland, Jr. of Raleigh, North Carolina_ ,_ill be part of the

group of cre_nen, engineers and support personnel from the _SA Johnson

Space Center attending meetings and training exercises in the Soviet Union

beginning in late August and continuing through September. These are prep-

arations for the upcoming Apo!lo/Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) space flight now
scheduled for mid-July 1975.

Bland, working on joint US/USSR flight procedures development for ASTP_

will be attending negotiation meetings in the Moscow area August 26 through

September 13.

R.... _ .... )_'0: 74-242


_ne ASTP flight scheduled for next year will be the first joint manned

space flight by %_o nations.

Tentative mission profile for the flights of the U.S.S.R. and U.S.

spacecraft has the goyuz spacecraft launched first with a t_,zo-._an


on July 15, 1975 fram the Soviet Cosmoirene. _e U.S. Apollo spacecraft
will be launched _,ziththree astronauts aboard a Saturn lB rocket from the

Kenuedy Space Center_ ?lorida, launch site appro>:_,_tately7 1/2 ho_s later.

After achieving Earth orbit_ the U.S. astronauts ;7i!1 _iace the space-

craft in the proper configuration for docking. The Apollo _._Til!

then tr-_nsfcr

to _he same docm_ng orbit as S%m_z. l_ocKmng of the two spacecraft is

scheduled to take place about two days into the mission.

During the t_,_odays th:_t the spacecraft are linked together each of

the crew: members in both _a_craf_

o_ _ + v_ill visit the smacecraft of the other

notate;? rh cc_rb-ned b.o. - U.S.S.R. crevz w_!l _erfor__ joint experiments

and radio/television reportin_ from both Aoollo and So_n_z.

After the _z ..... c-_ _._ e:_meriments h_e been co_,pleted; the snacecrae+

will separate an_, continue on ,_progra:a of autonomous flight, The __%_....


will ].and in the U.S,S.R. and the Apollo will make a water landing in the
Pac!=ze 0cean.

During the entire _'__b_t_-'_,

the ground con_rol_ centers of both com_tries
will remain mn radio communications contact _.;z_heach other as well as

their spacecraft.

The joint docking mission of the Sob-az and Apollo spacecraft in 197_

will be a major step in the realizatior.,_of agreements between the Soviet

Union and the United q= =
_a_,es on cooperation i.n exploration and peaceful
uses of ouuer-_
- space.

The main goal of the joint flight is to test and evaluate the

compa_,_o_lzvy of _,so_--_ -{'_-re:]dezvous_ do_:zn_ and the transfer of

cosmonauts and astro,r:auts between future manned spacecraft and stations.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058

?_(ilton Reim FOR RELEASE:

713/4_3-51tl August 22, 1974

=,=EAoE NO: 74-_43


Elvin B. Pippert_ Jr., of Houston_ Texas_ will be part of the group of

crewmen_ engineers and support personnel from the NASA Johnson Space Center

attending meetings and training exercises in the Soviet Union beginning in

late August and continuing through September. These are preparations for

the upcoming Apollo/S%_z Test Project (ASTP) space flight now scheduled
for mid-July 1975.

Pippert is the lead flight planner for the AS Y? mission and a member of
the joint delegation for onboard documents. He ,_ill be attending negotiation

meetings in the Moscow area August 26 through September 13.



The ASTP flight scheduled for next year will be the first joint manned

space fligh% by two n:,t

_ 1'o.._.

Tentative mission profile for the flights of the U.S.s.R. and u._.

spacecraft has the So}_az spacecraft launched first with a two-man crew

on July 15,. 1_5

o_ from the Soviet Cosmo-_one. The U.S. Aeollo spacecraft
_ill be la,inched __'
_ three astronauts aboard a Saturn lB rocket from _he

Ken_ed,r_S_ace_ _en_er
_' _ _ ±_.ormda_
' launch site approxic_ately 7 1/2 hogans latex'.

After achieving tla__

oh orbit_ the U.S. esvron_,uos
_ '- _ _ will place the os .....

craft in the proper configuration for docking. 7__e Avol!o will then transfer

to the same docking orbit as Sotmz. Docking of the t;,o _p_,c_cra_

o o _- _+ ms'

scheduled to take place about two days into the mission.

During the two days that the spacecraft are linked together each of

the crehz members in both spacecraft will visit the spacecraft of the other

country. _ne co_t_bi._ed

U.S. - U.S.S.R_ crew will perform joint ex_erirtents

and radio/television reporting from both Apollo and Soyuz.

After the joint uou_,._ngeAq0erixents

a ........... have been a_ _ the
_,,._1...... ' _ ....._-,_

will separate and continue on a prograN of autonomous flight. _ne Soyu_z

will land in the U.S.S.R. and the Apollo will make _ ,_a_e_
"_' _ landing in the
Pacific Ocean.

During the entire flight_ the ground control centers of both countries
will remain in radio commumicaticns contact with each other as well as

their spacecraft.

The joint docking mission of the Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft in 1975

will be a major stop in the realizatior.;.,efagreeI_en%s bet.Teen the Soviet

Union and the United States on cooperation i.n exploration and peaceful
uses of outer space.

%l_e main Goal of t}_e

. _omno
i ' flight is to test and evaluate the

compatibility cf systems for rendezvous, decking and[ the transfer of

cosmonauts and astronauts between future mamned spacecraft and stations.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
713/453-5111 August 227 1974

RELEASE N0: 74-244


Robert W. 3ecker of Aurora_ Missouri_ will be part of the group of

crewT_en_ engineers _ud support personnel from the NASA Johnson Space Center

attending meetings and training exercises in the Soviet Union beginning in

late August and continuing through September. These are preparations for the

upcoming Apollo/Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) space flight now scheduled for mid-

July 1975.
Becker is a visiting trajectory specialist for the AS1P mission and wi!l

take _art in the flight controller training in the Moscow area September 16-27.

During the mission in July 1975 he will serve as an advisor and consultant in
the USSR control center.

REL_i'qE ?TO: 74-24h


2tie ASTP flight scheduled for next year will be %he first joint manned

space fli_sht by two nations.

Tentative mission profile for the fliF2nts of the U.S.S.R. and U.S.

spacecraft has the Sog_az spacecraft laur_ched first with a two-man crevr

on July 15, 1975 from the Soviet Cosmodl_or:e. The U.S. Apollo spacecraft
will be lamnehed with tb_ee astronauts aboard a Satumn lB rocket from the

Kennedo _ Space Center, F!orida_ launch site appre×Ja_ate!y 7 1/2 hours later.

After achieving Ea:_th orbit, the U.S. astronauts will place the soace-

craft in the proper configuration for docking. 2IloApollo will then transfer

to bhe se.
me docking orbit as SoFaz. Docking of the two spacecraft is

scheduled to take place about two days into the mission.

During the two days %hat the spacecraft are linked together ea_-h of

the crew; members in both spacecraft will visit the spacecraft of the other

eount_v, ql_e comb'_ed U.S. - U.S.S.R. crew will nerferm joint exeeriments

and radio/television reporting from both Anello and So}_az.

After the joint docking erperiments have been eor p!etcd_ tile s_acecrr,ft

will separate and continue on a program of autonomous f!i_o_t. The Soy,az

will land in the U.S.S.R. and the Apollo }rill make a water landing in the
Pacific Ocean.

During the entire flight, the ground control centers of both countries
}ri!l rer::ainin radio corrP,
unications contact with each other as well as

their spacecraft.

The joint docking mission of the So?uz and Apollo spacecraft in !97}

will be a major step in the rea!izatio8_of agreements between the Soviet

Union and the United States on cooperation in exploration and peaceful
uses of outer space.

The main goal of the joint flight is to test and evaluate the

compatibility of systems for rendezvous_ docking and bhe transfer of

cosr2on&uts _,nd ° _' '_'
_s_ronau_s between future manned snacecrafv and stations.

Johnson Space Center
J Houston, Texas 77058

,'ll__on Reim FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 August 22_ 1974

__EL_.oE NO: 74-245


P_urice Kennedy of Preeport_ Te×as_ ,,_11 be part of the group of crev_en_

engineers and support personnel from the i_ASA Johnson Space Center attending

meetings and training exercises in the Soviet Union beginning in late August

and continuing ti_rough September. These are preparations for the upcoming

Apo!lo/Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) space flight no_T schee_led for rid-July


Kennedy is an operations and procedures officer for Mission Control

Center and _,_11 be taking part in the flight controller training in the

Moscow area September 16-27.

REL}i&SE NC: 74-245


The ASTP flight scheduled for next year will be the first O'_'
_lno_ man__led

space flight by t¥o nations.

Tentative mission profile fcr the flights of the U.S.S.R. and U.S.

st_acecraft has the Soyuz spacecraft !_,unchei first _.zitha two-man cre_
on July 15, 1975 from _.le Soviet Cosmodrone. _ne U.S. Ae_l!o spacecraft
will be la_,mched _,.Tith
three astronauts aboard a Saturn lB rocket from the

KennedG_ Space Center_ Florida_ launch site appro_-_r_ate!y 7 !/2 hours later.

After achieving Earth orbit_ the U.S. astronauts _ill place ti:e space-

craft in the proper configuration for docking. %he Apollo will then transfer

to bhe same docking orbit as So},_z. Docking of the two spacecraft is

scheluled to take place about t_o days into the mission.

During the two days that the spacecraft are linked _eevhe_ each of

the crew members in both spacecraft _i!l visit the s_vacecraft of the other

eour,try. The co}_,binec]

U.S. - U.S.S.R. ere_,__ill perform joint experf_rents

and raO io/television reporting from both Apollo and So,j-az.

Af+_er the joint dcck_n_ e:_reerlments _l_v_ been esmpleted_ the soacear'aft

will separate and continue on a program of autonomous flight. _e Scy_az

will land in the U.S.S.R.a.ud the Apollo will make a water landing in the

Pacific Ocean.

During the entire fli6ht_ the ground control centers of both countries
wilt remain in radio corr._unications contact with each other as well as

their spacecraft.

The joint docking mission of the So_yu_ and Apollo spacecraft in !.975

will be a major step in the realizatio_of agree._:_en_sbet,teen the Soviet

Union and the United States on cooperation in exploration and peaceful

uses of outer space.

The main goal of the joint flight is to test and evaluate the

compatibility of systems for rendezvous, docking end the transfer of

cosmonauts and astronauts bet_.._een
future manned spacecraft and stations.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Bob Gordon
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:
August 20, 1974

E i,O. 74-246


Dr. Edward Gibson_ science pilot on the 84-day long Skylab-4 mission_

today announced he will leave the NASA astronaut corps on November 30_ 1974.

Gibson_ 37_ will join The Aerospace Corporation of Los Angeles as a

senior staff scientist and will specialize in the interpretation of Solar

data gathered during the 171 days of manned operation of the Skylab program.

