2 Pattern

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The Pattern
A pattern is a full-sized model of the part which
is made slightly large to account for shrinkage
and machining allowances in the casting.
Pattern materials:
Wood - common material because it is easy to work,
but it warps
Metal - more expensive to make, but lasts much
Plastic - compromise between wood and metal

1. Solid (one-piece) pattern
The simplest is made of one piece, called a solid
pattern same geometry as the casting,
adjusted in size for shrinkage and machining.
One-piece patterns are relatively cheap to
construct, but the subsequent molding process is
usually slow.
As a result, they are generally used when the
shape is relatively simple and the number of
duplicate castings is rather small.
1. Solid (one-piece) pattern
2. Split patterns
When solid pattern is difficult for withdrawal
from the mold cavity, then solid pattern is splited
in two parts.
Split pattern is made in two pieces which are
joined at the parting line by means of dowel pins.
Split patterns are appropriate for complex part
geometries and moderate production quantities.
The splitting at the parting line is done to
facilitate the withdrawal of the pattern.
2. Split patterns
3. Match-plate patterns
For higher production quantities, match-plate
patterns or cope-and-drag patterns are used.
In match-plate patterns, the two pieces of the
split pattern are attached to opposite sides of a
wood or metal plate.
Holes in the plate allow the top and bottom
(cope and drag) sections of the mold to be
aligned accurately.
3. Match-plate patterns
4. Cope-and-drag patterns
Cope-and-drag patterns are similar to match-
plate patterns except that split pattern halves are
attached to separate plates, so that the cope and
drag sections of the mold can be fabricated
independently, instead of using the same tooling
for both.
4. Cope-and-drag patterns
5. Loose-piece Pattern
Loose piece pattern is used when pattern is
difficult for withdrawal from the mould.
Loose pieces are provided on the pattern and
they are the part of pattern.
The main pattern is removed first leaving the
loose piece portion of the pattern in the mould.
Finally the loose piece is withdrawal separately
leaving the intricate mould.
5. Loose-piece Pattern
5. Loose-piece Pattern
5. Loose-piece Pattern
5. Loose-piece Pattern
5. Loose-piece Pattern
5. Loose-piece Pattern
6. Gated pattern
In the mass production of casings, multi cavity
moulds are used.
Such moulds are formed by joining a number of
patterns and gates and providing a common
runner for the molten metal, as shown in Fig.
These patterns are made of metals, and metallic
pieces to form gates and runners are attached to
the pattern.
6. Gated pattern
7. Sweep pattern
Sweep patterns are used for forming large
circular moulds of symmetric kind by revolving a
sweep attached to a spindle as shown in Fig.
Actually a sweep is a template of wood or metal
and is attached to the spindle at one edge and
the other edge has a contour depending upon
the desired shape of the mould.
The pivot end is attached to a stake of metal in
the center of the mould.
7. Sweep pattern
8. Skeleton pattern
When only a small number of large and heavy castings
are to be made, it is not economical to make a solid
In such cases, however, a skeleton pattern may be used.
This is a ribbed construction of wood which forms an
outline of the pattern to be made.
This frame work is filled with clay sand and rammed.
The surplus clay sand is removed by strickle board.
For round shapes, the pattern is made in two halves
which are joined with glue or by means of screws etc.
8. Skeleton pattern
9. Follow Board Pattern
This type of pattern is adopted for the castings
having some structurally weak portions which if
not supported properly, are likely to break under
the force of ramming.
The bottom board is modified as a follow board
to closely fit the contour of the weak pattern and
thus support it during the ramming.
9. Follow Board Pattern
structurally weak pattern likely to
break under the force of ramming

