Topic 4: Mine Wastes: Metals, Minerals, Mining and (Some Of) Its Problems
Topic 4: Mine Wastes: Metals, Minerals, Mining and (Some Of) Its Problems
Topic 4: Mine Wastes: Metals, Minerals, Mining and (Some Of) Its Problems
Wastes are not only produced during mining, but also at mineral
processing plants and smelter sites and include effluents, sludges,
leached ore residues, slags, furnace dusts, filter cakes and smelting
Mine wastes may be in the form of: solid waste, water waste, or gaseous
Mineral processing Produces processed solid wastes that includes tailings and
Hydrometallurgy sludges with different physical and chemical properties.
Some authors refer to “Acid rock drainage” (ARD), “acid sulphate waters”
(ASW); and also “acidic ground water” (AG) when referring to impacted
ground-water specifically.
Waste-rock disposal – rock dumps:
“Waste-rock” is rock emerging from the mine that will not be processed
further. It is either “ore” that is below the cut-off grade, or is simply
the barren host-rock to the mineral deposit.
Rock dumps contain an wide variety of different rocks and minerals that
is site specific, depending on the nature of the ore deposit and the
host-rock. If sulphide minerals are present in any of the rocks, there
is the potential for acid mine drainage.
Generally rock dumps are not sealed at their base, and the risk of
acid water incursion into the surface drainage system or subsurface
aquifers is very high.
Rock dumps are also highly porous to water flow, and therefore
increases significantly the risk of AMD production.
Top-down storage: waste
rock is dumped over an
Rock dumps
advancing face.
Bottom-up storage:
waste rock is
dumped in a series
of piles, and later
spread out and
flattened, to be
covered by the next
layer of dumping.
Trucks (the size of houses) dump 200-ton loads of waste rock from an open pit mine in
Nevada. A composite storage approach is used here: top-down dumping is following after
an earlier phase of bottom-up dumping.
Waste-rock disposal – rock dumps:
Schematic cross-section of a sulphide waste dump showing a plume of acid water seeping
into the ground. Also shown is how various subsurface minerals (at this particular site) help
to buffer, or neutralise, the acid. The initial highly acidic pH value of 1, directly below the
dump, is buffered back to a neutral pH value of 7 at some depth below the dump.
Tailings disposal:
The overriding issue with tailings dams is getting the liquid out of
them, safely, both during mining and afterwards.
Tailings disposal:
- Dam walls (dykes) to contain the tailings. These are normally constructed
using waste rock and material available at the dam site. The maximum
wall height is reported currently to be about 100 m.
Tailings dams – construction
Dam walls are built up successively, from a Solid tailings become segregated in
“starter dyke”, during the mine lifetime. Three the tailings dam, based on their grain-
methods of successive build-up are commonly size and distance from the discharge
used. point.
Fine-grained Coarse-grained
CENTRELINE sediments settle sediments settle
METHOD further from the closest to the
discharge point, discharge point,
and are and are
significantly less significantly more
In the “upstream” method, note how much thinner the dams permeable permeable – they
walls are, and how much less construction material is used. (porous). drain more easily.
Also note that new embankment material overlies earlier
These sediments These sediments
tailings deposits, which may not have adequate strength to
have lower shear have higher shear
support the weight of the embankment, especially if water strength. strength.
saturation levels in the tailings suddenly increase, or in the face
of earthquake-induced tailings liquefaction.
Tailings dams remain wet during their entire operational life, and only start drying out
after decommissioning.
Water extracted for re-use High potential for sulphide oxidation and
from decant pond Precipitation of salts at acid development in area immediately
edge of decant pool above saturated zone
More than 50% of tailings dams worldwide are built using the upstream
method, although it is well recognised that this construction method
produces a structure which is highly susceptible to erosion and failure
(Lottermoser, 2007) – less construction material is used, and the dam
walls are thinner. Statistically, every 20th upstream tailings dam that
is built, fails (a 5% failure rate), and there have been about 100
documented significant upstream tailings dam failures (Davies and
Martin, 2000).
There are at least 138 known significant tailings dam failures to date.
(; Spitz and Trudinger, 2009;
UNEP, 2001)
failure rate of
tailings dams is
much higher than
water supply dams.
Average failure
rate for 1998 to
2008 was 1.3
failures per year.
Figure from Spitz and Trudinger, 2009 (Based on data from UNEP, 2001).