Dr. Gibson who received a doctorate of engineering fror California Institute

_f Technology and an honorary doctorate of Science from the University of

Rochester (New York) authored a text book on solar science during his years
with the NASA,

Gibson has been a scientist astronaut since 1965 an_ was the science

pilot on the third and final manned visit to the Skylab space station

(November 16_ 1973 to February 8_ i97_). This was the longest manned flight
($4 days, 1 hour and 15 minutes) in the histoPy of manned spaee exploration

to date. He was the crevmmn primarily responsible for the 338 hours of

operation of the Apollo Telescope Mour_t which made extensive observations of

solar processes.

In his new job with The Aerospace Corporation_ Dr. Gibson will concentrate

his studies on solar activity, how it developed_ the underlying causes and its
effect on the Earth.

Dr. Gibson_ one of the key speakers at the Skylab Conference being held

at the University of Southern California_ is scheduled to deliver a paper on

"Flight Experience of an Astronaut". More than 70 technical and scientific

papers will be presented during the three days of the conference which is

designed to present a definitive report on Skylab results and its impact on

REL!,RSE L_C,: 74-246

future m0nned flight. The conference is sponsored by vhe A_uerican Astronautical

Society and the USC's Institute of Safety and Systems Nanagement.

Dr. Gibson said his decision to leave "was a very difficult one to make."

He said "i have greatly enjoyed and have felt a tremendous challenge in :::y
work ,..Tith
the _SA ani feel my experience in the Skylab was the r?_os%challenging

years cf r::ylife."
"I am leaving only because of the tremendous amount of solar data _,,_e

accm'_ulated in Skylab and ! feel co:_:pel!ed%o roll un my sleeves and make the
best cf the data."

Dz'. Gibson is a native of Buffa!o_ I'Ie5¢

York. Before joining the NASA,

he was a senior research scientist _ith the Applied Research Laboratories of

the Philco Corporation at Ne_wpor_ Beach, California. His technical publications

are in the fields of plasma physics and solar physics.

He is married to the former Julie Ann Vo!k of _ona-,_anda__'_?,_,,_
York. The

Gibson's have four children.

Johnson Space Center
_' Houston, Texas 77058

Hilton -Reim FOR RELEASE:

September 47 1974

NEL_,SE _,fO: _14-24_


Charles F. Deiterich formerly of Bloomsburg_ Pennsy!vania_ and a 1960

graduaEe of University of St. Thomas in Houston will be part of the group

of crevr,en_ engineers_ and support personnel from the NASA Johnson Space

Center attending meetings and training exercises in the Soviet Union

beginning in late August and continuing through September. These are

preparation for the upcoming Apo!lo/Soyuz Tesv Project (ASTP) space flight
now scheduled for mid-July 1975.

Deiterich_ now of Houston_ is the retrofire officer for the ASTP flight

and will be attending flight controller training in the Moscow area September

16-97. His responsibility during the flight will be to compute and monitor

the Apollo com_nand and service module deorbit maneuvers.

Ri,LI_oo 210: 74-245


The ASTR flight scheduled for next year will be the first joint manned

space flight by %:o nations.

Tentative mission p_ozz_e for the flights of the U.S S.R. and U.S.

spacecraft has the So_z spacecraft lau_nched first with a %re-man crew

on July 15, 191_ from the _evzeu Cosme_one. _ie T_ S A_ol]o spacecraft
will be !au__lchedwith t._ee astronauts aboard a Satu_rn !B rocket from the

Kenned4/ SedCO Center_ Florida, launch site approx_n_te!y 7 !/2 hours later.

After aciiieving Earth orbit_ the U.S. astronauts will place the space-

craft in the proper _ '_ _'

con_=_u.P,aolc_, fOP dockii:g, _l_,.e
. will %hen trahs_Le_
' _ _ '_

to the same docking orbit as oo}ez.

m p, _ Docking of the two seacecrafC is

schelu!ed to take place about two days into the mission.

Duming the two days that the spacecraft are linked together each of
the crew members in both sp_eecrafo will visit Cna spacecraft of trio other

country, lice eanbined U.S, - U.S.S.R. cre_,rwill nerform joint experi}rents

and radio/television reporting from both Apollo c :

and _opaz.

After the joint dec_:in_ e_mer_ments_ have been _,__ .... ed_ %tie sp__cec:_=

will separate and continue on a prog_ram of autonomous flight. _ne So_z

will land in the U.S.S.R. and the Apollo will make u water landing in the
Pacific Ocean.

During the entire flight, the ground control centers of both cou_ntries
will remain in radio colmmunications contact with each other as well as

their spacecraft.

The joint docking mission of the Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft in 1975

will be a major step in the realizatioL_,ef agree,_]en_s between the Soviet

Union and the United States on cooperation in exploration and peaceful

uses of outer space.

The main goal of the joint flight is to test and evaluate the

compatibility of systems for rendezvous, doc_zng and the srans_er of

cosmonauts and astronauts between future manned s_acecraf% and stations.

Johnson Space Center
_ _t' Houston, Texas 77058
713/48!- 5111
September _) 1974

REoFZ_ E 2'10: 74-040


Sy Liebergot_ a 1963 graduate of Los Angeles State College_ will be

part of the group of cre_}:en_ engineers and support personnel from the

_SA Johnson Space Center attending meetings and training exercises in the

Soviet Union beginning in late August and continuing through September.

These are preparations for the upcoming Apollo/Soyuz Test Project (ASTP)

space flight now scheduled for mid-July 1975.

Liebergot is the Apollo co_£_and and service module enviro_ental and

electrical systems engineer (EECOM) for the ASTP flight. He will be taking

part in flight controller training in the Moscow area September 16-27.

Johnson Space Center
j/ Houston, Texas 77058
Jack Riley
713/4_3-5111 FOR RELEASE:
September 6_ 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-250


Soviet cosmonauts assigned to next sur_rer's joint space mission with

the United States will arrive in Houston Sunday, September 8_ to begin three

weeks of training at the Johnson Space Center. On the same day_ a large

ielegation of U.S. engineers and specialists will reach Hoscow to take part

in technical and management meetings on the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project.

The eight cosmonauts who will train here are prime cre_mr_enAleksey A.

Leonov and Valeriy if. Kubasov and backup cre_^_en Anatoliy V. Filipchenko_
Nikolay N. Rukavishnikov_ Vladim!r A. Dzhanibekov_ Boris D. Andreyev_ Yuriy

V. Romanenk© and A!eksanch_ S. Ivanchenkov. They will be accompanied by a

ninth cosmonaut, _(ajor General Vladimir A. Shatalov_ Chief of Cosmonaut

Training for the U.S.S.R._ and six support specialists.

The joint training with American astronauts will end September 27.

It will include flight simulations_ procedures training in Apollo and docking

module mockups_ communications training and study of spacecraft systems.

U.S. astronauts assigned to ASTP completed a 3-week training period

in the Soviet Union last July 12. Joint crew training is planned again in

both countries next spring. Prime cre_en for the U.S. are astronauts Thomas
P. Stafford_ Vance D. Brand and Donald K. Slayton.

Dr. Glynn S. Lunney_ U.S. Technical Director for ASTP, will head a 47-

member group arriving in Hoscow Sunday for a 2-week stay. Thirty U.S. engineers

and technicians presently are completing the second week of a 3-week visit to
Mo s c ow.


Thirteen _.S. flight controllers _i!l go to the Soviet Union on

September !5 for three weeks of training in the Soviet mission control center

in preparation for the international space mission.

The targe% launch date for the earth orbital mission is July lj_ 1975.

Spacecraft from the two countries will rendezvous and dock_ and the crews will

exchange visits anff conduct joint experiments during the approximately two days

the spacecraft are joined.


Robert Gordon
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058



9_ 1974

RE--cE ?{0: 74-251


How man may assemble, repair and maintain spacecraft in earth orbit

is the subject cf a study contract awarded by the I_SA to the Iqartin Marietta

Corccration in Denver, Colorado.

P_rtin has been asked to investigate_ further develop, and assess the

technical and operational concepts for manned and automated assembly of

space systems during the Space Shuttle era cf the 1980-90's. The 12-month

$3©0_000 contract calls for Nartin to identify the technical and operational

feasibility, relative effectiveness_ cost factors_ and other significant

trade-offs and sensitivities involved in the various methods of performing

these functions in orbit from the space shuttle orbiter.

Becsming operational in 1980_ the Space Shuttle Orbiter will be laur_ched

vertically from Kennedy Space Center_ Florida_ on a large expendable liquid

propellant tank and two _ecoveraole and reusable solid propellant rocket

boosters. The 123 foot long orbiter will remain in earth orbit for designated

mission durations some of which conceivably may be the assembly or repair of

space systems in orbit.

Upon mission completion_ the orbiter will reenter the atmosphere and land
cna runway much like a conventional aircraft.

The _SA has requested Martin's study to consider the utilization of the

manioulative devices_ now planned for use in the Orbiter 60-foot long cargo

bay, as well as utilization of the "Buck Rogers _' type astronaut maneuvering

unit successfully operated duming the recently concluded S-month long Skylab

Program. The study will also include the use of sir_le docking or mating

systems for the assembly of modular space systems in orbit.

EZL_&2Z Z'fO· 74-2_1


l'artin _{ill also analyze the varying devotees of huzaan skills and

dexterity_ as _ell as identify _na% projected state of the art o_ other

ancillary equipment will be required to perform man's first major in-space

asse_bly_ maintenance and repair _rork.

_lae contract calls for _,[artinto make quarterly progress reports to

the Johnson Space Center and have its final revort prepared by the end
of the 12-month contract.

Johnson Space Center
j Houston, Texas 77058

Charles Redmond FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 September 9, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-2j2


The General Electric Company of Valley Forge_ Pennsy!vania_ has been

awarded a contract of $89_700 fo_ a conceptual design study of the Standard

Earth Observations Package for Shuttle (SEOPS). The contract was awarded on

August 15_ 1974_ and runs for one year.

During the Shuttle era it is anticipated that operational earth surveys
will be conducted from automated satellites due to the world-wide repetitive

cgverage required. However_ the space Shuttle with its payload capability in
terms of power_ weight_ vot_e and earth ret_lrn offers a unique opportunity to

acquire specialized earth observations information which can then be returned

to earth for processing and analysis.

it is expected that the SEOPS package will be hard-mounted to the Shuttle

vehicle and will gather information on targets of opportunity or on catastrophic


The primary objectives of the General Electric study will be to define

the conceptual design and specifications for a standard sensing package including

choice of sensors_ signal con_itioning_ finn and/or magnetic storage systems_

power_ environmental control_ structural and mechanical systems.

