Behavioural Theories of Learning
Behavioural Theories of Learning
Behavioural Theories of Learning
Definition of learning Pavlov Thorndike Skinner Principles of Behavioral Learning Theory Bandura Meichenbaum
What is learning?
Learning is usually defined as a change in an individual caused by experience not by reflexes (Slavin, 2003).
Unconditioned stimulus elicits a response automatically Unconditioned response occurs automatically unconditioned stimulus Neutral stimulus does not automatically elicit a response, but can become a Conditioned stimulus during Classical conditioning
Skinners work focused on the relationship between behavior and its consequences. Operant conditioning the use of pleasant and unpleasant consequences to change behavior. Skinner Box allows the study of behavior in a controlled environment.
Principles (continued)
Shaping guiding behavior toward goals by reinforcing the many steps that lead to success. Extinction removing reinforcers from previously learned behavior until the behavior disappears. Extinction burst the increase in levels of behavior in the early stages of extinction.
Principles (continued)
Positive reinforcement are usually things given to students that they value, e.g., praise. Negative reinforcement escape from an unpleasant or a way of preventing unpleasant behavior from occurring.
Principles (continued)
Punishment consequences that weaken behavior; punishment like reinforcement is in the eye of the receiver and the impact on behavior.
Principles (continued)
Removal punishment forbidding a desirable task or situation; Presentation punishment (aversive stimulus) imposing an undesirable task or situation; and No reinforcement discourage behaviors. However, positive reinforcement generally works better to shape behavior than punishment.
Principles (continued)
Premack principle (grandmas rule) you can encourage less-desired (to the individual by linking them to a desired behavior. Intrinsic motivators behaviors that people enjoy for the pleasure of the behavior. Extrinsic motivators rewards given to people to motivate them to engage in behavior that they might not engage in otherwise.
Schedules of Reinforcement
Fixed interval reinforcer is given after a fixed number of behaviors. (Fixed ratio schedules are effective in motivating individuals to do a great deal of work especially with high requirements for reinforcement
Schedules of Reinforcement
Variable interval variable number of behaviors are necessary for reinforcement. This reinforcement schedule is very effective for maintaining a high rate of behavior and are highly resistant to extinction.
Schedules of Reinforcement
Fixed interval schedule reinforcement is available on at certain times - can encourage cramming, e.g., end of grade test.
Schedules of Reinforcement
Variable interval reinforcement is available at some times, but not at others spot checks
Some behaviors that have been acquired through reinforcement become intrinsically motivating, e.g., reading, soccer. Variable interval schedules produce behaviors that are resistant to extinction.
Role of Antecedents
Cueing antecedent behavior or cues tell people what behavior will be reinforced Discrimination is the use of cues, signals, or information to know when behavior is likely to be reinforced learning is largely a matter of mastering more and more complex discriminations.
Is the transfer of behavior under one set of conditions to other situations. Generalization must be planned for; it is most likely to occur across similar settings or similar concepts. It is more likely to occur is using many relevant examples. The instruction is repeated in a variety of settings.
Slavin, R. E. (2003). Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice, 7th Edition.