Tailings dams and rock dumps - selected list of major failures
Grasberg, Irian Jaya Waste rock dump failure after Unknown quantity heavy 4 people killed. Contamination of
2000 May 4 (West Papua) heavy rain metal bearing wastes streams
2,616 ha farmland and river basins
flooded with tailings. 40 km of stream
Los Frailes, Collapse of dam due to foundation 4.5 million m3 of acid, contaminated with acid, metals and
1998 April 25 Aznalcóllar, Spain failure pyrite rich tailings metalloids
4.2 million m3 cyanide 80 km of local river declared
1995 August 19 Omai, Guyana Tailings dam failure bearing tailings environmental disaster zone
Merriespruit, South 17 people killed. Extensive damage to
1994 February 22 Africa Dam wall breach after heavy rain 600 000 m3 town
Olympic Dam, South Leakage of uranium tailings dam
1994 February 14 Australia into acquifer 5 million m3 ?
Ok Tedi, Papua New Collapse of waste rock dump and 170 Mt waste rock and 4
1989 August 22 Guinea tailings dam Mt tailings Flow into local river
List selectively extracted from Lottermoser, 2007, with further information added from
Tailings dam failure – Stava, Italy, 19 July 1985
When a tailings dam breach occurs, some or all of the tailings migrate out of the impoundment and
flow downstream. Obstructions in the path of the flow are either swamped or carried downstream.
A disastrous dam failure and flow of tailings occurred in 1985 at Prestavel mine in Stava, Italy. The
dam breached as a result of heavy rains which caused overtopping. The flow travelled down the
valley through the town of Stava, killing 268 and destroying 62 buildings and 8 bridges.
Aerial photo of the sinkhole in No. 3 dam. Sinkhole in No. 3 dam and processing plant.
Poor choice of site, poor dam design, poor dam construction, or poor
Rapid increase in dam wall height: If an upstream dam is raised and the
dam filled too quickly, very high internal pore pressures are produced in
the tailings and dam walls, decreasing the dam stability and leading to
dam failure (e.g., Tyrone, USA, 13 October 1980).
Tailings dams – failure – causes:
Foundation failure: If the base below the dam is too weak to support the
weight of the dam, movement along a failure plane will occur (e.g., Los
Frailes, Spain, 25 April 1998).
Excessive water levels: Dam failure can occur if the top of the saturated
zone in the tailings dam rises too high. Flood inflow, high rainfall, rapid
melting of snow, and improper water management may cause
excessive water levels. If “over-topping” of the embankment occurs,
breaching, erosion, and complete failure of the dam walls are possible
(e.g., Baia Mare, Romania, 30 January 2000). It is important to keep
decant pond as small as possible and as far as possible from the
containing embankments.
Thickened tailings
are discharged
from central “riser”
and a series of
outer risers to
create a set of
cone shaped
Figure is greatly
the slope of 1 – 3
“beaches” is
only 1 to 3
Any backfill material placed below the water table will form part of the subsurface
acquifer. The extent to which the water level inside the open pit equilibrates with
the regional water table will depend on whether or not the open pit is lined with clay
or other impermeable layer.
Water-waste reactions may lead to the mobilisation of contaminants into ground waters.
Miners argue that high natural sediment loads in rivers, generated by the
high rainfall, is able to dilute the mine tailings discharges. (Nonsense –
tailings volumes are huge compared to the natural sediment load).
Tailings can be neutralised before disposal into the river systems (but they
are not always).
The solids and liquids of tailings are transported down rivers for
considerable distances: tens to hundreds to thousands of
Problems include:
- Significantly increased sedimentation and turbidity in the river
system, and associated flooding of lowlands.
- Contamination of the stream and floodplain sediments with metals,
and associated impact on aquatic ecosystems.
- Diebacks of rainforests and mangrove swamps.
Riverine tailings disposal – case study – Ok Tedi, Papua New Guinea:
In 1976, the state of Papua New Guinea authorized BHP, Australia’s biggest
mining corporation, to prepare a development plan for the mine. Four
years later, the government committed to a partnership in Ok Tedi Mining
Limited with a 20 percent shareholding. The other shareholders were
BHP (the major shareholder), Amoco Minerals, and a consortium of
German companies (World Resources Institute report, and references therein)
Since 1986, tailings have been discharged, and waste rock dumps
have been left to erode, into the headwaters of the Ok Tedi and Fly
river systems, which subsequently drain, via the Strickland River and
estuary, into the Gulf of Papua, over a total distance of over 1,000 km
(Hettler et al., 1997).
Riverine tailings disposal – case study – Ok Tedi, Papua New Guinea
The volume of tailings generated and deposited into the Ok Tedi and Fly rivers is enormous.
The discharge rate amounts to about 160,000 tons of waste per day. About 1,400 million
tons of waste is estimated to have been released into the tropical river system during the
period 1984 – 2007.
Image source: “One Planet, Many People: Atlas of our Changing Environment”, UNEP, 2005.
Riverine tailings disposal – case study – Ok Tedi, Papua New Guinea:
- Increased river turbidity. The small grain size (<100 μm diameter) and
large quantity of waste has increased the sediment load to the middle
Fly River by 5 – 10 times the normal load, impacting on aquatic life.
Social impacts:
A 2001 study showed that even if mining were to stop [then], the sheer
volume of tailings already in the river, and continued erosion from the
waste rock dumps adjacent to the mine, would see the problems grow
worse over the next forty years.
Riverine tailings disposal – case study – Ok Tedi, Papua New Guinea:
(High density
than 50 m
to mine
The “angel” is a
contorted pelite bed
mudstone), and not the
orebody itself.