The package is to be designed for minimal interference to the Shuttle itself_

the crew ana flight operations. The concept calls for a modularized system
which w_ll allow selected instr_£ent flight arrays to be installed for projected

targets. The SEO_S package will supplement any primary payload which will fly

in the Shuttle cargo bay. Design of this system calls for a quick-installation

and disconnect capability.



September 20, 1974

Joint preparations for the Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) continued to progress

satisfactorily during the visit of a United States delegation to Moscow from August 26
through September 20.

While a team of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) specialists

met with their USSR Academy of Science counterparts in Moscow, the Soviet and

American flight crews were conducting further joint training and familiarization

sessions for a three-week period at the Johnson Space Center in Houston°

A team of U.S. flight controllers is also spending two weeks in Moscow meeting

with USSR flight controllers for familiarization and training. Their schedule includes

briefings on USSR Mission Control Center operations, Soyuz spacecraft systems and
review of the mission flight plano The USSR flight controllers will visit Houston in

December for similar training concerned with U.S. Mission Control Center operations.

The technical directors, Dro Glynn S. Lunney for the U.So, and Prof. K° Bushuyev

for the USSR, announced that the joint work on the project continues successfully on

schedule for the launch of the first international manned mission on July 15, 1975o

During the meetings, Soviet specialists announced plans to fly a manned Soyuz

mission related to the ASTP project before the planned joint mission, during which
systems intended for the joint mission will be tested° NASA will be informed of further

details prior to the flight to permit its tracking network to follow the mission.

The project directors also announced plans to conduct joint pre-launch tests at the

USA launch site from February 1-8, 1975, and at the USSR launch area from May 5-
13, 1975. These tests will include participation by the flight crews and technical
specialists from both countries o

The five working groups continued their discussions on mission related technical

and operational questions. The two sides reached a preliminary agreement on a joint

public information plan for the mission.

A series of joint tests involving the actual flight docking systems will be con-

ducted in Moscow for an eight-week period starting October 23. The compatible

docking systems developed independently by each country will be tested with specialists

from both countries participating. A series of similar tests were successfully completed
on prototype equipment in Houston early this month°

The project directors agreed to a detailed schedule of technical meetings and

flight crew and flight controller training sessions in both countries for the remaining

10 months leading up to the flight.


Johnson Space Center

_/ Houston, Texas 77058

Louis Parker FOR RELEASE:
713/483-4341 September 23, 1974



Personnel from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Aflm_nistration

(NOAA) who had operated the Solar Observatory at JSC since 1970, are

moving to the Marshall Spaceflight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

NOAA's space environmental laboratory representative, Jesse Smith, says

that the move to MSFC is to continue work as co-investigator on the

Skylab S056 experiment.

S056 was a Marshall experiment conducted with the Apollo Telescope

Mount (ATM) on board Skylab. The objective of this experiment was to

gather solar radiation data in the X-ray region of the solar spectrum

which would produce information regarding physical processes occurring

within the solar atmosphere, with special emphasis on obtaining data

of active solar phenomena such as solar flares.

Built in 1966 for the then-called Manned Spacecraft Center, the

solar observatory was first part of NASA's Solar Particle Alert Net-

work (SPAN), a support operation for the Apollo program. The station

built in Houston, Texas, one of seven around the world, was operated

by NASA and contractor personnel until the latter Apollo missions in

1970 when NOAA took over operation of SPAN. SPAN's prime function



during the Apollo program was to observe solar activity that accelerated

high energy particles which would have created a radiation hazard for

the astronauts outside the command module and also outside the pro-

tective magnetosphere of the earth. When solar flares were observed,

analyses were performed to determine whether highenergy particles

were ejected into interplanetary space and thus might be observed by

the manned or unmanned satellite. Although no mission was affected,

the possibility always existed.

During the more recent Skylab mission, NOAA operated a full time

world wide solar patrol. In addition to briefing scientists daily as

to the activity of the sun, NOAA handed out real-time solar information

which contributed to the daily flight plan. This real-time data was

obtained from observers who manned the eyepiece of the solar telescope,

and television images taken from the telescope located at the Johnson

Space Center observatory.

The JSC NOAA Solar Observatory will be closed and reopened for

use later during the Space Shuttle operations in 1980.

Johnson Space Center
j/ Houston, Texas 77058
_obert Sordon FOR RELEASE:
713/453-5111 September 27, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-254


A telescope which may one day find its way aboard the Space Shuttle,

America's next generation of space ship_ will undergo a series of tests

next month when its lifted by balloon to an altitude of 25 miles above the

rolling hills of east Texas.

Designed to gather scientific data on various types of stars, including

"giant" and "supergiant" stars, this candidate experiment for the Space Shuttle

era, is called Balloon-borne Ultraviolet Stellar Spectrometer (BUSS). 1% is

the experiment of Dr. Yoji Kondo of the NASA Johnson Space Center_ Houston_

Texas. Co-investigators on this stellar experiment are Dr. T. H. Morgan of

JSC and Professor Jerry L. Hodisette of the Houston Baptist College.

The BUSS payload, contained in a gondola vtich will be attached beneath

a giant balloon, will be launched from the National Scientific Balloon

Facility of the National Center far Atmospheric Research (NCAR) at Palestine,

Texas. Launch date is tenatively set for the first week in October.

Purpose of the BUSS flight, said Dr. Kondo, is to gain information on

six stars including Adelbaran, a "giant" star in the Taurus Constellation and

Erst!on Pe6asi, a "supergiant" star in the Constellation Pegasus. The experiment

package will be aloft for a minimum float observation time of five and one-
half hours.

Hission manage_ for the Johnson Space Center of the BUSS flight is

David R. i_J_iteof JSC's Planetary and Earth Sciences Division.


RE_ _,_ -_: 74-253


La,ouch operations will be conducted by personnel of the NCAR facility

at P:lestine. Tire of the launch will be late evening with recovery of the

payload and the scientific instruments set for the following morning after
local sunrise. The !aszach ba!loon_ v?__len
fully inflated with 15.5 million

:uble feet cf heli'_x, ?;ill be more than 300 feet tall.

Ground stations will track the scientific payload iuring a launch

and float period and will monitor recovery procedures. At completion of

the _.5 hour o_servation period the payload will be disengaged from the

ba!!ocn system and lowered to the ground by a 64-foc_ diameter earachute.

%e BUSS scientific payload consists of a 16-inch teiescope_ an Ebert-

Fastie spectrometer_ detector_ star pointing ami control syste_::and tele_:etry

and comzr_andsystem. !he 300-foot tall balloon will lift the =,20_ lb. payload
to float altitude _n about two hours.

At the 130,000 foot altitude_ the BVSS instrm::ents will he above 9o.8

per cent of the Earth's atmosphere and will receive and transmit to a NASA

ground station observations in the ultraviolet (LRr) ?_avelengths which do

not penetrate the Earth's atmosphere.

Informstion gained fro:':this and subsequent BUSS flights will be helpful

to scientists in further understanding of the birth of stars and planetary

systems. This phase of the program is a forerunner of future programs in

concert with European scientists. One such program is with Professor C.

de Jager_ prominent space scientists of the Soaee Research Laboratory of

Utrecht. Tb_e Netherlands ? now tena%ive!y set for the !_'75-77 period.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Terry _,[hit e
713/483-_1!1 FORRELEASE:
October 1. 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-255


Astrgnaut-physician Dr. Story Nusgrave and Dr. Dennis R. Morrison of

the Bioscience Payloads Office at the Johnson Space Center here enc,_ ez-_ed

a mockup Spaeelab October 1 for a seven-day shakedown test of operational

procedures and experiment demonstrations. Spacelab is a scientific seace

staticn that will be carried into earth orbit as a Space Shuttle payload.

Located in what was once the Lunar Receiving Laboratory_ the Life Sciences

Payload Facility will be the scene of a series of Space Shuttle life sciences

experiment development tests from now until Spacelab and Space Shuttle are

ready for orbital flight. Spaeelab is being developed and built by the

E_opean Space Research Organization (ESRO)_ a consortimm of 10 European


Musgrave and Mgrrison will live in a mobile home adjacent to the

laboratory during Spacelab off-duty hours. Test directors_ the science

manager and data managers monitor the simulation from consoles in the

laboratory near the Spacelab mockup. The first test will end October 7.

The first test_ in addition to serving as a rehearsal for future tests

and as a means of perfecting operational procedures_ will also evaluate

proposed Space Shuttle ground support and flight crew operational pracedures_

data handling techniques; man-machine integration concepts and a group of

biomedical demonstrations that are possible fcrerunners of actual Spacelab

medical experiments.

included in the payload simulation are 12 biomedical demonstrations

which are representative of the type of experiments that likely will be flown

RELES,SE NO: 74-255


aboard the space station.

The demonstrations are:

?uli_onary Function---the Spacelab mockup is fitted v_ith equipment for

monit_;ring human respiritory functions and measuring such fact3rs as lung

ca?_3ity_ flo_¢ rates and ventilation dynamics.

Cardiovascular Physiology and Cellular Reeair---an assessment of

cardiovascular and healing responses of dogs in simulated weightlessness.

Pine Lignifieation---analysis of pine seedlings in a study of plant

grov_h in _,}eightlessness.

Effect of Spaceflight Environment on the Replication of Adenovirus---

assay of _zirus cultures using the automated _zcroozal Ecological Monitoring

_lysterat3 gather data ronsard aiding diagnosis of human infections in space-

Ssudy of Cell Physiology cf the Ameba---the single-celled protozoan

friend of all biology students _,_illbe observed and microphotographed as

its protoplasm undergoes changes.

Inflight Gas and LiGuid Chromatography---atmospheric analysis in the

Spaaelab mockup _ich may lead to an atmospheric monitoring system for use

in fature space laborat3ries.

Human Transfer _unevl3n---_ computerized test rig _hich measures human

performance in continuous tracking_ critical instabi!ities_ cross-csupled

instabilities ani reacti3n time.

_;llinica!Diagnostic System---a s:ini-lab for real-time blood and

physi_chemi3a! analysis v_hich may be the forerunner af spaceflight s__aenosozc-_

- _'

Slectronysta___.ography---an eight-cylinder term for the recording of

eyeball motions _;hile a person is subjected to side accelerations _hen

seated in a specially-fitted ss,_ingchair.

RELEntSE _{0: 74-255


inflight Embryo Deve!opment---a demonstration of fish egg fertilization

in simulated reduced gravity.

Microbial Load Nonitoring---test samples _'rom the Spacelab mockuo crew

and ='rom the environment will be monitored fo, microbial load.

Renal Concentration Test---kidney functian chemistry will be analyzed

using the Clinical Diagnostic System.

Johnson Space Center

jJ Houston, Texas 77058

Robert Gordon FOR RELEASE:
713/483-_111 October 2_ 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-296


Dr. Thomas H. Morgan: 29_ formerly of Jacksonvilte_ Florida: is one

of the investigating scientists involved in an experiment which one day

may fly aboard Space Shuttle: America's next generation of space ship.

