Commodore World Issue 24

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The magazine has made cuts to reduce costs like removing color from the cover and reducing page counts in order to avoid raising prices.

Changes made include removing color from the cover, reducing page count by removing trivia sections and some advertising, and losing some editorial space.

While the editor is reluctant to raise prices, the intention is to maintain the publication for as long as possible by further cost cutting where possible in future issues.

C 0 T E T S

ISSUE 24 Published October 1996


10 New Commodore 64?
Doug Cotton 14 CMD FD Internals-An Insight Into The Storage Layout of CMD FD Disks
Hang Coitim

General Manager 20 Super FD Backup (type-in program)

Doug Canon
CharlesA'. ('hristianson


Doug Cotton

Advertising Sales 16 Software: Laseg Loveg's Disk by Bruce Thomas

A New Toolkitfor Posiscripl Printing with GEOS
Charles A, Christianson
(■113) 525-0023

Graphic Arts
Dotlg ColIon

6 Just For Starters by Jason Compton
A Simple Guide n> Understanding Printers
Cover Design
22 Graphic Interpretation by Bruce Thomas
Doas Cotton
Useful CEOS Ulittlies

24 Carrier Detect by Gaeltne R. Gasson

A Sense of Community
Commodore™ and Iho respective Commodoro product nnmos
aro trademarks or registered trademarks ol Commodore, a 26 316 Beat by Doug Cotton
division of Tulip Computers. Commodore World Is in no way
affiliated wit h the owno r ol Iho Com mot lore lay o ii n rl Ifldi nofoq y. New Commands Provided hv die ci,w/6 Processor
Commodore World (ISSN IO7a-2S1O| is published 8 llmos
annually by Creative Micro Designs. Inc , 1Ji Bunton Djivo.
East Lcnsmeodow MA 01058-0646. Second-Class Postage
Paid si East Longrooaifow MA (USPS #011-801)

Annual aubscnplion rate is USS29.95 for U.S. addresses.

U SS3S.9S for Canada 0 r Mf! mco, U SS4 5.95 tor all EC Co u n Ir le s.
ant)USS57.95to all olhoraddrossob world»ido, All suoscfiplion
p.-iymonts must Do provided in U S Dollars. Mail sub 5Cr i pi Ions
to CW Suoscnpirons. c/o Croalivo Micro Dnsiflns. Inc , P.O
2 From the Editor
Boi6<i6, East Longmondow MAO1D28-OB4B 4 On The Horizon
Enllr«conton11 copyright C 199B by Craallva Micro 27 CheckSUM
Daiiflnt, Inc., unl#n otharwlta noted. Ho parlol this
publication may bo printed or otherwise reproduced by any 32 Classified Ads
means without prior nritren consent from Irie putji shgr Air
programs published in this publicalioriarrj for Xhe personal use
32 Advertiser's Index
ol Ihe reader, and may not be copied or in any way distributed
AM rights reserved. Programming examples and routines tn this
issue whicft are presented for educational purposes may be
used In the creation ol programs by The purchaser of this
miigajrinij. provided credit lor trio routines 5 cfeaily presented
in cithor iho program documentntion, or (Mo program ilsofl.
Creative Micro Designs. Inc.. nasumea no responsibility tor
orrcrs or omissions in editorial, program listings or advertising
content. Creative Micro Designs. Inc assumes no Imbilny lor
aduorlisors claims or reri^billly.

POSTMASTER: Sonfl address changes lo: CW Addrass

Changes, c/o Creative Micro Designs, inc., P.O. Box G4U. East
Longmeadow MA 01028-0640

Obviously there's something different about this issue
of Commodore World. No mistaking that the cover has
gone from full-color to shades of gray. But internally
we have revamped things as well. Financial reality
has meant either raising prices, or cutting costs.
Since we're reluctant to charge more for the
publication, we've targeted some areas of the
publication which we felt would have the least impact
on the quality of the information provided.
We started by removing color from the cover, then
reduced page count by removing the Triva and some of
the CMD advertising. This didn '1 get us down quite as
far as necessary, so we 've lost some editorial space as
well in this issue. However, some addtional shuffling
and redesigning of certain pages will be completedfor
our next issue to regain that room.
All of this might lead you to wonder just how much
longer Commodore World will last. As we 've staled in
the past, it is our intention to maintain the publication
as long as possible by taking the necessary steps
required to make this happen. The changes in this
issue are an indication of us doing just that—insuring
the magazine's longevity instead of dropping it when
it is no longer profitable. To that end, we hope you 'II
understand that the changes taking place are necessary.

And once the costs are under better control, we'll be

able to take additional steps to improve the diversity of
the content and regularity of publication.

Doug Cotton



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The Loadstar Letter
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^P^~M*- BUY IT BY THE MONTH! ^^/>T* biggest, most
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Thanks to Bob Maryland, our i Gershwin Jukebox •
handy file copier is fixed! ' Eight memorable tunes by •
Fission i ' George Gershwin, including •
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This mouse-driven card solitaire
is also one of Maurice's best. 1 movements), the three •
Mansion 1 Preludes, and Swanee, made •
Using Camaron Kaiser's 1 famous by AUolson, •
WORLD MAKER system. John Outcksmith Music
invifes you inlo tlie Charles 31 songs by musicologist Dave,
Mansion, where no good deed all converted into the
goes unpunished. QUICKSMITH format by Lee
Puzzle Page #165 Novak.

Number-teasers, word-puzzles Clip Joint #2

and bram-slumpers a-plenty! , A geoPaint documen! chock full «
Plus, Knees' monograph on , of attractive images just ripe for •
mystery mores. clipping. «
Legal Beagle III Geos Disk Tools •
Generate some more legal > Ten tools for the Geos •
documents which you can environment thai will make your •
customize (or your own use. navigation faster and easier. All • Centstble Software Newsletter Naniskad
A Night On The Town are well explained by our Geos • A list of 50 commercial "in the A compilation of tidbits from
Take a musical trip from the Man About Town. • box" programs from the world's newsletters (rom all over the
quaint eateries of Hie outer city Diskovery largest CBM software store. world.
into the heart of darkness we Your editor confronts another Modern Printers
call "uptown". crisis, mourns a proliiic C-54er, Looking lor a new printer lor
AH programs tested and known to
Room - 4k Contest Winner describes a new product, and your C-64/128? Read this first! work with your SuperCPU"* and
A small demo thai gives you a introduces a Euro company. Master Of Trades all CMD devices. Over ZOOK ot
glimpse of what the world of Jeff's Soapbox In memory of a dedicated documentation every month

DOOM is like. Jeff mediates (or aggravates?] , Commodorean. we present Part automatically presented on disk.

the battle of the operating , One of his autobiography.


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Computer Industry Nlws

New Commodore 64? completed portion by mailing a request to CMD along with S3.1)0 to
A lut of rumors have been floating around lately over the supposed cover the cost of providing the patch on disk.
release of a'new'Commodore 64 computer. The reality ofthe situation CMD will still mail the full version of the GEOS 128 patches for the
is tiiat Wcl: Computers international (WCI), 9 Dutch-Antilles-based SuperCPU, once complete, to all original SuperCPU 128 purchasers.
firm with facilities based in Antwerp. Belgium, has recently released a
low-cost Windows-PC with a built-in Commodore (54 emulator. For SWRAP Commodore Show A Success
additional details, see the feature article elsewhere in tliis issue. Lansing 11. was the recent site ofaCommdore show hosted by the Chicago-
based SWRAP Users Group. Several demonstrations were given, with
The Internet for Commodore Users Updated Maurice Randall showing his almost completed version of Wheels 128, an
Encouraged by strong international sales, VideoCam Services has updater for GEOS 128 that provides extended capabilities and
updated and published a third edition of The Internet forCommodore compatibility with CMD products. Dale -Sidebottom demonstrated color
C64/128 Users" (ISBN: 0-9585837-0-6). The book has been expanded postscrptprintingfromGl'OS.JimButierfieldwas on-hand, and provided
with an additional chapter coveringTO'/l I1 Conned ions. With recent a dissertation on the beginnings oflhe(J502 and Commodore's entry into

hardware and software released for the Commodore computer, it's the computer market. We'll have a complete run-down of the event in the
only a matter oftimebctbreTCP/lP software is available. The additional next issue of Commodore World.
chapter explains the terminology and explores basic Issues. When the
software i.s available, readers will be ready to make use of it. As Loadstar Revamps Web Site usedthroughoutthe book have been updated and revised. LoadStar has recently undergone a major revision to their web site
The Internet for Commodore C64/128 Users is available in the (, and plans to begin incorporating the
United Slates from LoadStar, and can also be purchased directly from complete text ofall back issues oftheir popular disk-based Commodore
VideoCam Services. For more information, contact: publication on the site in searchable format. LoadStar luminary Jeff
Jones has commented that they intend to turn the LoadStar we!) site
Video Cam Services into "the largest Commodore Knowledge base online."
Reynella, SA 5161 VideoCam Services Adds Web Hosting Services
Australia Following the successful release of The Internet for Commodore C84/
Phone:+61 (08) 8322-2716 128 Users, 3rd edition, VideoCam Services has embarked on a new
FAX: +61(08)8387-5810 avenue of Internet support, offering full and virtual web hosting, as
Email:] well as wel) design services. Owned by Red and Gaelyne Gassou,
Web: VideoCam Services went online connected to the main Internet
backbone on '.i July 1998 and has been striving towards developing a
GEOS 128 Patch for SuperCPU small but thriving Internet presence. Gaelyne is the author of the
Part of the patch required to use GEOS 128 at 20 MHz with a CMD aforementioned Commodore Internet manual and Web administrator
SujierCi'l' has been completed. The portion which is currently finished for the company. Rod is the author of QWKHIU2K. an offline mail
is the new SuperlnstallappUcatlon, which patchesGEOS64andC<EOS reader and Browser (a disk directory program for the Cl 28) and is the
128 for 20 MHz operation, and also creates SuperCPU-compatible system administrator. I u the future. VideoCam Services hopes to offer
mouse drivers for the Commodore 1351 and CM I) Still continued online Commodore support including UNIX shell accounts
under development is (he GEOS 128 version of CONFIGURE that available through telnet. For further information, contact:
would provide the ability to use the SuperCPU's optional SuperRAM
expansion KAM as a GEOS RAM disk. No date has been given for VideoCam Services
completion ol ibis portion of the project. 901lillierl(d
Since only a portion ofthe GEOS patches are complete at this time, Reynella.SA5UH
CMD will noi yet bt* shipping this to SuperCPU 128 customers. Australia
However, the patch will be made available shortly for free downloading Phone: +61 8322 2716 Fax: +61 8387 5810
from CMD's web site (, and original videocam((/>videocam. net. auhttp://videocam.
purchasers of the SuperCPU 128 may also obtain the currently ©


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When you care enough to print the very best!
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Just For Starters


Ifyou wan! to get anything of value out of your between each page.) Some will accept plain
computer, It's generally agreed that you letter paper and/or envelopes, however.
absolutely need some sort of display device, InkJet printers forego the metal implements
unless you enjoy a mystery. A TV or monitor and the cloth ribbons of daisy wheel and dot
generally ills the bill. Then, of course, some sort matrix printers. Instead, the printer shoots a
ofstorage is nice to have—a tapedrive will serve, thin stream of ink onto a sheet of letter paper.
but a floppy drive is better, with hard drives and Inkjets enjoy good quality, good speed, lots of
HAM drives convenient elaborations on the flexibility and generally quiet operation. One
theme. liven with that array, a computer is ofthe primary complaints about them is that
still limited to the electronic world. Printers the ink can smudge quite easily, often when
fill that void nicely, and of course your exposed only to the barest amounts of
Commodore is quite capable of handling a moisture, like the oil from a finger, (one printer
wide variety of printers, from classic models manufacturer uses "Bubblejet" as a trademark.
right up to present day creations. Getting bul it's the same thing)
started can be a little tricky if you've never Finally, laser printers take a different
tried to turn your computer into your own approach—the laser doesn't burn the image
private press. Just For Starters to the rescue! many can support different types ofprint and, onto I he page, but it does electrically charge
sometimes using multiple print passes over a the paper where the output is supposed to
Printer Types: Quick Review single line, creategraphics in good detail. They appear. Then the page is actually passed
In the beginning, there were two ba.sic types of tend to suffer speed and noise problems, but through a bath of ink, which only slicks to
consumer printers. The daisy wheel printer is towards the end of the dot matrix printer the areas that have been charged by the
probably the most basic, In effect, it's a glorified popularity, some very nice, fast, relatively laserl Laser printers vary wildly in quality—
typewriter. Charactersareputon paper by being quiet models were created. The two major at their best, they're fast, beautiful, and
stamped through a ribbon by a metal disc with categories are 9- and 24-pin dot matrix expensive, while low end models can be
letters stamped into it—-the principle on which printers, reflecting the density of the pins and quite slow and unreliable.
many electric typewriters work. by extension the quality of the output. 2'1-pin There are other breeds of printers, like
Then there were the dot matrix printers. A dot matrix printers arc often capable of what plotters and thermal printers, but they
dot matrix printer has a small print head thai is called "NI.Q" (Near Letter Quality) output, make up a small niche segment of the
contains "pins" or "wires" that are which competes favorably with a good market.
programmed by your computer and printer to typewriter or higher-end printer product. Now that you know what's available, you
strike the ribbon and, using the dots, form Daisy wheel and dot matrix printers lend lo have to get it hooked up. Would you believe
letters and graphics. They have the distinct use fanfold paper (continuous streams with there's a few different flavors of printer
advantage over daisy wheel printers in that tractorfeed holes on the sides and perforations connection, too?

