Animal Evolution - The Invertebrates: Chapter 25 Part 1

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Animal Evolution –The


Chapter 25 Part 1
25.1 Animal Traits and Body Plans

 Animals
• Multicelled heterotrophs that move about during
part or all of the life cycle
• Body cells do not have a wall and are typically
• The overwhelming majority are invertebrates
Animal Body Plans: Organization

 Tissues
• Cells of a particular type and function, organized
in a specific pattern

 Tissue formation begins in an embryo

• Ectoderm and endoderm
• Mesoderm
Tissue Formation

 Formation of a three-layer animal embryo

Animal Body Plans: Body Symmetry

 Body Symmetry
• Simplest animals are asymmetrical (sponges)
• Jellyfish and hydras have radial symmetry
• Most animals have bilateral symmetry

 Cephalization
• In most bilateral animals, nerve cells are
concentrated at the head end
Body Symmetry
Animal Body Plans: Gut and Body Cavity

 Gut
• Digestive sac (incomplete digestive system) or
tube (complete) that opens at the body surface

 Typically, a body cavity surrounds the gut

• Coelom: Cavity lined by mesodermal tissue
• Pseudocoel: Cavity is partially lined

 Acoelomates have no body cavity

Body Cavities
Two Lineages of Bilateral Animals

 Protostomes
• First opening in the embryo becomes the mouth
• Second opening becomes the anus

 Deuterostomes
• First opening in the embryo becomes the anus
• Second opening becomes the mouth
Animal Body Plans: Circulation

 In small animals, gases and nutrients diffuse

through the body

 Most animals have a circulatory system

• Closed circulatory system: Heart pumps blood
through a continuous vessel system
• Open circulatory system: Blood leaves the
Variation in Animal Body Plans
Becoming Multicellular

 Animals probably evolved from a colonial,

choanoflagellate-like protist

 Choanoflagellates (“collared flagellate”)

• Modern protists most closely related to animals
• A collar of microvilli surrounds the flagellum
• Have proteins similar to adhesion or intercellular
signaling proteins in animals
A Great Adaptive Radiation

 Animals underwent a dramatic adaptive

radiation during the Cambrian
Relationships and Classification

 Animals have traditionally been classified based

on morphology and developmental pattern
• Mainly features of body cavities

 A newer system puts all animals with a three-

layer embryo into protostomes or deuterostomes
• Protostomes are divided into animals that molt
(Ecdysozoa) and don’t molt (Lophotrochozoa)
25.1-25.2 Key Concepts
Introducing the Animals

 Animals are multicelled heterotrophs that

actively move about during all or part of the life

 Early animals were small and structurally simple

 Their descendants evolved a more complex

structure and greater integration among
specialized parts
25.3 The Simplest Living Animal

 Placozoans, the simplest known animals, have

no body symmetry, no tissues, and just four
different types of cells
• Example: Trichoplax adherens
25.4 The Sponges

 Sponges are simple but successful; they have

survived in seas since Precambrian times

 Sponges (phylum Porifera)

• Attach to seafloor or other surfaces
• No symmetry, tissues, or organs
• Pores with flagellated collar cells filter water
• Sexual or asexual reproduction
Sponge Body Plan
Sponge Reproduction and Dispersal

 Hermaphrodite
• Individual that produces both eggs and sperm
• Sperm are released into water; eggs are retained
• Zygote develops into ciliated larva

 Larva
• Free-living, sexually immature stage in life cycle
• Settles and develops into adult
25.5 Cnidarians—True Tissues

 Cnidarians (phylum Cnidaria)

• Radial animals with two tissue layers
• Medusae (jellyfishes) are bell shaped and drift
• Polyps (sea anemones) are tubular with one end
usually attached to a surface

 Four classes: hydrozoans, anthozoans,

cubozoans, and scyphozoans
Two Cnidarian Body Plans
General Cnidarian Features

 Nematocysts
• Stinging organelles in tentacle cells, triggered by
contact, used in feeding or defense