Dr. Morgan is co-investigator on the Balloon Borne Ultraviolet Stellar

Spectrometer (BUSS) _hich is scheduled to undergo a series of test flights

this month from Palestine_ Texas. The BUSS experiment will gather data

on far distant stars in the Taurus Constellation and Pegasus Constellation

from 25 miles high above the rolling hills of east Texas.

Dr. Hgrgan> the son of Ym. and I_s. James E. Morgan_ is a graduate

of the University of Florida where he received a Bachelor of Science in

lyo6 and a doctor of philosophy in Physics in 1972. Autho_ of numerous

scientific papers on stellar studies_ Dr. Mprgan completed a three year

master fellowship with the Ford Foundation (1965)_ served as a graduate

school fellow with the National Science Foundation (1969) and an Arts and

Science Fellow (1970). He joined the National Aeronautics and Space

A_ministration in 1972 where he has participated in the analysis of scienti-

fic iata from the Gemini and Skylab astronomy experiments.

II:e BUSS experiment is designed to gathe_ scientific data on various

types of stars, including "giant" and "supergiant" stars. This candidate

experiment for the Space Shuttle era: is called Balloon-borne Ult-_aviolet

Stellar Spectrometer (BUSS). it is the experiment of Dr. Yoji Kondo of

the _fASA Johnson Space Center_ Houston_ Texas with co-investigators being

R_L_3E ?_0: 74-2)6


3r. i_organ and Professor Jerry L. Modisette of the Houston Baptist College.

_:e 3USS payioad, contained in a gondola _hich _Till be attached beneath

a giant balloon, will be launched from the National Scientific Balloon

_acility of the National Center for Atmospher-c Research (_CAR) at Palestine_

Pexas. Launch dave is tenatively set for the first _eek in October.

2urpose of the BUSS flight_ is to gain information on six stars

including Adelbaran, a "giant" star in the Taurus Oonstellation and

E_si!on Pe_asi_ a "supergiant TM star in the ConsteLlation Pegasus. _e

experiment package will be aloft for a mini_um float observation time of
five and one-half hours.

Launch operations will be conducted by personnel of the NSAR facility

at Palestine. Time of the launch will be late evening with recovery of the

payload and the scientific instruments set for the following morning after

local sunrise. The launch balloon, ;_en fully inflated with 15.5 million

cubic feet of heli_m_ _itl be more than 300 feet _a!l.

Ground stations vTi!l track the scientific payload during a launch and

float period and will monitor recovery procedures. At completion of the

_.J hour observation period the payload will be desengaged from the balloon

system and !ovTered to the ground by a 64-foot diameter parachute.

The BUSS scientific payload consists of a 16-inch telescoee_ and Ebert-

Past_e spectrometer_ detector_ star pointing and control system and telemetry

and co_nand system. The 300-foot tall balloon will lift the i_200 lb. payload
to float altitude in about two hours.

At the 130_000 foot altitude_ the BUSS instr,_ients will be above 99.8

per cent of the Earth's atmosphere and will receive and transmit to a IIASA

ground station observations in the ultraviolet ('SJ) vave!engths which do

not oenetrate the Earth's atmosphere.

7 _,C_ mf


information gained from this and subsequent BUSS flights _7il! be helpful

tc scientists in further understanding of the birth of stars and planetary

systeras, l_is phase sf the program is a forerunner of future programs in

concert with European scientists. One such pragram is with Prefesscr C.

de Jager_ prominent space scientist of the Space Research Laboratory of

Utrecht_ The Netherlands_ now tenatively set for the 1975-77 period.

Dr. Morgan is a member of the American Astronomical Soeiety_ America

Physical Seciety_ Astronomical Society of the Pacific_ Phi Eta Sigma_

Si6_r_aPhi Si_aa_ and the Phi Y_ppa Phi. He is the author or co-author of
!0 scientific and technical papers dealing in stellar studies.

Johnson Space Center

j/ Houston, Texas 77058

Robert Gordon
713/k$3-5111 FOR RELEASE:
October 2, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-257


David R. Nt_ite, formerly of Corpus Christi_ Texas is mission manager

of an experiment which one day may fly aboard the Space Shuttle_ America's
next generation of space ship.

}_l_iteis responsible for the operational and tecb_uical management of

the Balloon Borne Ultraviolet Stellar Spectrometer {BUSS) _hich is scheduled

to ulldergo a series of tests later this month from Palestine_ Texas. The

BUSS experiment will gather data on far distant stars in the Taurus and

Pegasus Constellations from 25 miles high above the rolling hills of east

_ite, the son of P_. and Mrs. C. H. ?_ite of Corpus Christi, is a

graduate of Del Xar College_ 1959 where he received a Bachelor of Arts

Degree in 1959_ Texas A_I University where he earned a Bachelor or Science

Degree in 1963. He also completed graduate studies at the University of

New i,lexico1964-67.

Before joining the National Aeronautics and Space Ad_linistration in

T '
1967, %zte 5cas an environ_}'.enta!test engineer at the Air Force 5Iissite

Development Center_ Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico (1963-66); and
later served as chief of the Vibration and Instrumentation Section Environ-

mental Test Branch, Ho!loman APB (1966-67).

The BUSS experiment is designed to gather scientific data on various

t}_es of stars_ including "giant" and "supergiant" stars. T_lis candidate

e×perin_ent for the Space Shuttle era_ is called Balloon-borne Ultraviolet

Stellar Spectrometer {BUSS). it is the experiment cz_ Br. Yoji Xondo of

the I_ASA Johnson Space Center, Houston_ Texas with co-investigators being

REL_S--E tO: 74-257


Dr. T. H. Morgan cf JSC and Professor Jerry L. Xodisette of the Houston

Baptist College.

_}e BUSS payload, contained in a gondola _fnich will be attached

beneath a giant balloon, will be launched from the lfational Scientific

Ballcon _acmllss of _h= Nco!one, Center for Atmoseheric Research (i_CAR)

at l_atestine_ Texas. Launch date is tenatively set for the first week
in October.

P,sa_posecf the BUSS £1ight_ said Dr. Kondo, is %e gain info_ation

on slx stars including Adelb_ran, a gmant star in the Taurus uonste_±a_!on

and Epsilon Pegasi_ a "supergiant" star in the Constellation Pegasus. The

experiment package _{ill be aloft for a minim_¥_ float observation time of
five and one-half hours.

Launch operations will be conducted by personnel of the i{CAR facility

at Palestine. Time of the launch wild be late evening with recovery of

the payload and the scientific instruments set for the following morning

after local sunrise. _he launch balloon, when fully inflated with 1_.9

}_il!_on cubic feet of he!i_}, will be more shah 300 feet tall.

Sround stations will track the scientific payload during a launch

and float period and will monitor recovery procedures. At completion of

the 5._ hour observation period the payload will be disengaged for the

balloon system and lowered to the ground by a 64-foot diameter parachute.

The 2?2S:Sscientific payload consists of a 16-inch telescope, an Ebert-

Fastie spectrometer, detector_ star pointing and control system and telemetry

and con_mand system. _le 3CO-foot tall balloon will lift the 1_200 !b_ payload
to float altitude in about two hours.

At the 130,000 foot altitude, the 2USS instrssnents will be above 99.8

per cent of the Earth's atmosphere and will receive and transmit to a }_SA

gtc'mod station observations in the ultraviolet (Lrf) _avelengths which do

not penetrate the Earth's atmosphere.

E NO: 7_-_57


information gained from this and subsequent BUSS flights will be helpful

to scientists in f,sa_therunderstanding of the birth of stars and planetary

systems. This ehase of the program is a forerunner of future programs in

concert _ith European scientists. One such program is with Professgr C.

de gager_ prominent space scientist sf the Space Research Laboratory of

-ltrecht_ The Netherlands_ now tenatively set for the 1P75-77 period.
Rl_ite is a member of the institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

and a member of the Phi Fneta Kappa.

He is marrie_ ts the for_er Julia Nancy White of C__pus Christi.

The _,h_tes
i reside in E1 Lage with their two children Keith_ nine and Glenn


Johnson Space Center
j/ Houston, Texas 77058
Robert Gx_don
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:
0_tober 2_ 1974

RELEAo_ N0: 74-258


A supplemental agreement totaling approximately $16.5 million has been

signed between the 3RSA and the Space Division of Rockwell International

Corporation. Downey_ California for additional work for the development of

the Space Shuttle Orbiter and integration of all elements of the Space
S hu _tle S.?stem.

As prime contractor_ Rockwell is responsible for the design, develop-

ment and production of the Orbiter vehicle anl for the integration of all

elements of the Shuttle system.

This supplemental contract agreement_ the 27th since the original

contract a_._ardin Augast 9_ 1972,..brings the estimated value of the Shuttle

Orbiter contract to approximately $995 million.

This latest agreement formally incorporates eight changes_ amendments_

and teahnical directives previously authorized by _._eNASA for sneak circuit

analysis, support for vertical flight test of the Orbiter, mid-faselage

meckups and various other changes.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Charles Redmond
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:
October 2_ 1974

RELF_%SE NO: 74-259




An artificial solar eclipse that they alone can see will be produced

by the American and Russian cre_s on their joint space mission in July 1P75.

Astronauts and cosmonauts will work together on the 10-day joint Apollo
Soyuz 'Pest Project.

2hey _ill be producing the artificial eclipse_ to be seen from the

Russian Soyuz spacecraft_ in order t9 see and photograph the solar corona --

the atmosphere of the Sun.

This atmosphere is much fainter than the surface of the Sun. To prevent

light from the surface from coming through, the A_otlo spacecraft will be used

as an occulting device; producing the artificial eclipse.

The experiment _._illallow space photography to be performed of the extended

solar corona as well as the spacecraft-associated environment around tho Apollo

vehicle which could develop frown outgassing of sealed compartments, degassing

an_ sublimation of outer structural materials of the spacecraft sr firings of

the attitude control thrusters.

In _he experiment: the Apollo will first align the Soyuz toward the Sun.

Then_ shortly after spacecraft sunrise_ the Apollo will undock from the Soyuz

and back away to_,Tardthe Sun.

As the distance between the two spacecraft increases, more of the solar

corona will be exposed to the field of view of the motion picture camera

mounted on the Soyuz. During separation_ this camera will automatically take

sequence of photographs vzith varying exposures.

RELEASE _0: 7'2-25?


An attempt vrill be made to correlate the observed coronal structure

with surface activity on the Sun: which is to be observed simultaneously

v_ith ground-based inst_mments.

Principal investigatars for the exper'iment is Dr. O. _,_.Nikolsky of

the USSR. American co-investigator is Dr. R. To Giul_ of _SA's Johnson

Space Center_ Houst_n_ Texas. Dr. Giu±i is also the program scientist fo_
_he ather experiments to be performed jointly with the USSR or unilaterally

by the United States.

