LECTURE 3 - Pharmacology of Vasoconstrictors
LECTURE 3 - Pharmacology of Vasoconstrictors
LECTURE 3 - Pharmacology of Vasoconstrictors
Semua anestetik local vasodilator: Procain paling
kuat. Prilocain dan mepicaine paling lemah.
Setelah injeksi anestetik local akan terjadi dilatasi
pembuluh darah
1. An increased rate of absorption of the local
anesthetic into the cardiovascular system, which in
turn removes it from the injection site
2 Higher plasma levels of the local anesthetic, with
an attendant increase in the risk of local anesthetic
toxicity (overdose)
3 Decrease in both the depth and duration of
anesthesia because the local anesthetic diffuses away
from the injection site more rapidly
4 Increased bleeding at the site of treatment
What happens if you dont use a vasoconstrictor?
*Plain local anesthetics are vasodilators by nature
5) Decreases bleeding
Chemical Structure
Classification of Adrenergic Drugs
Classification by chemical structure is related to the
presence or absence of a catechol nucleus
Catechol is orthodihydroxybenezene
Sympathomimetic drugs that have a hydroxy (OH-)
substitution in the 3rd and 4th positions of the aromatic ring
are termed catechols
If the 3rd and 4th positions contain an amine group (NH2) attached to
the aliphatic side chain, they are then called catecholamines
Norepinephrine natural catecholamines of sympathetic NS
and synthetic catecholamine
Chemical Structure
Catecholamines Noncatecholamines
*Epinephrine Amphetamine
*Norepinephrine Methamphetamine
*Levonordefrin Ephedrine
Isoproterenol Mephentermine
Dopamine Hydroxyamphetamine
Modes of Action
3 Classes of Sympathomimetic Amines:
1)*Direct Acting directly on adrenergic receptors
2) Indirect Acting use norepinephrine release
3) Mixed Acting both direct and indirect actions
2 Types of Adrenergic Receptors:
1) Alpha
-contraction of smooth muscle in blood vessels
-Alpha 1 excitatory; post-synaptic
-Alpha 2 inhibitory; post-synaptic
2) Beta
-smooth muscle relaxation
-cardiac stimulation, i.e., increased
rate and strength of contraction
2 Types of Beta Receptors:
1) Beta 1
-found in heart and small intestines
-produces cardiac stimulation and lipolysis
2) Beta 2
-found in bronchi of the lung, vascular beds
and uterus
-produces bronchodilation and vasodilation
The dilution of vasoconstrictors is commonly referred to as a
ratio i.e., 1:50,000; 1:100,000; 1:200,000 etc,
Synthetic vasoconstrictor