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Types of Security
Angkatan Tentera Malaysia

Polis Di Raja Malaysia

Private Security

National Security

Measures taken by a military, for protecting nation from disruptive activities from internal/ external sources for maintaining peace and tranquility in country

Internal Security ( (public security) Measures taken by a law enforcement agencies, for protecting nation from disruptive activities from internal sources for maintaining peace and order in country

Private Security
Measures taken by private security service providers, for protecting private and public properties and lives from disruptive activities from man-made threats and natural forces.


Private Security for Business Manufacturi Service ng Industries Industries





Scope & Guidelines

Policy Objective : Ensure a safe, secured and stable environment for business operations. Policy Guidelines shall include measures taken against : Offences in relation to employment Offences in relation to property Offences in relation to persons


Intelligence / Information Gathering Protection / Prevention Activities Investigation Activities Specialized Service Consequence Management Activities



Due Process (constitutional) - a legal protection included in the federal constitution that guarantees all citizens the right to be adjudicated under established law and legal procedures.

ARTICLE 5 LIBERTY OF THE PERSON (Doctrine of Due Process) Deprivation of life or personal liberty Detention must be lawful & produced in court Grounds of arrest must be told Legal defence must be offered Court trial administered

ARTICLE 5 LIBERTY OF THE PERSON (Doctrine of Due Process) Therefore any person accused of a crime (violation of law) must be investigated and given a fair trial in the court of law before making a judgment against the offence


A systematic fact finding and reporting process in which a detail inquiry of an incident is made to establish the truth in order to apportion the culpability and redress the wrong. It is derived from the Latin word vestigere, to track or trace .


Crime detection and investigation is both an art and a science; a collaboration of common sense, judgment, intellect, experience and an innate intuitiveness along with a grasp of relative technical knowledge. The criminal investigator must continually apply those skills, acquired through study and experience, to the examination and observation of the criminal and his behavior, as well as his

OBJECTIVES OF INVESTIGATION Seek out and identify the true nature of the problem Identify who is involved and why Gather accurate information for effective analysis and problem solving Create least disruption in the organization and its operations Achieve the best possible return

INTENDED OUTCOMES OF INQUIRY Prosecution Court Trial Termination Dismiss from work Restitution compensation Amends and

Various types of investigative activities are performed by criminal justice and protective services personnel. 1. Criminal - Police Officer, PI, Security Officer, Corporate Investigator 2. Accident - Police Officer, PI, Security Officer, Insurance Investigator 3. HR/Personnel - HR Manager , PI (undercover)


Internal Investigation
Have Clear Policies Document Your Work Minimize Witness Intimidation Form an Interview Team and divide duties Establish the Time Frame for Investigation Collect Documents and Evidence Prepare opening and Closing remarks and set of Questions Written Statements

Basic Investigative Techniques

Whether you are a detective, patrolman, lossprevention officer, security officer or a private investigator, investigation makes up one of the key duties in your job description. Investigators use a variety of techniques to help solve crimes, uncover information or locate lost people. Learning the skills necessary to become a good investigator takes time and, in some cases, advanced education in a legal field, as well as an understanding of laws pertaining to legal investigation.

Read more: Basic Investigative Techniques | -investigative-techniques.html#ixzz2QCRboB73

Laws Regarding Investigation Understand the laws of the state or country in which you work---especially if you are a private investigator. Law enforcement officers need to adhere to laws that oversee such investigative techniques as search, seizure and detaining a suspect; these laws vary from state to state and country to country.

Field Investigative Techniques Learn the fundamentals of interview/interrogation and search---two of the most important field investigative techniques. Interview suspects and witnesses effectively in order to uncover crucial information. Searching, whether property or people, will often lead to items you can use to arrest and convict.

Familiarize yourself with surveillance and Internet searches--- two investigative techniques considered nonintrusive. Use these low-key techniques to gather information before bringing more aggressive techniques into play--especially in long-term cases where subject history and observation of subject behaviors play a crucial role in an investigation.