COMMODORE WQFll_D issue 24

Hello, Printer
Most Commodore users probably have their
printers on the serial bus—the same chain as
floppy drives. Commodore-built printers (as
well as third-party models created expressly
for Commodore computers) almost nil have
the .same round serial bus connector that your
computer and floppy drives have, in this case,
connecting your printer to your computer is
as simple as plugging the printer into a spare
serial port, probably found on your last floppy
drive. That's a perfectly good place lor it.
However, most printers in the world at large
are not designed specifically for the
Commodore. They conform to a different
interface standard, called the Centronics or
"parallel" interface. These printers have a
D-shaped, "open mouthed" interface, often
with two little triangular clips on the narrow this makes for a wonderful quick "are you If a printer is not Commodore-compatible
sides. Fortunately, there were plenty of there?" test for your printer. (is plugged in th rough some sort of Centronics
interfaces to bridge this gap. Although they Before you delve into your favorite publishing interface), then odds are extremely good thai
varied in form and appearance, each had a or art program with a new printer, you might it is compatible with either a basic IBM or
plug which connected with the printer's want to reel reasonably certain that the printer is Epson printer model (or both). If you see
Centronics port, and a cable that ran to the active and ready for work. A quick way to get a support for a basic Epson printer, such as
serial bus on the Commodore. Many also had short bit of satisfaction from theprintergoes like Lpson HX-80, your printer will likely work just
another connector to draw power from the so in BASIC—just type the lines directly in, fine with those settings if you cannol find a
computer's cassette port or joystick port. The bitting the RETURN key after each. better match.
Super Graphix and .Super Graphix Jr. were Often, the choice of printer compatibility,
among the better products in this category. OPEN 4,4,0 as well as a number of other details, are
With a Centronics interface such as these, PRIWT#4,"ARE YOU THERE?" configured through DIP switches located
virtually any printer can be made to serve on a CLOSE 4 somewhere on the printer, usually behind a
Commodore system, in just about any small panel. These switches are defined in
application that offers printing. This example assumesyour printer is on device printer manuals and can control default prinl
If a Centronics-to-serial-bus interface is not 4. If you are sure it is not, substitute 5 or the position, page length, compatibility, and
available, another option is thegeoCable.The device number of the printer for each "4". default font—the typeface the primer will use
geoCable connects a Centronics printer to the With luck, your printer will merrily spit out when text like our "ARE YOUTHERE?" is sent
user port—not the serial bus—and comes with "ARE YOU THERE?" directly into the printer.
a set of custom GEOS printer drivers. In this This is a good lime to mention thai when
case, unless you get lucky or take up printer If It's Working... printers put oul texl. there may be one of two
programming you will largely be limited to if you gel a heartbeat from your printer, very different things going on. When you
printing from GEOS applications, but the good congratulations! You're well on your way. I'R1NT#4 or use certain types of text editors
news is that thegeoCable printer interface and Now, a few more details to gel slraighl on audwonl processors, such as SpeedScripl, the
drivers are generally much faster than relying printer operation. data is sent to the printer as more or less text
on the serial bus for output. First of all, there are an awful lot of printer only. It is the printer's job lo turn Ihe computer
Finally, you have to know how your printer models out there, from dozens of different text into letters, and it relies on a built-in
expects to be addressed. In much the same manufacturers. And while each printer is character sel to do this. Some printers, like
way as the first floppy drive is device 8, a unique in its own little ways (and most old Commodore models, have only one
printer typically lives on device 4. Some manufacturers introduce specific unique character set built in. Newer printers
Commodore-compatible printers provide features into all of their products), when it sometimes have a half dozen or more that can
switches that allow you to toggle to a different comes right down to it there are common, be selected through DIP switches or software.
device number (typically 5, although 6 and 7 accepted standards for basic printer operation. On the other hand, a program like geoWrile
are offered by some printers and interface So even if you don't recognize a printer model that uses different sorts of fonts and graphical
combinations), in case you want multiple and can't find a listing for it in your programs layout does not actually send lext characters
printers on your system or have some other and documentation, all is probably not lost. to the printer. It would not send "ARE YOU
sort of conflict. If you're dabbling in BASIC, If a printer is Commodore compatible (plugs THERE?" as a stream of14 characters. Instead,
you might be interested to know thai you can directly into the serial bus), odds are that will it would send graphical data that appears to
PRINT to a printer just asyou can to the screen. workacceptablywell with Commodore printer the eye to say "ARE YOU THERE?", and the
Even if you're not a BASIC dabbler, knowing sellings, such as for the MI'S line. printer then puts that graphic on paper. The


It'll very directly into the printer—it's usually
best to give tractor feed paper and the printer
a wide berth so the paper cannot snag on
anything on its way inlo the printer. Similarly,
make sure if you're printing a long document
that the OUTGOING paper has a lol of
clearance, otherwise the sheets may bunch up
inside tile printer and cause even more
Many inkjet printers lake paper fed in
through a stack in the top. If your paper is
feeding unevenly, or several pages are being
sucked in at a time, try fanning the paper
thoroughly before placing it in the feed tray.
This usually relieve* jamming problems.
Also remember that most any printer has
some built-in method ofencouraging paper to
move through the .system. On dot matrix
printers, there is almost always ;i hand knob.
On inkjet. laser, and many dm matrix printers,
there are billions for "line feed" (In move the
difference can often be seen in higher quality they will race off to prove that they still paper up one line) and "form feed" (to move
and in longer print limes—because documents function. If a primer passes its self-test but through an entire sheet of paper). Try using
thai print in this manner are actually just big won't print for you, there may be a connection these to clear up the difficulty. And remember
graphics! You may want to experiment with problem (make sure everything is plugged in to check the "online" button if your printer
your printer's built-in fonts to discover whal properly), a device number problem (see if has one—a printer must usually be offline if
software you really want to use—to decide your interface may be using a different you use Hie paper feed buttons or make other
what you want your results to look like, number), or a software problem (try using settings changes, butitmustbeONLINE when
different printer settings in your program). you want to print.
If There's Trouble... If the problem revolves around paper, the Finally, of course, you may be out of ink. Pot
If you've got some trouble with your printer, first thing to remember is not to panic. In most recent printers, this is not a problem—
it's important to discover the source. MoM cases of paper jams or misfceds. it's usually ink cartridges ate quite readily available. Some
printers have built-in test modes that do not relatively easy to fix, but the last thing you aging dot matrix printers don't enjoy the some
require a computer to word. Usually they want lodois to tear the paper lo shreds in an fate, however. One route is re-inking. In a
involve set ling a switch or holding down a lew attempt to get il out. Tractor feed paper pinch, WD-40 can be employed sparingly on
buttons when you turn the printer on. and imfortimalely can snag very easily if it is not the ribbon cloth to get dried-up sections oi
ribbon flowing again, but in the long term it is
best to investigate other options. Small office
supply and typewriter repair shops can be
Printer Supply Sources
quite helpful, both for replacement ribbons
There are a number of common sources that Looking for those hard-to-find ribbons for a (it's amazing what these stores stock) and for
cany printer ribbons and other supplies. For Commodore MRS mode! printer? Here's a retaking services. A conversation on this topic
example, local office supply stores often stock new source that we recently ran across: online recently net the information a company
a wide variety of printer supplies. Here are known as V-Tech (215-362-3300) may be able
some ofthe more common mail-order sources ALL RIBBONS EXPRESS, INC. to help. And. of course, there's always the
for ribbons: 6409 Abercorri St., Suite D-l Commodore dealers listed in this magazine
Savannah GA 31405 and elsewhere, always a good resource.
MEI/Micio Center 1-912-353-6070 Without a working printer, your computer
1100 Steelwood Road is something of a dosed book. Hopefully, this
Columbus, OH 43212 column has been able to get you a step closer
1-800-634-3478 1 lere are some order numbers and prices: to opening it up!

Midwestern Diskette MI'S-801: #11430 (fab. cart.) $4.25 ea.

Jason Comptoii is a freelance writer and
508 W.Taylor MPS-802: #11540 (fab. cart.) $6.55 ea..
Editor of Amiga Report, the online news
Creston IL 50801 #11134MS (multi-strike) $7.f!4 ea.
resourceforCommodore Amiga users. Jason
1-800-221-6332 MI>S-803:#U36'l (fab. cart.) $4.70 ea.
can be contacted via Email at


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Need Input? It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This

For years, Commodore set Ihe standard with the 1351 mouse. Sure, it was vastly superior to $49.!
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Guaranteed 100% 1351-compatible, SmarlMouse does everything the C-1351 does and more!
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Three buttons means convenience! If you're a GEOS user, the left ■ SmartMouse utilizes the same advanced technology used In today's

button is configured as single click, the right as a handy double powerful 486 and Pentium PC's, providing you with unparalleled
click and the cenler button is the TURBO button which doubles the accuracy and smoothness.
speed at which the pointer moves across the screen. All three are
fully programmable lor other application. • Built-in battery-backed Real-Time Clock automatically sels the GEOS
clock, displays time and can be used in your own programs.
SmartMouse uses the same custom gate array chip as Ihe
Commodore C-1351 mouse to guarantee 100% compatibility. • Includes utilities disk and detailed manual explaining Iho utilities
and programming information.
Switches easily into joystick emulation mode on power-up by
holding down the right button. • Attention Lefties! SmartMouse can be altered for left handed use.

Issue 24
The New Commodore 64? is I lie t'irsl now <oiiipiilrr lo ship
willi a luiilf-iu roiiiniodoro it I cmiihitor.

It was mid-August when I received a phone call Looking somewhat like an Apple Powerbook. as a vehicle to create the new machine. The
from an editor at WIRED magazine asking me the hardware built into the includes a culmination of this effort Ls
about the new "Commodore 64". After assuring built-in 5(!K (K56Flex/v.9Q) modem, a 3.5-inch
ihe caller that it was news to me, Ibegan combing high density disk drive, an 86-key keyboard, a For Commodore Users?
the Internet for references—but turned up touch-pad/pen controller, a VGA/SVGA With technical specifications and corporate
nothing. graphics chip with television and monitor manuevers out of the way, we come now to the
The following day brought a second call, this outputs, and a 16-bit stereo FM (Frequency all-imporiant question: Is of any interest
time from different WIRED employee working Modulated) sound chip. Ports include a PC-Card to present Commodore 64/12K owners?
the story. This lime I askeil for sources, which led port (2 Type II cards or 1 Type Hi card), a serial The answer to that question has more to do
me to Here I found IIS-232 port, a Parallel port (printer), a Game with what else you do or don't own, your budget,
what was creating all the ruckus, the newWeb.H porl(MIDI/joyMick control), audio Line In/Line and your expectations. Clearly was
computer from Well Computers International. Out/Microphone In, and an infrared iranceiver designed for users on a low budget, and for
Brief stories appeared on WIRED.COM and (for IR keyboards and devices). parentslooking to Bpend less than the going rate
ZDNet within a couple of days, and the With 16 MB of RAM. 16 MB of ROM, 2 Mil of on a computer for their children. Without even
comp.sys.cbm newsgroup began to come alive Flash memory, is powered by an AMD considering the built-in C-fi4 emulation,
with messages about the new product. Other ELAN SC40566-100 MHz microcontroller, the is a reasonably wetl-powered unit lor connecting
than general specifications, WQ wasn't releasing core of which is basically a 100 MHz clone of the to the Internet, offering a lot more functionality
information until the official European product Intel 80486 processor. than standard web appliances like WebTV. The
launch on August 2&, Details about the new built-in word processing and other applications
system were hard to come by, still, opinions Commodore Ties could prow quite valuable to users on a budget.
were plentiful. With the European release now In addition to the other built-in software, boots quickly from ROM, and is also
past, and an upcoming distribution in North contains a built-in Commodore 64 emulator expandable, since device drivers can be loaded
America set for just before Christmas, (CC564). which WC1 states will support into the Flash memory.! lowever. if you want lo
Commodore World lias collected the facts to connection of a Commodore floppy drive play the latest CD-ROM game software, you'll
present Commodore users with the mosl Up-to- (presumeablv via an xl541-type cable). The nc-eda full-powered staie-of-the-art wallet-killing
date information an this new development inclusionof ibis emulator has been 'legalized' by Pentium PC instead of a
licensing the Commodore 64 from Tulip ForCommodore 64 compatibility, you'll need
What Is Computer's Commodore division. Kor those of toattacha 1541 drive to access your Commodore
Before we go too much further, we need lo define you who don't have your game card updated. software library'. Like many emulators, you'll
just what is. Designed in the spirit that Tulip Computer is a computer firm based in the find the keyboard layout and markings don't
propelled the Commodore 64 to the forefront of Netherlands that purchased Commodore, NL match what you're used lo, and a number of
home computing in the early 80s. is a (also in the Netherlands) which was span-off programs simply wou'l work under emulation.
low-cost computer thai easily attaches to a from Germany's Lscom Computer. Escom had Still, BASIC is there, many programs do work,
standard television set. The operating system previously obtained the Commodore and Amiga and the machine offers the ability lo get directly
and common applications are based in ROM rights from CBM, but sold the Amiga rights to on the Internet without having to locate a shell
(Read-Only Memory), providing near Instant Gateway 20011 when financial troubles struck. account provider and learn Unix commands.
startup of the computer and programs. A number of employees from Tulip's Furthermore, you can browse the Web
The operating system software built Into Commodore, NL division—some ot whom had graphically, a feature not likely to come quickly includes PC-DOS 7 and Windows 3.1, worked for divisions ol CUM—recognized the to the unexpended Commodore 64 or 128, We're
This is complemented by a suite ofapplications need fora simple low-cost (Commodore 64-like) not fanatical about Windows-based PCs, but
which includes Lotus AmiPro wordprocessor, computer in the market. However, with Tulip has a reasonably-well defined target
Lotus 123 spreadsheet, Lotus Organiser and showing signs of financial problems, the new market that could benefit from its features.
Netscape Navigator. Web Computers International firm was formed