/ ._OL lO 4

Johnson Space Center

Houston, Texas 77058
Robert T. White FORRELEASE:
713/483-5111 October 8, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-260


Dr. Carolyn S° Leach of the Johnson Space Center Biomedical Research

Division will receive the National Civil Service League's 1974 Career Service

Award for Special Achievement in ceremonies October 9, in Washington, Do Co

Head of the Endocrine and Biochemistry Laboratories at JSC, Dr o Leach

was cited in the award for her role as principal investigator for the Skylab life

sciences biochemistry experiment. She also had a key role in endocrine and bio-

chemistry studies during the Apollo program.

Dr. Leach is a native of Leesville, Louisiana and earned a bachelor of

science degree in biology from Northwestern State College in Natchitoches° She

completed work on her doctorate in physiology and biochemistry at Baylor Univer-

sity College of Medicine, Houston.

Dr ° Leach is married to Harrison Huntoon, formerly of Providence and

Little Compton°

- end -
Johnson Space Center

j,/ Houston, Texas 77058

Charles Redmond FOR RELEASE:
October 15> 1974
RELEASE NO: 74-261



%,2netheror not the solar system is gaining mass from the influx of

he!i,_] may be established through one of the experiments aboard the joint

U.S./USSR manned space mission next year.

The experiment also may contribute to the understanding of the evolution

of stars.

Called _LA-08S Helium Glow Detector_ the experiment will provide the

first opportunity for the systematic mapping of interstellar (between

stars) gas which includes heliu_n.
Instruments on the Apollo Sayuz Test Project (ASTP) mission scheduled

for launch in July 1975 will detect sunlight reflected back toward Earth
fr_m the interstellar helium. From these reflections_ or helium glow, it

may be possible to measure the temperature_ density and velocity of the


Earlier rocket instruments have indicated the existence of this inter-

stellar he!itam and its inflow into the solar system.

Interstellar gas is the medium from which celestial objects form and

into which many of the stars dissipate their materials when they expire.
It is also the mediu_i through _hich light rays, and other radiations which

allow scientists to study these objects, travel.

Because this gas is tenous and because it is sometimes difficult to

distinguish radiations emitted by the gas from radiations emitted by

celestial objects_ it has been difficult to observe the interstellar gas.

REL_SE 310: 14-261

A neutral helium filter placed in front _}f the helium glow detector

will discriminate between interstellar helium and natural helimn present

in the Earth's upper atmosphere.

Principal Investigator for the e×oeriment is P_ef. C. S. Bo_._er of the

Seace Science Labo-_atory at the University of California at Berkeley.

Bo_%,;eris also the P-I on a related exoeriment which uses an extreme UV

(Ultraviolet) telescope and _ich will survey the sky looking for extreme
N? stellar sources.

Cs-investig_tor for the experiment is Dr. P. Paresce of the same



Note to Editors: An i!lustwation of the experiment apparatus is available

from the Johnson Space Center, Public Affairs Office,

Code AP3_ Houston, Texas 7705S. Ask for NASA _icture

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Rgbert_rdsn FOR RELEASE:
713,/4_3-5111 October 16_ 1974
10:45 p.m.
RELEASE NO: 74-263


Dr. James C. Fletcher_ NASA Administrator_ announced today that the

first few Space Shuttle development flights will return from s_Dace to IASA's

Flight Research Center, Ed_,Tards_California.

In a talk before the Antelope V_qlev Board of Trade. Lancaster.

California, Dr, Fletcher stated: "We plan to make the first horizontal

flight tests of the Shuttle 0rbiter_ launched from a 747 aircraft, at NASA's

Flight Research Center at Edwards (Air Force Base). In additign_ we plan

to use Edwards as a secondary landing site for operational Shu_u_e flights
when weather or other considerations make it desirable."

He continued: "We also plan to land the first few Shuttle orbital

test flights at Edwards for the added safety margins and good weather
conditions during these initial flights. To have the Orbiter return _u_

Antelope Valley for a landing after the firsv flight in space is quite
- __ tt

The Space Shuttle to be assembled in Pa!mdale_ California_ wilt be

a reusable space vehicle designed for a wide variety of space missions in

earth orbit. Its primary launch and landing site will be the Kennedy
Space Center, Florida.

Plans now call for horizontal flight tests of the Shuttle in 1977

and earth orbital flight tests in 1979. When fully operational in 198C_

the Shuttle will be able to retrieve satellites from earth orbit: to repair

and redeploy them; or bring them back to earth for refurbishment and reuse.
It can also be used to carry out missions in which scientists and technicians

c_ndueo experiments in earth orbit or service automated satellites already

in orbit.

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Milton Eo Reim FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 October 23, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-264


Flight controllers from the Soviet Union for the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project

(ASTP) flight are scheduled to begin two weeks of training at the NASA Johnson Space

Center on Thursday, October 24, 1974, in preparation for the July 1975 joint United
States-Soviet Union mission°

NASA flight controllers were in the Soviet Union for two weeks of training in


The flight controllers will arrive in the Houston area the evening of October 23,

and will begin the training at noon on Thursday, October 24°

Approximately 20 Soviet controllers representing the various flight control

disciplines for the ASTP mission will attend a series of sessions on Apollo trajectory,

spacecraft systems and communications, the docking module, Mission Control Center

operations and contingency flight planning.

The Soviet Union flight controllers include flight directors, flight control

specialists representing the mission control disciplines of capcom, flight dynamics

and trajectories, spacecraft systems, docking, life support, engineering and develop-

ment, and inter-control center communications, plus interpreters°

During the conduct of the actual mission, only about eight of the Soviet Union

flight controllers representing the above disciplines will be in the Houston Mission
Control Center.

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-264

The launches of the two spacecraft for the joint mission are now scheduled

for July 15, 1975, with the joining in space of the two vehicles scheduled for the

third day of the mission° The crews will transfer back and forth between the two

spacecraft, perform experiments and then return to their respective vehicles and

separate after two days° The Apollo and Soyuz will then continue separate missions

for the remainder of their flightSo

- end -

, .,e,.,
_ Johnson Space Center
j Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
October 22, 1974
RELEASE NO: 74-265


A spacecraft antenna that beamed communications across the quarter million

miles between the earth and the moon in Project Apollo, and a communications

satellite designed to relay educational television into remote areas of the earth,

will join forces in next July's Apollo-Soyuz space mission°

Applications Technology Satellite 6 (ATS-6), orbiting 35, 882 kilometers

(22,296 statute miles) above the earth, and the Apollo S-Band steerable high-gain

antenna operating together will provide data, voice and television coverage from

Apollo for more than half of each orbit.

Communications engineers at the NASA Johnson Space Center here and at the

Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland will perform a joint operational

test of the satellite relay system on the night of October 23° JSC's Electronic Systems

Test Laboratory, where space communications systems are tested for compatibility

and performance, will be the focal point of the eight-hour test°

The Apollo antenna and portions of the Apollo communications equipment will

be mounted in a special trailer located outside the Electronic Systems Test Laboratory,

and the remainder of the equipment will be inside the Laboratory°

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-264

' 2 -

Command signals and voice will be uplinked from a ground station at Rosman,

North Carolina through the ATS-6 satellite to the Apollo equipment° Engineers at

JSC will evaluate the quality of the voice and command signals°

Voice, television and simulated telemetry data will be transmitted from Houston

through ATS-6 to the Rosman ground station in a test of downlink reception° Perfor-

mance of the telemetry channel will be evaluated at Rosman by Goddard engineers°

Voice and television signals received at Rosman will be transmitted by land lines back

to JSC for evaluation_

ATS-6 is presently "parked" above the equator at 94 degrees west longitude

over the Galapagos Islands and has seen service in relaying educational television to

remote areas of Alaska° Prior to the UoSo-Soviet Union Apollo-Soyuz mission in

July, ATS-6 will be moved to a new station over Kenya at 35 degrees east longitude°

Voice, data and television from Apollo during the mission will be relayed through

ATS-6 to a mobile ground station at the NASA Space Flight Tracking and Data Network

station at Madrid, Spain° The mobile station at Madrid will route the signals both ways

between Apollo and the Mission Control Center in Houston.

The October 23 test will involve voice and data handling circuits in Mission Control

Center and the television facilities in JSC's Photographic Technology Laboratory in a

simulation of actual mission conditions. Relay through ATS-6 during the Apollo-Soyuz

mission will be the first spacecraft-to-satellite-to-ground routing employed in the

manned spaceflight program o

Previous earth-orbit missions have been limited to coverage only when a space-

craft was within line-of-sight of a ground tracking station, with long periods of "LOS"

(loss of signal) as a spacecraft's orbit drifted off the network because of the earth%

rotation° Lunar missions had continuous communications between the spacecraft and

Mission Control except for about 47 minutes of each lunar orbit when the spacecraft

was behind the moono Communications from a lunar module landed on the lunar surface

were continuouso

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-264
- 3 -

From its new position over Kenya, ATS-6 will serve as a relay station for

educational television beamed to remote regions of India_ The satellite was launched

May 30, 1974, from NASA Kennedy Space Center atop a Titan IItC launch vehicle°

The deployment mechanism for the ATS-6 parabolic antenna was tested in the fall of

1973 in JSC's Space Environment Simulation Laboratory 65x120 foot vacuum chamber°

Scheduled for launch July 1S, 1975, the Apollo-Soyuz mission is the first joint

effort in manned space flight between the United States and the Soviet Unions Soyuz

will be launched from the Soviet launch complex at Baikonour in Kazakhstan, and Apollo

will be launched about seven and a half hours later from NASA Kennedy Space Center°

Tile two spacecraft will rendezvous and spend two days docked together for joint

scientific experiments and crew exchanges° Apollo will remain in orbit for approxi-

mately nine days, and Soyuz for six days_

Apollo crewmen are Thomas Po Stafford, commander; Vance Do Brand, command

module pilot; and Donald Ko "Deke" Slayton, docking module pilot° Soyuz crewmen
are cosmonauts Alexei A o Leonov, commander, and Valeriy A o Kubasov, flight

engineer o

- end -
Johnson Space Center
J Houston, Texas 77058

Charles Ro Redmond FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 November 1, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-266


One of the remarkable results of the three Skylab missions was the more than

37, 000 high-quality, high-resolution, multi-spectral photographs of large areas of

the UoSo and foreign countries obtained by the nine crewmen°

From Skylab's altitude of 435 kilometers (270 miles), the photos present a

synoptic view of entire regions o

A major advantage of space-acquired remote sensing data, including photo-

graphs, is the ability to provide complete coverage of a large urban area in a single

picture frame° One of the Skylab cameras, the S190B Earth Terrain Camera, covers
an area of 11,881 square kilometers (3,481 square nautical miles)° The original

scale of the images from this camera is 1:950, 000, or small scale°

Another advantage of the Skylab imagery is that it is both timely and practical°

Any one of these 37,000 photographs could be used for a variety of urban planning

purposes including updating baseline maps and the preparation of thematic maps


*Net residential density (for example, the population density of an entire resi-

dential neighborhood)°

'_Transportation circulation systems (feeder routes, main arterials, freeways

and turnpikes, railroads, and airports).