Various types of investigative methods available at the disposal of criminal justice and protective services personnel are: 1. Physical Surveillance


2. Electronic Surveillance
3. Research and Audit 4. Forensic Analysis 5. Undercover 6. Interviews and interrogations

There are two primary sources of information: people and things. The process of gathering and evaluating each type requires specific knowledge and skills. Basically, the criminal field investigator engages the human element: all of the emotional, psychological, environmental, and sociological aspects of human behavior. The crime scene technician/investigator or the laboratory based scientist deals with inanimate objects that are unable to mislead, lie or fight.


People victim, witness, suspect,

Things Texts Images Videos Audios - physical items - data, information

Graphics - animated pictures & sketches - photographs - clips or frames of images record of sound/voice

Corpus Delicti

The body of crime Facts which show that a crime has occurred Do not confuse with statutory elements It is not the body in a homicide case

Understanding Corpus Delicti

A person can not be tried for a crime unless it can be shown that an offense has occurred The state has to show that:

criminal law has been violated A specific person committed the act

Two Explanations of Corpus Delicti



A certain result has been produced A person is criminally responsible



The occurrence of the specific kind of injury Someones criminal act as the cause of the injury

Examples of Corpus Delicti

Theft: Taking property of another with intent to permanently deprive the owner of possession Arson:

A burned building or other property Some criminal agency which caused the burning (a willful act)

Malaysian Law Cases

How are violent crimes and property crimes classified? Murder: includes all intentional killings as well as deaths that occur in the course of felonies; manslaughter involves causing death recklessly, or intentionally under extenuating circumstances Robbery: consists of larceny from a person involving threats or force Burglary: is unlawful entry into a building for the purpose of committing a crime while inside

How are violent crimes and property crimes classified? Embezzelement: Larceny/Theft: consists of taking the property of another person with the intent of depriving the owner. Eg. Pickpocket, shoplifting, pilfering etc. Fraud: improper obtaining of an asset or item by providing or disseminating false information. eg. Workers compensation claim, medical quackery, vehicle insurance claim etc,


Robbery is classified as a violent crime because it involves the threat or use of force. It is, however, also a property crime in that the express purpose of robbery is to take the property of another. Personal robbery occurs on the highway or street or in a public place (mugging) and robbery that occurs in residences. Targets appear more or less attractive targets based on their perceived vulnerability and the social context of the surrounding neighborhood in which they are found. Institutional robbery occurs in commercial settings, such as convenience stores, gas stations, and banks.

Motivation of Robbers

Most robberies or both people and places involve very little planning on the part of the offender. Fast cash was the direct need that robbery satisfies. Economic motivation behind robbery should not be interpreted as genuine financial hardship but, rather, as a constant, ongoing crisis situation experienced as a result of the logic of the street context of robbers daily lives. Alternatives of borrowing or performing


Known as a cold crime because there is usually very little physical evidence to link the offender to the offense, and by the time the victims realize hat they have been burglarized and have called the police, the burglar is usually long gone. 44% of victims were working or engaged in leisure activities away from home when their residence was burglarized 13% of victims reported being asleep during the burglary

Motivation of Burglars

Their decisions have their own internal logic from the standpoint of offenders social world. The most prevalent rationale behind the offense of residential burglary is economic in nature: a need for fast cash. Most of money obtained goes to support lifestyle that includes illicit drugs, alcohol and sexual pursuits. Economic needs motivate but it is not an economic motivation that results from a desire to satisfy needs as opposed to wants. i.e. not for food to keep from starving.

White-Collar Crime

White-collar crime violations of the criminal law of by persons of respectability and high social status in the course of their occupation. Securities fraud the theft of money resulting from intentional manipulation of the value of equities, including stocks and bonds. Securities fraud also includes theft from securities accounts and wire fraud. Secretive violations of public and corporate trust by those in positions of authority are just as criminal as predatory acts committed by people of lower social standing.


In November 2001, Enron executives surprised stockholders when they revised the companys financial statements for the prior 5 years in order to account for hundreds of millions of dollars in losses that they had previously hidden. A month later, Enron filed for bankruptcy protection and laid off more than 4,000 workers. The bankruptcy wiped out at least $24 billion of value in retirement plans, stock accounts, and mutual funds as the companys stock plummeted.