Anyone familiarwith the CMDFD Series diskdrives (the FD-2000and discrete Segments that would more closely resemble rings. These rings
PD-4000) is probably also aware that these drives tome wiih the are referred to as Tracks. Specifically, we refer to these as Physical
ability to be divided up into partitions, A number of programmers Tracks, since these tracks are the ones into which the physical media
have recently shown interest in the physical layout of disks thai have itself is divided. While this distinction may not seem important now,
been formatted and partitioned liy CMD I'D Series drives. This you'll see thai it is very important when we discuss other types of
information could be useful in creating a wide variety ofprograms for tracks later on.
the FD drives, including whole disk copiers, disk image utilities, Since each track can generally store a lot of data, Physical Tracks are
defragmentation programs, disk repair utilities, and even alternate further segmented into Physical Sectors lo provide a more efficient use of
partitioning programs. The information provided in this article should storage space. The data written is generally referred to as a Data Block.
prove to be beneficial to programmers attempting these or other Data is typically stored on both sides of modern disks. Instead of
similar projects with the FD Series drives, and we hope that perhaps it creating additional track numbers to address the second side of the
may even entice other programmers into looking into the possibilities disk, a Physical Side parameter is used. Thus, wit lulouble-sided media.
of creating some these suggested applications. locating a specific Data Block requires knowing the Physical Track,
Physical Sector and the Physical Side.
Quick Overview This information illustrates the difference between a block and a
In understanding partitioning on the CMD FD Series drives we'll be sector; while the two terms may seem to be used interchangeably, this
looking mainly at two system resources stored on each FD disk that is not actually the case. A hlock is a single grouping of data, while a
carries a GV5D style format: the Hardware Block and the Partition sector is simply one of the parameters that points to where that block
Director)1. Bui before we discuss these topics directly, we lirst need [o of data resides.
understand some general terms I hat describe the way data isorganized
on a disk. Physical Blocks
The number of Physical Sectors per Physical Track (as well as the si/.eof
Disk Anatomy 101 each Physical Block) varies according to the media formal. The only
Tracks, Sectors, Sides, and Blocks are all terms (hat you'll need to constants with the CMD FD formatted disks arc that there are always 80
understand in orderto grasp the information in this article. In addition, Physical Tracks having two Physical Sides per track. The table below
there are variations on these terms with regard lo Physical, Logical or provides the specifics for each formal type used by CMD IT) Series drives.
System coordinates. We'll begin by looking at the physical attributes
ofadisk and the terms that apply to il. FORMAT TRACKS SECTORSrtflACK/SIDE SECTOR SIZE
When storing data to disk, the disk rotates much like an analog DD 80 (0-79, S00-S4F) 10(1-10,S01-S0A) 512byles (0-511, SOO0O-JO1FF)
record does in a record player. But instead of having one longspiraling HD 80 (0-79, S0Q-S4F) 10 (1-10, S01-$OA) 1024bytes (0-1023. SO0O0-S03FF)
groove in which data is stored, a disk's storage h broken down into ED 80 (0-79. S00-S4F) 20(1-20, S01-SOA) 1024 bytes (0-1033, S0000-$03FF)


System Blocks to 781, but bear in mind thai this remainder indicates that we'll need
The Hardware Block and the Partition Directory both express media to add 25(i bytes to our final result.
size and partition locations in System Mocks. System Blocks are 512 Step 3: Add in the Start oj Partition Offcet.'Vhe second partition has a
bytes each in size—regardless of the Physical Sector size used on the starting System Block address of 1600 (S000fi40), so if we add this
media involved. This makes it possible to maintain a consistant means offset to our value we come up with a System Block value of 2381 (plus
of partition mapping over differing media types. a remainder).
System Blocks are numbered sequentially beginning with Block 0. Step J.1 Convert to Media Hind Size, An iT)-formatied high-density
which is located al the start of(Physical) Track 0, Sector I, Side 0. The disk has ten !024-bytc sectors per track/side, or 20 sectors per track
number progression continues through all remaining sectors on Side with both sides included. To make our calculations easier, let's divide
OofTrack 0. then through all sectors on Side 1 ofTrackO. then through our System Block value of 2481 by two to come up with an equivalent
all sectors on Side 0 of Track 1, etc., until finally reaching the Ipst 1024-byte value. The result of this is 1190.5, or 1190 plus a remainder.
sector on Si<ii' 1 of Track 79. By the way, we now have two remainders to track—this latter one
which is a 512-byte offset, plus the earlier 256-byte offset.
Logical Blocks Step !>: Find the Physical Location. We can now divide our adjusted
In keeping with Commodore standards, the Logical ISlock size used by System ISlock value by 20. giving a result ol 59.S. or 59 plusa remainder.
the DOS is2.r)ti bytes, regardless of partition type or physical block size Since Physical Track numbering begins al 0 instead of 1, this places us
of the medium. As with standard Commodore disk drives, Logical at the start ofTrack 59, Sector 1, Side 0. This latest remainder indicates

Block locations within a given partition are expressed in Logical Track that we need to add 10 sectors, placing us at the start of Track 59,
and Sector format, Sector L, Side 1. Finally, adding our previous two remainders gives us
To determine where a particular Logical Track and Sector of a given an offset of (512+25(0 768 bytes into the Physical Sector. Thus,
partition is physically located, the Logical Track and Sector ace first beginning at Physical Track 59, Sector 1, Side 0, Byte 768 we'll find the
convened into a Logical Block value. This is done by creating a sum of 256 bytes that make up the first directory block of the second 1581
the Logical Blocks for all tracks below the target location, and then partition. Whew! And now that we know how to calculate where
adding the Logical Sector of the target location to that sum. The everything is, let's look at where we get some of the parameters.
Logical Block value is then divided by two to convert it into a System
Block value; if there is a remainder from this division a flag is set to The System Partition

indicate this. The System Block value is then added to the offset for the Every CMD device utilizes a System Partition to store information
start of the target partition (obtained from the Partition Directory). about devices partitions. On the PD Series disk drives, each individual
The resulting System Block number and Hag value can then be used to CMD formatted disk contains a System Partition comprised of two
calculate the Physical locatation using the physical parameters for the basic areas: the Hardware Block and the Partition Directory. This
specific type of media format involved. System Partition is located on Physical Track 80 ($50). Most operating

To illustrate this, let's work out an example. Assume you have an systems do not formal disks beyond Physical track 79. yet all drives
FD-formaltcd high-density disk containing two 1581 partitions, and will format and use this e\tra track reliably. Using this extra track for
you wish to find the physical location of the first director)' block system information allows the PD to maintain a full standard area lor
(Logical Track 40, Sector 3> of the second 1581 partition. actual data.
Step 1: Computer Logical Mock Value. The 1581 partition (like the
158] itself) has 40 Logical Sectors per track. There are 39 complete The Hardware Block

tracks before Track 40, so we need to multiply 39*40 to get 1560, then The Hardware Block on the PD Series disk drives is a 256-byte segment
add 3 (for Sector 3 on Track 40) to get a Logical ISlock value of 1563. which contains device type and size information, broken up into four
Step2; Convert to System Block Value. To convert to System Blocks we tables. This information is somewhat ambiguous, since there are other
divide the Logical Block value by two and get 781.5. Round this down methods to determine the media format type, and once that is known,
the size is also known. However, these tables maintain cross-
compatibility between the FD and other CMD DOS devices like
Physical Layout of a Disk RAMLink and the HO Series hard drives. The location of the Hardware
Block is determined by the media format, as provided in the table I hat
follows. Note that the locations given are the Physical Block locations,
Data is written to disks in
concentric rings called
and the OFFSET shows the address within the Physical Block where
tracks. Each of the 'circles' the Hardware Block data begins.
on the disk diagram to the
left is a track. Tracks are
further broken down into
DD S50 $03 soo S0100
more efficient storage
areas called sectors. A HD S50 S02 SOO S0100
single data block is read ED S50 S02 SOO S0300
from or written to a specific
track and sector location.
also referred to as a track
Below you'll find a sample dump of a liardware Block from a Double
and sector address. Density (DD) disk formatted on an FD Series drive. Note the four
MID, and DEVICE ADDRESS LOW. With any ¥D Series drive, only

Issue 24
one device (disk mechanism) will be Indicated In the device table FORMAT TRACK SECTOR SIDE OFFSET

(value of DO at Byte $0000). The FF al $0001 Indicates that we have DD S50 S05 $00 soooo
reached the eudoi the devices listed in the table, and t lie remainder of S50 S06 soo soooo
the table entries are also filled with FF. HD S50 S03 soo soooo

The three remaining tables provide the starting address of the ED S50 S03 SOO $0000
devices listed in the Device Type table, using ;i hlgh-mid-low System
Block address, since the lirsi byte of each ofthese tables contain a (K), The Partition Directory is made up of ,\2 entries, one for each possible
we know that the starling address of the device is $00000(1. Since only partition number available on an FD formatted disk. Each entry is 32
one device exists, the next byte of each table provides us with the bytes and ordered in sequence by partition number (beginning with
.System address where the next device lo be added would start (if that Partition 0, the System Partition). Hie entry for the System Partition
were actually possible). In the case of the HI, this entry actually shows in the table (Partition 0) is somewhat bogus... it doesn't contain all the
us the size of the inserted disk, in 512-byte System Blocks ($000640). information normally found in a Partition Directory eulry, providing
Converting lo decimal, this means there are 1600 System Blocks, only the partition type and name only (for the purposeof listing with
which equals 3200 Commodore logical blocks (multiply System Blocks the S=P directory list in;; option). Here is the breakdown oft he elements
by two to yet Commodore blocks). As noted earlier, this sample dump that make iijj a standard Partition Directory entry:
is from a Double-Density (DD) formatted disk: a High-Density (11D)
disk would provide 6400 Commodore logical blocks, while an BYTES DESCRIPTION
Enhaneed-Density (ED) disk (FD-4000 only) would provide 12,800 SOO-01 Logical Track & Sector pointer Id next Commodore logical block ol structure. Used
Commodore logical blocks. only when Ihe System Partition is accessed like a standard partition {using a special
variation ol the FD DOS Change Partition command).
Partition Directory S02 Partilion Type: $01 = CMD Native Format
This Partition Directory is a 1024-byte (IK) structure which contains $03 = 1541 Emulation
relevant informalion on all partitions available on llie disk. The Physical $03 = 1571 Emulation
location of the Partition Directory varies according to the media S04 = 1581 Emulation
formal. Tile table below provides the locations where the Partition SFF = System Partilion
Directory can be found. Note that the structure is spread over two S03-04 Reserved
Physical Blocks on Double-Density (DD) formatted disks since the S05-14 Pamiion Name padded wilh SAO bytes
Physical Block size on this format is only 512 bytes. $15 High Byte of Partition Slarting BJocfc (in System Blocks}
SIS Midd:e Byte ol Partition Starting Block (in Syslem Blocks)
SI 7 Low Byle ol Partition Starting Block, (in System Blocks)
Sample Hardware Block S18-1C Reserved
$1D High Byte ol Partition S^e (in System Blocks)
$1E Middle Byle ol Partilion Size (in System Blocks)
$1F Low Byle ot Partilion Siie (in System Blocks)
$0020 FF FF FF FF PF FF FF Programming
While we have laid out much of the reference information locating
where specific data is physically stored on the FD Series drives, some
$0040 FF FF FF FF FF FF FP FF of you may be wondering what kind of programming is necessary to
SOOJB FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FP access the data.
The most accessible method would be to use job queue commands.
50060 PF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF The FD Series drives provide job codes for transferring a physical
sooea FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF . block to Buffer 0 at $0300 (job SA4), write this buffer to a Physical
S0070 on FF FF FF FF FF FF . DEVICE ADDRESS MID TASLF block Gob $A(i). read multiple Physical blocks tu a specified address
range (Job $FQ and write data from a specified address range to

$OOiSR FF FF FF FP FF FF FF FF multiple Physical blocks (Job $FE), You'll find additional information
$0090 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF on the requirements and paramter.s for these commands under 1 be Job
50098 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Queue Jnstrurt/otts heading in the Command Reference section ofthe
CMD FP (f.vcr'.v Manual.
$OOB0 rp
One last nutebeforeyou get started—whenever a newdisk is inserted,
SOOBB FF FF ■-" FF FF FF FF and more importantly, after you have changed partition table data on
sooco FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF an FD formatted disk, you should issue the I'D DOS "UJP" command.
This is an undocumented command that causes the drive to reset and
30DD9 FF FF FF FF FF FP FF FF re-read the partition data from the current disk. If you don't do this,
SOOEO nn nn 01 HI nn nn nn 00 . DEVICE HEADER the drive often end up using Incorrect information stored in variables
SOOEB nn nn no nn nn nn nn 00 when trying to access partitions and directories, and may even lock up
SOOFO 43 4D 44 20 dG 44 20 53 CW FD S
as a result of incorrectly interpreted data.
S00F8 45 52 49 IS 53 20 20 20 ERIES

CDMMQrjORE WORLD 14 Issue 24

Sample Partition Directory

$0000 01 01 FF 00 00 53 59 53 SVS $0200 01 03 00 00 00 00 00 00

$0008 54 45 4D AO AO AO AO AO TEM $02DB 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
S0010 AO AO AO AO AO 00 00 00 S0210 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
$0018 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $0218 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
$0020 00 00 02 00 00 50 41 52 PAR $0220 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
$0028 54 49 54 49 4F 4E 20 31 TITION 1 $0228 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

$0030 20 31 35 34 31 OO 00 00 1541. . . $0230 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

$0038 00 00 00 OO 00 00 01 56 S023B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

S0040 00 00 03 00 00 50 41 52 PfiR $0240 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

$0048 54 49 54 49 4F 4E 20 32 TITION 2 $0248 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
$0050 20 31 35 37 31 00 01 56 1571... $0250 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
$0058 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 AC $02 58 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OO
$0060 00 00 04 00 00 50 ■11 52 PAR $0260 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

S0068 54 49 54 49 4F 4E 20 33 TITION 3 $0268 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

$0070 20 31 35 38 31 00 04 02 1581... S0270 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

$0078 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 40 9 S0278 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

$ooao oo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $0280 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
SO088 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $0288 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
$0090 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $0290 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
$0098 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $0290 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
$00AD 00 00 01 00 00 50 41 52 PAR $02A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
S00A8 54 49 54 49 4F 4E 20 35 TITION 5 S02A8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
S00B0 20 4E 41 54 56 00 OA 42 MATV..B S02B0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
S00B8 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 $02B8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
SOOCO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 S02C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
$00C8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $02C8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
$00D0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 S02D0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

S00D8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $O2D8 DO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

SOOEO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 SO2E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

SOOES 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $02E8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

S00F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $02F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 GO 00

S00F8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 S02F8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

S0100 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 $0300 00 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00

$0108 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $0308 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

$0110 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $0310 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

S011B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $0318 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

$0120 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $0320 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
$0128 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 S0328 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 S0330 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
50130 00 00 00
$0138 00 00 DO 00 00 00 00 00 S0338 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
$0140 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $0340 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 S034B oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oa
$0148 00
$0150 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 SO35O 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

