Job Activity Hazard Effect Control Measures: Project in Charge
Job Activity Hazard Effect Control Measures: Project in Charge
Job Activity Hazard Effect Control Measures: Project in Charge
Project in charge
Location of Work
Project Safety Officer:
1.1 .electric shock, burns, Conduct a daily toolbox meeting to aware all the
Inspection and assesment 1. Area with low voltage cables. blissters, even fatal workers about hazards of the workplace.
of working area. 2. Property was damaged by 2.1. may cause of company 1.1. put an barrier and warning signs about the
other contructors. profit loss. wires.
3. Chemicals and Air Pollutants. 3.1. may cause skin/eye 2.1. Make a report about what property is
irritation, hard to breath damaged, advised the admin.
and even fatal. 3.1. Use of proper proper PPE’s .Use of dust
mask, advice co-workers how dangerous the
chemical is.
3.2. Ensure to elliminate all the potential hazards.
Fabrication of supports • Electric shock 1. Damage property . 1. Use proper PPE's (Hard hat, Safety Shoes,
• Use of electricity •Cuts 2. Damage Equipment and Tools . Gloves).
•Use of electric grinder • Fire 3. May cause physical Injuries 2. Ensure to check and bring proper and working
•Use of welding machine •Wire trip - Fractured bones hand tools.
•Use of electric drill - Eyes and skin irritation 3. Ensure that all manpower deployed are skilled
- Head injury workers.
- Fatal 4. Ensure working condition stability(the workers
- Burns not compressed) .
4. Loss time of work 5. Check the extension wires not to be stripped.
6. Ensure proper coordination with the involve
7. Ensure to clean the work place after leaving.
8. Ensure to have fire extinguisher. And workers
know how to use them.
Installing of fabricated 1. Fall 1. May cause physical injuries 1. Ensure to deploy skilled manpower
supports/ Hangers 2. Fire - Fractured bones 2. Ensure to check status of equipment prior to
•Working at heights 3.Electric shock - Head injury the commencement of the project
•Use of welding machine 4. Scaffold collapse - Eyes and skin irritation 3. Ensure the area is free from any obstruction
•Use of electric grinder 5. Falling materials - cuts with security as necessary to avoid any untoward
- Burns incident
- Fatal 4. Ensure to have a fire watcher at all times. and
2. Damage to property and physical. 30 minutes after work.
3. Loss time of work 5. Check the co - workers if they use proper PPE’s
(Welding mask , face shield ,full body
JOB HAZARD 6. Check the scaffold if build/erected properly.
7. Ensure to have trained fire watcher and
ANALYSIS scaffold erector to avoid any accident.
Cable pulling and 1. Fall 1. Damage to property . 1. Use proper PPE's (Hard hat, Safety Vest, Safety
harnessing cables 2. Slip/trip 2. Damage Equipment and Shoes, Gloves). Full body harness.
•Use of scaffold 3. Electric shock Tools . 2. Ensure that all possible safety precautions are
•Use of ladder 3. Physical Injuries conducted before, during and after the
- Body activity
- Leg 3. Ensure that the ladder is stand properly.
- Head 4. LOTO- lock out tag out procedure.
4. Electric shock 5. Inform the admin before and after conducting
6.Ensure to clean the area after work.
Termination 1.Trip wire 1.Damaging panel box 1. LOTOTO – Lock Out, Tag Out and Try Out.
2. Electric Shock 2. Damaging the small parts Procedure.
inside . 2. Inform the admin before and after
JOB HAZARD 3. Physical injury conducting work.
ANALYSIS 3. Only competent workers should be