White-Collar Crime

Insider trading equity trading based on confidential information about important events that may affect the price of the issue begin traded. Bank Fraud fraud or embezzlement that occurs within or against financial institutions that are insured or regulated by the government. Financial institution fraud includes commercial loan fraud, check fraud, counterfeit negotiable instruments, mortgage fraud, check kiting, and false credit applications.

Kinesic Interview Techniques

Basics A kinesic interviewer watches for certain unspoken clues---like gestures, facial expressions and physical postures. Nearly every person unwittingly communicates her mental or emotional state, physical condition and more through cues in her body language. Through the understanding developed by kinesics, experts are able to determine, at the least, a person's sincerity or lack thereof during the interview process. There are two primary kinesic interview techniques---practical and tactical.

Read more: Kinesic Interview Techniques | 135_kinesic-interviewtechniques.html#ixzz2QCjm5fdS

Practical Kinesic Interviewing Technique Using the practical kinesic interviewing technique, experts watch for verbal cues, taking note of speech quality and content. This information is used to assess whether the interview subject is telling the truth or being deceptive. Body language cues and other behaviors are noted. In addition to discerning whether the subject is being truthful, experts can recognize certain behaviors that indicate guilt, known as confession behaviors. Confession behaviors might include slumping in one's chair, covering the belly area or repeatedly shifting in one's seat. A guilty person might also put his hand over his mouth or sit with his arms crossed and thumbs extended. General fidgeting of hands and feet, lowered head and nodding are other indications of guilt. Eye movements may also indicate guilt or innocence. For example, when someone is recalling the truth, their eyes generally move up and to the left---while if they're planning to be dishonest, their eyes will move up and to the right. Verbal indications of guilt might include broken sentences, inappropriate laughter, referring to one's self in the third person and admitting guilt for other crimes or mistakes. Repeating the interviewer's questions (or asking to have the questions repeated), short answers and excessive generalizations are other possible indicators of guilt. Those trained in kinesic interviewing also use several techniques, like mirroring and proxemics, to maintain control of the interview and obtain the information they seek.

Tactical Kinesic Interviewing Technique Tactical kinesic interrogation is used to get confessions from the most uncooperative subjects. It combines stress response analysis, personality identification and sub-verbal encryption techniques. Using sub-verbal encryption, an interviewer can identify the subject's personality type. This helps experts understand possible criminal motivation and how a subject will respond to the stress of the interview. Identifying the subject's personality type can help the interviewer determine the best interview strategy to encourage a confession. People who are lying during an interrogation will display common stress responses that can be manipulated by the interviewer to more dynamically gather information or gain a confession.

Interviewing Skills

Interviewing witness and suspects is a crucial component of any investigation, and knowing the basics of criminal interviews can go a long way toward establishing the truth or getting a conviction.

Read more: Criminal Interview Techniques | minal-interview-techniques.html#ixzz2QCE3yUUf

What You must DO for the Interview

Be Prepared
Pay Attention Actively Listen Follow Procedure Find Privacy Bond with Interviewee

Be Prepared Take the time to learn as much about the case as you can. Even before the initial interviews, familiarize yourself with dates, times and basics of the crime. If the interview is later in the investigation, come in with an intimate knowledge of the case. Bring along notes, transcripts, photographs and other material that might help prod the memory of the witness or suspect. Preparation will also help you detect holes in the story or conflicting statements.

Pay Attention Scrutinize everything about your interview subject.

Note demeanor and body language. Is the suspect

displaying signs of nervousness or defensiveness? This may indicate a desire to hide something.

Observe the person's dress and grooming for clues

to personality and lifestyle. Tattoos, for example, can reveal gang affiliations or personal interests.

Pay attention to non-verbal cues. Do witnesses

sit with their arms folded? This shows an

unwillingness to talk. Do suspects play with their hair, glasses or watches? They may be doing so

as a stalling tactic while they think up answers.

You can learn as much about an interviewee from what they don't say as you can from what they do say.

Actively Listen Ask only one question at a time, and wait until you

hear the full answer before asking another. Ask

simple, open-ended questions. Don't confuse the interviewee with compound or complex questions.

Never interrupt the interviewee. Often suspects will tell

you what you want if you just give them the chance. Give the interviewee your full attention and never indicate you are anything but completely alert.