S01SB 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $0358 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

S0160 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $0360 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

$0168 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $0368 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
$0170 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $0370 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

$0178 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $0378 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 $0380 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
$0180 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 S03BB 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
$01B8 00 00 00

$0190 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $0390 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
$019B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $0398 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

S01A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 S03A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

$01A8 00 00 00 OO 00 00 00 00 $03AB 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

S01B0 00 00 00 OO 00 00 00 00 $03B0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

S01B8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $03BB 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

S01C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $03C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $03C8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
$oica oo
00 00 00 00 00 S03D0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
$01D0 00 00 00
S01D8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 S03D8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
S01E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 S03E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
$01E8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 S03EB 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
$01F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 S03FO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
S01FB 00 GO 00 00 00 00 00 00 S03F8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Issue 24
CBU 1W1C Dish Onve (New w.'JD] . S119 00 SiiperCPU 64 SI 99.00
CBU 1SJ1-II Disk Orrvo (Now w/JD]
CBM 1571 Digk Dnvn [Romanufacturoil w/JD) .
SupeiCPU 64 w'SupcrflAM
SupeiCPU 128
. .. 5259,274 ■2W319-358
- S259 00
CMD FD-2000 IBOOK EinO 1 6 MB) .S17B.00 SupeiCPU 126 V.Su|isrRAM S3l9s'3»W54'37&<'l1B
CMD FD Rsnl-Timo-CIODi ODtnn _. ....S39 00 SuperRAM Card 1011/iiei 16MB) S79.34,'IM/I3a1l79
If you've been wailing lor GEOS to gel better, faster and more
Btwol 10. High Density Disks (1.6MB) . SI4 95
Bo. 0' 10, Enlwrieoil Donsily Disks (3 2 MB) .. .. $29 00 RAM DEVICES efficient, your wait is over! Click Here Software's Wheels takes
CMU 17i,0 512K «£U $B9.00
HARD DRIVES GEOS lo the next level, with full integrated support (or all the latest
HD-40 (JO MB) Sic 9 on RAMLmk Oa^o Model (OMil, No flAMCara) - - StGB 00 hardware. Wheels also adds many features nol previously available
KD-170, 170 MB (Snacini Edition).... .S319 00 HAMLink W/IMB HAMCard (Speeialli S2O9.OO
HD-500, 500* MB (Spiral Edllion) ... . S439 00 RAMLmk wMMD RAMCnrd (Speciall) $249 00 in GEOS, as well as some thai could only be had by buying or adding
HD-1O00, I OB (Special Edlnwi) . S53Q.C0 RAMLink W/16M6 RAMCara (Speciall) S369.00 oiher utililies and patches. GEOS is really going somoplnce, and if
HD-2C0C. 2 CD (Special Edilion) .5649.00 RAMCdrd RTC Oplton/Alwr Maikot Kit . . . JID.OO.'S 19.00
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Monitors (-10 colurnonnd 40/00 column) CALL
PRODUCTIVITY now shipping!
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- S25.00
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S*« Comwoi (Raroanuteclured iv/JD) S299 00 Cnartnak 12S (Abacui)

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TWS 128 w/Si>eller (Busy Beu) S39.00 25- or 28-line C-12B VDC BO-col. mode
inkwell LijjM Pen Model 170C S75.00 and converts files on disk or in a bulfer. Also
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Monlior Cablas CALL
Panasonic KXP-1150 9-pin Printer $199.00 ASCII o PEISCH and PETSCII to Unw. ■ Use any memory device as a buffer
Panasonic KXP-2023 24-pin Printer S259 00 ■ Piotocal support1 Zrnodem up/download, including: I7xx REU, RAMLink partition,
Panasonic KXP-213Q 24-pm Printer S299 00 Aprolak Com-ModGm Adopioj fior BXL modem) .. .. SI9-00
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Nav.itorm 3.8 (UJIMIIy 3 5" or 5.25") S29 95
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US Ft Sponslor 33 OKbps FanModem S1E9.00 1 Supports High Spend Interfaces like transfers directly mlo memory and now
JillyMON-6J (ML Momlorl $1995
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BASIC 64 Compiler (Abacus) 517.00
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graphics and ANSI c: :■ All emulalran load/save files from the buffer and has
BuJWy 64'128 Assembler _ ,_ S39.00 SlO 00
Cotol e-l (Abacus) ...,.._ S17.00 Cul Throfltsf SI 0.00 modules now load from one window an inlagraled senpt compiler
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geoCale 64/128
$2000 l5raiul of Itifl Dragon
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Pblh $40 00
RUH C64 GnnwpaH or Cl?a Furipgh tSpeoty) S10 00
GEOE 64 v20 $44 00 Shflto or Dm „„ $13.00
GEOSISB^O S4S00 The Pfealdoni Is Musing' jio 00
BOOSHELL V2 2 (CLI fwGEOS) $14 95 The Three SIooqos $10 00
fntsiroiioniii FONT PACK S2S00
Tie Break Tenms S16.O0
Periecl Pnnl LO lor GEOS (Usor-like output) S4995
RUN GEOS Companion 52000 Total Eclipse _ „.„.„„.„_ SlO 00
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Wneels 64 (GEOS Upgrade, req GEDS 64 vS.0) ... $36.00 WarinMidaioEanh..^ _ „ S1000
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MIDI a SOUND Note: Compuler Seriol Number Required for C-64/64C Orders
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S ( Oi F I T1 WlA 1 R1 E1

User-Lovers Disk; $25.00 plus s/h: K. Dak Illue Reader), and the fact thai I linally got my own now lie- is passing all of that knowledge and
Sklebottom. P.O. Box 303, New Albany, IN PS Laser in 1997, nothing has changed in 10 years experience on lo his fellow ('= users.
47151-0303 as far a.s my output capabilities are concerned. I
have been limited tolhellGI:OSl.aser(LW)fbiiK What Has Changed
Acsmputerisonlyas good as thesoftwarethatruns Mytext could not be printed upside-down. Graphic After receiving the ] .astir Lovers Disk my print
on it. From a users point of view, the software manipulation was scant at best. Basically, 1 got the options have finally changed. No longer will I send
running on your computer is of paramount high-quality output i needed but had no access to my geoPublisli files straight to my printer, liy
importance. Finding something thai does what the full poner of PostScript. printing my I'S files lo disk with a patched
you want in ;i Iricndly manner makes using the geoPuhUiser (a process I used extensively in the 9
compoter enjoyable. Once you start producing The Catalyst Of Change years befbregettingmy own laser) lean createwhal
material for others 10 read your choice of software With the introduction of DaleSidebottom.s Laser- Dale calls 'Hybrid' projects. These print jobs
must not only be based on functionality and ease of Lovers Disk my D'I'P projects will be transformed combine the code to generate my geol'uhlish file
use but also on the quality of printed output. in ways previously not possible. PoslPriul is the alongwith custom code insertedfor special effects.
As Con imo tiore users we started oflfwilli the de- new CEOS program on this disk and it allows true "What kind ofellect.s?" you ask. Well, howabout
facto 60 Dots per Inch (DPI) standard of the J&2f> the ability to rotate text or graphics in 1 degree
printer. While this wa.s usable it left a lot to be increments to any angle you desire? I low about
desired from the final output. As time progressed havingyouriexi print inacircle? Howabout adding
we were able to make use of80 DPI, 24 pin and the shadows in front ofyour text just like the GoDot ads
latest ink-jet and colorprinters as well. Multi-strike on the back of(his magazine? All ofihese thingsare
printer drivers have been developed to Improve possible, plus more, with thisdiskaudalittleefiort.
output hut the trade-off for quality was made in Examples ofmany ofthese tricks are included.
printing time. Oiieofthemostliberatingieaturesolthisproduct
For Commodore users wishing to mix text and is ihe destruction of the 11 font limit. In a far more
graphics on a full page, however, there is no better commanding display of power than either Mark
output medium than a PostScript-equipped Laser McGwire or Sammy Sosa displayed at the plate.
Printer(ofivhichIhaveused300,600andl200DPI Dale has converted over <i00 Public Domain PS
models). PS Lasers provide the necessary quality Fonts (from CDs with thousands) to a format that
with no time penalty. I recently published a20 page iseasilydomiloailedtromaCominodori'toaLiscr.
User Group Newsletter and it only look 23 minutes
to print 220 KB ofgeoWrite and geoPublish files. More Changes Still Coming
The L.L. disk presently contains one font plus two
A Need For Change articles to print out using this font a.s an example.
Desktop Publishing (DTP) was the hottest thing in Dale intends totnakethi.s a two-disk set and include
computing in the mid-'8()'s and the Apple more fonts plus information on working witliJl'EG
Macintosh was front and center along with its images and Encapsulated PS files. Plans are also in
LiserWriter primer. The cost of this unit was PS program code lo be .sent to a laser directly from place to upload sour1 fouls to the Internet.
prohibitive, tiue in part to the licencing fees for ageoWrite file. PoslPrint utilizes either a geoCable The vast libraries of PS fonts and graphics from
Adobe Systems PostScript (PS) Page Description parallel connection or a serial interface. other platforms are now usable by everyone with a
Language. PostScript is a powerful programming While the centerpiece oi this product is the Commodore and a Laser. Please note that the price
language that allows precise placement and PostPrint program authored by Maurice Randall ill Lasers incoming downauilalol of older units will
handling ofall text and graphic elements on a page. (Wheels. gcoFAX, geoShell), the true value comes come up for sale a.s higher resolution and color
Alter .seeing a demo ofgeoPublisli in the spring from tlie intellectual property passed on by Dale. modelsarnve.lfyou can't alfordahisertlienmay be
of 1988 1 started using GEOS. GeoPublisli is the Whenyou rsd the information, after priii lingiton you can find someone who wouldn't mind letting
only Commodore DTP package that supports your Laser, and come to know a littleabout Dale, it you connect your t!4 lo theirs for printing. I have
PostScript Lasers for the crisp output required of becomes obvious that here is a man who represents used an SX-(>4 portable for such 'location prints'
published documents. In November of 1988 I the epitome' of the Commodore Community. with no problems.
printed my first laser document on a So'000 NEC Dale spent S1500o!i his I I.P. User in HUM. I le [fyouhaveeverwantedto enhance thePostScript
PostScript Printer and have used many different paid Slilfi annual dues for 2 year.s as the only capabilities of'dLOS this disk is a 'must have". To
lasers tor important work ever since. Commodore member of the Adobe Developers paraphrase Dale, this disk is for any Commodore
Other than the methods I used to print my iiles Association, learning all he could about P.S user who "cares enough to print their very best".
(direct connections, modem transfers. programming. He had a need for a program, -Bruce Thomas
Commodore/Amiga/DOS/Macdisk transfers. Rig PostPrint. and got Maurice to write it lor him. And


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stock, so be sure to place your order before your selection has been taken! SuNBURST-Tigtr's Tale Heading A*en $10.00 Won)R)«[ $6.00
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elsewhere in this Issue for shipping information).
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Paperba* Planner 64 $10.00 Awarctware „„ $8.00 Jordan vs Bird ... S10O3 STAR IffilKlOC C-Ready
Planner's Owice-Personal Planning System 58 00 Certale Maker (new) S1S.O0 Karate Chop (new). S6.M Supe? Gra'ix GokJ Prnter Interface wi'manual ,„-.!
PowerAssento-lnevi) $1000 Delta Drawing (new) $6.00 Kings ol the Beach (new) .. .. E6M Supe' Gra^ii Pnnler Interlace w'manual $49.00
Praehcalc-Inew) $ 10.00 Newsmaker 128 $10,00 Kung Ful I-Slicks ol Death (new) S6.O. Jsed SlimUne cases lor Commodore 64 $10.00
PractiMe 64.(new).., $10.00 Print Master $10.00 Lhds ol Conquost-(ne*) SfiCO
RUN Prcjductivrty Pak II $8.00 Printer's Devil lor Pnnt Stop $8.00 Mean Streets .. . S10-0O MISCELLANEOUS SOFTWARE
Silent Butler (Cneck Wniing system) $15.00 PrmtmasWr Pius 64/1.8 ........ __ (IS/M Mind Mirror ... .$6 00 Aerobics $600
SiM Butler (new) $25.00 The Newsroom.. S10.00 MmitMan 56 00 Bob.term Pro (new) $10.00
Superbase I2S _ $15.00 The Newsroom (new) _ ,„.... $15.00 Mwita by the Dozen 56 00 ComriBOrse Business (5.00
MMt 64 $10.00 Navy Seal _ - - ....$6.00 Comrrafcra Technology $5.00
TteCMSulBnl (Database Management) $15.00 DISK UTILITY Navy Sea! (new).. SB.00 PoScanfc $10.00
Tie ELF System (new) $20.00 Commottae&l Softwa.-e Bonus PaX S5.0O Operator! WturNm) _ S600 RAMKSUgtogFasiRW&sk- S5.CC
The Hone Accountant _ $15)30 Tne DiskOme Manager _ _.... S8.00 Pathwrnfe.._ _ $600 The Kfitflen Manage/.._ _ S5O0
The Home Barter $10 00 Peneiralor-frsw) $600 Toysncp(new) $2500
The Horn* Manager S10 00 EDUCATIOKAUCKILDHEH Predator S6.00 W_s_*s__ll (Uxed Party Paper Pak) (w*) S15.00
TwMmwf (10.00 Alphabet _w[ne») _. $10.00 PrtsidM-l Cinipeign $600 WrtoBe PA 1541 JJOO
TtoNsooMWilne*) S15.00 Cnase On Tom Saityer Island , $10 00 Q-BOPW $6.00
Tr :■$ ,K- ■ ., £151: Cc«r M« ■ TheCa-noiner CoWiig K_* S10.00 Q_|ne«) „ S6CC PROGRAMMING
The Wort MachrwTtaira Machine (new| $5.00 Ccmpuier Seance $5.00 Raid Cvei Moscow $600 GEOBASIC (new) $1000
Vabecaic $8.00 Oanang Bear - lor use witfi Koala PM (ne*) _. $6 00 Ba-ioadTycoofHrUw) S6O0 Hesware-G^aptes Basic $10.00
Donald's Alphabet Cfase SIO.M Realm $600 £ Tion s Basic $10 00
CARTRIDGES Eafly Learning Friends £10.00 Rocket Ranger 58.00
Ali m Tiie Color Caves $10.00 R-stMerion!heWrfflri-Math(new) $6.00Sannon 36.00 WORD PROCESSING
Alpha BuiU „ $10.00 In Search olftie Most Amazing Tiling (ne*) S6JK SARGONII M.0O Easy Working Writer $1000
Big Binfs Special Deiwy $1000 Jungle Brak Reading (new .$600 Sarrjon ll-(new) - S6.00 Fleet System For C128 $15.00
Bubble Burs! $10.00 KidwriteHnew) . $603 Sargm Hl-(new) S&CO Ghost ViWer1__ $1000
Compute's Music System wVSIO Cart $60.00 Koalagrams Spelling I-lor Koala Pad (new) 56M Serve and Vol«y|new) 16.00 Homeword (new) $6.M
Easycate $5.00 Looney Tunes Proil Kil - .... $1000 SkyFo. SB 00 Masieit)pesWntei $8.00
Fa.emaker-(new) ,,$10.00 MECC Eipeddons ..,5303 SportirvgNewsBaseMII S6.00 Mirage Caicepis-Prot. WorrJ Processor $10.00
Frcgoer VIC 20 Version $W.OO MECCO-ellLake S8.O3 Star Trooper-(new) 16.00 Pocket Writer 1_8-Version 3.0 $4000
Heskil Si 0.00 Paint-A-Rhyme -lor use with Koala Pad (new).. .. ,16.00 Star Trooper/Penoirotor Bonus Pack (ne*) , $8.00 Pocket Writer 64-Version 1 $20.03
Hop Along. Counting,... $10.00 Peter Rabbit Reading-(new) S6.03 Siatonfall S6.00 Pocket Writer 64-Version 3 0 $40.CO
Kids on Keys (new) - $10.00 Snoopei Troops Case *1 (new) 56.03 Superstar Ice Hockey ,..„... $6.00 Superte.l Word Processor $10.00
Kind _ rcomp StO.OO Snooper Troops Csse S2 55.03 Teal Drive S6.00 The Pnnted Word $8.00
Linking Logic StO.OO SrtMper Troops Case (2 (new) ... , 56.03 Tie American Chailange-Saiiing Sim (new) ,,,.$10.00 Writers Choice Word Processing $8.00