_'Public lands (including institutions, schools, resevoirs, and landfills).

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-266

- 2 -

'"¢Open space and recreation land (such as parks, golf courses, cemeteries)°

'*Community renewal projects (urban beautification areas, ghetto clearance


_Commercial and industrial areas (including shopping centers, Central Busi-

ness Districts, commercial highway developments, and manufacturing areas)_

*Working and living areas (border zones between downtown areas and close-

in residential areas)°

The photographs which earth scientists have to work with include many different

types of films from high resolution black-and-white to color infrared emulsions o

Using color and color infrared photos, scientists at the Johnson Space Center

in Houston, Texas, have produced a preliminary signature, or key, for interpreting

space photographs of American urban areas° Using this key, residential areas show

up as well defined areas exhibiting a uniform street pattern° Their color is hereto-

geneous, caused by different reflective surfaces within the area such as roof tops,
concrete or asphalt streets, and vegetation°

Shopping areas present a fairly uniform, highly reflective surface and are

usually found near the center of an urban area° Industrial areas, if they are large,

generally have unique shapes and contrast sharply with the surrounding environment o
Transportation networks are the most obvious of all ground objects to identify°

Ease of identification ranks from the Interstate System with its large interchanges

(easiest) to interconnecting highways within residential areas often covered by tree-

tops (most difficult)° Problems often occur, however, in differentiating railroads

from highways as both are likely to be straight, with intersections at major roads°

Open space and parks are easy to identify being uniform in color; in the infra-

red images they are especially easy to identify in the growing months as the vegetation

shows up brilliant magenta o

Scientists are quick to note that the signature of a city is affected by changes in

the scale of the photograph° At small scales on the order of 1:1 million cities appear

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-266
- 3 -

as bluish-grey splotches in color photos° In larger scales of 1:24, 000 the photo-

graphs show features and patterns in variegated fashion°

A common usage for space imagery is as an uncontrolled (non-corrected)

photomap at the desired scaleo Photographic technology has advanced rapidly

during the past decade and small scale imagery such as that from Skylab's cameras

can be enlarged and enhanced to a specific scale and format for direct comparison

purposes with existing mapso

Images from the two Skylab photographic systems, the S190B and the S190A

Multi-Spectral Camera, can be enlarged many times their original size° The 70mm

(2o5X2o5) film from the S190A camera, when enlarged to a scale of 1:250, 000, allows

easy identification of township roads and section lines bordering on forrested areaSo

The 5 inch film from the S190B camera can be enlarged up to 10 times more,

to a scale of 1:24, 000o Images at this scale show city streets, buildings and other

density features°

Skylab investigators have demonstrated the utili W of such photographs for

land-use classification at details competitive with high altitude aircraft imagery

taken at 60, 000 feet° These same investigators have economically updated existing

land-use activity maps of their test areas° They have also indicated the ability to

identify residential age and density patterns, determine single versus multiple family
residential areas, map street patterns, transportation routes and distinguish bemTeen
industrial and commercial areaso

NASA scientists along with others are currently working in other areas, such

as geology, hydrology, meterology, medicine and agriculture to determine if there

are other cost-effective methods of applying remote sensing to the work-a-day


- end -
RELEASE NO: 74-266
- 4 -


Following is a listing of recently released earth resources experiment package (EREP)

photographs of earth features which can be used in addition to the photo(s) you have
received to illustrate the accompanying release° The listing includes photographs

which pertain to and show the various earth resource disciplines° Photographs should

be ordered by number and preference for transparency or print should be noted:

SL4 137 3646 New Zealand, shows major tectonic fault zone
SL4 136 3501 Australia, shows Gulf current processes
SL4 142 4541 Los Angeles, shows major Pacific zone fault lines
SL4 136 3446 Oceans around New Zealand, shows plankton bloom
SL4 139 4040 Rocky Mountains, shows snow and water resource management
SL4 139 3966 Washington and Pacific NW, snow mapping
SL4 142 4532 California coast, San Joaquin Valley drainage system
SL4 141 4270 Great Lakes area, shows lee-side snow fall differences
SL4 138 3894 New England, shows use of snow in geologic and topographic mapping
SL4 138 3756 Spanish Morocco coast, shows dunes - useful for desertification studies
SL4 142 4548 Baja California, shows geology and sediment drainage from Baja region
SL4 138 3760 Monterrey, Mexico, shows topographic features of Sierra Madre Oriental MtSo
SL4 141 4316 Hudson Bay, illustrates Hudson Bay-area ice formation
SL4 136 3531 New Zealand, shows Alpine fault zone
SL4 137 3703 Campbell Island, illustrates bow wave formed in clouds by island
SL4 140 4111 Aleutian Islands, also shows cloud wakes over islands
SL4 142 4577 Ice Islands in South Atlantic, shows sea formation of ice island packs
SL4 137 3566 Thunderstorms, illustrates use of terminator light for weather observation
SL4 139 4029 Florida and Bahamas, shows shallow Great Banks area of Atlantic
SL4 139 3997 Hawaii, shows use of color variations related to lava flows
SL4 141 4340 Hokkaido Island, Japan, shows sea ice development
SL4 141 4293 Heel of Italy, shows cities and urban areas in Heel and demography
SL4 141 4283 Alps in Switzerland and Italy, shows snow cover of Alpine area
SL4 142 4429 Florida Keys, shows ocean currents around Florida's tip
SL4 143 4608 Rio de la Plata, shows sediment plume from Buenos Aires area
SL4 137 3578 Melbourne, shows ocean surface features such as wave heights, form
SL4 136 3475 Gulf area of Louisiana, shows air pollution from fires
SL4 139 3942 Kyushu Island, Japan, shows smoke resulting from volcanic eruption of

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-266

- 5 -

SL4 136 3388 Typhoon in Pacific Ocean, shows the large vortex of the typhoon
SL4 93 067 Flagstaff, infrared photo shows many aspects of Flagstaff area including
snow cover, vegetation
SL4 92 300 Mobile Bay, Alabama, shows various stream effluents into bay, sedimen-
SL4 93 15:3 Birmingham, shows city in infrared, also strip mine areas around city
SL4 93 167 Kennedy Space Center, Florida, shows major land-ocean features of Cape

Non-media inquiries requesting copies of these photographs can be forwarded to Bara

Photographic, 4805 Frolich Lane, Hyattsville, MD 20781° Sample prices for Para products
are: B&W 8xl0 print - Slo75/copy; Color 8xl0 print - $5o00/copy; and Color 4x5 trans-

parencies - $5o00/copyo Bara is the authorized NASA photographic contractor. Additional

earth-looking views may also be obtained from the US Department of the Interior, EROS

Data Center, 10th & Dakota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57198°

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
Charles Redmond FOR RELEASE:
November 6, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-267


The launch of the second Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS-B),

presently scheduled for January 1975, will make possible the next steps of experi-
mentation in the various earth resources disciplines o

Several experimental demonstrations designed to show the practical benefits

to resource management of multispectral remote sensing from space have been

selected, including experiments in water management, agriculture, land use, plan-

ning, and monitoring ice conditions in navigable lakes o

One of these is a Large Area Crop Inventory Experiment (LACIE), a joint

investigation by the U.So Department of Agriculture, the National Oceanic and

Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the Department of Commerce, and the National

Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to test whether the use of data gathered

by spacecraft and analyzed with the aid of computers can improve the timelines and

accuracy of major crop forecasts°

At the outset LACIE will concentrate on wheat grown in the North American area.

The experiment will combine crop acreage measurements obtained from ERTS-B data

and meteorological information from NOAA satellites and from ground stations designed

to relate weather conditions to yield assessment and ultimately to production forecasts.

A particular state or several states initially will be chosen for detailed evaluation,

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-267
- 2 -

particularly as to the adequacy of the yield modeling° At the same time area estimates

will be made by a sampling technique covering the entire region° If during the first

year this activity proves successful and useful, it will be extended in the second year

to other regions and ultimately to other crops o

The ,Department of Agriculture will study the utilization of the experimentally

derived production estimates in its crop reportso These reports are made public as

a routine service to the domestic and international agriculture community°

Like ERTS-1, which was launched in July 1972, ERTS-B will circle the globe

14 times a day, scanning a swath of the Earth's surface 185 kilometers (115 miles)

wide from a 912-kilometer (567-mile) circular, near-polar, Sun-synchronous orbit°

The satellite passes over each local area with the same Sun angle every 18 days°

ERTS-1, in its 27 months, has returned some 100, 000 images covering all the United
States and three-fourths of the world's land masses o The imagery is provided to

investigators throughout the world and to several government agencies, and is put on

public sale through Federal data centers°

As is currently the case with ERTS-1, the data received from ERTS-B will be

processed into basic forms at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD° For

LACIE, Goddard wilt process automatically the raw data from the sample areas into

computer compatible magnetic tapeso The tape reels will be shipped to the Johnson

Space Center in Houston, TX° There a computer-assisted analysis of the North American

data will take place for purposes of crop identification and for the integration of the

sample areas into an overall acreage estimateo

It is hoped that such information could be assembled a number of times during the

growing season° The yield data will also be integrated with the acreage information at

Houston, although early experimental work on yield modeling will be done at other places,
such as NOAA's Center for Climate and Environmental Assessment at the University

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-267

of Missouri at Columbia o

Work in the first year of LACIE will be mainly of a research nature to develop

and validate methods° Computer techniques for classifying growing crops and esti-

mating acreage will be refined and the results checked by visual image-interpretation

and field reporting°

During the same time, agricultural-meteorological computer models relating

weather and climate information to crop yield will be designed and tested° Data

processing and analysis procedures will also be developed for routine handling of

the quantities of data required for large-area inventories:

Each of the three agencies will have its own Project Manager responsible for

the resources provided by his agency and for guidance of its part of the LACIE imple-

mentation; however, to aid in integration, an interagency Executive Steering Group has

been established to provide overall management and guidance. The day-to-day manage-

ment of the experiment itself will take place at Houston under a LACIE Manager selected

by NASA°

Although each LACIE task will require integration of efforts of at least two of

the three agencies involved, each agency has certain lead responsibilities, including

that of the Department of Agriculture in defining output product requirements and in

evaluating the utili W of output products, NOAA in developing _nd ewluating yield

models and in providing climatological and meteorological data, and NASA in developing

the sampling, classification, and measurement systems, and in acquiring and processing
ERTS data°

Final evaluations and results of the experiment will be published in the usual
manner in the scientific and technical literatureo

The experiment is designed to determine the degree to which the relatively new

remote sensing and data processing techniques may enhance the Department of Agricul-

ture's crop forecasting programso

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-267
- 4 -

The results are expected to contribute substantially toward determining the

benefits and costs of employing the new methods and their usefulness for meeting

future requirements of the Department of Agriculture and other resource-management

agencies o
If the experiment proves them effective, the new techniques, in combination

with current crop estimating methods and historical production data, coutd benefit

both producers and consumers by helping to reduce the annual uncertainties affecting

the management and marketing of major cropso Faster, earlier, and more accurate

forecasts could assist in rational planning for the most effective use of supplies as

well as in emergency food distribution°

- end -

_6 '_9_L_'"
' Houston,
Johnson Space
Texas Center
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 November 6, 1974
RELEASE NO: 74-268


Group Captain Peter Whittingham of the Royal Air Force Institute of Aviation

Medicine at Farnborough, England has joined the Johnson Space Center Life Sciences
Directorate o

Dr. Whittingham 51, will spend one year on loan from the RAF as consultant

to the JSC Director of Life Sciences in planning research in support of Space Shuttle

and other advanced pr.grams.

