Inductive Proximity Sensors

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Inductive Proximity Sensors

Inductive proximity sensors operate under the electrical

principle of inductance. Inductance is the phenomenon
where a fluctuating current, which by definition has a
magnetic component, induces an electromotive force
(emf) in a target object. To amplify a devices inductance
effect, a sensor manufacturer twists wire into a tight coil
and runs a current through it.
An inductive proximity sensor has four components; The
coil, oscillator, detection circuit and output circuit. The
oscillator generates a fluctuating magnetic field the shape
of a doughnut around the winding of the coil that locates
in the devices sensing face.
When a metal object moves into the inductive proximity
sensors field of detection, Eddy circuits build up in the
metallic object, magnetically push back, and finally reduce
the Inductive sensors own oscillation field. The sensors

Capacitive Proximity Sensors

Capacitive proximity sensors are similar to inductive proximity
sensors. The main difference between the two types is that
capacitive proximity sensors produce an electrostatic field
instead of an electromagnetic field. Capacitive proximity switches
metal nears
as well
as paper,
an object
surface materials
it enters the
and cloth. and changes the capacitance in an oscillator
field of
the electrodes
circuit. As a result, the oscillator begins oscillating. The trigger circuit
reads the oscillators amplitude and when it reaches a specific level
the output state of the sensor changes. As the target moves away
from the sensor the oscillators amplitude decreases, switching the
sensor output back to its original state.

Capacitive sensors depend on the dielectric constant of the target.

The larger the dielectric number of a material the easier it is to
detect. The following graph shows the relationship of the dielectric
constant of a target and the sensors ability to detect the material
based on the rated sensing distance (Sr).

Hall effect sensor

AHall effect sensoris atransducerthat varies its outputvoltagein
response to amagnetic field.Hall effectsensors are used
forproximityswitching, positioning, speed detection, and current
sensing applications

How does the Hall effect

When an electric current flows through a material, electrons
(shown here as blue blobs) move through it in pretty much a
straight line.

Put the material in a magnetic field and the electrons inside it are
in the field too. A force acts on them (the Lorentz force) and makes
them deviate from their straight-line path.

Now looking from above, the electrons in this example would bend
as shown. With more electrons on the right side of the material
than on the left, there would be a difference in potential (a
voltage) between the two sides, as shown by the green arrowed
line. The size of this voltage is directly proportional to the size of
the electric current and the strength of the magnetic field.

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