Ever want to make a backupofan FD disk, bulfind you didn't havi'another When you RUN this program, it should report that it is "READY TO
CMD device to copy itto first? Since MCOPY only works with two seperate BUILD FDBACKUP", and will prompt you for a device number for saving
devices, getting a backup accomplished is often a logistics problem. The the I'D Itackup program. If everything goes okay, the result will be a
program presented here can help, provided you have a SuperCPU with program called FDBACKUP on the device you Specified.
some additional HAM installed, FD Backup will let you use that extra RAM The FD Backup program can copy CUM (1581) and all (.'Mil (DD/HD/
as a buffer, making it possible to copy entire FD disks without a lol of lil)) disk formats, and is fairly simple to use. Afler you LOAD and RUN it,
tedious disk-swapping. One caveat:FD Backup doesn't use any custom disk il will search for an FD disk drive on your computer's serial bus. It will also
I/O routines, so it isn't as fast as programs like MCOPV. Still, if you don't check to make sureyou have a SuperCPU with enough extra RAM available.
have anywhere to MCOPY to, FD Backup can be a huge help. Ifyour hardware doesn't meet these criteria, an error message will inform
The program listing presented here isn't FD Backup itself, but is instead you that feet. Other than that, simply follow the prompts for inserting the
a program [hat creates FD Backup when you RUN ii. Enter the program disks at the proper lime, and FD Backup will keep yon informed of its
using our Checksum Utility (listed elsewhere in this issue) to be sure that progress while copying.
you don't have any errors. Save the program as CREATEFDB.BAS when
you have finished entering it.


75 10 print" (CLEAR/HOME)■; 230 1220 data 434f474e495a454420464f524d4154

231 20 print" ready to build fdbackup":print" 60 1230 data 0d0020ec0bc959d0034cbc084cl40c
save on which device"; 255 1240 data 20450c20030£2clb08301020cf1220
239 30 dvS="" :inputdvS:ifdv$=""then30 13 1250 data ec0bc959d0034cbc084cl40caela08
21S 40 dv=val (dv$):i£ dv<8 or dv>29 then got 61 12G0 data bd2 50fad5108bd290E8d5308bd2d0f
o 10 204 1270 data 8d5508bd310f8d5708bd350f8d5808
214 50 open8, dv,8,"fdbackup.p,w" 111 1280 data a9fc8d400ea9008de!0cad7cd28de2
21 60 read a$:print".";:if a$="end" then cl 234 1290 data 0cad7dd2 8de30c20591120ccffa900
ose8 :gotol20 224 1300 data 8d5008a9008d5408a9018d5208205e
137 70 £ori=ltolen(a$)step2 3 1310 data 0dad3f0ef0034c6d0ba9038d560820
133 80 h=asc(mid$(a$,i,1))-48:ifh>9thenh=h-7 135 1320 data Ccff206dl320b30cad3f0ef0034c6d
:c=c+h 55 1330 data 0bee5608ad560Bcd5708d0e4ad5208
160 90 1 =asc(midS(a$,i+l,l))-48:ifl>9thenl=l 136 1340 data 186d58088d5208ad5208cd5308d0c2
-7:c=c+l 143 1350 data ee5408ad5408cd5508d0b2ee5008ad
81 100 v=l+ri *16:print#8,chrS(v); 142 1360 data 5008cdS108d0a2206alladla088d59
195 110 next: goto60 180 1370 data 0820ecl2205cl020494e5345525420
221 120 ifc<>23197thenprint"error in data ! " 109 1380 data 544152474554204449534b20494e20
3 130 end 196 1390 data 444 5564943452000adl40820390fad
198 1-10 241 1400 data 4d0820d2ffad4e0820d2ff205cl00d
45 1000 data 01080b0800009e323036310000004c 56 1410 data 20414e442050524553532052455455
204 1010 data 5b0800000000000000000000000000 87 1420 data 524e0d0020e4ffc90dd0f920ecl220
46 1022 data V* 'f-r Y-^^ *S *J *-' I-? '£- T—r ■*-? S-1 *—• 'f-S ?-' ?—"*-? V-" ■£-* '*-? F-" *-^ > n i^> ■ * T ' F-r tfJ 170 1430 data fc0fc980f0alad59088dla0820670e
56 1030 data 000000000000000000000000000000 23 1440 data 20410ef026205cl0204449534b2045
2 1040 data 000000000000000000000000000000 4 1450 data 52 524f523a2000ad4c08203 90fad4d
12 1050 data 000000000000000000000000000000 52 1460 data 0820d2ffad4e0820d2ff4c9d0b20c4
2 1060 data 0000a9008dl708adfdffc9ffd0038d 200 1470 data 0f20ecl220450cael«08bd250f8d51
216 1070 data 1708a900Bd20d08d21d020ecl22070 162 1480 data 08bd290f8d5308bd2d0E8d5508bd31
247 1080 data 12208510adle08d019205cl0204e4f 15 1490 data 0£8d5708bd3S0£8d5808a9fe8d400e
8 1090 data 204445564943455320464f554e440d 135 1500 data a9008d2a0dad7cd28d2b0dad7dd28d
169 1100 data 004cl40c20al0fadl008d01b205cl0 97 1510 data 2c0d20591120ccfEa9008d5008a900
156 1110 data 204e4f204644204452495645532046 138 1520 data 8d5408a9018d5208a9038d560820fe
120 1120 data 4f554e440d004cl40c205cl020494e 15 1530 data 0cad3f0ef0034c9d0b20ccff206dl3
63 1130 data 5345525420534f5552434520444953 95 1540 data ee5608ad5608cd5708d0e4205e0dad
69 1140 data 4b20494e20444 5564943452000adl4 208 1550 data 3£0ef0034c9d0bad5208186d58088d
183 1150 data 0820390fad4d0820d2ffad4e082Od2 218 1560 data 5208ad5208cd5308d0c2ee5408ad54
31 1160 data ff205cl00d20414e442050524553 53 209 1570 data 08cd5508d0b2ee5008ad5008cd5108
109 1170 data 2052455455524e0d0020e4ffc90dd0 214 1580 data d0a2206all4ccf0b20ccEE206all2O
207 1180 data f920ecl220fc0f2cla08104e205cl0 248 1590 data 5cl00d0d0d20534£55524345204449
62 1190 data 204449534b204953204d495353494e 126 1600 data 534b20495320424144210d0020ec0b
250 1200 data 472c20554e464f524d41545445442c 232 1610 data c959d00620ecl24cbc086020ccf£20
212 1210 data 204f520d20495320414e20554e5245 228 1620 data 6all205cl00d0d0d20544152474554



116 1630 data 204449534b20495320424144210d00 153 2340 data 20ccff2O6all60205911207811a955

221 1640 data 20ec0bc959d00620ecl24c250a4cl4 210 2350 data 20d2ffa94a20d2ffa95020d2£f20cc
81 1650 data 0c20ecl220e00f205cl020434£5059 47 2360 data ff206all60ael308bdle0885ba20e0
177 1660 data 20434f4d504c4 55445210d004cl40c 146 2370 data 0f20C40f205911203212206all2cl9
148 1670 data 205cl00d2054525920412044494646 251 2380 data 083005a9004c50107005a9014c5010
78 1680 data 4552454e54204449534b3f2028592f 112 2390 data 18adl9080a0a8dla082cla083005a9
175 1690 data 4e290d0020e4fff0fb6020ecl2205c 45 2400 data 024c50105005a9004c5210adl9082 9
82 1700 data 1020434f505920414e4f5448455220 196 2410 data 0fd005a9034c5010c9059004a90409
165 1710 data 4449534b3£202 8592f4e290d0020e4 1 2420 data 80aae004d001ca8ela0860488a4 898
67 1720 data ff£0fbc959d00620ecl24cbc086020 41 2430 data 4 8a000bafe0401d003 fe0501bd0401
15 1730 data 5cl020444 9534b20545950453a2000 13 2440 data 85cebd050185cfblcef00520d2ff90
191 1740 data adla08d0034c980cc901d0034c8a0c 151 2450 data e468a868aa6860a016a9008dl3088d
202 1750 l.ii i C902d0034c7c0c4c6e0c205cl0434d 91 2460 data 14088dl6088dl80885ba991e08993 5
104 1760 data 4420332e324d0d0060205cl043 4d44 129 2470 data 0888d0£720c610a0££c88cl308a900
77 1770 data 20312e364d0d0060205cl0434d4420 134 2480 data 991e08993508201fIle01Eb00dacl3
188 1780 data 3830304b0d0060205cl043424d2031 187 2490 data 08993 5088a991e081R90Q060c-i90420
249 1790 data 353 8310d00604e303a434d442c4644 34 2500 data c£103034a90548a9008dl808859068
109 1800 data 2c444845a9008d3fi3e8df70ead5608 14 2510 data 20b4ffa96f2093ffa590301d200211
196 1810 data 3df80ea9008df90e20da0ea5904820 138 2520 data 7 8200dll4878200dll249050f820ab
1 1820 data Ccff68f004ee3f0e60a20f20c6ffa2 189 2530 data ff68c930d005a9808dl808602cl708
162 1830 data 0020c£f£9£000000a590£00720cc££ 135 2540 data 10034ce9e44ccceda90085a52cl708
62 1840 data ee3f0e60e8d0eb20ccffeee20cd003 212 2550 data 10062073e54c4 5e44cl8eeael408e8
154 1850 data eee30c60a9008d3 f0ead2a0d8dd60e 205 2560 data 8el408e01fb01be008b004a208d0fl
52 1860 data ad56088dd70e207811a200a005bdd3 245 2570 data e00ed0052cl80830e4204cllb0d£20
237 1870 data 0e2ffld2f£e888d0£6a92020d2£fa200 32 2580 data 7dllb0daael408adl6086086ba2075
26 1880 data a020bf00000020d2ffa590f006ee3f 32 2590 data 1108206all28a6ba60a90£a6baa00£
8 1890 data 0e4c3e0de8 8 8d0eb20cc tfad3f0e E0 239 2600 data 20baffa90020fcdff4cc0ffa90f4820
52 1900 data 0160ad2a0dl869208d2a0dad2a0dd0 205 2610 data ccf£68184cc3ff205911a20f4cc9f£
227 1910 data a9ee2b0dd003ee2c0d60a9038d5a08 203 2620 data 205911a90820f811a203dd£411£005
132 1920 data a9008dd60ea9288dd70ead50088dd9 57 2630 data Cal0f8303d8a0a8dl60820£811ael6
80 1930 data 0e20b90eeed60ead52088dd90e20b9 10 2640 data 08 £002e8e8dde411£02Ie004d004ca
210 1940 data 0ea9408dd60ea9288dd70ead54088d 149 2650 data cad0f3e000d01da20ec94 6f00fc952
66 1950 data d90e20b90ea9808dd60ea9288dd70e 175 2660 data d013a20aadl508c94c£00ca20cadl5
39 1960 data a9008dd90e20b90ea9608dd60ea928 163 2670 data 08dde511f002a2108a4a8dlG08206a
52 1970 data 8dd70ea903 8dd90e20b90ea9a08dd6 111 2680 data 111860a4fec6e5e9a60000a0£e4844
66 1980 data 0ea9288dd70ead58088dd90e20b90e 244 2690 data 34bl37bl38bl3331524c5244464443
93 1990 data a928Rdd60ea9008dd70ead400e8dd9 54 2700 data 0dff33 48207811a903a22fa012205£
202 2000 data 0e20b90ea9288df70ea9008df80ea9 118 2710 data 1268aabddall20d2ffbddbll20d2f£
207 2010 data 018df90e20da0e20ccfEa20f20c6ff 74 2720 data a90220d2f£20ccf£a20f20c6£f20c£
201 2020 data 20c£££8d3f0e20cc££2c3£0e30e7ad 1 2730 data £f4820cf£f8dl50820ccE£G8604d2d
132 2030 data 3£0e£032ce5a08d0bb205cl0131111 236 2740 data 52207811a904a2 5aa012205£1220cc
64 2040 data 111111111111204a4£42204552524f 243 2750 data ffa20f20c6ff20Cfff20cfff8dl908
242 2050 . i ll .! 523a200020390fad4d0820d2ffad4e 39 2760 data 20c££f249050£920cc££60472d5000
194 2060 data 082032£fa90d20d2f£600000205911 99 2770 data 0d86fb84fcaaa000blfb20d2ffc8ca
44 2070 data a20f20c6£f20cfff8d4d0820c££f8d 16 2780 data d0f760a900Sdlb082cb9d01018205c
152 2080 data 4e0820cfffa59050f9206alla9308d 100 2790 data 102053 5550455243505520524 55155
45 2090 data 4c084c630f205cl020464f524d4154 28 2 800 data 49524544ffld0060ad87e4c932b01£ad
179 2100 data 54494e472O4449534b2e2e2e0d0020 173 2810 data 89e4c934b018205cl0205355504552
36 2110 data 5911207811a200a00abda60c20d2£f 179 2820 data 52414d2052455155495245440d0060
47 2120 data e888d0f6aela08f013bda£0c20d2E£ 119 2830 data 18fbc23038ad7ed2ed7cd2 8dlc0838
102 2130 data a94420d2££a94e20d2ffl8900aa938 6 2840 data £badld08c90db017205cl020494e53
196 2140 data 20d2ffa93120d2ff206all6020cc£f 67 2850 data 554646494349454e542052414d0d00
5 2150 data a20f20c9f£a200a007bdd30e20d2£f 32 2860 data 60a9808dlb0860205cl0931e20c0c0
69 2160 ■.':,:■ ,: e888d0f620ccff604d2d5700000100 35 2870 data C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0
3 2170 data 20ccffa20f20c9ffa200a007bd£40e 25 2880 data C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0
203 2180 data 20d2£fe888d0f620ccff604d2d5200 226 2890 data C0c0c0c0c0c00d0520202020202020
192 2190 data 00010d80a850a00c0cl932a9008dlb 157 2900 data 46444241434b55502056312e303020
241 2200 data 08aela08adld08dd£f0eb00160d009 90 2910 data 2843293139393820434d4420202020
10 2210 data adlc08dd£b0eb00160a9808dlbE860 187 2920 data 20200dle20c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0
109 2220 data 505151510b0b0bl502020202171717 239 2930 data C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0
217 2?. 30 data 170a0a0505a2308e4c088e4d088e4e 237 2940 data C0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c00d00
93 2240 data 08a000be4c08f0143 8f96ffl0fe8b0fa 231 2950 data 60205cl01311111111112054 524143
96 2250 data 79600£ca488a994c0868c8d0e76064 248 2960 data 4b3a202000adS008203 90f20dfl320
56 2260 data 0a01ad4c0848a9008d4c086838e930 13 2970 data ecl3205cl0205349444 53a20202000
20 2270 data £00caaa900186964cad0fa8d4c0Sad 48 2980 data ad540820390£20d£1320ecl360205c
45 22R0 data 4d08 38e930£00daaad4c0818690aca 15 2990 data 102042414e4b3a20202000adc30c20
43 2290 data d0£a8d4c08ad4e0838e930186d4c08 224 3000 data 390£20d£1320ecl3205cl020504147
103 2300 data 8d4c0860a2008el008bd3508c907d0 128 3010 data 4 53a20202000ade20c20390f20d913
235 2310 data 108el3088dl608bdle088dl408eel0 205 3020 data 20ecl360ad4c0820d2ffad4d0820d2
208 2320 data 0860e8bdle08d0e360205911207811 221 3030 data £fad4e0820d2f£60a90d20d2£f60
88 2330 data a94 920d2£fa93020d2££a93a20d2f£ 233 3040 data end