He received his medical education from Kings College Medical School at

Newcastle-upon-Tyne and joined the RAF Institute of Aviation Medicine in 1948o His

work at the Institute has included investigations into the physiological effects of high-

altitude flight, rapid decompression, pressure breathing, and rapid acceleration and

decelerations o Dr o Whittingham has also been involved in the design and testing of

aircrew equipment for use in a wide range of operations and world climates. He has

lectured widely before military, medical and education groups on survival techniques

and equipment design.

Dr° Whittingham and his wife, Anne, have two sons, Christopher and Leigh,

and a daughter Susanna.

- end -

- J Houston, Texas Center

Johnson Space
Nilton Rolm FOR RELEASE:

713//483-5111 November 21, 1974

RELY, SE NO: 74-269


The Johnson Space Center Plight Operations Aircraft Division recently

completed its first mission of Project Airstream gathering high altitude

gaseous and particulate samples from the upper atmosphere in the western

hemisphere with the N_SA high altitude _'_-57F aircraft.

High altitude air sampling missions are f!o_m_ for the Atomic Energy
Cor_saission and the Department of _ransportation with samples taken during

three periods each year. The project requires that continuous particulate
and intermittent gaseous samples be taken at four altitudes between 45 and

63-thousand feet in a north-scuth corridor from 75 degrees north to 10

degrees south latitude.

The air sample corridor begins over the Arctic c_rcle ice cap off
the coast of Alaska. It crosses that state on a north-south line_ then

parallels the west coast of Canada_ traverses the western United States

exiting at Houston over the Gulf of Me×ico_ then crosses the Caribbean
Sea and Panama to the Pacific Ocean. It continues over western Ecuador

and the snow capped Andes Heuntains ending at a point just north of
Lima, Peru.

Samples collected on these missions are analyzed by the AEC for the

High Altitude Sampling Program to determine the global distribution of

atmosphere nuclear weapons test debris_ both gaseous and particulate. The

analytical results are made available to all interested parties through

technical publications.

Particulate samples are obtained by passing the 3utside ram airstream

through special t6-inch diameter paper filters. Gaseous samples are collected

REIF_SE NO: 74-,_b_


by compressing the outside air to 3000 psi and storing it in basketball

size spheres. During each flight these sampling systems are capable of

obtaining sequentially up to 12 particulate and 8 gaseous samples.

Aircraft Operations pilots and cre_m_en made 14 flights in a 17-day

period from October 9-25 collecting the san_les. The flights were staged
out of EAmendorf Air Force Base, Anchorage, Alaska, Howard Air Force Base_

Panama and Ellington Air Force Base. The aircraft crews logged 32,000

miles during the sarapling mission.

The i_-57F aircraft two-man crew, a pilot and systems engineer,

wear pressurized flight suits similar to those warn by the Gemini astro-

}_SA 928, the specially configured _-57F has a wingspan of 122 feet

and is the only four-engine aircraft ooerated by a single pilot. The air-

craft is capable of attaining altitudes in e_cess of 60,000 feet.

Additional air sampling equipment is scheduled to be installed on

the aircraft this month in A!buquerque_ New Mexico to enable the collecting

of samples for the Department of Trnasportation Climactic Impact Assessment

Program. These samples will provide information on the effects of high

altitude aircraft and rocket exhausts on the upper atmosphere.

Project manager for the JSC Airstream mission is Charles D. Anderson

and nroject oilot

_ is Richard A. Laidley, both _yln
_l - e_ several o_ the flights.
Other crevmten making flights include pilots Charles P. Hayes, Frank _r!ow_

Richard Tunt!and and Roger C. Zweig_ along with assistant project managers

David _'[._,_ittle? William D. Reeves and Harley Weyer. Ground crews from

JSC were deployed to Alaska and Panama to support the flights from those


Houston, Texas 77058

_ I _j, Johnson Space Center
Charles Redmond FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 November 18, 1974
RELEASE NO: 74-270



One of the astronomy experiments to be performed aboard the Apollo space-

craft during the joint UoSo-USSR space mission next July may lead to a better under-

standing of how energy is generated.

Spacecraft of the m,o countries will rendezvous and dock in the joint Apollo

Soyuz Test Project (ASTP)°

The object of the experiment, called MA-048 X-Ray Observation by NASA, is to

provide high-resolution celestial maps of sources and background radiation in the so-

called "soft" X-ray region of the spectrum.

The information obtained could contribute to an understanding of how these X-rays

emit particles such as electrons o Understanding of similar processes in the Sun

contributed to the development of ways to use nuclear energy°

During Skylab, some X-ray sources were mapped but the ASTP experiment will

map sources in a slightly different range.

The first astronomical X-rays were discovered in 1962o To date, about 160 sources

have been observed in the higher energy ranges.

In 1967 several scientists began making observations in a lower energy band and

several important results were produced from these observations °

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-270
- ? -

First, a diffuseglow of X-ray was observed tobe present in alldirectionsof

the galaxy° But mostly toward the poles of the Milky Way galaxy°

The second resultwas the detectionof X-ray sources which emit only at low


There are currentlyabout 10 of these sources known and most appear to be

associatedwith old supernova remnants and probably indicatethe presence of hot

gas plasmas produced by the shock waves from the originalexplodingstars°

X-rays also have been observed in the Earth'sauroral regions°

The ASTP experiment will complement the observations of the blnuru X-ray

astronomy satellite in a different energy range and will provide moderate resolution

observations for sources which emit only in the low energy X-ray range°

Principal investigator for the experiment is Dr o Herbert Friedman of the Naval

Research Laboratory in Washington, DC° Co-invest.igators are Drso Seth Shulman,

Richard Henry and Gilbert Fritz, also of the NRL.

- end -
L Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
CharLes Redmond FOR RELEASE:
December 2, 1974
RELEASE NO: 74-271



Five years ago two American astronauts placed and left on the Moon a

remote scientific instrument package. Five years and over 21, 000 Earth-to-
Moon commands Dater this set of instruments continues to radio hack to Earth

information about the Moon's seismic activity, the energy hitting the surface

from the Sun and the Moon's weak magnetic field.

Original specifications for the Apollo Lunar Scientific Experiment Pack-

age (ALSEP 12) called for the instruments to last for one year after the return of

Apollo 12 astronauts Pete Com_-ad, Alan Bean and Richard Gordon°

Don Wiseman, one of the men originally responsible for the hardware

development at Johnson Space Center (JSC), Houston, attributes the long life to

basically simple design with basically durable materialso "It was a bare bones

design; basically sound, "Wiseman said.

According to W. "Ike" Eichelman, JSC's chief technical monitor for the

ALSEP, the basic ingredient in the longevity of the instrumentpackages is their

atomic power plants. Due to several factors -- the Moon's environment, the

cosmic irradiation, and others -- the generating units have actually performed

better on the Moon than ever predicted using simulated environments on Earth.

Eichelman estimates that ALSEP 12 wilI last at least two more years, or seven

times longer than its original life expectancy.

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-271

- 2 -

The need for remote data from the Moon centered about certain questions best

answered with continuing data from which a trend could be established; questions like

what is the Moon's internal structure and temperature_ what processes are responsible

for the present structure of the lunar surface, what is the pattern and distribution of

seismic activity on the Moon, how do solid body properties and processes on the N4oon

compare with those on Earth?

The ALSEP series which included similar packages for Apollo missions 14

through 17, was designed to return lunar scientific data to Earth in the areas of geology,

geophysics, geochemistry and astrophysics o

Each ALSEP was carried to the Moon in two compartments aboard the Lunar

Modules and placed in position by the astronauts during their fm:ays about the Moon's

barren surface. Although each ALSEP contained a number of identical instruments, each

one was different in distinct ways from the others° Each, however, was powered by a

Radioisotope Thermal Generator (RTG) which transforms atomically generated heat into

about 75 watts of energy at 16 volts.

The instruments consisted of a passive seismic device, an active seismic array

using mortar rounds to set up shock waves, two ion detectors, a solar wind spectrometer,

a particle detector, magnetometers and instruments to measure heat flow from the

Moon's interior°

Although there were earlier instrument packages which were soft-landed on the

Moon prior to the Apollo missions, the ALSEP packages have been the longest lived,

most sophisticated package of sensors ever designed and placed on the Moon.

Dro Palmer Dyal, a NASA lunar investigator at Ames Research Center in Calif-

ornia, has derived measurements of the Moon's magnetic field from the Apollo ALSEP

magnetometerso His estimates show the Moon's magnetic field to be about 1,000 times

weaker than the Earth's and the result of a probable one-time magnetism. No significant

dipole field exists on the Moon at present -- which means a magnetic compass would be

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-271
- 3 -

absolutely useless on the Moon° The Earth's field, in contrast, derives from internal

processes of our planet°

A powerful magnetic field is generated deep within the Earth by the constantly

rotating molten metal coreo This core functions like a dynamo and develops a field

measurable many thousand miles into spaceo In contrast, the main lunar magnetic

field consists of near-surface fields highly variable in magnitude and direction.