Listening Skill
Listening is the most important skill in both interviewing possible witnesses or persons of interest, as well as in interrogating suspects. Every word is important and provides a piece of information. Listen to these two Wisconsin detectives talk about interviewing and interrogating people.

Sometimes, it helps to repeat what the witness has told you, both as a memory aid and as a way to

show that you are indeed paying attention. In other

situations, silence may be your best tool. Often people will begin speaking just to fill the void. There is no set formula as to when to speak or when to remain silent. That's why being observant is so

important. It well help you gauge how best to

approach a suspect or witness.

Follow Procedure Follow proper procedure at all times. A full

confession is worthless if it is ultimately thrown out

of court. If suspects are under arrest, make sure they have been read their Miranda rights.

Find Privacy
If possible, conduct the interview in a private room or patrol car. People tend to be more willing to open up

if they are not surrounded by friends or neighbors.

Conducting private interviews also helps control the media, which can be crucial in high-profile cases. Once you have established a rapport with the interviewee, record the session. Video is ideal, but

audio is better than nothing. A transcript of the

recording will be invaluable if the subject changes the story during trial.

Bond with Interviewee Try to form a bond with the interviewee. Witnesses especially will feel more relaxed and so be more willing to talk. Start with basics like name,

employment and schooling. Break the ice by talking about things you have in common. Use your initial observations to ask about the origin of a tattoo or a

design on a shirt.

Take the time to get to know as much as possible

about your interviewees. During an in-depth

interview, you may spend an hour just on background information. Even if you already know some of the answers, the questions will help loosen up your subjects and lower their guard.

Techniques for Interviewing Suspects

Investigators use many different interviewing techniques to establish the guilty party, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. The use of these techniques depends on the type of crime, the age and gender of the suspect and other factors. Good investigators know how to assess the situation and use the most effective technique to achieve their goals. Read more: Techniques for Interviewing Suspects | niques-interviewingsuspects.html#ixzz2QCNBkxHk

Common Techniques of Interview

Narrative Method
Reid Technique Bluff Method

Narrative Method This technique is quite straight-forward and is used in a variety of different interviewing situations by investigators around the world. The technique involves letting the suspect tell his side of the story without any interruption from the interviewers. The suspect may be asked to repeat the story as many as three or four times in order to establish consistency, or lack thereof, in the story. The investigator may listen to the story, verify facts or inconsistencies and then re-interrogate the suspect. Bluff Method

Read more: Techniques for Interviewing Suspects |

Reid Technique The Reid Technique is often criticized for convincing

innocent suspects to admit crimes of which they are not

guilty, but it is generally seen as an effective investigatory model. The technique involves a non-

accusatory interview followed by carefully phrased

behavior-provoking questions.

The interviewer approaches the suspect in a nonconfrontational, understanding way in order to make

the suspect feel comfortable to the point that they

acknowledge and admit the crime. .

A series of nine steps known as the Reid Nine

Steps of Interrogation are used to bring the

suspect to confess the crime. The focus of the Reid Technique, a registered trademark of the legal firm John Reid and Associates, is on eliminating innocent suspects

Bluff Method The bluff method is an effective way of scaring

guilty suspects into admitting the crime. The

interviewer tells the suspect that there is

unequivocal evidence of guilt, that, for example, a

reliable witness saw him commit the crime or that

his fingerprints have been found on the murder weapon, even though this information is


This tactic essentially scares the suspect into

admitting his guilt. In essence the interviewer

approaches the suspect by saying we know what you did, now just admit it, and the suspect cracks. If the suspect is innocent, he will maintain his disbelief at the given facts.

Interrogating Skills

Techniques for Interrogating Suspects

The difference between interview and interrogation is that an interview is conducted in a cordial

atmosphere where a witness is more comfortable

physically and psychologically. On the other hand, whenever a person is questioned (interrogation in an




where he is under the psychological pressure, it is

an interrogation







psychological advantage than his suspect.

Interrogation is a kind of psychological warfare between interrogator and suspect. Only when





psychologically, he gets a confession or the fact of a case which is not possible otherwise.