Issue 24 21 CDMMDDDRE
Graphic Interpretation
Biuce Iliamai.


GEOS users have plenty of utility programs CANCEL I am returned to MiniDesk where 1
that let them do necessary [asks not available choose DISK and the directory of the new
when using only the standard BSW Partition comes on screen. I can copy the
applications. Many limes the best way lo files I want and exit to my REU only once.
push the limits iif your software is to try Fantastic]
things that aren't In the manuals, 1 usea few
programs all the lime to do things lhat 1 am Save Your Work

tin.' author never Intended. Another use for MiniDesk involves file
updates when working in an REU. I set (he
Thank You, Jim Alarm flock DA for halfan hour when I start
Now, knowing thatJim Collette wrote CMD working. When the chime goes off! reset the
Move, geoWIzard and MiniDesk alarm for another halfan hour, then 'update'
immediately puts my mind to rest about not my iileandactivate MiniDeskfrom the GEOS
being able to crashmy system. Hisprograms menu. With it, 1 copy the file I am working on
are far and away some of the best GEOS from my REU to a real disk and exit right
programs around (although I wish he had back to where 1 was. I don't have to exit the
l>ui the background color wash Into and CMD Move both support application or scroll around to find my place
MiniDesk so that myIcons aren't visiblewhen more than two drives sayou don't even have again [I keep workinguntil the alarm goes off
running it from the I H'skTop). to worry about your configuration. I run and then update and save again.
I use- MiniDesk to move files from my real MiniDesk and copy the files I want from tiie This avoids the agony of losing everything
drives to my REU and back. I have my FD- first partition. Nest, 1 activate geoWIzard in the event of a power failure, inadvertant
2000 disks set upas two L58J partitions and with my mouse buttons, press C= I. to load a ' recover'men u selection (preview and recover
when I am copying files 1 often want one or program and choose CMD Move (which is are next to each other and it is easy to make
two files from each partition on a disk. It is stuffed Into my REU during bootup). Now I a mistake - and everyone makes one now and
rather clumsy to run MiniDesk. copy some select the other partition and Quit CMD then), or just plain forgetful ness to save from
files, exit, run CMD Move to change Move. the REU prior to shutting down.
partitions, exit, run MiniDesk again, copy A dialog box comes up telling me to insert I have done this in 'Write, 'Paint and
some files and then exit to Start my work. the first partition "disk' again. Clicking on Publish with no problems nut remember.


"Many limes I hi* host way to push (ho
limits of your soiiwaro is lo try things
thai aren't in the manuals.**

this wasn't the way the software was designed geoWizard, you can get shots of screens that we boot. Files like the desktop, printer
to be used so be cautious the first few times don't allow access to Desk Accessories. driver(s), favorite Desk Accessories and
you try these procedures. When I first sent Scott Eggleston a picture applications. I usejohn I loward's QwikStash.
for the Underground (now merged with the This auto-exec file copies whatever files I
Make A Note Of It Loadstarl.elter)lsenihimaWizDunipr'hoto specify with its sister application, Qwikl'ik.
Oneother extremely handyutility is the Desk Scrap (you can save output as geoP&blt or One problem with QwikPik is it doesn't
Accessory InfoViewV2 by Douglas Adams i'hoto Scrap files). Scott used geol'uhlish recognize odd-sized Gateway RAM Disks.
(2/15/92) which assures that I will remember Vl.Oband this scrap crashed hisgeol'uhlisli To get around this limitation! set up thedata
what fonts I have used in any particular when he pasted it on the page. My versions of fileson my Gateway boot disks while running
document. Calling InloView lets you view geoPubilsh lioth took the scrap with no the normal Desktop. In this manner the
and edit the info box of any file on any drive. complaints. Ifyou use VI. Ob you will want lo system works great and prevents me from
Whenever I start a document and choose a create WlzDump 'Paint files and then use a having to swap RAM drivers within Gateway.
new font 1 go to InfoView, call up thij file's utility like ScrapCan or Scrap It to cut out Another very good REU stuffer is Jim
info box and add the font name lo the notes your Scrap. Collet te's{him again!) Batch Copier from the
section. If I start using another font I add GEOS Companion disk. While this program
its'name in the same manner. This comes in Running And Stuffing isn't an auto-exec, it can be used in
handy if I waul to look al a file again at some DA-Runner is another Jim Collette program conjunctionwithAuto-Loader(alsoonGEOS
later date as I keep all ofmy files on a separate that was initially a type-in in the June/July Companion). When run during the GEOS
diskfrom my applications, fouls and utilities. 1990 RUN magazine. This handy Desk boot procedure Batch Copier will scour the
InfoView has a very thorough visual Accessory lets you choose from up to 50 disk for a list file called AUTO COPY and
interface of the information you arc viewing other Desk Accessories from any disk (and place the files it specifies into RAM.
including the drive you are looking at, how any drive) on your system. Check with CMP Be careful with this procedure. The file
many GEOS files it contains, the file Icon and for this issue of RUN on paper or disk. The must be called AUTO COPY (all caps, one
full Info Box. While ihedefaull view is all files functionality the program provides is also an space between the two words), not AutoCopy
on the disk you can selectively view the file Integral feature ofgeo Wizard and Jim's Fonl as the manual states. I wrote to Jim shortly
types you wanl by clicking on the FILE TYPE Editor 2.5. after getting the disk and having troubles,
boxjust below the InfoView Title, Keyboard Also appearing on a ReRUN disk is Super and thai was his response (though I never
.shortcuts and a handy search function Validate by Paul Murdaugh (Mar/Apr 1992). saw any mention of this in RUN). These
(including wildcards) makes finding the file This utility program perlorms a disk programs run under both GEOS 64 and 128.
you want very easy. validation but returns legible errormessages That is it for now, so until next time
ifa file is bad. Armed with ibis knowledge, a enGIiOyyourCommodorel And remember,
Picture This disk editor (Maverick S.E. is a good GEOS sometimes you just have to try things that
With GeoWIzard then1 i.s a handy little file based one) and the instructions, you may be aren't specified in thedocumentalion in order
that will take a screen shot minus the able to resurrect some ofyour damaged files. to come up with new and unique ways to
geoWizard menu across the top. I use l;or those of us who don't own a battery accomplish your tasks.
gcoWizUump for the screen shots 1 send backed REU or a RAM!,ink we require a
with various articles and. since it runs from method of copying files to our RBU's when


terrier Detect
Bif Qaeltftte R..


What makes us so special? When 1 liiink of my Commodore communities. These are (in
favorite computer, 1 don't think about alphabetical order): CompuServe. Delphi, and
programs or typing commands, or what I see Cienie. Bach of these services have Commodore
on the monitor. My first thoughts are usually communities with message areas, chat facilities
about people—the Commodore community and lik-Mipporl. Most offerat least sotneservices
as a whoie. It's something that goes beyond that relate to the Internet as well (such as Email
the hardware, beyond software, straight to and access to the newsgroups). The online
tiie lieart. Beyond the pages of this magazine services can be good place to start out learning
and your local user group, there are other about using your modem and participating in
sections of the overall Commodore messages areas, but many are slowly moving
Community, such as Meeting C64/128 L'sers towards graphical access and not puttingiisinuch
through the Mail, and a myriad of online process it lakes less time than it would for you Into theupkeep on the textside ofthings. Atleasl
communities where you can find support and to read and respond to messages online. one of the services (Delphi) offers the ability to
COMaraderie with like (and uot-so-like) access the Commodore forum areas (both dial
minded people. When you plug in and turn on Nan-Commodore BBS's and messages) from the World Wide Web for
your modem, you're only ;< phone call away My first online experience was not with a free, but because it uses frames, it's not easily
from some of the best of the Commodore Commodore bulletin board, but with a local navigated with Lynx.
Community. BBS that offered support for Commodore
users. You may not find a local BBS thai Internet

Bulletin Boards explicitly states they support our computer There are several different Commodore
Your participation can really make a big platform, but chances are they participate in communities on the Internet—some overlap,
difference to help keep our Commodore sysops national and International networks have while others don't. A lot depends on your
happily administrating their systems. Yon may some support for our computers. Fidonet is interests and preferences. For those who prefer
think that a local Commodore UBS would have one such network that has throe main messages, there's newsgroups (comp.sys.cbm
a limited number ot users and message* bu! Commodore related echoes: CBM, CBM-128, and alt.c64), and mailing lists {there are several
this isn't the case since many BBS systems are and CBM-GEOS. Ifyou can't find these echoes for the Commodore). Some prefer the dial ting
networked with other systems to share on your local Fidonet BBS. ask your sysop to online and for this there's IRC and Delphi's
messages from people around tlie country, consider carrying them—support can be only Commodore forum chat area. Web Boards
and around the world. If iht idea of phoning a a question away. Other networks that may could be considered a cross between online
BBS long distance doesn't appeal, you could have support include Rimcnet ami Othernet. messages and online chat. These are 'bulletin
consider setting up your own bulletin board boards'on the World Wide Web that function
networked with other boards. You would still Online Services by participants filling out forms and
have to connect long distance to pick up Thereare three online services that we can access submitting them. Some Web Boards seem
messages, but because it's an automatic with our Commodores that have online similar to a "Graffiti Hoard" on a IMS. others

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are laid out with individual topics with or Ema9 gives US contact with hundreds of developed there was a sense of wonderment
without threading messages with like topics other Commodore users, outside of the realm over the new hardware and new ways to try to
together. A lot depends on the person who of newsgroups, mailing lists, IRC or Web and do things with our computers. This sense of
designed the Web Board and the programs Chat boards. Sometimes being able to reach discovery has been extended to the online
they used to implement it. Commodore users someone who knows more about a specific world. Come and join usl
can, and have designed their own Web Boards. topic can do wonders for solving problems or ©
Telnet allows you to connect to other places answering questions. It's another way we
on the Internet, some that you might not have communicate with each other that helps us, Gaefyne Gasson is the author of "The
realized are possible. Por instance you can telnet and keeps our community strong. Internetfor Commodore CH4/12H Users"
to useaDelphiorCompuSeneaccouiU, or telnet What makes us special is the fact we and can be contacted via Email at
to a BBS to access Fidonet messages or telnet to communicate with each other. We share our gae!yne@cm d\ veb. com or visit her i veb site
another Internet provider to maintain a web or discoveries as well as ask help for our at: http://videocam. net. uu/-ga efyne.
FTP site or make use of their online offerings. problems. When the first User Groups were