Dyal says "that the lunar magnetic field can be viewed as a sort of magnetic

tape recording of conditions on the Moon more than three billion years ago." These

investigations have also ted to other tentative conclusions concerning the interior structure

of the Moono From magnetic data Dyal has figured the abundance of free iron on the

Moon at about 2 o5 per cent by weight° Total iron content of the Moon is about nine

per cent by weight° The Earth is about 30 per cent iron by weight°

Signals received by the seismometers have definitely established the existence

of Moonquakes o These are associated with activity deep within the Moon 700 to 1,200

km (420 to 720 mi o) and with shallow activity produced by lhermal heating and cooling

during the lunar day and night° A third class of seismic events may be associated with

processes within the lunar regolitho

One of the most surprising results was the long duration and ringing nature of

seismic signals from the Moon -- completely different from that observed here on Eartho

This is explained by the diffusive propagation of the shock waves as a result of intense

scattering, particularly near the lunar surfaceo The diffusion is enhanced by low attenua-
tion due to the lack of water and other volatiles in the pores of the lunar rocks. For this

reason, seismic studies based on reflected signals cannot be used to the same advantage

on the Moon as they are on Earth°

Other important findings based on the seismic data are that the lithosphere

(solid part) of the Moon is 700 to 1,200 km (420 to 720 mio) thick, much thicker than the
Earth's° The Moon's core is probably near the melting point° Scientists, however, are

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-271
- 4 -

waiting for a large meteorite impact similar to one which occurred two years ago to
confirm their theories about the Moon's core°

Seismic energy of the Moon has been found to be about 10 orders of magnitude
less than the Earth's, and due to the Moon's thick lithosphere, there is no crustal plate

movement like on Earth o

The heat flow measured by ALSEF instruments was surprising° It is about

half that of the Earth's° It places strong constraints on the radioactivity of the Moon

and indicates differentiation and upward concentrations of radioactivity early in the

Moon's history° Previous models of the Moon's radioactivity were based on chondritic
meteorites and terrestrial rockso Bulk radioactive concentrations consistent with the

heat flow measured on the Moon indicate that those models are inaccurateo Other

findings indicate that, in comparison to the Earth, the Moon is depleted in volatile
elements like iron, sodium and potassium°

Seismic, magnetic and heat flow data from the ALSEPs indicate a differentiated

Moon well along in its evolutionary history -- further along than the Earth°
The ALSEP instruments have also been successful in obtaining a better picture

of the Earth's magnetosphere -- a realm of trapped particles° As the Earth orbits about

the Sun it is continually in the flux of high energy particles emitted by the Sun°

When these particles approach the Earth's magnetic field they are deflected

outward further into spaceo By using information from the suprathermal ion detector,

cold-cathode ion gage and solar wind spectrometer, scientists have been able to look at

Earth's solar atmosphere with more precision than ever o

One of the striking results has been the discovery that solar particles exist in

stronger concentrations on the Earth's anti-Sun side than had been predicted° The

implications and mechanism for this interesting turn are not yet known°
Data from the five ALSEFs is received by NASA's tracking network 24 hours a

day° This information is stored on computer tapes and mailed to the Johnson Space Center o

The computer tapes are duplicated and sent along to the dozen principal investigators

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-271


still analyzing the data. Through the National Space Science Data Center data tapes
are made available to the scientific community at largeo Several times each week,

NASA engineers and technicians monitor the A LSEP instruments "live" from the Moon

looking for problem areas or performing general maintenance checks o

- end -

,__ Johnson Space Center

- / Houston, Texas 77058
713/483-5111 December 3, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-272


NASA has been tracking the Soviet Soyuz 16 spacecraft since shortly after

launch early yesterday and at 8:40 p.m. CST today will begin a 15-hour joint tracking
exercise with the Soviet Union.

After the mission, information gathered by nine U.S. tracking stations will

be compared to data received by Soviet stations during the same time period° The

exercise is a forerunner of tracking operations and data comparison which will be

required during the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project mission next July.

Data received by U.S. stations is relayed to the Goddard Space Flight Center,

Greenbelt, Maryland. The Johnson Space Center's Mission Control Center is not

The Soyuz 16 mission is a Soviet rehearsal for the ASTP mission° The cos-
monauts now in orbit, COlo Anatoliy V. Filipchenko and Nikolay N. Rukavishnikov,

are backup crewmen for next summer's joint flight and have taken part in joint crew

training at JSC.

Apollo Spacecraft Program Office officials at JSC have received four telephone
calls from Soviet ASTP officials since the launch of Soyuz 16. They report that the

mission is going well and that the crew is in good health and has been observed from the

ground via color television.

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-272

- 2 '

NASA has been given the state vectors for Soyuz i6, mathematical definitions

of the spacecraft's location and velocity at stated times° That information assists in

tracking by ground stations o

Soviet officials have also informed NASA of the plan for testing the compatible

docking system developed for ASTPo Attached to the Soyuz 16 docking system is a

donut-shaped metal flange with latches° Using this passive test ring, the cosmonauts

are able to operate the Soyuz docking system in several test modeso The test ring

will be retained by Soyuz until near the end of the mission°

UoSo stations involved in tracking Soyuz 16 are at Ascension, Bermuda, Canton

Island, Hawaii, Kwajelein, Merritt Island, Florida, Tananarive, Grand Turk and

A ntiguao

- end -

_,,, ,>>,_
_,_7_j_ Johnson Space
Houston, Texas Center

Terry White FOR RELEASE:

713/483-5111 December 5, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-273


Firemen at Houston Fire Department's Station 16 this week received two light-

weight breathing systems for a six-months field evaluation. The Firefighter's Breathing

System was developed by engineers at the NASA Johnson Space Center using materials

and technology from the nation's space program to design and build air tanks and masks

that are lighter and more efficient than systems now in use.
The new air tanks are built of an aluminum liner with a glass fiber overwrap--a

technique that was originally developed for solid-propellant rocket motor cases o

Project engineer Pat McLaughlan of the Center's Crew Systems Division said,

'_Vhile current systems are capable of doing the job, the lower weight and added duration

of the new system will provide the firefighter greater safety and efficiency."

McLaughlan will visit Station 16 Monday at 2 PoMo CST to talk with firemen at the
end of the first week's field evaluation of the breathing system°

Breathing systems also are being furnished by the Center to fire departments in

New York and Los Angeles in January for similar field evaluation°

- end -

\ , .,_._ Johnson Space Center

_6-,_/' Houston, Texas 77058
Terry White FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 December 12, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-274


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has selected Boeing Company,

Aerospace Division, Seattle, Washington, for negotiation leading to the award of a

contract to provide Safety, Reliability and Quality Assurance Engineering Support at

the Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas.

The contractor's proposed cost for the first 2-year cost-plus-award-fee type

contract is approximately $8 million. It is contemplated that there will be two exten-

sions; one for 2 years, the other for 1 year.

The work to be accomplished by Boeing consists of Safety, Reliability, and Quality

Assurance Engineering and technical tasks associated with current and future NASA-JSC

programs for space vehicles, ground support equipment, facilities, and payloads

(including experiments)°

Two other firms submitted proposals for the work: Management and Technical

Services Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and Planning Research Corpo, McLean,

The contract will be under the technical direction of the Johnson Space Center,

Houston, Texas.

- end -
Johnson Space Center
J Houston, Texas 77058
Milton E. Reim FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 December 17, 1974

RELEASE NO: 74-275


Flight controllers in Mission Control Center in Houston and their counter-

parts in the Soviet Union are scheduled to take part in a three-day communication

procedural simulation beginning on Wednesday, December 18o

Procedures for configuring the two control centers and the network tracking

stations to permit communications with each orbiting spacecraft during the Apollo-

Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) mission next July will be worked out during the exercise.

The first two days of the simulation will exercise all modes of communica-

tion that will be used during the actual mission. Procedures wilt be checked-out for

interfacing the voice, video, teletype, and telex facsimile between the two control

centers and through the tracking networks.

Goddard Space Flight Center and the tracking station at Merritt Island,

Florida, (MILA) will be up for the three-day exercise°

To communicate with Apollo through a Soviet tracking station requires a

direct link from MCC in Houston to the Soviet control center and then through the

Soviet tracking network. For the Soviets to communicate with Soyuz through an

Apollo tracking station would require the reverse of the above procedureo

Flight control disciplines involved in the first two days will include: flight

director, procedures officer, communications technician, switchboard operator,

teletype operator, network controller, mission configuration supervisor and CapCom o

- more -
RELEASE NO: 74-275


On Friday, the flight dynamics officers will take part in a control center

interface exercise between Moscow and Houston when procedures checked-out

the two previous days will be implemented using the Real Time Computer System°

The time period just prior to Soyuz launch through Apollo launch will be simulated.

State vectors (position and velocity at a given time) will be exchanged° Video tapes

of launches and onboard spacecraft views will be televised between the two control
centers o

This exercise will not involve any of the ASTP prime crewmen or simula-

torso Simulated status reports and data on spacecraft positions, etCo, will be

exchanged during the ten-hour procedural simulation°

The first Houston MCC simulation involving the Apollo crewmen is scheduled

for mid-February and the first all-up simulation with both control centers and both

Apollo and Soyuz crewmen is scheduled for late March of next year°

- end -

_ '_07_5 Houston, Texas Center

Johnson Space 77058
Robert V. Gordon FOR RELEASE:
713/483-5111 December 20, 1974
RELEASE NO: 74-276



NASA has selected Singer Simulation Products Divo, Houston, for negotiation

leading to award of a contract for an Orbiter Aeroflight Simulator for use as a crew

trainer for the Space Shuttle Orbiter Vehicle to support the Shuttle Program Office.

The contractor's proposed cost for the cost-plus-award fee contract is approxi-

mately $8 million. Singer will design, develop, fabricate, test and deliver a

simulator that will consist of a high fidelity crew station, out-the-window color

visual scene, motion base and flight computer-simulator interface device to simulate

orbiter vehicle flight dynamics and motion during the atmospheric phase of the

Shuttle Orbiter operations.

The contract will be under the technical direction of the NASA Johnson Space

Center, Houston°

Grumman Aerospace Corp., Bethpage, NoYo, also submitted a proposal°

- end -
Johnson Space Center
'%-_' J Houston, Texas 77058
Ro Terry White FOR RELEASE:
December 24, 1974
RELEASE NO: 74-277 2:00p°mo


The NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, has selected Klate Holt

Company of Webster, Texas, for negotiation and award of a cost-plus-fixed/award

fee contract for custodial support services at the Center o

Klate Holt Company's proposed cost and fee covering 364, 000 man-hours

during calendar year 1975 is approximately $1.4 million° The total expected

cost for the three-year program of 364, 000 man-hours per year is approximately

$4.6 million. The contract provides for employment of 175 employees at JSC for

the three years.

- end -

.,?e'-' Johnson Space Center
/ Houston, Texas 77058
Robert V. Gordon
713/483-5111 FOR RELEASE:
December 30, 1974
RELEASE NO: 74-278


Technicolor Graphic Services, Inc., HollyTvood, California 90038, has been

awarded a one-year extension to their contract for photographic support services

at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC), Houston, Texas 77058o

The contract will be a cost-plus-award-fee for a twelve-month period beginning

January 1, 1975, and ending December 31, 1975. The estimated amount for the
12-month period is $2,393,895o

- end -

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