Complex Argumentative Passages

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Complex Argumentative Passages

1. Democratic laws generally tend to promote

the welfare of the greatest possible number; for
they emanate from the majority of the citizens,
who are subject to error, but who cannot have
an interest opposed to their own advantage.
The laws of an aristocracy tend, on the
contrary, to concentrate wealth and power in
the hands of the minority; because an
aristocracy, by its very nature, constitutes a
minority. It may therefore be asserted, as a
general proposition, that the purpose of a
democracy in its legislation is more useful to
humanity than that of an aristocracy.
2. Nothing is demonstrable unless the
contrary implies a contradiction. Nothing
that is distinctly conceivable implies a
contradiction. Whatever we conceive as
existent, we can also conceive as
nonexistent. There is no being, therefore,
whose non-existence implies a
contradiction. Consequently there is no
being whose existence is demonstrable.
3. Eliminating a tax on marriage sounds like a
great idea. But it is also a sound idea to set
higher rates on wealthier people and to tax
families with the same total income the same
no matter how their income is split between
spouses. No tax code can satisfy these three
goals simultaneously. Two people whose
individual incomes are low enough to be
taxed at 15% can, under a progressive code,
hit the 28% bracket when their incomes are
combined. Congress can eliminate the
marriage tax, but only by sacrificing
Reasoning/Problems in Reasoning
• Reasoning can be improved with practice.
• Ancient games chess and go exercise this skill.
• Problems of reasoning require extended
• Finding the solution may require the creative
recombination of information given earlier or
• “The enjoyment of the doubtful is a mark of the
educated mind.” John Dewey
• One type of reasoning problem is the
common brainteaser, in which, using only
the clues provided, we are asked to untangle
and identify the names, or roles or other
facts about several specified characters.
1. In a certain flight crew, the positions of
pilot, copilot, and flight engineer are held
by 3 persons, Allen, Brown, and Carr,
though not necessarily in that order. The
copilot, who is an only child, earns the
least. Carr, who married Brown’s sister,
earns more than the pilot. What position
does each of the 3 persons hold?
2. Alonzo, Kurt, Rudolf and Willard are four
creative artists of great talent. One is a dancer,
one is a painter, one is a singer and one is a
writer, though not necessarily in that order.
a. A and R were in the audience the night the
singer made his debut on the concert stage.
b. Both K and the writer have had their portraits
painted from life by the painter.
c. The writer, whose biography of W was a best
seller is planning to write a biography of A.
d. A has never heard of R.
what is each man’s artistic field.
3. Of 3 prisoners in a certain jail, one had normal
vision, the second had only one eye, and the 3rd
was totally blind. The jailor told the prisoners that,
from 3 white hats and 2 red hats, he would select 3
and put them on the prisoners’ heads. None could
see what color hat he wore. The jailor offered
freedom to the prisoner with normal vision if he
could tell correct. To prevent a lucky guess, he
threatened execution for any incorrect answer. The
first and second couldn’t tell. The jailor didn’t
bother making the offer to the blind prisoner but
finally asked. The blind prisoner said:
I don’t need to have my sight: from what my friends
with eyes have said, I clearly see my hat is……… !
How did he know?
4. In a certain mythical community, politician
never tell the truth, and nonpoliticians
always tell the truth. A stranger meets 3
natives and asks the first of them, “Are you
a politician?” The first native answers the
question. The second native then reports
that the first native denied being a
politician. The third native says that the
first native is a politician.
How many of these 3 are politician?
5. Imagine a room with 4 walls, a nail placed
in the center of each wall, as well as in the
ceiling and floor, six nails in all. The nails
are connected to each other by strings, each
nail connected to every other nail by a
separate string. These strings are of two
colors, red and blue, and of no other color.
All these strings obviously make many
triangles, since any 3 nails may be
considered the apexes of a triangle.
Can the colors of the strings be
distributed so that no one triangle has all
three sides (strings) of the same color? If so,
how? And if not, why not?

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