Online Community Resources For Commodore Users

Commodore BBS'S
Batcave (303) 252-0735 Ron Pick ( C-Net 138 CommNet network
The 128 P.C. (512) 940-0023 Tom Peranteau (lomp® C-Net 128
Omni World 128 (253)536-9353 Brian Bell (bbelll9@IDT.NET] Omni EchoNet
Civic 64/129 (805) 382-1125 Ben Holmes ( Omni EchoNet
The Vault (416) 694-2193 Mark WIgston ( Centipede/ComLink, CommNet, Net64
Inner Circle (304)697-0101 John Pinson ( Centipede/ComLink, CommNet, Net64

Non-Commodore BBS's that support our Community

The Speed Zone (517)322-2386 Maurice Randall ( htip://peop (GEOS/Wheels support)
d'BUG (718)671-7050' (Fidonet]
221B Baker Street (904) 862-8643 (Fidonet)

Online Services
Delphi 1-BOO-6 95-4002 Forum: COM COM
(Telnet:, :orum via Web; http://(
Genie 1-800-638-8369 Info ©genie,com Forum: Commodore RT (M625)
CompuServe 1 -800-848-8199 70006.101 © Forum: CBMAPP
(Telnet: CompuServe com)


Internet Relay Chat (IRC)

#c-64 IRCnet
#c-64 Elnet

Mailing Lists

Telnet BBS's
Neverending BBS (Fidonet Echos)
Cereal Port BBS (Fidonet Echos)
Shuttle 64 BBS (Commodore support)

Web Boards
Delphi hnp://
B rot kast en-Corner rsen~HEMENO.HTM
Waggs hltp://
Qllnk gRiFiTf http://www.web-cycai.eom/steward/g RiFiTiDF_frm.htm


Commodore World's Program Entry Checking Program
and Tips on Entering Programs from this Magazine

CHECKSUM isaprogram that proofreads your typing when you enters listing from Special Key Combinations
the magazine. It assigns a numerical value to each character that yon type, adds up As you type, you may be confused the lirsi lime you see curly braces II. These braces
the values ofthe line you type (land displays the sum. (Checksum, therefore, means mean "perform the function explained within." For example. 122 SPACES! means
that it checks your typing by summing llie characters.) It also verifies that you have that you need to press the space bar 22 times. Don't type llie braces (you can't, of
typed thecharacters In the proper order. (Checksum won't teR you ifjiou miss a line course, ln'causetherearenocurlybracesintlieConimodoreiiiaraclersel). Hereaie
ofcode entirely, so verify lhat yourself.) Checksum runs "in the background" when some other common examples:
you type in lines of program code. Whenever you type a line and press RETURN,
Checksum will display a value. Compare that value to the value published next to {CLEAR/HOME} hold down the SHIFT key and press the CI.R-i IOME key.
the line of code in the magazine, if the numbers match, you've typed the line [2 CRSR DN] tap the cursor down key twice.
correctly. Simple. iCTRL il hold the CQNTOL key and press the I key.
ICMDR t) hold down the COMMODORE key and press the T key.
Typing in CHECKSUM
First, lype in Checksum carefully from the listing on this page, lie sure to press Continue typing in your program, saving often and checking each checksum value
RETURN aftereverylinetocnterilintomemory.Onceyou have typed the program, with the one in the magazine, until you've finished the listing. Phew! So now you're
save it. In fact, save il a few times while you 're typing, just to be safe. (This is good ready to run your program, right? Not quite. First, save it. Second, deactivate
advice whenever you typein a program. I usually change the name each time T save; Checksum by typingSYSfcUowedby 49152 fertheC-64 or3328fottheC-128.Now
forexample. Checks unit, Checks um2, andsoon.) Double-check yourwork, making von can run. Don't be discouraged ifyou still get an error. It happens. Use Checksum
sure that you've typed in every lineand that you 've pressed RETURN aft ereveryline faithfully. lie patient. Be thorough. Il will work eventually.
you've typed. Ifyou make errors when typing in Checksum, a test run ul Checksum
will tellyoii which line isincorrecl.O'his safely feature works only in the Checksum
program itself, and does not apply toany other lislingsinthemagazine.) Whenever CHECKSUM

you find a typing error (in any program listing), fix it, press RRTURN to enter the
103 rem cw checksum 64/128
change, save the program again and try another run. Repeat this process as often as 110 mo=;128:sa=3328
necessary. Important tip: Don't get discouraged if the program won't run. Be 120 if peek(65533]<>255 then mo=64:5a^49152
patient, lie thorough. It will work eventually. You'll knowyour Checksum is ready 138 i=0:ck=O:ch=0:ln=300
when you see the line: 140 for k=S no 16
150 for j=l to 10
160 read bsil b>255 then goto 283
170 ch-ch+b:poke sa+i,b:i=i+l
180 next j
Entering Programs Using CHECKSUM 190 read lc:if lcoeh then goto 280
When you're ready to type in your first listing from the magazine, load and run 200 ch=O:lfi-lnt-10
Checksum. Make a note ofthe number lhat is displayedon t he screen (49152 lur the 210 next k
064;3328 ftrtheC-128).To aetivttteand deactivate Checksum, type SYS followed 220 pokesaj-HO,240:polcesa-Hll,38:pokesa-t-140,234
230 printchr$(147):print"cw checksum";str$(mo):print
by that number, then press RBTURN. You need to have Checksum active whenever
240 print"to toggle on or off, sys";sa:if mo-123 then 270
you're typing in a listing. Checksum must he deactivated, however, when you run
250 pokesaH3,124:pokesa+15,165:pokesa*25,124:pokesa+26,165
the new program. The next .step is typing in a new program listing as il appears in 260 pokesa+39,20:pokesa+41,21:pokesa+123,205:pokesa+124,189
the magazine. 270 pokesai4,intfsa/256):sys sa:new
As you begin, you'll notice that to the left of the start of each line is a number. 280 print"you have a data error in line"; In;"!" :enc
Don't type this number in: it's simply the Checksum value. Stop typing at the end 293 rem do no:; change these data statements!
of the program line and press RETURN. If you've typed the line correctly, the 300 data 120,162,24,160,13,173,4,3,201,24,884
310 data 208,4,162,13,160,67,142,4,3,140,903
number displayed on the screen will match the Checksum value. 11 the numbers
320 data 5,3,88,96,32,13,67,152,72,169,697
don't match, you've made a mistake. Check the line carefully, make your changes
330 data 0,141,0,255,133,176,133,1R0,166,22,1206
and press RETURN, The computer won't know you've made a change unless you 340 data 164,23,134,167,132,168,170,189,0,2,1149
press RETURN on the changed line to enter it. A few type-in hints: the Checksum 350 data 2.10,53,201,43,144,7,201,58,176,3,1136
does not verify blank spaces in the program lines unless they are within quotation 360 data 232,208,240,199,0,2,240,42,201,32,1386
marks, because adding or omitting such spaces will not affect the operation of the 370 data 208,4,164,180,240,31,201,34,208,6,1276
program. The exception to this is hexadecimal Data statements, These are the Data 330 data 165,180,73,1,133,180,230,176,164,176,1478
390 data 165,167,24,125,0,2,133,167,165,168,1116
statements, such as this one. that don't have commas:
400 data 105,0,133,168,136,208,239,232,208,209,1638
410 data 169,42,32,210,255,165,167,69,168,170,1447
100 DATA 12345678901234567890'123456789012345 420 data 169,0,32,50,142,169,32,32,210,255,1091
67890*1234567 8901234567890* 430 data 32,210,255,169,13,32,210,255,104,168,1448
440 data 96,104,170,24,32,240,255,104,168,96,1289
In statements suchas these, you must have one space between the word DAiAand 450 data 56,32,240,255,138,72,152,72,24,162,1203
460 aata 0,160,0,32,240,255,169,18,208,193,1280
the numbers that follow. Checksum will not catch that error.


1 AT
By ^bauci- Gotto*t
r\ number ofrequests luivecome in lately about the 65816 commands, and
JSL Jump to Subroutine Long
while we did present a rather terse listing ofthe full command sel back in
Commodore World lssue#l(i, dial list probably created as many questions Desc: Pushes Ihe Program Sank Register (PBR) onlo the Slack, pushes Ihe relurn address
as it answered. With that in mind, we have created a more delailed on Ihe stack (in standard low byte/high byle format), then loads Ihe Program Counter

instruction list over the last few weeks, and have included the fifi8 Hi- and Program Bank Register (PBR} with trie address specified by the operand.

specific commands from that list in this installment of 81 fi BEAT. The full
Flags: None affecled
list of all instructions is being converted to a format that we ran put on our
web site, bul we'll also Iry to publish il (spate permitting) in a future issue Synlex Opcode Addressing Mode 650165C02656I6 Byles Cycles

of Commodore World. Meanwhile, we hope that the abbreviated set of JSLfwtg 22 Absolule Long •. * B

command provided here will provide some temporary relief.

MVN Block Move Negative

Desc: Moves memory contents starting wilh Ihe location specified in the X register and Ihe
BRA Branch Always bank specified in the operand (srebk), placing Ihe moved contents starting al Ihe
address in Ihe V register and bank speciiied in ihe operand (destbk) until the number
Desc. Offsets the Program Counter by (he B-bil signed value specified in Ihe operand,
ol bytes moved is equal to the initial value in Ihe 16-bil Accumulator (C) plus one (1).

flags: None alfected

Notes: (1) MVN cannol cross a Bank boundry.
(2) If the source and destination address ranges overlap and the starting address ol
Syntax Opcode Addressing Mode 6502 65C026SS16 Bytes Cycles
the destination range is higher lhan the starting address of ihe source range, use
BRA neaitabel 80 Program Counter Relative < v 2 f
MVP instead of MVN.
(3) The Dal a Bank Register (DBR) is destroyed during this process.

BRL Branch Long Always

Flags: None affected

Desc: Offsets tne Program Counter by Ihe 16-bit signed value specified m the operand
Registers: .X Slaving address ol source range
.V Slatting address ol destination range
Rags: None affecled
.C TransferLength-I

Syntax Opcode Addressing Mote 6502 650021511$ Byles Cycles

Synlai Opcode Addressing Mode 6502 65C0! 65816 Byles Cycles
6HL label 62 Program Counter Re&tive Long i 3 4
MVN jrcWMfesftt M Block Move .3 1"

Note: The syntax lor the block move command shown above is Ihe accepted assemble!
COP Co-Processor Enable syntax. However, the true order ol Iho bytes in machine language are {1) instruction
code, 12) destination bank and (3) source bank.
Dssc1 Pushes Ihe Progiam Bank Register (PHR| onlo Ihe stack (65B16 Native mode only),
increments the Program Counter by 2 and pushes it onto Ihe slack, pushes Ihe
Processor Slatus Register (P| onlo the stack, sals the Interrupt Disable Hag (i). sels
MVP Block Move Positive
the Program Sank Register (PBR) loSOO (65816 in Native mode) and loads the
Program Counter with Ihe values Irom Ihe COP Vector ($OOFFE4-Q0FFE5). The
Desc: Moves memory contents starting with Ihe location specified in Ihe X register and Ihe
Decimal Mode flag (d| is reset to 0 after a COP is executed
lank specified in the operand (srebk), placing Ihe moved conlents starting at Ihe
address in Ihe V register and bank specified :n Ihe operand (deslbk) until (he number
Flags: d The Decimal flag is cleared
ol bytes moved is equal to the initial value in the 16-bit Accumulator (C] plus one [1).
i The Interrupt Disable Hag is sel

Noles: (l)MVPcannotcrossaBankboundry
Syntix Opcode Addressing Mode 6502 6SC02651I6 Byles Cycles
(2) If the source and destination address ranges overlap and the starting address ol
COP const 02 SlacUnteTupt . Z> V
Ihe destination range is lower than Ihe slarting address ol the source range, use
MVN instead ol MVP.
(3) The Data Bank Register (DBfl) is destroyed during this process.
JML Jump Long
Flags: None affecled
Desc: Loads the Program Counter and Program Bank Register (PBR) with the address
specified by the operand.
Registers: .X Enoing address of source range
.V Ending address oldestinaiion range
Flags: None affected
-C Transfer Lenglh-1

Split Opcode Addressing Mode 6SQ2 65C0265SI6 Byles Cyclts

Syntax Opcode Addressing Mode 6502 65C0265SIC Bytes Cycles
Ml long 5C A&solute Long ■, 4 4
MVP SKbk.destbk « BIcckMove ■, 3 11
JHLfaOHr/ DC Absolute l*ecl Long i 3 6

Yote: The syntax for Ihe block move command shown above is the accepted assembler
syntax However, the Irue order ol Ihe byles in machine language are (1) instruction
code, (3) destination bank and (3) source bank.

COMMODOHE WDRl_n 28 Issue 24

PEA Push Effective Absolute Address PHX Push Index Register X

Desc: Copies a 16-bit address specified by the operand into the stack and decrements the Oesc; Copies ihe contents of the X register into the stack and decrement the slack pointer.
stack pointer by two. This instruction acls more like an immediate made instruction,
since the date placed on the slack is the immediate data ol Ihe operand itself, rather Flags: None affected
than the data stored in ihe absolute address pointed to by ihe operand. The high byte
is pushed first, followed by the low byle. Size: 6503,65CC2 and 65816 in Emulation mode: 8-bil
65BI6 In Native mode (i - 1): 8-bit
Flags. None affected 65B16 in Native mods (i = 0): 16-bit (high byle is pushed first,
followed by the low byle)
Syntax Opcode Addressing Mode 6501 S5CO26$S16 Bytes Cycles
PEAacMr H Sack (Absolute) ■. 3 5 Synlai Opcode Addressing Mode 6502 65C02E53IS Bytes Cycles
PHX DA Stack (Push) -. ■• 1 3":

P E1 Push Effective Indirect Address

PHY Push Index Register Y
Desc: Copies a 16-bit address into Ihe stack and decrements the stack pointer by Iwo. The
address copied into the stack is the value found at an effective address Icrmed by Desc. Copies Ihe contents of the V register into Ihe stack and decrement the stack pointer
using the operand as an offset to the Direci Page (DP) register. The high byte (from
the effective address+l) is pushed firsl, followed by the low byte (from ihe effeclive Flags: None affected
Size: 6502, 65CO2 and 65816 in Emulalion mode: 8-bit
Flags: None affected B5816 in Native mode (i - l): 8-bit
65816 in Native mode (»-O): I6bit (high Byte is pushed first,
Syntax Opcode Addressing Mode 6502 65C026S8I5 Bytes Cycles followed by the low byle)
PEI .dp] W Slack (DP Indued! i I 6;
Synfai Opcode Addressing Mode S502 S5CO265SIS Bytes Cycles
PHY 5A Slack ( ■ '■ 1 P
PER Push Effective PC Relative Indirect Address

Desc: Copies a 16-bit address into Ihe stack and decrements Ihe stack pointer by Iwo. The PLB Pull Data Bank Register
address copied into the stack is lormed by using Ihe immediate data in Ihe operand
as a signed 16-bit olfset to the current contenls of the Program Counter. The high Desc. Copies the current slack byte into Ihe Data Bank (DBR) regisler. and increments Ihe
byle is pushed first, tallowed by Ihe low byle. stack pointer.

