Screenless Display
Screenless Display
Screenless Display
The emerging Computer Technology
Presented By
Prathamesh Tondulkar
As the name implies it deals with the display of several things without the
use of screens
Screen less displays have become a new rage of development for the next
• Visual Image
• Retinal Projection
• Synaptic Interface/Brain Computer Interface
• Any screenless image that the eye can perceive. A hologram is the most common
example of visual image screenless display
Another screenless display type is a retinal display. With a retinal display light is not
reflected off an immediate object, like in a visual image, but it is projected directly onto
the retina. This can be handy in that one is not limited by physical screen size Because
there is no immediate object to be viewed, retinal display can be used to keep things
such as financial information safe from snooping eyes. The image can take up the entire
field of vision. We’ve seen the potential of retinal displays in movies like Terminator.