Presentation On Bio-Battery: Submitteb By: Shivani Singh 1642220029

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Presentation on


 What is bio battery?
 Introduction
 Construction of bio battery
 Role of glucose
 Working or bio battery
 Need of bio battery
 Applications
 Advantages
 Disadvantages
 Future scope
 Conclusion

A bio-battery is a energy storing

device that is powered by organic
compounds. It uses renewable
resources such as glucose,
fructose,etc to generate

 Bio-battery generates electricity from renewable

fuels(glucose, fructose,etc) providing a sustained, on-
demand portable power source.
 When enzymes in our body break down glucose, several
electrons and protons are released.
 Therefore, by using enzymes to breakdown glucose, bio-
batteries directly receive energy from glucose.
 These batteries then store this energy for later use.
 Bio battery use biocatalyst, either biomolecules such as
enzymes or even living organism to catalyze oxidation of
bio mass-based materials for generating electrical energy.
Construction OF BIO BATTERY
 They contain an anode, cathode,,
seperator,and electrolyte which are the
basic components.
A Bio battery consists of two different
metals suspended in an acidic solution.
Anodes and cathodes are negative and
positive areas of battery.
Anode is located on the top whereas
cathode is placed on the bottom of the
Anodes are components that allow
electrons to flow in from outside the
Cathodes allow the current to flow from
outside the battery.
Role of glucose
Bio batteries are heavily based on the
amount of glucose available.
This glucose can be provided from nearly
anything including soda, waste materials,
The decomposition of materials to
glucose is the main step in getting the
cycle started.
Once glucose is present, oxygen and other
enzymes act on it to produce protons and
WORKING OF BIO  Glucose is broken down on the
BATTERY anode side of the battery
producing protons (H+) and
 The protons(H+) are
transferred to the cathode side
through the separator, while
the electrons(e-) are
transported to the anode side
through the mediator, which
transfers them to the external
 The cathode uses the enzymes
to drive oxygen-reduction
reaction which ultimately
produces water using both the
protons (H+) and the electrons
(e-) transfered from the anode.
These reactions at the anode and cathode
generate electric energy by creating
proton (H+) and electron (e-)flow in the
cell system.
Between the anode and the cathode lies
the electrolyte which contains the
The main function of the separator is to
keep the cathode and anode separated, to
avoid the electrical short circuits.
The system as a whole allows for a flow of
protons(H+) and (e-) which ultimately
generate electricity.
The movement of protons has a moving
force that pushes, this movement is called
An electricity shortage is felt most by
those who depend on electricity for
heating,cooking and water supply.
As it is known that the energy
conservation is the major issue; bio
battery is one of the energy
conversation method.
It energy system.can save a lot of
power and it is also energy efficient
Bio battery is a renewable energy
source which is again the major
requirement of current.

 Medical implants like pace maker

Insulin pumps.
 Replacing batteries in toys and greeting cards
 Portable charging cell phones
 Bio battery music playback with memory type

 Instant recharge
 Ecofriendly
 Non-flammable and non-toxic fuel
 Raw materials available easilyand plenty.
 Portable to and light weight compared to
fuel cell.
 Provide a better employment scope for rural
 Readily available fuel source.

 Compared to convectional batteries, bio

batteries are less likely to retain moat of
their energy.
 This causes a problem when it comes tolong
term usage and storage of energy or these
However, researches are continuing to develop
the battery in order to make it a more practical
replacement for current batteries and sources
of energy.
Future scope

Bio batteries have a very bright future

ahead of them as test productions and
researches have been increasing over
recent years.
They serve ass a new form of energy
that is providing to be environment
friendly,as well as successful in
producing and reserving energy.
The bio batteries are high performing and
Even so, bio battery the small, flexible, long
lasting and environmental friendly battery
technologies sow the great possibilities
researchers in bio batteries, specially for the
field of medicine.
This causes a problem when it comes to long
term usage and storage of energy for these
batteries. However , researches are
continuing to develop the battery in order to
make it a more practical replacement for
current batteries and source of energy.

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