Flags: None affected Flags: n The Negative Hag mirrors the mosl significant bil of the value loaded
z The Zero Hag is set if the vatue loaded is equal lo zero, cleared if not equal to zero
Syntax Opcode Addressing Mode 650! 65C0265SI5 Bytes Cycles
PERJaDel 62 Stack (PC Relative Long) i 3 6 Syntax Opcode Addressing Mode 6502 65CO26S8W Bytes Cycles
PLB AB Stack (Pull) ^ 1 4

PHB Push Data Bank Register

P L D Pull Direct Page Register
Desc: Copies the 8-bit contenis of the Daia Bank Register (DBR) mlo the stack and
decrements Ihe stack pointer. Desc: Copies two byles from ihe current slack location into the Direct Page (OP) register,
and increments the stack pointer. The low byte is pulled firsl, followed by the high
Flags1 None affected byte.

Syntax Opcode Addressing Mode 6502 650026581$ Bytes Cycles Flags: n The Negative (lag minors the mosl significani bit of the value loaded
PHB IJB Stack (Push) v1 1 3 z The Zero Hag is set if the value loaded is equal lo zero, cleared if nol equal lo zero

Synl.ii: Opcode Addressing Mode 6502 65C02658W Byles Cycles

PHD Push Direct Page Register PLD 2B Stack (Pull) i 1 5

Desc: Copies the contents of the 16-bit Direct Page regisler (DP) into the stack and
decrements Ihe stack pointer. The high byte is pushed liisl, followed by Ihe low byte. PLX Pull Index Register X

Flags: None atlecled Desc; Copies the currenl word from ihe slack into Iho X regisler and increments the slack
pointer. The word size is determined by the processor type and operating mode.
Syn!a< Opcode Addressing Mode 6502 65C02658I6 Bytes Cycles
PHD OB Stack (Push) i 1 4 Flags: n The Negative flag mirrors the mosl significant bil of the value leaded
3 The Zero Hag is set if the value loaded is equal !o zero, cleared if no! equal lo zero

3 H K Push Program Bank Register Size: 6503.65C02and65816inEmu!ationmode: 8-bit

65816 in Native mode (x - 1): 8-bit
Desc: Copies the contents of the 9-bil Program Bank Register (PBR) into ihe stack and 65816 in Native mode d = 0): te-bil (low byte is pulled lirst. fallowed
decrement Ihe slack poinler. by the high byte)

Flags: None aflecied Synlm Opcode Addressing Mode 6502 BCD! 65816 Byles Cycles
PLX FA Slack (Pull) is I 4':
Syntax Opcode Addressing Made 6502 S5C02658I6 Bytes Cycles
FHK 4B Stack (Push; 1 1 3


PLY Pull index Register Y TCD Transter 16-bit Accumulator to Direct Page Register (Alias: TAD)

Desc: Copies the current word from Ihe slack inio Ihe V register and increments Ihe slat* Desc: Copies the contents ol the 16-bit Accumulator (C) into Ihe Direct Page register (DP).
pointer. The word size is determined By the processor type and operating mode.
Flags: n The Negative flag mirrors the most significant bit ol Ihe tranferred value
Flags. n The Negative Hag mirrors the mosl signikan! bit ot the value loaded z The Zero flag is sel rl the value Iranlerred is equal to zero, cleared il not equal to
z The Zero Hag is set if the value loaded is equal 10 zero, cleared if not equal to zero zero

Size: 6502,65C02and65816inEmulalionmode: 8-bit Syntax Opcode Addressing Modi 6502 e5CC265BIS Bytes Cycles
65316 in Native mode (I = 1): 8-bit TCD =B [rip. Hi . 1 3
65816 in Native mode (x - 0): 16*1 (low byls is pulled first, followed
by Ihe high byte]
TCS Transfer Accumulator to Stack Pointer (Alias: TAS)
Spito Opcode Addressing Mode 6502 S5C0265516 Bytes Cycles
PLY 7A StacklM) s ■. I 4" Desc: Copies the contents of ths Accumulator into Ihe Stack Poinler.

Flags: NoneaKected
REP Reset Processor Status Bits
Size: 6502.65C02 and 65816 in Emulation mode. 8-bit transfer (high byte of stack pointer
Desc: Clears bits in the Processor slalus register (P) according lo Ihe bits set in Ihe on 65316 is forced to page one]
operand. Any bit in Ihe operand which is set will clear the corresponding bit in Ihe 65816 in Native mode: 16-bit transfer
Processor status register, while unset bits remain unaffected.
Syntax Opcode Addressing Mode 6502 65C026SS16 Bytes Cyclts
Fags: All flags per operand except the Break (b) Hag (65816 in Emulation mode) and the TCE IB Implied i 1 2
hidden Emulation (b] flag.

Synlai Opcode Addressing Mode 5502 65C026S816 Bytes Cycles TDC Transfer Direct Page Register to 16-bit Accumulator (Alias: TDA)
KP'const C2 Immediate \ I 3
Desc: Copies Ihe contents of tha Direct Page register (DP] mlo Ihe 16-bit Accumulator (C).

RTL Return from Subroutine Long Flags: n TJie Negative Hag mirrors Ihe mosl significant bit of the Iranleired value
z The Zero Hag is set if Ihe value tranlerrefl is equal lo zero, cleared if nol equal lo
Desc: Pulls the 16-bit Program Counter (PC) value Irom the stack, increments it by one and jero
placos il in lha Program Counter (PC), pulls Iho Program Bank Regisler (PBR) value
irom the slack, places il in the Program Bank Register (PBR) and increments Ihe Syntax Opcode Addressing Mode 6502 6SC02658U Bytes CycliB
stack pointer by 3 bytes. TDC 7B Implied V 1 2

Flags: None affected

T R B Test and Reset Memory Bits Against Accumulator
Synla* Opcode Addressing Mode 6502 S5C0265BI6 Bytes Cycles
BTL 6B Start (RTL) , 1 6 Desc: Sels bits in the location specilied by Ihe operand lor which the corresponding bits in
the Accumulator are set (equal to !). Operand localionbils lor which Ihe
corresponding bits in the Accumulalor are unsel (0) are lefl unaffected.
SEP Set Processor Status Bits
Flags: z The Zero flag is set if the result ol ANDmg Ihe Accumulalor wilh final conlenls of
Desc: Sets bits in the Processor stalus register (P) according lo the bits set in Ihe operand. the location specified by the operand is equal to zero, cleared if not equal to zero
Any bit in the operand which is sel will sel Ihe corresponding bit in Ihe Processor
status register (P), while unset bits remain unaffected. Size: 6502.65C02and65BI6inEmulalionmode: 8-bit
65816 in Native mode (m - 1): 8-bit
Rags: All flags per operand except Ihe Break (b) Hag (65816 in Emulation mode) and the 65816 in Native mode (m : 0): 16-bit (low byte at effective address,
hidden Emulation (e) flag. high byte at effective addiess-ti)

Synlai Opcode Addressing Mode IS02 SSC0255S16 Byles Cycles Synlw Opcode Addressing Mode 6502 6SC01653I6 Bytes Cycles
SEP E2 Immediate -\ 2 2 TRBdp 14 DirecPage { i 2 5"
"":=:;■ IC Absolute » \ 3 6'

STP Slop Processor

Desc: Waits until Ihe ne<l Phase 2 cycle, then slops the 65816s clock oscillator. A hardware
reset ol Ihe 65816 is required lo restart the processor.

Flags. None alfected

Syntax Opcode Addressing I/ode 6502 6SC0265S16 Bytes Cycles

STP DB Implied i 1 3"


TSB Test and Set Memory Bits Against Accumulator WDM Reserved for Future Expansion

Desc: Clears bits in the localion specified by Ihe operand for which the corresponding bits in lesc: This opcode has been reserved lor fulure expansion lo Ihe 65xxx family of
the Accumulator are set (equal to 1). Operand location bits tor which the processors. While this instruction currently produces a two-byte NOP. it should not be
corresponding bits rn the Accumulator are unset (0) are left unaffected. used at this lime to avoid compatibility problems.

Rags: ; The Zero flag is sel il the result ol ANDing the Accumulator with final contents of Flags: None alfecled
Ihe localion specified by the operand is equal to zero, cleared if nol equal to zero
SjrniM Opcode Addressing Mode 6$O! B5OH6SS16 Bytes Cycles
Size: 6502,65C02 and 65816 in Emulation mode: 8-brt C na i 2'' rva*
658!6 in Native mode (m = 1): 8-bit
65816 in Native mode (m = 0): 16-bit (low byte at effective address,
high byte at effective address+i) <BA Exchange B and A 8-bit Accumulators

Syntax Opcode Addressing Mods 650!65CO265816BytesCyt:les !esc. Swaps Ihe high byte (B) of the Accumulator (C) with the low byte (A).
TSBdp tM Direct Page \ \ 2 5-'(
TSB add/ OC Absolute -1 < 3 6' lags: n The Negative flag mirrors the mosl significant bit of the Iranferred value
z The Zero flag is EEI il the value Iranferred is equal to zero, cleared il not equal to

TSC Transfer Stack Pointer to 16-bit Accumulator

Syntax Opcode Addressing Mode 6502 65C026SS1S Bytes Cycles
Desc: Copies the contents ol the Stack Poinler into the 16-bit Accumulator (C). XBA EB Implied i 1 3

Flags: n The Negalivs flag mirrors Ihe mosl significant bit of the Iranferred value
z The Zflro flag is sel II the value Iranlorrod is equal to zero, cleared il not equal to XCE Exchange Carry and Emulation Flags
)esc: Exchanges the contents ol Ihe Carry (c) and Emulation (e) flags in the Processor
Syntax Opcode Addressing Made 6502 65C0265816 Bytes Cycles stalus register (P). Generally used lo switch between Ihe 65816'a Emulation and
TSC 3B Implied i 1 2 Native modes.

Flags: m Set when entering Native mode, set bul not used whan entering Emulation mode
TXY Transfer Index Register X to Index Register Y k Set when entering Native mode, becomes Break flag in Emulation mode
b Set when entering Emulation mode, becomes Memory/Accumulator flag (m) in
Desc: Copies the contents o! the X register inlo the V register. Native mode
c Contains Ihe previous contents ol Iho Emulation flag (e)
Flags: n The Negative flag mirrors Ihe mosl significant b:t of the Iranferred value e Contains Ihe previous contents of the Carry Hag (c)
z The Zero flag is sel i! the value tranferred is equal to zero, cleared if not equal to
zero Synfai Opcode Addressing MoM 6502 6SC02658I6 Bytes Cycles
XCE FB Irrpfed •• 1 2
Size: 6502,65C02and65816inEmulationmods: 8-bit
65816 in Native mode [< = !): 8-brt
65816 in Mauve mode |« = 0): 16-bit Additional Notes

Syntax Opcode AMesslnsMode 650265C016SS1S Bytes Cycles 1 Add 1 cycie if m=0 (IB-bit memory/accumulator)
TXY 9B Implied - i 2 ; Add 1 cycle if low byte ol Direct Pags Register is non-zero
' Add 1 cycle if adding index crosses a pags boundary
' Add 1 cycle il 65C02 and d=1 (65C02 in docimal model
TYX Transfer Index Register Y to Index Register X 1 Add 2 cycles if m=0 (16-Sil memory/accumulator)
1 Subtract 1 cycle il 65C02 and no pago boundary crossed

Desc: Copies Ihe contents ol ihs Y register into the X register. ' Add i cycls if branch is lakon

' Add 1 cycle if branch takon crosses page boundary on 6502, 65C02. or 65816's
Flags: n The Negative Hag mirrors Ihe most signilicanl bit ol Ihe tranferred value 6502 Emulation modo (o=1)
i The Zero flag Is sel if ihe value iranferred is equal lo zero, cleared if not equal to ' Add 1 cycle for 65B16 native modo (e=0|

zero ''Add 1 cycle if x=0 (16-bit index registers!

"Add 1 cycle if B5C02
Size: 6502,65C02and65Bi6in Emulation mode: B-bil u6502: Yields incorract resulls if low byto of operand is SFF (i.e., operand is SxxFF)
65816 in Native mode (* = 1): B-bil "7 cycles por byto moved

65816 in Native mode (x = 0): 16-btl "Uses 3 cycles to shut the processor down: additional cycles are required by reset
to restart it
Syntax Opcode Addressing Mode 6502 65C0265S15 Bytes Cycles 'HJses 3 cycles to shut Iho processor down: additional cycles are required by
TYX BB Implied i 1 2 interrupt lo restart it
leByte and cycle counts subject to change in future processors which expand WDM
inlo 2-byto opcode portions of instruclions of varying langths

WAI Wait for Interrupt "Add 1 byte il m^O (16-bit memory/accumulator)

"Opcode is 1 bylo. but program counler value pushed onto stacfc is incremented by
Desc: Pulls the RDY pin taw in the ihird instruction cycle and places Ihe processor in a low 2 allowing tor optional signature byte
power mode unlil interrupted by an eiternal source (NMI. IRQ, ABORT or RESET). "Add 1 byie il »=O (16-bil index registers)

Rags: None affected

Syrian Opcode Addressing Mode 6502 65C026S8f6 Bytes Cycles

WAI CB lltfled ■■ I 3!


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