Foreign Policy of Pakistan

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Review of Foreign Policy of Pakistan

• Foreign Policy: the systematic plan, intention, aspiration, and

ideals of any country on how to deal with its neighbours
• Guiding Principles of Pakistan Foreign Policy: Freedom and
Sovereignty, Muslim Countries, U.N Charter, World Peace, Non-
Alignment, Self-Determination, Disarmament
Foreign Policy of Pakistan and Its
Role Cont.
Dr. Fayyaz Ahmad Faize
Objectives of Foreign Policy
The objectives of Pakistan Foreign policy can be derived from the
guiding principles and are listed below:

1. Promoting Pakistan as a dynamic, progressive, moderate, and

democratic Islamic country.
2. Developing friendly relations with all countries of the world,
especially major powers, immediate neighbors and Muslim
countries and avoiding policy of confrontation
3. Safeguarding national security and territorial integrity including
Kashmiris’ right for self-determination
4. Consolidating commercial and economic cooperation with
international community.
5. Safeguarding the interests of Pakistan on international level
Objectives of Foreign Policy cont.
6. Effective utilization of natural resources for regional and
international cooperation and better economic and trade
7. Achieve international prestige, honour and recognition with its
foreign policy, because a state is like an individual who likes
that everyone respects him and give him honour.
Challenges to Pakistan Foreign Policy
1. Security Concern Post 9/11 attacks
• Pakistan’s security is seriously threatened in recent times
• Earlier threats were from India, Russia’s military adventure and
then Afghan civil war
• Presently, threat from India as well as internal and external
• Suffered huge economic losses, more than $80 billion losses
since 2001 and more than 50000 lives
• Atmosphere of fear and unrest in people and decline in foreign
investment due to war against terrorism continue$80-billion-loss-in- war-on-terror,-NA-told
Challenges to Pakistan Foreign Policy cont.
2. Safeguarding Sovereignty
• US hot pursuit of Al-Qaeda and Taliban remnants continues
• drone attacks on different villages of Bajour agency and
• Attack on Salala check post, Abbottabad raid, cross firing across
western border
The effects of these attacks are:
• the causalities and death toll of innocent civilians, women and
• There is a strong public reaction against these drone attack
• Further resulted in suicide attacks on Pakistan law enforcing
agencies, airports, police station and civilian places
• Violation of Pakistan’s territorial sovereignty and dignity
Challenges to Pakistan Foreign Policy cont.
Pakistan facing the challenges:
1. How to secure its western border?
2. How to avoid a conflict with the US and its allies?
3. How to preserve the sanctity of its sovereignty while ensuring
the flow of foreign aid/loans?
4. Whether to continue as an ally for war against terrorism or to
pull out of the war?
Challenges to Pakistan Foreign Policy cont.
3. Terrorist Label and Rogue state
• Combatting Western self created concept of blaming Muslim as
• Pakistan faces tremendous pressure from western media, which
links Pakistan armed forces and nuclear scientists with Al-Qaeda
and Taliban and responsible for nuclear proliferation
• The US expressed serious concern regarding the authenticity of
the control and command system and Pakistan’s ability to
protect its nuclear assets and prevention of transfer of nuclear
technology to other states.
• This is the biggest challenge of the time
Challenges to Pakistan Foreign Policy cont.
4. Baluchistan issue:
• After Akbar Bugti’s assassination, situation worsened, attacks
on national installations, armed forces and civilians
• External interference in Baluchistan is also found
• Small nationalist groups in Baluchistan are also threats to
national integration and federation.
• Baluchistan's strategic importance and China investment in
Gawadar Port is also not liked by many states
Challenges to Pakistan Foreign Policy cont.
5. Kashmir Policy
• Pakistan is facing a big internal challenge on its Kashmir policy
• The plight of Kashmiris have not changed so far as result of
giving trade concessions to India, putting Kashmir issue in the
back drop and declining support for Kashmir cause
• India’s continual violation of cease fire and exchange of fire
across working boundary
• India’s propaganda against Pakistan for supporting terrorists
groups in Indian Held Kashmir
Challenges to Pakistan Foreign Policy cont.
6. Others
• Decrease in foreign investment due to law and order situation
and Energy crises
• Unwillingness of foreign sport teams and players to come to
Pakistan for playing and tourists due to security situation
Challenges to Pakistan Foreign Policy
Some Recommendation
• a clear foreign policy is still lacking
• Need to quickly address these challenges
• Lack of concrete and clear foreign policy and national stand
• Needs to convince the international world to help in stopping
drone attacks which are against international law
• Needs to involve China, European Union, Muslim countries,
OIC, western media etc. to stop drone attacks through an
impressive diplomatic initiatives
• Invite western media to visit places where drone attacks are
made to observe the actual casualties of innocent people

Challenges to Pakistan Foreign Policy
Some Recommendation
• Protecting Pakistani dignity and label of being a terrorist
• Pakistan needs to wash away the title of extremist and project
the real face as a peace loving country
• Through our foreign policy we need to present a picture that we
are a responsible and moderate Muslim country
• Waziristan operation is going successful- now also use
negotiation and dialogue with weak Taliban to help in arriving at
a more sustainable peace in the region
• Pakistan should give the message to the outside world as a
democratic country that if decisions are taken in isolation without
considering and honoring the sentiments of Pakistani society, it
will not only inflame public opinion but also create internal
security problems.
Challenges to Pakistan Foreign Policy
Some Recommendation
• Kashmir issue be raised on all diplomatic level and talks on this
issue shall be re-scheduled and should be the main agenda
• Talks with Baluchistan leaders and sardars through grand jirga
• Economic reforms and attractive package be introduced and
more provincial autonomy be given to provinces
• Inviting foreign teams to come to Pakistan for playing and
assuring them of complete security (also announcing attractive
incentives to players to initiate foreign visits)
• Tackling energy crises on emergency basis and to provide
incentives to foreign investors and guarantee of their investment
• Pakistan needs to reconsider, reschedule and reframe its foreign
policy and set new priorities and goals to promote and protect its
national interests.
• Needs to work more closely with China, middle-east and
European countries as well as US
• Foreign Policy: the systematic plan, intention, aspiration, and
ideals of any country on how to deal with its neighbours
• Guiding Principles of Pakistan Foreign Policy: Freedom and
Sovereignty, Muslim Countries, U.N Charter, World Peace, Non-
Alignment, Self-Determination, Disarmament
• Objectives of Pakistan Foreign Policy: dynamic & progressive
state, friendly relations, national security, self-determination,
commercial and economic cooperation, interests of Pakistan,
prestige & honour
• Challenges to Pakistan Foreign Policy: Security Concern
Post 9/11 attacks, Safeguarding Sovereignty, Terrorist Label and
Rogue state, Baluchistan issue
• Conclusion
Review Questions
• Define Foreign Policy?
• Discuss the guiding principles of Pakistan foreign policy.
• What are the Objectives of Pakistan Foreign Policy?
• Discuss some challenges to Pakistan foreign policy at present
and suggest some solution.

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