MECH 484 - Turbulence and Its Measurement: Karban@metu -

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MECH 484 Turbulence and Its

Lecturer: Uur Karban Room R-215

Who am I?
B.S. & M.Sc. METU Aerospace Engineering (Ankara
M.Sc. thesis on implementation of a 3-D boundary element
method using `fast multipole approach
Ph.D. in von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics &
Technical University of Munich
Studied prediction of the noise generated by a model
representing a HVAC system
About the MECH 484 course
We will answer the following questions
What is turbulence?
How do we define it using mathematics?
How can we solve it?
What are types of turbulent flows?
How do we measure turbulence?

Some practices to focus on
How to interpret a given mathematical expression
Dimensional analysis
Tools to analyze experimental data
Course policy
You may use all your electronic devices during the course
I strongly recommend minimized use of paper for lecture
Lecture notes will be uploaded to ODTUClass BUT
No equations will be provided in the notes
Instead there will be enough space on relevant pages for you
to add the necessary equations
Assignments 20 pts
2 Mid-Terms 25 pts each
Final Project 30 pts
Bonus points
3 pts for 100 % attendance
3 pts in total for those who actively join the in-class
Will be added to your final grade calculated out of 100
So, bonuses may carry you TWO LETTERS up!
Your letter grades may be re-scaled based on the class
average BUT
do not expect such big deviations from the catalog!!!
What will we need for this course?
Fundamental knowledge about fluid mechanics
Terminology used in fluid mechanics: control volume,
Lagrangian and Eulerian frames of reference, intensive &
extensive properties, continuum, viscosity, boundary layer,
rotational & irrotational flow
Continuity equations!!!
based on Reynolds Transport Theorem
What will we need for this course?
Some mathematical tools
Indicial notation
Tensor operations
Some important operators
What is your perception of turbulence?
What is your perception of turbulence?
What is your perception of turbulence?
What is your perception of turbulence?
What is your perception of turbulence?
What is your perception of turbulence?
What is your perception of turbulence?
What is your perception of turbulence?
Whats turbulence
Lets define turbulence
Dictionary definition:
violent or unsteady movement of air or water, or of some
other fluid.
Main characteristics
Large Reynolds numbers
3D vorticity fluctuations
Lets define turbulence
Lets define turbulence
Lets define turbulence
Lets define turbulence
Lets define turbulence
Some maths
Kronecker Delta function

Indicial (Einsteins) notation

Given a unit vector,

Rules for indicial notation

Repeating indices are called dummy indices and indicate
Non-repeating suffix is called free suffix
Any suffix cannot appear more than twice
25 19-Oct-17
Summation rule of indicial notation

26 19-Oct-17
Direction cosines

27 19-Oct-17
Cartesian tensors
Zeroth-order tensor
a scalar
has 30 elements
First-order tensor
a vector
has 31 elements
Second-order tensor
a 3x3 matrix
has 32 elements

28 19-Oct-17
Properties of tensors

Tensor product


29 19-Oct-17
Properties of tensors
Inner product


30 19-Oct-17

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