9. Follow Board Pattern
9. Follow Board Pattern
weak pattern is supported by the
follow board during ramming
Pattern Allowances
The patterns are not made the exact size as the
desired casting because such a pattern would
produce undersize casting.
When a pattern is prepared, certain allowances
are given on the sizes specified in the drawing so
that the finished and machined casting produced
from the pattern will conform to the specified
Pattern allowance is a vital feature as it affects
the dimensional characteristics of the casting.
Pattern Allowances
The selection of correct allowances greatly helps
to reduce machining costs and avoid rejections.
The allowances usually considered on patterns
are as follows:
1. Shrinkage or contraction allowance
2. Machining or finish allowance
3. Draft or taper allowance
4. Distortion or camber allowance
5. Rapping allowance
1. Shrinkage or Contraction Allowance
In practice it is found that all common cast
metals shrink a significant amount when they are
cooled from the molten state.
The total contraction in volume is divided into
the following parts:
a) Liquid contraction, i.e. the contraction during
the period in which the temperature of the
liquid metal or alloy falls from the pouring
temperature to the liquidus temperature.
1. Shrinkage or Contraction Allowance
b) Contraction on cooling from the liquidus to the
solidus temperature, i.e. solidifying contraction.
c) Contraction that results there after until the
temperature reaches the room temperature.
This is known as solid contraction.
The first two of the above are taken care of by
proper gating and riser design. Only the last one,
i.e. the solid contraction is taken care by the
pattern makers by giving a positive shrinkage
1. Shrinkage or Contraction Allowance
This contraction allowance is different for
different metals.
The contraction allowances for different metals
and alloys such as
Cast Iron : 10 mm/mt.
Brass : 16 mm/mt.
Aluminium Alloys : 15 mm/mt.
Steel : 21 mm/mt.
Lead : 24 mm/mt
1. Shrinkage or Contraction Allowance
The casting shown is to be made in cast iron using a wooden pattern.
Assuming only shrinkage allowance, calculate the dimension of the
1. Shrinkage or Contraction Allowance
For dimension 100mm,
allowance = 100 X 10 /1000 = 1mm
For dimension 160mm,
allowance = 160 X 10 /1000 = 1.6mm
For dimension 25mm,
allowance = 25 X 10 /1000 = 0.25mm
For dimension 30mm,
allowance = 30 X 10 /1000 = 0.3mm

1. Shrinkage or Contraction Allowance
The pattern drawing with required dimension
2. Machining or Finish Allowance
The finish and accuracy achieved in sand casting
are generally poor and therefore when the
casting is functionally required to be of good
surface finish or dimensionally accurate, it is
generally achieved by subsequent machining.
Machining allowance is a positive allowance
given to compensate for the amount of material
that is lost in machining or finishing the casting.
If this allowance is not given, the casting will
become undersize after machining.
2. Machining or Finish Allowance
The amount of this allowance depends on the
size of casting, methods of machining and the
degree of finish. In general, however, the value
varies from 3 mm. to 18 mm.
3. Draft or taper allowance
3. Draft or taper allowance
Draft is the taper provided by the pattern maker
on all vertical surfaces of the pattern so that it
can be removed from the sand without tearing
away the sides of the sand mold and without
excessive rapping by the molder.
Figure shows a pattern having no draft
allowance being removed from the pattern.
Till the pattern is completely lifted out, its sides
will remain in contact with the walls of the mold,
thus tending to break it.
Removal of Pattern without Draft
Removal of Pattern without Draft
Removal of Pattern without Draft
Removal of Pattern without Draft
Removal of Pattern without Draft
3. Draft or taper allowance
Next figure shows an illustration of a pattern
having proper draft allowance.
Here, the moment the pattern lifting
commences, all of its surfaces are well away from
the sand surface.
Thus the pattern can be removed without
damaging the mold cavity
Removal of Pattern with Draft
Removal of Pattern with Draft
Removal of Pattern with Draft
Removal of Pattern with Draft
Removal of Pattern with Draft
3. Draft or taper allowance
The normal amount of taper on the external
surfaces varies from 10 mm to 20 mm/mt.
4. Distortion or Camber Allowance
Sometimes castings, because of their size, shape
and type of metal, tend to warp or distort during
the cooling period depending on the cooling
This is due to the uneven shrinkage of different
parts of the casting.
Expecting the amount of warpage, a pattern may
be made with allowance of warpage.
It is called camber.
4. Distortion or Camber Allowance
For example, a U-shaped casting will be distorted
during cooling with the legs diverging, instead of
parallel .
For compensating this warpage, the pattern is
made with the legs converged but, as the casting
cools, the legs straighten and remain parallel.
Warpage depends on the thickness and method
of casting and it is actually determined by
experience. Generally 2 to 3 mm is considered
appropriate for 1 metre length.
4. Distortion or Camber Allowance
Example of camber: (a) Casting without camber,
(b) Actual casting, (c) Pattern with camber allowance
5. Rapping or Shaking Allowance
Before withdrawing the pattern it is rapped and
thereby the size of the mould cavity increases.
Actually by rapping, the external sections move
outwards increasing the size and internal
sections move inwards decreasing the size.
This movement may be insignificant in the case
of small and medium size castings, but it is
significant in the case of large castings.
5. Rapping or Shaking Allowance
This allowance is kept negative and hence the
pattern is made slightly smaller in dimensions
0.5-1.0 mm.

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