The mine is located at the top of a 700 m cliff face above the junction of the
4-km-long Affarlikassaa Fjord and the 8-km-long Qaumarujuk Fjord.
Waste rock was allowed to accumulate at the base of the cliff in a 0.4
million ton rock-dump at the shoreline of the Affarlikassaa Fjord.
Within a year of starting STD, distinctly elevated lead and zinc values
were found in waters and biota of the entire fjord system.
Extensive investigation at this stage indicated that (Poling and Ellis,
(i) The assumption that all the metals in the tailings would be present
only in insoluble sulphide minerals was incorrect – the tailings in fact
contained minerals that could be dissolved in sea-water.
These changes reduced, but did not eliminate, the elevated metal levels.
The tailings discharge resulted in the metal enrichment of water,
suspended particulate matter, sediment and biota in the Affarlikassaa
and Qaumarujuk fjords up to 70 km away from the tailings outfall
(Loring and Asmund, 1989; Elberling et al., 2002).
In hindsight:
“detailed mineralogic, leaching, and oceanographic studies, which
are now conventional at proposed new mines, would have
produced more detailed information on which to base the decision
whether submarine tailings disposal (STD) was appropriate at this
particular site” (Poling and Ellis, 1995).
Black Angel Mine, Greenland:
A&R are currently refurbishing the mine for “Phase One” which will
“concentrate on the development of infrastructure and extraction of the
pillars from the old mine” and also the “production of 'dry concentrate'
in the mine” (
Black Angel Mine, Greenland:
And of the fate of the large volumes of tailings that will be produced
by milling and “conventional” froth flotation.... Not a word.
Worldwide uranium mining and waste production:
There are probably more than 500 million tons of uranium tailings
located around the world (Waggitt, 1994). Uranium mine tailings are
defined as “low-level” radioactive wastes, and their long term
containment is a great environmental concern.
The mineral processing of hard-rock uranium ores proceeds along the same
route as typically used for sulphide or gold bearing ores. Either
sulphuric acid or ammonium carbonate (alkali) leaches are used to
dissolve the uranium-bearing oxide minerals from the mined ore rocks.
Vat leaching. The ore processing may include crushing and grinding of ore
rock followed by vat leaching – which will generate waste waters (both
mill-water and process-water) and large volumes of tailings.
Waste rock dumps, old leach heaps and tailings dams are all potential
areas where dissolved uranium can be mobilised into surface and
subsurface water systems.
Radioactive wastes of uranium ores:
While uranium oxide minerals form the basis of uranium ores (primarily
uraninite, UO2), sulphide minerals are also ubiquitous in uranium
orebodies. Particularly where pyrite and marcasite (FeS2) are present
and exposed by mining, acid mine drainage may develop in
workings and mine wastes. More detail on AMD follows in Topic 5.
The mining of placer and mineral sand deposits for gold, diamond,
sapphire, ruby, titanium (in ilmenite and rutile) and tin (in cassiterite)
also accumulates gangue minerals that contain radioactive
uranium and thorium (e.g., the minerals monazite, xenotime, zircon,
tantalite, columbite). If accumulations of such gangue-mineral wastes
are allowed to weather and break down, both uranium and thorium
may enter surface and subsurface waters.
Phosphate mining for both fertilisers and Rare Earth Elements (contained
in the mineral monazite) may also generate uranium-bearing waste
Uranium radioactive decay series
All three types of radiation (alpha, beta and gamma) from all parent and
daughter radionuclides are extremely damaging to living organisms:
(i) living cells and tissue are directly damaged, and (ii) water molecules
in the organisms are damaged, releasing free radicals and chemicals
that are toxic.
Alpha particles are not deeply penetrating, and when external to the body,
are stopped by the outer layer of skin. They are particularly damaging
to internal organs when ingested or inhaled.
Unlike acids which can (in principle) be neutralised, and free cyanide and
cyanide complexes which can (in principle) be destroyed or will degrade
naturally with time, radioactivity and radioactive elements cannot be
destroyed. All one can hope to achieve in dealing with radioactive
mining wastes is to immobilise the radioactive minerals, prevent
dissolution of uranium and thorium from them, and isolate them from the
environment safely and permanently (which is not easily achieved).
Oxidation and dissolution of uranium wastes
Atmospheric Rock dumps at Sherwood
oxygen (O2) Water (H2O) Uranium Mine,
Washington State, USA,
before reclamation. The
mine operated from 1976
Uraninite (UO2) + to 1985. Subsequent
sulphuric acid (H2SO4) reclamation work
completed in June 2000.
Photo August 1985.
Uranyl sulphate
dissolved in water
Note: the sulphuric acid is generated by oxidation of coexisting sulphide minerals (acid mine drainage).
Oxidation and dissolution of uranium wastes:
The resulting oxidised uranium compounds are highly soluble in water, highly
mobile and easily dispersed in surface or subsurface drainage
systems for significant distances away from the mine site.