 Nerve net
• Simple nervous system of interconnecting nerve
cells extending through the tissues

 Hydrostatic skeleton
• Fluid-filled structure moved by contractile cells
25.3-25.5 Key Concepts
The Structurally Simple Invertebrates

 Placozoans and sponges have no body

symmetry or tissues

 The radially symmetrical cnidarians such as

jellyfish have two tissue layers and unique
stinging cells used in feeding and in defense
Animal Evolution –The

Chapter 25 Part 2
25.6 Flatworms—Simple Organ Systems

 Flatworms (phylum Platyhelminthes) have a

three-layer embryo that develops into an adult
with many organ systems but no coelom

 Three main classes: turbellarians, flukes

(trematodes), and tapeworms (cestodes)
Structure of a Free-Living Flatworm

 Pharynx
• Muscular tube connecting the mouth with the gut

 Nerve cords
• Two lines of communication along length of body

 Ganglia
• Cluster of nerve cell bodies (simple brain)
Flatworm Organ Systems
Parasites: Flukes and Tapeworms

 In blood flukes (Schistosoma), reproduction

takes place in mammals – immature stages live
in intermediate hosts (snails)

 A tapeworm body consists of proglottids –

repeating hermaphroditic body units that bud
from a region behind the scolex
25.7 Annelids—Segmented Worms

 Annelids (phylum Annelida) are bilateral worms

with a coelom and a segmented body; typically
with chaetae (chitin reinforced bristles)

 Three main groups: marine worms (polychaetes),

oligochaetes (including earthworms), and leeches
Leeches – Bloodsuckers and Others

 Leeches lack chaetae and have a sucker at

either end

 Example: earthworms
• Exchange gases across body surfaces
• Have five hearts and a closed circulatory system
• Nephridia regulate coelomic fluid
• Nervous system of ganglia and nerve cords
• Hydrostatic skeleton
• Hermaphroditic
Earthworm Body Plan
25.8 Mollusks—Animals With a Mantle

 Mollusks (phylum Mollusca)

• Bilaterally symmetrical with a reduced coelom
• Mantle covers internal organs, secretes a shell
• Feed using a hard radula
• Have a complete digestive tract
• Gills for respiration in aquatic species
Mollusk Diversity
 Chitons
• Eight overlapping plates

 Gastropods (snails, slugs)

• Undergo torsion during development

 Bivalves (mussels, clams, oysters)

• Hinged, two-part shell

 Cephalopods (squids, octopuses)

• Large, fast and smart; closed circulatory system
Mollusk Groups
Bivalve Body Plan: Clam
25.9 Cephalopods—Fast and Brainy

 Cephalopod (“head foot”)

• Tentacles attached to the head are evolutionary
modifications of the foot; they surround the
mouth, which has a hard, horny beak

 Include the fastest (squids), biggest (giant

squid), and smartest (octopuses) invertebrates
• Jet propulsion, complex eyes, closed circulatory
system, complex behavior
Fig. 25-26d, p. 418
25.10 Rotifers and Tardigrades—
Tiny and Tough

 Rotifers (phylum Rotifera) and tardigrades

(phylum Tardigrada) are tiny bilateral animals

 Rotifers have a pseudocoelom, but are

genetically closest to annelids and mollusks

 Tardigrades have a coelom and molt, and are

probably relatives of roundworms and insects
Rotifer Body Plan
Animal Evolution –The

Chapter 25 Part 3
25.11 Roundworms—
Unsegmented Worms That Molt

 Roundworms (phylum Nematoda) are

unsegmented, pseudocoelomate worms with a
secreted cuticle that is molted

 Most are decomposers, some are parasites

• Parasitic roundworms include Trichinella, Ascaris,
hookworms, Wuchereria, and pinworms
Roundworm Body Plan
25.12 Arthropods—
Animals With Jointed Legs