Interrogation is an art. You can master it through your study and experience. A good investigator is not necessarily a good interrogator. To be a good interrogator you need to be a good actor and must have an insight of human psychology. You should be able to act according to age, profession and intellect of the individual suspect because a suspect could be a lawyer, doctor, scientist, professor, manager or an unskilled laborer and, could be a child, teenager, adult and senior.

Prerequisites of an interrogation: Before conducting interrogation an interrogator should have the information about: Suspect: (i) Name, age, profession, occupation

(ii) Social and financial situation

(iii) Criminal history (iv) Relation with the victim if any

Victim: (i) Name, age, profession, occupation

(ii) Social and financial situation

(iii) Criminal history if any Scene of crime: (i) Time and place of occurrence (ii) Modus operandi

(iii) Physical evidence collected

(iv) Information collected

Approach Place of Interrogation: (i) At the spot when a suspect is apprehended at the scene of crime (ii) In an interrogation room where the interrogator has

more psychological advantage. Time of Interrogation: (i) As soon as the suspect is apprehended and information collected

You should always remember that a suspect is innocent and not a criminal unless his guilt is proved in court.

Don't ever use third degree method.

Always maintain courtesy. Be a good listener. Control your anger because in anger you loose reasoning and the judgment made without

reasoning is mostly incorrect. Never be in hurry to finish the interrogation.

Method of Interrogation We can classify criminals into two major categories: emotional offender non-emotional offender The purpose of classification is to vary your approach and methods during the interrogation of a suspect.

Interrogation of emotional offender: Interrogation of an emotional offender is much easier than non-emotional offender. 1) An emotional offender is usually a first time offender and can be broken down easily when played with his emotion, ie, love, hatred, anger, frustration etc. i) By showing sympathy towards him. ii) By telling him that anybody could do what he has done in the similar situation. iii) Blaming the society for his action. iv) Being friendly with him and offering him coke or cigarettes, which an offender never expects from a police officer. v) Observe his physical reaction to the crime related and nonrelated questions. When someone is lying he will be under tension. The anti-diuretic bio-chemical substance released by his body leads to the dryness of his mouth and lips. Again in tension he may be tapping his foot, playing with his fingers, looking blankly somewhere else. 2) Emotional offender easily come clean when confronted by the evidence.

Interrogation of non-emotional offender: Non-emotional offenders are hardened criminals. They are professional who have gained experience committing series of crime and either subsequently have evaded the apprehension or served many jail terms. They don't like to talk much or at all. Question and Answer Method: This is a common form of interrogation where an interrogator ask several questions to get the facts of a case. He develops his questions based on the fact of the case and the answers given to him by the suspect. Narrative Method: Let the suspect tell his side of story without interruption. Ask him to repeat it three or four times. He will have to tell more and more lies just to cover up one lie. The more he lies, the more you have a chance to detect untruthfulness of his story. Verify his story and re-interrogate him. Alibi: Ask where he was and what he was doing at the time of occurrence of the crime. Verify his alibi and re-interrogate him. Factual method: The best way to interrogate a hardned and professional criminal is to confront him with the physical and circumstantial evidence, which will eventually lead to his confession.

Sweet and sour method: Interrogation conducted by two different interrogators, one being soft spoken and other being harsh towards the suspect could be fruitful in some case. Overheard conversation method: Whenever there is more than one offender this method works well. One suspect while being interrogated should be viewed but not heard by another suspect from outside of the interrogation room. When his turn of interrogation starts, tell the offender that his associate has already confessed about the crime and now it is his turn to confess. Hypothetical situation: Ask a suspect that even he has not done it, how would he have done it in the similar situation. May be some important clue could come out of this.

Telling the story backward: Sometimes you could ask a suspect his side of story backward. If he has told you what he has done from yesterday 6AM to today 10PM, then let him start from today 10PM to yesterday 6AM Bluff Method: Interrogators have used this method for extracting truth from suspects.In this method an interrogator tells a suspect that he has been seen by witness while committing crime or that his fingerprint, footprint or physical evidence have been found at the scene of crime, so there is no choice but to tell the truth. You may be successful extracting the fact in exceptional case but this is not the right method because if the suspect is innocent, the situation is ridiculous.

