Orchard Farming and You Part 4

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Orchard Farming

and You
Tips in performing scientific
way of propagating fruit-bearing
1.Select a stem which is not too young or
too old.
2. Be sure the propagating materials are
of the same specie.
3. See to it that the stock and the scion
are fitted with each other.
4. Do the propagation at the right time.
Healthy and Safety Measures in
Propagating Fruit-Bearing Trees
1.Before working make sure you have
refresh yourself (like taking a bath) in
order to work well.
2.Always wear complete personal protective
equipment which includes hairnet, hand
gloves, apron, boots if needed, protective
eyeglass, and face mask.
3. Make sure tools and equipment are
working properly before using them.
4. Always follow instructions for use of
5. Focus on the work at hand. Do not
allow yourself to get distracted.
6. Know your limits in working, seek help
whenever necessary.
7. Work in proper position. Make sure
you do not strain your back while
The Use of Organic Fertilizer

According to the Bureau of Agriculture

and Fisheries Product Standards, organic
fertilizer is any product in solid or liquid
form of plant or animal origin that has
undergone substantial decomposition that
can supply available nutrients to plants.
Composting is essentially a natural
process by which organic material is
decomposed and stabilized.
Various ways of Preparing
Organic Fertilizer.

1. The Sandwich Type of composting is an

old practice where different organic
materials or wastes are placed on top of
one layer to another such as plant,
animal, and soil. The mixed materials are
kept moist until totally decomposed, then
exposed to sunlight before applied as
2. Chopping or hammer-milling is a way
of composting wherein organic materials
are sprayed with probiotics to make a
mixture, then covered with plastic sheet to
avoid dehydration. A mixture of various
organic materials both from plants and
animals source ensure a complete
nutrient content of the organic fertilizer.
The probiotics spray inclusion of this
compost is helpful in increasing
microorganisms that are helpful in
creating a good compost.
3. Vermicomposting is composting plants
with worms wherein the process is faster
producing a rich nutritious soil made by
the earthworms.
References: The Basics of Better Family
Living, page 71 and Home Economics
and Livelihood Education 6, page 82

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