 Arthropods (phylum Arthropoda) are the most

diverse animal phylum – with more than a million
• Trilobites are an extinct group
• Modern arthropods include horseshoe crabs,
spiders, ticks, crabs, lobsters, centipedes, and
Living Arthropod Subgroups
Key Arthropod Adaptations

 A hardened exoskeleton (cuticle)

• Hormones control molting

 Jointed appendages for movement

• Some legs are modified for special tasks

 Highly modified segments

• Example: wings
Key Arthropod Adaptations

 Sensory specializations
• Compound eyes
• Antennae that detect touch and chemicals

 Specialized developmental stages

• Body plans may change by metamorphosis
• Example: Caterpillar and butterfly
Key Arthropod Adaptations
25.13 Chelicerates—
Spiders and Their Relatives

 Chelicerates are arthropods without antennae

• Marine chelicerates include the oldest living
arthropod lineage (horseshoe crabs)
• All land chelicerates are arachnids, including
spiders, scorpions, ticks, and mites
Fig. 25-32d, p. 422
Chelicerates: The Spiders

 Spiders bite with fanglike chelicerae that deliver

venom from poison glands

 Paired spinners in the abdomen eject silk

 Open circulatory system mingles blood with

tissue fluids; Malpighian tubules move excess
water and wastes to gut for disposal
Body Plan of a Spider
25.14 The Mostly Marine Crustaceans

 Crustaceans are mostly marine arthropods with

two pairs of antennae
• Small crustaceans include krill, copepods, and
• Decapod crustaceans include lobsters, crayfish,
crabs and shrimps
Body Plan of a Lobster
25.15 Myriapods—Lots of Legs

 Myriapods (“many feet”) are arthropods with

two antennae and many body segments

 Centipedes are predators

 Millipedes are scavengers


 Centipede and millipede

25.16 The Insects

 Insects have a three-part body plan

• The head has compound eyes, a pair of
antennae, and specialized mouthparts
• The thorax has three pairs of legs; some lineages
have wings
• Malpighian tubules in the abdomen eliminate
wastes and save water
Insect Body Plan: Bedbug
Specialized Mouthparts

 Arthropods are the most successful animals, and

insects are the most successful arthropods

 Insects are adapted to life on land; a system of

tracheal tubes delivers air to their tissues

 Development may be direct, or through

incomplete or complete metamorphosis
Insect Development
25.17 Insect Diversity and Importance

 It would be hard to overestimate the importance

of insects, for either good or ill

 Insects help provide us with food crops, are food

for animals, and help dispose of wastes
• The four most diverse groups of insects all
include pollinators of flowering plants

 A few insects eat our crops or carry pathogens

Insect Diversity
25.6-25.17 Key Concepts
The Major Invertebrate Lineages

 One major lineage of animals with tissues

includes the flatworms, annelids, mollusks,
nematodes, and arthropods

 All are bilaterally symmetrical

 The arthropods, which include the insects, are

the most diverse of all animal groups
The Protostome-Deuterostome Split

 So far, all of the animals with a three-layered

embryo – from flatworms to arthropods – have
been protostomes

 All of the following animals – from echinoderms

to vertebrates – are deuterostomes
25.18 The Spiny-Skinned Echinoderms

 Echinoderms (phylum Echinodermata) have

“spiny skins” embedded with interlocking spines
and plates of calcium carbonate

 They begin life as bilateral larvae and develop

into spiny-skinned, radial adults

 They are brainless and have a unique water-

vascular system for locomotion
Echinoderm Body Plan: Sea Star
Echinoderm Diversity

 Echinoderms include about 6,000 marine

invertebrates such as sea stars, brittle stars, sea
urchins, and sea cucumbers

 Echinoderms can regenerate lost body parts;

any portion of a sea star with some of the central
disc can regrow missing parts
25.18 Key Concepts
On the Road to Vertebrates

 Echinoderms are on the same branch of the

animal family tree as the vertebrates

 They are invertebrates with bilateral ancestors,

but adults now have a decidedly radial body plan

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