There is no hard and fast rule as to what method you apply to extract the fact or the confession. It is upto you and, your experience will guide you to interrogate various kind of suspects. But one should always keep in mind that a confession even in writing is nothing more than a piece of paper unless it is supported or corroborated by other independent physical or circumstantial evidence.

Interview of Witnesses There are various kinds of witnesses such as indifference witness, interested witness, hostile witness and child witness. Indifference witness is the best kind of witness for a case because the witness does not have any interest in success or failure of the case. He will always prefer to tell whatever he knows about the case without lying, whereas the interested witness may be a friend, a relative or a potential beneficiary in the case and may exaggerate the fact. As for the hostile witness, he may have close relation or friendship with the suspect and do want to lie to protect the suspect. You may need to interrogate him rather than interview him. Child is a volatile witness who does not lie but is prone to the suggestions. It is worth to have an eyewitness to support a case but you should also know that his education, technical knowledge, physical condition, profession and emotion influence his observation. Don't expect him to tell everything of what happened when the incident took place. He does not observe as what a police officer needs to observe. His information is valuable if it corroborates to the physical or circumstantial evidence collected. Reconstruction of a case is important to verify the truthfulness of the information of an eyewitness.

Behaviour Symptoms

Detecting a lie Polygraph and Computer Voice Stress Analyzer are being used to detect lies. While the Polygraph measures changes in person's body associated with stress of deception- alterations in heart rate, breathing, emoitonal sweating, the Computerized Voice Stress Analyzer measures changes in voice frequency in the human voice that occur whenever someone is lying. The use of both of these tools are helpful to an investigator to narrow down the area of investigation even though the results are not admissible in the court of law due to the probability of evading a deception.

Note Taking Exercise

Notes Note-taking at a crime scene is not as straightforward as it may seem. A CSI's training includes the art ofscientific observation. Whereas a layperson may see a large, brownish-red stain on the carpet, spreading outward from the corpse, and write down "blood spreading outward from underside of corpse," a CSI would write down "large, brownish-red fluid spreading outward from underside of corpse." This fluid might be blood; it might also be decomposition fluid, which resembles blood at a certain stage. Mr. Clayton explains that in crime scene investigation, opinions don't matter and assumptions are harmful. When describing a crime scene, a CSI makes factual observations without drawing any conclusions

Crime Scene Management Procedures

Photographs CSIs take pictures of everything before touching or moving a single piece of evidence. The medical examiner will not touch the corpse until the CSI is done photographing it and the surrounding area. There are three types of photographs a CSI takes to document the crime scene: overviews, mid-views, and close-ups. Overview shots are the widest possible views of the entire scene. If the scene is indoors, this includes: views of all rooms (not just the room where the crime seems to have occurred), with photos taken from each corner and, if a boom is present, overhead views of the outside of the building where the crime happened, including photos of all entrances and exits views of the building showing its relation to surrounding structures photos of any spectators at the scene These last shots might identity a possible witness or even a suspect. Sometimes, criminals do actually return to the scene of the crime (this is particularly true in arson cases).

Mid-range photos come next. These shots show key pieces of evidence in context, so the photo includes not only the evidence but also its location in a room and its distance from other pieces of evidence. Finally, the CSI takes close-ups of individual pieces of evidence, showing any serial numbers or other identifying characteristics. For these pictures, the CSI uses a tripod and professional lighting techniques to achieve the best possible detail and clarity -- these photos in particular will provide the forensics lab with views to assist in analyzing the evidence. The CSI also takes a second set of closeup shots that includes a ruler for scale. Every photo the CSI takes makes it into the photo log. This log documents the details of every photo, including the photograph number, a description of the object or scene in the photograph, the location of the object or scene, the time and date the photograph was taken and any other descriptive details that might be relevant. Without a good photo log, the pictures of the scene lose a lot of their value. In the investigation of John F. Kennedy's assassination, the FBI photographers who attended the autopsy didn't create descriptions of the pictures they were taking, and investigators were later unable to distinguish between entrance and exit wounds in the

Cleanup Crews

Crime scene investigators do not clean up the scene -- neither do police officers, detectives or anyone else involved in the investigation. The task of cleaning up a gruesome crime scene often falls to the victim's family members. In the last 10 years, however, some people have recognized the need for hired crime-scene cleaners to take care of the job so family members and landlords don't have to, and some of these people have formed companies dedicated to the task. It's a dirty, sometimes hazardous, very high-paying job. Crime-scene clean-up can run up to $200 an hour on top of flat fees (in the thousands) and equipment costs. Cleaning up a meth lab is especially expensive because of the risk to anyone who enters the scene and the amount of work involved in making the area habitable again.

Sketches In addition to creating a photographic record of the scene, CSIs also create sketches to depict both the entire scene, which is easier to do in a sketch than in a photograph because a sketch can span several rooms, and particular aspects of the scene that will benefit from exact measurements. The goal is to show locations of evidence and how each piece of evidence relates to rest of scene. The sketch artist may indicate details like the height of a door frame, the exact size of the room, the distance from the window to the door and the diameter of the hole in the wall above the victim's body.

Video Scene documentation may also include a video walk-through, especially in major cases involving serial killers or multiple homicides. A video recording can offer a better feel for the layout of the crime scene -- how long it takes to get from one room to another and how many turns are involved, for instance. Also, once the investigation is further along, it may reveal something that was overlooked at the scene because the investigators didn't know to look for it. During a video walk-through, the CSI captures the entire crime scene and surrounding areas from every angle and provides a constant audio narrative.

While searching the scene, a CSI is looking for details including: Are the doors and windows locked or unlocked? Open or shut? Are there signs of forced entry, such as tool marks or broken locks? Is the house in good order? If not, does it look like there was a struggle or was the victim just messy? Is there mail lying around? Has it been opened? Is the kitchen in good order? Is there any partially eaten food? Is the table set? If so, for how many people? Are there signs of a party, such as empty glasses or bottles or full ashtrays? If there are full ashtrays, what brands of cigarettes are present? Are there any lipstick or teeth marks on the butts? Is there anything that seems out of place? A glass with lipstick marks in a man's apartment, or the toilet seat up in a woman's apartment? Is there a couch blocking a doorway?

Is there trash in the trash cans? Is there anything out of the ordinary in the trash? Is the trash in the right chronological order according to dates on mail and other papers? If not, someone might have been looking for something in the victim's trash. Do the clocks show the right time? Are the bathroom towels wet? Are the bathroom towels missing? Are there any signs of a cleanup? If the crime is a shooting, how many shots were fired? The CSI will try to locate the gun, each bullet, each shell casing and each bullet hole. If the crime is a stabbing, is a knife obviously missing from victim's kitchen? If so, the crime may not have been premeditated. Are there any shoe prints on tile, wood or linoleum floors or in the area immediately outside the building? Are there any tire marks in the driveway or in the area around the building? Is there any blood splatter on floors, walls or ceilings?

The actual collection of physical evidence is a slow process. Each time the CSI collects an item, he must immediately preserve it, tag it and log it for the crime scene record. Different types of evidence may be collected either at the scene or in lab depending on conditions and resources. Mr. Clayton, for instance, never develops latent fingerprints at the scene. He always sends fingerprints to the lab for development in a controlled environment. In the next section, we'll talk about collection methods for specific types of evidence.

Crime Scene Search Techniques

Examining the scene

There are several search patterns available for a CSI to choose from to assure complete coverage and the most efficient use of resources. These patterns may include:

The inward spiral search: The CSI starts at the perimeter of the scene and works toward the center. Spiral patterns are a good method to use when there is only one CSI at the scene.

The outward spiral search: The CSI starts at the center of scene (or at the body) and works outward.

The parallel search: All of the members of the CSI team form a line. They walk in a straight line, at the same speed, from one end of crime scene to the other.

The grid search: A grid search is simply two parallel searches, offset by 90 degrees, performed one after the other.

The zone search: In a zone search, the CSI in charge divides the crime scene into sectors, and each team member takes one sector. Team members may then switch sectors and search again to ensure complete coverage.

Consider This Flash Light Crime scenes are three dimensional. CSIs should remember to look up. If a CSI shines a flashlight on the ground at various angles, even when there's plenty of lighting, he'll create new shadows that could reveal evidence. It's easy to recover DNA from cigarette butts.

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